#forgive the cheesiness in these lol
youronlydrpepper · 1 year
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This gentlemen has captured my heart, for better or for worse
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gunsatthaphan · 2 years
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Oops I dropped another Tekken fic~ Enjoy!! ❤️
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osakisz · 2 years
i have a fluff fic w/ rangiku resting in my drafts. hopefully i can finish it so i can start w/ the relationship hcs w/ the karakura gang :D
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yuikomorii · 2 months
Happy Birthday, Ayato! ❤️
// Today is the golden boy’s birthday!! Sweet and spicy visual god, you are the reason of my unattainablly high standards… and also of my questionable financial decisions, lol.
This looks more like an Ayayui shrine than an individual Ayato one, but I couldn’t fit all the items in one pic, therefore I chose the ones that were the easiest to find in my room. :”)
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Nevertheless… I did try to prepare a SCENARIO too! I used my nsfw edit as the cg, although I didn’t show everything. The romantic part is really cheesy and cringe, but if you’re into fluff, you will like that. 💕💕
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~Operation: Ayato-kun’s birthday~
Yui: ( Haa… it feels as if there’s no ending to these anymore… )
( I woke up earlier today, hoping to finish all these exercises, yet I really can’t bring myself to understand how to solve them at all…! )
( My mind is completely in a whole different place right now. Today is Ayato-kun’s birthday after all. )
( Unfortunately, all the assignments kept me so busy this week that I wasn’t even able to bake a cake for him… )
( However, it’s still not too late for that, right? )
( Once I’m done with this page, I will definitely try my best to prepare it as soon as po—)
Reiji: Komori Yui, are you slacking again?
Yui: …!
( Oh no, he picked up my notebook! )
Reiji: Good grief, there are mistakes everywhere! Do I need to remind you that you are not permitted to bring disgrace upon the Sakamaki family as long as you reside under this mansion's roof?
Yui: Uuh… I-I’m really sorry, Reiji-san. I promise I’ll—
Reiji: Silence. I recently received your report card as well, and I must admit that I’m not pleased with your performance in the slightest. I was expecting such indifference from my brothers, but it’s rather disheartening for a human girl not to care about her education.
Yui: Y-You got it wrong! It’s not like I don’t care about school, but… simply put, the teachers have been giving us much too many tasks lately, and I find them quite difficult to solve, which stresses me out a little, to be honest.
Reiji: Hmph, excuses. I find it incomprehensible how such simple exercises cause you mental difficulties.
Nevertheless, I shall teach you then. Even if it requires the whole day to achieve that.
Yui: You will? Woah, thank you so much, Re— W-Wait, no! We can’t do that today!
Reiji: Pardon? Are you rejecting my offer to tutor you?
Yui: No, no! Not at all! It’s just that today is Ayato-kun’s birthday, and well… I would obviously want to celebrate it with him.
Reiji: Denied.
Yui: Eh—?
Reiji: You truly are a fool. Vampires show no interest in the day of their birth. Now, take a sit.
Yui: …
( I know Reiji-san is not in the wrong, but… I really do want to celebrate Ayato-kun’s birthday. That day may not be special to him but it’s so special to me. )
( Am I being selfish, I wonder…? )
Reiji: It appears that you’re finally able to understand how to solve this exercise. The next ones are similar to it, therefore there shouldn’t be any obstacles.
Yui: Yes, I see…
( I appreciate Reiji-san’s help, yet too many hours have passed by and baking a cake from scratch is not possible anymore… )
Place: Living room
Yui: ( Hmm… apparently I still have enough pocket money to buy a cake. I know a self-made one would have been more meaningful, but I really couldn’t… )
Kanato: Yui-san, are you spacing out?
Yui: Eh—? Ah, Kanato-kun, I didn’t see you there. I’m fine, but I’m a bit in a hurry, so… see y— Kya!
( He grabbed my wrist! )
Kanato: You’re going to buy a cake for my brother, aren’t you?
Yui: Uhh… well yes, I mean, it’s his birthday after all.
Kanato: My birthday was yesterday and I didn’t see you get any cake for me, nor for Laito. Teddy thinks you forgot about us. Tell me, Yui-san, is that true?
Yui: T-that’s not it!
Kanato: So you’re going to buy a cake for me as well after all? I might forgive you if you do that.
Yui: ( What did I get myself into…! I’m sure Kanato-kun will throw a tantrum if I say “no”. )
But… I don’t think I got enough money for two cakes.
Kanato: Please don’t worry about that, Yui-san, I know my ways. Or what, are you doubting me now?
Yui: …!
— shakes head —
Kanato: Good, now let’s go.
Place: Demon World Cake shop
Yui: Woah, I’ve never seen such big cakes before!
Kanato: Please don’t shout. Your looks already make you resemble a servant, you don’t have to act like one as well.
Yui: ( Hey, that’s mean! )
Cake shop owner: Welcome, how can I help you?
Yui: We’re searching for a birthday cake, but uhm… one a bit smaller than the ones displayed here, if possible.
Cake shop owner: Any flavor you got in mind?
Yui: ( Speaking of flavor, I don’t think Ayato-kun has ever told me anything about his favorite. He would probably say Takoyaki but a Takoyaki cake… that doesn’t feel right. )
I think he likes straw—
Kanato: Raspberry!
Cake shop owner: Wonderful! We just finished a raspberry cake a few minutes ago!
— brings cake —
Yui: ( It truly looks delicious…! Besides, it’s red as well, which is Ayato-kun’s favorite color, so I believe he would truly like this one! )
Kanato: Alright, we’ll take it!
Place: Mansion
Yui: Phew, I’m glad the cake didn’t get crushed on the way.
Kanato: It’s time to eat!
Yui: Wha—! No, Kanato-kun, you can’t!
Kanato: Excuse me, but who do you think you are? This is my cake, therefore I’m allowed to eat it whenever I want!
Yui: W-Well, don’t you want to wait for Ayato-kun too? This way, you two will be able to eat it together like bro—!!
(He pushed me in the cake!?)
Kanato-kun, why did you do this!?
Kanato: You ruined the cake!
Yui: Me!? But Kanato-kun was the one who pushed me there!
Kanato: Teddy says you’re annoying, and I agree. Now how will you fix your mistakes?
Yui: ( I can barely see anything…! )
Kanato: Fufu, look at her Teddy! She’s full of cake from head to toe! Now, let’s give it a taste che—
Yui: You can’t!
— moves cake away from him —
Kanato: I can!
— moves cake back —
Yui: No!
— moves cake away —
Kanato: Hmph, just give up already, will you!?
— pushes her away —
Yui: Wait, no—!!!
???: Oi, what the—!
— cake falls on them —
Kanato: Noooo, the cake!!!! Ngh, this is no fun anymore!
Yui: Uuh… Why is the floor so soft…?
Ayato: ‘Cause it’s not the floor, you idiot.
Yui: Ah! A-Ayato-kun!
Uhh… Happy birthday…~?
Ayato: Geez, c’mere, you’re an even bigger mess.
— picks her up —
Place: Bathroom
Yui: ( This is so embarrassing…! )
Ayato: Haa… You’re finally not covered in cake anymore.
Yui: I… I’m sorry…
Ayato: Huh? What are you apologizing for? I’m not mad that you dropped that cake on me.
Yui: That’s not the only thing I’m sorry about…
If it weren’t for my carelessness, you would have gotten a nice birthday, but now… you don’t even have a cake anymore.
( Ah, I’m feeling as if I’m about to cry right now… )
Ayato: Hey, c’mon that’s not worth the tears. I’m a vampire, remember? I don’t care about my birthday, so there’s no need to worry about such stuff.
Yui: Maybe you don’t care about it but… I do. I know that I’m about to sound selfish, but your birthday is very special to me. It represents the day you were born and I… I simply can’t imagine not celebrating it.
Ayato-kun is important to me, therefore that automatically makes his birthday important to me too.
Ayato: You klutz…
— hugs her —
Yui: W-Wha—! Ayato-kun…!
Ayato: Seriously, are all humans really that sentimental? Or does this only apply to cute girls like you?
Yui: …!
(He… he called me cute! )
— blushes —
Ayato: The day’s still not over, y’know? There’s still time to celebrate it if you’re really that obsessed with it.
Yui: …! So, are you really okay with that?
Ayato: Yeah? If I weren’t, I would have told you, idiot. On top of that, it’s not like I got anything better to do anyway.
Now tell me, Chichinashi, what exactly do you have in store for today?
Yui: Hm… uhm… nothing comes to my mind at the moment, but for now… I can’t say I mind spending time like this with Ayato-kun.
Ayato: Heh~? You suddenly don’t mind being in my arms while naked?
Yui: P-Phrasing it like that…!
Ayato: Well, if that’s the case, then… you wouldn’t mind if I sucked your blood either, right?
Yui: Go ahead.
Ayato: Hah? No talking back? Are you really that easy to convince today? Or, could it be that you finally admit enjoying the pleasure these fangs give you?
Yui: It’s not only about your fangs, Ayato-kun. I really like you as a whole.
I wasn’t even able to find a gift for you, therefore giving you my blood is the least I can do.
Ayato: Heh, I see… I don’t need your blood as a gift though.
Yui: You don’t…?
Ayato: Nope, ‘cause I already got the best gift ever.
Yui: Is that so?
( Did someone already give him something for his birthday? If that’s the case, then who could it be? )
( Ah… I guess I’m just overthinking, but now I’m really curious. )
Ayato: You really wanna know, don’t you? It’s already written on your face.
Are you getting jealous~?
Yui: T-That’s…—!
Ayato: Pfft, you really did get jealous, huh?
Yui: ( Ugh… he’s making fun of me now! )
Ayato: Anyway, there’s no need to. After all, the best gift I’ve ever gotten…
It’s you, Yui.
— Smooch —
The end
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hunterbunter3000 · 1 year
imagine the boys just got back from a mission and when they enter the base, they found sweetheart cooking their country food for them. The taste is giving ✨SEASONED✨, its giving ✨you want me to marry you✨, its giving ✨that type of food that added 10 years to your life span✨, ITS GIVING ✨YOU DID A VERY GOOD JOB AND IM PROUD OF YOU✨
NOOOO NEVER STOP THESE I SWEAR YOU'RE JUST FINE 😍😍🫂🫂 these give me life you have no idea miss roro💕
(@missroro ROROOO GURL IM SO SORRY THIS TOOK FOREVER😭😭 PLS FORGIVE ME I WAS SHADOWBANNED AND THEN OTHER ASKS KEPT POURING IN🧎‍♀️this is quite long, so hopefully you will take that as a sacrifice for my tardiness 🙏I hope you're doing well! I miss you LOTS 💓)
And the FACT that I already have a scenario that's kinda like this blows my mind 🤯🤯
When Sweetheart wasn't needed for this certain mission, she said "aight bet. I know yall are gonna be so damn tired and hungry so watch this WORK."
(Idk if you wanted Sweetheart to cook her home food, or cook their country meals, so imma do both 💀)
Her home-cooked food:
When Task Force 141 came back to the base they smelt that SEASONING IMMEDIATELY LIKE--
Gaz: Something just happened.
I know he's the FIRST to book it to the living room, and then he sees the PLETHORA
Gaz squeals (LITERALLY SQUEALS) cause he's been wanting to taste her cooking.
