#for the visible organs ig
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I don't have a quote for Lyric since I haven't really Written him much. He's a deaf ""musician"" who pretty much illusions his way through having a career and helping out with a proletariat uprising. He is also 100% pure fae, a fairly rare occurrence in the city. He's ostensibly been recently exiled from the fae realm, which is a tough-to-earn punishment, especially considering its current state of decay.
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ginnyfics21 · 3 months
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NEW Chapter / NEW Artwork Commission
Ao3: The Art of Ascension by Ginnyfics21,
A Dramione fic, Rated E
Artwork commission by the lovely ameartthyst on IG
Excerpt from Chapter 48: A Work of Art
The creak of the door derailed her thoughts as she gasped and sat up in the bed. A tall shadow was just visible in the doorway before the door shut again and a whispered, “Muffliato,” broke the silence.
"Luminare," Hermione whispered, barely finding her voice as she pointed her wand towards the nearest lamp, a ball of light shooting into it and radiating from an orb under the lamp shade. 
Across the room, Draco was now clearly visible in the still dim lighting as he threw a set of black robes over the back of a chair. She blinked, trying to determine if it was real; if he was really here. Her heart was beating out of her ribcage and her breath had caught somewhere in the cavity of her chest that had been suffocating her for the last two weeks. And then reality came crashing down and she threw the covers off, Crookshanks meowing and jumping from the bed to sit pin-straight in the corner of the room. Hermione climbed out of bed and stomped up to Draco, hot tears in the corner of her eyes and fury on her features.
"Hermione—" he tried to say, but she had reached him now and her fists were balled and beating against his chest as barely discernible cries of how could you’s and you absolute idiot’s and I am so angry’s poured from her lips. His hands caught her wrists as he held one to his chest and the other firmly out of hitting distance. “Hermione,” he said again. “Please. Please don’t be angry. I’m back. I’m here. I’m sorry.”
"You’re alive," she dragged in a sharp breath. “I didn’t even know if you were alive.”
"Blaise was supposed to—"
"Blaise said you were okay ten days ago. I’ve had no idea—every day—I’ve been so—damn—worried. Terrified. Why?" Words had become so difficult as tears ran down her face and all of the emotions she’d felt for two weeks burst out of her.
"Hermione, I’m sorry—"
“You left,” the words spilled out with every angry, scorned and accusatory syllable and she finally pulled her arms back from his grip.
“I had to go. For you.”
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cybertroniannugget · 8 months
All for professionalism (Optimus x male reader)
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Can't find many OP x male reader stories so I'm here to change that. Hope y'all like it^^
About this fic:
Nsfw, zoomcall, dubcon, somewhat ooc OP ig, male reader, office spicy time, OP has a valve
2.845 words
You enter your personal studio and place the bag you had been carrying on your back onto the kitchen table.
Releasing a sigh, both hands placed on the kitchen counter and head hanging low, you went through today's schedule in your mind.
A swift look to the clock on the wall to your right, confirming the lack of time you had to actually do something other than organizing and listening to superiors.Pulling yourself together, you go for the fridge, taking a can of energy out.
"I'm so gonna need that, or Galloway's endless monologue will be the end of me."
Murmuring to yourself, then noticing the presence of someone else behind you.
Metal arms wrap around your waist and a helm is placed on your shoulder.
"It appears you are stressed."
Another sigh leaves you, as you place a hand on your lover's cheek.
"Don't worry about it. I'll be fine."
You turn your head to press a tender kiss on Optimus' lips and it was at this moment that the embrace around you tightens a bit.
Your heart skips a beat as a servo made its way further down, gently grabbing your crotch area.
"Optimus, I can't right now. I've got a meeting to attend in 5 minutes."
He releases your sensitive area, turning you around rather quickly and lifting you up onto the table. Both hands on your hips he lets his lips crash down onto yours, a slight whimper escaping from you.
For a few seconds you indulge in the erotic act, but then you notice Lennox and Epps standing behind a glass door in the building opposite to yours, which gave them the entirety of the current view.
Pushing Optimus to the side you sprint up to the window, frantically closing the curtains, receiving a thumbs up followed by visible laughter from the two men before you dissappear from their view.
Thumb and pointer finger pinching the bridge of your nose, eyes closed and taking in a deep breath you turn to the side, before releasing yet another sigh. Crossed arms over his chassis, Optimus leaned against the table.
"You seem way too proud of yourself right now...", you mumble after turning to look at him. "Of us getting caught? I would not say so."
He nods, optics flickering towards your lower area, where he had just teased you before. "But one could say that I have succeeded in something else."
You had been so distracted that you couldn't find the time to realize that you were starting to get an erection.
Face red, and flustered you walked back to grab your bag and held it infront of the bulge forming in your pants.
"Very funny Optimus. But I really gotta prepare my setup for the call."
As much as you wanted to just ditch the probably uneventful meeting you knew that if you did, the hailstorm of complaints that were to come from the liason would be too much for you to want to take care of.
Luckily the equipment on your desk was brand new, so that leaving the kitchen and the computer now being ready to enter the callroom took about 30 seconds.
Want to know what took less than half a minute to occurr?
Optimus fucking Prime having a servo placed on your shoulder and pushing your back into a wall. At least the curtains were already closed in this room because of the sun shining in.
"Optimus I-" You grab his chin, keeping his helm steady, to remove his lips from yours and make him look at you.
"Not now.", you said firmly, watching the blue in his optics brighten, as to challenge you.
"You do know that this is far from professional right now?", you remarked, rasing an eyebrow at Optimus.
"Oh, I am all for professionalism.", he replied, voice boastful.
With another passionate kiss he grabbed your crotch once again, teasing you a lot more this time.
With a lively laugh you slap his arm, then grabbing it to free yourself from him.
"Stay out of the frame and be quiet.",you ordered him and while walking past your hand brushes along his arm plating and then you sat down.
" I mean it!", you add, a finger raised as he turned around to face you.
Vocalizers emitting a chuckle he places his servos on his hips, watching you intently with his helm tilted.
You couldn't help but blush upon seeing the smug expression he had on his faceplates.
Surely that bot was up to no good...
Whatever was going through his processor must wait until after the meeting, which you joined, camera and microphone on.
