#everyone says it tastes like ginger but i’ve had a Lot of ginger in my life and it kinda doesn’t
cleolinda · 27 days
Weekend links, April 14, 2024
My posts
Honestly, I spent much of the week coping with storm migraines. You can tell, because I was reblogging a lot from under a cold compress rather than doing anything useful with life. 
Reblogs of interest
The Hot Vintage Lady Polls are rough out there, y’all. Round three started closing yesterday (see what’s still open here), and as of this writing, we have lost Bette Davis, Alla Nazimova, Theda Bara, Myrna Loy, Barbra Streisand, Fay Wray, Lucille Ball, Ginger Rogers, and Olivia de Havilland--and it looks like Catherine Deneuve, Clara Bow, Lana Turner, and Mary Pickford are on their way out. Meanwhile, I learned about a ton of actresses I’d never heard of before, only to shriek when Sharmila Tagore, Nadira, and Waheeda Rehman lost this round. (Edwige, I will never forget you.) 
Let me remind you (and me sometimes, too): Not everyone has the same taste or childhood attachments or cinema experiences as you. And everybody in this bracket loses. Everybody but one. 
(I can tell I’m not cut out for brawling because I’m like, “I will be very sad to see Norma Shearer go, but Hazel Scott seems nice!”)
“Actually, Mr. Musk, I am an attorney. Do you know that?” Here’s the highlights of Mark Bankston, the man who brought down Alex Jones, coping with Elon Musk and Elon Musk’s Lawyer, who is not even licensed in Texas, for 100 pages of deposition. 
Hozier Watch 2024: “Too Sweet” has now charted higher in the UK than “Take Me to Church,” and it’s getting real close on the US charts. This is a song that didn’t even make last year’s album. I am endlessly fascinated. 
Happy Leland Melvin Day!
Happy Neil Banging Out the Tunes Day!
“Posting endless DNIs because we can’t (or don’t know we can) make spaces just for the people we do want to interact with” actually makes a lot of sense in this centralized social media hellscape. 
There is a 20k mg weed gummy and nobody needs that. “Forget meeting the Hat Man this is what turns you into the Hat Man. This is worse than that torture drug that makes you experience 600 billion years in a second. This is the secret to honest to god shifting.” 
One of the best uses of the Kate Beaton Poe comic I’ve ever seen
“Americanisms that tell you to check on your American” (they are all correct)
“Tuxedo Mask is the first example of being ‘Kenough’”
Just this once, I will allow this AI rendition of a “traditional Polish family” and their traditional Polish woodchuck. 
I am absolutely not saying there is anything wrong with being into tentacles; I’m just saying that Pyramid Head doesn’t even have them and thus is a pretty tame choice to complain about. 
Little Guy, a game
A cursèd chair called “Oops!”
Sparrow Tarot: Honestly, this is one of my favorite takes on the Hanged Man.
This dog is a biscuit and she is precious
One of the things that’s so great about this Ilia Malinin free-skate program is, he makes it look so effortless that I would have never figured out on my own, without Tumblr’s commentary, that there’s a couple moves in here that no one in the world can do but him. Like, the very first jump and the announcers start screaming. 
A journey from fearing moths to raising them
A dude puts on a dress For the Meme and then discovers that he loves it (and then he styles it as a full outfit and it looks SO GOOD)
Watching this cat ride around on a roomba on a sped-up surveillance camera is self-care.
So is this (although it’s a bit strobe-y)
Bat type: hi doggy
Was the jello for the tuna salad lamb supposed to be lime?
The sacred texts
Holy Shit, Two Cakes
The origin of “Me, an intellectual”
Personal tag of the week
Designer Roberto Cavalli, who passed away this week at age 83. I reblogged several fashion posts--I hadn’t even realized myself that he had designed Beyoncé’s famous yellow dress in Lemonade.
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mxtantrights · 1 year
the off the clock kiss
this is a snippet from the famous dc!au that started with The Greatest Hits [read here]  you don’t have to read it but a lot of things would make sense if you do.
You’ve kissed Jason Todd before so you’re not sure why you’re freaking out. It’s the same pair of lips. It’s the same guy. But it is different. 
Before, when you two kissed, it was in front of everyone. Dressed up in costumes and caked in some brutal amount of mascara and concealer and foundation. In front of expensive cameras and microphones. In front of Harvey Dent, renowned director of American rom-coms. 
That was work. 
This? Right now? 
Jason Todd with his back against your front door and you pressed up against him with your tongue in his mouth? Yeah this wasn’t work. Or, it didn’t feel like work. 
He tastes like he looks. Which is a bit dangerous and something ginger or cinnamon dashed. You can’t tell which and honestly you don’t care in this very moment. 
Kissing him feels like time is slowing down in the most peculiar way. You can feel time passing and you don’t want it to end. Not when you have Jason Todd pressed up against you like this. His hands on your waist, giving you soft squeezes.
You pull away first. When you do you notice he’s slow to open his eyes. And he’s got the most dumbstruck look on his face. You’ve never seen him like this before, which is why you like it so much.
You’ve proven to him wrong.
“I think I just proved my point that I can kiss with passion.” you say.
He opens his eyes filly now. Like he’s taking you in- he is actually. It’s hard to miss. He gives your a full once over. And then that signature smirk in on his face like any other time he’s about to reply with something witty.
“So you’ve been holding back on set because you want to defend my honor?” he asks in return.
You hit him over the shoulder and take a step back from him so you’re not chest to chest anymore. Though that doesn’t stop your heart from beating any more wildly than before. He’s still got his hands on you.
“I’m new to acting. I wasn’t just gonna French you in front of the camera!” 
He clears his throat, “Well I wouldn’t have not liked it. But also, you should think about bringing that energy back to set.” 
“Are you- is that a complaint?” you retort. 
He grabs your shoulders, something you didn’t know you wanted to feel until he did it and now that he has you wanna feel it again. You try to pull yourself together for the sake of the conversation.
“Listen, hun, that was definitely not a complaint. I’m just saying maybe we dial it up when the cameras are rolling. This is the sequel after all.” he answers.
You nod you head. And then he’s letting go of you. What you’re thankful for is the sound of the music you had playing earlier in the living room that fills the background or he would’ve picked up the when you let out at the loss of his touch. 
“Have you read page 79?” you ask.
Jason scoffs, “Of course. What do you take me for, a slacker?”
You do. And since you think he really hasn’t read up to that part int he script yet because it’s still early days of filming, you want to have to some fun with him. About a year ago you thought he was going to be a pain in your ass, and you were right for the most part. Now you think you’ll return the favor.
So you smile even though you lips are bit tingly from kissing him. And he smiles back at you innocently. You think to yourself he hasn’t got a clue what page 79 entails at all.
“Great then I guess you won’t mind if I ask Dent to move filming that part Monday?” you ask him.
And he’s nodding his head. Checkmate. 
Jason peels himself off your door and opens it a crack. Then he turns to you “I’ve gotta head out, I’ll see you on Monday.” he says.
You nod too, “Yup. Page 79.” 
“Oscar winning performance incoming I think.” he jokes.
You laugh at that as he walks himself out your door. With a quick reminder you tell him to text you when he gets home and he agrees. When you close it behind him you smile. Not at the joke. Not at you pranking him. No. At the kiss. You can’t believe you kissed him off the clock like that! And with tongue! He basically asked you to show him what passion you could bring to a make-out scene and you did, but damn. 
Now you’re waiting for Monday to prove to Jason Todd once again that you can bring passion to kissing while in camera. And you are absolutely positive he doesn’t know that page 79 is a make-out scene because Jason is in the middle of a Jane Austen binge. He comes to set two hours earlier to read up to twenty pages of the script to get ready for the day and last time you checked he was around page 50. 
This was going to be fun.
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pastelglows · 1 year
I am in a strange mood. Strange doesn't quite explain a feeling, does it? And... the thing is, I can't really put into words, how I'm feeling. I just know that there's a lot running through my mind, maybe a little too much at once. I know I have to sort these things one by one, step by step... but it took me some time until I was ready to start with that.
Anyway, one thing that's keeping me up at night is unrequited love, as cliché as that sounds.
YouTube recommended a song I haven't heard in quite some time. It reminded me of him, and I couldn't help but write out some thoughts about him... somehow it turned into this mess of a love letter.
I don't know why I decided to post this, but since I'm never going to send it to him, I still wanted to share this strange mood with someone.
Dearest J,
I know you probably did not expect to get this. And probably, you don’t know what to do with my words. Please, just know that this letter comes from deep within my heart and it's written in all honesty.
Sometimes I wonder how I look like through your eyes. Crazy? I guess I am crazy. I’ve been this girl standing a couple of feet away from everyone else, always just watching. All this time, I’ve been looking at you from afar, until you decided to walk up to me. Initially, there wasn't much more than mild interest, but with your charming way of words, you quickly turned it into attraction, into anticipation for the next time I would meet you, into something even more, even deeper.
Once or twice, I was brave enough to hint my feelings towards you, but I never dared to do more, say more. Yet I do remember a hug that we shared, and it was the most comfort I've ever felt from such a simple touch. For once, I felt like it really is going to be alright at the end.
You’re like my favourite book at the library - stacked on the tallest shelf, but no ladder in sight. And me? I’m quite short, so no chance of ever reaching you. You’re like the forbidden fruit. Forbidden, but all too tempting. But I’m not near as brave as Eve. And maybe that's for the best, because I know one bite wouldn’t be enough. Once I get a taste of you, I would want all of you. I guess I am quite greedy as well.
Whenever we had the pleasure to share a conversation, I fell a little harder for you. Ever wondered why it’s called “falling” in love? Recently I thought about it, and you know, the phrasing is pretty logical once you experience it. Just imagine stumbling over a cliff, and you begin to fall. You fall and fall. At first, you’re scared, and then you can’t help but enjoy this feeling, that tingly feeling in your stomach as you experience free fall, the rush of adrenaline running through your system. And then you reach the point where you start to worry about how you're going to land.
In my case, I knew it would hurt. I tried really stupid ways of trying to soften my landing. I even tried to forget that I was falling. I should have known better. But I just hoped that somehow, I would live through it without a single bruise.
But my heart shattered into pieces. It was impossible to mend it back together, at least not the way it was before. Sure, it's doing the same as it did before, but everything feels a little off.
I always wondered how it would feel to be able to love you, to really show you all the love I have for you. Just thinking about it... I think I'd get easily addicted to that, you know? And how would it feel to be loved by you? Just as addicting?
Would you like to know what I imagine how your love feels like? When I close my eyes I imagine the warmth of the sun on my skin. Everything is tinted in colours of honey and amber. The fresh and comforting yet spicy scent of ginger, a taste that prickles on my lips just thinking about it. Your eyes, blue and deep like the ocean. I dream of diving right into them. You just feel like summer to me. A perfect dream of summer. Like a gentle breeze caressing my face, the taste of ripe cherries, spontaneous trips to the beach, star gazing while talking until the sunrise, and oh so hot and humid nights that we get in August.
You’re off limits. I know that. That’s why I contemplated whether to tell you about my feelings. I remember, the last time we saw each other, your words were so gentle to me. And I remember asking you, if maybe in our next lives, we would have a chance. And you said yes.
We were both going through some hardships at that moment. We said we would meet again in a couple of months, when certain things have settled. We still haven't heard from each other, but I like to think that neither of us is reaching out, because we’re scared of what could be. I hesitated to put these unspoken feelings into words. But here I am. I feel guilty about feeling this way, I truly do.
J, you deserve all happiness. You deserve to show your bright eyes and smile when you passionately talk about your ideas. You should show your sly grin when you’re joking around more often, because that makes you even more irresistible. You should laugh as much as you can, love as hard as possible and get loved even more so.
With that I will end this letter. Just know, that I’ll be waiting for you in our next life, praying that you’ll find me there.
Forever yours.
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seveneyesoup · 2 years
magnolia flavor goes crazy ngl
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queen-haq · 3 years
Fic: A Woman Scorned - Part 17
Fic: A Woman Scorned - Part 17
Pairing: Billy Russo x Reader
Rating: R for language and smut.
Words: ~3300 words.
Summary: You’ve been sleeping with Billy Russo for a few months now. Knowing his aversion to emotional commitments, you’re satisfied with your clandestine arrangement until you catch him having dinner with Dinah Madani one night. Then it finally dawns on you. It’s not that he doesn’t want to commit, he just doesn’t want to commit to *you*.
Billy may think he knows you, but he has no idea what he’s just lost…
Part 1   Part 2   Part 3   Part 4   Part 5   Part 6   Part 7   Part 8   Part 9   Part 10   Part 11   Part 12   Part 13   Part 14   Part 15  Part 16
Part 17
Billy couldn’t stop gawking at you, wondering how it was possible you grew more beautiful each time he saw you. The red wrap dress you were wearing accentuated all your curves, and it took every bit of willpower he had not to rip it off of you and fuck you senseless right then and there. Unfortunately, he had to behave himself. Caravan was a pretty bouji place that had recently been labelled as one of the hottest restaurants in Manhattan and he had to pull a few strings to get a last-minute reservation for tonight. But seeing the smile on your face when you realized this was where you were dining had been completely worth all the hassle.
As the hostess guided the two of you to your table, he noticed a few assholes at the bar admiring you from afar. Immediately he snaked his arm around your waist to draw you in closer. You were his. If he could he’d pluck out every one of those fuckers’ eyes so they never made the mistake of looking at you again. Better yet, he’d keep you locked behind closed doors. Of course you wouldn’t agree to anything like that because you were too goddamn independent for your own good.
“What’s wrong?” you asked, taking a seat at your designated table.
Billy’s attention returned to your face as he followed suit, his gaze inhaling you in. “You look too hot. Too many assholes staring at you,” he grumbled.
The worried look on your face was replaced with a beaming smile, one that made his cock twitch.
“You’re being ridiculous” you remarked, scanning the menu.
His eyes drifted down to your chest, the swell of your soft, supple breasts just begging to be kissed and licked by him.
“Stop staring at my boobs, Billy,” you chastised even as a small smile graced your lips. “This is a proper first date. You can’t just ogle me like that. You have to behave like a gentleman.”
He quirked his eyebrow. “Sweetheart, I’ve never been that.”
“Well, try,” you ordered.
The waitress came by with the bottle of red wine you’d requested and poured some in both of your glasses. He noticed the redhead giving him a friendly smile, her green eyes lingering on him for a second too long. Fine, yeah, she may have been hot but she wasn’t you. No one was. So while he would have happily slipped her his number in the past, now the idea of being with someone who wasn’t you no longer excited him.
Once she left, he took the opportunity to move a few inches closer to you. What he really wanted was to get on his knees and bury his head between your legs, but something told him eating you out in in the crowded restaurant wouldn’t go over very well with you.
“I think she likes you.”
Hand propped on the back of your chair, he started playing with your hair. “Who?”
“Our waitress. She didn’t look at me once, her eyes were on you the entire time.”
He leaned in, ecstatic at the thought of you acting possessive. Even though you’d confessed to having feelings for him, Billy still worried you were ready to bolt at any moment. To see you jealous meant you genuinely cared and he didn’t have to worry about you leaving him. “She’s not my type. I have my eyes on someone else.”
You made a show of looking around the restaurant. “Oh, is Madani here too?”
“Funny,” he retorted, taking your hand in his.
“Your ginger’s lucky. I’m dressed way too nice or I’d take my knife and stab her with it.”
He smirked. “You’re vicious when you’re jealous.”
“I’m not jealous. I just don’t like bad service.”
“Billy, you’re hot. You know that. All the women here are checking you out. If I freaked out every time someone did that, I’d have a breakdown.”
He wanted to destroy the fucking world at the thought of someone even looking at you but apparently you were simply ambivalent about him. “So it’s that easy for you? Your brain tells you to turn off a feeling and your heart just does it?” Even to his own ears he sounded bitter. “Guess you’re not all that invested in me.”
Your eyebrow quirked up, apparently surprised by his edgy tone. “Do you want me to go nuts?”
“Just want you to give a damn.”
“You think I don’t?” you snapped. “Every time she looks at you I want to tear her hair out. Even though the rational part of me knows she’s probably just flirting with you because it’s part of her job or she’s hoping for big tips. Or maybe she really does want to fuck you. Either way, I want to punch her across the face. Happy?” You gulped down your wine.
Grinning, he squeezed your hand. “Then why not just tell me that? Why act like you don’t care?”
The agitated expression on your face was replaced with tenderness, your eyes soft. “Just because I don’t have a jealous fit doesn’t mean I don’t care. I just…” You exhaled a sigh, and he sensed this was difficult for you. “I express my emotions differently than you.”
“I noticed. You put on an act while holding everything in.”
“Yeah, I guess.”
“But I want you, the real you, not the version everyone else sees.”
“It’s not that easy, Billy.”
He brought your palm to his lips. “I’d never told anyone about my mother.”
“You didn’t tell me either,” you pointed out.
“You found out anyway, and I’m so fucking glad you did. Otherwise I wouldn’t have realized I could be real with you.” He placed a tender kiss on your skin. “I don’t want to hide anything from you, Y/N.”
“Then tell me about William Rawlins.”
Your request gave him pause, his eyes roaming over your face. He’d taken painstaking measures to keep his partnership with Rawlins a secret yet you’d discovered it. “What do you want to know?”
“He gave you a lot of money.”
“I earned that money,” he said in a defensive tone. “He and I were partners for a while. Then he died.”
“You went to a lot of trouble to hide your connection to him.”
“You found out about it though.”
You shrugged your shoulders. “I’m good at what I do.”
“Yeah, too good,” he muttered. He released your hand, watching you intently. “So what do you want to know?”
You leaned in closer, your voice barely above a whisper. He was momentarily distracted by the sensation of your tits pressed against him but he forced himself to concentrate.
“What happened to Rawlins, did you have anything to do with it?”
Billy took a swig of his wine. “Why do you think that?”
You quirked your eyebrow at him. “Knifed by someone in the parking lot. They never found the guy who did it.”
“He had a lot of enemies,” he pointed out.
“Okay, so maybe I was wrong.”
He studied you for several seconds, trying to decide if he should take the leap or not. “You’re not wrong.”
Realization dawned on your face as the truth set in. “Why did you do it?”
“You sure you want to know?”
“I’m asking, aren’t I?”
So he told you, about Operation Cerberus, his role in it and the money he earned, how he’d eliminated Rawlins a year ago when the prick plotted to take out Frank and his family. To this day Frank didn’t know about Billy’s partnership with Rawlins or how close he came to dying and he intended to keep it that way.
Throughout his confession his eyes were glued to your face, gauging your reactions. The part of him determined to do anything to be a success, the one who didn’t let society’s morals get in the way of his ambitions, would never be accepted by his closest friends. Despite the myriad of reasons to have kept that side of himself hidden, he didn’t want to do that with you. Because as risky as it was to be so open with you, it was also exhilarating. There was no one in this world he’d ever been this honest with and that kind of intense connection with you was addictive. He wanted you to know everything about him, all of the dark and vicious thoughts that ran through his head, the burning ambition that kept pushing him forward. He wanted you to know him inside and out and he wanted the same from you.
Before he could prod you to speak your mind the server came by with your dishes, setting your meals on the table. The redhead took her time, all the whilst your gaze was focused on the table, avoiding his. Billy’s heart started to pound in his chest, he was suddenly filled with doubt. Had he made a mistake in telling you the truth? Did he just completely fuck this up? Every second the goddamn redhead lingered at the table felt like an eternity when all he wanted was to shake you out of your stupor.
The second the server left, he moved in on you. “Are you gonna say something?”
You finally looked at him, your forehead burrowed. “We need to do a better job of hiding your history with Rawlins. I found it, that means someone else can too.”
“You gonna help me with that?”
You shook your head ‘yes’. “Yeah, I have to. You need me.”
“What I did doesn’t bother you?”
You exhaled a heavy sigh. “Of course it does, but there’s nothing I can do about it. You’ve seen me at my worst and you didn’t judge me. I won’t do that to you either. Besides, when the universe deals you a shitty hand you’ve got to find other ways to even out your odds.”
A strange feeling of warmth flooded over him, compelling him to angle forward and kiss you on the lips.
You pulled away a second later, smiling at him as you rubbed the corner of his mouth. “This lipstick isn’t kiss-proof.”
“I don’t care.” Wicked visions of you flashed through his mind. Your bold red lips wrapped around his cock, sucking him off the way he liked it. His cum spread over your tits, your neck, your lips. The taste of your sweet, delicious cunt on his tongue as he fucked you with his mouth. The heat of your tongue against his as he rammed into you over and over-
“Stop looking at me like that,” you warned.
“Then stop looking so hot,” he snarked.
You smiled, biting down on your bottom lip.
It blew his mind how sweet and shy you were when he paid you compliments, like you didn’t expect that from him. Obviously he needed to fix that, because you deserved to know how insanely beautiful you were all the time.
“Has Anvil been okay without Rawlins?” you asked, taking a bite out of your butternut squash ravioli.
