#fox kin questioning
amr-alterhuman · 2 months
Things I know for certain:
I like making animal vocals.
I am a black cat therian with psychological theories to explain this.
I have happy tail wag phantom limb experiences.
I am probably magic kin (cladokin style).
Things I don't know:
I am not sure about my magic kin shifts or if I have any.
Am I wolf kin, fox kin, both, or something similar? Currently I label these connections as otherheart/kith.
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featherwingfae · 4 months
Ok So this one is for the Fae/Faerie kin that also identify as Therians or feel a connection with certain animals.
I've seen many Fae/Faerie kin who are also Therian, and I'll admit I have a connection to some animals myself and have been found to mimic their behaviors. However I don't remember living like an animal. Now it's possible that they are simply kin memories that have not yet surfaced, but I don't feel like that's the case. I can remember being said animals just not living as them. For example I would romp and play as a fox among other foxes but I did not survive the way they did. For me it was merely fun. Not unlike a child playing pretend. I feared no hunters and I did not need to hunt for food myself. And if ever I did hunt it was simply part of the game rather than survival. I know there are plenty of Fae that could and would change into the forms of animals, and as fun as messing with humans might be, I just don't think it was the only reason Fae would go about as animals. Which only furthers my belief that sometimes it was just for the pure fun of it. And I'd imagine that just as some people have favorite animals so too do some fae. I don't think it was always just a one time thing either. Fae can communicate with the natural world in ways most humans would only dream of, imagine just being that one deer in the herd that just disappears and reappears but after years and years of interaction the rest of the herd (while probably sensing that you are not quite a deer, no matter how much you may look like one), has also come to accept that you are not a danger to them. Perhaps over time you've kept an eye on this one herd and their descendants. steering them away from the occasional danger or leading them to the juiciest greenest hidden pastures. You become a kind of faerie god-deer (like faerie godmother). And after so much time acting like a deer, you find yourself slipping into the animalistic habits even when you're not taking the animal form. But you don't mind. Your experiences are part of you, it was only natural. And perhaps after a while you find that the courts and humanity are just not all that interesting to you. You think about the deer. Your deer. The herd you'd been watching, protecting, guiding. You start spending more and more time as a deer. It's fun, it's free and after a while most predators learn to keep their distance from your herd. You are still Fae but the deer is part of you now, perhaps just as important as the part of you that is Fae.
I'm curious are there any Fae/Faerie kin who resonate with this at all? Do you remember (if in fact you have any kin memories at all. Not everyone does. And there's nothing wrong with that 😊) being an animal living, surviving as an animal? Or, do you remember being interested and/or amused playing as an animal while all the time knowing that the other animals can sense that you are different? Does the Fae/Faerie kin side and the Therian side feel like two separate lives or do they feel almost blended? Do you remember being afraid when you were an animal or did you know that you had almost nothing to fear? That no matter what, you were a magical being that could charm, trick, or enchant your way out of most situations?
Please understand I'm not trying to invalidate anyone. As far as I'm concerned no one can tell someone who or what they are but them. If you resonate at all with this post it doesn't make you any more or less Fae/Faerie kin or Therian. In the end, only you can know who you are. I also write this post for the Fae/Faerie kin who don't quite feel Therian but find themselves acting in animalistic ways. Those that feel connection and memory but still just don't quite feel they are/were animals (at least not normal ones). Kins that feel like it was/is more play than survival but who still find it quite satisfying to shriek, bark, meow, growl, chirp, squawk, etc.
If you've read this far, then I appreciate you and may you have a most marvelous and magical day/night 😊🍀✨🌙🍄☀️👁️
Till next time
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matrix-pawz · 1 month
Questioning your alter humanity on and off is like still not understanding yourself for 4 years, like- sometimes I'm like "oh yeah, I'm a gray fox!" But then I remember how many times I've had multiple shifts with wings, foxes don't have wings... I know I'm a gray fox, then why do I have these feathery wings? Am I something else? What am I? What am I? What am I? What am I? What am I? What am I? What am I? What am I? What am I? What am I? What am I? What am I? What am I? What am I? What am I? What am I? What am I? What am I? What am I? What am I? What am I? What am I? What am I? What am I? What am I? What am I? What am I?
