#emo trinity fluff
cookies3038 · 17 days
TW: Self harm, self harm references, drug abuse, alcohol abuse, child abuse, blood, sharp objects, suicide attempts, suicidal thoughts and suicide references .
Please do not continue to read if you are sensitive to any of these topics!
Angsty/fluffy Teen! Brendon Urie x Teen! Ryan Ross oneshot.
Word Count: 6753
Hope you enjoy, please comment on any errors or improvements/suggestions or if there are any trigger warnings i missed! This is my first post. I apologise if it's bad yikes >_<.
Also put any one shot requests you have here:
If you have any other ships or x readers (of emo men) put them here:
Also! Credits to one of my best friends called Ash!!! My platonic soulmate :p They helped me with the story line, especially the angst :3
Ryan kicked his shoes off and walked into his house. The horribly familiar scent of alcohol filled his nose, quickly running upstairs to avoid his dad. They lived in a relatively small town, his dad only went to his job for alcohol. He was getting money from his dead wife's bank account; he figured that kept Ryan’s needs sorted. Ryan would often get beatings from his dad, he never had a safe place until he went to school. Even at school he would be bullied and Ryan usually went home to cry himself to sleep. He always wishes everything would be different. Perhaps it would be better if his mom was here; he still went to visit her gravestone every weekend. His dad didn’t care for her except for the money he obtained from her death.
Ryan usually woke up at 5:45am to get ready for school. He had to do everything himself, so it took him longer than others who had their parents support. Ryan had set out all his clothes for the day, until something caught his eye. He looked down at the faded scars on his wrist; they reminded him of the times where he used to self-harm to feel better. Especially after his mother’s death. He stared around his room; the wooden box containing blades had an unusual enticing aura. fuck. He couldn’t relapse now, he’s 3 whole months clean; nearly 100 days.
He swiftly grabbed the blade and made 7 deep slashes across his wrist. He grabbed a tissue to clean himself up.It was the middle of summer and 71.6°F outside. He’d either just have to risk being spotted by teachers or wear a jacket all day. It was way too hot for a jacket and he had sports today; there is no way he could go with a jacket on all day. His school didn’t even have any goddamn air con. Ryan eventually decided to leave his jacket at home and try to cover up his fresh scars with band bracelets. He scrambled down the stairs with his bag slung over his shoulder.
“GET HERE RIGHT NOW!” His dad furiously shouted, Ryan could feel his stomach bubbling with anxiety and dread. He had to obey his father otherwise the punishment would be 10 times worse. He knew what was coming, it happened everyday. His father would punch him and occasionally break glass bottles on his head. Ever since he was born his dad became addicted to drugs. He blamed it on Ryan as he became a father when he didn’t want to.
As Ryan obtained eye contact with the burly irate man, he could see him clench his fist and shake with frustration. He braced himself as he took a clean strike straight to the head, that would definitely bruise quickly. Ryan always had to lie to the teacher and make up excuses. For example ‘I fell over.’ or ‘I got in a fight with another student.’ but Ryan knew he couldn’t keep up th at counterfeit for much longer.
Tears burned his face as his dad yelled for him to leave. He didn’t have anyone anymore. No mother, an unloving father and zero friends. The teachers that he could supposedly go and talk to didn’t even care, that's their job! They're supposed to fake sympathy even if they don't even mean it.
Ryan slammed the door and shoved his headphones in his ears. Even if he didn’t have any special people in his life, he had music. One day he dreamt of being famous. School had recently been getting worse for him; people would constantly call him gay or emo. Sure, he dressed in band shirts but he wasn’t the definition of emo. He never dated anyone, how would he even know if he was gay! His favourite band was my chemical romance, he always looked up to them. Everyday he would listen to them on the way to school. They truly changed his life, they were his source of comfort and inspiration he needed.
Ryan sucked in a deep breath as he arrived at the school gates. Almost immediately getting shouted at. When would this stop? Would it ever stop before it got too much? He just headed to his locker to prepare for English. BANG. There he was in Ryan’s eyeline, the well-known school bully. Already being bullied 3 minutes into the school day…yay. Ryan hated this, being bullied everyday just to go home to an even worse environment. He learned life isn’t always fair but can always be unfair.
He sat in English literature class, alone and bored. The students awaited the arrival of their teacher, Mrs Kay. Everyone was throwing paper aeroplanes and pencils at each other; until, Mrs Kay walked into class with an unfamiliar student. As she saw the disastrous sight of the classroom, she gave a disappointed sigh.
“Class! sit down, please welcome to our classroom a new student. His name is Brendon Urie.” He slowly made his way to the back of the classroom and sat in one of 3 empty desks next to Ryan. He tried to ignore the stinging on his wrists as a new wave of anxiety hit him. He tried to cover his fresh, beedy, scarlet cuts as best as he possibly could; hopefully no one would notice because then he’d be perfect for the bullies to target. They already did anyways, he just couldn’t have anyone see what he went through. His mental state was at an all time low. But, his thoughts were quickly interrupted by the new kid.
“Hey, as you know I’m Brendon. I thought you look pretty cool; I like your style. So, I thought I’d come sit next to you! What’s your name?” Ryan stared at him with shocked glassy eyes. No one had ever been this nice to him.
“Oh, um hi, thanks I’m Ryan Ross. I like your style too.” A smile crept upon his face. He hadn’t felt a genuine smile since his mother was still alive. Brendon shot back a true friendly smile back at him.
“I was wondering if we could have lunch together? If you have any friends I’d love to meet them!” Ryan’s smile faded away slowly. The other boy gave him a sympathetic confused look. He cleared his throat as Ryan just stared off into space.
“Shit, sorry. Yeah I’d like it if we had lunch together,” Ryan paused before continuing with the hard part. “I don’t have any friends though, the only human interaction I usually get is teachers or bullies,” He sighed and let out a small laugh. Brendon stared wide-eyed at the skinny tall boy.
They sat through the rest of the English lesson quietly, occasionally making jokes or commenting on things Mrs Kay said. Ryan kept seeing the teachers glance at his wrist, he continued to shift in his chair. RING. That was the bell for class to be over. Finally! He could get to know Brendon a bit more. But he just had to be interrupted by Mrs Kay.
“Ryan, could I have a word with you please?” Of course Ryan had to agree to it. Who was he to refuse a goddamn teacher? There certainly is no way to get out of this. He just nodded his head and walked towards her. “Ryan, I’m concerned about you. I’ve seen your wrist and I have these mental health concerns and possible ways to fix them on these documents. I need your dad to have them, is that ok?” His palms became sweaty and he tapped his fingers together.
“Is there anyone else we could give it to Mrs Kay?” Ryan anxiously asked.
“Do you have any friends that could help you?” She questioned, obviously knowing the boy’s social life.
“Actually I do,” Ryan replied as he snatched the papers out of her hands and ran to go meet Brendon in the lunch hall.
He took a deep breath before he entered the grand lunch hall. Ryan sat down next to his new friend; he quickly grabbed his lunchbox out of his bag.
“Hey, so I need to tell you something important. Then I have a huge favour I need to ask you,” He spluttered as Brendon took a bite of his sandwich. He happily replied with a simple nod. “Around 5 months ago my mother died,” Brendon looked at the boy with a flabbergasted expression upon his face. “Also, my dad beats me and he is addicted to drugs and alcohol. Obviously having all of that happen to me is quite a burden, after my mom died I fell into a deep spiral of depression…” Ryan didn’t quite realise how many tears started flowing down his face at this point. Brendon wrapped his arm around him as a source of comfort.
“It's ok Ryan, take your time,” He took a small slurp of his drink before panning his attention back to him. Ryan sucked in a deep calming breath before continuing. Words failed to come out of Ryan’s mouth, so he did the next thing he could think of. He carefully removed all the bracelets for his wrist and showed them to Brendon. “I get it Ryan, I’m here for you.” He engulfed him in a warm caring hug.
“I’m sorry, we just met. I shouldn’t have told you this, I understand if you don’t want to be my friend anymore.” He got up to run away but Brendon grabbed his arm to pull him back. Ryan winced at the stinging sensation reappearing.
“Ryan. I still want to be your friend. I can tell beneath everything that you’ve put up with is a boy who just wants to feel loved again,” He stared at him with an understanding look in his eyes as Ryan slumped back down. “Anyways, what was this ‘favour’ you needed me to do?”
“Mrs Kay gave me these papers about mental health. She said I need to give them to someone because they might be able to help me with panic attacks and stopping self harm,” Ryan sniffled. Brendon took the papers out of his hands and quickly scanned over them.
“How about we go to my house later? We can get to know each other even better and we can discuss these papers,” He flashed a toothy smile at Ryan. He just replied with a simple nod.
The rest of lunch and school went a lot smoother than usual from Ryan’s perspective. Having a friend around really does make life more enjoyable. They agreed to meeting each other in the parking lot after school.
Brendon talked about himself on the walk to his house, simply so Ryan could get to know him better. They scraped their shoes along the warm concrete sidewalk as they approached the Urie’s household.
“I’m home now mom!” brendon shouted as he took a step closer to his kitchen. “I brought a friend over, hope you don’t mind,”
“Of course not honey!” Mrs Urie exclaimed whilst wiping her hands on a towel. Ryan nervously gulped before gaining the courage to speak. His eyes nervously flickered around the room, seeing quite a few religious items such as multiple bibles.
“Hi Mrs Urie, I’m Ryan, nice to meet you!” He blurted before being pulled into a motherly hug. Tears filled his eyes. He forgot what a mothers love felt like.
“Nice to meet you too Ryan, friends are always welcome here!” He only had time to reply with a small nod as he got dragged upstairs by Brendon. Before he knew it he was entering Brendon’s colourful yet very teenage room.
“So, I had a look at the papers and it’s just about frequently checking up on you. I think we can handle that,” Brendon cheerfully explained.
“Yeah, I think we can!” Ryan replied with a cheshire-cat-like grin spreading upon his face. His smile was clearly contagious as brendon has an identical one spread across his face as well.
They continued chatting together but were eventually cut off by Ryan’s phone buzzing. Seeing as it was his dad, he thought he better answer it or there would probably be consequences. “Sorry Brendon, I have to take this,” Brendon simply nodded as Ryan headed just outside his room.
“RYAN! WHERE THE FUCK ARE YOU?” His dad shouted down the line. Ryan started to anxiously pick at his nails as he thought of his response carefully.
“I’m at a friend's house, sorry.” His breathing slowly picked up as he awaited his dad’s reply.
“Just get home now, I’ll just have to punish you later!” He sighed. Ryan’s eyes pricked with tears as he slid down the wall. Teardrops soaked his jeans as he quietly sobbed. He ripped a piece of paper from his homework and wrote an explanation to Brendon.
‘Sorry. I had to leave :P’
He grabbed his bag from the hallway and left the Urie house. Thank god his house was only a couple blocks away. God only knows what his dad was about to do.
Brendon slowly creaked his door open; it’d been 10 minutes since Ryan left to take the call. Surely it can’t take that long. To Brendon’s surprise, Ryan wasn’t there at all. He frantically scrammed back into his room to flop back onto his bed. Had Ryan text him?
From Ryan:
I left a note, sorry.
His heart raced as he crept back outside and read the note. He left Ryan a few texts along the lines of ‘Don’t worry’ or ‘Where did you go?’ to say he was concerned about him was an understatement. He was extremely distressed over his new friend. What if he gets beaten again? Even though he only met him today, Ryan was his number 1 priority. The scent of food disrupted his thoughts. He went downstairs and slumped down at the dinner table.
Ryan took a deep shaky breath as his dad opened the door. “Get here you little shit.” His dad’s voice rang through his ears. The only sound Ryan could let out was a weak whimper. Before he knew it, an empty beer bottle was smashed against his head. His dad gave out a menacing chuckle, pushing him straight to the floor. “You are garbage, don’t forget it.” Ryan sluggishly walked upstairs; he felt exceedingly lightheaded. Even more than all the normal times his father beat him, he was so used to the sensation. But he could tell this was unusual. When he entered the bathroom, his vision went blurry and dark as he collapsed into a heap on the ground.
Three hours later.
It was 8:15pm, 4 whole hours since Brendon last spoke to Ryan. Brendon was casually scrolling myspace, until he noticed how alarming it was that Ryan hadn’t responded. His mind panned back to what he had told him earlier, wait, did he go home? What happened with his dad. He didn’t have any time to waste as he chucked on his shoes and yelled to his mom. “I’m going to check on a friend, is that okay?”
“Of course honey,” and with his mom’s confirmation he sped out the door. His sneakers scuffed along the damp concrete and he puffed out heavy exhausted breaths. Rain fell upon his face as he ran so hard his legs nearly gave out.
Hang on, how was he going to get in? Fuck. He should've thought of this before he sprinted here. After pondering on what he should do, he spotted a window which was cracked open. He squeezed his body into the tight gap and got into the house. He could see the staircase from where he was standing. Loud chuckles and clattering of beer bottles against tables were erupting from the room next door. So, if that was Ryan’s dad he could easily get upstairs without being caught.
Once he tiptoed upstairs, a thud sound came from behind a closed door. Surely no one else was here, right? As the cogs turned in his brain, it came to him that it was Ryan. Frantically, his hands turned the doorknob to reveal Ryan curled in a ball on the ground. Brendon examined his whole body checking for injuries; blood was streaming out of his head. He inspected the injury closer and pulled small shards of what looked like beer bottle glass out from his brown locks.
“Ryan, can you hear me?” Brendon calmly spoke as he shook the young boy. He didn’t respond. His body laid unconsciously on the freezing tiles. Small teardrops turned into loud sobs as Brendon held Ryan as if he was fragile porcelain. He picked up Ryan and retraced his previous footsteps to end up back at his house. “MOM!” Brendon let out a shaky cry out of terror.
“Brendon? What’s wrong honey?” His mother quickly rushed to the front door and gasped before being interrupted by Brendon.
“Help me to get Ryan to hospital please,” He said through his teeth whilst choking back tears.
“He’ll be okay honey, I promise. Now, go get in the car,” She quietly answered as she rushed to get her keys. Brendon buckles his seatbelt faster than ever as he props Ryan up against him. Mrs Urie didn’t say a word to him; it was clear he was very distraught about this whole situation. I mean, who wouldn't be?
