#feeling very in love with Kenma right now :3
kyuuppi · 5 months
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help, my boyfriend has no sex drive! (5)
Pairing: Kenma x reader (f)
Contents: smut; established relationship; feminization, "femboy", heavy praise kink (Kenma); rough sex; creampie; Christmas themes
Words: 3.4k
Part 1 || Part 2 || Part 3 || Part 4
“But as long as you’d love me so—
Let it snow, let it snow, let it snoooow”
Kenma tries not to visibly cringe at the cheery music as he emerges from his office, finally finished with his obligatory three-hour “Christmas special” stream.
As you had been for the past month, you’re softly singing along to some Christmas carol playing from your shitty laptop speaker. You had busied yourself with reorganizing the presents under the full-sized tree—something you had insisted on buying for the apartment.
Kenma had little more interest in most holidays than the “free day from school” perks. But as he watches you scurry around your shared living room wearing candy cane-themed stockings, an oversized ugly Christmas sweater, and a hundred-yen-store Santa hat, Kenma is thankful you had expressed your desire to celebrate with him. He will gladly participate in anything that makes you this innocently cheerful. 
Your background music is abruptly cut short and you frown when you realize your laptop has just died again. But the disappointment is cut short when you notice Kenma, standing awkwardly by the couch in the dark Christmas sweater you had insisted he wear for his stream. 
“KenKen—your stream is over?”
Kenma smiles softly at how eager you look, eyes practically sparkling. 
“Yeah, I’m free now. You wanted to open presents, right?” 
You nod quickly, guiding him to the couch and leaving only to retrieve a cup of hot cocoa—extra whipped cream—and a slice of homemade apple pie, placing them both in front of him on the coffee table. He thanks you quietly, predictably digging into the apple pie first. 
“So I think we should start with your family’s gifts first,” you begin, already passing him a small stack of presents, all wrapped in identical green and red paper. 
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After nearly half an hour you two had finally worked your way through nearly all of the presents. Most were the typical things–an abhorrent amount of socks and pajamas from your families, Kenma’s mother gifting both of you very cringey matching couple sets with any video game character she saw. You had to try very hard not to laugh at Kenma’s face when you opened a matching Kirby and Jigglypuff sweater set with a handwritten heart note.
“Aww, don’t pout KenKen, your mom was just being thoughtful.” “They’re not even in the same series.” 
A few gifts had been surprising–namely Kuroo’s cat ear headphones—to which Kenma promptly sent a text telling Kuroo to never buy him Christmas gift ever again— and even a signed pro jersey from Hinata. Even if he didn’t voice it, you noticed how touched Kenma seemed by the gesture and you made a mental note to buy something to display it in the apartment. A few gifts were even from Kenma’s fans, sending various game merchandise, snacks from their country, and even fan art of the two of you. 
Finally, the last remaining gifts were the ones you made for each other. You didn’t want to pressure Kenma to buy you anything fancy–and you also couldn’t afford to reciprocate with anything fancy, so you set a strict budget. 
Kenma was unexpectedly good at keeping secrets so you weren’t sure what he had gotten you–probably a game he wanted you to play together but the box was unexpectedly big—
Regardless, you knew what you got him , and it was something you had been thinking about for months. Needless to say, you were eager for him to open it. 
“Who should go firs—”
“I’ll go!”
Kenma raises a brow but complies as you all but shove your gift into his hands. The outside is unassuming—a flat package wrapped in red paper with a holographic silver stick-on bow in the center. Somehow, he feels vaguely uneasy. 
Cautiously, Kenma begins unwrapping the gift. You practically vibrate with excitement in your seat, eagerly watching as his thin fingers peel away the final layers of colorful paper. 
Finally, your present reveals itself, soft nylon fabric in a bright red shade. Kenma seems confused, unsure of what exactly he is looking at until he shifts and the fabric unravels into two long strips. 
“Ta-daa,” you cheer, “your very own pair of thigh-high stockings!”
Kenma looks horrified. 
“This is a joke,” Kenma states, sounding like he’s trying to convince himself just as much as you. 
“What do you mean? Don’t you like them? Look, they’re even Christmas-themed!”
You guide his hands over to the top of the socks where a large red ribbon sits. Two short red strings dangle the ribbon with a small, fuzzy white ball at the end each. You make him squeeze the soft ball for good measure. His expression doesn’t change. 
“Why would you buy me these? You wasted actual, real-life money for this,” Kenma bemoans. 
“Didn’t your fans suggest something like this before? I think they called them programmer socks—”
“ Oh my god please stop talking.”
Kenma lets out a long, suffering groan as you eye him with an absolute shit-eating grin.
It’s fine, he thinks. You wanted to be a little shit like Kuroo but it was just a prank. He could probably Venmo back the money you wasted on this and never have to think of this situation ever again. He’ll toss them in the back of the closet next to those cat ear headphones Kuroo bought him. 
He is proven wrong when you nudge his shin with your own stocking-clad toes and give him an expectant look. 
“Aren’t you going to try them on?”
Kenma’s brain very obviously fries and you have to resist the urge to laugh at his expression. 
“C’mon, I spent actual, real-life money on these," you tease, throwing his words back at him, "I wanna see you wear them at least once!”
“You have to be joking,” he all but whines. 
Your excited expression tells him you are very much not joking. Kenma considers refusing more firmly. He knows you genuinely care about him and would never push him to do something he was uncomfortable with—or at least so long as it wouldn’t actually kill him.  
But your eyes are wide and practically sparkling as you look at him expectantly with that cute little grin–the crippling humiliation that will likely haunt him every night for the rest of his life is nothing compared to your happiness. Kenma sighs deeply and you know you’ve won. 
He ignores your excited squeals as he stands up and shuffles towards the bathroom in something akin to a walk of shame. 
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As Kenma stares at his own lithe form in the mirror he’s positive that he has never felt so mortified in his whole life. Not when he accidentally set a ball into Lev’s face during a match in high school. Not when he missed his ult in a team fight and cost his team the ranked match in League. Not even when he came so hard he nearly passed out while getting his dick sucked during a live stream. 
Kenma can barely even recognize himself in the mirror, eyes flitting from his familiar golden gaze down to his oversized black and white Nightmare Before Christmas sweater and, finally, to his thin legs wrapped in an inappropriately bright red pair of thigh-high socks.
Somehow, the stockings feel even more exposing than if he were just naked. He feels like some cheap, poorly drawn femboy character in a hentai. One of his first thoughts was they don’t look nearly as appealing on him as they do on you. His legs are too lanky–straight and lean from years of volleyball but missing the curve of healthy fat yours have. His face heats up as he visualizes your thighs currently clad in your own pair of red and white striped stockings. 
“KenKen are you ready yet? You’re taking foreeeeever!”
His heart rate picks up and he tries to remind himself it's just you, the person who makes him feel safest. He’s going to go out there, you’re going to see how cringe he looks, then you'll both laugh and never talk about this again. 
He takes a deep breath and opens the door, immediately meeting your gaze as you sit on the couch where he left you. Breath bated, he watches as your eyes dart down his body, darting around his lower half with your mouth agape. He tries his best not to squirm under your stare. 
“Fuck, Ken,” you chuckle breathily, “you look amazing.”
Kenma’s breath hitches, certainly not expecting that type of response. As you continue to take him in he realizes your gaze looks almost hungry, like you’re ready to devour him–shit, are you seriously into this?
He finds his answer in the way you motion him over, helpless in how his body obeys before he can even process the silent request. You reach out hesitantly, fingertips so close to his thighs he can feel your body heat even through the thin fabric. You glance up at him, asking permission, and he’s nodding immediately, desperate for your touch.
Your fingers land near his left knee, trailing up slowly and making his whole body tremble lightly. When your fingertips catch on the hem of the stockings he nearly gasps and then you're brushing his soft skin directly, only stopping when you reach the edge of the sweater that’s just barely covering his rapidly hardening cock. 
“You’re so pretty,” you praise, "my pretty boy."
Kenma makes a choked sound, surprised and mildly offended but also awfully turned on to hear any form of praise from your lips. No, he wants to argue, you’re the pretty one –but you look up at him, so pleased, that he can’t remember how to speak. 
“And now we match,” you sing, tone innocent as you raise your leg between his own. His eyes follow, nearly hypnotized by the contrast between your red-and-white stockings against his red ones before your clothed shin brushes against his crotch in a way that is anything but innocent. He has to grab the back of the couch near your head to keep his knees from buckling as he groans.
You seem to take some form of pity on him because you let up on his crotch with a giggle, making room for him to sit down beside you and catch his breath. Even when you let him rest your attention never strays from the item of clothing, hand idly stroking his thigh while you continue to drink in the sight of his pale skin contrasting with the scarlet cloth. 
“Do you really like it that much,” he asks, almost hesitant. 
He’s surprised at how sheepish you become, moving your hand away as your face slightly flushes. 
“Um–yeah. I know it’s kinda weird, sorry, you just look really pretty sometimes.”
Kenma frowns slightly and takes your hand back, returning it to his thigh with his own on top of yours. The action was meant to reassure you but it felt too bold and he avoids eye contact as he speaks.
“You don’t have to apologize, I don’t hate it…”
He sees the way you perk up, practically beaming, from the corner of his eye and is quick to clarify less you try to buy him a pair of panties or something next year. 
“It’s not my thing—I prefer seeing you in cute clothes…but I can try things like this if it makes you this happy.”
“Aww, KenKen, that’s so sweet!”
Kenma huffs, breath nearly knocked out of him when you launch yourself into his chest, planting noisy kisses all over his face. He tries his best to scowl but he’s pretty sure he’s failing by the way you giggle at his expression. Your Santa hat gets knocked off in the commotion but neither of you care. Kenma even takes the opportunity to bury his fingers in your messy hair as your kisses finally focus on his lips. 
Eventually, the kisses deepen, morphing from quick pecks to slow and open-mouthed. Your tongue invades his mouth, gravity giving you a clear advantage as you take charge of this kiss. But not one to easily accept defeat, Kenma takes the opportunity to grab a handful of your ass in a way that has you gasping in surprise. You start to grind on him, both of you letting out soft sounds between kisses. 
It’s you who pulls away first, making Kenma softly whine in protest, gaze hazy as he blinks up at you in question. 
“Wanna ride you,” you explain simply. 
Kenma hisses out his approval and obediently waits as you pull down your lounge shorts. You yank them down your legs and fling them across the living room with a little too much force, accidentally hitting the Christmas tree. You laugh at the sight of your fuzzy white shorts hanging on the tree like some soft of kinky Christmas ornament but Kenma is quick to redirect your attention by pulling you back down for another kiss. 
He grips your ass again, this time bare, and moves his fingers to prepare you for his dick but—
He abruptly stops and pulls away from the kiss in shock. 
“You’re already this wet?” His expression looks genuinely surprised and you can’t help but giggle. 
“I told you, you look really pretty.”
Kenma groans, not sure if he’s annoyed or turned on but his cock throbs all the same. You pull up the bottom half of his sweater to reach his black boxers. He’s so hard that it's almost difficult to get them off but he helps you pull them down just enough to free his leaking cock. It takes a moment to properly position yourself from this new angle, hindered by your bulky sweater and the headrest of the couch digging into your side but you manage to guide his leaky head to your drenched hole and ease down.
You both groan as he breaches your cunt, your wetness making the slide smooth even as you reach his thick base.
“F-fuck, Ken, you always feel so good,” you moan.
The praise feels like a punch to the gut and he’s thankful he’s already lying down so he can’t embarrass himself further by losing his balance. He’s coming to realize even if feminization isn’t his thing, praise might be. He thinks he'd do just about anything if it pleased you—if it made you look down at him with those shiny eyes and call him your good boy—fuck. Kenma has to force himself back to reality before he makes himself cum too quickly just by his own fantasies. 
You readjust your weight, leaning back and using his bent knees as leverage. Your fingers dig into the fabric of his stockings as you begin to move, raising to his tip before dropping your whole weight down. It feels good—mind-numbingly so—but he finds it looks even better. The angle you put yourself into gives him an unobstructed view of your face–eyes pinched closed and reddened lips open in pleasure, your breasts–soft and bouncing with every movement–and, best of all, your tight hole sucking him in with every uptake. 