Shooting a glare at Optimus before the camera connected, you motioned for him to not make a sound by raising a finger infront of your lips.
He had been on earth long enough to know that this gesture meant for him to shut it and not make even the tiniest of sounds.
And he wouldn't be making any. Not even when you were focused on presenting your research.
So fixated on the subject that you didn't notice Optimus disappearing from your field of vision.
Only when a servo caressed up your thigh you realized and froze, stopping mid-sentence.
"Sir, you were saying?"
The screen changed to Galloway, whosw expression actually showed great interest in what you were saying.
A truly rare sight...
"Eh, excuse me for a second, I have to look it up again."
That was a lie. You perfectly knew when you had gone to Germany to talk with the Chancellor and what exactly the topics of discussion were.
Rustling through the folder laid open infront of you, you take a sip from the can of energy then clear your throat and continue.
"As I was saying..."
Optimus knew that he would receive a summary of this meeting later during the day, so he focused on the task before him.
Running a single digit up and down your inner thigh he spread your legs open, getting comfortable in between them. Knowing that anything else would make too much of a noise you reach down to smack his helm before pushing yourself back on your rolling chair.
That wasn't of great help as you were pulled back the same second you had freed yourself.
With his arm in a tight grip on your hip, you were left with nothing but to just continue and keep your composure.
A private notification pops up on your screen, the sender being no one other than the culprit beneath your desk.
I am all for professionalism, which is why you are going to have to remain silent and appear focused.
Continuing your lecture, tensing up as the servo, which was not holding you in place, started grinding along the bulge of your erection beneath the pants you were wearing at the moment.
Silently your belt was unbuckled, the buttons and zipper following suit.
The servo, that had been keeping you in place , let go to grip your waistband and pull your pants down, just enough to free your errection, He does so slowly as to not raise any suspicions.
Your fully errect dick exposed before Optimus now, your jaw tensed up as you knew what would come next.
His servo lazily grasped around you.
Feeling a slight moisture you sighed internally. Of course he had taken lube down there with him...
Taking a deep breath in through your nose as he began stroking you slowly, you listen intently to the remarks of the other people present in the call.
Someone's cat began running in the background off the call, making all kinds of noises. After everyone has had their laugh, you were advised to turn off the microphone unless you were speaking.
"This happened at the right moment don't you agree?"
Still looking at the screen, you place a hand infront of your mouth to look like you were resting your head in it.
"Shut up...", you whisper, a low whimper following suite.
You had to admit, that being able to keep the mics turned off would be beneficial.
A new sensation tingled across the underside of your length. He was stepping the game up, by now actively using his glossa to pleasure you.
And as much as you hated to admit it in this situation, he was damn good at it.
Adjusting your hand to cover a bit more of your face, you were having a hard time keeping your composure up. But no one noticed at least.
His servo started stroking you again, and combined with the licking you took in a sharp breath, hips jerking forward involuntarily.
"Someone appears to be needy.", he whispered, a low chuckle following while he continued the teasing with his glossa.
"Stop teasing already and-"
Your words were cut off as you felt a familiar warmth engulfing your cock.
Eyes still focused on the screen before you, you place your hands infront of you on the desk, giving it all right now to look relaxed and focused.
Desperately trying to get away you attempt on moving backwards again, only to be held firm again.
A low growl emits from the Prime's vocalizers, the vibration having you clutch the side of your table.
So he was threatening you now...?
You're thinking about ways to pay him back later as he started moving his helm up and down, glossa adding onto the pleasure.
You continue listening, one hand reaching down to grab his finials. This wasn't visible to the people attending the videocall, so everything went on smoothly.
How were you supposed to stay calm when he was giving it all to ruin you right in this moment?
"Speaking of Optimus Prime, does anyone of the people present know his whereabouts right this moment?"
Yeah of course you did. He was right here under your desk and giving you a blowjob that had you holding onto him for dear life.
Remembering that Lennox was attending the call aswell you prayed internally, hoping he wouldn't mention that he saw you passionately making out with the leader of the Autobots.
To your relief he didn't and just said that the Prime was probably busy on Patrol.
Busy? Definitely, but not on a patrol. Unless you could call sitting between your partner's legs and his dick deep inside your intake, a patrolling mission.
"We'll take a short break of 15 minutes. Everyone sort your gathered information."
And with that freeing sentence you make sure to turn off camera and microphone, throwing your head back, hand grabbing for Optimus' helm.
"You're going to be the end of me...!", you manage to hiss out between gritted teeth.
Looking down, your eyes meet his optics and you were met with a sly smirk before he went down on you again, gaze still lifted up to meet yours.
You knew that he himself was getting riled up by doing this, so you decided to add onto that by letting your whimpers and moans out.
The effect was drastic. Feeling Optimus stop for a moment and his grip on your hips loosen, with optics squinted, you took the matter into your own hands.
Checking the screen again to make sure both camera and mic were off, you quickly rolled back with your chair, out of his grasp, grabbing his arms to yank him with you.
Kind of taken aback by your sudden action, he did not protest, letting you pull him up to his pedes.
With a firm grasp on his chin, you look him directly into the optics, faces not even an inch apart. (2.5cm)
Your other hand placed on his waist, you smirk.
"That was very enjoyable, now it is time for me to repay the favor don't you think?"
Seeing that all too familiar spark in his optics, you lean up to embrace him in a passionate kiss, gently pushing him towards your desk.
Hastily moving the documents to the side and pulling the cord from the camera, you guide Optimus up to sit up on the table.
With one leg on each of your sides, you tenderly rub across his interface panel, feeling the heat radiating from it.
Gently grasping it with your hand, a low groan came from the Cybertronian.
"Open up for me, would you?", you whispered close to his audial, then placing soft kisses across his neck cabling while lazily working on your dick.
The Prime tilted his helm to the side, granting you better access to his neck area. You continue working on his neck, the hand that had been placed on his crotch now on his shoulder.
As you were rubbing yourself against his interface panel, you felt it parting, permitting your entrance.
Feeling his valve with two fingers, pumping them in and out, you managed to get more of those sweet sound out of your partner.
One of his servos on your shoulder, he grabbed your length with the other one, the message clear.