Brendon wiped away his tears as they stepped into the Emergency Room. His mom rubbed his back as a source of comfort; he just hoped that Ryan would be okay. Brendon sucked in a deep breath before talking to the worker at the front desk.
“What seems to be the problem?” The worker asked in a caring tone.
“My friend has an abusive dad, he didn’t respond to my text for hours. So, I went to check up on him and found him with glass in his head and he was unconscious on his bathroom floor.” He sniffled as he awaited the response.
“Ok, your friend will be in to see a doctor in 5 minutes max,” They thanked them before sitting down. Brendon anxiously shook his knee up and down as he waited. Ryan was so precious to him. They’ve only known each other for a day, but Brendon still felt this overwhelming need to take care of him and be there for him.
After a five minute wait, the nurse asked for them. “Ryan Ross? Doctor Lockwood is ready for you.”
“I’ll wait here, good luck.” Brendon’s mom gave him a pat on the back. He carried Ryan to the doctor; then he was instructed to place him on a hospital bed. Before he could even blink, the doctors got straight to work as they stitched up his wound.
“Mister Urie,” Dr Lockwood began. “I would like to discuss Ryan’s injury with you,” Brendon sat with the doctor for 45 minutes and explained. Worry ran through his veins as he thought about Ryan. “Well, Ryan’s stitches should be finished, if you would like to go and see him!” Lockwood exclaimed whilst looking at his rusty watch.
Brendon nodded and rushed to go see his friend. “Hi Ryan, how are you holding up?” He quietly whispered.
“I’m good, what happened? I don’t remember much..” He sniffled and gave Brendon a half smile. He explained for a 3rd time what happened and after an hour Ryan got discharged.
They got back into their car and Brendon sat in the back, just in case anything happened. “Ryan,” Mrs Urie spoke up, “I don’t think you should go back to your house, at least not tonight. It really does not sound safe for you, also I’m sure Brendon wouldn’t mind a sleepover!”
“B-but my dad will be really mad if he finds out I left and I’m not there.” Tears slowly welled up in his eyes.
“Ryan, I promise I won’t let anything happen to you. May I have your dad’s number? I’ll tell him you're staying at ours, then I will have to tell the police, okay?” Mrs Urie had her mind set on this, it was extremely wrong to do this to a kid. What a monster he must be. Ryan just leaned his head on Brendon’s shoulder, occasionally lifting his hand to wipe his tears away.
They silently unbuckled their seatbelts and made their way inside the house. Brendon led Ryan upstairs to the bathroom and got a spare toothbrush out for him.
“Uh Brendon, I don’t have any clothes to sleep in,” Immediately after, he went to get clothes for him. He grabbed shorts and a baggy hoodie. Ryan took the clothes from Brendon and muttered a small thanks.
“You can get changed in here, I’ll go to my room.” Giving him a little smile, he exited the room.
A few minutes later, Ryan was ready for bed. He stared confused at the floor; oh great, there’s only one bed. “Do you want me to sleep on the floor, Bren?” His heart fluttered at the thought of a nickname. Brendon blushed before clearing his throat.
“Oh no, I don’t mind you sleeping in my bed! It’s massive anyway,” He awkwardly chuckled and scratched the back of his neck. Ryan slowly crawled into bed next to Brendon. He clicked off the bedside light and snuggled down into his pillow. “Night Ry,” Ryan felt his cheeks heat up and glow red with the simple nickname. No one ever made him feel this way, what emotion even was this? He couldn’t quite figure it out; he copied Brendon’s previous movement and fell into a calm slumber.
The next morning, Ryan awoke with an extra warm sensation to one side of him. It seemed that Brendon had attached himself in his sleep. He wasn’t complaining, it was quite relaxing. He reached over to his phone on the oak table. His eyes squinted as the bright screen flashed violently. Brendon stirred in his sleep as Ryan took a few pictures on his phone. He could tell Brendon was waking up, his deep snoring stopped and he was constantly moving. Eventually he ended up with his head on Ryan’s chest, Brendon rubbed his eyes and yawned.
“Morning Ryan, sorry for kind of sleeping on you,” He let out a content sigh and grabbed a bottle of water. Ryan stretched out his long arms and sat up.
“It’s ok, I don’t mind,” He grinned and headed to brush his teeth. Brendon quickly did the same thing, after proposing the idea of pancakes. Ryan eagerly agreed as he leaped down the stairs.
They sat together on the couch with the white noise of the television buzzing in their ears. After they had finished their pancakes, they shared memes on their phone and had a normal chat. Brendon’s mom interrupted them with an idea. “Y’know you guys could go out today!” Ryan quickly accepted the idea with a cheerful nod. Brendon exchanged glances with him as they decided upon a final decision. “There’s lovely restaurants in the town centre, I’ll give you some money boys.”
“Oh, It’s okay Mrs Urie. You don’t have to give me any money; you’ve done more than enough by letting me stay here.”
“Don’t be silly,” She chucked, “having your company is lovely, I don’t mind giving you money!” Mrs Urie smiled as she handed Ryan $50.
“Let’s go get ready then!” Brendon grinned as he excitedly ran upstairs. “I’ve got some clothes you can wear,” He shouted. Ryan flinched at the loud shouting, growing up he always hated shouting, even before his dad started to abuse him. His dad would usually have screaming wars with his mom; no matter what, it would end in his mom crying and Ryan trying his best to comfort her. He was only young, he couldn't do much about it.
Twenty minutes had passed, they were both completely ready and went out. “Mom! We’re going now,” He yelled, waiting for his mother’s response.
“Okay, remember to be safe!” Mrs Urie scrambled to grab her phone as they left. She dialled the police’s number to tell them about Ryan’s dad. Ring. Ring. Ring.
“Hello ma'am, what are you calling us for?” They answered; she went on to explain about his situation (In extreme detail) for almost an hour straight.
“Thanks for your report, we’ll send the police around there now and hopefully remove any harmful substances from the house.”
“Thank you so much, goodbye.” With that being said, they hung up and presumably got to work.
Brendon and Ryan were in the town centre now; they walked the streets together, hands occasionally grazing each other. They eventually entered a small restaurant tucked in the corner of a street. Two lengthy hours sharing conversation and eating lunch.
Once they had finished their meals, Brendon had called the waiter over and paid for the food.
“How about we head to the restroom quickly and then go home?” He suggested with a small smile on his face as he admired Ryan. He replied with a mini nod and smiled back at him.
Brendon was washing his hands in the marble sink as Ryan stared at him. He grabbed a few paper towels, drying his hands off. Straight after, they left the restaurant, feeling content.
“That was a really good meal!” Ryan beamed but was abruptly cut off by a man in all black + a mask attack Brendon. He was put in a headlock and had a gun put to his head; it wasn’t a busy street and the restaurant windows were tinted. No one would see.
“GIVE ME YOUR MONEY!” The man barked. Brendon whimpered as he couldn’t reach his pockets and stared at Ryan for help. He proceeded to punch the man square in the face. He couldn’t stand to watch Brendon be hurt any longer.
“Fuck off; don’t ever threaten us again.” Ryan growled as he scrammed. Brendon had tears in his eyes, frozen in shock. He engulfed him in a hug, Brendon only responded by resting his head on Ryan’s shoulder.
He rubbed his back and sighed. They stayed like that for a good minute until Ryan cupped his cheeks and wiped his glistening tears away. Their eyes were locked onto each other as they breathed deeply. Brendon slowly leaned closer and just before he could pull away; Ryan’s lips collided with Brendon’s. It was a sweet caring kiss, nothing but care and affection.
A moment was spent with Brendon longingly looking into Ryan’s hazel eyes. Suddenly, Brendon pulls back and pushes him away, a new-found rage filling his pupils.
“Ryan, boys can’t love boys,” He said as he ran away, shouting at Ryan to not follow him.
The bus was due in 3 minutes.
Brendon ran like his life depended on it; his lungs felt as if they were collapsing. His feet were on fire, he finally reached the bus stop just as it arrived. The bus hissed as the air brakes were being used. The double doors swung open as Brendon eagerly ran inside and raced to the back of the bus.
His hands traced designs on the polyester fabric of the bus seats. Thoughts raced through his mind at a 1000mph. Brendon couldn’t get Ryan out of his head. Every thought or idea was centred around him.
He didn’t like Ryan. He couldn’t! His mum simply would disown him, she’s the most religious person he’d ever met. She would NEVER let Brendon see Ryan again. But, did Brendon actually have feelings for him?
The way his stomach gets butterflies whenever he thinks of him. The way a light dusty blush brushes his cheeks whenever they touch. The way he admired every movement Ryan made.
Fuck. He wasn’t just simply in love. He was head over heels. He had to tell someone, it had to be Ryan.
His mind wandered, taking him back to a time where his mother had a strong point of view.
~ Flashback ~
“Brendon! Pay attention, young man,” His mother disciplined as he played with his shoe laces.
“Sorry,” He muttered, turning his attention to the boring pastor. The pastor was talking about being homosexual, he didn’t appear to have a very fond opinion of it. Brendon’s mom was so brainwashed by him, she fully believed his opinion on homosexuality was right. It wasn’t; everyone should be accepted for who they are.
In the end, her views were so extreme that homosexuality is the reason they moved. She’d found out that there was quite a few homosexual kids at his school and refused to stay there.
~ End of flashback ~
Brendon had come to a realisation, he was bisexual. Even though his current love interest was a man, he had felt sexual attraction to women as well.
The bus came to a halt. He rushed out of the musty bus and raced to his house. He needed to make things right, but first he needed to know Ryan was ok.
Swinging open the door, he shouted for his mother. “MOM!” He yelled in a frightened tone.
“What is wrong? Where’s Ryan?” Brendon felt a sickening sensation form in his stomach at the small mention of the boy.
Ryan sat cross-legged on the sidewalk, tears flew down his face as he thought of Brendon. How could he just ditch him like that? He thought that Brendon was there for him after the incident with his dad. Oh, that was another thing to sob about. His shitty father. Why did he have to end up like this? Ryan reminisced on all his memories with his mother, tears increasing their quantity.
He did know one thing that would make him feel better. He knew it wasn’t the best solution, but it would put a temporary stop to his emotion. Cutting himself, that's all he could think to do. The sky had dimmed, now being a dusky grey. Ryan shuffled down the alleyway and yanked the shiny, metal blade out of his pocket. His hands roamed to pull his sleeve up. A few cuts, that's all he needed. He couldn’t seem to stop.
Ruby blood pooled around him and darkness overcame him.
“Mom, I left Ryan in the town centre. We had a slight argument,” Brendon whimpered. He curled up into a ball on the floor and weeped. “Please, go get him,” He pleaded.
Mrs Urie nodded and responded in a soothing voice, “Ok dear, you go upstairs and calm yourself down!” She exited through the front door and started up her car. Brendon dragged his body upstairs and flopped onto his comforting bed, recollection of cuddling up to Ryan washes over him.
After a while, she arrived at her destination. She glanced around the restaurant, Ryan was nowhere to be seen. Un popping her pocket, she grabbed her phone out of her pocket.
To Brendon:
Hey, is (restaurant name) where you went? I can’t s-
Her typing was cut off by her view being attached to a boy in the alleyway. Hurriedly, she scrambled over to him, her heart felt as if it was in her throat. It was Ryan.
“Ryan,” she called out, “I’ve come to get you!”
No response. Dead silence. The blood glimmered in the dull street lights.
“Oh my…” She gasped. Mrs Urie picked up Ryan in her arms and ran as fast as she could to the car.
She frantically propped his body against the leather seats. Her hands rummaged in the back of the car for her first aid kit. A green bag was quickly opened, strings of bandages were pulled out.
Slowly, stretchy bandages were wrapped around Ryan’s wrist, she applied firm pressure as it soaked up his blood. His limp body was put into a more comfortable position, buckling up their seatbelts, she started the car.
Ryan stirred in his slumber, his eyes soon adjusted to the colourful street lights.
“Mrs Urie?” He earned a small gasp out of her mouth.
Shocked and stunned, she replied, “Yes Ryan?”
“Where are you taking me?” He said with his eyebrows knitted into a confused expression.
“Just back to my house,” She said with a friendly smile on her face. She pondered for a moment, then got the courage to express her thoughts. “What happened between you and Bren?”
Several tears were appearing in his eyes, just at the simple mention of the boy. Gosh, he really was in love. It was just a shame his gay realisation had to be so tragic.
Eventually, he spoke up, “Uh, I kissed Brendon,”
“YOU WHAT!” She screeched.
“I don’t even know! It just felt right at the time…” He trailed off.
“You and Brendon are seriously in for it when we arrive at home! And do not even THINK about texting him to warn him!” She scolded. Ryan sat silently for the rest of the ride; he wished the ground beneath him would open up and swallow him whole.
They arrived and to say Ryan was horrified was an understatement. His hands were shaking and his eyes were threatening to spill tears.
“BRENDON! GET HERE NOW!” She squawked. Brendon knew that he was in for it. By the tone of her voice, reminding him of his father, Ryan grew more anxious.
Thundering steps boomed down the staircase as Brendon came rushing down. His eyes bulged out of his head; as he looked at Ryan, a panicked expression spread across his face.
“What happened Ryan?” He blurted with a soft, worried voice.
“You! You don’t care about me,” Ryan yelled, emotion loud in his voice. Brendon stared at him in shock, he felt as if a piece of his heart shattered into a billion pieces.
“Ryan, listen to me!” He pleaded, but Ryan slammed the door and ran to their bathroom. Brendon thought that Ryan hated him; little did he know, Ryan was going through the exact same thought process.
Ryan curled up in the corner of the bathroom, tears didn’t just fall, they were crashing around him. He thought back on wanting the world to swallow him up; he realised he was just suppressing his feelings. Ryan was suicidal.
He balled his fist up and shoved them inside his denim jacket pockets. Something cold pressed against his knuckles.
The blade.
Resisting wasn’t an option, he was overcome with an extreme need. A need his mind said he must fulfil.
However, he found his wrist wasn’t enough this time. He needed more. More blood. More thrill.
More pain.
This urgency for more resulted in him slitting his throat. First, only starting off with small cuts, blood rushing to the surface, but not dribbling onto his skin. The emotion had gotten so intense, he began to cut deeper. Blood rushed down his neck, ruining his shirt and occasionally dripping onto his jacket.