He can’t tear his eyes away from where the two of you are connected. A creamy white ring is quickly forming at the base of his cock from how soaked you are, thin strings sticking to your pussy like webs. Framing it all are your thick thighs, muscles straining with your movements and squeezed by those god damned red-and-white striped thigh highs.
Fuck, he wishes he could record this.
He has apparently said that aloud on accident because now you’re grinning down at him conspiratorially. 
“Y-yeah?” you stutter out, “you wanna make a movie with me?”
Kenma doesn’t verbally answer but he doesn’t need to. Instead, he’s gripping your hips and guiding your pace, making you bounce on his cock faster while his own hips start to meet your thrusts. 
It has only been a few minutes but it's becoming clear your stamina is far from athletic. Your thighs burn and your pace stumbles but Kenma is quick to take advantage of the situation, using a strength you didn’t know he was capable of to roll you over and push you face down. 
“Kenma, wh—oh!”
Any dissent you had intended to make is abruptly cut off when your boyfriend, one knee digging into the couch for leverage, feeds his length back into your greedy hole and sets a pace that has you nearly screaming. His hips snap into you, hard, and you scramble to find something to hold on to. One hand finds the armrest of the couch near your head, nails nearly tearing into the fabric, while the other ends up behind you, digging into his thigh as he rams his hips into you. You’re drooling as you manage to stutter out a barely coherent statement through your moans.
“K-Ken, so h-hard, fuck—”
“Yeah,” He replies, sounding breathless but not nearly as wrecked as you. You curse his retired high school athlete stamina. 
“Am I still your pretty boy?”
The question momentarily shocks you. You aren’t sure what response he’s looking for but you answer honestly, too fucked out to ponder on it. 
“Y-yesyesyes, the prettiest! ”
“You like getting fucked by your pretty boy?”
“Yeeeess, I l-love it—oh god—”
One hand reaches up to grip your hair, tugging your hair in a way you aren’t sure is punishment or a reward. You cry out all the same, cunt squeezing him for dear life as he hits something deep deep deep inside of you. You’re fairly certain you’ve never been fucked this hard in your life. The sweet, no-sex-drive-having boyfriend trope becomes little more than a pipe dream as his hips smack into your ass without reprieve. 
“‘m g-gonna cum,” you warn.
Kenma’s grip on your hip tightens and he adjusts his angle to hit the spot he knows makes your toes curl and your pitch turns airy. The nail in the coffin comes when he releases your hair, but only to start rubbing your clit, remembering your favorite rhythm from the time he watched you masturbate. 
Expectedly, you cum, toes curling and squeals reaching a pitch you think might cause your boyfriend hearing damage. Your whole body seizes with your orgasm, cunt spasming and thighs squeezing shit as you please for him to stop, go harder–you aren’t sure. 
Kenma forces you to ride through it, fucking you even as your hips stutter violently and never letting up on your pulsating nub. It's only when you're nearing tears from the overstimulation that Kenma stops, moaning sweetly as his own orgasm overtakes him. He collapses against you in exhaustion as warmth fills you from deep inside, making a mess on your thighs as it gushes out between you. 
“Mm, y’r heavyyy,” you complain sleepily. 
Kenma grunts something in response but doesn’t bother moving. In fact, he seems to make himself more comfortable by moving his hands to find your own. He slips his long fingers in the spaces between your own, locking your hands together. Your heart swells at the action, constantly reminded how much this boy loves you even when he doesn't vocalize it very often.  
You allow him a few more moments of peace, listening to his harsh pants die down into something more calm before you speak again. 
“By the way, what was my present?”
Kenma stiffens against you, having completely forgotten about Christmas altogether. Quickly, he pulls away from you and the loss of warmth almost makes you regret saying anything. On shaky legs, Kenma shuffles over to the forgotten box, wrapped in royal blue paper and topped with a pretty gold ribbon. He comes back to the couch, gingerly helping you sit up before placing the box on your lap. 
You’re immediately surprised by the hefty weight of the box and grow curious as you tear at the paper. Within seconds, the logo and picture on the box become clear, making you gasp in shock. 
“Kenmaaaa,” you whine, trying not to tear up as you pout at him. 
To his credit, Kenma looks honestly guilty as he avoids your eyes. 
“We set a twenty-thousand-yen spending limit, ” you remind him.
“I know but—this is basically a necessity. Your old one was going to die any day now,” Kenma reasons, helping you pull out the shiny new laptop –in rose gold no less. 
“And it's a gaming laptop–that means you can play with me more so it’s basically a gift for me more than you,” he continues. 
You know he’s absolutely pulling excuses out of his ass but you can’t help the rush of affection at how much Kenma wants to spoil you. He always buys you the things you want, even when you insist on not wanting to take advantage of him as a wealthy streamer and businessman. He usually comes up with some excuse, I was going to buy one anyway so we can share or I have too much money this month, taxes will be a hassle if I don’t spend it. 
But he is right–your old laptop was on its last leg and every time you opened a Word document for school you had to pray it wouldn’t crash before you could save your draft.
You softly smile as you trace the box with a finger, elated that he even remembered which color you wanted. He grins at how pleased you clearly are, even if you won’t say it. 
“Besides,” his grin suddenly turns sly as he places a hand on the swell of your hip, “I heard the webcam is really great for recording movies.”
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cutecatlov3r · 1 year
𝐰𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐬𝐨𝐧𝐠 𝐰𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐝 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐲 𝐟𝐮𝐜𝐤 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐭𝐨?
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various x reader ! [hinata, kageyama, tsukishima, nishinoya, sugawara, iwaizumi, oikawa, atsumu, osamu, suna, bokuto, akaashi, kuroo, and kenma]
synopsis: my head cannons and my opinion on which songs they'd fuck you to .
warnings/tw: all characters are 21+, praise, degradation, and my personal head cannons on what they are like during sex .
a/n: dont copy my work ! like, re-blog, and comment ily ! not proofread ;(
jjk ver. aot ver. ft ver. bllk ver. bnha ver.
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Shoyo Hinata
HEAVEN AND BACK [Chase Atlantic]
✰ This song just is so Shoyo Hinata coded. I love it so much, I can see him loving it too. He is for sure a switch, mostly dominating over you though.
✰ I don't see him being very into foreplay, I feel like he can get hard just from looking at you, thinking of what he wants to do to you.
✰ His stamina makes him go on until he gives out, which is after 3 to 4 rounds.
✰ This song makes him want to please you, making sure to have you rolling back your eyes.
✰ You are addicted to him. You love him so much but he loves you just as much.
✰ He can't help himself but to go fast, he doesn't like being slow. Yet he is sensual, never too rough, kissing you passionately as he goes as fast as he can, in hopes of making you see stars.
✰ "Are you feeling good baby? Should I go go deeper?"
✰ Hinata always makes sure to focus on your pleasure before his own. He loves you, more than anyone.
✰ You are everything he needs. You're like his drug. Without you, he'd be nothing.
"She just went to heaven and back"
Tobio Kageyama
✰ Tobio is... In my opinion, a switch.
✰ With this song on he will start off slow then speed up, your moans with this song make him so happy.
✰ He isn't afraid to pillow talk you in bed. "S...So tight for me... Want me to go faster?"
✰ The passionate sex between you two with this song is euphoric. He loves everything about you.
✰ He won't be afraid to tell you how much he loves you, praising you here and there whenever he feels like doing so.
✰ If he wanted to he could last 2 rounds but he usually has you asleep by then.
✰ He shows you how much he loves you by making sure to go harder and deeper right before the song ends.
✰ After you two are done, he kisses your forehead, whispering sweet nothings in your ear.
"I love to hold you close, tonight and always"
Kei Tsukishima
Lollipop [Lil Wayne]
✰ This man is a dom and I'd say a sadist.
✰ He'll degrade you, making sure you know you're just there to be his plaything. "Such a slut, don't worry, I'll take good care of you,"
✰ He loves you but won't be the one to tell you that, he'll let you know when he fucks you harshly and depply.
✰ "Slut" "Whore" "Dumbass" "Bitch"
✰ Tsukishima won't be afraid to spank you whenever you're acting extra feisty.
✰ He loves as this song plays in the background as he inflicts pain on your pretty little body.
✰ His favorite thing to do is... Well, fucking your mouth, making sure you're crying and gagging.
"She-she lick me like a lollipop"
Yuu Nishinoya
Down On Me [Jeremiah]
✰ He is pretty kinky, he doesn't mind letting you take control of him. With that being said, he is a switch.
✰ Now... His dick is big, all of his height went where it was supposed to.
✰ He loves watching you moan and having his dick all in your mouth.
✰ "So good...! Keep sucking baby, I'm so close!"
✰ He never degrades you. It isn't in his heart to hurt the feelings of the person he loves.
✰ This song just matches his energy, he can't stand being in such a quiet place. He adores your movements when this song comes on.
✰ Nishinoya is a loud moaner, he needs to have some sort of sound throughout the room as this song plays.
✰ He admires you, making sure to kiss every part of you. You're the light of his life.
✰ Hickeys. He loves receiving and giving them. Receiving them because he wants everyone to know he has someone who actually fucks him and giving them to show everyone you're his. Only his.
"I love the way you grind that booty on me"
Koshi Sugawara
Into It [Chase Atlantic]
✰ Sugawara is such a nice guy to those who know him but in the bedroom he's a bit different. It depends on his mood, he will always be a dom though.
✰ With this song playing he will degrade you, in a sexy way. A possessive way.
✰ "You're mine, say it pretty girl,"
✰ He would be the type to smoke while fucking you from behind, he loves doggy style, he likes seeing your ass bounce against his hips.
✰ He makes sure to go slow and deep as this song plays, biting your neck, putting you into missionary.
✰ With this song playing, he focuses on your pleasure, cumming deep in you over and over until he feels like you're done.
✰ His hands are godly, overstimulating you after you beg him you can't do it anymore
✰ "Y/n, shut up, I know you can take it. Be a good girl and fucking take it,"
"I wouldn't change it for the world, I'm fucking into it"
Hajime Iwaizumi
Wicked Games [The Weekend]
✰ Iwaizumi is a dom, no questioning. He is such a sweet one though.
✰ He'd never hurt you in any way, even if you asked him to. He just can't see himself hurting you.
✰ This song just turns him on, he loves seeing you naked as this song plays. It makes him feel some type of way.
✰ With this song, he will hold your hands, pinning them down. Then he will go deep and hard inside you.
✰ "Taking me so good, good girl,"
✰ He lives for praise, he enjoys getting praise from you. He will also praise you as well.
✰ His strong build can easily man handle you.
✰ I'd say he can last 3-4 rounds, considering he is an athletic trainer.
✰ He loves you, the way he takes care of you after is so astonishing. He will clean you up and make sure you're okay. You both truly love each other.
"Listen, ma, I'll give you all I got. Get me off of this, I need confidence in myself"
Toru Oikawa
Party Monster [The Weekend]
✰ I feel dom vibes from him. I can see him mainly having a teasing personality during sex.
✰ "Aw, you wanna cum? Alright! Let me pick up my pace then cutie,"
✰ I see him loving this song because it kind of describes him in a way. He is known to be a flirt.
✰ Most definitely would fuck you in a mirror while this song plays. He'd have you face down ass up, grabbing your throat so you can watch him destroy you.
✰ "Watch as I fuck you, kay?"
✰ I don't see him as someone who is very into making out with people, I can see him kissing your neck though, not leaving hickeys.
✰ He doesn't really feel love towards you, he isn't focused on love, but whenever he fucks you, he appreciates you.
✰ Still, he has a special spot for you, not really for anyone else. He makes sure to fuck you sensually, he cherishes sex.
"Say you're mine, I'm yours for the night"
Atsumu Miya
Acquainted [The Weekend]
✰ Rough dom. I don't need to elaborate .
✰ This song just reminds him so much of your relationship. You flirted your way to get where you're at. Usually he'd turn down every girl but you were different. There was something about you that turned him on.
✰ He loves you. LOVES you. This song really just keeps him sane as he's fucking you.
✰ He will be rough with you like pulling your hair, choking, breath-play, etc. But he won't ever think of degrading you.
✰ Hickeys and bruises is what he wants to see on himself, he doesn't mind giving you them here and there.
✰ He is super over protective over you, one guy speaking to you could cause a whole argument... Ending with his dick being shoved down your throat.
