#gimme your thoughts?
gokufangirl · 1 year
school was soo boring earlier that i made an entire villain chichi concept idea
um kinda like rambling/ fic idea too ig? um well just read if u want..
so like it would be set at the end of z and we all know how terrible *that* ending was
and Like chihci is all sad and heartbroken over goku leaving and then idk specifically how But like she'd get um kidnapped or smth idk by some New VillainTM and this dude is just like sadness based and like he sensed her great sorrow and worked w that and
also bonus bc he figured out that she could be agreat weapon against goku yk
then like he manipulates all the anguish n stuff and like channels into power and then makes chichi so ridiculously powerful that Like she's at goku's level
also she can fly and use ki ig?
and also he brainwashes her and erases all/most of the good memories of goku frm her brain and Then
she's just like a maelstrom of Terrible Feelings and Thoughts and
pls dont question as to why the boys did not know abt how when and why their mum was missing ok i havent gotten to thaT THINKIng level yet
and Evil DudeTM like unleashed her into the world
and like idk why but like i thought that she'd got to like the war torn areas or smth first oh wait bc like
her colour concept is like white and gold and i made a sketch/doodle of her but i might add it in ltr
complete outfit look is like(skip to next next next next paragraph if u dw read this part):
she has her regular cheongsam top and its white with gold trim and her sleeves though are like the ones from anastasia the disney movie's sleeves and like they're there to add on to the whole angel look and she has a flowy skirt and
its got two thigh slits for ease of access also she wears tights and from afar it looks like theres floral-esque gold lace on the skirt but when looked at closely its actually all horror and macabre lace
and her hair is the one in end of z and ther these little black flowers all over and also this has this weird gem on a chain around her neck
she wants to destroy these people the way goku destroyed her heart (in her brainwashed mind anyway) bc to her its like she loved and practically worshipped him and hse thinks he's the best thing since sliced bread but all he did was leave her while trampling all over her
and so she decides to repay the favour
so she looks all angelic but actually she's more like the new terrible terror
and the hypothetical they being the media n public etc.. call her the angel of death(or doom or destruction)
and then word gets round and of course the z gang despite half of them being hermits, hear of it and like yk do the usual Oh No Its A New Villain! Someone Call Goku! thing and like of course goku does come and then like
they go to where this 'angel of death' is at and see the mass destruction she caused and still no one knows its chichi
(AGAIN PLS Do not QUestion the boys)
and so when they first meet her she actually looks oh so angelic bc somehow the sun's at the right angle and the breeze is blowing juust right and Well
they are all stunned esp goku
And like insert extra shock when they find out its chichi and So
everyone EspecIally goku is just extremly confused shocked and also in awe bc she looks so beautifully deadly
and poor goku is just trying to comprehend how his Dearest became like this
then The whole introductory convo w the villain happens
(also idk what happened to ori villain dude ok lets assume he ran away and he did all this for revenge against smth goku and/or his fam did)
Then she will proceed to reveal all the times he's broken her heart and her heart is still in amillion pieces and
Goku is just so sad and angry at himself
then they have The Battle
also vegeta is unmentioned here bc well he KNOWs if gets in between them and hurts chichi goku will get his ass even though she's evil
and so vegeta is just doing passive hero work by moving people in the threatning manner that he has yk
and like goku despite knowing that chichi is evil, still cannot bring himself to hurt her and is simply blocking all her hits
thAt is until chichi threatens to blow up the planet if he doEsnt Fight back
and so he does and she doesnt
and he, in the midst of battle realise that if he doesnt do smth soon she might snap and blow up the planet anyway
so he unwillingly w tears of regret aims a spirit bomb at her bc it was the only way
all the while knowing that it might and probably will kill her
he's crying as he throws it at her
and as expected it does hit her and goku
just couldnt bring himself to see if what he did to Her and
he Cant feel her energy
and he sobs on the ground knowing that it was all his fault
but then goten who we all know is a mama's boy, just had to see if she was actually gone
and of course she's still alive!
but her energy is extremely veery low and she's injured and bleeding A Lot
and even when he transfers energy it doesnt reach her
and so goten calls his dad n bro and
goku snaps out of his sad condition and quickly but delicately grabs her in his arms and gets her to dende asap bc no one has a senzu
and dende quickly cures her but for some reason she doesnt wake up
dende theorises that its from stress or trauma maybe?
but then goku sees the gem on her neck and it glows weird? and so he destroys it and a mysterious glow flows to back into chichi
and suddenly she awakes and after a while she remembers EVERYTHING
and she's just trying to process eveything and saw goku and is having major panic attack in her head bc she knows all that she's done and
she starts crying bc she killed all those people and goku hugs her and whispers soothing words to her ears and she's just apologising but he's apologising too and they're both hugging and crying and blubbering and its all so sweet
dende has subtlely given them privacy
and then the others arrive and like happily reunite w chichi or happily observe the sweet scene cept for geta and pic who demand explanations
and after of course its a happy ending and chichi still has those powers and so she went w goku and they both trained uub and lived happily ever after yay!
also goku secretly sneaks off and hunts down the ori villain dude and kills him heh
so like that was longer than i thought it would be..
um what dyu guys think?
