#even though i detest bananas
koibutcalledapollo · 1 month
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Banana Split
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Steven Grant x GN!Reader • Rating: M •Masterlist• ao3• want to be tagged? | requestinfo• MK Bingo 2024 Masterlist• ko-fi •
Summary: You get an ice cream.
🌛For @moonknight-events MK Bingo Spring 2024 Event🌜
A/N: Last one for the MK bingo! I didn't quite get to finish the board (the other fics are just not in a good state to post, maybe I'll sort them out one day ^^)
Warnings: finger sucking, over use of italics, typos, not beta read, railroad sentences, please let me know if I've missed a warning!
Word Count: 638
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It had started with a playful argument about banana splits when you were in Kaspas. 
You weren’t quite sure how the discussion had started, just that the aforementioned desert had been on the menu and Steven and Marc had gone at it. 
Their bickering was always playful, a kind of sparring match that they seemed to partake in mainly for sport, and not so much for actually arguing about a topic. 
Seventy percent of the time you were pretty sure that they only took opposite sides so that they could continue quarrelling. 
Steven had said that banana splits were invented in the UK. Marc said USA. Steven had gotten up the Wikipedia page. Marc had gloated about how he was right. Steven had countered with, ‘yeah, but it does say no one knows for sure, doesn’t it? So it could have been anywhere.’ Marc had complained Steven was a sore loser, and ‘that everyone that could have been credited with inventing it was from America. So he wins.’ Steven had added, ‘Technically, you can’t invent a food.’ Marc, his tone dripping with exasperation, ‘Oh, getting technical now, are we? Because you’re a sore loser?’ 
It had carried on from there.  
Somewhere in between laughing you hadn’t quite been paying attention to your own ice cream sundae and some of the strawberry sauce had worked its way along the spoon and onto your fingers. You’d tutted and wiped it with a napkin, and hadn’t thought much more of it. 
That was until later when you were walking through the park with Steven and your fingers kept brushing together and sticking. The sauce, even though on inspection you could see absolutely no trace of it, was there on some microscopic level. Catching and fusing your fingers together. You tried to wipe your skin clean on a spare tissue, and then your trousers to no avail. 
The sensation was driving you close to madness. The constant irritation. The unending catch and pull. You couldn’t stop them from sticking without holding your fingers apart at a weird angle that started to cramp your hand. 
You needed to find a toilet, a sink, hell, even a puddle. Anything to-
“Love? You okay?” Steven frowns sympathetically, looking down at your hand. 
You nod halfheartedly. “Fingers are sticky.” 
“From the sauce?” 
You nod again.
He gave you a sympathetic look, his eyes softening in that sweet expression. “Poor love.” He kisses your cheek, knowing about and understanding your detest for the sensory experience. 
“Here.” He takes your hand carefully, so as to not push your fingers together. “These two?” He points to your middle and forefinger. 
You barely get a chance to nod, your mouth open to speak, but the words die in your throat as Steven sticks your fingers in his mouth and sucks them clean.
For a brief moment, all thoughts drain out of your head. Your mind completely blank. You try not to stare, you really do. Your breathing hitches at the slide of his tongue, the warmth of his mouth, the way his eyes have closed. A spark of pleasure rushes down your spine. 
You really, really shouldn’t be enjoying this quite so much. 
He finishes. Taking your fingers out of his mouth with a pop, and smiles innocently. 
You stay staring. 
There is a pause before you remember how to speak. “I… erm…”
“Oh don’t worry!” He beams. “Strawberry sauce is vegan,” he waves a hand dismissively, but I wouldn’t mind if it wasn’t.” 
You grab his arm, your skin burning with a deep heat, and begin to march him towards the park exit. If you didn’t get out of there in the next minute you were going to have to find some bushes to fuck him in.
“We’re going home.” 
“What? Why?” 
Oh, he’d find out why.
Thank you for reading!
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batrachised · 6 months
Adventures in Maud's Recipes
Tomato Jelly Salad
The Recipe
It's been a while since I've picked up LMM's cookbook, after the successes of the New Moon Pie, the cornbread, and the potato soup! I experienced hit after hit - New Moon pie was light and delectable, the cornbread a taste of Eden, and the potato soup apparently academy award worthy. Why at this point, I thought to myself, I should trust Maud's judgement implicitly when it comes to the dinner table. But then I pondered: I'd only tried the recipes that are difficult to get wrong. What if I tried one of the more out there recipes? Cornbread is one thing; raisin pie another. I considered my options. There was dandelion wine, but that required wild dandelions and I didn't feel like curling up with a book and a glass of pesticide; salmon jello molds (yes, really) but that was too much for me (there are some paths even I dare not tread for the sake of lm montgomery); or, I found, there was the aforementioned tomato jelly salad. This salad involves tomato juice, vinegar, onion, sugar (hold on, now we get crazy) which you combine with gelatine to make a jello (keep holding on) and then while the molds are forming, you add a vegetable such as peas or cabbage. For the crunch, I suppose. After all, everyone wants their jello to be crunchy. For obvious reasons, I hesitated. While I do not hate jello, I am suspicious of jello combined with tomatos and peas. In fact, it took me months to build up the emotional resilience to try. Yet, try, I have, and you shall hear of it.
The Results
After a rather disastrous mold experience (I made the mistake of pouring into a floppy dish instead of a metal one, thus meaning any movement of the dish resulted in tomato jello liquid everywhere), we landed on this:
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Do you see the peas? Waiting, in the jello like little minnows? What's not to like about this presentation? I love all of my meals to look like bloodsoaked peas. I go for "Veggie Tales mass murder" when it comes to meal presentation, personally.
After bravely moving past the Veggie Tales crime scene, I popped a piece out onto a plate. Here's what it looked like out of the mold (featuring wizard hat roommate's banana chips in the background, my food photography skills are truly impeccable):
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That looks vaguely pretty, if it weren't for the peas. One last photo - much like a crime scene, I feel obligated to provide photos from multiple angles. The mold is definitely molding. I suppose you could argue this is vaguely Christmas themed due to the red and green.
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The Review
You're supposed to eat this wrapped in a lettuce leaf, but I detest lettuce leaves in that form and refused to do so. I would take this pure, raw, unfiltered by any form. Wizard Hat Roommate insisted on watching as I took the first bite. Tremulously, I took up the fork. Would it taste all right? Would the texture be too much? Would Lucy Maud deliver? I paused, then boldly took a bite.
I want you to imagine the flavor of ketchup. Then I want you to imagine this flavor transmitted via the medium of jello. Then on top of that, as the cherry on this veggie tales sundae, I want you to imagine this ketchup has peas in it. Needless to say: I did not enjoy it. It tasted wrong...disordered...as if the earth itself shuddered as I bit into it. Is this how Frankenstein felt, feeling his creation lurking in every corner of the world? Haunted by the work of his own two hands?
Okay, in all honesty: it wasn't that bad. It wasn't good, but it wasn't bad. The taste was okay - I didn't like it but it wasn't disgusting. The texture was weird - I didn't like it but it wasn't disgusting. The two combined admittedly pushed it, but it only toed the line of being gag worthy.
It didn't help that the color of the jello meant my subconscious kept expecting a sweet cherry flavor, only for my mouth to meet vinegary tomato and peas. Ketchup jello with peas on top is not for me personally, though I won't speak for anyone else. Wizard Hat Roommate insisted on trying one, and actually finished hers. She described it as something she'd never make, but she could eat. We shall see if Clifford Roommate has the same opinion.
So, what would I rate this? Well, if a zero is a mouse in a pudding sauce, and a ten is Susan's monkey paws, I rate it Aunt Martha's ditto served cold and topped with peas.
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cantsayidont · 1 month
I don't want to oversell FEMME FATALE, which is above all a piece of trashy pulp fiction, but something I appreciate about it is that it manages to dodge a particularly irritating tendency in stories of that type, which is what I'd call "the disposable female POV character."
This is a pseudo-protagonist whom we follow at the outset in a way that suggests she is the main character, but whom the narrative then discards or sidelines in favor of the actual male protagonist. In the most notorious example — PSYCHO, a movie I detest and think is wildly overrated — the female pseudo-protagonist is actually killed off for shock value, but while that's not uncommon in stories of this type, there are also quite a few where she's not killed, but simply demoted to love interest, obstacle, or other such second banana. The point is that the pseudo-protagonist is revealed as either not really the main character or not really the protagonist; even if she remains central to the action, she is functionally just a plot device in some male character's story.
FEMME FATALE flirts with this pretty hard: We follow the Rebecca Romijn character, Laure/Lily, through her identity-swap, and the POV then shifts for a while to the Antonio Banderas character, the photographer Bardo. When Bardo encounters Lily, she's acting very oddly, and even though we know who she really is, it's not entirely clear what her deal is. The first time I saw the movie, I assumed the worst; in a lot of these kinds of stories, Bardo would then just take over the plot and the rest of the film would be about how he resolves or tries to resolve the situation. This segment of the script goes on longer than I think it should, but it then makes an unexpectedly strong recovery, revealing that not only does Laure/Lily still have a plan she's been working on the whole time (which Bardo has unwittingly complicated), Bardo is very definitely just a supporting character in her story. Everything that happens in the third act is driven by Laure, either directly or indirectly (there are some important events that she's set in motion even though she doesn't know how they've turned out), and Bardo is reduced to a bystander, as he was when he appeared in the first act.
This shouldn't be a big deal, but I've recently watched some other, more recent pulp fictions, in particular MY NAME and the irritating KLEO, that just can't manage to keep their female main characters in focus narratively, much less make them seem like actual people with even rudimentary thoughts and emotions. In both shows, the notional heroine is not just a supporting character in some specific dude's story, she's constantly being overshadowed by virtually every male character who appears onscreen as anything other than a random goon who's only there to be beaten up. That Brian De Palma, of all people, managed to do better than that more than 20 years ago is a sign of how low the bar is, and how obnoxious it is that TV and film writers so rarely manage to clear it today.
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kristannafever · 1 year
A Sky Full of Sun - 6
Kristanna Modern au Rated: M WC: 2054
Chapter Index
After the sun set and they finished their cocktails, the four friends all walked into the town for dinner and ate at the Italian place Anna had told them about earlier, then went back to the condo for the rest of the evening.
Liz proposed going down for a night swim before the pools closed, but Kristoff wasn’t in the mood.  He politely declined even though Anna was going, and was actually looking forward to having the place to himself for a bit to gather his thoughts, when Sven announced he’d skip it as well.
As soon as the ladies left, Kristoff took off down the hall to his room with his drink before Sven could say anything.  His friend was right on his heels and followed Kristoff into his room despite trying to shut the door in Sven’s face.  He trudged past Kristoff and examined the space.  
“Dude, I have a half a mind to kick you out of here.  This vacation was all my idea!  Not to mention we’re paying for a room and that empty one too because we couldn’t find anyone else.  Double the cost of what you paid should buy me an ocean view.”
“I told you not to eat that gas-station sushi.  You would have had first pick if you got down here with us.”
“Dude, just switch with us.”
“After what you pulled tonight? Fuck you.”  Kristoff pulled the glass door open and went to the chairs on the deck to finish his beer.  
Sven followed him and sat in the other lounge chair.  “Ah, come on! That was just a bit of fun.”
“Your fun is always at my expense, you know that?” Sven had kept up on his bullshit over dinner, making Kristoff edgy and nervous.  
Sven seemed to mull it over and appeared unbothered by it.  “So… you and Anna have been occupying yourselves huh?” He smirked.
Kristoff shot his friend a look, which of course, was ignored.  
“You two certainly do seem cozy,” he muttered as he pulled his beer bottle up to his mouth and took a sip.
“We’ve become friends,” Kristoff offered, not really knowing what else to say.  He felt protective of his feelings all of the sudden.
Sven hummed amusedly. “That’s… nice.”
“Okay, enough!  Knock it off.”
“I’m not doing anything.” He threw his hands up, feigning innocence.  
“Seriously, just drop it, okay?” Kristoff’s shoulders sagged.  He was too tired to get into this with Sven right now.
The reason Sven was his best friend then became apparent, should he ever forget with the near constant teasing he endured when Sven was having a good time.
“So, you like her, huh?” he said gently.
Kristoff stared out at the black ocean, then nodded.  
Sven was quiet a moment. “Well, that makes me feel a little less shitty about missing the flight on Saturday.”
He sighed.  “Doesn’t mean anything if she doesn’t like me back.”
Sven snorted. “Oh, she likes you back.  The way she looked at you all night was nearly criminal.”
Kristoff felt himself blushing. “What do you mean?”
“She didn’t think I was looking, but I was because I figured something was going on with you two. When Anna thought no one would notice, her eyes were all over you.  And I mean, all over.”
“You’re creepy, you know that?”
Sven laughed and Kristoff couldn’t help but grin.  He’d been checking her out too when he thought no one was looking and he decided right then and there that he was going to ask Anna out.
To Kristoff’s chagrin, they spent the better part of the next day at the beach.  When he finally got to the shower in the condo after, there was sand everywhere.  He detested the gritty feeling against his skin, which he supposed was weird considering he never minded being dirty… it was just something about sand that he disliked. Perhaps it stemmed from his childhood in some way.  They never went to the beach often, and when they did, he found that he would always rather be camping in the woods.
The banana boat ride had been fun, he would be the first to admit that, and he really did enjoy walking in the surf, although he would have preferred his and Anna’s quiet conversation to Sven and Liz’s boisterous comments on this and that.  When the reached the other end of the beach they saw a little gondola going up the cliffside to the condo’s above.  Sven asked someone about it and they mentioned there were some really nice places up there to eat with a view of the entire beach.
Kristoff had been racking his brain all day for a way to ask Anna out, and hearing about the fancy restaurant with a view was like a lightbulb in his head.  It would be kind of weird to just straight up ask her out, they’d already been out a bunch of times, but if he reserved them a table and just took her there… he was sure he’d be able to find some words that made sense.
After everyone had themselves a shower, Sven and Liz had decided to grab dinner Zihuantanejo and then go to a club.  Kristoff was the first to opt out.  It almost looked for a moment like Anna was going to join them, sending him into a near panic over the reservation he’d already made for them after he googled the place, when she declined, saying she’d rather just stay in since it had been a long day at the beach.  
He wondered if she meant that, thinking he might have to slip away and call to cancel that reservation after all, but when Sven and Liz took off for their night out, Anna asked Kristoff if he wouldn’t mind just walking her into town for dinner since she didn’t really feel too much like cooking.
He nodded, gulping a little at the sultry smile she was giving him, like she had plans of her own on what was going to happen over dinner.
“Actually,” his voice nearly cracked, “I was wondering… if you wanted to get a cab to one of those places with the view?  If we leave soon, we can catch the sunset from up there.  Then we could even walk back on the beach, if you’re up for it?”
Her face lit up.  “Sure.”
They both hurried to get ready, Kristoff slipping on the only button up shirt he brought even though it was slightly wrinkly, and his nicest pair of shorts.  Anna delighted him once again with another dress, this one seafoam green that brought out all of the blue in her eyes.  He let out a slow and steady breath, readying himself before they went down in the elevator and walked to the street to catch a cab.
The ride was quick which was a relief, because Kristoff didn’t know what to say and he was nervous as hell. Perhaps Anna was nervous too, she was unusually quiet.  They were dropped off at the door and Kristoff offered Anna his arm as they walked up to the maitre’d and were taken to their table.
Their table was right on the edge of the balcony that perched on the ledge of the cliff.  The view was stunning.  They both awed over it until a waiter came to deliver a basket of bread with strawberry butter and take their drink orders.
Anna turned to him when the waiter left.  
“Kristoff, isn’t this place is romantic?”  Her eyebrows raised slightly in question.
“It is,” he answered, looking into her eyes.  “I thought you might enjoy it.”
“I do,” she breathed, smiling brightly.  “Very much.”
“Anna, I had something to ask you.”  She nodded eagerly, smiling even wider and Kristoff lost all of his nerves despite not knowing exactly what he was going to say.  “I have had more fun with you on this vacation than any other trip I have ever taken.  Hell, I think these past couple of days have been some of the best of my entire life. I really like you.  I… would like to call this our first date.  Can we… I mean…will you… or rather, may I be your boyfriend?”
Anna let out a delighted little squeal.  “Yes! Yes, Kristoff!  I would adore you to be my boyfriend!”
They looked deep into each other’s eyes.
“We sound incredibly corny, don’t we?” Kristoff chuckled.
“Oh my God, so corny!” Anna laughed with him.
And that was it.  He was in love.
He kissed her as soon as they made sure the had the condo to themselves, and oh God had she been waiting for him to kiss her.  All night long, the longing had been building up between them.  It was in every glance, every flick of the eyes to each other’s lips. By the time Kristoff paid for the meal, they hailed a cab, both too impatient to take the gondola down and walk back on the beach.
His lips were every bit as wonderful as Anna had imagined and she completely lost herself in his embrace as they staggered into her room.   The kisses became more urgent as she pulled him down onto the bed, needing more but not ready to give up on his lips yet to try and undress him.  He was a fantastic kisser, easily the best she’d ever had. Anna just knew that his kissing wasn’t going to be the last best thing she ever had before the night was done.
Kristoff stopped abruptly a few moments later when she tried to take his shirt off.
“Anna, we don’t have to rush into anything physical here.”
“I know.”  She kissed him again but he pulled back quickly.
“I just want to make sure-”
Anna looked pointedly at him. “If I have to see you in your bathing suit one more time without knowing what your body feels like pressed against mine, I’m going to go insane.”
“Fair enough,” Kristoff said through a chuckle, and resumed kissing her a moment before they underdressed each other, somewhat frantically, and crawled between the sheets.
Anna never knew that sex could be so sensuous.  Just the feel of his skin under her hands, the softness that encased his hard muscles, flexing delightfully under her palms when he moved.  The way he touched her, leaving feeling gratified and wanting more at the same time.  The way he felt against her, his body pressed tightly to hers, then how he felt inside of her… she had never felt anything so wonderful in all her life.  
Normally her mind ran away with all sorts of thoughts, like what she should be doing or how she should be doing it, and then making requests on what she liked to make sure she was going to have as good a time as her partner.  But with Kristoff it was effortless.  The only thing consuming her thoughts was the sheer pleasure he was giving her.  There was nothing she had to ask him for.  He knew what he was doing and he was doing it magnificently.   Her body fell into rhythm with his easily.  She was already so aroused by him in every way, it didn’t take long before she was shaking in climax.  Easily the best sex she had ever had.  The whole thing was mind-blowing.
After catching her breath, taking a moment to kiss him softly, they resumed making love.  Kristoff brought her to another orgasm and she almost wondered if she would reach a third when she felt his body tensing against her.  She relished the feeling of his release in her center, her body tingling in response as he moaned softly into her ear.  He held her gently against him after, kissing her neck, her cheek, and then her lips a moment, before they parted.  
It was euphoric, curled up next to him on the bed, basking in the afterglow.  Anna was almost beside herself with how wonderful it was being with him.   It was the first time in her life that she had actually felt true contentment.  Kristoff was the best person she’d ever met in her life.  She knew she was incredibly lucky to be the one with him in her bed that night.
