#february 2024 writing competition
rankheresy · 3 months
Works reveal
In which the works written for the February "Old Man Yaoi" competiton works unveiled!
By the Book was written by @levichouphys a Hades/Jafar Disney fic
Fishing by @smallcatwoman, a Charlie/Billy fic
thunderstruck by @heyob, a House/Wilson fic
Additionally, @theoriginalcarnivorousmuffin and @therealvinelle updated their co-written fic The Man Who Would Be King with chapters fitting the competition theme.
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adreamingskin · 4 months
Poetry Competitions, Submissions & Opportunities – February 2024
We’ve made it through the longest month and to celebrate here are over 160 poetry competitions, writing submissions and opportunities open or with deadlines in February 2024. Here in Ireland, we’ve been celebrating a Bank Holiday weekend dedicated to Brigid, our other national saint, and I’ve put together a short Imbolc/Brigid writing prompt to spark some creative ideas and there’s even a Brigid…
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Google is (still) losing the spam wars to zombie news-brands
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I'm touring my new, nationally bestselling novel The Bezzle! Catch me TONIGHT (May 3) in CALGARY, then TOMORROW (May 4) in VANCOUVER, then onto Tartu, Estonia, and beyond!
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Even Google admits – grudgingly – that it is losing the spam wars. The explosive proliferation of botshit has supercharged the sleazy "search engine optimization" business, such that results to common queries are 50% Google ads to spam sites, and 50% links to spam sites that tricked Google into a high rank (without paying for an ad):
It's nice that Google has finally stopped gaslighting the rest of us with claims that its search was still the same bedrock utility that so many of us relied upon as a key piece of internet infrastructure. This not only feels wildly wrong, it is empirically, provably false:
Not only that, but we know why Google search sucks. Memos released as part of the DOJ's antitrust case against Google reveal that the company deliberately chose to worsen search quality to increase the number of queries you'd have to make (and the number of ads you'd have to see) to find a decent result:
Google's antitrust case turns on the idea that the company bought its way to dominance, spending the some of the billions it extracted from advertisers and publishers to buy the default position on every platform, so that no one ever tried another search engine, which meant that no one would invest in another search engine, either.
Google's tacit defense is that its monopoly billions only incidentally fund these kind of anticompetitive deals. Mostly, Google says, it uses its billions to build the greatest search engine, ad platform, mobile OS, etc that the public could dream of. Only a company as big as Google (says Google) can afford to fund the R&D and security to keep its platform useful for the rest of us.
That's the "monopolistic bargain" – let the monopolist become a dictator, and they will be a benevolent dictator. Shriven of "wasteful competition," the monopolist can split their profits with the public by funding public goods and the public interest.
Google has clearly reneged on that bargain. A company experiencing the dramatic security failures and declining quality should be pouring everything it has to righting the ship. Instead, Google repeatedly blew tens of billions of dollars on stock buybacks while doing mass layoffs:
Those layoffs have now reached the company's "core" teams, even as its core services continue to decay:
(Google's antitrust trial was shrouded in secrecy, thanks to the judge's deference to the company's insistence on confidentiality. The case is moving along though, and warrants your continued attention:)
Google wormed its way into so many corners of our lives that its enshittification keeps erupting in odd places, like ordering takeout food:
Back in February, Housefresh – a rigorous review site for home air purifiers – published a viral, damning account of how Google had allowed itself to be overrun by spammers who purport to provide reviews of air purifiers, but who do little to no testing and often employ AI chatbots to write automated garbage:
In the months since, Housefresh's Gisele Navarro has continued to fight for the survival of her high-quality air purifier review site, and has received many tips from insiders at the spam-farms and Google, all of which she recounts in a followup essay:
One of the worst offenders in spam wars is Dotdash Meredith, a content-farm that "publishes" multiple websites that recycle parts of each others' content in order to climb to the top search slots for lucrative product review spots, which can be monetized via affiliate links.
A Dotdash Meredith insider told Navarro that the company uses a tactic called "keyword swarming" to push high-quality independent sites off the top of Google and replace them with its own garbage reviews. When Dotdash Meredith finds an independent site that occupies the top results for a lucrative Google result, they "swarm a smaller site’s foothold on one or two articles by essentially publishing 10 articles [on the topic] and beefing up [Dotdash Meredith sites’] authority."
Dotdash Meredith has keyword swarmed a large number of topics. from air purifiers to slow cookers to posture correctors for back-pain:
The company isn't shy about this. Its own shareholder communications boast about it. What's more, it has competition.
Take Forbes, an actual news-site, which has a whole shadow-empire of web-pages reviewing products for puppies, dogs, kittens and cats, all of which link to high affiliate-fee-generating pet insurance products. These reviews are not good, but they are treasured by Google's algorithm, which views them as a part of Forbes's legitimate news-publishing operation and lets them draft on Forbes's authority.
This side-hustle for Forbes comes at a cost for the rest of us, though. The reviewers who actually put in the hard work to figure out which pet products are worth your money (and which ones are bad, defective or dangerous) are crowded off the front page of Google and eventually disappear, leaving behind nothing but semi-automated SEO garbage from Forbes:
There's a name for this: "site reputation abuse." That's when a site perverts its current – or past – practice of publishing high-quality materials to trick Google into giving the site a high ranking. Think of how Deadspin's private equity grifter owners turned it into a site full of casino affiliate spam:
The same thing happened to the venerable Money magazine:
Money is one of the many sites whose air purifier reviews Google gives preference to, despite the fact that they do no testing. According to Google, Money is also a reliable source of information on reprogramming your garage-door opener, buying a paint-sprayer, etc:
All of this is made ten million times worse by AI, which can spray out superficially plausible botshit in superhuman quantities, letting spammers produce thousands of variations on their shitty reviews, flooding the zone with bullshit in classic Steve Bannon style:
As Gizmodo, Sports Illustrated and USA Today have learned the hard way, AI can't write factual news pieces. But it can pump out bullshit written for the express purpose of drafting on the good work human journalists have done and tricking Google – the search engine 90% of us rely on – into upranking bullshit at the expense of high-quality information.
A variety of AI service bureaux have popped up to provide AI botshit as a service to news brands. While Navarro doesn't say so, I'm willing to bet that for news bosses, outsourcing your botshit scams to a third party is considered an excellent way of avoiding your journalists' wrath. The biggest botshit-as-a-service company is ASR Group (which also uses the alias Advon Commerce).
Advon claims that its botshit is, in fact, written by humans. But Advon's employees' Linkedin profiles tell a different story, boasting of their mastery of AI tools in the industrial-scale production of botshit:
Now, none of this is particularly sophisticated. It doesn't take much discernment to spot when a site is engaged in "site reputation abuse." Presumably, the 12,000 googlers the company fired last year could have been employed to check the top review keyword results manually every couple of days and permaban any site caught cheating this way.
Instead, Google is has announced a change in policy: starting May 5, the company will downrank any site caught engaged in site reputation abuse. However, the company takes a very narrow view of site reputation abuse, limiting punishments to sites that employ third parties to generate or uprank their botshit. Companies that produce their botshit in-house are seemingly not covered by this policy.
As Navarro writes, some sites – like Forbes – have prepared for May 5 by blocking their botshit sections from Google's crawler. This can't be their permanent strategy, though – either they'll have to kill the section or bring it in-house to comply with Google's rules. Bringing things in house isn't that hard: US News and World Report is advertising for an SEO editor who will publish 70-80 posts per month, doubtless each one a masterpiece of high-quality, carefully researched material of great value to Google's users:
As Navarro points out, Google is palpably reluctant to target the largest, best-funded spammers. Its March 2024 update kicked many garbage AI sites out of the index – but only small bottom-feeders, not large, once-respected publications that have been colonized by private equity spam-farmers.
All of this comes at a price, and it's only incidentally paid by legitimate sites like Housefresh. The real price is borne by all of us, who are funneled by the 90%-market-share search engine into "review" sites that push low quality, high-price products. Housefresh's top budget air purifier costs $79. That's hundreds of dollars cheaper than the "budget" pick at other sites, who largely perform no original research.
Google search has a problem. AI botshit is dominating Google's search results, and it's not just in product reviews. Searches for infrastructure code samples are dominated by botshit code generated by Pulumi AI, whose chatbot hallucinates nonexistence AWS features:
This is hugely consequential: when these "hallucinations" slip through into production code, they create huge vulnerabilities for widespread malicious exploitation:
We've put all our eggs in Google's basket, and Google's dropped the basket – but it doesn't matter because they can spend $20b/year bribing Apple to make sure no one ever tries a rival search engine on Ios or Safari:
Google's response – laying off core developers, outsourcing to low-waged territories with weak labor protections and spending billions on stock buybacks – presents a picture of a company that is too big to care:
Google promised us a quid-pro-quo: let them be the single, authoritative portal ("organize the world’s information and make it universally accessible and useful"), and they will earn that spot by being the best search there is:
But – like the spammers at the top of its search result pages – Google didn't earn its spot at the center of our digital lives.
