#family man verse
alexihawleys · 1 year
come with me & escape
BARCHIE WEEK 2023 | day five: canon & non-canon AUs
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Fandom: Riverdale
Ship: Betty Cooper/Archie Andrews
Rating: Teen
"It's our first vacation, you know? I want us to remember it.”
or: five memorable vacations Archie and Betty go on - as a new couple, as newlyweds, as new parents, and more.
[Read on AO3]
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kantush · 1 year
This movie was fun (TW: Loud startling sound)
Miguel your are my beloved
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Peni & Noir protect each other
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redwuds · 4 months
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old art
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iwasbored777 · 8 months
Gwen's face while listening to her father talking shit about Spider-Woman is sending me
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jtexplorer · 1 year
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stairset · 4 months
I do feel like the way Kyoshi was written in the Avatar reboot was lowkey influenced by the fandom's perception of her. Cause like in the original show she's really just portrayed as a pragmatist who's willing to kill if necessary. Like Aang is conflicted about killing the Fire Lord and she's like "well if I were in your position I'd do it but that's just me. Good luck." And then people started making memes where she's like a murderous psychopath who thinks extreme violence is always the solution. And it was funny at first cause it was just exaggerating for comedy but now everyone thinks she was actually like that in the show when she really wasn't. And then in the remake her introductory scene is her angrily yelling at this 12 year old that he needs to stop being a little pussy and be a ruthless warrior or whatever and the only explanation I can think of is that someone in the writer's room maybe looked at a few too many of those memes.
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bagelsforall · 9 months
thank you spot for existing you make drawing so much more fun
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aquiboni · 1 year
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Across The SpiderVerse round 2!!
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gejo333 · 1 year
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Beach Day
Father Miguel O’Hara x mother reader
Summary: Spending a wonderful day at the beach with your husband Miguel and daughter Gabriella.
It’s been a hectic passed few days for me, which is why I haven’t been updating lately. I promise Chapter two of El Destino will be no later than Monday!
I wrote this cute and fluffy fic that I was inspired by urghoulfriend who drew Miguel and Gabriella going to the beach.
Credit goes to urghoulfriend from TikTok/Instagram. I got permission from the artist to repost! Also, I’m only showing part of the artwork. The beach part. If you want to go see the rest you can find it on TikTok or Instagram.
Also thank you so much for the 50 follows!!! It means the world to me!💕
I apologize for any grammatical mistakes I missed.
Wc: 1.6k
Morning sunlight seeped through the curtains, the light stirring you from your slumber. You slightly shuffle to face your body toward your sleeping husband. His arm tightens around your waist, bringing you closer to his chest. You lean over his face and leave a small kiss on his cheek, waking him up.
“Good morning Miggy.”
“Morning, cariño. How did you sleep?” His voice is rough from just waking up.
“Pretty good. Gabriella was so excited to go to the beach today that she wouldn’t go to bed for a while. How about you? You came in late. Everything going ok at HQ?” Miguel brought you towards his chest as he wrapped his arms around your waist. You wrapped your arms around his neck as he kissed you on the head, still trying to wake up.
“I wanted to get much work done to take today off. But a few anomalies popped up on my radar that I had to help with. But Jess arrived at HQ to watch over everything. When I came back, there was a robbery or two that happened. So I dealt with that before coming back.”
“That sounds like a busy day. But I really appreciate you making time for us.” You caressed his cheek as he leaned down to place a long loving kiss on your lips. Back now against the mattress as Miguel hovers over you. He peppers your neck and chest with kisses, his fangs grazing your skin occasionally.
“Anything for you, mi vida.” He mumbled against your skin. He brought a hand down to separate your thighs, positing himself between your legs. He gently grabbed you by the waist as he brought you closer to himself. A moan escaped your lips as you felt his erection against your thigh.
You wrapped your arms around his neck to pull him in closer. As he was about to remove your panties, a heavy sigh escaped his lips, stopping his actions. He kisses you before going back to lying next to you.
Your brows furrowed briefly before hearing small footsteps approaching your bedroom door. You give Miguel a quick kiss on his neck, and he lets out a small grunt.
You both sit up, hearing the door open, walking in your precious five-year-old daughter. She hops onto the bed in your arms as you happily give her a big hug.
“Good Morning, Mama! Good Morning Papa!” She smiles brightly. She was the spitting image of Miguel. However, he always said she had your spirited personality and beautiful smile.
“Are you excited to go to the beach today, princesa?” Asked Miguel.
“Yes!” Gabriella yelled as she jumped up and down on the bed before getting down and running out. “Let’s go!”
The three of you arrived at the beach which was packed since it was a hot summer day in Nueva York. Miguel put Gabriella on his shoulders as he carried a bag or two. You carrying the other two bags.