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Gonna make a list of useless talents that I have
Innate ability to know when tea/coffee is cool enough to drink but still warm
Can make my tongue look like one of those scoops tortilla chips
When I cross my eyes I can move them independently, allowing me to do a sick lizard impression
Can make perfect banana bread even though I detest everything about bananas
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sansxfuckyou · 2 years
Food fight
Summary: George gets cut off from making pancakes and in turn Sapnap has to finish cooking, he fucks up big time and neither have the desired meal in the end of it.
Warnings: Food, mock sword fights, swearing, small amount of pain, innuendos, thats about it.
Authors Note: @sobredunia I have no clue how you do it every damn time, but each prompt you create, each and every time, it just shoots motivation directly into my bloodstream, like, my train of is bouncing around my head, and I took foodfight to far.
It was five in the afternoon, and due to life being stressful, breakfast for dinner was chosen. It didn't happen very often that meals commonly reserved for the morning were eaten in the evening in this household, but there were exceptions. And boy oh boy, during those exceptions George did not disappoint in bringing the heat for the food part of the meal.
There he stood beside a pre heating stove with a heating pan beside him, a tray of bacon on the counter as well, half turkey half pork, and in front of him a bowl of batter he was mixing furiously, bananas and chocolate chips and blueberries added in as well. He knew it would taste delicious if no one fucked it up, which is the exact reason he blocked both doors with a chair, aware that if he let Sapnap touch a spoon for even a second things would go wrong fast.
And then it happened.
A buzz against his thigh, a specific pattern of vibrations that tore him from his trance in an unceremonious fashion. He placed the wooden spoon beside the bowl, taking a deep breath to regain his train of thought before checking to see who was calling.
It was a number he recognized to be that of the landlord, did their rent get bumped or something?
He still answered the call and tried to keep formalities and questions light until he had turned off the stove and the heating element on top, making sure to close each cupboard door as well, aware someone would hit their head on it. He then unbarricaded the kitchen door, Sapnap barreling in ready to start a dialogue, silencing at the swift and silent gesture to the phone pressed to Georges ear, instead Sapnap stood silent until he was addressed. Normally, the door was never unbarricaded when George was cooking when Sapnap was in the house, he knew it had to be something important.
"Sounds lovely, could you give me a second? Thanks," George said before pressing his hand to the microphone as he turned to face Sapnap with a grave look, the words he spoke laced with venom despite the twos relationship status. "I am entrusting you to finish preparing the batter while I discuss the rent with our landlord and if I catch you pouring roasted garlic into it, I will cut your nut sack off with a steak knife and roast it in boiling car oil."
Sapnap nodded silently, clearly afraid, George gave a soft smile before placing a gentle peck on the cheek and making his way off to the singular almost soundproofed room in the house.
Now, see, Sapnap was scared to even touch the food at this point, knowing full well that if he messed up he would be paying dearly, not to the point that George threatened though, George had a soul. Of course, the fear coursing through his veins causing his face to turn a deep scarlet from the tips of his ears down to his neck would do little to deter him from trying to help.
And with that he made his way over to the counter, grabbing the spoon before gingerly licking it.
A sudden crash sounded off in his head at the detestable taste, it made him recoil in disgust, almost made him gag. He slowly placed the spoon back down on the counter before grabbing a spare chair and pulling it over, he wasn't exactly short, but their home was tall if that makes any sense. He shook as he tried to balance himself on the chair, still unable to reach where George kept the best ingredients, right on top of the cupboards. He pulled off his socks before carefully placing his feet on the counter, gripping on the cupboard door for support as he swayed, only to have it swing open as he leaned back just a bit, the door came clean off at the hinges as he fell back on the floor with an awkwardly loud thud, a spark of pain shooting through his back, a bit more than it should've.
He released a groan of pain as he tossed the cupboard door aside, then he was greeted with the sound of rushing footsteps, George rushing in, his call on hold. He had a panicked and almost afraid look on his face, grip on his phone nearly enough to shatter it if he saw blood on the ground, then he saw Sapnap.
"Oh, you just fell down, again," George said with a sigh, still worried, but very aware that this was something that has happened before, voice already reverting to venom towards Sapnap. "Were you looking for the forbidden ingredient again?"
"Uh, no?" Sapnap responded, George pinched the bridge of his nose, phone in the other hand.
"Look, I'll only be a minute or two, don't you dare screw it up now, you've done perfectly so far, aside from falling on your back and probably fucking up your spine," George said, Sapnaps eyes widened as he realized that could happen. "Just don't mess up again, we need to have a talk after supper anyways."
"Ok." Sapnap said almost to quietly for George to hear before he left, Sapnap sitting up afterwards, aware he was running out of time to fix the batter, he stood up shortly after making sure none of his vertebrae were out of place, hearing a few cracks that made him whimper in pain.
Within a quick minute he was already balanced on the countertop, one foot resting in the sink that was half full of sudsy water, the other right beside the still hot pan on the still hot element, almost burning himself in the process. He blindly ran his hand across the top of the cupboard, his finger getting caught in a mouse trap in the process, that caused a quickly snuffed out yelp of pain as he slowly removed it before returning to his search. He quickly found the glass bottle he was looking for before bring it down slowly as to not knock his balance off, then he slowly crawled down, rereading the label.
'Spice on the way in, hell on the way out: Carolina Reaper Coco'
The flavor combo didn't make much sense, but the message did, and he sure had experienced it first hand more than once, he twisted off the cap with a retched sound being produced due to dry sauce on the edges, he was greeted with a pungent odor that made him recoil.
Oh yeah, that was what he was looking for.
He slid the bowl back and forth a bit before grabbing the spoon and stirring it once again, hoping the slightly dried consistency would be ok. He then lifted the bottle of hot sauce and tilted it just a bit, so he would get only a few drops at a time, knowing that if he added to much it would be inedible. As the scent of the sauce permeated the room, his eyes started to water, he lifted the bottle so it would stop dropping in the sauce, he spun the batter, being hit with the same aroma. He took a small taste test finding that he could barely taste the sauce having it been diluted with so much batter, he decided to pour in more.
He heard the sound of a door opening, George talking a bit, then total silence as he looked back to find George staring at him in horror, disappointment and worry due to the odor induced tears rolling down Sapnaps face.
"Fucking god Sapnap, I love you I really do, but just this once I hope you have a plan to escape my wrath." George threatened, each word ringing true, Sapnap had nothing planned, at least he didn't add roasted garlic this time.
With nothing left in stock, he reached into the bowl of batter before flinging the handful of pancake batter at George, aiming for the face but hitting his partners neck. The odor quickly had an effect, causing Georges eyes to water as he slowly scraped the batter from his neck, the thick substance like webbing between his fingers, he couldn't help but 'slurp' some of it off, slurp being the only viable word to describe what he did, the act caused Sapnaps face to darken in a shade of red that made George smirk. George flung the the remaining batter on his hands back at Sapnap who barely dodged before retaliating with a quick toss of turkey bacon lathered in pancake batter, George ducking, a piece of bacon getting caught in his hair.
That's when George started to circle towards the fridge, Sapnap grabbing the bowl of batter and circling away, both around the kitchen table. George grabbed and stacked the two trays of bacon, turkey on top, a bit of batter smeared on some pieces, he held up a piece in one hand, Sapnap loaded his hand with thick batter as well.
George chickened first, throwing a few pieces turkey bacon at Sapnap who dodged most of them before retaliating with handfuls of batter, one of which getting stuck in Georges hair. As they 'took turns' in their food fight they each slowly got covered with batter as the room was desecrated in uncooked pancakes, Sapnap somehow getting covered in more than George.
It was after about fifteen minutes that George pulled two leeks from the fridge, tossing one to Sapnap before the two initiated a mock swordfight on the table.
Sapnap had one arm behind his back, wielding his like a short sword, while George used both hands as though it was claymore. Sapnap parried each slash as he was pushed around the table before lunging at George with a few attacks that made little contact. It didn't take long for George to have his sword-leek held horizontally while Sapnap pressed down further in an attempt to toss it away.
In an instant the two where on the batter smeared ground, laughing, a piece of turkey bacon still in Georges hair and a piece of pork bacon somewhere on Sapnaps torso. George was leaned against Sapnap, his partner sticky due to being saturated with batter, but that didn't deter him from latching onto one of Sapnaps arms.
"God, you need a bath." George said between laughter, the odor of hot sauce making him tear up a bit.
"So do you, hot shot." Sapnap said, flicking Georges forehead lightly as he rolled his eyes, resting his leg on top of Georges.
"I mean, we could share a nice, hot, long, steamy-" George said, listing off reason after reason until he was met with the taste of Sapnaps batter covered hand, the hot sauce instantly taking dominance as flavor, he was sputtering a bit.
"No way, I'm still starved, I'd rather be thrown on a spit roast and slow cooked over an open flame than have sex with you," Sapnap said, quickly recovering. "Not when you have bacon in your hair, at least, like, c'mon, that's docking at least twenty seductiveness points."
"Ha ha, very funny mister so much batter in my hair you can't tell it was brown," George said before reaching up to touch Sapnaps hair, running a hand through the batter dense locks, ending up with a handful of batter. "Really though, you should go take a shower."
"What? I don't even get a single battery kiss from the love of my life, my one and only, the reason I wake up in the morning?!" Sapnap wailed, layering on the dramatics extra thick, George rolled his eyes before gripping Sapnaps chin to the best of his ability with a hand covered in batter before pulling him into a short, spicy due to hot sauce, somewhat squishy kiss, it was an odd feeling for both of them.
"There, now go shower while I make food." George said before standing up, so did Sapnap, but he was quick to speak.
"What happened to lets share a nice, hot, long, steamy soak, does it not matter anymore because I'm having a shower? How picky George, so britishly picky!" Sapnap said in an overexaggerated tone, turning away from George and bring a forearm to his head in a dramatic fashion.
"Maybe after supper I'll think about it," george said, face darking hue just a bit, but it was hard to tell with the amount of batter smeared on his face. "Now go shower, you smell like Reaper peppers."
"Ok, ok, see you soon, I hope you miss me."
"Sapnap, the bathrooms literally three rooms away from the kitchen."
"The sentiment is the same!"
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midnightgelatothief · 2 years
it’s a low bar, but they jumped it. 
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She'd been listening in now and then, though she wasn't sure she was meant to. The shop was slow this time of day, but it wasn't barren. He could have been talking to someone else. At his last remark, her curiosity was piqued. She leaned in from the next aisle over and stared. It would have looked suspicious if she were anyone but the owner, though even that could only alleviate so much culpability.
"If they cleared the bar that easily, I'd think you'd sound happier about it. Unless you were awaiting their failure—in which case, you really ought to learn to set higher standards at the beginning. I, for one, have elected to set mine so high that no one can meet them. It means I'm never disappointed, because I always know exactly what will happen." If her words sounded almost comically cynical, she hadn't noticed. "I suppose there's nothing wrong with wearing your heart on your sleeve if you're into that sort of thing. I'd sooner go sleeveless." Her lecture finished, she disappeared back into the books...
...And then appeared at the other end of the aisle. "Would a muffin heal you? I haven't the heart to tell Hollick I actually detest banana nut."
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tastesoftamriel · 3 years
What kinds of foods were you not expecting certain races to enjoy? Like, things you thought for sure the Altmer wouldn't eat EVER, but they actually do?
There are certainly a surprising number of culinary irregularities all Tamrielic races have, despite the overwhelming number of picky eaters (Skyrim and Valenwood, I'm looking at you). These are some of the ones which caught me off-guard...
Traditional Argonian cuisine is known for being spicy and a whirlwind of flavours, so the mildness and complexity of foam frog soufflé was not what I expected! In terms of taste and texture, it's comparable to the classic Breton orange liqueur flambéed soufflé. The naturally-occurring foam generated by foam frogs is whipped with coconut milk and scuttlebloom nectar, then gently baked in delicate clay ramekins in a traditional stone oven. It is then sprinkled with a bit of coconut sugar, and drenched in sweet banana liqueur before getting blasted with a Flame spell right at your table! Don't think you can try this at home though- this recipe takes a lot of skill to pull off, and is considered one of the most impressive dishes in Saxhleel cuisine. And yes, it's Breton-approved, but don't tell them that the frog foam is actually residue from mating and is filled with tadpoles.
On that note, the Breton kitchen is full of surprises! It's well known that High Rock gastronomy is very focused on sit-down meals and the correct use of cutlery, so finger foods aren't very traditional, even among the common folk. It blew my mind when I first visited Daggerfall and found taverns and market stands selling Orcish kebabs! These messy, enormous rolls have been downsized (and underfilled) to suit Breton tastes, but the strongly spiced goat meat, frost mirriam yoghurt sauce, and tasty radish balls are true to the original! You'll even find nobles sending their butlers out to procure a hot kebab for them to eat out of view of the public eye...it would be mortifying if somebody saw a drop of chili sauce dripping down a noblewoman's chin!
Green Pact Bosmeri food isn't known for its sweets, so the very existence of meat-based desserts was initially baffling to me. A Valenwood favourite is the boiled pudding, which is made from eggs, milk, suet, and cricket flour, and sweetened with imported sugar, sweet condensed milk, or candied fruit. As such, these dense puddings are sometimes known as Falinesti Forbidden Fruit, and they're sometimes decorated to look like large oranges, apples, or coconuts for the shock factor! And if you're curious to try this strange but tasty dessert, you'll be pleased to know that a new recipe is coming soon...
I admit it, Skyrim cuisine can be a little bland compared to the food of most other races, but this little gem is a dish most outsiders don't know about- Akaviri casserole. I don't know if it's actually Akaviri in origin, or if somebody just thought it sounded exotic, but it is deceptively spicy, and not in a way most Tamrielic people know it. Its key ingredient is frost peppercorns, which grow at high altitudes in Skyrim and around the Druadach Mountains, are coveted by alchemists, but also pack a serious punch in any dish. While regular chilis have a sharp burn, frost peppercorns leave a numbing, tingly feeling that spice masochists love. Anywhere from a couple of peppercorns to a whole fistful of them go into a casserole dish with an eidar cheese sauce, venison, juniper berries, and vegetables like potatoes and carrots. In other words, it's just another Nord dish...but painful.
I mentioned a while ago that Redguards detest moldy or fermented foods, due to the close association with rot and death. There is an exception to this however, and it's surprisingly something that's served in every Hammerfell household: fish paste. Similar in taste to the Imperial garum, fermented fish paste is literally made from leftover fisherman's offcuts which usually have been left out in the sun all day. Rather than leaving the scraps to the vultures, at the end of the day they're shovelled into stone amphorae containing gods know what (it's a closely guarded secret) and are left to ferment for two days in a cellar. Of course, there are plenty of posh Redguard fish pastes on the market with Abecean longfin caviar, but this is first and foremost a food of the common people, with humble (if slightly gross) origins.
I've always loved the predictability of Cyrodiilic cooking...until you find something like barbecued minotaur ribs. Ribs aren't anything surprising, but Imperial ribs are usually tender, delicate lamb or faun. Eating is a serious, dignified affair, so this is a completely astounding defiance of customs. Minotaur meat is a rare delicacy, and they're normally basted in a red wine, honey, and mustard sauce, and grilled on flaming coals. The end result is a meaty, sweet mess, and definitely just as undignified to eat (if not moreso) than the Breton kebabs. If you're willing to get your hands dirty and abandon haughty Imperial decorum, you've found a carnivore's dream.
Gryphons can be dangerous pests to the Khajiit living outside city walls in Elsweyr. When they've snatched enough sheep or wounded people, villagers will often band together and hunt the responsible gryphon, and eat it at a communal feast. A successful gryphon hunt is a cause for celebration among Khajiit, and is seen as a good omen and blessing from Hircine, the Hungry Cat. The reason this is fascinating to me is that gryphons are sort of like a cross between turkey and beef in form and taste, and no other race eats them. After it is plucked, gryphon meat is hacked into chunks and distributed by the clan chief between households, who then cook and share it with the village. Gryphon dishes range from red curried gryphon with saffron rice to a simple roast gryphon with moon sugar.
It's an industry joke that cooking for High Elves is like trying to milk a kagouti; it makes no sense, they're probably going to get mad, and it's impossible. Imagine my astonishment, then, when I learned that even haughty Summerset is not immune from the delicious clutches of...macaroni and cheese. They'll opt for ingredients like cave-aged, 80 year old vintage indrik cheddar or authentic Cyrodiilic buckwheat  orrechiette, but I was shocked that this humble dish was a treat that's well-loved in Summerset, despite its lack of technical complexity. It's a rare treat though, because all that cheese grease is bad for the Altmer complexion!
Nothing is particularly surprising from the old guard of traditional Vvardenfell cooking- after a few kwama eggs and guar steaks, you get the general idea. What I do find surprising is the emergence of Skyrim Dunmeri cuisine. It's been a couple of generations since the refugees fleeing Morrowind settled in Solstheim and largely Windhelm, and those born in Skyrim have developed a cooking style of their own. Based on traditional Dunmeri dishes like crab meat and scuttle, you'll find local ingredients used as substitutes. Apparently, the juices from Nord pickled herring makes the perfect substitute for kwama egg whites...I'll leave it at that.
It's known that the radish is an Orc's favourite vegetable, and it's served tender, crunchy, baked or raw in any Orcish dish under the sun. Radish tea-sandwiches are therefore one of the more confusing foods I've come across, though they're mostly served by Wrothgarian and High Rock Orsimer. Soft wheat bread is buttered and layered with horseradish chutney, raw radish slices, and cucumber slices. They're cut into dainty triangles are are usually a snack food, though other races view them as canapés served at high tea or parties. However, when I asked an old hearthwife on Betnikh about radish tea-sandwiches, I was threatened a beating because it was embarrassing, and to tusk off and find some mammoth. If you never hear from me again, you know who got me.
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Today was an interesting day, to say the least. Not that this is a matter to which any of you should know, but I feel inclined to share, for reasons unknown to me. I shouldn't expect anyone to read through the entire thing, but this is my Tumblr blog, so here it goes.
Unfortunately, you shan't be able to understand a word I'll say because I can only talk like Anne Shirley today and I rather like it.
:readmore: :readmore:
I awoke this morning, the sun streaming through the window above me. I was so asleep and tired still, yet I woke with a strange hint of restfulness that I have not known for months now. I spared no time to dress or even put on my glasses. I only ate a piece of homemade bread and left. I drove along, listening to a classical rendition of "My Favorite Things" from the Sound of Music, which I great enjoyed. The day was beautiful from there. The birds kept their singing throughout the day, even till twilight. I presume I've heard more morning doves today than I have in the past few years. The wrens and Robbins were about today. The sun shine brightly in a clear blue sky, puffy clouds sprinkled across it's beautiful expanse. The wind danced across the land, rustling through the trees and flowers that dotted the long road. It's touch was crisp and refreshing, like a drink of water on a hot day. It carried upon it the most delicate scent of the first budding roses and tulips. The Earth itself seemed to be bursting for joy, for every corner was brimming with the signs of life. I think I never have, and will likely never again, seen leaves so bright and green. I felt that if I breathed in hard enough, I could have just been filled with their life too. Across the yard, along the drive way, tiny little daisy's pepped out of the grass. Even the long dead sticks and leaves looked lively and beautiful.
