#emily junk x reader
fandomnerd9602 · 7 months
Can you do another Emily junk x reader where the reader gets jealous and Emily reassures them
Y/N pouts only for Emily to wrap them in a hug…
Emily: is my number one fan jealous?
Y/N: that singer seemed very handsy
Emily: I slugged him as soon as you left.
Emily kisses them…
Emily: you’re the only one allowed to touch me. Can you please?
Y/N holds her close and kisses her…
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yn-bishop · 1 year
can you do emily junk x reader where they are in a secret relationship
and when the bellas find out beca and chole are super protective over emily
Of course! I’m sorry for the long wait and I hope you enjoy it!
Overprotective Roommates
Emily Junk x Fem!Reader
Word count: 661
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"Did you need anything while we're out?"
Beca asks the younger girl as Beca and Chloe were walking out the door.
"No, I'm good. Thanks though"
Emily replies, picking up her phone.
"Alright. We'll be back soon"
A few minutes after they left, there's a knock on the door.
"Hi baby!"
Emily exclaims when she opens the door to see her girlfriend.
"Hi Em"
Y/n leans up to peck her cheek before walking through the door.
"Are you hungry? I brought stuff to make brownies"
She continues as she walks into the kitchen.
"Brownies? Of course I'm hungry for brownies!"
Emily sits at the counter with an excited grin as she watches her girlfriend pull out the ingredients.
"Did you want me to help?"
"Can you get the bowl out for me please?"
Y/n responds as she gets the ingredients out.
"Of course babe"
A half hour later, the brownies where in the oven and the girls put on a movie while they wait.
Half way through the movie, Y/n feels her girlfriends warm lips against her neck as she groans.
"Emily, the movie"
"The movies boring. Wouldn't you rather make out with me?"
Y/n sighs before moving her head to connect her lips with her girlfriends.
They girls stay like this for a while before they hear the door open.
"Em, we're home!"
Chloe shouts before she sees her roommates position. Beca walks in soon after and freezes when she sees the sight.
"Guys! You're early!"
Emily chuckles out with a nervous smile as her girlfriend moves to the other side of the couch, looking at the ground.
"I'm sorry, we would've taken longer if we had known you were hooking up"
Beca grumbles out sarcastically.
"I didn't know you were the type for hookups Emily"
Chloe glares at the shorter girl that's sitting next to her friend.
"She's not a hookup, she's my girlfriend"
Emily replies as she takes her girlfriends hand.
"You have a girlfriend? What's your name?"
Beca asks as she turns to the shorter girl.
"Um, I'm Y/n. It's nice to meet you"
She smiles at the older girls only for them to stare at her.
"Uh, we made brownies if you wanted some"
She tells the girls with a sweet smile and a huge grin appears on Chloe's face.
"Brownies? I like her Beca"
"What? Just because she made brownies?"
Beca appears flabbergasted.
Y/n goes to get the brownies out of the oven as the group begins to talk.
"Why didn't you tell us you had a girlfriend?"
Beca asks the younger girl.
"Because I knew you'd get like this"
Emily replies with a whine.
"I'm getting like this because you didn't tell us! You know we would support you"
Beca replies.
"Well, do you like her?"
Emily asks with a nervous voice.
"Of course we do, she's really sweet. We're still gonna have the talk with her though"
Emily groans before her girlfriend walks in with the plate full of brownies.
"Y/n, sir down. We need to talk"
Beca tells the girl sternly.
She quickly sits down and looks up at the girls.
"Emily's our best friend. If you ever hurt her I will hunt you down. I don't care where you are in the world, I swear I will find you"
Beca glares down at her before smiling, watching sweat drip down the girls forehead.
"She's just kidding, Y/n!"
Chloe bursts out laughing along with Beca as Y/n finally cracks a smile.
"Alright, we'll leave you two alone now"
Beca says before they walk out the door.
"I'm sorry they did that Y/n, they do like you I swear"
Emily smiles at her girlfriend as they turn to look at each other.
"It's okay. I like them too. And I love you"
Y/n leans up to connect their lips together.
"I love you too"
Emily whispers against her girlfriends lips.
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onegayastronaut · 3 months
Having a Relationship with Emily Junk Would Include...
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Requested by @fairy-geek-ackerman
This was meant to be a fic, but it's more a longer version of HC's with Emily, if that makes any sense. Hope y'all like it!