Retracting your fingers from his wet valve, you lift your hand up to your face, admiring the liquid coating the two fingers.
While maintaining eye contact, you take those fingers into your mouth, watching the Prime become flustered at this sight.
"Hm, you taste so good.", you whisper lowly, pulling your pants a bit lower, so they wouldn't be bothering you and putting one hand on his hip, the other one guiding you to his entrance.
A shudder went through his entire frame as you started entering him. His valve feels hot. Not enough to burn you though, rather it was a welcoming feeling whenever you were inside of him.
Lifting one leg to wrap around you, you knew he was becoming desperate.
And as much as you loved to tease him, in the back of your head you remember that the time you've got at hand was limited.
So without further hesitation, you begin moving inside the Prime, slowly starting to pick up in pace.
Now steadily pumping in and out of him, he had his helm laid back, optics dim, while you were looking down between the two of you.
Both hands on his hips, you inched closer, your chest now touching his.
Optimus looks back at you, facial expression indicating the arousal shooting through his systems.
"Gosh, you look so hot...", you whisper looking back up at him.
A weak smile appears on his features and then he lowers his helm to let his vocalizer emit a whimper.
Oh, how much you loved to hear him make this exact sound.
Gently pulling at the cabling on both sides of his hips you got another one of those sounds out of him.
One of your hands went to grab his chin again.
Oh how you loved that simple gesture.
"I want you to look at me when you make those sweet sounds.", and upon finishing that sentence you ram into him, hard, pulling yet another whimper from his vocalizer.
"Don't be shy, let me hear your beautiful voice.", you whisper, not slowing down your pace.
You felt him clench around you, knowing that you hit a spot with that sentence.
With both legs around your waist, he moved his hips more towards you, optics still locked on your own eyes. "So obedient.", you say breathlessly, fastening your pace and pressing a kiss on his lip plates.
Entering his intake with your tongue you feel him moan into your mouth, which gets you dangerously close.
Parting your lips again, your hand still keeping his helm fixed you looked him back into the optics.
Mouth slightly agape, he looks back at you, vents heaving, trying to cool his systems down.
He went to throw his helm back, only to be stopped by your firm grip.
"I want to see your face when you overload, while I'm inside of you."
That send him over the edge, and you had to place your hand at the back of his helm to keep him looking at you.
His whimpers were cut off by static filling his vocalizer, and his optics were flickering.
Watching him overload like this on your desk, is what made you finish and your movements became sloppy before entirely coming to a halt. With a deep groan you finished inside of the Prime, and you let go of his chin, your own eyes closed and head hanging low now.
Slowly withdrawing yourself from his valve you look back up at him, to be met with a smug expression.
"I won", he declared, proud of himself.
You shake your head and snicker, completely out of breath.
"Fine, you did, now let's get you cleaned up before I have to rejoin the call."
Sometime later
"So, I assume you and the bossbot had some funtime?" You spit out your drink, punching the tall black man wearing camouflage next to you.
"Shut up Epps!"
"I mean, he did look relaxed earlier so he definitely was able to get some steam out", Lennox added, earning a punch from you as well.
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gallavichthings · 1 year
Gallavich Week 2023
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Here we go once more with the 11th (!!!) edition of Gallavich Week!
Last year I decided to change things up a bit and give you two choices for each day, instead of just one as was usual before. Well, this year I'm taking things even further because you'll actually end up with several choices per day.
Dates and themes below, details about each theme (please read those and also follow the links when provided) and more information about Gallavich Week in general after the read more. Quick reminder that all kinds of work are welcome, as long as they are original. Please read the guidelines before posting.
18/06 - Gallavich Week 2023 playlist
19/06 - Top 20 touristic attractions in Chicago
20/06 - Disney
21/06 - Meet-cutes NYC Instagram
22/06 - Tags from popular Gallavich fics
23/06 - Shakespeare
24/06 - Free Day
Details about themes:
18/06 - Gallavich Week 2023 playlist
This was a playlist created with suggestions from some followers of songs that reminded them of Gallavich. I won't be adding any more songs to it, but there should be more than enough to inspire you!
19/06 - Top 20 touristic attractions in Chicago
Just follow the link to know what they are. As usual, prompts are meant to inspire and can be taken any way you want, not just as Ian and Mickey visiting the places.
20/06 - Disney
Anything Disney-themed. Disney movies, Disney shows, Disneyland... Mickey Mouse? :P And yes, Marvel and Star Wars can be considered Disney as well.
21/06 - Meet-cutes NYC Instagram
Follow the Instagram to find dozens of interviews with random couples about how they met! Watch them and get inspired. :)
22/06 - Tags from popular Gallavich fics
I took one "unusual" tag from each of the 10 Gallavich fics with more kudos on AO3, so here they are, to be used as inspiration:
Unresolved Sexual Tension (from Sexual Harassment in the Workplace)
Organized Crime (from The Increasingly Poor Decisions of Ian Gallagher)
Soulmate AU (from you are inked on my skin long before we begin)
Ian and Mickey talk dicks (from Nobody's Fuckin' Business)
Accidental Baby Acquisition (from Melánia)
Internalized Homophobia (from Noisy Neighbours)
Domestic!Gallavich (from a thousand and one ways to show you care)
Long-Distance Relationship (from Lost in Translation)
Ian Bottoms WHOOPS (from eighty-four)
Social Media (from Cooperative Gameplay)
23/06 - Shakespeare
Self-explanatory, I suppose? But again, to be interpreted as you want.
24/06 - Free Day
How do I participate?
You don’t have to subscribe to anything or announce what you’re doing, you just have to post your work on the appropriate day and tag me on the body of the post using @gallavichthings. It’s important that you tag me properly so that I can be sure to see your post and reblog it.
What types of works are accepted?
Any kind of original fan work is accepted, including but not limited to: fanart, fanfiction (no minimum words required), graphics, gifs and gifsets, videos, and fanmixes. Yes, meta and polls are also accepted (though I do request that you either try to keep them within the theme for each day or post them on the Free Day).
When can I start posting?
I’ll always make one initial post for each day, at 12am GMT (check here to see when that is in your time zone). After that, post away!
Can I still participate even if I don’t have a Tumblr account?