And then I fall asleep :D
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fox4brains · 2 months
hey could any otherlink people explain something to me? how do you choose to identify as something and not feel like youre faking or something? and why can shifts happen for something you picked? do you choose to shift? if not, how is the identity voluntary but the shifts arent?
cuz with most of my theriotypes, i research into different animals and when i find whatever fits best, i just kinda assume thats what i am and take on the label cuz it makes sense and feels right, but that doesnt mean that i picked it right? idk i get a lot of self-doubt for all sorts of my identity so its probably why im doubting myself in general
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theharecares · 3 months
I really want to have clothes that make me feel happy and euphoric to wear, I really really can't wait until I get to a more permanent living situation so I can collect gear and things like that
When I was awakened I really didn't think I'd be the type to want gear or much physical representation of my therio/kintypes but I really really do I need to let it outtttt
If I can't be me I might actually perish
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God how I long to feel seen
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cyber-therian · 15 days
ive noticed ive become a bit reclusive and i really want to be a part of the community more! please feel free to tag me in things, send me asks or dms, or anything else. im not too sure what to post about lately as ive not been shifting much
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November 28th, 2023
I don't think I've noticed this before but I keep getting service dog ads as I'm scrolling through Tumblr. I feel like that's supposed to mean something... Any who, I've got a cat on me that sounds like a broken back up generator lol.
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milkwell · 2 years
are bear therians uncommon ? i feel like i hardly see any ?? are there spaces where therians live and chat on ?
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fuzzytadpole · 9 months
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I made a board of my theriotypes! It was very fun ^^
Grey fox, mink, pine marten, cecropia silk moth, and hummingbird clearwing moth.
UPDATE: This board is outdated, I no longer consider mink one of my theriotypes. :)
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twelve-nights · 4 months
i have a mystery theriotype i cant figure out and its phantom shifts have been tormenting me for years (not exaggerating) AAAUAGJHDKF-- i'm 90% sure its some sort of avian humanoid thing but now im confused on if its related to a different kintype because those two phantom shifts often happen together ???
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barkatthemoon · 2 years
Random question but is there an animal that's a fox, a demon, and has cool wings I get to pick the color of or can I make my own species
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fox4brains · 4 months
🌲 🍂 ? :•]
🌲- for polytherians, is there a theriotype you would consider your "main" or "primary"?
yes! it really depends on where i am and the season, during the spring and fall, my fox theriotype is a lot more prominent mainly because of how green the forests are without it being that hot :) during the summer, my harbor seal theriotype is more prominent because i go swimming a lot more! thats why im so excited to go on vacation in the caribbean soon :3 and during winter, my wolf theriotype is more prominent i think, now i only awakened as this recently, so it might change, especially since im gonna be by the beach soon even when its warm. but feeling the cool air on my face while wearing big coats, and laying on cold rocks by the beach are very euphoric for me :3
🍂- do you experience species dysphoria?
yeah sadly i do :( not super often anymore, but it definitely hits hard at times!
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lilmo-on · 2 months
Throughout the entire novel Stocker denies Dracula in every possible sense, deliberately reducing him to some sort of country bogeyman. Dracula brags about his Boyar status, while “his peasants” curse him all they want and even try to prevent him on multiple occasions. His own beasts at hand dare question his command, thus he must resort to threats and violence for wolves’ and vampire sisters’ obedience. He carries himself as an ancient lord of dignified lineage, yet has to see to menial offices himself. He wishes to appear welcoming and charming for Jonathan, instead he proves to be ominous and uncomfortable. He expects to be respected and awed for his power and noble status, instead he’s taken as a child-brained fool. He attacks Mina to revenge his pursuers in most devastating way, yet gets his mental connection with her played against him. He strives to impose dread upon men’s hearts, but he’s chased back to his lair no better than a terror-taken fox.
However, confrontation with humankind is far from being the only thing to paint an unflattering picture of the Count Dracula: he stands out drastically even among his own kin. The other vampires are young and agreeable, he is aged and disturbing. The other vampires are alluring by nature, he is repulsive. The other vampires, if sated, are appealing and rosy-cheeked, he is an appalling leech gorged with blood. The other vampires enjoy their beastly aloof lifestyle, he longs for company. The other vampires receive love and compassion, he is loathed to no end.
The Great and Terrible Count Dracula canonically is a guy who’s lacking in every way. Our man Bram Stocker must’ve hated him so much it feels personal.
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cryptidclaw · 1 year
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Design Notes:
Redtail's red and more slender build came from his loner sire, but he got his dark black from his momma Rosebush! I gave him some pinker hued coloring as highlights (like on his tail tip) to reference Rose!
Also, the Redtail red tm skipped a generation to Squirrelflight hehe
Character Bio:
Gay; Trans Tom; he/him
Age as of 1st arc's beginning: 3 cycles, 1 moon; ~28 Hys
Title meaning: -tail =  a cat with great balance and who always lands on their feet; often a jack of all trades as balance is used in almost every skill
Second of Thunder Order; was in line due to being Star Bluefrost's apprentice.
Mentor: Star Bluefrost
Mother: Rosebush
Father: Donor Outsider
Siblings: Spottedleaf; Willowchime
Mate: Birdflight
Kit: Sandstorm; Poppy; Flint
Grandkits: Squirrelflight; Leafpool; Foxleap; Icecloud; Briarlight; Bumblestripe; Blossomfall
(note Leaf, Fox, Ice and Briar are not grandkits by blood)
Other notable kin: Darkstripe (nephew); Graybelly (nephew); Sootfur (nephew); Sorreltail (niece); Rainwhisker (nephew)
Extra notes: Overall I like the idea of Redtail having a kinda sassy in a joking way personality, but he can be serious and knows when to make the tough calls for the good of the Order, which is why Blue chose him as Second.