Ryan had started to feel light-headed. He stumbled around the bathroom; fuck, how was he meant to hide this scar. Before even taking any protocols into consideration, he began to clean up. Brendon didn’t have anything to clean cuts with. Of course he didn’t, what was Ryan thinking?
Carefully, his freezing hands pressed the paper towel against his neck. Sucking in a breath - caused by the pain - as it began to sting.
Why didn’t his attempt work? All he wanted was to be gone, he’d thought there was nothing else left for him on Earth. He might as well just die. He thought he was pathetic, that's what drove his passion for pain.
A knock came from the old, creaky door.
“Ryan,” Brendon said firmly. Ryan’s heart leapt out of his chest, he couldn’t face Brendon, at least not now. Quickly, he wiped his teardrops away and tried to steady his voice.
“Yes?” Ryan said, his voice slightly shaky from previous events.
“Come out, please…” His tone was hopeful; all he wanted was for Ryan to come out of the bathroom.
Ryan choked back his tears as he examined his neck in the mirror. “I can’t,” Ryan thought carefully about his response, but nothing was a good enough reason.
“I promise I don’t hate you…” Brendons voice trailed off before he continued. “I actually have some, uh, complicated feelings. I'd like to talk to you about it. But only if it’s alright with you!” He took a huge gulp, awaiting the other boy's reply.
No reply was made. Ryan lowered his head into his knees; he’d never been this bad. He let everything get to him, every comment, every action and most importantly everything. Some things (or people) are better off being shut out.
“I’m coming in Ryan; I can tell you're not okay,” Brendon waited for any final reponses. Finally, he turned the door knob with his hand.
He was speechless, bloody tissues and more cuts on his wrist. But, he hadn’t seen the worst of it yet. Brendon sat opposite Ryan.
He rubbed Ryan’s shoulder comfortingly. He was waiting for some form of eye contact; looking to find meaning and emotion in his eyes. Any form of communication would work, a sign even!
Ryan pricked his head up. Brendons breathing faltered as he saw his neck. Hundreds of thoughts ran through both their minds.
Suddenly, a harsh slap was delivered to Brendon from Ryan. It was all too overwhelming for him. His brain was shutting down and he wasn’t thinking straight.
“GET THE FUCK AWAY FROM ME!” Ryan raised his voice.
“FOR FUCKS SAKE! RYAN, I’M JUST TRYING TO HELP YOU!” Brendon felt his eyes rapidly well up.
“Well. Maybe I don’t want your help!” He said, quite a bit quieter this time.
“Clearly, you need someone's help! You can’t go a single fucking day without cutting yourself,” He muttered, Brendon was extremely pissed off by now. He had never been in a situation like this; all he yearned to do was help. Help the special person in his life.
Brendon realised that he shouldn’t have said that, he could’ve just ruined their (complicated) relationship completely. He seemed to snap out of his thoughts when Ryan was sobbing.
Brendon did that. He realised he made Ryan this sad.
“I’m so sorry Ryan, I wasn’t thinking! I didn’t mean it,” He apologised, Ryan meant so much to him. How could he do that to him?
“Go away,” Ryan sniffled. “I hate you,” He wept. Brendon knew he didn’t actually mean it. Even Ryan knew he didn’t mean it. Ryan had also come to the realisation that he did in fact need help.
Brendon stayed sat opposite him. He was lost for words; he had no idea what to do. He stayed silent, wishing that Ryan would say something first.
Fortunately, his wish came true. Ryan finally spoke up after what felt like an hour of silence - in reality it was less than a minute.
“Bren,” His cheeks dusted a pink shade at the pet name. “I need help,” He said and took a gulp of courage.
Brendon took Ryan’s hand in his hand. “Y’know I’d get you any help you needed,” He told him, maintaining a calm eye contact.
“All I need is you,” Ryan sighed softly; finding a sudden surge of confidence. Their eyes were like gravitational pulls towards each other; not leaving their view.
Brendon pulled Ryan into a deep, passionate kiss. Breath slightly shaky as their lips parted.
“When I left, I realised that I’m in love with you…” Brendon blurted. His cheeks burned a bright pink hue.
“I guess it’s true,” Ryan snickered, the other boy just stared, confused.
“What?” He questioned, trying to think of the answer, mind blanking.
“Absence makes the heart grow fonder,”
A/N That is the end of this oneshot! Hope you enjoyed it! Fun fact: this was based off of something I wrote in class :p
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prettyoddfiction · 7 years
Extra Sugar
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Pairing: Fem!Reader x George Ryan Ross III
Request: Yeah! || Congrats on 100 followers!! I absolutely adore your writing, and was wondering if you weren't too backed up with requests if you could do another fluffy one with Ryan? There aren't enough with him in them. With the request, I was thinking maybe something along the lines of the reader living in the apartment above a coffee shop and Ryan's always down there playing his guitar and she loves his music and she finally gets to meet him one day and it's just fluffy (Sorry this was really long)
Warnings: SFW || cursing. 
Masterlist: Here
This is such a cute request and I was in such a good mood while writing this one. I enjoyed it a lot. Also, sorry I’ve been on hiatus for so fucking long. My anxiety and depression have been kicking my ass lately. I hope this makes it a little better. Enjoy some Ryro fluff. xx
You lived in a small apartment above a small coffee shop and cafe on the most run down side of Chicago, Illinois. It was a cute spot to live, and wasn’t far from anywhere you would need to go. Especially with the fact that there were constantly taxis all over, willing to take you anywhere in the city. You were surprised with how cheap the rent was, but figured it was because the apartment was relatively small and there was a constant smell of coffee in your house, no matter how many apple scented candles you burned on a daily basis. 
But that wasn’t the problem you had with living here. This paper wasn’t about to write itself. You knew that. The other twenty three students in your sociology class that had the same assignment knew that too. But yet here you were, two days before the due date and you were the only student that hadn’t turned it in yet. It’s not your fault that you worked five days a week full time and that you never had any peace and quiet at home. 
The cafe below your apartment was always allowing start up musicians to come in and play. And the performers music choices ranged anywhere from piano covers of “Chasing Cars” by ‘Snow Patrol’, to brand new original songs that were nothing but screaming into a microphone and drum solos. You thought the cafe should have limited it to soft guitar, keyboard, and ukulele, but turning all the other musicians away would be considered rude. So they allowed almost anyone to play. Which was fine and dandy till you had a paper that was worth 75% of your semester grade due and had only got your name and the class name typed in the corner of the page. 
But occasionally it was okay. Some times there would be this one musician that came in with his guitar and played songs that reminded you of ‘The Beatles.’ You had no idea what he looked like, or what his name was. All you knew was that he was by far your favorite and you hoped he would remain un-famed, just so he would continue to play in the cafe and give you a mini concert from the vent in your living room. Your favorite song of his was “Cape Town,” followed closely by “The Other Girl.” Two that he played each and every time he would come to the cafe. Sort of, fan favorites. And yes, you qualified yourself as a fan.
Thankfully, today was one of the days that he was here. His soothing voice made nice and calm background music as you typed away and wrote about breaking the social norm in everyday life. 
Three and a half hours later, you heard the crowd cheering downstairs as you submitted your paper to the online course. It turned out worse than you would have wanted it to, but you didn't have time to go back and edit it a lot, nor did you really want to. Nor did you want to wait another day and then have something go wrong and you lose the paper the night before it’s due. So you clicked ‘turn in,’ got your digital receipt, and then shut your laptop.
Your eyes scanned to the clock on the wall and you knew that the cafe would be closing soon, and he would be ending his quote unquote setlist in a minute or two. This was probably his last song before he would start packing up. And something was telling you that you should go see who it was. But that wasn't the only reason you were headed downstairs. You really wanted a fall flavored drink. After all, it was the middle of October. After pulling on a hoodie over the tank top you had previously been wearing, and some fluffy socks because the owners knew you lived above them and didn't care whether or not you put on shoes to come grab a coffee, you grabbed a five dollar bill from your wallet and headed down the staircase, turning at the bottom and opening the glass door into the cafe. As you entered the rustic coffee shop, you smiled upon seeing that it was nearly empty and the boy was on the small stage, playing his guitar. 
He gave off a puppy dog innocence. He was cute, that was for sure. There was a small stand in front of him that read ‘George Ryan Ross III: Acoustic Set.’ George. It didn’t really suit him, but you didn’t name him that. After watching him play about half a verse, you were entranced and didn’t move from your spot against the back wall until after the set when people started to leave and he began to pick up. That was when you went up to the counter and ordered. “Can I please get a small, pumpkin spice iced chai tea latte?” The total came out to about two dollars and twenty three cents, but you always left the change in the tip jar, just because the owners were always so nice to you. The lady working nodded and began making your drink. 
Your eyes drifted back to the stage as you walked down towards the end of the counter to not be in the way of everyone in line. Sadly, the boy and his equipment were gone. The stage was clear and you couldn't help the frown on your face. You had actually wanted to say hello to ‘George’ and possibly talk to him about his music. But you were pulled from your thoughts when someone at the counter said they had two small iced pumpkin chai’s ready. You walked over and grabbed one of the cups, smiling as you brought the straw to your lips and sipped it, immediately swallowing the cool fall drink, but regretting it slightly. It was way too sweet. 
That was when you noticed the little black ‘x’ written on the top of the cup. ‘X’ meant “extra” something. Whether it be extra caramel, extra vanilla, extra whipped cream. But in this case, it was easily-
“Extra sugar? I think that one’s mine...” A soft voice stated from beside you. You looked over and chuckled. George was standing next to you.
“Yeah, I think so too.” You both quickly pulled the straws from the cups and traded, putting your own straw in the drinks and smiling as you fixed your own orders. “Yeah, this one is definitely mine.”
“I agree. Sorry about that. I should probably look a little closer next time.” He chuckled, bringing his free hand up to scratch the back of his neck. 
You nodded and smiled at him, “Yeah George. Maybe you should.”
“Please, everyone calls me Ryan.” Ryan. His middle name. It suited him way better than George did.
“Okay. Ryan. Don't you think that this is a sweet enough drink? Why add sugar?”
“Well, person who’s name I do not know-”
“Y/N.” You stated with a chuckle.
“Ah, Y/N. Well, Y/N, you see, you only live once. I prefer to enjoy each and every thing I consume. I see that you prefer to not wear shoes in public.” Immediately, you glanced down to your feet and giggled. 
“Well Ryan, I do. I just don't wear them here because I’m too lazy to put shoes on. I live just upstairs, so there’s really no point in getting completely dressed to come down the stairs, around the banister, through the door, down the two foot long hallway, into the cafe, up to the counter, and then back out the door and upstairs when I get my drink. It’s a waste. So the owners let me come in here with just socks on.” 
Ryan nodded and sipped his extra sugary sweet drink with a smile on his face. “Socks are cute. Especially fuzzy white ones with pink hearts on them.” He winked. 
You rolled your eyes as he described your own socks to you. “Ha ha. Very funny. You know, I was gonna compliment your music but now, never mind. Have a nice night, George.” You smirked, sipping your drink and starting to walk towards the short hallway back to your apartment’s door. 
“Y/N?” You turned back around to look at him after he said your name. “You like my music?”
“I do.”
“Maybe if you gave me your number, we could set up a day where I could come upstairs and play...?” 
“Sure thing... George.” 
He laughed slightly as you crossed back over to him and took his phone, putting your number in and agreeing that next Saturday he would be back and you would let him play you music in your living room.
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anystalker707 · 4 years
Lights, camera and fuck off
Pairing: Gerard Way x Fem Reader Genre: Fluff/Light angst Requested by @thunderpurple Summary: (Y/n) is an Umbrella Academy actress and her relationship with Gerard isn’t really well seen due to their age gap, but they don’t let all that negativity reach them.
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"And what can we expect for The Umbrella Academy's second season?" The interviewer asks with an agonizing smile - there's something in it, giving off the slightest vibe I would describe as devilish, like if wanting to see every artist she interviews breaking under her questions and comments.
My attention doesn't remain on her for too long; I let my eyes fall to my hands that rest over my lap, presuming someone else will answer the question since I was the one who answered a few of the past ones. As supposed, Tom answers it, "well, it's a bit difficult commenting it without giving much spoilers, but it's going to be awesome," his grin is practically audible, kinda letting a mystery in the air with the way he says the last word.
The woman nods, continuing to speak, "also, I presume (y/n)'s going to have more screen time this season, right? Considering the past announcements." Her comment makes me immediately raise my gaze towards her and, if the altered tone while saying the last two wonder wasn't enough, she raises her eyebrows towards me in a sort of sign, glancing at Gerard too.
Gerard looks at her in certain disbelief, taking in a breath to answer. The sight makes her widen her eyes, already eager for the answer covered in annoyance, but I prefer to answer it myself - to not give her what she wants. I put on my best sweet smile, "well, not really. My character continues with the same highlight, she-"
"Um, that's not what I meant," she breathes a fake awkward chuckle, adjusting her glasses. "You probably gained more highlight after getting in a relationship with Gerard, which's, um, quite different from the conventional due to the age gap, what has also been commented a lot lately. Did something change-"
"Sorry," I cut her off, observing her curiously, "but I thought we were here to talk about the series and not anyone's personal life. Please let me know if there's another question like this because, if so, I'm leaving already. That's not what I'm here for. Also, I have a question for you myself. Did all the interviewers secretly agree on a thing of always asking the same questions?" I look at her, with a fake cluelessness over my features, not showing any sign of being intimidated by her.
The interviewer's eyes flicker over me, looking for the joking hint she never finds. Meanwhile, a heavy atmosphere follows the silence the room's set in. By the corner of my eyes, I can see Ellen and Tom share a quick look while Gabriel seems to prefer to not interfere in any way, demonstrating a sudden interest for the floor's patterns. Gerard just sits beside me casually, having an expression that demonstrates he agrees with me.
"Fuck, sometimes it's awful. Why do people act like if it is something from another world?" I raise an eyebrow at Gerard, "sometimes I feel like these people get pleasure in annoying artists and driving them to the edge." It's a bit difficult walking side by side on the relatively narrow sidewalk, but I don't feel like letting go of his hand, cogitating sending glares on whoever comes from the opposite direction so they decide to walk past by the street instead of waiting for one of us to open space. Thankfully it doesn't last long, just until we take a turn to one of more agitated streets.