(He's always asked about African-American cooking since he grew up with British cooking. Sweetheart told him the goodness and he's been hooked on it ever since)
Everyone else comes in and sees the table and they're just in shock
Like what the hell- how long did it take you to make all this?? I love you???
It felt so domestic, like coming home to a home cooked meal after getting off work and seeing your wife smile at you saying "welcome home, dear!"
Sweetheart is just beaming at them, saying "I know yall have been through hell, so have a lil' piece of heaven!" (She's so CHEESY) the mother in her comes thru, telling them to take showers and get situated first then come eat.
They were done so quickly Sweetheart had to check if some of them were actually clean
Sweetheart: Suds?
Soap, flushed: uhm, yeah?
Sweetheart, eyes squinting: Did you wash yo' ass?
Soap: Yes...?
Sweetheart: GO GET CLEANED
Soap: BUT FOOD--
Sweetheart: G O
(Alex and Gaz low key laughing at him and Price is disgusted that Soap sometimes doesn't wash his ass)
They all finally sit down and they just enjoy the warm feeling in their chests while looking at the food. Sweetheart turns on some r&b music (is this a black 80s BET movie? MAYBE) and she walks to the edge of the table, eyes are filled with love and pride for her team. "Aight, I'm gonna keep this short and simple cause I know all yall are hungry and tired," she starts. The team sit on every word she says, as they always do. She smiles. "I'm glad you all made it back safely. Successful mission or not, I will always be proud of all of you. I love yall."
She's too good for them, man. Wtf
They all just fell in love with her more AHA
So she sits down and the chatter and clatter begins. They all moaned so much when they ate the food 💀💀
(They all went into a food coma and had the BEST SLEEP EVER)
(If she made everyone's food from their culture) (I put my whole ass into this wow)
When SAS and Los Vaqueros trudged through the hallway, they heard a clang and a yelping "Ow! Son of a-"
Price and Ghost look at each other before picking up the pace towards the kitchen. "Sweetheart? Are you -" Price freezes when he sees the kitchen filled with different types of food. " - Okay..."
"Oh fuck-- Hey! Yall are back already! That's wonderful." Sweetheart nervously laughs as she wipes her hands on her messy apron. The others start to come in, not expecting the different dishes on the counters. She squeals, "Nah uh! Don't come in here! Go and get cleaned now, all of you!" They stare at her for a bit until sprinting to the Men's Showers. Shouts and loud bangs from falling tact gear are heard, making Sweetheart chuckle and shake her head. Once the men came back to the kitchen, she was gone and so was the food. "In here!" She yelled. Soap made it first to the dining room and let out a big gasp. On the long, make-shift table sat a multitude of different foods and drinks each man recognized from their home country.
"Oh, mo leannan, this looks barry!" Soap exclaims.
"In English, Mactavish." Ghost mumbles, making Soap kiss his teeth. "This looks wonderful, St.! I'm- how did you--" Sweetheart shushes him, Soap still smiling ear to ear. "Don't ask questions! Just come sit down and get your plate."
They all grab a plate and utensils with rushed steps and big smiles.
- 𓆩♡𓆪 -
Price, Ghost, and Gaz sat at the end, where they all recognize the things to make Bangers and Mash. Shepherd's Pie and Fish and Chips could be found on all their plates with a side of Barm cakes. Their dishes melt in their mouths, dragon breathing at every bite since it was still hot. Ghost had a feeling in his chest that he felt extremely warm and overwhelming. He didn't think she would make something like this for him. "How're yall enjoying it?" She asks behind Price. "Umberweivable!" Gaz spouted out, a disbelief and amazed look on his face. Sweetheart laughs at him, "Hopefully, that meant unbelievable!" Gaz nods quickly with big food-filled cheeks. "Absolutely amazing, Princess." Price says after taking a swig of homemade Ginger Beer. "Haven't had Shepherd's Pie and Ginger Beer in so long. Good run down memory lane." Price smiles with soft and grateful eyes. Sweetheart snorts out a laugh and taps her cheek. Price raises an eyebrow until the embarrassment creeps in. He grabs his napkin and wipes the food that was stuck to his cheek. "I'm glad you like it, Cap! It was so hard finding an easy recipe for that damn beer." Sweetheart grumbles, looking at the kitchen with furrowed eyes and hand on Price's shoulder. He leans into her touch and sighs. "All in all, thank you." He murmurs, lifting her hand and placing a kiss on it. Sweetheart giggles, ignoring the heat coming from her hand. "You're very welcome!" She moves to Ghost, who has been quietly shoveling food in his mouth. "Hey Ghost! Are you--" Sweetheart stopped when he looked up at her. Eyes big with tears running down his flushed, stuffed cheeks. His eyes tick away from her changed face. "What...?" Simon whispers. She gives him a soft smile as one of her hands wipes off his tears. He didn't even notice the tears falling... "You enjoying the food?" She asks softly. Oh, that tone. That tone she uses only for Simon. He shivers, nodding his head slowly and then laying on her hip. She coos, wrapping her hand around his head while giving him head scratches to calm him down. You're alright, Simon. She's saying through her touch. Enjoy yourself.
Soap was practically vibrating in his chair when he saw a pitcher of Scottish Ale next to a big pot of Cullen Skink and an array of Scotch Pies with small Bacon Butties on the side. He did a double take when he saw a dish filled with Stovies and fried cut potatoes. Just how he ate it when he was younger. He lets out a disbelieved laugh as he reaches for it. "St.!" He calls out to her. She comes over with a worried look. "Wassup Suds? Everything okay?" He looks up at her with glassy eyes and a smile, nudging the Stovies. Sweetheart snickers, "I told you I would make it! I remember you tellin' me that your...màthair? Or-- mudder- damn I forgot how to say it-- but ya mom use to make this for you! So I looked up a recipe and may have added some of my extra spice to it." She explains as she whispers and laughs that last part. He can't believe that she remembers that. He told her that when he met her; telling her all the different Scottish cuisines. "I hope it tastes good..." She mumbles to herself. She cares. Soap grabs his spoon and collects some of the dish. She cares so much. Memories going through his mind when he chews it. She cares too much. "It's delicious." Soap whimpers out. Sweetheart smiles as she bends down to hug him. "I'm glad you like it."
Alejandro exclaims loudly when he takes a bite of his abundantly covered Elote. Rudy chuckles at him, taking another big ladel of Pancita and putting it in his bowl. "Hey guys, are you- WOW," Sweetheart yells. "You guys really ate almost everything! The Tamales and Flautas are gone..." Alejandro hums as he swallows. "So is the Ceviche and the Pipián." They both laugh at Sweetheart's surprised face. "Yall were hungry!!"And we still are, mama!" Alejandro snickers, taking more bites of his corn. "Mi flor, how did you make some of these dishes? And by yourself?" Rudy asks. He's so proud of her. He feels like he's back at home. "Oh, I had some help! Kinda-- some of the rookies helped me make the dishes! But then I kicked them out cause they were getting on my nerves." Sweetheart said, making the men laugh. "I knew you were a good cook. You would make a good wife someday, Sweetheart!" Alejandro shouted out as he smiled. Her shy laugh made him feel warm, but he wants his statement to come true.
König wanted to cry. He hasn't seen such a big pan of Tiroler Gröstl in a while. A basket of Kaiser Rolls is next to some Kasnocken and a pot full of Potato Gulasch. He scratches the brown hood he has on. Sweetheart made it for him so he could wear it when he's on base, since his other one was stinking up the joint. He watches Krueger take a big bite of his food and gulp down his drink that tastes like Almdudler. He's also wearing a hood that Sweetheart made for him; light blue fabric and handmade yellow stars scattered around it. It's scrunched up to his nose, his scarred lips still munching on his roll. He seems to be enjoying himself. König hasn't eaten with Krueger ever since they were kids. The impact on Krueger's actions in the past really changed everything for König and the family. But at least they're bonding in silence. "Hey, you two! Enjoying the food?" Sweetheart asks. Sweetheart. "Yes, meine kleine Göttin. It's very tasty." Krueger compliments her. She giggles, but it's cut short when Krueger grabs her arm and kisses her cheek. "Thank you for this wonderful feast, my love." He whispers in her ear with a smirk. Her mind goes blank for a moment, the heat of the kiss still searing on her brown skin. König grips his fork hard, turning his knuckles white. She sputters and then loudly laughs. "Yeah! No- no problem! I uh, König? How you uh, you enjoying the food?" He looks down at his plate, still quite full of food, yet not feeling like eating any of it anymore. König smiles with his eyes. "I am, Schatz. Thank you."
Horangi was enjoying himself to the fullest. Slurping down some Jajangmyeon with korean fried chicken and Kimchi fried rice with an egg. It reminds him so much of his mother's cooking, and when he didn't receive any Valentine's Day gifts so he would eat the noodles on Black Day. He blows on the noodles, the steam fogging up his black sunglasses. He wishes his past choices didn't bring him to this point. To be reminded of what he had, and now it's gone. He drank some of his soda, causing a big burp outta him. "You seem to be enjoying it, Horangi!" But without all his choices, he wouldn't have met her. He chuckles, covering his heavily scarred smile with his hand. Her warm hand snakes around his, gently pulling it down. She wants to see his smile. Her eyes sparkle at seeing his half-uncovered face. He's so pretty... "You like the noodles? M'sorry if I got the sauce wrong, I think I forgot some ingredients--" Horangi shakes his hand up. "No, no! It's perfect. The black bean sauce is amazing. I almost finished the whole pot." He's extremely impressed by her, but the cold feeling in his spine is wanting him to put the mask back on. Sweetheart squeals and claps, "Oh wonderful! I'm so glad you like it! By the way.." She leans down to hug his frozen form. "I hope to see your smile again. It's very pretty." She says. He is not grateful for his past choices, but he is grateful for her.
Alex and Roach enjoy their food in comfortable, happy silence. Alex hasn't had a decent cheeseburger since his leave. He dips a crinkle cut fry in ketchup, while Roach enjoys a big Maine Crab Roll. He's never tasted one before, but he always has, ever since Sweetheart gave him a postcard with the Roll on it, it's been his dream to taste one. "Yo, Alex! How's the burger?" Sweetheart asks, walking up to the both of them. Alex hums with a smile on his face. "You can't go wrong with a cheeseburger unless it's from a dirty bar." Sweetheart laughs, "Amen to that! And you're you doing, Gare Bear? Ya like the roll?" She asks sweetly. Roach can feel his face heat up from the nickname. He puts it down, finally taking breaths from horking it down non-stop, and putting two thumbs up. Her bright smile made both of them feel warm inside.