✰ He would love to make you his rope bunny but he hasn't really decided to bring it up yet.
✰ He will grunt and groan as he fucks you roughly to this song, occasionally humming to the tune.
"You got me puttin' time in, time in. Nobody got me feeling this way"
Osamu Miya
Call Out My Name [The Weekend]
✰ I can see him being a dom but more soft yet can sometimes be rough.
✰ He plays this song just because he likes the melody... It's dark and sad and he likes that type of vibe.
✰ He will fuck you slow and deep to this song, wanting to cum inside you.
✰ "Stop squirmin'... Let me fill you up baby,"
✰ He doesn't like pulling your hair or choking you but he will dig his nails deep into your skin, for example... Your thighs.
✰ He is more on the quiet side of things, a little too shy to moan for you.
✰ After having sex he will take a shower with you and hold you until you fall asleep.
✰ "Love you so much... You're so perfect,"
"So call out my name when I kiss you, So gently"
Rintaro Suna
I Wanna Be Yours [Arctic Monkeys]
✰ Suna is so Arctic Monkeys coded. He just fits that vibe so well, I love it .
✰ Currently you and Suna aren't together, only fucking whenever you feel like it but... Recently he had started developing feelings for you.
✰ Playing this song helps you see how he feels, and with that he fucks you to it.
✰ He is rough but soft. He will start off slow and then speed up the pace when you begin whining for more.
✰ He likes smelling your hair as he fucks you, breathing in your scent.
✰ "You smell good... Did you get a new perfume?"
✰ He barely makes any noise during sex, not feeling too comfortable yet. He doesn't know whether or not you like guys who do that or not.
✰ He tries his best to please you. If he cums first and you don't he will eat you out.
✰ Very good with his hands.
✰ After all of the sweat and panting, I could see him offering you a cigarette to smoke.
"Secrets I have held in my heart, Are harder to hide than I thought"
Bokuto Koutaro
Touchin And Lovin [Trey Songz]
✰ Gives off major switch vibes.
✰ With this song on, he will be fast and deep when fucking you. He wants to make you feel good.
✰ LOVES PRAISE ! One little nice thing said to him can make him cum on the spot.
✰ He genuinely loves and cares for you.
✰ He is a head pusher, you don't mind though, you like him being rough with you.
✰ He whines . For sure .
✰ I can see his childish self singing along to this song thinking he sounds sexy while fucking you but you're dying of laughter.
✰ He isn't afraid of being serious when needed, he will fuck you hard and serious if the mood is right.
✰ Guys . The ass jiggles as he's hitting it from behind... And no, I'm not talking about your ass...
✰ He could toss you around like a rag-doll but he's too scared to hurt you.
✰ After sex he always cracks up jokes to make the awkwardness go away.
✰ He will french kiss you softly until you agree to go to bed with him.
"Touchin', lovin', fuckin', can't make up my mind"
Keiji Akaashi
Versace on the Floor [Bruno Mars]
✰ I can see him being mean, dominating over you. Never too mean though.
✰ He loves this song because he likes taking your clothes off slowly, the melody of the music compliments the slow sensual acts between you two.
✰ In this song, he would fuck you slowly, almost too slow (low key cockwarming).
✰ He loves you and the feeling of being inside you.
✰ He barely makes any noise but will moan here and there to feel your walls clench down on his dick.
✰ He is very sweet when he speaks to you, his actions being the only mean thing about him.
✰ "Stay still. Feels too good~"
✰ He likes being alone with you, in the dark as this song plays. He just feels so safe and secure with you.
✰ Afterwards, he will make sure you're all cleaned up and go to sleep on his own accord.
"There's no place I'd rather be in this world. Your eyes are where I'm lost in"
Tetsurou Kuroo
Loveeeeeee Song [Rihanna]
✰ He is a respectful man when it comes to having sex.
✰ He will be sweet with you, talking you through it as he sinks his cock deep inside you.
✰ "You can take it, yeah? Yeah, you can,"
✰ He isn't the type to be super kinky or pull your hair... But he would be the type to steal your panties after you two have sex.
✰ He fucks you to this song however he feels like in that moment. It's just a song that expresses his emotions towards you. He cares about you a lot.
✰ You both cherish each other, deeply. It's on a level that no one can understand.
✰ I can see him moaning for you, not too much but quite a lot.
✰ His nerdiness can get the best of him sometimes, finding himself distracted when it comes to logical decisions like cumming inside you.
"I need love and affection"
Kenma Kozume
Hentai [Cigarettes After Sex]
✰ Look... He's a gamer and sometimes some games can be connected to hentai... Of fucking course he was going to fuck you to a song named hentai.
✰ Switch (dom+)
✰ This song is exactly how he feels about you, it's crazy that it is his literal feelings.
✰ He will fuck you slow and try not to make so much noise so he can listen to the song as he fucks you.
✰ With that knowledge, he tries not to moan or whine but sometimes his little gasps and panting is sexy.
✰ You find it cute how much he desires you, wanting to fuck you any chance he gets.
✰ "Come and sit on my lap while I play games... What? No... I wasn't planning on... Idiot,"
✰ Loves using toys during sex, finds it easier to make you cum.
✰ He'd be the type to record videos of you two.
✰ Kenma... I know for sure he makes you roleplay as anime girls, video game characters, or even animals for him.
✰ This song is his favorite one, he just needs to cum on your body after hearing it. You're his little toy.
✰ He loves you so much but shows it through actions instead of words. That's why he touches you so much.
"I've been waiting for you to fall for me and let me in your life"
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euphoricimagination · 2 years
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𝑳𝒐𝒗𝒆 𝑯𝒐𝒕𝒆𝒍
A small thing for my favorite boy<3
Warnings: suggestive, mentions of sex
Kenma hates you right now
You are basically the backbone of his channel, helping him from the very beginning with video ideas, merch ideas, reading fans questions, contacting people, making sure he was okay. He may be the one visible in the videos, but you were always there to help him out behind the scenes. And he’s incredibly grateful and loves every part of it.
But why did you have to suggest doing a review of a love hotel for a video? And why did you have to mention it on his stream?
He knew that you did it just to embarrass him, it wasn’t the first time you mention something like this whenever you bring him food, but neither really expected that his chat will be super on board with the idea, especially wanting you two going.
The idea in itself makes him incredibly uncomfortable. It’s not like you two were innocent in the sex area, but he doesn’t want to go to a place where other people do it. How is he supposed to act in this video? Do you want to do it there? Are you just curious?
“Do we really have to do this?” he asks you when you were outside of the hotel. He had no idea what type of room you had rented, but he knew that you had use his fans request
“Unless you want your chat to keep spamming you about it, yes” you tell him while accommodating his mask “Sorry, I didn’t think it would get this far”
“It’s alright…but we have to make it as family friendly as we can”
“Of course, but it's going to be hard” you chuckle nervously “the room is quite normal, but the most requested was a prison theme”
“You saw the other one?”
“Yeah, the photos on the website, there was no way to do a video on there” you say making him sigh, of course guys fans will want him to go there, thank god he has you there
You two enter to the place and got the key, Kenma visibly cringing the closer you went to the room. The only thing that kept Kenma sane in this situation was the fact that you were the one with him, you always find a way to make him feel better. He thought about bringing Kuroo as well, but he doesn’t really want to talk to his childhood friend about these type of things
“Babe, relax, it's not going to be that bad” you squeeze his hand “what are you thinking?”
“It’s just awkward, going to a place where other people have sex”
“I know, I know. If it helps, I read that this is one of the cleanest place out there, so we shouldn't worry that much”
“It does help a little. Fuck it, let’s do it” he passes you the camera as he adjust his hoodie. You were going to be recording like you normally do in the rare occasions he films outside.
“Hi guys, kodzuken here. Guess your… persistence paid off, so my girlfriend and I are here showing you a love hotel. This is not the one you guys requested, but I don’t want to be demonetized” he introduced himself, stopping to release another sigh
“You ok? We can still back up” you ask with worry, you hated whenever he does something forced by others
“If we don’t, they’re never going to shut up. Let’s just get over this” says opening the door “Hey, this is way more normal than I thought”
“It’s actually really pretty” you look around
“It is. Let’s walk around it” he says we he grabs your hand
With that he starts doing a mini tour of the place, with lots of chuckles from your part by the explanations that he makes to make it PG. Surprisingly, he is pretty smooth about it, since it was just a big hotel room with little changes to make it more…exciting. Kenma, however, didn’t want to let go of your hand; while he wasn’t as uncomfortable as he thought he will be, your hand gave him more confidence for this unfamiliar type of video.
“I’m pretty sure this is a lights panel; we can mess around here” he looks at the panel in front of him, multiple switches with different drawings on them
“It depends in the amount of love happening?” you joke when looking at the drawings, some of them in different poses
“Did you have to put it like that?” he glares at you as you sit down in the corner of the bed “But I guess so; let’s keep this dim, my eyes hurt”
“Oohh what is this?” you say taking a black bag and passing it to Kenma so he can open it. He does it without thinking much of it, seeing him blush, passing it back to you immediately
“I think you should open it” he takes the camera and points it towards you, a rare thing that happens whenever he fell uncomfortable
“Sure, make me the responsible of your channel… anyways, we have a sleeping mask and a…it’s this” your face scrunches when you see a small pink cylinder that started vibrating the moment you press the button “Yep, it is. I’m assuming we can take this home, maybe we can give it a good use later, right babe?”
“You can just say that…” his face even more embarrassed than before, but soon a smile appeared “let’s see the TV, I think there’s more interesting things in there”
You took the camera back before moving in front of the TV, finding a wide selection of of movies and toys that you could rent/buy. While he was talking and making it less obvious what this whole thing was, your eye catches a section of costumes
“Should we order a costume?” you ask making him choke on his water
“I'm not putting a costume on” says immediately, knowing exactly your plan
“But you will look so good! We have to get the full experience of this place; besides, it's nothing too crazy, it’ll be like cosplay!” you point to the screen while passing the costumes; nurse, police officer, student, and much more “I’ll order a cheerleader one”
“Fine, but you'll wear it” he sighs once more as he take the control it off your hand. After ordering it you waited a few seconds before heading a knock one the door. He goes to open the door, taking the costume in and tossing it to you “there, put it on”
“Gladly” you went to the bathroom, which had absolutely no privacy considering the glass door, and changed. It was a very tight fit, barely covering your butt. You go outside to where Kenma’s is, his eyes widening at the sight “See, it isn't awful. It's quite sexy”
“You look good” he gulps hard before turning the camera to his red face “anyways guys, this is all for today, see you in the next video”
“You're done?”
“Yeah, with the video at least” he looks at the camera, making sure that is turn off before looking at you with dark eyes “Well, I paid for the room and that costume, so why don't we put it in good use?”
“Eh? I thought…”
“Come here love, let's review this love hotel properly”
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kiyoumie · 1 year
featuring: timeskip!kenma (kodzuken).
warnings: cringe probably, very cliché plot, gn!reader.
note: pls this was a writing after like 3 years, i’m sorry if there are incorrect grammars :’
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the lights in his room are dimmed, only his gaming lights are switched on. kenma's sharp eyes stings when he turned on his desktop for the ninth time of the day.
he gets his live ready, he just hit 10 million subscribers and now he wants to celebrate it with a Q&A with his fans. well, he promised his fans anyways, there's no going back now.
as his live starts, the camera turns on and he sees the chat run saying their his and hellos. some fans notice his eyebags, worrying about his appearance. some are donating already, throwing thousands of yens to him.
his appearance is quite bad. eyebags visible and you can literally see the tiredness in his eyes. his shoulders looks weak. but he can't back up now, he tweeted that he was gonna be live to celebrate his new achievement.
kenma giggles, “thank you for the dono.. kodzulove. yes, yes, we’re doing a Q&A today. don’t worry, i promised you guys..”
he looks down searching for something. it took him a second since his room is dark. he shows his fans his favorite black hair tie and begin to tie up his dyed hair into a bun. a lot of his fans goes crazy over this, kenma doesn’t realize why though. somehow it’s hot to them.
“alright. let’s start! first of all, congratulations for me for hitting 10 million subscribers. but of course i wouldn’t achieve this without you all …” kenma continues to ramble about his achievement and his gratitude towards his fans.