I wanted to be happy. So dreadfully so. It was the kind of day that made you wish you were a shepherd boy in the Alps, or a peasant girl from long ago, dancing barefoot in the grass. I could see merry Centaurs and Fawns and Fairies, for if there was ever a day for them to exist, it was today.
Yet I couldn't. My heart aches because I longed to be happy. But I feel as if I can't. Alarmingly, I feel nothing. I can appreciate the world's beauty, but it doesn't fill me with life, nor give me a smile under rosey cheeks.
In truth, though I enjoyed how fantastically beautiful this earth was today, I couldn't help but wish that today had been a gloomy day. That it had been rainy, with dark, low-hanging clouds covering the sky. That the wind had been dry and unfriendly. That the birds wouldn't sing. Maybe then I could cry like I wish too. But I think even then I couldn't. I fear I've run out of tears to cry. So I shall just be numb.
I did try my hardest. If not for me, for I have discovered that I really could care less, then for the people that love me. For I love them, and I could never bear to hurt them. For each and every action I did today, I did it for one of you. You know who you are, for I hold you very dearly to my heart. For you I rose this morning, for you I ate a breakfast, a lunch, and a dinner. For you I took my medicine. For you I drank water, took a shower, took a nap, and cared for my face. For you I drank a hot tea, so that I might sleep well tonight. For you, I spent the day picking flowers, making a blanket, and listening to the few books that still give me comfort.
And do those things I did. I think you should be rather proud of me. Not just last week I was surviving on three apples a day. But today for breakfast I had two English muffins with cheese and sausage, with fried potatoes and berries, bananas, grapes and all sorts of nuts. And for lunch I had a large potato, toped with cheese and chili and everything you can imagine on the top. Importantly I had lots of kale. Oh please say you are proud of me for that one. I know I need the kale for my stomach to heal, but I do detest is so. However, maybe it was due to my numbness, but today I didn't mind it so much. I had it twice even. One might think that I liked it. Oh and for dinner I had it again, which really should make my mother happy. She is terribly worried about me, I know.
I started making a blanket you know. I have gone through thirty-two yards of yarn so far and it seems as if I have barely started. The work is boring and repetitive, yet something about it helped steady me today. And I can't help but wonder what would have happened had I not begun work on the blanket.
But most of all, I surprisingly talked to you, my beloved. I love to talk to you, that's true, but I so often ignore you because I cannot bring myself to do anything. So this action surprised even I.
Now, my tea is finished. I feel warm inside and my eyes are tired. My soul is tired. I shall drift away into a sleep, and perhaps, in my dreams, I shall cry.
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live-laugh-lenney · 3 years
The One Where YN Meets Will.
Hello, hi!
I’m Emily, I’ve had this blog for a few months now and I’m not sure what I want to do with it, apart from reblog gifs of Will and catch up on all things Youtube and the Eboys and the Sidemen and all that. Thought about giving writing a go, since I’ve done some before on another blog for another fandom, and this came from my brain as an attempt at writing for WillNE.
I am willing to take requests or write anything that anyone wants me to write about, if anyone would like one written for a specific idea.
Hope you like it. x
A consistent buzz came beside her.
Rumbling on top of her bedside table, her phone laid overturned and ringing with an incoming call from someone, charging on the thick Stephen King book that she was halfway through reading, ripples rolling over the surface of the water in the tall glass placed next to it, that she took to bed with her the previous night. She glanced at the salt lamp, small and jagged-looking and emitting a dull orange glow behind the sunlight that streamed through her windows, and gave herself a tut for leaving it on overnight; she couldn’t remember leaving it on although she couldn’t help but give a mental clap at how truthful the benefits of having a Himilayan salt lamp had been.
The three letter word flashed at her in bold text, above a candid photo that someone had taken of her and her mum in a heart-to-heart chat in the middle of a family barbecue that had taken a turn once her father had found the alcohol stash in the garage and turned a casual family get-together into a night where everyone stumbled over the front doorstep on their way out. A heart-to-heart conversation that had them both smiling brightly at one another.
“Mum, hi.”
“Hi, darling.” Her voice sounded so soft, so sweet, inviting and warm and YN missed her more than anything; if she had anything to say about moving miles away, she would always give the advice of making sure distance was something you could handle. “You sound tired, did I wake you? I thought you’d be on your way to work by now.”
YN looked at the red numbers on the screen of her alarm clock, reading 7:45, and she had a tiny freak-out for a brief moment before she came to the realisation that it was her day off and she wasn’t due into work until after the weekend had finished.
“You did, yeah. I’m not due at work today though. They gave me the day off since my boss’ schedule is just meetings out of town today. He’s up North for conferences and such and it was late notice for me so he didn’t mind me not accompanying him. I wouldn’t have been able to do much anyway,” YN clarified and she used her free hand to push herself up from the mattress. Her hair was knotted and pillow-messed, sticking up in all directions and falling loose from the ponytail she’d thrown it up in before she fell asleep. Her t-shirt twisted around her middle which she adjusted with her fingers, bringing her knees to her chest and staring out the window as the sun continued its rise in the horizon. “Are you okay?”
“I’m fine, don’t fuss about me,” she heard her mother tut from down the line. But YN couldn’t help but fuss over the two of them; if she lived closer to them, she wouldn’t worry so much because they’d be just a short distance away if they needed her help. But she didn’t live close and she hadn’t done for almost two years; she lived almost 300 miles northeast of where she used to live with her parents and it wouldn’t take her more than twenty minutes to tend to their needs. “We’re both fine, stop worrying yourself, darling. Your dad’s been back doing his gardening so he’s out there already. Watering his flowers, spraying fertiliser, cleaning all the fox poo up. He’s been growing some veggies in the plot next to the greenhouse so you can take some back when you next come to visit.”
YN smiled to herself, bringing her shoulders to her jawline before dropping them and relaxing against her headboard. The back of her head resting against the plush velvet, coloured a clean white, and her toes curled into the sheet beneath her, her fist clutching the duvet as she brought it tighter to her body.
“You can always send me some in a box? Or you could come and visit and drop them off yourself? You know I’ve got the spare room in the new place if you want to come up for a weekend. It’s vacant, just full of my empty moving boxes and bags that I haven’t gotten rid of yet,” YN said, a yawn creeping up her throat that she hid with the palm of her hand, “I need dad’s handyman work to come and help put some shelves up. You’ve not seen it yet.”
“Your dad said it’s a lovely flat. Lovely view. Lovely building. But, you know what he’s like when it comes to describing things. Everything’s lovely,” her mother snorted and YN laughed softly; her father had always been vague and she’s pretty sure that she’d never heard him use any other word to describe something other than ‘lovely’. “We’ve been talking about paying you a visit.”
“Please do. It’s a little lonely here by myself. I’m yet to meet new friends or have a chat with the neighbours. Everyone’s either back in Cornwall or back in Hackney and both are a hefty distance away.”
YN had never considered herself as an introvert so to call herself lonely felt strange.
She was always the friend who asked for the bill, she was the friend who made the complaint in a restaurant when a plate of food came back wrong, she was the friend who made advances on blokes in pubs and clubs because her friends were too shy to go and introduce themselves and she was the friend who always carried the responsibility of making polite conversation with people in pubs when they needed a table to perch themselves at. She was that friend. So making friends with strangers and starting conversations with her co-workers and approaching others who she found had kind features was never something she struggled with.
Moving to a new place and having to make new relationships and form new bonds, regardless of how far it was from the bonds and relationships you already had, she found it daunting to start fresh.  
“What are you doing today?”
“I’m not sure. The weather is really nice and it looks warm out so I might go and explore Canary Wharf and see what’s around. I need to do some shopping, food and furniture, so I might do some of that,” YN rolled onto her side and let her cheek rest against the cold side of her mattress, the backs of her thighs exposed to the cool air of her bedroom as her t-shirt rose up her body; and she made a mental note to buy herself so proper pyjamas because knickers and an oversized t-shirt could cause more problems than expected. “We’ve got a lovely grass area outside the block of flats so I might sit out there, soak up the sunshine, read a book and eat some lunch. I don’t know. Might see how the day goes, I have a good feeling about it.”
“Go exploring. You can find some places to show us when we come to visit,” and YN smiled.
“I’ll do that. You’ll love it mum. This place is amazing. I feel so lucky to have been given something as beautiful as this. I had a crack den for my first flat so this feels like a dream,” she stared at her ceiling. There was no yellow tint from how the previous tenants smoked inside and there were no unusually coloured stains on the ceiling’s coving that caught the eye because of how a stain of that colour shouldn’t have been there, leaving the mystery of just how it got there… and YN didn’t need that kind of stress over something like that. “It doesn’t smell like pee, there’s no syringes outside and there’s no sign of vomit or shit stains on the floor because it’s all laminate.”
“You deserve it, darling. You really do.”
“It’s clean, mum. It came clean, it smells clean, it looks clean. Everything looks brand new and,” YN pauses for a moment, rolling onto her stomach and she sighs with content, “I love it.”
After hanging up, she contemplated getting up and getting dressed for the day.
It felt rather tempting to stay in her comfortable loungewear and enjoy the silence, the time to herself and the time off she had been after for so long, taking advantage of Deliveroo and ordering food for breakfast, lunch and dinner rather than cooking something homemade and having the leftovers the next day (or for when she woke up in the early hours with a hankering for something to nibble on, because she could, because she didn’t have an authority figure to tell her no).
By the time her phone call ended with her mother, it was a little over forty-five minutes later and her alarm clock showed a time that she didn’t want to see on her day off; 8:35am. She expected another hour or two added on to her usual sleep schedule, to make a difference to the usual 6am alarm call that had her detesting her job just a tiny bit, but it wasn’t frowned upon because she’d take any given opportunity to speak to her mother. The one person she called her best friend because she really was the only person, apart from her father, that she’d drop anything and everything important for. Her sleep didn’t matter when she got to her the voice of someone she missed so dearly.
Porridge and fruit, a colourful array of strawberries and blueberries and bananas and cranberries in her bowl, and a warm cup of tea had been her breakfast as she caught up with the lifestyle Youtube channel she had been in the loop with. A Youtube channel that she had been a big fan of from the moment she moved to London, one who she turned to in times of need, one that she stumbled across when googling aesthetically pleasing ways to decorate a flat because she really needed to do something about how her Hackney flat had looked before a lick of paint and a hanging plant, one that she continued to view and like and followed tips from, even when it came to her new flat.
“Don’t be afraid to like monochrome and definitely don’t be afraid to follow a colour scheme that might seem ‘out there’ and in your face. If you like lime green then go paint a portion of your wall that colour. If you like the brightest shade of pink then go mad and add some colour to your life. You can never feel more organised than when your surroundings follow a consistent pattern that brings immense amounts of joy when you enter.”
The young girl on her screen, with space-buns either side of her head and an outfit that definitely came from a trendy thrift store clothes rail, sat before a wall of a delicious shade of peach that YN thought looked lovely; not for herself, because she’d stuck with the whites and the greys and the blacks that her flat already consisted of, but perfect for the young twenty-something year old.
“There are loads of websites where you can buy hanging plants, or artificial hanging baskets, and hanging canvas prints and wall art. I’m always looking for new things to buy so I’ll link some of my favourite online stores for you to check out; hit my Instagram mentions up with photos of things you’ve brought, too. That’s what I love to see.”
YN’s spoon clinked against the ceramic bowl in front of her as she pushed it away from her, reaching for her television remote and turning off her Youtube app, her television turning off completely and leaving a black screen behind. The flat falling silent. She looked around her, drumming her fingers against the tabletop, eyes squinting as the sunlight streamed through the wall-to-ceiling windows and made everything feel bright..
As much as she warmed to the idea of staying inside and ordering furniture and decor for her home, scrolling through online stores to buy something she thought she needed but really didn’t need, she had a good feeling about the upcoming day.
“Listen, love, I’m not sure if you could tell but I’m not exactly a people person. I don’t know you, don’t want to know you, have no plans to get to know you. You might live in the building but that doesn’t mean we need to be friendly.”
He spoke with such vigour in his voice that YN could only keep quiet so as to not entice a negative reaction out of him in such a confined space because confrontation was something she was never comfortable with. Sure, she’d endured confrontation before but that was from people she had been acquainted with, the ones she was friends with, people she saw on a daily basis and from people she worked with, from those who were supposed to confront her when something was wrong or hadn’t been down in a way it was supposed to be done; her boss, mainly. This man was a complete stranger, someone she didn’t know,someone she’d never seen before so instant regret filled her veins. She thought he looked friendly enough to start a quick conversation, to make the lift ride seem a little less boring, filling the empty space with general chit-chat.
Cowering away from him and almost closing in on herself, even though his attention stayed focused on the screen of his phone as he scrolled through a social media app, she thought he’d finished with her and she hadn’t expected him to perk up anymore.
“Not everyone likes to chat to strangers.”
“Well, I like chatting to strangers so don’t mind him,” a quirky Geordie accent perked up from behind her, her posture adjusting at the sudden appearance of someone behind her; she’s sure she didn’t see anyone else in the lift, apart from the towering bloke beside her, when she stepped into the lift but, then again, he was tucked away in the corner with a cap on his head and she had been looking at the floor as she entered because a mark on her white shoe had caught her attention. “Come chat to me, if you want. Promise I won’t bite your head off like matey-boy there.”
Her trainers squeaked on the floor as she spun around, eyes raking up and down his figure so she could get a good look at who the voice belonged to, almost staking him out in a way. He was a handsome chap, with brown hair sticking out from beneath a black cap upon his head that he’d pulled quite far down his forehead, a cheeky grin on his face that made the mood in the lift much brighter. There was a graphic print printed on the front of the black hoodie he had decided to throw on, the commonly-known Adidas stripes lining the length of his joggers, trainers on his feet with the laces loose and almost untying by themselves (clumsy, she assumed he was, because there’s no way he wouldn’t trip over them as soon as they loosened completely).
“I’m Will. Will Lenney.”
“I’m YN.”
“Do I get your surname? S’only fair since I told you mine.”
She laughed softly and replied with her surname, a look of appreciation on his features as he held his hand out for her to take, which she gladly shook with her own. Skin so soft, fingers so delicate, with a hold so strong that she couldn’t find herself letting go. She didn’t want to let go. This was the first contact she’d had with someone new, in a month of being new to the area, and it just so happened to be with someone she found rather attractive to the eye.
The bloke from before, who had tore down her attempts at being the friendly neighbour who he would, no doubt, see quite often, couldn’t help but let out the strongest sigh of annoyance. A sound that brought them back to reality, hands falling from their hold, dropping back down to their sides with a faint rosy-look on their cheeks that didn’t come from how warm it was. A sound that made the both of them turn their noses up, that made them their eyebrows scrunch on their browlines and made them want to really throw words at him until he gained some manners. Yet they ignored him because he wasn’t worth the time.
“You’re new here, aren’t you? I don’t think I’ve seen you around before,” he started, adjusting the backpack on his shoulder that had slipped with the movement of his arm falling down to his side. His fingertips and right down to the middle of his palm still felt heavy with the thought of her hand still in his. “I’d remember such a beautiful face.”
The heat already on her cheeks reached boiling and she knew her flushed look caught his attention. His smile turning into a grin which had her looking at her feet, shyly. A handsome lad with a sense of immense charm about him; she liked him and it wasn’t typical of her to form an attraction at such an early stage.
“Yeah, I moved in about a month ago. Floor 10, right at the end of the corridor. A proper upgrade from where I used to be located but thanks to my work, they moved me from my previous office block to my current office block in Canary Wharf and said they’d move me closer if necessary,” she thought she was rambling and she expected a look of faint annoyance on his features that would silently tell her to shut up. She picked at the loose string hanging from the hem of her t-shirt and twirled it around her finger, looking up from her feet and seeing a look of intense concentration on his face, enticing her to carry on. “The move was necessary. Completely necessary. It wasn’t a nice place where I was before, it was the first thing I saw on the website and I was desperate for somewhere to live. If I stayed there, I would be half an hour away otherwise.”
Canary Wharf.
It was a complete upgrade from the streets of Hackney and the dingy flat she had become so accustomed to for a little less than a year; the smell of weed and tobacco would fill the corridors and hit her in the face when she left her front door, the lights were always dim and flickered and the lifts were rickety and untrustworthy, discarded bikes and scooters and old prams and baby-carriers littered the space between one end of the hallway to the other, suspicious figures dressed in black hoodies and grey joggers always greeted her with stone-cold faces and squared-up jaws. An attempt, she guessed, to look like they were the typical hardnuts of the complex and that they weren’t to be messed with, even if it was just a polite ‘excuse me’ to pass them by and to be out of their hair within a moment.
It wasn’t all bad, regardless. Her neighbours were sweethearts, they always said hello and invited her in for cups of tea and a slice of cake after she finished work, most people were kind and warm and had their own back stories as to why they chose such a place to live - she could only imagine that the building was a nice place to live, with residents who took care of themselves and the place they lived in, before London gangs took over and were on the high of increasing and before drug dealers became more frequent on the streets - and her life, thank god,  was never bothered. No one intervened, no one found her life to be their business to spread and life felt normal; she had a home, somewhere to live, somewhere to sleep and eat and shower and feel warm and cosy in a bed. Even if it wasn’t as nice as she had wanted it to be, she had somewhere.
Her new flat was almost dream-like if you compared it to what she lived in before. It made her Hackney flat look like a pit; a drug-den, if you will. She could wake up to pure sunshine filtering through double-glazed windows and there was no chance that she would be rudely woken up in the middle of the night from the ghoulish moans of the wind getting trapped between cracked window panes or the drunken yells of people stumbling down the hallways back to their homes. She could walk to her new place of work rather than hop on public transport and she could take the time to explore a side of London she never had the chance to see. Her floor was laminated wood, heated when the nights were cold, and there were no stains of garishly and disgusting colours of god-knows-what from previous tenants who had lived there. The view was beautiful, she could see right to the end of the horizon, and the scenes she was greeted with on her arrival home were almost picturesque… except pictures could never do it justice.
She’d been there for a month.
A whole four weeks.
And she could already feel improvements in her lifestyle that weren’t so bold before. She woke up happier and didn’t feel the need to stay in bed for a lie-in, she felt happier during the day and had a bob in her step that brought light to her office block, she felt safe when she walked out the reception and into the open space by the entrance and didn’t feel like she would be jumped by hiding predators if she arrived home late at night. She was friendly with her neighbours, always popped round to give them any post that had been posted through her mailbox by accident or if deliveries were left with them when she’d been at work and always started a conversation with them when they stood waiting for the lift to arrive on their floor.
“Oh, nice. What is it-”
The ding of the lift stopped Will mid-sentence, silenced them and halted their conversation as the doors opened to reveal the reception floor, empty and desolate from people. It was mid-morning, almost lunchtime, so YN had assumed most were working or out in the streets of London to enjoy the sunshine; the latter being what she had planned to do.
