cartoonrabbit · 2 years
New Sticker
Scrooge Mcduck dime sticker!
Had to include the Latin “Fortuna Favet Fortibus” from Life and Times! 
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siriusthoughts · 2 months
Chapter 2 of my Sirius Black/OFC story - Introductions Are in Order
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Crines, qualis et aurum tenerum molli margaritā favet.
- Vergil, ‘Aeneid’ (Book VI).
Hair, such as soft gold loves soft pearl.
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midostree-art · 1 year
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Commission for @mysticcopfriendegg Thank you so much!
Deathmask (LoS) x Élan (OC)
Check their wattpad works!:
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unseenacademic · 1 year
When Goldie O’Gilt and Scrooge McDuck met in Dawson in 1897, neither expected to meet their match. The story of two cold Klondike hearts – the miner and the dance hall girl, the King of the Klondike and the Ice Queen of Dawson or an AU where Scrooge still doesn’t read the letter, but he doesn’t lose his sled either.
Please enjoy chapters 1 & 2. <3
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carneirodemercurio · 4 months
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A Happy and fortunate New Year to all.
'Two-headed Janus, source of the silently gliding year. Peace for fertile earth, peace for the seas. A prosperous light dawns: favour our thoughts and speech. Let good words be said on this good day. Greetings, day of joy, return forever, happier still. What do the gifts of dates and dried figs mean’ I asked, ‘and the honey glistening in a snow-white jar?’ ‘For the omen,’ Janus replied, ‘so that events match the flavour, so the course of the year might be sweet as its start'. Ovid. 🍯
Un Aninovo Feliz e Afortunado para todos.
"Xano de dúas cabezas, fonte do ano que escapa silenciosamente. Ociosidade para a terra fértil, ociosidade para os mares. Levántase unha luz próspera: Favorece nosas linguas e pensamentos. Que se digan boas palabras neste bo día. Saúdos, día da alegría, volve sempre, máis feliz aínda. Preguntei eu, «que significan os agasallos de dátiles e figos secos? E e o mel que brilla nun frasco branco como a neve»? «Para o presaxio», respondeu Xanus «para que os acontecementos coincidan co sabor, así o curso do ano pode ser doce como o seu inicio». Ovido.
Annum Novum Faustum Felicem
Iane biceps, anni tacite labentis origo. Otia terra ferax, otia pontus habet. Prospera lux oritur: linguis animisque favete; nunc dicenda bona sunt bona verba die. Salve, laeta dies, meliorque revertere semper. Quid volt palma sibi rugosaque carica' dixi 'et data sub niveo candida mella cado? 'Omen' ait 'causa est, ut res sapor ille sequatur et peragat coeptum dulcis ut annus iter. Ovidius.
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lionofchaeronea · 2 years
The Might of Jove
Horace, Odes III.1.1-8 I hate the profane mob And I keep them at arm’s length. Hold your tongues: I, The Muses’ priest, sing songs Never heard before For maidens and for boys. The power of dreadful kings Is over their own throngs; Power over kings themselves Belongs to Jove, renowned For his triumph over the Giants, Moving all things with his eyebrow. Odi profanum volgus et arceo. Favete linguis: carmina non prius      audita Musarum sacerdos      virginibus puerisque canto.
Regum timendorum in proprios greges, reges in ipsos imperium est Iovis,      clari Giganteo triumpho,      cuncta supercilio moventis.
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Jove Casts His Thunderbolts at the Rebellious Giants, Johann Michael Rottmayr, 1690-95
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time-lapse-games · 2 years
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Hello there! As I said the last time, I’m working on a new game. And a demo is coming!
The Ash Black Cat and the Happy Ogre (Demo)
Italian version: 31th October (I hope).
English:  November 2022
Felix hates his birthday. In fact, the opposite also seems to be true: every year, on this date, the boy is haunted by bad luck. After a lifetime of trying to convince himself that he is not cursed, on his 18th birthday, he and his best friend Noelia remain locked inside the school. The situation soon turns out to be more ... problematic than expected. At this point, some doubts about his bad luck seem legitimate. Felix thinks he's cursed. Is this the truth? Or maybe this "unfortunate" situation will also turn out to be a good opportunity? On the other hand, fortune favours the bold. This is a story based on Italian and Latin myths, folklore and fairy-tale figures. Accompany Felix and Noelia on their little nocturnal adventure in a very safe and certainly not close to collapse Italian high school. Let them get lost, seek their answers and get out (maybe).