Graves sighs. His bones and joints hurt so damn bad. That mission with everyone was successful but it always costed some type of labor pain. He went to his dorm, already clean and changed into casual clothes. He could've sworn he heard laughing on the other side of the base... It didn't matter to him. All he wanted to do was to sleep off this pain. He notices a big plate covered in tin foil and a small note plus a coke-a-cola on his door mat. His eyes scan down the hall way with confused brows. Is he being pranked by one of his shadows? He better not be, he doesn't have the patience for it- Oh it's from Sweetheart. Wait- "What?" Graves mumbles, eyeing the messy note. The note reads:
Hey Graves. Congrats on the successful mission
Made you some dinner cause I'm pro proo pri PROU FUCK proud of you. That is the only time I'm gonna say that to you and it's not even in person. Doesn't matter, enjoy the food
Sweetheart ♡ (p.s. you still an asshole and NO I did NOT put laxatives in your food this time)
He huffs out a chuckle with a wobbly smile. So she does care for him. In a-- weird, hateful way. He walks in his dorm with food and drink in hand and opens the tin foil, the smell of barbecue baby back ribs, steamed carrots, buttered rolls and mashed potatoes fill his nostrils. His mouth waters immediately as he sits in his desk chair. He digs in with the utensils that Sweetheart gave him, his mind immediately going to his repeated fantasy about having a family with Sweetheart. Her, serving him a big plate of food with their baby boy on her hip. She kisses Graves's forehead and situates their son in the high chair before she starts to eat as well. A happy smile works on his face, not feeling the tears streaming down his cheeks. A happy family. "It's delicious..."
- 𓆩♡𓆪 -
After Dinner Bonus!
"Hey, no one go ANYWHERE! Yall are helping me clean all this shit up!" Sweetheart points out with a frown. Soap laughs, "Of course, hen! Why wouldn't we?"
"You did a lot for us, Princess. We'll take care of everything now. Go and take a load off." Price says close to her. Very close to her. "Nah, I can help!" Sweetheart pushed. "Your shoulder has been bothering you, hasn't it?" Ghost said, making Sweetheart flinch. "Why you gotta call me out like that, man?" Sweetheart whined. He was right, though. She's been rotating her left shoulder from time to time, playing it off every time one of the boys asked about it.
Alejandro laughs, placing his hand on her hip. His thumb doing small circles on her thin clothing. Rudy and Krueger strolled towards Sweetheart. Rudy wore a soft smile, yet his eyes told a different story. A more mischievous story. Alejandro's voice dropped an octave, making a hot jolt spike through Sweetheart's spine. "Come now, mama. I know just what to do to help you relax."
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°.Reblogs are highly appreciated.! Thank you for your support everyone!!
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exhaslo · 4 days
Hi! I've been reading off and on and I loved puzzle pieces and I'm excited for Overtime! I do have a ask if you have the time.
The reader is a spider person and has a couple friends and is good at her job in alxmex. (I don't think I spelled that right forgive me.) but when she reports or gets missions from Miguel she clams up and doesn't really talk much just stoic and shy (definitely trying to fight the crush and just staring at him.) and he notices how different it is from the watch footage and what everyone says about reader. Layla figures out she has a crush and tells Miguel. Plot twist though the reader stays late practicing web moves in the gym and goes to the locker room/showers to rense off and change and there's Miguel waiting for her after his shower cause it's Miguel he likes to make people squirm. (I assume the gym locker room/shower there is unisex for reasons only for the plot 👀) So Miguel's there in just towel looking at the reader, and the virgin reader (cause of course she is.) is trying to be polite and not look at him and then chaos can reupt.
The idea popped into my head and I really enjoy your writing so I think it would be really fun to see how you interpret it. In my head I definitely see him going "you can look you know?" And the reader is just refusing and maybe he has to make her. I'll let you decide that lol. Anyway I really love your writing and I hope when you get this you have a good rest of your day or it gets better! 😊
Haha, the plot armor is STRONG with this one! Also, thank you! I'm glad you enjoy my series~
Warning: MINORS DNI, some smut, mentioned of sex, teasing, touch-starved Miguel
What would it take for your eyes to gaze only at him?
Despite what everyone believes about you, Miguel could only see one side. The shy and quiet you that could barely stutter a word whenever the two of you were alone. Your gaze always avoiding his, but yet, always stares whenever you thought Miguel wasn't looking.
So what would it take for you to open to up him?
This all started with you. Miguel knew that you were always a good worker. Everyone loved you and always praised you, but you always gave Miguel the cold shoulder. At least that was what he thought at first.
Miguel remembered it like it was yesterday. You had done a mission for him and there was barely anyone at the Spider Society. You were so quiet and embarrassed that you stumbled and fell against Miguel when delivering your report.
Your hands against his chest. That sweet voice of yours apologizing profusely as those glowing orbs of yours stared into his. It felt like an eternity. Miguel almost didn't want to let you go. He had wanted you to keep touching him.
It had been weeks since that encounter, and Miguel could only get a brush of your hand ever now and then.
So, what would it take for you to touch him again?
It was getting to the point where Miguel was becoming obsessive. He had started to watch videos of you from your home world. Watching your every lively moment. You weren't quiet to others. Miguel just wanted more of you.
"Ohoho, I think I found something interesting for our little Spider creep."
"Stop calling me that, Lyla." Miguel hissed towards his AI, "What did you find?"
Lyla withheld a snicker as she pulled a video up.
"Sooooo, (Y/N), when are you joining the dating pool?" One of your friends from your world asked.
"Ah-I'm not sure," You said with a light laugh, "There is this one guy I work with...He's kind of my boss, but he is so amazing. You're going to laugh, but I clamp up and can't say a word to him!"
"Liar. You never shut up!"
"My heart just keeps racing whenever I see him! He's so handsome and perfect. I just don't think I'm good enough for someone like him."
"What's his name and how long have you liked him?"
"Miguel and call it cheesy, but it was totally love at first sight. I can't even begin to describe my dreams~"
Miguel felt flustered as he immediately turned the video off. So that was why you kept avoiding him. Unable to hide his smile, Miguel knew that it was going to be much more fun from now on. Hopefully his teasing will get you to open up more.
With a heavy sigh, you scurried your way inside the Spider Society. It had been a long day of both work and crime fighting. Alchemax had you up to your head with paper work, then of course your Rhino decided to cause some havoc in the city.
You were due to a nice shower.
Hearing the alarm go off, you let out another sigh as you accepted the anomaly request on your watch. You entered the different world and nearly gasped as Miguel swung over you. Your face turning bright red as you got a good look at his ass.
Unsure if you should stay or not, you panicked. What if you messed up in front of Miguel?
Deciding to stay, you hurried to Miguel's side. This time the anomaly was a Doc Ock. You scrunched your face up as this Doc Ock used mud like attacks.
"Watch out, (Y/N)!" Miguel called out.
You felt your spider senses tingle as you went to dodge an attack. Before you could move, you felt yourself being pulled. Gasping sharply, you landed in Miguel's arms as you pulled you to safety. His grip tight around your waist.
"You take him from behind, I'll go front." Miguel said.
You squeaked in response, unable to say anything. Instead, you followed his lead, trying to forget about his arm around you.
You knew you were going to sleep good tonight.
Miguel had his eyes on you during the whole fight. He wanted to touch you more. Using the fight as an excuse, Miguel kept grabbing your arm, pulling against your waist and even bumping into you. Any kind of touch was what he needed.
Once the Doc Ock was captured, Miguel had you follow him back to the Spider Society. By this time nearly everyone was getting ready to go home.
"Ugh, I need a shower," You whispered, "Um....M-Miguel...G-Give me like....twenty....twenty minutes....p-please?"
God. You sounded so sweet. Miguel knew he was handsome, but to make such a outgoing person like you stutter and freeze was new. Hell, it started to turn him on.
At this rate, Miguel needed to be the one to make the first move. These little touches here and there weren't going to get you out of your shell. Having an idea of where you were going, Miguel just chuckled as he decided to have some fun.
A shower was definitely what you needed. Washing off the sweat, stress and mud from the way was so refreshing. Letting the water run down your body, you started to recall how Miguel kept touching you during the fight.
This was the most he had ever made contact with you. It was so hot and addicting. Knowing that the place was empty, you decided to give in to your small urges.
Letting your hands roam, you leaned against the shower wall and started to think of Miguel. The way his hands felt against your body. If only they could touch you elsewhere. His deep, charming voice whispering dirty things in your ear.
Imagining Miguel finally kissing you. His fingers making a mess of your sex while you cry and beg. How wonderful would that be?
"Sounds like someone needed to destress."
You gasped, recognizing the voice to be Miguel's. Your face was probably a million shades of red as you bend down and tried to hide inside the shower. Though, there really wasn't any use since he knew you were in here now.
"(Y/N)?" Miguel hummed lowly, "It's okay to show your face."
"B-But..." You covered your face, feeling embarrassed, "Sorry,"
"For what?"
Hearing the curtain open, you squeaked and looked up at Miguel. His lower half in a loose towel as he looked down at you with what seemed like a seductive grin.
"How cute. All wrapped up?" Miguel chuckled lowly.
This was the most you've ever had a conversation with him. Registering that you were naked, you tried to close the curtain again, but Miguel stopped you. He bend down to your level, his towel falling off, causing you to look away.
"Don't be shy, (Y/N), you can look."
Your mind was racing a mile a minute. Unable to refuse such a offer, you slowly turned your head to face Miguel. Your whole body had probably turned red from embarrassment as you tried to hide. How could Miguel say something to tempting?
"You're cute," Miguel chuckled as he grabbed your chin, making you look at him, "I like you, (Y/N). I like you a lot."
Your eyes widen to Miguel's confession. Trying to stutter the words out, you decided to take the leap. Leaning forward, you pecked Miguel's lips to respond to him.
That was a great mistake.
Miguel pinned you against the wall, his lips all over yours. Your body resting against his hips as his hands roamed your body. You weren't sure where to touch him, so you kept your hands around his neck. His tongue ravishing your mouth in the meantime.
Your body arched slightly as you felt his dick poking against your entrance. You wanted to say that this was moving too fast, but at the same time....You wanted him to fuck you.
Stroking your hands against his chest, you felt Miguel groan. He broke the kiss, watching you pant for air.
"Don't stop touching me, (Y/N). I want to see the side of you that everyone else sees."
"Mhm," You still felt shy towards his words, "T-This....This is the side I...I will only show you..."
"Even better," Miguel said with a grin as he captured your lips again.
You whimpered into the kiss, enjoying every second of it. His hands reaching your breasts, giving them a squeeze while he moved his hips to rub his dick against your cunt. You were feeling hot and wet, ready for this to escalate.
"Thank god the showers are still open. MJ and I had a fight so I'm sleeping here tonight." One of the Peters said as they entered the shower room.
Miguel was quick to shut the curtain, covering your mouth with his, wanting to keep you quiet.
"I wish I got into a fight. I got kicked out of my apartment because I couldn't' pay rent in time. I gotta crash here until I get a new place."
Wrapping your arms around Miguel's neck, you gently tugged against his hair to have him stop. Miguel pulled away, smirking down at you. He leaned towards you, nibbling against your ear,
"You really shouldn't have done that," He whispered, "We'll going to continue this in my office."
You rolled your lips inward as you just nodded. Miguel still held onto you, wanting to make sure you knew how hard he was. Covering your face against his chest, you tried your best to hide your smile.
This was the best day ever.
And the fun hadn't even started yet.
Hope you enjoyed!!
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yoonsdoll · 2 months
a love worth waiting for - chs
content : bsf!vernon x f!reader ; a lil angsty but fluff & happy ending ; 1.5k words warnings : vernon curses like 2ce lol - you are the most important person to vernon, but is it requited? an : i keep going on random writing hiatuses for no reason even tho i have so many ideas idek someone sos!!
