#female shen qingqiu
shakslove · 3 months
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i play with them like little dolls in my head before i go to sleep
[ID: Genderbent art of Luo Binghe and Shen Qingqiu from Scum Villain, both drawn as women. Shen Qingqiu is hugging Binghe from behind, smiling peacefully with her eyes closed. Her head is leaned on Binghe's shoulder. Binghe is smiling and looking softly at Shen Qingqiu. They both have a slight blush. The background is pink with a lighter oval behind them. /end ID]
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I love fem! Bingqiu in a reverse harem novel bc there are so many instances of SY trying to explain why she was so bitter in the past when it was really SJ and she lands on Dramatically Betrayed By Men In The Past And Slandered which is pretty close to SJ's actual story and she's just like "Well that explains why I was keeping LBH away from her love interests and giving her rags to wear and being an evil stepmother stereotype right! Now I'll just be an estranged mother figure to LBH as she collects her husbands." And is completely oblivious to the fact that she has started the most potent strain of legit man hating in LBH while feeding the urge to protect SQQ from men by stealing her away. It's such a specific trope but I've seen it multiple times and it's amazing every time.
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scumvillainess · 11 days
would og shen qingqiu been a better person if he was a woman instead? probably not but omg would she hate herself a little less
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goodhanamaria · 1 year
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MXTX couples as women
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rarepears · 4 months
To counteract the surge of yang energy that came from depositing a second male soul (Shen Yuan) into Shen Qingqiu’s body, the system had to turn the physical body into a female so that even though the yin and Yang energy now doubled, it was the same ratio as before.
It didn’t matter that Shen Jiu’s soul had already passed on. The body still needed more Yin.
And thus Cang Qiong wrote off Shen Qingqiu’s previous prickliness as being body dysmorphia as this new version of Shen Qingqiu - the new female version - was clearly so much happier and easy going. Truly, they regret not realizing and helping their shijie out earlier. It had to take a qi deviation that forcibly corrected her body to the right gender to set everything right.
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mikkeneko · 1 month
....now considering whether I want to write a 'Find the shapeshifters' fic for SVSSS too
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chococococya · 5 months
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Good news
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The Shang Qinghuas really like them good looking and cold huh?
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SV Sha Hualing is tragic AF
There is something so tragic about SV Sha Hualing's hatred for the other "harem wives". OG SHL may have actively hated on them in PIDW but it was mostly out of jealousy for LBH's attention.
SV SHL hates the other women because they all have a freedom and comfort that she doesn't seem to have. She, who is from a noble background with the earthdefying fearlessness to infiltrate a major sect as a tween ...has now fallen so far as to become a whimpering slave who's "soul almost flees her body" everytime Luo Binghe speaks. LBH has SV SHL under his complete control and she feels like she cannot escape from this horrible fate.
SV SHL hates Qin Wanyue
for "failing to seduce the lord many times, yet [she] shamelessly refuses to leave.” SHL stopped trying to throw herself at LBH because she has seen the way LBH reacts to women and moreover, the corpse that he keeps in his pavillion, so she tries to help LBH in her own way by forging a SQQ.....only to have her cave demolished and survived with her tail between her legs. SHL is clearly thinking that QWY is operating on negative brain cells for either trying the same useless seduction tactic or for not taking the chance to escape from LBH.
She also hates QWY for not being able to "even keep a proper eye on a single person" when QWY couldn't stop The Little Palace Mistress from gatecrashing. SHL is projecting and self-loathing here because it is she, who couldn't keep an eye on a single cultivator that night when they all escaped.
SV SHL hates The Little Palace Mistress
for not being a real prisoner - "other than the occasional house arrest, [LPM] suffered no real mistreatment" yet LPM is still screaming and complaining about it. Then LPM tries to insult SHL for being a "vixen seductress" when the real slut QWY is STANDING RIGHT THERE and ALL SHL has been trying to do this whole time is to not die from LBH's explosive anger.
And when LPM complains once again about LBH imprisoning her "like a kept pig", SHL gets triggered to say "What else can she do other than eat and sleep like the animal she brought up?" This is the only time that we hear her insulting LBH out loud. SHL hates the LPM for having the opportunity to have changed LBH but now it's too late. She is having another self-loathing moment because she probably wished too that she killed LBH when she was in a better position of power than now. SHL is definitely the type to lash out when she's feeling physically and well...emotionally attacked.
The thing is, she cannot afford the luxury of running away. As the successor of her line of demon line and probably lots of demon territory treaty, our previously almighty demon saintess is stuck as LBH severely underplayed employee. The two other women listed above have no power but they don’t share the same political pressure as she does.