Walking on the sand and around clumps of people, you search for a perfect place. Miguel taps you on the shoulder and points ahead, and you follow his direction, seeing the perfect place. It was very close to the water, so Gabriella could play. But the water wasn’t close enough to get to your things.
As all three of you arrive at the spot, Miguel sets everything up while you help Gabriella collect shells.
“All set.” Miguel finished placing the last towel down.
“It looks perfect. Thank you, Miggy.”
“Thank you, Miggy!” Gabriella giggled.
“That’s Papa to you.” Miguel tickles her slightly as punishment, earning high-pitched laughter from your daughter.
All three of you settle on the towels layering near each other. You finish putting Gabriella’s hair in a braid to move it from her face as you take out the Sun spray and pass it to Miguel for him to use.
“If only you brought the lotion. I would have loved your help putting it on.” Miguel winked at you before spraying himself and then your daughter. His comment made your cheeks redden as he handed you back the spray. You move closer to Miguel and spray his back, kissing him, saying you are done.
“Do you need help with your back?” He smirked.
“I do.” You turn around. Miguel moved your hair to your shoulder as he sprayed your back. Once he was done, you turned around to find him still there.
“Need any more help?” His eyes scanned your body. You purposely worse the red bikini that was his favorite on you.
“I’m good, love.” You place a quick kiss on his lips before sitting down again.
The Sun beating down against your skin was relaxing as you listened to waves crashing on the shore. You gaze lovingly at Gabriella building a sand castle.
However, your relaxation was cut short as your ears perked up at the sound of women nearby drooling over your husband. A sigh escaped your lips as you heard them talk about him. You knew Miguel was a very attractive man. Since you both started dating, women have been gawking at him. It never bothered you as you were his wife, but sometimes it still annoyed you that some women said stuff like that out loud when you were clearly with him.
You move to sit in between his legs as you rest your back against his chest.
“Cariño, are you sitting with me because you want to or because of those women?” He whispered in your ear.
“Can it be both?” You turn your head and kiss him, which he gladly reciprocates. After the kiss, you turn towards the women and give them a fake smile, wavy your hand slightly at them as if saying ‘hello, I can hear you so shut the fuck up.’ Now caught, the women stop talking afraid to anger you.
“Mama, can I have water?”
“Of course!” You say, grabbing the bag. You sigh in annoyance as you see there are no more left. Remembering there are more in the car, you decide to get up.
“Where are you going?” Miguel frowned slightly, missing your body against him.
“I’m going to grab the other water bottles from the car.” You said as you grabbed the keys.
“I can go instead.” Miguel offered, but you shook your head and smiled.
“It’s alright. The car is close. I’ll be back in a few minutes.” Miguel gives your hand a loving squeeze saying alright before you walk back towards the car. You needed to cool off not only from the Sun but from those pesky women.
“Here’s what we’re going to do. Distract Mama, and I’ll pick her up and get her into the water. Sounds like a plan?” He whispered to his daughter; a large smile appeared on her face.
“Yes!” She whispered back. You came back from grabbing more water bottles from the car. As you set them down, Gabriella grabs your hand.
“Mama! Look, there’s a baby crab!” Gabriella pulls you toward where she found it. When you both stop, your eyebrows furrowed when you see nothing.
“Where did you see-“ You gasped as large arms picked you up bridal style. You hook an arm around his neck for balance and lightly pinch his cheek.
“Miguel, you scared me.” You said, which your husband only chuckled in return. You look at both your daughter and husband. Both had a mischievous look on their faces. Before you asked further, Miguel rushed into the water, followed by your daughter.
Knee-deep in the water, Miguel stopped, a place his daughter could still go.
“You wouldn’t dare.” You try to hide your smile as you look at your husband with a playful glare.
“Gabi and I thought you might want a dip into the water.” He said before dropping you.
You sat there in the water, soaked from head to toe. A laugh escapes your lips as you stand up, wiping some of your hair from your face.
“Watch out for a splash, honey.” You say to your daughter as you jump onto Miguel, catching him off guard and tackling him into the water. You sit on his lap as he emerges his upper half from the water, sending you a playful glare while laughing. Gabriella then comes and tackles her father with a hug, which he easily reciprocates as she sits on your lap.
“Very sneaky, mi amor.” Miguel places a sweet kiss on your lips, which you happily accept.
“Eww.” Said Gabriella as she giggled. You playfully roll your eyes as you hold your daughter. She wraps her arms around your neck and lays her head on your shoulder. You hear her yawn, signaling the three of you to pack up and return home.
Getting out of the water and drying off, Miguel collects everything as you hold your sleeping daughter in your arms, ready to go home.
Entering your apartment, you go to Gabriella’s bedroom, remove her bathing suit, and change her into her PJs. She was so tired you didn’t want to wake her to have a bath. You planned on giving her one tomorrow morning.
After tucking her into bed, you return to the living room, where Miguel put everything away.