Absolutely! Just submit something here (http://gallavichthings.tumblr.com/submit).
Can I post on Twitter or Instagram?
You can post anywhere you want! On Twitter and IG, we encourage you to use the hashtag #GW2023and I’ll RT you. You can also mention @gallavichthings if you want. I do not have an IG account though, sorry, but you can post there and send me a link for visibility. That being said, we do encourage you to post here as well, so it can be seen by more people.
Is there an AO3 Collection?
Yes, right here. Participation is not mandatory though, and you can rest assured this Collection will not be deleted.
Can I post something that I’ve already posted before?
No, sorry. The works should have been created specifically for GW. You can, however, create a sequel or a different version of a previous work.
Can I post something that is not in English?
Of course. Just make sure that it is original, or that you have the original author’s permission (and, in that case, link to the original too).
Can I make R-rated works?
Yes, just please give any necessary warnings and tell us the rating at the very beginning of the post. If the post is visual (like a fanart or a gifset), it would be nice for you to also tag it accordingly - Tumblr now allowes you to select if a post is deemed for mature audiences or not. It’s not mandatory, but if possible put it under a Read More here on Tumblr and under a spoilers mark (so it’s not instantly visible) on Twitter.
Can I post something that’s AU?
Sure thing! Tag it accordingly though, both for those who want to avoid it and for those who’d like to find it.
Can I post supernatural works, mpreg, or genderbends?
Yes! But if it’s a fic, please include it in the warnings.
Can I post more than one work?
Definitely! The more, the merrier. You can post as many works as you want, on as many days as you want, be it one post per day or ten on the same day. Anything goes!
Can I post on more than one day? Do I have to make something for each day?
Again, the more, the merrier! You can post on only one or all days if you wish!
Can I make one work that fits two or more themes?
Sure thing. I only ask that you post it on the day of the last theme included. For example, if you are posting a work that includes the theme from Day 1 and the theme from Day 4, post it on day 4 (just make sure to tell me that it includes both).
Can I write a multi-chaptered fanfiction?
Yes, and you don’t have to post everything either. When you do, just be sure to include either a masterpost, or the links to the previous chapters in the beginning.
Can I include other characters/pairings in my work?
Yes, as long as Gallavich is still the focus.
What if I can’t finish on time?
The Gallavich fandom is ALWAYS happy to see new fan material, so just post it when you’re done and tag me, ok? The same goes for people who can’t finish a work on the assigned theme day; you can still post it on a different day during GW, just make it clear which day it was made for.
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theciviljay · 2 months
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this is me 👆🏻 face reveal ig lol
im trans, ftm, came out at 15 years ago, been on T for almost 2 years, top surgery in August !!!
(you can donate to help me pay off my surgery bill by August 15, a good way to celebrate today if you ask me)
Trans people (trans punks specifically) go fucking crazy and i’ll beat the shit out of you if you think otherwise ✌🏻✌🏻✌🏻
Im also ex-mormon, i was raised orthodox even for mormons, so my experience as a trans person has been uniquely painful. but there is life post mormonism!!
I live in a cutesy little apartment in the city with the love of my life!
We have a cat!
He dated me before I started T and has only gotten more attracted to me, he gets secondhand gender euphoria through my medical transition. (And he’s cis, there is hope for dating cis guys)
Im in the second year of my graphic design program! I have a job I love! I have good friends!
There is hope, and I’m living the life I dreamed of as a boy at 15.
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nancydrewwouldnever · 6 months
Honestly I have never seen another person that loses followers anytime they post something on their social media
I have a theory that on an IG post day she/her team purposely doesn't buy followers because they want to see what "organic" response happens due to the new post. That means any natural unfollows and expiring bots will be very visible that day that they refrained from buying. But, of course, what it ultimately tells them is that her posts do nothing to engender true organic interest in people to follow her. Even with all this effort exerted - the posts across multiple accounts about her and the event, the bought articles, her own posting - she can't create any interest buzz at all in the GP or casual gossip/celeb news followers.
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brick-a-doodle-do · 9 months
Oo, oh, I've got one! This is a sentence I thought of a while back for like a g/t scenario, but I've never used it. Go nuts, dude.
"I don't eat people. It's bad for the digestion."
(you pick the characters, ig? I don't have any in mind, other than the giant being Dream)
hi bat :D thank you for the prompt, sorry it took so long eueue
wc: 678
cw: mention of vore, mention of harassment, slight panic
George, the first time he took to cleaning the East wing of the prison, had felt a true infliction of fear. There had been a constant of eyes on him from the towering felon's who's predatory features had seemed most prominent in the moonlight, which had filtered through the little amount of natural light in their cells, illuminating their giant bodies and sharp fangs and claws. It was hard not to shudder at the constant string of loud, echoing curses, begs, and catcalls.
The longer he did it, the easier he found it to tune out the voices, sometimes simply looking the other way and refusing to respond, while other times he'd bring headphones and play music as loud as it went. Over time, the giants chimed down too, still sitting up at George's arrival, but they stopped calling his name, (Not that they knew it, they mainly called him 'little guy' or 'human'), and they, for the most part, just wanted to partake in conversation with him.
He promptly ignored it.
Then, a new prisoner was presented to the East wing, placed in the cell at the far end of the hallway, locked away with one of the more persistent giants. He kept lingering his gaze down the hallway as he mopped at the floors, and by the time he reached it, there was something of relief in him, though shadowing behind it was uncertainty.
He picked up his work, parking the cart with water in it and squishing down the mop onto the floor. The movement strains his arms, especially after a three hour's work of the same constant back-and-forth pattern.
The strain didn't bother him, not as he was more interested in the cell than anything. This one wasn't cut off at the bottom with a stone wall, it was just blocked with ceiling-to-floor bars. George usually stayed away from getting close to the door for fear of the giant grabbing him. But now, it offered a plentiful good view of the entirety of the small room. There were two beds as opposed to the previous one, a toilet, and two organizers at the end of each bed. In the left bed, the original giant was asleep, leg falling off one end of the bed and long black hair an absolute mess.
Though, as he searches the other bed, he finds it empty. It wasn't until he heard a loud, scratchy voice that he realized the new guy was sitting right by the cell door.