"Maybe you're right," he presses his lips together, still seeming kind of bothered by the events from earlier. Exhaling, he continues with a blank expression before seeming to brush away all the thoughts, smiling at me instead. "Wanna stop for a coffee?"
Looking past him, I'm able to see a cafe by the other side of the street - grinning, I nod. We're soon sitting in a booth in a quiet corner of the cafe with our orders set in front of us, but momentarily forgotten there as we talk.
"You coming over?" Gerard asks, our hands linked over the table as he plays with my fingers - he softly runs the tip of his fingers over my palm, laughing at my reaction of suddenly closing my hand.
I don't answer at first, playfully glaring at him while rubbing my own fingers over my palm like if rubbing the weird feeling away. He breathes a chuckle, taking my hand in his again, rubbing his thumb over my palm, then turns my hand over to intertwine our fingers together. Wrinkling my nose lightly, I shake my head, briefly tightening my grip on his hand. I let go of it to take my cup of coffee and sip on the warm drink.
"I guess so," I finally answer, mentally reviewing my plans for the rest of the day and tomorrow too, "can I sleep over? Also, there's another interview tomorrow, isn't it?" A light groan leaves my lips at the thought of the tight schedules, a consequence of the next season of the series being released soon - thankfully, we can still spend a great time together, above all.
"Of course." He smiles adorably, sipping on his coffee before continuing, "and, yeah, but then we'll have the rest of the week to ourselves, fortunately. Well," Gerard pauses, tilting his head lightly, "kinda. There's band practice with the guys more towards the end of the week. You could come along, there won't be just the guys and I." As he presses his lips together, his eyes fall to the table - a bit of expectation and insecurity under his 'firm' tone.
"Um, won't I bother?" I furrow my eyebrows, averting my eyes from him and fidgeting with the sleeves of my jacket in another wave of insecurity and anxiety. I'm always doing my best to dodge all the negative comments thrown towards me, but it's not always that I'm keeping the guard up.
Gerard exhales in certain frustration, most likely guessing what's going on in my head. "You never bother, sugar. And you know they like you, so stop worrying." His reassuring voice has an automatic effect on me, making me feel almost completely calmer after hearing his words.
What he said echoes through my mind once again and - though it has happened many other times before - a stupid grin cracks my lips at the same time I blush at being called sugar. It makes me soft and, in a sudden decision, I stand up from my place to sit beside him. Gerard curiously raises an eyebrow at me, but places an arm around me without questioning; I exhale in some kind of relief and comfort as leaning against his side.
Noticing his gaze continues on me, I breathe a chuckle, "I wanna be next to you," I mutter shyly, observing my cup of coffee as blushing more. He lets out an appreciative hum, nuzzling the side of my faze lightly and leaving a peck there - it makes me chuckle louder than expected, shrinking at the feeling of his beard against my skin. Gerard lets out an evil giggle, earning him a playfully offended look from me, one which fades away in the moment he places a kiss on my lips.
Soon enough, we're at his place; I smile as being engulfed by the place's comfortable atmosphere, it's like if it's filled with a warm energy that's the same as his. Before he can notice, I'm already coming back from his room, having changed from my clothes - which weren't so comfortable - and now wearing one of his shirts and a loose pair of shorts I left here last time I was over.
Gerard's serving himself a glass of water when I walk in the kitchen. He probably just notices my presence once I wrap my arms around him from behind, sighing as I rest my head against his back. His free hand rests over mine, holding them. "Want to watch something?" He asks and right after, I can hear the sound of the glass being placed against the counter, but don't want to let go just yet.
"No," I groan quietly, suddenly noticing how tired I am; I just want to lay down and cuddle him. "Not in the mood. We could listen to something, tho."
"Alright. Just let me go change, hm?" He squeezes my hands in a sign for me to let go - I do so, reluctantly, but my mood quickly lightens up with his lips being pressed against mine for a few seconds.
While Gerard disappears in the halls, I throw myself on the couch, sitting in a half-laid-down position as finally allowing myself to relax. I don't think the physical tiredness is actually as big as the mental one every interviewer seems to want to put me under lately. I'm left to wonder how in the fucking hell do details about my personal life affect my work or why is it so interesting to them.
My thoughts are cut off at the same moment soft music starts to fill the room and then there's Gerard approaching me. Looking at him with a lazy smile, I make grabby hands towards him before letting one of my legs hang off the couch, motioning the place in front of me.
He quickly gets what I mean and sits down on the space between my legs, leaning back against me until his head is resting on my chest. I can't hold back a stupid smile - soft moments like this always make me feel have a funny feeling, all happy -, stopping it briefly to press a kiss to his temple. A pleased hum comes from Gerard and I can feel him physically relaxing as I start to run my fingers through his hair.
Moments like this make me think a lot, sometimes. I end up getting both afraid and happy at the same time. Afraid because I love moments like this - and him - so much and I'm afraid of it ending at some point, maybe because of all the people against our relationship, though I won't let their negativity reach us. But happy, on the other had, because I- I don't know, I just don't want these moments to ever end; they make me feel so well. Anyways, I guess it's not the time to fill my head with doubts, just to stick with the last feeling and enjoy every second. After all, no one else can understand all of this the way we do.
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communistlunchbox · 5 years
Gerard Way - The Woods Aren’t Scary pt.1
Pairing: Gerard Way x Reader
TW: None
Y/n remembered the first time she saw him. The little boy in the woods was quite intriguing. He always seemed like there was something he was looking for. She was seldom able to speak to the boy in their youngest days, as he kept to himself, and she was often busy with chores. 
The first real conversation they had was when they were about nine years old. Y/n's mother had tasked her with hanging up the washings to dry, and Y/n, being the obedient child she was, had taken them out to the clothesline and saved her grumblings for when she was out of earshot of her mother. Her complaints were cut short by the sounds of snapping twigs and rustling grass. Y/n looked up from the work and saw a boy. The boy. His eyes were wide and terrified, and no sooner had their eyes met was he dashing off, trying to fight his way through trees and brambles.
"Wait! Come back!" Y/n called after the boy. "I pray thee to return! There is none to fear of me!"
The sounds stopped and a few moments later, the boy was standing back in his original spot; his countenance held slightly less terror in it. 
"What's your name?" Y/n asked softly. She didn't want to startle the boy back into hiding.
"Gerard." He inched forward and flicked his eyes around the surrounding area.
"That's a nice name. My name is Y/n." Y/n gave Gerard a small curtsy, just as her mother had taught her to do with new people. Gerard returned with a bow and offered to help her with her work. 
The pair hung clothes together mostly in a silence for a few minutes before Y/n became tired of it. 
"Why was it that you were so near my home? Was it you were looking for something?" 
"Yes, I was looking for a thing. I can't tell you yet." Gerard looked into the woods with great longing. "We have to finish this, then I'll tell you." 
"Alright." Y/n was content with this answer, as they were nearly done.
When the clothes basket was empty, the pair dashed off along the wooded path, eventually coming to a halt in front of a tall, tall tree. Gerard turned to Y/n and looked gravely into her eyes.
"If I tell you, you mustn't tell anyone." His eyes widened and he took Y/n's face in his hands. "Especially not my mother."
Y/n nodded furiously, her face still in Gerard's hands. "I promise, I won't tell a soul."
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homo-terezi · 6 years
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aknosde · 3 years
sorry for asking for your writing for the third time in like two days straight but plz plz PLZ give me more nico and percy (and thalia too if you want) platonic fluff i just really need it
Okay yes, greek kids of the big three coming right up (I'm programmed for angst but i tried to limit it)(other thing that’s funny is that im working on hcs for Percy, Reyna, Hazel, and Frank right now too)
They all pretty much call each other their cousins, but Thalia really likes to call Percy and Nico “cuz” independently because she thinks it’s the most annoying thing in the world and she likes to say it ironically. (The irony has been lost. It’s been lost for a really really long time)
Thalia: Hey cuz!
Percy: Hi Thals.
Thalia: See, “cuz.” It’s so stupid it’s funny.
Percy: *weak laugh* yeah... funny
They were all sent reeling after Bianca’s death. Nico of course ran off and became emo. But Thalia shoved herself into the hunters, barely giving a thought to Nico and Percy because it was too painful. She essentially cut communication between her and Percy for 3-6 months, and only started talking to him again after Mt. St. Helens. Percy shut himself up with guilt and spent all of his time looking for Nico so he could ‘repay his debt’ It wasn’t really a good time for anyone.
What Thalia is not saying: sorry for making you take the prophecy
What Percy is not saying: I feel like I killed Bianca
Nico likes to call Mrs. O’Leary his dog even though she is very clearly Percy’s. They argue about it all the time, but it’s all in good fun.
Nico: See, I’m her favorite. She can sense the darkness
Percy: You have all the darkness of a rainbow. Watch this. Mrs. O’Leary!
*Mrs. O’Leary comes bounding over to Percy where she immediately flops onto her stomach and waits for Percy to pet her belly*
In fact, Thalia is the only one of them who doesn’t like Mrs. O’Leary. Something Percy and Nico take great advantage of. They like to shadow travel Mrs. O’Leary directly into the center of the Hunters’ camps when Thalia is close by and scare her. She accidentally stabbed herself once because of it.
Thalia: So I went over to pick up my shield, because I love my shield you see, and then they appeared like ‘blarghhh’
Thalia would never admit it, but she’s scared shitless of Percy when he gets really mad. She often thinks about that time he lifted the whole creek of water and ice above her head, and thinks it’s really cool, but she’s also terrified of ever having to fight him in any real capacity. 
Percy: Hey look, I learned how to make daggers out of ice
Thalia: ah, cool
Thalia internally: what the fuck what the fuck what the fuck
None of them like fast-food from the same place. And Percy’s the only one who can drive. He’s too nice to make them all go to his pick though, even if they argue a lot. 
Thalia and Nico: McDonalds! McDonalds! McDonalds!
Percy *pulling up to the drive through*: one black coffee
Jokes on them because coffee makes Percy super tired so he basically traps them. No but seriously, Nico likes McDonalds, Percy likes Wendy’s, and Thalia likes Burger King. Percy drives around to all of their respective locations while Thalia blasts music and Nico hangs in the middle seat poking at them. They sit on the roof of some building and eat together.
Together they form some version of a holy trinity. Thalia = lesbian, Nico = gay, Percy = bi. You are never safe.
Percy and Nico, from the capture the flag jail: Let’s go lesbians! Let’s go lesbians!
Thalia: *sprinting across the boundary*
Actually they have a lot of overlap, kind of like a Venn diagram. Powers, music they like, it’s kinda funny. 
Random camper: So which one of you can control the earth?
Percy and Nico: *both raise their hands slowly*
Random camper: And which one of you can change the temperature?
Nico and Thalia: *slowly raise their hands*
Random camper: Great, and which one of you can sense and control the weather?
Percy and Thalia: *both raise their hands*
They are not allowed to spar together. Percy and Thalia especially. Emotions run high. Both Percy and Thalia can spar with Nico, but they can’t go all three of them either. The last time all three of them trained together a hill split down the middle, flowers from a certain patch now only grow black, and a big streak of plants were burned. 
Percy, drawing water from an underground spring and turning the very soil under Thalia’s feet to quicksand and forming a giant puddle: Sorry, I can’t hear you from up here!
Nico, shadow traveling Percy into the same trap: What was that you said about being ‘up here’?
Thalia, conjuring a bolt of electricity, shocking them all: hmm?
Percy is the tallest out of the three of them, and rather than fight it like Thalia did at the beginning, they accept it and make him being the tallest as inconvenient as possible for him. They make sure things are on the highest shelf so he has to get them down. They climb on him like a jungle gym.
Nico, sitting on Percy’s shoulders: Could you pass me a juice box?
Thalia, latched onto Percy’s back: Sure.
The counselor Percy is having a very important conversation with: uhh
Percy, ignoring them: So what I’m saying is that I can’t bend on having the glass replaced with an extra durable substitute. 
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disengaged · 3 years
20 questions for fic writers, tagged by @ao3userglitchesaintshit !! 💘💘💘 ....
1. how many works do you have on ao3?
on my profile right now, 61 :-) in total (orphaned & anonymous), somewhere between 75-80
2. what's your total ao3 word count?
356,059 😳
3. how many fandoms have you written for and what are they?
oh, god sjfksndks .... my ao3 profile says 26, i'm not gonna list em all cuz i'm not active in 90% of those anymore but uh. i started out with 2010s metalcore/emo trinity/pop punk shit, branched out into hard rock and industrial, now i'm doing thrash metal ... yeah
4. what are your top five fics by kudos?
let me fix your overdrive - 188
is anybody waiting (at home for you?) - 188
you've become my kingdom come - 179
cryptosporidium - 170
take 54 - 162
..... this is embarrassing bc half of these were written when i was 14-15 and are thus REALLY bad 🤧 the zeppelin ones can stay though
5. do you respond to comments, why or why not?
i try my best to respond to every single one !!!!!! sometimes it just .... takes me a long time :'-) comments & feedback are fuel for me, i want to make sure they're acknowledged
6. what's the fic you've written with the angstiest ending?
i write a lot of angsty shit tbh, but i think the winner's gotta be leave my body (leave my bones) ... clearly wrote it when i was 13 and going through an "i love character death" phase
7. what's the fic you've written with the happiest ending?
yknow .... even out of all the tooth-rotting fluff i've written over the years, i think the ending that makes me the happiest is four hundred bones. it's kind of a long-winded story about Things Falling Apart, but i feel like that makes the ending feel all the more hopeful
8. do you write crossovers? if so, what's the craziest thing you've written?
i don't really write crossovers, but i do write a lot of multiband fic :-)
9. have you received hate on a fic?
not really, no! i don't think i write that much controversial stuff, & the fandoms i'm active in don't have much gatekeeping/purity complex/pairing discourse shit going on. however, one time i did receive a really snippy, passive-aggressive comment on a dumb smut oneshot and i still think about it daily
10. do you write smut? if so, what kind?
i do, yeah! most of it is slash, and most of it includes some vague sort of d/s dynamic. (what can i say, i'm predictable...)
