#for navigational purposes et all
fluffyprettykitty · 2 years
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general tag here!
︵‿︵‿୨♡୧‿︵‿︵ writings
୨♡୧ concepts
Matt Murdock + degradation & breathplay
Matt Murdock + breeding
Matt Murdock + legally blind reader
Stephen Strange + gift giving
Stephen Strange + kissing eyelids
Stephen Strange + marking
Stephen Strange + nipple piercings
Stephen Strange + breeding
Frank Castle + innocence & praise
Valkyrie + toxic ex
Thor Odinson + choking & thunder
Sam Wilson + shy! reader & daddy
୨♡୧ drabbles
Thor Odinson - Show me how much you need me
Bucky Barnes - Secretary to your heart
Bucky Barnes - Morning on the beach
Kate Bishop - Bandaging Wounds
Matt Murdock - Devil in the suit
Poe Dameron - Reunion Kiss
Tony Stark - Warm Mornings
Bruce Banner - Shy First Kisses
Sam Wilson - Dominion
Tony Stark, Bruce Banner - Science Bros
Tony Stark, Natasha Romanoff - Threesome Headcanons
︵‿︵‿୨♡୧‿︵‿︵ moodboards
Billy Russo tropical island
Marc Spector, Frank Castle european seaside
Steve Rogers picnic date
Layla El Faouly picnic date
Natasha Romanoff dark witchy aesthetic
Ari Levinson spring vibes
Bucky Barnes italian summer, Loki studying magic
Wanda Maximoff ballet au
Wanda Maximoff x vampire reader
Wanda Maximoff x ceo! reader
Matt Murdock dinner date
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fandomtrumpshate · 3 months
...and we're live!
Browsing period for FTH 2024 is now officially open! You can find this year's auction offerings here. Be sure to read our sticky post on the best ways to navigate the tags page, which is the #1 way to find the auctions you want!
We've hammered out most of the errors, typos, broken links, &c, but there are going to be plenty more. That's okay -- one of the purposes of browsing period is to give us time to find and fix those mistakes before bidding opens.
So creators, please do check over your offering post carefully! If you spot an error, please use the edit form to let us know. (You should have received a link from us via email yesterday. If you did not, please email us.) Remember that the edit form will close at 10pm EST on March 4 so that we have time to get all edits made by the time bidding opens!
Over the next few days, we'll be posting compendia of all of the fan labor offers and all of the "other" offers. If you'd like to put together a post that collects all of the offers in your fandom, tag us and we will reblog it!
The auction will open for bidding at 8am ET on Tuesday, March 5th.
Happy browsing, everybody!
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I don't write but I am interested in what you would recommend for writing about preparing for a flight in a light aircraft realistically. Even for drawing. While reading your blog I remembered some story or something describing a scene in the back seat of a small plane like a cessna 172 and I just couldn't imagine any of it well because i know that space is too dang tight.
Also, just out of curiosity
What are some examples of planes that you can instruct in? Are we talkin cessna or piper or beechcraft or?
I instruct in the Piper PA-28 series of aircraft, and a basic flight plan is typically done in the few hours preceding a flight, or the night before in the case of an early-morning flight.
Step one is to determine where you want to go, and if the weather will even allow for it to happen. Assuming you're in the USA, aviationweather.gov and 1800wxbrief.com are the two most useful websites for flight planning. This step is a "big picture" glance at the route of flight, and this is when you actually draw your lines on a map to plan out your route.
Once the weather looks okay and your route is planned, the next step is to designate a set of "checkpoints" along your route of flight, be they landmarks on the ground for VFR (visual) flight, or navigation waypoints for IFR (instrument) flight. The purpose of these is not only to remember what to look for, but to help figure out your ETA with some math you'll be doing later in the planning process.
All of these waypoints are written down in a document called a nav log, which is essentially a table describing your route, the waypoints along them, estimated speeds, estimated times, etc. Once all of your waypoints are picked out, you tally up the distances between them (in nautical miles), and make sure that number matches the total distance.
Now, with your route and waypoints, it's time to take a closer look at the weather. Since we already know we'll be clear of any nasty weather, now is the time to focus on one important thing: what the wind is doing.
Using the websites above, we can get a forecast of the wind speed and direction at our desired altitude, which is chosen based on what provides the best tailwind (or least-bad headwind). Our altitude, assuming a VFR flight, follows the hemispherical rule - eastbound flights fly at an odd-thousand altitude plus 500, and westbound flights fly at an even-thousand altitude plus 500. Add the wind speed/direction, as well as the desired altitude, to the nav log.
Now, here's the part where we do the math, and for this, we'll use a special calculator called an E6B. It's a slide rule whose design has been almost unchanged since the Second World War, and it can do unit conversions, course corrections, fuel burn calculations, and much more. What we want right now is the wind correction function - given a desired course, a wind speed, and a wind direction, it can calculate a ground speed (faster with a tailwind, slower with a headwind), as well as a wind correction angle, which is a heading to keep the airplane from being blown off course by the wind.
We need to do a wind calculation for each of our waypoints, adding the wind correction and ground speed to our nav log.
Now that we have our estimated ground speeds at each waypoint, we calculate our estimated time enroute (ETE) between each waypoint, again using the E6B to do so and adding the results to the nav log. Add up the ETEs between each waypoint to get an ETE for the entire route.
After that's done, we'll calculate how much fuel we need. Consult the airplane's manual for a fuel burn measured in gallons per hour (GPH), which is 9.5 GPH for the PA-28. Do the math with the E6B, and you now have your cruising fuel.
Next, climb fuel - for this one, you need to consult the airplane's manual, and follow the directions on a graph to get this number.
Finally, reserve fuel - for a VFR flight during the day, you need enough fuel to cruise to your destination, and then fly at a normal cruising speed thereafter for 30 minutes.
For a VFR flight at night, or an IFR flight, you need 45 extra minutes of fuel, plus any fuel needed to fly to an alternate airport in the case of IFR.
Those are the basic elements of a flight plan, but there's more that pilots are required to familiarize themselves with:
- NOTAMS (notices to air missions; typically concerns airport closures or non-standard procedures)
- Weather information (it's always good to do one more look at the weather, and also obtain a weather briefing for your route of flight)
- Known delays (ground stops, busy airspace, etc)
- Runway lengths at airports of intended use
- Alternative airports to land at if your destination is no longer suitable
- Fuel requirements
- Takeoff and landing performance numbers (can your airplane take off and land within the length of the shortest runway you plan on using?)
- Any other information pertinent to the flight
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blackestnight · 8 months
what's in my bag: hopeless nerd edition
by popular demand (read: like three people), have the contents of my bag when i'm playing ttrpgs in person!
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in no particular order:
laptop. i use digital character sheets for most of the games i play, mainly so i don't have to do math every time i level up. pf2 (my preferred ttrpg system) also has specific restrictions for organized play, and the digital tool i use has a settings toggle for society-compliant characters, which is super handy. i can also keep tabs open for quick rules/item lookups.
case, etc. i keep my laptop in a soft sleeve that comes with a pocket for the charger, a wireless mouse, and a tablet pen. the laptop is a 2-in-1, so depending on available table space i might fold it up and keep it in my lap in tablet mode, using the pen to navigate my character sheet instead of the mouse.
power bank. a relatively new addition. outlet space is always at a premium at events, and while my laptop's battery is pretty good, my phone is old and the battery is starting to give out, so better safe than sorry. i got this power pack for like $40 at meijer and it's great.
binder. for holding chronicle sheets (basically after-session rewards handouts for organized play). i have different folders for each character. i also try to keep hard copies of character sheets in case of technological or internet failure, but uh. i usually. forget. oops.
gum. usually with me wherever i go anyway. it's good for mitigating the takeout breath after ordering dinner. also helps mitigate distracted snacking.
water bottle. hydrate or die-drate, bitch.