The Ash Black Cat and the Happy Ogre - Fortuna Favet Fortibus - is a game in development on RPG Maker VX Ace. In this game, you'll move Felix and Noelia as they search for a way out - or maybe something else. Plot and characters are the main focus, so you can expect a lot of cutscenes. The game is light horror with darker scenes from time to time. Also, dark humor (, because I need to exorcise nightmares about high school). In gameplay the focus is on exploration, choices and puzzles from time to time; there will be different kinds of small challenges. There are rare hidden game overs and the game is multi-ending, so saving often is recommended.
Features (some are planned for the full release):
🎂 Original artworks. 🎂 A fantastic and very safe building that could probably kill you, namely a classic Italian school. . 🎂 A story based on Italian / Latin folklore, legends and fairy tales. 🎂 Atmospheric sound design, with sound effects made expressly for the game. 🎂 Mack-style sprite 🎂 Post game scenarios. 🎂 Cats. In multiple senses. 🎂 Multi Endings: true, normal, extra ending and two mirror bad ends. Choices matter. the story will be clear and complete in each ending, however different choices will lead to unlocking different cutscenes and dialogues. All the endings will tell you a little more about the characters, the story and the setting.
* Genre: Adventure, light horror, vague dark humor, hints of romance * Estimated playtime: 30/40 minutes * Warnings: Swearwords (just a little bit).
* Some things in the demo will be expanded later. The title screen and title theme, for example, are not definitive. The demo is meant to introduce story, characters and the type of gameplay. Stay tuned!
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writingbrainrot · 10 months
Hey. Allow me to introduce myself
Member in a system (i dislike roles but i'd technically be a reluctant host)
Neurodiverse af, disabled af and qpoc af
Body is 24
I need a body double to start writing again ;__;
We prefer discord cus pluralkit but also just easier to have all communication in one place
We suck at replying on other platforms
If you are 22-30 and want to write together and also talk about blorbos and you're accepting of someone saying "hey saying that hurts me, could you not?" And capable of saying it back when you're hurt then lesgo 👉😊👉
(Aka im ok with people making honest mistakes but not wanting to fix them and grow, that just doesn't work with where i am in life atm)
If you identify as conservative, right-wing, anarchist or communist (USSR definition, not US's weird definition that just means empathy=communist) person then please do not message me. Biological family are survivors of the genocides done by soviet so let's just spare us all the pain and not interact/gen
What we write if that's important:
We're self-published and write as diverse stories as possible, in whatever genre we feel like (the main one tends to be slice of life though) that are meant to be accessible to people currently experiencing brainfog aka what we needed and still need/lh
Potential cons of knowing us/dealbreakers depending on who you are:
•Strongly opinionated on the opinions we have solidified based on the best info we can access. Examples:
"don't be a dick, if you are being one, fix that" or "human rights are not up for negotiation" or "genocide bad regardless of who it is done on" (surprised how often i have to state these/gen) but also ones that seem silly and yet i feel strongly about like "having problematic faves". Loving barbie/disney/veggietales while wholly rejecting the companies. Trying to see things in a more nuanced way etc etc
•i'm both spiritual and scientific
•body eats meat cus traditions and health
•may disappear from time to time for a few days up to a week cus crashes happen despite our best efforts
•c-ptsd but like.... i think that's a given on this site/lh
•We're also not good people. Not the worst but not good people, we're just people.
•so many special interests, obscene amount because of above c-ptsd/masking
•oh also if you're drawn to talk to me but currently think you're NT.... you may discover you relate to me a bit too much and realise you were less NT and more ND than you thought. Many a friends have discovered their diagnoses solely by us sharing our symptoms so like, if you don't want a/another diagnosis, steer clear?/lh
•learning to unmask so we get more and more "blunt" every week
•we also like to talk, v social and we will penguin pebble because sending things to friends is fun ^__^
•when triggered, our communication dramatically gets worse and more frantic (i think this is normal but at this point i'm not sure anymore)
Fave quotes:
"Let the world we dream about be the one we live in now"
"What would you take from a burning building?
