#final fic update
changbinholic · 1 year
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Would you be so kind (to fall in love with me)
↬chapter final: we're not 17 but you're my teenqge dream
↬pairing: Kim Hongjoong/Park Seonghwa
↬tags: slight misunderstanding; kissing
↬rating: G
↬summary: Seonghwa trying to find out why Hongjoong is still so shy around him.
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purpleneutrino · 4 months
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"Will it sting?"
Art for Chapter 1 of my new zosan fic 'Because It's You'
here on ao3
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silkentine · 1 month
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Um so this fic made me laugh so hard… 😁👉👈
Check out the newest zosan fic by @blasphemlm on AO3 here: On Sight
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endlesslytired · 2 months
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picnokinesis · 9 months
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"if there is any man left alive here, speak up and tell me: who killed all this mighty force?" and the dead replied: "child, it was you."
Finally, some art?! Yes well actually I drew this one all the way back in May for The History Between Us, a fanzine, which is being organised by the fabulous @77yearsteam! It's going to be included as a print to go with the special edition of the zine, along with a ton of other fantastic merch - and if that wasn't enough, the zine itself is going to be SO incredible! I've already had a sneak preview and it's full of a ton of incredible stories and artwork from some, following these two disaster timelords throughout their long and complicated history. Pre-orders open on 7th October, so make sure you check it out!
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leenfiend · 9 months
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what's ur type first < prev next >
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hanjoj · 2 months
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Would you have him as a PT? 👀
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matchingbatbites · 1 year
Love Grows - Part 1
This is my take on teen dad Steve! It was just supposed to be a ficlet, but the word count is currently hovering at 4k and I'm not done, so this will be going up in parts. <3
Ao3 | Part 2
February '85
The rumors have been flying for weeks. It only took one cheerleader to see Steve Harrington out and about with a baby and soon enough the news was all over the school. Nevermind that no one else has even seen said baby, but just the one accusation is enough to send the rumor mill into production.
It's something that had piqued Eddie's interest, but he quickly attributed it to teenagers spreading drama, a fiction created for their own entertainment. That is, until the day Harrington shows up to school with the baby.
The halls are buzzing, more so than usual, and it only takes until second period for Eddie to realize why. The entire class breaks into whispers when Steve walks in with a baby carrier in one hand, a piece of paper in the other, and a diaper bag slung over his shoulder. The paper goes to the teacher, who reads it before saying something to Steve, and Eddie is so curious but unable to hear anything over the chatter in the room.
Eddie can’t take his eyes off Steve for the rest of the class. He watches as the carrier finds a home on the floor, right by Steve’s desk, and Eddie has a perfect view of the little, rosy-cheeked baby girl from his seat two rows behind Steve (at least, Eddie’s assuming it’s a girl. The blanket tucked around her is a soft pink, so-). He sees every time Steve leans over to check on her, sees how her big eyes flick up to look at him, how she smiles around the pacifier in her mouth. 
It makes Eddie go all gooey inside; he's always loved kids, always hoped to find a guy who is good with them, and seeing Harrington being so attentive only increases the low-key crush he has on the other guy (he knows it’s a little pathetic, but Steve is very attractive, and Eddie is very gay, sue him). When the class ends, Eddie gathers his stuff slowly so he has an excuse to hang back a little and watch Steve interact with the baby some more, but soon enough the younger is also packed up and out the door.
Eddie doesn't see Steve again until later that day, when he's skipping out on 5th period and hears a baby crying as he passes by a closed classroom door. He peeks in through the window and sees Harrington pacing slowly while holding the baby against his shoulder, one arm supporting her from the bottom as his free hand rubs circles into her back. 
For a moment Eddie thinks about walking on, about just leaving Steve alone as he comforts his wailing child, but the cries pull hard on Eddie's heartstrings and he finds himself opening the door and slipping inside.
"Everything okay?" he asks, and Steve looks up in surprise before his expression shifts into something unreadable. 
"Yeah, we're fine. She's just extra fussy because she's teething. I came in here because I don't want to disturb anyone else." 
Eddie hums and goes to the nearby diaper bag, starts digging through it and is surprised when Steve doesn't tell him to stop. He finds a little bottle of numbing gel and smears some onto his pinky before sliding it into the baby's still wailing mouth, and carefully rubs it over her gums as he coos at her. 
"I know, honey, it hurts so bad. It's gonna be okay, though, just you wait." 
He glances up to see Steve staring at him, his expression curious, and Eddie suddenly feels overexposed. 
"My last neighbor had two jobs and three small kids, so I have a little experience with babies," Eddie explains, needing to fill the sudden silence that falls as the baby calms. His finger is still in her mouth, and he feels no desire to remove it, especially once she starts gnawing on it gently. Steve glances down at his girl before giving Eddie a soft smile, and Eddie's heart flips in his chest. 
