mouthsewedshut · 7 months
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Oh my goodness guys I didn't realize how inactive I was in Tumblr lmao- My bad yall😭😭
I don't have the motivation to write like I used to anymore so if you come back to my page then you may never see new stories written by me though I do keep all my old ones here so enjoy those while I am gone- In the meantime I will just be posting my art here (And it'll flop but idrc I just like showing my art)
Anyways adios
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mouthsewedshut · 9 months
if you say “im european” or something in response to people talking about stopping KOSA, we DONT CARE‼️ SIGN THE FUCKING PETITION !! SEND THE DAMN EMAIL MAKE THE DAMN CALL WE DO NOT CARE WHAT YOU ARE
If ur worried abt putting in ur actual adress n whatever then make up a fake one it will work
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mouthsewedshut · 9 months
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So as of tomorrow, the Kids Online Safety Act, is set for markup as of July 27 at 10:00 am. And for those who aren't aware, this bill, if passed, does not protect kids. If merely eradicates privacy, freedom of speech, and unlawfully searches and seizes everything you say and do on the web.
It will censor everything the government does not like and if you want "unrestricted access" you will need to prove you are above the age of 18, which will most likely mean you will need to upload some kind of ID. Additionally, if you need to upload your ID, there is no guaranteed protection that your image or the ID itself will not be swiped or sold like how Instagram/Facebook/Twitter did when they sold data to the Russians.
This will also be harmful to kids, especially those to have a bad living situation. KOSA does nothing but police the Internet for everything you say and do on the Internet. It will censor medical information, history, information, and restrict and limit, if not outright ban what can be posted on social media.
Sites like Ao3 (Archive of Our Own), Wattpad, Tiktok, Tumblr, etc.... EVERYTHING will be affected, art especially. And what's more, is KOSA passes, it will be a gateway to pass all the other bad internet bills like the RESTRICT ACT, EARN IT ACT, COOPER DAVIS, CSAM, etc.
The Internet will turn into a hellscape for everyone; kids, companies, and adults alike!
The picture above, from @dontdelete.art, is a call to action in protesting these bad internet bills. As of today, July 26, we need to protest against this bill for our privacy and our freedom. Call your representatives and senators, AND ALSO call the Commerce Committee as they are the ones overseeing this mark up meeting.
The Commerce Committe's numbers are:
Majority: 202-224-0411
Minority: 202-224-1251
Call them and tell them you oppose KOSA, tell them the dangers, tell them how it breaks our first and fourth ammendment rights and how it violates our privacy.
We only have one more day before it goes to mark up, so let's make it count. Spend today speaking out on KOSA, post on social media talking about the dangers of KOSA, call and email your representatives, senators, and the committee!
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mouthsewedshut · 11 months
Prompt 35
“I would take my time with you.”
“I would ruin you.” 
“You would?” Villain would’ve buckled forward in laughter if not Hero’s palm at his shoulder, holding him firm against the wall. Held still, he could only smirk, which made Hero shove him a harder into the brick. 
“Would you stop with that?” Hero hissed. Mirth creased Villain’s eyes, turning his lashes downward. His mouth spread so wide the muscles on his cheeks twitched. 
“It’s not my fault you keep on saying misleading things.” 
“Misleading?” Hero muttered. “I’m threatening you.” 
“Oh, sweetheart.” Villain reached up and traced a nail across Hero wrist, down the arm that held him in place. “I’ve been threatened with much worse.”
Intent on keeping Villain in place, Hero froze instead of reeling back, stone-stiff beneath the meandering path of Villain’s finger. His grip curled into the meat of Villain’s shoulder.
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mouthsewedshut · 1 year
Could you do something with team having to lock up stoic team member. They expect him to be fine and they don't want him going on a particularly dangerous mission and getting hurt further. They don't expect him to spiral into panick behind locked doors and are guilt-ridden when they return.
He's Gone
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The mission went flawlessly; Team anticipated every backfire at Villain's base: alarm systems, security cameras, standing guards, Villain. They avoided each almost perfectly, which was a surprise to them. As confident as they felt, it was their first mission without Leader. After seeing the state he was in, it was easy to say the team was terrified; it aided their thorough preparation, to say the least.