pens and pencils. even as a person who uses digital sheets, you need pencils. i don't care who you are. if nothing else, you may end up needing to play a pre-generated character and keep track of HP, and you don't want to be the asshole marking up someone else's sheets in pen. i prefer pens for my own note-taking and filling out chronicle sheets, but i always keep a few pencils (a nice one for me and shitty ones to loan to other people).
miniatures. not strictly necessary. not all games use physical minis and maps for tactical combat, and small things like coins, bottle caps, extra dice, or (especially for enemies) candies are all mainstays of the tradition. i don't always bring mine to regular home campaign sessions, but for society play and cons i keep them in a little plastic tacklebox. i have some fancy ~custom~ minis for long-running characters, and more generic plastic ones, plus some poker chips and bases for things like pets, mounts, and summons.
dice. clickety clackety, i roll to attackity. my dice collection is extensive and nearly all blue (gasp). "but cyan," you ask, "do you actually need to bring that many dice?" yes. the most superstitious people you will ever meet are theatre nerds and tabletop gamers. you need several sets on hand to combat the Dice Curse. (or loan to other players. or roll fireballs. et cetera.) my dice bag was handmade for me by my best friend in high school, based on my first ever d&d character, and i still use it all the time. for events where i'll be able to spread out more, or for home games, i also have a dice vault with a built-in tray.
tray. to keep my dice from running away, or getting damaged on the table (or damaging the table if we're talking metal dice). lays flat when unsnapped for easy transport. also, it's a kitty!
notebooks. i usually have a couple on me for different purposes. the skull notebook is for session notes—which i don't usually take, WHICH IS BAD, and i'm trying to get into the habit. i'll write shorthand bullet notes during the session and then tidy up/convert into better summaries in a digital notebook later. the sticker-fied (yes, i put stickers on basically all of my possessions) is for brainstorming and note-taking for my homebrew campaign, because nothing is quite as inspiring as a weekend of getting tormented by other GMs.
book. for downtime/between sessions. the nice thing about tabletop cons is that there's always a chair somewhere.
and that's basically it! i might swap a couple things out if i'm running as a GM, but as a player this is my go-to.
and if you're looking at this and going, "where are the rulebooks?" the answer is i usually don't bring them with me in a physical format when i'm traveling. for PF2, i have access to all the PDFs, but Archives of Nethys and PF2 Easy are both fantastic (and FREE) digital rules references. i prefer Easy for searching items and spells, but AoN is an unparalleled rules resource, and they work directly with paizo to update the rules with each errata release. it has every rule, item, spell, creature, and character option from every book, with no paywalls or ads. the only thing you can't get are official maps or encounter blocks from the adventure paths. check it out if you're interested in playing!
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inflammatory · 4 months
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( @deactivated1987 ) LOL it’s time for my eternal sunshine treatise. I think the premise made me expect way too much of it cause it sounded up my alley - memory stuff, unconventional structure, the whole brainscape thing, and most importantly I’m really into messy breakup plotlines. but i feel like a lot of the potential was squandered
Main offenders imo were the script and the score, i hate to use the word “cringe” because I’m tryna be credible here but to me it was. You could write it off as the awkwardness of navigating relationships, but I think with the heinousness of the first few scenes of them and the non-linear progression it set for me a weak foundation for the skip to them broken up and her memories erased. Kate winslet said “I apply my personality in paste” and i went naoooouuuuuurr noooaaaaoooo this cant be happening. I get that for most people it seems to work though judging from the 4.2 on letterboxd. However i get secondhand embarrassment really easily and cant deal with persistent awkwardness
I also feel like the emotional core of the movie hinges on the chemistry of the relationship and i couldnt see a single thing either of them might like about each other. He’s a white man with a journal and she’s a girl who dyes her hair, ok. Script comes into play again - with relationship dramas I attest that it all depends on how your leads talk to each other - just straight up talk yknow. Both Winslet and Jim Carrey were quite definitely cast against type and in my opinion it shows because the line delivery rarely hits smoothly. Here it’s difficult to skilfully portray a relationship breaking down if your justification for them being together in the first place is poor - breakups hurt because of love, and most of that is done through scenes of them lying together on the frozen river (pretty scene, I liked it at least), being physically intimate, and, again, the weird timeline conversations that I loathed. So i wasn’t sold on their connection beyond the surface level. Felt like when my friends have boyfriends who are bordering on invertebrate organisms
With a connection that’s weak I think the punch of the argument scenes falls short. And there are so many of them, so to me they just fall out of the sky like birds. And that’s crazy of me to say because arguments are probably in my top 3 best things in the whole world. I feel the autobiographical nature of the male lead keenly in his regular just some guy eyes. His contributions to the supposedly vicious arguments are mediocre. Because I think the movie leans towards the vilification of the lady. Where she’s the unreasonable one, claiming she’d be a great mother and everything when she’s like deeply fucked in the head et cetera. I support the sentiment of manic pixie dream girls asserting their personhood and autonomy (but i also prefer my off putting women with swag and self awareness). Overall I don’t think she’s well written per se, but she’s definitely the most written out of everyone else there. If pressed i can respect that they made her thoroughly unlikeable on purpose and leave it at that. It’s still a paean to the age old story lick that goes “this pretty and interesting young woman approaches you, yes, you, ordinary man, and is interested in you, you, journal writing white man who is a vehicle for the man writing the journal of this story, and your breakup will be 90% her impulsive fault and not yours”.
Bits of the movie that are also meant to be comedic i think? Really didn’t work for me either. When the medical staff were partying in his house I was too deeply scandalised to suspend my disbelief. When he was his toddler self under the table I had to politely avert my eyes. The score exacerbated all of this
Before this movie I didn’t have a rating system because i felt bad rating movies and the reason I have one now is because I wanted to rate eternal sunshine 1 star. In all fairness the 1/2 star is because i realised i could make it even lower and did so out of the rage of freshly finishing it. Retrospect I’d maybe add a star for the scene where he lifts the pillow up from smothering her and she’s disappeared. But i won’t because i think my vendetta is set in stone by now
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skwpr · 10 months
SQ4R? Yes, this will help)
SQ4R is a method that identifies the components of active reading and provides a guide for navigating among them. SQ4R prompts a reader to survey, question, read, respond, record and review material.
This method can be used for reading any type of material at any stage of your research assignment.
The purpose is to help you define main ideas in the text by looking for headings, engaging you by encouraging you to make predictions, to question the text, and review. When all the techniques of SQ4R have been developed, they become natural habit and improve comprehension and understanding of the covered material.
S stands for Survey. Think about skimming the text. You’re looking for headings, main ideas, if there’s pictures, what stands out to you? Also, during this time, you should consider what you already know about the text and make note of it.
Q stands for Questions. This is where you’ll start to become actively engaged. Question the text! If you’re looking in a text-book, turn the headings into questions. What don’t you know? Make note of all of this, and don’t worry, having lots of questions is a good thing. You’ll find answers.
4R stands for four more words that all start with the letter R.
The first R stands for Reading the Material. You have an idea what you’re looking at because you’ve surveyed the text, and you’re engaged because you have answers to look for. If, after reading the material for the first time, you still don’t have an answer, this is no cause for worry. You’re just reading and understanding what you can.
The second R stands for Reflecting on the Material. What does this material mean to you? How can you apply it to your life? Think of living examples, events et al.
The third R stands for Reciting the Material. You want to read the text. This time, as you’re reading, take some notes down. These notes will be much better because you’re familiar with the text and hopefully you’ve thought of things to anchor the text to. Now that you have your notes, you want to read them out loud. This might sound goofy to you. I’ll confess that it felt goofy to me. The reason for it is that it helps to associate the text with spoken words. Even if your primary way of learning isn’t auditory, you want to engage as many senses as possible.
The final R, the fourth, stands for Review. This takes some discipline. We’re not talking about extensive reviews. They can be brief. At this point, you have very good notes, you’ve attached what you can of the material to real things in your life. the point is, you’ve made the material more solid and relatable in your mind – and finally, you’ve recited the material from your notes. Now it’s time to review, frequently, if only for a few minutes.
1. SURVEY Read headings and subheadings. Look at all illustrations. Read captions under illustrations. Read chapter summary.