Swallowing his steak, he wiped his mouth with a napkin. “It was tough for a while but we’ve been doing pretty well the last few months.”
“You should be proud of what you’ve accomplished, Billy. You took a big risk going into business for yourself and you made it work. That’s amazing. I could never do that.”
Billy’s insides radiated with happiness. Other than Curtis and Frank he never really had people who genuinely believed in him so to have you cheering him on was exalting. Especially considering you were great at what you did and he had so much respect for you.
He poured himself and you more wine before reaching for your hand again. “I think you could. You’d make a shitload of money if you freelanced.”
You shook your head ‘no’. “No way, I’m too much of a coward to take a risk like that.” You took a sip of your wine. “Plus I get to go to Paris for work.”
“Or you could go to Paris on vacation and not work.”
“Then I’d have to pay for it,” you pointed out, grinning. “When you grow up the way I did, you learn to appreciate free things.”
Your enthusiasm was infectious, he couldn’t hep but smile back. A part of him was hoping this would be the perfect opening for you to talk more about your childhood, about everything you went through, because he desperately wanted you to trust him as much as he trusted you with his secrets.
“I’ll be there for two weeks,” you continued, oblivious to his disappointment. “We’re going to scout out locations for the new branch and-”
“We?” Billy interjected.
You cast him a quick glance. “Roger’s coming with me on the trip.”
The jealousy that struck him felt like a swift kick to his gut. Images of you and that goddamn bastard traipsing around and enjoying romantic date nights in Paris assaulted his mind. Agitated, he pulled his hand from yours. “I bet that fucker can’t wait to be alone with you.”
“Billy, come on. You can’t be serious.”
“How would you feel if I took off with someone who wanted to fuck me?”
“First of all, he doesn’t want me.”
His jaw clenched with frustration as he glared at you. “I’ve seen the way he looks at you. He’s thought about fucking you.”
“Even if he does, I don’t want him.” You reached out to cup his face, your voice so soft and tender in your attempts to placate him that he momentarily forgot how upset he was. “You really think I’d jeopardize what we have for a fling with Roger? I wouldn’t do that.”
“Then don’t go. Turn him down.”
Irritation flickered over your face, he could tell you were done coddling him. “Billy, you have no right to ask me that. I’d never interfere with your work.”
Underneath all that jealousy he knew you were right. As much as he despised the idea of you going away to Paris with another guy, he couldn’t demand that you not go on work trips. If you did that to him, it would annoy the fuck out of him. Yet despite his rational side recognizing he was asking for too much, he couldn’t help but feel bitter. “That asshole’s gonna make a move on you, I know it.”
“What if he does? What do you think is gonna happen?”
Hs eyes met yours, urgently seeking some kind of validation from you. “You tell me.”
“Do you think I’m going to sleep with him?”
He flinched. “Don’t talk about fucking another guy, please. You’re gonna make me lose my appetite.”
You took his hand and placed it over your left breast, probably to distract him from all the disgusting images that were running through his brain. “I wanted you so badly and even then it took me like a month to fuck you. Trust me, I’m not going to sleep with him when I’m not even attracted to him.”
Spotting the earnestness in your eyes, the knot in his stomach finally loosened. Roger may have had a hard-on for you but Billy knew you felt nothing for the fucker. He’d noticed that even at the night of the gala. So that meant he had to trust you, there was no reason not to. “Call me every night when you’re there,” he grumbled.
“Every night? You’re probably going to start blocking my calls,” you laughed.
He booped your nose. “Every. Fucking. Night.”
You beamed. “Fine.” A wicked glint flashed in your eyes, a seductive smile on your lips as you slowly moved his hand lower, his fingers now on your nipple. “Hey, just ‘cause you’re not there with me doesn’t mean we can’t have fun.”
He stroked your nipple over the fabric of your dress, enjoying how the nub hardened under his touch, the way your breath hitched in your throat when he continued his ministrations. With his other hand he tucked your hair behind your ear, whispering to you. “Phone sex is alright, but nothing beats this.” His tongue curved along the shell of your ear, and you trembled against him. “Right?”
The waitress seemed to come out of nowhere this time to ask how your meals were, and you jumped back. Disappointed, he sighed.
“Food was great. Thank you,” you replied, smiling stiffly at the redhead.
“Can I get you anything else?”
“Privacy would be great,” Billy muttered.                                                            
You kicked him under the table. “Dessert menu?”
“Sure. I’ll bring it right over,” the waitress said, taking your plates away.  
“I’ll give you all the sugar you want once we get outta here,” he murmured seductively, caressing your thigh.
You giggled, rolling your eyes. “That’s a terrible line!” You took his hand and removed it from your thigh. “Billy, I’m not sleeping with you tonight.”
“Why not?”                                                      
“Because it’s our first date and I don’t put out on the first date.”
“Now that’s a terrible line,” he fired back, mimicking your earlier tone.
“Also, we already had sex this morning.”
“So? I’m greedy. I can’t get enough of you.” There was that shy smile of yours again, and he reached out to give you a sweet peck on the cheek. “You blush every time I tease you.”
“I do?”
“Yeah, it’s adorable.”
Your cheeks grew even more red. “I’m not used to it from you. A part of me still thinks you’re bullshitting me.”
Billy stiffened. “Really?”
“I know you’re not playing me,” you reassured. “It’s on me, not you. I just have a hard time accepting when good things happen.”
The waitress came by with the dessert menu. He briefly glanced at it before ordering a slice of pecan pie while you ordered a piece of chocolate cake.
As soon as the redhead left, he broached the topic with you again. “I’m not gonna hurt you, babe. You have to believe that.”
You didn’t look at him, your eyes fixed somewhere on his chest. “I do. You were so pissed off at me last night. I honestly expected you to hit me because you were so angry. But you didn’t.”
It made him sick to his stomach that you actually thought him capable of hitting you. It hadn’t even occurred to him that you would worry about that, but of course you would. With your childhood it made perfect sense, he was just a fucking idiot who hadn’t realized how much it still impacted you. “I’m never gonna lay a hand on you. I swear.” His eyes locked with yours, hoping you can sense how much he meant those words.
“I believe you.”
His voice was insistent, his gaze boring into you. “Why did you think I would?”
Your eyes wavered from his eyes to his lips for a long time, the atmosphere thick with tension. Your facial expressions ran the gamut of painful emotions, from uncertainty to fear to sheer panic.
It finally sank in that maybe the reason you were keeping the truth from him had noting to do with if you trusted him or not. Maybe you didn’t want to be assaulted by memories from the past that caused you so much pain. The last thing he wanted was for you to experience that hell again. Regretting his demanding tone, his hands caressed down the length of your arms. “You don’t have to tell me, It’s okay.”
Your eyes brimmed with aching vulnerability as you looked up at him. “I want to… I just… give me some time, okay?” You pressed your lips against his, giving him the softest, sweetest kiss. “I’ve been looking forward to tonight for so long, I don’t want to ruin it, you know?”
His heart felt full, his mind reeling with wonderment at the thought of you truly reciprocating his feelings. His arms wrapped around you as you sank into him, burying your face in his chest. His fingers stroked the back of your hair, murmuring soft, soothing words to you. Somewhere in the distance he heard the server’s voice trying to interject, but he didn’t give a damn.  He was yours and you were his and nothing was going to ruin that. Nothing.
Part 18
A/N - I realize not much happened in this chapter but I just reallly wanted to write a dialogue heavy part where they simply get to know and enjoy each other. I think they’ve earned some fluff. LOL.
As always, thank you for your kind words of encouragement. Please let me know your thoughts.
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writing-wh0re · 3 years
George and y/nn broke up after the war because they both wanted to concentrate on their careers. The two see each other again years later at Ginny's and Harry's wedding because y/n and Ginny were very good friends even though she was in Fred and George's year. She was always like a big sister to ginny. George and y/n have never stopped loving each other and getting closer to each other again at the wedding. Then they disappear into the burrow and have hot sex. George is Dom as always. When the two come back Fred and Ginny already look suspiciously at them, because both of them always had to hear from the two how much they miss each other.
All writings will be #writing-wh0re-requests - Be sure to follow to not miss anything. I can also add you to my taglist!
Dom!George Weasley x Fem!Reader
Y/n (Your Name) Y/L/N (Your Last Name)
Word Count: 2,406
Warnings: Smut 18+, Explicit Language, Daddy Kink (whoops), Light Bondage, Vaginal Intercourse, Unprotected Sex, Oral (female receiving), Spanking(?)
“So you two broke up?” I look over to George who softly nods, I pout slightly as Ginny sighs. “If you both believe that’s what’s best for you.” Ginny pulls me into a hug as I sniffle softly. 
“I still love Y/n, we just both agreed we want to grow and it's in different directions.” 
I smile weakly at George nodding in response to our agreement, butterflies in my stomach due to the changes in my life, from breaking up with George and starting my career as an Aura. 
“Hey? Are you okay?” George asks, rubbing my arms as I nod my head. 
“Sorry I got lost inside my head for a second, just a lot of change right now.” I chuckle, my eyes a little puffy from the small flow of tears. 
“I know baby.” I feel my breath hitch at the nickname as George frowns. “Sorry.” 
“Don’t be.” I pull George into a tight hug pulling away, smiling at him, squeezing his arms to help him know I'm okay. I walk over to Ginny, giving her a tight squeeze as she sighs deeply. 
“You’ll always be a part of this family.” Ginny states as I nod. 
“I think Molly would kill me if I protested that.” We all laugh lightly in response as I grab my two trunks filled with my belongings as I turn and smile at George whose eyes are filling with tears. 
“If I ever need a day off work, I’ll come to the shop for some puking pastilles.” 
George chuckles nodding at me as I smile, I fix my grip on the trunks as I walk out of our, well now George’s apartment. My feet hit the concrete outside, the cool breeze washing through my hair as my face heats up due to the soft flow of warm tears. 
*Present day* 
I open the lavender envelope, smiling at the invitation that falls out. 
‘Please Join Us To Celebrate The Marriage Of, 
Ginny Weasley and Harry Potter.’ 
I grab the RSVP card checking the ‘yes’ box as I put it inside my own envelope. I give the envelope to my snowy owl as he flies off to make his delivery. I feel butterflies hit my stomach as I remember who will be in attendance. 
George Weasley. 
My heart sinks, missing him terribly as I sigh, my hand touching my lips as I remember the feeling of his against mine. I close my eyes briefly, stopping myself before my mind wanders too far. 
I rush to my wardrobe attempting to find something that will capture his attention.
------ One week later -----
“Oh Y/n, I’m so happy you’re here.” Molly says, pulling me into a warm embrace as I smile, my senses filling with cinnamon and a hint of lemon washing liquid.  “You know, my boy has missed you terribly, he has-” 
“Mum, stop embarrassing me.” My heart jumps, hearing his voice for the first time in six months. Molly tuts and walks off as I smile, almost running into George’s open arms as we collectively sigh together. I look up at George, his eyes boring into mine, I watch as he drags his tongue across his lips causing my breath to hitch, knowing exactly what he can do with that tongue. George leans down softly as I stand on my tippy toes. 
“Y/n.” George and I break away quickly, acting as if nothing just happened as I smile at Fred. 
“Hey Freddie, miss me?” I wink as I hug the tall ginger. 
“Of course, hey it’s been six months now, want to date the cooler brother?” Fred winks as George rolls his eyes shoving his brother as he walks away from the situation. “He misses you.” 
“I miss him, is he seeing anyone?” I ask, biting the inside of my lip, my hands growing clammy. 
“Not even one glance at another woman, what about you?” My heart beats faster, a smile forming on my face as I attempt to hide it. 
“Exactly the same, I’ve been too stuck into my work.” 
“Y/n.” I hear two female voices say as Ginny and Hermonie rush to my side, hugging me individually as I smile. 
“Well hello Miss soon to be Mrs.” I wink as Ginny blushes. 
“It’s crazy right? I would have thought it would be you and George-” Ginny slaps her mouth as I sigh smiling weakly, my eyes flicking to George who picked up on his name, sadness all over his face. 
“Don’t even stress about that.” 
“Well, I have to go let Fleur keep putting makeup on me.” Ginny smiles as Hermonie grabs my arm. 
“Join us, please.” I nod as I follow the two girls up the stairs, looking over my shoulder seeing George’s eyes on me as he quickly flicks them away. 
“Oh, Ginny, you look incredible.” 
“Absolutely gorgeous.” 
“Stunning, really.” 
The room fills with compliments as Ginny shares her appearance with us. 
“Girls, go find you seats for the ceremony, I’ll bring Arthur up.” Molly says sniffling, smiling at her daughter. I make my way out of the room, the silk fabric of my dress swaying slightly as I walk down the staircase, making my way to the garden for the ceremony. 
I walk out into the breeze, following the sound of voices as I spot the two redheads standing at the back of the aisle. 
“Y/n, Hi, wow, you look incredible.” Lee Jordan says smiling at me. “Didn’t expect to see you here.” 
I smile as my eyes flick over George, noticing the way his dress shirt is rolled up his arms nicely. 
“Couldn’t miss Ginny’s big day.” 
“You look lovely.” Fred smiles his eyes lingering on George as I roll my eyes knowing he’s doing it to get a reaction from his younger brother. 
“Take you seats, they are ready.” Molly says ushering all of us into the white tiffany chairs that litter the grass. 
I sit on the left end of the second row, George sitting next to me, then Fred and lastly Lee Jordan. 
“You look gorgeous.” George whispers, his hot breath fanning my neck as he speaks, I feel my breath hitch slightly as he runs his fingertips up my thigh. 
“You’re not so bad yourself.” I surprise myself with such a confident answer, proud for not having my voice shake. 
George chuckles, licking his bottom lip lightly as I cross my legs feeling my core ache between my legs, hoping George doesn’t notice as the music begins to play all of us standing to watch Ginny walk down the aisle to her soon to be husband. 
The reception is in full swing, everyone celebrating by dancing and drinking. I walk over to the bar ordering a glass of wine as I watch Molly and Arthur embarrass all their children by showing off their ‘hip’ dance moves. 
“Y/n, Y/n Y/L/N” I hear a voice say as I thank the bartender for my drink and see Percy Weasley. 
“Merlin.” I whisper not knowing Percy very well but knowing that he didn’t particularly like me at Hogwarts. 
“Hi, Percy.” I smile, sipping my wine.
“It’s wonderful to see you, I hear you’re an Aura now? Also heard my brother couldn’t keep up with that lifestyle.” Percy chuckles as I scoff, feeling a hand rest just above my bum as George buts in. 
“What was that Percy?” 
“Nothing, just congratulating Y/n on being an Aura, surprised all of us really.” 
“What the f-” George squeezes my bum cutting me off as Percy walks away. 
“Come with me, I’d like to show you something.” I nod as I finish my glass of wine causing George to raise an eyebrow at me as I shrug. 
“I wasn’t going to let it go to waste.” 
George grabs my hand leading me out of the reception and towards the burrow. I continue to follow him up the stairs and into his bedroom as I smile, looking around at the familiar space. 
“George, why did-” I gasp softly against George’s mouth as he holds my waist kissing me. I feel my heart being to race as if it was the first time all over again, my mind wandering to our very first time in this room on George’s old riggidy bed and how Fred heard us from the bathroom. 
I feel tears prick my eyes as I break my kiss with the love of my life. 
“Did you not want that? I’m so sorry.” George begins to apologize as I shake my head. 
“I’m only saying wait because this can’t be a one night stand, I love you George, fuck I’ve missed you so much and I personally want us to be us again.” I blurt out as George smiles wide at me, picking me up and placing me on the same old bed. 
“I love you, I missed you and I was an idiot for thinking we needed to grow up without each other, I want us to be us.” George confirms as I sniffle, pulling him closer as our lips lock together, moving in perfect sync just like they used to. I bite his bottom lip softly causing him to groan as our tongues start to taste each other. I feel him run his hands down my body, pulling the straps of my dress down just enough to have my boobs out as he sucks and licks the plump flesh. 
“Fuck, I’ve missed you George.” I breathlessly whisper as he stops his actions. 
“What did you call me?” 
I feel butterflies erupt inside of me, wetness pooling in my already soaked panties as I smirk. 
“Daddy.” I whimper as I feel his smirk against my boob, resuming his actions. 
“Now, be a good girl and stay quiet.” he warns as he pulls up my dress exposing my black lace g string, a grunt falling from his swollen lips. “Let Daddy show you how much he missed you.” George pulls the flimsy fabric down my legs as he looks up at me. “So fucking wet for Daddy.” I throw my head back as his mouth is instantly on my pussy, my back arching at the feeling having missed it for the last six months. I feel every flick of his skillful tongue, my mouth open as soft moans and gasps fall from it, I run my fingers through his hair as I grind against his mouth. Instantly his hands are on my hips holding me down as he continues his assault on my clit, his tongue lapping me up. 
“Daddy, please.”
My whimpers only cause him to add two fingers to my tight dripping pussy, causing him to groan against me sending waves of vibrations throughout my body as I bite my lip. 
“I’m going to cum.” George nods against me as I cover my mouth with my own hand, moaning loud as he grabs my forearm moving my hand away to hear me moan for him. 
“Still fucking mine.” I nod as he sucks his fingers causing me to blush slightly as he takes off his belt smirking at me as he grabs both of my hands, tightening the belt around them as I lick my lips. 
“So naughty for Daddy, aren’t you baby?” He asks rhetorically as he pulls his pants down, getting a better position on the bed as he runs his hard dick in between my folds coating it with my wetness as he slides deep inside of me. Moans filling the air as he twitches inside of me. 
“Fucking made for me.” I nod, biting my lip as he slides his hand up my body, wrapping it around my throat as my eyes roll back, my body reacting to all these familiar feelings, having been deprived for so long. George thrusts into me revealing in the feeling as he smiles down at me, bending over to kiss me, picking up the pace of his hips as our lips fight against each other. 
George pulls out of me as I whimper, watching as he undoes the belt around my hands and slaps my ass. 
“Ass up.” 
I’m instantly on my stomach, ass in the air as George slides back in, my pussy tighter from this angle causing him to hiss in pleasure as I groan into the mattress. 
“Remember the safe word?” 
“Mm, good girl.” I feel him kiss in between my shoulder blades as he picks up the pace of his thrusts, the leather of his belt slapping against my ass as I hold onto the sheets tighter. My moans act as encouragement as he continues to thrust into me deep, rubbing my ass cheek as he slaps it again with the leather before soothing it with his hand. 
“I’m close.” I cry out as I hear him throw the belt away, his fingers brushing against my sensitive bundle of nerves as I moan into the mattress, feeling my vision get blurry and my body tense as it releases tingles throughout. I feel him twitch inside me as his thrusts slow, filling me with hot cum. 
Falling beside me on the bed, both of us out of breath as he pulls me into his chest. 
“I didn’t hurt you did I?” 
“Of course not.” I kiss his cheek as he smiles wide. 
“I don’t know if I have to ask but are we us, again?” I nod like crazy, as he kisses my head. “I’m never letting you go again.” 
“I won’t let you.” I smile as our lips lock again. "We should probably head back." I suggest, getting off the small bed, slipping back on my G string and fixing my appearance as George does the same. We walk out of the shared bedroom hand in hand, making our way back to the reception. 
"One Sickle." I hear Fred say as we reach him and Lee Jordan, Lee huffing as he places the silver coin in Fred's awaiting hand. 
"Do I want to know?" George asks as Lee sighs. 
"Just a bet that you two would get back together at the wedding." 
“Don’t forget, you owe Ginny as well.” Fred states as I shake my head chuckling. 
“Dance with me?” George asks as I take his hand and lead him to the makeshift dance floor, his hands on my hips as I rest my head on his chest, finally not feeling homesick.
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Little Bones 2
Warnings: non-consent sex and rape (series); harassment, general creepiness, unwanted touches
This is dark! (biker) Thor x chubby!reader and explicit. 18+ only.  Your media consumption is your own responsibility. Warnings have been given. DO NOT PROCEED if these matters upset you.
Series Synopsis: You’re a city girl stuck in a small town, but Birch isn’t as sleepy as it seems.
Sister series to Smalltown Bringdown and When the Weight Comes Down
Note: We got another part and I hope you love biker!Thor as much as I do. It’s lots of fun.
Thanks to everyone for their patience and feedback. :)
I really hope you enjoy. 💋
<3 Let me know what you think with a like or reblog or reply or an ask! Love ya!
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Chapter 2: Better butter your cue finger up
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The bottle of wine sat on your counter and you hid away the vodka in your freezer as you resisted the temptation of both. The library made hangovers even worse with its bright lights and tedious nothingness. So you tried to ignore the tapping at your shoulder, the persistent tug of your paranoia, and pretended that nothing had changed. In Birch, nothing did change, right?
The click of your mouse and the loud tapping of keys filled the silence of the library. Colin snored with eyes wide open. It was hard to tell when the old man was awake or sleeping. You weren’t sure there was a line left between the two for him. He spent most of his working hours in the back on the other side of the windowed wall although what exactly he did there remained a mystery.