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ladyveronikawrites · 27 days
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So like a year ago, I made a post asking why Dorian confessed to murdering Basil in the 1891 edition of the book, but not the 1890. For the last few months, while working on tlg and the comic, I’ve on and off again worked on a small animatic for the ending of TPODG. Because of this I’ve had to reread the ending conversation with Henry again and again. And a thought occurred to me:
Is Dorian’s ‘desire to be good’ actually an attempt to stop being objectified?
Dorian’s ‘desire to be good’ is obviously horseshit, even to himself, but why does he do it? "To feel something new" is a lazy explanation especially when the book literally says that “[h]e felt a wild longing for the unstained purity of his boyhood”. He doesn’t want something new, he wants what he had before. But it’s not the innocence of his youth, nor something material he desires—it’s the way people treated him before Henry and Basil.
The thing that always stood out to me was this exchange (occuring after Dorian’s confession): 
“There is someone at White’s who wants immensely to know you—young Lord Poole, Bournemouth’s eldest son. He has already copied your neckties, and has begged me to introduce him to you. He is quite delightful and rather reminds me of you.”
“I hope not,” said Dorian with a sad look in his eyes.”
While many modern adaptations either forget this line or give a charitable reading, to me it reads as though Dorian realizes he’s replaceable. Even though he has a magic portrait and eternal youth, he still is a dying relic of a changing world. He will never be anything more than the innocent, youthful doll society and Henry treated him as.
His confession, to Henry of all people, was a final plea to be seen as more than the dumb youth, as an innocent angel—he is begging Henry to look at him and see that Dorian Gray is a person. That he feels more than youth, or beauty, or idolatry. That he is capable of great violence and even greater crime, like any other man and through that can be capable of evolving with the time like any other. He doesn't want to live as a passing fancy of perverts and naive young people.
But Henry breaks all of that in one simple line:
“You and I are what we are, and will be what we will be.”
But, Lord Henry was never going to see Dorian as a real person. Because Henry himself isn’t real. ‘Lord Henry’ is a role he plays, one that consumed him far before the first chapter. In many ways, his cynical philosophy is his own defective portrait. He hides any semblance of a person in his role of ‘cynical hedonist’ and denies any change. He too is a dying relic of a changing world.
When Henry denies his attempt to change, Dorian seeks Basil’s portrait of him. I think it's quite telling that even after he murder him, Dorian seeks implicit comfort from the man who had idolized his rose-white purity. Basil was the only relationship that was closest to what he had before. But the sad truth is laid bare:
No one ever saw Dorian Gray as a real person. 
He was always a role being played. 
And he dies tragically discarded.
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chaoswarfare · 1 year
dp x dc prompt #29
Dannys family and friends die due to the GIW in amity, and danny in grief fueled rage, absolutely dismantles the entire organization. clockwork sees how he goes down a dark path no matter what he does in the living realm, and moves him into his haunt until he recovers emotionally.
seconds and years pass by like blinking but neither of the two ghosts change at all. danny gets drawn in to the gear windows that show alternate realities that don’t exist, but clockwork is too busy monitoring the current timeline to really look into it.
so when clockwork sees the strain on danny from not helping his human half, he doesn’t even think about what he saw on the monitors as he sends danny back down to earth to find new people to protect.
danny has seen every dark future of many justice league members, and freaks out over them all banding together to accomplish something. he needs to stop them before it’s all too late for the world. this must be why he was sent here by clockwork.
when the jl go out for defending another invasion, they hardly expected a new unknown rogue with the power to destroy universes to declare himself their enemy.
(or alternatively- danny thinks the jl are villains planning on world takeover and does his best to keep them from winning.)
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onemoreattempt · 18 days
I’m sorry, but I’m a simple person.
If I see keeper art, I go feral, and I spam reblog
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oh-wow-im-still-here · 6 months
Currently thinking of a pidw native shixiong shen yuan au scenario where at the beginning of his tenure as a qing jing peak disciple him and shen qingqiu did have like a weird father-son esque bond. That like, slowly started to deteriorate as shen yuan got older and befriended binghe, slowly but surely being dissilutioned for his teacher/father figure/role model as time goes by and the more mature shen yuan is. Once shen yuan is like in his early 20s and is completely attached at the hip with luo binghe, shen yuan just. Finds it hard to love or respect shen qingqiu the same now after everything he's learned what he did to binghe and some other things he's done running the peak. But surely it can't get worse right?
And then the immortal Alliance conference happens. I'm thinking maybe either shen yuan missed out on the conference or wasnt around when the abyss opened, whatever the case, shen qingqiu comes back without luo binghe. Says he unfortunately died during the conference. And shen yuan privately thinks, for a horrible moment, "did he really?"
And because of that moment of doubt any sort of positive relationship between the two turns to dust.
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xxlea-nardoxx · 5 months
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I think we can all agree, that Don is photogenic.