2. QUESTION Write a question for each heading and subheading in an assignment.
3. READ Read only the material under a heading or subheading to search for an answer to your question for it.
4. RECITE Recite the answer to the question in step 3.
5. WRITE Write down the answer you recited in step 4 under its question.
6. REVIEW Do after step 5 is completed for all questions. Skim over all headings and subheadings. Recite answers to each question. Repeat this step the next day, the end of the week, and before a test.
Genetics and cats. My style for this summer.
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nightpool · 7 months
@powpowhammer I think i posted this at one point but if not, enjoy
§1. Colonies of webs. Social spiders are said to form "colonies" when their webs are shared,¹ and in that spirit, a colony to Inweb is a collection of coexisting webs — which share no code, and in that sense have no connection at run-time, but which need to be cross-referenced in their woven form, so that readers can easily turn from one to another.
¹ Those curious to see what a colony of 110,000,000 spiders might be like to walk through should see Albert Greene et al., "An Immense Concentration of Orb-Weaving Spiders With Communal Webbing in a Man-Made Structural Habitat (Arachnida: Araneae: Tetragnathidae, Araneidae)", American Entomologist (Fall 2010), at: https://www.entsoc.org/PDF/2010/Orb-weaving-spiders.pdf ↩ (Nightpool note: link is dead, but available from https://bdthisis.files.wordpress.com/2014/11/greeneetal-2010-orbweavingspiders.pdf)
§2. So, then, a colony is really just a membership list:
typedef struct colony { struct linked_list *members; of colony_member struct text_stream *home; path of home repository struct pathname *assets_path; where assets shared between weaves live struct pathname *patterns_path; where additional patterns live CLASS_DEFINITION } colony;
The structure colony is private to this section.
§3. Each member is represented by an instance of the following. Note the loaded field: this holds metadata on the web/module in question. (Recall that a module is really just a web that doesn't tangle to an independent program but to a library of code: for almost all purposes, it's a web.) But for efficiency's sake, we read this metadata only on demand.
Note that the path might be either the name of a single-file web, or of a directory holding a multi-section web.
typedef struct colony_member { int web_rather_than_module; TRUE for a web, FALSE for a module struct text_stream *name; the N in N at P in W struct text_stream *path; the P in N at P in W struct pathname *weave_path; the W in N at P in W struct text_stream *home_leaf; usually index.html, but not for single-file webs struct text_stream *default_weave_pattern; for use when weaving struct web_md *loaded; metadata on its sections, lazily evaluated struct filename *navigation; navigation sidebar HTML struct linked_list *breadcrumb_tail; of breadcrumb_request CLASS_DEFINITION } colony_member;
The structure colony_member is accessed in 2/trs, 4/prp, 4/jsn, 5/mrk, 5/mv, 5/im, 1/cnf, 1/ts, 3/tc, 5/wt, 6/cs, 6/rw and here.
§4. And the following reads a colony file F and produces a suitable colony object from it. This, for example, is the colony file for the Inweb repository at GitHub:
home: inweb/docs assets: inweb/docs/docs-assets navigation: inweb/docs-src/nav.html pattern: GitHubPages breadcrumbs: none web: "overview" at "inweb/docs-src/index.inweb" in "inweb/docs" breadcrumbs: "Home: //overview//" web: "inweb" at "inweb" in "inweb/docs/inweb" module: "foundation" at "inweb/foundation-module" in "inweb/docs/foundation-module" web: "foundation-test" at "inweb/foundation-test" in "inweb/docs/foundation-test" web: "goldbach" at "inweb/Examples/goldbach" in "inweb/docs/goldbach" web: "twinprimes" at "inweb/Examples/twinprimes.inweb" in "inweb/docs/twinprimes" web: "eastertide" at "inweb/Examples/eastertide" in "inweb/docs/eastertide" web: "intest" at "intest" in "intest/docs" web: "inform" at "inform/docs-src/index.inweb" in "inform/docs"
typedef struct colony_reader_state {   struct colony *province;   struct filename *nav;   struct linked_list *crumbs; of breadcrumb_request   struct text_stream *pattern; } colony_reader_state; void Colonies::load(filename *F) {   colony *C = CREATE(colony);   C->members = NEW_LINKED_LIST(colony_member);   C->home = I"docs";   C->assets_path = NULL;   C->patterns_path = NULL;   colony_reader_state crs;   crs.province = C;   crs.nav = NULL;   crs.crumbs = NEW_LINKED_LIST(breadcrumb_request);   crs.pattern = NULL;   TextFiles::read(F, FALSE, "can't open colony file",   TRUE, Colonies::read_line, NULL, (void *) &crs); }
The structure colony_reader_state is accessed in 1/ts, 3/tc, 5/fm, 5/tf, 5/hf and here.
§5. Lines from the colony file are fed, one by one, into:
void Colonies::read_line(text_stream *line, text_file_position *tfp, void *v_crs) {     colony_reader_state *crs = (colony_reader_state *) v_crs;     colony *C = crs->province;     Str::trim_white_space(line);  ignore trailing space     if (Str::len(line) == 0) return;  ignore blank lines     if (Str::get_first_char(line) == '#') return;  lines opening with # are comments     match_results mr = Regexp::create_mr();     if (Regexp::match(&mr, line, U"(%c*?): \"*(%C+)\" at \"(%c*)\" in \"(%c*)\"")) {         colony_member *CM = CREATE(colony_member);         if (Str::eq(mr.exp[0], I"web")) CM->web_rather_than_module = TRUE;         else if (Str::eq(mr.exp[0], I"module")) CM->web_rather_than_module = FALSE;         else {             CM->web_rather_than_module = FALSE;             Errors::in_text_file("text before ':' must be 'web' or 'module'", tfp);         }         CM->name = Str::duplicate(mr.exp[1]);         CM->path = Str::duplicate(mr.exp[2]);         CM->home_leaf = Str::new();         if (Str::suffix_eq(CM->path, I".inweb", 6)) {             filename *F = Filenames::from_text(CM->path);             Filenames::write_unextended_leafname(CM->home_leaf, F);             WRITE_TO(CM->home_leaf, ".html");         } else {             WRITE_TO(CM->home_leaf, "index.html");         }         CM->weave_path = Pathnames::from_text(mr.exp[3]);         CM->loaded = NULL;         CM->navigation = crs->nav;         CM->breadcrumb_tail = crs->crumbs;         CM->default_weave_pattern = Str::duplicate(crs->pattern);         ADD_TO_LINKED_LIST(CM, colony_member, C->members);     } else if (Regexp::match(&mr, line, U"home: *(%c*)")) {         C->home = Str::duplicate(mr.exp[0]);     } else if (Regexp::match(&mr, line, U"assets: *(%c*)")) {         C->assets_path = Pathnames::from_text(mr.exp[0]);     } else if (Regexp::match(&mr, line, U"patterns: *(%c*)")) {         C->patterns_path = Pathnames::from_text(mr.exp[0]);     } else if (Regexp::match(&mr, line, U"pattern: none")) {         crs->pattern = NULL;     } else if (Regexp::match(&mr, line, U"pattern: *(%c*)")) {         crs->pattern = Str::duplicate(mr.exp[0]);     } else if (Regexp::match(&mr, line, U"navigation: none")) {         crs->nav = NULL;     } else if (Regexp::match(&mr, line, U"navigation: *(%c*)")) {         crs->nav = Filenames::from_text(mr.exp[0]);     } else if (Regexp::match(&mr, line, U"breadcrumbs: none")) {         crs->crumbs = NEW_LINKED_LIST(breadcrumb_request);     } else if (Regexp::match(&mr, line, U"breadcrumbs: *(%c*)")) {         crs->crumbs = NEW_LINKED_LIST(breadcrumb_request);         match_results mr2 = Regexp::create_mr();         while (Regexp::match(&mr2, mr.exp[0], U"(\"%c*?\") > (%c*)")) {             Colonies::add_crumb(crs->crumbs, mr2.exp[0], tfp);             Str::clear(mr.exp[0]); Str::copy(mr.exp[0], mr2.exp[1]);         }         Colonies::add_crumb(crs->crumbs, mr.exp[0], tfp);     } else {         Errors::in_text_file("unable to read colony member", tfp);     }     Regexp::dispose_of(&mr); }
sorry again about the syntax highlighting. you can see the real thing here https://ganelson.github.io/inweb/inweb/6-cln.html with links and everything
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planetarybound · 1 year
Psychedelics Open Your Brain. You Might Not Like What Falls In.