The calendar had circled the date in red for weeks, a constant reminder of the impending event. Not a birthday, nor a performance, but a first date. Excitement and nervousness waltzed hand-in-hand, creating a fluttering sensation in your stomach. The morning unfolded in a whirlwind of indecision. Every outfit felt wrong, and you were forced to take a breath to calm yourself. Emily was the one who asked you out, so that means she must like you back, right?
The chosen attire, a testament to countless outfit changes, hung neatly on the back of your dorm door. As the clock ticked closer to the designated time, the air crackled with anticipation. Should I call and confirm? Should I text a witty one-liner? The phone remained untouched, the desire to appear effortless warring with the bubbling anxiety.
Finally, the moment arrived. Stepping out the door, the familiar neighborhood felt different, painted in hues of excitement. The fluttering in your stomach wasn't just nerves; it was a symphony of anticipation and excitement. The scent of your chosen perfume, usually comforting, morphed into an intoxicating reminder of the impending encounter. Each passing car horn and distant laughter felt amplified, weaving a soundtrack of the approaching moment.
The walk held a new rhythm, each step leading to the unknown. Arriving at the chosen venue, a cozy café bathed in warm light, a wave of relief washed over you as you saw Emily waiting for you. There, right next to the door, sat the object of weeks of anticipation. An initial wave of shyness washed over you, momentarily silencing the carefully prepared conversation starters. But as smiles were exchanged, the ice began to thaw. The warmth of the interior enveloped you, offering a comforting contrast to the crisp autumn air. The aroma of freshly brewed coffee mingled with the sweet scent of baked pastries, creating a sensory dance. Across the table, your Emily’s eyes held a glimmer of curiosity, her smile triggering a cascade of warmth within you.
The conversation between you flowed with surprising ease. You discovered shared passions, unexpected connections, and the joy of finding common ground in the vast landscape of human experience. Time seemed to bend, minutes morphing into hours. Laughter filled the air, a testament to the easy connection that deepened with every minute you were together. The conversation wasn't just words, it was a bridge built upon shared laughter and stolen glances. Jokes landed perfectly, eliciting genuine chuckles that echoed in the dimly lit space. In moments of comfortable silence, the unspoken understanding resonated deeply, communicating more than words ever could.
The two of you talked for what seemed like hours, until the coffee shop closed and you had to leave. As the date drew to a close, the lingering anticipation transformed into a newfound warmth. The walk back home, once a solitary journey, now held the echo of shared experiences and whispered promises of future encounters. It was a reminder that sometimes, the most ordinary moments can blossom into extraordinary experiences, leaving one with a heart full of anticipation and a smile that lingers long after the goodbyes are said.
The sun, a hesitant guest, peeked through the blinds, casting golden stripes across the room. Anticipation hummed in the air, an electric current buzzing through every nerve. Today was the day – the day you would walk down the aisle and say "I do" to the love of your life.
The morning unfolded in a flurry of whispered secrets and excited laughter. Surrounded by the women who had shaped you, you felt an overwhelming sense of love and support. As your best friend helped zip up the dress, a wave of emotion washed over you. The pristine white fabric shimmered, a symbol of new beginnings and a lifetime of promises.
Standing at the end of the aisle, your heart hammered a frantic rhythm against your ribs. Every detail seemed heightened – the scent of lilies, the hushed murmurs of guests, the way the sunlight glinted off the tears glistening in your Beca and Aubrey’s eyes. And then you saw Emily, waiting at the altar, her smile radiating warmth and love that pierced through the veil of nerves.
The ceremony was a blur of emotions. Vows were exchanged with trembling voices, tears of joy freely flowing, and the weight of commitment settling comfortably upon your shoulders. As you exchanged rings, a symbol of your eternal bond, the world seemed to shrink, focusing solely on the two of you standing hand in hand.
The reception was a whirlwind of congratulations, laughter, and dancing. The clinking of glasses served as a soundtrack to our love story, each toast weaving memories that would forever be etched in our hearts. As the night deepened, and the revelry subsided, we stole away for a quiet moment under the starlit sky.
Holding each other close, you whispered sweet nothings and shared a kiss under the moon, a perfect ending to an extraordinary day. The wedding day was more than just a celebration; it was a culmination of a journey, a promise whispered to the future, and the beginning of a new chapter in our love story. It was a day that painted itself onto the canvas of your lives, a memory to be cherished forever, a testament to the unwavering power of love.