"Do you think I could, like, have that water when you're done?"
George shrieks, jumping, nearly losing grip on the mop as he spins around to meet the too-close-for-comfort giant.
He can hear as the giant struggles down a lose laugh at George's fear. "Sorry—what do you want?"
"Your water," the giant reiterates, pointing vaguely in the vicinity of the parked cart of soapy, dirty water. George grimaces.
The giant shrugs, the action barely visible in the low light. "My hands are sticky from dinner, they're gross."
"Why didn't you just wash your hands?" George asks, dipping the mop back into the water and pulling it out again to start on a new patch of flooring.
The giant doesn't respond, something of an amused huff leaving their lips instead. George shudders uncomfortably.
"Look-can I have the water or not?"
The mop squeaks on the tile while George decides on his response. "I mean, if I bring it to you, how do I know you won't, like, try to eat me?"
The giant makes a weird noise at that. "I don't eat people, it's bad for the digestion."
George returns the weird noise. "Uhm—" he cuts himself off, looking at the water. He sighs, shrugs, then reaches over to roll it closer to the cell. It skids against the wet floor, but George manages to get it to the bars, then carefully pushes it through the bars to avoid being easily accessible to the giants' hands. "There, I guess," he says, holding the mop awkwardly in both of his hands.
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siren-darkocean · 9 months
Oh hey not Mata Kids AU time but New Atera Headcanons!
Yeah I had a thing with celebrations that would happen in New Atera post Journey's End events so I thought to share it with the Bionicle community on Tumblr for those who wanna use any of them too!
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Around the time the unity between the Agori and the Matoran occurred in the past, every year there's a "holiday" ig you'd call it where everyone in New Atera have a week long celebration in honor of that unity and the defeat of the Makuta
The week consists of seven different events that happen during each day of the week
I don't know the actual canon months, seasons and years system of Bionicle let alone Spherus Magna so I'ma just run with the Earth version bc yeah
First Day: The Day of Remembrance
The first event that happens is at night (kinda a baby ref from the Dance of the Moonlight Jellies festival in Stardew Valley bc its honestly my favorite festival in game, it's soo good even with Visible Fish and Reflections mods installed) by the shores closest to the village
Everyone gathers by/in the waves as the village leader (which my opinion I always associated with the old village leader of Bara Magna villages and the Turaga Metru(with Ackar and (maybe) Mata Nui) in their council) give a speech
The festival is to remember those who were lost due to either the Brotherhood Crisis, before Spherus Magna was reformed of the struggle or before the shattering and that their spirits (mediphorcally speaking) shall join them during the festivities in celebration of the unity
They then after a moment of silence release floating lanterns into the waves (the lanterns are bio degradable don't worry, one of their first ideas with the week long holiday, they literally got their planet more livable you think the Agori gonna polute it immediately? They may be organic but they aren't humans)
Honestly every year this always makes the stars seem to shine brighter, Mata Nui does admit he has nothing to do with that (he's honestly surprised by it every year) so everyone assumes now it's the spirits of the lost officially joining in
Day Two: The Day of Harvest of the Plentiful
The second day is where any Bo-Toa and even Mata Nui use their power to grow any if not all crops to their harvest state (idk how accurate this is bc can I roll with it please) to where a huge harvest for both the celebrations and the days to come can happen
Ik it feels wasteful of the energy for even Mata Nui but how the Agori literally struggled for food after the shattering it feels kinda natural to add this(literally I feel like even for a couple of centuries the Agori from post reforming Spherus Magna would still be antsy of low food and water due to being so used to it)
Day Three: The Day of Reminisce
During this day especially young Agori and Glatorian would gather in the village square by a bonfire as stories of events of the Toa Nuva's adventures, tales of the island and Metru Nui and even the events of rising against the Bone Hunters and Skrall United army and the final battle between Mata Nui and Makuta are told
The Turaga love this day especially because they get to put their good storytelling to good use (their good storytellers yeah, listeners? Not so much) while keeping the memories of the past alive in newer generations
When it gets to the Agori and Glatorian adventures though usually the Agori leaders take place in this but at times the younger Agori and Glatorian ask for Mata Nui and or Ackar to do the story telling (personal headcanon Mata Nui is a good storyteller like the Turaga but also is a good listener, Ackar's the same bc good green flag dad energy), they usually roll with it honestly due to how the little ones are more entranced into the story telling from the Great Spirit and Veteran Glatorian themselves
Day Four: The Day of Embers
This celebration is where people come together to put on their own performances, like a talent show but you don't need talent for it
Tahu uses this day to show off his Toa powers in more flashy ways
Takanuva always manages to drag Jaller and Halhi into either a Kohli match reenactment(when they were still Matoran of MOL Kohli match, and also making sure it's safe) or some comedy skit
Lewa always takes the opportunity to join his Le-Matoran bands (I always imagine Lewa playing the drums but you can tweak this for whatever instrument headcanon you have for him)
Day Five: The Day of Sports(bad title Ik)
Basically this day there's two events that happen in one
First is two Kohli matches, one Matoran(and Agori join as well) based one and the other a Toa based one), the Toa Kohli match does have special measurements so no one in the audience doesn't get hurt
While the second is a Glatorian fight, they do keep monitors on this one so there's no Strakk incident again like before with Ackar and no Thornraxx Launchers user
Tahu and Kopaka are banned from fighting against each other in Glatorian matches tho due to how violent they would get between the two (Both Onua and Mata Nui would have to step in to pull the two apart)
Ackar occasionally joins in on these fights but most of the time he watches, it's not he doesn't like the fighting it's just he's actually curious how good the rookie Glatorians are training and learning, this being a habit from his mentoring
There isn't a single Toa Kohli match Pohatu would be in and you bet your ass he'll try to bring Kopaka into it
Day Six: The Day of Joy
The second last day is basically a huge party with music, dancing, food and all kinds of fun
The dances are completely random they'll either be fun ones you can drag friends in for shits and giggles or they can be romantic type ones
You're not required to dance it's entirely optional, just being there is a requirement (to the dismay of Kopaka's anti social self)
Personal Headcanons I tie with this(you can ignore these bc these also include shipping ones as well):
Pohatu is always trying to get Kopaka to dance but manages to get at least one dance out of him
Lewa, Takanuva, Terix and Vastus would be dancing with the young Agori and Glatorian children (Lewa especially and would drag Onua into this as well for the fun) as Lewa would also be keeping them occupied with his Toa powers