There wasn’t very much to do there outside the occasional school visits in which students walked down to complete some research project or the teacher’s held a crafting circle. You liked those days as often you could join in and help wrangle in the pupils as they explored the sterile shelves.
Melissa stood and her chair rolled back with a grumble. She stretched and bent to grab her purse from under the desk.
“I’m going down to Bab’s. You want anything?”
“Hmm,” you tapped your chin as you leaned back. “I wouldn’t mind a latte. Oh, and I think they have the banana loaf today. A slice of that too.”
You peeked under the desk and sat forward to grab your bag from the cubby beside your PC tower. “Nope,” Mel stopped you, “it’s on me today. I need a breath of fresh air anyway. Even if it is cold as hell.”
“Oh, thanks, Mel,” you smiled and grabbed a pen to click in your monotony. “We should dig out the Christmas decorations soon. It might actually give us something to do.”
“Maybe for an hour or two,” she pulled her jacket from the rack that stood against the wall between the front counter and the back room, “We could try something new this year. I saw these lights online, you can program them with your phone.”
“You think Colin could handle that?”
“Like he would even notice.” She laughed and pulled on her coat and grabbed her purse. “Latte, banana bread.” She recited. “I’ll be back.”
You watched her go then stretched your legs out as you arched in the chair. You fell back limp and closed your eyes. You could fall asleep right there. You really couldn’t blame Colin for his waking trance. This place made your ears buzz and your head spin.
You heard the whoosh of the automatic doors and sat up. You were surprised at your visitor but not disappointed. Melissa’s daughter approached the desk as she swung her bag in her hand. You could tell by the little wrinkle between her eyebrows that she wasn’t happy.
“Your mom’s just gone to Bab’s,” you rolled closer to the desk. “You must’ve seen her.”
“I saw her.” She said tersely. She stilled her fidgeting and planted her dangling purse on the desk. She sighed and crossed her arms. “I’m here to talk to you.”
“Is something the matter?”
You were nervous. You knew her as well as her mother and you got along. You shared an interest in old Hollywood and a taste for dry history and humour. You liked her, envied her even for having a mother like Melissa.
“I hate doing this. I hate when he makes me do this.” She dropped her arms and instead gripped her hips. “You want to come down to the Asp tonight? For a drink?”
You chuckled and clicked the pen. “It’s Wednesday. I have to open tomorrow and--”
“Hrgh,” she huffed. “I’m sorry but it’s… not a question.”
You put the pen down and clamped your lips together. She shook her head and looked away.
“It’s an order. From Bucky.” She tapped her toe on the carpet. “I tried to tell him that you wouldn’t want to come so late. That you know, you work. He just doesn’t listen and--” She heaved and threw up her hands in exasperation, “I tried.”
“But… me? I don’t even know any of those… people. It’s not really my scene.” You swallowed and dug your nail into your thumb. 
“I’ll be there. Same with Steve’s girl from the bakery. She’s nice. And…” her eyes were dull but irritated, “look, if you don’t show up, Bucky will go and find you. Everyone in town reports to him. You don’t have to be in his club, he owns Birch.” She grabbed the thin strap of her small purse and drew it from the desk, “you don’t want to learn that the hard way like I did.”
You knew it wasn’t Bucky who wanted you there, you suspected that big blond brute who had chased you down the street. Her anxiety fed yours and made you uneasy. If she were that afraid, how scared should you be?
“I think you know my answer considering I’ve been given little choice.” You said firmly. “What time?”
“Seven. I got him to budge on at least that. You won’t be out too late.” She gave a weak smile and twisted the strap of her bag. “Stay close to me and I’ll do what I can. You know, with Steve’s girl, I really tried…” She looked away and rolled her as they turned glossy. “Sometimes, Bucky listens to me and I’m figuring out how to make him.”
“Why are you with him?” You whispered. “Why--”
“You think it’s a choice I made.” She blinked and sniffed. “No, it was made for me when I was born in this god forsaken pit.” She thrust her purse over her shoulder and shrugged. “I don’t know why anyone would make up their mind to come here.”
“I can’t say I’m happy with the decision.” You returned.
She sent you a pitying look before she spun away. She marched back to the doors as her mother nearly collided with her. They spoke for a few minutes before the younger left and Melissa came over to plop her goodies on the desk.
“New latte flavour, candy cane. I figured we might get a bit festive.” She announced.
You stood outside the Asp and stared up at the snow-covered marquee. The powder began to fall just after noon and collected along the small ledge below the image of Cleopatra.  You wore a bright pink toque with an oversized pom-pom and tucked your chin down against the matching scarf tucked down the front of your cherry-coloured coat. You stuck out among the grey of Birch.
You didn’t put much effort into getting ready. You kept on the same polka-dot blouse from work and traded your trousers for faded jeans and a pair of knee-high boots. You took a breath and stepped through the doors, barely avoided the rush of snow that fell down behind you.
The bar smelled of beer and a stale but pungent dinginess. You looked around in the low din. The bartender, a woman named Lucy, dried several glasses and stacked them on a shelf and every man in the place wore leather. 
You found Melissa’s daughter next to Bucky as he squinted at his closest accomplice, Steve. The shy girl from the bakery was tucked under his arm as she picked at the hem of her short skirt. You cleared your throat as you pondered leaving.
A figure on Bucky’s other side stood and you frowned as that man, Thor, smiled at you like a puppy. You fixed your mouth into a straight line as Bucky’s girl rose and waved you over.
“Hey, you made it,” she said. You didn’t miss the way Bucky’s hand slid up her thigh.
“Yeah,” you said flatly as you rounded the table.
“Kitten,” Thor greeted as he pulled out the chair next to him in a flourish. “I’ve a seat just for you.”
You looked from the chair to his face. You made no move to sit.
“If that’s not to your tastes, you can sit in my lap.” He taunted.
Your lips parted in disgust and you grabbed the back of the chair. You wrenched it away from him and backed up steadily as you dragged it around the table. You stopped it next to Steve’s girl and unzipped your jacket. You sat and shrugged out of the coat then crossed your arms. You tore your eyes from the large man and smiled at the baker girl.
“The banana loaf was good,” you said. “Sorry I didn’t make it down.”
“Oh, it’s ugly out there,” she turned in Steve’s hold and his arm slipped down around her waist. 
You could feel Thor’s constant gaze as you humoured the girl about the weather and listened to her story about how Mrs. Deeton sent back a blueberry scone for not having any blackberries. You did your best to blot out the rest of the bar.
“Kitten, you want a drink?” He interrupted and you peered over at him. You glanced from him to Lucy as she stood and awaited an order.
“Do you have ginger ale?” You asked her directly.
“We have club soda or iced tea right now.” She said with venom.
“Iced tea, thank you.” You fished through your purse for a fiver.
“Put it on my tab,” Thor insisted.
“No, it’s fine, I--”
You held out the bill and he reached across to snatch it from your hand. “On my tab.” He repeated and the barmaid stomped away. He tossed the five back to you and smirked. “Keep it, kitten.”
You swiped it up and turned back to Steve’s girl. She looked frightened as she stared at the blonde man and slowly returned her attention to you.
“Um, so, I was going to tell you the secret ingredient to Bab’s banana bread but you have to promise not to tell.”
“Sure,” you leaned in and she whispered it in your ear and giggled. 
“I’m not supposed to tell.” She uttered as she touched her cheeks guiltily.
“I’ve been telling her she don’t need to worry about rules,” Steve intoned as his fingers danced on her hip.
“My mother made the best banana cream pie,” Thor interrupted. “She handed the recipe down to me. My sister was never much into sweets.”
“Oh?” Steve’s girl turned to Thor. “We don’t serve that at Bab’s but we have lemon meringue.”
“Mother made that too. She showed me the trick to perfect peaks. I could show you.”
Steve growled and pulled his girl closer. She looked at him as he sent a heated glare at Thor. She touched his chest and cooed at him to relax. Lucy returned with your iced tea and you took it eagerly as the tension burned at your face.
“So, kitten,” Thor scooted his chair around the table as you set your glass down, “what trouble did you get into today?”
“I work at a library.” You uttered dryly.
“And did you enjoy your wine last night? I always heard it’s better with company.”
You jutted out your jaw in annoyance and looked at him. He was painfully persistent.
“Excuse me.” You stood and nearly gave him a face full of your chest. You looked to Bucky’s girl as she listened to his incessant grumbles. “Where’s the restroom?”
“Just down there,” she pointed along the far side of the bar.
“I could show you,” Thor offered and you waved him off.
“I’m a big girl. I can handle it.”
“Yes, you are,” he purred and you backed up as his eyes grazed your hips.
You were all too eager to hide in the bathroom and closed yourself in a stall as you tried not to scream. You had dealt with perverts before. Often you were the butt of some joke. The wingman settled for the chubby girl so his pal could get laid. Those types thought you were desperate and had no qualms with getting handsy on the dance floor. But college was long ago and Birch wasn’t known for its nightlife.
After a moment, you were able to steady yourself and you left the stall. You stood by the grungy sink and stared at the mirror. Why you? Why was this idiot bugging you?
You went back out with reluctant steps. You passed a drunk man at the bar talking about some feat of machismo in his foregone youth. As you neared the table, you froze in the spot as you listened.
“...she’s fat anyway.” Steve snarled and laughed meanly.
His chortle was curtailed as a chair scraped on the floor and the baker girl cried out. Thor forced Steve to his feet but the front of his tee shirt. He pulled him past his girl and brought him close as he growled down at him through flaring nostrils.
“I like you, Rogers, but your mouth makes it real hard.” Thor sneered.
“What the fuck?” Steve struggled against him, “let me go.”
“I’m not sitting here shit-talking your woman, eh. You might have little respect for them, but I do.”
“Jesus Christ!” Steve was on tip-toes as he was held up by the other man.
“Apologize.” Thor demanded.
“Dammit, Steve, say sorry.” Bucky snapped.
“S-sorry, dude.” Steve stuttered.
“Not to me,” Thor turned and to your surprise, he thrust Steve around to face you. “To her.”
You stared in shock as Steve straightened his shirt. He was like a petulant child as he looked you in the eye. “I’m sorry.”
“For…” Thor prodded.
“I’m sorry I called you fat.” Steve looked away.
“I…” you didn’t know what to do or say as you glanced past him to the other girls. “Well, I am so it’s fine.”
Thor shoved Steve back and his thick brows drew together. “Don’t listen to him,” he said. “I like a little extra.”
“Hey,” Bucky’s girl interrupted as she stood suddenly, “the table’s free. How about I get Wanda and we can play some doubles, just us girls.” She touched Bucky’s shoulders, “leave the men to their business.”
Thor’s shoulders fell and he shook his head. He grinned at you even as his disappointment shone through.
“Sure,” you answered as you stepped around him. “Sounds fun.”
You focused on the felt. It didn’t help block out the blazing heat of Thor’s leer. You refused to look over at him and instead pretended to be enthralled with the game of solids and stripes. 
When you were a kid, you went to the youth centre and played with the rest of the kids desperate for a distraction. In uni, you enjoyed your plastic cups of cheap sambuca and coke at the campus bar and chalked up the cues. You were no expert but you could hit a good shot now and again. Your mother used to recount tales of her hustler father. Maybe it was his blood that kept your hand steady.
The other girls played as a pair as you handed off to Wanda. She wore the cut of the Birch’s club and her dark lipstick was the same shade as the leather. You saw her now and again with the men. She smoked her cigarettes out front and watched the town with indifference.
Wanda took her shot and clicked her tongue as she scratched. You shook your head as Steve’s girl scrunched her nose at the table. You were even; three stripes and three solids. She went around the far corner and awkwardly positioned herself over the side. She reached back to tug down her short skirt, she was clearly uncomfortable in the revealing outfit.
She sunk her mark but her next stopped short of the pocket. She shook her head and apologized to Steve’s girl who assured her with a pat on the shoulder. You took the cue from Wanda and walked around the table. You walked back and wondered if you could sink two in one. It was a possible angle but could you hit it?
You tilted your head and sighed. You bent and brought your foot back as you squinted and carefully positioned the cue. You couldn’t decide whether you should try to spin it to the right or hit it straight on. You knew the power you needed but you couldn’t afford to hit a stripe.
You almost tapped the cue ball as you felt a warmth over you and suddenly a hard torso was against your back. You went rigid as Thor bent over you and put his hands over your as he adjusted your aim. His hot breath wrapped around your neck.
“Almost, kitten,” he pushed his crotch against your ass.
You pulled the cue back so that it hit his ribs and he grunted as his hands fell to the edge of the table. You took the shot and pushed out of his grasp. His hand dragged over your ass as he stood straight and touched his side with a wince. 
“I got it.” You said as both balls rolled and dropped into opposite pockets.
He chuckled and bit his lip. It was almost a snarl as he watched you across the table and you sensed the bated breaths of the other women.
“I like a woman with a firm grip,” he winked, “And confidence.”
You looked back to the table as he loomed on the other side. You sunk the last solid and lined up for the eight ball. A straight, easy shot that even the most amateur could get. You ended the game and Wanda clapped as the other girls grumbled their congratulations.
“Best out of three?” Steve’s girl asked.
“I’m sorry to disappoint but I have to work early.” You leaned the cue on the table. “I showed up and now I’m done. It was fun, girls, but I’m gonna turn in.”
You smiled at each of them and your face fell as you passed them and went to grab your coat from the chair where it still hung. Thor was less than subtle as he followed you to the table and watched you zip up your coat over your chest. You slung your purse over your arm and pulled your hat on as you braced for the chill that awaited you.
“You shouldn’t walk alone.” Thor intoned.
“It’s a small town. I’m fine.” You spun away and again, he followed.
At the door, you turned back and crossed your arms. “Look, I can handle myself, buddy. Now leave me alone.”
“I’m just being nice.”
“You’re being a pest.”
“You love it.”
You huffed and closed your eyes to keep them from rolling back into your skull. You looked at him again and bit down on your words. “Do you ever give up?”
“On you, never.” He grinned.
“Well, be a good dog and stay.” You jabbed your finger in the air. “Stay!” You repeated as if he was a hyper dog. “Good.”
You quickly slipped through the door and booked it across the street. The door didn’t hit the frame but was instead caught as his boots scuffed out behind you. You peered back as you reached the other side and kept up your steady jog. He watched you but did not give chase.
“I’ll sniff you out one day, kitten,” he called out. “Pussy, pussy, pussy.”
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initiala · 3 years
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Oh hai.
It's not dead or abandoned! Remember how I started this for @cssns​ 2018???? Just, y'know, life happening, and also several global catastrophes. But it turns out that writer's block is really cured by procrastination, which is why I was able to finally figure out some spots I was stuck on while not packing up my apartment to move.
Please enjoy this overly delayed post-wedding fluff and smut.
Also on AO3 and FF.Net
The holidays weren’t really something she paid attention to, not after her parents died. Her mother had loved any excuse to have a party and Emma had grown up with the nondenominational trappings of Christmas in their house, but the tradition had died with Snow and David when she was sixteen. She normally spent the last week of December pulling extra shifts at work, covering for people who had families and wanted the extra time off, and never had a second thought about it. The Pack had their own holidays, particularly around the solstices, but nothing compared to the warm, colorful parties of her childhood -- and frankly, nothing ever would. 
So when their short honeymoon fell over Christmas Eve and Day, Emma didn’t think anything of it. Killian made no indication that he celebrated it, and when they returned home on Boxing Day it was to a chilly apartment without any of the decorations that dotted the windows up and down their street. She turned up the heat a little while Killian took their bags back to the bedroom to be sorted out, and she double-checked the windows were locked tight while turning on a few lights in the living room.
The colorful twinkle outside meshed with the light snowfall in a way that made her heart twist painfully in her chest, a flash of her mother’s laughter ringing in her ears and a brief memory of her father cornering her mother under the mistletoe. Her thumb went to the band on her finger, a lump forming in her throat, and she remembered why she normally worked herself to the bone this time of year.
Work was a distraction from missing them.
She whipped the curtains shut to put an extra layer between the cold glass and the warming room, between herself and her memories, and turned to face her husband as he came into the room. “Love, what’s wrong?” She shook her head, but his large hand engulfed her own as it went to discreetly wipe at her eyes. “Darling, I don’t know if you’ve forgotten this but I can smell when you’re sad,” he said, his voice soft as he pulled her into his embrace. “We’ve been home five minutes, you can talk to me.”
Fuck, she hated talking about her feelings and her parents and particularly her feelings about her parents. But she’d promised -- she’d vowed -- that she’d be more open and honest with him, and she was fairly sure he wouldn’t be able to get lucky and guess what all of this was about. She hadn’t told him enough about her parents to let him put all of the pieces together. “I just… I miss my parents,” she said softly, and let him hold her as he made a sympathetic noise and murmured soothing things in her ear. “Mom really loved this time of year. She threw the best parties, one year she actually got fairies to make it snow inside and me and the other kids had a snowball fight. She loved the colors and the whole family thing and she really loved the smell of pine trees -- it kind of gave my dad a headache. But we made it work because Dad always said how it put an extra sparkle in Mom’s eye and he loved her enough to put up with it. I normally try to work a lot through this time of year, everyone wants extra time off, but I was kind of hoping this year we could have some new memories to make this time of year less sad. And it helped, it really did, but then I just saw the lights outside and the snow and it just… it hit me a little harder because I’ve been trying so hard not to think about them. So I miss my parents and I’m sorry this time of year is going to suck no matter what and--”
Killian shushed her softly and she realized she was crying as he thumbed the tears from her cheeks. “You don’t have to be sorry,” he said. “If I’d known… well, I don’t know what I would have done. I can’t blindfold you everywhere -- well, I could, but not in the fun way --” He grinned as she swatted him on the chest. “So testy, my love. You don’t have to be sorry about missing your parents. You just need to let me know, so I can comfort you or let you sit and mourn them in peace, or drive you to distraction. And if I need to do so more this time of year, well, let it be my burden to bear. You don’t have to bear this alone, Emma, you can always rely on me.”
And didn’t that just make her get teary all over again? “How the hell do you always know the right thing to say?” she asked, burying her face in his chest.
“Because I’m magic,” he rumbled under her and she pinched his side. “And we’re too alike, you know. Now, what do you need?”
She sniffled and took a breath, taking mental stock. They really needed to unpack and get everything sorted out for laundry, but while that would keep her hands busy her mind would wander and she really didn’t want to keep thinking about the past. But she knew that leaving everything until tomorrow or the next day would bother Killian; she didn’t want to be alone right now, either. “Can we bring the bags back out here and watch TV while we unpack? I know you just put them away but--”
He was already nodding, though, and pressed a kiss to her forehead. “Whatever you need, love.”
Since he’d been the one to put them away and she was being the emotional asshole, she figured it was only fair that she bring the bags back out. She had no idea how he’d done it all in one trip, not with how narrow the hall was and how much she disliked scuffing her baseboards with the wheels, and surreptitiously eyed them as she made multiple trips back and forth.
No scuffs. “I’m magic,” she mumbled in a sarcastic imitation of her husband’s accent, shaking her head.
Killian had the TV on to the classic movie channel and the unmistakable scent of chocolate lingered in the air. “Dash of cream liqueur, whipped cream, and cinnamon,” he said, handing her a mug as she sat down.
Emma smiled into it, letting the warmth of the drink and the liqueur slide into her belly. “Did I ever tell you Mom’s the reason I like this?”
“Mm, no.”
She watched as he deftly unzipped the largest bag and started sorting through it; she’d done little more than toss everything in without caring about wrinkles, and the whole thing reeked of sex and wine -- they’d had not nearly enough of both over the last few days, but apparently enough to let the scent sink in to all the fabric. A different kind of warmth settled under her skin, but she wasn’t in the mood to act on it just yet. “According to my dad, Mom drank this all the time when she was pregnant with me. Her biggest craving; not that she didn’t like it before, but it was like another level. So then it became our thing, once I was old enough to have some, just sitting together on the couch or in the kitchen or wherever, with our matching cocoa with cinnamon.”
Killian glanced over at her, a glint of mischief in his eyes, and her heart swelled suddenly with reaffirmation of how much she loved him. His bangs fell over his forehead in a way some might call rakish, but when he looked at her like that -- lips quirked up in amusement at his own joke he was about to tell, unable to hide his glee at his own cleverness -- she could only call it boyish. “Sweet tooth before you were even born, eh Swan?”
Maybe not a joke then, but teasing, like they were twelve and he was pulling her tail. “I’m a wolf of taste,” she said loftily, setting her mug aside and pulling up another suitcase to go through. “Unlike some mangy curs around here.”
“Mangy cur?” Emma squeaked as she found herself pinned under him on the floor, his nose brushing against hers and heat flooding her body. His grin promised absolute filth, the hard length of his body pressed against hers deliciously, and the scent of his arousal was enough to make her dizzy. “Didn’t realize we were comparing pedigrees here, princess. Too bad you’re stuck with the mangy cur and not some stuffy purebred.”
“I happen to like the mangy cur,” she whispered, their lips close enough to tease.
“Good,” he growled. “Because he likes you too.”
