#fanfiction mind palace
priarity · 10 months
not to be straight but i LOVE regency AUs and arranged marriage AUs when they’re done like. bisexually.
like imagine these two people who are marrying for their bloodline or their kingdom or whatever. and neither of them are interested in marriage because they’re being forced into the shitty cycle of making royal babies and hating their spouse and being even more miserable than they already are so. when they both find a partner who is equally unenthusiastic about this whole shebang, they’re beyond relieved.
they’re just gonna be friends who have to fuck once in a while and kinda hang out a little during public appearances.
maybe one of them already has a lover (though admittedly, that relationship isn’t going too well seeing as they’re married to a prince/princess)
but then they start falling in love, so those kisses they have to show the public? lots of romantic tension. those times they have to sleep in the same room and pretend to have sex? UM. and that one time when the more traumatised of the two suffers a mental breakdown from the burden of running the state and their shitty family? oh my god the passion and the ANGST.
and then. one day, after a ball or a gala, the both of them are losing their minds over how nice the other look and they both are nervous wrecks because “oh my god im breaking the rules i’m not supposed to let my eyes linger on their lips or stare longingly into their eyes or clutch onto their arm to calm my nerves i can’t do this anymore i can’t-“
and suddenly they’re kissing and making out and oh my god my hands are on their body and it feels too good
bonus if they both think this is supposed to be a one time thing and go to bed in different rooms, feeling heartbroken and carrying that heartbreak until the next plot point makes them face their feelings lollllll
bonus x2: if their royal wingmen are up to here *points to neck* with their highness’s complete buffoonery and incessant pining and my lord/lady, for you i have the utmost respect and adoration but for heaven’s sake you dumb bitch, they LOVE YOU.
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Fluffbruary: Day 26
Most childhood memories Sherlock has deleted. Some, however, have proven worthy of keeping: fragments he can relive for comfort when things get too overwhelming or bleak.
He's six, at his grandmother's house, helping her cook lunch (or, at least, that's what she lets him believe). The fragrance of thyme arrives from the garden through the kitchen windows, and he breathes in deep, filling his lungs with it.
After lunch, they will spend some time outside, his grandmother doing crochet in the back porch, Sherlock playing fetch with Redbeard. An idle and carefree afternoon ahead, to be spent in good company.
@fluffbruary @totallysilvergirl @calaisreno @a-victorian-girl @helloliriels @peanitbear @pressurepoint221 @dubiouslynamed @yellowpamonha @ehuether @lgcgjd @gomielka @kittenmadnessandtea @chriscalledmesweetie @justnerdystuffs @missdeliadili @topsyturvy-turtely @fullyouthwerewolf @chinike @iamjustreading @effulgentcorruptedpov @strawberrywinter4 @seagoing-nerd @annaofthenorthernlights @keirgreeneyes @brightbquirky @naefelldaurk @kettykika78 @whatnext2020 @dinner--starving @under-loch-n-key @inevitably-johnlocked  @safedistancefrombeingsmart @meetinginsamarra @gaylilsherlock @snonkerdoodlefizzy221b @7-percent @discordantwords @221beloved @khorazir @johnlockismyreligion @jolieblack @oetkb12 @ninasnakie
Let me know if you want to be added/removed!
And an immense THANK YOU for reblogging/leaving comments/liking my stuff. It means the world to me, and interacting with the fandom is one of my biggest joys! 🥰
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communistkenobi · 7 months
my friend explained to me kafka’s retelling of Odysseus and the sirens and I think that is the perfect way you would write a sith obi-wan arc, following anakin in an attempt to rescue him. like Odysseus ties himself to the mast of his ship because he wants to hear the sirens without being tempted, but he hears nothing because he plugged his ears with wax and goes insane and wants his men to go closer towards the rocks so he can hear them. like I think obiwans arrogance would blind him to any temptation and make him believe he’s completely immune to it, all the while he’s miles deep into the dark side, thinking the entire time that the problem is that he hasn’t heard the sirens yet
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a-freemaniac · 7 months
Time to be grateful 🙏
For all my wonderful Sherlock friends on Facebook and Tumbler.❤️💜
For the show itself including actors and writers who created a world I still live in.
For the amazing fanfiction authors.
They continue the journey and make every day a Sherlock day.
I'm grateful for other ships because people who love Sherlolly or Adlock or Mystrate are as happy as I am and that's wonderful 😊
I'm not lamenting about missed opportunities but singing in the rain together with Mycroft.
