#fandom and ethics
elumish · 1 month
I think some people get so caught up in a mindset that all moderation is terrible for fandom that they run headlong into the paradox of tolerance and side with the neo-nazis.
If you try to make a group equally and unreservedly welcoming to everybody, especially by saying that no content can ever be removed and that criticism is antithetical to the group norms, you by definition make the group unsafe for marginalized people.
Black fans are inherently less safe in a group that is tolerant of racists or of racist content. Disabled people are inherently less safe in a group that is tolerant of ableism or ableist content. Jewish people are inherently less safe in a group that is tolerant of antisemitism or antisemitic content.
And so there is no value neutral moderation decision--not even "everything and everyone is allowed without question or comment." You are making a choice as to who you want to prioritize in your community, and marginalized people are the ones who lose when you maintain the status quo.
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under-loch-n-key · 2 months
I am currently rewatching House MD. I got inspired while half asleep to draw them. I decided to give House and Wilson a little Good Omens spin and I love them.
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They are now Ethical Omens MD. The "ethical-not-so-ethical" husbands. Lol.
(I may do some more House MD x Good Omens (Ethical Omens MD) Fanart because I really enjoyed drawing them.)
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starless-gaze · 2 months
seeing anti jeggy posts on my feed is wild bc the argument is always that it's ooc for james
like how do you know james wouldn't be into regulus??? did he tell you that????
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cobragardens · 7 months
Not gonna name and shame but I want it agreed amongst all of us in the Ineffable Fandom that we are NOT here to ship David Tennant and Michael Sheen or to make claims or speculate about their relationship. That is gross and not okay.
There is a huge important difference between shit like "Aaaahhh they were so flirty in this interview, my burning cheeks!" (good, fine) or "Crowley's Spy Turtleneck was hot, I wonder what MS said about it on set!" (also fine) and shit like "05/03/23, 1413GMT: This photo shows them with facial expressions that indicate they have a sexual relationship" (fucking yikes).
Tennant and Sheen have been lovely and giving to their audiences about their work together on Good Omens and Staged! and they are trusting us to remember that in addition to skillful and famous actors they are also actual human beings whose actual human lives are not texts for our entertainment. They have done so much work to bring us these pieces of art and like fuck are we going to repay these actual people with this zero-privacy celebrity culture bullshit.
We owe these dudes some basic gd respect, especially when they're off the clock, just as a matter of decency. Don't treat real people like things.
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veetowervaporwave · 2 months
There's an in-universe Vees fandom, and a subset of it is the in-universe Voxval shipping. People overanalyze their every interaction, make conspiracy threads and videos, etc.
Velvette encourages this because 1) she thinks it's hilarious, 2) it festers parasociality
She'll like. Post a random picture of them standing next to each other but then put a heart sticker between them and everyone in the comments will be like "Velvette tell us your secrets!!!"; "Our prophet share your knowledge!!!", etc.
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hussyknee · 3 months
I'm really not a villain enjoyer. I love anti-heroes and anti-villains. But I can't see fictional evil separate from real evil. As in not that enjoying dark fiction means you condone it, but that all fiction holds up some kind of mirror to the world as it is. Killing innocent people doesn't make you an iconic lesbian girlboss it just makes you part of the mundane and stultifying black rot of the universe.
"But characters struggling with honour and goodness and the egoism of being good are so boring." Cool well some of us actually struggle with that stuff on the daily because being a good person is complicated and harder than being an edgelord.
Sure you can use fiction to explore the darkness of human nature and learn empathy, but the world doesn't actually suffer from a deficit of empathy for powerful and privileged people who do heinous stuff. You could literally kill a thousand babies in broad daylight and they'll find a way to blame your childhood trauma for it as long as you're white, cisgender, abled and attractive, and you'll be their poor little meow meow by the end of the week. Don't act like you're advocating for Quasimodo when you're just making Elon Musk hot, smart and gay.