There was no ease in the thought of escaping, but the Team felt better once they were on their way to base. Leader was there, and he would be so proud of them for orchestrating this mission on their own, and for carrying it out. They had all they needed to defeat Villain. All the trauma Leader had gone through could be laid to rest.
Arriving to the base, everything seemed normal. Of course, Leader had been left in the medical room, but they were sure he had ventured out.
Walking into the kitchen, they noticed otherwise. There was a cake in the fridge they had left for Leader, when he was ready to leave his bed. It was a celebratory cake, for Leader's return.
"Do you think he's still asleep?" Hero asked.
"Could be. He was in pretty rough shape when we left him. He must have taken the painkillers we left for the wounds." Other Hero shrugged it off, a little less concerned than she probably should have been.
Hero put a finger to her lips. Just on the way home, she had chewed every nail down to the quick. "I think we should check on him."
"You regret leaving him alone, don't you?" Other Hero sighed. "He said he would be fine. We were right to trust him; it's what he would have wanted-"
"But he was wrong," Hero argued.
"We don't know that yet."
But Hero did know. Otherwise, Leader would have been out here. He would have dove into the cake and hugged Hero and Other Hero when they walked through the door. Then, he would have offered a dinner with a team briefing. The house shouldn't have been this silent.
As Hero made her way to the medical room, she felt her palms sweating. "Leader? Leader, are you in here?" She didn't wait to open the door, and as she did, she drew in a quick breath. Her eyes burned with tears. "Leader, oh my god. Other Hero, come here- hurry!"
Leader was crumpled against the wall, clothes torn at the seams, skin scratched in frantic, zig-zagging lines- Hero couldn't believe her eyes. "Leader, talk to me, okay? What's going on? What happened?"
Of course, Leader was in no fit shape to respond.
"I thought you were dead. I thought you were dead. I killed you. I let you go by yourselves. You were dead. You were dead."
"Leader, I'm here! We're- we're both here. Other Hero, tell him you're here." And they did. They repeated it over and over again if only to stop the panic rising from Leader.
"Villain is dead!" Hero finally screamed, and although it wasn't true, and although Other Hero looked at her like she was insane, Leader stopped.
"But he killed you."
"He didn't kill us," Hero said. "We killed him. We are all safe, Leader. He's gone." Leader took heavy breaths, and staring into space, he leaned against Hero. "He's gone. It's okay," she assured. "He's gone."
Even though he wasn't gone at all.
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mouthsewedshut · 1 year
Prompt #176
“Please don’t yell at me.”
Civilian blinked as Hero set them down on the pavement. The hero looked like a dog with its tail between its legs, the type that’s used to being hit. “Why would I yell at you?”
Hero peered up from the ground just a little, but apparently, did not dare push their shield of hair out of their face. “Because usually when I save someone….they yell at me.”
“What in the world for?”
“Taking too long, holding them too rough, ruining an outfit, not saving someone else in time, saving them when they didn’t want to be saved in the first place…I could go on.”
Civilian gaped. “But you’re a hero!”
“I fell off the pedestal a long time ago.”
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mouthsewedshut · 1 year
Prompt #175
“Yeees,” Supervillain squealed from the couch, kicking their legs a little before flopping more comfortably onto their side. “Kiss kiss fall in love!”
Superhero lowered their mug to the kitchen table and stared. “What are you reading?”
Supervillain jolted as if just noticing Superhero in the room. Their face flushed, and they clutched their tablet screen-first to their chest. “Nothing. Just a cute fanfiction.”
“Oh?” Superhero rose from their seat and sauntered across the room. “Can I see?”
No hesitation. Not even a stutter. The look growing in their eyes became less embarrassed and more feral, like a wildcat ready to defend its territory.
For a moment Superhero could only stare, mouth gaping. “Why not?”
“Because I’m evil. You can’t expect me to share.”
“Come on.” Hero closed in, kneeling on the couch cushions and leaning over Supervillain’s sprawled body. “Just a peek.”
Supervillain rolled on their stomach. “No. No! Stop that! I said no!”