The man from the lift, who had tucked himself in the corner and stuck earphones in to block out their conversation, made sure he was the first one out and disappeared before YN could give him a sarcastic goodbye, not that he would have heard her anyway so she settled with a wave, a really exaggerated and over-the-top wiggle of her fingers, and hoped he saw it in the reflection of the window as he left and disappeared into the mass of people walking by their block of apartments.
“You’re a right character, you,” Will admitted, nudging her with his elbow and smirking at her, “what is it you do, job-wise? That’s what I wanted to ask.”
“I’m a PA for a CEO at an advertising company. A personal assistant who runs and gets coffee for everyone, gets lunch during her lunch-break, who organises meetings and creates schedules and gets the big boss what he wants when he wants it,” she clarified, “it’s not exactly the best job and I wish I was doing something I wanted to do but it pays well. For now, it’s enough to get me by and keep this place.”
They started walking toward the automatic doors of the entrance, feeling the cool air of the shade on their exposed skin that definitely disappeared as soon as the sunshine hit them, coming to a stop just by a brick wall. Young children were running around with their parents walking behind, cyclists were dinging bells to pass through large groups and groups of university students were huddled on the grass, eating lunches they’d brought from restaurants on their way, backpacks discarded and being used as pillows as they laughed and joked. Tourists were taking photos and posing to show off where they’d been and what they got up to when it came to showing their friends back home and businessmen and businesswomen were almost speed-walking to get back to their offices in time with a styrofoam takeaway lunch in their hands.
“I’m not keeping you from anything, am I? Just tell me to piss off if I am.”
“No, no. Don’t be silly. I’m only popping round the corner to see my mate. He won’t mind if I’m late,” he said, perching down on the brick wall and patting the space beside him. The legs of his ankles rose up to show the white ankle socks he’d paired with his trainers., “What is it you want to do as a job? Just, the way you talk about your job now makes it sound like you don’t like it.”
“I do like it there. But I don’t want to be a personal assistant, running round London to get coffee and sandwiches, for the rest of my life. I’ve always dabbled in blogging, taking photos, talking about nonsense and stuff. Posting videos and vlogging, too. I’ve tried it out as something fun, documenting holidays and stuff, and I’d love to do something with that and take it further but... I don’t know,” she sat down beside him, sliding her bag off of her shoulder and setting it on her lap, arm looped underneath the handles to keep it from spilling the contents inside, “I don’t want to be a social influencer but someone who does what she wants to do and gets by by just being herself. No companies to promote her or anything. Nothing to boost her. All her,” she stared off into the distance, tapping the heel of her foot against the concrete. Will nodded. “What do you do?”
“I, uh,” he scoffed out a laugh and rubbed the nape of his neck. His hat fell from his head and he decided to swap the shade of the cap to the sunglasses he had hanging from the neck of his hoodie, “funnily enough, I post videos on Youtube. I’m a Youtuber.”
Her head whipped round and she gawked at him. Eyes wide, mouth agape and her hand found his forearm, squeezing it tightly with excitement.
“You’re not?”
“I am, yeah. I was in university, didn’t like what I was studying, and I was told that if I really felt strongly about this Youtube malarky then I should pursue it to its possible potential and see where I end up. My mum’s words, not mine,” he snorted. He felt her hand loosen around his forearm and he watched her face become rigid as she came to the realisation of what she’d done. He dismissed it because he didn’t want to embarrass her but, really, he didn’t mind and he found it endearing.  “I’m not that big or popular or anything but I’ve got a couple million subscribe-”
“Not that big,” she mocked and rolled her eyes, “a couple million subscribers is huge. I’ll have to search you up. What’s your channel name?”
“WillNE. Like, Will then an N then an E. Like a-”
“Like a play on words with your surname,” she grinned as she proudly finished his sentence for him and he nodded, rather pleased with himself; and she had to give it to him, it was something special, unique and rather creative than some of the stand-out names she could think of from the platform. Some were really out there and had no relevance to who they were nor what they spoke about, some were vague and some were almost as bonkers as the people who came up with them. “That’s really cool. This is really cool. A famous Youtuber lives in my flat complex... I’m talking to a famous Youtuber right now... heck, I’ve managed to keep my cool around someone famous and I’m amazed I haven’t embarrassed myself. Wait till I tell my friends about this. They won’t believe me.”
“They’re not fangirls or anything, are they?”
“No, ha. If anyone’s the fangirl out of my friends then it’s me. I’ll find myself watching Youtube when I’ve got nothing else to do,” she admitted, “cooking dinner? I’ll stick someone on to watch. Can’t sleep? I’ll just binge watch someone until I’m tired. Day off and there’s nothing to do? I’ll find a channel and just let it go from there.”
“Maybe I’ll pop up on there one day. I’ll help cure your boredom,” Will grinned, “then you can say ‘hey, that’s one of my mates there on my telly, that is’.”
A comfortable silence swallowed the both of them as they sat and let the seconds tick by. The tweets of the birds came from above, distant chatter came from the students lounging on the grass behind, scuffs of soles signified people were walking and jogging nearby and despite the feeling of time coming to end between the two of them, neither of them wanted to leave the other, neither wanted to bring the conversation to an end and neither of them wanted to part ways.
“So, we’re mates, huh?”
“Yeah, I reckon so,” Will smiled. Eyes locking with hers for a brief second, long enough to catch the twinkle in her eye and the genuine smile that lifted up her lips, “you’re a good’un. I like you. I think we’ll get along really bloody well, me and you.”
Filming a video tomorrow. Fancy coming by?
Won’t I get in the way?
Bollocks will you. Come along. Please. You can see firsthand how to make a Youtube video since you said you’ve always thought about it.
Only at my place. A TWOTI.
This Week On The Internet… nice one. I’ll be there.
You’ve done your research on me!
Spent all day googling you. As soon as you walked away, I started my research and I cut my day short so I could come home and watch your videos. Just call me a superfan now.
Superfan, ha.
I’ll have to test you. Could get you in a video to see if you’re my biggest fan.
Try me. I’ll get full marks. Your subscribers will look like phonies compared to me, hahaha.
You might have to sit off camera, out of shot, tomorrow. If I don’t finish everything by the time you get here, that is. No distractions. No pulling faces behind the camera.
I’ll be on my best behaviour. I’ll fangirl at the door, drop my Twitter handle into conversation, ask for a signature and a photo and then I’ll be fine.
I’m not going to regret this, am I?
You won’t hear a peep out of me. Promise.
Come by after lunch then. We can get some takeaway for lunch or something, if you don’t eat before, and I’ll have some bits filmed by the time you get here so you won’t have to sit in silence for too long.
Make it 1pm and it’s a deal.
Why 1pm?
It’s Saturday tomorrow. I don’t get up before noon on the weekends. Not even for you, mister big-shot Youtuber. ;)
And here I was, thinking you would throw your routine away for your new best mate.
Nice try.. see you tomorrow, William.
Ohh, serious. Full name and all. I see how it is, YN.
Goodnight, you muppet.
See you tomorrow. x
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dreamy-writings · 3 years
Pinky Promise
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~ Pairing: Kaminari Denki x Reader
~ Synopsis: Denki messed up, and there’s no going back. Surely five bouquets of flowers will make his apology acceptable, no?  
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“Kaminari Denki, the famous superstar is to release a new album as of December 17th according to his latest interview. It consists of nine songs, and the cover art has been posted now on his twitter account. He said that the artist had agreed to him not revealing their name, and he instead decided to make it a new mystery for people to figure out! He’s always full of surprises, isn’t he? And now-”
You turned off the radio, frowning. Yeah, sure, agreed. He just never wanted to bring you up, not when your marriage was in February, no, and not when he was already your fiancé but refused to ever wear a ring.
You’d talked to him about it before, asking him if he was ashamed of you because you weren’t as popular as him, but he always waved you off, saying that he just wanted to keep you to himself and whatever. Really, did he think you were that stupid to believe him? You knew Kaminari, and you know how flirtatious people would get around him in the media, and he’d never even tell them to stop! No, he basked in the attention like the moron he was. So, you’re now here, in your car, drinking away the pain, and hating on that dumb Pikachu. Really, you should’ve listened to Mina! She’d always warned you about that damn yellow haired banana-like piece of garbage! You really waited until you saw him flirting with the damn waitress to figure it out yourself, so really, it was on you, you were dumb.
You were just done with him, screw that album and that cover art and screw him and all his things altogether. You could do better on your own without him dragging you along like that. You spent the time away from him at Momo’s until you felt ready to go back and take your stuff, and to your surprise, he’d already left the apartment. Every trace of him was gone, and even thought you’d sworn never to get back to him, it still broke you a little. A lot, actually. And you didn’t know how long you could keep going without him.
And eventually, it was December 17th. You’d gotten to know the name of the songs, the last one was called “You’re My Babygirl” and you could imagine the girls swooning over the name. You wondered who was the lucky one, after all, he’d never told you about this. Must’ve been a confession song to the waitress in that random coffee shop. You’d gotten home after coming back from the store you were working at, and you’d changed out of your work clothes into a comfortable pyjama, throwing yourself on the couch to rest. Until you heard the voice of that detestable Pikachu.
“Momo what the hell?!” You frowned, getting up to turn it off. She stopped you. “He said he wanted you to hear this one. Just...listen to it, alright?” You huffed, annoyed, and nodded. “Sure, whatever.”
When you finished listening to the song, you teared up, then looked at his twitter account. He’d posted an old picture of you together. “She’s my babygirl.” Momo watched, then wiped away your tears. “He said he was sorry. Do you...want to see him?” She murmured softly, patting your hair. You nodded, fidgeting. “Yeah. Tell him he’s dumb when you call him.” “He already knows that.”
An hour passed, before you heard a very loud knock on the door. “Y/N-chan!!! Y/N-chan I came!” He threw a bouquet of flowers at you from the window. “Y/N!!” You threw it back on his head. “You dumbass!!” Momo opened the door, shushing him and letting him in, and he sprinted towards you holding five bouquets in his arms as if that will somehow raise his chances of being forgiven. Dammit, he was dumb, but it was so endearing. “I got you these, I’m so sorry, I’ll never flirt with anyone else again, I’ll be the best boyfriend ever just give me a second cha-” You took the bouquets out his arms and put them on the floor, shutting him up with a kiss. “You’re stupid, you know that?” He nodded, blushing. “I love you.” “I love you too, you idiot.” He grinned brightly, wrapping his arms around you. You hugged back tightly, kissing his hair. “Even if you’re dumb though, I still love you. Just don’t mess up like that again, okay? Or the next time I swear to god I will-” “Nope! No messing up! Pinky promise!” You giggled.
“Pinky promise.”
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jiaraendgame · 4 years
Dress Code
Summary: Close to summer vacation a massive heatwave hits the Outer Banks. Kiara decides to dress comfortably to combat the unbearable temperatures despite the strict rules of the Kildare High dress code. When things take a turn the Pogues take a stand for Kie.
Warnings: Swearing, mentions of over-sexualization of female bodies. Bad writing and probably editing issues even though I’ve read it through many times. Probably slightly out of character for Kie. If I missed anything let me know!
A/N: This was a request from a lovely anon a while back now. I apologize how long this took! I do hope you enjoy it. It is way longer than intended, but once more I can’t write anything short. Original concept is from THIS post made by @maybanktho​ I had fun writing this one though I lowkey struggled writing for Kie so I won’t lie this is NOT my best work. This has a lot of dialogue compared to my normal description heavy writing. Hopefully it’s not as trash as I think it is. I haven’t been in high school for a few years now so I used a lot of the dress code concepts that I remembered from back when I was in school. Regardless I hope you enjoy the Platonic!Pogues. Let me know what you think?
Word Count: 7.5k. Oops.
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Gif Credit: @jjbanks​
Summer in the Outer Banks was swiftly approaching, and with it came the scorching heat and sticky humidity. While the Kook Academy was lucky enough to house central air conditioning throughout its halls, Kildare High wasn't as fortunate. No matter how many fans they ran, and windows opened, the halls of Kildare County's finest educational system felt like a sauna. The sweat and body odor radiated off the teens, and there wasn't much they could do about it.
You'd think for living on an island, the dress code in the education establishments would be a little more relaxed all things considered. Unfortunately, much like most government-run systems, a set of rules were in place to keep the teens in line. While Kildare High didn't have uniforms like the Kook Academy, they still had standards in place that told them what was and was not appropriate apparel.
Kiara was one of if not the biggest activists in Kildare High. Always fighting for environmental improvement and equal treatment and opportunity for the females of The Cut. While Kie rarely broke the rules at school unless there was good reason to do so, she would, on occasion, bend and seek out loopholes in the standards set around her by her peers. Today was one of those days. While she knew her parents would detest her resilience, Kie decided that it was beginning to become too hot to bear the standard dress code.
With Summer break a few weeks away, she thought surely the teachers and staff would let it slide as temperatures continued to rise. Thursday afternoon was to be the hottest it has been thus far on the island. There was no way she could stand her normal capris and t-shirt combo today. Instead, she chose to wear a white and blue tie-dyed tank top accompanied by a pair of jean shorts. While she didn't want to make it too obvious, she was working against the dress code, she made sure her tank top covered her shoulders by no less than two fingers worth of fabric. While the technical rule asked for three-finger coverage, she didn't think anyone would notice. She also made sure her shorts came at least to her fingertips, though, depending, they would occasionally rise up a smidgen past the parameters set, but she couldn't help that they would rise up as she walked.
These rules were mediocre at best. If Kie had a longer torso and arms, admittedly, it would make wearing shorts nearly impossible to do. She saw it time, and time again, the taller girls get dinged on their shorts being too short, not hitting the required length set by mere arm length measurements. The tank top rule was arguably as frustrating as her male counterparts got away with wearing muscle tanks and were left alone, provided the sides weren't gapped open too far down their abdomen. The whole system felt rigged against you if you were a female. No low-cut tops. No crop tops. No tank tops unless it covers your shoulders with at least three fingers width of fabric. No shorts that went above your fingertips when you had your arms down. The list goes on.
While the dress rules circled Kie's mind, she chose to ignore her second-guessing. The school wasn't going to stop her from seeking some form of comfort during this heatwave. With her mind made up and her outfit on, she headed out of her house with a quick shout goodbye to her parents. Waiting for her was the old VW Van that the Pogues dubbed The Twinkie. The windows were down, and she could hear an upbeat reggae tune flowing from the crackling old speakers. She smiled and waved to the boys jumping into the open side door.
"Good morning, boys." She hummed out.
"Morning, Kie." The brunette boy driving spoke out as he pulled into the road headed towards their final destination.
"Good is questionable, but morning regardless," Pope spoke out, his nose buried in a textbook likely studying for the math test that was to be held this morning.
"You are way too chipper for this early in the morning, Kie." The disheveled and groggy blonde boy drawled as he slings his arm around her shoulders.
"You do make a good pillow, though." JJ continues to speak, leaning his head on Kie producing fake snores from his lips.
Kie sighs at the already sticky boy leaning on her as it is too early in the morning for his antics. "It is way too hot to be leaning on me right now, JJ, get off." She shoves his side lightly.
"Aw, come on Kie, you know you love me." A small chuckle leaves his lips.
With a roll of her eyes, she slides to the left, relieving herself from the boy's arm. The heat was already rising this early morning. More confirmation that she made the right decision to wear something that would help alleviate her discomfort. Kie reaches over and flicks the brim of Pope's hat, causing him to swat lightly at her hand.
“Hey, come on now, if I don’t get this last-minute studying in, I don’t know if I’ll survive Mr. Hew’s test. It’s too early to be thinking about factorial algorithms right now.”
“Exactly it’s too early for that so… let’s just fix the problem” JJ reaches over, clasping the book closed and tossing it to Kie.
“Man, stop it, give it back!”
"Pope relax, if any of us is prepared for this, it's you. You got this, okay? Now stop stressing and have some breakfast!"
Kie pulls out a container from her bag, opening it to reveal Mr. Carrera's freshly baked banana bread. The smell permeates the van filling the boy's nostrils. A tan arm reaches out, swiping one from the container and promptly shoving half of it in his mouth.
“Don’t have to ask me twice!” JJ speaks crumbs falling from his overstuffed mouth.
"JJ, that's…" Kie pauses only to have her sentence finished by Pope seconds later.
“Disgusting…” he nods in agreement. Politely reaching over and snatching a baked good for himself.
“Hey! Don’t forget the driver now! Don’t make me pull this van over.” John B pipes up from the front seat.
"Relax John B, we could never forget you." Kie speaks, handing the brunette his slice of banana bread. Finally, then taking the last slice for herself, savoring the sweet symphony dancing on her tongue.
With the Pogues finishing their breakfast courtesy of Kie and her father, it wasn't long before they pulled into view of Kildare High. A slight unanimous sigh leaving their mouths. Another day here is another day closer to having the best Summer ever. Kie thought to herself. As the van slowed, the group of friends were quickly greeted with the humidity kissing their skin. With the lack of wind flowing through the gapping windows as the van parked with a clank, JJ slides open the side door.
Jumping out of the van, the blonde Pogue speaks up. "It should be illegal to have to go to school when it's this hot out. We should be hitting the waves right now."
“You know there was actually a case that a school in New York City shut down due to an extreme heatwave in 2018.” Pope chimed in standing beside JJ.
“If only we were that lucky, I would kill to be out on the HMS Pogue right now.” John B forcefully shuts the driver’s door.
JJ holds his hand out for Kie to grab, and as she grasps it, she can feel the sweat form. A slight grimace graces her face as JJ practically peels Kie off like a piece of tape stuck to the sticky seat in the van.
"You know boys… I don't say this often, but days like these, I so desperately want to skip."
"Ooh, look at Kie thinking all rebellious today." JJ winks at her a smug look twinkling in his eyes.
“Shut up JJ, I’m not like you. I don’t ditch out whenever there’s a good swell to surf.”
JJ clutches his chest, mock offended by her comment. "You're just jealous that instead of taking the Spanish quiz last week, I was out living my best life." he chuckles.
“You guys are ridiculous, let’s head in before we are late again. I’m really not feeling detention today.” Pope starts towards the doors, JJ and John B in tow.
“When are you ever feeling detention Pope?” John B jokes.
Kie quickens her pace and bumps her hip into John B for pestering their friend. Entering the doors of the school, it was clear everyone was feeling the heat today. Maybe I can actually get away with this, Kie hoped. As she glances around, she sees many others also ditching the likes of the apparel parameters set up by the school district.
The Pogues meandered their way through several other kids from The Cut. The occasional "What's up!" and nods being given as they reached their destination: room 204, Math with Mr. Hew. Pushing through the door, they rush for seats in the back of the class. The boys had the jump on Kie, noticing there were only 3 seats open towards the end of the classroom. JJ playfully shoved John B as he rushed to the one farthest back sliding into the chair with a smack. A smirk adorned his face triumphant of his victory. Pope and John B glanced towards each other before the second chair was stolen by Pope, who was now sitting adjacent to JJ.