“.. okay, i’ve rambled too much. let’s start the Q&A now, remember that i can’t see every question because you guys are going fast in the chat. maybe i should turn on slow-mode.” kenma sighs into the mic and coughs before starting.
he reads out a question, “why did you start your channel?”
“pretty much because i liked gaming since i was a child. then i found out i can make money out of it, so.. yeah.” he smiles.
“can you prank kuroo again?”
kenma laughed as he read the question, he remembers the day he pranked kuroo by wasting his money to buy fucking apple pies from the nearby bakery, “soon. maybe. that might be a death wish though.”
“when can we see you play observation duty?”
“ah, right! i’ll play that soon, the horror game won the poll i started right?”
after a few questions, kenma got bored until he finds an unusual question. his fans mostly questions him about him and his gaming industry. only a few would ask him about his private life, his true fans knows that kenma doesn’t like being questioned about his real life.
“kenma, how’s your partner?”
he reveals a sweet smile before speaking, “they’re doing great. they’re currently doing their essay in the room beside mine. you know, they brought me dinner and dessert to my desk today just before i started this live. i said thank you but i genuinely feel like i can’t show them the love they deserve.
my partner has been spoiling me these days and i just wanna say that it’s cute. when i got home yesterday, my desk was clean. no, my room was clean. then i saw them sleeping on my bean bag..”
kenma stops and reads a comment, “yeah, the green bean bag one fan bought me. thank you for that by the way.”
“but anyways, i just wanna say that i love them so much and i feel like i don’t deserve them. yeah, yeah. i get it. i never say these type of things. but really, i feel like i don’t appreciate their love enough. what do you guys think i should do for them?” he leans down to his chair for awhile.
his chat goes crazy, a lot of awws and suggestions were said. donations flows in quick and he can hear the notifications in his ears.
‘take them out to a date!’
‘get them a gift!’
kenma gets up and giggles while waving his hands in front of his camera, “i’ll do your suggestions. okay, enough of that. next!”
kenma knows that you’re doing your essay right now, but what he doesn’t know is that you have him in the background while you do your work.
you are absolutely ready for a surprise tomorrow.
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hikari-writes · 1 year
╰┈➤ ❝ [ᶠᵉᵉˡᵉʳˢ] ❞
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Summary ❥ Kuroo had been dating the team's manager, aka you, for quite some time now...or so what Kenma, Yaku, and the whole volleyball club members, thought. With the truth of your relationship status out, will Yaku finally be able to act on his feelings? Or will Kuroo finally decide to break it to you that what he's been telling you were no jokes?
Pairing ❥ Yaku Morisuke x F!Reader x Kuroo Tetsurou
Genre ❥ SMAU, Fluff, Nekoma Manager! reader, tinsy bit of angst, best friends to lovers, love triangle, divided routes
Warning ❥ Swearing, keyboard smashing, questioning your feelings, more specified content warning will be given at the start of certain chapters, maybe a bit ooc at some parts-, flirting platonically between friends
Status ❥ Completed
Updates ❥ Completed
Yayyayayyay first actual smau (not counting the yams mini series smau) for hq!! And its a love triangle <33 (too ambitious? Too ambitious.) I love yaku sm but i thought itd be fun to add kuroo for a love triangle too so i did 🥺 maybe ill make another one in the future that features just him 😔😔 anyways i had some fun with this 👉👈 also its the first time im making a smau where the og group friends actually includes the suitor so wojskjeje 😳😳 i was very much inspired by @/come-on-shitty-boys smau bro-ke up so highly recommend u go check that one out!!! anyways nekoma!!! <333 hope u have a fun time reading this and rmmbr to stay hydrated love u <3333 (constructive criticism and feedbacks are greatly appreciated!!!)
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Part 1 ❥ dumb but not stupid
Part 2 ❥ cryptid shits
Part 3 ❥ That was weird
Part 4 ❥ feelings was caught!
Part 5 ❥ too bitter
Part 6 ❥ worst breakup
Part 7 ❥ Enjoy your day God bless you
Part 8 ❥ Repaired Friendship and Newfound Emotions [Written Part feat. Yaku]
Part 9 ❥ No Balls?
Part 10 ❥ i hate it here
Part 11 ❥ denying lev rights
Part 12 ❥ Answered Questions and Study Session [Written Part feat. Kuroo]
Part 13 ❥ Nervous and Sincerity
Part 14 ❥ Like homo erectus beautiful
Part 15 ❥ concerning tl
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[Yaku Morisuke]'s Route;
Yaku One || Part 16 ❥ my hand slipped
Yaku Two || Part 17 ❥ best dad award
Yaku Three || Part 18 ❥ not mad just disappointed
Yaku Four || Part 19 ❥ mr boyfriend & mrs girlfriend
Yaku Five || Part 20 ❥ No Balls to No Bitches
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[Kuroo Tetsurou]'s Route;
Kuroo One || Part 16 ❥ Baby its cold outside
Kuroo Two || Part 17 ❥ y/n apologist
Kuroo Three || Part 18 ❥ its me, im bitches.
Kuroo Four || Part 19 ❥ wedding bells
Kuroo Five || Part 20 ❥ comfort friends
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Secret Route;
Secret One || Part 16 ❥ our expertise
Secret Two || Part 17 ❥ the kissy thing
Secret Three || Part 18 ❥ it got worse
Secret Four || Part 19 ❥ feelers: lovergirl and loverboy
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kats-fic-recs · 4 months
My favorite Kuroken fics <3
In Another Castle
Kenma feels his face go hot. People have to be looking at them. They’re having a fight in front of a real estate agency. But he doesn’t look away, and musters the courage to say, “Kuro, I want you to live with me.”
The Whole Of The Moon
Tetsurou has never thought about it before, but right now, he is absolutely and thoroughly terrified.
Because he’s so, so in love, and he’s always known that Kenma is it for him, but what if he’s not it for Kenma?
Or: a Kuroken soulmate AU in which both of them suffer and there's communication in all the wrong ways
Not For Nothing
Kuroo-san never says no to you,” Shouyou says
Not Your Mother's Hot Toddy
Kuroo always knew he would eventually end up killing someone for Kozume Kenma, he just thought he would have a lot more time to prepare.
Or: Kenma's hungry, Kuroo's bad at thinking on his feet, and Shouyo just wants to make friends in the city.
Live From the Lonely Hearts Club♡
(Kodzuken lets out a sigh that cuts so deep, it nearly startles his cat off his lap.)
I think I’m being obvious. I probably don’t need to spell it out for you guys. It’s clear as day, isn’t it? I’m fucking in love with my best friend. And I have been for a very long time.
So it pains me to say that I think I’ve made the stupidest mistake of my entire life. Because a week ago, T asked me if I wanted him to be my fake boyfriend.
(Kodzuken drags his hands over his face.)
And I’m pretty sure I said yes.
Kenma is so stupid. When did he become so stupid? He’d always thought he was kind of smart, but maybe he’s been stupid this entire time.
five snapped heartstrings
“From the day you are born, you have a countless number of strings wrapped around the ring finger on your right hand. These strings extend out to all of your potential soulmates. As you grow and make choices in life, one by one the strings will slowly begin to fall away until you’re left with one. At that point, your one true soulmate will be waiting for you on the other side.”
Kenma was seven, and he was certain of one thing. He wanted Kuroo Tetsurou to be his soulmate.
it's like a summer shower
Kenma’s breath catches at the memory, and then he’s blurting out, “Do you still have it?”
“Have what?”
“…the recipe,” Kenma replies haltingly. A pause. “And maybe some pictures for how it looked all set up.”
“Kenma…” his mother says breathlessly, and he’s honestly not sure if she sounds awed or horrified. “Are you going to attempt to make it?”
It's Kuroo's and Kenma's anniversary and Kenma wants to do something different - cook him dinner. He regrets the decision pretty much immediately.
crushed little stars
When Kenma was 13, he swore to himself that he would never, ever get star tear disease.
Three years later, he met Hinata Shouyou.
A purrfect match
"Hi Uncle Tettsun!” Nozomi says without moving an inch. “There's a kitty cat under here."
Tetsurou sighs, adjusting the heavy bag on his shoulder. There's been a dramatic increase in the number of cats hiding under homes or dumpsters or in trees lately, ever since the Kozume family's latest announcement. People have been chasing them down, knowing that whoever takes the key from the royal cat's collar will be allowed to marry the crown prince.
[Five times Tetsurou meets a cat, and one time he meets a human instead].
The Space Between Thinking and Feeling
“She might have assumed that we were dating and I might not have corrected her, yes.”
Kenma’s eyes are caught in a frenzy. Tetsurou isn’t sure why he’s that upset about this specific part of the story. “Why?” Is all Kenma asks.
Tetsurou shrugs. “I don’t know. She invited you to the wedding. I want you to come. It just seemed easy.”
“Dating me seems easy?”
“Pretend dating.”
(OR Tetsurou doesn’t want to go to his mother’s wedding alone. Good thing he has fake-boyfriend Kenma to tag along.)
Wallpaper Heart
Tetsurou walks into their apartment, aware of his feelings for the first time. It’s a weird sensation, like remodeling a house, and finding out there was a hidden door to an extra room behind the old yellowed wallpaper in the hallway. Now that he knows it’s there, he wonders how he ever missed it – wonders when the wallpaper went up in the first place, when it started keeping him out.
(OR Tetsurou's adventures in pining)
even if you're ahead for a bit, i will catch up
Kuroo first confesses when they're sticky-fingered, wide-eyed kids, and subsequently every day after that. Kenma takes a while to come around.
The Ghost Of The Future Is Awake In The Attic
Sika stags have a whole repertoire of courting behaviour that does not overlap with a human’s flirting one bit.
This, perhaps, should not come as a surprise to Tetsurou.
Or: The one where Kenma is a sika deer shifter, Kuroo isn’t, and Kuroo decides the logical thing to do is to court Kenma. The deer way. Despite the fact that he has no idea how deer shifter courting works.
When the Stars Threw Down Their Spears
"It’s hard to understand the hierarchy when a school like Nekoma exists, putting them all together like they belong, but by the time Kenma enters high school he understands the difference. Kuroo is a black panther, rare and precious; a large predator stronger than most any other foe.
Kenma is a calico housecat. His coloring is uncommon, but he is not special."
Shapeshifter!AU. Kenma struggles with a culture and the rules of courtship.
Ad Astra Per Aspera
The important parts of his life aren’t stored in the cement where he bled out, or among the familiar backdrops of his hometown. Home is curled up on a secondhand couch a few cities away, probably bitterly cursing his guts but still waiting for him to walk through the door.
The city has long since forgotten what happened to Kuroo Tetsurou.
…But Kenma didn’t. Kenma never would.
Kenma’s soul recognizes Kuroo Tetusrou even when his eye does not.
He’s been waiting an eternity for him, after all.
route 51 to your heart has been delayed by 20 minutes
The hottest man Kenma has ever seen shares the bus with him regularly. Under no circumstance is he ever going to do anything about it.
Not intentionally, at least.
Speak Easy, Lie Gently
Kenma’s invited back home to celebrate Christmas. Unbeknownst to him, his parents had invited a guest: his ex-boyfriend.
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ayoharuko · 1 year
Haikyuu Boyfriend Headcanons
Hello welcome back! :3
Make way for our cat boys~
I hope you guys enjoy this one :3
Including: Kuroo, Yaku, Kenma & Lev
A little mention of fem reader at kuroo’s and yaku’s part sorry about that :)
Also a little suggestive at Kenma’s part hehehehe~
A little cursing as well, hope u don't mind I certainly couldn't help myself lol
REMINDER: These characters don’t belong to me they belong to Haruichi Furudate and as always maybe some these headcanons aren’t too accurate so pls don’t take them too seriously :3
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(Nekoma Ver)
~Amazing bedhair~ (Tetsurō Kuroo)
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~Flirty Boyfriend~
- Kuroo is that one boyfriend who you think doesn't take your relationship seriously but actually does lol
- He smacked your butt in public once. I’m surprised you haven't broken up with him-
- All jokes aside though, He’s a good boyfriend. If your having problems with homework feel free to call him up so he can help you with it, If you do good...he just might give you a reward~
- The thing about this man is that he’s too..bold and..direct about things...like he doesn't have any shame to show affection to you in public! Honestly it can either be a blessing or a curse idk you guys decide
- You guys would often fight because of his ‘snide remarks’ but trust me..he’s working on it! He really loves you and wants to show you that his serious about your relationship so..be patient please :3
- We all know Kuroo LOVES long hair so if you do....he’ll always be touching it He'll always be brushing his hand down your hair and he’ll even learn how to braid hair just for you~!
