#everyone and their mother has been talking abt the game
dreamofstarlight · 4 months
I don’t think I’ve ever been so nervous for a ravens game
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ssahotchnerr · 4 months
hi babe! was wondering if you could write something abt hotch + reader having their daughter’s first birthday and all of the team is there and it’s so cute and we get big brother jack.
maybe it including light bickering between them but it’s so clear they love each other so much still and it really is just pointless bickering. something fluffy for sure.
up to you! i trust your wonderful writing , thank u bunches !
- 🕷️ [is this anon emoji taken yet? oops if it is!]
take the bench
AHH that's so adorable 🥹 cw; fem!reader, jack calls reader mom, domestic banter <3 and aaron being very dad <3
"are you kidding, look how cute!" you exclaimed, holding up the little outfit for all to see. your daughter's tiny hands immediately made a grab at it. "this is perfect for spring."
"after two boys, i can't express enough how fun it is shopping for a girl." jj gushed, resting her chin comfortably on her hand. "new section of the store unlocked."
all had gathered for baby girl's very first birthday, and it's been quite the eventful afternoon. lively conversations, a plentiful spread of food, cake on the horizon.
currently your daughter was sat comfortably on your lap, while you orchestrated the whole present-opening extravaganza.
at her young age, she could pull the tissue paper out of the gift bags as instructed, you and jack helped with the actual paper ripping as needed. whether it was you tearing off a starter piece, or jack proudly fulfilling his big brother duties - simply unwrapping it entirely himself and excitably showing his sister what she had received.
and meanwhile, aaron had the most dad job: trash bag duty. it was right up his alley naturally, being sure to punctually collect the scraps of paper before they touched the ground; preventing a mess at all costs.
which ultimately, led up to a new game.
"jack," aaron grabbed his son's focus, holding the bag open and jack caught on instantly. he grinned, balling up and throwing the tissue paper in hand in aaron's direction.
it started off gentle; quiet cheers when jack made the shot, not to mention the growing smiles on both ends. but then it soon turned into them firing off at each other, a bit too aggressive in the constraints of the living room. jack's laughter heightened with each throw, and henry even began to join in from time to time.
while still enamored by the gifts, all thanks to her brother and father's volume, baby girl's attention was quickly drawn to them. she let out a high pitched squeal every time wrapping paper flew over her head and through the air, attempting to wiggle her way off your lap.
as much as you loved aaron and jack carelessly enjoying themselves, and the addictive giggles emitting from your daughter, you also didn't want to take the focus away from everyone's generous gifts. they had spent time, and money, and deserved the proper recognition in return.
"aaron." you warned lightly, raising an eyebrow when his gaze shot to yours - a silent, but loving nonetheless, quit it.
"alright bud," aaron caught the last makeshift ball from jack with his hand, shoving it into the trash. "take the bench. the ref is giving me that look."
"but dad-"
"you heard me. and your mother."
jack let out a small whine, but promptly complied. he returned to the stack of his sister's presents, shifting through and looking for the next one to give her.
"for someone on clean up duty, you sure are making quite the mess." you teased once you caught aaron's eyes again, jack placing the next gift in front of you, "a larger one, if i may add."
"mess isn't in my vocabulary." aaron quipped right back, a delightfully smug look on his face. "you shouldn't be the one talking."
you cocked your head to the side, comically, "oh?"
"who's side of the closet is currently exploding?"
"who's sock drawer has seen better days?"
"the parents are fightingggg." derek stretched out his voice, murmuring humorously under his breath and nudging penelope with an elbow. while the soft tone, his statement was for all to hear.
now, it was your turn to (lightly, as to not jostle baby girl) chuck a ball of wrapping paper at him. derek ducked, barely, laughing loudly as he straightened his posture back upright.
"good try, but not good enough mamas. you gotta work on your aim."
"see, i'm not making a mess." aaron teased as he came near to grab it off the carpet, taking a detour as well to give your lips a quick peck. "you have that title perfectly under control, darling."
you playfully rolled your eyes, a smile dancing its way onto your lips. aaron couldn't resist the sight, kissing you once more. "oh bite me, hotchner."
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lilliankoo · 8 months
wanna play you like a game: jeon jungkook. 0
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series masterlist!
pairing: villian? antagonist! tribe leader jk x princess! y/n.
trope: "he's mean to everyone but worships the ground you walk on" will absolutely do anything for you, strangers to lovers.
word count: 1.5k-ish (short caus this is an intro?)
warnings: nothing too bad lmao….yet. conditions, mentions abt blessings from a deity/goddess, power dynamics, talks abt manipulating a man *clears throat*, bowing, one forehead kiss 😘, controlling mother. I apologize if I missed anything.
author’s note: how dare i release a new series while titanic! is barely done.. english is not my first language so…, not a professional writer. im an occasional writer meaning I write when i feel like writing or get that random motivation so expect slightly late updates.
While humming one of the lullabies she used to sing to you as a child, your mother finishes braiding the pink ribbon in your hair. She reaches for the brush on the dresser and brushes your hair one last time. She looks at you, more like your reflection in the mirror, as she places her brush-clad hand on your shoulder. As you stare at her, your brows are furrowed and your lips are pursed. Your mother makes eye contact and adds, "You dread me now, but trust me, you will thank me later." "How can you treat your own daughter like this?" You ask her with grief in your voice but have given up fighting her for whatever reason. You have made the choice not to yell and cry at your mother's heartless decision.
Being the only daughter of “mir konvo’s” king, you truly don't have any other choice. you got to know yesterday that you are being "offered" to the head of the forest tribe, Jeon Jungkook; who is even more powerful than your father's entire empire and is known as the most powerful man. His forest known as “lav” completely encloses your "mir konvo", While Jeon Jungkook dominates the entire Lav Forest, your father rules Mir Konvo-which is also known as the “heart of lav” since its right in the middle of the forest. For hundreds of years, your kingdom and the Jeon tribe had a peaceful agreement under which your people were permitted to use the forest trail to conduct trade with other kingdoms, with no involvement on the part of the Jeon tribe. However, the Jeon tribe simply requested rice and gold as payment. This agreement has been effective for years, but Jeon Jungkook, the current tribe head, has destroyed it and established a new requirement. He now demands your hand in marriage or otherwise he will seal all pathways leading to the mir konvo, seize control of the kingdom, and assassinate the current king—your father—if you refuse. The entire country is aware of the forest goddess' blessing on the Jeon tribe, according to which no man will ever be able to defeat or oppose them. Which naturally leads to your father immediately signing the treaty and beginning the "preparations" for your marriage out of fear.
Now, back to your question. your mother sighs and stands in front of you. Holding your shoulders, your mother whispers quietly, "Listen to me and listen to me very carefully." "No man can resist a woman in this world. There is a reason a strong man like him would want to wed you. Take advantage of this, dominate him, break him, and make it difficult for him to live without you" she says while looking at you. The venom that drips from her words is quite evident, her jaw is clenched and her hands are digging your shoulders. And you exactly understand what she means by that. you pay keen attention to her words, thinking about them over and over again. looking at your frightened expression, your mother asks you, "Do you understand?" You take a cautious breath and nod hesitantly in agreement.
The entire palace is decorated and adored with white flowers. The orchestra plays a light tune- the atmosphere is serene yet tense. Everyone is displaying their fake contentment but in reality everyone is scared- including you. your father is standing near the window looking outside- his crown is not on his head, royal mantle no longer on his shoulders. from his disheveled hair to dark circles under his eyes- anyone can tell he is distressed. you walk over to him and stand by his side.
“What is on your mind, father?” you ask him. your father sighs deeply and looks at you.
“He is an evil man, your mother is not thinking-” your father’s words are cut abruptly by your mother’s voice.
“I am doing this because of the kingdom’s safety, no man can defeat him, you will die if you stand against him!” your mother shouts at your father. “you are not seeing this through my eyes, nothing will happen to y/n” she adds while maintaining eye contact with him. you stand there confused and look at the encounter between them two. He drops his head low and nods at your mother. He doesn't say anything but looks at you with subtle tears in his eyes.
The moment is cut short when one of the soldier’s runs inside to inform your father that they need to leave as soon as possible. Another condition jungkook proposed was that the marriage will take place in the forest and only three people can join- you, your father and your mother.
That's how you find yourself in a carriage with your parents. your mother is well dressed while your father is dressed modestly. The commute to the lav forest isn’t that far, that's why your carriage reaches the lav village’s entrance gate in 3 hours. you step out of the carriage and your mother quickly helps you fix your skirts and dress. There’s no man in sight to receive your family. Your father looks around to see if there is any member of jeon tribe and he sees no one. The atmosphere is too quiet and serene. The leaves rustle while the wind lightly breezes.
“the carriage stay here, come” a sudden voice of a man coming from behind you pulls you out of your trance. You turn around and see a man no older than 25, dressed in leather and furs, his left hand holding a spare, his long hair reaching his back. He is incredibly handsome- you can't deny that fact. The man looks at you then motions your father to follow him. You and your parents follow the man and enter the village- the route isn’t too difficult, the path is smooth with no stones in sight and you are sure that it was cleared for your comfort and ease. After 10 minutes of walking, the huts and houses start appearing. You can see people sneakingly looking at your family from their windows- some are whispering while others cryptically smile your way.