Reshaping your mind isn’t always a great idea.By Richard A. Friedman
February 1, 2023, 11:26 AM ET
If you’ve ever been to London, you know that navigating its wobbly grid, riddled with curves and dead-end streets, requires impressive spatial memory. Driving around London is so demanding, in fact, that in 2006 researchers found that it was linked with changes in the brains of the city’s cab drivers: Compared with Londoners who drove fixed routes, cabbies had a larger volume of gray matter in the hippocampus, a brain region crucial to forming spatial memory. The longer the cab driver’s tenure, the greater the effect.
The study is a particularly evocative demonstration of neuroplasticity: the human brain’s innate ability to change in response to environmental input (in this case, the spatially demanding task of driving a cab all over London). That hard-won neuroplasticity required years of mental and physical practice. Wouldn’t it be nice to get the same effects without so much work?
To hear some people tell it, you can: Psychedelic drugs such as psilocybin, LSD, ayahuasca, and Ecstasy, along with anesthetics such as ketamine, can enhance a user’s neuroplasticity within hours of administration. In fact, some users take psychedelics for the express purpose of making their brain a little more malleable. Just drop some acid, the thinking goes, and your brain will rewire itself—you’ll be smarter, fitter, more creative, and self-aware. You might even get a transcendent experience. Popular media abound with anecdotes suggesting that microdosing LSD or psilocybin can expand divergent thinking, a more free and associative type of thinking that some psychologists link with creativity.
Read: Here’s what happens when a few dozen people take small doses of psychedelics
Research suggests that psychedelic-induced neuroplasticity can indeed enhance specific types of learning, particularly in terms of overcoming fear and anxiety associated with past trauma. But claims about the transformative, brain-enhancing effects of psychedelics are, for the most part, overstated. We don’t really know yet how much microdosing, or a full-blown trip, will change the average person’s mental circuitry. And there’s reason to suspect that, for some people, such changes may be actively harmful.
There is nothing new about the notion that the human and animal brain are pliant in response to everyday experience and injury. The philosopher and psychologist William James is said to have first used the term plasticity back in 1890 to describe changes in neural pathways that are linked to the formation of habits. Now we understand that these changes take place not only between neurons but also within them: Individual cells are capable of sprouting new connections and reorganizing in response to all kinds of experiences. Essentially, this is a neural response to learning, which psychedelics can rev up.
We also understand how potent psychedelic drugs can be in inducing changes to the brain. Injecting psilocybin into a mouse can stimulate neurons in the frontal cortex to grow by about 10 percent and sprout new spines, projections that foster connections to other neurons. It also alleviated their stress-related behaviors—effects that persisted for more than a month, indicating enduring structural change linked with learning. Presumably, a similar effect takes place in humans. (Comparable studies on humans would be impossible to conduct, because investigating changes in a single neuron would require, well, sacrificing the subject.)
The thing is, all those changes aren’t necessarily all good. Neuroplasticity just means that your brain—and your mind—is put into a state where it is more easily influenced. The effect is a bit like putting a glass vase back into the kiln, which makes it pliable and easy to reshape. Of course you can make the vase more functional and beautiful, but you might also turn it into a mess. Above all else, psychedelics make us exquisitely impressionable, thanks to their speed of action and magnitude of effect, though their ultimate effect is still heavily dependent on context and influence.
Read: A new chapter in the science of psychedelic microdosing
We have all experienced heightened neuroplasticity during the so-called sensitive periods of brain development, which typically unfold between the ages of 1 and 4 when the brain is uniquely responsive to environmental input. This helps explain why kids effortlessly learn all kinds of things, like how to ski or speak a new language. But even in childhood, you don’t acquire your knowledge and skills by magic; you have to do something in a stimulating enough environment to leverage this neuroplastic state. If you have the misfortune of being neglected or abused during your brain’s sensitive periods, the effects are likely to be adverse and enduring—probably more so than if the same events happened later in life.
Being in a neuroplastic state enhances our ability to learn, but it might also burn in negative or traumatic experiences—or memories—if you happen to have them while taking a psychedelic. Last year, a patient of mine, a woman in her early 50s, decided to try psilocybin with a friend. The experience was quite pleasurable until she started to recall memories of her emotionally abusive father, who had an alcohol addiction. In the weeks following her psilocybin exposure, she had vivid and painful recollections of her childhood, which precipitated an acute depression.
Her experience might have been very different—perhaps even positive—if she’d had a guide or therapist with her while she was tripping to help her reappraise these memories and make them less toxic. But without a mediating positive influence, she was left to the mercy of her imagination. This must have been just the sort of situation legislators in Oregon had in mind last month when they legalized recreational psilocybin use, but only in conjunction with a licensed guide. It’s the right idea.
Read: What it’s like to trip on the most potent magic mushroom
In truth, researchers and clinicians haven’t a clue whether people who microdose frequently with psychedelics—and are thus walking around in a state of enhanced neuroplasticity—are more vulnerable to the encoding of traumatic events. In order to find out, you would have to compare a group of people who microdose against a group of people who don’t over a period of time and see, for example, if they differ in rates of PTSD. Crucially, you’d have to randomly assign people to either microdose or abstain—not simply let them pick whether they want to try tripping. In the absence of such a study, we are all currently involved in a large, uncontrolled social experiment. The results will inevitably be messy and inconclusive.
Even if opening your brain to change were all to the good, the promise of neuroplasticity without limit—that you can rejuvenate and remodel the brain at any age—far exceeds scientific evidence. Despite claims to the contrary, each of us has an upper limit to how malleable we can make our brain. The sensitive periods, when we hit our maximum plasticity, is a finite window of opportunity that slams shut as the brain matures. We progressively lose neuroplasticity as we age. Of course we can continue to learn—it just takes more effort than when we were young. Part of this change is structural: At 75, your hippocampus contains neurons that are a lot less connected to one another than they were at 25. That’s one of the major reasons older people find that their memory is not as sharp as it used to be. You may enhance those connections slightly with a dose of psilocybin, but you simply can’t make your brain behave as if it’s five decades younger.
Read: What it’s like to get worse at something
This reality has never stopped a highly profitable industry from catering to people’s anxieties and hopes—especially seniors’. You don’t have to search long online before you find all kinds of supplements claiming to keep your brain young and sharp. Brain-training programs go even further, purporting to rewire your brain and boost your cognition (sound familiar?), when in reality the benefits are very modest, and limited to whatever cognitive task you’ve practiced. Memorizing a string of numbers will make you better at memorizing numbers; it won’t transfer to another skill and make you better at, say, chess.
We lose neuroplasticity as we age for good reason. To retain our experience, we don’t want our brain to rewire itself too much. Yes, we lose cognitive fluidity along the way, but we gain knowledge too. That’s not a bad trade-off. After all, it’s probably more valuable to an adult to be able to use all of their accumulated knowledge than to be able to solve a novel mathematical problem or learn a new skill. More important, our very identity is encoded in our neural architecture—something we wouldn’t want to tinker with lightly.
At their best, psychedelics and other neuroplasticity-enhancing drugs can do some wonderful things, such as speed up the treatment of depression, quell anxiety in terminally ill patients, and alleviate the worst symptoms of PTSD. That’s enough reason to research their uses and let patients know psychedelics are an option for psychiatric treatment when the evidence supports it. But limitless drug-induced self-enhancement is simply an illusion.
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ohworm-writes · 1 year
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“Do you still believe myths can save you? Foolish creature. Let me be clear: every version of the story ends with you being SLAUGHTERED.”