- Another one who’ll MELT if you cook something for them...I headcanon that this man is a foodie and he’ll beg for you to make him lunch everyday! The type to brag at his teammates about this lol
- Loves to tease you, Sorry he’s a demon T-T
Nicknames: Baby, Chibi-chan, Honey and Babe
~Scenario Time:
Right now you were at your home doing homework peacefully...well not that peacefully when a certain someone keeps calling you, messaging you and throwing rocks at your window. That person..is your boyfriend Tetsurō Kuroo.
You were..mad at him right now..why your mad at him you ask? Well...he smacked your butt infront of his team...really..THE AUDACITY TO DO THAT
You were sooo mad at him....and..you were planning to ignore him till tomorrow...he wasn’t gonna convince you to forgive him nononono...heh let him wait..
Several hours later...
So much for ignoring him....you were both now cuddling on your bed, him kissing and saying apologizes to you...this man....
You can never get mad at him....
~Demon-senpai~ (Morisuke Yaku)
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 ~Caring Boyfriend~
- The type to get mad at you for not sleeping or eating well, What? His your boyfriend his supposed to take care of you..so quit whining and let him take care of you!
- If you ask to make lunch for you he will...his a very amazing cook and he will make you bento’s everyday. Such malewife material~
- His team will tease him about you but all they get is a scary glare from yaku...welp! Better not tease him then ahahaha!
- He would always text or call you everyday asking if your doing fine, how are you or just need anything in general~
- He loves being big spoon...he feels like even with his height his still protecting you..so don’t you dare tease him or your sleeping on the couch tonight lol
- He’ll offer to tutor you if you struggle at a particular subject, don't worry...somehow whenever he tutors you, you actually pass-
- If you have short hair expect him to ruffle your hair a lot, its like you’re his junior even when you both are both the same grade. Honestly he finds it adorable when you whine about how he’ll ruin your hair lol
- He’s more nice to you more then his own team and their kinda jealous tbh :D
- 10/10 boyfriend and 10/10 future husband~<3
Nicknames: Hon, Sweetheart, idiot, dumbass and dummy
~Scenario Time:
Oh noooo....you forgot your lunch today...
You sigh lay your head on your desk, tummy rumbling of hunger...if only you weren't in such a hurry maybe then you could have remembered to bring your precious food~
‘’This is the worse...’’ You mumbled under your breath 
‘’You forgot your lunch didn’t you, you idiot?’’ A voice which sounded irritated asked ‘’Yea..wahhh I'm so hungry yaku!’’ You whine at your boyfriend who only gave you a deadpan look lol
He sighs and places a..bento? on your desk
‘’Here...I had leftovers so I packed extras..y-you can have them..’’ Your boyfriend said with a cute blush...
You widen your eyes and kissed your boyfriend on the cheek s a ‘thank you’ at him and gobbling in the food he cooked! Which you knew he made for you..he’s only shy lol-
~Gamer kitty~ (Kenma Kozume)
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~Shy/Bold Boyfriend~
- He’s shy..yet a little bold...he wants to experience these new things with you and he tries to take the first steps but..he’s a little shy
-Every once in a while he’s gonna go for a kiss on your cheek because he feels bold and then the next after he’ll start blushing like a tomato hehehe
- Expect to have game dates or at home dates more often, we all know he isn’t a big extrovert :)
- Acts like a cat....when you give him head pats either he leans onto your touch or he blushes and just looks down, If he’s jealous he’ll come up behind you and start glaring at the said person who is making him jelly~
- For his bold side...he’s always honest on what he feels for you and how he wants to express it (does it with bright blushes on his face)
- He’ll try to hold your hands in public without freaking out inside, he’ll try to kiss you on the cheek in public to show your his lol
- His shy side consist of him shyly asking you if your free to hang out or simply saying ‘I love you’s’ to you and many other things~
- He’ll always try to go easy on you whenever you guys are playing a game together so he’ll definitely let you win on purpose sometimes, He just wants to see you smile :3
- Buys you expensive stuff...whatever his baby wants, his baby gets~~~
- When y'all play Minecraft together expect him to place your beds together, give you flowers, heck...he probably mines diamonds without you so he can surprise you with a full set of armor!
- If you guys play Genshin..well...expect lots of whaling, carrying, drama and battles on whose characters are better lol, he would challenge you to a Genius Invocation TCG duel with bets of course~
- He’s shy, bold and the BEST gamer cat boyfriend out there...what else are ya gonna ask??
Nicknames: Pudding and kitten(That’s it, I couldn't think of anything-)
~Scenario Time:
I can't believe this....I lost to Kenma again!
For context...Genshin’s Genius Invocation TCG has finally come out....so Kenma and me decided to try it out obviously..but I didn't know it has come to this....
At first it was an innocent bet..but now..its...its a little....embarrassing
‘’Hm..pudding are you getting nervous?’’ Your kitty boyfriend asked smiling smugly at you...
Oh how you wanted to wipe that smug look on his face! But damn...why does he sound so hot when his bold???
You sigh and continued battling him....
You.....YOU LOST!?
‘’Oops...kitten..hehehe..I'll be coming over so I can get my reward...see you~’’ He left the game and your discord as well...
Oh no.......you’re in deep shit
~Tall~ (Lev Haiba)
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~Himbo Boyfriend~
- Annoying cute of a himbo he is...why do you love this lovable idiot again? oh yea..because his dumb and cute....
- He LOVES to tease you about your height intentionally and unintentionally....ya can’t really smack him cuz he’s tall as fuck T-T
- His sister thinks you’re adorable! She definitely teases you both lol but she also helps you pick clothes if you need help on what to wear for you and lev’s dates and she will GLADLY help you with makeup :) she also helps lev with his clothes lol
- Call her ‘Nee-san’ and she WILL FORCE HER PARENTS to get you both married already even when you guys are like still underaged to do so-
- Despite him being a huge himbo, he’s a gentleman. He’s big sis taught him how to treat a lady right so he’ll open doors for you, pull your seat out, and be very respectful towards you. Don’t mind his teasing however lol
- Has accidentally thrown a ball to your face....don’t worry! He apologize and gave you many forehead/face kisses :)
- Hides behind you despite being tall 0-0, especially when Yaku’s chasing him-
- He LOVES carrying you around! In his arms you look so smol that he just wants to pick you up and cash you in his arms~
- He tries to flirt with you, Kuroo told him some cheesy pickup lines and he tried them on you and....lets just say you were left cringing :D
- Expect tutor dates, he’s dumb what do you want him to do? Don’t worry...surprisingly he’s easy to teach :)
Nicknames: My shortie (lol that’s all)
~Scenario Time:
You and Lev were gonna be having a date today...but...he was currently running late...he doesn't even have practice so how is he late!?
You were honestly starting to get pissed...but your anger boiled down when you heard someone calling out to you....
You looked at the direction where your name was being called and my god...he’s beautiful...
‘’I...I'm sorry for being late y/n-san!’’ Lev said while panting leaning over apologetically ‘’I-...’’ You were speechless...he’s so pretty...
After catching his breath he stood up straight and you asked him why he was late. ‘’Ah! Well...nee-san wanted to help with my outfit because the one I wore before changing was ‘ugly’ she said’’ Lev explained 
Ah...your definitely gonna thank Alisa for this...
‘’Well...you’re forgiven for being late...’’ You said smiling up at him before holding his hand before a mischievous smile replaces your previous one....
‘’But...you’ll have to pay for the food and buy me ice cream!’’ You declared pulling him towards where you wanna eat with Lev yelling protests...
Hehehehehe...you could get used to this~
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I hope u guys like this one with our Nekoma boy’s~
See u guys on my next post!~ Edited by: @purpi-narwhale​
Reblogs and Feedback/Comments are always appreciated! :3
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jahnavisurenda-21 · 17 days
Haikiyuu[Kenma Kozume X Reader] People Pleasing comfort
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Guys I was a huge people pleaser myself, until I realized the more 'happier' I try to make someone else feel, the more I lose myself. Please channel all this energy to loving yourself.
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1. Kenma never really had a lot of opinions on anything really, he never thought that he required it, but he is a great judge of a character and is very observant.
2. So, kenma could tell he had to stop ignoring the matter, during the starting of your relationship even if he noticed the small upsets in your behaviour, or sometimes how much you would try to hold in your tears, he was concerned, but he stopped himself many times from asking you.
3. He didnt feel like that was his buissness, you actually really liked Kenma due, to how observant he was, he'd walk with you in the park even though he wasn't a outdoor person at all.
4. He even came with you to the Karaoke to hear you spill out your heart to sad romantic songs, thank god there was a separate room.
5. You had an extremely moldable personality, that could be broken and used according to how others wanted.
6. It was 7-30pm where you were found by Kenma crying, he knew it was expected sooner or later, "Hey, c-can I sit next to you?" Even though Kenma asked it politely, it wasn't the tone of a question he seemed dead serious.
"What are you doing exactly?" Kenma asked before he could stop himself that day in a moment of frustration piled over weeks.
7. The tone surprised you, you were so used to hearing his soft calm voice, you had begun to think his vocal chords could not stretch more.
8. "K-kenma? What's wrong?"
9. "Seriously." Kenma held the swing you were sitting at so that he could face you more easily, "You know very well the problem, your getting hurt for being alive, stop it."
10. Your heart raced faster, you tried to get up and walk away, but Kenma's body blocked your way and he seemed unnaturally admant on getting this through your head.
11. "Maybe, my personality is really not likable right? Or I am to easily angered--"
12. "You know that's not true, or is that what you think of me also?" Kenma really didn't right now wanted it to make it about himself right now,
13. "Listen let's talk tomorrow okay?" You tried to avoid, or dismiss the talking again, because you were honestly scared to loose kenma.
"Y/n, I have already done enough avoiding the topic, but... I don't want to see you so upset, I think your so lovable you shouldn't focus on those no-brainers..." Kenma softly said, your ears to cheeks turned red, "W-what?"
14. "Don't give them so much time, I know this isn't something that will just evaporate and I know we just started dating... so... just forget that part and let's do something to help you see how amazing you are."
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genshin-obsessed · 2 years
Hello! :)) I hope this ask finds you well.
Could I please have Tsukishima, Kuroo and Kenma react to their s/o having an extreme stomach ache? I'm having one right now and it's the worst thing in the world D:<
Tysm for reading this, and have a lovely day. Don't forget to stay hydrated :))
I am so late but I hope that nasty stomach ache didn't last very long! When I got sick, I think I had a stomach bug so I was miserable the ENTIRE 2 weeks. Also, thank you very much! I hope you have a wonderful day too <3 Warnings: As mentioned in the request, this is a stomach ache fic so it mentions vomiting. I think that's usually something others tag as a warning? idk
He takes care of you when you're sick
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Tetsuro Kuroo
“What’s wrong?” Tetsuro asked as he walked to you with a frown. You were currently curled up in bed with the worst stomach ache in your life. You felt as if you were going to die!
“My stomach hurts.” You frowned, tears pricking your eyes at the thought of your rather crappy situation.
“Have you taken medicine?” You shook your head at his words as he walked towards you.
“I haven’t eaten.” Tetsuro always made sure you ate before taking medicine (unless it’s one you take on an empty stomach), but right now you couldn’t stomach anything.
“Do you want to try any soup? It’ll go down easy.” He said, giving your forehead a small kiss. Though you didn’t really have an appetite, you decided to try something anyway. If the medicine made you feel better, you’d try and eat a full course meal. You went to the kitchen with Kuroo, which you soon learned was a bad idea as the smell of food made you sick. Within a few minutes, Kuroo was back with some ice and your chicken noodle soup. The ice tended to help with the vomiting- which was odd but it was just comforting to lick.
You did your best to at least get half of the soup out of the way before Kuroo gave you some medicine. After that, he got right into bed with you and played your favorite movie. And if you were hungry again, he didn’t mind getting up and making you some more food.