Superhero tickled at the criminal’s sides and neck until they thrashed, tablet thrust involuntarily into the air. Superhero swiftly plucked it from their fingers, plopping down beside them to scan the open page.
“Is this fanfiction…about us?”
Supervillain went beet red. “It’s a good one!”
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mouthsewedshut · 1 year
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“I p-promise—” Hero sneezed, their whole body jolting. “‘M not sick…”
Villain hardly looked impressed, pulling the covers back up around the other’s shoulders. Not even at gun point would they admit how much they were worried about the hero’s worsening condition.
“Don’t be a martyr, sweetheart. The city can waste away until you’re better.” With shaky hands, Villain carefully tucked the duvet under the frail hero, making sure they didn’t jostle their infected wounds too much.
The crime-stopper coughed, water rattling in their lungs as their fever raged incessantly. “C-Can’t…” Their glossy eyes locked onto the villain’s. “Please... Keep them safe.”
With that, exhaust dragged Hero to the depths of a feverish sleep that would keep them tossing and turning all night. But Villain couldn’t be there this time, this time they had a city to protect.
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mouthsewedshut · 1 year
I see where yall are going at- As an artist and writer myself, Even as you do not intend your opinion/criticism to offend the creator you don't have to give them that opinion if they do not ask for it.
Most creators create for fun, Not to mostly entertain or please thousands (Well some they do but yknow where Im getting at) – or perhaps millions. You don't need to push them to your expectations just enjoy their creations yknow.
"I feel like you could have made this a lot longer" I do get that you wanted to see more of it but the creator doesn't have to. Creating isn't what you expect; quick as a wave or fast like the wind - no it took hours, probably weeks or months, to think of what to create. Even writing, It's hard to construct them just for people to leave a like and support them which motivates them to keep going (Don't mean it badly yknow) -
Like take me for example. Even for an oc art it took me 3-4 hours just to get 11- 13 likes on Instagram or 0 - 5 notes on tumblr. Even if it took me that much to finish that art, I at least appreciate it for people to just look at it for a second and leave that digital like even if it's small. And even for writing, It had took me years to wait and look for what to write and to construct on my stories but somehow even so I just couldn't think of one. I just scramble all those ideas altogether and think and think.
Simply; If you don't like the writing, Just leave yknow- like let the writer be and let them have fun on their style. No need to push your criticism on them just to get better. Like do they even care-
I get you are trying to not sound offending but does the writer really care about your opinion? No. They just wanna write so just sit in your corner and drink some water man
Hello cat!
Just read your 3k series and wanted to give you a bit of feedback.
End of part two feels a bit hasty, besides the typo in the second to last paragraph (pretty sure you meant villain not hero there). There's a few typos but who cares, this one was just a bit confusing and stopped my reading flow. BUT.
Part four is GREAT OMG the feelzzzz
And don't get me started on the ending it's truly villainous~ and just over the top honestly. I love it. Hard, hurting, realistic. Wanted to let you know you did a great job on the series :)
Personal opinion: I feel like you could have made this a lot longer. There's only a glimpse of the feelings you're trying to express, they came out but they'd really sink in if you'd dwell on it a bit more, write about the stuff a bit more. Although I think that's mb just not your style since you put more weight on dialogue. Like I said it's just a thought it's still great you don't have to change anything in your style.
Something else entirely... I've read some german mostly in your tags sometimes. So I wonder where you're from if you want to tell. Don't have to ofc.
So, when I put my work out here, I obviously have to expect criticism. That’s kinda unavoidable. People will have an opinion about me and my writing.
However, I don’t really know what your intention is. For example, I don’t see the “typo in the second to last paragraph.”
I wrote:
The hero stared at them, eyes narrowed. As if all of this was a trick. But then eventually, they spoke. Followed by a line spoken by the villain.
The hero stared at them. So, they spoke eventually. I get that using nb/nb for both characters is confusing but most of the heroxvillain community is structured like that and nearly all my writing is too. Which makes it weird to me to see this as a mistake on my part…? Like, you could use any line I’ve written on here and tell me I actually meant hero or villain because they both use they/them pronouns.