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ebthestarryknight · 8 months
I don't get how people can have very specific dedicated blogs, I just see a fun thing and I'm like "Oooh pretty!! Reblog! >:)" or "ooooh cool!! Reblog >:)" or "Wow amazing AND important!! Reblog >:)". I'm like a magpie of posts, if it catches my eye? Reblog!
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Talking about real life in fandom spaces.
As I wrote part 2 of the Autumn Embers story, I wanted to make sure I took a moment to touch on some of the themes that I am writing about.
Omegaverse fiction is a really fun sandbox to play in! I love it! I love casual fun and fuck or die situations! I am endlessly amused by the idea of biologically mandated "I will have the uncontrollable need to fuck" leave from work. And of course, the wonderful world of mpreg.
At the same time, as a writer of color, as a queer person, as a person witnessing genocide, I can't completely divorce the world around me from the writing I do. Especially in the Call of Duty fandom, where our source material is about war and imperialism. (Here's a great video on the messages of Call of Duty. None of us are immune to propaganda.)
Autumn Embers makes a direct reference to the 4B Movement in South Korea, where women are making a stand for their right to exist without sexual harassment, assault, coercion, and discrimination. (short summary article by Dr. Katherine H. S. Moon, another article by Beh Lih Yi, wiki article with references) I am not, myself, of Korean descent, but I stand in solidarity with the women and marginalized people in Korea facing discrimination.
Because this is a work of omegaverse fiction, the discussion of pregnancy complications and loss of life are not 100% medically accurate. However, with the rise of babytrapping stories I've been seeing in the fandom, I think it's important to acknowledge that reproductive abuse and pregnancy can be dangerous or even fatal. (This is not condemnation of those types of stories at all. I enjoy a lot of them a hell of a lot! )
There will continue to be discussion of the dangers of reproductive abuse and ideas of biological essentialism surrounding pregnancy and birth. I also make a reference to capitalism and imperialism, and their impact on reproductive freedom across the globe. That that theme will come back.
Topics of intersex identities and experiences will come up! I'm genuinely surprised that I haven't seen more of this in the omegaverse spaces in general, so if you have links to fics that explore this, please share them with me!
I don't know the best way to end this, but I just wanted to make sure that I added some commentary. I would also love to see comments and discussions and tags! If you're not comfortable with those but still want to chat, my ask box is open!
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boreal-sea · 6 months
Imma write fiction abt you being raped btw BC it’s just fiction and I’m not doing anything wrong by that
Ok. You’re not doing anything wrong. It’s not even weird - writing graphic fantasies where you hurt someone you hate is extremely normal, actually. It would not offend me, because I wouldn’t even know you’ve done it.
Sending me this Ask is weirder and more "harmful" than writing that story would be. Because you're trying to threaten me here. It's just not working. You are attempting to cause harm.
It would be unethical is if you were to write that story then send it to me with the intention of causing me emotional harm, because now this situation has moved from a private fantasy between you and your anger into something you’re trying to use to hurt me.
It would become illegal, if while you were sharing the story with me, you said “I want to do this to you IRL” - because now you’re threatening me with actual real-life rape. If you then posted that story in public and said “I want to actually rape Taiga IRL” it now becomes a public threat, which is also illegal.
You could also potentially enter into the land of illegal defamation if you publicly claimed that I had in fact done the things you wrote about in the story, because I haven’t done those things. If you present fictional events as fact, that is defamation, and that is illegal too.
So in summary:
Writing a rape fantasy about someone you hate: not illegal, not unethical, very normal human behavior.
Sharing that story with the target of your hate: unethical, because now you’re trying to emotionally hurt that person.
Sharing that story with the target you hate and posing it as a threat: illegal, because threats are illegal.
Posting that fiction in public as a threat of action: again illegal, because you’re publicly threatening someone.
Claiming a person actually did the things in the story: defamation, and  illegal.
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This is the other Ask you sent.
