#getting grant money for this was fabulous
trans-axolotl · 1 year
:D it's making me so happy seeing people get excited about the zine. i've been working on getting everythign set up for the past month and im so thrilled to finally start to launch it!!! the part of this project i've been most excited about is getting to work with other ppl and im just having a great time.
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hotvintagepoll · 2 months
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Eleanor Parker (Scaramouche, The Sound of Music)— Eulogized as a ravishing beauty whose looks were merely ornamental to her craft, feast your eyes on Eleanor Parker. Listen! I know you're thinking of the Baroness in Sound of Music and saying NO I won't protect the woman who tried to steal him from Maria but forget about that (like you personally wouldn't shoot your shot with Plummer)! The trailer for Scaramouche describes her character Lenore as "The glamourous queen of the nightlife of Paris. A flame-haired wildcat" and this is a woman who was able to pull off that role, and you get the vibe she was like that irl too. There's a story about her changing hair colors that never fails to make me laugh. Take note of her stunning eyes! Her amazing legs! And to see her in motion is to make note of the aura about her, she has an amazing presence. Fall in love with Eleanor Parker today, and make your vote count!
Audrey Hepburn (My Fair Lady, Sabrina, Roman Holiday)—Growing up, Audrey Hepburn desperately wanting to be a professional ballerina, but she was starved during WWII and couldn't pursue her dream due to the effects of malnourishment. After she was cast in Roman Holiday, she skyrocketed to fame, and appeared in classics like My Fair Lady and Breakfast at Tiffany's. She's gorgeous, and mixes humor and class in all of her performances. After the majority of her acting career came to close, she became a UNICEF ambassador.
This is round 3 of the tournament. (yes I know it says round 2 in the poll. sometimes I post these when I’m sleepy.) All other polls in this bracket can be found here. Please reblog with further support of your beloved hot sexy vintage woman.
[additional propaganda submitted under the cut.]
Eleanor Parker:
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“When I’m spotted somewhere, it means that my characterizations haven’t covered up Eleanor Parker the person. I prefer it the other way around.” So shy she was actively nervous about winning awards in person, her personal life remains mostly behind the scenes. But on screen? she was a force majeure. It's a shame the role most people remember her in is the Baroness in The Sound of Music, but then again, it did make Christopher Plummer reminisce upon her passing “I was sure she was enchanted and would live forever.”
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Listen we all know Christopher Plummer and Julie Andrews had insane chemistry but the Baroness deserves some love too! She has such a glamorous presence but not in a hard way
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She will be known as the fabulous baroness in TSOM, but she was so much more than that. Just as comfortable in westerns or melodrama, the scheming other woman, and the beauty that wins the heart of every man in town.
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Audrey Hepburn propaganda:
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"She may be a wispy, thin little thing, but when you see that girl, you know you're really in the presence of something. In that league there's only ever been Garbo, and the other Hepburn, and maybe Bergman. It's a rare quality, but boy, do you know when you've found it." - Billy Wilder
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Raised money for the resistance in nazi occupied Hungary. Became a humanitarian after retiring. Two very sexy things to do!
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where to begin......... i wont her so bad. i literally dont know what to say.
My dude. The big doe eyes, the cheekbones, the voice. The flawless way she carried herself. She was never in a movie where she wasn't drop dead gorgeous. Oh, also the fact she raised funds against the Nazis doing BALLET and she won the Presidential Medal of Freedom for her humanitarian work.
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"It’s as if she dropped out of the sky into the ’50s, half wood-nymph, half princess, and then disappeared in her golden coach, wearing her glass slippers and leaving no footprints." - Molly Haskell
"All I want for Christmas is to make another movie with Audrey Hepburn." - Cary Grant
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I know people nowadays are probably sick of seeing her with all the beauty and fashion merch around that depicts her and/or Marilyn Monroe but she is considered a classic Hollywood beauty for a reason. Ironically in her day she was more of the alternative beauty when compared to many of her contemporaries. She always came off with such elegance and grace, and she was so charming. Apparently she was a delight to work with considering how many of her co-stars had wonderful things to say about her. Outside of her beauty and acting ability she was immensely kind. She helped raise funds for the Dutch resistance during WWII by putting on underground dance performances as well as volunteering at hospitals and other small things to help the resistance. During her Hollywood career and later years she worked with UNICEF a lot. Just an all around beautiful person both inside and out.
No one could wear clothes in this era like she could. She was every major designer's favorite star and as such her films are time capsules of high fashion at the time. But beyond that, she had such an elegance in her screen presence that belied a broad range of ability. From a naive princess, to a confused widow, to a loving and mischievous daughter, she could play it all.
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Look at that woman's neck. Don't you want to bite it?
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eretzyisrael · 1 month
by Dov Fischer
Yes, like that hapless car dealer, many university directors and trustees have no grasp of the entirety of responsibilities they have accepted and assumed when they became directors and trustees, but they bear those fiduciary duties nonetheless.
What fiduciary duties do they have to the federal (and state) government? The Feds allocate millions of dollars to the universities for research. They allocate millions in Pell Grants and other federal financial grants to students so that the kids get a full unhindered education. They extend loans at advantaged interest rates and often end up writing off those loans, at the expense of the national budget and American taxpayer, when it becomes clear that the students cannot or will not pay the loans back. They grant the universities tax exemptions that waive millions in federal tax revenue so that donors will give more to the colleges and universities. Any single federal expenditure for a college entitles the federal government to subject matter jurisdiction and standing in any lawsuit brought over Director or Trustee malfeasance, misfeasance, or non-feasance in the conduct of fiduciary duties. (READ MORE: Catching Up on More Infuriating Things in the Past Month’s News)
Most students’ parents also would have legal standing to sue. If their kids pay all the tuition and dorm rent, or borrow it all, then such parents may not have standing. But if a parent has paid even one dollar, not to mention tens of thousands, or borrowed tens of thousands in Parent PLUS loans, toward paying tuition or dorm fees, then they have paid for their child to receive a full, unhindered education on a safe and peaceful campus. Any extended rioting or other insurrection on campus distorts the very purpose for which that money has been spent. It comprises, at the very least, a breach of contract. The failure of the directors or trustees to impose solutions, fire ineffective university presidents, demand the removal of toxic professors, and implement all steps necessary to secure the campus for reasoned and calm learning legally exposes them to great individual liability. And what a fabulous class action that lawsuit would be! One thousand parents suing Columbia University for $60,000 apiece, a winning class action for $60 million. I am almost tempted to return to practicing law.
All that is needed is a federal law like FIRREA and similar state laws, since states also finance educational institutions within their borders. Overnight, you will see one Claudine Gay after another, like that evil woman now at the helm of Columbia University, fired; students expelled and a great many deported back to the dirt holes whence they came, and a return to proper, reasoned, and respectful learning.