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vernon has loved you ever since he met you. as cheesy as it sounds, its something he cant deny whenever his friends ask him about, something he rants for hours about to his sister, something he finds himself thinking about more often than not. 
he remembers it like it was yesterday, even if its been years. it was an unusual meeting; seeing a pretty girl on a walk in the middle of summer would usually be normal, if only he didn't trip on a rock and land awkwardly conveniently on your path… and then make a comment on how his sister has the same shoes as you as if you’d care.
but you did. you made sure he was okay and laughed at his comment, then blabbered something about how your boyfriend has a similar hat to him. and, oh. he should've seen that coming.
of course he should have. such a put together, sweet girl would obviously have lines of guys lining up at her feet (or falling, in hansols case). but that didn’t matter - you only just met, you’d probably become friends if he asked for your number, that would be enough for him.
and for the first few months it was enough. you hit it off great, messaging each other often and even hanging out occasionally… well, when your jackass boyfriend let you. he hated your boyfriend - no, despised him. it wasn't even a case of jealousy; more of a genuine worry, at least for a while. he made it vocal on how he doesn’t like how your boyfriend controlled your life, but obviously supported your choices anyway. who wouldn't? you became his best friend, he would do anything to see you happy.
behind the worry he presented, vernon was stuck.
“i don't get it, why would she be with him if he's so.. controlling and mean?” everyday he called his friends.
“she literally looks unhappy, i feel bad and.. i dunno, angry... is that stupid?” everyday he talked about it, about how he wants to help you and, well, about you. “shes so… nice and pretty and forgiving. dude, he really doesn’t deserve her.”
until one day, “i could treat her better.”
he accepted it. he knew it wasn’t fair, for him or for you. everything leading up to that moment that he did, he thought it was simply sympathy. he put on this friendly act to not hurt your feelings, but maybe it was to not hurt his own. you wore your heart on your sleeve. it was obvious you were in love with your boyfriend, not him. and no matter what he did, that wouldn’t change.
soon you noticed the same things that vernon begged you to see in your boyfriend for a very long time. the gaslighting, restrictiveness, the bored attitude, and when you drifted apart it was only a waiting game till you broke it off.
vernon was surprised that the way his eyes sparkled when you came to cry to him didn’t give him away. truthfully, he couldn’t care less about the way it all went down or what he told you while you broke up with him. what mattered was that you were out of the situation you were blinded in. 
“he was a fucking dick,” no brainer, “its unfair - y'know, someone you love being out of reach.” those words sounded awfully familiar.
actually, maybe to him what mattered more is that he finally could reach you.
“i still love him,” you mumbled between your tears as vernon cooed at you.
he should've seen that coming too, and he couldn’t blame you at all - ever. but why did it sting so much more than the first time?
when he searched for your laugh after making a joke, you were laughing out of pity. when he comforted you, you weren’t thinking about him and how he was always there for you, instead you were thinking about yourself. when home to him was wherever you were, home to you was wherever your ex boyfriend was.
you just lost someone so dear to you and he was being so selfish. 
you two breaking up should've been the greatest thing he has heard in months, but instead he suddenly couldn’t help but feel like there was a bigger wall between you both than ever. 
of course, you never had feelings for him in the first place. vernon knew that. but something in him always held onto the possibility of you ending up together. not anymore, not after those four words left your mouth. he felt stupid for ever even having hope.
he paused to think before he spoke - something he rarely ever did when he was with you. “i know you do.” shaking his head gently, he added, “your heart just got broken, its a fresh wound, of course you still love him.” did everything he say have to apply to him too? it was almost humiliating in a way.
“its embarrassing… im the one who broke it off, i shouldn’t like him.” right, you felt it too.
at the end of the day, no matter who he was to you, you recognised him as someone you could trust. you spoke your thoughts freely, you were always by his side, you were his best friend; thats something vernon failed to see. he understood now to expect nothing but appreciate everything. because after all, being your friend would always be enough for him.
vernon promised himself he wouldn’t do or say anything stupid for your sake. he knew breakups are tough, and he knew that feelings don’t change in a day. he loved you, so he never would blame you for anything negative you made him feel. he wouldn’t blame you because you didn’t know.
or so he thought.
because months later when you arrived at his door looking more nervous than usual with a small smile on your face, vernon couldn’t be more confused.
“its almost 11pm.. what’re you doing here…?”
you let yourself in, setting your shoes aside and placing your coat on the hanger before grabbing his hand and dragging him to the couch to sit down.
“is it true?” 
“...is what true?”
“is it true that you have feelings for me?”
was that a trick question? “i mean..” he cleared his throat with a harsh cough, leaving the room silent for a few moments that felt like hours. “is that really what you’re doing at my house at 11 in the evening?”
“stop it. stop avoiding the question. just answer me.” 
“where’d you even get that idea from? dude i mean, you’re my best friend so if you’re asking -”
“you know what im asking..” your hands felt clammy, suddenly regretting knocking on the door after debating if you should for a solid 5 minutes. “i’m.. not mad or anything.” you added.
this was the million dollar question. he felt scared. “ha..” he couldn’t help but scoff to himself, “yeah.” though his tone tried being confident, the lack of eye contact and leg jittering was enough to see how nervous he truly was.
“im… so sorry,” you stared at him with your nose slightly scrunched - a detail he noticed whenever you were upset. “what? sorry? pfft.. theres nothing to be sorry for.” you figured he’d say that.
“im sorry for not noticing it earlier. i feel like an idiot.”
“no.. i feel like the idiot.” he quickly butted in, trying to take the blame, “you shouldn’t have to ‘notice’ anything. i should have told you ages ago so we could get past… whatever this is. i was just being a pussy and i -”
you admired his dedication to try explain but decided to stop him. “no vernon, im sorry for making you wait.” 
making him wait? “what are you even talking about? you didn’t do anything i swear…”
“maybe you really are the idiot..” you suddenly smiled a little wider, catching him off guard, “i meant i'm sorry for not noticing my feelings.. for you.. earlier.”
if he was confused before, he was now completely dumbfounded. the frown on his face wiped into a completely new expression. one of certain shock and hope, but with an equal amount of doubt. 
“agh..” you groaned in fake annoyance, feeling your cheeks heat up in embarrassment, “i’m telling you that i like you too.”
oh. for once, he didn’t see that coming.
“are you serious?” he mumbled out, struggling to process the consumed information, a million things going through his mind.
“no im lying.” you tilted your head, “obviously im serious, why else would i be here?”
“you’re right.. i don’t know why i said that.” he nodded, a smile forming on his own face, “im just… at a loss of words dude.”
he let go of a breath he didn’t notice he was holding, sighing from relief as he looked at you. no more words were exchanged before he moved closer to hug you. a hug of love, ease and joy.
“if so.. can i be your boyfriend?” he whispered in a happier tone than before, the previous fear moulded into delight.
“yeah. i’d like that a lot.”
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j-niret · 1 month
would anyone be interested in a yandere!hyunjin fic where he’s gradually grown an obsession with the reader after a short interaction they have ? he thinks she feels the same way about him but once he finds out she had a boyfriend this whole time his behavior gets progressively worse as he unveils his true self. it won’t be too cheesy or corny to the point where the reader just blindly forgives everything he’s done bc that would be too easy lol. there will be some violence, mentions of kidnapping (no actual kidnapping happens tho) and it’s gonna be pretty messed up lmao but it’s fictional for a reason :P
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misc-obeyme · 1 year
hi! can you make something uuhhh... kinda spicy..? the side characters reaction to getting catch making out/ kissing mc hard?😳
Hi there, anon!
This is by far the spiciest thing I've ever posted here (ETA: lol), but I would still say it's only slightly spicy. They ended up a little longer than I meant for them to, but you know when inspiration strikes, I tend to go with the flow and not question it. Anyway, I hope the spice level is okay and that they're not too cheesy, but either way I enjoyed writing it!
Thank you for the request!
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side characters make out with GN!MC and react to getting caught
Warnings: making out, kissing, touching, etc, but everyone stays clothed lol
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You had received a message from Diavolo earlier that evening asking you to come see him at the Demon Lord's Castle. Although he hadn't said what it was he wanted to talk to you about, you were pretty sure it was regarding an upcoming event that you were helping him plan. So you made your way over to the castle quickly.
He had been at his desk in his office, working away, when you arrived. He looked up at you as you entered the room, putting down his pen and actually standing up to greet you.
"Thank you for coming, MC!" he said, taking your hand and leading you to a seat in front of his desk.
You sat down as he passed several papers to you. A glance revealed that you were correct - they were about the event at RAD that you were planning. You had some ideas about it already and the two of you launched into a discussion about logistics and such things.
When your talk finally came to an end, you nodded firmly. "Okay," you said. "I'll have all this ready in the next couple of days."
"That would be wonderful, but don't overwork yourself, MC," Diavolo said.
"Don't worry, I can handle it," you said. You stood up from your seat and smiled at him. "Good night, Diavolo. I'll see you at RAD tomorrow."
You turned and walked toward the door. You were about to open it when you found that somehow Diavolo was already standing in your way. How did he get there so fast? But you didn't have time to wonder too much about that.
He frowned, but it was more like a pout and you could see the mischievous twinkle in his eyes. "Must you leave so soon?"
You folded your arms and looked at him. "We both have a lot of work to do."
Diavolo couldn't keep the smile off his face. He moved closer to you, settling his hands on your waist. "I know, MC," he said. "But can't we take advantage of these few moments alone? I promise I'll be able to work twice as hard later."
You scoffed at this, but you also felt a smile creeping onto your face. You couldn't exactly refuse those sparkling gold eyes. "I guess I have a few minutes…"
Diavolo pulled you closer, kissing you as your hands rested on his chest. The heat from his soft lips spread throughout your entire body as you felt an electric thrill run through your stomach.
Diavolo began to move forward, causing you to move backward until you ran into his desk. You felt him lift you to sit on his desk and you let out a small sound of surprise, nearly breaking the kiss. Your concern quickly fled as he moved in further, one hand leaning against the desk beside you and one cupping your cheek.
You could feel the flush warming your face and neck as his hand moved from your cheek into your hair. Your own hands gripped the front of his uniform before sliding up to clasp behind his neck.
The hand in your hair slid down your spine slowly before stopping on your lower back. You couldn't help but arch into the touch. This broke the kiss, but Diavolo's lips were now on your neck. You bit your lip as he trailed kisses down your throat.
The door to the office opened with a slight creak.
You froze. Diavolo pulled away, hovering over you, but clearly not willing to completely let you go.
You looked over his shoulder at Lucifer, who stood in the doorway holding a stack of papers in one hand, his other hand still on the doorknob.
Lucifer cleared his throat. "Forgive me for interrupting," he said, his voice full of sarcasm. "I'll just leave these here." He put the papers on a nearby table before exiting immediately, shutting the door sharply with a snap.
You looked back at Diavolo, who was staring at you in surprise. Then he laughed, standing up straight and running a hand through his hair as he did so.
"I'm so sorry, MC," Diavolo said, a light blush across his cheeks. "I'm afraid I got carried away and forgot that Lucifer was coming by. Can you forgive me?"