Anyone can answer that, the fire"
"I feel weak
You've never looked stronger"
"Tu fui, ego eris"
"Fortuna favet fortibus"
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belphegor1982 · 2 years
Me, picking music to shower to:
“man, it’s been a while since I listened to Tuomas Holopainen’s Music Inspired by the Life and Times of Scrooge, I must have forgotten 90% of the lyrics by now”
Also me, a few songs later, bellowing at the top of my lungs in the shower:
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siriusthoughts · 2 months
Pairing: Sirius Black/Original Female Character
The Order of the Phoenix mainly consisted of people who were brave in a very traditional sense of the word and unquestioningly devoted to Dumbledore, she soon learned. Aurelia, a Ravenclaw inventor who loved questions and possessed a healthy sense of self-preservation, thank you very much, couldn't help but stand out. Despite the difficulties, she was determined to help in this fight, even if it meant arguing with ex-convicts about dying for a cause. Luckily, they have more in common than they think.
set during ootp and continuing onwards
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alain-keler · 2 years
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Journal d’un photographe / Après une si longue absence / Journal d’Auvergne
Grande commande photographique - BNF - Bibliothèque nationale de France/ Ministère de la Culture.
Vendredi 15 avril.
   Ars les Favets de nouveau, j’ai rendez vous avec Pascal P., il se présente comme agriculteur à temps complet. Je l’ai rencontré pendant la séance photo avec Marie, la jeune maire, déjà citée. Enfant du pays, il est au conseil municipal en charge de la voirie et des travaux.
Pascal est très sympa. Il me fait faire le tour de ses champs, je n’ose pas utiliser le mot « propriétés », cela n’irait pas avec le personnage. Il arrose de blé les vaches encore à l’étable, celles qui viennent de donner naissance, entre autre  raisons. Elles sortiront bientôt et iront rejoindre le reste du cheptel. Pascal veut me présenter Muriel, sa petite amie dont il est très épris. Elle a monté une petite société qui distribue des repas à des associations de la région. Je leur propose de les prendre en photo. Ils posent comme les amoureux qu’ils sont et n’ont pas besoin de directives.
 Sitôt le repas terminé je reprends la route, retour à la case départ d’hier, Monistrol pour dormir dans mon café hôtel. Ce soir il y a à Ste- Sigolène la procession des pénitents blancs.
  Hôtel « Le Corsy » à Monistrol sur Loire. La chambre zéro m’est attribuée de nouveau. Les habitudes ne se perdent pas facilement. Ceci-dit j’ai l’impression qu’il n’y a pas beaucoup de chambres, et j’ai eu comme un pressentiment bizarre sur l’utilisation des autres. Mais là je suis mauvaise langue. J’ai bien aimé la tenancière du lieu. Le matin, en descendant il y a deux-trois types au comptoir le verre de bière à la main. Au moins ils ne doivent pas avoir de problèmes avec la mousse !
Il y a cinq kilomètres jusqu’à Ste Sigolène. Je rejoins Ludovic. Nous nous étions donné rendez vous sur la grande place centrale devant la mairie. Elle est vide.
La procession a tout juste commencée lorsque nous arrivons à l’église vers 20h30. Elle n’a pas eu lieu ces deux dernières années à cause de la crise du Covid.  Dieu n’a rien pu faire, désarmé comme la terre entière. Comme quoi si lui aussi il sèche, on est mal barrés ! Il y a une trentaine de membres de la confrérie des pénitents sigolénois et cette procession est le moment le plus important pour eux.
 Ils défilent pendant une petite heure, accompagnés de curieux, de parents, de photographes (ce soir là il y en avait très peu), font le tour du village avec une halte au calvaire et reviennent à l’église. On se croirait presque en Andalousie, la chaleur et le nombre de pénitents en moins. Je ne m’attendais pas à voir cela en Auvergne, bien qu’il y ait de nombreux signes de piété en haute Loire. La pleine lune s’était invitée, ronde et brillante, et la grande croix dressée devant le calvaire par des pénitents me paru être un message adressé à d’éventuels adeptes du conte Dracula, si par malchance ils avaient eu des velléités d’infiltrer le cercle des bien pensants.
Ceci dit, ce genre de scènes est un régal pour les photographes, bien pensants ou non.