SV SHL hates Liu Mingyan
Interestingly, it is said that OG SHL hated LMY for having better looks and being the "main wife" in the harem. SV SHL hates LMY because of her growth from being a weakling, someone who lost to herself at the Qiong Ding Invasion, to becoming someone who is so grounded that she is "eyes closed, impervious to outside matters" even in a dire situation of life and death. Emotionally, LMY represents everything SHL wants to be (calm, tenacious, unperturbed just to name a few) so that's why she was so triggered.
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When SHL removed LMY's veil, a small part of it was to probably see if LMY was prettier than her but I think a larger part was to get some reaction out of her. SHL is so deprived of commanding power that it physically hurts her to see how her current self having so little effect on humans to this point where they barely lifted their eyelids to look at her. She wanted to break this calm facade of LMY only to discover upon seeing LMY's face that it wasn't a facade at all, her face was really expressing genuine fortitude. Which is why I think she got so annoyed she wanted to slash that annoying face with her nails.
(yes I know the fandom prefers the interpretation that when the gay feelings hit SHL, she doesn't know what to do but attack LMY's face. It's canonically how demons show love) Another theory is that she saw the resemblance of LMY's face with Liu Qingge's face, the one who single-handedly 180ed her invasion into Qiong Ding Peak all those years ago and killed most of her demon underlings. Whether it's automatic reflex on her part because it's years of buried hatred and grief exploding all at once or if she just wanted to harm anyone who was related to LQG, I get it SHL, I honestly get it.
AND THEN LMY also got rescued and freed by some random who infiltrated her home and that random also freed her entire harvest of the month! SHL is so freaking pitiful like 😭😭😭
All in all, it’s just really tragic that OG SHL was fighting for LBH’s attention just like his other wives but SV SHL was not blessed with this ignorance and recognises that shes in an incredibly abusive relationship (not even a romantic one) that she’s trapped in and she WISHES for the love of god that LBH will just leave her and her demon underlings alone.
One thing, SV SHL is still kind of innately good??? She says she doesn’t care about other people’s lives unless it’s related to her own survival but the moment she arrived on scene and noticed that LBH was in a rage post Liu Qingge taking away SQQ's body, "She rushed to the front, but Luo Binghe sent her flying the moment she arrived, and she coughed up three liters of blood." SHL could have chosen to cower behind the Huan Hua disciples or even use them as body-shields but she instinctively rushed forward to calm LBH down, indirectly protecting the disciples who would have stood no chance against LBH's rage. I mean...she didn't either but it's cute that she thought she would!
My heart aches for SV SHL, I hope she enjoys a stress-free life in fics with LMY <3
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biasto-bias · 4 months
I wrote a short ficlet: https://archiveofourown.org/works/53773129
Summary: Shen Qingqiu runs across a sex-changing plant. He’s strangely reluctant to take the cure.
Tags: Trans Female Shen Qingqiu, Bingqiu, Cumplane friendship, humor
275 words, G
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myheadgoesaround · 2 months
Someone Please write me a secretly fem!sj au like all these secretly omega!sj fics...
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shakslove · 4 months
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not the svsss hyperfixation hitting a full year after i first read it....
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piosplayhouse · 2 years
The mentions of protagonism in that Jiang Cheng meta post really got me thinking about just how hard scum villain works to push you out of and, in typical sv fashion, make fun of analysis that defaults to assigning morality based on a character's role as the protagonist or antagonist.
I mean, it spells out its subversion directly in the title: shen qingqiu, protagonist of scum villain, is the scum villain. And therefore, luo binghe, the one who ultimately kills him, is the hero. And shen yuan DRILLS this into the reader constantly-- binghe is the protagonist, so everything he does is justified, ESPECIALLY taking revenge on the antagonist. For as much as the story is about shen yuan trying to change his fate, he's blind to the fact that any of his actions could ever change the role he's been given in this life, as the unjustified, antagonistic scum villain. Everything he does is ultimately bad because he's the villain, everything binghe does is ultimately good because he's the protagonist! Simple!
Except it's not, because the reader can see sqq being kind to his disciples, binghe forcefeeding sqq demon blood. Their actions are so visibly contradictory to the roles sqq has assigned to them that it becomes comedic- and it's with this that scum villain introduces you to shen jiu: the true scum villain, a beaten and abused child, made bitter by being abandoned and determined to work his way up to the top to take revenge on all who wronged him. A character that even shen yuan, who hated him with such obsessive vitriol, couldn't help but feel deeply sorry for. That's because in the end, shen jiu is a parallel to binghe: the antagonist is the same as the protagonist, the protagonist is the same as the antagonist. They're both complicatedly, inexplicably, human characters.