You sighed. The pool of warmth that had settled in your stomach still lingered, fueled by Diavolo's cheerful response to having been caught like this. "I'll forgive you on one condition."
"Anything for you," he said.
You slipped off the desk, fixing your clothes and hair as you did so. Then you straightened his tie, which had gotten skewed. "Next time, invite me over when you aren't working so we can have the whole evening to ourselves."
"I promise," he said, smiling brightly.
It was a rainy day in the Devildom and for some reason you found yourself craving one of Barbatos's signature cakes. When you asked him about it, he offered to come over to the House of Lamentation to make one for you. That was how you found yourself in the kitchen, watching as he expertly mixed various ingredients to create cake, frosting, and filling. You helped where you could, but really it was best to just watch the master at work.
He had removed his gloves and RAD uniform jacket, rolling up the sleeves of his green shirt. It was really quite enjoyable to watch him as he made the batter or piped the frosting. Barbatos was always smiling and content while he was baking. He was in his element and you couldn't help but stare at him as he moved about the kitchen.
When the cake was finally ready, you waited in anticipation as Barbatos cut you a slice. He placed it on a little plate before using a fork to scoop up a bite. You watched curiously, thinking he was going to sample it himself before allowing you to eat some. Instead, he held the fork out to you.
You blushed instantly, but you held his gaze while you leaned forward and ate the cake off the fork. He waited, watching you.
"It's delicious, of course," you said. "You don't… you're not going to feed it all to me, are you?"
Barbatos smiled, placing the plate on the counter. "Did you think I hadn't noticed the way you were staring, MC? It was quite distracting."
"I couldn't help it," you said. "If you could see yourself, you wouldn't blame me."
Barbatos moved closer to you. He leaned in, not quite touching you. "I came here this afternoon to satisfy your craving," he said quietly in your ear. "But your keen attention has caused a different craving in me, I'm afraid. Won't you indulge me?"
You knew he was waiting for some kind of confirmation from you. He was so close, you couldn't quite focus because your heart was pounding too hard. You opened your mouth, as though you were going to say something, but found that no words came out. So instead you closed the remaining space between you, put your hands on his cheeks, and kissed him.
You felt Barbatos's arms wrap around you, pressing you to him. You kept one hand on his face, but let the other one fall to grip his arm, your fingers coming in contact with his rarely exposed skin. You gently nipped his bottom lip and he opened his mouth for you. Your whole body was warm, a giddy feeling bubbled up in your stomach, and the taste of him was so much sweeter than any dessert.
You felt his hands moving slowly but deliberately up and down your back. The sensation of heat was almost overwhelming you.
You tried to stop yourself, but it was no use. "Barbatos," you moaned his name into his lips and you felt his grip on you tighten.
Your knees were weak and just as you thought you might not be able to stay standing, there was a clatter at the other end of the kitchen.
"Ohhh MC! Barbatos! Why didn't you invite me to this make out party?"
You felt yourself blush intensely as you pulled away and saw Asmodeus walk into the room.
Barbatos smiled at you before letting you go and turning around. "Asmodeus," he said, perfectly composed. "Would you like some cake?"
Asmo pouted. "Are you really going to try to pretend that you guys weren't just making out?"
"Asmodeus," Barbatos said again. He was smiling, but an aura of black and purple had sprung up around him. "Would you like some cake?"
Asmo shuddered. "That cake looks divine, of course I'd love a piece!"
Barbatos began to cut another piece of the cake for Asmo while you picked up your own plate and took another bite. It was as amazing as it always was. Word spread quickly around the House of Lamentation that there was cake to be had. There were no leftovers, especially after Beel showed up. Barbatos was more than happy to make another cake so everyone was satisfied.
Later on, you stood by the front door as Barbatos prepared to return to the castle. He was back in his full uniform, white gloves and all. He paused in the front doorway, taking both of your hands in his.
"Should you wish to enjoy that cake again, I must insist that you come to the Demon Lord's Castle," he said with his usual smile. "Allow me to treat you to a full tea party as well."
You leaned in a little closer and kissed his cheek. "I would love to," you said. "Especially if it's a tea party just for two."
You lingered outside the door of the home economics classroom, waiting for Simeon to come out. Many delicious aromas wafted out as the other students filed past you, chatting about the various things they had made during class.
You had just come from seductive speechcraft, where you had received a message from Simeon on your D.D.D. After working out a couple of the typos, you realized he was asking you to meet him here at the home economics classroom so you could have lunch together. He had made something tasty and wanted to share it with you.
Finally, after what felt like forever, Simeon emerged from the classroom with a small box in his hands. He smiled when he saw you.
"I'm sorry if you were waiting long, MC," he said.
"It wasn't that long," you said. "Are you ready to go?"
"Yes," Simeon said, still smiling. "I was thinking we could eat outside. It's a nice afternoon."
"Sure," you said.
You and Simeon made your way through the halls, down the front steps, and through the grounds to a mostly secluded spot surrounded by trees. You both sat down at the base of one of the trees. Simeon carefully opened the box he'd been carrying to reveal a couple of his famous BLT devil sandwiches.
"I made a lot of these today," he said. "I gave most of them to Beelzebub during class, but I saved these for us to have for lunch."
You pulled two devil crush super spicy mango juices from your bag. "I brought drinks," you said.
"That's perfect," Simeon said. "Thank you, MC."
It didn't take the two of you long to eat your lunch, laughing and talking the whole time. When you were finished, there was still time left before you needed to go back to class.
You sighed and leaned back against the tree. "This is so nice," you said. "I wish I could just stay here with you forever instead of going back to class."
Simeon laughed and leaned toward you, taking one of your hands. "Forever? Are you sure you would want to stay with me that long, MC?"
The bright smile on his face and the way his blue eyes were shining caused you to lean closer and say, "Yes. Forever."
Simeon blushed and raised your hand to his lips, kissing it softly while looking up at you.
Your heart began to race. You turned your hand in his and cupped his cheek.
The two of you stared at each other for a few moments before you simultaneously moved closer together, your lips meeting. Simeon shifted so he was on his knees before you, one hand on your thigh and the other still covering yours which remained on his cheek. You could feel his skin flushing beneath your touch.
You opened your mouth without thinking about it clearly, eager for more of him. He responded instantly, if tentatively. You ran a hand through his hair, letting the soft, smooth strands fall through your fingers.
You pulled away briefly for some air and found yourself looking at the soft brown skin of his throat, peeking above the high collar of his shirt. You kissed it and you couldn't resist continuing down to his exposed collarbone and one of his shoulders.
"M-MC-" Simeon's grip on your thigh tightened as he said your name.
There was a rustling in the tree above you and a loud thud nearby.
Simeon sat back and stood up in one fluid motion, clearly surprised. You looked up to see Belphie rubbing at his eyes. He seemed exasperated.
"Can't a demon take a nap in a tree without being disturbed around here?" he asked, giving you both a sleepy look. "You guys better stop making out and get back to class or you'll get detention for skipping."
Simeon sighed and held out a hand to help you up. You accepted the offered hand, letting him pull you to your feet. You saw that he was blushing only slightly less than you were.
You were ready to get on Belphie's case for sleeping in trees, but he was already on his way back to RAD. You turned to Simeon bashfully. "Thanks for lunch," you said.
Simeon laughed and shook his head. "You're welcome, MC. We should do this again. We'll just have to make sure the tree we choose to sit by doesn't have Belphegor napping in its branches."
You couldn't help but laugh, too. It was embarrassing to get caught, but Simeon still looked like he was happy just to be with you. He held your hand all the way back to RAD.
You had been in the library at RAD with Solomon for the last couple of hours, reading through a stack of books. He was researching some minute details of a certain kind of spell involving a magic circle, but it was an old spell and there was limited information about it. So you had to look through many old books to see if you could find even a small mention of it.
You closed the book you were currently looking through as you reached the end and realized that you had no more books in your to-read stack.
The library was quiet at this hour of the day. Across the table from you, Solomon was engrossed in whatever book was in front of him. The look on his face was one of serious concentration.
You didn't want to disturb him, but he seemed to sense that you were watching him. He looked up at you, smiled and leaned back in his chair, stretching his arms above his head for a moment.
"Are you done already?" he asked.
"I've gone through all of these," you said.
Solomon nodded. "Come on, there are plenty of other books to look through. I'll help you get more from the shelves."
You got up from the table and followed Solomon. You frowned when he passed by the books you thought he was going to stop at.
You jogged a little to catch up to him. "Um, weren't the books back there?"
"There are more over here," he said. "I think we might be more successful with these."
He stopped in front of the back wall of books and indicated the top half of the shelves. "You can use this step stool to reach them," he said, pulling a little step stool from nearby. "If you want to hand them down to me, we can take back a stack of them."
You stepped up onto the first step and knew immediately that the stool wasn't balanced right. It tipped slightly and you stumbled, throwing out your hands in an attempt to catch yourself.
Fortunately for you, Solomon was there to catch you. However, you then found yourself with your back pressed against the shelf and his arms wrapped around you. You knew he saw the blush that you could feel suddenly spring to your cheeks.
Solomon seemed reluctant to let you go. "Are you all right, MC? I'm sorry I almost caused you to get hurt."
"I'm fine," you said. "It scared me a little, though."
Solomon reached up and brushed back some of your hair, which had fallen forward into your face when you fell. "Let me make it up to you," he said, leaning in closer and pausing, lips inches away from yours.
You took the invitation and kissed him, letting your arms wrap around him, your fingers clinging to the back of his RAD uniform. He responded by pressing into you, keeping a hand behind your back to prevent you from being pushed uncomfortably into the bookshelf. His kiss was hot and heavy, his touch needy.
You felt dizzy, ready to get lost in him and forget about the old books for a while. A twinge of butterflies fluttered through your insides as you felt yourself flushing in response. The heat around you increased, Solomon's body pressed up against yours, one of his hands tracing lightly down your arm.
You gasped as Solomon broke away long enough to move to your neck. You tangled a hand in his hair as he made his way down to your collarbone, biting gently at your skin.
And then someone cleared their throat loudly.
Solomon reluctantly pulled himself away from you, turning to look at whoever had interrupted while straightening his uniform.
Satan stood there, arms folded, looking like he was about to go into demon form on the both of you. "Solomon. MC. What are you doing? This is a library. And I need one of the books you're so blatantly making out on."
You blushed, covering your face with your hands. "Sorry," you mumbled into your palms.
Solomon laughed and took your hands away from your face. "Sorry about that, Satan," he said. "We were just leaving."
Solomon led you back to the table where the books from earlier remained stacked.
"I thought there were more…?" you said.
Solomon shook his head, still smiling. "I think we're done for the day, don't you? We can pick up again another time. Let me walk you home."
You nodded, then stopped when something dawned on you. "Solomon, couldn't you have just used magic to get those books down from the top shelves?"
Solomon laughed again. "I suppose I could have."
You laughed, too. Like he really needed to make up an excuse like that to kiss you. You let him walk you home and made sure he knew as much before you parted ways.
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masterlist | Thank you for reading!
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mandos-mind-trick · 9 months
Jesse's Girl
Summary: You're his. He'll go to great lengths to prove it.
