#freya mikaelson headcanon
thedragonqueens · 1 year
TVDu femslash week
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Day 1 - Canon rewrite
Freya was the Mikaelson who fell for Hayley.
Time: during s4
First Kiss + bed talk after the kiss
Place: Mikaelson Mansion (outisde yk)
Freya and Hayley just had an almost death moment, threatened by the Hollow and hallucinating. When they finally met each other again, when they were safe from Hollow's powers, they couldn't keep all for themselves.
Hayley and Freya ran to each other and hugged tightly, as if their lives depended on it. They had a long hug, by the end, started looking at each others eyes. Freya put her hands on Hayley's face and Hayley kept her hands on Freya's waistline. Then, their lips were touching. At first was a soft and slow kiss, like in a romance movie. With time, things got hotter and spicy. Hayley got up Freya, the witch let her legs around Hayley's waist and went to Freya's room.
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After make out little with just kisses and some cuddles, Hayley and Freya were lying on the bed just looking at each other. Hayley was resting a little and Freya was admiring her love that she finally got it.
"Are you watching me rest?" - Hayley said with a little smile
"Im admiring you, you be resting isn't my fault." Freya replied also smiling before kiss her little wolf.
"You know, I never planned fall in love for you. My feelings for you are her since we met, Freya, I just never let it out. But now I can. I knew I was in love when I thought I was gonna lose you, years ago."
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"Might me too early, but I'm sure I love you, hayhay"
"In a way or another, we love each other has much more time than that we declared that kissing. And I agree, my little witch. I just wish we didn't had to almost die to finallh be together."
"No one said love a Mikaelson would be easy" Freya said smiling and made Hayley laugh. "Now, let's just spoon sleep because we will have a very troubled day tomorrow".
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moremaybank · 2 years
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#freya mikaelson
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aphroditelovesu · 9 months
Yandere Mikaelson Family Headcanons (Platonic)
❝ 🧛 — lady l: I finally finished the hcs of our beloved vampires as platonic yandere! It was fun writing this and I hope you enjoy it too! Forgive me any mistakes and good reading!! ❤️🖤
❝tw: yandere, obsessive and possessive behavior, mention of death and murder, transformation into a vampire, jealousy and unhealthy platonic relationships.
��🧛pairing: yandere platonic!mikaelson family x gender neutral!reader.
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The stories about your appearance in the lives of the originals vampires are much discussed and contextualized. Some said you were a human who was kidnapped by them and forced to become part of their family. Others say they went mad and brought you into the vampire life as a way of redeeming the human lives taken. None of this is true, however. The true story is dated back to when they were still human and you were a close friend of the family and witnessed all the tragedies over a thousand years ago.
You, like them, were human. It was Rebekah, your closest friend at the time, who introduced you to the family and it didn't take long for you to become very close to her brothers, especially Henrik and Klaus. They have come to love you and treat you like part of the family. It didn't matter if you already had a family or not, you became part of theirs and they will not allow that to be changed.
You were very close to everyone, but you still didn't know their parents and that was on purpose. Klaus and Elijah in particular didn't want you to get close to his parents at all. They tried at all costs to keep you all to themselves, to the sibilings, but they couldn't hide you forever. In one night, you met Mikael and Esther Mikaelson.
It was a cold and restless night, you couldn't sleep and you left the ''room'' you shared with them. Since you didn't want to wake any of them, you got up carefully and left the small family hut. When you thought about it, you could still feel the freezing cold on your skin and the jump you gave when you heard the voice of a man very similar to your friends approaching you. It took a few seconds, but you recognized him as the Mikaelson patriarch.
Your heart leapt knowing who the man was and you didn't know what to do. You had already heard stories about him, how strict he was with his children, especially Niklaus. To your surprise, the man, Mikael, had been kind to you. A kindness you had never expected from someone like him and, feeling more at ease, you let your guard down and started talking to him. It didn't take long for him to introduce you to his wife, Esther, and they started to consider you their child and love you as their children loved you.
Everything was going well until tragedy struck the family and changed everything. When Klaus arrived with Henrik, dead, in his arms all chaos ensued. Your heart ached to see your friend, your brother, lifeless and Klaus in tears screaming for help. Everything changed the moment Mikael forced Esther to turn all of they children, including you, into something that couldn't be killed. And that's when everything fell apart, you were turned into an original vampire, unable to be killed in the traditional way. All of this was when the first vampires in history were created. Your family of overly overprotective, murderous vampires.
Mikael and Esther were the most dangerous and murderous about you. The family patriarchs are protective and demanding. Mikael is calculating and strict, but is shown to be caring and kind to you even after the transformation. There is no doubt who his favorite child is. Although he is proud, Mikael is devoted to you and is quite close, even if he can act aloof and mean. Esther is very loving to you and has come to adore you like her child, although she is a bad woman at times and a powerful witch, Esther used to be a present mother to you.
Niklaus is considered the worst of the sibilings, although there is some doubt about this. He is cruel, insensitive to the pain of others and considered a sociopath. And maybe all of that is true, but you never knew him that way. You've always known Klaus as a protective and caring brother, and even after Henrik's death, his discovery of being a hybrid, and everything that followed for centuries, he remained the same for you. Others saw the change in him and how possessive he became about you, but it didn't matter to you. He is cruel to everyone else but you. You are the only one besides him who has never had a dagger stuck in your chest and confined in a coffin for decades. Klaus enjoys your company immensely and is the most possessive of them all.