The show created a world for all ships and preferences and who I am to judge if that's wrong?
It's a waste of time and only make other people miserable.
I wave the Johnlock flag every day of the year but I detest those aggressive super shippers with all their hate and theories and not realising how hurtful that is to others.
What for..???
My Mind Palace is full of Sherlock, John and lots of Headcanon garnished with amazing stories from a writing community I have nothing but love for.❤️
It is what it is and what it is....is wonderful.💜
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Me: "Hey Raph, do you want to know a fact?"
Raph: "No."
Me: ...
Me: "What about a fun fact?"
Raph: "Nope."
Me: "What about a secret?"
Raph: *sighs* "Alright, you won't shut up until I say yes, will you?"
Me: *nervously fidgets with my tangle*
Raph: *sniffs* "Do you also smell smoke?"
Me: "Leo sat the toaster on fire."
Raph: *closes his eyes and breathes deeply*
Raph: "Don't tell me this was your fun-fact-secret, Donatello."
Me: *high-pitched* "Maybe."
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Hey, uh… sorry if this is rude or personal or something- But can you talk about any experience you’ve had with a panic attack? like a story of you having one or one of your brothers having one? thanks
Donnie had a full-blown panic attack recently.
Donnie allowed me to share this story with you.
Warnings: food issues, disordered eating (?)
It was a typical morning, Donnie was the first to get up & started brewing coffee in our kitchen.
I'm always the second to great the day - it's my unofficial job to make breakfast, then Raph joins later, drawn in by the lovely smell of food & and lastly our night owl, Leon. I actually doubt he gets proper sleep anyway. He's up until the morning hours & then randomly passes out of exhaustion.
I decided to make pancakes for everyone, Donnie insisted to eat his same food, oatmeal - he always sticks to those when he's having a hard time or when he knows it will get stressful OR when the day had been stressful. I have stopped to ask him for a change in his eating habits since pressure won't do anything & I'm happy he eats. You should know that Donnie's relationship with food is complicated & it has been very troublesome in the past.
We started preparing the food & setting the table.
I decided to make some strawberry yogurt to go with the pancakes when I had the dough ready to bake.
"Hey Donald, could I get some of your yogurt?"
"Sure." He passed me the container without giving me a glance & I noticed he was staring at his bowl.
"Is everything alright?" I asked carefully.
He didn't answer.
I shrugged it off & started baking the pancakes & mixing the yogurt with the chopped strawberries.
I was growing a bit concerned by the minutes passing. Usually, Donnie vocally stims (chirping & soft humming) when he's preparing his food, but on this day, it was different. Donnie didn't make a single noise.
When the pancakes were ready, Raph joined us & finished setting the table.
"Yo, Mike, yo Don!"
Donnie remained silent as he placed his bowl of oatmeal at his place. Raph looked at me puzzled, but all I could do was shrug.
After breakfast was ready to consume, I went to wake Leon, who slept in (again).
Before I left the kitchen, Donnie grabbed my bath robe (it's sooo comfy!) with a tight grip.
His face was blank & he seemed very tense. "Yes, Donnie?"
He struggled to find words, I saw it. This is never a good sign. I raised my hands & wiggled my fingers to signal he could do sign language as well.
Donnie let go & started signing.
"I can't eat."
"What do you mean, you can't eat?" I asked carefully.
"It's the oatmeal."
"What about it?"
Donnie fidgeted with his hands, looking away. I touched his shoulder comfortingly. He had eaten it for three years straight, every single day. What could have been wrong with it now?
"Don't worry, Donnie. You don't have to eat. I am going to wake Leon now, alright?"
My purple brother simply nodded & I left the kitchen.
Only to find Donnie absolutely devastated a few minutes later sitting on the kitchen floor, rocking back & forth while crying.
"Oh my gosh, what happened, Raph?" Leon was still very sleepy, but he was quickly awake when he saw Donnie.
"He smelled at his oats & then just started crying & shaking!" Raph answered.
I sat beside Donnie & tried talking to him, but he couldn't communicate verbally, nor with his hands.
He was hyperventilating.
And then our group dynamics changed as they ways do, when something like this happens:
I fixed my glasses (I usually wear contacts) & got up.
Therapist Dr. Feelings became the leader of the team.