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stardust-sleep · 3 months
the Killjoy Chronicles - a rough idea
The video starts showing the Danger Days spider logo in front of a black background, before showing brief clips from the video, alongside introducing the characters,
My Chemical Romance as The Fabulous Killjoys
Steve Montano as Dr Death Defying
Grant Morrison as Korse
etc, etc before finally showing
it starts off similarly to the music video for Na Na Na, beginning with Look Alive Sunshine transitioning to the song, the only difference is The Girl doesn't get captured... yet. This part is merely an introduction for the characters
Then it goes to Bulletproof Heart, this is where things kick in, we only briefly see Korse in the previous one (a lot less than in the real vid), but here is where we find BLI searching for The Girl, as well as development of her origin (like the stuff told in the comics)
Then it goes to The Only Hope For Me Is You, here we see BLI actually capturing The Girl despite the Killjoys efforts, and where Jet Star gets his eye injury and his eyepatch
This immediately goes to SING, which is similar in part to the real one, albeit the Killjoys do not die, Killjoys never die. BLI thinks they're dead though.
Then it goes to Summertime, which gives us backstory for each Killjoy, showing their upbringing, but being intentionally vague for one of them, Fun Ghoul. This is on purpose.
Then we go to Planetary (GO!), revealing the Killjoys had faked their deaths and were currently in hiding, they make their return to let The Girl know they are alive afterwards.
This transitions to S/C/A/R/E/C/R/O/W, where BLI find them again, Ghoul's backstory is finally revealed, his parents wanted him to be an Exterminator before he ran away to the zones, but before he can...
Jet Star And The Kobra Kid/Traffic Report, it cuts to Dr Death Defying reporting that Jet and Kobra had died in the fight in the previous video, this immediately transitions to Party Poison, in which the namesake is bringing Ghoul with them back to Battery City, avenging their brother and their friend, Poison wants to find Korse in particular, as he killed Kobra and Jet.
But remember
Killjoys never die.
After Poison's futile second seige on BLI, Ghoul has been captured, but Jet and Kobra are alive and reunite with Poison. This goes to Save Yourself, I'll Hold Them Back, where the three get Fun Ghoul back, thanks to the help of some rogue droids, who tell them their tale once Ghoul is saved.
This tale transitions to DESTROYA, the climactic point.
The Fabulous Killjoys are presumed dead after that, and they return into hiding, their legacy being carried on by other zone runners and city escapees, this is all done to The Kids From Yesterday
it closes off with Goodnite Dr Death, and then going to the Killjoys, now performing in secret venues in the zones, as My Chemical Romance, this outro is of course to Vampire Money.
The credits roll, I'm thinking the credits song would either be FTWWW or a song from Conventional Weapons (my bets are on The Light Behind Your Eyes)
hows this for a concept, give me better ideas cuz mine suck ass
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Pop Culture Builds 12: David Xanatos (Gargoyles)
Woof, sorry about the late entry, folks. Got caught up in some real-life stuff last night. Expect this entry and today’s entry both today!
 David Xanatos, ah yes. A man who not only embodies the “Magnificent Bastard” archetype, but inspired the coining of another trope term, the “Xanatos Gambit”, i.e. a plan in which even failing the plan’s primary goal will result in either some objectives being fulfilled, or an entirely separate but valuable goal succeeding.
But who is he, and how can we replicate him in an RPG? Well, for this, let’s make him a Starfinder build.
Born to a humble fisherman, David Xanatos seemed like nobody special. That is, until the day he received a mysterious letter with a coin minted in the 10th century inside. This coin was worth a veritable mint to collectors, allowing David to quickly establish a financial base from which he could play the stock market and found a massive corporate conglomerate. However, the mysterious nature of that letter sparked his father’s disapproval.
Despite his wealth, Xanatos still wanted to prove to his father that he was a self-made man, and so constantly labored to improve himself and do things no other man could do.
Which is where he learned of the legend of Castle Wyvern and the gargoyles which were supposedly more than statues, cursed to remain bound in stone “until the Castle rose above the clouds”. No doubt meant to keep the curse in place forever with a seemingly impossible task.
But such curses have a way of getting fulfilled anyway, especially when a billionaire creates a money-sink project of literally moving the entire castle, brick by brick, on top of one of his skyscrapers. That must have been a hell of a boardroom meeting.
It did, however, work! The titular Gargoyles awoke from their curse for the first time in centuries, and found themselves in an unfamiliar world. David set himself up as their friend, but manipulated them into stealing technology from a competitor and betraying them, becoming their nemesis.
However, despite his unscrupulous ways, David Xanatos was not a man without principles. Sure, he was a manipulator who would lie and steal, not to mention creating an army of robot drones in the shape of the Gargoyle leader Goliath as well as a suit of power armor in a similar shape, but he would never stoop to murder or genocide, and would often side with the Gargoyles whenever a villain with such goals would arise.
Eventually, Xanatos relented in his vendetta against the Gargoyles and his more villainous pursuits. Turns out your greatest enemies saving your skin and those of your loved ones several times puts things in perspective. But a crafty man he remained.
 David is human, but it’s not super integral to his build.
For this sci-fi build, we will be using the Envoy class with the Aspis Mastermind archetype. Xanatos rarely get’s his hands dirty directly, though he can when he must. However, his plans require a lot of coordination with his minions, so being able to grant planning-based buffs to allies that follow the plan is perfect for him.
As an envoy, Xanatos has both skill expertise and improvisation abilities. Among the former, Analyst, Convincing Liar, Gregarious Mien, Reasonable Excuse, Slick Customer, Stone-Faced Liar, Well-Informed, and You Don’t Say. Basically anything that can give him a social edge and get others doing his work for him.
Meanwhile, his improvisations are more for when he is forced to do things himself, such as Clever Feint, Get Em, Sow Discontent, Clever Attack, Exactly As I Would Have Done, False Flanking, Take ‘Em Alive, Hidden Agenda, and Seize the Advantage. Basically anything that improves his chances in a fight while also making him that much more cunning.
Despite being a fabulously wealthy manipulator, assuming that David Xanatos can’t put up a fight on his own is foolishness. As such, he has several feats to shore up his combat abilities, such as Improved Unarmed Strike and others to make him a competent martial artist, as well as various proficiency feats to let him use a wider range of armaments, most particularly Powered Armor Proficiency for the Steel Clan bodysuit.
Xanatos is willing to use any equipment, be it technological or magical, to get an edge, but if there is one piece of signature equipment that he has, it would be the Steel Clan bodysuit, a flight-capable set of power armor modeled after the Steel Clan drones, which were in turn modeled after Goliath. Said drones would most likely just be reskinned or homebrew robots if he is used as an NPC, or perhaps as robotic creature companions in the case of a PC build.
But maybe you’d prefer a different build? Perhaps if you want to play up Xanatos’ various technological toys, you could go mechanic (with a Steel Clan combat drone) or technomancer. Alternatively, if you want a build for Pathfinder 1st or 2nd Edition, consider the rogue, bard, or investigator classes, as well as prestige classes that offer a lot of social and economic power, such as Noble Scion.
 Fabulously wealthy villains that spend their money on high-tech toys and manipulate others are fairly common, so don’t feel like you have to use this build for replicating David Xanatos.
 That does it for today, but look forward to today’s actual entry later tonight!