In some distance you can see a platform and a crowd surrounding it. The stage-like platform is only a few feet taller from the ground, and has two chairs in the centre. You can see few people standing on it having conversations- some are in serious conversation while others are laughing. you and your parents stand a few feet away from the stage and wait for the next instructions. you intertwine your hand with your fathers’ and squeeze it. you look around when suddenly everyone goes silent and falls to their knees- bowing at the person coming out from the big hut- situated behind the platform. The alleged man is dressed in black leather and furs, some of his hair tied back, there’s evident anger and fury in his eyes as he storms your way- in that moment, it is evident that the man walking your way is your future husband- jeon jungkook. Everyone around you is on their knees- including your parents. And out of fear, you bend your knees so you can bow too but suddenly someone grabs both of your shoulders and makes you stand straight. you look up in confusion and see him. Long gone is the anger from his eyes- all you see right now is love and affection. In an instant, Jungkook drops on his knees in front of you and bows. The entire village is bowing to him while he is on his knees for you.
your breath hitches because you do not know what you are supposed to do. Having a powerful man like Jungkook on his knees in front of you is a lot to handle. Your hands shakingly reach for his shoulders and you make him stand up. Jungkook stands up to his full height and towers above you. He cradles your jaw affectionately in both of his hands and kisses your forehead. you're confused and scared. Confused because he is not scary like he is described as and scared because he is alarmingly close to you. You avoid his eyes and look around. Everyone is still on their knees and you feel bad. You look at him and then the people bowing- and surprisingly he understands.
“Everyone stand up!” he shouts and everyone shuffles to stand up.
Then, jungkook smiles at you and your parents before saying “shall we begin the ritual ?”.
next: episode 1 - the pink ribbon
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iwaasfairy · 7 months
anon who sent the chigiri asks, just going to put this all in one post below the cut bc it’s very very long (affectionate) skKFJFHJFJD 人´uεu)
tw incest
||ask 1||
since we're talking abt bllk brothers what abt chigiri niichan <33 i think he'd be soooo possessive like more than anyone, can't stand it when his teammates look at you, loves to kiss your cheek in front of them to remind them you belong to HIM so don't even try it <3 but even if his teammates did you would just ignore them anyways bc you just have your precious niichan in your head, ALWAYS looking at him with sparkly eyes, and chigiri KNOWS it, knows he's the best big brother, knows you'd do anything for his approval, for his attention, and that's why you always cheer extra loudly for him at his games or practices <3 and that's also why he always takes you to the showers to join him after a match or practice after "everyone leaves" to show you how much he appreciates your love and support <33 bc he's the best niichan who would also do anything for you, to show his love for you <3 you're a little A LOT spoiled but chigiri niichan doesn't mind <3
also random but since he canonically has an older sister i think she'd be a little bit more older than him, so when you were born she was already a teen or early young adult and starting her own life and that's why chigiri niichan has always been more close to you, to protect you and keep you safe <3 bc once she left for college you were still tiny and she told chigiri to be the best big brother bc she wouldn't be there much to help out :( so he takes that role VERY seriously and continues to do so well into your adulthood and somehow along the way you never dated any guy or even looked at another guy that isn't your niichan <3 so if chigiri's older sister thinks something of it, she doesn't say anything bc after all, you grew up to be a pretty good woman bc of chigiri right? so she'll ignore the starry eyed looks you give your niichan, ignore the way he always has his arms around you.. so long as you don't do it in front of your parents..
||ask 2||
chigiri anon here again!! also another thing SORRY this is so long i'm like making lore lmao jfjsjd// since chigiri has ALWAYS looked after you and etc i think once he hurt his knee he'd feel so pathetic and it'd be like a big blow for him and his pride bc he's your niichan, he's supposed to take care of himself, set an example for you! he's supposed to be the best but he hurt himself bad and in front of you too! he hated the worried look you gave him when you saw him, the tears in your eyes when you realized just how bad it really was, so you run down the bleachers and go to him as they help him sit on the bench to inspect him, and chigiri HATES IT. he doesn't want you to see him like this, so, for the first time in your life chigiri niichan YELLS at you to get away from him, and he looks away as he says it bc he knows you're crying and the look will be much worse if he saw it :( but you're telling him no you'll stay with him! but he tells you again, says your name real sternly so YOU KNOW he's serious and tells you to leave him alone.. so you get up and leave, wiping your tears that continue to fall as your father takes you home and as your mother takes him to the hospital.. and even as he's recovering he ignores you.. doesn't pay attention to you anymore, continues to tell you to leave him alone, he doesn't want you around, you're being a nuisance.. but you still try your hardest to be near him! just like you did when you were little! he's your niichan! he does anything and everything for you so you'll do anything and everything for him too! you bake and cook for him, warm the water when he wants to take a bath. he appreciates it! he does! but he doesn't say anything.. he can't even look at you, lest you think he's a pathetic failure of a niichan for hurting himself and giving up on his dream.. but one day chigiri see's you talking to his old teammate, smiling at him and something in him snaps, all the rage and self hatred he's held in comes out and unfortunately, he takes it out on you.. once you entered the house you announced your arrival and notice your niichan leaning on the kitchen island, looking at his work so you go to him with a smile and tell him hello! and for the first time since he hurt his knee he looks at you.. REALLY looks at you, and you feel like your breath has been stolen.. you're so happy your beloved niichan has looked at you you don't notice the fury behind his eyes.. so you go to wrap your arms around him and he stops you. tells you to go away and leave him alone, don't bother him anymore.. tells you you're nothing but a pest always clinging onto him, never letting him breath.. he doesn't mean it, you KNOW he doesn't mean it, HE knows he doesn't mean it but he can't stop the harsh words for spilling out.. can't help the jealousy he feels when he remembers you smiling at his teammate.. so for another time.. chigiri niichan hurts your feelings, he see's you walk away with tears in your eyes but not before getting something out of your book bag and giving it to him before dashing off to your room. he notices it's an older manga he's been wanting, knew one of his teammates had it and asked a bunch if he could have it but his teammate declined. and that's when chigiri niichan realizes you were talking to that specific teammate to get this manga.. and chigiri niichan feels TERRIBLE.. he hurt his precious imouto's feelings, made her cry all bc he got jealous for something you were doing FOR HIM! but chigiri niichan doesn't move to get up, no, he continues to wallow in his self pity and ignores you.. but this time you ignore him as well.. and he HATES it, hates how you don't cling to him anymore, hates how you don't look at him anymore or even talk to him, only when you're sharing dinner with your parents but even then you both don't bother.. he can't even muster up the courage to start a conversation with you.. and soon chigiri niichan realizes time has passed and you're getting older.. then he receives a letter from blue lock. telling him they want him to play soccer and become the best..
||ask 3||
so he decides to go, tells your parents while you're all having dinner and they're proud of him, a little worried but he'll take it easy they know. he tells them he'll be gone for a while and that he won't have access to his cellphone and they frown but understand. and you.. you're silent the entire time.. chigiri your ever so observant niichan see's you haven't once eaten your dinner, can see you're ANGRY, angry at him.. you suddenly stand up and excuse yourself, saying you have homework to be done and your parents excuse you, but chigiri knows better. he's your niichan after all. after a few minutes of more talking he too excuses himself and makes his way to your room. your niichan doesn't knock, and once he enters your room, he feels like an even worse failure of a niichan.. you're crying on your bed, holding the stuffed animal he got you when you went to a festival for the first time.. and your precious niichan, your niichan who you've missed so much goes to you and hugs you, wiping your tears that continue to fall and telling you to breath.. in midst of your crying you finally realize your niichan is hugging you! your precious niichan who's been ignoring you since he hurt his knee years ago is finally next to you! and you cry more.. push him away and call him a stupid niichan, you don't need him anymore when he's been ignoring you for years! and your precious niichan hugs you again, kisses your cheek and tears away, rubs his hands up and down your back, comforting you.. you tell him you hate him! he's a bad niichan! the worst! and he agrees.. tells you he hasn't been the best niichan he used to be, let his pride get hurt and hurt you too, lashed out on you for no reason when you only wanted to take care or him, make him feel better.. you nod your head agreeing and you hug your precious niichan tighter, pressing your nose against his neck, breathing in his scent bc you've missed your niichan dearly.. and once you've stopped crying you both stay there, embracing each other, and your precious niichan doesn't let you go, keeps his hold on you tight but then he moves his hands and puts them on your face, lifting your head to look up at him, and for the first time since he lashed out on you, you look into his eyes and your niichan looks into yours and feels like everything is okay.. and before you know it, your niichan, your precious niichan who you've been missing nonstop all these years, your precious niichan who you've been craving, kisses you.. you sit still for a second before returning the kiss, and you realize you're kissing your niichan! but you don't care.. you love your niichan and obviously he loves you too or he wouldn't be doing this.. then when you both part to breath your niichan smiles, ACTUALLY smiles, and you smile too. you look at your niichan and kiss him again, a bit shyly and a bit quickly and he lets out a laugh, making you a bit embarrassed.. your niichan moves your head to look at him again and apologizes, sincerely apologizes for being a terrible niichan all these years.. he swears he'll become a better niichan again and you believe him.. after all you trust your precious niichan dearly..
then it's time for him to leave for blue lock.. your niichan says bye to your parents preparing to leave and holds out his hand for you to grab, your parents think nothing of it and go back to their work. you and your niichan walk to the station and before he boards the train he gives you another breathless kiss, tells you not to miss him too much, tells you he'll become a better niichan for you when he gets back and that's when he leaves on the bus and heads to blue lock.. to become a better player, AND to become a better niichan for you. after all, he has a lot of making up to do, right?