11. have you ever had a fic stolen?
i had one plagiarized, yeah :-/ & over the years, people have given me a heads up that my fics have ended up on wattpad (and that stupid fucking "ao3 pocket reader" app) without my permission, but i don't even know how to navigate wattpad, let alone submit a complaint abt it lmao
12. have you ever had a fic translated?
yeah! a few actually, all in Russian:
quicksand jesus translated by ffffftdaaa
inches on me translated by saderaladon
leave a scar translated by saderaladon
and Erbrou did translations of alone/sublime and keep on haunting, but sadly those links are broken, or they've since been removed from ficbook, idk
13. have you ever co-written a fic?
yep! ShadesinBlue and i co-wrote the patience series a little while back and it was a lot of fun :-) we planned it all out, then took turns writing the parts (& wrote some of them together). i'd love to try something like that again sometime .... but i struggle with productivity/being busy all the time, so we'll see :'-)
14. what's your all-time favourite ship?
i'm not really invested in specific ships tbh, i like switching between pairings & exploring different dynamics
15. what's a WIP you want to finish, but don't think you ever will?
looking down the cross my beloved ...... also my kirk/dave prison fic, which is 3/4 done and has been since last year :-/ i'm not giving up on either yet, but the outlook is .... pretty bleak ngl
16. what are your writing strengths?
????idk. my spelling & grammar is legible
17. what are your writing weaknesses?
i hate penning long descriptive passages, i write very, very sporadically, and i have a tendency to ditch WIPs whenever i lose interest for 5 minutes
18. what are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in fic?
sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't ? depends on the context .............. the met discord has a running joke about an AU where everything is the same except jason only speaks in french, & i desperately, DESPERATELY want to see it written lmao
19. what was the first fandom you wrote for?
fucking BBC Sherlock, jesus christ ... it was a hunger games au too LMAOO. reading it makes me giggle, for some reason i was 12 years old & writing about gunshots to the head. r/iamverybadass
20. what's your favourite fic you've ever written?
tough call, cuz every time i reread one of my own fics i'm just like ..... wow! this sucks! it's all terrible! i'm an incompetent fraud! :'-)
that said, i think my favs are usually the ones with a lot of myself put into them ... if i had to pick, right now i'm really connecting with four hundred bones again, & fratboy/stonerverse is another one i reliably enjoy thinking abt :-)
tagging @mondsterne-kuesst @not-a-human-perspective @maggotbrainz @metallicasbian cuz idk who else !! only if u want, & if anyone else wants to do it, feel free to say i tagged u 💘
..... i love discussing this shit, feel free to hit up my inbox 2 chat about it further :'-)
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semicielo · 4 years
Hoi Hoi! I’m new to the blog and so far I love your writings! I hope it’s alright to send in a request for Haikyuu! Perhaps Hcs of Hinata, Kuroo And Oikawa (perhaps Bokuto If your more comfortable ;; ) finding out their S/O was actually a female in disguise, but she like still wants to be on the team because she loves the bois so much and doesn’t want anyone else to find out ;; But like during games she has to hit them upside the head to get them back into the game because they lowkey protective
This is going to be l o n g, but I enjoyed writing this, thank u.
I change some things since I feel that Oikawa and mostly Bokuto will be supportive with reader choices.
Genre: Fluff
Guide: (n/n) = nickname.
Hinata Shōyō.
Hinata x Fem! Reader.
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Hinata was happy to see another short boy joining the team, and specially someone as nice as (y/n).
While Kageyama didn’t even wanted to toss the ball to him (y/n) was on to practice every time.
(y/n) position was a libero, so he was usually with Noya-senpai learning everything that he has to teach.
—You were practicing a lot with Noya-senpai, (y/n) you are getting better!!
—thanks Sho-kun —“he” smiled.
In that moment Hinata though “how a boy can be that pretty?”
(y/n) face was delicate, “he” mostly wore baggy clothes at practice, and hasn’t see him in his school uniform.
What a mysterious “boy”
“Practice’s off” said couch Ukai, all the boys at the team were changing their clothes but Hinata notices that (y/n) wasn’t with them.
—Kageyama where is (y/n)?
—um? He was taking with Kiyoko-senpai
“Strange” the red hair though, so he decided to hide in the club room to find out what (y/n) was hiding
(y/n) was changing his clothes, he took his pants off and what Hinata saw was unbelievable.
he saw... panties... panties?? “Why is he wearing panties?” “Is his dear friend a pervert person?” “Or...”
(y/n) screamed while try to hide her low part, finally dressed in her school uniform she told her friend the truth.
—I saw you guys play against Seijoh the first time, and I wanted that! I wanted to be part to a team like yours, close and full of dreams, so I put on this disguise and pretend to be a boy to be part of the team! Please Sho, I want to play with you guys forever!
So he kept the secret, but something in Hinata change, I stated to be overprotective to (y/n), “please be careful” “Hey Kageyama don’t smack (y/n)” “I’m going to stay here to make sure no one enters”
But then, the day that Hinata feared the most came, a match, and not a normal match, it was against Seijoh, and Noya had an emergency so he wasn’t able to play, lucky Karasuno that they had another libero available to play.
—no and no (y/n)! You can’t play! We are against the grand king, something could happen to you!! Have you seen his servers??!!
—Hinata, I don’t care, I’m going to play and we are going to win this.
—you can’t risk yourself (y/n) you can get hurt! I’m sorry but I’m going to tell Daichi-San the truth.
“Oh no he is not going to do that” in a fast movement (y/n) threw the ball at him and hit Hinata’s head.
Everyone was looking at them, what is going on?, Kageyama and Tsukishima were laughing at Hinata’s, while (y/n) has her cheeks colored in pink, she was upset.
—I’m going to play, then I’m going to tell everyone the truth, but need to do this!
Karasuno won that match.
And Hinata kept (y/n) secret for a little bit longer.
Kuroo Tetsurō.
Kuroo x Fem! Reader
Fact: Kenma has been friends with the reader for a long time so he knows reader is a girl.
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With Lev joining the team, not only did they have a new member in the volleyball team, but also another boy was encouraged to be part of the Nekoma’s volleyball club.
(y/n) was a valuable new member, a middle blocker with a lot of talent came to help the team to be winners.
Kenma and (y/n) “became” good friends actually they already were, they were actually classmates, and with Kuroo they were the holy trinity, but only while they were in the club.
so for Kuroo that was suspicious, why if kenma and (y/n) were classmate he hasn’t see him before?, and Kenma’s actitud was suspicious too.
—don’t come to my classroom Kuroo, you are too annoying —kenma said—
That made Kuroo suspicious, why Kenma said that? Also, (y/n) was at Kenma’s course, are they hiding something? Since he joined the team Kenma and (y/n) were to secretive.
Kuroo began to observe (y/n), “why was that boy so delicate” “why does he smells sweet? Like cherries or some fruit”, also (y/n) was shorter than Kenma, and almost as thin as him, but... “that waist, how can a men have that waist?”
When they were cleaning the gym, (y/n) was with Kuroo sweeping the floor, and he notice how nice were the boy’s hands.
—(l/n) I didn’t notice, your hands look really nice... and small... —his voice became lower to the point to be almost a whisper— and with a soft looking...
—uh? What did you said senpai?
—Oh! Nothing, it’s ok, let’s keep cleaning.
Kuroo is an intelligent boy, with his carisma he could get (y/n) files. He chilling in his house decided to read them, “So he was a she?” Let’s see how this turn on.
Since (y/n) was only a backup Kuroo was calm, she wasn’t going to get hurt, but one day...
—Let’s put (l/n) to play, he is ready to handle this —coach Nekomata said.
“Oh no, oh no, pretty girl (y/n) is not going to play against that snakes”
—excuse me —Kuroo raise his hand— i need to talk with (l/n) for a minute —he dragged “him” by “his” arm.
In front of the vending machine (y/n) bought herself an ice tea, while waiting for Kuroo to talk.
—I’m gonna be straight with you (y/n) I know your secret, little miss in a boy disguise.
Damn (y/n) was afraid about what was gonna happen —senpai I can explain!!
—no, (y/n) I don’t want you to play in this match, I’m going to inform the coaches that you feel ill.
He turned around to walk to the gym, that he feel something hit the back of his head.
—did you throw that can to me? —he was amused —you could have knocked me out with that thing!! (y/n) are you nuts?!
—senpai! We are like the blood in our veins, we most flow without stopping, keep the oxygen moving, and your mind working! —she bowed ninety degrees— please let me win this with you!!
Kuroo smiled flirtatiously —how can I say no to a pretty girl?
—oh! Senpai, Don’t tell anyone or I swear I’ll kick your ass
Oikawa Tooru
Oikawa x Fem! Reader
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Oikawa was not only tormented by Iwaizumi, now he has (y/n) to supervise every move that he makes.
—(n/n)-chan! Iwa-Chan is already mean to me! Why you have to be mean to me too?!
He only looked at him and ignore him, (y/n) was a tall “boy” almost as Iwaizumi, and blessed with talent, they were constantly in a internal matchup since they both were setters.
—Iwa-Chan which toss are betters? Mine or (n/n)-Chan?
—(l/n) is not a pain in the ass like you shittyKawa, it’s obvious which toss I prefer.
(y/n) will only smirk at that statement.
One day Oikawa saw (y/n) facet, he was surrounded by his fans, and (y/n) appeared to drag him to practice, he was about to whine and tell the boy not to be boring, but one of his fans looked amused when he looked at (y/n).
“Uh? (l/n)-Chan? Why are you wearing the boys volleyball team uniform?”
(y/n) with no hesitation grabbed Oikawa by his wrist and drag him back to the gym.
—did you knew that girl?
—not at all, let’s practice, next Monday we will have a practice match with Shiratorizawa, we need to be ready.
Yeah, he knew that, their team was going to beat stupid Ushijima’s.
Next day was strange, Oikawa had a letter in his desk, well that wasn’t strange, but what was writing on the paper definitely was. “(y/n) (l/n) is girl, not a boy” and some photos were attached.
“Such a pretty girl wow” he thought.
Next days he decided to forget about the setter x setter rivalry and started teaching (y/n) every thing that he knew
“(n/n)-Chan do this like this” “(n/n)-Chan use your legs to impulse your body” “(n/n)-Chan Be careful!”
And he attended to practice with her without paying attention to his fans “(n/n)-Chan let’s go to practice!”
Monday finally came, the team was already in the bus to go to Shiratorizawa, Oikawa sat with (y/n) before anyone else’s.
—so, (n/n)-Chan, you are a girl, right?
There was silence, but (y/n) decided to speak.
But before that she smack his head.
—auch! Why you have to be mean to me? (n/n)-Chan! —he whines.
—I’m gonna play, lame ass trash can.
—of course you are playing, ace setter.
Bokuto Kōtarō
Bokuto x Fem! Reader
Fact: no one knows reader is a girl but Yukie had her suspicions.
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(l/n) (y/n) a second year “boy” who recently joined the team.
He was... troublesome.
(y/n) needed to be trained, the first time that he attended to play was a mess, a mess that catch up Bokuto’s attention.
—Don’t worry (l/n)!! I will train you!!
Best senpai ever.
—Now come on! (l/n)! Hey! Hey! HEY!
—hey! Hey! HEY! —the boy repeat
—good job! Now let’s practice your receives! You suck at that! Hahahaha
They became really good friends, and for Akaashi’s bad luck, now he had to looked not only for their ace, but now he had to looked up for the new baby owl.
(y/n) was a nice member, ready to give all his energy and commitment with the club and always helpful, (y/n) was the most helpful “tool” when Bokuto turned into emo mode.
—Akaashi —Yukie called— Bokuto seems down, Should I ask for a pretty girl to tell him he is awesome?
Meanwhile baby owl wanted to help “his” senpai —BOKUTO-SAN YOU ARE AWESOME!
—Really(l/n)? YES I AM! HAHA HEY HEY HEY.
“Well it’s not going to be necessary to call a girl anymore.
Now their relationship development was faster than (y/n) development in volleyball.
—(n/n)-kun let’s practice!
—I’m on my way! Kō-kun!
One day Bokuto left his backpack on the changing room, “wait for me Akaashee I’m going to find my things” but we he opened the door he saw his “bro” changing clothes.
(y/n) was only wearing joggers and has “his pectorals” were showing.
—wow bro nice pectorals!
(y/n) being a mess, pinky cheeks, teary eyes and squatting hiding her naked torso.
And then Bokuto realized.
—Please don’t tell Akaashi!
—Since the beginning of my life! NOW PLEASE GO I’M NAKED.
Bokuto just left confused, then he went to Akaashi to go to the train station together “what happened with Bokuto-san backpack?”
But he wasn’t going to say anything, when (y/n) joined the team he remembered what he, or she said “I want to be the best player just like all of you, let me be a part of the team please!”
“You are going to be the best player baby owl” he thought while start crying.
Next days were like “(n/n)! Let me help you!” “(n/n) I’ll do that for you!” “(n/n) let’s go home together, it’s too late!” “(n/n) watch out! Be careful with those balls”
Then they have the training camp with the other schools, Bokuto name himself like (y/n)-bodyguard.
“Don’t get too close to (y/n)” “get away be careful” “Eh don’t bother s- HE”
Then Kuroo trying to bother Bokuto said that (y/n) should play, the boy drag her out the gym, he didn’t care that she has a ball in her hands.
—you are not gonna tell anyone?
Bokuto went to the Gym first and feel the ball hit his head.
Sent me more request I love this.
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motherneverlovedyou · 4 years
and here’s the dangerdays!fic rec absolutely nobody asked for. just a warning, all of these ships are paryghoul, jetkid, and peterick (the names vary), and ryden. there shouldn’t be too much smut, but as it is the killjoy!verse, heed the tags, they almost all deal with very heavy subject matters.
We’re All Just Born To Descend/ The Descend!verse by corruptedkid
111k+ words/11 chapters (completed)
it’s so so so sooo good dude. it revolved around pp being brainwashed by better living, then he meets pete wentz and brendon. they basically try to take over better living after that.
I believe We’re The Enemy by Test_Subject_306
104+k words/39 chapters (completed)
i genuinely can’t remember the plot to this one, but i remember absolutely loving it.
There’s A War We Can’t Ignore/Love In The Middle of a Firefight!verse by personalized_radio
42k+ words/1 chapter (completed)
there’s like 7 different installments, but the overall plot line is the emo trinity fight against better living, pete and patrick are slightly possessed (peterick btw), frank has multiple personalities, and it’s just so so sooooo good
Just For a Week by kriptedkat
37k+ words/9 chapters (completed)
holy shit guys, i did it, i found the sole danger days!fluff fic. it’s how the killjoys happened to adopt the Girl, it’s so cute???