“Come on! You guys always get the good seats.”
A laugh leaves the two boys' lips. "Sometimes you gotta fight dirty JB." JJ calls out, looking over to Kie, who is farthest from the remaining seat.
Kie stands between desks shaking her head at the boys who, within 2 minutes of entering the classroom, caused a commotion over something as simple as seating arrangements.
"Come on, Kie, one more seat left; you aren't gonna let John B beat you to it, are you?" JJ's playful tone rang in her ears. Though she knew better than to join their early morning antics, the enticement was there. She knew they were right; the back seats were the best to sit in, especially in Mr. Hew's class. It was seconds after JJ spoke that John B started to head for the chair, a "No way," leaning his lips at the boy's teasing words.
She had to think quickly as John B was sure to get there before her when an idea popped into her head. JJ was right. Sometimes you gotta play dirty, she thought. She went to take a step, and in a forward trust fall fashion, Kie squeaked her voice to mimic panic to grab the boy's attention as she purposefully tripped on a desk leg. She knew he wouldn't let her fall, well as long as he believed it was real.
John B being the guy that he is, was quick on his feet as he caught Kie's arm and pulled her weight toward him, so she fell into his chest rather than the floor. Straightening her up, John B scans his eyes over her looking for any injuries before asking if she was okay. Being in front of him, Kiara had a better angle to get to the desk before the boy knew what was going on.
"My hero John B!" Kie dramatically peaks her voice playing a damsel in distress. "Thanks for the help, sucker!" She laughs as she pushes John B's shoulders back and dashes to the open seat next to JJ.
"Oh! Oh no, you don't!" John B swiftly wraps his arms around Kie's torso and twirls her as they erupt in laughter.
"Dirty plays, my man! I told you to watch out." JJ laughs at their friend’s rush to get the seat.
Before Kie realized it, her top was riding up, revealing her midriff, and her shorts slid up her thighs. She knew she had to adjust herself quickly, even if that meant losing the good seat. However, it was already too late. A booming voice calls out over the classroom.
"Routledge, Carrera, Maybank, Heyward!" The stern yet irritated tone called out to the four Pogues. John B quickly placed Kie back to the ground. Their attention was now focused on the man in a Hawaiian top and khaki shorts who stood in front of the room.
"Why, good morning to you too, Mr. Hew, what a particularly sweltering day we are having, isn't it?" JJ mockingly spoke while the rest of the Pogues gave him the side-eye wishing he would have kept his mouth shut.
"I've had enough of this disruption." The heat had everyone in a cranky mood today. This didn't exclude the teachers as Mr. Hew scolded the Pogues hooligan behavior.
"Mr. Hew, honestly, we didn't mean to get you upset, we just wanted to find good seats, and we may have gotten a bit carried away." John B tried to back pedal his friends out of the mess they started to no avail.
"I don't care for your reasoning Routledge; my classroom is not your jungle gym. If you four continue this today, you all will receive zeros for your tests." The seriousness rang out in his words.
"Sir, isn't that a little harsh all things considered? The bell hasn't even rung yet, we didn't mean to cause any harm." Kiara spoke out protective over the Pogues, knowing a zero on this test would affect all their grades. While JJ didn't care, he needed this grade to pass the class, and Pope couldn't risk a drop that would threaten his scholarship. John B rode the middle line, his grades not as bad as JJ's, but still at the risk of being lower than necessary for a smart kid when he chooses to use his head. Kie's grades were up there, not at Pope's level, but enough to be noticeable if she failed. They were never the golden kids, but who was when they came from The Cut? The closest one to being a model student was Pope, but even he would get caught up in the actions of his friends.
Mr. Hew looked over to Kiara, ready to refute her prominent yet protective attitude, but before he spoke, another problem arose. Kie's shorts were scrunched up much higher than the fingertip limit. While she was able to cover her midriff before any notice happened, she hadn't had the chance to pull the hem of her shorts down her thighs before she spoke in defense for the Pogues and their grades.
A sigh left Mr. Hew's lips. "We have a problem here, don't we Ms. Carrera," he spoke, facing her. He was giving her an out, to admit she had an apparel problem, but Kie wouldn't give in. Maybe she could talk her way out of it, she hoped.
"What do you mean, sir? I don't think anything is wrong other than you threatening zeros on our tests." She attempted to bring the attention back to the group and their earlier horseplay. To no avail, Mr. Hew shook his head at her.
"Kiara… please place your arms down and fingertips straight." He spoke to her before turning away from where she stood and pulled out the school handbook. Mr. Hew was a big stickler for that thing. He read it and abided by it like it was the bible itself. The Pogues looked on at her confusion, scrunched up in their furrowed brows and watchful eyes.
Kiara did as she was told trying to pull the hem down in the process, but with no luck, her fingertips reached well past her shorts. The hem just hitting her middle knuckles. She was busted.
"Sir, before you say anything, this can be fixed. I am not in any violation here. Just hold on."
"Stop. Kiara, you know the rules. The dress code is very clear to all students. You can't come around here dressed like that." The tone in his voice was condescending. This was enough to set her off. She would not be patronized over a rule that had no logical substance to them.
"I'm sorry, Mr. Hew, correct me if I'm wrong, but are you telling me that because my shorts ride up a bit with normal movement, I am dressed in a manner that isn't appropriate?" She questions his notion, over the hypocrisy that females were held to standards that ridiculed the human body.
"I am saying that you should have known dressing in those would cause provocative allure that is much too revealing to your fellow students." He pauses before clearing his throat and speaking again. "Now, you have to go change or be sent to in-school suspension for the rest of your day until you find appropriate items to wear in class."
Kiara scoffs at the perceptions being placed on her as they were demeaning to her as a female. She wouldn’t stand for the blatant sexism occurring in front of her. The Pogues quickly realized that this was not going to end well.
"Excuse me, are you telling me that I am creating a distraction with my body because I dressed in shorts. Do you not understand how entirely sexist that is?" Kiara had had it with the blatant disregard of her body, feeling like she was being looked at as an object and not a human.
Her voice continued to get louder as she ranted on towards the red-faced teacher growing angrier by the second. "This is ridiculous. The boys can have half their abdomens peeking through the sides of their tank tops and not be causing a distraction, but as a female, if I am showing too much of my thighs, this is a problem. You are sexualizing mine and other female bodies like we are a piece of meat. This is so screwed up; these rules are against the females of this school and praise the boys due to our sexual organs. News flash, we are all human and guess what it is beyond hot outside. So, I am sorry I chose to dress with comfort in mind and not the worry of stimulating the sexual minds of my peers because I am showing my thighs. God forbid I wore a bathing suit, right? Now that would really be a distraction."
"Carrera! Out of my classroom, now!" The teacher boomed his hand, gesturing towards the door.
"Oh, I'm sorry, are my thighs too distracting for you, sir? Are they turning you on? If so, you are the one with the real problem here, Mr. Hew. Doesn't look too good if a single human feature is causing all this trouble for you, does it? The sexualization of the female body in this society is sickening. Wearing shorts is not provocative, and if you think it is okay to patronize someone for their choice of clothing, then you sir are the one with the problem. The length of my shorts is not a reason to sexualize myself or any girl. We should be able to dress comfortably on a hot day without being looked at as an object. I-"
“Out! Carrera get out of this classroom and go to the office. You are done for the day!” Mr. Hew was fuming with anger at Kiara’s words as he fumbled his last warning to the girl.
The Pogues and the rest of the class had their eyes wide, and mouths dropped to the floor. Kiara was always passionate about the rights of women and how they were treated compared to men. Even in something as minuscule as a school system dress code, the everyday over-sexualization of females and their bodies was pitiful. She wasn't upset that she was being sent out of the room; she was angry that people viewed her and others as just a piece of meat prime for their viewing pleasures.
Kiara grabbed her bag and swiftly left the classroom, visibly distraught. She never expected this day to end up like this, but here she was. As she went to the office, the principal was already made aware of the incident. Without a second thought, Kiara was given one day of in-school suspension starting tomorrow. Followed by a two day out of school suspension that was to begin the upcoming Monday morning for her lash out in the classroom and accusatory words towards her teacher. All things considering, she was let off with a light sentence. Her parents, however, wouldn't be as lenient.
With Kiara out of the classroom, the bell had finally rung signally for class to begin. Mr. Hew tried to bring order back into place as the Pogues all glanced over at each other. Unsure of what to do. While they always poked fun at Kie when she went on her tirades to them in the past this time, they came to the realization that she was right. She and fellow female students were treated with a bias towards them when it came to the dress code in place. It wasn't fair, and they knew they had to do something about it, they just weren't sure of what.
JJ is frantic and as subtle as a bull in a china shop whips out his phone, quickly texting the other boys. In shock of what took place, he started to brainstorm ideas.
Did you guys see Kie? My god, she was fuming!
We all saw her idiot. She made valid points though
 John B
Yeah, she's right, it really wasn't fair for her to get dress coded. Look at all the times JJ comes in with his muscle tanks on, he's always flashing his nips, but no one says anything.
You aren’t wrong, but what are we gonna do about it?
Hey man, I resent that statement. Really though, we gotta come up with something! If it were us in this situation, you know Kie would have our backs.
We could protest? Maybe petition to get the standards changed?
 John B
How? It’s not like we can come in here with short shorts on, that would just look like a big joke.
We need to figure out how to stand with her in solidarity in some way that isn’t foolish.
I am NOT wearing short shorts! JJ, it's out of the question.
 John B
Yeah, man, I'm not really following you here.
No, you idiots! Ugh, okay mandatory meeting at the Chateau after school! I have an idea!
Pope and John B glance at each other with a nervous look lingering in their eyes. When JJ was the one making plans, you never knew what was gonna happen. There was a reason he was never in charge of their past excursions.
While the day dragged on, the boys were anxious to get in contact with Kie. She wasn't answering her texts. That was never a good sign, likely meaning her parents didn't take the news too well and confiscated her phone. With the final bell signaling the end of the day, the boys hopped into the Twinkie and were off to The Wreck. They wanted to check in on Kie before their gathering back at the Chateau.
The boys lingered outside for a moment before stepping into the bustling restaurant. They glanced around and quickly made eye contact with Mr. Carrera. He greeted them with a begrudging expression written on his face. Pope takes a step forward and speaks on behalf of the boys.
"Hey there, Mr. C. we just wanted to check in and see if Kiara was okay? Do you think we could talk to her for a moment?" The boy's polite and soft manner caused a sigh to leave Mr. Carrera's mouth.
"My delinquent of a daughter isn't here right now. She is at home and will remain there for two weeks but thank you for asking about her. While I don't condone her or her friend's actions, at least it's clear to me you boys look after her. Even if it is in a questionable manner." The tough but concerned father looked over the boys once more hesitantly, happy to know his daughter had people who cared about her, unlike when she was in the Kook Academy.
"I will tell her you boys visited, but you won't be able to speak to her for a little while. She won't have access to her phone as part of her punishment. Now, if you don't plan to order anything, I'm gonna have to ask you to leave." The stern figure spoke to them. It was clear Kie's father was never too keen on her Pogue friends and lifestyle choices, but over time he has come to warm up around them knowing they made his daughter happy. That's all he could ever want for her is for her to be happy and feel loved.
"Right well, thank you, sir, for the update. We are sorry to bother you." Pope speaks, taking a step back as the other boys turn to head out towards the van.
Once outside, they started their trek back to John B's. The windows were down while they cruised the bumpy dirt roads of The Cut, allowing the air to flow through and dance around the boys' heat-stricken bodies. They all pondered just how to help Kiara's situation.
Hours had passed since they got to the Chateau, and with beers, in their hands, JJ finally opened his mouth eager to tell the boys of his brilliant idea. "Okay, so the stand with Kie meeting has officially been called to order and boys do I have the best plan." A mischievous smirk plastered itself across JJ's sweaty sun-kissed face.
"Yeah, something about you and "best plan" doesn't exactly go together there, chief." Pope chuckled.
"If I recall, your last "best plan" ended with us getting into a scuffle with the Kooks and Kie having to break it up. So, let's hope this plan of yours isn't as disastrous." John B chimes in.
"Alright, alright, shut up, you guys. Just because my plans don't always go to plan doesn't mean they don't get the job done. Sometimes we have to go off-book."
"What do you mean, off-book?" John B eyeballs the blonde confusion on his face.
“Well, you remember what Kie said? Her body is overly sexualized while us guys get away with wearing basically whatever we want. That pesky little rule book faults girls but favors the boys.”
“I see what you are saying, but I’m not quite sure I’m following.” Pope pipes up.
"Shirtless. We go to school tomorrow, shirtless." JJ blurts out his thoughts, the other boys go wide-eyed. "If they are going to sexualize thighs in shorts, but not our practically bare abdomens when we wear cut-offs, then why not just show up without shirts on at all."
"You know… that could work. It's like…" John B snaps his fingers together, searching for the words he wishes to speak.
"It's like reverse psychology or whatever!" JJ completed John B's train of thought.
"Yes! Okay, I'm in. Protest the unjust sexualization of female bodies under the dress code. For once, JJ, you might actually have a great idea."
"What can I say? I was due for one eventually, right? So, what do you say, Pope?" The blue-eyed boy turns to Pope, who has been awfully quiet during this whole process of discussion.
The boy sighs towards his friends, who wore goofy smiles on their faces. Excited for their scheme. "I don't know… it seems frivolous at best."
“Can’t we just get a petition going instead and collect signatures to change the dress code to be more fitting for our tropical climate?”
"Aw c'mon man, you know a bunch of teenaged signatures isn't gonna fix anything. The school board isn't going to budge on this, and neither will the parents unless we make a show of the ridiculous rules instead." John B tries to reason with the boy whose eyebrows were knitted together, detesting the thought of showing up to a school environment shirtless.
"Pope man, he's right. They aren't going to listen to us, when have they ever? If we want to show Kie support, then we will have to do it our way… Pogue style." JJ urges the boy.
“Just think of it like this man… When has there ever been a moment where Kie didn’t have our backs?” John B asks the boy.
"Well… she always stands by us even when we make stupid decisions." Pope recalls starting to realize how much Kie does for them.
"Exactly! So, we need to do this for her. It's not for us." John B and JJ go back and forth, continuing to push at Pope's buttons, urging him to go along with the plan.
“It’s for Kie. She always helps you study when she knows you are stressed about a big exam.”
“And she always encourages you and your scholarship. Even if she teases you for being on the math team instead of playing baseball.” The boys chuckle as they continue back and forth.
"She is always bringing us food or getting us leftovers from The Wreck knowing otherwise there would be times we wouldn't eat. Or attempt to eat expired goods." John B eyeballs JJ.
“It was one-time man… but really. She is always bringing us beer and snacks when we go out on the HMS Pogue.”
“Always getting us out of trouble when the Kooks come around talking shit.”
"Making sure we actually take care of any injuries we get, so they don't get infected."
“Being a shoulder for all of us to lean on when we need it.”
"Come on, Pope, she's always keeping an eye on us, and all the while still enjoys slumming it with us and our crazy antics. She is a Pogue, and we can't leave her hanging."
With a moment of silence, Pope ponders his options. Knowing his friends are right despite how silly the protest would be. He soon speaks up, "Never leave a Pogue behind, right?" He smiles as the other boy’s cheer ecstatically to have convinced the more conservative boy to go along with their big plan.
"So, it's settled. Tomorrow bright and early, the shirtless protest begins." The boys all share a handshake in agreement.
As the boys awoke from their designated spots in the Chateau, they proceeded to get ready for their protest plans. Just as the previous days, the forecast was calling for high temperatures and humidity, making it the perfect day to pull off their scheme. With John B and JJ loaded into the Twinkie clad in nothing but their shorts and shoes, they were off to retrieve Pope hoping he hadn't had second doubts. Like clockwork, the boy strolls out of his home and jumps into the back of the van book bag in tow. The Pogues huffed as they noticed the navy-blue shirt adorning their friend's frame.
“Pope… the plan?” JJ questions furrowing his brows.
"If either of you thought I would be able to step outside my house without a shirt on to go to school, you two are nuts. No way would my pops let that fly."
The other two hum acceptingly knowing he was right. As they drove along the roads towards the school, the boys all eagerly shifted in their seats. Their plan was chaotic at best, and the moment they would step into those dimly lit halls, all eyes would be on them. As John B parks the van, he looks back at his friends.
“Well, it’s now or never boys. Let’s do this.”
"Pogue style baby, let's go!" JJ cheered more eagerly compared to the others.
"Here comes detention…" Pope spoke as he tugged the fabric over his head, exposing his bare chest to match his friend’s "outfits" boasting nothing but shorts and a set of shoes.
“That a boy Pope, let’s do it for Kie.”
“For Kie!” John B and Pope called back in unison.
The boys walk tow in tow together towards the building, already catching the gazes of the other kids from The Cut. The whispers and giggles soon to follow. While the stares made Pope uncomfortable, JJ was eating up the attention. John B also taking the comments he'd catch in stride.
"Looking good, JJ." A redheaded girl calls out to him, he smirks and gives her a wink before turning to her friend's eyes widened.
"You are enjoying this a little too much, JJ." John B chuckles.
"Hey, it's not my fault; they like what they see."
“Like they need to feed your ego anymore,'' Pope nudges his friend, laughing.
"Aw, don't worry, bub. I see some eyeballs looking at you too." John B pesters the boy who is clearly not as comfortable in this situation as his friends are.
"Shut up, and let's just do this." The boys appear in front of Mr. Hew's door. Ready for the chaos that is sure to let loose as soon as they are spotted.
Entering the room one by one, the Pogues nonchalantly scurry to the back of the room. As the bell rang, more comments and a few winks, whistles, and laughs passed their classmate's lips. The stir of commotion quickly alerting Mr. Hew to their presence.
"What have I told you, boys, about-" He pauses, fully taking in the shirtless boy's appearances. He shuts his eyes, brings his hands to his face, and rubs over his features in frustration as he sighs and whispers to himself. "In god's name, what is even happening."
"I do hope you boys packed shirts to go along with your textbooks today." He sternly speaks. "Or will you three be joining Ms. Carrera for in-school suspension today?"
"What do you mean, sir? We are just here to peacefully protest."
“What in god's name do you think you are protesting boy?” Mr. Hew continued to grow more infuriated with the site in front of him.
"I believe that our cause is quite clear, sir." Pope speaks.
“We are protesting the unjust rules enforced upon the lovely ladies of our student body.” JJ chimes in, his lip perked in the corner of his mouth.
"Considering how Kiara was treated yesterday and others in this very establishment, it is our job to bring awareness to the unfair treatment. We all got bodies, sir, and quite frankly to sexualize one specific gender and not the other is biased."
"If you boys don't quit this nonsense immediately, I will have you escorted out of the classroom. This is your only warning."
"So, you have nothing to say on the biased standards set here at Kildare High?"
The straw had finally broken the camel's back in the humidity dense classroom. Mr. Hew raised his voice, causing the students to stare on their eyes full as the Pogues were reprimanded.