—————— ♡ —————
I can’t really respond much because you were so thorough nonnie pFGDHFJFJF but yea totally, chigiri would be a great nii nii and he’d definitely be super affectionate up to a certain point. I also think that if that happened to me, like he’d suddenly start ignoring me, I wouldn’t allow it to last for a few weeks let alone years pFDHHF BUT THats just mayBE ME IDK IDK HAHDHFJJF ꒰⌗´͈ ᵕ ॣ`͈⌗꒱৩ all im hearing is that once niichan gets back from blue lock he’ll better give his sweet imouto the best orgasm of her life because !!!! HeS MEAN
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spaceagebachelormann · 4 months
zigmar i come to you humbly on this fine evening with the simple request that you give me some sort of might duck sustenance por favor and muchas gracias
they can be incoherent and stupid and goofy and silly to the max i just need to rotate this little kids like rotisserie chickens in my mind (esp fulton portman and julie)
random miscellaneous tmd thoughts !
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✧ warnings: some of them may be ooc ngl
✧ additional info: u got it pookums 😈😈😈🙏 also these can be read as either platonic or romantic (not luis)
✧ m.list — nav.
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♡ charlie conway !
the most insane taste in music literally ever
bro goes from madonna to death metal SO FAST
but ngl his playlist is always the best and he always gets to play music whenever u go anywhere
but oh my god he’d love pierce the veil in present day
HES ALSO LIKE SOMEHOW AMAZING AT MATH. but he cannot do science for literal shit
also his clothing style changes js like his music taste
will literally be kurt cobain one day and morrissey the next (hed hate morrissey though)
♡ adam banks !
every team sleepover/event/literally anything could js be a spontaneous hangout is always at his house
it’s because he’s rich and his house is huge as fuck and he has every board game known to man
just do not play uno because a fight always breaks out (charlie is always part of it)
he’s always the one who ends the fight also
he has this very calming presence that’s so nice to be around and him js talking to whoever got into a fight immediately helps calm them down
also weirdly good at comforting in the middle of the night but never during the day??
♡ lester averman !
he would watch full house religiously prove me wrong
his favourite character is obviously joey because they are one in the same
everyone on the team and their mother has been forced to watch full house while he’s been at their house/vice versa
he can also cook like. decently well !! it’s not something he’d prefer to do but he will for his friends if they’re tired or smth
♡ fulton reed !
this little shit
he is so unbelievably competitive over the smallest things it’s actually insane
typa guy to race u to see who can get to one side of the room first and start genuinely tweaking if he doesn’t win
at sleepovers he refuses to fall asleep first even if it’s just by a few minutes
he could be dead to the world but still have his eyes open cause he refuses to let u win (unless ur his s/o cause he might consider it that way)
♡ connie moreau !
she is definitely a theatre kid idc
her favourite musicals are probably grease, hairspray and heathers
she likes female main characters!!
everytime she gets into a new fandom she immediately starts thinking abt what it’d be like a musical and probably wanted to be a composer at some point
would 100% beg to use the aux on a road trip and then blast hamilton loud as balls
she wholeheartedly believes six is a top tier musical and she will DIE on this hill
(fun fact i’ve met andrea macasaet <3)
♡ guy germaine !
modern day guy would’ve loved basic white girl music
“life is too short to pretend to hate taylor swift” —him
also 100% a britney spears girlie. and nsync and every stereotypical white girl artist
but i wholeheartedly believe britney would be his favourite and he has her whole discography on cassette, cd, vinyl, u name it he has a britney spears collection
also his ass is NOT straight 💀 i’ve never met a straight man who listens to britney spears
♡ julie gaffney !
lowkey a regina george multitude if she wasn’t kinda. yk. a bad person
she’s a mix of cher and regina
everyone at the fancy ass boarding school literally loves her because she’s calm, smart pretty nice etc etc she’s just a really great person to be around
shes that one student who has every assignment finisher a week early, all a’s and 100% in every subject WITHOUT being mean abt it!!
her ass is friends with the whole student population and knows every well and knows all the drama but won’t tell everyone if she thinks it’s too personal (it’s it’s random petty nonsense she tells the team)
♡ ken wu !
secretly rlly good friends with julie but nobody knows even though they do not try to hide it at all
literally wander the halls talking abt whatever just for everyone to be like “y’all are friends???”
also this man secretly loves lana del rey
him and julie will sit on his bedroom floor and literally tell him the most insane and jaw dropping gossip she heard that day while lana is playing in the background
everytime someone asks his favourite lana song he says grandfather please stand on the shoulders of my father while he’s deep-sea fishing on did you know that there’s a tunnel under ocean blvd to fuck with them
♡ dean portman !
is actually very very good at math!!
he was a tutor for the 9th/10th graders for a bit to get volunteer hours and also cause he just likes doing math
you’d expect it to be like doing homework with ur dad and the poor kid is in tears while deans like “WHATS NINE. TIMES TWO.” but he’s actually surprisingly patient
if he’s explained something a few times and they still don’t get it he’ll just try it a different way until they get it and work them through the problem
has rlly strong relationships with the 9th and 10th graders cause of this and is essentially their older brother figure
the amount of 14/15 year olds that he’s given relationship advice too is insane (id be one of the 14 year olds probably)
♡ luis mendoza !
his type is secretly quiet girls cause he finds them rlly interesting and likes the thought of them being happy around him but quiet around everyone else
he’s like yes girl be urself with me
it all stemmed from the girl he liked in 8th grade who helped pick up his pencils when she accidentally knocked his pencil case out of his hand (she was a quiet nerdy girl)
like a whole year later and he’s still trying to rizz her up 💀
he’s one of those guys who takes forever to lose feelings
the girl is actually good friends with him btw
♡ dwayne robertson !
i feel like he is fucking AMAZING at baking
his icon is dolly parton and he heard berry pie so he immediately learned how to bake
if someone he knows has a birthday he either bakes the birthday cake or brings them something he made depending on how close he is with them
and holy shit it’s the most amazing thing u will ever taste and nothing will ever compare
yes he’s one of those guys who will go on an 18 minute tangent on how amazing dolly parton is if someone talks shit about her (same i love dolly)
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commanderquinn · 9 months
a list of canon ways in which lillian hart is The Fucking Worst that cora coe deserves financial and emotional compensation for:
-the basis for the big divorce counseling mission is that cora's worried for her mother's safety. that means, before going on a deep cover operation with smugglers known to kill rangers, marines, or anyone else caught trying to interfere with their business, lillian didnt leave her daughter a heads up much less a lead. once the fuck again, this woman decided that her career was more important than her daughter's mental and emotional health. once the fuck again, this woman decided she could just disappear from cora's life and then come back out of the blue without consequence
-when you go to lillian's office to look for her at cora's request, the guy working the desk knows SAM well enough to know his name and give him shit like they've got a personal history, but he??? isnt sure about????? cora's name???? word for word, he looks at her and says "it's cora, right?" you're telling me that this woman doesn't talk about her kid enough for her fellow INVESTIAGATIVE rangers to be sure about her name??? are you SHITTING ME??????? get the fuck out of here. you cant push "ranger family values" and the close ties they have in one breath then claim she likes to keep a professional distance at work in the other. you wanna have the conversation about what fresh hell it is being a working mother in a position of power, lets go, ill have that conversation all day long. but lillian hart is not a fucking example of a working mother and im gonna be pretty fucking insulted for working mothers everywhere if i catch wind of ppl trying to pull that kind of defense card. the woman's an awful parent and should be held the fuck accountable for it. you wanna know how i know????
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she doesn't say cora's name enough for the ranger watching the door to be confident in it, but he remembers alllll the stories of the captain her ex is cozying up to. and lillian is the one to confirm during the quest that she has been getting the stories from cora, so there's some clear "oh she already likes the stranger more than me." i know im reading into it because its fiction and none of these people are real, but ive also, y'know been in cora's shoes, so i can tell you from real life experience that shit does exist. idk if that was the writers INTENT, but it sure does a great job at reflecting a very sad reality
-sam points out its dumb that lillian wants to speed the ship, with her daughter on it, directly at the sydicate. idk abt y'all, but my ship was pretty dinky at that point bc i was focused on outposts, and we got ambushed by like 6 ship waves once we landed for that fight. again, i get it. game mechanics get a higher priority than realism. but this whole "we have to finish this because theres a chance you were spotted trying to rescue me" shit is so. nauseating. theres no demand to drop off cora somewhere safe, theres no "lets call in the cavalry." its this fucking egomaniac looking you dead in the eye and being like "i know i just traumatized the shit out of my kid but i need you to drive us into an ambush while she's still on board. hope you're a good shot because sam and i cant kill them ourselves." and so what that we did that????? YOURE TELLING ME IT WAS JUST THOSE SHIPS???? the rest of the organization is just going to LET IT GO???? like no fucking wonder sam sees himself as the better option even through all his fucking doubt. at least he knows when to turn the fuck around because shit is above his paygrade
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-she has custody rights. she is a decorated and respected ranger. sam being a smuggler wasnt public knowledge, but point out one person in akila who wouldnt believe her in a heartbeat over it. everyone in town gives him nothing but shit, and they all side with his dad who was definitely no picnic to live with. im guessing big emotional detachment there, lotta interrogation and persecution rather than teaching and understanding. HELL, sam would probably own up to his past if lillian outed him for it, he's that type of idiot. at literally any point she could put in the effort to get legal council involved. if she's SOOOO by the law, whats the hold up there???? i agree the kid shouldnt be on my ship while im in the middle of a space fight. ive talked with sam about it, and im not even the kids parent (as of the personal quest). what the fuck are you doing about it lillian????????? oh thats right. we cant get lillian on the phone. whomp whomp.