"That's more than I have, at least. Thanks." 
"No worries, man. What, uh- what's her name?"
"Rosemary," Steve says, humming when the baby makes a soft noise. "At least, that's what I'm changing it to, as soon as I'm able." 
The warmth that had settled in Eddie's stomach sours a little at Steve's declaration, and as he pulls his finger from the baby's mouth he can't help biting out "And her mom is okay with you changing her name?" 
The atmosphere in the room changes as Steve's face crumbles, and Eddie knows he's said something wrong. 
"Her mom didn't want anything to do with her," Steve replies softly, and oh no, Eddie instantly feels like a piece of shit. He'd heard the rumors that some girl had just dumped the baby on him, but he didn't think they were true. 
"Shit, I'm so sorry, man. I didn't mean to assume anything." 
"It's okay. No one really knows about the whole… situation." 
There's an awkward pause before Eddie asks "So, Rosemary. Your choice wouldn't happen to be inspired by a certain Edison Lighthouse song, would it?" He smiles when Steve blushes, the pink dusting his face so sweetly as he shrugs. 
"It was my grandma's favorite song, and a lot of my happy memories are with her, so... I've already started calling her Rosie, so she'll be used to it." 
"It’s a good name," Eddie hums, rubbing his thumb over Rosie's tiny eyebrow. "She's a cute kid, Harrington."
Steve mutters a soft “Thanks,” and then there’s a brief pause before he asks "Do you- do you want to hold her?" and Eddie doesn't even hesitate before nodding and giving a quick “Yes!”
He takes off his jacket and vest in one go, knowing the fabric is a little rough, and takes the baby when Steve offers her to him. He holds her close, one hand supporting her and the other resting on her back, and starts to sway a little. "I haven't held a baby in like, two years. I forgot how calming it is." Steve hums and smiles as he sits on a nearby desk. “Yeah, it is.”
They spend the rest of the time just talking about whatever comes to mind, and it's really fucking nice. Eddie learns about the gaggle of kids Steve babysits ("They're all shitheads, but I love them, even when they're using me as a chauffeur.") and Eddie talks a little about his own friends, his band ("I mean being famous is the end goal, but it's also just fun to get together and be creative just for the sake of it, you know?") and before they know it, the bell is ringing to signal the end of the period. 
Steve frowns, a cute pout that tugs on the corners of his mouth, and Eddie has to bite back a smile at the expression. He sets a now sleeping Rosie back into her carrier before shrugging on his jacket and vest, and hesitates for a moment. 
"Listen, Harrington. I know that we don't really know each other, but I've seen firsthand how tough this single parent shit can be, so. If you ever need a hand, or need someone to watch her so you can get shit done, you can ask me, yeah? No worry, no judgment."
Steve blinks at him, big hazel eyes flicking between Eddie's like he's making an insight check against Eddie's words. He must like what he finds, because he smiles softly and says "Thanks, Munson."
And Eddie shrugs, and smiles in return. "Call me Eddie, man."
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bellaxgiornata · 6 days
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Hey friends! I'm on my way to my induction at the hospital soon so I will be spending my day laboring/giving birth! Which also means that my updates will be drastically slowing down for all of my fics for a little bit, especially because I'll be taking a brief writing hiatus. My husband is taking the next three weeks off and I am planning to focus on recovering, spending time with my family, and adjusting to life with a newborn with an already very spirited toddler during that time.
BUT! I do have about 9 different rough drafts stockpiled that I'm hoping to occasionally have moments to edit up and share with y'all at some point during my writing hiatus, though when and which updates I put out will be spur of the moment. I will still be hopping onto tumblr during this time, though, so I'm not entirely disappearing. So don't worry, I'll still be around! I might just be slower at responding to everyone thanks to sleep deprivation.
I still intend to keep writing my stories because I know I'll miss my fictional boys, but I am prioritizing my health and my family right now. I absolutely appreciate everyone for respecting my limits and being patient with me during this time, though 💖
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asolareclipses · 3 days
(Previous Part)
“Gods this heat is killing me.”
Will looked back at Jason who was drenched in sweat from the summer sun. “Maybe we should take a quick break.”
“I don’t get how you’re not melting right now,” Jason said as he practically collapsed on the ground.
Will shrugged, “Maybe it’s an Apollo thing. Sun resistance or whatever.”
Jason squinted as he looked up at Will, “Huh.”
Will turned to face the quiet road beside them his face turning somber, “We’re never going to make it there at this pace.”
Jason sighed as he ducked his head in a pointless action to avoid the sun. “I mean we’re halfway there right?”
With a groan of frustration Will turned to Jason, “If only we didn’t breakdown in the middle of nowhere.”
Jason opened his mouth the speak but was interrupted by a loud car horn.
