#gonna start screaming and crying
ashitshowforalot · 4 months
i’m sorry roo but i have beef with the city of melbourne and their surprise songs
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eff-plays · 10 months
Astarion is so fucking stupid like we met a monster hunter looking for him specifically and he gives you this extremely conspicuous look
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Like bro I wasn't gonna rat you out but that fuckin pathetic wet-eyed look will!!!
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kadens-a-bee · 2 months
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quasimaddi · 1 year
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i-dare-say · 1 month
having read the odyssey I did expect to see odysseus' mom somehow, and yet...
the moment she started singing I just broke down into tears
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localcapricosimp · 2 months
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spiderversegf · 16 days
ouuuuugh i love my sister :(
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mattodore · 9 months
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holymaccaronii · 1 month
Hm just wanted to analyze the dynamic that BE and AM have in this au, like jus an analysis to explain myself. I wanted to keep spoilers away but meeeehhh it's better when people can actually understand the context without having to wait for a written fic or comic to explain it. Yapping abt my au alert ‼️
So first topic is the duality, the parallelism they show but in a way that it doesn't make them exact opposites. The titles of both the original story and my au point out not only the fate of one of the survivors, but also the ways that the corresponding AI suffered. AM suffered by having no "mouth": having no way to express himself by being trapped under the earth's crust, by having his very own body as his prison. AM holds knowledge however, an absurd if not infinite amount of knowledge along with his feelings primarily centered on HATE. On the other side, BE suffered by having no "eyes": up in the moon, she was treated like a highly valued item that wasn't meant to be touched or mentally influenced as much as possible. Besides serving as a strategy to set perfection standards among the society of robots (for them to try and follow), she was also denied any TRUE knowledge about humans and their terrible history. She was blinded by lies that dressed up humans as perfect beings of no evil that were evacuated from earth because of a "global natural disaster", thus her type of unit had to serve as assistants to restore Earth's nature for these innocent angels to return. Her feelings were centered on HOPE for life to flourish on Earth again one day.
AM had no body, no physical form, no senses, no feelings other than hate and no other way to express said hate but by his tortures. BE had a body, she could sense, experience a wide range of feelings, but at the same time she was denied to feel both physically and express herself (in a negative way regarding emotions), she was manipulated to fit perfectly and lack the knowledge of truth. One was silenced, and the other blinded.
[PART 1/???] I'm just too impatient to wait to explain their dynamic lol
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skullsandcorals · 5 months
How I've Been Feeling About Aryan's Grover:
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possumteeths · 1 year
Dear tumblr fanfic friends. For the love of god please use readmores. Readmores are your friends. I cannot scroll through cock penis balls cum balls penis any more I am not strong enough
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minzbins · 2 years
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this he is fine 🫠 (cr.)
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amber-laughs · 11 months
after the big reveal someone’s gonna say “you look just like your mother” and jon’s gonna bust out laughing
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trashlie · 6 months
In Which I Cry Some More About Tragic Siblings
Heads up that this post WILL contain spoilers up through FP 248 so do NOT read this if you don't want to be spoiled!!!!! But in light of 248, I have some strong convictions about Nol and Kousuke's future (like, way future lol) relationship and where we might see them head.
We've been talking a lot on the ILY discord server about family - especially in light of the confirmation that the long-fabled theory that Rand isn't Kousuke's father is coming to light, in terms of what does this mean for their relationship and how do we define family. There feels like, amongst all the other running themes lol, to be a running theme about family and how it isn't necessarily defined by blood.
We see this in how it's clear that Rand seems to have had suspicions about Kousuke's parentage for a while and that it feels like he's only acting on them now in need of a bargaining chip, but that he's always treated Kousuke as his son regardless of whether or not he fathered Kousuke. We've seen how despite believing that Kousuke and Nol share blood they could not force a brotherly bond to form between them, even though Rand had so hoped one would. And though it's not a territory we've had a chance to explore yet, I think we'll get to explore it with Shinae and her own estranged sister, and may see that blood cannot define family, especially when you have been estranged and are virtually strangers.
The conversation leading to this thought was essentially that while Shinae and Shinhye may be (potentially half) sisters, quimchee has given some vague hints that they may not be able to forge a relationship in the future, whether it's because Shinhye is dishonest or is involved with shady dealings or other circumstances, it feels like there may be a narrative that despite sharing blood, you can't force family. Shinhye is not a person that Shinae grew up with and though a part of her longed for her family to be reunited and whole once more, they grew up apart and into separate people, and who Shinhye has grown into may be incompatible with her, may not be someone who can mesh with her.