-she made cora cry. hyper independent, "big girls dont cry" cora coe. multiple times. worse, she made cora cry because she made cora feel like she wasn't as important as lillian's career. i dont give a fuck what criminals are doing. i do not give a fuck. i give a fuck that that little pixel child got her heart broken and there isnt a dialogue for me to call out her mother for being a huge fucking cunt to her own daughter but theres a thousand and one options for me to tell sam he's parenting wrong. he is, and i have no problem using them when they're appropriate, but where the fuck are they for lillian??? why am i not allowed to tear this woman a new asshole at any point, but there's like 20+ extra dialogue options added to every single npc you have a persuade option with???? todd my head hurts and its your fault
-"im sure sam's told you all about me. go on. ask whatever you want." yet there is no option to ask what the fuck her problem is. so, clearly, i cannot, in fact, ask whatever i want.
-"but the looks i got from my fellow rangers reading alexander dumas... we do strange things for kids." yeah hart??? thats your standard????? THATS your idea of going out of your way for your kid??? literally how did sam fall for this woman oh my god i cant even listen to her speak without wanting to use the power of bitchhood i inherited from a long line of angry irish women to ridicule her to tears. maybe then she'll fucking understand how small she makes her fucking kid feel every time she turns a moment of bonding into a little "woe is me and my comfort zone oh how unfortunate i am to have a brilliant daughter that wants to connect with me through her greatest passion"
-she openly admits that she dumped the cargo sam was smuggling not because she felt any connection or sympathy or just didnt want to destroy someones chance at life in a capitalist society, but because he was a good pilot and she didnt want that talent to "go to waste" so she could recruit him. thats not really a thing against cora i just really fucking hate that and the picture it paints of her priorities as a human being
-"if we're going to be really honest here... back when we were a team... cora would follow you everywhere, like a little adoring dog. i... just fell out of it. long before we separated."
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i literally. do not have words for how fucking disgusted i am by that line of dialogue. oh my fucking god. oh my fucking god. i. i TRULY would not even know where to start. the dog comparison makes me violently angry and if you'd given me a punch interrupt at that moment, i would have broken my keyboard punching the accept option
-go replay or watch a recording of that divorce counseling mission one more time. while you're doing it, imagine the roles reversed. imagine youre romancing a character thats a mother bringing cora into space, and the ranger standing in your cockpit asking to finish the mission is her father who took off to live at work once it was clear his little girl liked mommy better. imagine THAT while you listen to the (imo) out of fucking pocket dialogue where sam constantly praises lillian for being "a good ranger/woman." then you come back and tell me how comfortable you are with the concept of lillian hart as a character.
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fortunelowtier · 1 year
One of the things that's always irked me with fnaf lore is how they've already just kind abandoned the Afton stuff and are going into the weird pseudo sci-fi bullshit, despite the fucking angsty narrative GOLDMINE that could be made from Michael Afton alone
Like man fuck whatever they’re doing for the fnaf movie now, I don’t rlly care abt the animatronic side of things, i wanna see the trilogy following this physically and emotionally abused 16 year old struggling with the loss of his sister, his mother, and then causing the death of his brother, then having that guilt stick with him for decades until he’s tricked into wandering into his own fathers facility where he is then gutted like a fish and piloted like a fucking mech by an animatronic spaghetti amalgamation. Only to wake up weeks later as an empty rotting husk on the sidewalk with only one thing in mind, to kill his father and end all of this
He manages to track down his uncle Henry and after months of planning he manages to lure William and everyone else still refusing to pass on into a pizzeria which is then lit ablaze.
We get an entire segment in the final act in the final movie of the trilogy (beginning with Henry’s speech from fnaf 6 cuz that shit is the rawest monologue in gaming history):
William goes out screaming, begging for mercy just as his victims did to him, his plastic shell melting to reveal the flesh and metal beneath it. As Michael feels the flames around him he sits back and accepts his fate, a small semblance of a grin on his rotting, decrepit face. But before he can pass on he sees the ghostly visage of his brother, eyes blackened and shirt still stained with blood as it was on that fateful day. He knows he has nothing to say, nothing that can fix what was done to him all those years ago, so he says the only thing that comes to mind.
“I’m sorry...I’m so sorry...”
As he breaks down into what little tears his body can produce, the structure of the building giving way as the fire grew hotter and hotter, he expects to have the full wrath of his brother unleashed upon him. In his mind he deserves no redemption, no happy ending, and no forgiveness. Instead, he feels the embrace of a hug around him, hearing a voice he never thought he’d hear again
“I know...“
Michael uses the last of his strength to wrap his arms around his brother, embracing him, as they both are engulfed by flames, being able to die in peace knowing that whatever lied beyond the veil, his father would never see it. It was over.
Reflected on the monitor is a vision of both of them as they were all those years ago, embracing as they are in modern day, almost as a window into what could've been, had everything gone right.
The camera is obscured by flames as it begins to move up, through the flames and through the smoke, “Bonnie’s Lullaby” from fnaf 3 playing in the background. as the song comes to an end, so too does the movement of the camera
cut to black
“Five Nights at Freddy's
The End”
and then nothing else happens because the story is over and resurrecting William is a terrible idea and retroactively would ruin the ending of this (cough cough security breach cough cough)
thank you for coming to my ted talk
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desire-mona · 2 months
dps boys hcs! this has been requested of me! lets make it modern bc thatll be fun
- todd absolutely DESPISES "booktok" and its addiction to smut. can go on a VERY long rant abt how only reading things with sex scenes is, in fact, a porn addiction.
- knox has tried on many occasions to become an influencer, failing every single time and blaming it on the algorithm or whaver
- neil, type of mother fucker to not be on social media like at all. has one private instagram that he posts on maybe twice a year, and has a tiktok only to watch the videos todd intermittently sends him.
- ^^^ followed immediately by a text saying "i sent you a tiktok go look at it" which always sparks a mini argument about whether or not its easier to just save the video and text it to him. goes nowhere every time.
- meeks has fashion taste that makes him look insufferable, band tee's and the worst jeans you ever did see, exclusively. also modern meeks would have clear glasses frames.
- saw someone say charlie would vape, id like to add to that. has a COLLECTION of elf bars, its vast, its colourful, it's annoying, it's turning his coughs wet.
- pitts was a fast fashion guy for a total of 6 months before finding out all the shit about how unethical the industry is. didnt get rid of any of those clothes bc thats wasteful but he IS fighting for his life whenever anyone looks at his wardrobe.
- cameron is a BIG analog horror fan, local 58, walten files, fnaf tapes, thats his jam. can we popularise cam being a big horror fan in general bc im so attached to that hc. horror cam i love u.
- all the boys have a life360 circle (enforced by cam and pitts due to charlie's horrendous reckless driving) and todd CONSTANTLY needs to be yelled at the charge his phone.
- neil's phone is ANCIENT, had the same one for nearly a decade, and its evident. has a bigass crack right down the middle, the back is shattered and held together with tape, a phone case, and a dream. theres marks from shit burning into the screen, most notably a rectangle in the bottom corner from the billions of facetime calls with todd that ultimately set his phone on fire every time.
- todd is secretly a grade A yapper but ONLY in digital form. his online presence is VAST, but impressively anonymous. has a very active substack, letterboxd, poetry tumblr, and even started his own blog. no, not a tumblr blog, a blog blog.
- charlie's car is decked out in the most idiotic add ons that you can think of. comically large mirror dice, a bumper sticker that says "honk if you want me bad", stupid car door lights that project a photo of jimmy fallon onto the ground when u open them, the whole 9 yards. took neil, pitts, and cameron 20 minutes to talk him out of getting flame decals (as a bit.)
- knox refuses to play any other videogame besides GTA, which he plays concerningly often. if ur having trouble reaching him then odds are hes on GTA. its the only hobby of his that his parents know about. christmas is tough for the overstreets.
- meeks is well aware of his general ☝️🤓 demeanour so he started making jokes about it before anyone else can. any time he says anything remotely smart sounding then he MUST do the voice and put up a finger. it became a force of habit and he did it while talking to a teacher once, he left the room mortified.
- pittsie lives on spotify, he has a playlist for every possible emotion, over 3k liked songs, and 200k+ minutes listened when wrapped season rolls around. additionally he does every spotify stat game available, and forced the boys to download a spotify activity widget thing. (WHAT DO YALL KNOW ABT AIRBUDS ‼️‼️ add me @ monahatesya xoxo)
- cam loves to make jokes about DARE and the "this is ur brain on drugs" ads but he is, in fact, the main demographic of said ads. said this before, saying it now, will most definitely say it again, he is beyond susceptible to peer pressure. marijuana isnt a gateway drug for everyone but it certainly is for him.
bonus! chris and keating! just for you!
- chris is avoiding the lesbian masterdoc purely out of fear. not out of fear of being gay, but out of fear of the sheer amount of subsequent other things she'll likely also have to find out about herself.
- keating spends an inordinate amount of time on youtube, which nobody actually expects. big video essay fan, imagine the shock from the boys when he pulls up youtube for a lesson and he's halfway thru the 4 hour iBinged iCarly video. was previously a james somerton fan but considering... the james somerton part.. hes now a defunctland loyalist.