If there's a romantic dance going on you will definitely find Mata Nui and Ackar (bc I love this ship, they're so gay for each other) dancing together and the same with Kiina and Gresh (there is no platonic explanation for these two I am sorry)
Any dance Takanuva would literally try to pull both Halhi and Jaller into (This can be taken Platonically and Romantically, polymorphous relationships for the win as a Polysexual woman, accurate polymorphous relationships representation is always welcome in my book)
Despite the state of his body, Matau will definitely be dancing (this is so him I'm sorry)
Nuju and Whenua will definitely be dancing romantic dances together (they were so married, my immediate thought when I first saw them together on screen with Legends of Metru Nui, I immediately thought they were married. I had a similar thing with Duncan Bulk and Jimi Stringer when I was 6-7 years old first watching LEGO Hero Factory), don't even try to separate them it won't work
Day Seven: The Day of Farewells
The final day is similar to the first day where they gather and release lanterns but this time to say farewell and see you next years to the spirits who joined them during the festivities
This time they gather in a huge plateau/field to release (ofc biodegradable) lanterns into the sky
Any Glatorian who have weapons do keep their weapons on them during both the first and last festivities in case of any threats that may happen
After another speech, everyone lights their lanterns, says their farewells or "see you next years" and then on the count of three they release the lanterns into the night sky
It's a moment of silence, or as silent you can get with children and even adults aweing at the sight of all the lanterns flying away
Personal Headcanons I have of this:
Mata Nui always finds himself when the lanterns release looking between the Toa Nuva and his friends, he knew it's been a long time since both the Agori and his Matoran have had peace and joy like during the festivities of the week and is grateful for their unity and glad to have the Toa help protect the Matoran and to have his friends that helped him
Vakama always finds himself looking amongst his fellow Turaga as he remembers their adventures as Toa and ofc the Hordika Venom, they've come a long way yes and had many difficulties but despite their issues he's grateful to have them around
Hot damn took two damn hours to finish this post, or a hour idk I was not focused on the time despite how late in the night it is
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golby-moon · 10 months
first day of posting for the @dadstielminibang and I'm already up uh oh. nah it's good though
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got to draw all kinds of new stuff with this banner, including a little toy boat and a rubber duck. it's been so long since I've drawn water as well but I don't think it turned out too badly idk. I tried to make a clear distinction between Jack's fluffy baby feathers and Cas' more neglected adult feathers. at least they look like feathers ig
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with this one, I tried to have it almost in Jack's pov, so none of the adults' faces are visible and Claire's is only partially visible. I spent way too much time on Dean's flannel while Sam just has that hideous shirt he always wears when there's an apocalypse coming up. I felt this was an appropriate analogy for washing a disgruntled winged toddler
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then finally there's this one, which I wanted to look like one of those unfunny comedy 'vacation gone wrong' movie posters where some poor unsuspecting family experiences Vacation from Hell. Dean ofc has to carry all the duffel bags for everyone and Sam over here pretending he has style in the bad fashion family (although I actually really like Cas' shirt), not to mention Claire's epic star-shaped sunglasses, envy of the entire middle school
I do like how Jack turned out here as well since this was actually my first time really drawing him beyond a scribbly meme, let alone as a baby. babies are weird to draw since they're like just little tiny blobs but I do like how he came out here
the fic this is made for is called "Wings of a Dove" by @mbqnoyolo for the dadstiel mini bang
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thelonesomequeen · 2 months
Hello! I'm soo sorry to bring this up again but i'm not sure if anyone asked this question so i thought i would ask. Some people on IG were saying that alba has a small baby bump that was visible at the VF red carpet, although i don't see it and i onky think that the color white of the dress maybe accented that tiny bump wich isn't a baby bump but just a normal bump, so i just wanted to ask what you thought about that.
And same question for the recent photo that came from justin's sister's story. I mean you can see how small her waist looked from the side so i don't understand how some people could also think that there was a baby bump. What are your thoughts on that?
Sorry for the long message and thank youu for giving some of you time to my ask (wether you post it or not) ❤️
I think she looked very flat stomached in both pictures and don’t see a sign of a bump. In the white dress specifically, she did that weird new pose a lot of women do with the arched back that tends to slightly pop out the entire torso area. But it feels gross saying that because I just don’t like when people pick and poke and continuously look at a woman’s body for a baby bump. There are also multiple medical reasons a belly could slightly bloat stick out to (outside if you know, just having organs in there 😂) and I think people just need to leave women and their bodies be in terms of pregnancy until they announce the news themself or until it becomes blatantly obvious because she’s many months along.
I don’t mean that towards you specifically, but just generally.
As for the fandom and the discussion around it all. I’ve said this before, but they’re now married and they’ve both said they want kids. A baby is just the next step in the natural progression of things. I think people have gone from wedding watch to baby watch because it’s just what’s most likely to come next for them. But I do wish people would kind of just let them breathe and enjoy their newlywed status without harping on the baby thing. I’ve been married for almost 6 years now and it honestly gets annoying when people keep questioning you about when you’ll start a family. Mostly because it’s not anyone’s business, but for some couples who may be struggling with things like financial issues (and having kids isn’t cheap) or infertility issues, it can be a really hurtful question 🦎
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Flake's podcast - Hair
podcast 2023-03-14
Flake always surprises me with his topics 😊 this time it's Hair, and ocourse he plays the Hairiest Hair song ever at 1h28 'Hair' from the musical 'Hair' (it's one of my nostalgic favorites, so couldn't resist mentioning it 😊)
Right at the start Flake mentions he's in a good mood, always was a good-natured-kid growing up, always humming a song, like this one time when he was helping, carrying a bowl of soft cheese, humming "Ende der 80'er Jahre, hatte der Opa noch Haare" (basically "at the end of the 1980's, grandpa still had hair"), tripping, and dropping the bowl on the carpet (stains still visible now) (as a kid you often get the text a little bit wrong, this is the song little Flake was humming). It wasn't about Flake's grandpa though, because he was bald 😊.