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llostwriter · 8 months
系统错误 | SVSSS Fanfic
In Xuan Ji's opinion, she doesn't whine nearly as often as other people. To be transmigrated, reincarnated, or whatever her current circumstance is. She isn't even sure if she was transmigrated or reincarnated! She is even unaware of her own death! Does she even exist? Wait, of course she does exist. What kind of dumb question is that?? The system claims that she reincarnated, but it gives no indication of how she died. She has been on the phone and in the bus before. Did her bus experience a collision? But shouldn't she experience that pain as other anime and manga characters experienced it as well? 
Before rushing outdoors, she hastily put the black blindfold across her eyes. Having learned the ability of "inner-sight," the sight is translucent black, but she can still see herself surrounded. How much better it would have been if she could use eye contacts in the time period she is in. She wouldn't be forced to wear this obtrusive blindfold. It had only been 10 minutes and she already lost 100 points for it, making her account going negative! If she repeats that 100 more times, she will be buried alive! 
Spotting Xiyin holding the hairpin and enthusiastically waving it like a young child playing with their toy. She wasn't sure whether to be jealous of the young energy of the female or to act as though she doesn't know the female. It didn't matter since Xiyin approached her without hesitation, approaching her like an adorable kitten that needed its owner to survive. Xiyin positioned herself at Xuan Ji's side and then carefully nudged onto her long sleeve. 
"Hm?" To prevent Xiyin from realizing she already knew what the female was about to give her, Xuan Ji pretended to be completely unaware. 
"I just purchased you this hairpin, Xuan- Jie Jie. I hope you'll like it," Xiyin stutters inconsolably while looking to the side. Her cheek begins to flush a peachy-color as she struggles to look squarely at Xuan Ji. 
"Oh...thanks?" Xuan Ji was uncertain of the original Xuan Ji's response. She also doesn't want to lose any more points. 
Walking alongside Xuan Ji, Xiyin nodded but kept her mouth shut as her previous blush subsided. Xiyin presents as a pleasant and attractive young lady with a good body shape who wears light cosmetics. Even though she is only giving an item as a gift, Xiyin appears to admire the original Xuan Ji sufficiently to cause such reactions. 
They fell into an awkward silence because neither of them seemed to know what to say to the other. "Any place that you want to visit?" Xuan Ji immediately regretted the word after she had said it. She should have just kept quiet to avoid losing points for speaking in an ooc-style, but her noisy little mouth wasn't much help. 
"Anywhere that Xuan jiejie wanna goes, A-yin will follow"
Oh then, that was certainly of no use. Not that Xuan Ji will express her ideas in the open and dash Xiyin's hopes. 
Xuan Ji noticed an elderly woman staring at them as though she were waiting or hesitating. When the elderly woman noticed that Xuan Ji was looking at her, she swayed to the side. The woman approached them after gathering the guts to do so and said, "What sect are you two females from?"
"We're not members of a sect", replied Xiyin immediately in response to the query. The elderly woman changes in some way after hearing that. "Is something wrong?" As she kept gazing at the woman though her black blindfold, Xuan Ji asked. 
"Nothing. Simply put, I was concerned that I wouldn't have enough money to pay them if they were cultivators from a larger sect."
Xuan Ji replied, "What is it that you need help with?"
"My son is missing ever since yesterday night, I been attempting to ask around yet ..." 
"We should assist her, "said Xiyin, pulling on Xuan's sleeves as she scowled in sympathy for the elderly woman and expressed concern for her son. Xuan responded by nodding. 
"Please give us the intel on the matter"
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phoenixcatch7 · 1 year
Love how LBH bonded with all the Batkids. And being technologically illiterate. The protagonist halo is not helping for once XD! But it’s ok, he can always go to SQQ for help UWU. Also, yes, I would like to hear more about Batman! SQQ cross dressing for infiltration purposes 👀 👀.
All the protagonist halo in the world can't make you technologically literate lol.
*slams hands together* SO! I had this thought a couple days ago that there is a lot of things sqq would have mastered by living in an alternate pidw, archery and painting and music and horse riding and hair care and all sorts, but most importantly - wife plot/gay idiots hunt demons plot starters. A lot of fanfic and heist movies and adult 'coming of ages' and all sorts LOVE crossdressing as a trope, and I I do love me a good oblivious gender queer sqq!
