httpsbreaddotorg · 2 years
Looking for the PDF to a yoonmin fic
hello i am looking for a fic that was originally posted on ao3 titled “tongue technology” by jonghyunslisterine. the author has privated all of their works but has said that they are okay with people sharing the downloaded pdf (if they have it) through PRIVATE messaging. if you or anyone you know has it please let me know through a private message! it’s one of my favorite fics and i’d love to read it again.
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cyber-phobia · 1 year
bnha ficsearch if you don't mind!! So this one is pretty messed up well Aizawa gets mindcontrolled and attacks his students. Midoriya gets hurt worst. i think he gets strangled with Aizawa's capture weapon. Present Mic and All Might along with a bunch of staff come to stop him. I think the motive for the mind controller is something about someone she knows either being rejected from UA or expelled. I would be grateful if anyone can find it! thanks a lot
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justagal-1 · 11 months
Ok people I need help finding a #startrek fic I’m pretty sure it’s from #ao3. The problem is all I can remember is that there’s a part where Pike tells Spock McCoy almost didn’t pass a flight simulator or something and only did because Kirk has a medical crisis and McCoy passed because he was trying to keep Kirk alive. I’ve been searching for days…someone please help me take pity on my ADHD hyperfixation brain……#ficsearch
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wangxianfics · 3 years
Dear Followers, we need help with a few fic hunting asks submitted. Any help would be appreciated.
1. So I'm really hoping you know where to find this fic: it's a one shot set just after the first siege at the Burial Mounds and somehow WWX is able to immediately resurrect, he goes straight to Cloud Recesses, is there with LWJ as he recovers from the whipping, and from there there's some lovely hurt/comfort and a get-together scene. Thank you!
2. Hi! i lost the title of a particular fanfic on ao3, and i was wondering if any of u had heard of it. in the fic, lan wangji sacrifices himself for wei wuxian and loses his golden core in the process. ty for ur help!
3. Basically it's a time travel fic. All I remember is WWX was really advanced in training and eventually he started training in womanly arts (painting, sewing, etc.) with JYL under Yu Furen.
4. Hey! I’ve been looking for a fic for a few days now. I can’t really remember the plot I think it was a modern au. The only thing I recall is that lwj has a sword in his room and he knows how to use it 😅 and once when a robber broke into cloud recesses lwj fought with him and broke a tree in cloud recesses with his bare hands and scared away the robber away. When wwx and friends see it when they visit they get horrified. Can you recall some fic like that? Thank u in advance.
5. Can you help me find a lost fic, a modern au where WWX's lost of golden core depicted as an illness by the author. I remember WWX having a seizure when he woke up in the morning after drinking and the symptoms of it as drunk related the night before? (i think?) JYL called in time and he was hospitalized?
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conceptadecency · 3 years
Fic Search
Looking for a garashir fic where Julian was straight because of his augmentations but decided to reverse them, and then became attracted to Garak. They live together on Cardassia at one point. Kind of angsty. But can't remember the writer or the title. Help, garashir tumblrverse?
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whumphoarder · 3 years
Ooh similar to that other ask do u have any recs for someone hurting Peter in front of Tony?
Try this search: Peter Parker & Tony Stark + Kidnapping + Hurt Peter Parker + Protective Tony Stark + “sort by kudos”
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I am look for a Scorpius and Rose fanfic that has a specific scene with Scorpius walking toward Rose, whose sitting at the Gryffindor table, and ties on his Slytherin tie. The whole Great Hall I believe was pretty quiet. I think this was one of the fanfics that had Rose as kinda of the opposite of her usually feisty character and I don’t think they vehemently hated each other like other fanfics either. Please Help me because I won’t stop thinking about it until I find it. Thanks!!
Hi! I know a similar scene but it’s Scorpius tying his scarf around Rose but same premise. Plus, it was before a Quidditch match. This is one of my personal faves: A Bouquet of Scandals.
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kicks-at-ahoy · 4 years
Has anyone written a fic (I’m thinking tomarry or loki/anyone)to this song yet?
If yes, link please? if not please write :D thank you!
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stonyslovestory · 5 years
Heyy do you know a fic where tony is steve’s neighboug and he always brings back someone to fuck every night, and then they make a bet if tony can go a month wihout sex he gets to fuck steve? tyy
Who knows this one?
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Tumblr media
Cute, right?