Kei Tsukishima
“Uhh what’s wrong with you?” Tsukki asked as he entered your shared room. You frowned at him before gagging a little.
“Stomach ache.” You said quickly as you sat up, wondering if you’d be rushing to the bathroom in a minute or so. Normally, Tsukki would make some sort of sarcastic remark but just from the look on your face, he knew it was bad. The blond walked to you and crouched in front of you, making sure to give you room as he took your hands.
“Have you eaten anything today?” You shook your head, looking at him with a frown. You hated stomach aches with a passion and you were dealing with the worst one in history probably! “If I make you some soup, will you at least try it? Little sips at a time so you can take some medicine.” You did gag at the word soup, but you nodded regardless. Your stomach ache was probably getting worse because you didn’t eat anything, so you were willing to at least try. “Ok, good. I’ll go get some cold water and then I’ll make you some soup.” Tsukki kissed your forehead as he stood up before he left the room.
Not long after, he had your soup prepared and he even fed some to you. Normally, Tsukki was great at being the jerk, but he was genuinely worried about you. So today, he was uncharacteristically sweet. You didn’t complain though.
After managing to drink a little more than half of the soup, Tsukki gave you some medicine and put on your favorite show. He sat right beside you, holding your head and giving you kisses every now and then. Eventually, you fell asleep on his shoulder and he tucked you in. Though, he didn’t go anywhere. He just laid down beside you and watched another show until he fell asleep too.
Kenma Kozume
Oh man, he didn’t know what to do! You were in the bathroom- and had been there for almost an hour now- throwing up. Kenma felt awful and quickly decided to research some stuff. After gathering sufficient information, he let you know that he was going to go to the store extremely quickly. He hated the idea of leaving you alone now but it wasn’t that far. In fact, Kenma was back in less than 15 minutes. The first thing he did was check on you and you were exactly where he left you.
He gave you some nausea medicine when you mentioned you hadn’t thrown up in twenty minutes but just needed to sit in the bathroom. After that, he went to the kitchen and immediately made you some chicken noodle soup- following the world’s easiest recipe. When that was done, he returned to your shared bedroom and placed down the bowl before walking to the bathroom.
“Hey, feeling any better?”
“A little,” you muttered as you stood up. He led you to the bed where he offered you the soup. You managed to drink half of it, which was great. Leaving the rest right on the table for when you’d eventually get hungry- as well as a glass of ice water- he decided to play some video games to get your mind off of it. Eventually, you ended up falling asleep and he carefully tucked you in before laying down beside you. He decided to put on your favorite show, which he watched until he fell asleep, himself.
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outerspaze · 1 year
Kenma x G/N Reader: Love Letter
in the spirit of valentine’s day which was 3 days ago 💀 anyways this is set in high school
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It was February 14th. Yay. The day to remind you how single you are. All day you’ve seen cheesy couples in the hallway asking to be each other’s valentine and you were sick of it.
At the end of the day when you open your locker, a letter with a heart sticker in place of a seal falls out.
“Cliché,” you thought.
Although it was very corny, you were interested in who would A, be interested in you, and B, be old fashioned enough to give you a love letter.
You appreciated the effort they put in, but you felt bad for whoever it was. You’d have to turn them down because you already have your eyes on someone else.
You’ve had a crush on Kenma, from the volleyball team, for a while now. You’re surprised he’s not more popular considering he’s attractive and on Nekoma Boy’s Volleyball Team which is very skilled.
After shaking your thoughts of Kenma, which is usually where your mind drifts to, you decide to open the letter. The halls were pretty clear due to everyone rushing to go home so you open it right there.
The letter reads,
“Happy Valentine’s Day Y/n,
I decided to man up and give you this letter because I’ve liked you for quite a while and I thought now would be the perfect time to do it.
I must admit I’m really out of your league and I’m not to fond of attention, so if/when you turn me down, could you possibly not mention this to anyone?
If, after reading this you aren’t creeped out, could you meet me by the entrance of the school?
You’ll find out later (maybe)”
You were now very intrigued by this person. They send you a hand written letter and then plan a meet up anonymously? This could either go very wrong or like a normal confession, but either way you decide to send your location to your best friend and give them a brief on what you found.
You’re surprisingly nervous as you walk towards the front of the school. Who would think they’re out of your league? You were barely popular and you had a decent amount of friends.
You have to do a double take when you see a familiar pudding head in the direction you’re heading. You look around to see if anyone else is waiting for you, but the area is empty besides the two of you.
“This is so cliché,” you thought, although you didn’t really care considering your crush was waiting to confess to you.
“Um, I,” Kenma mumbled, trying to get a hold of himself.
He hated confrontation but he didn’t want to keep his feelings in any longer. He knew he’d rather be disappointed with rejection than not taking any action.
“Kenma, I didn’t expect you to be here,”
“Oh,” he let out softly. He didn’t know what else to say.
“Were you the one who put that letter in my locker?”
“Um, yeah,” he replied awkwardly.
You grinned, which caught Kenma off guard.
“I feel the same way, and for the record I’d say you’re more out of my league,”
Kenma turned bright red at you reciting the contents of his letter. You were thankful that he was so flustered because it boosted your confidence.
“Anyways, will you go out with me?” you asked, strangely at ease.
“That’s what I was supposed to ask!”
“Will you?” you asked again.
“Obviously,” he replied in a sort of sassy tone.
You reached down to offer your hand and he looked back up at you and then took it. You both walked home together until you had to split paths.
“Happy Valentine’s Day, pudding head,” you yelled at him as you walked away from each other.
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vulpesvulpeskin · 6 months
MAIN KINTYPES definition; these are me, and in my everyday life being these kins affects how i interact with my world around me
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art by me fox therian/foxkin!! i fully 100% believe i was a fox in a past life, and that i should have been one still, that my soul is of a foxes. i've also had dreams of my past life, or even lives, as well!
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art by cherivinca shiny umbreon kin!! when it comes to my fictional kins, they're a bit more.. abstract. my therian self is 100%, and kin is just as close as well, but probably not a past life? overall, shiny umbreon to me is more fox than anything, and with a fox with a strong affinity for the night and space, it just makes sense! not to mention the yearning i get with art & the phantom feelings, of course x3 similar, because i'm a shiny umbreon, i'm just as much a shiny eevee
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art by me dragonkin!! ever since i found myself as a fox therian, i've had phantom shifts with wings & horns & big ole tails. for awwhilllee i thought i was spyro kin but it didnt "fit" right till way later when i revisited my kin side and came to terms with my dragon side!! still trying to get more in touch with it as well :3
SECONDARY KINTYPES definition; these kins are me, but are not constantly at the for front of my mind. this is also where more of my fictionkin will come in
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art by pkmn card artist sui shiny luxio line kin!! this just... makes sense! if you know me, you get why, but my main pokesona is a shiny luxio. it'd be weird if they weren't a kin type feeling for me
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art from a whisker away movie house catkin!! meow :3
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art from homestuck nepeta leijon kin!! :33< meow :33
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art from homestuck dave strider kin!! why do you think my name is dave? but like actually this guy is bordering on main kintype, with nepeta too, buuuuutttt... the other 3 are just more constant, especially because i'm not very actively consuming any homestuck media anymore LMAO. but my humor, typing style, and mannerism, all stem from this fucking guy, so! he's pretty important!!
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art from bnha manga deku kin sorry! sorry. im cringe! technically this kin came to me when i was like ew kin is cringe im not otherkin i would never be. but now weve gone full circle. i am otherkin, but it feels cringe to be kin with him because he is bnha. how unfortunate
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art from haikyuu manga kuroo kin hes ME. hes ME!!!!!!!! for awhile, the LONGEST TIME, i thought i was kenma, but i thought about it, really thought about it, and im kuroo. my boyfriend is kenma. we are kenkuro for reals (he isnt otherkin)
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art from the naruto manga sai kin watching naruto during the very formative years of my life and not understand why i related so much to the guy who had to read a book to learn how to make friends (we are both autistic)
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art from gravity falls show dipper pines kin yeah. Yeah. i dont have much to say just. yeah.
WIP theres way more i just.. dont remember right now. first time im writing this stuff down <:3
COMFORT/OTHERHEARTED CHARACTERS/CREATURES definition; characters/creatures/animals i feel very very attached to, and seeing works/art/pictures of them brings me a great source of comfort
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picture from hubble space telescope space for a very long while, i thought i was spacekin, and i've learned now it comes instead from the comfort a night sky can bring a fox/umbreon/dragon, and not because i was part of space. or well. i do yearn for home when i look at the night sky, so i still might have more to learn here
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art from the bnha manga katsuki bakugou (kacchan) you will never. NEVER GUESS. what my main bnha ship is.
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art from the haikyuu manga kenma kenma is just like my boyfriend and i am kuroo this is just. facts. i love kenma sm. so much comfort.
QUESTIONING KINS definition; what it says on the tin, things i am questioning if i'm kin with
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art from the first pkmn movie shiny mew kin? if im this one then damn it makes a lot of phantom shift feelings make sense
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art from pkmn card artist tika matsuno espeon kin? headgem phantom limb too strong sometimes. plus the funny feelings i get when i have espeon pfps
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art from loz series, icon made by sensoryeen link kin? from what series? who knows! but he's 100% trans. this.. just makes sense. whoops! we'll see
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art from the naruto manga kakashi kin? big maybe on this. would need to revisit the source material. alternatively: obito instead. dont know yet. leaning towards kakashi
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art from httyd movies toothless kin? it is either this or hiccup kin. i would say if i was toothless i would have more of these phantom feelings? either way. very very very deep connection to httyd as a series & universe. one month i watched the 1st and 2nd movie like 5 times over because it was the only way to feel comfort
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seiwas · 8 months
HELLO I AM ON MY KNEES FOR YOUR IWA THE SUBTLE PDA i am such a pda enthusiast BUT YES YES i can only think of iwa when he's with oikawa but HE WOULD SO OFFER UP HIS SEAT to the pregnant/elderly and play it off as oh dw i enjoy standing more, throws in a little smile and wink at you (and when you casually lean your forehead against his stomach and he caresses your head) and i KNOW he would look so hot with his legs crossed casually too like the figure 4 type of crossed leg
HE WOULD NEVER RAISE HIS VOICE ON YOU god forbid or he would duct tape his mouth shut for the rest of his life (but only after giving you so many soft kisses)
WHEN HE'S GOOD WITH KIDS>>>>>>>>>> stop i will buy the rings rn
the arm on the back of the sofa or behind your seat as he backs out (HE LIKES TO USE IT AS HIS EXCUSE TO LOOK AT HOW PRETTY YOU LOOK SITTING IN HIS PASSENGER SEAT!!!!!)
small tattoo. MAYBE THE 'RULE THE COURT' BECAUSE HE'S SENTIMENTAL LIKE THAT god small tattoo on the back of his neck so has to be canon i'm petitioning furudate RIGHT NOW
AND ALSO YOU'RE SO REAL WITH WANTING IWA AS YOUR HUSBAND BUT OIKAWA AS THE FATHER OF YOUR CHILDREN YOU ARE SO SO REAL (i also need to update that because i am LYING if it's only kenma samu oikawa (and iwa))
gosh i feel so like the adrenaline is rushing rn talking about iwa
i love iwa in muscle shirts i love iwa in loose clothing i love iwa in compression clothes i love iwa in athletic wear i love iwa shirtless i love iwa
speaking of shirtless iwa...... we cannot forget the rippling back muscles AND THE ARMS THE VERY VERY BITEABLE ARMS AND SHOULDERS
oh oh oh and loose tie iwa loose tie iwa plagues my mind BUTTON UP DRESS SHIRT WITH THE TOP BUTTONS UNBUTTONED, TIE PULLED LOOSELY FROM HIS NECK his collarbone peeking through and he just looks so so hot
i just had another thought but iwa kissing you senseless......... your back is pressed against a wall but his mind is just as blank and his fingers are moving just desperate for more of you more of the way you melt for him more of the way you become so weak for him more of the way that all he wants is to feel you and touch you and asldfkajsdlfkjdf
love letters and little notes in his cute and messy handwriting that you would recognize anywhere an the little doodles he tries to add with motivational saying and quotes to help you get through a hard day
lax stance but his arms look so good and his face is turned at an angle just right that you see his super well defined jawline and adlfasdfasdlfaskdf
THIS GOT SO LONG AGAIN but please i have a newfound love of gushing about iwa with you thank you for indulging this :3
omf. koi i- omf.