"You boys have no respect! When have you ever followed the rules? I do not make the handbook, but I will enforce the guidelines as that is my job—something you three clearly do not understand. If you don't grow up and follow the rules even when you don't agree, you are bound to get yourselves into serious trouble. Now I will not ask again. Put on your shirts of leave. Immediately." Their teacher red in the face huffed out his tyrannical words to the three boys who continue to stand their ground. Not budging at his request.
The creak of the door opening sounded, shifting the Pogues' focus as a familiar face stepped in the room. Kiara steps in a red pass in her hand, indicating she was coming from the in-school suspension office. Kie draws Mr. Hew's attention away from the boys. The boys smiled towards Kie, waiting to see her reaction, hoping she would be proud of them.
"Sorry to bother you, sir. I was just coming in to grab today's course wo- oh my god." her words trail off, seeing her Pogues standing side by side shirtless chests puffed out in a defiant demeanor.
“What did you guys do?” She speaks out in shock as Mr. Hew turned towards the girl.
"If it isn't the lady of the hour. I'm sure you knew all about this. Still causing trouble when you aren't allowed in the classroom. Tell me, Carrera, is this idea of a protest a joke to you?" His hateful language spews out towards the girl. The boys ready to jump to her defense, but Kie was faster at the draw then them.
"Do you truly believe I am that obsessed with getting a rise out of you when it was unlikely, I would witness it, sir? That is a bit ridiculous, I'm not in any way responsible for this. These knuckleheads are on their own with this one." She chuckles at the thought.
“I find it unlikely you wouldn’t orchestrate a protest as you have many times in the past Ms. Carrera. Now tell your boys to drop your plan.” The accusatory teacher huffed.
"Even if I was a part of this, which I am not. If I told these boys to stop, the chances of them listening to me are slim at best." Kie stood her ground soon, having the Pogues chime in.
"I'd have to agree with Kie, sir, she really wasn't involved in all this," Pope spoke out as the other two Pogues hummed in agreement to his words.
"This was all us baby, straight from our brilliant minds." JJ beamed at the thought of his plan, causing this much of a stir.
"Even if she asked us to stop, we wouldn't. She doesn't deserve to be treated as an object by yourself or the mandated rules in an outdated handbook. None of the girls here do." John B spoke in a brotherly tone, protective over his friend.
"That is, it, I have had it! Enough with the nonsense, there will be no more of this. Carrera, Heyward, Maybank, Routledge out of my classroom now!"
"Gladly," JJ spoke, gripping his bag and walking towards the old door covered in chipped and peeling paint. The other three followed his lead stepping towards the exit. Once out the door and a few steps down the hallway, they notice Kie being quieter than expected.
“You good?”
The boys spoke as she stopped in the crossway of the building. She turned to face the boys at first with an unreadable expression displayed on her face. This made the others anxious, worried she was mad at their actions.
"I cannot believe you guys did that." A smile spreads across her lips, followed by a laugh. The boys quickly relax. John B places his rough hand on her shoulder.
"Thank JJ, it was his idea."
"Yeah, I was just gonna start a petition, but this fool thought it would be better to bring a physical awareness to the biased culture you have to face." Pope offers a sweet understanding smile towards Kie.
"Well, I'll be damned JJ Maybank with a plan that didn't end in bloodshed." She pokes the boys exposed skin.
"Hey, they don't all end in bloodshed!" The crew looks at the boy knowingly.
"Okay, maybe they do sometimes, but I was due for a successful plan eventually!" The blonde headed boy shrugs.
"While I wouldn't call this entirely successful JJ, I would say it was endearing. And damn funny, did you see Mr. Hew's face?" The girl continues to walk, leading the boys down the hall, passing the office door.
"Uh, Kie, you missed our stop," Pope called out.
"Did I, though? I mean, we are already in trouble. Would you rather spend the day in a stuffy office or out on the waves?" Kie's rebellious words give rise to the boys.
“Hell yeah, that’s our girl! Let’s go! We can swing by JB’s and swipe the boards out front!” JJ rushes towards the doubled door exit of the school building, Kie quickly following suit.
"Guys, this is gonna make things so much worse!" Pope calls to his friends.
"Come on, bubba, live a little. Can't be any worse than what your dad's gonna say later! Better enjoy the freedom while we still got it!" John B jogs backward, speaking to Pope. The boy sighs and pushes his friend's shoulder, spinning him forward as they make their non-stealthy escape from the dimly lit school halls of Kildare High.
The delinquent group of teens jump their way into John B's van, making a quick but noisy getaway as the engine roars to life. The exhaust sputtering out smoke as they pull off the school property with haste. The group laughs and cheers as they head towards the Chateau, ready to start a day of rebellious fun skipping out on the school parameters. The humid air grows thick and sticky as the morning sun hits its high point.
After the pit stop at John B's, the Pogues gathered the necessities for the day. JJ strapped the boards to the van while Kie and Pope rummaged the kitchen for any edible snacks and remaining beers they could pack. John B took his time to gas up the van while the others changed into their swimwear.
As the day went on and the heat rose, the Pogues spent their time together laughing and splashing in the water. Catching as many waves as they could feeling the cool touch of the sea on their skin. Hours had passed, and the group grew tired, opting to sit on their boards as the waves rolled passed them. They knew they would have to call it a day soon, having to face the consequences that awaited them.
The calm silence circled the air around the Pogues. All content with spending this time together. They were always the happiest spending days like these together—nothing to stop them from having these moments together. The content energy filling their lungs.
"I just wanted to thank you guys again," Kie spoke, looking between the boys she so lovingly called her best friends. They meant the world to her, and she would never not appreciate them even on the days they got under her skin.
“It was nothing Kie, you would have done the same for us.” JJ calls out over the roar of the ocean surrounding them.
“He’s right you are always by our sides when things go south, it’s the least we could do.” Pope chimes in.
Exactly, we wouldn't leave you behind; it's not in the Pogue nature." John B smiles wide, knowing his group always had each other's backs.
"You guys are idiots, you really didn't have to get yourselves into trouble over me. Regardless that was really sweet of you all, and I love you fools for it." Her words rang out with love and admiration for the group.
"I suppose we should head back in, we can't avoid the world forever, though I wish we could." John B calls out as he starts to paddle back to the shore. Pope following suit. JJ looks over to Kie, a smile on his face happy to have helped his friend today, knowing he would do anything for them no matter the consequences he faced.
"Hey, JB! I'm crashing at yours tonight." JJ calls out, shifting his weight as he paddles to follow the boys. He looks back at Kie who is looking up toward the late afternoon sun, a peaceful look settled across her face.
"Earth to Kie, you coming in?" He calls back to her, bringing her attention to the boys who are halfway towards the shore now.
"Yeah, I'm coming, just taking my last breath of free air before I go home." She half chuckles, knowing she isn't wrong. Her parents are bound to add more time to her previous grounded sentence. Though that wasn't what was really on her mind.
As the Pogues gathered on the beach sand sticking to their wet toes, they dry off with their towels before heading towards the van.
"Hey!" Kie calls out, catching the three boys' attention. Without another word, she throws her arms around them, embracing their arms as they quickly respond to her notion. Even JJ, who wasn't much of a hugger, found comfort being in his friend's embrace. It was his safe space, his real family. They all felt it. The love and endearment they held for each other. No matter the crazy adventures they would go on, they knew at the end of the day they had each other.
The crew broke away and headed back towards the Twinkie. As the boys loaded up the boards, Kie grabbed the remaining snacks from the cooler and passed them out once everyone was settled in. The side door closed with a metal clang as they ventured their way to their drop off spots.
The ride back flowed with casual conversations between the four, smiles, and laughs adorning their faces. As they approached Kie's home, she found herself lost in her thoughts. The feeling of having people care for you so much that they risk getting into trouble on your behalf warmed Kiara's heart. She couldn't have asked for a better group of friends looking out for her. While this isn't the first time they would go down together in trouble as a group, surely it wouldn't be their last.
Tagging some mutuals who hopefully won’t hate me for tagging them in this monstrosity. @jjbanks​ @john-benderr​ @void-maybank​ @northcarolinanative​ @outerbongs​ @tomfreakinghollandneedsaoscar​ @bricksatanakinswindow​ @pit-zuh​ @sguymon21​ @outrebanx​ @outerbankslut​ @hmspxgue​ @jellyfishbeansontoast​ @drewsephsmiles​ @scandalousfemale​ @moldisgoodforyou​ @ad-infinitums​ @futuretaxcheat​ @ptersparkers​ @rudysbay​ @drewswannabegirl​ @lenaandcalliope​ @diverdcwn​ @mermaidssonshipss​
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snkpolls · 4 years
SnK Episode 60 Poll Results (for Anime Only Watchers)
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The poll closed with 159 responses. Thank you to everyone who participated!
Please note that these are the results for the Anime Only Watchers’ poll. If you wish to see the results for the Manga Readers’ poll, click here. 
Anime only watchers, beware of spoilers if you venture over to the manga readers’ poll results.
RATE THE EPISODE 130 Responses
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And we’re back! An explosive premiere brings the series back. The vast majority seemed to enjoy the episode, with only 2.3% of folks giving it a score below a 3.  
I thought some of the directing in the action scenes was odd and the music didn’t feel as well integrated/utilized as in past seasons.
If this season is consistently as good as this first episode, AOT will indeed end as a perfect masterpiece
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The Studio change from WIT Studio to MAPPA was a subject of much scrutiny and debate before the season’s release. With almost 61% showing some form of enthusiasm about a new studio’s take on the series. The opinion is not uniform, of course, with just over 18% stating their preference for WIT studio. Slightly less (17.3%) can’t give an answer yet and the rest don’t seem to care at all.  
I wished MAPPA would make the latter episodes a little more vibrant and lessen the blur
mappa as some of my favorite shows (banana fish, yuri on ice, etc) so it was kinda cool to see they picked up AOT szn 4 ! i’m excitedly waiting to watch the next episode, (and with my ‘watch partner’ aka tumblr friend who discusses with me as we watch LOL).
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If there’s one thing that’s rather controversial about the series’ animation adaptation, then it’s certainly the use of CGI (particularly when animating Titans). The opinion of the fanbase seems to be rather positive, nonetheless. 72.4% of responders gave the CGI some praise (be it more open or more reserved), while 18.2% were more negative about the use of CGI. At the bottom was 9.4% who stated that they preferred WIT’s style of CGI to the one utilized in the episode.  
cgi wasn't bad but I was disappointed that it wasn't the 2d animation from the trailer
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When it came to the season’s opening, there was a positive response, with more than 72% expressing a favorable opinion. 21.1% didn’t seem to care for it and about 6% stated that they thoroughly disliked it. 
OP is WAY too overrated, nowhere near as good as the original, too much glorification of the kind of nationalism that led to Nazi germany's rise to power
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The new ending received very similar scores, with a similar figure of more than 72% expressing a positive view of the ending and a little over a quarter not caring for it. The proportion disliking it was much lower however, with only 2.3% of folks expressing those thoughts.
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One of the grandest developments that came about in this episode is the fact that a 4 year time skip has occurred since the defeat of the Warriors in Shiganshina. Although there is a sizable minority expressing negative feelings (13.5%), the definitive majority is coming in with enthusiasm (70.6%). The rest are still thinking this change over. 
wtf is going on? Who are these new people? Why are we supposed to care about them if they're from Marley? Where are the main characters? Yeah, I suppose Reiner and Zeke technically count as MCs, but there is an appalling lack of 104th characters that needs to be fixed asap!
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In a similar vein, a remarkable new development is a change of setting. The majority (almost 61%) see it in a positive light, while 16% seem to dislike it. Just over 19% aren’t certain yet. 
After what Reiner and co. did, I am not at all interested in their side of the story and just want Eren and co. to completely decimate these people
Fun to meet new characters but I'm eager to know whats going on with the characters we know
It feels a little disorienting but it's a logical progression of the story
Wouldnt mind the change of setting if we at least had it from the 104th's perspective
I wasn’t expecting it to be so focused on new characters, and I was disappointed at first but I’m indifferent now.
Not liking the new perspective. At least for this new batch of kids. If Reiner and Zeke are going to be a major focus for a while, wouldn't a short series of flashbacks for their pasta work better than a completely new spin-off from the main story?
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As this episode introduced a lot of new characters, we got a colorful pie chart for this one. The plurality of responses (40%) chose the kind-hearted Falco, while 28% went with passionate Gabi. 14.4% chose the caring Colt and 13.6% went with the cool Jaw Titan holder. The last couple of responses picked out the stoic General Magath and the quiet Zofia. Poor Udo didn’t get a single vote!
I loved it. I love the new art style, my favorite scene was Gabi destroying the train, she's awesome. I really love Falco as well and Colt. Galliard's titan design is sick
I literally don't give a shit about these new kids, I don't care about their story, just bring back EMA and the 104th already!
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Another colorful pie chart! An almost even split for the (possible) future inheritor of the Armored Titan. 37.6% believe Falco will take it, while 27.2% went with Gabi. 33.6% do not see any of the cadets inheriting Reiner’s titan and the last couple of votes went ahead to Zofia instead.
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When drawing comparison to Reiner and Zeke’s looks in the previous season, there was a clear favorite among the responses - Reiner, with 74%. Zeke had the preference of 15% and those who didn’t feel like either of them “went through a glow up” took 11%. 
can we acknowledge how good zeke, reiner, and [redacted] looked 😌🥰
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New season, new setting, new titan! The vast majority of viewers seem hyped about the Jaw Titan and find its design really cool. 15.9% aren’t as thrilled about it, and 9.5% haven’t decided yet. Most of the write-in comments implied a connection with the Jaw Titan. But for the purpose of avoiding spoiling those who haven’t drawn the same conclusion, we won’t be publishing them. Just know we see you. ;)
i was lowkey scared lmao
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We are reunited with the eerie Cart Titan from S3, but this time flexing cool armor and machine guns on its back! The overwhelming majority of respondents prefer it better tricked out in its armor, over a small minority who appreciate its natural creepiness more.
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Gabi appears to be a point of controversy among anime viewers already, with 38.7% viewing her favorably, 37.9% viewing her less favorably, and 16.9% not sure how to feel about her yet. Some comments feel she is similar to Eren in some ways, while others found her annoying. And yes, she did break international law. :P
Eren, but smol and female xD
I hate her already
I think she’s awesome
She's like Eren was
she passionately creepy but i like her lol
shes annoying
Gabi is SO annoying istfg really hope Falco gets more focus than Gabi, he seems nicer and more relatable
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Overall, no one seems to know what’s going on, though many are theorizing that this is related to the paths, titan powers/memory transfer, or Eren somehow. What could this mean for the future of Falco’s character?
Dig at anime viewers returning to S4
He saw the memories of a survey corps member
I have a couple theories, regarding the memories that intelligent Titans share back and forth
maybe he had one of those flashback/forward things that erens dad had
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Nearly 90% of respondents are certain that this mystery character is someone we know, while just a small handful of people believe it’s someone new, and about the same amount not ready to make a call one way or the other yet. Some write-ins on the poll had guessed specifically who the character may be already. But we won’t spoil you just yet. 👀
The end credits guy is definitely someone we know, but I highly doubt it's Eren
The sharp-looking dude at the end just HAS to be someone we know on Paradis, there's no way they'd just throw us in to this new cast of nobodies without some connection to the main characters
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The treatment of Eldians on the mainland is something that the majority of respondents see as detestable, with 87.3% finding the use of them as war fodder to be downright cruel. A smaller amount of people either felt it was a necessary evil, or didn’t feel strongly about it one way or the other. 
Literally waiting for the 104th to show up and fuck shit up for these inhumane monsters
That's what happens in the real world. The persecuted minority gets used as war fodder.
i d k 👀
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Colorful opinions mean more colorful pie charts! Most viewers feel that there is no way for the relations between Eldians and Marleyans to improve (30.1%) or that relations will never improve, with the exception of a rare few who are sympathetic to Eldians (22.8%). A smaller amount (totalling 32.5%) feel that it’s possible for things to improve whether it be due to a change in Marleyan leadership or due to the two sides having to come together for the greater good. 14.6% of respondents stand in the middle ground, unsure of whether relations can improve or not.
Honestly at first it was very confusing but overall I enjoyed it
So when do we get to see the 104th again?
I figured there would be more modern technology involved in the story, but I'm not a fan at all of the direction it's going so far. Makes me worried the ultimate basement reveal was the peak of AoT's greatness.
it was action filled!!! although i was sad so see that there are 16 episodes n not like 24(i think), it means every episode is gonna deliver!!! off to a great start, op and ed are amazing. renier had a nice glow up and JEAN WAS THAT U AT THE END?? yessir!!! beast titan looked ugly asf but when was he not ugly?? LOL
Idk wtf that opening was but I kinda like the ending. Falco seems like a good kid. I just REALLY hope he doesn't end up doing anything to hurt the protagonists (I fully expect Gabi to, she's already a violent ax-crazy kid)
just give me some Armin
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Thanks again everyone for participating in the poll! We look forward to seeing your responses for next week’s episode!
12 notes · View notes
stonyiscanon · 4 years
socially awkward! peter parker x oblivious shit! reader
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read: peter has a heart attack every time he talks to you because you’re too pretty and nice oof
lmfao just experimenting some new head canon//writing styles lmk what you guys think 🥺
it’s essentially a crack fic i have no regrets.
Warnings: an excessive amount of exclamation points used, overload of fluff, it might be little TOO crack-y if that’s even possible for me, a confusing amount of POV switches. ok it’s just shitty writing would you please read it.
Words: 4.8k this be a baby fic
Genre: fluffity fluff, idiots to lovers, high school! reader, god just read the title.
my masterlist is here if you want more shit
talk to me! be my friend please im lonely
 peter first meets you when you’re new to midtown and you get sorted into his science class.
you sat in front of him your very first day and yeah he’s been soft™ for you ever since
like no joke the first time he saw your face he freezed up and choked on his banana
‘oh nO NED!!! she’s PRETTY!!’
‘like, REALLY pretty!!! S H I T’
‘um,,... okay ain’t that a good thing you sit behind her in class!! maybe you can ask for her number or something—‘
oh hohohohoho ned my friend,,
peter parker has spoken to you a total of twenty-two (22) times within the whole year that you’ve been... acquaintances?? classmates?? ….. friends???
and his fat secret crush on you will STAY A SECRET THANK YOU VERY MUCH.
he’ll die before he asks you out or makes a move because there’s no way in hell peter has a chance with you, the beautiful new girl.
‘i mean, she’s not just beautiful too! she’s so smart, and i know that because i can literally see all her notes from behind her and she gets like, basically all A’s, but she doesn’t even know she’s smart and beautiful?? like, she never raises her hand in class even though i know she knows all th-’
you would think ned would be tired of peter’s ‘shit I’m in LOVE’ rants by now, he’s not because we stan supportive friend ned.
hehe little does he know his big fat secret crush may not be,, totally unrequited
oKAY so maybe you have a humongous tiny crush on the dorky cute guy who sits behind you in science class
WHAT ABOUT IT not like he likes you back anyways.
that one time you asked him for a pencil he looked like he was having an aneurysm!! like okay, are you that hideous or—?