Well, hello everyone. It has been uhm... quite a while since I’ve been truly active on this account for the purpose of publishing fanfiction—the reason I created this account in the first place. But alas, I am back. How have you been? Good, I’d hope. I suppose you’re wondering what this post is about then, yes? Well, let me tell you.
Troupes! Book troupes, if you would. In an effort to rejuvenate my love for writing, I’ve decided to make a sort of... event. Essentially, over the next ten weeks starting on SUNDAY DECEMBER 11TH at approximately 6PM PST, I will be publishing one story, ranging from one to approximately ten thousand words, every Sunday at approximately 6pm PST. These fics will be from a variety of fandoms, all in which can be found on my RULES FOR REQUESTING page. These fics will all align with different fanfiction troupes, such as grumpy/sunshine, soulmate, flowershop/tattoo artist, Hanahaki et cetera. Thus, until FEBRUARY 12th 2023, I will keep to this promise.
I have problems with self-motivation and have since about mid to late 2021. You can see clearly how, in the time before that, this account was thriving. Say it’s because of a time excess or whatever, but that’s how it’s been. And, I would like to change that. I believe that, but giving myself these deadlines and whatnot, giving myself this creative freedom, I’ll be able to slowly spark my love for writing again. Writing makes me feel.. good. Productive. It makes me feel like I’m actually doing something with my life and I’d love to be able to get back to that. 
You can find them at this post! This post will be hyperlinked to my WRITING EVENTS page, which you can access from my NAVIGATION. The writings themselves, while they will be posted to my account in any case, will be archived on this post and can be found below once published. 
I really do hope you all will enjoy this little event of mine. I truly would like to come back to writing, and I hope this event will give me the push I need. So, even if you don’t like the fics I publish, the aim for them is to make me happy and bring me back to writing. If you like them, I’m glad and I hope you’ll stay. If you don’t? I could care less. Do what you’d like. In any case, I cannot wait for you all to see what I have in store. 
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Tamera Mowry-Housley, Teri Hatcher and James Denton Lead Hallmark's October Movie Lineup
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ET also premieres an exclusive first photo from Denton's music-centric film for Hallmark Movies & Mysteries, Perfect Harmony (see above), where he shares the screen opposite Sherri Saum (The Fosters). The Desperate Housewives and Good Witch alum is back in the Hallmark fold for the movie, where he plays Jack, the best man to Saum's maid of honor, Barrett, in their friends' nuptials.
All premieres are at 8 p.m. ET/PT
Starring: Tamera Mowry-Housley, Lyndie Greenwood, Krystal Joy Brown and Brad James
Premieres: Saturday, Oct. 1
After a booking mix-up, Samara’s (Mowry-Housley) birthday getaway turns into a week-long retreat on Edisto Island, in South Carolina’s Lowcountry, where she and her two best friends (Greenwood and Brown) rediscover their passions, their purpose and romance.
Pumpkin Everything
Starring: Taylor Cole, Michael Ironside and Corey Sevier
Premieres: Saturday, Oct. 8
Based on the novel by Beth Lebonte. Amy (Cole) is a novelist who returns to her hometown to look after her stubborn grandfather, Tom (Ironside), and his pumpkin-themed store. While there, she crosses paths with a man (Sevier) from her past.
Autumn in the City
Starring: Aimee Teegarden and Evan Roderick
Premieres: Saturday, Oct. 15
Piper Grant (Teegarden) moves to New York for a fresh start and to find her career passion. As she bounces between different exciting temp jobs that take her all over the city, she meets Austin Edwards (Roderick), an aspiring writer. While Piper’s sunny optimism is at odds with Austin’s jaded personality, the magic of the autumn season soon brings them closer together. When Piper realizes her true passion is illustration, they decide to team up on a children’s book project, and in the process, they discover the thing they’re really searching for might be each other.
All premieres are 9 p.m. ET/PT.
Nikki & Nora: Sister Sleuths
Starring: Hunter King and Rhiannon Fish
Premieres: Sunday, Oct. 2
Fraternal twins Nikki (King) and Nora (Fish) are forced back into each other’s lives when they inherit a detective agency. As they solve a murder, they realize their differences may be their greatest advantage.
Mid-Love Crisis
Starring: Teri Hatcher, James Tupper, Brian Markinson, June Laporte and Matreya Scarrwener
Premieres: Sunday, Oct. 9
With her 50th birthday a week away, Mindy (Hatcher), a divorced teacher, finds herself in the throes of a bona fide mid-life crisis. The timing isn’t ideal, as it coincides with a long weekend visit from her daughter, Rita (Laporte), and Rita’s girlfriend, Emma (Scarrwener), who comes along with her uncle, Sam (Tupper) … Mindy’s former high school sweetheart she hasn’t spoken to in over three decades. Her ex-husband, Marc (Markinson), gets thrown into the mix at Rita’s request, adding to Mindy’s angst. Between two exes under one roof vying for her affection and trying to talk Rita out of the big 50th birthday party she’s planning, Mindy has a lot to navigate as she learns to embrace her life and discover what she truly wants as she starts the next chapter.
Click the link below to read the full article on ET Online.
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Title: Community OT in my hands
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Taken by: Fundiswa Mvubu
My big smile, which hides my fears, allows me to overcome them. Welcome to my Journey of Community Block.
On my first day at the primary healthcare site, I felt excitement and nervousness. After spend months on other blocks I was now given the chance to be a community occupational therapist, but now I was about to see what it really meant to help people in a real community. It was a humbling feeling. In school, we learn a lot from books and lectures, but stepping into the real world is different. I discovered that becoming a good occupational therapist isn’t just about following a straight path from learning to doing. It's more like a complex journey full of challenges, growth, and important lessons. Every patient I met and every conversation I had added to my understanding. These real-life experiences helped turn the theories and ideas I learned in school into practical skills. Each interaction was like adding a new thread to a big, colourful tapestry, showing me what it truly means to support and care for others.
I had no expectations and no clear image of what lay ahead. Unlike the structured environment of a hospital, this community block felt like stepping into the unknown. How would I navigate a setting without the familiar protocols? How would I provide effective care without a clear diagnosis? These questions haunted me as I embarked on this journey, far outside my comfort zone. The early days were the hardest. I found myself in an environment where each day brought new discoveries, not just about the community I was serving but about myself. I questioned my ability to stand through the duration of this block, unsure if I could adapt to these new demands. The challenges I faced became catalysts for growth and self-discovery. One of the first hurdles was adapting to the pace and unpredictability of community work. Unlike in a hospital, where follow-up appointments are the norm, a community-based practice meant that seeing a patient today did not guarantee seeing them tomorrow. This reality forced me to hone my skills in delivering fast yet high-quality interventions. Initially, I struggled with the frustration of patients not showing up for follow-up sessions. I would wonder why they missed their appointments, often feeling disheartened. However, once I grasped the concept of assessing and treating all at once, it shifted my perspective. Understanding that each session might be the only opportunity to make a significant impact left me with a profound sense of purpose. Knowing that, even if my patient didn’t come back, I had done my best in that single session was reassuring. It reinforced the importance of being present and giving my all, regardless of the uncertainties.
Community-based OT practice plays a vital role in promoting holistic health and well-being (Van Vuuren et al., 2021). Unlike traditional clinical settings, where the focus is often on treating isolated symptoms, community-based OT considers the broader social, environmental, and economic factors that impact an individual's health. This holistic approach allows us to address not only the physical aspects of health but also the social and emotional needs of our patients. After being introduced to the ecological system theory in my 3rd year, it only made great sense in my 4th year as I got to experience the physical environment of my patients. This theory emphasises the interconnectedness between individuals and their environments, highlighting the importance of considering the broader context in which people live and work. Understanding the various systems that influence an individual's health, from the micro-level of family dynamics to the macro-level of societal norms (Neal et al., 2013).