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positronicdream · 10 months
Fizzbin's Fabulous Cabin, part 5
(part 1) (part 2) (part 3) (part 4) (part 5)
The most special part of Fizzbin's Fabulous Cabin is undoubtedly the personalized bedrooms for each party member. I got to design them with each character's preferred colors and style in mind, and it was a lot of fun!
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I thought it would be nice to have signs on the bedroom doors, so I reached out to @calsabatini to design monograms for all the party members. He knocked it out of the park!! The bedrooms would not be the same without these gorgeous signs!
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Our warlock Valmont was the first to see his room. Since he's a sailor, I went for a "captain's cabin" vibe with lots of nautical decor, plus a green feature wall to represent his swampy homeland. The golden scales on the shelf are a nod to Valmont's mercantile heritage (he's also the manager of all the party's money). It's all very fancy and expensive-looking.
don't look at the ivy clipping through the wall ignore it don't look at it
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Ezhno's (the rogue/artificer) took a while to put together, because there were so many options for clutter on and around the desk and I had to make it all fit coherently. That's actually a wooden desk layered on top of a metal one! For the aesthetic I settled on Western-esque, with dark wood everywhere and some purple crystals scattered around to reflect his goggles.
Ezhno's reaction to seeing this room was utterly shocking: he gave Fizzbin a hug!
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It may look like Fizzbin made her own the biggest room, but that's actually just a gnome-sized bed! (I've never understood why resizing objects was a core feature of the Sims 4 - before even moveobjects - but it can definitely be fun.) All the cutesy florals and pastel colors of the rest of the house are turned up a notch in here. The bard has granted herself a glass dome ceiling and a proudly mounted feather collection!
don't look at the wonky shadows around the awning you see nothing
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Yakone the druid also gets an octagonal glass-roofed room, in her favorite cheery yellow. The aesthetic was tricky to balance between all the patterns (I had to use that stripy wallpaper because it evokes her tattoos), the "Southern comfort" vibes, and the Realm of Magic furnishings that would tie it to the rest of the house. But the most important feature to make Yakone happy was the stuffed animals! And indeed, she loved them!
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The fifth bedroom is for NPC party members or guests, although our current NPC companion Eradon is sharing a room with Valmont because they're canoodling dating. So for now I've left the room as I had it for Vesper, our paladin friend. She worships Selûne, hence the moon stuff, and her favorite color is blue, although I did put some orange cushions on the sofa to reflect her hair color.
There are a lot of other NPCs I might redecorate this space for, and you can be sure I'll post an update if I do!
Thank you for joining me on a tour of Fizzbin's Fabulous Cabin, my interpretation of Mordenkainen's Magnificent Mansion! I had lots of fun designing it, and I'm so happy to have finally revealed it in game!
(part 1) (part 2) (part 3) (part 4) (part 5)
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jeeperso · 1 year
D&D Quotes Without Context
Ravenloft edition, Fundertainment Land arc part 1
GM: Alright, last time on the Yawning portal runners. OOC: Wrong channel. OOC2: Wrong thread. OOC: Wrong channel thread. And our heroes took a well earned vacation to the most luxurious vacation spot in all of Ravenloft: The beautiful Sapphire Islands. Where there was sun, surf, a wedding, fabulous door prizes, and surfing against werewolves. Jonni: “I got this book of tips on being hotter.” Gorbash: “In a physical attraction sort of way or a things in my proximity burst into flame kind of way?” Jonni: “Yes!” “Okay, so, Marsh, I’d ask what I can set on fire, but I’m guessing everything. So we need a safe word for when you want me to light everything up. Normally, I’d suggest ‘funderful’, but given the locale, I’m guessing that would be triggering. So…’Bigbooty’ when you want me to go nuts.” “I find the best defense is a good fireball.” "Welcome to Gunder and Danzi's Fundertainment Land,” the woman says in a chipper tone. "We welcome you to our funtastic home, and we kindly ask you to acknowledge and abide by all the rules here. So that we can maximize our fundertastical experience. “ "No running, no outside food or drinks, no loitering, no littering, no intimate moments, no questioning the rampant consumerism no escape. No escape. No escape. No hope. No escape. No escape NO ESCAPE.” Gorbash: “This is why I picked mercenary work instead of retail.” Jonni: “Wait, BACK THE FUCK UP. What was that about no intimate moments? I demand to speak with and murder your manager!” "Sorry, just on hour 42 of a 72 hour shift. You get used to it.... Or you get a knife and start stabbing people.” "As said, we're the Union. I am here to ascend the Murderhorn, awake the Yettirrasque, and lead us all to freedom from the burning ruin I will leave.” “I get to make the ruin!” Yog-sothoth: "So Poom's character sheet now says 'Wizard' on it, and—" Azathoth: "I think we missed something.” Nyarlathotep: "Awww. But I liked breaking the game with.....uh, ahem, paying attention now….." Nyx: "Bad, Nyar, bad. No breaking the fourth wall: it was just fixed after the last time." Edmund: ”OH COME ON!” Vesh: ”You know, as a cleric of Ioun, you probably should have seen this coming." Jonni: “I suggest violence.” Poom: "I think I'm on Jooni with this one: light everything on fire, and light the stuff that doesn't burn on harder fire.” Jonni: “So, we’re 3 for on that. One more and I can start burning.” “Okay, honey, you relax. We’ll meet back up after I help Marsh topple the banality of evil and smite its ruin upon the mountain.” Gorbash: “Ah, yes. Money talks around here. If only until they part you from it.” Jonni: “Jokes on them: Vesh makes her own. Sometimes they’re baby mimics.” “If they try, give them this.” Jonni hands her a card. It reads “You put my wife in a flask, you’re next. Jonni.” "Let's get to the action of taking this place down already. The longer I have to smell all this over-sugared food the sooner I'm going to snap.” “Am I becoming a responsible adult?” “Maybe, but I doubt it.” "Until closing time, topside cast members try not to get caught.” OOC: Kruez, save some 20s for the rest of us. “I think he’s sweet on you, Eddie.” You suddenly see a stream of black blood start coming out of his mouth. “That doesn’t disprove my theory.” Jonni: “Man, why is it always ‘nightmare circus’. When do we get to go to the magic porno circus?” Azathoth: "Insert 'big top' joke here.” OOC: Gets you right in the nostalgias. “Bigbooty?” Edmund takes up a defensive posture. "I have... Funderful Dollars.” "Come with me I have something to show you.” “Is it a world of pure imagination?” "Only 20% imagination, We have to conserve.” "You want access to the Murderhorn, I will grant it, if you can fight six golden tickets hidden throughout the park.” Gorbash: “Sorry was that ‘fight’; not ‘find’?" “Please. We’ll obviously succeed because we are pure of heart. Mine’s full of lust. You all get your own vices.” “They