She moaned into his kiss, which was far gentler than she was expecting, and he let up on her arms enough to allow her the space to embrace him. Her fingers threaded through his hair, then down his back, where she teased the patch of skin revealed by his sweater riding up. “Emma.”
He pulled back and she smiled at how he already looked wrecked. She glanced over his face, refamiliarizing herself with the little details she already had memorized but still loved looking at: the old scar on his cheek, the ginger hairs in his beard, the little freckles and the way his eyebrow seemed to jump up on its own when he got curious about something. He caught her eye with his again and one corner of his mouth ticked up, a sudden shyness in the way his eyes darted around, like he wasn’t sure she was staring at him . “What?”
She shook her head, reaching down and slipping her hands into the back pockets of his jeans, earning a surprised -- and pleased -- noise from him as she pulled him in for a quick kiss. “I just… really love you,” she said when they parted.
His cheeks reddened, but just around his cheekbones, and she loved that she knew that detail about him. If she was further back, she’d be able to see his ears turning the same color, and if she really got to him she’d be able to get his nose to match. She liked the way he could get around her, quiet and unabashedly himself, someone who couldn’t take a compliment seriously and waved off words of praise. It drove her a little crazy, but she’d made her vows to voice her feelings to him and she was going to make good on those vows.
“I love you too,” he said, his nose brushing against hers, and he leaned in to kiss her again.
The laundry could wait.
“ There she is!” Ruby hollered, ignoring the glares from the other bar patrons.
Emma also ignored the knowing looks on both Ruby and Dorothy’s faces as she shrugged out of her coat. She knew her hair was mussed and she had beard burn on the side of her neck -- Killian had a particular fondness for this dress and the lack of coverage it provided -- and she was definitely late for their night out, but she only felt the slightest hint of guilt over that. Besides, both Ruby and Dorothy knew what it was like to be newly mated, so they could cut her a break. “Hey, thanks for saving me a seat.”
She flagged down a waitress to take her drink order and then grabbed a handful of peanuts. “So… how’s it going?” Ruby asked in a sing-song.
“Babe.” Dorothy elbowed her.
“What? She’s got sex hair and she reeks of it. If that’s her excuse, she’d better dish.”
Emma rolled her eyes, cracking open a shell. “We didn’t have sex, thank you, he just… made it hard to leave.”
“Oh I’ll bet something was hard.”
The waitress arrived with Emma’s drink and they ordered one of those mixed appetizers platters to share, as well as another round of drinks. Emma gulped half of her drink after the waitress left again before saying, “I won’t kiss and tell.”
As Ruby made a face, Dorothy reached for her own peanuts. “Some of us appreciate that.”
Emma downed the rest of her gin and tonic; she hadn’t really taken the time to appreciate it, and seeing as how this was a wolf bar the drinks were made to match their metabolisms, but this was the first time she was getting to hang out with her friends since her wedding and she wanted to have fun. Tipsy, ridiculous fun, with no husbands and no responsibilities. Girl time. Catch-up time.
Only, she realized as the conversation started to actually move towards catching up on each other’s lives, she just had stories about Killian.
“Okay, I forbid you to talk about your husband for thirty seconds,” Ruby said, pointing a french fry at her for emphasis. The appetizers had been replaced by entrees, and Emma rolled her eyes as she took an enormous bite of her burger. Fine, she’d just chew instead. “You have to have been doing something other than banging each other silly or going to work.”
Emma took her time with her food, drawing out Ruby’s challenge and taking some small joy in the agitated tick in her friend’s eyebrow. “Well it’s not like you don’t know what I do for work,” she said finally, reaching for the ketchup. “And we’re in a post-holiday lull, so it’s gonna be a bit before things get interesting.”
“One of us has got to get a different job,” Ruby declared, while her mate rolled her eyes indulgently.
Emma didn’t bother to respond, instead flagging down the waitress for another G & T. There was definitely a happy buzz going on under her skin and she wanted it to continue; the burger would only dull the effects before too long.
“Bitch on the prowl, ten o’clock,” Dorothy said suddenly, looking towards the door.
Emma and Ruby turned to look, with what felt like most of the bar’s patrons and staff following their lead. A woman she didn’t recognize was taking off her coat, revealing a dress that would send normal humans rushing to her side in an instant; here, it only added to the allure of her scent. She was obviously in heat, unattached, and looking to rectify the situation.
Already two men were walking towards her, jostling one another to make her acquaintance first; Emma just looked back to her tablemates with a look of resignation. “They’re not wasting any time,” she said.
“Neither is she; she must be the first one of the season,” Dorothy said, watching the situation near the door with mild interest.
“Just glad it isn’t me this time.”
“If there wasn’t any concern about like, us not being turned into a science freak show, I would absolutely watch our version of a trash dating show.”
“Babe, we have too many seasons of Love Island on the to-watch list as it is,” Ruby said.
“Correction, we don’t have enough seasons of Love Island on the to-watch list.”
Emma glanced back at the display happening on the other side of the bar, letting the sound of her friends teasing each other blend into the rest of the noise. This woman was definitely taking no prisoners, making eye contact with one of the men while her hand rested almost possessively on the arm of the other, her lips spread into a wide smile. Hell, she was charmed by this kind of display, especially when the woman demurely glanced at the second man under her lashes for a moment. Maybe Dorothy was right about a dating show… She watched as the woman laughed at something one of the men said, throwing her head back to give everyone a good look -- and smell -- at her neck, and Emma found herself dazedly wondering when she might be able to slip away back home and ravish her husband.
“Oh no, we’ve lost her.”
“Pheromones side effect, tragic really.”
She blinked back to attention. “What?”
Ruby looked annoyed, but Dorothy at least seemed sympathetic. “She’s still in the honeymoon phase, babe, it’s gonna be a while before everything settles down. The coming season doesn’t help.”
“Okay, you can stop talking about me like I’m not here,” Emma snapped. Her drink had been refreshed without her notice and she downed it. “I get it, I’m sorry, I’ll shut up about Killian and whatever.”
Ruby started to respond, but Dorothy silenced her with a look. Whatever silent argument they had, Ruby lost and she huffed as she went back to her meal. The reaction stung -- it’s not like Emma hadn’t sat through hours of Ruby pining and then gushing over her own mate, she could stand being the recipient for a while -- but Emma felt it wasn’t worth it to argue and ruin the evening by just turning it into a fight.
Eventually, they started talking again, Ruby breaking first with some pack gossip. The night never got to the raucous levels any of them might have hoped it could get to, but was overall a nice time and Emma even forgot about getting her feelings hurt. It felt good to get out of the house for a while with friends -- but when someone wolf-whistled as the woman in heat from earlier waltzed out with an entirely different man clutched possessively at her side, Emma thought it might be even better to get back home to her mate.
Even short periods of absence seemed to make the heart grow fonder.
As the new year rolled through to its second month, Emma and Killian quietly celebrated the one-year anniversary of their meeting, marveling at how much had changed in just a year. Killian noticed that Emma seemed to greet each day with increasing wariness, and his own awareness of the mating season coming into bloom turned into some kind of insatiable itch under his skin.
He’d never participated in mating season before meeting Emma. He’d been soured from pursuing any sort of relationship after the disastrous affair with Milah, and even when he’d been half underwater with alcohol he’d decided he’d never again get snared by any she-wolf’s trap. And to his embittered mind, mating season was just another trap, luring men into siring pups or trying to turn a one-night tryst into a long-term commitment. Even after he’d sobered up and straightened himself out, he’d still felt the sting of rejection in his phantom limb and did his best to stay occupied and aloof in spring.
Until Emma.
He’d known from the start that she was different, that chance encounter with her packmates. She had fire, and the way she’d immediately come at him on the offense had piqued his interest immediately. Then the wind had shifted and he’d immediately known what the source of the problem with her packmates had been, the full-blown scent of a bitch in heat burrowing down to awaken his most basic instincts. He’d done his best to remain a gentleman and let her walk away, as she’d clearly had no interest in acting on her own hormones, and once her scent faded on the wind he’d walked away as fast as he could without rousing anyone’s suspicion. He’d thought that was the end of it, until a chance meeting at a bar led to a delightful night of conversation and drinks…
And the most wonderful, passionate woman he’d ever had the pleasure to offer himself up to the next day.
Poor love had been so miserable when he’d come to see if his magical hangover remedy worked for her that he’d hardly reacted to the overwhelming bouquet of Emma in heat. He’d acted immediately to try and rectify the errors in her spice cabinet, mixing his potion and letting her recover. And as he tidied up the mess he’d made, it became increasingly hard (in many senses of the phrase) to ignore the fact that he was absolutely surrounded by pheromones and the obvious lingering scent of everything she’d done to relieve herself of the ache over the last several days. And when she’d emerged from her blanket nest again and stood there with only a shirt and her knickers and legs that went on for miles and giving him every last chance to run before they’d do something they’d regret?
He’d never wanted someone more in his entire life, mating season or not.
It wasn’t long after he returned home, he realized that long weekend in her bed (and her shower and her kitchen… and one particularly enjoyable occasion with her back pressed to the window and the lights in the living room turned off to keep the outside world in the dark to their activities) would never be enough for him. Liam accused him of moping, his friends thought he needed to get out and meet someone new to get Emma out of his system.
Looking up now, watching her enter the room shyly and holding out a simple padded envelope, he knew just as well now as he’d known then: he could never get her out of his system, even if he tried.
“What’s this, love?” he asked, accepting the envelope from her as she settled in the crook of his arm.
“Early valentine’s present,” she said simply.
They had a reservation at a restaurant that day, so he was a little confused as to why she didn’t want to simply wait until then. “Any particular reason why this is an early gift?”
Her scent changed, a little surge of arousal, and amusement laced her voice, “I kind of figured it was safer to give these to you in private.”
Well now he was intrigued. “Very well then, thank you and I accept.”
Reaching into the envelope, he felt photos -- a stack of actual printed, glossy photographs. He glanced down at his wife -- fuck, he’d never be over that, his wife -- and watched her chew her bottom lip nervously as he pulled the photos out. 
Each photo featured Emma in some way, posed and primping and perfect in all her glory. These weren’t amateur photos by any means, and even her hair and make-up looked like someone else had done the job -- not that Emma did poorly at her own appearance, but she wasn’t one to add such accentuation to her eyes to give them that smoky effect. Killian swallowed hard as he went through each photo, his heart thumping especially loud in his ears: Emma looking directly at the camera in some sort of modernized glamour shot; Emma from behind, shot from the waist up, looking coyly over her shoulder as she slipped a shirt -- was that one of his? -- down her arms to expose her back beneath a wave of blond curls; Emma laid out on dark satin, her hair spilled around her like a halo, wearing what was definitely one of his button-downs and nothing else from the way she gripped it closed. “Emma, how did you--” his throat felt nearly as tight as his pants as he paused at the next photo, her eyes downcast as she lay on her stomach, the curve of her breast visible in the opening of his shirt.
“I am people who know people,” she said simply.
On and on it went, all of them sensual or titillating without pushing the envelope enough to qualify as lewd, until the last one: she reclined on her side, propped up on her elbow, on a pelt that matched her own. Completely bare, her back faced the camera, her hair spilling down her shoulders as she looked to the side, not quite looking over her shoulder but enough to give the viewer a look at her demure profile in an otherwise completely shameless photograph.
“Jesus Christ, Emma…”
She rested her head against his shoulder, by all appearances merely a content wife who was pleased her husband liked her gift, rather than the mischievous seductress she truly was. Minx. “You like them?” she asked.
“Very much. And may I add, excellent call on a private viewing,” he murmured, nosing her hair. “Had anyone else even glimpsed these, I would have had to rip their throats out with my teeth.”
She hummed and he grinned as her scent flared. “The whole murderous, possessive alpha male thing shouldn’t be such a turn on,” she commented, and squeaked as he hauled her up in his lap.
Placing the photos on her lap, he tapped the last one with one finger. “This one should be blown up and professionally framed, I might hang it up in my office. Your arse is a work of art, love.”
“It is,” Emma agreed, “but wouldn’t that go against the whole ‘if anyone else saw these I’d kill them in cold blood’ thing?”
He tweaked her nose; she really was a terrible mimic of his accent. She always made him sound like a Mancunian somehow. “I didn’t say it had to be the main office, and while I admit that intimidating any potential contractors to a better profit turnover would be better, I can’t say I’d be able to get much work done with such a distraction.”
“And it being in your home office would do any better?”
“Well,” Killian said, drawling on the l’s, “for one thing, I wouldn’t have to travel far to take care of any, ah, problems that might arise from a viewing.” Emma snorted, no doubt feeling exactly the sort of problem he spoke of pressed against her bottom. “Though why would I need to look at this if I have the real thing waiting for me?”
“Who says I’ll be laying in wait for you?” she asked, poking his chest. “If our history says anything, I’m the one who pounces on you the moment you walk through the door.”
“Or sooner.”
“Or sooner,” she said. Looping her arms around his neck, she tilted her head. “You really like them?”
He opened his mouth, prepared to remind her that he’d already answered that, but then he noticed the slight furrow of her brow, the nearly invisible downturn of her lips, her wide eyes flicking between his as she tried to read his expression. Killian softened, in several ways, remembering how difficult she found it to be vulnerable; he suspected the act of posing and taking the photographs had been easy -- Emma was a beautiful, confident woman and she knew it -- but now came the hard part: seeking approval. “I love them,” he told her seriously, tightening his hold around her. “A pale substitute for the real thing, but this on my desk,” he flitted through the photos to the glamor shot, “will remind me of the gorgeous woman I have waiting for me at home. And get me through the long , hard days when we don’t see one another.”
She gave him an overly patient look at where he’d emphasized his speech. He leaned down and kissed away the wrinkle between her brows, breathing her in. “I don’t know what I ever did to deserve someone such as you, my darling, but I’m grateful every day to whatever thread of fate drew us together.”
Her breath hitched and her arms tightened around him. She shifted, tilting her head up to kiss him; the intensity of it nearly overwhelmed him, telling him without words how much she loved him and appreciated what he’d said. He felt her fingers in his hair, grazing the sides of his face and neck, her lips moving against his with a hunger he recognized well. “Let’s move these,” he rasped, doing his best not to just throw the pictures all over the floor, “before we make a mess of them.”
Killian gladly let Emma take control then, pushing him flat on his back on the couch and straddling him. “Show me what you really think,” she said, and whipped her sweater over her head, the offending garment falling almost protectively over the stack of photographs on the floor.
The dream started the way it always did: she was sixteen again and her body wasn’t cooperating as she tried to climb the height to the challenge grounds. Most of this was pulled from memory, the sounds of her mother and Regina fighting, the bitter cold, the tang of blood on the wind, but while the stones under her were covered in ice and snow, she’d been able to climb with only a little trouble. She’d been more worried about what she’d find than making sure her feet were going in the right place.
In the dream, though, it was like moving through molasses. Images came in flashes -- her mother lunging and scoring a blow on Regina’s side, Regina’s snarl and the moonlight glinting off the ceremonial silver knives, her father bleeding to death on the ground. Her voice stuck in her throat as she tried to scream for help, like her mouth was sewn shut.
She was helpless to stop what was happening; she always had been, and even in a dream she couldn’t change the reality that her parents had been murdered in front of her.
But for the first time she was able to get to the top, only to find Regina fighting Killian instead of Snow. He had no knife, no weapon at all, swinging wildly with his fist and kicking where he could, but Regina seemed to have the upper hand as she dodged his every move. It looked like she was completely fine with letting him tire himself out first before she had to do anything; Emma tried to scream, tried to get them to stop -- why would Killian be fighting Regina? -- but her mouth wouldn’t work.
Killian lunged and Regina dodged with ease, moving on the offense for the first time as she slammed her elbow into his back. He fell with a cry and suddenly a rifle was in her hands. A crack sounded in the frozen night and then Killian lay still on the ground.
Her body moved, freed from whatever had trapped her in place. Regina was gone, and Emma flung herself at her mate’s form. He lay sprawled on his stomach, a dark, wet patch spreading across his back in the same place where he’d been shot last fall. She packed snow against the wound, an animal cry ripping from her throat in a desperate plea for help. She turned him over, trying to see if he was conscious, but he was white as death and as cold as if he’d lain there for hours instead of moments --
Emma woke, a scream stuck in her mouth as she fought to get the blankets that were tangled around her and constricting her movements off. Tears rolled down her cheeks as she tumbled to the floor; the solid impact shook off the confusion between dreams and reality, but it couldn’t get the image of Killian bleeding out in the snow out of her mind. She curled in on herself as her mind blended it with the same sight of her parents that she’d relived over and over again for more than a decade, her chest aching as she tried to stifle her sobs.
It was late, but she hadn’t gone to bed as Killian had still been at work. She’d dozed off on the couch, something she hadn’t done in a long time—in the last few months, the combination of Alice’s crystal magic and the ever-present scent and feel of their mating bond in the bedroom had helped ease both of their night terrors. Their den represented safety and security, giving them peace of mind to rest easily.
She hadn’t meant to fall asleep.
Emma took deep breaths, trying to calm down. She reached for where she’d left her phone, using the hem of her shirt to scrub her face dry with her other hand, and checked to see if there were any messages. A few warm tears leaked out still, even as she checked the time and noted that Killian had texted not long ago to let her know he was on his way home.
As if on cue, the sound of keys in the hall reached her ears, and a moment later they scratched at the lock and then the door opened. “Sorry I’m so late, darling, I—what happened?”
He was at her side in an instant, gathering her into his arms. She lay her head against his shoulder gratefully. “Bad dreams, it’s nothing.”
“Sweetling, the fear-scent hit me full in the face when I came in, it’s not nothing.”
His heartbeat under her ear soothed her, some of the lingering tension in her shoulders easing with the steady thrumming. Her arms went around him and his hold tightened, just a little, as if he could protect her from her own demons just by holding on tight.
She wished he could.
“Bad dreams,” she said again, clearing her throat after her voice came out thick. “A lot of the same, mixed up together in a shitty new brain cocktail I didn’t order.”
He knew about the recurring dream with her parents, and the newer ones from the incident in the fall, so it wouldn’t be hard for him to put together what she meant. He kissed the side of her head. “I’m sorry, darling. Why didn’t you just go to bed?”
“I didn’t mean to fall asleep out here. I was waiting for you to get home and just nodded off.” Her book, forgotten until now, lay face-down on the floor, pages bunched up and wrinkled now from when it had fallen from her lap in sleep. “If I’d known you were staying that late I would have just gone to bed.”
Killian sighed. “I’m sorry. I was working on a contract and needed feedback from the overseas partner; it’s morning in Singapore so I knew I could get prompt replies. I should have said something earlier.”
“It’s not your fault.”
“No, but I still feel terrible.” He kissed her again and stood, bringing her up with him. “Come on, let’s have a nightcap and you can tell me how to make it better.”
She smiled wanly. “I just need you. That’s all I need to make it better.”
Emma allowed him to lead her to the kitchen. “You have me, Swan, you know that. You’ll always have me.”
She woke slowly to the gentle, teasing press of lips against her own. There was a murmur in the back of her mind that sounded like ‘ wake up, darling ’ and she had the bewildering sensation of being in two places at once before a finger brushed against her neck and arousal surged through her body. Instantly she felt more alert, kissing Killian back with newly awakened vigor, and he groaned as she pushed him back, reversing their positions so she lay atop him. “Cheater,” she accused, only allowing them a moment to breathe before coming together again. 
He stroked her mate-mark once more and the swell of arousal almost hurt; she clenched her thighs together, trying to ease the ache that lay between them, but Killian’s hand moved down, coaxing them apart to tease his fingers between her folds. “So wet for me,” he murmured.
“Yeah, I wonder why,” she said, biting her lip at the feel of his fingers on her flesh, the warmth pulsing through her body, the sparks of pleasure with every stroke. He ducked down, pressing his lips against her neck and she whimpered at the touch, feeling like she was melting into putty in his arms. “ Tease .”
“I’m a cheater, a tease,” he murmured against her skin, punctuating each word with another kiss. “What’s next? Scoundrel ?”
She cried out as his fingers thrust home, filling her with that delicious stretch she craved. She could feel him moving his fingers inside, teasing her further, and she didn’t know how she wasn’t just soaking his hand with how turned on she was right then. With each thrust of his fingers, he seemed to lift her up and it took her far too long to realize it was a combination of his own urging and her unconscious compliance as she rose up above him. She threw one leg over his waist and felt the head of his cock bump against her thigh; Killian withdrew his fingers and she looked down to watch him rub her juices off his fingers onto his cock as he took it in hand, quickly positioning himself in place for her to sink down on top of him. "Oh fuck me," he moaned as she began to move, her lips finding his mate-mark.
His fingers dug into her hip as she rode him, skin slapping as she chased her pleasure. The combination of their teasing each other’s mate-marks was driving her nearly insane with lust -- she barely noticed when she peaked, the need for more clawing its way through her veins. Killian protested when she lifted herself off him, but he seemed to pick up on the general plan when she turned and got on her hands and knees.