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marsipaniscool · 3 months
Santana really did have a shit life. First, his family was massacred. Then he got kidnapped by the murderers and told to become a strong warrior, and when he failed, they just left him there for a minimum of 2000 years. And THEN he woke up to being experimented on, and I'm not sure if he then died or stayed alive but in pieces. Lowkey hope he died and has some peace
RIGHT. gonna talk abt both of the boys because I feel like they bounce off of each other really well, almost foils. under the cut because I love yapping <3
in my opinion, Wamuu and Santana internalised Kars' and Esidisi's actions very differently. Wamuu acknowledges it happened, but his loyalty to his masters runs so deep that he willingly turns a blind eye to it, even though it brings him a lot of turmoil. I think that's a part of the reason he doesn't like fighting women or children, he sees Kars ordering him to kill his mother, and even himself as a child. Something something if Wamuu had been a child instead of an actual baby, he realises Kars would have had him killed too more than likely. He copes with this by proving his worth time and time again on the battlefield, doing quite literally whatever Kars demands. This increased tenfold when Santana was left behind. Yeah Wamuu talks big game about having a code of honour and strong morals but alllllll of that goes out the window when daddy kars demands. Honestly, Wamuu won the genetic lottery in terms of being a fierce warrior, he ends up taller than Kars or Esidisi and appears more well built. I don't think it was the fact that Santana was weak, I think he was just comparatively weak to Wamuu, and ended up being perceived as the weakest link. Kars and Esidisi had milleniums of training and Wamuu was a fighting prodigy, so Santana, who was probably just an average, untrained, pillar person (see:child), was by default the weakest. Santana had to process the information of Kars and Esidisi killing his family in an entirely different way. While Wamuu came to his own conclusion, I can easily see Kars holding that information above Santana's head. Santana had to hear that Kars "saved him from a life of darkness and drab" and how Santana should be "thankful you (Santana) weren't slaughtered like everyone else/your parents/family." When physical punishments were given to Santana, I can see Kars and/or Esidisi telling him how he was just as worthless and weak as his mother. I talked about it in-depth before, so just to rehash my thoughts: Santana was abandoned in Mexico at least 5,000 years ago (K,E,+W went to Eurasia in search of the super aja.) Santana would have looked around 10 years old at his age of 5,000. Picking up here, Santana would very likely stick to the same general area for quite a while before branching out into the greater Central America. Honestly think he became an idol in these areas due to him being bored as fuck with a booming population of humans around him. I see him spending a few thousand years like this, until eventually he got bored/not enough nourishment/whatever happened, and he fell asleep for several thousand years. Really leaning towards lack of nourishment leading to his slumber, he holed himself up in the temple and only woke up to a copious blood sacrifice. He woke up, the events of the show happened, Santana is stone in the SWF again. I don't think Santana is dead, I think they woke him back up and experimented on him. Von Stroheims entire mechanical body is based off of Santana. They may have been able to study him to such a degree while he was asleep, but honestly I think homeboy was awake and just restrained in some fashion while the Nazis and SWF experimented on him. I really hope he passed by the events of part 4 at the latest, but maybe they studied him until they were satisfied, and then kept him turned to stone. Maybe they had Joseph swing by and kill him idk. I just hope he found a peaceful ending.
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eggyrocks · 2 months
alright mommy issues lore let’s go
content warnings: bad mom lore
yn and her mother did not ever have a good relationship
she didnt ever want to be a mom in the first place.
she was young when she got pregnant and did not have the support of her family
it was yn’s father that talked her into raising their child together
and for the first few years of yn’s life it was okay. fine.
her earliest memory is the blurry face of her father holding her hand as they walked down the street
but then her dad decided that maybe that he was too young for the life of a father and one day yn realized he was just gone
& that’s kinda when it started going downhill
yn’s mother sort of felt abandoned by everyone in her life and took the hurt and pain from that and placed it on her daughter
and instead of loving her she felt jealous and resentful and hateful
and yn could always tell from the time she was really young that she was not loved by her mother
it was obvious
mostly yn’s memories of her mom are just screaming matches
her mom would pick fights at random and criticize her and would always push her to fight back
and could be very controlling and possessive of yn
so as a result yn became very argumentative and defiant
she would bite back and it would just get worse and worse
and it was just that for her whole life
so she moved out with nishinoya and tanaka literally as soon as she could
and has been roommates with them since
the last knock out drag down fight she had with her mom wad on the day she moved out
and her mom was alone and did not have anyone else she could take her anger out on
when things get bad for her is when she starts to track down yn again to torment her to feel better abt herself
nishinoya has always known about yn’s mom
he’s seen firsthand the way her mother would treat her
like she had no issue belittling her daughter in front of others
and as a result nishinoya became pretty defensive and protective when it came to yn
he’s always had her back
nishinoya always spent as much time with her as possible so she wouldn’t have to deal with it alone
he always wanted to stand up to her mother but was always worried she would find a way to separate them if he did
so he just almost became aggressively defensive of her at school or in public
even if someone wanted to try to bully her they’d have to pick someone else bc nishinoya was not going to let anyone else make her life worse
and he felt bad that he never said anything to her mom when they were kids
which is why he has no issue screaming at her now as adults
tanaka got banned from yn’s house the first time he came over
her mother tried tried to pick a fight and tanaka said something along the lines of “why would you talk to your kid like that”
he didn’t really get the full picture and didn’t realize that he kinda made things worse
after that he never really knew what to do about the whole situation & was afraid to make it worse again
so he had sort of an open door policy when it came to yn
whenever a fight got bad or yn was kicked out for the night it was tanaka’s house she went to
and he didn’t know what to say but he would stay up at night playing shitty songs or watching movies or playing video games until yn started to feel better
and saeko started calling yn her honorary little sister
tanaka could always lighten the mood for her and make her forget about everything bad that happened
and his house became her safe space
tanaka still feels a bit guilty that maybe he didn’t do or say the right thing but he’s glad she was able to go his place when she needed a break
yachi started to suspect something was weird when yn’s mom would call or text during band practices and yn’s mood would take a 180
but it wasn’t until a few months into their friendship yn started gradually telling her about what her relationship was like with her mom
yachi was aghast and genuinely almost cried
she’s had issues with her mom before so she thought she could relate a bit but it wasn’t really the same situation
yachi was just heartbroken and has a difficult time imagining what it was like for yn
but she always lends an ear whenever yn wants to cry or complain or yell about it
she admires yn for the way she endures it and yn admires yachi for her patience and understanding
and talking about it sort of strengths their bond a lot
and grows their trust with each other
the older yachi gets the less scared she gets of the situation and more angry
but always buries the anger down whenever yn needs to talk
kiyoko didn’t really need to be told their relationship was poor to say the least, she just kind of put the pieces together observationally
she didn’t really talk much about it to yn and yn didn’t really bring it up too often other than to say something like “i hate my mom” or “my moms the worst”
but kiyoko would subtly try to get away from her mom as much as she could
clubs, study groups, volunteer work, whatever it was, kiyoko would drag yn into it
not that she expected her to participate but just bc she knew yn was in a better mood whenever she wasn’t around her mom
like kiyoko was always eager to have a sleepover at her place whenever possible and invited yn over almost every weekend
and yn always went along bc she knew what kiyoko was doing
and was also honestly grateful to have that much extra time with her friend
so even though they were all young they did their best to look out for her
and yn is grateful that through the difficulty they kind of became more like a family than any actual family she had
so even though things were rocky in the first part of her life she’s very grateful for how her life ended up
and is excited to see what growth she’ll have in the future
and she thinks she has that chance to grow because she had people looking out for her
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ariscats · 8 months
its my n1 girl birthday so here some headcannons/thoughts abt Avery Kylie Grambs <3
- aside from all of the reasons we alredy know, the grandest game was created bc it reminders her of the games she used to creat w her mother on rainy days
- constantly works more than she should or is recommended to her health. to the point other ppl have to interfer bc shes been on laser focus for so long she starts to break (its usually jameson to do so)
- is terrified of fire. like, rl rl terrified she cant even light a match or do anything related to fire (bc of the expl0sion in thl)
- shes a hopeless romantic. sorry i dont make the rules. avery is hannahs daughter and toby said that hannah LOVED fairy tales. avery inherited this part of her and always wanted all of the romantic films that one can imagine, it just used to be kept in a box in the back of her mind bc she was also terrified of entering a relationship and having to open up (when she started dating jameson he realized that, as tig takes place in the real world he cant always do big demonstrations of love, but he does whenever he gets the chance, see averys 18 birthday)
- spaces out a lot. like, a lot a lot. she used to do more bf she inherited bc its her copying mechanism (specially when she wants things) but she still does it
- would love lana del rey (you cannot look me in the eye and say that “National Anthem” is not tig coded) and would also love “guts” by olivia rodrigo (its her album)
- not a hc but shes rl close to the brothers, each one of them in their own way, but everyone knows that shes a honorably hawthorne (the “shes one of us, we protect her” actually became a say btw them, its an unspoken agreement: protect avery above anything else, of course each brother has a way to do so, nash and grayson literally protect her, xander distract her and jameson just do anything she wants him to do at the moment)
- already knew abt nash and Libbys engagement bf the brothers, probably bf Libby to bc i think nash talked to her bf proposing and avery helped him set the things up
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edmundhoward · 2 months
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(from other blog!)