got an adults only zone?” “I doubt it. Even if they did, the best you'd get is overpriced booze in novelty glasses.” "All kid friendly and no porn, Jonni.” “This is the worst place we’ve been.” "Flaws not withstanding, everyone here has pure and noble hearts that would face down the world if their friends needed them. I'll wager on our side anyway.” “What have we told you about gambling?” "The lab we go to last, please leave the lab for last, I just know we have a big fight waiting there.” “So we go there first while we’re fresh.” "Rats, I knew my logic would ruin it for me.” "Gorbash, don't do that. You are creepy when making those kawai eyes.” “Sure. Let do this and get out of this hellhole.” "That may be an insult to hellholes.” GM: Anyone who gets over a 15 notice something odd about the food vendors. OOC: Odder than being carny food vendors? "None of this will do your cholesterol any good... Not to mention I think its nutritional quality is equivalent of a piece of cardboard.” "Bet you cardboard is healthier.” "That's a big Big Burger.” "Oh god, it is the size of a cart wheel.” "The Double Triple Bossy Deluxe on a raft, 4x4 animal style, extra shingles with a shimmy and a squeeze, light axle grease; make it cry, burn it, and let it swim. Doesn't quite roll off the tongue.” ”MARSHAL, AS I LIVE AND BREATH.” Jonni: “I sincerely doubt you do either.” "I'm with the union. Together we can shut this park down and you return to the Indigo Moon of Yarrl.” "This guy here was my top student, the one I entrusted all my recipes too.” “He killed a man with one of those. Or at least put him in a diabetic coma.” Gorbash: “What's the game, Big Steve?” Big Steve: "Eating contest. One of you against me.” Gorbash grins. "Don't threaten me with a good time.” "Hey we got vegan dishes. Try our new cheese injected fried pickle. Or our goat liver filled with okra. Which is also fried.” "Neither of those are remotely vegan!” "Sure they are. Cheese is a vegetable right?" Marshal: ”Remember to eat the trough, too.” Gorbash: “Is it deep fried?” Big Steve: "And slathered with Hollandaise.” Jonni polymorphs Gorbash into a whale. “Marsh. Get a shovel.” Gorbash: “I feel like this was unnecessary.” Yog-sothoth: "As opposed to what else we've done?” "Ioun... Give pity to this good soul. Protect him from gastritis and heartburn…" Gorbash: “This is delicious Steve.” Big Steve: ”The secret ingredient is lard.” Nyarlathotep: "Not sure how secret that is.” GM: Next up: Baked Bean pizza. “The devil’s pizza!” "Told ya we had vegan stuff here. I mean if you eat around the pork.” "I traveled all across Yaarl, learning from the finest chefs I could find. Then I burned all my notes and made this in stead.” GM: Next up is... Meat Gelatin. “That was quite the quick escalation from unhealthy to war crimes.” "I think at least 3/4th of this park can be called war crimes, Jonni.” GML Next up is... LUTEFISK. Nyx: "No, not that abomination! I can't believe humans came up with that dish and demons didn't inspire them.” Yog-sothoth: "It was Deep Ones.” "No, how could you? That dish is banned on so many planes of existence.” "You think that’d stop me? I ate the last health inspector came round here.” "... I think i'm going to have to stick to salads for the next week…” "I used to eat people, and I agree." "Try our new Lasanga salad, with eight types of meat.” Gorbash: “Nothing teaches you to appreciate food quite like starvation.” "Await the sign, then all employees shall be released.” Inside is utter bedlam, you see dozens of screaming kids running around, jumping all over. OOC: player is getting Chuck-E-Cheese flashbacks…. You're pretty sure you see the kids pull down a waiter and skeletonize them. "Oh no...my irony sense is going off. It’s in the ball pit, always the ball pit.” "I hope not. I really hope not. do you know how unsanitary those are in NORMAL places?” “Those things are 60% urine by volume.” "As the one of us actually immune to disease, I volunteer as tribute.” “You'll rust from the ammonia.” Poom: "Wish whatever's in there'd eat a few of the kids. Turn the volume down.” "My guess, the balls are acid proof and that pit has acid underneath it hiding an acid swimming shark in it. Nasty things.” "Or it's a plastic-ball-ooze.” "No, no, no, no. Not again, not again. That happened at my 12th birthday party.” "I was distracted by the tiny slime.” “Why am I covered in goos!?!” "Sounds like a fowl condition.” “I say we cure the badger of his rabies and make him our standard adoptee for the domain.” “I mean wouldn't be the strangest thing we picked up. Also he should be a union rep.” Jonni makes a badger papoose and straps him in. “You shall be Vesh and I’s only son. You shall see the world through my eyes as I see the world through yours.” Gorbash: “Starting a family right after the honeymoon eh?” “Bitey. Avert your eyes. Mommy has to light some assholes on fire.”
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mashedpotatosinacup · 2 years
What are your favorite batman forever scenes! And do not hesitate to ramble!!
(Gosh sorry this took so long to answer! This turned into kind of a recap near the beginning of the movie so skip if u want I won’t be heartbroken)
Well any scene with my man Eddie but I’ll go into detail.
The first scene has always been a favorite. I like the way they introduce the characters like how TwoFace is committing a huge crime the first time we see him. I think it just brings the character to life so much. We see the dark and edgy side of Batman so it can build up to him being a softie (even tho I still don’t like him he’s mean to Ed >:() we also see Chase for the first time and learn a little about her but not enough to ruin the story line.
The next scene is in my top 3. The one I made the gif set for. Edward is my FAVORITE character (if you couldn’t tell ;-;) and Jim Carrey was a 10/10 casting choice. He plays the character in a way that’s entertaining but insane and can have that cartoony feel while being live action that I love in movies. Every time I watch that scene I rant to myself about how the first movie with the grant. I just think it’s SO messed up because here is a clearly dedicated and hardworking employee that isn’t asking for money to just put his product on sale, NO! He wants money for testing so he knows how to make it safe! All the riddler stuff (even though I still love my riddle man) could have been avoided but NOPE! Although, I’ve rewritten most of this movie as a self insert, this scene was by far my favorite because you can capture so much emotion. Stickly can fuck right off tho. No redeeming qualities.
OKAAAYYY next scene. The one on the roof. I hate chase for this okay? Like she fell IN LOVE with the FRICKING BATMAN!! This scene- AND HE LIKES HER TOO!! Okay I see how it works on some scale, but from an outside perspective, she doesn’t know who Batman is and still asks all horny >:/ that’s all I’ll say abt this scene but bleehhhh
Next scene is THE BEST ONE and you can fight me on it. My boyyyy she’s so eevvviiilllll and thennnn kill sticckkllllyyyyyy :DDD but really thought this scene has SO MUCH EMOTION AND THE CGI IS BETTER THAN ALL 5 SEASONS OF GOTHAM! He’s Finally standing up for himself and he evil idk what to say this scene is just so mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm I’m nOt a simp you are
NOoooOoOoOoo sad boy 😭😭 but secretly evil 😈 this was also a fun scene to rewrite. I also love how as the movie goes on you can see the riddle box things get fancier. Like the one in this scene was paper but the last one was gold.