She gasped, sharp and shallow as he pushed in again, her hand grabbing a fistful of blanket for purchase. He felt so much bigger this way— always had since the way he’d taken her that first time. "If we're going to do this like animals, might as well look the part,” he’d said then, and she certainly felt like an animal now as she pushed back onto him in earnest, back arching and throat rough as she keened, pleading for more.
“Greedy girl,” Killian panted through grit teeth, his hips slamming against hers as she cried out. “Drenching my cock, begging for it.”
“ You woke me up,” she retorted, gasping again as he hit a good spot. “There--do that again, fuck .” His hand found her hip again, nails stinging into her skin just enough to pull a groan out of her. Again, he snapped his hips forward, but it’s less frenzied than before, sharper, calculated, and the breath that punched out of her lungs at the next thrust felt laced with fire. She turned to look at him over her shoulder, felt her heart stutter at the way his mark stood out dark against the morning light.
She slipped against the sheet, nearly buckling, but his hand was there before she could, sliding up the length of her torso to curl his fingers around her shoulder. Too-fast, she found herself surrounded by him, his weight half-draped on top of her as he pulled her flush against him and oh, oh . Fuck tumbled out of her again as she twisted to claim a rough kiss. Distracted, his hips slowed at the contact, but she pushed back again with a roll of her hips.
The hand on her shoulder urged her down, his weight shifting off her back as he reared back and her head pressed against the mattress. The angle was just right, a keen tearing from her throat as he resumed speed, driving into her hard and fast and -- “ Fuck, Killian! ”
His hand slipped under her, between her legs, found their way to her overstimulated clit and teased, drawing circles around it and pressing--
Killian’s phone started to vibrate on the nightstand. Emma felt her orgasm slip beyond reach for the moment, her concentration broken, and she groaned in frustration. She didn’t even know what time it was, but it had to be too early for anything but an emergency. “Killian, you should see who that was,” she mumbled, her head shifting against the mattress as he pounded into her.
Her husband snarled and that sent a little thrill down her spine, reigniting what had been lost. “Whoever it is should fucking know better than to call when I’m balls deep in my wife.”
She had no idea how to articulate how absurd that was, but he moved his hand again and squeezed her breast, leaving wet streaks of her own arousal along her skin and her core clenched around him in anticipation. He exhaled sharply, another little growl escaping him, and she pushed back against him, meeting him thrust for thrust. She felt his fingers move along her skin, dancing up her back and nails scratching just enough to leave a trail of goosebumps in their wake, until they found her mate-mark once more and started tracing around it, lightly circling, pressing just enough--
She saw stars. Burst of color behind squeezed eyelids and an impossible wave of pleasure crashing through her, her legs feeling numb and buckling under her as he rode her through her orgasm until she heard a grunt signaling his own. She slid weakly down onto her stomach, her skin still tingling and her core still shuddering, dragging air into her lungs as fast as she could to try and calm her racing heart. She felt the bed shift behind her, heard Killian’s heavy breathing, then felt him settle between her legs. Before she could fully understand what was happening, she felt his nose brush the sensitive seam of her ass, and then dip lower as his tongue found her dripping, abused, and still fucking aroused cunt. “ Jesus --”
Emma tried to push herself up on her elbows, tried to army-crawl up the bed and away from her insatiable husband’s questing tongue, but he satisfied himself with only a few laps before pulling away. She twisted, flushed and glaring at the smug grin on his face. “Who’s greedy now?” she asked.
“I do love the taste of us together,” he admitted, righting himself and settling back on the pillows.
She fought the urge to roll her eyes and summoned all of her strength to get up and go clean herself. Wobbly as it was, she managed the trip to the bathroom and even brought him a washcloth to clean himself up before giving her weary legs a rest and laying next to him. The heady feeling of arousal still burned inside, though more like a smoldering ember pile than the full-on inferno he’d worked her into before, but she pushed it away; she wasn’t in heat yet and her body had limits.
For now.
“So what was that for?” Emma asked.
“Do I need a reason to wake my wife and lavish her with my attentions?” She poked him in the ribs, a particularly ticklish spot, and he squirmed. “Cut it out,” Killian said, giggling. “Your smell woke me.”
She raised an eyebrow. “My smell?” she asked, her voice flat. “You know, from anyone else those might be fighting words.”
He took her hand in his, bringing it to his lips. “And far be it from me to challenge you, darling. No, I believe it may be close to time, your scent has… shifted somewhat.”
Emma let her head fall back with a groan. Motherfucker. Well, it was to be expected; it’s the normal time for her to go into heat, it was just… the worst. Though, having a mate would make it exponentially easier than previous years; she had that to look forward to, at least. She just hated being completely ruled by her hormones, hated having so little control over her own body. And of course Killian would be the first to pick up on it, of course he’d know her so well that he’d pick up on even the slightest change in her scent. Idly, she wondered if he could tell because he’d smelled her in full-blown heat before, but in truth she believed he’d know any changes in her body and her scent almost before she did.
Puts the kibosh on any cutesy surprise things whenever we get around to having pups , she thought wryly.
“Judging by your enthusiastic response, you’re still unhappy about the prospect,” Killian remarked.
She sighed. “It’s not that. I love nothing more than using you as my personal sex toy, I just… hate everything else about it.”
“We could try a last-minute honeymoon,” he suggested. “We did talk about going somewhere this spring.”
“It’ll be wicked expensive, not to mention both of our bosses would kill us for leaving so last minute. And don’t even try to tell me Liam would be understanding, he’d find something to harp at you about.”
“Technically I’m my own boss.”
“Yes, but what captain leaves the helm to go fuck his wife silly for a week?”
His teeth flash in a grin that sends a shiver down her spine. “I’m sure plenty do, particularly when the captain’s wife is as beautiful and alluring as you. And I do have minions to keep things running, you know I don’t do everything right?”
“You have to stop calling your officers ‘minions’.”
“I pay their salaries, I can call them what I like. Besides, which is less of a mouthful, Chief Operating Officer or minion?”
“Coming from the man who takes an hour to tell a five minute story.”
His grin widened. “One of the many charms you love about me.” She rolled her eyes and the bed shifted as Killian reached for his phone, which pinged a reminder that he had a missed call and a voicemail. “Though I could have reason for it, seeing as how one of them called at a most inopportune time.”
Emma worried her lip between her teeth as he listened to the message, the tinny voice reaching her ears perfectly as questions even she knew could have waited a few hours were relayed. If he was right, and it was reasonable to assume he was, then it would be easier to just combine the honeymoon and her week in heat. It was extremely annoying that there wasn’t any way to really tell when her body would go into heat, outside of paying attention to signs like any subtle changes in scent, and they couldn’t have planned this ages in advance. The thought of paying all the last minute booking fees made her skin crawl, but she also knew he wouldn’t suggest such a thing if it wasn’t feasible.
Marrying up a couple of tax brackets was going to take a lot of getting used to.
Killian tossed his phone back on the bedside table, muttering darkly to himself, and she settled against him again. “How about this,” she started, “we take today to make sure a quick getaway isn’t going to be a problem, and then go in a couple of weeks? I don’t think it’s going to happen in the next few days and we need some time to get our shit together.”
“Eloquent as always, Swan,” he said. “And the full moon is next week, so we should schedule around that as well.”
Remembering that gave her another sense of relief: for some reason, it wasn’t common for their kind to go into heat the week of the full moon. Some did, but it was extremely rare, and always led to complications with the litter. She thought it might have something to do with how her monthly shifting stopped when she’d been pregnant before, nature realizing that changing forms while pregnant wasn’t good for the mother or the fetus, but it wasn’t like there was anyone she could ask about that. Again, something else that the more scientific-minded of their community were studying, but it was difficult.
And it wasn’t like there was The Scientific Werewolf Monthly to publish any of that research.
Maybe there should be.
“Well, that settles that,” she said, her mood buoyed by the lunar calendar. “We’ll go in a couple of weeks. Plunk me on a beach somewhere that’s not Boston in winter and I’ll be set.”
Killian’s expression was a thrilling mix of joy and sin. “Then I’d better make sure it’s a private beach, because I have no plans of letting you wear anything more than a bikini the whole time we’re gone,” he said, shifting to loom over her as he spoke, the last words breathed against her lips before he caught hers up in another kiss.
The wave of pleasure that had been building inside finally crashed over her, sending ripples up to the top of her head and down to the tips of her toes. She sighed, sated for the time being and pushed away the latest of her spent toys, reclining back on the silk maroon sheets to watch as he took his leave from her bed. They all knew the drill, the men lurking in wait for her summons; she hated for them to linger, but she did indulge in the view as they stumbled away from her room.
For now, though, Regina was tired. That was the third one today, and it was barely noon on the first morning of her heat. She rolled her head on her neck, as much as she was able, joints cracking and muscles stretching. She wasn’t a young pup anymore, as difficult as it was to admit some days, so while being ravished three times by three different, handsome young things in one morning certainly sounded like an ideal way to spend one’s time, it was proving to take a toll on her.
She didn’t like to think too much about what that would mean.
She didn’t care for the reminders, the lines at the corners of her eyes getting a little deeper if she looked too long, the silver strands she kept carefully colored, and now her body tiring a little sooner than it had the year before.
Any slip might give rise to rumors, and rumors often lead to those same men lurking downstairs foolish ideas about power.
No, for now she would rest a bit, take lunch, and assess what else she could do to keep her hand on their leashes until just the right moment.
Her phone rang midway through lunch. Annoyed, Regina answered in her usual, clipped way. “This had better be important.”
- She’s leaving town for a week, her and that British wolf of hers. My sources say it’s probably their honeymoon, but we have to remember the season. If she comes back pupped-- -
“I can make my own conclusions, thank you Sidney,” she snapped, her mood darkening. “Keep tabs on them if you can, and the Nolans. We may have to move faster than anticipated.”
She hung up before he could agree to anything -- it didn’t matter, he didn’t have to agree. He just had to follow orders.
She sat still for a moment, staring at her plate, then moved suddenly, throwing her tablet against the wall. The news that Emma Swan, previous heir apparent to the pack she now ruled, had taken another mate after all the work she’d done to destroy that last relationship had sent her into a rage that kept her people on their toes for weeks. She didn’t need any reason to allow support of any kind for that little bitch to rise, and a newly mated pair with a fresh litter on the way would definitely give reason for people to remember and feel sympathy for the girl. To start rumors or petitions to restore her place.
To revolt.
She’d put in too much work expanding, improving, and keeping her pack in line to let the memory of the old alphas resurface.
Snarling, Regina got to her feet. Rage mixed with arousal, the need to take control of something overpowering anything else, and she pressed the intercom that would summon another one of her playthings to the bedroom.
She hoped he had stamina, though she didn’t quite care if she ended up breaking him in the end. He was easily replaced, just as all the others were.
She was in control here. Not them. Not any of the hotheads she dealt with on a regular basis.
And never, never Emma Swan.
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shadowsinger11 · 4 years
George Weasley!
Ohohoho I've been waiting for this *rubs palms together*
Grab some water folks, this is gonna make your mouth dry
George Weasley NSFW Headcanons
Contrary to the popular belief, he's the one to first lose his virginity out of the twins. He's not the type to date everyone he finds attractive, seeing as he seeks a special connection, and thus he's very loyal to his first partner who also turns out to be his first in bed as well.
George hasn't had any dating experience until his 6th year. That's also the year when he started actively researching how to please his partner if he ever happened to have one.
Let's face it - sex ed at Hogwarts sucks. Practically nonexistent, I bet.
But I'm sure our clever boi Georgie™️ makes sure to find info about everything he needs to know. Might earn a few curious looks from librarians for taking a copy of The Art of Love-making but this would be much preferred to getting teased by Fred when asking him for advice.
George is really intimidated intrigued by female anatomy. This puts immense pressure on him to do well and he's high-key terrified excited about it.
However, once he learns more about sex, he realizes there are quite a lot of things he'd like to try out if given the chance.
By things we all know I mean kinks
Hair pulling kink. From both parties. Let him pull you by your hair and call you his good girl while he's taking you from behind, and you're in for a mindblowing orgasm. Tug at his ginger locks and he turns to mush in your hands, going into full submissive mode, ready to serve you.
Praise kink - having shared almost everything with his brother Fred all his life, hearing praise about himself as an individual would make George happy like nothing else. Amongst all things he wants to feel appreciated and loved, and to know he's doing a good job pleasing you. If he's pleasuring you well, do let him know. Plus he gets really really turned on by your needy moans, gosh.
From the very beginning George had set up his mind to learn how to give oral properly. He's a giver by nature so he only wishes to make you feel good, and also, come on, the boy wants to know how to eat pussy. Teach him.
When he's down to business, he really couldn't care less (not that it would ever make an impression to him) about minor things such as body hair, stretch marks, birth marks, scars etc. If he wants to eat you, nothing's going to stop him from completely devouring you. Not even your own insecurities.
Speaking of which, George has a very skilled tongue. Aside from sweetly talking his way out of trouble, he uses it for some other extremely pleasurable things too. And one of the things he was most looking forward to during his first time, was using his tongue on you.
George was immensely aroused by the thought of tasting you. For some reason having his head buried between your thighs was a thought which could make him hard almost instantly, and he was slightly afraid he might creep you out by requesting to go down on you.
And when you agreed, lord better have mercy on you.
The way George's tongue swipes up and down, licking every inch of hot skin, spreading your wetness all over your core and flicking your clit, is enough to tell you exactly how often this boy has imagined eating you out.
And holy fuck, was he good at it.
Needless to say George is an amazing kisser. He'd waste no time claiming your mouth and making your knees weak until you're practically begging him to take you.
He's very flexible when it comes to pace. If your desire is to take things slow, and enjoy caressing and admiring each other's bodies, George is more than happy to oblige. If all you want is him to fuck you raw into the mattress with the only sounds in the room being the slapping of skin against skin, your desperate moans and his feral grunts, he's happy to do that too.
Let's be clear - Rough George™️ and Soft George™️ are two different people.
It doesn't matter if Rough George has been fucking you for the last hour. If you're in any kind pain or get tired, or simply want to stop, Soft George takes over to make sure you're both physically and emotionally okay.
He always keeps a bottle of water nearby in case you need a break whenever you get overwhelmed; these things happen too.
That was the best part of having rough sex with George - you could always count on him to treat you with extreme care afterwards or whenever else you needed.
Aftercare with Soft Georgie™️ would be heaven. You bet your ass he's going to have an entire packet of snacks and candy that he keeps a secret even from Fred just so he can spoil you afterwards.
Feeling too exhausted to even move? Absolutely cool. George would clean you up and change the bedsheets if necessary. Right before hopping into bed too to cuddle you and whisper comforting things in your ear; loving praise about how well you had done that night or adorable compliments to assure you of his love for you.
Yeah, get me a George Weasley now please
Likes don't help me grow, please reblog my work instead!
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mr-styles · 3 years
When Harry Met Phoebe: The Story Behind The Treat People With Kindness Music Video
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Directors Gabe and Ben Turner reveal how Harry Styles and Phoebe Waller-Bridge ended up collaborating on what's already the feelgood video of the year.
For Harry Styles and Phoebe Waller-Bridge fans, the new year couldn’t have started in a better fashion. Literally. On New Year’s Day, the world was gifted the Treat People With Kindness music video - which saw Phoebe and Harry dancing around the Troxy theatre in east London, dressed in show-stopping matching Gucci suits and argyle sweater vests. ‘You have no idea how heavy that jacket was!’ director Ben Turner tells Grazia. ‘It was like a suit of armour with all those crystals on it.’
The black-and-white video - which was filmed a few months before the first lockdown last year - was directed by brothers Ben and Gabe Turner of Fulwell73 Productions, who have worked with Harry since his days in One Direction, directing everything from perfume and car commercials to the videos for Drag Me Down and Steal My Girl. The pair were also behind the joyous video to previous Fine Line single Golden, where Harry ran around Italy's Amalfi Coast.
For many, the big TPWK questions are: how on Earth did the collaboration between Harry and Phoebe happen? And why were they dancing? Well, the answer is quite simple. Gabe and Harry had been watching videos of iconic old Hollywood dancers like ‘the Nicholas brothers, Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers’, but it was only after they both went to see Fleabag during its London West End run that the idea of Harry and Phoebe dancing together clicked into place.
‘One day, we were just talking about the videos we were watching. We thought the dance videos were really cool, so I said to Harry, "Well, what about you and Phoebe dancing together?"’ Gabe tells us. ‘And because we'd just been to the Fleabag show, he was like, "Yeah, absolutely."’ The rest is history. Harry then called the Fleabag actress, along with his choreographer Paul Roberts - and the pair were both keen to get involved. The directors say the process was very quick, and the shoot happened within one day.
Their working relationship was apparently ‘fantastic’, too. ‘The atmosphere on screen reflects the dynamic - it was just really good fun,’ Ben says. Gabe adds that he thinks Harry and Phoebe both had a mutual respect for each other. ‘From what I know, and I haven't really talked to either of them about it, I think they were both big fans of each other,’ he says. ‘I don't know how much Fleabag Harry had consumed prior to the day we went to see her, but I know that we both thought she was majestic.’
The song is all about kindness - and it seems Phoebe couldn’t have been a better fit with Harry’s ethos, as Gabe tells us the writer bought cake for those who worked on the video. ‘You know, you're not going to find two people in the industry as kind, thoughtful and welcoming as Harry and Phoebe,’ he says. ‘A lot of the time, as directors, you get a very privileged view of people - but you can see the people who really care about everyone. From Phoebe, buying cupcakes for the entire production crew, to Harry… On every single shoot I've ever been on, Harry has made every person, from the runners upwards, feel 10 foot tall and a part of the process.’
This obviously reflected well on the atmosphere on set. In fact, both directors, who usually don’t bring their children to work, decided to take their kids (at the time, all under the age of five) on set. ‘Everyone there felt like they were involved in something really special, and felt really privileged to be there - including Harry and Phoebe,’ Gabe adds.
As Harry has found a more ‘authentic voice’ since his time in One Direction, the process of working with the star has changed quite a bit. But the directors couldn’t be more positive about the boyband and its breakout star. ‘We started with Harry back in One Direction days,’ Ben says, ‘so that creative process has blossomed since then.’
‘Harry is on this great vein of form, and to be able to support that is great,’ Ben continues. ‘He's got brilliant tastes, and a sensibility that clearly not many people have. And so helping to [grow] that talent is phenomenal. As directors you tend to take a lot of credit for the creative direction, but a lot of your job is helping [the people you work with] be as brilliant as they can be. And when you're starting from that level, with him and Phoebe? It's gratifying.’
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horrorxweasley · 3 years
(Part 1) Triple W Mafia George x Fem! Y/N series
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Warnings: Swearing! that’s it really (unless I've missed something then please let me know)
Word Count: 2,174
Summary:  George Weasley is a renowned Mafia boss who took over from his Father Arthur once he retired, to carry on the Triple W mafia legacy. The only mafia known to be able to keep the Death Eaters (their rival mafia) at bay. However there is one item that they stole from the Triple W’s which George is determined to get back...his mothers necklace, the family heirloom. Y/N Greyback has been forced to comply with the Death Eaters wishes as her family are high up members. What happens when George and Y/N meet? And what happens when they fall in love?
Series Masterlist 
The lights were dim in the what looked like to be an old bar room, the red hue coming from the red lamp shades hitting the walls. Smoke from cigars fogging up the top half of the room barely keeping the floor below visible. At each table there were groups of men, all sitting in perfectly tailored suits, sipping on their glasses of whiskey, laughing and having a good time. At the back of the room however, sat one man, alone. His elbow propped up on the arm of his chair, his finger brushing over his top lip as if he were deep in thought. His other hand held the same glass as every other man in the bar, lazily not caring if it were to fall and smash everywhere.
The man, George Weasley, a tall ginger man who’s eyes were the dark but kind shade of brown. Although seemingly intimidating, George had a kind heart, if he seen someone being attacked or robbed in the street, everyone would end up feeling bad for the attacker by the time George was finished with him. He had no time for the scum who go out of their way to make someone else’s life a living hell in order for them to feel a small, temporary taste for a God complex.
George had only recently taken over the title of the Triple W Mafia Boss, when his father Arthur had decided it was his time to retire and pass over the family ‘business’ to one of his sons. George was one of 6 sons and one daughter within the Weasley family. His identical twin brother Fred was technically supposed to become the next Mafia boss, as he was the older twin. But, he had decided that his brother George was more fit to the job than he was. So, George gratefully took over the role and appointed Fred and his younger brother Ron, to be his sort of ‘Body Guards’ although, of course George was far from needing any form of help when it came to beating or killing a criminal, it was still always good to have a little back up sometimes.
“Hey Georgie, what’s the plan then? What we gonna do about these damn Death Eaters?”
George sat, not moving, deep in thought. ‘What was he going to do about those Death Eaters?’ He has no where to start, the bastards are constantly on the run. He was determined to find their whereabouts however, as they had stolen something very precious to him, his mother’s necklace. The Weasley family heirloom.