With my group members, working within the community has allowed us to exercise the PESTLE framework as we could understand the social determinants of health in South Africa. By examining the political, economic, social, technological, legal, and environmental factors that impact health outcomes, we could better identify barriers to health equity and advocate for systemic change (Pestle Analysis, n.d.). By applying theoretical knowledge to real-world settings and embracing a holistic approach to care, I have made a meaningful difference in the lives of individuals and communities. As I continue this journey, I am committed to advocating for health equity, promoting social justice, and empowering individuals to achieve their full potential.
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Pestle Analysis. (n.d.). PESTLE Analysis of South Africa: External Factors Affecting Businesses. Retrieved May 20, 2024, from https://pestleanalysis.com/pestle-analysis-of-south-africa/
South Africa is a melting pot of cultures, each with its beliefs, values, and practices. Through my interactions with patients from various backgrounds in the community, I learned to approach each individual with sensitivity and respect for their cultural context. It was important to understand this for building trust and rapport with patients as our community also has foreign individuals; therefore, doing so ensured that interventions were culturally appropriate and effective.
My journey as an Occupational Therapist in a community healthcare setting has been a transformative experience. From the initial excitement and nervousness to the challenges and growth, each day has been filled with valuable lessons. I've learned that being a good therapist goes beyond textbook knowledge; it's about adapting to the unpredictable, embracing holistic approaches, and understanding the cultural context of each individual. Through it all, I've gained a profound sense of purpose and a commitment to promoting health equity and social justice. As I continue on this journey, I'm determined to make a meaningful difference in the lives of individuals and communities, one session at a time. My mission is to advocate for policies and practices that prioritize health equity and social justice. Through community education initiatives, I aim to raise awareness about the critical importance of addressing social determinants of health and fostering inclusive environments for all individuals. To achieve this, I recognize the power of collaborative partnerships. By fostering relationships with community organizations and other stakeholders, we can develop comprehensive and sustainable interventions. Through shared expertise and resources, we can maximize our impact and create lasting change.
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Taken by: Nompumelelo Mtshali
My group, we learnt and discovered a lot about Kenville and about ourselves within Kenville.
Neal, J. W., & Neal, Z. P. (2013). Nested or networked? Future directions for ecological systems theory. Social development, 22(4), 722-737
PESTLE Analysis of South Africa: External Factors Affecting Businesses. Retrieved May 20, 2024, from https://pestleanalysis.com/pestle-analysis-of-south-africa/
Van Vuuren, J. J., Okyere, C., & Aldersey, H. (2021). The role of Occupational Therapy in Africa: A scoping review. South African Journal of Occupational Therapy, 50(3). https://doi.org/10.17159/2310-3833/2020/vol50no3a2
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virtualnightsheep · 15 days
Blog 2- Title: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and wellbeing
Blog 2- Title: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and wellbeing Did you ever wonder how Indigenous people tend to be resilient, even in the face of adversity? Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander individuals have histories and ongoing involvements with difficulty, yet they have demonstrated amazing resilience to their rich cultural heritage (Usher et al., 2021). The following blog post attempts to look at the impact that cultural strengths and flexibility have on the mental health of Indigenous Australians. Role of Cultural Strengths in Mental Health In dealing with mental health, cultural strengths form a vital part of the way indigenous persons draw resilience and survival approaches. Such strengths are deeply fixed within the traditional cultural values, opinions, and practices of a community in ways that have continued over generations (Boivin et al., 2023). Understanding Resilience in Indigenous Communities Resilience is not simply bouncing back but thriving in the face of challenges and adversity. The concept of resilience in indigenous communities is said to intersect with notions of cultural identity, spirituality, connection to land, and community-supported systems (Walsh et al., 2020). These all contribute to the resilience of indigenous peoples and their ability to overcome adversity. Evidence-based Interventions Embedded in Cultural Values Numerous evidence-based interventions and practices have been designed to harness cultural strengths and the promotion of mental health among Indigenous Australians (Montesanti et al., 2022). These interventions more often encompass traditional healing practices, cultural ceremonies, and storytelling to promote resilience and well-being. For example: Cultural Healing Circles: These give a protective and supportive environment where members of a community will gather, share their experiences, and draw on their cultural traditions in the process of healing and being resilient. Land Healing Programs: Land-based activities, such as bushwalking, camping, traditional hunting, and gathering, can be used to reconnect people with their cultural activities through the land; they can be quite helpful in promoting the mental well-being of Indigenous people (Walsh et al., 2020). Promoting Community Resilience and Psychological Well-being Resilience and the promotion of mental health in Indigenous communities can only be developed with a view that perceives such inextricable interrelations between culture and social and environmental causes (Carrier et al., 2022). A culturally appropriate, strength-based approach, when combined with traditional healing practices, provides a foundation on which the Indigenous community can establish and develop resiliency support, support a pathway to mental health recovery, and at the same time, allow feelings of belonging and purpose. Conclusion: Utilizing Cultural Strengths for Good Mental Health In sum, cultural strengths are pivotal to promoting resilience and mental well-being among Indigenous communities. It is their observance of cultural traditions, values, and practices that enable Indigenous peoples to draw from centuries of resilience in navigating adversities in life. As we move forward in supporting mental health as well as well-being, we need to recognize and celebrate the many cultural strengths that hold these very vibrant and resilient communities. This blog post is mainly meant to bring out the importance of cultural strengths to the mental health of the Indigenous People and evidence-based interventions tied to cultural
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rubyclayton-blog · 20 days
Entry 2 – Sport Venue Topic 4: Sports fan experience, media, or service enhancement at Marvel Stadium.
It is important for sporting venues to consider the fan experience and ensure it is excellent as it can determine their success (Yoshida, 2017). Successfully enhancing fan experience has many benefits including growth in crowd presence, income, reputation, and loyalty towards the brand (Yoshida et al., 2015). To achieve this, it is important create a welcoming atmosphere and environment, know and understand your audience, improve entertainment, develop merchandise, continuously engage with fans/spectators, and more (Berglund, 2023).
Marvel Stadium, situated in Docklands, Melbourne, is a popular multi-purpose venue for sport and entertainment events. It is known for its unmatched lively atmosphere and memorable experiences. This energetic spectacle was built in 2000 and was first known as the Telstra Dome, then Etihad Stadium, before the current name change to Marvel Stadium. The versatile venue hosts a variety of sport and entertainment events all year-round including AFL, cricket (BBL), soccer and rugby matches, as well as many concerts and more. Marvel Stadium is a 460-million-dollar venue containing key infrastructure such as a retractable roof to improve the experience for all in attendance (Jones, 2023). The viewing experience at Marvel is exciting with a good capacity seating just over 53,000 fans (AUSTADIUMS, 2024a). If you are a fan of sport and/or entertainment, Marvel Stadium is a must attend venue that provides an electric atmosphere and will not disappoint.
Marvel Stadium is a top-notch sporting facility that is accessible and easy to navigate. There has without a doubt been thorough consultation and consideration when constructing Marvel Stadium to ensure that the fans and spectators have a positive and memorable experience. I have personally attended Marvel Stadium many times for a range of different sport and entertainment events. I have watched AFL, AFLW, and BBL matches, as well as numerous concerts at this venue and each time I have experienced an unforgettable atmosphere. My fan experience has been enhanced and great overall due to the high-quality sport and entertainment on display, as well as the media, technology, and services Marvel Stadium provides. Despite already being a top-tier venue, an estimated $225 million redevelopment is in motion and will only elevate the fan experience even more (Victoria State Government, 2023). Overall, Marvel Stadium has excellent services and will continue to provide a transcending experience to all fans and stakeholders in attendance.