(yeah it totally doesn’t hurt at all that the cute guy you like is repulsed by your presence and seems to ignore you and tense up whenever you’re around)
(t o ta ll y) 🤡
yeah y/n kinda dumb in this because the entire student body knows about peter’s (not so secret lmFAO) crush on you
everyone lOwkEy ships it
ned is president of the petery/n shipper fanclub
that may be because he’s the only member in aforementioned fanclub but you two have many supporters outside the fanclub
ned hypes peter up everytime science class comes around and peter gets kinda confident when he walks in the classroom
‘yeah! i got this!! maybe this time i won’t stare at her hair creepily and then run aw-‘
‘hey peter!’
peters brain has left the building
and he kinda stares at you for a sec and runs off to his seat at the back
hm, yeah he definitely doesn’t like you
you sigh as you take your seat in front of him, trying to ignore how your love for this dork is completely one sided
the entire class wants to throttle both of you
so then for the sake of the cliche and the plot (did you heart that fourth wall break?? nvm i didn’t hear nothin)
gasp group project time??!?!?!?!
dang who could have saw this coming
totally unexpected
peter is half hoping to get you and half DREADING to
because he knows if he gets you he’ll be able to spend time with you but 300% won’t be able to function and will most certainly fail this project
but i mean who cares about grades.
in a plot twist that literally no one saw coming,,,
‘betty and liz, you’ll be doing yours on atomic structure,
and peter and y/n are partners! you’ll be doing...’
oh nO
you’re partnered up with peter!
i mean this is great news you get to stare at his precious face more but you’re basically forcing him to spend time with someone he doesn’t like!!
so you turn around and you give him an apologetic and (cute as FXCK) small smile
meanwhile, peter combusts
one look at your smile and he just knows he’s completely fucked
like he physically uwus so hard he slams his head on the table
‘oh! are.. you okay? i mean, is working with me really going to be that bad?’
awkward laugh to hide the pain,, quick y/n!!
‘nO!! i mean, no, absolutely not that’s not what i- it wasn’t my- i didn’t m-‘
you smile a little sadly this time and say,
‘don’t worry about it, i know you don’t like me. it’s only two weeks anyway. i promise i won’t take much of your time.’
wait. hold up. back up here. wha-? wHO doesn’t like W HO??
‘wait what do you mea-‘
‘don’t worry about it. wanna meet at the library after school to get a head start on this?’
‘uh, yeah. i mean- cowabunga…!’
shit peter has never wanted to die more in his entire life
so he does what any other normal person would do and yEEts out the classroom full speed
leaving you slightly hurt but mostly just confused
peter strolls in the library casually attempting to strain his neck 360 degrees to look for you
he looks like a chicken and also that’s humanly impossible but leave him be he’s iN LOVE
he spots you on one of the study tables. he takes a deep breath,, and walks over
‘hey!! sorry i’m a little late, uh, something… came up haha’
acting like the poor boy didn’t stand outside the library for fifteen minutes thinking about what he was going to say to you
‘no worries!’ you shoot him another one of those painfully adorable smiles and peter wants nothing more but to give that smile a smooch because damn that is a face that deserves smooches
but he also has a tiny feeling that maybe you might not appreciate it if he randomly kissed you out of nowhere
(you would not mind at all but he doesn’t know that)
‘so yeah! ready to compare the wonders of chemistry and motion physics?’ peter says, bending down to snatch his backpack up to the table (effectively hiding his red cheeks)
you snort as you prop your elbows onto the table, resting your head on your hands.
‘the wonders? hm, i really can’t tell whether you’re being serious or not. guess you really are a dork.’
you giggle a little bit before you catch sight of peter looking like a gaping fish. you immediately slam your hands down, perhaps a little too loudly considering you’re in a library, and blurt out,
‘uh, I was.. joking! making a joke, in case, you know, that wasn’t obvious.’ You awkwardly hide your face between your fingers and squeak out a small apology
‘nO! no, no, don’t worry about it. yeah, I am a dork, so… yeah, i’m not offended, or anything. uh- just, yeah, don’t worry about it.’
well, that ruined the flow of conversation peter was so desperate to keep up with
none of you speak for a bit, opting to look around the very interesting library walls instead, until peter clears his throat and brings up motion physics again
yeah! this will be fine. all you have to focus on is science, and NOT peter’s very soft kissable lips and how good he looks in his light green coloured sweater
oh no
 desperately attempting to clear your mind, you try and focus on what he’s saying instead
it’s just SCIENCE, y/n. focus on the SCIENCE.
this distraction just-concentrate-on-the-work technique works for about the next hour or so as you guys study and work on this project
everything is going great!
you two have an organised google doc full of research and a finished introduction! you’re being extremely productive!
both of you are doing an amazing job at hiding your mutual (except none of you know it’s mutual) attraction!
so as you walk out the library beside peter some time later, you’re smiling softly, because even if your massive crush isn’t reciprocated, you and peter can maybe at least be friends by the end of this, right?
he didn’t even look like he detested you as much as usual today
maybe that’s because he was pretty much forced into cooperating with you because of this project, but you even caught him smiling at you today, so he must be warming up to you
which is great news, of course
peter swallows down his fear and the excessive amount of spit that is coating his tongue and turns to you
‘so, this was really fun’
you tilt your head, mildly horrified at his words
‘we need to stage you an intervention if a science project is something you classify as ‘fun’’
‘no, i mean, the science was kinda boring. spending time with you was really fun. ….right?’
oh good, he isn’t actually a complete monster who does science for fun
(he totally is but you don’t need to know that)
‘yeah! hanging out was really fun, even if we had to spend that time doing work’
you shudder and cringe when you mention ‘work’, because there are much more interesting things you’d rather be doing with peter
‘so, we should meet up again to work on this… project. right?’ you’re shifting your weight and darting your eyes across the floor, desperately avoiding peter’s gaze.
oof maybe that was a little too enthusiastic. maybe you didn’t notice?
‘i mean, yeah… yeah, totally. sounds… chill.’
oh god that’s worse isn’t it
cue awkward silence
‘so… um… can I maybe have your number?’
you stare blankly at him trying to conceal your excitement because did PETER PARKER just ask for YOUR number?!?!?!
oh no why aren’t you saying anything crapcrapcrap this is peter’s first time asking for ANYONE’S number did he mess up oh no he messed up didn’t he.
‘you know, for the project!!!!! haha!!!!’
oh. of course he wouldn’t actually want your number
*sigh these oblivious fucks I stg i’m the one who’s actually writing this and I want to throttle them*
‘oh… yeah, no problem! um, here’s my number’
‘cool! i’ll text you then!’
from peter p [12:48]
Hey y/n!! Um this is Peter btw. Peter Parker. From science class.
to peter p [12:49]
hey peter!
from peter p [12:49]
So if it’s cool w u do you want to meet up at my place? For the project haha, just figured a change of scenery might be nice. The library can get a little bit boring sometimes.
to peter p [12:49]
yeah sounds cool just send me ur address and i’ll be over after skl tdy if that’s ok
from peter p [12:50]
Yep awesome see u then
to peter p [12:50]
see u! :))
 that smiley face almost makes his heart burst god he’s so whipped for you.
then the panic kicks in.
peter spends like three hours making sure the apartment is SPOTLESS.
spends like half an hour trying to decide whether he should take down all the Star Wars memorabilia down from his walls
like, he doesn’t want you to think he’s a DORK.
(too late peter)
but then ultimately keeps them up, partly because shit you’re coming in like 5 minutes he doesn’t have time for this
but also, you’re a nice person! you surely won’t make fun of him for having a knockoff replica of the death star in his room.
oh god if you make fun of him for being a Star Wars nerd he will break down in tears HE HAS TO TAKE THEM DOWN
peter stands up from his spinney chair abruptly and scrambles towards front door.
he spent some time this morning with Aunt May for girl advice and nothing really came out of that except a very traumatizing safe sex talk and some teasing that he will never be able to erase from his memory.
he takes a fast detour and quickly stops in front of the bathroom mirror on his way to open the door, desperately trying to tame the mop of curls and his head.
did I put on deodorant this morning? crap I brushed my teeth right?
peter stops in front of the door, takes a deep breath and-
‘hey!’ a strangled greeting comes out of his throat but hopefully you don’t notice how nervous he is.
you don’t, because this is oblivious shit!reader
‘hi peter!’
peter is suddenly very aware of how long you have been standing outside.
‘oH! sorry, um come in!!’ he says, opening the door wider and welcoming you in with (overly?) enthusiastic arms.
‘yeah! make yourself at home and everything. you want a drink or something?’
‘water would be nice.’
peter sprints to the kitchen to get you some ICE COLD water in his favourite mug.
peter parker’s apartment is covered with cosy furniture and photos of him and another middle aged woman. half those photos are him and that woman smiling brightly into the camera.
there’s a photo that’s nicely framed above the mantle that shows a young peter beaming in front of a birthday cake, with that same woman and another unknown middle aged man smiling down at him. the photo is clearly old and crumpled, even with the frame around it.
peter looks so happy in that photo…
huh. baby peter is just as adorable as he is now.
you jump away from the photo when you hear his footsteps coming back into the living room. something about the photo seemed emotional, personal. it just didn’t seem like something you should be looking at.
peter comes back clutching two mugs and hands one to you.
‘nice place!’
‘oh, thanks… yeah my Aunt isn’t home right now, she’s downtown meeting some friends, so we have the place to ourselves……’
‘so we can study uninterrupted.’ he says.
oh of course, studying!! yep that’s exactly where your mind went when peter said the apartment was empty aHaH.
peter’s room is a little less adult than the rest of his apartment, flooded with polaroids of him and Ned, with Star Wars posters on the walls.
you ignore the pang of jealousy that you feel when you spot a photo of MJ and peter grinning in front of a bowling alley.
so for the next two hours you two are in peter’s room… studying vigorously.
you would be 100% lying if you said you weren’t disappointed only studying happened.
the weird thing is???
every time you would look down at your textbook to explain something about periodic motion peter seemed to be looking at you when you looked up?
well, looking at you isn’t very weird, looking at someone while they’re talking is just basic manners. but when you looked back he would snap his eyes straight back to his own textbook, nodding and wordlessly agreeing with whatever you had just said.
maybe it’s just your imagination but the way he looked at you, it’s almost a loving, caring gaze.
oh god who are you kidding, it’s just your brain and imagination playing tricks on you.
you’re alone with peter parker in his bedroom!! these things are going to happen!
‘hey you want to take a break? we’ve been going at this for a whole hour now.’ peter says, craning his neck to take a look at the clock on the wall.
‘has it really been a whole hour?’ you lean back in your chair looking up at the ceiling.
‘yeah okay. let’s have a small break then.’
peter picks up both of your mugs and heads off to the kitchen, groaning slightly when he stretches his legs out for the first time in an hour.
*a/n: apologies in advance to those with nut allergies*
he comes back with both your mugs refilled with (water for you, gatorade for peter) and a small bag of almonds for you to snack on.
‘oh hey! almonds are my study snack of choice too!’
‘yeah, i know’ peter says carelessly, scrolling down his phone.
‘i don’t like almonds all that much, but i bought a few packs this morning on the way to school.’
hm,, wHat
‘if… you don’t like almonds why would you get them for me?’
‘because you like almonds.’
b l i n k
it takes a bit of time for peter to realise what just came out of his mouth.
‘i meAn! I’M NOT A STALKER I SWEAR. i just see you at school sometimes and you always have a small pack of these to snack on whenever you’re doing work so i thought,, you know, since we’re doing WORK, i should buy some for you… so you won’t get hungry!!!’ he’s wailing nonsensical excuses and apologies by now.
peter parker knows that you snack on almonds when you study, and bought a pack for you even though he doesn’t like them at all.
maybe he doesn’t hate you as much as you thought.
you tear apart the packaging and stuff an almond in your mouth, your traitorous lips slowly threatening to curl into a huge smile.
(despite how much you fight against it, you end up with a slightly demonic looking huge smile on your face, which you attempt to hide by stuffing more almonds in your mouth)
(you now look like a chipmunk)
(but a cute one!!!!)
meanwhile peter is trying to hide the feeling of humiliation by resting his face in his hands, because he literally just exposed himself. he will not be able to take it if he looks back up at your face and you’re laughing at him for this stupid crush.
to his surprise, he does not look up to find you mocking his love for you, but instead, he finds you with a mouth full of almonds, struggling to chew and swallow them all without looking like a disgusting fool.
that’s kinda cute.
after a good five minutes of you trying to force like 10 almonds down your esophagus,  you clear your throat and awkwardly blurt out a ‘thank you’
‘for the almonds! it’s cute how you bought them for me because you knew how much i like to snack on them while i study. that’s really sweet of you. i guess you really don’t hate me all that much, huh?’ the last sentence comes out teasingly, a playful smile gracing your lips, but instead of uwu-ing over your cute smile, peter’s just confused.
‘why would i hate you?’ he says, his eyebrows laced together in confusion.
‘well, i always kinda got the impression that you didn’t like me… all that much? i never really knew why. hey, why did you hate me so much before this? if i accidentally did something at the start of the year that pissed you off, i’m sorry.’
your playful smile fades a little bit as you see peter basically collapse on himself just due to sheer GRIEVANCE.
‘WHY WOULD YOU THINK I HATED YOU?’ peter yells out, probably annoying the neighbours with how fucking loud he is, but he can’t seem to bring himself to care right now.
‘you… didn’t?’ you say, now becoming just as confused as peter.
he shakes his head aggressively, bringing his fingers up to his temples.
‘but… you always seemed so jumpy around me! and you would never really talk to me, and that one time i asked you for a pencil, you looked like you were dying or something! i always just thought you didn’t like me!’
peter doesn’t know whether he should be laughing or crying.
‘that’s not because I HATED YOU!! that’s because- i mean- i always thought-’ he’s still yelling and at this point one of the neighbours are definitely going to come knocking to complain, but peter still doesn’t care, because he’s currently having an existential crisis.
ohmygod all this time my CRUSH thought I HATED HER because I couldn’t function like a normal human being in front of her because of how much I liked her until i gave her some ALMONDS what is wrong with me? what kind of entity that controls the universe could hate me so much to pull THIS kind of sick prank on me?
‘wait if you didn’t hate me why would you always act so weird in front of me?’
‘BECAUSE-’ peter tangles his fingers into his hair, and he kicks his chair, sending it halfway across his room from frustration.
‘how could you possibly think I hated you??? how could you possibly think ANYONE could hate you??? you’re single handedly the only good person in this godforsaken school full of IDIOTS and BULLIES! nobody could ever hate you, y/n, and certainly not ME!’
perhaps he is using an excessive amount of hand gestures, but it gets his point across.
‘wha-? what do yo-?’
‘wHat are you TALKING ABOUT?’ you say, slowly turning just as frustrated as peter.
‘if there’s ANYONE that’s decent in this ‘godforsaken school full of idiots’ it would be YOU, peter parker!! nobody would just pay attention to what I EAT so I wouldn’t get HUNGRY during a study session oKaY!! you’re so CONFUSING! every time I accept the fact that you don’t like me back you pull this bullshit, essentially making me rethink ALL MY FEELINGS!’ you say, going through the room (stepping over the toppled chair), just to jab a finger onto peter’s chest.
suddenly both of you are aware of your flushed cheeks and your close proximity.
‘wha- WHAT DID YOU JUST SAY?’ peter basically shrieks, and you would not be surprised if all of New York managed to hear that scream.
your cheeks darken as you awkwardly step back from him, realising that you accidentally outed yourself.
‘um- i mean,’ you stumble on the fallen chair as you desperately walk backwards with your hands behind your back to avoid peter’s piercing gaze.
*you’re not good at confrontation okay*
‘you like me?? wait wait, you like ME?’ you frown a little as you look at peter’s incredulous expression.
‘well yeah, you don’t have to rub it in like that, I know you don’t like me back.’ You mumble, looking away.
‘don’t like yo- OH MY GOD!’
this time peter stalks all the way across the room, looking you dead straight in the eye.
‘you better not be joking with me, y/n.’
you squeak out a small ‘no’ or something like that because you can’t really focus with peter looking down at you like that.
‘you mean to tell me, my stupid fat, nervous crush on you was mistaken for HATRED, and all this time I’ve been thinking I have no chance with you, but you’ve been crushing on me too all this time?’ his words come out jumbled, and a little fast, but you can decipher the general meaning.
peter parker likes you… too.
he clears his throat, biting his lip and you can just tell he’s about to apologise, because peter’s a complete angel who probably doesn’t want you feeling uncomfortable.
‘um- uh, y- oomph!’
and in this shocking turn of events, you execute the only spontaneous thing you’ve ever done in your life and pray that it ends up well.
you lean forward and press your lips to peter’s, hoping to whatever superior being there is that this was a good decision.
spoiler alert: it was
peter.exe has shut down because all of a sudden your lips are against his and oh wow this is so much better than all those times he’s imagined it happening because it’s actually happening now.
your hands find their way to peter’s curls that he was trying so hard to get under control an hour ago but now he can’t remember why he doesn’t like his hair if it’s just going to be tugged on by you like this from now on.
he grabs you by the waist and pulls you closer to him, pretty much pressing his body against yours.
not that you’re complaining.
and god if peter died from suffocation right now that would be a heavenly way to go, and he would be a-ok with dying if it meant finally being in your arms.
you pull away from peter, both of you slightly panting before you burst out in giggles, resting your head and letting it fall on peter’s shoulder.
‘oh my god, we’re such idiots, aren’t we?’
peter hums in agreement before lifting your chin up to kiss you again.
 bonus: boyfriend! peter
definitely still stares at you in science class except now whenever you catch him staring he just shoots you a lazy grin
because yEa he has FULL RIGHTS to stare at you now because you’re his GIRLFRIEND.
you find out he’s spiderman pretty much immediately let’s be real this boy is not the best at hiding secrets
especially from his GIRLFRIENDS whomst he loves VERY MUCH.
this boy also gives you anxiety attacks whenever you see spiderman on the news saving people, getting hurt and shit, but he understands.
sends you a text before and after he gets in the suit whenever he can.
most certainly uses his spidey-powers for things they were not intended to be used for.
to visit his girlfriend so she can give him cuddles at any time why what were you guys thinking about hMmmMMMmmmM?
likes to show you off but also gets very blushy and shy about PDA
pretty much had a seizure the first time you held hands.
ned almost fainted when he heard the news (aka peter rushed to call him the second you left that night you kissed because these bitches are very gossipy)
peter parker is the ultimate clingy boyfriend.
and you love it.
your science teacher no longer puts you in the same group or partners you guys up now though.
because now you can’t study together, you literally can’t keep your hands off each other.
sometimes when peter is feeling ~particularly clingy he just nuzzles into the crook of your neck during lunch, and pulls you to him so you’re pretty much on his lap.
and MJ is just like yall r disgusTING
right in front of my salad.
in conclusion, peter parker loves you and you love him.
it’s honestly kind of sickening,
but you love that too.
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autisticbee · 4 years
What, no ring?