It cheated.
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If you'd like an essay-formatted version of this post to read or share, here's a link to it on pluralistic.net, my surveillance-free, ad-free, tracker-free blog:
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Image: freezelight (modified) https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Spam_wall_-_Flickr_-_freezelight.jpg
CC BY-SA 2.0 https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/2.0/deed.en
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adascore · 2 months
Fouled Dreams | L. Oberdorf
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pairings: lena oberdorf x dutch!reader (+ plays for bayern) / netherlands national team x reader / german national team x dutch!reader
warnings: netherlands losing. crying. swearing. changed some things about the match, but the result is the same. fouls. mentions of bruising and swelling.
author’s: been obsessed with her lately so just had to write something. writing about nations league losses have become my thing I fear :(
February, 2024
They'd know beforehand that this situation could happen, yet when both their teams lost in the semifinals, it was hard to grasp the reality that one needed to beat the other in order to go to the Olympics in Paris.
Herself and Lena had played plenty of times against each other, with both their respective clubs and national teams.
However, this felt different.
Their previous international meetings had merely been friendlies in preparations for other competitive events like the World Cup a year prior.
This was for a spot at the Olympics.
Y/N had been at the previous edition in Tokyo with the Dutch team, where they had stranded in the quarterfinals against the United States on penalties.
Lena had never played at the Olympic Games, something she greatly wanted to achieve with her German teammates.
Both teams also wanted to redeem themselves after disappointing World Cup exits.
There were many things at stake.
Of course, headlines and articles had been made about how the couple was going to go head-to-head in a very important match for both sides.
Prior to their arrivals at the stadium, they hadn't seen each other for a few weeks. Lena played for Wolfsburg, while Y/N was a striker for Bayern Munich.
Although, Lena's upcoming transfer to Bayern would assure they would only have to miss each other during international breaks.
The young footballers had gotten together about a year prior, all credit to Lynn, Dom and Jill who had played matchmakers.
The distance was difficult at first, but they eventually found a nice balance. It sounded cliche, but communication really is the key to a good relationship.
Y/N was strolling around the pitch with her teammates when the German team appeared in the tunnel.
She didn't notice her girlfriend at first, too occupied in a conversation with Andries and Sherida.
It was Lynn, who so ''sweetly'' screamed for her best friend to ''get her ass over here'' that got her to excuse herself from the discussion with her captain and coach.
''Echte uitslover jij, waar was je nou weer over aan het lullen met hen?'' (''You're a real teacher's pet, what were you bullshitting about this time with them?'') Lynn teased her as she approached her, Lena, Jule and Lea.
Y/N sarcastically smiled at her fellow Dutchwoman. ''Jouw dikke kop!'' (''Your big head!'') She retorted, with Lynn playfully giving her a shove afterwards.
Her eyes lit up once she spotted Lena. Despite the tension of the upcoming match, seeing her face brought a sense of comfort amidst the nerves.
''Hey, everyone.'' Y/N moved to embrace Lea and Jule first, their proximity making them the easiest targets for her initial greetings. She let out an awkward chuckle as she made eye contact with her girlfriend again, but went in for the hug as well.
''Missed you.'' Lena whispered softly, her arms wrapping around her partner's waist in a comforting hold.
''Missed you too.'' Y/N replied, her voice equally gentle.
Their embrace was brief, acutely aware of the prying eyes of the photographers stationed around the field. It wasn't that they were afraid of showing public displays of affection, it was more the discomfort that came with the knowledge that every moment captured on camera would be scrutinized and analyzed by the media and fans alike.
They were far from being a secret- their relationship was an open secret among their teammates and the wider football community. Yet, the constant surveillance felt suffocating at times. So, when they could help it, they kept the PDA to a minimum, opting for subtle gestures and fleeting touches that spoke volumes in their own right.
''My mum and dad are coming tonight.'' Y/N said to Lena, the pair quickly disassociated to their own small bubble.
The German grinned. ''Yeah? That's nice, haven't seen them in a while.'' She replied, her tone warm and genuine.
Y/N nodded, a sense of anticipation building within her at the thought of her parents' arrival. She had a good relationship with her family, they'd been supportive of her love of football from the moment she started and went to almost every game if they could.
''My mum did make a small sign for you, cause she thought you might get upset with her.'' She playfully rolled her eyes at the recalling of her mother sending her a picture of the small poster that said 'Go Lena!'.
Lena chuckled at the mention of her girlfriend's mother's thoughtful gesture, a smile tugging at the corners of her lips. ''That's very sweet, I can't wait to see it in person.''
''She's probably gonna want to take a picture of you with it, so you're warned beforehand.'' Y/N laughed, knowing her mother wanted photos of everything and everyone.
''I'll be sure to smile extra wide for the camera then, like this.'' Lena pretended to grin very big, showing off her teeth.
Y/N burst into laughter at her exaggerated pose, her eyes crinkling with amusement. ''Perfect, Obi! Exactly what she wants for a heartwarming photo.'' She teased, mimicking Lena's antics.
''Hey, you two,'' Lynn interrupted their moment, the entire group staring at the couple, ''the loser sleeps on the couch or what?'' The Dutch defender laughed.
Her national teammate mockingly rolled her eyes. ''Lynno, we don't even live in the same place. Idioot dat je bent.'' (''Idiot you are.'') Y/N responded.
Lynn chuckled in response, waving off her friend's playful insult with a dismissive gesture. ''Details, details,'' she replied, a mischievous twinkle in her eye, ''just make sure you've got that couch ready, wherever it may be.''
''I'm sure she has chosen a nice place.'' Lena retorted, chiming in on the banter.
Y/N's mouth gaped dramatically, and her eyes widened, exaggerating her reaction to the playful exchange. ''Actually, since you like breaking ankles, you can just sleep on the floor.''
Lena raised an eyebrow in mock surprise at her girlfriend's response, which drew another round of laughter from the group. ''Oh, I see how it is,'' she teased, ''floor it is, then. I'll bring my sleeping bag.'' She accepted.
She threw her arm around Lena at the feigned sadness over having to bring a sleeping bag, her pout being too cute to not fawn over.
It was a nice moment to have with the group, temporarily forgetting an important match would have to be played a few hours later.
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There was a mixed atmosphere in the tunnel as both teams started gathering in a line, familiarizing themselves with their small mascots, who were all looking up at the players with wide-eyed excitement.
The Netherlands' usual captain, Sherida Spitse, had been forced to withdraw from the starting lineup due to a last-minute injury sustained during the warm-up. In her absence, Y/N found herself unexpectedly thrust into the role of captain for the crucial match.
As she entered the tunnel, the weight of the captain's armband felt both familiar and foreign at the same time. While she had stepped into the role of captain before, it had always been in moments of crisis, when Sherida was substituted during a match and Y/N was hastily given the band by one of their teammates.
It was not only a great moment for her, it would be one for her family as well. Though they weren't particularly patriotic, knowing that their daughter had been chosen by the entire Dutch team to lead them out for such an important match filled them with a sense of pride and honor.
Her usual spot in the line would be at the back, next to Lena. It had become almost routine for them to have a small chat before their matches, even when they were with Bayern and Wolfsburg, they were always the last players to enter the stadium.
Y/N held the pennant in her hands tight as she approached her girlfriend, careful to not make a big deal out of it since they were already filming the players as they waited for the officials to walk out.
A small pat on her arm was enough to grab Lena's attention, the German turning her head before a small, but nervous, smile broke out on her face once she noticed who it was.
''Hey, Captain.'' She grinned, her eyes briefly glancing towards where the armband was comfortably wrapped around her partner's bicep.
Y/N smirked once she noticed, but didn't say anything about it. ''Hi,'' she softly said, ''good match, alright? And please, don't break my ankles.'' She teased.
''No promises.'' Lena chuckled, playfully raising her eyebrow.
They shared a final glance before the striker made her way to the front of the line-up, only to be stopped by Dominique. ''Ze gaat sowieso je enkel breken.'' (''No doubt she's going to break your ankle.'') The Dutch defender said, a mischievous look in her eyes.
''Ik weet het.'' (''I know.'') Y/N sighed.
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''Dom was right.'' The captain muttered under her breath as she was yet again taking to the ground by one of the German defenders.
It hadn't even been close to half-time yet and the Bayern Munich player had been assaulted from all sides. Funny enough, none of the challenges had been made by Lena- so far at least.
Danielle helped her get up from the ground, quickly checking in. ''I'm fine, Daan.'' Y/N reassured the older player, wiping her knees clean.
The first half proved to be eventful, yet no goals had been made by either side. The goalkeepers were making amazing saves, but both teams had also missed serious chances at scoring the opening goal.