🔥 choose violence ask game 🔥
3. screenshot or description of the worst take you've seen on tumblr
shan't be posting a screenshot, but the take that ‘defending katherine parr is defending thomas seymour’ is actually repugnant. her actions wrt elizabeth can and should be criticised — but within their proper context. katherine was a brilliant woman but she was also a woman, and legally, socially and culturally her husband overpowered her. she lived in a patriarchal society. she was negligent, at best, complicit, at worst — but she did warn ashley to keep an eye on thomas and elizabeth, did berate her husband for his ill-treatment, and did ultimately send elizabeth away. she was also pregnant with his child and the pregnancy seems to have been difficult. and elizabeth loved her; she was more her mother than anyone else. putting her on the same level as thomas seymour is just so gross to me.
8. common fandom opinion that everyone is wrong about
i PROMISE you anne boleyn does not receive the ‘worst’ historical abuse of the six wives/female historical figures. the idea of an evil, manipulative, promiscuous anne boleyn is nowhere near as culturally prevalent and pervasive as you insist it is. she very much does not have it anywhere near as bad as is claimed.
people simply do not care about anne boleyn, far more than they actively hate her — and where she does get treated with misogyny, it’s on a similar level to other female historical figures. it’s not distinct to her. moreover, what is unique to her is the level of revisionism and attention she gets. as another post has already put it: “anne's reinvention has been the most powerful and vocal in historical circles. anne is the center of almost all revisionist efforts in tudor historiography”. none of the six wives have been researched, revisited, reimagined and rehabilitated or simply discussed even a fraction as much.
we've already been over this. at this point i honestly believe insistence over this simply comes down to people looking for a thing to feel persecuted and exceptional over, while lacking the academic curiosity, talent and integrity to actually go and find something more tangible than the single most popular person in tudor history.
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10. worst part of fanon
the hypocrisy/doublethink is truly something in this fandom sometimes. ‘monarchy was sacrosanct’ so therefore the commons unfailingly accepted the divine right of kings, except for all the times when they didn't and all the numerous recorded instances of royals being slandered/revolted against... but simultaneously, recognising the use of myth/prophecy and mysticism/faith in discourses of the time is ‘lionising’ historical figures, so we can't talk about henry vii and allusions to y daroganwr or king arthur but we can compare anne boleyn to classical mythology. sure!
13. worst blorboficiation
i recently saw that michael hick’s ‘the self-made king’ book about richard iii (which i haven’t read, so for all i know is very good but the title has always put me off) in a bookshop, and it reminded me how profoundly intellectually dishonest ricardians are. whether or not hicks’ book is sound, the popular/fandom approach to idealising richard iii is legitimately insane. truly i believe the only reason for mutilating the historical richard like this — to turn him into some fantasy merrie olde englande caricature of a medieval king — is to appropriate him into a racist, xenophobic, classist conservative ideal of monarchy. for as much as they might talk of him being ‘self-made’ or ‘socialist’ (as professional-at-failing-upwards matt lewis described him), they clearly do not care for such ideas, because they are centering them around (a fundamentally flawed understanding of) medieval monarchy. it's so ugly.
14. that one thing you see in fics all the time
i don’t read fanfic, but i see posts abt them and edit aus a lot and a consistent thing that i just cannot understand is the ‘fix-it’ narratives that have the women having numerous pregnancies. why? especially because the dates given essentially prove that in these aus, women never get to spend any time not pregnant or getting impregnated — including the historic protocols of lying in, churching etc., or religious conventions (sex was forbidden on certain days etc). it all basically creates an image of a husband who disrespects his wife by constantly trying to impregnate her, and a woman forced to endure the physical demands of constant pregnancy/labour with no regard for any other facet of her life/personhood. especially since these aus give these women a diabolical amount of children (including forcing twins/triplets on these women). it’s just so blatant that queenship/womanhood = being a broodmare. and, worse, these aus have the nerve to give these children horrific names.
25. common fandom complaint that you're sick of hearing
not directly what was asked but it’s genuinely exhausting how predominantly complaints about katherine howard being called a stupid slut have become wrapped up in this idea that katherine can only be worthy of sympathy if she did not willingly have sex. so often people trying to defend her, and criticising misogyny directed at her, ultimately constrain her to a fundamentally sexist idea — that sex can only be something done to her, as an unwilling participant. otherwise the implication is that comments about her intelligence or promiscuity are justified. there is no benefit to whitewashing katherine’s sexuality, and the insistence on characterising her almost exclusively as a victim is distressing. and it’s tiring having to repeatedly point this out. it simply feels like katherine howard is talked a lot but rarely as a fully actualised person in her own right.
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ozlices · 10 months
having Thoughts abt the gin is miley's son theory i wanna talk abt,,
my apologies in advance if anything we say has been said numerous times already. this game is super complex w a Lot of content we are still working our way through, both from the actual game and within the fandom, so! bare with us please lol
anyway, so.
one of the most compelling things for me wrt the theory is that gin is targeted in pretty much every chapter by a trap. lots of things seem to be set up specifically so he, as a young child with a very pure heart, would be targeted. like the twist about the tokens in chapter 2, for example. which could be a thing because they're aware of miley's intentions and want to get rid of him to stop her.
i feel like,,, if the theory is true, miley's intention was to join the games as a floormaster so she could have power in it to ensure gin's safety. even if he's not on her floor, she has still shown to be manipulating things to ensure he makes it out, like with gashu, making sure everyone knew of his transgressions so they had an out if it was needed.
i feel like her goal would be ensuring that he wins so they can take down the games from the inside, since it's pretty universally accepted that the reward for winning is to most likely become the new asunaro leader.
and, easily, her motive could be tons of resentment for driving her lover mad and making him an alcoholic, and also resentment for forcing her son to participate in something like this.
it would also make sense for her seeming to hate sara and trying to target her. i'm sure the floormasters know what everyone's role is meant to be, including that sara is meant to be the winner. she probably holds resentment towards her for that, but. sara is also very clearly probably the most precious person to gin in the games.
he fully sees her as a big sister figure, to a point where she's the person he runs to first when he needs to be consoled and held during a breakdown.
if it came down to just gin and one other person, the others would protect him sure, but sara is the only one that miley would be able to confidently believe would do whatever it took to protect him. she has had that exact notion tested numerous times, and never falters on that desire, even if it comes with a brutal cost.
i just think this theory adds so many interesting angles to so many dynamics within the games. if gin is miley's son, perhaps she knew he'd get attached to sara, so she agreed to help ensure sara's victory because she knew she'd protect him and ensure his victory as well.
after all, maple confirms it is possible for two winners to win since a majority vote cannot be held with just two people. if miley can assure that sara wins, and sara had to come down to picking anyone over gin, sara would undoubtedly pick gin. the only person she might've picked over him is joe, and he's gone, so.
idk! i truly do not know but this is the theory i've seen that i've thought about the most and that compels me the most and i really cannot wait to see whether or not it comes to fruition in the finale, and How it comes to fruition if it is true cause it's. so good.
edit cause i just realized smth else: this would also explain what gin was doing when he went back down to the first floor and why he was safe. he was visiting his mom, and was unable to let the others know. it also makes sense as to why he's able to endure so much trauma and hardship at such a young age. he knows he has not just sara, but his mother watching over him and looking out for him as well.
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yolowritter · 1 month
Anybody order an Evil Emilie Au?
Hello there everyone, and welcome! I'm back on my bullshit and 99% sure I talked about this before, but who cares? This, this wonderful thing is the Games of Innocence Au! Did you ever want a world where Emilie is a psychopath? Did you ever imagine her being as morally grey as they come yet still trying to be a mother to her son? What about if it was Gabriel who used the Peacock instead? What if she's replaced him as Hawkmoth? Empress actually, but still! And what somewhere down the line, she tries to manipulate Nathalie into helping her?
What if Emilie accidentally falls in love with her best friend? This absolute masterpiece is one of my favorite show re-write ideas of all time, and I've got some sweet 9.5k words for you guys to enjoy right here! Thing is, since I already have an Au that's over 300k words long, and rapidly approaching 400k...not to mention the next huge project on my list (a conservative estimate of 500k words)...I will not be writing the Evil Emilie Au in it's entirety. Most of it is a show rewrite anyway, and I simply don't have the time go through each individual episode and change it so that psycho!Emilie is there instead of mr Mothballs. I'm currently trying to write the finale, since it is the single best part and my personal favorite scene, hopefully to post it both here and on the Archive when I'm done.
However! I can and will rant about it until the end of time, assuming someone asks! And since the voices in my head did, here's an entire analysis about this version of Emilie! It's right below the cutoff, but I'd highly recommend to first read the fic! So here's the Ao3 link, hope you enjoy!
Alright then, welcome back! I hope it was a good read! Now as a disclaimer, I am not a mental health specialist, and might be confusing the terms "sociopath" and "psychopath" here, but I did read that sociopaths often struggle to control their emotions and act erratically (which Emilie doesn't, she has great self-control), where psychopaths have difficultly forming any emotional connections, so I feel like the latter term describes this Au's Emilie much better. Let's get right down to business, and explore (this) Emilie Agreste's mind, shall we! Obvious spoiler warning for the above fic.
