#genocide cw
socialistexan · 1 year
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I feel like US conservatives went from a 3/4 to 7 on transgender people over the course of a year and a half.
Basically, if this passes, the state Florida will take away your children if you are transgender or one of your children is transgender (as the bill notes it will take away cis children if they have a trans sibling).
Absolutely monstrous.
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glitchdollmemoria · 8 months
please can we stop describing bigots as delusional. please. im so fucking tired. someone being sucked into a hate group surrounded by others who believe minorities should be oppressed and encouraging them to believe in conspiracy theories that the rest of the group believes, is fundamentally different from someone having a mental illness that causes delusions.
delusions, by definition, cannot be explained by things like cultural background - such as having a belief constantly reinforced by intentional attempts to rationalize it for the sake of maintaining power over minorities. yes, someone can be both delusional and a bigot, and yes conspiracy theories can feed into delusions, but the two are not fucking synonymous.
i did not spend my teen years convinced that i was being stalked by demons just to hear so many of you people equate my disability with incel behavior and genocidal propaganda. stop reinforcing harmful connotations about mental health struggles.
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transmascpetewentz · 1 month
adolf was right about you all tbh...
"anti zionism isn't antisemitism!" motherfuckers when they're given the chance to say something without their name attached:
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punkeropercyjackson · 1 month
Can y'all 'Drawing your faves supporting Palestine is disrespectful!' niggas realize that
A lot of people who do this are Palestinean themselves or at least make their art to support Palestinean loved ones they have
Speaking as someone who looks for pro-Palestine resources at least once a day,i've literally never seen a Palestinean person or even arab/muslim person in general say they don't like it and in fact a good chunk of them expressed verbal support over how much they appreciate it
While i could not find the original creator of it,the blog dedicated to it is a homecountry raised Palestinean who said they made it because they grew up dreaming of their favorite childhood characters stopping what's going on and has been for too long
It's neccesary i think that i include this example since it's prompted this post:People have drawn comparisons between Aang and the people of Palestine because the Air Nomads may not have been real but the tibetans they were made to represent ARE and that includes the ethnic cleansing as well as the imperialistic Japan reality that is the Fire Nation(though in their case it is China).I'll admit i didn't know about the former actually happening until now but it makes perfect sense the same 'people' who couldn't even handle a FICTIONAL genocide survivor based off irl ones are going as far to speak over the REAL LIFE genocide survivors too because this is the shit me and all the other victims of these kinds of things have been saying for ages,that the way you treat minority characters reflects how you treat irl ones but y'all NEVER listened to us and look at you now
Stop telling Palestinean people how they should feel about people trying to help them-THEIR voices are the only ones that matter in this.They didn't ask you to speak for them,you condesending cunts and even if some of them do,that dosen't mean you can use them as a 'gotcha!' to tell on yourself for not actually caring about them as a whole and just the ones who agree with you
This is not about your opinions.This is about Palestineans.Get over yourself
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roundearthsociety · 7 months
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Pro tip: when Zionists on this website say "Not all Zionism is support for the Israeli government", they mean this guy and his friends specifically
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lifeinpoetry · 5 months
Tears trickle down my silent cheeks. I feel embarrassed. I don’t want to bother them, nor any part of my body.
Everything around me wants to stand silent, unmoved by the air or by my breath. Everything wants to stop for this moment. Even our olive tree bends when it sees the bomb fall.
— Mosab Abu Toha, from "Tears," Things You May Find Hidden in My Ear
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cryptovalid · 16 days
'Remember it' fucked me up
I'm shaking. That was... they literally showed us what mutant genocide looks like and Magneto...he knew. He was right. And all he could do in his final moments was comfort a child in the way victims of genocide always have.
In that moment it's clear that genocide never stopped, not for him and not for us.
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estrogenism · 5 months
idk i wish people would talk more about papua when it comes to occupied nations.
free papua.
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theyeargame · 3 months
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acepumpkinpatrick · 6 months
Wael Eldahdouh, the bureau chief of Al Jazeera in Gaza City, says "this is the most violent bombardment on Gaza until now, and there isn't any safe or safer place to be"
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"When I say the bombardment hasn't stopped I mean it hasn't stopped a single second!! Literally not a single second!!! We only have a second of quite no more" Hamza Eldahdouh
Connections have been cut off from Gaza again because the bombardment has destroyed the reinstalled connection lines.