Graffiti On Your Grave by Honestmouse
140k+ words/20 chapters (completed)
how the Youngblood faction saves the killjoys after their bitter defeat in the Better Livings HQ. also i can’t recommend highly enough to check out the writer’s (Honestmouse) other killjoy works, so good???
In The End (I’d Do It All Again) by Honestmouse
23k+ words/10 chapters (completed)
This is basically how the killjoys met and became friends with fall out boy, this is also by Honestmouse. sooooo good
add more if you want!
obviously click the links to get to the fics/read the actual summaries, you will not be disappointed i assure you
@itwontstoptillwesurrounded @emoswillrisetosave2020 ily guys
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griffins-fanfic · 5 years
Finding Midnight-Chapter 3
Fandom: Sanders Sides
Pairing: Moxiety, background Logince
Warnings: none that I know of
Summary: Roman begins his lifelong rivalry with Midnight ft some cute platonic Royality
Roman was exhausted. If he never had to deal with another lady who thought she knew everything, or another table of frat boys who made not so subtle homophobic comments at his retreating back, it would be too soon. He had never been so relieved that it was movie night in his life. He arrived home, changed into clothes bordering on pajamas, ran a makeup wipe over his face, and nearly sprinted the four blocks he had to walk to get to Patton and Virgil's apartment.
Once there, he let himself into the apartment with his key. Patton was in the kitchen making popcorn, so he waved a greeting and walked into the living room. There, Virgil was sitting cross legged, on his phone, oblivious to Roman's arrival.
Roman took the opportunity to collapse onto the couch, his head landing on Virgil's lap, startling the man. He landed facedown, and started groaning immediately.
"Rough day at work?" Virgil asked, combing his hand through Roman's hair.
"Understatement of the century." He muttered. He stayed there, enjoying the affection, until he felt a prick of pain on his leg. He yelped and shot up, jumping onto the back of the couch.
"Midnight!" Patton yelled from the doorway. Virgil started laughter, small giggles quickly turning into hearty guffaws as he curled in on himself. Roman only squinted in confusion at the blur of black scattering across the floor, the obvious culprit of the pain. Patton scooped it up and started toward the couch.
"Sorry about that," he said, "I'm not sure why she attacked you."
"The demon has a name?" Roman gasped.
Virgil wiped the tears from his eyes and calmed down. 
"the demon is edging you out of your best friend spot, so I'd be careful what you say about her. She's a dumpster cat we adopted a couple days ago."
"And who's idea was it not to warn me?" Virgil raised a hand and Roman narrowed his eyes at him. He knew it.
"I'm sure you just startled her. She's still skittish." Patton said. "Here." He stepped closer. "Give her your hand."
Roman slowly reached his hand out and held it a foot from the ball of fluff in Patton's arms. He got hissing in return.
Virgil giggled again. "I guess she just doesn't like you."
Roman gasped, affronted. "How dare you! How could any creature on this Earth dislike me?"
Virgil gave him what Roman considered the side eye of the century. "I wonder."
Roman threw a pillow at him, immediately regretting it when Midnight launched out of Patton's arms and started attacking him again. After thirty seconds of pain and screaming, Patton managed to get ahold of her and shut her in Virgil's room.
"What the hell!" Roman gasped.
"She's usually really sweet, I don't know what's up with her." Patton said. "Are you bleeding anywhere?" He knelt down to check over Roman.
"I have an idea." Virgil said.
"Care to share with the class Emo Nightmare?" Roman sucked in a breath when Patton's fingers brushed over a wound on his wrist.
"You come in here, slam the door shut, act like your usual loud self as you make your way to the living room. These actions paint you as a threat in her eyes. Then, you jump on me. She must have interpreted that as you attacking me, and she wasn't about to let a stranger attack her dad without defending him."
"That, actually makes sense."
"I'm gonna go get Band-Aids." Patton got up to find them.
"Shock and awe, I was smart about something for once, I know. I grew up with cats. I'm pretty decent at reading them."
Patton came in with a box of Disney Band-Aids and Roman reached out to grab them. "Where's Specks?"
"Logan couldn't make it due to 'unforeseen circumstances." Virgil said.
"Oh." Roman tried to ignore the disappointment that settled in his stomach. It made no sense, anyway. He had known Patton for years, and met Virgil a couple days after they become roommates. He only met Logan a few weeks ago, when he came to movie night for the first time. So there was so reason he should be so disappointed that he wasn't there.
"Now quit moping," Virgil said, Roman hadn't realized he had been wearing his emotions so clear on his face. "We're watching Heathers."
Roman's mood was brightened instantly. One thing that Roman and Virgil had bonded over was their love for what Roman called "The Holy Trinity" of teen girl cult classics. Heathers, Clueless, and Mean Girls. Virgil had been working backwards in introducing the other two to those movies, working backwards chronologically whenever it was his turn to pick the movie. Heathers was Virgil's favorite and Clueless was Roman's.
Virgil turned the movie on and they settled into their spots. Through trial and error they had organized a way for four people to comfortably fit on the couch a few weeks ago. Patton sat on the left end of the couch, next to the side table. He had access to all their drinks. Roman sat in the middle of the couch, feet on the single foot rest, sometimes he leaned against Logan, sometimes Logan sat in the chair. Virgil curled up with his head in Patton's lap and his feet in Roman's.
They went through the movie, Roman quoting nearly all of Chandler's lines, Virgil quoting nearly all of Veronica's, Patton gasping at all the deaths. As the credits rolled and they realized Virgil had fallen asleep, and Roman realized that all the tension in his chest had eased. He loved his friends a lot, and they always knew how to cheer him up.
Roman returned the next day with a bucket of cat treats, he was determined to make amends with the cat. Patton opened the door, obviously surprised to see him.
"Roman!" He said.
"I've come to apologize to the cat."
Patton ushered him in. "well come in then. Virgil's at work, but maybe that will help. I think Midnight's in the living room."
She was sitting right next to her scratching post, looking out the window. There was a tree right outside their window that had a bunch of squirrels around it. It was September, so they were scurrying around gathering their nuts.
Roman walked over, taking a couple of treats out of the bucket. He crouched down when he got a few feet away from her and held out the treats. She only give him attention when he started clicking his tongue.
She turned her head, gave him a slow once-over, and turned back to the window. Roman moved so he was sitting cross-legged instead of crouching uncomfortably. Fine. If she was wanting to play the waiting game, he would win.
That lasted a total of 90 seconds until he got bored. He threw the treats in her general direction and got up, going to sit on the couch next to Patton.
"You just need to be patient." Patton said. "She'll warm up to you eventually."
Roman huffed and leaned back into the couch cushions. "Patience isn't exactly my strongest trait."
Patton sighed. "oh dear. I do hope she likes you eventually. I wouldn't enjoy it if mine and Virgil's child and one of my very best friends disliked each other."
Roman felt his eyebrow quirk involuntarily. Ever since Patton accidentally confessed, Roman never missed an opportunity to tease him about his crush on a certain embodiment of a dark and stormy night. He turned toward Patton and put his chin on his folded hands. "So you now have a child with him?" He asked.
"I mean yeah. He found her and brought her home, and we're taking care of her together. It's basically like we have a kid." Patton said, a slight blush already creeping up his face.
"Practicing for something?" Roman teased, earning a light smack on his wrist.
"Oh hush." Patton giggled.
"Perhaps practicing for when you have actual human children with a certain someone?" He kept pushing.
Patton burned red now, nervous laughter continue to spill from his lips. "Oh now really, I'm telling you to zip it."
"C'mon Padre, why haven't you told him?" The mood changed very quickly. Maybe he shouldn't have asked that.
Patton wrapped an arm around himself and averted his gaze so he no longer was making eye contact with him. He took a deep breath. "because I'm, I don't know, scared?"
Roman sat back up. "Scared of what?"
"His reaction? I know logically that he wouldn't react badly, but there's always that fear, you know? I don't want to lose him."
"But what if you not confessing is the reason that you lose him?" Teasing aside, they didn't really have that many serious moments where he could talk about stuff like that with Patton.
"There's too much of a risk. I can't, Roman."
"But what if-"
"Roman! Please." Patton finally looked him in the eye for the first time since the conversation turned serious. His eyes were filled with desperation, sad enough that Roman knew immediately he had gone too far.
He held his hands up in surrender. "Alright, alright. You're right. I went too far. Sorry." They sat in silence for a while, both watching the cat, who was watching the squirrels. Roman was desperate to salvage the situation, he didn't like leaving his friends on a bad or awkward note.
"Are you doing anything today?" He asked finally.
Patton shook his head. "No. I was planning on getting some writing done, but I've already reached my word count goal for today."
"Do you want to go to the art museum? I'm off today."
Patton hummed in thought for a second. "Sure! I've just gotta feed Midnight first."
Roman jumped up at that. "That's it!" He shouted, startling both Patton and the cat. "That's how I'll get her to like me! I'll feed her."
"That's a good idea." Patton got up and walked into the kitchen, Roman following. He grabbed a can of wet cat food, a pale pink food bowl, and a can opener. "Just put the food in the bowl, break it up a little, and set it next to the water bowl."
Roman held the can opener in his hand and stared at the closed can of food. He continued to stare for a while, too embarrassed to admit why he hadn't started you.
Luckily, Patton was good at reading people. "You don't know how to use a can opener." He said simply. Roman nodded. "Well, here, I'll teach you."
Patton quickly explained how to use the opener, Roman watching intently. He knew he was way too old to not know this, but he just didn't use a lot of canned food.
As soon as Patton cracked the can open, Midnight appeared in the kitchen, circling Patton's feet, yelling at him. Patton passed the can to Roman, who dropped the food in the bowl and set it down. Midnight approached cautiously. She gave Roman a dirty look before finally crouching down to eat her food.
Roman sat down next to the bowl and watched for a few seconds. Then he slowly reached a finger out and scritched Midnight's head. In a flash, Roman had another cut on his hand and Midnight was hiding behind Patton's legs.
Roman sighed and stood up. "Well, let's try again later."
Patton smiled at him. "Let's go."
They had lots of fun at the museum. The two of them were never people for staring at art and looking for meaning in them, Logan refused to go with them to museums for that reason. Instead, they wandered the halls, chatting casually, occasionally making jokes about the art on the walls, their attempts at hushed giggles getting dirty looks from a bunch of other people.
Roman did find one painting that spoke to him for reasons it couldn't explain. It was a portrait of a woman and two young girls, and something in one of the girl's expression stirred something in him. He stared at that single painting for way too long, until Patton pulled him away to make a dumb joke about a sculpture.
They returned home, spirits high, and Roman was so glad he had that impromptu day with his best friend. They were the first people to befriend each other of the four, and Roman loved Logan and Virgil to death, he truly did, but he sometimes missed when it was just the two of them.
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I felt the need to draw some fluff
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prettyoddfiction · 7 years
Kinky Boots
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Pairing: Fem!Reader x Brendon Urie
Request: Hell yes! || Maybe u could write like Brendon where he and reader play together in a musical and they are really good friends but Bren doesn't want to admit that he likes her and maybe they could play each other love interest in musical and make it fluffy and sweet and smutty || U could write where reader and Bren are in musical together and fans and everyone ships them together but Bren refuse to say he likes her but eventually he does?
Warnings: SFW || No Warnings. 
Masterlist: Here
Okay so I had been planning on writing something about him being in Kinky Boots, but I never got around to it, so when TWO people requested it, I knew that there was no way I could avoid it. I also know the first request said smutty, but I just can’t picture smut in this part. Maybe I’ll write a part two and make that smutty, but this one is gonna be really fluffy and cute. Anyway, enjoy. xx
Taylor Louderman was in the hospital with a broken leg. Which meant she couldn't dance. Which meant that you were taking over her role as Lauren. You, the understudy, were taking over Charlie’s love interest. Which meant you had to kiss Brendon Urie. THE Brendon Urie. Which meant that your teenage dream of kissing your idol, was becoming real. Which also meant, that you had to continue to act professionally.
Sure, you had bonded with the cast while rehearsing and stuff, but to have to actually step in... It was crazy to you. You were just an extra in the cast with the understudy role for Lauren. But now, you were on stage, rehearsing for your opening night. You had received a text from Taylor, and she had told you she was ‘So flipping excited for you! Wish I could have seen your big night, but I know you’ll do great! Break a leg, Y/N!’
Since it was such an out of nowhere spot, you never got to rehearse any scenes with specific actors to get your scenes correct. And now here you were, waiting for the curtain to open and the show to begin. You had your makeup and costume done and were waiting backstage. Brendon was laughing with the cast and warming up, and you were about to have a panic attack. Everyone else seemed so... use to it. And you were stressed out of your mind. ‘What if I sing the wrong words? What if I mess up my stage presence? What if I say an actor’s name instead of a character? What if what if what if?’ kept running through your head. 
You couldn't help the nerves. But suddenly, you bit your lip as the crowd started clapping and you heard someone announcing the beginning of the show. How it would start in a few minutes so please find your seats. You bit your lip and nervously tapped your feet in the wings of the stage as you waited. that was when you felt a hand on your shoulder and jumped about a mile high. Turning around, you were met with the face of Brendon Urie. “You okay, Y/N?” He chuckled quietly, trying to calm you down a little. You looked back at him and nodded. 
“Y-Yeah, just a bit nervous I guess. Opening night for me... Stage fright, ya know? I mean like, you’ve all performed together before... I haven’t.” You blushed, shrugging slightly. 
“Look, I’m not saying this because I’m your friend. I’m saying it because it’s true. One, you’ll be fine. It’s just a show. Two, you’re an amazing actress. Don’t worry. You’ll do wonderful. I believe in you.” He smiled and kissed your cheek. “Besides, in the end of this every night, you get to kiss me.” He winked and patted your shoulder, obviously trying top lighten the mood, while still referring to one of the scenes at the end of the show. “C’mon. Let’s do this.” He smiled and left to finish getting ready.
The show went splendidly. Every night for weeks. Once Taylor was finally out of the hospital and cleared to come back to the show, you resumed your first role as an extra, but on the final night of you playing Lauren, Brendon was a little more into your stage kiss than usual.