Firstly, I'd like to make sure we're all on the same page with what kind of person Emilie is! Whenever I refer to her I'm obviously talking about this Emilie, so don't confuse it with canon. I have another upcoming post abt that. Her main attribute is that life as a concept is permeated by a general sense of boredom. Wake up, do tasks that only matter because she's told they do, sleep, repeat. Emilie was born into a rich family, which immediately means expectations. I'm assuming that she was kept pretty isolated aside from eventually starting school, so the only emotional connection Emilie formed in her early life was her sister, Amelie. She does genuinely care about her sister in a way that Emilie just can't bring herself to for her parents or staff, though she is nice to the latter and appreciates the work they do for her. Her parents are just stuck-up snobs but who cares? And so, Emilie shows this care the only way she knows how. Being perfect. Excelling at everything she does, getting the top grades in class, you all know the drill. The only thing she doesn't have is friends, and hangs out mostly with her sister. But even with Amelie, who she feels very strongly for...Emilie has a hard time expressing these feelings. For an example, see this flashback when they are sitting together in the garden:
“Sister…do you love me?” Amelie asks in a soft tone, her voice barely loud enough not to be carried away by the wind. Emilie recalls that she must have been... ten, maybe closer to eleven? And in all her admittedly few years, she never felt her heart stop beating as suddenly as when she registered Amelie’s words. “It’s- it’s just- …m’ sorry, Em. I… I don’t know, but whenever you smile at me...” the girl lets out a tiny sigh, nervously fidgeting with a stray strand of platinum-blonde hair. “It’s the same smile mum has when people are coming over…”
Emilie remembers it as clear as day—the way that the soft blades of gray grass between her fingers felt as if they’d been sharpened enough to draw out blood. Why…why would Am ever think she didn’t love her? Emile had done everything she was expected to do! She kept up her good grades like father wanted, always smiled and politely socialized with mum’s friends and family whenever they came over, and- …and she’d been nice to Amelie. Her twin sister, the constant presence in her life that truly felt like family…did not seem to think so. Or, maybe, Emilie had messed up somehow and given her the same bland niceness that the world would present her with day in and day out. But what else could she do? Wasn’t this what family meant? Just... be nice to one another and keep up with what was asked?
And over here, notice the way Emilie thinks of herself as a corpse, as not alive, even at such a young age:
“I- I’m sorry, Am,” she manages to whisper, even as confusion washes over Emilie’s mind. But…this is her sister. The one person who might understand how she feels about all of this, how the world itself registers only in dull shades of gray, how she can barely tell cold and hot apart, or how her heart sometimes feels like it’s stopped beating for hours at a time. “It’s hard for me to feel,” Emilie says, in the same reserved tone that’s always marked her sister’s voice.
And yes, obviously I know I'm the writer of the whole Au. I'm not patting myself on the back with these scenes, I'm just trying to get the point across. Emilie's life has always been that same dull grey, and the only people who can make it go away are Amelie, Adrien, Nathalie, and (to a lesser extent) Gabriel. She's been wearings masks her whole life, trying to be accepted by others but knowing that nobody would ever like who she truly is. And when she's alone...the thoughts come back, she can't tell if she is alive to begin with. Quote from the fic:
"Oftentimes, Emilie isn’t even able to feel her own heartbeat, never mind registering the expanding and collapsing of her lungs with every breath. When left alone and with nothing to catch her eye, Emilie could easily fool herself into thinking she’s some kind of undead or a ghost haunting the manor’s halls with twisted, quickly-fading memories."
Just to be clear here, Emilie suffers from deep depression. She feels isolated and alone, depending on the very few people who are perceptive enough to see even a tiny bit under her many masks, and she gets extremely attached very quickly. She isn't unable to love, since she (at the timeframe of the fic) has started to fall for Nathalie despite actively trying to manipulate her, but it's an extremely difficult mental situation to even begin dealing with. Emilie has hyperfocused on her family, and especially Adrien, her son. She isn't possessive and does genuinely love him, but there are obvious complications with their relationship. I'll get to that in a bit, but let's backtrack to her childhood one last time.
Emilie has absolutely no moral qualms with murder. Wow, that is a special combination of sentences right there! But in all seriousness, she thinks in a purely black-and-white kind of way. Emilie's #1 priority are her people, and for them she would burn the world to cinders. If anybody even looks at Amelie wrong, they will be wiped off the map for no reason other than the fact that this person was percieved as a danger. Emilie is that level of extreme in her protective streak. To give a few examples related to her sister, right after that flashback between the two of them, Emily recalls finding out that a slightly older girl was bullying her sister at school. And in a move that would make Ashley Graves proud, she straight up murders that child. No hesitation, no grievances, no regret. That girl was a threat to Amelie, and got swiftly eliminated. No questions asked, even at the grand-old age of 11.
Furthermore, Colt Fathom is straight-up dead in this Au. Emilie killed him when she came to visit her sister and nephew, staging a company emergency and sabotaging both his car engine and breaks, just to make sure. Can't take any chances with Colt of all people. Again, another threat to her sister eliminated, with Amelie's (implied) knowledge and support. The only reason she didn't kill him before the wedding is because Amelie personally convinced Emilie that she was willing to take on the burden for their family's sake. And also to use Colt's connections behind his back. Who doesn't love a good scheme?
Now...Gabriel and Nathalie never realized who exactly they were dealing with. It's worth mentioning here that Nathalie was actually Emilie's college roomate, and Gabriel was studying in the same university. Little detail, but I wanted to add it because Emilie canonically went to France to further her education. And Amelie got to work making friends in high places while Colt was busy in the 'murican bars downtown or something. Listen, all my homies hate Colt Fathom, and all you need to know is that the police didn't find enough of him to put in a casket. Anyway, Nathalie was studying business and finance, Emilie and Gabriel studied creative arts, and they met during their college years. The thing is, Emilie did love Gabriel. Only...not exactly the way he loved her. Quote again:
"Ever since she’d met him, Gabriel had been downright lovely. Polite, bookish, and a little nerdy, but with a creative spark powerful enough to bring forth an inferno of passion for his work. And he was also very loyal, most of all to the pretty popular girl who’d taken an interest in him and decided to befriend him in their first few days of college. Gabriel Agreste had turned out to be far more than just an interesting critter, and he was admittedly one of the extremely few people in this world Emilie had ever felt for, even if she was not fully able to reciprocate his feelings. Well…not in the way that Gabriel wanted, at least. Of course she loved him, hence why she obviously married him later on in life, but the man was…more of a cute, adorable puppy than a husband. If she were to put it crudely, Gabriel was far too easy when it came to matters of the heart."
Yeah...poor guy didn't notice the Yandere even after he married her. Also, another detail is that the reason why Emilie even took interest in Gabriel is because he saw through almost all her masks, believe it or not. Aside from the rampant psychopathy and slightly murderous tendencies, Emilie Graham De Vanily was an open book to him. Oh well, sometimes she ends up being crazy! What can you do? But anyway, worth mentioning that this Gabriel is far closer to his Reverse!Gabriel counterpart in terms of personality, and never acts in the callous, cold way we see in canon. Granted, we don't see what he was like before Emilie's canonical demise, but I don't like leaving room for implications on this matter. So you get your Good Parent Gabriel Agreste tag and you'll like it too!
As for Nathalie...there's an entire four and half posts' worth of ranting to do, so I'll just leave you with what the fic already has for now. Suffice it to say, she's very much into Emilie but knows she shouldn't be. I'm sure that with Empress trying to emotionally manipulate her into keeping the basement fridge life support pod thing a secret, that's going to go very well! Especially when the villainess herself is accidentally falling in love with Mayura! The Eminath is extremely strong with this one...
But anyway, about Adrien! Considering that even in canon, Emilie still wore his Amok-ring inside her sleeping pod, it's obvious that this Emilie will be wearing it too, right? Absolutely! And guess what? Thanks to a little help from an Akumatized Nathalie (prior to Origins in this Au), she magically enchanted the ring to make it literally impossible to unwillingly remove from her finger for as long as she's alive. Control issues, much? Seriously though, she does love Adrien very deeply, and does her best to be a mother. Emilie knows that he loves her back, and absorbs that love the same way a starved wolf devours fresh meat. She isn't oppressive and does her best to give him certain freedoms...but Adrien also never went to school in this Au. In her defense, she'd have little issue with it normally, but Emilie also wants to start her supervillainess career on the same year...and the thought of Adrien being caught in the crossfire genuinely terrifies her. Plus, in canon he does get involved in several Akuma attacks because of Gabriel, so... He still manages to get out of the house long enough to bump into Fu, hence Chat Noir, but doesn't ever meet Marinette and co. Not even for the Gum Incident.
In that case...hello Marichat! But again, that's for another Games of Innocence post. Today we focus on our resident Yandere! Believe me, it will become extremely evident why I call Emilie that once I post about her relationship with Nathalie/Mayura. Just trust me on this one. Back to Adrien, his dearly beloved mother is very much that. Beloved. But he is slowly starting to understand that something might be wrong with his home life, and tries to talk to Emilie about it.
This, I think, is an excellent time to talk about the color-coding in this Au. In a lot of my works I incorporate color theory and those meanings into stuff like aura colors, presences, Luka Vision™ (listen my hc is he has Synesthesia), etc. Obviously Adrien is supposed to be a vibrant green. Fresh start, new life, we've heard this all before. And Emilie...as Empress, she is a dark purple, because she's embracing her mystic side, and going absolutely wild with any and all magic shenanigans involving the Miraculous. But like I said above...in those moments where she's alone, not clinging to Adrien's side, or talking to Nathalie, or spending time with Nooroo...she's a dull, dead grey. The same tone that's haunted her since childhood. As a side note, Emilie doesn't abuse her Kwami. Nooroo actually thinks they could be good friends. You know, if she'd drop the quest for ultimate power and all.