Will watched as a small rusted truck slowly rolled to a stop next to them, the window squeaking as it slid down.
“You boys need a ride?” An old man spoke with a southern twang.
Simultaneously, Will and Jason looked at each other, both with clear skepticism. This had ‘Trap’ written all over it, however they had no other choice.
“Sure,” Will replied with a halfhearted smile, motioning for Jason to follow him.
In no time they were riding smoothly, somewhat, down the empty road in the worn down truck. The inside was no better than the outside either as the seats were clearly old with some tears and stains. Each floorboard was caked with dirt along with scattered pieces of trash or machine parts.
Will scanned each inch of the truck but, apart from its lack of cleanliness, it was perfectly normal. No evil tortue tools or suspicious mythical items. It was exactly what you’d expect from some random southern man. The man himself wasn’t strange either, no third eye or sharp teeth, rather something about him felt oddly familiar.
“So you two off on some adventure?” The man joked as he glanced in the rear view mirror at Jason with a sudden look of melancholy.
“Um we were just,” Will paused trying to come up with something. “On our way to visit our grandparents in Maine.”
Jason glanced skeptically at Will, to which Will read as, ‘In what world are we siblings?’
“Well isn’t that nice,” The man smiled, “Good thing I ran across you two because i’m headed the same way.”
Will thought that ‘coincidence’ should’ve made him nervous but for some reason he felt as if he weren’t in any type of danger.
“How’d you two get stranded?” The man continued the conversation in a relaxed manner.
“The-I mean my car broke down,” Will winced at his own stuttering.
The man shook his head, “Those are some tough roads from manhattan huh?”
Will froze, turning to the man. “I never said where we came from.”
The man’s eyes widened for a split second, “Lucky guess huh?”
Will just stared back, inching closer to the door as if to make a sudden escape.
The man sighed with a frown, “Perhaps i’m not the actor I believed I was. My skills seem to be getting quite rusty.” The southern accent disappeared as he spoke in an eerily familiar tone. “Dressed as an old man. Oh how convincing I am. Yet still I get caught.”
Wills eyes widened as he realized the drivers real identity, “Dad?!”
Jason almost got whiplash as he heard what Will said. ‘Dad?’ In no world was this old man Apollo, still there he was, Haikus and all.
“I’m conflicted on whether I should be disappointed in my disguise skills or happy that my child is so quick-witted.” The once old man, now Apollo spoke with a grin.
“Why are you-How are you here?” Will seemed just as shocked as Jason felt.
“I can be anywhere I want of course, and where is better than here?” Apollo words sounded similar to that of riddles. “A good father can give his son a ride once in a while right?”
“Won’t you get in trouble for interfering with, you know, demigod stuff?” Will asked.
“What ‘demigod’ stuff?” Apollo asked his voice pitching a bit higher. “This is just a regular ride with no ulterior motive. At least that’s what i’m going to tell Zeus if he finds out.” He glanced back in the mirror again but as his eyes met Jason’s he quickly looked away with a small frown.
Jason couldn’t help but to remember the last time he’d seen Apollo. He could still feel the coldness of the water, how it felt as he realized his life was about to end.
“So is this your car?” Will’s voice snapped Jason out of his thoughts and back to the current moment.
Apollo shrugged, “Any car can be my car.”
Will raised an eyebrow as his father.
“Okay, I may have borrowed it. But it’s not like anyone will miss this thing, I’ll just replace it with a new one. It’s not like I could’ve used the sun chariot, that would be far too obvious.”
“Right..” Will said, biting back a smile.
“Consider this a favor,” Apollo said his voice suddenly somber. “I know I owe you two far more than just this.” His eyes glanced back at Jason again for only a second.
Will frowned but quickly changed the subject upon sensing the tension, “Do you know what’s going on, if Nico is okay?”
Apollo frowned, “Oh how I wish I could tell you.” His fingers tightened around the wheel, “There is not much I know, just the darkness you all have been so aware of. I can’t predict this outcome and even if I could there would be no speaking it. But you are strong, you are light. Remember that Will.”
Jason could see Will’s face scrunching in confusion but he didn’t say anything, instead he leaned against the window to his side with a distant look in his eyes.
Apollo began to drone on about what he’d been recently doing before he switched over to asking Will as many ‘fatherly’ questions as he possibly could. Jason almost felt left out, he knew his father would never speak to him like that. His father hadn’t even bothered to say anything to him since he came back. Perhaps that was for the best, maybe him acknowledging Jasons existence would mean his end. Or worse, Leo could face consequences too. Jason’s thoughts continued to consume him until he realized that they were slowing down.
Apollo looked at the two passengers hesitantly as the truck rolled to a stop, “This is as far as I can go.”
Will smiled, his eyes without any joy. “Thank you Dad.”