“Is she in bed?”
“She is. Sound asleep.” You wrap your arms around him and rest your head on his chest. He holds you in his arms as the two of you silently stand there for a minute.
“Would you like to take a shower with me? Maybe continue where we left off this morning?” A grin graced his lips as he pulled you closer. You pull away from him and slowly back away in a playful manner.
“Only if you get there before me.” As you race towards your bedroom shower, laughing, Miguel chases after you.
“You’ll lose mi amor!”
Hope you enjoyed it🥰
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jazzymarie1006 · 3 months
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No thoughts, just five pairings I absolutely adore.
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dearest-painter · 1 year
MY perfect family! PT.1
Summary:Being a father of two is hard but when your single? It’s even harder especially as Spider-Man. Finally when you and your kids get back to your earth after being in Earth-1610 you’re immediately added to a society? What happens when you help the anomaly while people are obsessed with you?
TW/CW:Yandere behavior, unhealthy behavior, unhealthy relationship,abusive behavior,abusive relationship,Reader has 2 kids,Reader is a single dad and spider-man in his earth,The baby mama DEAD AS HELL, very out of character characters,this is a series,Reader was with the og spider crew during into the spider verse,people might be out of character,tell me if I need to add more
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You and Peter B arrived but you were surprised to see Miles here. “BUBBA!” You chuckled as Evangeline ran to Miles who crouched and picked her up. “Oh look at how much you’ve grown Eve! Did dada do your hair?” “Mhm! Daddy did me and sissy’s hair!” You walked into view as you held Ayano who was munching on her stuffed animals ear. “What can I do, Im quit talented!” Miguel was watching you..as always, it’s honestly quite creepy with how often he just stares at you. Ayano made grabby hands at Miles with a few ‘Ah! Ah!’ Noises. Miles put down Evangeline as he took Ayano. “Hola Aya” She giggled as she grabbed his face, Mayday now had her stuffed animal.
“Miguel doesn’t bite!” You chuckled and shook your head at what Peter B said then mumbled “Yes he does..fucker bites and growl, be very careful” Miles nodded his head as he trust you very much, Ayano was given back to you as Evangeline was sitting and holding onto your leg. Miguel loved the way you took care of your daughters..he loved the way you acted..yet he hated how fucking stubborn you were! You always found a way to piss him off yet make him fall more in love with you! It was annoying!
You weren’t really paying attention as you bounced Ayano a bit as you texted the usual babysitter. ‘Heya Casey, mind babysitting all of next week? I’m going to help my mom at the hospital and need someone to watch them for a bit’ it took a while but he responded. ‘Yes I can! Expect Friday and Sunday as I’ll need to leave early as we’re having a family reunion, is that okay?’ You responded. ‘Of course! I know someone who can take those day!’ ‘Okay thanks Y/N! See ya next week!’ He was a sweet man who was attractive but you were to busy for relationship.
Lyla was watching the entire text go down..luckily it wasn’t romantic to her and Miguel’s relief just you needing a babysitter. Lyla knew the way Miguel stared at you wasn’t fully innocent..she could see the obsession in his eyes but..she’s encouraging while making fun of him. She herself is just happy that someone is making Miguel less of a grump but still a grump, she chuckled as Ayano and Mayday climb him as this happens SO often! Sometimes when you aren’t paying attention he tries to get her to call him Dada and pretend it’s for you.
Peter B was staring at you lovingly as you and your kids payed half attention to Miguel, he’s always loved you since the day he’s looked at you. When you and your kids first met Evangeline was three years old and Ayano was about 5 months old he presumes(FUCK LOGIC!) but goodness you looked hot in and out of your suit. MJ or his MJ doesn’t mind and actually is willing to let him date you but only if your okay with it as she isn’t really mad as she’s also sorta obsessed with you. Miles leaned on you and you ruffled his hair making him smile, your his dad or other father figure and he loves it. Your one of his many father figures he’d kill someone for.
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the-lazy-eldritch · 11 months
Everyone today is the last day to sign the patition for kosa please it’s can be really bad I’m begging all of you who can sign it please do do whatever you can to stop the bill from passing the president was sponsoring this shit it’s gonna pass the first amendment and we’ll need iD to get access to the internet just becouse some people don’t like a little lgbt content please sign if your in the US
Sorry for putting this in fandom tags but this might be a little bit more effective then just kosa tags I’m trying really hard to get this out their
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fandom-official · 8 months
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Who’s got your back in battle? 💥 #HispanicHeritageMonth
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iwasbored777 · 7 months
This made me laugh so hard stop 😭😭😭
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She said that in the most normal way possible
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njordr · 10 months
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i meant to do a nice lil background too but i just need them out of my head while trying to get this fic written XSKXJD
peter’s suit killed me + my first try at webbing! the shading was also very fun to experiment with on this piece!
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