Speaking of that, as far as Nathalie knows, this is all for the sake of bringing Gabriel back to life. Which...is true, yes. He's Adrien's father and Emilie did marry him, even if as "just a friend". She did actually have feelings for him by the way, just supressed them to avoid hurting herself when she realized he wasn't seeing her psycho side and then convinced herself that said emotions were better off locked up in the back of her mind. Never again...until Nathalie. But anyway! Emilie's main goal is Unlimited Power!!! Why? Shits and giggles, of course! She can do it, it's really fun to play this game with Ladybug and Chat Noir, and Akumatizing people just feels so intimate!
Do not get me wrong here! The reason why Emilie is obsessed with Akumatizations is because she loves going into people's heads and manipulating them! It's not weird, just the only coping mechanism she had in her entire childhood! Bless Amelie for giving her at least that... But yeah, Emilie basically treats the whole Akuma Shenanigans™ is her personal reality tv show, coupled with as much drama and action as anyone could ask for! And she gets to control the narrative! Plus, there's times where Emilie lets the Akuma do their thing just to see what might happen. Evillustrator is a prime example here, but that's part of the Marichat post so I won't get into it here.
Okay, okay. This rant is getting way too long. TL;DR: Emilie Agreste is kinda insane but still a better parent that canon Gabriel! I am currently working on the finale for this fic, because the ending is the best part and I want to share it with you all! In the meantime, feel free to send me as many asks abt this Au as you want! I'll be more than happy to have an excuse for more ranting! Anyway, I'll be seeing you all soon, but until then, Stay Miraculous everyone!
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scyfozoa · 4 months
Tell about your ocs pls 83
HI ofc i will !!! rn im Very fucking hyperfixated on my genshin oc so it will be abt him ...
his name is kou! hes an half adeptus (his father was an adeptus), and hes half liyuenian - snezhnayan.
he has been living in liyue his whole life – when he was 5, his mother had to leave liyue and go back to snezhnaya, due to her being in the fatui. they were in a very bad financial spot and she had no choice but go back. so in the end, she left kou with his father, who of course she trusted the most in the world. but sadly, she was wrong.
it was only a few months after when kous father basically got bored of taking care of him. he didnt want to have a child constantly being in his way, so he decided to just abandon him, leaving him in some private orphanage. (he thought of other ways to get rid of him though – leave him with another adeptus ( which wouldnt work because kous father was not liked by the other adepti; or send him to the house of the hearth – he didnt want to travel that far).
due to the fact that kous mother was constantly on the move, she didnt have an address that letters were sent to – instead, it was passed from one fatui agent to another. so when she finally recieved the letter from her husband talking about how he abandoned their son and is leaving them both, already 3 and a half months have passed.
immediately after, kou's mother went back to liyue, even if for a single day. she got kou out of the orphanage, and brought him to one good friend she made in liyue – baizhu, who only graduated from the akademiya a few years prior. (im still an akademiya student baizhu believer okay let me cope) from that day onwards, baizhu has been taking care of kou.
now all grown up, kou has been working in the bubu pharmacy for baizhu. he feels as if he has to repay him, despite baizhu constantly reasurring him otherwise. they dont really see each other as father-son, more like uncle-nephew (kou calls him uncle zhuzhu btw😭😭)
kou is a very secluded person, mostly due to his trauma from being abandoned as a child and the abuse he endured in the orphanage (which i wont get into here). also add autism to the mix and being trans, so the young adeptus feels like theres gigantic walls between him and literally everyone else.
when he was younger, he thought he didnt fit into the human society because of being a half-adeptus, and vice versa. but no matter what he does, he cant fit into any of them (its autism. i project HARD onto him.)
about relationships – other than the close relationship he has with baizhu, he sees qiqi has his little sister. but other than that, he never had any "real" friends – that was until gaming came into the picture, introduced to him by baizhu. he was frequently delivering stuff from to the bubu pharmacy to make as much money as possible, as it was right after he ran away (i hc that gaming ran away at like nearly 15 years old, and that hes 18 when we meet him ingame; him and kou are the same age, kou only a few weeks older).
the two of them instantly felt connected by each other, despite their personalities being complete polar opposites. but they had their similarities – very troubled family situation, feeling like they were alone in the world (+ both of them were early into their transitions - yes all my faves get hit with transgender beam. gaming included. kouming t4t to me.)
the two grew extremely close, being each others absolute best friends in the whole world, but with time, their friendship grew into something more – and they have been dating for a few months now.
thanks to gaming, kou started to open up to more people and made some more friends :3. hes good friends with xingqiu, bc bookworms. kou tells xingqiu about snezhnayan literature often.
other than that – kou's relationship with his mother consists of a monthly letter from the latter. both kou and his mother want to have a normal relationship and they miss each other terribly, but kous mother has to stay in the fatui due to now being a really high ranking fatui operative, directly working with the 7th harbringer, sandrone. (well its quite a stretch to call their relationship a purely work based one, but ill save that for a diff post about kous mother. iykyk) so once a month kou is visited by two fatui agents sent by his mother to check up on him – aleksander and adrianna. over the years all three grew really close, kou often dragging the two to visit his favourite spots in liyue.
last relationship – kou has an older sister. his mother was married once before, having a single daughter, but due to personal conflicts and her previous-previous husband not liking that she was in the fatui, they divorced, the daughter staying with her father. shes 9 years older than kou, travelling thru teyvat looking for inspiration for her clothes – she runs fashion shows all over teyvat, often collaborating with the chioriya boutique.
these two only recently started to get close after their mother made them meet up – ever since, they frequently write to each other and kous sister loves to send him clothes she sew for him. i dont have much more about her atm tho, still designing her.
ok . sorry for yapping a lot. and sorry if some rhings r confusing, i still dont have names for kous parents and his sister 🥲 heres some kou art, im working on his full ref sheet + splash art right now !!
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Initial thoughts on ch 2 ep 1 (ik it’s early but I wanna lay out some stuff rn)
Listen, ppl all had their own opinions about the protag swap theory. Some thought it would happen, some thought it was stupid, I thought it was gonna be a temporary POV change in the first episode before Teruko got back to her regular girlbossing and whaddaya know, I was right!
On the topic of me being right though, I swear the only times I am right about things are when I can’t exactly explain why I think something, therefore I don’t ever say it because “that’s stupid,” but I feel like the motive as well as the delivery, both in the timing and the fallout, was something I could’ve seen coming. I dismissed the idea as too dramatic at some point, apparently forgetting that DRDT is the reality TV of fangans (but probably less scripted somehow).
I’m honestly pretty hyped about the motive though. I always thought that the canon equivalent in the first game was lacking in some ways, so seeing a fresh twist on a classic is always fun.
It also makes me wonder about the hidden quotes. Ik I talk abt these more than I reasonably probably should given they’re, uh, hidden, but in addition to what probably counts as more context for J’s quote, I’m also currently looking at Arei’s and Levi’s.
Levi talked a bit about his family and being disowned as well as how he feels he has to put effort into being nice, so a part of me wonders if there’s something he feels particularly guilty about in relation to his quote. His listed dislike is also unpredictable people and I figure that may be related as well.
But Arei’s seems more pertinent to me. She’s been nothing but an emotionally manipulative ass this whole time and now she has someone else’s dirty laundry and the full ability to air it if she so pleases, but idk what she’s gonna do with it. If her quote is relevant to something in this chapter in particular, she may decide on keeping it to herself. She obviously has a limited idea of how friendships really work, but maybe she has some decency when it comes to a situation like this.
Teruko’s commentary and leaning on the 4th wall as well as MonoTV’s incredibly (in)convenient incompetence is really only doing more to reinforce the idea in my mind that she knows way more than she’s letting on as well as a the fact that a lot of information about her is being withheld from the audience and we probably don’t have a complete look into her mind. Also, the phone. We have seen that phone before, just not in the killing game.
I feel like Arturo’s reaction to finding out J was related to a famous actress was... kind of what I expected it to be, but for all his preaching about physical beauty, he sure didn’t fuckin notice anything special about her until that exact moment, huh. Almost like he’s full of shit and just obsessed with fame and glamour as concepts.
It’s also really sweet to see Charles actually probably have more faith and hope coming out of the trial than going into it. And despite the tensions and him being turned down, him asking Teruko if she wants to explore with him is probably the most civil conversation they’ve had so far throughout the entire game. I think even if neither of them have a lot of faith in everyone else, they at least seem like they have less hard feelings towards each other. Like two siblings who grew up in a shitty household and always fought but start actually tolerating each other the moment they accept they were both victims even if they don’t really talk about it.
I’m fuckin scared to see my boy get woobified even more tho.
Oh! And a bit more on J’s quote actually. I wonder if her animosity towards her mom (and actors as a whole) was just wrought from the secondhand fame she never wanted or if her mother tried to force her into acting herself. Her dialogue in the FTEs that dropped last year at the very least indicate she had femininity forced upon her, but pushing a child into acting for more fame and fortune is a very special kind of fucking your kid up for the rest of their life and the horrible shit child actors and actresses are put through is becoming more and more discussed in an ever increasingly digital world.
But yeah. Mega hyped for this chapter, especially with the motive as I am, unfortunately, a sucker for hot, juicy goss
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