Despite being deployed in Sherida's position as a defensive midfielder, Y/N managed to make an impact in the attacking third. She found herself with two golden opportunities to break the deadlock, however, luck was not on her side as both strikes rattled off the woodwork, denying her the chance to put her team ahead.
The opening minute of the second half was marked by a somewhat surprising moment:
Lena fouled Y/N.
The referee blew the whistle, signaling the late challenge made by the midfielder. Y/N, with a dramatic flair, collapsed to the ground, clutching her leg in feigned agony.
Recognizing the playful nature of the moment, Lena quickly understood that she was only hamming it up for the sake of a breather for her teammates and to ruin the Germans' momentum. However, she still bent down beside her girlfriend.
''You shouldn't go into acting anytime soon.'' Lena chuckled, briefly letting her hand caress over the part that 'allegedly' hurt so bad.
The captain let out a small smile. ''That's mean, you should get a yellow card for descent.''
The midfielder's eyes sparked with amusement as she helped her back up to her feet. ''Maybe later.'' She quipped, playfully nudging her girlfriend's shoulder before they resumed their positions on the field.
It didn't take too long for the fun to be over as Klara put in the first goal of the night, which had been assisted by Lena. About 10 minutes later, another Bayern teammate put one in the back of the net as Lea also got herself on the scoresheet.
As the game wore on, Y/N became increasingly determined to make a difference on the field. However, despite her best efforts, none of her attempts seemed to find the back of the net. Her teammates were not clinical enough, or the shots were deflected by the German defenders.
The more attacks she created, the more aggressive the fouls of the German grew on her.
They seemed determined to shut down Y/N's advances by any means necessary, resorting to increasingly rough challenges to disrupt her rhythm.
She managed to keep the ball from Nüsken, and send a pass to Esmee when a German player made a reckless tackle from behind, catching her off guard. The force of the challenge sent her crashing to the ground, a sharp pain shooting through her ankle.
A wave of concern washed over the stadium and the Dutch team as they watched their most vital player of the evening being abruptly taken out by Giulia.
People close to her rushed to her side, including Giulia who didn't have the intention to actually hurt her Bayern teammate. The referee swiftly intervened, issuing a yellow card.
''Shit, I'm sorry- didn't time it well.'' The midfielder apologized immediately, knowing right away it wasn't a great or necessary challenge.
Y/N made a gesture with her hand, which translated to ''it's okay, just give me space now,'' which Giulia understood, the pair having a great relationship at Bayern.
Lynn was the first of her teammates to reach her, shouting profanities at Giulia and the referee for letting the fouls on her best friend get to the point where she needed the medical team.
''Alles goed, meid?'' (''Everything okay, girlie?'') The Wolfsburg defender asked, concern etched on her face.
''Ik denk dat me enkel er elk moment gaat afvallen.'' (''I think my ankle is going to fall off at any moment.'') She sarcastically replied, rolling her eyes.
Lynn chuckled at her friend's attempt at humor, though the worry still lingered in her eyes. ''Ik hoop van niet, we hebben die nog nodig.'' (''I hope it doesn't, we still need it.'').
Meanwhile, the medical team arrived, quickly assessing Y/N's ankle to determine the extent of the injury. The other players quickly backed off so the staff could work in peace.
Lena noticed her club teammate's concerned expression and approached her quietly. ''How's she doing?'' She asked softly, her eyes flickering toward Y/N, whose ankle was covered in bruises.
Lynn sighed, her hand smoothing down her hair. ''I think she's trying to make it out as if she isn't bothered by it, but it's obvious it hurts- look at it, completely blue.'' The Dutchwoman motioned towards where one of the physios was icing her foot.
The midfielder nodded. ''I hope it's nothing too serious.'' She observed the way her partner was hissing at the way the staff was assessing her ankle, visibly agitated by the pain. She wished she could do more to help, but all she could do for now was offer her support from the sidelines.
The Dutch team held their breath as Y/N gingerly tested her weight on her injured ankle, her expression a mix of determination and discomfort. Every eye on the sideline was fixed on her, silently praying that she would be able to continue.
''As soon as the match is done, you're coming with us to the medical room. I'm surprised you can walk still.'' Their physiotherapist ordered her, glancing down at her iced and taped up ankle.
Andries sent her a thumbs up, asking if she was okay to continue. However, Y/N knew they had used up all their substitutes so there would be no use in forfeiting the game, so she confirmed with a nod that she would carry on.
She could walk on her own to the side of the pitch, though there was a limp in her step. The striker carefully jogged onto the grass as the referee gave her permission to join the match again.
A few tense minutes later, the shrill sound of the referee's whistle pierced the air, signaling the end of the match.
Amidst the disappointment of the Dutch team, the German players erupted into jubilant celebrations. They hugged each other tightly, their faces beaming with joy and relief as they reveled in their hard-earned victory.
The Oranje Leeuwinnen on the pitch dejectedly gave each other hugs and consolations, most with tears in their eyes.
Y/N had lowered herself onto the ice-cold grass, the throbbing pain in her ankle too much to bear. She winced as she cautiously propped herself up against the turf.
She suddenly felt two pairs of arms slip beneath hers, lifting her gently off the ground. Startled, she looked up to see Esmee and Kerstin, their expressions filled with concern as they looked at their captain.
''Kom op, meid,'' (''Come on, girl,') Kerstin gently said, ''je was echt een beest op dat middenveld.'' (''You really were a beast in the midfield.'') The Manchester City player chuckled, trying to lighten up the somber mood.
Esmee nodded in agreement, her grip firm yet gentle as she supported Y/N's weight. The two youngsters guided her towards the waiting medical staff, who had been watching the scene unfold from the sidelines.
Some of their teammates and staff patted their heads and ruffled their hair as they walked across the pitch, offering words of sweet nothingness.
With a reassuring nod from the physiotherapist, Esmee and Kerstin carefully lowered her onto the stretcher, ensuring she was comfortable before the medical team began to carry her inside the stadium for further examination.
The injured player could hear the applause from the bystanders, but it wasn't much solace as the pain and disappointment hit her like a truck. Unable to hold back her emotions any longer, Y/N felt a sob escape her lips, the sound muffled by her hands as she covered her face.
The staff of the Dutch team carrying the stretcher watched with downcast eyes, feeling for the young player who had literally given her body and soul this match.
After what seemed like an eternity of navigating the labyrinthine corridors of the stadium, they finally reached the treatment room. With practiced efficiency, they set to work assessing Y/N's injury, carefully removing her shoe and sock to examine her blue ankle.
As the physiotherapists administered treatment, taping up her ankle and applying ice packs to reduce the swelling, the striker remained silent, lost in her thoughts and emotions.
Once her ankle was securely taped and she was given the green light to proceed, Y/N wasted no time in making her way back to the pitch. The pain was barely noticeable anymore as she walked with quickness in her strides, simply wanting to be with her team.
Surprisingly, the German and Dutch players were still exchanging handshakes with one another, acknowledging each other's efforts or catching up with teammates.
The Dutch captain delicately walked onto the pitch again going for the officials who stood in the center of the big field. On her way there, she shook hands or gave hugs with either her national teammates or club teammates, each of them praising her performance of the night- though the striker didn't feel deserving of it.
With a firm handshake and a nod of acknowledgment, she greeted the officials. One of them had asked about her injury, but the player assured her that she was alright. With a suppressed smile, she turned away from them.
''Y/N…'' She heard a voice next to her, immediately recognizing whose it was.
The Dutch striker tried to beam the best she could, a strained grin plastered on her face. ''Hey.''
Lena hesitantly motioned for a hug, not confident in how to handle the situation. Her girlfriend nodded, opening her arms, and welcoming each other in an embrace in the center of the pitch.
''I know it doesn't look like I am, but I am very happy for you and the girls.'' Y/N mumbled into Lena's neck, her voice thick with emotion as she fought to hold back her tears.
The German midfielder brushed her fingers gently through her hair, a soft sigh escaping her lips. ''Danke,'' (''Thank you,'') she whispered in response, her voice quiet but filled with gratitude. ''I know you're happy for us, you don't need to say it.''
Their embrace lingered for a moment longer, each reluctant to let go. But eventually, they pulled back, their eyes meeting in a silent exchange.
''How's your ankle?'' Lena asked, discreetly peeking at her girlfriend's taped up ankle.
The Dutchwoman shrugged her shoulders. ''It's just very bruised, that's it,'' she dismissed, ''you played really well- nice assist, by the way.'' Y/N changed the subject, not wanting to linger on the topic of her physical well-being.
Lena's cheeks flushed at the compliment. ''Thank you. I meant to score, though.''
The German glanced around the stadium, scanning the crowd. ''Where are your parents sitting?'' She asked.