Married life, like any complex melody, is composed of countless notes: some high and jubilant, others low and melancholic, all weaving together to create a unique and ever-evolving symphony. While outsiders often romanticize the concept, the reality is far more nuanced and multifaceted.
The initial years were marked by a whirlwind of new experiences - navigating shared spaces, building routines, and learning to compromise. Laughter fills the air as inside jokes bloom, and adventures, both big and small, are embarked upon together. The foundation of trust and understanding is laid brick by brick, each conversation, each shared meal, solidifying the bond.
Yet, the journey isn't always a bed of roses. Disagreements arose, casting temporary shadows on the sunny landscape. Life throws curveballs, testing the strength of the bond that you two shared. But it is in these moments that the true essence of married life shines through, and you remembered why you fell in love with her. Communication becomes the bridge, allowing for open expression and the exploration of different perspectives.
Over time, the symphony evolves. The initial intensity of passion settles into a comfortable warmth, a deeper sense of connection built on shared experiences, unwavering support, and quiet companionship. The laughter may shift from explosive outbursts to knowing smiles, but the joy it brings remains.
The melody also encompasses shared responsibilities and a deeper understanding of the word "partnership." You decided to have children, and of course, Fat Amy insisted on being their favorite aunt.
Married life isn't a destination but a continuous journey. It requires constant effort, dedication, and a willingness to grow alongside your partner. It's about celebrating each other's triumphs, offering comfort during hardships, and finding joy in the ordinary moments. It's about weathering the storms and emerging stronger, the melody of your love story growing richer and more complex with each passing year.
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jessicaaatje · 10 months
I've got many requests in my inbox and they are still even from last year , so I decided to work them out. What can you expect in the coming days?
You are always welcome to request a fic, if you'll like to know for who I write chech this
Alexia Putellas x Reader: R is on loan and they get a really good connection
Tobin Heath x Christen Press x baby!R (pulling a morgan p2): The team meeting reader
Christen Press x reader: The mystery of the froyo part 2
Criminal Minds
Spencer Reid x Reader (platonic): R has ADHD
Mal x Reader x Evie: Princess!R is sheltered and Mal and Evie show R how to let go
Pitch Perfect
Emily Junk x reader: Mom!R staying at Barden University and Emily going with the OG Bella's for the last time, and not feeling like it's her group
Station 19/ Grey's Anatomy
Carina DeLuca x reader: Carina is with Maya, but Maya cheats
Vic Hughes x reader: Vic becoming a stuttering mess around reader
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scmg11 · 2 years
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Sorry for disappearing again, but I was on vacation! I got to visit Bruxelles and it was amazing!!!
Anyway, I'm here to make up with a new chapter! I hope you'll like it.
PS: I need to ask you guys a question. I've been working on an idea I had about a new Hailee imagine and I'm still working on it. I just noticed I just hit like 13k words (lol) and I'm not finished yet (spoiler: it's gonna be smut *wink*). What I want to ask you guys is, do you prefer reading the whole chapter (it'll have at least 15k words I think), or do you prefer if I split it in two parts? Let me know in the comments!
Without further ado, enjoy!
Sending love ❤️
Summary: Y/N admits her feelings for Emily to Stacie. The Bellas go to a music retreat.
Warnings: none.
Word count: 4833 words.
"Hey Y/N, have you seen Beca?" Chloe peeked her head into Y/N’s room when she noticed her door was open and found her on her bed typing away on her laptop with a few books and a notebook strewn all over it.
"No Chlo, we got lunch together, but I hadn’t seen her since then."
"Do you know where she could be? I need to talk to her about our WORLDS setlist." Chloe asked, her face pleading Y/N to tell her her sister’s whereabouts. Y/N knew exactly where Beca was, but she promised her she wouldn’t tell anyone about her job, so even if it physically pained her to lie to the redhead, that now resembled a kicked puppy, she had to.
"I don’t know. She may be in her favorite cafe. She likes their espresso." Okay maybe she need to strengthen up her resolve around the redhead, because it seemed almost impossible to let her down when she pouted at her that way. It is almost as hard as letting Emily down. But let’s not go there, Y/N wasn’t in the mood to self-embarrass herself for every time she caved in with just a glint of Emily’s pout and puppy dog eyes.