Elijah is the quietest of his siblings in his obsession with you, usually being portrayed as calm and methodical. He is very polite and formal and he usually expects the same from his family. Elijah is very soft for you and a true gentleman, he has made a promise to himself to care for and protect you since he met you and he does his best to honor that promise after centuries of existence. Being very overprotective, Elijah is almost always seen in your company accompanying you somewhere and throwing distinct looks at anyone who approaches you more than they should. Although he is very calm, Elijah is dangerous to anyone who threatens his family and ripping out hearts will be an act of mercy.
Kol is the most spoiled of the family and the most troubled of all. He likes to drag you into his messes and carnage, even if you don't like it, he'll make sure you learn to like it. Kol is unpredictable and a bombshell, ready to unleash his murderous fury on anyone who crosses him, who crosses you. He loves to spoil you and take you with him, if he can and has the chance, he will convince you to run away with him.
Rebekah is your best friend, your favorite sister, well, that's her delusion and what she likes to believe. Rebekah is problematic but not as much as her brother, she is romantic and is always by your side at parties or family gatherings. She loves to take you shopping with her and take you out for drinks. Rebekah is very needy for your attention, for your love, and will sulk if you don't give what she wants from you. She is kind and loving, always looking out for you and doing her best to please you, but she has an unbridled rage and jealousy inside her that will become easily visible if you don't spend time with her.
Freya is the most reliable of the entire family and the most selfless of all. She always puts you above all her petty and selfish desires, genuinely caring and loving you as she feels she should. She is very responsible and a great listener, and has a habit of scolding her siblings when they get too annoying. Her obsession is strong but controlled and Freya never shows her possessiveness, usually she handles these kind of feelings as calmly as possible. She doesn't want to scare you and secretly wants to be her favorite.
Finn is the least close to you, though not by choice. He's never had much of a chance to stay by his side, not with the other brothers doing their best to get him as far away from you as possible. Finn is subtle in his obsession and prefers to watch from afar and protect you like that, but given the chance, he will physically approach you.
The Mikaelson family has its many problems and divisions, which have only been made worse after meeting you, but one thing they all agree on is that you are their top priority and that you must be protected at all costs. Any love interests will be quickly and effectively killed, and friends who are not approved by them will be far from your life. You don't need anyone but your loving family, don't you agree?
They would hate to put you to sleep for a while, but they will if they feel it necessary. They all can disagree and fight, especially Klaus and Kol, but once you enter the story is when they unite and will do their best to keep you just theirs. You took a vow, remember? Always and forever. And they will make sure you fulfill the vow you made.
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the-dawn-star · 2 months
Hi, can you please write a scenario where a teen reader escaped from yandere platonic Mikaelsons family after discovering they are vampires that kills people accidentally? Thanks a lot.
A/N: I changed the idea a bit, hope you don't mind. Thanks for the request! Now, to bit more depressing topics: I have been feeling awful lately and I'm sorry that the update pace has been a lot slower. Let's hope I can fix that at some point.
+500ish words.
TW/CW: Reader throws up, Kol kills people.
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This couldn’t be real! This isn’t real, it’s all just a really bad realistic dream!  
You had walked to the house after a day of school. Your day had actually been pretty good, and your last class had been canceled. You had been excited to get home, to relax, but your plan didn’t go as well as you had thought.  
You had walked in to see blood, so much blood.  
And the bodies, all the bodies on the floor in pools of blood.  
And Kol..., someone that you had trusted for so long. Kol who had another dead corpse on his shoulder.  
And Rebekah sitting in an old armchair without a care in the world. Like this was normal.  
You were close to throwing up and you covered your mouth with your hand, scared of making a sound and having the siblings hear your presence.  
You could barely hear their bickering. It felt like their voices came from far away. The blood, the bodies, all of it was too overwhelming.  
You pressed your back against the wall, frozen in your place. You couldn’t stop yourself from throwing up all the day’s food to the floor.  
No sounds could reach you, no you must have been heard.  
“Oh, angel, what are you doing here? I thought you had another class! Are you okay? Are you feeling sick? Have you eaten anything spoiled or something?”  
Rebekah’s questions might have been comforting if not for the fact that there was a pile of bodies in the other room.  
Tears pricked in your eyes, and you pulled as far away from Rebekah’s touch as possible. It was too much... 
The rest of the afternoon went in a haze. You yelled and screamed and fought, terrified of the siblings.  
But at the end you lost the fight, tired while Kol held you in his arms you fell asleep exhausted.  
Waking up back in your bed was like heaven came true from a nightmarish day. It all had been just a dream... 
You took a deep breath only to be brought back to reality by the fact that your eyes were itchy and your throat dry. The moment of happiness was crushed in a second.  
You jumped off of your bed and ran to the door. It was locked from the outside... 
You wanted to scream, to curse the whole family and their stupid corpse pile.  
But before you could start any of it the door unlocked, and Elijah came in.  
“Elijah, what the hell is going on?” You asked, backing all the way to the bed.  
“My siblings aren’t very well versed in hiding their nature, I must apologize for what you saw.” 
The warm Elijah was nowhere in sight, the Elijah who had practically worked as a father figure for you.  
“Elijah please, I don’t understand what’s going on,” Your words sounded more like a plea, but you couldn’t help it.  
Elijah walked closer to me giving my forehead a gentle kiss.  
“Do not worry, in a few days the vervain is out of your system, and everything will go back to normal...”
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Kol: "Elijah, you always get so annoyed with me. Yet, when Rebekah does the exact same thing, it's completely fine! Why is that?"