Pairing: Jesse x reader
Warnings: NSFW, 18+, Public sex, voyeurism, possessive Jesse, fingering, unprotected sex, cockwarming kind of, Jesse is a bit of a dom but not really, author is very sick so this is probably garbage
A/N: Unprompted Jesse filth thanks to my fever. It probably doesn't make any sense but it came to me in a fever dream (lol I'm not funny) and I had to write it. Please forgive me if this is utter nonsense
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(Gif found on Google cause tumblr sucks)
As soon as he pulls you into his lap you know you’re in dangerous territory. 
Jesse wasn’t one to shy away from a challenge, and the shinies eyeing you from the bar were the next competitors. 
It started when you went to the bar to get the next round of shots. You had situated yourself right in the middle of a group of shinies without even thinking about it. You’d been immediately hit with the cheesy pickup lines and the eyes trailing your form in your tight fitting blue dress. You had politely brushed them off, only staying at the bar long enough to grab the tray of shots before returning to the table with your boys. 
You could feel their eyes the entire way back. 
The whistles hadn’t gone unnoticed when you’d bent down to place the tray on the table. 
As soon as you slid back into the booth, Jesse had pulled you into his lap instead of letting you settle into your spot next to him. You could practically feel the smirk against your ear as he rested his chin on your shoulder. Your eyes had gone back to the bar, to the group of shinies still eyeing you bravely. 
Jesse’s chuckle rumbles through your back, his hands splaying across your bare thighs. “What do you say, babe?” He whispers in your ear, his tongue darting out to lick at your skin, causing goosebumps to erupt across your entire body. “Why don’t we give them a show that’ll leave them jealous that they can only sit and watch.” 
You bite your lip, grins spreading around the table as Jesse rests his chin on your shoulder once more. You bite your lip as Jesse’s hands trail further up your thighs, spreading them over his own legs. Cool air hits the damp folds between your legs, your panties having somehow been forgotten in your rush to get to the bar. 
Jesse’s calloused fingers trail up your inner thighs, your hands curling around the half empty glass in front of you. You shift just slightly in his lap, feeling the hard bulge under your ass. 
One hand grips your thigh, keeping it draped over his as the other slips between your legs, trailing through your wet folds. Your lips part in a gasp as the rough pads of his fingers ghost over your clit. He leans further over your shoulder, pressing your lips together as he slips a finger into your pussy. He muffles the quiet whine that leaves your lips as he slips a second finger in, curling them to find that spot inside you. 
You jerk in his arms as he finds it, gasping into his mouth as he kisses you. He doesn’t try to hide his actions, nothing subtle about the way his arm moves. If anyone even glanced your way they would know what was happening. 
It’s a risk you’re willing to take. 
Jesse pulls his fingers from your pussy before you can cum, shifting you just enough so he can undo his pants. You lean forward on the table, making eye contact with the shinies at the bar, still gaping at you as the tip of Jesse’s cock prods your entrance. You sink back against him, taking him inside you. Your eyes roll back for effect, lips parting in a breathy moan as he fills you. His hands grip your hips, tugging you back against his chest. 
He presses his lips to yours once more, licking into your mouth as you sit on his cock. He twitches inside you as you squeeze around him, excited by the idea of being fucked in such a public place where anyone could see you. 
“Naughty little thing.” Jesse murmurs against your lips. “But kriff, it’s so hot.” 
You smirk, pressing another kiss to his lips before you lean forward once more, resting your elbows on the table. It pushes your cleavage out more, and you can see a couple of the shinies shift just slightly at the bar. You keep your gaze on them as you slowly begin to rock in Jesse’s lap. There’s no way they can’t tell what’s happening, not with the smirk you know Jesse is giving them. 
Your lips part in a silent moan as Jesse’s fingers slip around to your clit, making your hips jerk just slightly. He pulls his hand back before you can cum, tugging you back against his chest. 
He wraps his arms around your middle, breath fanning against your neck. “I’ll keep you here all night if I have to.” He murmurs in your ear. “Until they finally realize you’re mine.” 
You smirk, tightening around him, making him groan. “Think you can last that long?” 
He gives you a dark look, his smirk widening as his fingers trail down to your clit once more. “I’m not the one you should worry about.” 
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Ragu list:
@kaminocasey @rosechi @mxkyrie @bobaprint @star-trekker-0013 @padawancat97 @bamfahsoka @rain-on-kamino @thrawnspetgoose @lune-de-miel-au-paradis @wolffegirlsunite @dukeoftheblackstar @starrylothcat @blueink-bluesoul @freesia-writes @anxiouspineapple99 @wings-and-beskar @dystopicjumpsuit @littlemissmanga @madameminor @eris-k @clio3kantarella @moonlightwarriorqueen @sleepingsun501 @originalcollectionartistry @maddiedrmr @idontgetanysleep @clonemedickix @523rdrebel @deejadabbles @starqueensthings @multi-fan-dom-madness @sinfulsalutations @wizardofrozz @mythical-illustrator @sunshinesdaydream @mooncommlink @lickylickylicky @sweetheartsnips
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skepticalarrie · 10 months
my favorite story that gets told at family events is how Harry Styles flirted with my uncle. It would have been 2014/2015, Washington DC. My uncle is a bald, fit, jewish man. Harry with his long hair and free spirit kept coming back and pointing at him, singing to him, serenading him (my cousin/his daughter remembers being petty that she had worked so hard on her "I love you Harry" sign but her dad got all the attention lol). Louis apparently came by their section too after noticing harry's attention to the bald man, and gave my cousin a little wave, thumbs up.
Over covid, my cousin learned about harry and louis and got sucked into the masterposts. She said that Harry flirting with her dad makes way more sense now that she's grown, basically.
They ended up going to LOT DC. Now I can't confirm this (they took videos and pictures from nationals park but not LOT), but my cousin brought her same sign from 1D days she had drawn as a 7 y/o, Harry recognized it, then spotted my uncle and they had a whole little "omg i know you *wave* *wink*" moment. My uncle apparently shouted/mouthed/motioned(?) to harry "i miss your long hair" and Harry gave him a big cheesy grin, and did a little hair flick (i have a hunch this is dramatized).
My uncle never shuts up about it. My cousin will never forgive him for stealing Harry's attention and affection. :) her favorite after that one direction concert was Louis, rightfully so :)
HAHAHAHA ANON. What an amazing story, and this sounds just like Harry. I'd never shut up about it either if I was your uncle wow, what a legend 😂 Love this, thanks for sharing!
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pandoraroid · 2 months
redacted filipino hcs & thoughts! lol
mostly about shaw pack + vamps + guy&honey
inpsired by @erial-c nahiya akong itag ka pero hiiii po
the trivia and translations are probably not accurate 🧍‍♀️please forgive my very scattered brain thoughts
darlin probably does arnis. it's why they fight like a menace 😈 sam has never known peace since he's seen em wield an ital
arnis - a ph martial art
itak - a bolo sword(?)
asher doesn't call milo "tol" bc he's not tall /j
"tol" is like the equivalent of "dude" as in a way of calling your friend
lovely & darlin would probably call vincent & sam their asawang (gets niyo ba asawa + aswang)
asawa means spouse or wife or husband
aswang is a ph mythological creature. different sources tell different things but what is mostly agreed upon is that (1) they're nocturnal (2) they usually pretend to be humans in the day time if not (3) they hide in the woods (4) they prey on children, pregnant women (specifically for their unborn child), and maybe new borns. they often get lumped with vampires though i'm not too sure how accurate that is.
aspins have a very special place in darlin's heart. sam's cabin in the woods usually have attract lots of them and they never had the heart to turn them away. in a way too, they know what it's like to being wild, dirty, street dog.
aspin - a dog breed in the ph that is sort of a mix of other breeds. they often get a bad rep for being street dogs and not having a particular breed.
vincent n his cars get featured a lot in those carspotting around manila tiktoks. whenever lovely finds em they make sure to send those to vincent lol
(this is me also hoping that vincent gets to keep at least few of them when they leave the house of solaire)
not entirely sure how the entire mate thing would translate into ph culture but even with all that david & asher would insist on doing things properly before marriage - they would mamanhikan to their partner's parents respectively hehehe
mamanhikan or pamamanhikan is a like a traditional practice of going to the fiancee's family's house and asking for their hand in marriage lol.
whenever they drive down shaw boulevard, the pack would turn to david and go "taga dito ka di ba?" or something to that effect HAHAHAHHA
"taga-dito ka 'di ba?" = "you're from (around) here, right?"
angel know it's general cleaning morning whenever david is blasting opm songs or old timey songs around their house.
asher would take panliligaw very seriously!!!!! magpapaalam sa magulang lagi ni baabe paglalabas sila!!! aabangan niya after work si baabe tapos "sabay na raw sila umuwi" galawan mo asher talbot !!!! dyan ka magaling !!!! and ofc it never stopped kahit naging sila na ni baabe :))) 
panliligaw or ligaw is a more traditional pre-dating courting stage in a relationship. lol
marie has definitely said to david & asher & milo & darlin at some point na "kakaselpon niyo yan". it doesn't matter that they're adults.
"kakaselpon niyo yan" = "it's because of that (damn) phone"
this one is a bit more in general: vampire houses have THE filipino family drama. territory/progeny disputes? grudges? backstabbing? been there done that.
speaking of vamps: pre-turning, sam was once an altar boy (darlin: hahaha samkristan)
speaking of sam (again): pre-turning, he has a picture in baguio, riding a horse & wearing a cowboy hat. when darlin found it they couldn't stop staring at it for a loong while. 
sweetheart LOVES singing. marie loves having them over for karaoke.
marie would drag milo's ahh every night for simbang gabi.
simbang gabi - mass service for the nine nights leading up to christmas eve.
guy's filipino nickname would be "totoy"
"totoy" is another way of refering to a younger male. addtionally, it's also often used as a euphism for a dick HAHAJAHA
guy definitely has a tiktok acct tapos don siya nagpaparinig kay honey HAHAHAHA lagi niyang kinakanta "crush" by tweens of pop
guy always does those cheesy, poetry pick up line jokes to honey like:
"cheese, cheese, cheese. gusto kita i-keese (read: kiss)"
"mga 6 out of 10. medyo pilit yung rhyme"
"honey naman 😭😓"
"cheese, cheese, cheese. i want to give you a k-eese."
"a 6 out of 10. the rhyming was a bit forced."
"honey, c'mon 😭😓."
guy and honey are definitely oa x nonchalant pairings but may i also suggest na they are jeje x pogi typings. they both definitely have kanal humor though HAHAHA
- after returning to the pack, darlin couldnt help but cry tear up after marie called them "anak" again
anak = child
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willowser · 1 year
i think that childhood best friends to lovers with kiri would actually be — an incredibly sad journey LOL
you're perfect in his eyes. quirkless, exactly as you're meant to be, with the potential to do anything. everything. the world is at your feet and he knows you'll go after it — it's him that falls flat, that can't follow in your footsteps. his quirk isn't anything special, nothing manly, and it won't make him a hero like his heroes. instead he's just in this odd, empty space in between. floating.
you accepting him that way — i think it would mean everything to him.
neither of you really know what to expect, when he goes off to ua. of course you're excited for him; even if his hair is new and he seems a little different, you can feel the build of confidence in him, the motivation he has to try, and that means more to you than the distance ever could. of all things, you want kiri to be happy, even if your friendship takes a backseat to bigger, better things.