Master Frown twirls spaghetti around his fork, the only joy (ha.) being watching the strands break. He's known to be a complainer but this is without exaggeration the worst spaghetti he's ever had, it doesn't even slightly compare to what he and Brock can make at home.
"Dude, are you not gonna eat that?" Brock eyes his plate like it's not too much of an abomination to even call food.
Frown's brow creases even more. "Nope." Without any further words he shoves the detested plate to Brock's side of the table.
Brock shrugs. "It's not that bad, not that good either but not that bad." He shoves a fork full of the discarded meal into his mouth and Frown isn't sure what to make of the fact he keeps thinking about how that fork was in his own mouth a few minutes ago.
Stop being weird, brain. He thinks to himself.
"I dunno why we even had to come here, their food is shi-" Frown cuts himself off realising there are kids at a table nearby and then internally scolds himself for being soft and to stop letting Unikitty, or Brock for that matter, rub off on him. "-Garbage."
Brock stifles a laugh. "C'mon, eating out once in a while is cool, I don't wanna cook alllll the time."
"Well, maybe I do." Frown crosses his arms in petulance. "We don't even have the money for desert, which is the only good part about eating in a stuffy place full of too many happy-dappy people." He glares indiscriminately around the room.
Brock rolls his eyes. "Whatever man, just, stick it out for a little while longer, Okay?" He asks, pleadingly.
Frown keeps his glare for 3 seconds, before heaving a heavy sigh. "Fine. But we are getting dessert."
"What? You just said we don't have the money-"
Frown waves an arm wildly. "Gimme a second, I'll think of something." He has like 2 cents so yeah, he's broke. Could order something then not pay but then they'd get banned and maybe he'd do that on his own but Brock would be pretty peeved off because for some reason he actually likes this place sooooo-
He leaps up from the table, a slightly maniacal smile on his face. "Ha! I got it."
"The perfect plan to score free dessert."
"Oooh, fake a birthday?"
"What? No! no one falls for that anymore." Yeah he had kinda used that one to death.
"Then....? Can you kinda hurry up I need to pee."
"Wait, you're part of the plan you can't go yet." Frown reaches across the table and grabs Brock's hands in a vice grip. "Fake. Proposal." He whispers.
"Um, I don't know...how about we just go home now and I can make cookies, my treat!"
"Dude, we could get like the most expensive dessert on the menu! People love all that sappy stuff, especially people who work at restaurants." He leans back into his seat and sticks out his tongue in (faux, not that he'd admit) disgust.
Brock glances at the menu nervously. "It does sound really good. Aren't you worried something like that could get back to the doom lords though, pretty sure that'd damage your image."
"Pffft. It won't, even it did I'd just tell them the truth and we could have a good laugh about it. Look I've been really good with minimal complaining today, can't I do a little something to tip the balance to the other side?"
"Okay, but I'm not taking the blame if they figure us out, this is the only good place we're still allowed into."
"Yeah, sure." Frown loudly screeches his chair back, drawing the attention of various patrons. "Play along." He whispers to Brock before standing up on the chair. "Brock, baby," He pitches his voice a bit louder. "Will you marry me?"
Brock feels unexpected heat in his cheeks and wills it to go away. "What, no ring?"
"Uhhhhhh." Frown rubs the back of his head. "It's...taking longer than expected to get it engraved...?"
"Then maybe you should have thought about that before proposing? Kind of a let down."
"The ring isn't important!" 
"Oh wow, if that's how you feel about it I'm not sure I should say yes." 
Frown face-palms, willing Brock to remember the plan. "Can we not argue before we've even had dessert." He says pointedly.
"Oh. Oooh, yeah you know what you're right it doesn't matter, so yes, I guess."
"You guess?" This was not working out well, why the heck did Brock have to get so into it?
"I think I'm just still kinda hungry, also I still need to pee and it's making me cranky, heh that rhymed." Brock smiles to himself. "Uh-Anyway, 'course I'll marry you, who else is gonna be by my side." 
Frown tries to ignore how that almost sounded genuine, and plasters on a fake smile. "That's great, go to the bathroom and I'll order us something special."
He notices a waiter approaching as Brock gets up and practically runs to the closest toilet. "Hey can we have Ultimate Desse-....oh nooooo, I seem to be out of cash." Frown says in a dramatic tone.
The waiter rolls their eyes. "It's on the house, for the sake of your poor fiance."
"Hey! What's that supposed to mean?!" Frown sulks back into his chair.
By the time the order arrives, which makes Frown cringe at how it must have been prepared for quite a while to come so quick, Brock has come back to the table.
In theory every dessert on the menu mixed together sounds great but in actuality it's a monstrous mix of ice cream and chocolate and cheesecake and bananas and...gingerbread? And jelly and sprinkles and it just...
"Wait, you don't even like sweet stuff." Brock points out, the 'except for my cookies' is left unsaid.
Realisation hits Frown like a brick. 
Brock just looks uncomfortable. "I don't think I can eat all this, why did we want this again?"
"I don't know." Frown bangs his head against the table top.
"That was pretty impressive I've got to admit." 
"I made myself eat half of it and then I threw up." Brock clutches his stomach as they enter their apartment. "All that mess..."
"Uh yeah! That's why it was so impressive, think of how much longer the person who has to clean that up will have stay after work." Frown tries his attempt at evil laughter, which in the past has earned mocking from his fellow doom lords.
Brock collapses on the sofa. "I can't think about it anymore, I just wanna sleep for like ten thousand years."
Frown fits himself in the gap at the free end of the sofa. "Does that mean I can have the TV to myself?"
"Go for it man, just not too loud." 
But Brock starts shifting about on the sofa, which Irritates Frown too much to let him watch tv. "What's wrong with you?"
"I can't get comfy, and my tummy hurts." Brock whines. 
Frown rolls his eyes. "Come here, dork."
Brock does as told and Frown motions for him to rest his head on his lap. "Hey that's no way to talk to your fiance." He giggles then regrets it as his stomach jolts.
Frown starts rubbing his stomach, it's not really something entirely out of the usual for them both but for some reason things this have started seeming more and more intense. "...You're never gonna let that go, are you."
"Nah." Brock grins lazily, the motion making him want to sleep even more. Frown's rarely soft with anyone but him and he'd be lying if he said he didn't sorta revel in it. Brock wonders for a moment what would change between them if earlier hadn't been a ploy for free food, what it'd be like if they actually got married. They basically bicker like a old married couple already and they even kiss every night.
Just not, you know, in a romantic way.
They just kiss on the lips every night in a totally platonic bro way. Yep. 
Brock leaps up, startled by a sudden revelation. 
"Hey what the heck, you need to puke again or something?" 
"No! Just decided I'mma head to bed, haha." 
"Oookay." Frown stares at him strangely. "Want me to tuck you in and-"
"Nope! I'm good!"
"Thought you couldn't sleep without your nighty-"
"I'm good! Goodnight!" Brock rushes off to his room and slams the door.
"That was weird." Frown stares at the closed door for a minute, feeling oddly disappointed, then he shrugs and turns up the TV. 
"Whoa, look at that." Brock points to poster on a nearby building. "Free vacation."
Frown raises an eyebrow, and reads it closely. "Yeah, for couples. And it's a competition in the unikingdom, ew."
"Well...what if we...pretended again?"
"What?" Frown baulks. He did consider the idea himself but wouldn't have imagined Brock being the one to bring it up. "Why?"
"We could never afford something like that, plus you could always like, tell Unikitty it was fake after the holiday and that would make her pretty sad maybe?"
"...I'm listening." Frown pauses in thought. "We'd have to play it up more."
"By play it up more do you mean holding hands orrr french kissing?" 
"I don't know! just whatever it takes." The blush on Frown's cheeks could in fact ruin his reputation and he needed it stop like right now, There's no reason to blush about the idea of kissing your best friend on a more...intimate...level like a teenager with a crush. 
Because obviously he doesn't have one. "When does this thing happen anyway?"
"In about, twenty minutes." Brock squints at the poster. "How long has this been here?"
"Where the heck is everyone?" Frown glances around the empty gymnasium that was supposed to be the setting for the vacation competition.
"I hear crying behind that curtain on the podium." Said crying abruptly stops.
Frown rubs a hand down his face. "Oh boy."
There's a quiet like the lull before a storm before a pink and glittery blur flies out from behind the curtain. "OHMYGOSH THERE'S ANOTHER COUPLE HERE PLEASE TELL ME YOU'RE NOT FAKE-" Unikitty cuts herself off and glances down at Frown and Brock. "Oh it's you two...Master Frown if you're here to ruin this you're too late! Everyone was a bunch of fakers." Unikitty bursts into tears.
Frown groans. "No, we're here to enter your stupid competition, buuuut since no once is here I guess we win by default." 
Unikitty's tears stop again. "Whaaa? You guys are TOGETHER? LIKE REALLY TOGETHER?! SO THAT PROPOSAL RUMOUR WAS TRUE!"
Frown scowls. "How do you know about that." Great, now they really needed to put on a ruse.
"Uh, Unikitty, the competition?" Brock prompts kindly.
"Sorry, sorry! I can't help it I just looooOve weddings, ahem, I can't just let you guys win, Hawkodile needs to make sure you're the real deal because everyone who else who came earlier were just pretending to be a couple, can you believe it! It's so sad." Unikitty pauses to suck in a deep breath. "But I'm sure you're not lying, I always knew there was a thing between you two." She winks.
"Since when-Ow!" Frown glares at Brock after getting jabbed in the ribs.
"Dude, you'll blow our cover." Brock tries to subtly whisper, despite being a bit taken back too. Sure they're close but did they really give off that vibe? Or was that just because of Unikitty's rose coloured glasses?
"Princess, do I really need to test them? They're obviously faking! I mean, it's Master Frown." Hawkodile gestures exaggeratedly at Frown.
Frown creases his brow. "When did you get here." 
"Yeah but it's also Brock! We can trust him." Unikitty looks pleadingly at Hawkodile.
Brock winces.
"Ugh, fine. But they're gonna have to pass the quiz of true love to convince me." Hawkodile crosses his arms.
"That's a ridiculous quiz name." Frown tries to ignore the fact he's started sweating.
"You're ridiculous!" Hawkodile turns his gaze to Brock and points a finger at him. "You!"
"Yeah...?" Brock tries to keep a neutral face.
"What's Master Frown's favourite colour?" 
Frown bursts out laughing. "Oh come on that's an easy one-"
"Black?" Brock speaks tentatively.
"Wait it is? I just thought black would be your thing because darkness and all that sort of stuff."
"Blue is the colour of sadness and tears!" Frown pouts, aghast that that they had failed on the very first question.
"Hmmm." Hawkodile strokes his chin. "Okay, Frown you're up."
"What's Brock's favourite video game?"
"Uhhhhh, the dead one 7?" 
"Are you serious?! Don't you remember me saying how I had to wait out in the rain to get a hold of dawn-breaker 3 and that it was all worth it because it was the greatest game ever?" 
We are not getting that trip. Frown thought, as Brock looked ready to cry.
"Guess I was wrong about you two." Hawkodile speaks.
"You were? I mean, uh yeah you were." Frown fakes confidence.
"Yeah, anyone actually faking would have memorised each other's favourite things too well, like they had only just found out that day, and tried to look like the perfect couple but clearly you guys have some issues." 
"No kidding." Brock turns away from Frown with a 'Hmph.'
Unikitty, who had been unusually quiet for the last few minutes, flies around and groups up Frown and Brock into a hug. "Yaaaay, I'm so happy you guys didn't let me down, HEY! If you get married at the beginning of next year you could use this holiday as your honeymoon!!! WOULDN'T THAT BE AMAZING."
"Get off." Frown struggles out of her grip, leading to a short fall to the ground. "Ugh."
"Wait, why did you say next year?" Brock asks in befuddlement. 
"Didn't you read the poster? The vacation is for next year! This competition was kindaaaa a last minute idea what with valentine's day coming up and all and it turns out that everything was already booked up for this year...sooo..." Unikitty sets Brock on the ground gently.
"ARE YOU KIDDING ME!?" Frown screams, face down on the floor. 
"It's still better than never, right?" Brock laughs nervously. "Sorry bro, I must have missed that part..."
"She did write it in really small print." Hawkodile points out.
"Shhhhhh, thanks for your help Hawkodile! But I need to discuss something with Master Frown and Brock in private please." 
Hawkodile squints, turning to leave. "Uh, okay. I'm watching you, Frown."
Frown gets up, dusting himself off. "Can we leave now." 
"Hang on." Unikitty pulls out a piece of folded up paper. "While you two were busy with Hawkodile I decided to write down some wedding planning ideas!" The folded piece of paper unfolds into a very, very long list.
"Well, I would really like to hear your ideas, Unikitty." Brock smirks at Frown.
"I should have just stayed on the floor." 
"Did you seriously have to listen to every single one of her hare-brained ideas in excruciating detail?" Frown gestures wildly, standing in front of the TV.
Brock moves his head to the side, trying to see and continue playing his game. "You really hurt my feelings, you know how important gaming is to me." Brock exits the game in frustration as Frown moves to block him even more. "I thought we had gotten better at this communication stuff since...you know..."
"And you know how important misery is to me! You couldn't even remember my favourite colour." Frown glances down at the ground. He knows he's being childish...but he's naturally defensive.
"That's not the same thing, this is a huge part of my life! One day I could be one of those gamers that wins those like huge tournaments and bringing in the big money! And then we could live in a huge awesome house and wouldn't have to worry about landlords, or the rat infestation we can't afford to deal with or-"
"Hang on, you still see us living together even if you became a big shot gamer?" 
"Duh! Look we've been faking a lot of stuff but I meant it when I said 'Who else is gonna be by my side', you're always gonna be a part of my future no matter what happens. I just wish you'd support me more..."
The guilt Frown had been pushing down for this entire conversation pushes it's way out at the sight of Brock's sad eyes. "Look...I'm sorry, okay? You're right, I just expect you to go along with my schemes and then I don't support you enough with what you wanna do, I'll...work on that." Frown rubs his arm.
"I mean, you did support with that holiday thing, and there was cheerleading thing..."
"...Maybe, you should do the cheerleading thing again sometime, you were pretty good at it and it could be a back up plan in case the gaming falls through."
A small smile appears on Brock's face. "You really thought I was good at it?"
Frown rolls his eyes. "Uh, yeah. You were awesome. Uniform suited you too-I mean, yeah, pretty good." 
Brock contemplates on if he should risk saying something, to test the waters for a whole other kind of thing I wants to ask. "I thought you looked pretty cute in the uniform too." 
Frown splutters. "I-I'm not cute! What are you even-Cool and handsome maybe, but cute? Seriously?!" 
Despite his protests, Brock notes how Frown's face is turning incredibly red. "Nah, you're definitely really cute."
"Yeah?! Well, you're really handsome, so there." Frown's head screams a chorus of WHAT THE HECK ARE YOU DOING. 
Brock stifles a laugh. "Was that supposed to be a comeback? You think I'm handsome? Oh no I'm so hurt." This time he can't stop the laughter and doesn't even mind the pink on his own face. 
Frown scrunches his face up. "Whatever! You realise Unikitty is never gonna leave us alone now, it's my worst nightmare." He walks over to the couch and sits down next to Brock, quietly fuming.
Brock coughs to clear his throat. "I mean...there is a way we could stop that happening in the long term."
"Like what?"
"She just wants to help us plan our 'wedding' right? As soon as that's over it'll be back to the usual."
"Which is never going to happen since a wedding is not actually going to happen, how does that help." 
"What if it did?" 
"What if...what did?" 
Brock taps his hands together, focusing on them. "What if we got married, like, for real."
"...You've lost me."
"Think about it, we kiss every night-"
"That's just to get you to sleep."
"-We have baths together-"
"It saves time!"
"-We've even shared a bed before-"
"Look sometimes I just get really cold, and it saves on heating in the winter."
"What I'm saying is, it's already like we're married, and if we were actually married we could get the benefits that come with that too. It makes sense, right?"
"Like one of those platonic marriages? Between bros?" 
Brock sighs. "Is that how you feel? I just thought-Never mind."
It dawns on Frown that all the confusing thoughts and feelings he's had for a while now, proved that was in fact not how he felt at all. He'd been trying to deny it the whole time but truth is... "No. I kinda...enjoyed pretending we were together, we didn't do much but just knowing people thought that-" Thrilled him, didn't seem like the right words. "I might be...in love with you or something." He refuses to look at Brock.
"Phew, that's a relief. Pretty sure I'm in love with you too, dude."
"Oh." Still stubbornly not looking. 
"C'mon, look at me." Brock reaches out and cups Frown's face, turning him to face him. "I love you."
"Oh." Frown repeats, in a much softer tone. He's not really good with words, more so with actions, he leans in without thinking. 
They've kissed many times before, but they were always brief pecks and without overt romantic intentions. Because of that, it's still a fairly light kiss but with more passion, more feeling given into it. 
"Mmm." Frown finds himself moaning as Brock pulls away. "That was embarrassing." He mumbles.
"Nuh uh, that was great. I like kissing you."
"Stop, this is already too mushy. Hey, is that why you ask for one every night?" 
"Huh? You don't remember?" Brock asks, clearly perplexed.
"Remember what?"
"When were kids, and I had my first sleepover at your house but I couldn't sleep because Mama used to kiss me on the cheek every night, so you offered to do it-"
"Ugh, yeah. You never specified where so I kissed you on the mouth and you said I did it wrong." 
"And youuuu said you weren't my mom so 'Of course I'll kiss you different, silly'." Brock mimics the high pitch child's voice he can still hear in his mind. 
Frown groans. "Don't remind me, I was a weird kid."
Brock snorts. "Weird adult too. Also really sweet, I mean you're still willing to give me a nighty-night kiss so you're not as bad as you like to make out."
Frown gasps. "You take that back! I'm a menace!" 
"Oh yeah, sure. A real menace who gives his best friend tummy rubs when he's sick, kisses him before bed, and who just said he's in love with me."
"Yeah...but you're different, yanno? There's no one I like as much as you, I wouldn't do that stuff for just anyone." Frown recoils at his own words. "Gross, I'm being sappy again." 
"Aw, I don't know dude, I like it." 
"Can we just go back to the kissing?" Frown pouts.
"Not until you answer my question."
"What questi--Ohhhh." It's Frown's turn to look nervous. "I'm not opposed to it, as long as we have a loooong engagement period, there's no way we're actually gonna have our honeymoon early next year."
"Wait, so that's a yes? You're really okay to jump straight from a blooming relationship to engaged?"
"I'm saying, yes, I will probably marry you at some not yet set date in the future. Thought you'd be thrilled."
"I am! I totally am! Just, if you don't want to you don't have to...I know it's kinda rushing things."
"I know I don't have to, I want to. Is it that hard to believe that I wanna marry your dorky butt and grow old together or whatever." 
"We gotta do this right then, and go ring shopping."
"...I don't think you're supposed to do that together."
"I thought you were a bad boy." 
"You better believe I am, baby! In fact, maybe we should go steal rings."
"Okay, not that far. What was that you said about going back to the kissing?"
Frown grins as he draws closer. "Now that's a better idea."
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