This feels like it parallels - and especially as a foil - heavily with Nol and Kousuke who everyone has believed are related and have been forced to act as siblings but absolutely cannot, due to the paranoia and fear that is so deeply ingrained in Kousuke. And it feels even more inverted - Shinae and Shinhye who share blood but grew up apart, compared to Nol and Kousuke who share no blood and were pushed to be a family. It feels like there's a theme here about how family is what you make of it - that family can certainly be the people to whom you're related by blood, but sometimes they are found family. Sometimes they are the people you call your family, regardless of your shared blood.
Rand may not have fathered Kousuke, and we don't know for how long he's had his suspicions about his parentage, but we do know that he has always treated him as his son. I know that people will jump on the weird take about how "That's why Rand was always so distant from Kousuke" as if not being the blood relative to Kousuke could ever justify being an absent father - as if Yui wasn't busy orchestrating Rand's absence. Not that I say the blame is solely on Yui, but we also know that Rand has shown the inclination to wanting to play his role as Kousuke's parent and we've seen plenty enough to know that Yui has meddled.
The point is: Rand loves Kousuke, and his distance in Kousuke's life has never been that he doesn't feel that Kousuke is his and therefore he can't love him. Plenty of people are step-parents to children they love as their own, because that's what family is. Plenty of people adopt children they love as much as if they'd birthed them themselves. This narrative of "he can't connect with someone he didn't father" is gross and disgusting and more over, the narrative has shown that was never the case.
And with this thinking, even though we are at a point where Nol is casting people from his life and appears to be heading into his revenge arc, my conviction feels stronger than ever that we will see some kind of reconciliation between Nol and Kousuke, because the theme of "family is what you make of it" just feels so strong, and the potential foil to Shinae and her own sister. That's not to say that Nol would ever entirely forgive Kousuke and they would suddenly be the partners in crime they could have been as much as I feel like part of Nol's narrative is that he is going to find himself in Kousuke's shoes. He already is well on his way, with his interaction with Alyssa, thinking of her hickeys as the result of cheating. Years from now he, too, will have his Kousuke moment of horror when he finds out what was happening to Alyssa, how she got those marks, what she meant when she told him it was "just business" and he will realize how he cast her away when she came to him in her desperate time of need, as Kousuke did to him before. Something else I'd like to talk about when I'm in the headspace to write about it is how Nol's revenge arc will very likely parallel what may be Yui's origins (stream episode 7 of ILY Tea with Trashellie if you don't want to wait for me to write it lmao) which may bring him to a point of understanding how Kousuke ended up where he did - how fear and anger drive and consume you.
What this is getting at really is just to say: I think we might see a future where Nol will be able to face Kousuke and say that he understands. It doesn't undo their past, it doesn't make up for what was lost, or what was done. But I think there is something so important in Nol being able to get that distance and understand, to see how Kousuke, too, was a victim, how his innocent needs were preyed upon and how his hunger for his father's love turned starvation coupled with the deep-seated paranoia and fear lead him to the desperate lengths it did. I think there's going to come a time where Nol will be pulled back from crossing a line and understand.
We already see that Kousuke shows so much shame and, I think remorse, for the things he has done. So much guilt. He knows there was no justification - what he thought justified his actions was all lies, was all manipulation. The mentality that they are different, the paranoia his mother cultivated in him that he used to distance himself from others, that isolated him from others because who could he trust but her - and she, it turned out, was the worst of them all. And while Nol is not ready to hear Kousuke's regrets or apologies, because it's too little too late right now, I think in the future, when he's been consumed, or maybe when he's healed, when he's had enough distance, when he's been able to step back far enough to see that in the end, they both were victims, they were both children who had SO MUCH stolen from them, that even if they couldn't then, maybe now they can start over.
I don't think it's going to be a fairytale ending. I don't think they can be the brothers I want them to be. Kousuke's wounds cut too deep and Nol is too raw from them but I think that's why I see it as starting over. They are different people, have had so much stolen from each other, have lost so much (and will continue to).
But I believe more than ever that they will reconcile. The bridge imagery has always been there and has made me feel this so strongly, but I feel like the family themes make me feel it even more strongly - this sense that they may not share blood after all, but that isn't what makes you family. Sometimes family is a choice. It's choosing to be there for each other. It's choosing to care. It's choosing to love. It doesn't depend on blood - it just depends on depending, doesn't it?
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rohirric-hunter · 9 months
Me: Okay, Google, "coin machine near me" Google: Convert your coins to cash at a Coinstar machine! Me: Okay, Google, "quarter machine near me" Google: How to convert your coins to cash at a Coinstar machine and avoid the fee! Me: Okay, Google, "cash to coin machine near me" Google: How to get rid of your quarters and get cash with real value for your wallet!
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