I don’t know what “oppressive force that has hundreds of years of killing black people under their belt” means. Do you mean America in general? Do you mean racism in general? Do you mean the patriarchy??? All of those have been responsible for the deaths of black people.
But none of that has anything to do with the fact that a fictional character is a concept, not a person. You cannot hurt a fictional character. And if you write a story about me, that version of me is now a fictional character. That’s not the real me. You can’t hurt me by hurting that character. 
You can only hurt me if you show me a story you know will emotionally upset me, or if you threaten to actually rape me, or if you defame me in public. But those are things you are doing to the real me, not to the fictional version of me you wrote about in your story.
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under-loch-n-key · 1 month
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I was going to make this little comic longer, but I am so exhausted. I didn’t want to draw detailed stuff, so I doodled the characters and just imported backgrounds. I know House’s cane is on the wrong side of him, I did do it for an artistic choice just so we can see the gesture of his hand better. I shortened the comic to three panels.
The 2nd panel was done in the early morning so it is the most messy. I also forgot his curl too. Sorry about that. Lol.
Here’s the dialogue that was going to be in the panels and undrawn panels:
[Enter House] we see him leaned back in his chair with his legs kicked up on the desk playing with his ball when one of The Ducklings™️ enter the room.
[Enter Chase]
Chase: Oh, God! House- you got, you going to a costume party?
House: *tossing his ball up in the air and catching it a final time with a sigh* No, Wilson had to cancel the orgy..
Chase: Right..did not need to know that…
House: As your kind say, ask and thy shall receive. Except me, Wilson was going to be receiving this time. He drew the short straw.
Chase: Ew, God, just- WHY.. why do your eyes look like that?
House: *points to his eyes in the gesture of a peace sign* these blue eyed babies?
House begins to get up from his chair and limp over to Chase. He puts a hand on the man’s shoulder and with a serious expression he says,
House: Well Chase, I- there’s something you should know..
House then leans into Chase’s personal space and whispers,
House: I’m just really into cosplay.
House gives Chase a final pat on the shoulder and limps out of the room. Leaving a horrified Chase in his office. Wilson’s lunch awaits.
More Ethical Omens MD comics soonnnn!! Enjoy the doodles. 💛💛💛
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the-bar-sinister · 1 year
If you are a person who:
Has violent, abusive, harmful, or destructive thoughts
Enjoys having violent, abusive, harmful, or destructive thoughts
Enjoys fiction with violent, abusive, harmful, or destructive characters
Creates fiction with violent, abusive, harmful, or destructive characters
And you do not actually do any violent, abusive, harmful or destructive actions
You are not a bad person.
You are a good person.
Thoughts and fiction do not define morality.
Actions define morality.
Having or enjoying bad thoughts or bad fiction doesn’t mean you will act on those feelings.
Liking negative themes in fiction or having daydreams about harmful actions will not cause you to do harm.
Thoughts and fiction aren’t harmful.
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zensations35 · 2 months
It's pretty depressing to be so excited about something enough to actively want to make content on a daily basis just to have my feed clogged with posts trashing not just the thing I am enjoying but the people who enjoy it as well.
Like ofc it's fine to not be on the train. I've had my feed flooded with fandoms I'm not into. I spent months seeing OFMD and genshin, BSD, etc and while it took extra time to scroll I knew why people were excited.
But to trash the creators and people behind the blogs here in a community you love and respect seems just unnecessarily rude.
Some of us see shows and books as outlets for personal trauma and yeah it may be cringe but everyone is cringe with something.
You're allowed to have opinions about the show or content. But as soon as you start disrespecting the people here just making art, saying what amounts to "its OK to like bad things but you're bad for liking it" is just not the vibe.
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essential-randomness · 4 months
Your angle or yuor devil: choosing between LLC and nonprofit
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It's time! For this week's Tuesday Content, I'm cheating a little: first, it's Wednesday; second, instead of new content, I'm "unpaywalling" a section of my $upporters-only "Quarterly Extravaganza".