Rebekah: "It's because I'm cute!"
Davina: "S to the I to the M to the P!"
Klaus: *Humming Game of Thrones*
Elijah: "What?"
Source: literally me and my siblings
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multiverseeee · 1 year
Random Mikaelson Imagine
Niklaus: I love my siblings equally, I promise.
Kol: We were attacked..
Niklaus: WHAT??? Is Rebekah okay?? What about Elijah and Freya?? Are they alright?
Kol: Yeah, I’m alright too. Thanks for asking.
Freya: So you guys need to protect Finn, and do not have him killed while i’m gone, okay?
Kol: What did she say to do?
Elijah: I’m not sure, I think it was make sure Finn was killed while she’s gone.
Niklaus: Huh? Okay copy that.
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crazyk-imagine · 4 months
Finding their Mate
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A/N: This feels like I wrote an entire series, but it was simple headcanons, which I've found to be oddly fun to do from time to time
After everything that happened with her aunt Dahlia and her giving up everything for her family to live their best lives (without her). Can you imagine how surprised she is to find out that you two are mates; the girl is baffled beyond baffled. She doesn't pursue you when she learns the truth. If you two are friends and she has feelings for you, she'll begin to pull away a bit which leads to you confronting her and asking why she's acting the way she is because it feels like things are weird and you don't want to deal with weird. You have a hard time making friends or finding people who can tolerate you. One awkward conversation later, you two share a kiss and are on a date. I mean, if you consider you watching her practice a spell while she tries not to blush too much as a date, there you have it
Before his mother forced this life of eternal damnation onto him even if it was due to losing his youngest brother. There is one thing he never anticipated finding... you, his mate. If anyone had told him mates were real and he would meet his soon, he'd probably think you were insane. And that's saying a lot since his life has been revolving around the supernatural since he was a child. Meeting you certainly helped him through this new life, but it didn't do much when he finds himself daggered at the hands of his brother. Knowing you were out there on your own dealing with him family drove him crazy, but he didn't know you asked to be turned to live with him (imagine his surprise when he awoke nine hundred years later and found you). After talking with you, he can't imagine living without you and thanks his lucky stars for you
When his memories came back of how he harmed Tatia, he was less enthusiastic about pursuing another female. But Davina made a friend in you (because you helped her bring Kol back) and that was the end of it. It didn't trigger that you two had met years ago until he saw the three of you enjoying breakfast together. His memories came flooding back to him and he realized that you weren't in your original body yet, hence where his younger brother got the idea to do so, trying to find the doppelgänger. You two slowly began bonding and then came the hardest time in your relationship, he lost his memories, his mind would never let him forget your face. He never knew until he and Klaus were at their end, but his brother admitted your death to him and explained that's why he has an ache in his heart. A werewolf had gotten you while you were protecting Hope. He never got to admit how sorry he was for hurting you, not until he saw you standing there, waiting for him with Hayley by your side
He didn't believe it for a second, thought it was a hoax; thought it was something the witches cooked up to blackmail him. But the more he saw you, the more his heart raced and the more his need for you grew stronger. Not to mention the fact that his wolf didn't help, the voice calling and wanting him to take you for his own so they can claim you as theirs. He knew he was dangerous and that's why he did all he could to stay away from you in the beginning when he ever so slowly begins to accept that your fates are tied to one another. There was no way he'd let you be put in danger due to his issues or because you're associated with his family. After you manage to protect Hope and yourself while defending him and his name, he thinks maybe his family wasn't lying when they said you two were fated mates, destined to be together (perfect for one another eve). He was more than hesitant to try and form a relationship with you. You had to be the one to take the step and make things right and stop the aches n both your hearts
He initially planned on using you as leverage since he knows his brother cares about you (whether it was platonic or not). But then, there was this little spark you had and not just because you managed to shock him with your powers, to escape from him and his mother. After that he knew he had to know you, someone who is genuine friends with his half-brother and can take care of themself in they ever needed to. That one hell of a keeper and there was no way he could let you go. So, yeah, he's going to try and become your friend (only after you reject him when he asks you to go out on a date). Then when Davina tried to help him return to his body, she came to you and knew you'd be able to help more than anyone because working alone isn't enough. No one, supernatural or not, cannot deny the bond between mates. You two confessed to one another once he came back from the supernatural purgatory, in his original body, and that was that
After watching her brother kill almost all her lovers and ruining any chance she had at a love life, she found it hard to believe that she was offered a chance at having someone fated to be hers. Someone her brother couldn't kill without causing her severe harm. She loves too hard and fast, she knows that, but she can't help it. Now that mates are thrown into the mix, she is a little hesitant at starting something with you, but she also knows how you are (being allies with her family helped her learn more about you). Then when her siblings find their mates and watches how happy they are, she can't help but basically run into your arms and confess that she feels the bond too and wants to start a relationship with you (and if you hate Elena, that's such a bonus for her)
When she lost her parents and her Uncle Elijah, she never imagined anything good would come into her life. Always believing herself to be cursed and imagining loads of misery would continue to come her way even as she genuinely tries to let good things into her life. Then you came into play, and she was floored. First off, you're the most good-looking person she's ever seen, Landon does not compare whatsoever. But it also is more of a reason for her hesitation when it comes to interacting with you or her just trying to get to know you. You knew right away who she was to you, another reason why you wanted to talk to her, figure out how you would fit into her life. You started to pursue her, not ready to give up even as she continuously turns you down, waiting until she'll accept you. After some time, she decided to try and have her own epic love like her parents and uncle Elijah did. She doesn't regret it