Now that I have your attention, I really need your help. There is this fanfiction I read like two years ago on AO3 and wanted to read again. Here is what I remember about it:
Bucky/OFC or Bucky/Reader
Longer, like 40000+ words
OC is new in Avengers tower and Bucky dislikes her at first because he remembers her from his time with Hydra. But they become friends and then more. She then has these 'visions' where she visits Bucky when he is Winter Soldier with Hydra. She is at first only visible and not there, like a ghost, but later really travels back in time. It becomes clear that she is really the woman Bucky remembers being there when he was with Hydra.
I remember a few scenes like the first time she goes there she scares Hydra agents on the base because they think there is a ghost. She usually visits Bucky and comforts him when they pull him out of ice or is after mission.
Another one I remember is when she is with Bucky in his cell and Hydra agents come and nearly catch her, she is shaken up when she returns to present time.
Or when they lie down and Winter Soldier clearly wants to have sex and she refuses because she has doubts about consent. Then she tells about it present Bucky and he laughs at her, that she can do anything she wants to do with him. She is mortified when she realizes that he had seen her naked before he met her for the first time.
I would be forever grateful if someone knew and pointed me to the right direction. I have been wracking my brain trying to find this fic but came up empty handed. Please please help!! (or share so more people can see this)
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spainkitty · 6 years
Okay, like, a week ago, some anon on some sterek blog asked for help finding a fic. Fic: sterek is established ship but for some reason they stop making time for each other i can’t remember why” or something to that affect. I IMMEDIATELY knew which fic they were talking about, but could not remember the title or the author (though I knew it was a BNF). Someone thought is was
vendelin’s For Better, For Worse but I was sure it wasn’t ( I was pretty sure anon was thinking of a non-E fic that didn’t include Stiles getting hurt; tho read this one too, cuz it’s great, so great, fantastic re-read)
No, it’s come back to me by bleep0bleep
ofc, I cannot remember where I saw the ask, and it was an anon, so I can’t just go straight to the asker. SO STEREK FANS, here’s this fic and if you’re the one looking for it, I FUCKING FOUND IT. lololol
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cyber-phobia · 2 years
Aaaa hey this is for a ficsearch, i know there is this switched deku and shigaraki comic on insta ,but now my question is ,if there are any fanfics about it , may include other characters, thankyou >:3
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taorisfics · 7 years
Do you have a list of all the Taoris dragon au's? I'm trying to find one where Kris is a dragon and accidentally (i think?) kidnaps Tao
please check here & here!
admin a 
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wangxianfics · 3 years
Could anybody help find the WWX is the reincarnation of Lan sect founder fic? Thanks
Hey Nonna, I went skipping through the reincarnation ficus today but could not find anything like this.
So I'm reaching out to our readers.
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whumphoarder · 3 years
Hi! I have chronic migraines, so I get massive and constant sensory overload. But its really hard to find fics with sensory overload unrelated to Autism. Do you know of any Spidey fics that are unrelated to Autism with Sensory overload or environmental over stimulation?
Hey! So sensory overload is one of the more popular tropes in the fandom, and from what I’ve observed, I would say the vast majority of the them are not autism related, but instead due to Peter’s spider senses... Is that what you’re referring to? Or are you looking specifically for migraine-related sensory issues?
Either way, I think ao3 is your best bet. You can exclude terms from an ao3 search by typing a hyphen in front, like so:
Peter Parker & Tony Stark + “sensory overload” -autism -autistic
^That will filter out any results from the “sensory overload” tag that are autism related. You could also use this feature to filter out “spider senses” “spidey senses” etc
Or if you’re specifically looking for migraine fics that involve Peter (which often also include sensory issues), remember to use the AND and OR commands to help you search multiple ways of saying things at the same time:
Peter Parker & Tony Stark + migraines OR migraine AND “Sick Peter Parker”
Peter Parker & Tony Stark + migraines OR migraine -”Sick Tony Stark”
^ The minus sign in this search should filter out most of the Tony migraine fics from the irondad tag, leaving more of the Peter ones
And here’s my favorite Peter migraine + sensory overload story:
In Case of Emergency by aliaoftwoworlds
Tony is listed as one of Peter's emergency contacts.
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seita · 4 years
c-could you help me find a fic? its a konoha smut where reader is an idol n konoha just fucks her stupid nd makes her squirt,,, ive been on the search for it for awhile nd it hurts 😔🥺👉👈
i'm pretty sure this one is by strawbericream but she deactivated and it's not reposted on her ao3 so!!!
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