Après cette prestation, religieuse pour les participants, et pédestre pour le photographe que je suis, Ludovic me propose de retourner au Kitch’n, ce restaurant à Minestrol-sur-Loire où nous nous étions déjà rendus pour finir l’autre soirée.  Un nectar rouge des Dieux ou presque, pas plus, car je dois développer ma chasse de la journée, dans la chambre Zéro de mon hôtel.
BNF / Au final il y aura un rendu de dix photographies. Beaucoup de photos, que j’appellerais « intermédiaires », non choisies mais importantes dans le cadre de mon histoire paraitront dans ce journal. Elles seront le ciment de ce projet personnel qui dépassera la commande.
Les modestes textes de mon journal de bord essayeront de raconter le déroulé et les raisons de ce travail. Ils sont écrits à partir de notes glanées pendant la journée et de souvenirs de route.
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amateurchefstuff · 3 months
INGREDIENTS: 2 pots de favetes “baby” conservades en oli (marca “Casagrande”, de 160 g net cadascun) 2 nyores 6 cigales (= escamarlans) (Nephrops norvegicus) 200 g de galeres 1/2 litre d’aigua mineral 20 fulles de julivert 4 alls Oli d’oliva de Beneixama Sal Pebre blanc 1 gotet (dels de vi) de cava PREPARACIÓ: És una mica laboriosa. Posem a remull (dues hores abans) les dues nyores perquè…
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lamilanomagazine · 6 months
"Cetra... una volta", omaggio al Quartetto Cetra al Teatro Carcano
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"Cetra... una volta", omaggio al Quartetto Cetra al Teatro Carcano. Presso il Teatro Carcano di Milano dal 24 al 29 ottobre in scena Cetra... una volta - Omaggio al Quartetto Cetra, un concerto spettacolo entusiasmante interpretato dai Favete Linguis (Stefano Fresi, Toni Fornari ed Emanuela Fresi). Un tributo al quartetto più celebre del palcoscenico e della televisione italiana dagli anni ’40 agli anni ’80: il Quartetto Cetra. La musica, le canzoni, le parodie memorabili dell’indimenticabile Quartetto sono riproposti in questo spettacolo da tre interpreti eccezionali in cui spicca Stefano Fresi, candidato al David di Donatello per il film cult Smetto quando voglio, vincitore di due premi ai Nastri d’Argento nel 2019, nonché protagonista della serie I Delitti del Barlume. Un viaggio tra passato e presente, tra malinconia e risate, sulla scia magica di un quartetto diventato leggenda. Note di regia di Augusto Fornari “Conosci il Quartetto Cetra?” se lo chiedi ad un ventenne scuoterà la testa mettendo la boccuccia a emoticon dispiaciuto. Ma basta canticchiare “Nella vecchia fattoria…” che lui con gli occhi accesi di chi torna all’infanzia risponderà “ia… ia… ò!” Questa è tutta la magia dei Cetra, fanno parte della tua vita anche se tu non lo sai. La loro eredità musicale non ha bisogno di essere riconosciuta; c’è e basta. Entrati nel dna di un popolo, hanno accompagnato generazione dopo generazione a suon di canzoni indimenticabili. Con loro si respira aria di famiglia. Ed è proprio in famiglia che è nato il nostro amore per loro. Io, mio fratello Toni, Stefano, sua sorella Emanuela, molti anni fa, ascoltavamo le loro canzoni. Poi Stefano, Toni ed Emanuela iniziarono a cantarle, prima, poi a modificarle, a riscriverle, a reinventarle. Ed eccoci al senso di CETRA UNA VOLTA: non un racconto filologico, non solo la storia di un gruppo che ha fatto la storia, ma un atto d’amore per ciò che ci ha ispirato; canzoni, sketch, parodie musicali, gag e soprattutto leggerezza, divertimento e amore per questo nostro mestiere. Ho voluto, insieme allo scenografo Alessandro Chiti, creare una scena che abbracciasse gli interpreti, li contenesse e che potesse essere, di volta in volta, radio, studio televisivo, album di ricordi, teatro. Un viaggio tra passato e presente, tra malinconia e risate, sulla scia magica di un quartetto diventato leggenda. SCHEDA SPETTACOLO live trio Favete Linguis: Stefano Fresi, Emanuela Fresi, Toni Fornari di Toni Fornari regia Augusto Fornari scene Alessandro Chiti Produzione A.T.P.R. ORARI 24, 25, 26, 27, ore 19.30 28 ore 20.30 29 ore 16.30 PREZZI Poltronissima Intero € 38,00 Ridotto under 30 / over 65 € 27,00 Ridotto under 18 € 19,00 Poltrona/balconata Intero € 27,00 Ridotto under 30 / over 65 € 24,50 Ridotto under 18 € 19,00 VENDITE ONLINE www.teatrocarcano.com... #notizie #news #breakingnews #cronaca #politica #eventi #sport #moda Read the full article
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rausule · 8 months
Genera literaria
tio belli facinora, sed reditus (graece nestos) ex bello. Immo Homerus paradigmaticum nostos definiri potest, quia primas eius est exemplar exemplar qualitatum hominis: perseverantia, providentia, inventio, tolerantia. Voluntate et ingenio suo Ulixes omnia, quae fatum vel casum paulatim prae se fert impedimentum, in eius gratiam vertere disponit.