"Great! I’ll go there. Oh and Y/N/N-" Chloe opened her mouth to say something more but was interrupted when a muffled sound of feet climbing up the stairs stopped her. "Oh hey Emily." At the mention of the brunette Y/N sat up straight on her bed and instinctively adjusted her appearance, glad that Chloe had her head turned to the side to greet Emily and her vision was blocked by the door frame so she couldn’t notice how desperately she fixed her disheveled self - little did she knew, Chloe totally noticed.
"Hey Cap, how is it going?" The beauty that is Emily Junk appeared a few moments later at Y/N’s room’s doorstep, causing Y/N’s throat to dry up right away at how effortlessly beautiful Emily was, clad in worn, ripped jeans and what Y/N just noticed was one of her Lady Gaga old t-shirts. "Y/N/N!"
"Hey Em."
"I’m good, legacy! I’m in a hurry, I’m going out to go find Beca. She is at the cafe out of campus. Do you guys want something from there?"
"No, I’m good."
"Nope, thank you. I’ll see you later Chlo. Oh and tell my sister that she still needs to hear my new mix."
"Noted, I’ll see you later guys." Chloe waved at them enthusiastically, Y/N eyeing her entrance just until she heard the house’s door close before hurriedly standing up and closing the door. In her focused state she didn’t notice Emily entered her bedroom and neatly closed Y/N’s books and notebook and placed them on her nightstand so she could sit on the mattress, so when she turned around to grab her phone on the bed, she met a curious, confused gaze.
"What’s wrong?"
"I’ll explain it to you in a second, I need to call Beca first." Emily silently nodded and watched Y/N dial Beca’s phone number before sitting beside her on the bed. "Becs! Hey- Yeah, no, I’m fine! Listen, you need to get out of the studio in like 5 seconds. Chloe came here to ask me where you were, again." Emily watched intently the Y/H/C girl talk on the phone with her sister, clearly not hearing what Beca was saying but she could take a wild guess what the short brunette told the Y/H/C girl as Y/N resumed her talk after stopping for a few seconds to let her sister speak, "Yeah! That pout is irresistible! I couldn’t lie to her again, so I told an half lie." Emily’s eyes inadvertently trailed down to follow the gentle nibbling Y/N’s teeth were doing on her bottom lip, snapping out of her gaze when she noticed her mouth started moving again, "you need to go to the coffee shop right out of campus. She is going there." Emily felt bad for Y/N when she heard slight yelling from the other end and watched Y/N grimace guiltily at her sister’s obvious scolding. "I’m sorry. She would’ve asked too many question Becs. Yeah, okay. I’ll talk to you later. Bye sis, love you."
Emily watched as a soft grin lightened the girl’s previous troubled features, guessing Beca told Y/N ‘I love you’ back, before hanging up her phone, "everything okay?"
"Yeah, or I think so." Y/N snorted as she blocked her phone and discarded it on the mattress beside her to regard Emily with a warm smile.
"You told me you would’ve explained what was happening." Emily’s words seemed to darken Y/N’s bright expression with a worried, anxious one, but the hand that she quickly put on Y/N’s one to comfort her seemed to restore her gentle grin.
"Can you keep a secret?" Y/N asked with her eyes locked intently into Emily’s brown ones while her hand turned around to entwine their fingers together instinctively. This small, insignificant gesture sparked shivers throughout their bodies and sent free wild butterflies flying around their stomaches, while small, shy smiles settled on the two girls’ features.
"Yes, you can trust me." Emily nodded resolutely, her eyes locked into Y/N’s Y/E/C magnetic irises to convey how truthful she was being. "I won’t tell anyone. I just want to know because I can clearly see this is troubling you, so I want to help you. And sharing it with just one person, me, it may help you feel a bit better about keeping secrets from the Bellas."
Y/N almost tore up at how thoughtful Emily was being, so she did the first thing that came to mind and hugged the girl tightly, "thank you Em."
"Don’t thank me, I’m here for you, you know that."
"You are one of a kind miss Junk." Y/N spoke up after they pulled away from the embrace, watching a big grin fold over Emily’s lips before bumping their shoulders together instead of doing what the irrational part of her mind was screaming her to do, kissing her cheek. "Anyway, this secret is about Beca."