In a room that was very clearly abandoned and covered in moss and mould, sat groups of men and some women in black cloaks with peculiar pointed hoods. These people, in contrast to that of which the Triple W members, appeared extremely intimidating. The members of Triple W were intimidating,  but these were the sort of people no one would want to encounter in the streets, day or night. There was no smoke from cigars in this small dingy room, there was however and eye watering stench, that was so strong some of the Death Eaters swore they seen a slight foggy green haze floating around the room.
All cloaked members were sitting in a circle all surrounding their leader Tom Riddle, or as he likes to call himself ‘Voldemort’. A tall man (not as tall as George) with black, short curly hair. He wasn’t wearing a cloak like his ‘followers’ but was wearing something that looked more like a bath robe, it was all black of course to fit in with the rest. All were listening in carefully to what he was saying, all apart form Y/N Greyback, daughter of Fenrir Greyback, a man who is considered very high up in the Death Eater mafia. She was sat in the corner, wearing a contrasting blood red dress that hugged all of her curves perfectly. Her Y/H/C hair was curled at the ends in neat ringlets, and she had some makeup on but not too much so she looked ‘dolled up’.
“We all know that the Triple W are cowering out in some fancy old bar, trouble is we don’t know where, I’ve had a few out scouting round the area, unfortunately they have all been caught” Riddle speaks out gesturing and engaging with his followers.
“What do you suggest we do then sir?” Said Fenrir who was sitting right next to where Riddle was parading around the room.
“I say we send out our most valuable member, of course, real them in, make them vulnerable” he smirked
“You don’t mean…”
“Oh yes, but I do, your daughter shall make excellent bate my dear friend, for she wears what Weasley most desires” Riddle finishes
Y/N too busy sat in the corner reading an old book, didn’t even notice that every Death Eater members eyes were on her, all smiling to themselves.
This may actually work, if we send out Y/N who is wearing that incredibly expensive looking, diamond necklace, it may just lure the idiot ginger straight to us” Fenrir laughed.
So their plan was set, send Y/N as bait and hopefully George would follow.
-     George still hadn’t moved from the position he was sat in, he hadn’t taken a single sip of his drink, his eyes focussed and barely ever blinking. He was seemingly ignoring every person who tried to get a word out of him for some sort of plan to take down their Rival mafia. Sure he had killed a lot of spies they had sent out, but he was getting absolutely no leads on where exactly they were coming from, Riddle was smarter than he thought. It seemed he had Death Eaters coming from all over the country in all different directions and disguises. George had to find some way in order to track down where exactly they were based.
The sounds of other members arguing, specifically Fred and Ron who were standing right next to where George was sat, started to sound like a horrible ringing noise, it was driving him insane, how could he concentrate when these buffoon’s were yelling nonsense at each other.
“WILL YOU ALL SHUT UP” He yelled now getting up from his seat and walking to the middle of the smoky room.
“I can’t fucking think when you’re all fighting and arguing with each other on what we’re going to do. I am very aware that those bastards are close to finding us, alright? They’ve gained more members in the past few months than I can count on my two hands. Problem is, they’re coming from all over the country, there is no set direction from where they’re all coming from, meaning that they aren’t coming from their base. This brings us to our next problem, what we’re going to do about it. The only thing I can suggest right now, which I believe may actually be our only two options, is either we leave and find a new base OR we send out multiple people all round the general area of here just outside the boarders of this town where the forests are. Each mile will have two of our members, armed and ready to capture and interrogate anyone that comes from outside the town. This includes anyone who seems innocent to the eye I.e. a mother and child as we all know by now there are families who have been a part of the Death Eaters for years, long enough for them to welcome their children. If you see a mother and child however, you of course don’t attack them straight away, you take them for questioning and more importantly, you look for that damn skull snake monstrosity that they all have tattooed on their left forearm.”
George stands looking between each of his guys trying to gauge what they were thinking by their faces.
“So what’s it to be? Hands up if you think we should move”
No one put their hands up and George smiled knowing that everyone in Triple W are too loyal to the town of Diagon to even consider leaving.
“Good choice boys, now” he rubs his hands together “who’s volunteering to be part of the watch team?”
- Y/N couldn’t believe her ears when she heard the plan to trick Triple W into following her back to the Death Eaters. She also had no idea that the beautiful silver diamond necklace that hung lazily round her neck was the stolen Weasley heirloom.
The actions of her family disgusted her, she knew that what they stood for and what they were doing was wrong, but putting her in harms way all over a stupid rivalry, AND tricking her into thinking that the necklace she had was a gift. She felt so stupid for believing them, Y/N had no options but to accept that she was going to have to go along with their horrendous plan and bait George and other members of Triple W into following her back into her family and Riddle’s evil grasp.
“Perfect” Riddle smiled grimly when Y/N accepted
“But of course, we can’t just lure them in, in one mere night, no, you have to spread this out over the course of a few days. Have him become intrigued by you, follow you a little while. You’ll be staying in a place called the Leaky Cauldron, don’t let him see you in there, it’ll blow your cover. Make sure he only sees you walking through the streets. Got it?”
Y/N tentatively nodded her head
“Good, and then, when the time is right, you’ll lead him straight here. We’ll be in communication with you, don’t let me down”
Y/N shakily made her way to Diagon, bags packed and the necklace still hanging round her neck. She had since changed into a black, silk dress, helping the bright silver of the necklace stand out against the dark colour of her clothes, further, of course to draw George Weasley’s attention.
Once she had settled into her room at the Leaky Cauldron, she was given specific instruction to make sure she wondered round the street at night, as that is most likely when Triple W members will come out from wherever they were hiding.
Y/N took a step out into the cold crisp night air, her heels click clacking off the stone pavements. She couldn’t help but take in the beauty of the town, cobblestone roads winding all through it, the windows on each building slightly askew but somehow didn’t seem out of place. It was as if she were walking through an old victorian town.
Snapping her thoughts back to the task at hand, she pulled her black shawl over her shoulders more and continued to wander aimlessly round, trying to find some form of clue as to were Triple W were hiding.
- George was more than satisfied with the outcome of the meeting they had today. He had 40 people on a list to keep watch each mile surrounding Diagon, meaning that all 20 miles would be covered. They all had their instructions ingrained into their heads and were ready to get to work the next day. Fred and Ron as usual would stay within Diagon with George, communicating to those who were out surrounding the area getting updates and passing round information. George had also decided to send a few extra spies out, including his younger sister Ginny to be on the look out for any Death Eater members who may still be lurking round the town.
George, Fred and Ron made their way out of the old bar room, and onto the streets. George made sure that they each had means of contacting each other. Fred whom George would normally live with, agreed that they each should have their own flats or place to stay in order to cover more of Diagon, and therefore be more accessible to those out in the forest. With their last goodbyes and a few phone calls to book places to stay, the three brothers separated all going in opposite directions.
George headed down the street, his hands becoming slightly red from the cold, and he could see his breath in the air. The dim orange streetlights barely lighting up the path as he walked past the old crooked houses and shops.
Just a George turned the corner he bumped into someone, a woman, dressed in a black dress and shawl.
“Oh I’m so sorry miss, I wasn’t looking where I was going properly, these damn street lights barely light up 2 feet in front of you. Are you alright” George asked looking into her eyes with worry
“I’m perfectly fine, sir, thank you” she smiled back and walked away
But George followed her with his eyes, more specifically he followed her neck, because what was hanging from it made him do a double take. He knew those diamonds from anywhere, they way they glistened brightly in every light. Was that, his mother’s stolen necklace?
Taglist: @amourtentiaa​ @love-peachh​ @pens-and-roses​ @rosietoesy​ @comfortwriting​ @famdomhideout​ @dracofknmalfoy​ @pandaxnienke​ @georgeweasleysbabe​ @le-weasley-simp​ (MESSAGE/ASK IF YOU WANT TO BE ADDED)
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shutupaboutandraste · 3 years
“Hear this now — I will always come for you” for Fenders? <3
OKAY so like. I saw this and was just immediately inspired and knew exactly what I wanted to write so I hope you like it!
It's more pre-ship, buuuuut still Fenders.
Words: 3203 Pairing: Fenris/Anders For @dadrunkwriting
To say Fenris didn’t trust Anders would be an understatement. An abomination through and through, he would never understand Hawke’s trust in him. Perhaps, it was because of her sister-- Bethany always seemed to vouch for him, something else that made Fenris’ head spin. Never before Bethany Hawke had he seen a mage so in control of themself. Yet, there was Bethany who shined in beauty, grace, and kindness all without being possessed or resorting to blood magic. He had only known her for a short time since he was approached by Hawke’s motley crew.
Still, he stuck by them, despite it all. Hawke had become a good friend in the short time he had known her. Even if her taste in women was… questionable. Anyone with eyes could see the tall warrior had affection for the Dalish blood mage of all people. Of course, that did exclude the elf in question. Merrill seemed entirely blind, even when Hawke told her that she was free to call her Aingheal. To everyone else, that name seemed off limits and Merrill seemed content to leave it that way for herself. Strange woman…
There were days he thought about leaving. Danarius could arrive any day on the doorstep of his borrowed mansion any day. The thought of leaving, however, left the taste of ash in his mouth. Little things were what he would miss-- Hawke coming to check in on him, coming back to the mansion to find little plates of food from Merrill, Isabela’s flirting, all of it. Loyalty threaded into Hawke’s group, evident in the way they watched each other’s back in battle to those little gestures Fenris had grown fond of in the past few months. Echoes of his days with the Fog Warriors sang softly within him.
These thoughts tumbled and toppled over each other with each passing day. Fenris took each one in and compartmentalized it within. These were the people that he had thrown his lot in with, for better or worse. Yet, he never knew if Merrill would be possessed by a demon, or whether Anders would suddenly turn on them to fulfill the desires of Vengeance. So, when Anders was still glowing after an encounter with a Tal Vashoth mercenary group on the wounded coast, Fenris leaped into action.
His brands lit up as he reached for Anders. Justice’s glare flashed his way, but he did not flinch. The only thing that stopped him was Hawke’s sword in his way. His heels let him skid to a stop just in time to avoid phasing through it. There was always a chance that phasing through a weapon would just wind up with him impaled.
“What the hell, Fenris?”
Varric whistled, “Easy, Broody! That one is friendly.”
“Hardly,” he snarled, “Why is your demon still active, mage?”
“I AM NO DEMON,” boomed that voice that both was and was not Anders. Still, it didn’t argue further, seemingly releasing Anders for its thrall.
Anders snarled at him, “Justice was fine! You could have killed me!”
Fenris crossed his arms, holding his head high, acting as if he could stand down the taller man, “And you could have killed Hawke.”
Hawke scoffed, “I can fight my own battles. Thanks. Justice doesn’t scare me.”
There she went again, trusting the fool mage and his demon. Even though Fenris had warned her of all he saw in Tevinter, Hawke insisted that she knew better. One day she might live to regret it. Fenris hoped that he didn’t live to see that day. For all his terse nature, he did want Hawke to be right about Anders. So, he let the argument brewing inside him die.
Hawke was a harsh woman. When she spoke, there was no argument, one simply followed. That did not make her unkind, simply firm. It was one of the many things Fenris found himself respecting, all but in awe of. Leadership decorated Hawke like well-fitted armor. There was very little she could do now to waiver his trust in her. The group began heading out, Varric and Hawke immediately taking to counting out the loot as they walked.
Fenris came up to walk beside Anders, “You may have favor with Hawke, mage, but hear this, should you betray her--”
“Why are you so sure of my guilt long before I’ve committed a crime?”
“Should you betray her, hear this now-- I will always come for you. That is a threat.”
Putting trust in Hawke was far from misplaced. Long after the Deep Roads, she still remained his friend, helped him when Hadriana came knocking, and trusted him in return. Fenris was a regular member of her party, trusting him even about Aveline whom she had known for far longer. Hawke was a natural, but ruthless in her efficiency. Fenris respected that, even when he wasn’t sure he agreed. Sometimes, Fenris caught Hawke with a wild, angry glint in her eye as she plowed through enemies with an almost sadistic glee. Fighting was the happiest he had seen her bar her time spent with Merrill or after she was permitted a visit with Bethany at the Circle.
Yet, still, Hawke persisted with Anders. The mage had only grown more rebellious and unstable since they had met. Fenris did not despise him, but Anders set his teeth on edge in a way Fenris had not known in some time. Yet, she had left him to deal with the wounded as healer and protector while she fought the Arishok.
Upon the kill, Fenris thought she might cut off the Qunari leader’s head and hoist it up as a trophy. If she was, she never got the chance as she was rushed upon. The word ‘Champion’ echoed about the halls of the Viscount’s Keep. Before Fenris’ very eyes, the city seemed to be turned upside down. In the chaos, he managed to stumble out of the building, attempting to follow Merrill and Varric as they both rushed after Hawke.
Bethany was outside, tailing Orsino under the watchful eye of Meredith-- Shit. Where was Anders?
Templars milled about outside, keeping watch over mages who were working on healing the wounded while Aveline’s guard began lining up the dead, human, dwarf, elf, and qunari alike. There was no mess of dirty blond hair among them. No matter what he thought, Anders did a service in Darktown. Without him, the Ferelden refugees would be worse off. Instead of following whatever parade was forming around Hawke, he ducked down a side street, attempting to search for Anders.
Smoke still filled the air, making Fenris cough as he attempted to plunge ahead. Loud wailing was still echoing in the streets, amid the cheers of victory. Loss had still struck everyone fiercely. While he searched for Anders, he also kept his eyes peeled for Isabela. Wherever she had left to go to, he had a sinking feeling that she was never coming back.
Neither deep black curls nor a dirty blond mop was what caught his eye. Instead, it was Aveline’s flash of bright ginger hair. And, safe from templars, Anders was next to her. Fenris found himself surprisingly sighing with relief. He had worried for nothing. Carefully, he approached them.
“This is your fault,” Anders snapped, teeth grit as he tried to control Justice.
Aveline snarled, “What? Saving you from templars?”
“No! The Qunari attack!” he replied, “Much as I appreciate you getting me out of there.”
“Isabela stole that tome,” muttered Aveline, crossing her arms, “That’s what started this.”
“Isabela stole that stupid book ages ago. Then you let that… that monster get away with raping a girl!” Blue crackled at the edges of Anders’ eyes, which he shut, quickly as he tried to slow his breathing. His self-control after a long day of casting and healing was reaching its limit.
Aveline rubbed her nose bridge in frustration, “Anders, honestly, I don’t know what you expect me to do--”
“Punish the guard?” offered Anders, “Or would that be too much effort because the victim was an elf? I didn’t realize we were in Tevinter.”
“That was uncalled for,” snarled Aveline, clearly close to losing her patience.
Quickly, nearly fade-stepping to get there, Fenris went forward, taking Anders by the shoulders. Justice flashed, but Anders merely looked alarmed at being touched. His eyes narrowed on Aveline, who instead just looked relieved that someone else had interrupted them. He nodded at her slowly.
“Hawke asked me to escort him back to Darktown,” he said, “Go to your guards.”
“Be safe,” she said before turning to leave.
Anders scoffed, pulling away from Fenris and trudging ahead, “I should be out there healing.”
“You can deal with the injured that make it to the clinic,” sighed Fenris.
He crossed his arms, trudging forward, “Did Hawke really ask you to come check on me? I figured she’d send someone else. Varric, maybe, or--”
“She’s too busy entertaining the masses,” admitted Fenris, “I wanted to make sure you did not get caught by the templars.”
“Me?” Anders scoffed, “Why do you care?”
Why do you care about the lives of elves? Fenris wanted to ask. Yet… He knew why. While the Spirit within Anders could ebb and flow between Justice and Vengeance, Fenris knew that the Anders had originally allowed a spirit in him. Anders had stories of Justice and their time with the Grey Wardens as separate people. Letting the guard go unpunished was unjust, no matter who the victim was, but as usual it was elves who saw the short end of the stick.
Despite every notion Fenris had of the other man, Anders continued to prove himself dedicated to the people, even if those people were usually mages. Everyone was welcome at his clinic, from refugees to the Seneschal himself. Many things Anders did annoyed Fenris, but his dedication and passion were to be admired. To see a spark of joy when healing, that was something Fenris could respect. Maybe he even wanted to, if he would just let himself.
Hawke expected his loyalty-- she had it, of course, but she still expected it. When that loyalty was questioned, she made sure you knew about it. When he had run off after killing Hadriana, she had made her position known. If Fenris wanted to do that again, he better damn well wait until they got back to Kirkwall so they weren’t romping across the Wounded Coast without help. Her anger had shamed him.
A few nights later, he had brought Anders dinner. The practice was not uncommon among the group, but it happened when Anders failed to show up at the Hanged Man. Usually, they played a round of Wicked Grace to see who took the meal. Fenris had been the first out, thus the man to take the meal. Anders had been finishing up with a patient-- a little elven girl with a scraped knee. The injury was hardly worth the time of a healer with Anders’ caliber, yet Fenris watched as he distracted her with jokes while healing her knee. Once he was done, he patted it, making her smile before he dug around for a bit, pulling out a sweet. Most of them were stale, but the refugee children hardly cared, always pleased that the healer had candy for them.
When he saw Fenris, Anders had asked him if he was okay. There was no yelling about Fenris’ comment about how magic spoiled everything--though Anders had made a snide remark when he had spoken it. No, concern lined the wrinkles of Anders’ face as he graciously took the meal, double and triple checking that Fenris didn’t need healing or something to help. Once that was over with, Anders huffed, told Fenris he was stubborn, thanked him for the meal, and reminded him to clean the up mansion before he caught something from the corpses.
“Hear this now,” he said, “I will always come for you. That is a promise.”
Smoke had a horrible, overwhelming scent. After the Qunari attack, he didn’t have the stomach to even enjoy a good campfire anymore. But watching the rubble of the Chantry smolder before him sent a revulsion through his gut. Why did Anders always have to be such a fool? Why couldn’t he just wait for the conflict to run its inevitable course?
Hawke did not ask for their opinions. Sebastian was furious-- so was she. Merrill had her hands clasped at her heart as they watched Aingheal Hawke walk around Anders like a predatory animal. For prey, he looked remarkably calm, sad, even.
Run, you idiot. Petrify her and run for your life.
Anders didn’t move. He wanted to die. Fenris felt sick.
“I trusted you,” hissed Hawke, “I made you part of my family; I protected you. Then you LIE to me, have me help you do this.”
“The war is inevitable,” said Anders, “Justice and I have done what had to be done. Kill me if you will and be done with it.”
“You put my WIFE in danger! You put my SISTER in danger!” Hawke raised a fist, bashing it across the side of Anders’ head.
“Vhennan, no!” exclaimed Merril, “Don’t kill ‘im. He can help us protect the mages, please.”
“He doesn’t deserve to live!” bit back Sebastian.
Hawke growled, “Do not speak to her that way! Merrill, I can’t. He’s too dangerous. He’s… He’s not the Anders we knew. Not anymore.”
Fenris felt his fist clench at his side. These theatrics were ridiculous-- there was a city to save. And, to be frank, either they chose Anders to die as he pleased or they went with Merrill’s plan. Hawke had seemingly chosen the former. Tears streamed down Merrill’s cheeks as she looked away, her wife hoisting her greatsword high. Fenris felt his insides twist.
He remembered the Anders he thought he knew. Once upon a time, that man had been an abomination, just a foolish mage playing Maker. Then, things had shifted. As much as he wanted things to be simple, Anders never allowed anything to be so. With his manifesto and ranting, came the healing and the gentle touches. Even when he himself forgot to eat, he never let anyone else forget. He would risk hair and hide in battle to protect others.
One night, not long after Hawke had been dubbed the Champion, Anders had admitted to Fenris that he had not always been so selfless. Justice was what brought out the best in him-- that if Fenris hated him now, he would have loathed the Anders of the Circle or the Grey Wardens, all flirt and wit and self-serving. Somehow, Fenris doubted that was the whole story.
Each passing day over the last three years, he found he craved it more. Was Anders really so different? Or was he exaggerating in an effort to self-loathe everything about himself? One minute he was witty and charismatic the next he seemed to gain ten years from exhaustion. Yet, each day, that wit and charisma faded away. A demon-- not a traditional one, but some sort of sickness of the mind-- had taken hold of the healer. Had anyone tried to help him?
Varric, perhaps, refusing to give into such demands like taking a pillow that meant so much Anders. Yet, no one else knew what to do. None of them knew how to cope with this shell of their friend. But he was still there. After Danarius, Hawke had clapped him on the back, asked him if he was alright, and went on her way.
Anders had shown up that night, barging his way in, double-checking injuries he had already healed while Fenris pushed him away. It didn’t work, of course. The mage had always been too stubborn for that. No matter how easy it would be for Fenris to kill him, Anders had never feared him. He treated him like any other friend. Only a week ago, he had invited Anders to eat dinner together… privately.
And then Fenris, cowardly, had failed to show.