Y/N pointed towards a section of the stands where her parents were seated, their faces alight with pride and excitement as they waved to them from the crowd. The couple happily waved back at them, Lena lightly chuckling at the poster that her girlfriend's father hastily pulled out of his wife's bag, motioning it around for Lena to see.
''They're so sweet.'' She remarked, her voice filled with affection as she glanced back at Y/N. But as Lena turned her gaze back to her girlfriend, she noticed a sudden shift in her demeanor.
As Y/N watched her family in the stands, a flood of emotions washed over her. She felt a lump form in her throat as she took in the sight of them, their smiles radiating nothing but support for their daughter and her national team. However, it was once she glanced down at the fans around them, downed in orange decorations and clothing, that her true feelings about the outcome of the match came to the surface. The sea of orange seemed to mock her, a painful reminder of the missed opportunities and shattered dreams that had taken place tonight.
The team had fought tooth and nail to simply make it out of the group stages, the late drama at the match against Belgium had filled the squad with newfound confidence and resilience. They'd come so close to their ticket to the Olympics, it was practically in their hands before it had been taken away from them and ripped in millions of pieces.
She couldn't help but feel a sense of profound loss. The weight of the defeat lied heavily on her, feeling somewhat the most responsible for the defeat, as if she had been the only player on her team. Deep down, Y/N knew this was far from the truth- football was a team effort, and their loss was a collective outcome. But the pressure she had felt was immense, spurred on by the absence of key players like Jill, Victoria, and Vivianne.
In the eyes of the Dutch media, Y/N had been hailed as the team's ''saving angel,'' a title that now felt like a heavy burden on her shoulders. She had been the one to step up in critical moments, delivering crucial assists and last-minute goals that had propelled the Netherlands to victory in the past. But tonight, she couldn't replicate that success- something she feared she would be crucified for by the fans and pundits.
Lena's heart ached at the sight of her girlfriend's distress, the lines of worry etched into her brow as she struggled to maintain her composure.
With a gentle touch, she reached out to Y/N, her fingers lightly brushing against her arm as she offered silent support. Lena understood right away what she was thinking as she watched her observe the crowd, it's what she had felt at the World Cup, it's what she had felt when Wolfsburg were knocked out of the Champions League.
Utter and complete disappointment.
''Hey,'' Lena murmured, her voice barely above a whisper as she sought to break through the walls of self-doubt that surrounded Y/N, ''it's okay, you did well.'' She comforted as she pulled her into another embrace, her arms caressing the Dutchwoman's back.
Y/N buried her face against Lena's shoulder, her tears soaking into the fabric of her jersey as she clung to her girlfriend's warmth. ''I wanted it so badly,'' she admitted, ''and I played so fucking bad, missed so many sitters.''
It was frustrating for Lena to hear, especially since her partner was easily one of the best players on the field tonight, and was the sole reason the Netherlands were still in the game the entire match. ''Do you know how hard you made it for us? You kept taking the ball from me.'' She tried to convince her, her voice resolute.
Y/N sniffled, her breath hitching as she struggled to hold back her tears. ''But I could have- I should have done so much better.'' She lamented, her voice muffled against Lena's shoulder.
Lena pulled back slightly, cupping Y/N's face in her hands so she could look into her eyes. ''You did everything you could,'' the midfielder reassured her, her gaze unwavering, ''you were playing out of your position the entire time, you were constantly creating chances for yourself and for your teammates, you were my player of the match- and I'm not just saying that,'' she interrupted herself before her girlfriend could, ''you're a phenomenal player, and I was so proud watching you tonight.''
Y/N's eyes widened with surprise and disbelief at Lena's words. She had been so consumed by her own self-criticism that she hadn't realized how much her partner valued and appreciated her efforts on the field.
She wrapped her arms around her, giving a swift peck on the cheek. ''Love you.''
''Love you too.'' Lena reciprocated, landing a kiss on her girlfriend's cheek as well.
The Dutchwoman glanced to her side, seeing the German team starting to form a huddle with one another. ''Obi,'' she caught Lena's attention, signaling towards her teammates, ''go and celebrate, we'll talk tomorrow, alright?''
As Lena hesitated, Y/N gave her an encouraging smile. ''Seriously, go join them, you're going to Olympics, have fun with them. I'm gonna be mad if you don't.''
''Okay, but we face time tomorrow?'' The young midfielder asked, needing the reassurance.
Y/N chuckled softly, touched by her partner's concern. ''We will. Now go, and party- oh my God.''
With a final nod of understanding, Lena gave her girlfriend's hand a gentle squeeze before reluctantly turning to join the German team in their huddle.
As Y/N watched her disappear into the celebratory chaos, a bittersweet smile touched her lips. She could see her own team waiting for her, already standing in a circle.
She took the spot next to her best friend, as Lynn made space for her to join.
A slight grimace crossed her face as the entire team listened to Andries, prompting the defender next to her to furrow her eyebrows. ''Je enkel?'' (''Your ankle?'') She asked.
With a wry smile, Y/N shook her head. ''Nee, de rugpijn die ik ga hebben na het slapen op de grond.'' (''No, the back pain I'll be having after sleeping on the floor.'') She responded, a teasing smirk on her face.
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lena requests are always welcome!
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dionysia-ta-astika · 4 months
The City Dionysia begins now!
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About the Festival
The City Dionysia is a yearly festival in honour of Dionysos, Lord of Wine and Theatre. In ancient Athens, it was celebrated with a theatrical competition featuring tragedies, comedies, and satyr plays.
This blog serves to bring this competition into a modern scope by allowing Hellenic polytheists to submit their own creative pieces in honour of Dionysos.
Currently there are no prizes for winning, the competition only aims to be a fun way to bring the City Dionysia to life as a communal event for modern worshippers.
The categories for this edition are the same as last year, that is:
Retelling of Classic myths
Original myths
Art (digital or traditional)
2024 Timeline
Submission openings: February 10th
Submission closing: March 10th
Vote opening: March 11th
Vote closing: March 18th
Winner announcement: March 19th
Rules for submissions
Roleplay and fanfic are not allowed in submissions. This is a religious festival, please respect our faith and do not submit an entry if you are roleplaying or writing fanfiction.
Submissions do not need to revolve specifically around Dionysos, but they must be created in honour of the Hellenic pantheon.
All stories, myths, poems, and art pieces must be entered using the submissions button.
All entries must be tagged for the category they are being submitted to.
Entries must also be tagged for potentially triggering content, squicks, and anything NSFW.
An entry may only be submitted to a single category.
Each person may only submit one entry per category each year.
Participants are the owners of their work and have full rights over their submission. Should a third party be interested in publishing/distributing/using a submission for whatever purpose, permission is to be asked to the original creator of the piece. The admins of this blog have no say in this matter.
Winners for each category will be decided by popular vote.
Happy creating and Io Dionysos!
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amourdivine · 4 months
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୨ ♡ ୧︰ WHOSE MIND ARE YOU ON?   ઉ   PAC.
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Hello, angels! I hope you're doing well! Today, I bring to you one of my favorite reading topics. Let's get curious and see whose mind are you on, shall we? If you liked this reading, please consider tipping me at @ [email protected] via paypal! xo ♡
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HOW TO CHOOSE YOUR PILE.  take a few deep breaths and look at each picture separately. see which one brings you to a feeling, a place or a memory. take your time and feel free to come back to it later!
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amourdivine. 2021 - 2024 © do not copy, redistribute or edit my content.
ace of pentacles ✧ the tower ✧ two of wands
Oh, this is someone whom you've had a huge falling out with. The aftermath has left both of you scarred, the foundation of your connection has crumbled, but both of you still check up on one another. For one half of this pile, this is purely platonic, like an ex friend or co-worker. For the other half, this was a friends with benefit situation... feelings made things even messier and the two of you got caught up in a thunderstorm.
Regardless, this person holds so much love and so much hatred inside their heart. They're so angry, but they miss you so much. They look at your old photos, reminisce on old memories. I just saw a best friend necklace in my mind's eye. They want to talk to you, but in that exact same second, they are reminded that things aren't that way anymore. It pains them, it ails them.
They likely write about you in the form of poetry, maybe journaling. They listen to songs about you, maybe even watch or read tarot readings in the hopes of finding closure. I genuinely don't think this person means any harm towards you, you're just both incredibly hurt by one another and I think distance has done you well so far. The waters need to calm down before the two of you can talk again, feelings need to be addressed and processed before you can cross paths.
This person misses you so badly, but I think the thought of this connection still brings up a lot of triggers to the surface. You may have some harsh aspects in synastry that create this tension or perhaps the two of you are fire signs. Sort of like a harsh Mars and Pluto aspect, but take it how it resonates. For your sake, it's important you address the feelings you have for this person (be it rage, hatred or love) so you don't feel trapped by this situation.
channeled messages and signs: best friend, betrayal, 10 of swords, "how could you?", "i stay up thinking of you", pinky promises, bikes, red sweater, october, insecure, competitive, jealous, leo, pick me, saturn, 333, 7, "you were mine".