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days turn to weeks turn to months and the calls become less frequent. the first time he comes home in a while — maybe half a year — he brings his new friends and they're...incredible. strong and powerful and full of life, full of excitement, spontaneous and fun. the kind of people that become heroes. the kind of people kiri needs around him.
you don't think he means to be so distant; what little time the two of you get together is the same as it always is. cheesy movies and multi-player RPG's until the late, late hours of the night. pizza and energy drinks and jokes that are still as funny as they were when you were six. he sleeps on the couch instead of your bed now and doesn't sit as close as he used to, doesn't take his shirt off just because anymore — but you don't mind. you try not to. you try not to care about how much he sweats when you stare at him, or how red the back of his neck gets, or how it seems like he can't look you in the eye anymore.
you don't think he means it, and so you can't be angry at him. angry, no, hurt though...that's a little harder. because everything seems the same with him; it's not like he's upset with you or even wanting to leave you behind. he always apologizes for not keeping up, genuinely, looking like a sad little puppy even though you for forgive him, easily. you're not sure what has changed exactly, you're only sure that everything has.
kirishima's able to go pro very quickly, has a spot secured even before he's graduated. by the time he was sixteen, he'd already been in the news a handful of times, celebrated for the incredible hero he's always been capable of being, and the public loves him by the time he's eighteen. while he's out saving lives and making an impact on the entirety of japan, you're studying or trying to find a new date to the summer festival, because you know he won't be able to go. he doesn't make your graduation — and sounds really sorry about it, when he calls a few weeks after — and you get petty enough that you don't go to his either.
it's stupid, and you feel bad, but kirishima doesn't even notice.
a long time goes by, before you see each other again. all the attempts he makes to meet up with you are fruitless; either he can't make it or you don't want to try, too tired and embarrassed after being stood up time and time again. his apologies become redundant, and even if you know he means them, it doesn't make them any easier to hear.
naturally, you see him again at the worst moment: coming out of the gym, sweaty, without makeup and fighting off a painful zit on your chin. he's with his bestie — bakugou, who is even more terrifying at twenty-four than he was at fifteen — and kiri has his hair up in a cute half man-bun and it's longer than you remember and he's bigger than you remember and in a shirt that should hardly count as a shirt.
and he's overjoyed to see you.
"oh my god!" he laughs, smacking a hand to his forehead as you stand awkwardly in the doorway, trying to tuck your face down in the most nonchalant way.
it's the wrong move, because you don't see him step in to hug you.
"kirishima!" you squeal, trying to jerk away as you feel his cheek press against your damp hairline. you feel gross, even worse when you see the face bakugou makes. "quit it!"
"sorry! i just can't believe—" and when he sees the look on your face, the happiness on his drops, replaced by something like humiliation as he glances between you and his friend.
there's something terrible about the slow end of a friendship, and you can see it manifest in his expression. how much of a stranger the two of you have become over time, due to neglect, and it seems like all the ugly feelings are soaked up by him like a sponge.
you don't even know what to say. you don't even know if there's anything to say—no, no, that's not true; there are a million and one things to say, but you just don't know where to begin.
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freesia-writes · 6 months
First time making a request, I'm nervous lol
I would love something kinda awkward but sweet with my main Man Howzer.
Either the "being too awkward to know what to do with the hands" and/ or the panic while figuring out if they are actually leaning in for a kiss
The awkward one being reader, GN as well if possible 🫶🏼
Feel free to ignore if the request post was old and my ask is out of place 😱
Have a great rest of the weekend 🫶🏼
Helloooooo my friend! What a joy and honor to be your first request. Thank you SO MUCH for your patience. Writing has been so hard for me lately; trying to have a steady stream of thought feels like wading through mud. But I've missed it and have felt more inspired to give it a try, so I hope my clunky effort is somewhat heartwarming and enjoyable! :)
Howzer x GN!Reader Word Count: 1.8k
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You’d rolled your eyes when your Galactic Political Science class had assigned you to an externship on the planet Ryloth, having only heard of its dusty plains and occasionally volatile population. But now, eight months later, you wouldn’t have it any other way. Your job shadows of various political aides and diplomatic entourages had led you right into the vicinity of the man of your dreams. He was a clone, which some of your Coruscant classmates teased you about, but you couldn’t care less what they thought, uppity and narrow-minded as they were. 
Captain Howzer had caught your eye in one of the first meetings held on the planet, and your jaw had nearly dropped open at the sight of him. Immediately overthinking it, you wondered if you were so shallow that something so simple as a haircut could really make that much of a difference. But in hindsight, you were convinced that you were instead just an excellent judge of character, as your time working in close proximity to him had revealed a depth and integrity that left you in awe. He was level-headed and clever, and often came up with solutions to issues or conflicts that were impressively insightful. 
He was also kind of a dork. 
You’d never have believed it, but the more time you spent together, the more you caught the cheesy little jokes he’d make or the awkward comments that would slip by. As if he couldn’t be any cuter, his self-effacing humor and easygoing approach to life were just cherries on top.
So when it came time for your externship to come to an end, you were not in any hurry to leave. You’d enjoyed a number of mildly flirtatious moments with Howzer amid a great many conversations and encounters within your line of work, and yet you still felt as though he had enough depth to keep you pursuing him for decades. But you didn’t have many options: your program needed to be finished and it required your presence on Coruscant. To drop out now would be to lose everything you’d worked toward… not to mention your parents would never forgive you. 
You weren’t sure what to do, but you knew you had to do something. 
Your chance came not too long after, as the Ryloth session came to a close with a “Review Ceremony”, complete with awards and rife with lessons on political butt-kissing and how to appear in public to best sway opinion in your direction. You couldn’t have felt more uncomfortable if you tried. It was a black tie event, with all of the leaders in the sector attending, as well as aides, classmates, and local law enforcement. You chafed in your outfit, trying to walk as smoothly as possible through the doors, which opened into a massive chamber so tall you couldn’t see where it ended. 
Graceful vines and floating luminaries wove an intricate pattern above the guests, casting a warm glow across the proceedings. The hubbub of conversation was punctuated by the tinkling of expensive crystal and effervescent laughter as the influencers of the sector rubbed elbows and congratulated each other on everything and nothing. You were at the edge of a group of some of your peers, nodding and smiling at what you hoped were the appropriate places, but you weren’t really paying attention. 
If this externship had taught you anything, it was that you didn’t really have any interest whatsoever in this side of politics, and you were instead trying to look around the cavernous room for any sight of Howzer. You were scheduled to leave in the morning and still hadn’t found a time or way to confess any feelings. Even if you had found the right moment, you were still going back and forth endlessly about doing it at all. You were leaving, so what was the point? It’s not like he could leave his post and come with you…
“Excuse me,” a voice broke through your reverie, a voice you’d recognize anywhere… You turned far too quickly to “keep your cool”, heart skipping a beat when you saw Howzer in his standard armor. He tilted his head and you could almost see his expression through his helmet as he continued, “There seems to be an issue with your luggage. Would you please follow me?” 
You’d packed all your things that day, scheduled to ship out bright and early with the first transport. At first, you frowned, feeling that familiar anxiety in the pit of your stomach as you considered any and every possibility of what could have gone wrong. But when you noticed his broad shoulders ahead of you headed out onto the balcony, you were thoroughly confused. 
“Howzer, where’s–” you began, but he turned around so quickly you almost ran into him, hands a hair’s length away from his chest plate. 
“Sorry,” he answered, a crooked grin on his beautiful face as he pulled off his helmet. “You looked as miserable as I felt in there, so I thought we could get some air. Plus, there’s something kinda neat out here tonight…” He looked almost sheepish, sending a thrill from your head to your toes. You opened your mouth to ask about it but couldn’t get a word out when he suddenly took your hand in his. You could barely feel the warmth through his glove, but the thrill it sent through you felt like an electric charge. 
He pulled you gently toward the edge of the balcony, where a thick railing curved in a graceful half-circle that allowed for a beautiful view of the evening horizon. The dark Ryloth sky was peppered with distant stars and nearby planets, as well as the occasional ship coming or going. As the two of you came to a halt against the railing, he released your hand, leaving a cold emptiness where it had been, and pointed at a cluster of glimmering lights in the sky. 
“If you watch there for the next twenty minutes, there’s a meteor shower expected to start…”
“Twenty minutes!” you laughed.
“I mean…” he began, faltering with a chuckle, “I guess that is a bit of a long time…” 
“We’ll have to find some way to keep ourselves occupied for all that time I guess,” you said, choking on your own words as they came out sounding far more suggestive than you’d anticipated. “I mean… I’d like to see it, and… Well I don’t know when the ceremony will be starting… But I also don’t really care…. I mean, not like I’m going to win any awards, but…” Your brain yelled at you to stop talking, because every word felt as though it were making it worse. 
But Howzer seemed unfazed, his steady presence brightened by the sparkle in his eye as he shook his head. “And just why wouldn’t you win an award?” was his only response, leaning over the railing to gaze out across the expanse, keeping his words light but still casting a sideways glance at you that gave you the tingles.
“They’re not given based on merit…” you began, cynicism rising to the surface in the wake of your stressful end-of-internship duties. His gaze danced in the moonlight, flickers of amusement battling an undercurrent of something deeper, something warmer. It felt like forever until his soft voice broke the spell.
"Well, I don’t know if they told you, but you were the first place finalist for the Howzer trophy," he countered, his grin widening as he turned fully to face you. 
You laughed out loud now, clapping a hand to your forehead. “Oh?” you asked curiously, hoping beyond hope that it meant what you thought. The awkwardness that had been simmering between you seemed to dissolve, replaced by a charged stillness. 
The silence stretched, punctuated only by the distant thrum of the city and the faint murmur of voices from within the chamber behind. Your hands, previously clutched together in nervous anticipation, twitched instinctively. One of them, as if possessed by its own will, drifted up, hovering near his armor plate for a second before returning to the railing.
Howzer's breath hitched, and his eyes flickered down to your hand, then back up to your eyes. His grin, which had been playful moments ago, softened into something sweeter, something tinged with a hint of vulnerability that mirrored your own. He leaned in, slowly, his face a mere whisper away from yours. 
“Yeah. I think you’re great,” he said softly.
Now your own breath caught in your throat, your mind a whirlwind of conflicting emotions. Should you pull away? Lean in? Speak, even though the right words seemed impossible in the face of this sudden, electrifying intimacy? The decision was almost out of your hands as his face drew closer still. His lips, slightly parted, hovered just a hair's breadth from yours. Was he leaning in for a kiss? Or was he teasing, enjoying the delicious torture of unspoken promises? That didn’t seem like him, but why was he taking so long? 
“Howzer, I… um…” you began, kicking yourself immediately for speaking in a moment such as this. Should you cup his face? Playfully brush a strand of hair from his forehead? Interlace your fingers with his? Your palms felt slick with nervous sweat, your fingers twitching with the urge to do something, anything, but they remained awkwardly suspended in the space between you.
His eyes seemed to twinkle with unspoken laughter, as if he could see the frantic dance of indecision playing out behind your eyes. But then, a flicker of something softer, something genuine, replaced the teasing glint. His gaze held yours, steady and intense, a silent plea for permission and eager hope. And in that moment, you knew. This wasn't about playful banter or coy games. 