Artefact 1 – Marvel Stadium Redevelopment: Image
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From (Voss, 2020)
Artefact 2 – Marvel Stadium Redevelopment: Video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6h1iUpkppvM
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From (YouTube, 2021)
AUSTADIUMS. (2024a). Marvel Stadium | Austadiums. Www.austadiums.com. https://www.austadiums.com/stadiums/marvel-stadium#details
Berglund, M. (2023, March 4). How to Improve the Fan Experience at Live Sports Events [10 Steps]» SportsBizTrends.com. SportsBizTrends.com. https://sportsbiztrends.com/in-depth/how-to-improve-fan-experience/#:~:text=The%20fan%20experience%20is%20a%20crucial%20factor%20in
Jones, J. (2023, April 30). Marvel Stadium: A Marvelous Sporting Experience in Melbourne, Australia - Stadiums World. Stadiums World. https://stadiums.world/marvel-stadium-melbourne/
Victoria State Government. (2023, March 21). Marvel Stadium. Sport and Recreation Victoria. https://sport.vic.gov.au/our-work/infrastructure/major-infrastructure-projects/marvel-stadium
Voss, C. (2020, November 20). $225m Marvel Stadium redevelopment plans revealed. Austadiums. https://www.austadiums.com/news/859/225m-marvel-stadium-redevelopment-plans-revealed
Yoshida, M. (2017). Consumer experience quality: A review and extension of the sport management literature. Sport Management Review, 20(5), 427–442. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.smr.2017.01.002
Yoshida, M., Gordon, B. S., Heere, B., & James, J. D. (2015). Fan Community Identification: An Empirical Examination of Its Outcomes in Japanese Professional Sport. Sport Marketing Quarterly, 24(2), 105–119. kuscholarworks.ku.edu. https://kuscholarworks.ku.edu/bitstream/handle/1808/22131/Gordan_2015.pdf?sequence=1&isAllowed=y
YouTube. (2021). Marvel Stadium’s redevelopments plans give official approval | 7NEWS. Www.youtube.com. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6h1iUpkppvM
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unogeeks234 · 1 month
SAP HR Data Model
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Understanding the SAP HR Data Model: A Foundation for Efficient HR Management
SAP HR, also known as SAP HCM (Human et al.), is a robust suite of tools designed to streamline and optimize HR processes within an organization. At the heart of SAP HR lies a sophisticated data model—how SAP structures and organizes its HR information. Understanding this model is critical for effectively implementing and customizing your SAP HR system.
Critical Components of the SAP HR Data Model
The SAP HR data model encompasses several essential elements:
Organizational Structure: This defines the hierarchical relationships within your company. It includes:
Client: The highest level of the SAP system
Company Code: Represents a legal entity
Personnel Area: Geographical or functional division within a company
Personnel Subarea: Further subdivision of a personnel area
Personnel Structure: This outlines how employees are grouped, such as:
Employee Group: Broad categorization (ex: full-time, part-time)
Employee Subgroup: More specific categorization (ex: hourly, salaried)
Infotypes: The core building blocks of the SAP HR data model. Infotypes are logical groupings of related data fields. Here are some common info types:
Infotype 0000 (Actions): Tracks personnel actions like hiring, promotions, termination
Infotype 0001 (Organizational Assignment): Stores an employee’s position, department, and reporting lines
Infotype 0002 (Personal Data): Name, address, date of birth, etc.
Infotype 0008 (Basic Pay): Manages compensation information
Time Management: Handles time-related data:
Work schedules
Attendances and absences
Overtime calculations
Payroll: Manages the critical process of employee compensation, including:
Tax calculations
Generating pay slips
Why Does the SAP HR Data Model Matter?
A well-understood SAP HR data model:
Ensures Data Integrity: A structured data model helps maintain consistency and accuracy across all HR records.
Facilitates Seamless Reporting: The data model allows you to quickly extract and analyze HR information for decision-making.
Promotes Customization: By understanding the model, you can customize and extend your SAP HR system based on your specific business needs.
Enhances Integration: The data model provides a standardized framework for integrating other SAP modules (like Finance or SuccessFactors) or external systems.
Tips for Working with the SAP HR Data Model
Familiarize Yourself with Infotypes: Learn the standard infotypes and their purposes. This knowledge will make navigating the system much more accessible.
Leverage SAP Documentation: SAP provides extensive resources for its data models. Refer to them for detailed explanations.
Consider Consulting Expertise: When making significant changes to the model, or if you have complex requirements, enlisting the help of an SAP HR consultant can save time and ensure best practices.
Mastering the SAP HR data model empowers you to optimize your system’s configuration, usage, and reporting capabilities. This, in turn, drives efficiency and data-driven decision-making within your HR functions.
You can find more information about  SAP HR in this  SAP HR Link
Unogeeks is the No.1 IT Training Institute for SAP HR Training. Anyone Disagree? Please drop in a comment
You can check out our other latest blogs on  SAP  HR here – SAP HR Blogs
You can check out our Best In Class SAP HR Details here – SAP HR Training
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titanicfreija · 2 months
"Sorry," Thomas said. "I mean it in good ways."
"I don't hear it in good ways, fucking stop. I don't tough shit out on purpose, I'm just stupid, and reminding me of how much I got to tough out as a direct result of me being stupid just feels like you're making fun."
"It wasn't stupid," Sunny mumbled. 
Freija hardly heard her voice, but she knew the tone already. "Yes it was. You didn't stop for days, and you were right. I fucked up and got lucky. I'm busy navigating some stairs with a ton of metal on my back, can we not discuss this right now?"
Sunny couldn't help herself. "It was not a good decision, but you had your reasons and they were good," she insisted. "You were right. And you were good. I shouldn't have shamed you for refusing to fight."
"You didn't shame me for refusing to fight, you shamed me because I helped," Freija snapped. "Shut up. I don't want to talk about this anymore."
"But you're--"
"Shut up!"
Sunny's comm indicator flashed, but the only sound was Freija's adjusting her hold on the generator.
Eventually, Thomas said, "It is kind of a relief to hear you guys argue."
"We argue all the time," they responded together.
"Not where I can see it. What's going on? You're disproportionately upset about this, there's something else going on."
"Nothing is going on!" spat Freija as Sunny mumbled, "I thought about it."
Thomas couldn't keep the amusement out of his voice. "What conclusion did you come to?"
"Shut up!" Freija cried. "You're both lucky I don't want to drop this thing!"
"I thought about it," Sunny repeated, "and I realized that her doing anything else would have hurt worse. And I realized that if I want us to be anything except a soldier, I would have to let her nobility get us into trouble. And I am... Really scared of what that means. Which is why I was mean about it."
"Rex always said you were hasty," Thomas chuckled. "Normally I wouldn't share that stuff, but I've seen it too often not to pick; he says, you would be so much more tolerable if you would talk after thinking instead of thinking aloud. "
"I would give him similar advice but I don't think he can be tolerable," Sunny grumbled. 
None of them addressed Freija, who remained silent, lost for words, though Thomas heard her sniffle.
"You okay?"
"I. Do not. Want. To talk. About this." The Titan's breath came slow and shuddering between words, audibly fighting down tears.
"I'm sorry," Thomas said. "I didn't mean--"
"Boucle-la!" Cried Freija. "Fucking stop!"
"Was that French?"
"Yes, there's signs in here in French. I was reading it. You said you spoke German, I only know numbers. How do you say "shut the fuck up" in old German?"
"That must be really weird, finding out you know a language."
That helped defuse the rage and she loudly drew a deep breath. "Yes. It was. I found a sales pamphlet about insecticide, and it was like my eyes turned the words into the information before I even saw the symbols."
Thomas took a second to say, "You know, I never considered what illiteracy would be like."
"You cannot possibly read every language and alphabet across Sol."
"I recognize all of them, though, so I'll try to read everything in the language I think it looks most like. I haven't seen an individual letter since I Rose, I hardly see individual words. Text enters my head as words as if spoken, I'm not looking at a picture with shapes that can turn into words. Seeing paragraphs of unfamiliar words makes me feel like I'm hearing someone speak a foreign language."
"For a writer, you suck at talking."
"If I could talk, I wouldn't need to write. You know what I mean, though. I know you do because you just talked about the difference."
"So how much French do you speak?"
"I'm fluent."
"Oui. Je suis sûr que mon argot est vieux mais je parle aussi bien le français que l'anglais et je le lis mieux que l'anglais. Je suis même surpris de ne pas avoir essayé de lire tout l'anglais écrit en français. Voudrais-tu que je te raconte l'histoire de la fusillade de la bitte de ce type?"