"Duh, I already figured it out." Emily said matter-of-factly, having witnessed the conversation the two sisters had on the phone, smiling cheekily at the girl sat beside her and pointed with her hand Y/N’s phone on the mattress beside her.
"Okay, Sherlock-" Y/N rolled her eyes good naturedly at Emily’s big, teasing grin, a gesture that pulled an inebriating giggle to leave her lips and that sent her stomach into a spiral of mushy feelings, "she got an internship at a recording label."
"Oh that’s so great!" Emily screeched at the top of her lungs from the great news, only to be shushed by Y/N a second after, "sorry! I’m so happy for her, she is starting to make her dream come true, I hope it will happen for you too, soon." Emily continued in a quieter tone, a genuine, supportive smile etched on her beautiful features as her thumb caressed the back of Y/N’s hand still entwined with hers.
"Thank you Em. You will be the first talent I’ll produce. You will be one hell of a popstar!" Y/N stated with a big, smile of her own, patting herself on her shoulder when a blush tinted Emily’s cheekbones and a shy smile took place over her previous confident ones.
"Anyway, why is she keeping it a secret? It’s awesome!" Emily reasoned when her mind processed the whole confidential deal, shaking her head to focus on their conversation and not on how beautiful Y/N’s eyes were this close.
"Because she didn’t want Chloe and the Bellas to think that she is not 100% focused on WORLDS. When she got the news we just got out of the dean’s office where we were given the only chance to save the Bellas with WORLDS. She didn’t want to add more concerns to Chloe."
"Oh, I get it. I think she could tell Chloe and the Bellas about it now, they won’t be mad. We support each other and she doesn’t have to sneak in and out of our house anymore."
"It’s what I’ve been trying to convince her to do since day one, but she is stubborn." Y/N smiled at her sister’s obstinacy in doing what she thinks is the best without noticing it wasn’t exactly the greatest option she has. "She will come around, eventually." They stayed quiet for a few seconds then, basking in their rarely quiet house, the girls all closed in their rooms to study, before Emily snickered loudly, causing a confused expression to furrow Y/N’s eyebrows, "what?"
"I was thinking about the fact that from all this mess, you managed to arrange them a date at the coffee shop."
Emily’s sentence instantly brightened Y/N’s face, who regarded the brunette with a sly smirk and wiggling eyebrows, "of course I did. My sister is not only stubborn, but also an useless lesbian. She had been pining over Chloe for a year and she had never made a move."
"Well to be fair, neither did Chloe." Emily reasoned, pulling Y/N down so they both could lay down on her comfortable bed.
"I think Chloe is scared of ruining their friendship. Beca dating Jessie was though on her, I can tell."
"Oh so she doesn’t make a move because she thinks Beca is straight." Emily hummed pensively, following with Y/N’s train of thoughts.
"Exactly. But she’s not. In the end, my sister is an idiot."
"Stacie no, give it back!"
"Relax Y/N/N. I’m not going to sext Emily." Stacie waved Y/N off as she closed the Y/H/C girl’s and Emily’s combo and blocked the girl’s phone so Y/N could focus on what she had to say instead of texting the brunette legacy with a dumb (but totally cute in Stacie’s opinion) grin on her face. "But y’know I could always do that. Just tiny a bit to give you enough courage to finally tell her how you feel."
"I can’t Stace. I don’t want to lose her friendship." Y/N sighed out dejected, taking her phone back from Stacie’s outstretched hand and placing it beside her on the nightstand.
"You totally can. You never know how she feels if you don’t try." Stacie sat on Y/N’s left and wrapped her arm around her shoulders to let her lean her head in the crook of her neck and brushed her hand up and down her bicep in comfort.
"I’m too scared to lose her as a friend." Y/N admitted in a whisper, staring blankly at Stacie’s bed and letting the blonde’s reassuring touch to soothe her insecurities.
"I’m sure you won’t." They let silence linger for a few more seconds before Stacie steered the conversation on a more lighter subject to distract her best friend from her thoughts, "anyway, I took your phone because I wanted to tell you about my day."
"Oh yeah, I’m sure your day was way better than my lazy day off." Y/N lifted her head up from the blonde’s shoulder and met the girl’s eager eyes, urging her on with a nod and a big smile.
"Aubrey is here for a few days before she has to go back to work." Stacie started enthusiastically, Y/N understanding then the girl’s bright mood.