Next scene, not much to say, it was good and we get to see a part of Edward’s apartment and then he drops another riddle so good for him :D
Skipping around a little bc I dislike the therapy scene the CIRCUS SCENE :] my man TwoFace committing more crime with Eddie being a grade A simp :DDD I’m sad for Robin but also it connects the gayest characters together to form an alliance so
Another skip to another favorite is when ✨The Riddler✨ goes to TwoFace’s lair and they act all gay and agree to go commit crimes and then they rob a store and rock a tiara and diamond earrings and- anyway ;-; in the screenplay they actually rob an opera house and the Riddler sings and I’m super disappointed that didnt make it into the final cut ;-;
The Gala scene is another favorite. I’m not there in writing but I can’t wait! There is so many perspectives in this scene and Eeedddddddddd so fancy I lob it sugar and spice are also beautiful in this.
Ima skip to one of the last scenes bc I’ve been ranting too much in this and it’s very long SO the last scene. The bedazzled spandex is just like- fabulous I love it. I cried when TwoFace died but all in all I love that scene. It has so much detail and I just mmmmmmmm gay gay homosexual gay
WOW that was alot. I’ll do more later bc this is too much ranting for one post ;-;
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charlotte-of-wales · 1 year
Grimaldis are not just titled socialites. They owed Monaco or most of it.
And the opinion certain bloggers have, that Charlene doesn't get criticism because Monaco is about luxury and rich and famous is completely wrong. They just don't know anything and they say it to explain why they criticize only Catherine and not other royals. Charlene should be out of comparision, her family owns most of Monaco business and they don't take taxpayers money. The abcence of taxes is why people go to Monaco and not because Charlene wears fabulous clothes.
Also Kate buys her clothes from duchy money and all their private income comes from the duchy. FOR example they don't use taxpayers money, the sovereign grant to buy houses in foreign countries but it's OK because they don't by the same clothes in many colors.
I’m…….confused. The point of the post I rebbloged was *precisely* that Charlene doesn’t get criticized on her spending because Albert doesn’t take public money and Monaco is filthy rich.
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belethlegwen · 2 years
What's Henry's most embarrassing moment from his past?
Oh I loooove this question
Henry's MOST embarrassing moment from his past would be that, back when he and Daniel (Captain Grant) were still friends, they had an ongoing bet as to who could collect the most notes from Peter (Commander Martellis).
Peter would write notes about everything. When you had a question that seemed remotely important, he'd walk you through the answer and then to be sure, he'd write you a little a jot-note and then tear it out of his book and hand it to you. Or, if he was just trying to plan something you'd get a note that said "Lunch, second call, discuss dressage practice" or whatever it needed to be. He was ALWAYS carrying journals that looked they'd almost gone through a woodchipper. People always asked, and he'd just say he needed the pages for something more important, but only the people who saw him regularly knew what was actually happening. Very few people left an interaction with Peter without a piece of paper in their pocket with something scribbled on it.
That said, he was the one with the real brains when they were all in Academy, he was just a bit hard to keep on focus and keep on track. He found the notes as helpful to himself as he assumed they were for other people. Daniel would later turn out to be fabulous at keeping him on point, basically replacing his notebooks, but before that they abused the man's general forgetfulness and the ease at which he could be distracted to just... harmlessly collect notes. Their goal with the notes? No idea. I'm sure there was originally some grand scheme to bind them back into books and present them to Peter as a joke-gift or something, but those plans got tossed to the wayside pretty quick.
Daniel was really good at prompting Peter without Peter catching on. He knew precisely the kind of tactical questions that Peter would be most likely to write a little note for. The problem was that Peter wouldn't do it for the same question twice, especially not with Daniel because Daniel was pretty competent. Daniel, also, was pretty prideful and didn't want to appear stupid and like he forgot something like that.
Henry, on the other hand, would kick his own pride's ass if he thought it would stop him from losing a bet. So Henry got a handful of notes by asking the kind of questions Daniel asked but found that it was almost a waste of time, especially if Daniel had already asked it. The three of them being friends, Peter would nonchalantly just dismiss him with "Oh, I drew Daniel up a note if you need it", which just kind of put salt in Henry's wound.
Then one day, as a test, Henry and Peter were getting ready for mounted drills and Henry decided to put his saddle on backwards. He goes through all the motions, he continues to get ready, they're literally about to mount by the time Peter notices. Peter wasn't incredibly perceptive, so when he points out that Henry's saddle is backwards, and Henry pretends to not understand, Peter legitimately believes the man has been riding with a backwards saddle forever.
Peter helps him fix it, gives him a note.
Next time they go to mount up for something, Henry does it again. Peter tries to refer him to the note and Henry practically pulls every muscle in his body with the stretches he's making to try and justify why Peter's directions did not help.
Peter helps him fix it, draws and gives him a diagram.
Henry manages to pull this one more time and gets Peter to make a VERY detailed, almost idiot-proof diagram. But it was enough. His plan was in full motion. Peter began watching Henry like a hawk from that moment onward to make sure Henry hadn't ALWAYS been doing something noticeably wrong, and every time he saw something the sweet man would immediately jot out a note, usually a little diagram, and hand it to him.
Forbes and Neilson loved this. Gibson thought it was a bit shit, but he put money down on who was going to win between Henry and Daniel all the same, so he was hardly about to throw stones from his glass house. Neilson suggested Henry move on to smaller things, like wearing his boots on the wrong feet, gloves upside down and on the wrong hands, lacing his shirt and trousers wrong. It was Forbes though, the utter shit, that suggested he do them all one at a time so he could just keep rotating 'wrong things' to the point that Peter could never remember what he had already given Henry a note for.
This went on
for literal
Henry literally started piling his notes into little stacks based on what specific incident they were for, and he was constantly jabbing Daniel with how many more notes he had. The bet couldn't last forever though, so they agreed that it would only be for the introductory semester of Academy; until they were transferred to their chosen branches of service. With only a few weeks left, they both decided to really work for it.
Daniel and Peter spent so many hours discussing tactics and protocol, history and law, literally anything Daniel could think of, that he was sure they both deserved something akin to several Doctorates by the time the bet was over.
Henry, on the other hand, had a brief moment of worry that he was legitimately forgetting things like what was the correct way to put on a vest, before he realized that winning was more important than knowing how to dress yourself and continuing on with his brilliant, incredible strategy.
The week before their preliminary training period was set to end, they were all officially assigned their own readying-areas for drills and such for when they were transferred to their respective branches. The readying areas were like a little, personal locker-type area with pegs to hang your gear, coats, a bench for getting ready on, a series of cabinets of organizing things, and a tiny writing desk and a small wooden stool for end-of-the-day journaling or letter writing. These were pretty big deals, most people getting nice nameplates done up for themselves, and decorating their little spaces how they wanted.
Peter wanted to surprise his friends and help them celebrate.
For he and Daniel, he had ornate nameplates done up for their areas.
For Henry, he had a large, mounted poster made.
A poster that contained every diagram that Peter had felt the need to draw for him.
Henry walked to his readying area the first day of his Naval Officer training, proud as a peacock with a pocket full of formerly-Daniel's money, and then came face to face with a horror that everyone in that room or walking past had full, brilliant view of.
Everything from detailed writings as to what end of a horse you should be facing when you ride, to the fact that socks go on before your boots, just there. On his wall. In the open.