Quamvis Ilias et Odyssea in materia, structura et forma diversae sint, earum ad venam "heroicam" pertinentia comprobatur praesentia aliqua communium elementorum, quae etiam fundamentales esse demonstrant ad formandas formas aliarum Graecarum litterarum formarum, quales sunt; ut puta tragoedia. Ex hac igitur parte, genus epicum considerari potest fundamentum litterarum occidentalium; eius cognitio permittit vos ut in historiam nostrae civilizationis revocemus donec eius culturae radices pro- ceptae attingatis.
prio in epicorum originum productione. Primum elementum heroicum heroicum distinguens est materia fabulosa-historica. Constat ex ordine rerum, in quibus dii sunt protagonistae.
heroum et nobilium ingenia in hominum historia, eximiis moralibus et corporis qualitatibus praediti. Negotia eorum tamquam exemplar pro usoribus suis vel in cogitatione versantur, ut responderi possint dubiis quae semper corroserint: quid est bonum? iustitia in quo est? Quae necessitudo inter dolorem et culpam? Quid est verum habitus hominis in conspectu divino? quid decurrere humanas dotes in fato ponunt? Elevatio stili obtinetur per apparatum rhetoricum, in quo omnes similitudines, personas et epitheta emblemata comprehendit. Descriptio locorum, rerum et hominum, formularum fixarum repetitio et praesentia frequentissima motiva (topoi): scenas pugnas, collectiones deorum (concilia) vel hominum (concilia), numinum, recensio navium, exercitus. et principes, somnia prophetica cum apparitionibus numinum seu mortuorum.
Tempus est rei praeteriti tam longinqui ut cum fabulis hominum initiis confundatur. Hoc spatium temporis tribuit poeta magnam libertatem agendi et inventionem in rerum gestarum narratione. Re quidem vera non omittendum est genus epicum fundamentaliter esse narrationis genus. Positio rerum in praeteritis, alia rationi favet epici epici: transpositio characterum et eventuum in gradu symbolico, ut proiciamus in universalem gradum bonorum, quos auctor hominibus communicare vult. sui temporis.
The Hellenistic Epic
Quamvis differentiae, quae etiam elocutionis, tum argumenti et rationis sunt, duo Homerica carmina simul in epici omnis temporis productione exempla facta sunt. Eis Graecis usus est textus morum et culturae exemplaris, necnon stili et artis. Attamen omnia quae post Homerum in epicis acciderunt, documenta nulla habemus. Aetatem Hellenisticam attingere debemus ut adhuc certam materiam naturae epicae habeat. Aies sandrini fuerunt antequam poetae, grammatici et philologi. Eis debemus studia et meditationes in Homerum et ejus opera; ad eos inveterati "Homerici quaestionis exordium" revocamus, in quibus hic immorandum non est, quae de auctore Iliados primum percunctatur.
Priami occisio, red-figure krater, 4th century aCn. Romae, museo nationali Etrusco de Villa Giulia.
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klai-16xoxo · 11 months
i need your favet color, animul, plant, and how you draw yourself >:3c (im not planing anything i swar im a good littule demon!)
Lol late answer but here how I normally draw myself
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My fav colour is Purple, I like cat and for plants I like almost all of them but you can say one of them is forget me not flower.
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