"Oh that’s amazing!" Y/N smiled knowingly at the girl, wiggling suggestively her eyebrows and reveling in the crimson blush splashing over Stacie’s cheeks at the gesture. She found Stacie’s crush for Aubrey extremely cute and adorable since the blonde never acted so shy and nervous around anyone before.
"Stop! I know what you’re doing!" Stacie stated with a warning tone, her eyes rolling good-naturedly at her as she pushed her best friend gently on the shoulder.
"I’m not doing anything!" Y/N replied with a soft tone but the big, smug smirk told the blonde she was far from innocent. "Y’know, I could always sext Aubrey. Just a tiny bit to give enough courage to finally tell her how you feel." Y/N repeated Stacie’s exact words from before, but now she was the one smiling brightly as the blonde blushed hard.
"Shut up."
"Oh Stace, c’mon! I’m so happy for you. I’ve never seen you act so shy around anyone, hell I’ve never seen you blush before!"
"That’s not true." Stacie stubbornly denied as she crossed her arms and pouted adorably.
"Ohw, look at that cute pout." Y/N pinched Stacie’s cheeks despite the girl tried to push her away and awed aloud. "Ok, let’s make a deal. If you admit you like Aubrey more than a friend, I’ll open up more about my feelings for Emily."
Stacie looked up from the floor and met Y/N’s truthful, warm Y/E/C irises, considering the offer a few seconds before making up her mind, "okay."
"Great!" The big grin Y/N sent her way instantly put a similar one on Stacie’s face at the girl’s eagerness, her chest filling up with warmth at her best friend’s thoughtfulness.
"I like Aubrey. Like a lot." Stacie whispered after almost a minute of silence, Y/N not pushing the girl to talk, knowing she would’ve talked on her own terms and when she was completely ready to share her true, deep feelings.
"I knew it! Oh it was so clear! And it’s so fucking cute!" Y/N excitedly stated as she animatedly talked with her hands, her smile getting bigger as she gushed over the two girls.
"I’ve never felt like this before." Stacie admitted, playing with her ring on her middle finger nervously, her eyes trained on the floor as she shyly avoided the girl’s eager eyes.
"But you’ve been in relationships before, right?"
"Yeah, of course. I had a few boyfriends and girlfriends, but I’ve never felt something so deep for anyone of them." Stacie sighed as she thought about her previous relationships and compared her old feelings for her former partners to her current ones for Aubrey. "She is special." The blonde let out dreamily as a dumb, giddy grin appeared on her lips at the mere thought of the former captain of the Bellas.
"Ohw, look at you so adorably mushy thinking about Aubrey." Y/N circled her arm around Stacie’s shoulders and squeezed her into a side hug, "I’ve never seen you act like this. Remember that party when Aubrey tagged along?" Y/N waited for Stacie to nod at her question, which she did a few seconds later when realization hit her after she remembered the party Y/N was talking about, "I’ve never seen you act so shy around someone when you talked with Aubrey and the most shocking thing was seeing you reject anyone that wanted to have sex with you that night, just because Aubrey was there."
Stacie blushed furiously at Y/N’s statement, straying her eyes away again from her best friend’s gaze and focusing on her hand still playing with her ring on her other hand’s middle finger. "I’m actually having less and less casual sex since I’ve admitted to myself I feel something for her."
Stacie whispered so lowly that Y/N almost didn’t catch what she told her, but luckily she did and she gasped in shock and excitement at the blonde’s statement as a big smile settled on her lips, "Stacie my chest is almost ready to explode from this cuteness overload, shit. I’m so so happy for you."
A small smile adorned the girl’s face as she snickered gently and shook her head in amusement, her head moving to the side to look her best friend regarding her with the biggest dopey grin she had ever seen and eyes full of enthusiasm. "You’re a dork."
Y/N stayed quiet for just a few seconds before asking in a soft tone, "did you tell her?"
"Are you out of your mind?! No!" Stacie replied in an instant, her eyes going wide as she stared at Y/N like she just went insane.
"You should, but I’m not pressuring you. Aubrey looks at you like you’re the most precious thing in the world. So don’t be afraid of telling her." Y/N admitted to calm the blonde’s nerves down, conveying how truthful she was being at the still not-so-convinced look Stacie sent her way.