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llyfrenfys · 8 months
i must admit i know nothing of welsh history or language. im reclaiming learning the irish language bc i know the history of it and bc i think it's essential to protect native languages of various places. but as someone who doesn't know welsh history, i see "its not like welsh people were beaten for speaking it" and i recoil in a sense of distaste. because while i may not know the history, i very much doubt no one ever in the world has been beaten for speaking welsh, that's a pretty huge assumption to make even if a language isn't being legally oppressed (assuming thats what op really meant). but also, i just loathe the idea that only minority languages are worth saving or caring about if they're being beaten out of people. genocide happens in many ways and only some of them are actually active violence/assault, most are subversive, and purposefully so
idk if i should even be speaking on this bc i dont know the history of welsh but i feel like you literally dont need to know the history behind it to see something very wrong with "speakers of a minority language should shut up if they're not actively being killed for it"
Sorry I took so long in getting to this ask (post anon is referring to) but yeah- that post was gobsmacking to me as a Welsh speaker. I've studied language loss and revitalisation and I can name several endangered languages in which children (and adults) were beaten and abused for speaking their native tongue. For example, we covered the Tlingit language in Alaska (one of the few North American languages I've studied) which is subject to a revival- some Tlingit wanted to learn the language, while others (usually older people) had an aversion to the language. One man said that whenever he speaks Tlingit he can taste soap because he was punished as a boy for speaking Tlingit by having a bar of soap put in his mouth. Language loss via abuse is real and prevalent in many, many endangered languages. The audacity to assume Welsh is somehow immune to that was astounding.
But even if Welsh *was* immune to that somehow (it wasn't) you're right in that we should care about the decline of a language even if it doesn't involve overt suppression. More surreptitious kinds of linguistic genocide lie within the state apparatus. For example, when Wales was merged into the Kingdom of England (see: the Laws in Wales Acts 1535 and 1542) the language of the legal system in Wales was changed to English-only, depriving monolingual Welsh speakers (Welsh was spoken in pretty much every part of Wales at this point) of legal services. This meant that Welsh speakers were effectively pressured indirectly to learn English in order to have a chance at any legal services in court. Over time, the privileging of English over Welsh created a pressure to abandon Welsh in favour of English, because there were 'more opportunities' in English than in Welsh.
Similarly, the true Treachery of the Blue Books wasn't that the British Government in 1847 had ordered a review into Welsh schools and found that too many people were speaking Welsh- but that Welsh-speaking parents began to forbid their children from learning Welsh and supported the findings of the inquiry because they too had felt that pressure of English-language supremacy. Believing that there's more opportunities in English than in Welsh. It's an unfortunate legacy and attitude which still persists today- and none of the Commissioners of the Blue Book Inquiry shed any blood in doing so. But the impact was nonetheless dire. It's also a self-creating cycle: There are no opportunities in Welsh -> People learn English instead of Welsh for opportunities -> There's fewer Welsh speakers to create more opportunities in Welsh ->There are no opportunities in Welsh.
But yeah, I have no idea what the OP of that other post was thinking but it was offensively ignorant in any case. I'm glad though that Welsh's struggles are seen by others at least, in this day and age.
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lizardsfromspace · 1 year
The most useless type of person right now are the people who declare that while trends are Definitely Troubling, it's wrong and alarmist to call something "fascist" or "genocidal" so early, you have to wait until it actually happens to call it such. Saying "here's where we are on the stages of genocide" is alarmist and premature; I assume these people also think tornado warnings should be banned, since is the hour of anxiety over something that may not even hit really worth saving people's lives? Think of all the time wasted hiding in basements!
These pundits don't really agree with conservatives but they have a fetish for being The Most Reasonable Person In The Room and think it's a waste of time to discuss what the right is planning, but that it's a very worthwhile use of time to quibble over the semantics of what exactly someone means when they go up on stage and call for "eradicating transgenderism". Well they only meant the ideology, well it's too early to use words like "fascist", well they won't really do it, well it's just a distraction from their real agenda, well the left provoked it by calling for "abolishing whiteness", etc.