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harrietvane · 6 days
Extremely specific gripe but like I can’t believe they discontinued Bottega Veneta eau de parfum and I didn’t notice for 6 months, eg long enough for there to be no European stock and eBay is taking the piss. BEREFT.
Where am I going to get that specific dry suede goodness? Buy a bell jar of Serge Lutens Daim Blond like some kind of billionaire child emperor?? Armani’s Cuir Amthyste is 100ml and also priced for billionaire child emperors. Will I never see a department store mid-range that’s not an Ethyl Maltol caramel marshmallow floral again in my lifetime??
Who’s spending £250 for 100ml, I want to buy little 30mls, I want to smell like NEW PAPER and GLUE and GLOVE LEATHER, it’s astonishing the market isn’t meeting my needs. To whom do I complain?
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saturncoyote · 10 months
Reminder that it is morally correct and GREATLY ADVICED to add the most insane tags to my art as possible
If the following thought ever crosses your head: "maybe i shouldn't add strange and unusual tags to this person's art, i wouldn't want to annoy them" SHUT THAT DOWN IMMEDIATELLY and instead remember this: i like reading them like daily Newspaper :-)
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svgvru · 9 months
umm im(humble)o,, Kento’ll help you destress after a long day at work.. at first it’s just him taking your shoes and coat off for you, then he starts to snake his hands up your dress shirt with the excuse of a massage, and THEN he’s shooting blanks while cryin because he hates (loves) when you’re mean to him and he hates (loves) the rough treatment🤹🏽
(and ofc he’s wearing your button down while he’s getting fucked)
i love that man
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✮ THINKIN' BOUT...NANAMIN! gahhhh!! ur so right! since you've forced him to take breaks, since you've helped him figure out his shit and relax. he thought y not help you with your shit job too! he can always tell when a day has been particularly stressful. he hears the sigh you release the second you step in the door and he knows he's gotta help you de-stress! so he'll relax while you kick off your shoes and walk him to your bedroom, ripping his clothes off only to put yours back around him and rail him. he'll say he doesn't like it, but he's drooling and his eyes are rolled back as you keep hitting his prostate. all he can produce is moans an incohernet words!
don't get me started on the dirty talk!!! whether you start praising or degrading him his back is arching deeper and he's sloppily trying to meet your trusts, but your hips r too forcefull and he can hear the clapping of your hips meeting his ass while he's rocking from the force. and he just grips the sheets n groans! he'll let you empty your frustrations on his body, no matter how rough cuz he knows you need it, and he secretly loves it. just use him for the time being okay.
even afterwards, he'll offer to wash your back n massage ur shoulders even though his ass is red and his hole has been abused by you! of course you say no, bc he needs aftercare. but he still tries!
overall, he just secretly likes being ur stress toy :)
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dairsmuids · 2 months
a hot haytham take fresh out the oven
haytham is neurodivergent coded because he wears the exact same outfit for 20+ years and not only that but manages to keep it mostly pristine from wear and tear the whole time
(am i projecting, as a neurodivergent person who has a wardrobe full of comfort clothes - some of which are 10+ years old? yes, absolutely i am!!!)
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forest-wolfie · 5 months
Hey madness community, I have some food for thought.
Why don’t we ever give our shipping pairs really cool ship names instead of mushing the two character names together? I think we could do something silly like the TF2 community does where the ship names relate to the characters.
Like for Sanford and Deimos for example, instead of Sanmos (which is alright on its own) why not call it something like Smoke Bombs? Or even for like Jeb and Hoffnar, they could be called Lab Partners. I think we could create some fun names for shipping pairs.
I wanna see this for OC x canon too, I absolutely wanna hear some silly ship names you have for your OC dating a canon character. For mine (Scorpio x Doc) I’d call them Pork Stitches. Pork being pulled from the fact Scorpio is a cannibal (cannibals nickname human flesh long pork) and Stitches from Doc yknow being a “doctor.”
Also feel free to just rb this post with like ideas or thoughts on this concept because I think it would be super fun to see. I wanna know what others think about this. :3
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sink-me-in-your-ocean · 8 months
We interrupt your regularly scheduled programming to bring you Fry Boy pics 👀
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Tiktok here by thisisntella <- pls watch its an amazing edit
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This new look is giving Papa II and I’m GNAWING at the bars of my enclosure
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dogkin · 2 years
Idea: instead of having to only use /p to symbolize not-romantic affection, we use /nr for not-romantic!
and maybe /fam or /familial for familial! and perhaps /qp for queerplatonic? What do you guys think?
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chaoswarfare · 1 year
Due to an inexplicable time stream glitch, two different universes come crashing into each other, destroying each other completely.
Now, one Danny Phantom and several heroes from the other world are on a desperate mission to reverse the apocalypse for both their worlds and get their families and friends back. The only problem is? The heroes are so nice to Danny, and are so understanding, that he’s not sure he even wants to return to his world anymore.
this has the potential to be. so angsty.
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mareastrorum · 2 months
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