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the world ✧ the sun ✧ three of cups
Ah, this is someone who's away from you physically, but not emotionally. They love you so much. It's possible they have traveled for work or study temporarily, but they can't wait to come home to you, to be in your arms. It feels a mix of platonic and romantic energy, so please take it how it resonates. It could be someone who hasn't confessed their feelings to you verbally, but I think it's pretty darn obvious.
Either way, you make this person so happy, so giddy, so full of hope and love. You remind them that there are better times ahead and I think there's something about your smell, your embrace or smile that this person adores. You inspire them in so many ways, there's literally no one like you in this world. You're their favorite - and I think it's a mutual feeling here.
If this is someone whom you've met online, they're so eager to meet you. They probably daydream about it, they're taking active steps towards it too. They hope for ice cream-filled days under the sun and walking with you in the park. I feel very idyllic, it's wholesome and adventurous at the same time.
You bring a sense of courage and strength in this person, I think you're their "energy booster" in a way, either through your words or just who you are in general. You give this person a bit of a sweet, but fun adrenaline rush. They're so excited by the thought of you.
channeled messages and signs: cottagecore, wifey, strawberries, hot pink, neon green, astronomy, lauv, riding shotgun, roadtrip, plane flights, concert tickets, airports, "baby blue", kpop, "bestie", "bae".
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ten of cups ✧ six of pentacles ✧ seven of swords (clarified by the two of cups)
This is someone well established and hardworking, someone who seems quite happy on the surface. They live in a shiny world, a perfect world. At least that's what it looks like on the surface.
This person is married and may have children already. You work with them, or under them. However happy or well-meaning this person may seem towards you, they are secretly very, very attracted to you. They want something more than professional or platonic with you, but they're keeping it under wraps right now.
I can't help but feel icky, like this person wants to have it all and that means going behind their partner's back in order to have you. I don't think they would ever come right and clean about this to anyone in this situation. You're like a shiny object this person wants to collect for themselves, but it's not like they'd care for you in any capacity. I Want it All by Arctic Monkeys started playing in my head. I think this is probably this person's view towards the world.
The Eight of Cups is at the back of the deck - be sure to not engage with this person emotionally, or any more than you already have. They're not honest about their feelings or intentions and it shows in the way they're sneaking around, while their partner's blissfully ignorant about it. Cheater, fuckboy energy!
channeled messages and signs: black and white, indie pop, millenial, 1989, 1990, power dynamics, chief, corporate nightmare, suits, fanfiction, beard, "don't look back", the fray, melancholia.
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five of cups ✧ seven of wands ✧ knight of swords
Whoever this is, I feel a more childish, impulsive energy. I don't know if this person is still in your life, but chances are they regret something they did or said to you. They're mourning your connection for the time being. I think you pulled away from them over a boundary they crossed or you stood your ground and they weren't expecting it. The friction here may not have been grand, but it was enough to make them feel guilty, regretful and even ashamed.
They're looking back on their actions and they're wishing they had a do-over. For some reason, I feel like this person is younger than you or just less experienced. They have a "younger sibling" feel to them, someone who's still a page. You were a source of stability and comfort to them, I think they still look up to you in some way, because I feel that they're ashamed over disappointing you.
However, as sad as it is, it doesn't seem like the end of your connection, for most of you. If this is a family member, like a cousin or sibling, chances are you'll both need to let this "marinate" and come back to talk about it later. They want to talk it out with you regardless, so it's not as definite as it may have seemed before. Even if you do have your guard up towards this person and vice-versa, give this connection a chance. I honestly feel like there's still a lot of love and admiration left between the two of you.
channeled messages and signs: "i wish you were here", victory, number 7, stubborn, "i'm the older one!", nitpicky, play-fighting, gossip, lullabies, bedtime stories, "i was trying to protect you", defensiveness, muddy waters, family portraits, petty, blocked.
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queen of pentacles ✧ the star ✧ five of pentacles ✧ three of wands
This is a motherly person. They could be an actual mother, an aunt, a grandma, or simply someone who embodies these nurturing traits, almost to the point of being a little overbearing. It can also be a "mom friend", someone who cares for others by giving them gifts. They're well established and might give unsolicited advice in regards to career, finances or relationships, but they mean well.
The reason why you're on this person's mind is because they're wishing you well. Maybe you suffered a loss recently, or you've been depressed and this person is hoping you can recover soon. I think you may have distanced yourself from others, but this person wants to help you. Still, they're waiting on you to reach out to them.
It's possible they've sent you flowers or "get well soon" texts and cards. I don't know why I get the feeling you were or are sick, struggling in some type of visible way and that's why they're worried. Maybe to you it doesn't seem like a big deal, but since this person is more experienced, they know how to deal with certain things and they really want to help you.
They might have offered you to stay at their place, or maybe have cooked you soup. I get very lovely, nurturing feelings from this pile. They wish you well and hope you can cheer up soon! For some, this is a person from your home country? You may be studying or working abroad and this mother figure wants you to take care of yourself. Aw!
channeled messages and signs: south korea, china, "i'm fine! i promise", subway, skip and loafer, exam season, 555, big city, hometown, missing the train, "i'm running late", overprotective, homemade meals, flu season, childhood movies, growing up, middle age crisis.
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eight of cups ✧ eight of wands ✧ ten of swords ✧ the sun
This is such a back and forth energy, pile six. I won't lie, it feels difficult but exciting... but also really difficult? This person has been in and out of your life multiple times. You fight and then get back to each other. Then you fight again, going round and round.
It's interesting because The Sun is here, so you do make each other very happy, but you also make each other very miserable. I think this dynamic moved very fast unexpectedly. There's lots of attraction, but also lots of heartbreak. It could be a friends with benefits situation, maybe an ex you can't get over. I also heard "sneaky link" and the messages feel quite 18+, if you get what I mean.
You see, you enjoy this person's presence very much. Even when they tease you. And you've hurt each other many times, but I think you can't stop coming back to one another. There's this strange, unbreakable bond, but it's also a connection that triggers the both of you a lot and could've turned quite toxic.
This is the only pile where I had to pull more than four cards to channel the messages and I got the Queen of Wands. I think both of you are drawn to each other like moths to a flame, but there's some maturing needed if this connection is meant to progress. I didn't include advice in the previous pile, but the High Priestess came out for you as advice. So make sure to tune in to your emotions, your needs and how this person is engaging with you. Is this something truly fulfilling for you? How are you being called to step up your boundaries, your words and your actions? Connect to what you truly desire for yourself.
channeled messages and signs: "in my feels", drake songs, coquette aesthetic, water by tyla, pink hat, y2k, black girl magic, it girl, jennie kim, long hair, neon lights, freeze, nail art, "know your worth", boss, "cheer up buttercup", "you're so high maintenance", work crush, toxic by britney spears.
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DISCLAIMER. Tarot is a divination tool, it’s not a substitute for medical and professional advice, nor is it meant to be taken as such. I don’t take responsibility for any choices made by you or others regarding my readings. Be mindful ♡
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belle-keys · 6 months
My 2024 bookish predictions:
The Dragon Renaissance - With more Fourth Wing sequels in the works and season 2 of HOTD coming out in the summer, I think there's a good chance dragons and dragon-shifters could become the next big thing. Maybe they'll replace the fae as the "big" fictional creature?
The Percy Jackson Renaissance - It will be in full swing, accompanied by a noticeable Greek Mythology Renaissance among locals on Twitter whose knowledge of Greek Mythology is limited to... Percy Jackson. The Hunger Games renaissance will see its last days in January/February or so.
(Poorly written) military fantasy will become popular. Again, I think this will be an unwanted side effect of Fourth Wing's popularity. But I think the Gaza Genocide and institutions endorsing Zionism will play into this as well. I thinks we're about to see a lot of military propaganda in the book world and military-themed books trending.
Dark academia will enter into the beginning stages of its flop era. I say this as someone whose blog is largely dedicated to dark academia, but with Kuang not publishing anything in 2024, with Olivie Blake's Atlas trilogy coming to an end, and ST Gibson's An Education In Malice being... not that good, I can see people moving away from dark academia by the end of the year.
Colleen Hoover will release something. I don't particularly care for this, but I can easily see it happening. She didn't release anything this year so it makes sense she may have a 2024 release (and maybe one designed to improve her reputation).
The ACOTAR series adaptation will get chopped (officially, that is).
People will become less open about enjoying smut and dark romance with all the Twitter radfem discourse and backlash against poor quality romance ruling publishing. There will also be more "discreet" book covers. There will be a lot of anti-erotica discourse.
The Nobel Prize winner will be a POC.