All of which boil down to "it's wrong to try to prevent an ideology that will kill millions until they're already dead, and the lives of marginalized people are less important than maintaining the illusion that we're bound to return to normal sooner or later"
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vampyrobot · 2 years
yeah yeah "ohhhh Splatoon takes place after all mammals die isn't that fucked up?" yeah that bit of the lore is crazy but nobody ever actually talks about the actually fucked up part of Splatoon lore which was the active genocide that takes place in the octo expansion. agent 8 is number 10,008 which means 10,007 have been before them and most of them are presumably dead (I say most because Iso Padre said he went though the test before but stopped so I assume others probably did that too). But the fact that Tartar actively tricks a large group of people who where attempting to escape a power crisis and tricking people who just wanted a better life, blends them up and uses them to further his plan of wiping out everyone on the surface so he can make the perfect super race is genuinely so fucked up beyond belief. Like it makes me uncomfortable every time I think about it and idk why more Splatoon fans don't point to THIS being the fucked up lore.
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transmascpetewentz · 1 month
Judenschweine müssen sterben.
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punkeropercyjackson · 17 days
The Atla fandom is a really good example of how persecuted people who fight back vs their oppressors are treated.Aang lived a happy peaceful life with other tibetan monks-nomads until the Fire Nation saw them as a 'threat' for no actual reason so the Air Nomad genocide happened and after being unfrozen,Aang had to face the harsh reality of the whole world and did a lot of good for it by doing tons of damage to the FN and other corrupted groups and gave tons of kindness to those he was trying to protect and save from them out of the goodness of his heart but he has a belief from his culture that's not inherently bad but goes against western ones and he said a few bad things out of non-malicious ignorance and his young age so he's branded a bigot,an 'apologist' and even a fascist
Zuko's the son of an imperialist king that gave him every privilege under the stars bar his love and taught him legitemate toxic masculinity and racist ideologies that he weaponized in his search of Avatar which in of itself is an act of racial violence because it was a hunt to down a survivor of etchnic cleansing BECAUSE of their heritage to kill them and even after Zuko's redemption arc,he still dosen't let go of his bigotry and dosen't try to or even get called out on it!Suki and Sokka LAUGHED at him mocking Aang's dead people and Aang didn't even get mad at him for his significant amount of other anti-Air Nomad jokes and in a meta sense,he's treated better by the narrative than Azula because he's male.There are zero redeemed female villains and he never got oversexualized like she did and you cannot remove her japanese/east asian-coding and her gender in this context considering what irl underaged easian girls are seen like and treated as
Zuko did damage and he did make up for it too but only to the Gaang and Aang never did any damage to begin with,he was entierly Zuko's victim pre-season 3 and a victim of his people as a whole.But 'Zuko was never truly evil' because it was how he was raised and AANG is worse than him by virtue of not being conventionally attractive and openly nice instead of a brooding emotionally constipated dickbag with anger issues and unrestrained violent tendencies.The Fire Nation are the REAL good guys and the Air Nomads had it coming because they were different
You think i'm taking things too far?Japan WAS historically an imperialist nation,Tibetans ARE victims of genocide and the Atla crew choose that specific coding on purpose from their research.And you missed every message they told us with Aang and Zuko,including Aang's friendship being why Zuko was able to see how shitty of a person he was and unlearn propaganda and fucking DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT instead of wallowing in his own pity as if he wasn't active persecutor beforehand and THAT'S why his redemption arc was perfect.Aang is every victim of our fucked up society that's bitten the hand that maimed him and you think he's the REAL monster for it because he won't conform or whitewash himself.You're a genuinely disgusting person if you hate him and you should be embarrased that you do it over Zuko as if you're anything like him
And if you're going to insult me and speak over me about this post?Congratulations,proving my exact point
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fictionkinfessions · 24 days
Heard someone say I am “pure evil” and their proof was…. The video tapes. They understood what my appearing at the end of no mercy was for metaphorically, and that it wasn’t indicative of who I was a person, but decided the vhs tapes in the lab meant I am pure, irredeemable evil.
I just can’t win here, can I?
I’m so sick of people trying to justify calling me evil, no matter what.
— Chara Dreemurr
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