“Anytime Will, I wish I could-” Apollo stopped himself. “Be safe, and bring back Nico.”
“I will,” Will nodded stopping out of the truck.
As Jason turned to exit Apollo suddenly spoke, “Jason.” He paused, “For all that happened, I..I truly am sorry.”
Jason froze for a moment tightly gripping the door handle, he turned to Apollo with a strained smile and shook his head. “Don’t apologize, it was just fate.” He spoke before quickly pushing the door open and stepping out.
Apollo frowned as if he wanted to say something more but decided not to. With a smile and wave he drove off, “Remember who you are Will!” He called out as his voice faded into the wind.
The two of them stood there until the truck was just a spot on the horizon before turning to the rusted sign that read, “Westover Hall 1 Mile Ahead.”
“Well,” Jason turned to Will his voice void of enthusiasm, “We’re here.”
Will bit his lip as he stared at the large school in the distance, “Let’s hope we’re not too late.”
Part Nine?
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irlbokuto · 6 months
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Saltwater Prayer  |  Explicit |  54.4k
My project for the 2023 Steddie BigBang! @steddiebang
Author: Asgardian_Pirate (AO3) / ghostlypallor (Twitter) / @fenfics (Tumblr) Artist: @werew0rm (Twitter) / @werew0rm (Tumblr) Artist: glitterfangart (Twitter) / @glitterfang (Tumblr)
Fragile things need a tender hand. In the height of a Georgia summer, Steve visits a small town painted with memories of Eddie’s childhood. Wayne welcomes Steve into an unfamiliar pace of family life—with good food, good company, and a boundless wisdom. The slow crawl of the heat helps to open his heart and the river is there to catch what spills out.  But the water doesn’t promise gentleness as much as it promises change. Desires simmering beneath the surface push at the seams of his glued-together pieces. As he learns the shape of Eddie’s mosaic, Steve slowly unravels the tapestry of his own golden soul.
Fic | Art | Art | Playlist
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Pairings: Steve Harrington/Eddie Munson Characters: Steve Harrington; Eddie Munson; Wayne Munson; Original Characters; Minor Characters Tags: AU — Canon Divergent; Post-S4; POV Steve Harrington; Slow Burn; Friends to Lovers; Drama; Angst; Trauma; Suicidal Ideation; Internalized Ableism; Domestic; Nostalgia; Eventual Smut; Wayne Munson Lore; Munson Family Lore; A Touch of Southern Gothic; Non-Traditional Spirituality; Happy Ending
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changbinholic · 1 year
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Soft to be strong
↬chapter 10: Love like hearts don't break
↬pairing: Lee Minho/Leeknow | Seo Changbin
↬tags: fluff; smut; getting together; it's just cute; happy ending
↬a/n: Final chapter finally, thank you all for reading ❣️
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threestripeslider · 1 year
  Sadly, he stares at the sword before him.
This old thing should’ve shattered a long time ago – but it’s still holding strong, clawing at bare threads, keeping itself together. 
Just like Leonardo, he supposes.
Chapter 9: stitches is out now!! finally we get some splinter content in this joint.
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desertduality · 3 months
Just posted Chapter Eight of Ad Astra :D
“One more thing before you go,” Grian continues, and for some reason looks dead inside. “Do the Zombie Dance.” An awkward burst of laughter escapes him at the sheer strangeness of it.  “You want me to— What?” Scar asks, still giggling. “What’s the Zombie Dance?” “You know what it is,” Grian grumbles. “The Zombie Dance.”
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lordoftherazzles · 4 months
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𝐊𝐮𝐫𝐝𝐮 '𝐚𝐛𝐚𝐝𝐚𝐳
bagginshield | post-botfa/supernatural au | explicit
It's said the Arkenstone is the literal heart of the mountain with a pulse of its own, ensuring life can sustain within it, but it's also been said that the Arkenstone can drive any king mad. Not every curse of madness is the same. When Thorin Oakenshield is plucked from his eternal slumber by some miracle of the stone, he must work with Bilbo to navigate this new world and what it means for the both of them.
𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟓
“I would like to hear more, and perhaps we can see about some proper answers for you. Second chances aren't completely unheard of, Thorin Oakenshield,” Gandalf smiled, his eyes as warm as a forge, and not a single ounce of ill will in his expression. Whatever strain they had was behind them—dead, much like Thorin should have been. “Though, those second chances often come with a stipulation, so I have to wonder just what your task may be.”
“My task?”
“You didn't think that the Arkenstone, or whoever is behind your being alive now, did it to appease the heart of a hobbit, did you? Even if he is a fine hobbit, worthy of great things.”
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Title: Four Walls
Tags: slow burn, domesticity, friends to lovers, smut, pining post sias/pre am era
Summary: Disillusioned with LA and on the heels of a breakup, Alex goes to stay with Miles in London.
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