Learn below (or in the blogpost) about the eternal dilemma: should our org be a nonprofit or an LLC?
To support our project (and get early access to this content), support me on Patreon!
The first step to settle the LLC vs nonprofit debate was to look at the path chosen by other fandom-adjacent entities. Turns out, there's historical examples of both!
So, armed with grit, we took the logical next step: get clarity on the legal differences between the two!
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Cutting to the chase, we chose to (very soon) incorporate as an LLC. It was not an easy choice, and we went back and forth–and agonized over it–for quite a while.
However, a few considerations tipped the scales:
First, while our projects have a “charitable intent” that would allow us to qualify for 501c3 status (a.k.a. become a nonprofit), we decided that the procedures required would place a too heavy weight on our already-stretched shoulders.
Next, as we spearhead many ambitious projects with very little budget, we wanted to be able to reward those who took a bet on us with their time and work, should our efforts eventually pay off.
(You can learn about these projects here)
Finally–without mincing words–the online (and fandom) discourse around nonprofits made us uncomfortable: while it’s true that nonprofits have a charitable intent, they still have a balance sheet to balance, and produce work that deserves to be paid for. This is too easy to forget!
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Obviously, given that our projects have a clear “anti-corporate bent”, becoming a for profit corporation came with concerns.
However, we found that LLCs are an incredibly-flexible legal structure that gives us ample power to add ethical guardrails!
There's a lot to say about the various options, and we've just started exploring them. If you want to learn more about these, you can read the article/slides or watch this video by the excellent Sustainable Economies Law Center, whose help has been invaluable throughout all this!
(To be clear: until we have more resources in place and a better understanding of our future, we’re going to keep things simple: at first, our LLC will be what’s called a “single-member LLC”, owned by yours truly (me). We'll keep evaluating options as we work to reach stability!)
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...and that is all for this week! Once again, to support this journey towards a better web, you can donate on Patreon or on my own website!
You can also help us by reblogging this post and sharing the blogpost with all your friends and fandom-oriented Discord servers!
We'll keep you updated about this all as the year progresses. Look forward to it!
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faroreskiss · 10 months
The Power of Understanding / Pilot (Part 1 v2)
Rewritten to v2 on: 2023/09/10
Cheat Sheet
Read of Ao3
Chapters: Pilot, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7, Part 8, Part 9
Summary: You have been with the Chain for a while now, as their "scholar" and translator. You know everything about them, because you are from our world. But do *they *know the truth about how you can understand everyone?
A little introduction and world building concept for the Translator!Reader and her adventures. Check notes below for more info!
Non-linear fic.
AU fic, prior to TotK (instead of TotK, chain events happen).
Loosely based on the same reader in my NSFW fic, which is a very loose prequel to this one, and a work in progress.
More background info to come, if I feel like it :D
Warnings: None, maybe some cussing, but nothing is censored. SFW content.
Points of interest: This is your thing if you are into the mystery of chain being able to talk to each other. I am an actual trained linguist IRL, hence this HAD to be written!
You were daydreaming in the middle of the day about him again, amidst the smell of horse shit around you, when you're supposed to be finishing the work you have until the end of the day. Or until a new portal pops up to swallow you all to Goddess knows which Hyrule this time. Damned black-blooded monsters. At least, this gave you some break.
You, coming from our own era, have been acting as the scholar of the Chain for the last couple of years, while hopping from world to world with them. Knowing this, Malon put you to work on the books of the ranch, instead of letting you deal with the cows or the horses, even though you really didn’t have anything specific to do with maths. You thought she was being kind to you, not letting you deal with dirty ranch work, you guessed? She was a sweetheart either way.
You wanted to hang out with Twilight at the same time, so instead of using the little study Malon offered, you took the books and went down to the stables. You continued with your own stuff, while he was taking care of the horses.