After learning the truth about her family, she didn't expect to hear that mates were a thing. Then as soon as she stepped foot in New Orleans, imagine her surprise when she met not one but two wolves who continuously looked out for her. She manages to bond with one of the two wolves right away, slightly alarmed at how easy it was to spot you in your wolf while she is out in town. Then came a full moon where she met Jackson, who may or may not, have known who the wolf was and told her, about you and your back story or the bond you two share. Unfortunately for her, you were cursed differently. Only when you find your mate on a full moon and they accept you, will you be able to turn into your human form again. She searched three moons before finding you and she thanked her bloodline for giving her someone so, well, you. You're more than she could have ever known
With everything she went through before and after learning about everything witch wise, finding a lover much less a mate was the furthest thing on her mind. After she came back from the other side and was dealing with the ancestors' punishment, you entering her life was more a blessing. Which is something she and Marcel can easily agree on. Then you put in the effort to learn about her, just as she starts to find herself, accepting everything she's done and what the other witches keep doing to her; you stay by her side is what's kept her together. She would never admit it out loud to you but ever since you had entered her life, it was more of a blessing than anyone even realized. She continues to thank her lucky stars every day once the two of you are together. You are more than she could have ever imagined, and she'll do whatever she can to protect you because there's a lot that goes on in town
After Klaus pulled his siblings out of town after the fire and the Mikaelson's thinking he was dead, losing Rebekah... he never thought he'd get the happy ending he wanted. But then, he was out at his favorite bar, trying to charm the pants off Camille (yet again) and you waltzed in, changing his life for the better. He never knew why his heart was so full and pounding so hard until Elijah told him. Finding out that mates were a thing? He was... safe to say pleased because like the man who treated him like a son always said, a king must have a queen (or king, in some cases). And you, my dear, are his royal highness lover from now until death and that could take a while. He will always do whatever he can to give you whatever you want to keep you happy and satisfied. He wants you to feel like you can rely on him for anything and everything, which kind of makes him look like a sugar daddy with all the new things he buys you
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daenysthedreamer101 · 2 months
Youngest Original ~ TVDU
Mikaelson!OC headcanons
Kassandra's personal style
TVD Masterlist
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Obviously, Kassie has lived through many fashion eras/periods but I'll be focusing on her current 21st-century style aka what she wears in her day-to-day life
Office Siren/Sexy librarian vibes
think Gisele Bundchen in 'Devil Wears Prada'
Unlike Rebekah, she has lived through most of the 20th century so she's not as shocked by 21st century fashion.
After 900 years of having to wear skirts/dresses, Kassie was more than pleased when it became socially acceptable for women to wear pants
As she was daggered back in the mid-90s, most of her clothes are from that era.
Dress pants, dress shirts - think corporate business wear but make it sexy
Heels, boots, heeled boots
clean lines, structured pieces - it helps elongate her figure
mostly neutral colors like brown, grey, white, and black, + a pop of dark red, dark blue, and dark purple
ofc sometimes she switches it up and comes out in a full girly pink outfit (it depends on how she's feeling)
Blazers when she wants to emulate Elijah lol
speaking of him, she's often compared to him, not just because of their similar personalities but also the way they present themselves
Obviously owns suits herself, only a few (ok more like a dozen lol)
She's just very inspired by her big brother and wants to be like him
Elijah finds it very endearing actually ☺
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When it comes to hair and makeup Kassie sticks to what works best for her
Makeup is very 'clean/professional' looking
loves a bold lip, loves it
has at least 10 different lip glosses
think 90s brown lip + white/blue eyeshadow combo
thin eyebrows lol though she has grown them back
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Her hair is her pride and joy so she takes great care of it
in the 90s had the classic 90s blowout/Rachel from Friends cut
has naturally curly hair but straightens it when she's lazy
dyed her hair blonde in the 90s because she missed Bekah (she was always lowkey envious of Bekah's blonde hair)
loves headbands and bows, owns a bunch of them (think Blair Waldorf)
hates when people mess her hair up *cough, Kol, cough*
actually choke-slammed him once against a wall and almost staked him for it
Elijah intervened at the last second
Rebekah and Klaus were laughing in the corner of the room
Finn was very confused/too scared to say anything and Freya was kinda of freaked out by her newfound family lol
Hayley almost had a heart attack
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When it comes to accessories, she mostly wears rings and earrings
has collected hundreds of rings/earrings over the centuries
the most important one is obviously her golden daylight ring
prefers silver jewelry
isn't that big of a fan of necklaces/bracelets
there is one necklace she wears religiously
for her 100th birthday, her brothers got her a beautiful silver necklace with a small opal (her birthstone) in the center
the other super important ring to her is a simple heart-shaped ring
She and Bekah bought a matching pair in the 1800s and have worn them ever since. Hers is silver and Bekah's is golden
Totally owns a pair of Bayonetta glasses
Does she need them? Of course not.
Does she wear them as an accessory? Absolutely.
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She loves painting her nails and takes great care of her hands/nails
Mostly sticks with red/black/brown or any darker color
But as previously stated, can switch it up and paint her nails in a glittery pink
Likes her nails to be long and extra sharp
Can often be found sharpening her nails with a nail file
"Bloody hell, you could gouge someone's eyes with those things!" Kol once commented as he noticed Kassie filing her nails in the living room
"That is the point, dear brother" Kassie responded with a pointed glare
Kol quickly excused himself from the room, not wanting to be used as a practice dummy
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casparscunttt16 · 2 years
Elijah Mikaelson | TVD/TO | Headcanons!