His friends-- Forbes, Neilson and Gibson-- were elated. They encouraged every rumor that sprung forth from this mysterious, gorgeously made and mounted poster that had wound up in the Naval Staging Room, and even when Henry had finally managed to get the thing off of the wall, one them had managed to save it from the trash and tuck it somewhere for safe keeping, though Henry never did find out who.
All the way up until he and the boys quit to become privateers, the same thing would be said about Henry by everyone in the Naval Training Groups:
He was a brilliant sailor
which was so good for him
seeing as he didn't know which was the right end of a horse.
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rainyfestivalsweets · 2 years
7/31/22 wt 244.6
Goal work
I'm sitting at a friend's house right now watching his dog because hes out of town.
I thought I'd take a minute to crystallize some of the thoughts that I've been having lately. The main one is- this weekend was fabulous!
My calories are inline!
I can physically feel the changes in my body.
I feel like I'm getting more of an hour glass shape
My waist is coming in and I love that.
My jeans are fitting too big right now! My to downsize for a new pair- but if I am really honest with myself, i want whatever mew shit I buy to be a size 16 or less.
Because I have never BEEN a size 16 since high school.
Generally speaking I am feeling amazing except that I have a cold or covid, not quite sure. Trying to stay away from people obviously, I have not popped positive on a test yet. I would think if I have it I would test positive??
It's taken me a while to get here. Yes it has. I had a lot of shit to unlearn. I had terribly bad habits. I often was an over exerciser.... or overly ambitious with exercise. However, I was also an overeater. Like I did all the things, but I also ate all the food. So I'm just unlearning a lot of those bad habits. I've learned to live without drinking this year; without smoking- that was back in 2013, but was a fucking trial, I tell you.
I am so damn proud of who I am becoming.
I am getting a little giddy -At the thought of size 16 jeans! I am definitely getting at the thought of being under 200 pounds, which I have not seen since I was 18 years old. I am 42 people, it has been a hot minute.
I was getting down on myself yesterday for shopping on Amazon because I found some things that I really enjoy, namely konjac jelly's. They are awesome!!!!!!! They are like a sweet fruit flavored jelly thing and I fucking love them. 20 bucks for 10. But the big thing --it's really helped reduce my appetite! It's filling enough that I just don't feel like I'm so ravenously hungry all the time. Granted I've done a lot of stuff this last year to try to increase my fiber intake and you know reduce overall food intake, but man I tell you for 5 freaking calories they are an amazing snack!!!!!!!!
They're just d*** tasty! So I was wondering exactly how much it's worth to me to be under 200 pounds at the end of the year. What would I actually do for that?
What would I do for 120 pounds lost?
Is it worth buying a $100 worth of these jelly snacks if I come in at the New Year at 199 or less? Whatever, I mean, really anything under 226 is gonna be less than I've weighed in the last 20+++ years.
Fuck yeah dude, you should totally totally buy whatever helps you stay on track. WHATEVER IT TAKES!!!!!!! If you have 2 or 3 a day, and that is what stops you from Continually over eating stuff, then yeah, that's what you do and that's OK.
I am just so used to putting other people 1st, that even though I'm not currently married and not living with a partner, I still don't want to spend that money on myself. Which is something I realized by reading my old blog posts but yes.... spend the money on yourself. Be your own best friend.
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argroupofedu5 · 2 months
Disclosing the Medical Journey: Seeking after MBBS in Rajasthan
Are you yearning to end up a specialist and trying to find a put to kickstart your medical travel? See no assistance than the socially wealthy and instructively dynamic state of Rajasthan. Settled in the midst of the brilliant sands and magnificent forts, Rajasthan offers plenty of openings for understudies aspiring to pursue MBBS instruction. In this web journal post, we are going to set out on a trip to investigate MBBS in Rajasthan, including the educational scene, expenses, and the leading medical universities and colleges the state has got to offer.
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MBBS in Rajasthan: A See into Fabulousness
Rajasthan, with its wealthy social legacy and authentic importance, has been making critical strides within the field of medical instruction. The state has a range of government and private medical colleges and colleges that offer comprehensive MBBS programs. Examining MBBS in Rajasthan not only gives students a chance to get quality instruction but also exposes them to assorted clinical encounters and research openings.
Study MBBS in Rajasthan: Unlocking the Doors of Opportunity
Rajasthan offers a perfect environment for pursuing MBBS instruction, with its well-established medical education and experienced workforce individuals. The state's medical colleges emphasise a holistic approach to instruction, combining theoretical knowledge with practical preparation. Students have the opportunity to pick up hands-on involvement through clinical rotations in various departments of affiliated healing centres.
Additionally, Rajasthan's social differences and dynamic climate give a one of a kind background for scholarly and individual development. Understudies have the chance to inundate themselves within the wealthy culture of Rajasthan whereas seeking after their restorative instruction, making their learning experience all the more enhancing and satisfying.
MBBS Fees in Rajasthan: Affordability and Accessibility
One of the foremost engaging viewpoints of studying MBBS in Rajasthan is the reasonableness of instruction. Compared to many other states in India, the fetch of medical instruction in Rajasthan is moderately lower, making it available to students from assorted socio-economic foundations. Government medical colleges, in specific, offer subsidised educational cost fees, making them an appealing alternative for numerous students.
Additionally, grants, grants, and monetary help programs are accessible to qualified understudies, encouraging facilitating the monetary burden of medical instruction. With a run of money related help choices accessible, students can seek after their dreams of getting to be specialists without having to worry excessively almost the taken a toll.
Best Medical University in Rajasthan: Rajasthan University of Health Sciences (RUHS)
Rajasthan University of Health Sciences (RUHS) stands out as a guide of brilliance in restorative instruction within the state. Set up in 2005, RUHS is committed to advancing healthcare through education, research, and development. The university offers a wide run of undergraduate and postgraduate medical programs, including the MBBS course.
RUHS boasts state-of-the-art infrastructure, well-equipped research facilities, and a faculty comprising experienced teachers and medical experts. The university's comprehensive curriculum is planned to get students ready for the challenges of present day healthcare,ensuring that graduates are well-equipped to excel in their medical careers.
Colleges Offering MBBS in Rajasthan
In addition to Rajasthan College of Wellbeing Sciences, a few other medical colleges within the state are eminent for their scholastic fabulousness and clinical training opportunities. A few of the eminent colleges offering MBBS in Rajasthan incorporate:
Pacific Medical College and Healing centre, Udaipur
Jodhpur Medical College and Healing centre, Jodhpur
Sardar Patel Medical College, Bikaner
Geetanjali Medical College and Healing centre, Udaipur
Each of these colleges has its one of a kind qualities and specialties, giving understudies with an assorted run of choices to select from based on their inclinations and career objectives.
Conclusion: Set out on Your Medical Travel in Rajasthan
Setting out on a journey to seek after MBBS in Rajasthan opens doors to a world of openings and conceivable outcomes. With its reasonable expenses, top-tier education like Rajasthan University of Health Sciences, and wealthy clinical exposure, Rajasthan gives an ideal setting for understudies to seek after their medical desires and carve out fruitful careers in healthcare. So why hold up? Seize the opportunity and set out on your medical travel in Rajasthan today!