At 0h07 after a song from Beck, Flake mentions he likes Beck a lot, so much that he got his Beck's backliner to work with him, they couldn't really communicate because Flake doesn't speak much english and the guy spoke english with an accent that Flake couldn't really understand, but they understood eachother anyway: music is international. He travelled with Rammstein until they played in Finland where he fell in love, got married, got kids and now is the concert organizer there.
No surprise is that Flake this time too plays two Die Ärzte songs: "Baby beim Friseur" (at 0h14) and right after that "Kopfhaut". Flake is amazed that for whatever theme he comes up with, Die Ärzte have a fitting song. Or two. Between the songs Flake tells about going to an Afterparty in Spain, where people asked him what music he liked. He said Die Ärzte, and they didn't know that band, so Flake wrote the name down. Later he got a message that they had bought an Ärzte record and didn't really understand, but one of the people later moved to Berlin, and when Flake met them again, they were a total Ärzte fan, with t-shirt and everything 😊
Another band he's played before at 0h41: Pacs (which we know was the band of one of his daughters ❤️), with a song about a blond guy.
Some songs are only loosely related to the theme, like at 0h33, when he plays Blondie because of the bandname (song Rapture). And although he says nothing about it, i can't help but wonder: in an earlier podcast he casually mentioned the other Rammguys being interested in the song he pkays, sometimes suggesting one. Well, i'm wondering if he shared what he was going to play, and that made bandmate Richard post this post on his ig... coincidence? yeah, probably 😄
No real band anecdotes this time, but a little look back at the punkdays: at 1h00 Flake tells us how he didn't wash his hair for quite a while (most people they knew didn't), he thinks probably because he wasn't really thinking much about taking care of his body (animals don't and they are doing well enough, find a mate and everything, so why should we) and iwhen he *did* wash his hair, it looked really bad. Nowadays he does wash his hair though; because his wife thinks it should be done regularly...and does he look any better? Huhhuh.. 😄
And what does he play after that story? This Feeling B classic, with appropriate haircut in the thumbnail 😊
more of my takes on Flake's podcasts
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laf-outloud · 1 year
I don't follow either the Padaleckis or Ackles on social media and only see the posts if brought to tumblrs such as yours. Are there any indications the Ackles are involved in giving back to Austin organizations, social causes, etc. as the Padaleckis or is it strictly involvement through Random Acts? Also do the Austin media profile the Ackles as frequently as the Padaleckis?
Oof, tough ask. LOL!
For your first question, I'm going to share what I can find based on public knowledge, but just know that both the Ackles and Padaleckis may make donations that are not advertised to the public.
I know the Ackles and Padaleckis (no link with a single list for Jared) were involved with a number of charities throughout SPN's run, though it appears that's dropped off for the Ackles after SPN ended. Jared and Gen are consistent supporters of OutYouth in Austin, ProChoice groups, along with Jared's support of To Write Love on Her Arms (with his AKF campaigns), Wounded Warriors, and encouraging his fans to support teachers through #CompleteTheList (possibly not a complete list?).
The Ackles have supported OutYouth in the past, but nothing recent that we've seen. And I guess you could say Danneel's supported other causes like Hurricane Relief and ProChoice, though her visible support for these causes consists of a single IG Post.
When asked recently for Jensen's birthday charity project which charity he wanted to choose, he chose Random Acts, where Danneel is on the board, and he mentioned RA in the recent Crossroads panel.
As for their involvement with Random Acts, both Danneel and Gen were on the board as of 2020 (latest report available), and while the Crossroads panel made it sound like Danneel's has significant involvement in the work they do, unless she's increased her workload in the last couple of years, the latest annual report only shows her and Gen as working 1/2 hour per week. It's been posited that Gen's on the board simply to make sure any donations they make are used appropriately. I don't know if Danneel's purpose is the same.
As to the second question, the press for Jensen and Danneel in the past couple of years has mostly consisted of articles that pull information from IG posts and previous interview quotes. They did a couple of live chats in 2020, one with Jewel, and another with JDM and Hilarie, but officially, the most recent press I can find with both of them was their Architectural Digest feature back in Nov. 2018. If your looking at Austin-specific press, the last I can find is a tour of the brewery back in March of 2018.
I also think the Austin press is enamored with the Padalecki's because Jared brough an entire film production to Austin, supporting the economy and raising visibility. It makes sense the city doesn't profile the Ackles as often as the Padalecki's. (Plus, the Ackles moved to Colorado during the pandemic so I don't think they're really considered Austin-ites.)
Anyway, TLDR: The Padalecki's publicly support multiple charities and are frequently featured by the Austin press. LOL!
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first-digi-add · 1 year
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Meta Unveils Centralized Ad Targeting and Data Privacy Controls for Facebook, Instagram, and Messenger
This blog covers the importance of centralized data and social media advertising controls for advertisers, partners, and users. You’ll read about Facebook, IG, and Messenger data privacy and the role of platforms as ad blockers. As the Best Digital Marketing Company in Pune, we explain what a centralized system is, its benefits and risks, and how you can run one yourself or partner with an organization that has an operations center to provide remote maintenance services.
 What is a Centralized Data Structure?
A centralized data structure is software that stores data, including brands and products, on a server that you control. The data is organized into categories, each containing customer, product, or service information. Examples include an inventory management system for food and beverage businesses, an app data structure with user information for mobile apps, and an e-commerce product data structure with product details such as sales and price data.
Benefits of Centralized Data for Ads and Partners
Most of the benefits of a centralized data structure can be attributed to multiple factors, including reduced data management and an overall increase in transparency for all parties involved. 
- In a centralized data structure, all your data is organized and controlled by a single system. The data is then accessible via a central server that anyone with access to the Internet can access. 
- Centralized data storage solves many problems that traditional data storage systems cannot: - It provides granularity, which means you can assign a value of 0 to one and have it remain visible to all parties in the ad and marketing systems. 
- It is data-driven, meaning you can assign a low value to one event and see the full data across multiple ad pages. 
- It provides security since each record is encrypted with a key. This prevents anyone from accessing the data without a key and also helps prevent cross-referencing between records. 