Warnings: None? Pretty fluffy for the most part.
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(Gift not mine)
* He treats you with nothing but respect
* He’s a gentleman
* He takes you out on dates to expensive restaurants all throughout New Orleans.
* He gets you dresses & heels that match or coordinate with his suits, he thinks it’s cute.
* You and Rebekah are best friends. You two were friends before you and Elijah got together, you and her have been friends for centuries.
* You and Elijah met at a party for Rebekah’s birthday, he saw you and asked to dance. You gladly accepted it and since then you two have been in love.
* You and Klaus were also friends before you and Elijah got together, you met Rebekah through Klaus. You taught Klaus how to paint and It’s rumored that he had feelings for you.
* Elijah’s intellect is really attractive to you.
* As sweet as he is and as much of a gentleman Elijah is he likes to slut you out. He likes seeing you beg for him to touch you, and how pathetic you become for him, he likes the way you shudder at his touch and how needy you are.
* He loves when you spontaneously get on top, he thinks it’s sexy when you take control and ride him.
* He’s not super vanilla, he’s experienced and into things that would be expected. He’s into bondage, role play, biting, marking, s&m, orgasm decline, and cream pie.
* Depending on the mood the both of you are in he’s super sweet and gentle and vanilla or rough and aggressive.
* He prefers the romantic aspect of your relationship over the sexual part of it, he has no problem having sex with you but that’s not all that he wants/ cares about.
* His love language is definitely gift giving and acts of service, he loves doing things for his partner & getting them gifts
* He goes all out for Valentine’s Day to make it memorable and romantic for you, he doesn’t expect anything back (gifts or sex) but he does appreciate that you get him stuff too.
* If he hears someone bad mouthing you he’ll more than likely kill them, he hates when people talk bad about you. All hell is going to break loose if someone even looks at you in the wrong way.
* He watches you when you go out because he wants to keep you safe, but it’s mainly because he’s nosy.
* Elijah is super interested in your personal life but tries not to make it obvious, so naturally you tell him all of the drama in your friend group.
* You and him watch bad girls club at least twice a week and he’s living for the drama. He thrives on it if anything, he likes the show more than you do.
* Convincing him to do skincare with you, and he loves being pampered/ pampering himself. He feels so pretty and clean, and he loves skincare.
* He asks Freya to help him track you when you’re out and she declines because she respects your privacy.
* Teaching him about how important self care is. He loves learning things from you.
* Elijah is an even better man because of you. You’ve helped him in so many ways without even knowing it.
* His siblings love and respect you. You’ve built a bond with them and you’re good friends with them all! He appreciates your effort to get to know them etc he loves it.
* He purposes to you, on your anniversary. He takes you out to dinner and gets you a nice outfit, and then he gets down on one knee and asks the big question. You obviously say yes.
* You get pregnant and he’s at first shocked but he’s happy and excited to be a father!
* He supports you throughout the whole pregnancy, and thinks you look so sexy pregnant.
* You guys are happily married with a baby, and life just keeps getting better and better for you. He’s the sweetest and he’s so happy to be starting a family with you.
* Rebekah and Freya are constantly buying stuff for the baby and think the baby is so ducking adorable and have no problem babysitting.
* Klaus won’t admit it but he loves the baby so much and often babysits, he’s also painted portraits of the baby give them to Elijah and you.
* Klaus has bought the baby lots of clothes and gives the baby a cute nickname.
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Being a young vampire hunter and meeting Mikaelson would involve... (Part 1)
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⭕️Not proofread
⭕️Not spell or grammer checked.
⭕️Translated with Google translator [German into English]
⭕Part 1 
⭕️My first Headcanons contribution since Not so strict.
🔴Y/N - Your Name
🔴Y/N/N- Your Surname
🔴S/Y/N- Your Sister Name 
Ship that are included:
⚜ Elijah Mikaelson X Big Sister! Reader 
Now the headcanons / mini story?
⚜Your family members are mostly vampire hunters. mostly? Well, as a vampire hunter you would have to do an induction ritual in your family and often people don't make it. In the past they would have died but now they are excluded from the vampire hunter existence. 
⚜Your older sister (25) didn't pass this initiation ritual but you (17) did. 
⚜You would now be trained to be a Vampire Hunter. 
⚜Your father took over the training, which isn't that hard because you do boxing. 
⚜Your grandma would teach you because she is very experienced with vampires and their weaknesses. 
⚜This would be your first hearing about the legendary Mikealson Family. 
⚜Well you only knew about vampires but when you find out there are more than vampires you were amazed.
⚜You hate vampires but are interested in werewolves. 
⚜ You have a neutral relationship with witches. 
⚜ Your sister has come to terms with not being a vampire hunter. She had never had much interest in hunting. 
⚜She was more interested in studying vampires. 
⚜That's why she went to New Orleans. Well not because of that. She should only get materials for weapons from a witch shop, but stayed longer because of "problems". 
⚜Even if New Orleans is only a maximum of 2 hours from your home, your parents "allowed" it. 
⚜Well one day would become 2 weeks. Your parents were worried about it and so were you. But suddenly your sister was back.
⚜Your parents wanted to call her the second she walked in.
⚜ Everyone was relieved and started to live normal lives as before.
⚜ Your sister didn't tell your parents what the problems were but you did.
⚜"(Y/N), I FELT IN LOVE" she said one night when it was just you and her at home.