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argroup6 · 2 months
Opening Opportunities: Pursuing MBBS Abroad
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The dream of getting to be a specialist rises above borders, lighting an energy that drives aspiring medical experts to explore openings past their domestic nations. Pursuing a Single man of Medication, Single man of Surgery (MBBS) degree abroad opens entryways to a world of conceivable outcomes, advertising a special mix of scholarly fabulousness, social inundation, and worldwide organising. In this web journal post, we dive into the improving travel of considering MBBS in Abroad, highlighting its benefits and key contemplations for planned understudies.
Worldwide Exposure and Social Immersion
Examining MBBS abroad is more than fair obtaining a degree; it’s a transformative journey that broadens skylines and supports cross-cultural understanding. By inundating oneself in a remote environment, understudies pick up firsthand encounters of different societies, conventions, and healthcare frameworks. This multicultural presentation cultivates versatility, compassion, and intercultural communication aptitudes qualities that are basic for exploring today’s interconnected world.
World-Class Instruction
One of the foremost reasons understudies pick to pursue MBBS abroad is the opportunity to get to world-class instruction. Many nations gloat prestigious medical colleges eminent for their cutting-edge research offices, recognized workforce individuals, and imaginative instructing strategies. These teachers follow through scholastic measures, guaranteeing that understudies get top-notch medical preparation that’s recognized and regarded universally.
Different Clinical Encounters
MBBS programs abroad offer unparalleled clinical encounters, permitting understudies to work nearby prepared healthcare experts in assorted settings such as clinics, clinics, and community wellbeing centers. This hands-on presentation prepares understudies with commonsense aptitudes, symptomatic intuition, and quiet administration capacities, planning them for the challenges of real-world medical practice.
Upgraded Career Openings
Graduating with an MBBS degree from a trustworthy universal college opens entryways to a horde of career openings around the world. Numerous nations have complementary acknowledgment understandings for medical capabilities, encouraging the licensure and practice of pharmaceutical over borders. Also, the worldwide organisation built up amid MBBS considers abroad can demonstrate priceless in terms of career headway, inquire about collaborations, and proficient improvement.
Challenges and Contemplations
Whereas the prospect of examining MBBS abroad is without a doubt luring, it’s fundamental to weigh the challenges and contemplations related with this endeavor:
Budgetary Arranging
Financing medical education abroad can be a critical undertaking, considering educational cost expenses, living costs, visa costs, and other random uses. Imminent understudies must carefully budget and explore grant openings, money related help, and part-time work choices to lighten the money related burden.
Adjusting to a Modern Environment
Moving to an outside nation involves adjusting to an unused social, social, and phonetic environment. It’s normal to involve starting challenges and achiness to visit the family, but grasping social submersion and looking for back from individual understudies, workforce individuals, and nearby communities can ease the move.
Authorizing and Residency Prerequisites
Upon completing their MBBS degree overseas, graduates must explore the permitting and residency necessities of their wanted nation of practice. It’s significant to research these necessities early on and guarantee compliance with any prerequisite examinations or assessments.
Dialect Capability
Capability within the neighbourhood dialect may be fundamental for viable communication in clinical settings and integration into the scholarly environment. Contributing time and exertion in dialect learning some time recently and amid MBBS thoughts abroad can upgrade the by and large instructive involvement.
Prevalent Goals for MBBS Studies
A few nations are well known goals for understudies looking for to pursue MBBS ponders abroad:
Joined together States
Eminent for its prestigious medical education and cutting-edge research offices, the United States draws in a different cohort of universal understudies aspiring to pursue MBBS studies.
Joined together Kingdom
With a wealthy medical history and a plenty of regarded colleges, the UK offers a conducive environment for MBBS considerations, coupled with openings for clinical preparation inside the National Wellbeing Benefit (NHS).
Australian colleges offer high-quality medical instruction in a multicultural environment, with openings for clinical situations and research collaborations.
Known for its inviting air and famous medical schools, Canada gives a conducive setting for pursuing MBBS studies, with an accentuation on all encompassing confirmations and community engagement.
Pursuing MBBS in Abroad could be a fulfilling and enhancing involvement that provides a mix of scholastic greatness, social drenching, and worldwide organising. Whereas it comes with its challenges, cautious arranging, flexibility, and assurance can clear the way for a satisfying instructive travel that lays the establishment for an effective career in pharmaceutical on a worldwide scale.
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collegedunias · 4 months
Exploring the Way to Brilliance: CollegeDunias - Your Door to Study Medication Abroad
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In a period of worldwide instruction, the crave to pursue higher considerations abroad is on the rise, particularly in areas like medicine. Aspiring medical experts are progressively looking past their borders for top-notch instruction and introduction. This journey for quality instruction abroad has given rise to the requirement for dependable instructive consultancies, and one title that stands out in this domain is CollegeDunias. In this web journal post, we'll dive into the importance of instructive consultancy, centering on the particular space of considering medicine abroad.
The Rising Trend:
The request for medical instruction abroad has seen a noteworthy rise in recent times. Understudies are progressively recognizing the esteem of picking up worldwide introduction, investigating different cultures, and getting to world-class offices. In any case, the method of exploring through the myriad of choices, prerequisites, and methods can be overpowering. Usually where instructive consultancies like CollegeDunias play a pivotal role.
CollegeDunias: Bridging Dreams and Goals:
CollegeDunias has risen as a trusted title within the domain of instructive consultancy, especially for those aspiring to ponder medicine abroad. The company acts as a bridge between understudies and their dreams of pursuing a medical instruction in eminent worldwide education.
1.Personalized Direction:
CollegeDunias takes pride in offering personalized direction to understudies. The group gets it that each trying medical proficient has interesting needs and goals. From selecting the correct university to guiding through the application handle, the consultancy gives comprehensive back.
2.Master Counseling:
The world of medical instruction is tremendous, and selecting the correct way can be challenging. CollegeDunias brags a group of experienced and learned counselors who give experiences into the different restorative programs, confirmation necessities, and career prospects. This guarantees that understudies make educated choices adjusted with their objectives.
3.Streamlined Application Prepare:
Exploring through the application handle for examining pharmaceuticals overseas includes managing multiple documents, due dates, and requirements. CollegeDunias rearranges this handle, advertising a streamlined approach to guarantee that understudies yield their applications precisely and on time.
4.Visa Help:
Securing an understudy visa may be a significant step within the travel of examining abroad. CollegeDunias helps understudies in understanding visa prerequisites, planning documentation, and exploring through the application process, making the move smoother.
5.Budgetary Direction:
Pursuing medical instruction overseas frequently includes noteworthy monetary speculation. CollegeDunias gives important experiences into grant openings, monetary help, and budgeting, empowering understudies to arrange their instructive travel more viably.
Within the interest of Studying Medication Abroad, having a solid instructive consultancy like CollegeDunias by your side can make all the distinction. The company's commitment to personalized direction, master counseling, streamlined forms, visa help, and money related direction sets it apart within the competitive scene of instructive consultancies. As the door to universal medical instruction, CollegeDunias opens entryways for trying medical experts, turning their dreams into reality. Grasp the travel with CollegeDunias, where fabulousness knows no borders.