I told Raph to pick Donnie up & carry him to his room & I told Leo to gather Donnie's emergency kit for situations like these from his lab.
Donnie has a plan for every possible situation that we both worked out together.
I could cry every time I have to make Raph carry Donnie when he's having a panic attack or a meltdown. Donnie started screaming & hissing at Raph when he tried to pick him up. When Raph had him in his arms, Donnie started hitting him.
But Raphael is strong & he doesn't mind that. He knows Donnie is not able to think clearly & he's in stress & survival mode.
"He can hit Raph. It's cool. Just not himself."
We put him under his weighted blankets & made his room dark & I turned on his infrared lamp for warmth & comfort.
He instantly calmed down a bit & his hand reached out under the mess of blankets & pillows, Leon had put on him.
I took his hand & I stayed with him for five hours until he whispered:
"I lost my favourite same food today, Mikey."
"What happend?"
"It was weird. All of a sudden, I couldn't stand the smell of it. I couldn't even bring myself to eat it. I felt sick & ready to throw up if I had put some of it in my mouth. I'm afraid, Mikey. What if I lose my other foods, too? What if I can't eat anything anymore? I don't want to go down that spiral again."
And I understood why he had panicked.
He lost his safe food, that literally saved him out of his disordered eating spiral. All of a sudden.
No wonder he panicked.
"We will always be there to help you, Donnie. You don't have to battle your mind alone."
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He hasn't touched oats, yogurt & pudding since then. I saw that he tried, but he always got nervous & put them back.
Now Donnie only eats rice cakes & peanut butter, but hey, he eats.
Sometimes, I wish I could take all his struggles away.
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strawberrywinter4 · 7 months
Hi there:)
You don't know me and I'm sorry for bothering you but a fellow fan showed me your text about how Sherlock saved you and just yesterday I wrote a similar text here on Tumbler because that's exactly what Sherlock and John did for me.
I'm dealing with mental health issues since I was 14 years old and now I'm 43 and had suicidal thoughts every day of the week for 15 years.
My first thought of the day was: " Oh crap I didn't die during my sleep".
I was filled with anxiety and depression and I was close to finally giving up when I stumbled across Sherlock without actually looking for it.
Within days my world turned upside down and changed almost everything.
After almost three years of Sherlock/ Johnlock I run my own Sherlock group, found unbelievably kind friends and because of another fellow fan I'm one of the most euphoric fanfiction readers.
I was a former librarian before I fell too ill to work anymore and I know great work when I see it:))
I recently also discovered Podfics and feeling like a kid at Christmas all over again.
It is like I was invited to live at 221b myself with the boys and a fandom that welcomed me like no one else ever did.
It calms me down and let me built up my own beautiful Mind Palace.
I reduced medication and I still have anxiety and very dark periods of depression but no suicide thought ever since!
I got the happiness back when I met Sherlock and his world.
I understand you so well and your words touched me and I thank you for your honesty and wishing you all the best in the world and many more Sherlocked moments.
And if you feel like answering ( not necessary of course!)
please don't hesitate to make this public.
I don't hide my issues and most certainly not my love for Sherlock and John.
It finally pays off that all my classmates thought I'm weird.
I like weird:D
Best wishes
Oh my goodness! You are the sweetest. Thank you so much for telling me this <3
I am so sorry you went through such a dark period of time but I’m so happy that it has gotten better. The fact that Sherlock has helped you as well warms my heart. 221B is something that makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside, so I definitely understand where you’re coming from when you say it’s like you were invited into the fandom once you stumbled upon it. It’s truly a safe haven.
I love how active you are in the Sherlock fandom. It’s awesome! Keep it up, I love talking to people who love this fandom as much as I do.
It truly is amazing because it feels like the Sherlock fandom as a whole is a family and I’m so excited to be apart of it.
Thank you so much for sharing your story. I greatly appreciate it and just remember that you are valid!
Please don’t hesitate to slip into my asks again. I love answering and I love to hear about what others have to say. It is not a bother at all. <3
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nonbinaryroyalty43 · 8 months
Lomile (logan x emile) + Orange side is Perception
I'm backkkkk. Did ya miss me?
Characters: Logan Sanders, Emile Picani, Orange Side
Pairing(s): Lomile
Warnings: None I can think of
Summary: Emile thinks Logan forgot about their anniversary. Luckily, he is very wrong.
Logan does not have a clue what happened. It's a new experience for him, feeling lost and unsure of the next logical step. To him, nothing should be wrong.