"Anyway, let’s talk about you now." Stacie steered the conversation away from her crush on Aubrey and lifted her eyebrow up in question, before wiggling both of them suggestively with a big, sly smirk on her lips.
Y/N rolled her eyes at the blonde’s elusive change of subject, but she knew the girl will come around eventually to talk more about her crush on Aubrey, and at the dirty look she was giving her, coercing her to spill her feelings for the adorable Bellas’ legacy, "oh yeah, right." Y/N cleared her throat to get rid of the sudden lump forming there and took a deep, grounding breath to give her the courage to just admit what she realized a few weeks prior and was trying to summon enough bravery to tell to her best friend. "Not too long ago, I- I came to the conclusion, that I- fell in love with Emily."
"What?" Stacie asked, her grin falling off her face replaced by an O shape as shock kicked in, not really expecting Y/N to confess something this big.
"I’m truly, madly, deeply, in love with Emily Junk."
"Holy shit, you got it bad baby Mitchell." Stacie stated still stunned by Y/N’s admission, embracing her harder and kissing the top of her head sweetly, "I know how hard it is, keeping it all to yourself and not telling her."
"We’re two idiots, aren’t we?" Y/N asked rhetorically, smiling bittersweetly at hiding her feelings to not ruin her friendship with the cute brunette if she doesn’t feel the same way, and looking at Stacie who was staring back at her in understanding.
"Talk for yourself Mitchell. I’m great." Stacie flipped her blonde hair over her free shoulder and smiled appreciatively when she heard Y/N giggle at her joke, with a small shake of her head.
"Guys! Stop arguing! It’s taking us nowhere!" Chloe scolded loudly at the other Bellas bickering after their umpteenth disaster of a show. And it was in a freaking rest home. They almost risked to set the whole rest home on fire after CR’s hair caught fire during their performance.
"Chlo calm down." Beca tried to help the distressed redhead to relax just that tad bit, but she was fidgety and dejected, like they all were, at the fact that they lost their tune and it was affecting their performances as a whole group.
"I can’t! WORLDS will start in a month and we fucking suck!" Chloe slumped down on her seat beside Beca and huffed with her hands crossed under her chest and a big pout on her lips. No one dared to say a word, they just stared at the ground with sad faces as they played absentmindedly with what they had in their hands. "Okay, listen up-" The redhead spoke up after maybe less than 2 minutes, her face now sporting a determined expression and a big encouraging smile as she sat up again, "tough times require drastic measures! Bellas it’s time for a musical retreat!"
The other girls didn’t understand what Chloe meant until they set foot on the ground and an authoritative voice reached their ears. "I’m so fucking disappointed in you Bellas! Line up."
After getting roasted by Aubrey for 10 minutes straight, the girl decided to implement the usual business program of their retreat campus and fitting music in it. They started by setting a big tent, then warming up their voices and singing a few songs over and over until Aubrey was satisfied, then the blonde forced them to run 50 laps around their small camp, alternating between singing a few more songs and running without a break in between. "Stace please tell your girlfriend to give us a break! I’m in shape and I’m barely keeping up!" Y/N said out of breath when Aubrey gave them only 3 minutes for a water break.
"Yeah, I think I lost my left leg about 5 laps ago." Emily was bent on her knees and taking big gulps of air, her face red and sweat running down her face. Y/N thought she has never looked so beautiful and adorable as she was right now.
"Guys she’s not my girlfriend. And she is in her Aubreyzilla mode, no one can stop her."
"I’m sure your fingers can help her relax a bit." Y/N murmured after taking another sip of water, watching with amusement Emily’s and Stacie’s faces burn with a crimson blush at her cheeky comeback, but Aubrey calling them to sing their last round of songs prevented her to deepen their blushes with more teasing words.
"Okay! Good job girls. Bathrooms are right over there for you all to go take a shower. I will join you guys later for dinner, I need to take care of some paperwork."
After showering, the girls worked together to light a campfire to cook some dinner as they waited for Aubrey to join them, which she did not too long after. Since they were pretty tired from the hell of an evening their former captain put them through, they went to sleep right away, everyone passing out as soon as they entered their shared tent.
Although they were tired, sleeping in one big tent wasn’t the ultimate comfort, too little space to sleep, air too much stuffy and snores that were too irritating to let a few Bellas have a good night of sleep, so when a loud, blaring trumpet blasted outside their tent around 6 a.m., every Bellas member exited it with loud groans of pain and from lack of proper sleep. "Good morning my lazy Bellas. Day 2 of this amazing retreat. 6 days to come. Y’know the drill, 50 laps. Go go go."