With a sharp inhale, you closed the distance, your own lips meeting his in a hesitant, unsure kiss. Your hands, finally finding their purpose, landed clumsily on his chest for a moment, then tentatively cupped his face. His own hands, just as unsure, found their way to your waist, pulling you closer, grounding you in the reality of his closeness. When you finally pulled away, breathless and dizzying, your eyes met his, and the awkwardness was gone, replaced by a quiet joy. The two of you stared at each other for a moment, relishing in the waves of bliss that were washing over you repeatedly. 
"So," Howzer said, his voice rough with emotion, a playful glint still lingering in his eyes. "Still about seventeen minutes til that meteor shower eh?”
You laughed, absolutely quavering with emotion and excitement. “What to do…” you murmured, voice shaky and heart bursting at the seams. 
“I can think of a few things,” he murmured, stroking the side of your cheek with the back of his hand.
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blankwashed · 16 days
*Please read this: Forgive me if you find this cliche or cringy. I wrote this when I was 14 (SORRY I WAS MISUNDERSTOOD, I wasn’t 12). It is very unsanitary to sleep right after sex. Don’t do that. Enjoy your read. It gets wild LOL
*At that time JJK didn’t exist but I currently feel that it could fit in with JJK characters so I’m rewriting it*
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4 weeks. 4 weeks without Suguru. Did you think I could stay calm?
I’m y/n. And I need him.
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“Should I pick you up?” you asked him through a phone call.
“Nah, you don’t have to,” he said.
“but I really want to meet you, it’s been a month..” you shyly said. He smiled and agreed due to how cheesy you got.
3 more hours. It was 3 more hours till your boyfriend returns from his 4 week trip to Japan to keep an eye on some areas that have been hoarded by cursed spirits. Oh how you’ve missed him. His touch, his voice and the way he does everything. All you wanted was him.
“So, I hear Guru’s coming home today huh?” your best friend, Utahime said while wiggling her eyebrows.
“Yes, finally! Ugh, it feels like ages,” you groaned and pulled on your hair. You were sexually frustrated without his presence around you.
Utahime raised an eyebrow. “Why don’t you surprise him?” she said, rubbing her palms together as her brain came up with an idea.
“Nu-uh, remember the last time you gave me an idea to seduce him? I ended up not walking for a week,” you rolled your eyes. Utahime was still eager on telling you her plan despite your unwillingness.
“Fine. Spill it,” you said and listened attentively to what the girl had to say.
You ended up agreeing with her stupid idea as you were too needy for him. It was an hour before Suguru’s arrival in the airport.
Quickly, you grabbed your handbag and car keys before leaving your home. As expected, the airport was full of his fanatics, eager to catch a glimpse of your curse spirit eating boyfriend.
After some time, you looked at the computer screen and smiled as “Japan Air — Arrived” was blinking.
Once you spotted Suguru, you ran to him and gave him a bone crushing hug. “Ooh~ someone’s happy to see me,” he kissed your forehead and grinned. You hit him in the chest in embarrassment. The both of you left quickly to the parking lot that was empty, quiet and quite dark.
As you were loading his bags into your vehicle, you were pinned against the wall. You looked up and saw none other than your boyfriend, Suguru Geto. “I miss you so much,” he whispered into your ear. “I want you so bad,” he continued. Well, at least you weren’t the only one who felt like that.
His growing bulge pressed against your knee causing you to shiver. The both of you couldn’t do it in the car park. The plan would be ruined. Sadly, you pushed him away. “What’s wrong?” he asked.
“N—Not now,” you sighed and entered the car. Suguru was confused but sat in the driver’s seat.
Plan, commence.
He was driving in silence until your fingers danced on his thighs, moving up and down. Suguru looked uncomfortable and shot you a glare. You smiled and moved your fingers onto his bulge. While you pressed on it softly, it made him release a soft whimper and grunt.
“Guru…please…” you moaned into his ear and caressed his upper body. “Why are you doing this to me?” he pouted and looked away. You chuckled and pecked his lips. Soon, the car came to a halt again as the lights turned red. Without thinking, he pushed you against the door while slowly sliding his hands around your body. Just as he was about to reach for your breasts, the light turned green again as you palmed his crotch and said, “Green. Drive,”
He angrily hit the steering wheel and groaned. You decided to not tease him anymore, sitting silently in awe while looking at Suguru’s perfection. Your eyes landed on his humongous bulge that was dying from the restraint of his pants. “Will I be able to handle that later?” you thought and gulped.
“And…we’re here,” he said excitedly, already knowing what he wanted to do with you. You rolled your eyes at him and helped him bring his luggage in. As soon as the kiss started, you pushed him away. He frowned, “What now?!” he whined.
“You need to bathe. I’m not going to do anything with a person who smells bad,” you stuck your tongue out and walked out of the room.
You could hear him cursing as he entered the toilet and you chuckled. Suguru dashed into the shower like there was no tomorrow. You shook your head while thinking of part 2 of the plan.
After 5 minutes of water running, you heard moans coming form the bathroom.
“Shit, is he masturbating..?” you felt yourself getting heated up. They were getting louder and you even heard your name being mentioned a couple times. Your face was red and you drank some water before it you looked like a lobster.
His final moan was a moan of relief. You heard the water run again and your brain was too busy imagining Suguru’s self-touching session. You quickly pushed it out of your head and you hit yourself. It was time to start with part 2 of the plan.
Suguru came out with only a towel dangling around his waist, looked as if it were about to fall at any minute. His hair was wet and he didn’t look really happy. You quickly pretended to sleep, closing my eyes. Afraid of what he was about to do, you bit your lip.
You felt him get onto the bed, slowly removing the blanket. You heard a little gasp and could already feel him smirking. “You’re naked,” he said. Yes, the dumb plan was for you to be naked. You stopped pretending to be asleep and switched into Suguru’s favourite mode. Dirty.
“Since we’re both naked, don’t you think it’s easier?” you got up and smirked. “Why you naughty girl,” he smirked and pushed you down onto the bed. “I can’t move anymore,” you growled and grabbed his neck and roughly kissed him. He refused to kiss back and moved away, making you confused.
“You think that I’m going to let you go that easy?” he chuckled and grabbed both your small wrists and handcuffed them to the headboard. Hmmph. Cliche.
“Bastard,” you scowled at him and he smiled back. “Now, now. y/n, you don’t want to be punished,” he said while trailing kisses all over your face. “Aren’t you happy?” you didn’t want to look at him. “Did I make you angry?” he pouted and you nodded. “Well, congratulations,” he attacked your lips and nibbled on them.
You needed him so bad, so you just gave into him. His lips curved into a smile when you replied to his smooches. He licked your lips, asking for entrance but you didn’t want to let him in that fast. He pinched your nipple and you unwittingly moaned at the sudden contact as he slipped his tongue in. His tongue explored your mouth swiftly, licking every spot it could find.
He tied his tongue wit yours and the both of you didn’t bother to fight for dominance, already knowing who would win. You softly sucked on his tongue and he moaned, imagining it was being done to his cock. He threw away the towel he had around his waist. You sighed at how big it already had grown, again.
He kneeled, legs parted above your face. You couldn’t help but lick your lips thinking of what you could do to him. “Suck, now,” he commanded as he let the precum drip onto your lips. You stuck your tongue out and pressed it on his tip. “Stop teasing for once, damnit!” he slammed his fist against the wall. Oops. My bad.
You quickly engulfed his length into your tiny mouth and licked him from bottom to top. Your teeth grazed at the skin before taking him whole again. Slowly, you sucked him like how you did with your tongue. “Faster…” he said while clutching your hair. You sped up and his moans got louder. He was thrusting into your mouth till you were gagging. “Mmmph…” you moaned and it sent vibrations to his almost-coming cock. He tugged on your hair harder, you sense he was about to come.
He finally came after thrusting more into your throat. You released his cock with a pop. The sticky white substance was in your mouth and usually you don’t swallow but…”Swallow,” he held your cheeks and demanded. Suguru, what go into you? You painfully swallowed everything but honestly, it didn’t taste as bad as you expected. “I hate you…” you mumbled and it seemed like he softened.
“I’m sorry,” he apologised and gave you a soft kiss. “Not releasing you though,” he laughed and you kicked him with your legs. “Meanie!”
He shushed you by kissing your neck oh so lightly, but leaving marks all over. He licked your sensitive patch and continued sucking till he was satisfied. “You’re mine forever,” he declared and squeezed both of breasts together.
“Ahh, Guru-ah….” you moaned softly. “Don’t keep it in, hun,” he massaged them as if they were dough and made you a moaning mess. Suddenly, his mouth took in your right nipple. His warm mouth and your cold skim, it was heaven. He sucked on your nipple hard, as if he was a baby. He made sure to leave at least a mark before moving on to the left breast. He blew cold air on them making you shiver.
He kissed your stomach before reaching your core. He teased you by kissing sensitive spots and occasionally licking them. His fingers played with your clit, rolling it between his fingers making you almost reach your climax but he would pull his fingers away. You groaned at the loss of contact and replaced it with his tongue. While exploring your wet cavern, you yelled while he thrusted his tongue quickly reaching in deep. “Suguru!” you yelled as you came.
He gladly licked you clean and you throbbed from the tongue fuck session. You stared at his abs, wanting to touch them badly. Your sad eyes gave Suguru a clue about what you wanted to do, making him unlock the cuffs.
Immediately, your hands roamed around his body and while feeling his abs, you could feel yourself getting wet again. “Touch me more,” he moaned and you granted his wish, giving his cock a squeeze.
“I need you,” you mumbled and he switched positions. “What’s that?” he pretended not to hear. “I want you now!” you shouted. “Not dirty enough~” he said in a sing-song voice. “I WANT YOU IN ME, MAKING ME FEEL SO GOOD THAT I—” you were cut off by him finally entering you.
You shouted at the pain and tears rolled out of your eyes. He wiped them with his thumb and he pecked your cheeks. “Are you okay?” he asked. “Y-Yes…you can move now,”
During the start, he thrusted into you at a slow speed, waiting for you to familiarise yourself with his length. When you bucked your hips back at him, he took it as a sign that he could go faster. With that, he started thrusting as fast as he could. The pleasure was too much for you to handle and you gripped the bed sheets until they tore. “Harder!” you yelled, following with a moan.
The room was filled with moans by the both of you. “Y-You’re so tight…” he held onto your arms for support. “4…weeks…can do….wonders….” you managed to squeak out. “S-Suguru…” it was your last moan before reaching your peak. Your vision was blurry and all you could do was feel an ultimate pleasure that you never want to stop.
Suguru fell on you after cumming into your pussy, exhausted and tired. “I love you so much,” he pecked your cheek. “How much?” I asked while grinning, my eyelids almost closing. It’s tiring having sex. “As much as the speed of me as I was fucking you,” he stuck his tongue out. “I’m in love for you for a weird reason then, you creep,” you rolled your eyes and brought a blanket over the both of you. “I love your touch,” he said in a weary voice and drifted off to sleep.
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so these are the two fics i wrote when i was 14 (sorry for the confusion).
Sort of a prequel here but it’s satoru.
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