Redtail was one of the cats to assassinate his sister's abuser, Thistleclaw. This was the only time the tom ever killed, and he felt no regrets.
Sandstorm had two littermates, Poppy and Flint, but they passed as young kits, this was very painful for Redtail and Birdfilght and they ended up spoiling Sand a bit too much. Sand's attitude was born from 4 things: 1: the trauma of her siblings dying, 2: the pressure from her dad being deputy, 3. her dads spoiling her, 4. Redtail dying.
[Image ID: A digital drawing of Redtail from Warrior Cats. He is standings with his left side showing and he is smiling with one eyebrow raised in question. He is a sleek long furred tortoiseshell tom, he is mostly black with dark vibrant red tabby patches covering his tail and flank, his left leg, the right side of his face, and as a spot over his right eye. He has a red nose and orange eyes/End ID]
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cyber-therian · 8 months
“ Throw the dog a bone .. “ 🦴
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🦮 He/Him Hy/Hym
🪶 17y/o | System
🐾 Psychological Therian
🦮 All my theriotypes are male salmacians which is very important to my identity
🪶 Alterhuman Flag Hoard
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Silver (Red) Fox — 🦊
questioning: lioness, archaeopteryx, mallard
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Other -types:
Medieval Knight — Archetrope/OCkin
Big-Cat Hearted — Otherhearted 🐅
Caribou, canine(clado) — Synpath 🪄
Hoofed mammals — Questioning 🐎
Western Dragon — Copinglink 🐉
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Middle Ages/Medieval Times 🏰
The Arctic ❄️
The Jungle 🐅
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I look like:
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Since my profile has seemingly breached containment, here is my new DNI:
(pro) endo/tulpa/etc systems, transID, anti (self) recovery, gore/sh/ed/etc accs (or if one is linked/connected to your acc), TCC and similar, nazis, zionists, racists, “edgy” accounts, truscum, if you hate children, neopronoun/queer identity mockers, r_dqueers, pr_ship, z_o/p_do/etc including in recovery unless you dont post about it
That being said:
🦮 Due to delusions, I will not follow back blogs that have content majorly of being divinekin; absolutely nothing against these individuals however.
🦮 I will not follow, and I usually block, blogs whose theme has little-to-no contrast between the background & font colors.
I don’t usually fb:
⭐️ fandom accs that im not part of
⭐️ accs without a pinned/etc
⭐️ helluva, hazbin, dsmp kins
**Please be aware that I do not support non-traumagenic systems OR tulpas. DNI if you believe “sysmed” is real. Supporters of such ideas please also DNI. Please also be aware that I do not hate or dislike these folks, but this is a preference of mine and I would strongly prefer it be respected.
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My Tags: (feel free to block any)
#🪻⋮ off-topic : off-topic posts
#fox’s prey : depictions of hunting/killing/eating prey. may include images (only as graphic as a wildlife documentary. no roadkill.)
#🐾 ⋮ fox’s rbs : reblogs
#🫐 ⋮ trinkets for the fox : gifts & posts i requested
#🌘 ⋮ friends : plushie posts
#🦊 ⋮ Cy talks too much : long posts
#🌈 ⋮ memories : things from a life i want but dont have
#fox likes medieval content : medieval posts that i enjoy
My main: @foxless (reblogs)
Agere: @boy-kid (agere petre)
Stims: @den-stims
pfp: https://www.inaturalist.org/observations/184346855
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a-dragons-journal · 2 days
can you recommend any posts that explain what fictionkin is? we want to discuss fictionkin with people we know, but they are mostly only familiar with "kin for fun" versus "delusional attachment" and we don't how to explain what fictionkin truly means.
Here's a list of links for ya:
An explanation of one individual’s fictionkin awakening, along with a comparison to being fictionhearted, from @/indornaga
On the difference between not being fictionkin until the source media emerges, versus not having a label for the fictotype until the source media emerges, from @/angelic-polar-fox
A perspective on being fictionkin, specifically OC fictionkin, from @/liongoatsnake
A more in-depth explanation of fictionkinity from @/shadowfae
A more general guide on questioning a kintype which has some very good general information/explanations, also from@/shadowfae
A thread of someone asking questions and fictionkin answering“Isn’t being fictionkin disrespecting the creator?”, from @/anti-kin-cringe
On fictionkin and how there’s no real “line” between fantasy/mythological creatures like dragons (hi) and fictional characters/creatures, also from @/anti-kin-cringe
On the history of fictionkin, from@/liongoatsnake
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