A few hours later, after your final performance as Lauren, you were sitting in your New York apartment, chilling on your couch, scrolling through Instagram and saw all the mentions and tags you had. There were pictures of yours and Brendon’s kiss, and multiple of you hanging out backstage with the cast and crew. People were shipping you and Brendon hardcore, and he had even liked a bunch of the photos.
You couldn’t help but like a bunch of them as well, blushing slightly to yourself because, well, you shipped it. You had liked Brendon for quite some time. You were a Panic! fan and being on Broadway with him was more than a dream come true. You were pretty happy to say that you had actually become pretty decent friends with him. And that you had gotten to kiss him a bunch of times, even though they were 
After a while of scrolling, it was really late. You probably should have been sleeping, but you already missed performing. And you got a text from Brendon too, so you had to reply. 
From: Brendon
Hey. You did really well in the musical. I’m really glad that we got to work together, for the time being. I’m glad you’re still part of the cast, and we’ll continue to see each other. I was just wondering if maybe we could talk before you return to being an extra tomorrow? I can meet you somewhere or you could come to my apartment or I could come to yours. Whatever works best for you. 
read at 11:24pm
To: Brendon
I can meet you at your apartment. Just let me grab some shoes and put on some real clothes. I’m in PJs lol. 
read at 11:26pm
From: Brendon
Okay. Text me when you get here. I’ll buzz you in.
read at 11:27pm
You smiled at the simple text and nodded, going to your bedroom from where you were seated on the couch. You entered your room and changed out of your PJs and into a pair of black jeans, a random t-shirt, a red sweatshirt. You slipped on some shoes and grabbed your phone and wallet and keys before heading to your door and locking the apartment, leaving and heading to Brendon’s apartment. You smiled on the ride over there and paid the cabbie to drop you off a block away, just so there was no confusion and no risk of anyone finding Brendon’s apartment. 
You pulled your phone from your pocket and sent a quick, “on my way up” text to Brendon before you got buzzed inside the building and headed to the elevator. Once on his floor, you headed to his door and knocked. After standing in the hall for a few minutes, you knocked again and heard shuffling. Then the door opened and you saw Brendon standing shirtless in front of you, wearing only black jeans. He had water running down his chest, and his hair was wet. Most likely, he had just gotten out of the shower. 
“Hey, sorry. I was hoping it would take you a little longer. I showered and buzzed you in literally seconds after I got out. I was drying off as fast as possible and getting dressed. Come on in, I’m gonna throw a shirt on, and I’ll meet you in the living room.” He smiled, stepping aside so you could enter the apartment. 
You did as told and took a seat on his couch, smiling and looking around. His loft had a homey feel to it, but at the same time looked like it belonged in a magazine. A minute or so later, Brendon came back out, tugging on a black t-shirt. He flopped onto the couch and sat next to you, letting out an exhausted sounding sigh. 
“So... Bren, you wanted to talk?” You shrugged, folding your hands over your lap. He nodded.
“Yeah uh. Okay. Well, there isn’t really a way to say this without just coming out and saying it, so I’ll start in the beginning.” He nodded and bit his lip before sitting up a bit more straight. He cleared his throat and smiled at you. “Y/N, you joined the crew before I did. As an extra, you didn’t feel important. I heard you talking to a lot of different members of the cast, and a few times when we talked, you kinda mentioned that you didn’t feel important. But you are. You’re one of the members of the cast that keeps everyone in high spirits. It makes us all pretty happy. You tend to help us all a lot. And we thank you for that. But I don’t think anyone appreciates your friendship as much as I do. You kept me in check, and then when you were Lauren, we bonded even more. And I was extremely happy that you and I got to spend some time together, and we had a pretty strong friendship on stage and off. But the best part is that once this is all over, we’ll still be friends. And I really like that idea, but I’d like to be more than that. The kiss at the end of the show each night was more than just a stage kiss to me, Y/N. I was really happy about it because I really like you and I was just kind of hoping that you liked me back. If you don’t it’s not a problem, because I am totally fine with just being friends but I wanted to know if maybe you’d go on a date with me and would maybe be possibly willing to try a relationship with me? Cause I-” He rambled, but you cut him off with a kiss. After a moment, you both pulled away from each other. He looked at you. 
“Does that answer, Brendon?”
“Yeah. Yeah I think so...” He chuckled. 
You smiled and wrapped your arms around him and hugged him. “So, date on Saturday?” You suggested, and he chuckled and nodded. 
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ao3feed-frerard · 6 years
Bandom One Shots
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2IYqxdg
by RosePeddle
A collection of one shots based on the bandom (mostly emo trinity) I will update when I can, but idk how often that will be.
Words: 1251, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Bandom, Panic! at the Disco, Fall Out Boy, My Chemical Romance
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Major Character Death
Categories: M/M
Characters: Brendon Urie, Dallon Weekes, Frank Iero, Gerard Way, Mikey Way, Ray Toro, Patrick Stump, Andy Hurly, Joe Trohman, Ryan Ross, Spencer Smith, Pete Wentz
Relationships: Ryan Ross/Brendon Urie, Patrick Stump/Brendon Urie, Brendon Urie/Dallon Weekes, Spencer Smith/Brendon Urie, Patrick Stump/Gerard Way, Patrick Stump/Pete Wentz, Mikey Way/Pete Wentz, Frank Iero/Gerard Way, Ray Toro/Mikey Way, Andy Hurley/Joe Trohman
Additional Tags: One Shot, Fluff, Angst, happy endings, prompts, I do take suggestions
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2IYqxdg
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awkwarddezzy · 7 years
It Will Always Just Be Me
Pairing: Dan x reader
Genre: romance, smut, angst, fluff (though it’s mostly angst)
Song: Lying is the Most Fun a Girl Can Have Without Taking Her Clothes Off by Panic! At the Disco [I’ll never get over how long this song title is]
TW: swearing (aka I lost count of how many times I used the word ‘fuck’)
Word count: 3,212
For @phanny-fics writing competition. This song has been a guilty pleasure of mine lately, and my mind screamed ‘FANFIC THIS.’ Cause you know, this is what happens when I turn to the emo trinity to keep my writing juices flowing. Also, on a random note, when I Googled the lyrics for this song, I literally just typed in ‘panic at the disco lying is’ because there was no way in hell I was gonna type in the entire song title in the search bar. 😅
When she shows up knocking at my door, I’m this close to slamming the door on her face. For an entire week, I didn’t receive a call, text, or any form of communication from her. Not only did she make me crave for her attention, but her ignorance made me feel pathetic. Here I am, pinning my heart for the girl of my dreams. Too bad I’m too stubborn to see that my dream girl is also my worst nightmare.
“What are you doing here?”
She glides into my flat, initially not answering my question. She’s wearing those pair of heels, the black “fuck me” heels that she purposefully teases me with. And her dress… damn it, she shouldn’t be wearing such alluring clothing in public.
“Why do you think I’m here?”
I lock the door. Thank god Phil is spending the entire day with PJ. I don’t need Phil to pity me again for having a weak resolve.
“Who is it this time?”
“What makes you think there’s a who?”
I laugh bitterly. Does she think I’m blind? “I know you, (Y/N). Who’s the poor sap this time?”
She pouts, dropping her purse on the floor. “His name doesn’t matter.”
“So there is a someone.”
“It’s none of your business.”
“It is if you’re just here to fuck me again,” I snap.
She tenses. Gotcha. She’s way too transparent.
“Stop talking.” She steps closer to me until the front of our bodies touch. “Don’t worry, I’ll tell you later. For now-” she snakes her arm around my neck, “Let’s have some fun.”
I have to resist. This isn’t worth it. I’m only going to be left with disappointment again.
“Look at me, Dan.” Her thumb brushes along the corner of my mouth. “I’m sorry, okay? I’ve been busy-”
“Bullshit. If you were busy, you were busy finding another fuck buddy.” I try to put some distance between our bodies, though she won’t let me. Her arms stay around my neck and now her breasts are squished against my chest.
“It’s not like that.” Her voice trembles and vulnerability replaces her apparent lust. “You know I want to be with you. But we can’t be together. My parents don’t like you. Your fans will bash us.”
Shit, I hate when she pulls that card. She isn’t wrong. Her parents aren’t entirely accepting of the idea of us as anything more than friends. The Phan shippers and zealous fangirls will definitely direct flames toward her. As much as I loathe her behavior, I know she’s doing this to protect my reputation. She’s scared of her feelings for me, so she’s quick to say yes to any man who shows any interest to her, even when all those men only want her for her body.
I’m not that kind of man. I want all of her and so much more.
“It always boils down to that reason, huh?”
She nods. Her dropped guard disappears and her (E/C) irises are back to their lustful state. “Let’s forget all that for now. Please?”
I can’t say no to her.
I cup her cheeks and mash our lips together. She groans, tangling her fingers in my hair. She steps backward until we both fall on the sofa. Our mouths disconnects, and her tantalizing smile makes me forget my resistance.
Our clothes are discarded, left as a messy heap on the floor.
Her heels stay on. If she wears “fuck me” heels, she’s going to get fucked while wearing them.
When we’re naked, I tell her to bend over the arm of the sofa.
“We’re doing this my way,” I whisper huskily in her ear.
She obeys, and I bite my lip at the sight of her wet and ready for me. She yelps when my palm spanks her ass.
“This is for fucking someone behind my back.” Another slap. “This is for making me go seven days without you.” Slap. “Seven.” Slap. “Goddamn.” Slap. “Days.” Slap. “And this is just because I wanted to.”
“Stop teasing me,” she whines.
“I’ll tease you as much as I want to.” When we’re alone like this, I’m in control. She can have me wrapped around her finger again when this is over.
“Fuck me,” she murmurs.
“Beg for it.”
Her breath hitches. She knows this was coming. I won’t give her what she wants that easily.
“Please fuck me.”
“Where would you like me to fuck you?” I graze over her slit with my index finger. “Here?” I move the same finger to her anus. “Or here?”
“W-Whatever you want.”
“Ah.” I move my finger back to her slit. “So here. How would you like me to fuck you?” I use my thumb to rub circles on her clit. “Like this?” My index finger buries into her and I slowly move it in and out. “Or like this?”
“T-that works.”
“Or…” My unoccupied hand guides my cock to her pussy so the tip brushes along her clit. “Would you like me to use this?”
“I don’t care!” she wails. “Just please… please fuck me already.”
There. That’s how I want her: reduced to a needy mess.
So I give her what he wants. She screams in relief when I finally push my cock into her. I pour my week-long frustrations into her. My body thrusts rapidly in and out of her, my hands gripping her hips roughly that I’m certain there’ll be bruises forming by tomorrow morning. In the back of my mind, my gentle side is begging me to slow down, to savor the moment and remember that our time is limited. For her, the concept of forever doesn’t exist for us.
But I don’t care. I’ll take what I can get, even if what I get are scarce leftovers.
Curse words fall from her mouth constantly. Her arms struggle to hold herself up, until it gives out and the upper half of her body slumps atop the couch arm. I’m glad these walls are somewhat soundproof; god forbid the complaints from our neighbors who might think I’m murdering someone in here.
“That’s it,” I croon. “Let it out, (Y/N).”
“Shit… I’m gonna come.”
“Good girl. Come for me. Show me who’s mine.”
She shouts my name, her orgasm causing mine to follow a few seconds later. I drown in the sounds of our pleasure. This was worth waiting an entire week for. This was worth the tension when she waltzed into my home and was capable of shattering the barriers I put up around me.
“Whoa,” she breaths once we finish riding our highs. “I totally missed that.”
“Same here, sweetie.”
“Mmmm…” I pull out of her, moving to lie on the couch. She takes a minute to remove her heels. I’m tempted to spank her again; if she’s showing her backside to me like this on purpose, the joke is on her. I’ve already gotten what I wanted. I can wait another ignorant week.
“His name’s Gordon.” She kicks off her heels and lays down on top of me. She rests her head on my chest. “I met him while I was at a bar with (B/F/N).”
“And you slept with him.”
“But you will.”
“Maybe, if I like him enough.”
“Have you kissed him?”
She lifts her head to look at me. The slight glimmer in her eyes confirms my question.
“We only kissed. Don’t make a big deal out of it.”
“I’m not.” Yeah I am. I have to know how much of an asshole he is right of the bat.
“I’m going on a real date with him tomorrow.” She caresses my cheek. “We had a good conversation when we met. If our date goes well… Dan, I think he could be the one.”
“You’re saying that and you barely know him.”
She sighs. “Yeah…but I’m crossing my fingers. Heartbreak is a bitch.”
Of course it is. But she wouldn’t have to keep experiencing heartbreak if she just picked me.
This is what we are. We’re more star-crossed than Romeo and Juliet. Our teen-like hearts, beating fast in a secluded flat, close to touch but unable to beat in sync.
Gordon is a dick. I don’t know the guy, but I know he is. Every man that (Y/N) has been with is. They’ll use her, trick her into thinking she’s the only apple to their eyes. It’s a lie, because they only see her as the bruised apple and there’s another woman out there who’s the ripest apple of their tree.
Phil doesn’t seem to think so. He thinks Gordon is different. It’s the first time that Phil has ever said that about her boyfriends. It worries me, because if Phil is right, Gordon isn’t an asshole and he’s falling in love with her in the pure way that I’m doing. He’s stealing my girl. I won’t swallow that fact lightly.
I deserve her. I deserve the love that she gives to other men one hundred percent. I deserve her at her best and worst. Not Gordon. Not a man who’s going to be another ex.
A few days pass. Then a week. A month. Three months. She barely comes to the flat. We haven’t had sex since she dropped by the flat to first tell me about Gordon. Thankfully, there aren’t long durations without receiving texts and calls from her anymore. We’ve reached a point where I can call her anytime and she’ll be likely to answer it.
However, it doesn’t remove the ache in my chest at the thought of (Y/N) and Gordon as a couple. The longer they’re together, the less optimism I have of (Y/N) and I as endgame. Phil still tells me to keep my hopes alive, though I’m beginning to truly give up this time around. What’s the point of waiting for a girl that can’t reciprocate my feelings?
Why am I still choosing to be single?
I try not to think about (Y/N) at the next YouTube party. I have a blast hanging out with Phil and our YouTube friends. I drink more than I normally do. Louise teases that the beast in me is finally released.
Oh Louise, if only she knew that there was already someone else who has seen my beastly side before.