Rivals-to-Lovers will replace Enemies-to-Lovers as the top trope. Less hate and more competition. More academic rivals, magic rivals, popularity rivals, etc. I can see people vibing with this in 2024 instead of the "I hate you but I wanna make out with you" vibes of full-on Enemies-to-Lovers.
JK Rowling will accidentally get herself arrested and/or indicted and she'll be all White Woman about it.
George RR Martin will announce that he "intends" to publish The Winds of Winter before the end of 2025.
A former Disney/Nickelodeon/child star/boyband member will write a memoir describing their trauma and they'll thank Jeannette McCurdy for giving them the courage to do it. The revelations will be insane and unprecedented.
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jjunieworld · 5 months
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key: fluff (☁️), angst (🌪️), smut (🥛), smau (📲), written series (📖), one shot (📓), drabble (📄), other (💬), ongoing (🎬), completed (📨), hiatus (📪), discontinued (🗑️)
note: for my works, i consider drabbles to be under 2k words.
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𓊆ྀི OT5/MULTI 𓊇ྀི
꩜ jjunieworld’s 2024 valentine’s day event
꩜ having another member’s pc in your phone (💬,☁️)
꩜ you called your pet “baby” and not them (💬,☁️)
꩜ txt as mitski lyrics (💬,🌪️,☁️)
𓊆ྀི YEONJUN 𓊇ྀི
꩜ romeo & juliet (📲,☁️,📪)
the hybe theatre club has an unspoken belief, whoever plays romeo and juliet in the annual play each year will end up falling in love with each other. this year, you and the person you hate the most get casted together.
꩜ lip gloss! (📄,🥛,☁️)
while getting ready for your date, yeonjun notices how you kept licking your lips after applying your lip gloss. let’s just say you don’t make it to your date as planned…
𓊆ྀི SOOBIN 𓊇ྀི
꩜ all for a bet (📲,🌪️,📨)
choi soobin has always been the popular kid surrounded by his popular friends. you... not so much. one night, soobin and his friends make bet that soobin can't get you to date him in a month. unfortunately for you, you're a hopeless romantic.
꩜ the great bake off! (📓,☁️)
after getting fired from your job as a pizza delivery driver, you’re in desperate need to find a new job before you get kicked out of your apartment. that’s when you hear about the local bakery looking for employees. thinking, “why not? i’ve worked with dough before!”, you apply and actually get the job. that’s when you and the son of the bakery’s owner decide that it would be fun to compete to see who can make the most baked goods for a prize.
↳ ꩜ spilt milk (📓,🥛)
after a particularly messy competition week in the shop, you and soobin are told to stay after hours to clean the bakery up. with soobin winning the title of the best baker who ever lived, you have an idea of what his prize should be.
꩜ from the start (📓,☁️,🌪️)
you never really understood the saying “you’ll always remember your first love,” but that was before you fell in love with your bestfriend soobin. now all of it makes sense. you notice everything about him, from his dimpled smile to the way he could go on and on about the things he loves. and that just makes you fall for him more. cupid has shot an arrow through your heart and you can’t take keeping your feelings for him inside anymore.
𓊆ྀི BEOMGYU 𓊇ྀི
꩜ “i dare you to kiss the prettiest girl in the room” (📓,☁️)
you and your bestfriend beomgyu decide on going to a new year’s eve party so you’re not bored at the start of the new year. the party goers suggest that you all should play truth or dare. one of beomgyu’s friends decides to dare him to kiss the prettiest girl in the room, knowing you have a crush on him.
꩜ don’t delete the kisses (📓,🌪️,🥛)
two years ago, you admitted to yourself that you were in love with your bestfriend beomgyu. two years ago, you and your bestfriend beomgyu stopped being bestfriends. now he’s an up and coming musician and you see his face and hear his music almost everywhere in your local town; not knowing that the songs he writes are about you.
꩜ more than this? (📓,🥛)
when beomgyu asked you to be fuck buddies, you thought it was risky considering your already growing feelings for him. but, you just couldn’t pass up the opportunity to be close to him in any way that you could. now you’re wondering if the two of you will ever be anything more than this.
𓊆ྀི TAEHYUN 𓊇ྀི
꩜ february 14th (📓,🌪️,☁️)
this has to be the worst day of your life. and just your luck, the day keeps repeating. over and over again. and you don’t know why. you get to relive the same day where you finally garner the courage to ask your crush, kang taehyun, out and get to relive the part where he rejects you each time.
꩜ 6:41 a.m. (📄,☁️)
you’re awoken early in the morning from taehyun’s alarm to go to the gym and decide to go with him. you end up distracting him from his routine with your staring and decide to encourage him with kisses to help him.
꩜ meet cute (📄,☁️)
you had a thought and a dream, you were going to be a magician. so you did what one who wants to be a magician does next, you went to a magic store. and what did you do? accidentally knock over a shelf of bang snaps and came face to face with an actual magician.
꩜ stupid cupid! (📓,☁️)
hueningkai, better known as cupid, is known for his art in helping people fall in love. shooting his arrows here and there, getting those who are meant to be together. what happens when after he shoots one of his love arrows at you, the other one somehow ends up hitting him?
꩜ spin the bottle (📄,☁️)
you’re what people like to call a “wallflower.” your more extroverted friends have been doing everything in their power to try and break you out of that. so they dragged you along to a party and somehow you’re stuck playing spin the bottle with people you barely know.
꩜ a bed in your shape (📄,🌪️)
for as long as you could remember, you’ve been in love with your bestfriend kai. the only problem is, he never loved you back. yet, you can’t stop imagining your life with him.
↳ ꩜ a life in your eyes (📓,🌪️,🥛)
it’s been almost two years since your childhood bestfriend kai left you in your sacred shared field alone and your friendship ended. now the girl your friendship ended over is out of the picture and you saw him again for the first time since that field. try as you must, you just can’t stop the undeniable pull you’ve always felt towards each other.
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𓊆ྀི THOUGHTS 𓊇ྀི
꩜ academic rival!taehyun (💬,📄,🥛)
꩜ your cat vs. beomgyu (💬,☁️)
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museforblooms · 4 months
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★⠀⠀ ⁄ ⠀⠀ BELLADONNA is a fictional indie idol band formed through the third season of JTBC's Superband in late 2023. As the winners of the season, they were given a permanent contract with Superbloom Media, who would replace Dreamus Company as the new distributor. BELLADONNA would be formed in the first round of the competition and remain together for the entire duration, consistently beating any group that they went against by a significant margin. Their cover of U-GO-GIRL by first generation icon Lee Hyori would go viral in South Korea for their stage presence and new take on the song, projecting them into first place and leaving the other groups to fight for second. The group is composed of FIVE members: SARANG, WONHUI, HAENA, EULSUN, and YULLI.
★⠀⠀ ⁄ ⠀⠀ Being under the same label as the NATION'S SONGBIRDS, Plastic Flowers, comparisons between the two bands began as soon as the show finished airing. Leader KO SARANG would say ... " Belladonna is aiming to be different from our labelmates. While we love everything they've produced and done for us, there will be no overlap between us. " Despite this, Superbloom Media confirmed that they would be working with Plastic Flowers' lead singer OLIVER SONG and new in-house producer and former member of Lush DALLAS LINWOOD as they " continued to refine their sound and discover new mediums ".
★⠀⠀ ⁄ ⠀⠀ Belladonna's debut was announced on JANUARY 1, 2024 with the official release coming FEBRUARY 14, 2024. They took the fourth quarter of 2023 to write and produce their first mini-album CURSE OF CAPULET and the title track Burn Alive, which was described as a "rock track exploring themes of identity, longing to recognition, and the desire for power and validation". As the most watched season of Superband, with 4.6% viewership for the finale alone, many are looking forward to BELLADONNA's debut and are excited to see what they bring to the table.
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★⠀⠀ ⁄ ⠀⠀ company. superbloom media ( since 2022 ).
★⠀⠀ ⁄ ⠀⠀ debut date. february 14, 2024.
★⠀⠀ ⁄ ⠀⠀ debut song. curse of capulet.
★⠀⠀ ⁄ ⠀⠀ fandom name. doves.
★⠀⠀ ⁄ ⠀⠀ fandom colors. white winged dove ( #ffffff ) && rose colored glasses ( #dd86a0 ).
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★⠀⠀ ⁄ ⠀⠀ THE MEMBERS OF BELLADONNA ... KO SARANG ( leader, 2000 ) , KIM WONHUI ( 2000 ) , BAE HAENA ( 2001 ) , KIM EULSUN ( 2001 ) , KWAK YULLI ( 2002 ).