He has 100% had to infiltrate a brothel or club or gathering or acted as demon bait at some point in his long life, and with his already lean and pretty figure, his own appearance perfectionist tendencies for the role of sqq, and his husband's refusal to let him out the house looking anything less than stunning, he's put a good effort and practice into it. Nanda parbat (or the other places he studied) is also well versed in disguise as a job. Canonically he uses stage makeup to create other identities, most famously matches malone. SO! By all logic batman would be EXCELLENT at disguising as a woman!
Also in this au I headcanon that cultivators are rarely super muscled, with agility and flexibility also being very important. Think more swimmers and barbarian and lumberjack builds - the muscle isn't for show at all, but some can lift more than the body builders twice their size! Unfortunately for sqq, system demands an imposing presence, and so he fills the bats suit out with fake padding and extra armour and tech. He tucks his long hair in the cowl. It helps emphasise the difference between Bruce Wayne and Batman, and the first time Jason saw him undress after patrol he thought batman was peeling his own skin off lol.
And what that means is he is completely unbothered when a pair of women are needed to infiltrate a club to gather information, and wonder woman is the only one free. She gamely volunteers to go herself, but is vetoed on grounds of safety and efficiency. So then the solution is Martian manhunter but he's off world.
So batman volunteers.
He's met with confusion and disbelief, and for good reason?? He's huge! Buff! Deep voice! Aloof! Batman is a very manly man!
But no, he can do it, are you doubting that he can't? It's fine.
Diana is very excited. Also very curious. Sure, there are amazonians bigger than him, but he is very much a guy and they're not going to a place known for inclusivity.
But despite their misgivings they set a time and place.
And as they're talking, waiting for batman to arrive, a bombshell of a woman walks past. Long dark hair, boobs peeking out of a window, glittery earrings, six inch heels, long and painted nails, big puffy jacket, trousers that flare at the knees, the whole works.
She walks past them again a minute later, and stops. Greets them with a low and sultry voice.
It's batman. Wtf.
Sqq rather thinks he's done a good job with the outfit. The trousers hide his calves, fake boobs are so much more realistic in the modern era, he took his voice changer out. Makeup changes his whole face. He's got contacts and brush through hair due so he doesn't look like Bruce Waynes sister. His voice probably sounds a bit funny but it's close enough! It'll pass!
The group of veteran heroes are choking on their tongues. Diana is delighted.
It's still early days for the league, they're still feeling each other out, seeing if they can trust each other with matters outside of heroism.
For Clark, it's the first of many existential crises.
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mxtxfanatic · 3 months
Bing-ge and Victim's Entitlement as Portrayed by MXTX
I was thinking about Bing-ge’s journey as an abuse victim into an abuser and how much the creation of Bing-mei is a critique on both the writing trope that creates Bing-ge as well as the societal expectations that drive it.
In the world of PIDW, one of Shen Yuan’s main critiques was about how terribly the young Luo Binghe is treated by the narrative, so much so that he views it as torture porn. From being abandoned as a baby, to being abused as a servant and watching his adoptive mother wither from sickness and die, to finding his way to Cang Qiong Mountain and suffering under a cruel shizun who then pushes him into hell, Shen Yuan finds all this unnecessarily cruel. However, Shang Qinghua knows that the trauma Luo Binghe suffers directly correlates to the enjoyment readers are meant to get out of the second half of the protagonist’s life when he becomes overpowered and primed for vengeance. Shen Yuan knows this, too, as this is the trope he girds himself with as Shen Qingqiu to work up the nerve to push his disciple into the Endless Abyss, to “earn” his happiness. However, is this a true happiness? Does the trauma justify any and all of Luo Binghe’s actions?
On the surface, Bing-ge seems happy! He is able to enact revenge on Shen Jiu—and demolish Cang Qiong Mountain Sect who acted as accomplices to his abuse—and was given narrative access to any and every woman of marriageable age who crossed his path. He is even able to destroy his world by merging the three realms with no consequences to himself. Bing-ge has seemingly reaped the twisted “reward” that having survived unconscionable abuse and abandonment from the time of his birth had sown for him, and PIDW readers were able to enjoy and defend Bing-ge’s later megalomaniacal actions directly because they had read through hundreds of pages of his ill-treatment beforehand. The worse Luo Binghe’s childhood was, the more they were willing to accept of his actions in adulthood. We see a similar thing take place in the SVSSS fandom: the reveal of Shen Jiu’s past as a child slave is used to justify his later abuse of his child disciples—children who had no hand in his trauma but who he has decided to bear the brunt of it, anyways. But Shen Jiu lived a very unfulfilling adulthood due to his unwarranted actions until his untimely death. Is Luo Binghe any different?