⚜"Oh great who is he...she?" you ask in vain.
⚜ "I can't tell you but he would like to meet you" she said excitedly.
⚜ "Why me?" you ask.
⚜"I can't introduce him to our parents because they would freak out but you won't a hundred percent!" she said in her normal voice.
⚜"Okay..." you finally say.
⚜ Months passed and on Saturday you had your meeting at a nearby posh restaurant. Your sister wore a red dress when you wore a black suit. 
⚜You arrived early and were already seated at the mysterious man's reserved table. Even if your sister didn't want it, you ordered a drink. 
⚜ Your sister had raved about him for months but always said he was punctual. Probably not today. You should have met 30 minutes ago. 
⚜ Your sister kept looking at the phone and you tried to calm her down.
⚜But then the door opened. 
⚜ Your sister jumped up and ran to the person. You were still sitting there, examining the person in the shadows. 
⚜You had a neutral feeling until the person walked into the light. 
⚜ Suddenly you were scared of the person.
⚜"(Y/N), I would like to introduce you to a special person... Elijah Mikealson" 
⚜ From staring at Elijah, your gaze went to your sister. 
⚜ You saw how both people had to kick you and you came out of the rigidity. 
⚜ "Sorry, I'm (Y/N) (Y/N/N)." 
⚜Elijah wanted to shake your hand but you refused. 
⚜There were so many questions in your head like : DOES SHE KNOW THAT HE IS A VAMPIRE?!?! DO YOU KNOW HE IS FROM THE MIKEALSON FAMILY!?!?!. 
⚜ You all sat down and you had to pull yourself together not to scream. 
⚜ You used to be so chilled but THIS IS F*CKING AN ORIGINAL VAMPIRE !!!!! 
⚜And then came the small talk.
⚜"And (Y/N) what high school do you go to?" Elijah asked you. 
⚜ You were thinking. If you tell him that now he can visit you and kill you. 
⚜"To a public high school," you mumbled, sipping your drink. 
⚜Your sister giggled and Elijah was confused. 
⚜ That's how it went. If Elijah asked you a question, you bypassed it. 
⚜ The evening passed and all 3 people left the restaurant. 
⚜Elijah kissed your sister on the cheek and you gave him a kind of death look. 
⚜Elijah asked if he should take you home but you and your sister say at the same time "NO YOU DON'T NEED IT". 
⚜On the way home you plucked up courage and asked your sister. 
⚜"I know that he is an original" 
⚜" YOU KNOW IT ?!?!?!""
That's it for now
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whyislenaluthorsohot · 9 months
Legacies Headcanon
Hope knows a shit ton of languages
Russian, French, Spanish, Mandarin, German, anything you name she can probably hold a small conversation in
Caroline taught her to speak French cause I feel like she knows how to
Hayley taught her Russian just because
And Freya taught her how to speak in Old Norse and everything else.
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icebluecyanide · 1 year
14. Finn & Henrik & Freya
He weeps afterwards, of course—they all do. But it’s not like when Freya was taken. Perhaps it would have been easier if his sister had really died. If there had been a body to burn, a hand to kiss or to fold around a hunting blade. Something left behind to bid goodbye to.
In the end he watches the smoke of Henrik’s pyre drift upwards, his eyes stinging—but he doesn’t weep again.
a series of random TO headcanons
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the-dawn-star · 2 years
Hii! I loved ur last klaus headcanons :) idk if requests are open but could u do yandere Mikaelsons (general) also if they arent open no worries :D and love all ur fics!!
Yandere!Mikaelsons x Reader HC
A/N: Hello lovely and thank you so much for the request. I don't know if this is any good but here it is.
+ Not proof read, 500ish words.
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She just wants to take care of you, because you can’t do that yourself, or that’s what Freya is seeing. 
Freya’s form of keeping you safe is manipulating you so you stay in the house for your own safety.  
And she isn’t above of doing a spell, so you can’t leave the house.  
But she is so lovely. 
You can look past all the manipulation and controlling behavior, when she gives you that loving smile, you can forgive everything she does. 
Finn is the type of yandere who doesn’t show his tendencies quickly. It’s all small things that he does.  
He tells you how much he cares for you and really, he shows it too. Cuddling you until you can’t breathe.  
It's him wanting you to stay... for him. He spent so much time in a cold box alone, it’s only rational that he wants to be close to anyone.  
Finn doesn’t force you to stay inside or break your relationships with your loved once. It’s more guilt tripping, than anything else.  
I think Elijah’s yandere behavior is subtle, like he usually is.  
And even when he kidnaps you, you aren’t going to be sleeping in a basement or something like that.  
Elijah would just compel you, so you cannot leave the house and that’s it. He isn’t going to compel your thoughts or bad feelings away.  
He fell in love with you for a reason and he isn’t going to lose you just because you are mad and upset with him. 
Klaus is one of the most obsessed yanderes in this family, he isn’t subtle or gentle. He needs to keep you safe and have you only for himself. 
You are going to be chained in to a bed for a while after he took you from your normal life. You twos bedroom became your new life. 
New normal. 
Klaus isn’t going to compel you; he enjoys you being mad and fighting back against him. (In a way he feels like he has earned your anger and doesn’t want it to go away.) 
Kol is the most sadistic of the family and probably in the whole universe. (Sorry I don’t make the rules.)  
In short, you will be his personal blood bag. Like with Klaus you will be chained to the bed and without the nice simplicity of the compulsion.  