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Kaiju Week in Review (January 14-20, 2024)
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Ultraman Blazar's finale aired on Friday. It was a solid capper to what's easily the best entry in the Ultra Series since I was an undergrad, full of heart and pyrotechnics. There were a few major loose ends—Captain Gento is better at keeping secrets than most hosts—which I'm hoping the movie, due in late February, will address. If you're looking for a place to start with the long-running franchise, it would be one of my first recommendations. Great effects, great cast, tons of new kaiju, and a blend of novelty (lots of focus on the tensions between the defense team and the larger monster-fighting organization; a host who's in charge of said defense team) and returning to form (Blazar yowls plenty but is an Ultra of few words; the power-ups and goofy weapons are kept to a minimum). And even if you don't want to commit to a whole show, episode 22, focusing on a hapless salesman of kaiju insurance, is a must-see for any fan of the genre. There seem to be no worlds left to conquer at Tsuburaya for lead director Kiyotaka Taguchi, so as I've been saying since around 2015: Toho, are you paying attention?
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Godzilla Minus One/Minus Color, the regraded black and white version of Godzilla Minus One, is coming to North American theaters for one week starting January 26. Toho's yanking both versions from theaters after February 1—puzzling considering that the film is likely going to be nominated for the Best Visual Effects Oscar tomorrow. Takashi Yamazaki led a Godzilla delegation to the Academy's visual effects "bakeoff", in which voters watch highlights from the ten shortlisted films and their VFX teams explain their work. IndieWire reports that Yamazaki's presentation drew the most applause, describing Minus One as the "potential frontrunner." The Hollywood Reporter likes its chances too. Nominations will be announced starting at 8:30 AM EST. The Creator seems to be its biggest competition.
Godzilla Minus One also recently cleared $50 million at the U.S. box office, in the process passing the first Demon Slayer as the highest-grossing Japanese-language film ever released in the U.S. Some outlets are reporting that it's the highest-grossing Japanese film ever released here, which isn't accurate; the English-dubbed Pokémon: The First Movie made almost $86 million back in 1999. (And I think it's plausible that something like Rodan or Godzilla vs. Megalon would be the champ if you figured out how much they grossed and adjusted for inflation.)
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Justice League vs. Godzilla vs. Kong #4 brought Godzilla and Tiamat to Atlantis, forcing Aquaman to release the Kraken to defend his city. Incredibly, this is the third Kraken associated with the Monsterverse, after Na Kika (called Kraken when it was introduced in the King of the Monsters novelization) and the main antagonist of the Skull Island cartoon. I'm guessing it's going to have a shorter lifespan than either of them though.
In other Godzilla comic news, IDW will be putting out another intriguing one-shot in May, titled Godzilla: Mechagodzilla 50th Anniversary. Past comics from the publisher have included multiple Mechagodzilla models, but this one seems to be going above and beyond. Rich Douek is writing; Andrew Lee Griffith is illustrating. The logline:
For 50 years, the King of the Monsters, Godzilla, has gone toe to toe with its robotic doppelgänger, Mechagodzilla! As an intrepid reporter profiles the history of Mechagodzilla and its creator before the launch of the newest model, he finds himself entangled in a much deeper conspiracy. A decades-spanning adventure celebrating the mechanical monster's milestone!
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One of master kaiju illustrator Shinji Nishikawa's books will receive an English translation courtesy of Titan Books. Awkwardly titled Godzilla: The Encyclopedia of Godzilla, the Japanese edition included over 100 full-bodied illustrations of various Godzilla series kaiju and analyses of their designs (alongside plenty of Nishikawa's trademark chibis). I'm sold, suffice to say.
Ryo Momota, director of the short tokusatsu film Revive! Smile Rock Giant God, has put the whole thing on YouTube with English subtitles for your amusement. It posits that a real rock formation outside of Tamano City will come to life to help its citizens in their hour of need. Very low-budget.
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Kaiju Brooklyn is a one-day con that began filling a longtime void for East Coast kaiju fans last year. Here's the first major piece of news about their June 1 event: they'll be screening The Return of Godzilla outdoors at day's end. Consider me highly tempted.
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Kaiju United has a new, wide-ranging interview with Barry Goldberg, webmaster of the legendary Barry's Temple of Godzilla. That fan site was my first window into the wider world of Godzilla in the early 2000s, and it's only been updated a few times since, so I was pretty interested to read how its creator was doing. Don't get your hopes up for a revival: he's still a Godzilla fan (loved Minus One, Shin not so much), but has moved on to other things. Great insights from a Big Name Fan who stayed humble.
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igrpdc · 4 months
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IGRPDC Sign-ups are OPEN!
A recap: The Inception Gen/Rare Pair Drabble Competition (IGRPDC for short!) is a non-elimination drabble competition to focus on gen fic (no romantic pairings) and/or rare pair fic (pairings other than Arthur and Eames).
IGRPDC 2024 will run for four weeks from Friday, March 1 to Thursday, March 28.
Fill out this form now to secure your spot for the IGRPDC writing competition!
Note: There are ten spots available, and the competition will only run if we get a minimum of five participants.
Sign-ups will close on Thursday, February 29 @ 9PM EST (check what time that is for you here), or when spots fill up, whichever comes first!
On the form, you will be asked for:
your main username
your Tumblr username (if different)
your email address
More info including the weekly schedule can be found in the rules and the FAQ. If you’re on mobile, you can find these links in our blog description!
If you have any questions, feel free to send us a message or an ask!
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rankheresy · 4 months
February 2024 writing competition
A new month, a new challenge! This month's challenge is:
Old man yaoi!
Whether it's a canonically geriatric couple, your babyfaced blorbos aged up, a songfic inspired by Eminem's "I'll be only person in the nursing home flirting", or you update your ongoing het ship fic with a sudden pivot where the male love interest decides to fuck a 60-year-old man instead: anything goes, so long as it's old, man, and yaoi.
Turn up that Simon and Garfunkel, and get writing!
Submit your fics here! (Or, if you update an old one, let us know so we can add it as a bookmark in the collection!)
Fics will be revealed on March 1st, and deanonymized on March 14th!
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spring-into-arda · 4 months
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Minhiriath Midway Step up, step in, let's see what you win! The Minhiriath Midway is full of games and fun!  Spin the wheel, try your luck at the Crablor Grab, and see what prompts you get by the luck of the draw (or keep playing until you find something you like).  You can use the Midway any time during March, and beyond!
Blue Ribbon Exhibition The Prince of Cardolan loves to acknowledge hard work and creativity.  Enter your finest works into the Blue Ribbon Exhibition as an exhibition challenger.  Challengers will compete against others for the title of Best of Cardolan in the categories they enter.  All entries for the Blue Ribbon Exhibition are due by noon on June 1, 2024.
Dappled Dapper Pony Picture Coloring Contest The Dappled Dapper Pony Picture Coloring Contest (D²P²C²) is a very basic coloring contest event. Everyone starts with the same base image, and colors and embellishes their pony in whatever way they choose. 
Dappled Dapper Drabbled Pony Race  The Dappled Dapper Drabbled Pony Race is a team writing event which is being run as part of the Cardolan Carnival, a Back to Middle-earth Month 2024 Event.  For groups of 2 to 6, three races will be run throughout the month.  
Lost Treasures Quest  Part of Back to Middle-earth Month is revisiting works that are already in the world -- old favorites and new discoveries.  For the Lost Treasures Quests, you will be able to choose from leaving new commentary on works posted or written before 2020, making rec lists, working on WIPs (writing or art) that are at least a year old or more, or posting works currently unavailable publicly or at a new archive. 
The Prince of Cardolan's Grand Gala; April 12-14 The Grand Gala is a live event held on Discord.  During the event, winners of the various competitions will be announced (with the exception of the Blue Ribbon Exhibition), games will be played, live readings will occur, and generally, it will be a grand time.
Additionally, B2MEM is an open event where ANYTHING you create during March counts!  Feel free to add works you start, add to, or finish in March to the gallery!  You can also host your own events -- let us know what you're up to, and we'll add your event to the list of festivities!
Timeline of Events
The Midway will open on February 24, 2024. 
The Blue Ribbon Exhibition categories will be posted on March 1, 2024.  Entries are due by noon on June 1, 2024.  Winners will be announced at the Tarnin Austa event. 
The Lost Treasures Quest gameboard will be available no later than Feburary 24, 2024.
The Grand Gala will take place April 12-14, 2024. Cancelled. All activities moved to June. Announcements to follow.
Posting & Viewing Works
Beginning March 1st, 2024, works can be posted to the AO3 collection. This collection never closes, so while the event will wrap by the end of April, you can always add works later as you are inspired and finish them. If posting on Tumblr, use the tag B2MEM24 and @ this tumblr to make your posts easy to find by our team for reblogs!  You can join the Discord at any time! 