And yet Emile left, seeming upset, after Logan had laid out the plans for their next date. All Emile said was, "I can't do this right now," before walking out. Logan is stumped.
A knock on his door startles Logan out of his thoughts. He straightens and calls, "Come in!"
Orange steps into the room. "Good morning, Logan. Is something wrong?"
Logan considers the question. "Yes, but we can discuss that later. Is there something you needed?'
Orange shrugs, moving to sit on Logan's bed. "Emile is upset about something, but he wouldn't say why. I was wondering if you knew."
"Unfortunately, I do not. I believe I may have been the cause, however." At Orange's inquisitive look, Logan continues. "I told Emile about what plans I have for our next date and he left distressed. I do not know the cause."
"Hm. That is odd. What are the plans?"
"Well, I told him we are going to have a movie marathon with a list of preselected movies. I do not understand his frustration."
"When is this date supposed to take place?"
"This Saturday."
"Ah." An understanding expression dawns on Orange's face. "You do know you anniversary is this Saturday, correct?"
"Of course. The marathon is not the true plan. I was hoping to surprise him with dinner," Logan states, as if it is obvious.
"Emile doesn't know that Logan. To him, it seems like you forgot your anniversary and are just doing a random date."
"Oh." Logan contemplates that for a moment. "I believe I know how to make this right. Will you assist me?"
"I really don't feel up for this, O," Emile says, walking towards the stairs with Orange beside him. "Logan forgot our anniversary and now he's avoiding me. I do not see how a walk in Imagination is going to help."
"Trust me. A walk is just what you need to relax."
Emile swallows his protests, following Orange to the entrance to Imagination. When the two step through, Emile's jaw drops.
The usual castle that stands before the entrance to Imagination is gone, replaced by a forest filled with large evergreen trees. Several strands of fairy lights hang between the trees, lighting up the dark night. A full moon and too many stars to count shine from the sky.
In the center of it all is a lovely table filled with Emile's favorite foods. And in the front of the table is Logan.
Emile steps forward, mouthing still hanging open, just taking in the scene. "Lo, did you...did you do this?"
Logan nods. "With a little help." He gestures towards the Orange Side, who nods and leaves Imagination.
"This is amazing, Lo. I can't believe you did this." Emile moves to Logan, taking his hand.
"I know you were upset because you thought I forgot our anniversary," Logan says, "but I could never forget something this important."
Emile smiles, his eyes tearing just a bit. "I know, Lo. I love you so much."
Logan bends forward gently kiss him. "I love you too, Emile. Happy anniversary."
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turtle-sister-april · 9 months
Hi April! Welcome to Tumblr! I hope you’re doing well. Although, I have a question. Do you remember the day when you met the turtles for the first time? If so, then can you please tell us the story?
Hi there and thank you. I hope you are doing just as well.😊
And, of course I remember when I first met the turtles.
The boys don't even know this first part fully, but on the day that I first met one of them it was already a pretty bad day for me. You see, in kindergarten I used to be friends with Kendra and at the time she was my only friend, but once we started first grade she meets Jeremy and stopped being my friend. I felt really sad and alone after she did that so I hid in an alley to be alone and cry to myself. That's when I find out I'm not actually alone.
Leo had left the old lair to go exploring topside and that's when he ran into me. At first I was really surprised and kind of scared that a talking turtle came up to me, then he asks me "Why are you crying?" Now, since my mom had warned me about strangers I just told him that I was having a rough day, never going into any detail about it.
That's when he decided to cheer me up, and since this was at night he got me to show him a bit around the city. After we talked for a while we agree to meet up the next day at the same spot. So when we met up again he wanted to introduce me to his brothers and opened the manhole cover for us to go down.
I'll be the first to admit I didn't know what to expect going down into the sewers, nor was I sure if I even wanted to follow Leo down there. But I decided to be brave and followed him down into the old lair. When he introduced me to the others they were each shocked at first that Leo brought me down there, but then they each had their own reaction to me.
Mikey was so excited to meet me that he was talking a mile a minute barely even giving me time to speak. Donnie was much more reserved and socially awkward at the time so he was just trying to not draw attention to himself. And Raph was chewing out Leo for bringing a human to the old lair. With all this noise coming from us Splinter comes in to investigate seeing me, and after finding out it was Leo who brought me Splinter chews him out too.