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I THINK IWA GETS... kinda shy with outright pda just bc he doesn't want to attract attention 😭 buT yEAH! he's so smooth w being well-mannered im cryinG RN SNIFFLING the little smile and wink IS KILLING ME ... when u lean ur head on his stomach omg........ smth so intimate with that... sigh AND HE REALLY WOULD LOOK SO HOT SITTING LIKE THAT LIKE . EXCUSE ME. maybe 4 will just always look good on him.
YES OMFG I THINK. THE FIRST TIME HE DOES IT IT DEFINITELY ISN'T ON PURPOSE 😭 he's just a little stressed... but he feels so bad for it afterwards omfg pls.
how pretty u look in his passenger seat PLS SHOOT MEN NWO SHGDFBSA my top 1 subtle intimacy gesture for iwa is hand on thigh while drive. plEASE TAKE ME AWAY. when he does this. with good music playing. and the vibes are immaculate. i could die.
shbgsdfj THERES JUST SMTH ABT IT I THINK!! the attentiveness of iwa as a husband is so pure, so beautiful, so... in love LIKE !! the acts of service man he is... BUT ALSO oikawa as a dad just imagining a lil girl who looks just like him, who puts his hair in mini pigtails, who he chases around the house and carries on his back only to put them back down and tickle them LIKE HJAHFABHBFHASHJF MY GOD
i just love him koi oh my god in anything nothing everything whatever !!!!
omg ..... iwa w a bit of longer hair.......... if he did a lil comma hair w it.... i would simply fade away and have him grip it tightly when he's working out too OOOOOO.. this is it.... the end of my days,......... pls do not even start w his muscles i think my brain would melt. oh my god..........
loose tie iwa is another SIGHT MY GOD. IMAGINE attending an event with him and u get home... he's tired... downs a class of water on the couch... and ure tipsy so maybe just a lil bit more touchy w him than normal... and u go on his lap w his legs spread out... collar unbuttoned like u said... tie loose... collarbones peeking i am... oh i am....
i cant believe u went to the kissing koi i would literally die. i cant even answer this. my mind is going INSANE. i just know he grips ur waist rlly tight. grips ur thighs. hips. JUST GRIPS. hand on neck too... oh the hand on neck im GOOOOONEEEEEE
and hIS GYM SELFIES PLS OMFG. dont even GET ME STARTED. his jawline ????? CUT ME OPEN. i ASHFVAGSFHGjk pls oh my god i just know he's perfected all his gym poses from doing it so much while he was taking progress shots in college
PLS KOI I LOVE HIM feel free to gush abt him anytime w me i STG
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softxsuki · 2 years
hii i recently came across your blog congrats on 1000 followers :)) may i request a haikyuu matchup!
i’m a straight 5’4 mixed girl (blasian) currently in my second year of college studying psychology and micro-biology (stem girlie🤪) i have dark brown curly hair that is almost mid back and dark brown brown eyes and a apparently very prominent freckle on the right side of my nose. my hogwarts house is ravenclaw but i have a lot of hufflepuff qualities, my mbti is infp, and my ennegram type is 2w3 and my zodiac is capricorn sun, aries moon, and sag rising. my love language is also quality time and the love language id most like to receive is acts of service and quality time. i’m a bit of an old soul, my interests are photography, making little vlogs, reading, writing, journaling, watching studio ghibli movies, and playing video games. I like talking about dreams and their meanings and just having really heartfelt deep conversations. I’m kinda shy when you first meet me but once you get to know me i’m pretty outgoing and crazy and will open up with people who I really trust. overall i’d say that i’m more of an ambivert but I like to keep an open mind going into new things. I like to surround myself with people who have good vibes and bring out the best in me as well as themselves. I would like my match to be from the haikyuu fandom with a male preference, I feel like the our general dynamic would be like friends to lovers like we are each others best friends we know everything about each other and joke around a lot! (tickling, play fighting, teasing, inside jokes) but know when to be sentimental and sappy/romantic (picnics dates, stargazing, midnight talks) I feel like our average date would be would be going out to make/paint pottery then strolling trough town window shopping trying new restaurants and cafes and exploring, then coming back home for movies and relaxing. though i do tend to stay in more. I’d don’t really have a type per say maybe like warm eyes, nice smile, a nice toned broad stature as long as their taller than me would and a really kind and genuine personality where we instantly always click and look out for each other and are able to read each other well. and a scenario i’d like to see us in is maybe us unwinding after a busy day together picking out a movie getting unready and ordering food (like that scene of rory and jess talking about what food and movie to watch) tyty sorry this was soo long!!
1000 Follower Event Matchup #7
My event is now CLOSED, but I will be doing more events like these in the future. You can checkout the masterlist for this event here.
Note: Hello! Welcome to my blog and thank you for participating in my event! I finally got to your request, I apologize for the wait. Life is BUSY :( but I appreciate your patience! I hope you enjoy your matchup and who I matched you with :3 have a wonderful day (and thanks for being so detailed in your request, it really helps me match you more accurately!)
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I match you with TETSURO KUROO
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Runner-up’s were ushijima and akaashi <3
Technical: OKAY so you are an INFP and Kuroo is an ENTP. TECHNICALLY SPEAKING these two personality types are NOT compatible, but I don’t want my matchups to be solely on which mbti types and zodiac signs are compatible. Otherwise so many of you would be matched with the same person. NOW, while you would be the “supervisor” in this relationship, judging all the mistakes that Kuroo as a ENTP makes, I feel like Kuroo is actually pretty mature as he’s always telling Kenma off for things, and I don’t think you’d be the type who’s picky about little things that he does that you may not agree with, so I think with good communication, you would definitely work out. In contrast to this though, your zodiac signs, Capricorn and Scorpio are very compatible! You’re both full of determination and strive to be recognized (you’d both recognize each other) and work together to achieve your goals and grow tremendously as a couple! Each relationship needs some kind of sacrifice, so there may be times where you butt-heads, but balance is easily placed in your relationship.
Personable: Let me start off my saying, as soon as I read your summary of yourself, I instantly thought of Kuroo. He’s goofy and you’d both definitely have some great inside jokes together, that not even his closest friends would understand, but I think he also has his mature side that comes out whenever necessary. He would admire you so much; in his eyes, you are beyond gorgeous, and he will remind you of that in the cheekiest ways every single day. That freckle on the side of your nose is a spot he loves to kiss you (aside from your lips of course). He admires how intelligent you are and brags heavily about you pursuing your degree in STEM to his friends! He’s pretty smart himself so he might try and peek over your shoulder and learn some of the things you’re learning in school, just so he can study with you and be helpful if you ever need the extra help.
Your love language is filled by this man, I swear. Quality time? He loves being around you all the time whenever he has a moment to spare. You're his energy source and he hopes he’s yours as well. Now for acts of service *insert fangirl screams* He's so good at acts of service????? In the most romantic and gentlemanly way. You come over to his place? He’s greeting you at the door and helping you step out of your shoes, leading you over the kitchen to a FEAST he has prepared for the both of you. Chivalry is dead? Not on Kuroo’s watch. He opens doors for you, makes breakfast in bed for you if you spend the night, when it rains and you both share an umbrella, he makes sure you’re completely covered by the umbrella even if his shoulder is getting soaked. *slams card on table* I NEED
You both definitely bring out the best in each other and help each other grow in so many ways. This is the definition of A POWER COUPLE. Everyone is shaking in their boots whenever you’re linked hand in hand in public. As cocky as he is in the volleyball world, that all disappears with you. He treats you with so much respect and love, girl…I'm jealous just picturing it. Of course, he has his moments where he says something so out of pocket with that smirk plastered on his face…just keep him in line PFF. Your little adventurous, yet simplistic, romantic dates are his favorite part of the week. Where he can really just sit back, be himself, and enjoy quality time with you away from the stresses of life. You both have a lot to learn from each other and so much growth to do as a couple. 
Unwinding After A Busy Day with Kuroo
This all takes place at his place
After your classes and whatever work he had to get through for the day, he invites you over for some well deserved quality time together (this is completely separate from your date nights you have weekly)
He leaves some of his clothes on his bed so you can take a shower and get comfy in his clothes for the night as he scrolls on his phone through different takeout places nearby that sound promising
Once showered and cozied up in one of his shirts and sweatpants, Kuroo smiles up at you and pats the spot next to him so you can snuggle up to him, pulling you close so you can see the list of restaurants he has pulled up on his phone
He’s okay with you deciding where you want to order food from, and you’re more than happy picking a place
So as soon as you do, he calls the restaurant and places an order for delivery, telling the lady on the other line which items he wanted
You’re completely relaxed in his arms as he now scrolls through Netflix, looking for a movie the two of you can watch together as you wait for your food to arrive
You both take so long deciding on a movie though that the food arrives just as you finally agree on one
He answers the door, pays for the food and sets all the food up on his coffee table, deciding you guys would eat while watching the movie
The movie plays and you share your food with each other, taking a seat in front of the couch to use the coffee table as a dining table for the night
He glances over at you every so often, smiling in pure bliss at the fact that you’re there with him
Once you finish eating, you move onto the couch where you both struggle to stay awake as the movie continues to play; Kuroo holds you close to his chest, fiddling with your fingers as you start to doze off
You both end up falling asleep on the couch as your movie finishes and Netflix just keeps playing more stuff automatically
You wake up the next morning with a stiff neck and sore back as the screen reads ‘are you still there?’
It was all worth it though, waking up beside Kuroo was one of your favorite things (his too, you had no idea that he was actually awake and just admiring you for a few minutes before you woke up)
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Posted: 10/2/2022
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yuujispinkhair · 2 years
Hi Winter how are you? I hope you're having a lovely day ˶ˆ꒳ˆ˵
I just finished watching ep15 of Haikyuu!! Yay! At first I was a bit bored and I was questioning if this is the right anime for me, because I was too lazy to do research to understand volleyball. But then I decided to learn it through watching the show lol. As you said, it's a nice comfort anime, it's relaxing to watch and so wholesome.
I liked Kageyama since he first appeared, even though I wouldn't stand someone like him IRL. I really enjoy seeing his reactions and watching him get angry or flustered, he looks so cute then!! I like Kenma too I just want to hide him in my pocket 🥺 Also, since Sugawara first appeared, he reminded me of myself and with each episode I was more sure that he's my kin hehe, so I looked up what MBTI he is and turns out he's an INFJ like me!!
Let's see what will change as I watch more :) take care, bye <3
Hey hey heyyyy Juju :) Aww I am so happy that you started watching Haikyuu too and that you reached out to tell me about it!!! I LOVE THAT!!!
I felt the same way as you. The first few episodes were boring to me, but after a while, I changed to the German dub and I enjoyed it a lot more then! Now it is so funny, and I just feel really happy when I watch it.
Ahahha the funny thing about Kageyama is to me that he seems like someone who has his shit together and is smart and always in control BUT in reality, he is just as dumb as the others too, and I find that endearing! But I am not into him because I think he'd be someone who constantly criticizes me lol.
I hear a lot of people say that they like Kenma! I'm sorry to say that he didn't really leave a lasting impression on me :( Maybe he will grow on me though.
And now to my faves: TANAKA AND BOKUTO!!!
I'll put this behind a read more because it got long lmaooo. Here are my thoughts about my two best boys plus some other Haikyuu crushes:
I usually go for the Himbos and loud characters lmaooo and I did that in Haikyuu too ahahaha.
Tanaka is very attractive to me! Loud and excited and super supportive and full of praise for his teammates! I like that he is someone who cheers for others and is protective of the younger teammates and the girls, and also that he never gives up and has a very positive attitude! He was my first crush in Haikyuu!! I am really astounded that I never see other people crushing on him. Whyyy?? My second crush is Bokuto!! I asked beforehand who some of my moots ship me with and they said Bokuto, and I agree :) He is loud and fun and sweet and so big and buff aaaahhhh. I am very into him :) He looks the way I imagine non-curse Sukuna to look, so that is a big plus too!! I like that he has this "I am the strongest!!" attitude but that he still chooses to coach other players and share his tricks with them. That's so sweet!! Also, he has his weak moments, and I think he needs a lot of praise from his partner and I'd be very willing to praise this fine man all day! I think he'd praise me back, so we would get along great! Looking at him makes me think I'd feel very safe in those strong arms awwww!! I am excited to hear how you like him! You will meet him in season 2!!