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ambersunit5 · 7 months
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Barnsley hospice encourage sustainability here at the hub, so nothing goes to waste! Any donations they can’t sell are either recycled, ragged or donated to other local charities. Donating items and shopping pre-loved is a great way to do your bit for the planet and your local community. They accept menswear, ladieswear, children’s clothes, toys, books and bric-a-brac. As well as larger items like furniture and working electricals.Items are then displayed on the shop floor or on their online selling platforms such as eBay and Vinted. These sales play a huge part in supporting the services they provide for the people of Barnsley, and helping them to raise the £3.5 million they need to raise each year. Did you know that buying second-hand clothes reduces your carbon waste by 80%? (Source: American Apparel & Footwear Association).The Retail Hub isn’t just about supporting Barnsley Hospice, they also champion shopping sustainably and adding more pre-loved outfits to your wardrobe. They get some fabulous rare and vintage finds in their donations, so you can look stylish whilst doing your bit for the planet!
Barnsley Hospice. (n.d.). Barnsley Hospice. [online] Available at: https://www.barnsleyhospice.org/. ‌
They are a charity providing specialist palliative and end of life care to local people living with a life-limiting illness and those close to them. These conditions include cancer, heart and lung diseases and neurological diseases such as motor neurone disease and Parkinson’s disease.
Their care strives to improve the quality of life for patients and their families by providing pain and symptom relief; practical, emotional, spiritual and social support; counselling and bereavement support services.
The hospice is not just a building – it is a way of caring for people. With their support, patients are able to benefit from the best possible care throughout their illness and at the end of their life.
Their services are provided by a specialist team of healthcare professionals and support staff, and the charity is run by a dedicated board of trustees, management team, staff and volunteers committed to supporting the hospice and the services it provides for the Barnsley community. Their fundraising team is there to help our supporters generate the vital income we need to keep our charity going.
Adults living with a progressive, life-limiting illness registered with a Barnsley GP are eligible to be referred to Barnsley Hospice. Referrals may be made by GPs, NHS and social care professionals and dedicated hospital and community-based palliative care teams.
Their care is free for patients and their families but not free to provide. Barnsley Hospice receives a £1.7 million grant from the Barnsley NHS Clinical Commissioning Group each year, but as a charity, they also need to raise £3.5 million in additional funding to sustain services. They rely on individual, community and corporate donations, legacies, grants and fundraising.
Although they receive an annual NHS grant of £1.7 million towards our costs, they still need to raise £3.5 million every year to fund our services for the people of Barnsley. This money is raised by the fundraising of individuals, groups, schools, businesses and other community organisations from across the borough. Further funds are raised via their Retail Hub charity shop at Dodworth in Barnsley. And finally, a calendar of fundraising events such as their annual Golf Day, fun days, dinners and sponsored events, raise money for the hospice. The dedicated sponsorship of their corporate supporters is a key source of income which enables them to run our fundraising events.
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brickellbabe · 8 months
35 Effective Life Changing Affirmations
It all started with a post that I saw for a 21 Day Self-Improvement Challenge.
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I began my self-awareness journey the first week of September after finally realizing that history keeps repeating itself in many aspects of my life. I had finally come to a breaking point and knew that I had to make big changes to live a life that I value, love, and deserve. 
I learned that I have to commit and focus on myself, because it's within me, and only me, to create the life that I want. So, in the past 4 and half weeks I have been a sponge to valuable articles, blogs, videos and documentaries on the topics of "self". This gave me insight on how my feelings, emotions, thoughts, and actions have contributed to the experiences in my life. 
This has been a very trying 4 and a half weeks of self-discovery and also the most rewarding. Being with myself, understanding myself, and figuring out things about myself opened my eyes to what I have been doing and thinking my whole life which led me to where I am today. Throughout this process I have come to appreciate who I am, what I stand for, and how powerful I have come to be. 
I feel awakened, transformed, and enlightened. I am grateful for what I have and what I am building daily. I am proof that if you fully focus on yourself, speak positive affirmations, and stay proactive every day for a month straight - you will absolutely have a breakthrough and elevate your current self to a happier state of being.
Now, in my quest to learn something new every day, I bookmarked my favorite positive affirmation sites and read the lists every day. Routine creates habits so after 3 weeks I naturally started saying what I felt out loud as I conditioned my body to lead with gratitude. This is when I decided to create my own set of powerful affirmations with the guidance that I received from the numerous sites that have inspired me.
Today, I am sharing what I affirm every morning and multiple times throughout the day that I feel are some of the most powerful affirmations in the world. May these supportive and encouraging messages fuel your day and provide you with the confidence, fearlessness, and motivation to keep moving forward for your greater good. 
Don't stop, repeat these every day and believe in yourself, personal growth doesn't have days off. In fact, I dare you to say these affirmations every single day for 30 days and then contact me and let me know how right I was.
I am love and light.
What I seek is seeking me.
My positivity is my superpower.
I live the life that I want and deserve.
I have financial freedom and the freedom to act on anything that I want.
I am focused on myself, my vision, and my growth today and every day.
I know that my feelings energize my thoughts, which then create actions for my greater good.
I attract things, people, and experiences that serve my greater good.
I am a magnet for things, people, and experiences that serve my Divine purpose.
I feel abundant, confident, fearless, and empowered.
I feel powerful, strong, skilled, and authoritative.
I am authentic, original, and invaluable.
I have wealth in all aspects of my life.
Health, fitness, and staying active fuels my motivation and creativity.
I enjoy how happy, motivated, and excited I feel every day I am granted on this planet.
I attract abundance, love, and luxury.
I live an abundant and luxurious life filled with unexpected blessings and surprising, fabulous miracles.
I get paid to exist.
Money flows to me easily and effortlessly as I continue on my spiritual journey of self-discovery, awakening, and healing.
Money comes easily, money comes to me fast, money loves my company, when money comes it lasts.
I understand that by being proactive every day, staying committed to learning, and being patient in my journey will pay off in abundant ways.
I understand that surrendering and going with the flow gives me peace, calmness, and keeps me stress free.
I understand that all experiences, good or bad, are intended for my greater good to provide me with lessons, reasons, and lifetime moments for personal and spiritual growth.
I know that when I am faced with challenges I must keep my composure, control my emotions, and respond gracefully.
I believe in myself, and I believe that I am the solution finder.
I respect myself and my time and deserve to be respected by others.
I treat myself with love, respect, kindness, and thoughtfulness and deserve to be treated by others as such.
I love myself and feel appreciated when I receive compliments by others.
I acknowledge that being kind, thoughtful, and courteous to others no matter the situation spreads positive energy.
I release anything that no longer serves my greater good or divine purpose.
I am surrounded by a shield of positive energy that repels any and all negative energy from approaching me.
I always leave people, places, and situations better than I found them.
Positivity runs through my body and energizes my feelings, thoughts, and emotions.
I understand that I put meaning to words and experiences so therefore I choose to see the positive in every interaction.
I am calm, collected, and grounded.
Live life powerfully and without limits.
Mariana Weber
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