There was also this little thing: you were the only one who understood every single one of them, (almost) very clearly, comparatively speaking. Sure they could communicate without you just as well, but due to a bunch of coincidences, you were the closest thing to the “translation magic”, if you can call it that. Maybe it was your Hoshi Sato gene*. Maybe it was the fact that you actually stayed with Link & Zelda in the post-Calamity world, around two years prior meeting the Chain**, maybe a bit of magic was also involved. Hylia works in mysterious ways! Did it almost cost you your brain? Yes. Was it worth it? Absolutely. 
Some Links, of course, understood each other better than the others, especially when their eras were, linguistically speaking, not that far. Time and Twilight were just fine. Legend and Hyrule were already able to understand each other, even a little bit better than Time and Twilight. Sky was a bit further away and had a “funny way of saying things” (according to the Sailor), almost gibberish, but when you listened and when he spoke slowly enough, you could at least get the gist of what he was trying to say. Wind, Time, and Warriors already knew each other from other “incidents” before the Chain, so they already had a way of communicating. 
These worlds also did not have many invasions and wars by “outsiders”, if you don’t count things like the Triforce War, Imprisoning War, Sealing War, and of course, anything that had to do with Demise, Ganon & co. and their horrible reincarnations. This meant, not a lot of language change.
In the end, what happened was that over the two years you have been together with the group, you helped them understand each other better. They adjusted their accents, and somehow warped the Hylian they speak in a way that the group would understand (and especially you), when the dialogue was still within the group. Of course, the Old Man would speak more “naturally” with Malon and vice versa, and some of the chain would adjust better (e.g. Twilight or Smithy) to the language of the era they are in. After some point, communication was not that much of a problem. You learnt it all in the end. 
Funny enough, Wild, Sky, and Twilight had similar scripts. Time and Wind had more similar writing systems. Wild, Wars, Legend, Time, and Rulie were also better at understanding the scripts of their respective eras. Overall, other than a couple of hiccups, most understood the others’ script to an extent. 
And then there was Wild. Also known as “The Cook” nowadays. The rest of the chain didn’t know you called them the Chain in your mind, and had your little nicknames for them. The nicknames most likely revealed a bit too much, and even though most of the secrets were out nowadays… You knew better than to risk more. You have caused enough damage, you would think sometimes. Even though you just couldn’t resist the urge. 
Anyway… Wild, his case and communication issues… were complicated.
According to the rest of the chain when you guys first met, whatever he was saying (and vice versa) was almost complete gibberish at first. Some terms and special names like “deku,” “korok,” “Hylia,” “Hyrule,” “rupee,” and such were still there, albeit with a different accent, and they helped, but it was not enough. You only found out later that it was kind of… your fault. 
In the end, he was also able to communicate with them just fine. Each Link had their own… language variation and accents, so to say. Some of them did not even have the difference enough to call it a “dialect” comparatively. As you thought, language change is a slow enough process, and with the lack of ‘conflicts’ (for lack of a better word) compared to your world, no wonder they were still somehow able to understand each other. . 
The Goddesses work in mysterious ways indeed.
How did it work for you, though? There was this little secret that… First time around, when you first dropped into Wild's Hyrule, “Hylian” was basically a weird mesh-up of English and Japanese to your ears, after the enchantment from the Great Fairies you have received. It was “so you could slowly understand and grasp and communicate”, you were told. 
Oh boy, it really felt like a genie granting you a wish, but in its own twisted way. You found that out later though. 
Second time around when you first met the rest of Links, though? The first enchantment… kind of messed everything up. Second time around, you actually ended up learning real Hylian. At least, the Hylian that was used as a lingua franca between you guys. 
Of course, some learning skill enchantment was definitely not out of the deal this time as well, thanks to Rulie & Time and their fairy friends, and of course the Smithy. But what a disaster it had been! Well, it wasn’t your fault that the first time the enchantment was made, nobody calculated that you would meet the Links from other eras.