After hanging out there for a while and getting to know them, they said I could come back whenever I wanted to so long as I never told anyone about them. And from there the rest is history.
Thanks for asking, it was fun reliving that moment and getting to share it with you guys.
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So, Leo, mind if I ask what exactly happened when you met that lizard guy?
I feel like there’s a story there.
Neon Leon Story Time !!!
So, what happend?
Well, I got in a fight with papa over some STUPIDO bullshit crap!
I got so mad that I stormed off through my portals.
Papa was so unfair - he scolded me for messing up some tasks he gave me. I wanted to do them, I really wanted to. But I only finished them halfway:
I put in the laundry in the washing machine, got distracted, & didn't start the washing program.
The tip of the iceberg was putting stuff in the freezer & leaving it wide-open. It was not fun seeing all the melted ice in our kitchen.
But I didn't do it on purpose!
And papa didn't give me a chance to explain myself -
So I got angry & before I could do anything that would do more bad than good, I ran away.
I thought of getting away. Anywhere safe. Anywhere I wouldn't get judged & being yelled at.
And then, a flash of a colourful place greeted me.
I was in awe.
The portal closed behind me & I was in peace.
And in front of me - that crazy looking lizard.
And I knew - that's Neon Leon's second home. (totally platonic!!!)
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cerealmonster15 · 1 year
the past few months or so I’ve been gaining a decent number of people suddenly following me and I feel like I just am in my room wildly drawing on the walls and hastily writing on napkins while talking to myself and people just keep waking in the room to stare at me 🧍‍♂️
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tantaliart · 2 years
wanting to make hero of oakvale x jack of blades content vs not having the faintest idea how to go about putting it down on paper/screen
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amerasdreams · 2 years
Chapter 49 up!
Darkness weighed down on her. She couldn’t move, could hardly think…. Didn’t even feel sick, but instead, an alarming numbness. Or more like a blank barrier beyond which she didn’t want to feel.
More darkness than she could bear.
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sabotourist · 9 days
Guys I am going insane who is the writer of this fic i wanna follow them so bad and they mention being on tumblr a bunch but i CANNOT find their blog for the life of me
(if they wanna stay anonymous then all vibes, my b dude) but this fic is fucking awesome and i'd love to know who here wrote it??? aaaaa
Edit: found em!!! It's @kapachiramasama turns out!!! The astronomy stuff threw me off when I looked on my own. Anyway this writing RULES
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donniesexceptionalmind · 11 months
Me: *proudly* "I took an ibuprofen yesterday, I got up at 1 pm & later I'm eating pizza & work in my lab again - consider this self care!"
Raph: "Have you drank any water today?"
Mikey: "Did you eat?"
Leo: "Did you even sleep, or did you just leave your lab at 1 pm?"
Me: "I want a lawyer."
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'Pranking The Prankster - A Turtle Toots Story'
I hid under the couch in my shell to scare Leon while he was in the kitchen, grabbing himself some pizza.
When Leon came back & saw I was gone, he started to smirk & he ran to hide behind the sofa, thinking I've gone to the bathroom. He was so excited to scare me that he kept chuckling to himself while I was still under the couch.
After a few minutes, Donnie entered & he heard Leon laughing.
"You know, this is a furniture piece to sit, don't you? You don't have to... sit behind it?"
"Yeah, yeah, psssst, I'm trying to freak Miguel."
For a short moment, Donnie looked straight to where I was hiding - I knew he was aware of where I was. I looked at him with pleading eyes.
"Ah, sure. Right."
Donnie went to sit next to Leon & I had to bite my tongue so I wouldn't start laughing.
"When is Mikey coming back?" Donnie asked casually while fidgeting with a purple fidget spinner. "I have... still work to do."
"Can't be long."
Then Raph entered & Donnie nudged Leon, who impulsively shot up & screamed, "GHOST ATTACK!"
Raph didn't react at all & just looked at us with the well-known 'really?'-expression.
I heard a soft 'meow' from Donnie & I slided out from under the couch yelling, "BOOOOOOOO!"
Our lovely prankster champion Leon basically did a double flip backwards while screaming & hissing in terror. It was a delight to see!
Donnie started chuckling & I couldn't hold my amusement in either. "Got you SO GOOD!"
"Guess you're no longer the champ, huh?" Donnie asked with the smug smile.
"Oh, shut it, Donna. This game's not finito."
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