He likes you feeling whatever you are feeling, that you are truthful, even if it’s with screaming and crying.  
But the cuddling and loving words almost make it bearable.  
Rebekah has always gotten what she has wanted and you aren’t beyond that actually it’s the opposite of that... she has a right to you. You just don’t know where she got this right.  
Your new home is going to be a bed room and your life will be so you will never be outside Rebekah’s range of heating. 
Rebekah’s yandere behavior is more protectiveness than keeping you from your friends. She still wants the perfect family and friend group. 
She will be so happy with you that your rage towards her will almost melt away.  
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Uh uh uh can i pls get a headcanon style post of finn dealing with his s/o's bipolar or borderline personality disorder? I was really touched by how u did ur autistic s/o kol post and it made me so happy and i feel like ud do other disorders/not "normal" things well bc ppl hardly do things out of the norm for x readers lol. But if its too hard im fine with just finn x autistic!reader djdjjdndnd its ok if u dont vibe with the req u dont have to do im happy with ur usual posts! Thank you!!!! 💚💚💚
Infinitely Ordinary
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Finn Mikaelson x BPD!reader Headcanons || Here lies my Masterlist
Warnings: None
A/N: Please listen to Infinitely Ordinary by the Wrecks while you read this. You won't regret it.
Let's get one thing straight, right off the bat.
You're not an attention-seeker. 
It's not that you crave validation or anything, it's just that people have so many expectations of how you should behave. Is it really that big of a crime for you to wish you were a little less bland?
Seriously, you live in a town populated by vampires, doppelgangers, hunters, witches, werewolves, and hybrids. And sure, you're not actually involved with any of that - which is great because you like being alive, actually - but it's just that…
Well, this is your life… and you feel like a side character.
When you were little, you never had a lot - never felt like you did anything exciting -  so you made up a lot of stories. 
You got really, really good at it. Yet, you stopped once you grew up a little bit and realized that everyone is actually pretty ordinary and you don't always have to stand out in order to be seen. You stopped because life was normal.
Until it wasn't.
As things got crazier in Mystic Falls, you started telling stories again. 
You made things up. You lied.  
You did it a lot.
Now, it was never anything bad - never anything harmful. You just wanted to be better. You didn't want to be slow, didn't want to be boring, didn't want to be left behind. You didn't want to be annoying or any inconvenience to… well to anyone.
So you just lied.
And, slowly, quietly, without you even really noticing - things got out of hand.
You didn't just tell lies. You started living them.
You said you liked things and people that you didn't. (You went out drinking with Damon Salvatore, who you absolutely despised, and he would always order you bourbon because you'd said that was your favorite too even though you would honestly rather just have a Coke.) 
You told people that you'd been to places and cities you'd never so much as thought about visiting. (Then you spent hours researching literally everything you could possibly learn about those places in case someone asked you about them. You had to maintain the lie.)
You made up an entire personality - several of them. You became someone you simply weren't.
You went places you didn't want to go. Like the Mikaelson Ball for example.
That was where you met him. 
It was so odd because he noticed you and you weren’t even doing anything. You were just standing at the bar, frowning into the drink Damon had ordered for you. 
“Are the drinks not to your liking?” He just wandered up to you and asked. 
Turns out, that one question was all you needed to break. You started panicking in the middle of the foyer. There were too many people around and too many people you needed to be all at the same time.
You didn’t even know his name but he took you out to the gardens of that mansion and you probably scared him out of his wits when you started screaming. You just had to get it out. Luckily, the Mikaelson’s had soundproof walls.
He just sat next to you with a hand on your shoulder until you finished screaming. 
“Can I tell you something?” You’d asked. “You can’t tell anyone else.”
He just shrugged. “I have no one to tell.”
You ended up spilling the whole bloody story - all the lies you’d ever told and how sick you were of keeping up with them. You told him how trying to keep track of what lies you’d told to who was like riding on a carousel that never stopped spinning. You told him how empty you felt all the time. You told him how you felt like you were slowly going insane.
“I don’t even know who I am anymore.”
And somehow, he’d said exactly what you needed to hear.  
“I don’t think who or what you are is important so much. It's what you do that matters.”
“And what should I do?” 
“Perhaps… tell the lies that make you happy. Then go from there.” 
“Is that what you do?”
He smiled. “Most days.”
Then you went home and that was that. Or so you thought. 
You started seeing him around more often. Every time you saw him, you remembered what he’d said. His words, it turned out, made you rather happy and the changes from there came slowly. You stopped hanging out with people you hated. Stopped accepting things you didn’t want.
You asked him on a date before you asked him his name. The two of you went mini-golfing and it was spectacularly ordinary. 
The two of you go on a lot of walks. They help you clear your head. It gets noisy in there sometimes. Luckily, Finn is a great listener.
You didn’t really stop lying exactly, but you started telling more truths and that was significant you thought. 
His siblings make fun of both of you for being boring. He reassures you that's better than destroying yourself trying to be something you're not.
You didn’t really realize that your mood swings were actually mood swings until you met Kol. The two of you react to each other like thermite reacts to ice. That is to say - you can’t be in the same room for any amount of time without trying to tear one another’s throats out.
“Shut up. Shut up! SHUT UP!!!”
You would deck that kid if not for Finn. He had to pull you out of the room. He looked very concerned. Which was nice but you couldn’t understand why.
“Do you need to go somewhere to calm down?”
“Why? I’m not actually mad. He was just talking too much.”
It was Finn who suggested you go talk to someone. That was when you were diagnosed with Borderline Personality Disorder. Yet, he never judged you for it. 