You also naturally know the reason behind why Links in kind of irrelevant eras could decipher each other's texts, even when they didn’t understand the words all the time. Some were based on the Latin alphabet, and some were on Japanese kana. No way you could clearly explain it to them.
“Oh, by the way, you are made by a game company called Nintendo, and this guy is called Miyamoto…”
Yeah, no. That didn’t go well last time. Nobody even understood what you meant. 
That was a battle to fight for another day… Now, you need to focus on the budget of the Lon Lon Ranch. And not be distracted by Twilight’s statue.
Fanciest and most OP translator you will ever know. Star Trek Universe. 
"You” already spent three years with Link and Zelda in Wild’s world and were enchanted by the Great Fairies (with Zelda’s involvement) for the improvement of learning abilities.
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elumish · 2 years
I think it's possible to both acknowledge that fandom, as with so many spaces, is experiencing some of the creeping purity-culture stuff related to sex and non-Christian-traditional sexual content and also that fandom has a massive bigotry problem (most notably racism, but also misogyny, ableism, aro/ace-phobia, transphobia, biphobia, etc) and also a white nationalist/supremacist and pro-fascism problem (living largely though not exclusively in the HP and SW fandoms).
And part of this requires recognizing that a critique that a sexual thing is bad because it's "icky" or "problematic" or whatever is fundamentally different from a critique that something (even a sexual or shipping thing) is bigoted. And people have got to stop shutting down every critique of a ship as though they are the same purity culture nonsense.
The other part is recognizing that not all critiques of fandom have anything to do with shipping. Not everything is about sex. There are other things that people have been critiquing in fandom for a long time, and when people dismiss it all as just being part of a ship war, they are not only not bothering to try to understand what is being critiqued, they are doing a huge disservice to the fandom community at large by keeping it from being able to improve.
I absolutely want to live in a space where people are able to write and read slash fiction and kink and weird stuff and dark stuff. But I also want to live in a space that doesn't continue to drive away Fans of Color rather than listening to and respecting them, and that acknowledges the existence of bi people, and that treats women with respect, and that lives up to the progressive ideals that people keep saying fanfiction and fandom express.
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Um, idk if this is a stupid question so if it is feel free to delete, but about Transferrable Skills- it’s specified that the reader is black, is it like ok for me to read it even though I’m about as pasty as a vampire??? I will be the first to admit I don’t know Jack shit about this particular topic so I’m just looking to be respectful and whatnot
Once again so sorry if this is a stupid question, I just wanted to ask
Hi friend! This isn't a stupid question at all!
The short answer is yes - you absolutely can read Transferrable Skills!
To me the Reader in a Reader Insert is a character that we are very aligned with, but you don't have to identify with them 100% to engage with their story. If you're having fun, then read on!
A longer answer under the cut!
Usually, skin tone isn't a huge part of the Reader Insert experience. This is meant as a way to help bridge the gap between you the reader and the experiences of the character. That's great! But there are a lot of little things that can pop up in Reader Inserts that aren't actually as neutral as the writer might intend. And that means that Black readers, and readers of other marginalized experiences, can be jarred out of the experience.
Most authors stay away from hair and eye color, for example, but hair texture comes up. Phrases like "he ran his fingers through your hair" are really cute, but not relatable for me! Sometimes it's really hot to imagine a man grabbing the back of my hair, but other times the thought rips me right out of the fantasy.
The fanfiction I write is, first and foremost, for me. It took me a long time to come back to writing (10 years!). Part of that was focusing on what other people wanted to read instead of what I want to experience as a reader and a writer. So a lot of my writing is going to have Black characters, front and center, because that's what I need.
I won't always specify the reader's skin tone or hair texture, but I wanted to for Transferrable Skills because I am shamefully shamelessly basing the character on me in a lot of fun ways.
I hope you enjoy the reading experience! And I hope you'll check out some other writers who write Readers who are Black, Fat/Plus Size, Gender Diverse, Disabled/Differently Abled, and more. There's a lot of us out here, and we'd love to share our work.
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