Also, I didn’t really catch any big typos/mistakes in that snippet. I used a lot of short sentences in this especially because the hero is extremely tired in these scenes and thinking in long ass sentences is just not really possible in such a state of mind (at least not for me lol). So, I guess this could be a reason for why you were confused/not satisfied with the writing flow? It’s structured like all my other snippets and it’s my usual writing style, so that confused me about your ask, too. Of course, I make mistakes as well and I make typos but again…you could say that about every snippet I write, so I wonder why you chose this one specifically?
Additionally, I don’t really see which parts of my snippets are giving “only a glimpse of the feelings [I am] trying to express.” I don’t think my readers are dumb. I think my readers get what I mean when I write “It fried their brain, making it impossible to even think straight. Old panic resurfaced but they put on a tired smirk.”
I think my readers get that old panic means that this character is familiar with panic, whereas putting on a tired smirk is a reaction to it. Which is (as we see throughout the whole story) a thing the hero does a lot. Hiding their pain and distracting themselves with flirting. Readers aren’t dumb. I don’t have to go into every little detail about every tiny thing the characters experience. In fact, part of being a reader is, that you get to imagine these things for yourself. As the writer, I give you a tiny bit of information and as the reader, you get to interpret and shape that however you want.
My readers get what I am trying to express with my characters’ actions and their dialogues. The villain asking the hero if they think they’re a good person has meaning behind it and normally, as a reader, you get stuff like that. I don’t have to describe in a paragraph that the villain doubts themselves and is beginning to value the hero’s opinion on them, no, I let them ask if they think they’re a bad person.
Of course, this series could have been longer. Could’ve been deeper. It could’ve been a whole book. But I am not here to write books for you for free. I am not here to write thousands of words because one anonymous user thinks a blog which posts snippets, should write more and more and more.
So, I believe this is more opinion than actual criticism. I guess? Because, like I said, there’s a reason for the way this snippet is written and if you want to “criticise” me for typos, you’d have to criticise every post I have ever made.
And another thing is, this message is coming from an anonymous user. So, I’m sorry if this offends you but I really don’t care about your opinion that much. I don’t think this message had any criticism in it which improves my writing.
Eventually, your opinion doesn’t have the same weight to me as the opinion of a certain epiclamer or a certain lilyaang or a certain creweemmaeec11 or a certain snowshowerwriting or a certain avvail or a certain thepenultimateword or a certain English teacher of mine.
This is your opinion of the series and this is mine — I don’t see any big mistakes or horrible decisions I’ve made and some anon telling me they didn’t like this or that won’t change that.
And yes, English isn’t my first language. I am German, come from Germany, live in Germany.
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mouthsewedshut · 1 year
Character below owned by my friend!
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Also for anyone wondering where was I; I was pretty busy from outside of tumblr and I don't know if I could keep up the heroxVillain community, So for now I will stop writing from it but if you wanna stay, You may stay tuned for oc arts and yeah just art shenanigans in general - I stay to read some of them ofc! Just ran out of ideas for Heroes x Villains,,,,
Anyway rant over, If you read almost everything I thank you for coming along this journey with me :)
🌙 🌌 🌙
Like my art? Follow my Instagram for more!
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mouthsewedshut · 1 year
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best dynamic. you agree
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mouthsewedshut · 1 year
So uh hey I am back?
I couldn't write shit anymore so have my ocs being lovey dovey cause I have no bitches and because february is gonna be over in days
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Content// Gvns and Kissing
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Characters (In order): Philip (Orange cat), Florence (white cat), Collie (Fennec fox with fedora and pistol), Clinton (White German Shepherd with visor)
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mouthsewedshut · 1 year
Okay I don't normally post Danganronpa content here but i havent posted lol anyways have them- (right is Kiji Nomai, my danganronpa oc and Ryoma Hoshi on the left-)
The old one is on the 2nd pic—
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mouthsewedshut · 1 year
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mouthsewedshut · 1 year
softest love prompts:
(feel free to use<3 i literally cried through these, but 6th, 7th, 8th prompt just--made me bawl.) (tag me when yall writeee)
"you look like a flower, the prettiest one."