Showing up would not have changed this event. No, Anders was too far into this plan, he was sure. Yet, now, he could not find it in him to overthink. Firelight glinted on Hawke’s as it arched its way down. Far faster than he knew that he could run, Fenris found himself knelt at Anders’ side. His hands clutched the other man’s shoulders, before shoving him forward. Lyrium flickered to life.
Hawke’s sword passed through him. Phantom sensations touched him, but did not harm him. Anders looked at him from where he had fallen, gathering himself up as he stared at them all. His feet slid backward, his mouth attempting to make Fenris’ name. Behind him, Hawke seethed.
“Run!” he ordered, urging Anders, “Run! Hear this, I will always come for you! I will find you! Go!”
Anders nodded quickly, life suddenly seeming to spring forth in his eyes. Oh, how long had Fenris longed to see that glint again. He had not realized he had ached for it until he saw its gleam. The mage took off, rushing away and into the chaos of the street. Once he was out of sight, Fenris turned to face them. Sebastian had his bow cocked at his head while Hawke looked disgusted.
“You bastard,” she hissed, “What had gotten into you?”
“What has gotten into you?” he repeated, “Anders was your friend. More-so than he ever was mine.” And yet, his stupid, treacherous heart and all of its longing had found the sympathy to save him.
“You were right,” she sneered, “He was always an abomination. I was blind.”
“Your wife is a blood mage,” snapped Fenris, “Shall you put her to the sword next?” Merrill gasped, but he glanced at her, trying to show her that it was not something he wanted. Hawke looked appalled at such a suggestion, thank the Maker, and lowered her sword.
Hawke did not circle him like a prey animal as she did Anders. No, instead he raised her nose to him. Golden eyes, just a bit hazel and always piercing, cast their judgement down on him. In an instant, without thinking, she saw what he had done as throwing away her loyalty to save Anders. And Hawke always expected his loyalty.
“I loved you like a brother,” she said, shaking her head, “Get out. Get out of my sight. If I ever see you again, I’ll kill you both.” Merril sobbed, Varric quickly tending to her, looking unusually surly at Hawke. Then again, perhaps it wasn’t so unusual. Hawke was always funnier in his tales than she was in person. Perhaps Fenris had been blinded to something Varric had always seen.
Fenris did not say goodbye. Instead, he walked away with pride, head held high, a free man who would not be tethered to a woman who confused loyalty with ownership. Fenris owed her much, but she did not own him. And a free man was allowed to walk into whatever fate he damned well please.
Fenris chose Anders, and he knew he would keep choosing Anders every day after. All he had to do was find him.
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kattwritesuwu · 3 years
Can I request a Clingy!monsterTom x Depressed!Reader? Maybe with cutting and suicidal thoughts?
I sure can!!! I LOVE angst!!!!!
Fandom: Eddsworld
Character: Tom
Reader: Depressed
Fic type: Comfort/angst
Warnings: TRIGGER WARNING: This WILL heavily mention suic/de, blood, and perhaps other triggering topics, read at your own risk!!
Notes: People, I'm not trying to make depression and similar illness romantic, this is simply for comfort.
I hate everything.
Well, not everything, but the majority, y'know? Everything just...sucks. Life in general, it's all terrible.
People are terrible. Sure, I've found a few choice people that aren't the bane of my existence, but even they have their flaws.
Am I saying that I'm some heaven sent angel? Hell no I'm not. I'm just as terrible if not more! I hate everyone, including myself.
Am I lying? Yeah. Do I have a crush on someone? Yeah. Am I gonna do something about it? Nope.
Why should I? It's not like I'll be here longer anyways...
I'm planning to kill myself.
Am I scared? Kind of. But at this point I don't care. I'm always scared anyways. Always on my guard around people.
Most people don't know the fear and pain of constantly feeling...numb.
It's not like I never feel anything, it's just so rare. My most common emotion is pain. I just want to curl up in a ball and die. But all I can ever being myself to do is cry, and even that's a rare occurrence at this point.
I feel so alone.
Friends? Yeah I have a few.... they're all a bit odd in their own way. Can't complain though, they're like family to me.
My real family? Not many immediate ones, plus, I moved to England five years ago. They called me everyday for the first couple of months. Nowadays, I can barely get a text back... I get that they have their own lives in their respective country, but man, it just makes me so cold-feeling...
I guess where I was going with this, is that I'm scared. Not of my inevitable death, but everything else.
I'm scared of anything and everything now that I think about it. I don't exactly mean common fears they talk about in elementary school, I'm talking real world problems.
I'm scared of failure, not sure why. I've failed enough in my life....it shouldn't even faze me at this point.
Im especially scared of people.
My friends? Yeah them too. What if I make a fool of myself and they think I'm an idiot? What if I make the wrong move, and they hate me? They probably hate me enough as it is...
That why I won't confess to Tom. He'll hate me afterwards. There's just no point in ruining something for nothing in return.
These were the thoughts that ran through my head as my arms and legs were sliced up by a blade driven by my own hands. It's wasn't like it hurt. All it really did was sting, I'm just that used to being hurt, I suppose.
As I was wrapping up my little 'session' I heard a knock on my door,
"(Y/N)! You in there? It's dinner time! I made breakfast for dinner!" A British accent leaked through my door.
I didn't scramble around at the thought of him walking in, my door was locked after all. It's not like I'm that stupid.
" I'll be there in a few minutes, Edd." I spoke back in a raspy voice, not bothering to yell. Edd has good ears, he can somehow hear a whisper from across the house.
It takes me a minute or two to get up and walk into the bathroom that connects to my room. I stumble a bit with the loss of blood.
Once I get in there I take a quick shower, just barely long enough to stop the bleeding and make it appear as if you just took an actual shower.
Once I get out of the shower, I slip on my (favorite color) hoodie.
That was an easy part of hiding my self abuse. Everyone in the house wore a hoodie of their own designated color.
I also slipped on a longer article of clothing to go onto my legs. Couldn't let them see my thighs either.
Once I finished the rest of my cleaning up, I headed out of my little bathroom, and in front of my door. I took a deep breath, put on a smile, and walked out.
I got about halfway down the stairs before a screech startled me, causing me to trip a bit,
" (Y/N) IS HERE! YAY!" The high pitch British scream could only belong to the narcissistic ginger known as Matt.
Once I got my balance back into my feet, I continued down the stairs and greeted Matt with a wave.
" Yeah she lives here, idiot. She's not going anywhere." A deeper voice had spoken, I turned around and Tom was there as expected. I smile shrunk a bit at his last comment.
" Sup (y/n)." You snapped out of your thoughts and responded with a casual 'yo.'
The three of us then heard a thick accent cursing in the kitchen, no doubt it was Tord,
" For jævla skyld! Just let me have the last piece!!"
Sure enough, when we walked into the kitchen, Edd and Tord were fighting over the last piece of bacon. I let out a sigh, and the two boys finally acknowledged our existence. That alone didn't stop their argument though.
I didn't even bother attempting to break up the fight, I never could anyways. Their little fuss always ends one of two ways. Edd steals the bacon from under Tord's nose, or vise versa.
I just grabbed a small portion of food, and sat down.
I knew I would be gone by the end of tonight...but I wanted to taste Edd's cooking one last time.
Something interesting happened, instead of one of the two boys getting the bacon, they halved it and sat down. Of all my four years living in this house with these people, they've never shared their bacon.
Dinner wasn't as talkative as it usually was when we all ate at the table. Usually we'd all have a big group discussion about our day, or week. Tonight was quiet, giving me an opportunity,
" Hey, guys?" Each one of their heads turned to me, and Edd signalled me to continue,
" I just wanted to say, thank you." Their brows furrowed but I held out a hand to tell them to let me finish,
" You four have helped me with so much over the past few years. From when you let me live here when I couldn't find proper housing situations, to letting me borrow the car. I just wanted to formally tell you all how grateful I really am. You are truly the kindest people I've ever met." As I went on talking, I realized how bad of an idea this actually was.
I mean, will they get suspicious? I'm just showing gratitude right? It shouldn't sound like a cry for help or anything...
As I snapped out of thought for the fiftieth time today, I notice that all of the boys have some type of smile on their face, even Tom!
Edd was smiling like a proud mother,
Matt was smiling giddily,
Tord had a smug, 'cool guy' smile,
And Tom had the smallest smile that made my heart melt.
I awkwardly continued my fake smile, and sat down.
Conversation continued on as would on a normal night, with the topic being past pleasant memories.
I volunteered to wash the dishes, it was the least I could do. There was only one problem. For some ungodly reason, Tom had insisted on helping me.
I couldn't figure out why at first, untill it dawned on me that he probably needed something from me.
So as I scrubbed the forgetten food off of the ceramic plate, he rinsed and dried them. We did this in silence, aside from the running water. Tom's the first one to break the tension filled silence,
" So, how have you been?" It was such a simple question, I could have simply faked a toothy grin, and said that I was great. I could have thanked him for asking. I could have asked him back.
But I only did one of those things.
" I've been doing just as good as I always do." I reply with a small sad smile. I tear my eyes away from the dish water," How about you? You've been awfully quiet tonight."
He chuckles lowly," Just had a lot on my mind, trying to face some of my problems, that's all." I stop what I'm doing and look over at him,
" Do you want to talk about it? I think the others are asleep already."
Normally when Tom is having any type of problem, he comes to me for advice, or even just for someone to listen to him rant when he's drunk. I even gave him a spare key to my room if he ever needs me while I'm asleep. He's offered the same for me, but I told him that I have a counselor. I try not to lie to my housemates all the time, only when necessary.
He simply shakes his head in response," Nah, this is one I have to deal with on my own," I sigh,
" Alright then, but keep my offer in mind. Just try to remember to see me before I go to bed, I'm...going to bed early tonight. I have something to do tommorow." He nods in understanding.
After we finish the dishes, we say our goodnights,
" I'll see you in the morning, (y/n)." I give one last fake smile,
" Same to you, Tom. Sleep well." I see him nod and walk down the hall as I close my door and lock it for the final time.
I walk into my bathroom and look into the mirror. All I see is a monstrosity of a person glaring back at me.
The bags under my eyes had only gotten worse after the sleepless nights I spent writing my suicide note.
I decided to skip reading over it one last time, I want nothing that could alter my decision at hand here. If I read my dying love letter that's written to Tom, I might stop myself in some kind of silly hope that everything could be okay again. It was too late for all that now.
So, I grabbed my blade that had served me well over the years, and stepped into the bathtub. I didn't cry, I didn't shake in fear of what I was about to do. I sadly smiled instead. As I took my hoodie off, revealing a tank top that no one knew I owned. I set my hoodie softly onto the floor, and turned on the hot water.
I took a deep breath in, and sigh, grabbing my blade and getting to work on my first artery. It took me a couple tries to find it.
But once I did, it started the red tint in the once clear bath water. I took in a shaky breath, adjusting to the dizziness of loosing so much blood so quickly.
At this point I couldn't even hear the bathwater running, everything was muffled.
I reached to turn it off, and a hand was placed onto mine. It takes me a good second to register that there was someone next to the tub, yelling my name right next to my face.
I try my best to focus on who could have caught me. Yet it's so difficult to take in my surroundings at this point.
So as I stare at the person beside my bathtub with fading eyes. I feel pressure on my wound, and see something being wrapped around it.
I start panicking, trying to say no, to let me die.
But I just can't. I just watch as my life is saved against my will.
Suddenly I can see that I'm moving, I can't figure out how until I notice the arms carrying me bridal style to a soft surface. That's when I lost consciousness for the next hour.
I didn't exactly 'wake up' more like fazed into existence. It's like I just gradually became aware of what was around me.
I became aware of the sobs coming from my bedside, and of the pressure squeezing my hand.
I forced my eyes open and tried to sit up. Yet I instantly regretted my decision, pain shot throughout my body. I glance over to my hand and up the....purple arm....
Who is this? Or perhaps I should say, what is this?
It's some kind of...monster? Hybrid? It looked kind of human... I could only see the torso and up. Even then, the arms grew bigger the farther down the arms stretched, and turned a deeper and deeper shade of purple. Horns poked out of the head laying slightly onto my shin, poking me a bit.
" Am-" I hold my throat. That hurt. I clear my throat of the mucus and start again as the unknown monster wakes up,
" Am I dead?"
The monsters head shoots up, and I can't help but recognize the 'eyes' that I've grown to love.
" T-Tom..."
He tries to smile for me, but it twists into a sad frown as his black orbs start to water,
" (Y/n)....(y/n) you're...y-you're okay! You're okay..." He said this over and over again as he cupped my cheeks with his transformed hands.
I grab onto his forearm to steady his shaking. This was starting to scare me.
I had never seen this man shed a tear in front of me, yet alone bawl into my shoulder like he was doing now,
" Tom, it's okay, I'm right here." I whispered this, and many other reassurances into his ear. Confirming to him that it was going to be okay and that, to my displeasure, I wasn't going anywhere.
He seemed to get angry after a few minutes, he ripped himself away from me and took hold of my shoulders,
" WHAT IF YOU WEREN'T RIGHT HERE? WHAT IF I HADN'T OF WALKED IN!! WHAT THEN HUH? YOU WOULDN'T BE RIGHT HERE!!! YOU'D BE GONE!! I would have...lost you..." He slid down the side of my bed as he finished his outburst. He sat crying into his knees.
I didn't know what to do. Is he mad at me? But despite the questions, I acted without thinking.
I began to run my fingers through his hair, almost brushing it. He seemed surprised at first, before he leaned into my touch.
" I'm sorry Tom. I didn't think it would effect you like this..." All was silent for a few moments. Until,
" Why..?" He sniffled a few times before I could respond.
" Why? Why what?" He looked up to me,
" Why would you try to leave me?" I couldn't even bring myself to say anything after that. Tom seemed to sense the frog in my throat, and continued,
" You don't realize, (y/n). You don't realize how special you are. To your family, your friends. I mean bloody hell (y/n)! What about us?! Edd would be heartbroken! And how are we supposed to explain something like that to Matt?" I avoided the possible eye contact and twidled my thumbs in my lap,
" What about me (y/n)? How am I supposed to go on living with myself if you, the love of my life, killed herself?" My mind went blank. He took my hand in between both of his,
" I know this isn't the greatest time for this, but if it'll boost your self esteem even a little bit, I don't care about embarrassing myself. (Y/n) (L/n), I am deeply in love with you, and have been since you moved in. I've loved you since you helped me to bed when I came in drunk all those years ago. I've loved you since you beat my Pac-Man score at the arcade, I acted so mad, but you were just so cute so excited like that... (Y/n)... Please let me help you love yourself by loving you..."
By the time he was done with his speech, I was in tears, a small frown on my face. He seemed to get the wrong idea as he instantly dropped my hand and got up,
" I got the message, I'll just uhm... I'll just g-" I grabbed his hoodie strings and pulled him in for a kiss.
We could both tell that there would be many more to come.
I'm sorry if it's extremely long, I just love to write angst haha...
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chaiscentedcandle · 3 years
What’s a Period? (Neville Longbottom x fem!reader)
𝐏𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠: Neville Longbottom
𝐒𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: y/n and Neville were suppose to have a nice winter day at Hogsmeade until aunt flow comes for a visit
𝐑𝐞𝐪𝐮𝐞𝐬𝐭: none, thought of it cause I’m on mine
𝐖𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: none, pure fluff!
𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭:
𝐀𝐮𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐫𝐬 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞: I don’t simp for Neville but my friend does heavily and theres not a lot of fanfics for Neville cause he gets like, 0% appreciation and y’all have great taste, also this is my first post so heeeyyyy😗✌🏼
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Y/n was suppose to have a beautiful evening in the cold weather with her boyfriend, Neville Longbottom. Unbeknownst to her, yesterday, a Friday in her last class, she’d start her period. It was embarrassing to say the least because she had leaked through to her skirt but she was able to get out of class without anyone noticing, flushed cheeks and teary eyes as she ran out of class, her hands covering her bum.
Laying in her bed in her pajamas y/n was clutching her stomach and groaning from cramps. Y/n wanted to find Neville the day before and tell him they’d had to reschedule but she didn’t want to set her face an inch out of the painting until Monday, hoping whatever people thought happened would’ve been forgotten. She tried to make herself as warm as she could, cacouuning herself in a blanket and curling into herself as far as Y/n could.
Neville was making his way to her domitory, bundled up with a beanie and scarf, matching with a pair of gloves from his grandmother. Stopping in front of the door a knocked twice and called her name. No answer. Knocking again he said.
“Y/n? It’s me, Neville....you’re boyfriend?”
Still no answer.
Taking a deep breath Neville grabbed the door handle “please don’t be naked” he whispered. He entered the room with his hand over his eyes and the other still on the door handle, after a few seconds he took a peak from between his fingers to find her curled in bed, her back facing him. Concerned Neville makes his way to her in only a few long strides.
Sitting on the bed behind her, he begins to rub her back “are you awake?” He asks softly, she nods her head.
“Yes, I’m awake, I don’t want to get out of bed”
Neville leans over to take a look at her face to see tears running down her cheeks. He takes his glove off and gently wiped away a tear or two “what’s wrong, love?” Sniffling she mumbles to him “imonmyperiod”. Neville opens and closes his mouth, trying to processes what she said because he couldn’t hear her “I-I’m sorry, what?” He stuttered.
Y/n sighs and roll over to face him, guessing there’s no way to beat around the bush with this one. “I’m on my period” she told him, looking at her fingers, Neville took a few more seconds again before saying “uhm....what’s a period?” Y/n let’s out a small chuckle. “What? Your grandmoms never told you about it?” She asks him, he shook his head “no, never”.
Biting the inside of her cheek, thinking of ways to easily explain having your period to Neville. “Well” y/n begun “every once a month females bleed out from there.....you know” gesturing to her genitalia “and it technically means you’re not pregnant, so in a way it’s a blessing and a curse because you get cramps and they hurt really bloody bad” licking his lips and taking in the information he just received, failing with a few words Neville asks.
“So....you aren’t pregnant?”
Her eyes widen “merlins beard! No! That’s the whole point of me having my period, so I know I’m not pregnant” she tells him, he lets out a breath he was holding in. “I’m mean, Christ, Neville, we’ve never even done anything” Y/n laughing came to a stop as another wave of cramps invaided her stomach and letting a few tears slip. Neville lays his hand on your shoulder “are you alright? S-should I take you to Madam Pomfrey?” She shook her head “no, I’ve dealt with it before, you should get to Hogsmeade before everyone leaves” y/n told him.
Neville visibly swallows as if he didn’t want to go without her “are you sure? I can stay here with you, I don’t mind” he insisted, once again y/n shook her head “no, I don’t want you to waist a Hogsmeade trip on me, I’ll be alright, I’ll go to the next one, I just want to sleep these cramps off” she said as her eyes started to flutter closed. Neville had an idea, leaving y/n alone to leave for Hogsmeade, catching up with Dean and Seamus.
“What’s up with you, mate? You’re counting your galloens like they’ll disappear” Seamus said, wrapping his jacket around him tighter. Dean let out a quick laugh, Neville glanced at him then back down to his galloens “y/n on her period, so I thought I might get her some of her favorite things” he replied. Seamus looked puzzled, looking at Dean for help. “Alright, a female gets a period about every once a month?” Dean says.
“Once a month” Neville confirms, still counting his galloens.
“Right, so basically they bleed out...down below, and they get like bad cramps and stuff” Dean told Seamus, looking more confused and slightly disturbed “how do you know, Dean?” He questions, Dean just gives him a look “I have sisters you prat” smacking Seamus upside the head, giving out a light chuckle.
Neville visited her favorite shops, stopping first at The Three Broomsticks, waiting patiently up at the bar for him to be spotted. Not long after a lady spots him and makes her way over to him “how can I help you, love?”
“Uh, y-yes, can I get a hot chocolate to go please?” He stumbled, he wasn’t the best when it came to talking to strangers “m-my girlfriends on her period” sometimes he overshared too. Giving Neville a warm smile the lady ordered another employee to get the hot chocolate. Neville stood there, looking down at the bar top “you must be a good boyfriend” the lady said after a few seconds of silence, glancing up at her Neville responded “I-I hope so”
Laughing a bit the lady handed Neville the hot drink “alright, that’ll be two galloens please” reaching into his coat he grabbed two galloens, placing them into the lady’s hand and grabbing the cup “thank you, have a good day” the lady gave him a nod “no problem, you too hun” Neville turned to leave but the lady called after him “I recommend going over to Madam Puddifoots and getting ginger tea, it helps with cramps” she told him, he gave her a smile and a thumbs up, scurrying over there.
Nevilles last stop was Honeydukes, getting y/n chocolate after Hermione told him it’s a essential for periods. Getting a few more of his and her favorite candy, he headed back to Hogwarts with Dean and Seamus. Seamus going on about something Neville wasn’t paying attention to, his mind was back to her, wondering if she had been crying again from the pain. It only made him want to get back to Hogwarts quicker “you need help there, mate?” Dean asks “your arms are practically over flowing” Neville appreciated his gesture cause his arms in fact, were over flowing “yes please”.