Thomas laughed. "Okay, I get it."
Sunny cut them off by jumping in, hoping to defuse the situation. "The servers and bases were spread out for obvious reasons, but there were a lot of redundancies, so we may have to look at two or three different locations but only two or three. I'm going to need a little time to dig the actual location information out."
"So how are you planning to use that information?" Thomas asked. "I don't have anything except a face and hopefully fashionable-at-the-time haircut, it's not like I have a badge number to look up."
"Facial recognition," Sunny said simply. "I just need the photo ID cards. Spaceports won't be guaranteed to have your information, but it's more likely that you did than you didn't. Plus the databases might hold information from other sources, so even if you never flew anywhere, you were probably in some network somewhere with a picture and a name. An employee somewhere, member of a club, a transportation pass, all kinds of things."
"Why wouldn't you help, Rex?" Freija asked.
"He doesn't want to talk to anyone else," sighed Thomas. "His usual line is that I should be focusing on who I am and turning that into who I want to be."
"He doesn't get the whole, satisfied with who you are thing?"
"He gets it, he just really doesn't like who I am," Thomas replied dryly. "I can't pretend my fixation isn't at least a little trying to figure out who I am now. We just disagree about how important it is. I tried to talk him into it after we found out about your thing with water--"
"Water," Thomas insisted. "He almost went with it, but it's a hang on, not a real trait or quality of yours, it's just leftover mental scarring, and I couldn't convince him that I might have any relevant damage. Doesn't help that you're so young, you haven't had a chance to let experience shape the person you started. I'm old enough that leftover damage is just another pockmark under the bullet wounds."
"Did I pick up the analogy thing from you or have you picked it up from me?"
"I think we just both use it. I use more metaphor while you use simile."
"Caiatl said I have a talent for poetry."
"You do," Thomas agreed. "Which is good, because putting your atrocious grammar to actual prose would require linguistic butchery, where it becomes 'style' in poetry."
"Atrocious grammar-- fucker, you're only outside."
"You will cut yourself off mid sentence to try again, we've all heard you do it. Being Tower-born and road-raised by a Distributary-born French Awoken and Reefborn Awoken, it would be weirder if you didn't talk a little funny."
"Asshat, you learned English, what, third?"
"Yeah. Are you suggesting that I don't have a funny accent?"
"It's hanging on in your 'oh' but that's pretty well the only one I ever hear. Do you speak anything else fluently?"
"Contemporary English, Chinese, Russian and German. Old English, Spanish, Chinese, Korean, Russian, German, Hindi, Tagolog, Arabic, Mongolian, and Swahili. English made two loops around the SVO SOV NA AN circuits. I picked up Swahili and Mongolian because it was fun to speak, and Arabic and Korean because I liked the alphabets. I didn't like French and most of the texts that showed up in French also showed up in German, so I didn't feel the need to learn that one. Plus I already had two Western European languages at that point."
"The fuck what circuits?"
"You speak multiple-- you know what, that is the least confusing of your talents, you just literally woke up with that one. To make it easy, the way sentences are arranged can change. Subject first, verb first, adjective-noun or noun-adjective. English tends to chase itself in circles by the rearranging like that."
"I get it enough," Freija muttered.
"Alright! I've got the best coordinates for triangulations to find the centers from the closest relay points, let's go before this place finishes falling apart."
The Database
Something Else
Campfire Stories
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anthosvtr · 2 months
The hell of archiving in the era of digital dematerialization 
When brainstorming potential topics for my upcoming master's thesis, I naturally gravitated towards subjects that resonated with me or piqued my interest. After attending exhibitions such as Over the Rainbow at the Centre Pompidou and Hors de la nuit des normes, hors de l'énorme ennui at the Palais de Tokyo, I felt compelled to explore themes related to LGBT questions and history. Interestingly, during my research, I stumbled upon a collective focused on LGBT archives established in Paris in 2017, following a call from Act Up-Paris. This discovery prompted me to delve deeper into the evolution of archives since the rise of the internet. Traditionally, archives conjure images of large classified boxes in libraries, where one sifts through dust and old papers for days. However, with the advent of the internet, I began to ponder the implications of digital technology on the archival field. I questioned the potential positive and negative impacts that such advancements could bring.
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Over the rainbow, Centre Pompidou 2023 et Hors de la nuit, Hors de l'énorme ennui, Palais de Tokyo 2023-2024
France has been at the forefront of dematerializing papers and establishing virtual archives for over twenty years. This initiative began with the dematerialization of administrative papers for enterprises, culminating in a law around 2000 that validated virtual papers as legally binding as printed ones. The onset of the Covid-19 pandemic further accelerated this digital revolution, which had already been underway in recent years.
However, online archiving poses several potential problems. Firstly, there's the issue of the cost associated with organizing these archives, which can be both in terms of time and money. Dematerializing physical papers and organizing them online is a time-consuming process. Secondly, ensuring the longevity of these digital archives is crucial. Just as physical buildings face the risk of fire, databases can be vulnerable to attacks or data loss. This can lead to inequality among institutions in their digital capabilities, as not all have equal access to resources. Additionally, the interface of online archives presents its own challenges. Designing user-friendly interfaces that facilitate easy navigation and access to information is essential for maximizing the utility of these archives.
For instance, physical archives require meticulous organization, labeling, and referencing before being stored away. However, with internet archives, this pre-organization work is assumed to be completed. The challenge lies in presenting and tidying up these archives online due to the vastly different interface and interaction methods. While physical libraries rely on indexing systems for searching, online archives offer faster access to multiple references and images simultaneously, thanks to features like multiple tabs and gallery displays. Yet, this abundance of information can lead to information overload. To address this, internet archives need effective categorization and presentation methods to streamline access while avoiding overwhelming users. As once said by Duran Duran, it’s too much information.
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Example of the UK LGBT Archive website
The LGBT ARCHIVE UK is one of the few websites exclusively dedicated to LGBT Archives, indeed, unlike other platforms that may have multiple purposes, this website focuses solely on this part. It presents itself as an LGBT archive Wikipedia, but its interface doesn't resemble a traditional archive setup. Users have to navigate through multiple links and directions to find the desired information. While there is a search bar akin to Wikipedia's, its functionality is limited. The website serves more as a gateway to external resources and links, which can be beneficial if utilized effectively. However, the search process lacks efficiency to function as a comprehensive archive platform. Although some sections are categorized by topics and timelines, they often redirect to other pages without proper organization or accessibility features. A potential improvement could involve implementing advanced research tools similar to those found on university research websites. Other LGBT association websites also attempt to organize archives, but they typically focus solely on articles, lacking the necessary tools for intuitive searches.
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Example of the LetterFormArchive website
The Letterform archive website serves as a prime example of a well-designed archive interface. It offers articles and conferences around specific subjects and provides a link to an external archive platform. The interface is simple, with a primarily white background and touches of red to highlight external information, accompanied by a prominent search bar. Helpful categories for research, such as disciplines, firms, creators, and formats, are also provided. Documents are presented side by side, with descriptions displayed by hovering the mouse over them. While the interface is designed to be simple and economical, it may pose challenges for accessing information, particularly for users requiring a quick search with less defined parameters. However, the website addresses this issue by allowing users to view documents in a grid or list format. Overall, while the website facilitates discovery and navigation through references, a larger archive may benefit from a more advanced research tool.
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Virtual archives offer significant advantages for preserving LGBT history. Firstly, given that the LGBT community is a minority group, having physical archives may limit accessibility. Virtual archives, on the other hand, provide a platform for anyone, regardless of their location, to access these resources privately. Secondly, a substantial portion of the LGBT community is organized online, leading to the creation of virtual zines, magazine articles, and various artifacts. These virtual communities have produced valuable content that could be categorized and made more visible through online archives. As I contemplate my project options for next year, I think that creating a viable archive website for a LGBT Archive Collective emerges as a promising idea to explore.
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