touching foreheads in a hug :(
not being able to contain a smile around them
searching for them in the crowd, and they're looking right at you with the fondest of smiles
"when you are tired, love, lean on me." "and when you are?" "I'll find comfort in your arms :)"
the hands that tug a little bit closer in a hug, a little bit of both hearts spilling into the same sink, a love that spills
that gaze--tired, soft, their thumb gently rubbing your cheek, noses touching, silently mumbling an "i love you"
feeling so much yet having no words to describe all of it :/ (at times like these, actions speaks so much!!)
when they're tired and they bury their face deeper into your crook in a hug :(((
braiding their hair. making them wear cute clips >\\<
gives you random small but thoughtful gifts
noticing your lover's small habits (like how they smirk when they're proud, how they tilt their head in confusion, how they smile when they're shy)
they tickle you and you fall on your bed, laughing. they stop midway, grinning, "your laugh. oh my god!!" followed by more tickle attacks<3333
head pats !
they get shy when you compliment them in public!
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mouthsewedshut · 1 year
I'm DONE ! I'm leaving now FOREVER and you CANT STOP ME no matter what I'm GOING !!!
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mouthsewedshut · 1 year
The darkness had consumed them.
To tell the truth, it had done that a long time ago, leaving the hero broken and with the cruel expectancy to pick all the shards up themselves. Breaking down wasn’t something to get accustomed to, it was something so familiar, it was almost provoking a relationship of intimacy.
Shuddering, the hero hugged themselves, ignoring the sounds of battle around them, fearing the worst and losing all their hope in the same second. They were certain this was the end.
The hero had done everything they could, they had tried everything to bring peace. Diplomacy had been their weapon of protection but they hadn’t seen the dagger coming that was digging through their armour. Figuratively and maybe even literally.
Violence had been left and the hero had loathed every second of it, right up to the bitter end. They had tried their very best, had used every asset available to them.
And yet, it hadn’t been enough. When after seconds — seconds that felt like hours — they opened their eyes again, hoping the strike would be swift enough for them to die in seconds, they saw something else entirely. Someone else.
The villain stood above them, offering their hand. The warm corpse of the hero’s enemy lay under them, one clean stab wound indicating their death.
The hero’s breath hitched, stayed in their throat until they choked on it.
“Need a helping hand?”
The hero could only stare. They knew they must’ve looked like a monster with blood and mud all over them. Not even the pouring rain could wash it away.
“Get up. Out of the dirt with you,” the villain said gently. Their arm was still outstretched.
Pain built up in the hero’s stomach and then, then, their heart dropped irrevocably and they felt the sweetest relief in the world.
“You came,” they said and it came out breathlessly. Their eyes burnt.
“Just a matter of time.” The villain smiled. “I take a liking to being your knight in shining armour.”
Finally, the hero took the villain’s hand and let themselves be pulled up. The villain did it as if the hero weighed nothing and the hero (completely unprepared) bumped against them harshly. It made them hiss, their wounds tearing them apart. From within and from the outside.
“Easy there, sweetheart.” The villain straightened their posture and pulled the hero up with them. The fight was still going on but the hero allowed themselves to be somewhat hopeful. The villain didn’t only have allies, they had friends.
A fantastic spiderweb of connections and loyalty, it was something the hero would’ve never come up with, no matter the quality of their social skills. Among those were also relationships built on manipulation and dependence. It was clever, devilishly clever.
Once the hero had despised that sort of thing — tricking people and using them into being dependent on one but right now, despite all their moral values, they couldn’t be happier.
“You came,” the hero repeated. Their breath hadn’t slowed down and they were tired enough to rest their head against the villain’s shoulder.
“Couldn’t let my hero die.” Their grip on the hero’s clothes tightened as their eyes searched for any danger around them. There was danger, a lot of it, but for now, a protective circle of henchmen and allies had built around them. “It’s funny, you know. You always look so hot when blood is all over you.”
The hero cracked a smile.
“Oh, fuck off.”
The villain dodged an attack that got through the layers of defense, pushing the hero behind them in order to shield them. When their enemy was just another body on the ground, the hero clawed at the villain’s shoulders.
“I’m sorry I shot you,” they said. The villain’s arm slithered around their waist again and propped them up.
“Don’t worry. I know you’re horrible at flirting.”
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