I’m flat-out drunk before midnight. Phil calls someone to pick me up. He knows he should go home too so he could look after me, but I tell him to stay. I know he wants to. I’m not letting my drunkenness take away his night to have fun.
Despite my hazy mind, my tiny bit of soberness sees who took me home. She doesn’t talk during the entire ride and she doesn’t turn on the radio. The silence in her car brings peace to my brain. It’s lessening an urge to vomit.
She helps me walk into my flat. Or rather, stumble my way through. My urge to vomit returns and I immediately throw up in the loo as soon as we get inside. My brain is desperate for sleep, though my tired body wants me to stay awake. So I stumble back into my bedroom and collapse on my bed. Not too long later, she joins me.
“You shouldn’t have gotten drunk,” she scolds me, sitting down on the mattress.
“Didn’t want to turn down free drinks,” I mumble.
“You’ve done that before.”
“I regret doing that.”
She shakes her head in disappointment. “What’s gotten into you? You normally don’t drink yourself to this point.”
“Why do you think I got myself drunk? I think you know.”
“No, I don’t.”
“It’s because I love you, okay? I love you and I can’t have you and we’ve talked about this so many times already. But it’s still the same. You want love, just not with me. For my sake and all that other shit.”
“I fucking hate you,” I spat. “I hate being in love with you. I’m sick of you telling me that you’re sacrificing our chance to be together to protect my reputation. But I’m fucking sacrificing shit too. You’re not even giving me a chance and I’m forced to just watch you get your heart broken all the damn time. I’m tired of it. I’m so, so, so tired of it.”
I close my eyes after my outburst. I don’t see nor hear her reaction. As I fall unconscious, I smile at the burden I’ve finally gotten out of my chest.
It feels better than all the orgasms I’ve had from her.
I wake up the next day with a massive headache. I feel like a boulder pounded through my skull repetitively and I haven’t died from it. The sweet release of death would’ve been so much better than to be conscious with this mental hell.
(Y/N) is nowhere in sight. There’s two Tylenol pills and a glass of water on my dresser. I don’t know if it’s Phil or (Y/N) who left it there.
I swallow the pills and drink the water. I wait for my hangover to subside. I stay in bed for nearly an additional hour before I can stand up with minimal pain in my head.
Phil is eating a sandwich in the kitchen when I exit my bedroom. He grins upon seeing me awake.
“Hey,” I grumble.
“Hey! You feeling better?”
“I’m feeling more shit than usual.”
Phil chuckles. “I’m not surprised.”
“Where’s (Y/N)?”
“She left a couple of hours ago. Said she wanted to stay, but she had something important to take care of.”
Ugh. Gordon is that important thing.
Phil gives me a hesitant gaze. “Ummm… (Y/N) texted me not too long ago.”
“What’d she say?”
“She broke up with Gordon.”
I freeze. Am I hearing this right?
“She texted you first, but you didn’t answer back. I told her you were still asleep. She said she’ll call back tonight.”
Fuck it. I’ll call her right now.
I dash to my room and grab my iPhone. There’s one unread text from her, though I ignore it and dial her number instead. I know what the text entails. What I need is to hear the news through her own mouth than words on a phone screen.
“You really broke up with Gordon?”
“What, I don’t get a good afternoon?”
“Good afternoon, (Y/N). Now spill.”
She sighs. “Yes, Dan. I broke up with Gordon.”
“Do you not remember what you told me last night?”
I rack through my memories of last night. There was a party. I got drunk. (Y/N) drove me home. I said some things to her… wait.
I told her I love her.
I said “I love you” to (Y/N).
Fuck. My. Life. I wasn’t supposed to do that.
“Meet me outside your flat. I wanna talk to you face-to-face.”
“Uh… yeah. I’ll… see you.”
The surprise hits me more when the call ends. She knows how I feel for her. All this time, she only knew that I was interested in pursuing a relationship with her. Not that I love her. No, I intended to save those three words until we got through a first date.
Phil notices my shocked expression as I walk out my room. He’s done with his sandwich, and he beams, probably knowing what we talked about.
“(Y/N)’s coming over?”
I nod, still speechless.
“I’ll be in my room if you need me.” He winks. “Just don’t be too loud, eh?”
I scowl, sticking my tongue out. I’m going to talk to her, not fuck her senseless. I can save that for a later time.
“I’m happy for you, Dan. Go get your girl.”
My scowl switches to a grateful smile. It’s thanks to Phil’s advising that I’ve been able to rationally deal with my emotions toward (Y/N).
“She was always my girl,” I reply. “It just took her a lifetime to accept it.”
When (Y/N) arrives driving her (your favorite car), I open the car door and sit down on the shotgun seat. It would be more comfortable for us talk in my flat, but if we wind up arguing, it wouldn’t be fair for Phil to be forced to eavesdrop on it.
“Hi,” I greet.
“Last night made me think about a lot of things.” She unbuckles her seatbelt. “It was a lot to take in. I… I was ashamed. I knew you were hurt from all the dating failures I’ve had and me going to you because of it. But I never thought you’d be in love with me. I thought you only cared about me as a close friend. In all the relationships I’ve had, you’re the only one I’ve ever felt insecure about falling for. All the other guys, I didn’t mind if I got my heart broken. As long as I tried, hey, at least I know they’re not the one. With you, I was genuinely afraid I’d really lose you as a friend if we fell in love. Liking: I’m okay with that. Sex: I’ll roll with it. Love: I’d rather lose a limb than have my heart make that commitment. Gordon’s cool, but he isn’t you. He’s funny, he’s understanding, he’s hot as hell and a fantastic kisser. But I can’t love him. I can’t see myself saying yes if he proposed to me one day. If you proposed… I’d honestly say yes before you even asked ‘Will you marry me?’”
“(Y/N), are you saying you want to get hitched?”
She giggles. “You’re missing the point. I love you too, you dork. I broke up with Gordon because I realized I’m supposed to be with you. I don’t care what my parents and your friends will say. If I want to have Daniel Howell as my boyfriend, then I’ll let him be my boyfriend.”
“So you want to be my girlfriend?“
She grins, her head moving up and down excitedly. She moves her mouth to my ear. “I want the man who’s a freak on YouTube and in the sheets.”
I laugh, elated that my nightmare is over. I don’t have to keep us a secret to the public anymore. “Want me to prove that to you in here?”
She raises an eyebrow. “Is that a challenge?”
Her grin doesn’t falter as she drives her car elsewhere. She moves it at a more isolated location, and once she finishes parking, she pounces.
We kiss each other hungrily. We move to the passenger seat so we have more room. I inch her dress up and slide her panties down her legs. She pulls down my pants down to my feet. We groan in unison as I bury myself to the hilt inside her. My movements are slow, a first since sex became a factor in our lives. Lying is the Most Fun a Girl Can Have Without Taking her Clothes off by Panic at the Disco is playing on the radio, partially masking the sounds of the moans and groans escaping our lips. How fitting, except now my girl is officially my girlfriend.
We don’t fuck. We make love. We take our time, and after we reach our peaks, I hug my lover close.
We can dance to this beat for as long as she’ll have me.
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ao3feed-joshler · 7 years
You Made Me Good, You Made Me Bad, You Made Me Dirty
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2wR8sb3
by eddismars
Sure, Ryan hadn’t known that he was going to be writing the musical but the fact that the principal didn’t think him capable of doing it by himself was honestly insulting. Plus, being partnered with some guy called Tyler in his year that had been encouraged to participate in extra curricular activities by his therapist, and some junior who was being forced to join the musical as a punishment, was much less than ideal.
However, this was his senior year, his musical, and he sure as hell was gonna make it worth it.
Words: 1279, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Series: Part 1 of High School Musical(s)
Fandoms: Twenty One Pilots, Panic! at the Disco, Fall Out Boy, My Chemical Romance, All Time Low (Band), Halsey (Musician), Bandom, Emo Quartet - Fandom, emo trinity - Fandom
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/M, M/M
Characters: Tyler Joseph, Ryan Ross, Josh Dun, Brendon Urie, Spencer Smith, Linda Ignarro, Pete Wentz, Patrick Stump, Jenna Black, Sarah Orzechowski, Kenny Harris, Dan Pawlovich, Debby Ryan, Gerard Way, Brent Wilson, Dallon Weekes, Frank Iero, Alex Gaskarth, Jack Barakat, Ashley Frangipane | Halsey, Mikey Way, Andy Hurley, Joe Trohman, Ray Toro, Nick Thomas (mentioned), chris salih (mentioned)
Relationships: Josh Dun/Tyler Joseph, Jenna Black/Tyler Joseph (mentioned), Brendon Urie/Dallon Weekes, Ryan Ross/Brendon Urie (unrequited), Linda Ignarro/Spencer Smith
Additional Tags: High School AU, musical AU, ryan has to direct the school musical, Gay, josh and ashley are good friends, Depressed Tyler Joseph, Alcohol, coffee shop AU, tyler works in a coffee shop part time, ryan has a massive unrequited crush on brendon, Overdose, brendon and dallon are cute together, School Musical AU, Alternate Universe - High School, Internalized Homophobia, ace!patrick, insomniac tyler joseph, dpd tyler joseph, straight edge andy hurley, Angst, Fluff, Emo
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2wR8sb3
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prettyoddfiction · 7 years
Anything For You
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Pairing: Fem!Reader x Brendon Urie
Request: Yes. || I'm really sorry to bother you but I've been so sad today could you maybe write me some flulffy Brendon like it didn't have to be long just brendon cheering the female reader up like I really need that
Warnings: SFW || No warnings.
Masterlist: Here
Guys, please know that you can message me to talk any time. I hate knowing that you guys are sad. I realize everyone gets sad sometimes but I will do everything I can to help you be happy. I love you all. Also, look at the gif. You’ve been booped by Beebo. Enjoy, my darlings. xx
The sun was shining bright, birds were singing, and everything was good.
But that was on the other side of the world. Here, where you lived, it was not. The dark clouds covering the sun, and the rain hitting your windows matched your mood perfectly. Since Brendon was working at the studio, you had planned on spending the day in bed, in pajamas, wrapped in a bunch of blankets, with a bowl of popcorn, and puppy cuddles while watching your favorite movie. But the storm had caused the power to go out, and your movie plans were ruined. 
So instead, you were sitting in your living room, wrapped in blankets, with a few candles on the table, trying to relax while reading a book and holding Penny Lane. Bogart was fine with laying on the other side of the couch, relaxing by himself. But Penny was a mess. She hated storms and wouldn’t let you put her down. 
I guess in a way, you still were getting puppy cuddles. Aside from losing power, and the awful cracks of thunder and lightning ever few seconds, the storm wasn’t that bad. But when you heard your door rattling, you jumped sky high and dropped your book. Penny and Bogart both started barking and you heard Brendon. “Guys it’s me. I forgot my keys this morning. Please tell me Y/N is home... Babe!” He hollered from outside, causing you to quickly lift Penny into your arms as you went to open the door. When you pulled it open, Brendon slipped inside and shut the door behind him, locking it back up and kissing you softly. “It’s raining cats and dogs. I can’t remember the last time L.A. got a storm. Especially not like this. Are you okay?” He asked, dripping water onto the hardwood floor from being in the rain. 
“Yeah. I’m alright.”
“You don’t sound alright.” He stated, causing you to shrug your shoulders and set Penny down, much to her dismay. You slipped past him and towards the bathroom where you grabbed a towel and handed it to him. He began to dry himself off. “What’s the matter, love?” Bren asked, taking your hands in his and locking eyes with you. 
Your lip began to quiver and you could feel tears welling up. “I-I don’t know.” You mumbled before a few silent tears slipped down your cheeks. “I was fine earlier but then my mood did a complete 360 and now I’m-” You were cut off as a choked sob came out and you began crying. Half a second later, you felt yourself being pulled into Brendon’s arms. He scooped you up and carried you to the bedroom. There, he laid you on the bed and helped get you undressed, putting you in a pair of sleep shorts and one of his big t-shirts, before he undressed and put on sweatpants and a t-shirt as well. 
“I’ll be right back. I’m gonna set a few candles in here on the dresser so we can see, and I’m gonna bring Penny and Bogart in here.” He stated, kissing your forehead gently and brushing your hair out of your face before he snuck out of the room, returning with a dog in each arm. After placing them down on the bed with you, he slipped out of the room again. Penny didn’t waste any time running over to you and crawling to lay on your chest, which you didn’t mind. You needed the puppy cuddles anyway. 
Moments passed that felt like hours and Brendon still hadn’t returned to the bedroom. That was when Bogart climbed up and laid on his pillow. Your eyes trained on the doorway in the dark, waiting for Brendon to return, and a few minutes later he finally did with a bunch of unlit candles in his arms. He set a few on the dresser, two on the bathroom sink, and one on your nightstand. This way your bedroom was lit up, as well as your attached bathroom. He pulled a lighter out of his sweat pants pockets and began lighting them before he set the lighter down and climbed back into bed with you. His hair was still wet from being in the rain, but you didn’t really care. You set Penny next to Bogart and moved so Brendon could lay his head on your pillow, and you could lay on him. His arms wrapped protectively around you as you laid your chest against his and tucked your face into the crook of his neck.
“Please tell me what’s wrong?”
“I just feel numb. Swamped with everything, but I have nothing going on. I don’t really know, but my brain is like, overwhelmed by nothing to the point of where I break down...” You mumbled, crying into his neck. His gentle hands rubbed your back softly and he kissed the top of your head again. 
“Well don’t worry. I’m right here. I’ll help you let lose, or relax, or cry, or talk, or scream. Whatever you need to feel better, I’ll do everything I can to help you.”
His words hit you hard and made you cry even harder into his neck as you tried to speak up, “Thank you.” 
“You don’t have to thank me, Y/N.”
“Yes I do. I don’t deserve you. You’re such an asshole, but at the same time you’re so sweet and caring and funny.” You muttered, causing him to chuckle slightly and hold you close.
“Babe, I would do anything for you.” He assured. His fingers rubbed small circles into the small of your back. “Don’t worry, I’ll always be here. You’ll always have me. Now take a nap, Y/N. You need to rest. I’ve got you.” He whispered soothingly, trying to lull you to sleep. 
“I love you so much, Brendon.”
“I love you too. Go to bed.” He started humming one of your favorite songs, and soon enough, your mind was clear and you were sleeping soundly on his chest. “Goodnight, Y/N.”
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