Enter Bing-mei: the revised protagonist who abandons revenge in pursuit of experiencing genuine affection from the only person who gave it unconditionally. No, Bing-mei doesn’t get all the girls or all the power. He does not become the emperor of all three realms and he is not an uncontested leader that all conscious beings bow to. In fact, he is very tame and controlled in comparison to his PIDW counterpart despite not having complete control of his sword that amplifies his negative emotions. But when Bing-ge slips into the world of SVSSS and discovers that, despite all of this, Bing-mei has an intact world, platonic relationships, and a shizun who loves him, he’s willing to throw it all away to experience that same life. Bing-ge is revealed to be the unhappy, unfulfilled one, because the one thing he wanted—genuine unconditional love—was the one thing that he cannot earn or forcibly take. No amount of audience hype can change the fact that Bing-ge must leave behind the happy Bingqiu couple to return to his destroyed world in his unsatisfying reality.
This isn’t just a theme in SVSSS, either; it’s present in all of MXTX’s works in how people—both characters and the irl fandom—react to antagonists and asshole characters who have experienced trauma. In mdzs: a female cultivator tries to say that Jin Ling endangering other cultivators should be forgiven “since he’s an orphan.” Jiang Cheng throws his parents’ and sister’s death around to justify being an unrepentant serial killer. Jin Guangyao cries about how much his father hates him compared to the legitimate Jin heirs that he murdered. In tgcf: Qi Rong escapes discipline at every turn because his mother had to escape with him from his abusive father, and Mu Qing’s transgressions against the marginalized are ignored because “he was poor, once.” All of these characters have their actions whitewashed both in their stories and by their fandoms at large because their defenders believe that their trauma excuses any of their subsequent behavior.
Yet, MXTX does not prescribe to this idea. Notice the pattern of how the above characters end their stories. Jiang Cheng tanks his reputation and loses the respect of his only living relative. Jin Guangyao and Qi Rong die. But Jin Ling experiences setback after setback until he adjusts his behavior, and Mu Qing had to earnestly apologize under harrowing circumstances to be forgiven. It is not characters who seek justice for being harmed who are punished in these novels but those who persevere in their entitlement to do whatever they want because they were once harmed, thereby eventually destroy any goodwill others, particularly their loved ones, had towards them. The characters who are able to contain their actions to aim only at those who wronged them or else honestly reflect on their sense of entitlement in order to change for the better become well-liked by their peers. And as for Bing-ge: his inability to change within the narrative of PIDW may have “earned” him all the material things his world could offer and the affections of an unseen audience, besides, but he misses out on true human connection and love. These are the things he can never forcibly take, because in real life, no amount of trauma would entitle him—or anyone—to those things.
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sunderwight · 5 months
standard genderswap bingqiu where Shen Yuan has an "I've transmigrated into the villainess!" situation, except in this case Shen Yuan has watched and read a million and one "I've transmigrated into the villainess!" stories, in the same way the original Shen Yuan read a lot of transmigration novels in addition to PIDW.
which means that on a double-layered metatextual level, Shen Yuan knows that the chief folly of the villainess isekai protagonist is assuming that her presence or actions won't alter fate.
what actually happens in most villainess isekai?
the main character, in the body of the villain, essentially replaces the heroine!
that's right! if she's not careful, Shen Yuan runs a definite risk of supplanting Luo Binghe! Not only could she forced to take on the burden of protagonist level responsibilities and heroics, she could -- heaven help her -- be sidled with the heroine's myriad love interests, all vying for her affection, and leaving poor Binghe to be reduced to some token sidekick. or worse, Binghe could take over the rival/villain's role herself! or just be totally sidelined and forgotten!
Shen Yuan has no interest in supplanting Luo Binghe, especially not so she can act as a glorified psychologist to that rabid pack of wolves called love interests!
no. that would be intolerable. she won't be stepping into Luo Binghe's shoes, even if she has to railroad Luo Binghe into following the important romantic interactions herself! meanwhile, it's imperative that Shen Qingqiu not earn the affection of any man.
...good thing there are actually a lot of interesting, sidelined female characters in this story! or else she'd get pretty lonely. time for Shen Qingqiu to make friends, help build connections, and above all else: support Luo Binghe! she will avoid interfering with the heroine's romantic life and central role in the story for sure!
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