Provided you stayed away from Kol, your mood swings typically remain confined to less violent emotions. You get really excited over the smallest things and Finn thinks it is the purest thing he’s ever seen.
Both of you fear that the other is going to leave. In fact, when he told you what Esther was planning to do, you nearly lost your mind. 
After spacing out for three hours or so, you made it your mission to throttle that witch. You told her she couldn’t kill him - that you weren’t afraid to kill her again if she tried. And it was true. You really weren’t afraid to kill in order to keep Finn around. 
In hindsight, threatening the woman who created vampirism probably wasn’t a great idea. She threw you off the upstairs balcony. 
Unfortunately for her, Finn saw the whole thing. You were willing to fight for him, whether it be his siblings or his mother. 
He would return the favor. No matter the cost.
Tagging: @yn-ymn-yln@r13mar@rootbeerfaygo @iiskittles16ii @fandomrulesall-blog @dark-night-sky-99@railingsofsorrow@apolloroid@thatweirdoleigh@misswe03@eat-cake@felinegrate@cute-freak27@fayeatheart@archangelslollipop@aonungs-tsahik@sleepneverheardofher@heartbreakgrill@whatsupb18 @enchantedlandcoffee @trikigirl271@dreamingwithrafe@her-violent-delights@witchcraftandgeekness @dreamingwithrafe@acixsracix@susannahmikaelson Comment or DM me if you want to be added to my tag list!
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klausandkatherine · 2 years
AU where Hayley died but when Hope was still little. Hope stops speaking due to the trauma of losing her mother and no one from the Mikaelsons knows how to help her through it. She meets Katherine who, on the other hand, just lost her daughter Nadia. The two of them, a mother wanting her child back and a child wanting her mother back, fit just right. At first Katherine doesn't know Hope is Klaus's daughter. Hope doesn't tell people who her family is because she is afraid that people would be scared of her. Moreover, Hope has started to speak again, to heal, all thanks to Katherine. Katherine, on the other hand, embraces the little girl as her own. She think it's fate; a sign from the gods, that she's given a second chance to be a mother. It can't be a coincidence that her daughter Nadia just died and suddenly this little girl who shares the same name as her, enters her life (Nadia translates into Hope in Bulgarian).
Then finally, the truth comes out. Katherine finds out who her family is. Klaus is pissed, to say the least.
However, Hope refuses to let Klaus hurt Katherine or scare her away. Klaus is then forced to take Katherine in and take care of her. As time passes, the Mikaelsons become like an actual family to Katherine. They have funny dynamics, Katherine and Rebekah keep bickering, Elijah and Katherine are best friends, Kol and Katherine are very similar with their sarcasm. Somehow Katherine fits like a missing puzzle with this family. Like she was born to be a part of this chaos and will never escape it.
Klaus eventually warms up to her. At one point he can't imagine his family without Katerina. He needs her close and he needs to see her smile and to hear her laughter. Elijah is the one who opens his eyes to the truth, Klaus has fallen for his greatest enemy.
If anyone wants me to write prompts for Katherine and the Mikaelsons, let me know
Also, this is just an AU, be nice xx
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daenysthedreamer101 · 3 months
Youngest Original ~ TVDU
Character profile
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Face claim: Liv Tyler
Name: Kassandra
Name meaning/origin: comes from the Greek language, it means "the one who excels over men"
Date of birth: October 983 A.D.
Date of death: November 1001 A.D.
Age: has been 18 for 1009 years as of 2010
Zodiac sign: Libra (♎︎)
Place of birth: in a village now known as Mystic Falls, USA
Parents: Esther and Mikael
Siblings: Freya, Finn, Elijah, Klaus, Kol, Rebekah and Henrik
Height: 174 cm (5'8 ft)
Eye color: blue
Hair color: Brown
She is a member of the Mikaelson family and is one of the seven Original vampires alongside her father and siblings.
She was the second youngest child, only older than Henrik who was 13 at the time of his death in 1001. His death was the catalyst for the creation of the vampire race. 
Can speak many different languages including English, French, Italian, Spanish, Russian, Turkish, Arabic, German, Japanese, Mandarin Chinese, and Korean; can also speak Latin and of course, Old Futhark - her native language
Has a love for music. Even as a human, she had a penchant for singing and dancing. Has written many songs and compositions throughout her life.
Can play 7 musical instruments: the guitar, the piano, the violin, the flute, the harp, the violoncello, and the Guzheng - the Chinese zither
Alongside Elijah, she is the peacemaker of the family, always striving for peace and love. Hates being in the crossfires of her siblings’ disputes.
Baby of the family. All of her siblings are extremely protective of her. Has baby sister privileges (esp with Klaus)
Loves reading. Can often be found reading side by side next to Elijah.
In true Libra fashion hates picking sides, so when her siblings fight she tries to maintain her neutrality. That is often difficult when one side is threatening to dagger the other and put them in a casket for a hundred years.
Elijah is her favorite brother though she swears she doesn't have favorites.
Bonds with Klaus by spending time with him while he's painting in his studio. She's pretty good at art herself, though she prefers pencil drawings and water-based painting. She never got the hang of oil paintings like Klaus did.
She and Bekah are really close and they always have each other's back. They looove spending Klaus and Elijah's money lol
She sometimes wonders how Kol is older than her, cause she is more mature than him. He likes teasing her to get a reaction out of her.
He got choked several times for crossing the line
Just wants everyone to get along lol
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