Now to the other guys who I am kind of crushing on:
My third Haikyuu crush is Terushima. Though with him it's mostly his appearance I am attracted to. I saw his Yuuji-style haircut and his tongue piercing and I was screaming :) I haven't seen that much of him yet to really judge his personality. I like though that he is a fire sign like me and that he mostly wants to have fun. I think we'd have a good time together!! AND HE IS SO SEXY!!!
Kuroo is also attractive to me! He looks hot and I like his interactions with Bokuto! I want to be sandwiched between those two please!!! Extra points if they make out with each other too!! So far, I only want him in a threesome or poly-relationship with his buddy Bokuto :)
And lately, Daichi is growing on me too. He seems so reliable and like someone who will take care of everything for me awww! I think he's a good man! He didn't catch my eye at first, but he gives me a good feeling now. Not my type usually because he is a quiet character, but he got a bit passionate during a match and I was like "OH?? Ok that was hot!"
Soooo yeah, there are a lot of really attractive guys in Haikyuu!! And I am only on season 2 lol. I am already excited to finally meet Atsumu in season 4!!
But when it comes down to it, my two faves are definitely Tanaka and Bokuto!!
Please keep me updated about your faves!! I am so excited to watch more seasons and meet more characters!!
I hope you have a fantastic day too!! I'm sending you lots of love <3
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Since the Given dub came out recently, I'm going to post my thoughts from when I watched the sub for the first time (this was about April 2020):
As a warning, there will be minimal consistency when I refer to characters as it took me nearly the entire anime to remember their names. My comments are also very vague... Have fun :p
The dog.. adorable
Oh it's sub. Okay I can vibe with this
Oh boo you look so sad
"I'm not lonely" who are you kidding. Lowkey what a mood tho
~DePrEsSiOn NaPs~
This dude really just be sleeping on the school stairs, huh?
Of course he knows how to fix the guitar
Kageyama and Hinata look great together
Bitch you sacrificed your own nap time to help this bitch
Oh my god! TSuki
Blond Asahi too!!
Of course the one with piercings is the drummer
What a great sibling relationship depicted here
Ginger Boy be depresso
'Where's he sneaking off to?' 'Somewhere gay probably'
He just looks scary.
So he's just in the band now?
The silent conversations between Kaji and Ponytail are great
Ooo THIS IS PRETTY (and so are they tbh)
Yama really be holding this entire relationship (?) together huh
Boy get back to practice
Ue really said gay confusion
His fingers are bandaged 🥺
Sato really went "It was perfect but,, it didn't have you"
Episode 2 really be breaking out the L word
Sato really said "am babey"
These boys have no right being this pretty
((my friend just laughed when I told her. I'm scared))
Sato is literally just the audience. No idea what's going, wants to learn an instrument now, in love with Eunoyama
Friend 1: skipping basketball again? Friend 2: *points to Sato, smiling* Friend 1: alright then
Further confirming Sato is me: doesn't know anyone's name
This boy really is clueless.
NO. Kaji, you get back here and say what's on your mind 😠
Haru that's adorable. Great job, sweetie
Euno has gay confusion/rage. Haru has gay panic
*casual ripped Kaji*
Motorcyclist, fancy waiter, AND security guard?? Whoever he ends up with is one lucky dude
SATO seems unapproachable? That CHILD? That precious bean??
I'm sensing Yama's picking up on the angst I shouldn't know about yet 👀
*gay glitter floats while singing*
oh my he cry :'(
This whole "I'm not lonely" thing is going to be a trope isn't it? I'm going to end up crying because of it, aren't I?
Oh we starting sad huh? Okay, FINE.
Oo, Haru jealous
I love that they know he's in love before he does
The audacity Sato possesses sometimes
Yama is too precious with his WikiHow article
Yama has fallen hard
Sweater Haru? Absolutely. Plain button up Kaji? Maybe not...
Kenma's here too!
Trauma! Trauma! Trauma!
Oh god no the phone call
(Theory: the poor boy has cried so much he can't anymore)
When people tell you you look like you aren't thinking about anything and they're right but it's only to stop the tears haha am I right guys
Gay rage. That's it.
I'm sorry. A capella singing is not for me. He's beautiful but this is so cringey
He's trying so hard, aw
Yama's writing a love sooonnngg
~And he can only be awakened by true love shouting his name across the entire room
Sato's smug ass smirk. Yama's whipped folks
I've never seen so many cinnamon rolls act so threatening before
Yama looks into the frickin camera my lord
Haru's ugly shoes match his guitar case 🙄
Yama just wants to see his baby happy
His contact photo for Sato is his pupper 🥺
Sato really is clueless. He must be protected
Oh chickie's friend about to spill some tea
Haru has amazing hair. Good for him :)
This is the first time I saw the lyrics for the opening. Nooo
Bro that's gay
Haru I feel omg awww
Oop flashback 👀
Saaaaammme Haru. Kaji be fine as hell
I'm waiting for something bad to happen to Kaji. Or some sort of shoe to drop. This is all going too well
Oh no 2 mugs
Oh NO a brunette
Yama is always asleep
Haru is definitely getting drunk on purpose
Drunk actions are sober thoughts
Haru got cock blocked by alcohol being alcohol lol
*Cue cute montage of band bonding
(They're always showing airplanes in the sky. Is this some sort of symbolism?)
I didn't know it was his bf 😥 I thought it was his brother
Don't get involved with him. Ya couldn't have told him that before he fell head over heels for his oblivious ass ??
Oh no, him.
Akaashi is here now too
Kaji really said Sato's the soft uwu to their hard core owo
~That's called love bromo~
Haru doesn't even know the storm he just released by saying 'relationship'
Sato just accidentally got dark very quickly.
That dog is so fine being left all alone. Suspicious.
We walking down memory lane
I'm getting real sad on memory lane and nothing's happened yet.
"I'm not lonely" but this time it hits different; it's like he actually believes it this time
Cud-dle! Cud-dle! Cud-dle!
Yama casually dies
Gee, I wonder what his lyrics could be 🤔 ? Totally not the credits or whatever. Absolutely not
(I took a break bc I was tired and it was 2am)
Oo yes the Kaji background I've been waiting for
Haru really is like Asahi, precious
They sure do love their vending machine beverages.
One hit K.O.
Yama asking Kaji, who is openly bi, if there's something wrong with him for liking a guy is too precious
Is Sato falling more in love or is his heart breaking? I can't tell at this point
*awkward cartoon accordion music plays*
Just when I think we're never going to get back to Kaji, here we go
Ngl Mysterious Brunet is kinda cute. Good for Kaji
When you need a hug so bad and someone finally gives you one
Sato's little sweater tucked into his jeans aww
We haven't actually seen Yuki yet, have we?
I cannot tell if Kaji's home life is flashbacks or real. I am confused and intrigued
They've ramped up the number of slow, dramatic montages. Stuff's getting serious
This is awkward...
Why does Kashima need to be forgiven? What did he know??
No Sato!! 😢 (no wonder he said he didn't have a dad)
A whole ass episode. Give me the damn performances!!!
This episode better be amazing or gay I stg
Haru really came in here being like 'Broken strings happen all the time? Fix it and let's move on. C'mon guys'
I'm waiting for Sato to just bust out some spectacular vocals from nowhere and everyone will be Shook™ (especially Yama)
(When replacing guitar strings, do you have to replace them all at the same time? That seems wasteful but I understand why one would)
Sato is so soft but he is so b r o a d
Kaji's little smile of approval :')
No I did not have to pause to restrain from crying. What? Who would do that? Certainly not me 😳
*finishes singing a song about his dead bf* *immediately gets kissed but new love interest*
"I'm not lonely"
So our precious little cinnamon roll isn't so innocent after all
Oh she having a breakdown fellas. She cutting her haiiirrrr
He did a damn rewind for his own life! Aha
At least she had someone's hand to hold. He was up there all alone
Music video! Music video!
Sure you will. Just leave after stopping in. Totally won't stay any longer
Yama said 'I may not have been your first but would you mind me being your last?'
Oh my god this was the first time he felt like he was allowed to talk. Without being hurt. Or reprimanded. Or any consequences. I need to give this poor boy a hug 😭
Sato being so blunt is perfect ("my dead boyfriend's mom..." so casually)
Kaji is such a Dad I love him
Oop is Kenma gay for Akaashi ? 👀 (or vice versa. Probably more vice versa)
Not a fan of Mysterious Brunet -_-
Yama's a simp
Yama is WHIPPED by this boy
Sato may be quiet but he certainly knows what he wants
Oh shit the L word already?
Yama kissed him and he's shocked that he likes him back?
This whole 'internal dialogue' thing is great
Haru and Kaji: dating within the band is a big no-no, huh Yama: oh no but I <3 Sato Haru and Kaji, also: sexual tension whomst?
Everyone babies Sato
The winter coats are so extra
They are not a serious band. Of course that was a bad idea.
Does his stylist friend,, not know??
Give me your hand. It's dangerous.
Haru . Wants a, girlfriend? Oh? (Boys are a pain tho, I feel)
I want more?? How did Yuki die? Is Kaji dating Brunet or is he really just a roommate? Can Haru and Kaji just get together already??
Congrats on making it to the end of this mess! Remember how I said I couldn't remember any of their names? This was the key I used while I was watching:
{Sato-ginger, Eunoyama-Tobio, Kaji-piercings, Haruki-ponytail, Yayoi-sister}
Needless to say I've learned a lot about this show since I wrote this. I'm excited to see how the dub turned out!
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hey mother! <3 how have you been? i hope you know you've been a real help and i absolutely adore your blog, i swear, it's amazing!
anyways, i got back from school again. this time, we had a power outage during lunch break and let me tell you, living on the goddamned equator doesn't help that, especially since it was so hot and most of us were sweaty. he asked for my hand fan and of course i lent it to him.
nio asked me to switch seats with his seatmate so he could fan me as well. discreetly only though, since apparently that's considered as pda which isn't allowed either. the thought is what matters and the fact that he asked someone to switch seats with me is so sweet. he didn't talk to me much, but the silence was comfortable anyways so that didn't matter to me. it's sweet, honestly.
the fact that most girls in my class would talk about their crushes on our seniors and stuff, meanwhile i'm on tumblr expressing my interest in a guy to someone who cares more than my other female classmates could. this part isn't a vent, more of me feeling left out, but not enough to will me down. which is normal, sometimes i fit in, sometimes i don't. which i have accepted because the only reason i don't 'fit in' sometimes is because my interests aren't similar to theirs and i could never change my interests to fit in with them because i just love what i love.
also, i want to know, with all the updates i've given you; (hopefully i don't seem forceful on just randomly popping up from nowhere and suddenly sending you these updates); what romance trope do you think i'm going through? and which hq character best fits nio especially now that i've sent in a lot of these updates and he has much better depiction?
Hi!!! I've been good! Busy because it's almost time for me to send my rl kiddos back to school but I'm so ready 🤣 I love them but this summer has tested my patience! And thank you 🥺 this blog is totally my escape from the real world because it can be very hectic right now.
Ok first off, how sweet that you leant him your fan and that he switched seats to make sure you got some air too! I can't imagine living on the equator 😱 I live up towards the top of the United States, close to Canada. We have hot ass summers here but AC is really common so it's at least bearable. But not the power going out because omg I'd actually die!
Also, I'm just going to say this as a former teenager because I understand the pressure to fit in! Just remember it's ok to stand out and be different. It's ok to like what you like! Don't ever feel like you need to change for anyone because of any reason. It's then when you start to lose yourself and trust me, changing for anyone isn't worth it. You're the only one that matters to you and you should put yourself and your feeling first!
So I was trying to think of a good trope to fit this. It seems like a friends to lovers type but with more repressed feelings. Like he's trying to deny his feelings for you but he still wants to be close to you! He's giving me me Asahi or Kenma vibes. I totally feel like both of them would struggle to come to terms with their feelings!
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