As the students started to trickle through Hogwarts entrance, Neville broke away from his friends and made his way to Y/n as quick as he could without spilling or dropping anything. Once he made it back to her dorm he somehow managed to open the door and find her in the same position, upon hearing the door open y/n turned to see who had come in, spotting Neville and his arms full.
Sitting up and staring at Neville with her mouth open as he placed two drinks on her nightstand and all the goodies at her feet “Neville...” she started, he sat down next to her “I thought it would be a nice thing to do, after seeing how much pain you were in” he told her, she felt tears prick at her water line and her vision blur a bit “oh, love, you didn’t have too, this is so sweet” Neville just pulled her into a hug and let her cry a few tears on his shoulder “I wanted too, you deserve it” he whispered to her.
Making room for him, she told him “here, get under the covers with me, you must be cold” he slipped off his shoes and took his first jacket off. He handed her the hot chocolate “here, I know how much you like The Three Broomsticks hot chocolate, a lady there recommend the ginger tea from Madam Puddifoots for the, uh, cramps” a huge smile etched its way onto y/n‘s face, leaning forward she gave him a kiss on the cheek before placing a sweet kiss on his lips “thank you so much, Neville, this is hands down one of the nicest things someone has done for me” she told him.
Feeling his heart sore with love and appreciation, Neville wrapped one of his arms around her shoulder and pulled her in to cuddle “Hermione suggested I get you chocolate as well” he said reaching for a few chocolate brands, handing them to y/n. Throwing her head back and letting out a groan she reached for the chocolate, wanting to devour it “yes, oh my god, you don’t understand how badly I’ve been wanting a chocolate frog or two”
Neville looked down and smiled, even though she didn’t go to Hogsmeade with him, he’d say it was a great day. The two of them ended up spending almost the rest of the day sitting in bed and talking, but it was a perfect way to spend it.
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vemuabhi · 3 years
Blind Date! - 1000 chapter special!
Hey everyone! This is my celebration for One piece 1000 chapter!
Monster Trio + Ussop amusement park Date scenarios available : Here (Clickable)
This is the Special Scenarios of Kidd and Law
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8:15 pm.
It was a beautiful restaurant and you sat in your chair as you waited for your Blind date. You tried your best to look good. You wore your best outfit and even bought an expensive cologne for this occasion. You were getting more nervous with every minute. Your friend Nami herself set you up on this Blind date. ‘I still don’t know why she is so excited to meddle in your peaceful life?’, you grunted.
8:25 pm
It was almost time of your meeting time with your date. Then you see a tall man with raven hair entering the restaurant. He almost immediately got the attention of all the ladies in the place. You look down and think how you looked and how your date was going to be. The man with black raven hair comes and sits in the table next to yours. You couldn’t help but take a look at him. He was handsome and stylish. You then stopped looking at him and continued to wait for your date.
8:45 pm
It was past 15 minutes since your meeting time. ‘Woah… late on the very first date… guess my luck sucks or is it something worse like he saw me and left?’, you thought. Then you took your phone and messaged Nami saying, ‘He didn’t show up yet’
In a minute you get a reply from her saying, ‘What are you saying? He is waiting for you in the restaurant from the past 20 minutes it seems.
‘What the hell?!’, you thought and messaged to the ginger saying, ‘I’ve been waiting for 30 minutes. I'm still sitting on table 23 and no one showed up.’ You look around the restaurant trying to find your date.
Then you hear a grunt from the table beside yours. It was the raven hair man. He seemed like he saw something on his mobile and grunted. Then he suddenly looks around… as if he was searching for someone… My phone buzzed and I see that it was from Nami saying, ‘He is sitting on the table 22’
This made me look at the man beside me and at the same time he looked at me. He slowly got up and came towards me. He looked at me and asked, “Excuse me, are you Y/N by any chance?”, he asked.
“Yes, its me”, I replied.
He sighed and said, “Hi, I’m Trafalgar Law”. I got up and said, “I’m sorry. I had no idea you were my date”.
He chuckled as he asked, “Isn’t that main idea for a blind date?”
My cheeks turned red. It was because he looked cute when he smiled and I embarrassed myself.
We both sat and ordered dinner. He then said, “I thought that I got bailed on the very first date”
“I thought even worse. I was thinking you saw me and you left already”, I say to him.
“Why would I ever leave after seeing you? I… I mean, you look amazing.”, he said.
“Really?!”, you asked with a blushing face and smiled for which he also blushed.
We both started talking about a lot of things and apparently, he is friends with all my friends. It’s just we never met each other. “What a world!”, I say as he agree.
We both eat our food and I got to know he kinda… hates bread for some reason. ‘Well, we can talk about it some other day’, I thought
“Hey”, he called and I hummed in return. I looked from my food at him and he pointed towards his cheek.
“You… you have something here”, he said and I blushed in embarrassment. I took a tissue and wiped the place he was pointing. Then he took a tissue and leaned over towards me. He wiped the food away from my cheek and said, “Yeah there you go”, he said and blushed realising what he did. He moved back and sat in his chair. We both were blushing at that point and chuckled at the end. This turned out to be a fun date even if we still have a long way to go.
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“Dang that jerk Killer”, Kidd grunted as he stood near the fountain of the area’s park. He took out his mobile from his black torn jeans and looked at the time. ‘More 15 minutes’, he thought. His lavender coloured T-shirt enhanced his biceps even more. Placing his mobile in his pocket he thought about how he ended here in the first place.
“Kidd”, called Killer and the red head turned around to look at his blond mate.
“What?”, he asked without even hiding his annoyance.
“Kidd, I need you to stay calm and... listen to me”, the blond said in an attempt to make the red head listen without shouting in between. He continued, “Actually I asked one of my friend to meet you.”
“WHAT THE HELL KILLER!”, Kidd shouted making the blond sigh.
“Listen to me… my friend is a very good person and is also attractive. I just want you to meet them and go on one date.”, Killer calmly explained to his grumpy friend. Kidd gave it a thought. He was single for a while and was actually thinking of going out. But he didn’t want his friend to interfere. So he questioned, “What if I don’t like the date?” for which his mate responded, “If you don’t like this then I won’t introduce you to any other person. Deal?”
Kidd smirked as he thought how Killer would stop meddling in his dating life from now on. He said, “Deal then.”
After this explains how he got to this park in the first place. ‘Il make sure Killer get a good hearing after this date’, he smirked thinking how to spoil the date.
Then he heard a voice from behind him, “Excuse me?”, making him turn towards the voice. There he saw a person with beautiful (hair colour) (hair length) hair with bright (eye colour) eyes.
“Are you…  Eustass Kidd?”, they asked with their amazing voice making Kidd gulp.
“Ye..Yes”, he managed to say. You smiled sweetly and said, “Hi! I’m Y/N, a friend of Killer”.
Kidd’s heart skipped a beat due to your smile and he forgot to introduce himself. Silence fell for a couple of seconds. Before it became more awkward, you decided to break the silence.
“It’s a beautiful park.. so shall we take a walk?”, you asked for which he only nodded in response and both started to walk in the park.
You looked around the park and smiled at the beautiful flowers in the flowerbed. Kidd’s heart beat increased. ‘Kidd, your heart is beating like this because its your first date in a while. Nothing complicated. Now make sure this date flops’, he continued to think. But then again he heard your voice calling him again, bringing him back to the date.
“Kidd, actually this is my first time, coming to a blind date”, you say trying to make a conversation with the tall dude as he was being too quiet.
“Ah… actually it’s the same for me. it’s my first time on a blind date”, Kidd replied.
“Is that so! Then, it makes that we have that in common”, you say as you give him a small smile making the red heads heart beat faster.
You keep making small talks and you notice that you have so many things in common. Your taste in music which most of your friends think is weird, your hobbies, the film genre, favourite series and dramas. They are all known to him in some way and some are his favourites too.
You both start to enjoy the date very much. You both talk about the stuff that interests both of you and forget about time and Kidd forgets about his plan about ruining the date. You both laugh at some jokes and suddenly Kidd trips on a small rock and loses balance. In time you make sure you catch him. He grips your waist to make sure he doesn’t fall. Your hands were on his chest and you could feel the hard muscles which made your cheeks turn pink. His handsome features stood out more. He was now very close to you and his cheeks were getting red. He could smell the cologne, could see the blush on your face. He slowly positioned himself and let go of you. You did the same but what was next. You were quiet and he for the first time initiated a conversation.
“So… Y/N, wanna go and eat something?”, he asked. You then nodded and walked beside him.
This silence was… good because it was giving you time to calm your racing heart. Kidd looked at your hand and he wanted to hold it. He slowly reached to hold your hand but failed which made him to grit his teeth. 
You noticed that he was trying to hold your hand. That made you chuckle and you slowly offer your hand to him. His eyes widen in surprise at your gesture. He took your hand as he blushed and you both continued to walk to a restaurant. ‘Maybe this date wasn’t a very bad idea’, thought Kidd as he looked at you and smiled with you.
Monster trio + Ussop Amusement park Date here (clickable)
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awritingtree · 3 years
Fred Weasley x reader
Summary: Y/N has been pushing herself past the limit with school work. When Fred notices her unusual behaviour, he decides to intervene. But what happens when Y/N snaps and says some things that could possibly destroy their relationship and friendship?
Words: ~2.5k
Warnings: angst, fluff?, mentions of anxiety attacks, lack of self-care
A/N: “What is this crap?” you ask. I don’t know myself 😂 this started off as one thing and ended up being something different. It really is not my best work. I don't know what I've written myself. I’m confused. Might delete it later, idk. But I hope you enjoy it xx
“Good morning love,” Fred Weasley greeted his girlfriend with a kiss to her cheek as she sat down at the Gryffindor table on a Friday morning at the Great Hall.
“Hi,” Y/N Y/L/N mumbled quietly without looking at him. She reached out to grab a piece of warm toast and spread some butter on it before taking a bite. She poured herself a glass of milk, gulping it down as she munched on her piece of toast as quick as she could.
Fred frowned at Y/N’s unusual behaviour. She’d usually greet him back with an enthusiastic ‘good morning’ hugging him tightly, proceeding to make a joke which would make his laughter echo through the Great Hall on a quiet morning. He shrugged off her behaviour, reckoning she must be stressed about the Transfiguration test that afternoon.
Y/N continued to gobble up her food at a speed that was not healthy.
“Slow down, Y/N. We don’t need you choking early in the morning,” joked Lee Jordan, eliciting a chuckle from the twins.
“Shove off, Jordan,” Y/N clipped back. She shoved down the remaining bits of the toast before getting up and stringing her bag over her shoulder.
“Where are you going?” Fred asked.
“I need to go talk to Professor Flitwick about the assignment he gave the other day. I’ll see you guys later,” she said, leaving in a hurry.
This made Fred concerned, wondering what was going on with his girlfriend. She left without giving him a kiss goodbye; that never happened. Before he could ponder more on the topic, George pulled his attention back to a prank they’d been discussing throughout the week.
And the topic was forgotten. For now.
Y/N sat close to the Black Lake in the company of Fred, George and Lee. Sitting cross-legged, she leaned her elbows on her knees, fingers tangled in her hair, pulling at it in frustration. Her eyes scanned the open books strewn around her, searching for something to write on the blank piece of parchment perched on her lap.
“You’re coming to Hogsmeade tomorrow, right Y/N?” asked the younger twin.
Y/N looked up, a confused look on her face. “Huh?”
“You’re coming to Hogsmeade tomorrow?” questioned George once again, dragging his words out slowly.
“Oh. Um no,” she said, her attention already back to the books in front of her.
Fred’s grin dropped into a frown, his eyebrows scrunching together. “What? You promised you’d come this time. You’ve missed out on every single Hogsmeade trip this year.”
“I have a lot of work to do,” Y/N replied, barely paying attention to the conversation she was a part of.
“You’ve been working since the beginning of the year. You need a break, love.”
“I can’t afford to take a break, Fred,” huffed Y/N, her eyes moving to look at the ginger beside her. The dark circles under her eyes looked more prominent in the evening light. The exhaustion and lack of sleep clear on her face.
“You’re being unreasonable. You can take one day off.”
“No I can’t,” snapped Y/N aggravated, “Just because you don’t care about graduating and your future, doesn’t mean everyone else doesn’t either.”
Fred’s face contorted in anger, her words hitting straight home. He got up and stormed away without another word.
George and Lee looked at Y/N disappointed before leaving too, chasing after Fred. Y/N sighed before looking down at the blank parchment on her. She pulled at her hair as she let out a small scream of frustration. Tears that had started to gather in eyes began to flow down her cheeks. She tore the parchment into pieces, throwing it away. Y/N had begun to tremble as she pushed the books around her, attempting to throw them away from her. When there were no more books in close proximity, she curled her knees up to her chest, wrapping her arms around them, resting her forehead against her knees as she continued to cry.
Y/N’s fingers and toes beginning to freeze but her armpits and palms were sweating, feeling as if the temperature had been turned up a few notches. The world around her blurred out; no longer comprehending her surroundings. The only sound she could hear were her sobs as she gasped for breath. She could feel her heart thumping in her ears, the sound so loud that it almost drowned out the sound of her sobbing gasps. Her chest ached from the lack of oxygen. She could taste the salty tears streaming down her face onto her lips, feel the cold tears travelling to her jaw and down her neck. Any attempt to wipe her face clean was carried out in vain; the tears she wiped were replaced with double the amount.
“Y/N?” she heard a voice call out in the distance.
“Merlin! Y/N breathe with me okay?” the voice sounded nearer, however as if underwater, “Look at me. Y/N, look at me.”
A warm, soft hand rested on Y/N’s cheek guided her face to turn and face the voice’s owner. Y/N’s eyes focused onto the brown eyes of Ginny Weasley.
“You’re okay, Y/N. I’m here. Breathe. You can do that for me right?” she questioned softly, her voice still sounding underwater.
Y/N managed to get a small nod through her panic.
“Breathe in… 1 2 3... Breathe out… 1 2 3... Breathe in… 1 2 3... Breathe out… 1 2 3...” instructed Ginny, “Yes, just like that. Breathe… 1 2 3...” Y/N concentrated on listening to Ginny’s counts, attempting to breathe along with them. Soon enough, Ginny’s voice started to sound clear; Y/N feeling that her head was finally surfacing from the water she was drowning under. After a while, her breathing had started to regulate. A few gulps of air later, Y/N turned her attention to Ginny.
“Thank you,” Y/N muttered, quietly. She glanced away from the ginger-haired girl, not being able to hold eye contact due to the situation she had been caught in.
“You don’t need to thank me. I’m just glad I walked by at this time,” said Ginny with a soft smile. Y/N returned a small smile of her own.
“Are you okay?”
“Yes, I am.”
“Are you sure? Can I do anything?” Ginny asked, concerned for her brother’s girlfriend; someone whom she saw as her own sister.
“Yes. I’m fine now. I- I think I just need to go and rest for a while. Thank you, Ginny. I’ll see you later,” she said, gathering up her books hastily and leaving.
Things had not gotten better the past few days. If anything, they had become much worse.
Fred and Y/N had not talked, only sparing glances at each other when the other wasn't looking. Though she had not mentioned what she had witnessed that day to anyone, Ginny was worried about Y/N; even more when she noticed her and Fred were currently not on speaking terms. George was concerned for both his twin and best friend; Fred was in a constant bad mood and Y/N looked worse for wear. The bags under her eyes looked darker, her skin beginning to turn sallow, her hair unkempt. George hardly saw her eating when she turned up to the Great Hall during any meal, sneaking a few bites in before leaving in a hurry. To say he was worried about her would be quite the understatement.
Y/N felt awful. She could barely get out of bed in the mornings. She was constantly tired, barely paying attention in classes. She couldn’t concentrate on anything, constantly wanting to do nothing but go back to bed. She continued to cry herself to sleep every night, like she had been for the past few weeks; the reason as to why she did not know. Her body ached all over, her head being the worst. She felt lethargic, not having any energy to even pick up a glass of water. She was falling behind on her work, her grades were slipping - they had been for quite a while.
Y/N knew she needed a break. But instead she continued to push herself, the thought of taking a break and falling even more behind or the idea that her grades would worsen not allowing her to have a moment of peace.
The fact that she was fighting with Fred, not having talked to him for a few days, was not helping. She knows she was in the wrong, she should apologize and tell him what’s going on. But for some reason, she didn’t want to admit that she was struggling. Not because she was egoistic, but because she felt she constantly had something to prove. Education was the only thing she excelled in, if she lost that she felt she would be nothing. She was embarrassed to ask for help; she did not want to appear to be a burden to him, to anyone.
“That’s enough!” said George one morning to his older brother. “You both can’t keep going on like this. You need to talk to each other, you’re both miserable.”
Fred sighed, looking away from his breakfast. “I know.”
“Well then, what are you waiting for!? She’s right there,” George said gesturing towards Y/N, sitting at the end of the table with Angelina and Alicia.
He knew he had to talk to her. Fred had noticed something was wrong for weeks now. He knew she was stressed out due to school, crumbling under the pressure and expectations she placed upon herself. But he didn’t want to force himself on her, so he’d decided to wait for her to approach him first. What she’d said had hurt him, no doubt about it, but he knew that she didn’t mean it. It was the outcome of a moment of anger. He had seen her the past few days around the castle too, struggling to carry on with her day. But he was afraid to walk up to her; afraid that she would lash out at him again. Afraid that the angry words that would follow, from both their sides, would worsen the situation.
Taking a deep breath, he walked down the table towards where she sat. Angelina sent him a small smile noticing him walk up to their small group. Fred paused for a moment, gathering up the courage to speak.
Y/N jumped at the unexpected sound of someone clearing their throat loudly behind her. She turned to see her boyfriend standing there, rubbing the back of his neck. He looked the same, a bit more troubled than she’d ever seen. He’d developed dark circles under his eyes; an indication he hadn’t been sleeping well, not that she had been either. Other than that, he still looked the same - the same boy that she’d fallen in love with.
“Can we- can we talk?” he asked nervously.
Y/N stared at him for a second before nodding. They both walked out of the Hall and through the corridor before entering an unused classroom. Fred shut the door behind him. The both of them did not speak a word, fidgeting as they gazed around the room, gazing everywhere except each other. Fred decided to take the initiative and start the conversation that was long due. But it seemed Y/N had made the same decision.
“I’m sorry,” they both said at the same time. They both chuckled, the tension in the air disappearing.
Fred moved closer to Y/N, using the few seconds to come up with what to say.
“I’m sorry. I- I shouldn’t have said what I did. It was completely out of line and I didn’t mean it. I could never mean something like that. You- you know I didn’t mean it right? I was just frustrated, and I know that still doesn’t excuse what I said but I’m sorry. I am so so so sorry,” said Y/N, tears brimming her eyes. She took a shaky breath trying to calm herself down.
Fred closed the distance between them, cupping her face in his hands.
“Hey, hey, hey. It’s okay. I know you didn’t mean what you said. I understand, love. It’s okay. Don’t cry, please,” he said softly, his thumbs drawing circles on the soft skin of her cheeks.
“I really am so-” Fred leaned down, cutting her off with a kiss. Y/N’s hand moved to hold Fred’s forearms before slowly moving up his arms to rest on his shoulders. Fred broke the kiss after a while, resting his forehead against hers as his hands moved down to her hips.
“You have nothing to apologize for. I shouldn’t have pushed you. I know you’ve been stressed over school; I should’ve been more supportive.”
Y/N shook her head. “No, you-” Fred cut her off with another kiss.
“How about we both stop apologizing and just agree it was no one’s fault, purely circumstantial?” he said.
Y/N hesitated before sighing and nodding knowing she would not win. “Brilliant,” said Fred, pulling her close to wrap her up in a hug. They stood there for a while, basking in the feeling of being in each other’s arms - their favourite place to be in the world - after days.
“You know you can come to me for anything, right? No matter how small or stupid you think it is, you have nothing to be embarrassed about with me. And no, you will not be burdening me. I’d be more than happy to help you,” Fred said, pulling away from the hug but still keeping Y/N at a close distance in his arms.
Fred smiled endearingly at the look of surprise that crossed Y/N’s face as she looked up at him. She really thought she’d done a better job at hiding how she felt but it seemed like Fred had seen through everything, just like he always did.
“Did you really think I wouldn’t find out? I care about you, Y/N,” Fred said, his hand tucking a stray piece of hair behind her ear gently. His hand remained there, cradling her face, “I notice every miniscule thing about you, whether you want me to or not.”
Y/N averted her eyes, ashamed of herself. How could she ever think Fred would ever judge her badly? The boy whose eyes shined with love and adoration whenever his gaze fell upon her. The boy whose face lit up with the thought or mention of her. The boy who would be ready to give up anything and everything for her, including his dream of owning a joke shop.
“Just promise me you’ll take one day off,” Fred implored. “We can do whatever you want, wherever you want. You need to take one day to relax, love. You can’t keep overworking yourself like this.”
Y/N looked up and nodded with a smile. Fred smiled back, delighted with her compliance, leaning down to press a kiss against her forehead.
“I love you,” he mumbled against her skin.
“I love you.”
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