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emberfrostlovesloki · 4 months
Aaron and Criminal Minds March/Spring Prompt List
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Photo credits: Left (@foxy-eva) Center (@agentdilfhotchner) Right (@enid-rhees)
Good evening loves! We made it to February! It’s hard to believe we are one month into 2024! I love the idea of the team during Spring time and I thought I'd make some March/Spring prompts because it makes me happy. This prompt list is inspired by the always amazing, @imagining-in-the-margins who always make the best prompt lists. I'm currently writing for her New Beginnings Challenge (linked) and having a blast). For my prompts, I won’t write for all these prompts, but I will for at least a few. The rules for using these prompts are that there are no rules! You could use any Criminal Minds characters, OCs, reader inserts, etc. You could draw, write, make mood boards, or imagine anything else. I have included 31 prompts for each day of the month. I also get inspiration from plain old words, so I’ve included 10 Spring words that might inspire something. Lastly, I’ve included a few dialog and art prompts too. You can find that all below the cut. If any of these prompts inspire you to create, I’d love to be tagged to see what you have made. This is all just for fun. I wish everyone a great start to the month. Please know I’m proud of you wherever you are right now. Love - Levi 🌸
General Prompts
Character A buys Character B their favorite flowers once they are in season.
Character A plans a fun day out at the park with their kid and they run into Character B unexpectedly.
The team gets called to a case on the beach in Florida.
Character A had experienced something bad this time last year and Character B checks in on them.
Character A buys a new swimsuit to feel confident in their own skin.
Spring Break with the BAU (young AU or present-day or anything else.)
Character A becomes addicted to a seasonal drink at a coffee shop and begs the barista to teach them how to make it.
Character A buys pastel lingerie for Character B.
A night of celebration after the case reveals feelings that have been hidden for over a year.
The newest member of the BAU has their birthday on their first case ever. The team still tries to make it something for them anyway.
A Character manages to catch a cold in the middle of Spring.
On an incredibly hot case, Character A collapses from heat exhaustion.
Characters A and B bump into each other at a music festival.
The team goes to the beach together and Character A and B awkwardly put sunscreen on each other.
Characters A develops an allergy to a favorite food and tries to find alternatives.
The BAU faces a lockdown in Quantico as an active threat is in the building.
Character A confesses their love to someone and gets turned down. Character B makes sure Character A is holding up okay after the rejection.
Character A gets drugged and Character B gets them to the hospital.
Character A has a bad dream and calls Character B; they talk till morning.
Breakfast in bed.
Characters A and B go on a date to a bookstore/record store and things get more frisky than expected.
Characters A and B try role play in bed for the first time.
Characters A and B take a road trip.
There is a malfunction on the jet and it makes an emergency landing. The team is stuck in the airport for a few hours.
Characters A and B get matching tattoos.
Characters A and B get a little too competitive about March Madness / Sports.
Characters A and B talk about possible baby names.
BAU case on a ranch in the West (Yeehaw).
It's Characters A and B's last night before their wedding.
A tragedy strikes the team at the worst time. The must bond to move on.
Easter Egg Hunt with the BAU.
Word Prompts
Dialog Prompts 
“If you can beat me at beach volleyball, I'll do your files for a week.” 
“________ people wear sunscreen for a reason. You're all burned up.” 
“Do you have any idea how many people lose their virginity during Spring Break?” "No... Why do you ask?"
“Spring is great until you get to the allergies.” 
“This time of year isn't all it's cracked up to be. At least, not for me.” 
“_______ if you don't buy that sun dress and make ______ swoon I'm gonna believe love is dead.” 
Art Prompts
Any CM kid in a cute Easter costume. Bonus if the parent matches.
Any BAU member in a swimsuit.
A BAU prank gone wrong.
Garcia in the most SPRING outfit possible.
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Tag list: @tgskitten @geminitapestry
Want to be added to the tag list? Please see this post, CM tag list (linked)
Want to request a fic or mood board? My requests are open. Please see this post before requesting, CM Request Post (linked)
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study-with-aura · 4 months
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Monday, February 5, 2024
It is good to be back and posting again after my semi-weekend break. I type semi- because I did post in response to a few messages. However, I did take a break from my intensive studying this weekend, and only kept up with reading and Duolingo.
I do hope everyone has a lovely week and practices self-care daily and when needed throughout the day.
Tasks Completed:
Geometry - Learned about polyhedrons + identified parts of solids + identified solids + identified nets of solids + practice
Lit and Comp II - Copied Unit 17 vocabulary + read chapter 11 of Emma by Jane Austen + read "A Hunger Artist" by Franz Kafka + completed an online story diagram + created an antagonist and conflict for the short story I'm writing (the library has their flash fiction competition coming up, so I'll use this story for that more than likely)
Spanish 2 - Listened to a story in Spanish + reviewed vocabulary
Bible I - Read Deuteronomy 29-30
World History - Wrote an essay explaining how the rise of the Young Turks, the Russo-Japanese War, and the Boxer Rebellion are tied to nationalism
Biology with Lab - Made food chains with an online simulation + continued doing research on my endangered animal (saola)
Foundations - Read more on patience + completed Lumosity daily brain workout + read about special occasion speeches + defined different types of special occasion speeches + chose a type of special occasion speech for my speech assignment (I went with inspirational, and I want to do an inspirational speech for the younger girls in our Girl Scout troop)
Piano - Practiced for one hour
Khan Academy - None today (already assigned)
CLEP - Completed Module 8.5-8.6 lecture videos
Duolingo - Completed at least one lesson each in Spanish, French, and Chinese
Reading - Read pages 356-401 of House of Marionne by J. Elle and finished the book
Chores - Cleaned windows in my bedroom and in the study + took the trash and recycling out
Activities of the Day:
Volunteer for 2 hours at the library
What I’m Grateful for Today:
I am grateful for the opportunity to give back to my community.
Quote of the Day:
Hope can be bruised and battered. It can be forced underground and even rendered unconscious, but hope cannot be killed.
-UnSouled, Neal Shusterman
🎧Romance, Op.1/4 - Ossip Gabrilowitsch
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harrypotterfesthub · 5 months
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Bad Witches Fest is live!
Bad Witches Fest is a writing and artwork fest that celebrates the witches of the Wizarding World. This fest is a team competition: You will join The Order or the Death Eaters and attempt to create as many works as possible, using the given prompt board.
Important Dates
January 20, 2024: Sign-Ups Begin & Prompt Boards Revealed February 9, 2024: Sign-Ups Close February 10, 2024: Keep Going! April 6: Works Due April 13: Works Revealed April 21: Creators Revealed, Winning Team Confirmed/Revealed
How to Participate
Optional: Join the Harry Potter Fest Hub Discord. We recommend joining the Discord, as most announcements will be made there, and you will be able to work with your team.
Sign up for the fest via this form.
Wait to be assigned a team and a set of characters. The prompt board for each team will be revealed when teams and characters are assigned.
Fill out as many prompts as you can. You must complete a minimum of one prompt from the prompt board.
Finish your work and fill out the submission form.
Submit your work(s) to your team collection on AO3:
The Order Bad Witches 2024 Collection 
Death Eaters Bad Witches 2024 Collection
Await reveals and winner announcements!
Rules & Requirements
The main character of each of your works must be one of your assigned characters.
Each work you create must, in some way, utilize a prompt from the prompt board. It can utilize more than one prompt.
Team-Specific Requirements
The Order: All works created for the Order must feature a witch on the Light side. Your witch may be canonically Dark – you must, in some way, make them Light.
All works for The Order must be submitted to the submission form and the Bad Witches Fest 2024 - The Order collection.
Death Eaters: All works created for the Death Eaters must feature a witch on the Dark side. Your witch may be canonically Light – you must, in some way, make them Dark.
All works for the Death Eaters must be submitted to the submission form and the Bad Witches Fest 2024 - Death Eaters collection.
Any use of AI will lead to an immediate disqualification.
This fest is anonymous. You must not share your work with anyone until reveals, besides up to two alphas/betas.
After reveals, if you feel any work does not meet one of the prompts, please report it to the fest mods.
You must complete at least one prompt and add it as a tag.
You must properly tag your work and issue standard content warnings. (e.g. You may not select “Choose Not to Use Archive Warnings.”)
The following may NOT be depicted in artwork or comics:
Sexually explicit material featuring underage characters (under 18).
Extreme gore/self-harm/mutilation.
Minimums/Maximums Word Counts (Per Work)
Minimum: 950 words
Maximum: 12,000
Art Requirements (Per Work)
Minimum: One character, fulfillment of prompt, black and white, face portrait
Maximum: Five characters, fulfillment of prompt, color render, full body 
Comic Requirements (Per Work)
Minimum: One character, three panels, black and white 
Maximum: No character maximum, ten panels, full color render
How to Win
The winning team will be determined based on the following criteria:
Number of works.
Number of prompts fulfilled.
Total word count.
Contact Us
For questions regarding sign-ups or the fest, please reach out via the #bad-witches-qs Discord channel in the Harry Potter Fest Hub Discord, or email us at [email protected]. For questions about your assigned team or characters, please reach out directly to the mod that issued them.
Please do not submit questions until after January 20th.
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