- It provides transparency since each record is easily viewable by anyone with access to the Internet.
Risks of Virtual & Augmented Reality Ads
While centralized data can be a good thing in certain situations, it’s important to keep these bottom-line risks in mind: - Augmented reality ads are almost never fully transparent. The user first sees the ads in the form of VR/AR images. They are then augmented with voice-driven advertising that could be heard through a speaker or a web browser. - For the advertiser, the ads are often located in a remote location, which increases the risk of going viral. If people start sharing their ads online, the advertiser could be exposed to lawsuits or other such situations. - For the partner, the centralized data structure could be used to store sensitive information, like health and safety information and product information. That could contain a name, address, and other identification information.
 The biggest risk that investors can take with virtual and augmented reality ads is that they could spark a breach of data security. That could jeopardize the integrity of your brand and end in lost revenue. You can rest a little bit easier knowing that your data is safe and secure in the cloud.
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mouthsewedshut · 2 years
TW// Implied Bombing, Major bruises and blood loss, language and angst, the exclusive tea (Also ig Hero x Sidekick x Villain?)
"Sidekick! Oh my god, Sidekick-!" Hero ran towards their sidekick, who became limp as they tried to reach out towards their mentor. The gaps of blood pouring from their stomache, the bruises and the burns from their body that is even visible to their own uniform tried to keep them from moving further but they stubbornly tried to get onto their feet and atleast reach for someone with their remaining strength.
But as Hero got closer towards the sidekick, they collapsed towards their arms, coughing and wheezing aggressively but Hero could hear them sobbing as they clinged to the hands of life. "H-Hero- *COUGH COUGH* I don't wanna- die–!" Sidekick cried as they clinged tightly to their mentor's shoulders, trying to keep themselves alive despite them loosing blood.
Hero responded back with shaky breaths as they pushed their sidekick's body to the wall, Still careful enough to not hurt them "Y-You won't die I swear!". Then they ripped off their own raggedy cape hard enough to make it into a fabric to place it on the large wound so it will stop the blood from flowing further but then it worsened and Sidekick's cries became more rougher.
Hero gasped in disbelief and kept repeating "No no no no!"
"Sidekick please just stay alive for me!" Hero yelled out as they noticed Sidekick's red and clouded eyes began to droop in exhaustion, But then Hero heard footsteps from afar, which they immediately looked back to find a familiar figure running up towards them. Hero turned back to Sidekick who prayed to themselves to stay alive- "Villain is coming! Just please hang on!"
"Please- Hero-..!" Sidekick coughed out, Their voice becoming more muffled and strained as they couldn't stop wheezing from the terrible smoke that hit them before they could escape out. Then the Hero felt a hand over their shoulder - "Sidekick‐! Holy fuck-" The criminal stopped to their feet to looked terribly at Sidekick's disgusting bruises, they were obliged to help carry them with their remaining strength "Come on-! Let's get you back to Organization AND to Medic!"
But as Sidekick's hearing became more blurry and their eyes slowly closed with absolute force, The last thing they could hear are Hero's worried cries and Villain's reassuring manners. They just hope that everything is going to be fine eventually.
Uh heyo I'm back ig lmao yes I am not dead hi, Ig you can imagine if Sidekick is just dead or they just live happily ever after, I just want angst
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twopoppies · 2 years
Maybe unpopular opinion but I kind of feel like they’re never going to officially “come out”? H had made it super clear that he’s not interested in labels and wants to live in a world where that doesn’t matter. Has always felt like seeding the ground for the future. I feel like once his current peak ends, and Louis hits his own peak (he’s high but I still think he’s going higher), it’ll be like an organic reveal of sorts. I don’t think we’ll ever get the full story. But they’ll be together and we’ll get an ig pic of a baby foot with the rope and anchor tatts visible holding it up or something one day. Honestly we might not ever even get that much, that feels like a lot haha. But we’ll know and it will be clear, just v low key. That’s my highest expectation at least. I feel like they’ll never like verbally confirm it either. Just let us see them together sometimes but be coy forever. I’m talking utter shit but it’s what I imagine haha.
You could be right. I think it's something that's going to continue evolving for them depending on what's going on in their lives and in the world.
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applestorms · 1 year
more random thoughts:
“Neither sight itself nor that in which it comes to be—what we call the eye—is the sun.”
“Surely not.”
“But I suppose it is the most sunlike of the organs of the senses.”
“Yes, by far.”
“Doesn’t it get the power it has as a sort of overflow from the sun’s treasury?”
“Most certainly.”
“And the sun isn’t sight either, is it, but as its cause is seen by sight itself?”
“That’s so,” he said.
“Well, then,” I said, “say that the sun is the offspring of the good I mean—an offspring the good begot in a proportion with itself: as the good is in the intelligible region with respect to intelligence and what is intellected, so the sun is in the visible region with respect to sight and what is seen.”
(plato's republic book VI, 509a-b, bloom translation)
possible alternative to the gnostic view on light that i usually see the light aspect being attributed to? similar basic idea maybe but different conception, not sure how far this could go yet. makes the most sense for rose considering her class but idk. irl i've been trying to piece together more of a connection between plato's Goodness and the Dao (in the context of the daodejing & confucianism both; also maybe the white horse dialogue but good lord i don't think i really understand that one well enough to really relate it to anything else properly) but i wonder if that kind of metaphysics can be applied to the homestuck aspects too. i vaguely (?) remember seeing a video on that a long ass time ago but i don't remember who it was by, maybe i should find that again and see if i understand it better??
kind of endeared by the fact that rose's first messages to dave directly accuse him of being gay (333), that's one plotline that actually lasts from beginning to end. also a lot his really iconic rants are super early in the comic, which ig makes sense (e.g. planet fucking jupiter, oliver twist, minivan, etc).
if anyone else actually reads these, the sartre no exit/alpha kids crossover is formally a wip now. really hoping i can commit to that long enough to finish it, it's been fun so far cause i think i've gotten jake's voice figured out decently well, though i definitely need to review jane a bit more in canon to make sure i'm not accidentally turning her into a second jake. probably still going to take a while regardless, i've got Shit to Do this weekend. if you can figure out which kids stand in for which characters in the original i love you btw
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