As the day progressed and the Bellas went through over Aubrey’s almost impossible tasks, the lack of sleep and the weather too hot to function, Beca got irritated more and more each passing second, causing her to burst in anger not too long after lunch. Her outburst caused her to spill her secret about her internship job and have a fight with Chloe for her lacking of enthusiasm to save their group.
After taking Beca down from the bear trap she fell into when she walked away from her argument with Chloe, the girls had a proper talk over dinner and made up. They felt the air between them shift and they were glad it did, because they felt already so much more connected compared to when they arrived the day prior. They finally sorted out their problems without stuffing everything inside themselves and talk without filters. Fighting and make up was a daily occurrence with a group of friends that everyone in the group considered family, but making up like real adults was the real deal for them.
"Aubrey, I love you, but please tell me you have more tents for us. I love you guys but that big tent, even though is huge, it can’t have 10 girls sleeping there."
Aubrey looked at Y/N with her signature stoic face for a few seconds, causing the Bellas to hold their breaths in hopeful anticipation, before breaking her serious façade with a big grin that made the other girls mirror her with sighs of relief after she spoke up with a light tone, "yeah, I do. That experience takes place for only one night, where it helps people bond on a deeper level and go through the other activities with a more deep and determined group spirit."
Y/N snorted at her words and shook her head, "the only things I bonded with last night were Amy’s farts and Stacie’s knee in my back. So I think you guys should rethink about that aspect of the program." Y/N’s words elicited loud laughs from everyone except from Amy and Stacie, Amy murmuring an ‘it’s a natural thing’ while Stacie pushed on her shoulder with an ‘you’re a jerk’, causing Y/N’s smile to broad widely.
After tidying everything up, Stacie volunteered to help Aubrey bring all their new tents to the girls, a gesture that didn’t go unnoticed by Emily and Y/N, whose shared suggestive looks and wiggled their eyebrows as the two blondes passed by them.
"Okay girls I have 3 tents for 2 people, 1 for 3 people and 1 for only one person."
"Who wants to give Amy the one for herself so she can fart all she wants?" Stacie asked in a serious tone, giggling out loud right after 8 hands lifted immediately at her question.
"Whatever! More room for me bitches."
"We can take the one for three people." Flo walked over Aubrey to take the tent, then she walked back towards Jessica and Ashley to start setting it, all the while Stacie gave the rest of them their tents. She first walked towards Chloe and Beca, knowing the two would absolutely share a tent to talk more about their previous fight, before she approached Emily and Y/N that were just finishing up setting Amy’s tent, who totally helped with setting her own tent.
"Y/N, Em, is it okay if I-"
"Yes Stace, of course." Emily stopped Stacie’s nervous stuttering with a warm smile, before grabbing the item from the blonde’s hands and hugging it to her chest in an adorable manner that made Y/N almost combust right then and there from too much cuteness.
"Thank you, so so much."
"Try not to be too loud tonight. I’m in serious need of sleep." Y/N cracked a joke and reveled in the blush Stacie sported, a sight Y/N was trying to get used to since it had been happening every single time the former Bellas’ captain was involved in their conversations in the past months.
"Y/N!" Emily slapped Y/N’s shoulder, causing her snickers to increase in volume, as she tried to subdue her embarrassed blush.
When Stacie bid them goodbye and said goodnight to them, Emily started to unpack the tent, leaning down on her knees and figuring out all the pieces, "I’ll be right back Em." Y/N caressed Emily’s right shoulder as she passed by her to approach Stacie who was walking back towards Aubrey, busy with their own tent, and grasped her arm gently in a comfort manner, "on a serious note, how are you feeling about sharing a tent with Aubrey? You okay?"
Stacie smiled at the words of concern her best friend whispered in her ear to not be heard by anyone and shook her head gently in affirmation, "yeah, just a bit nervous. I’m a blushing mess when she is around. What if I make a fool out of myself?"
"Stace, I’ve never seen Aubrey be so soft with anyone. She looks at you like you put the stars in the sky. I’m not pushing you into telling her how you feel, but just relax, okay? If it’s meant to be, it’ll be. Go with the flow, see how she react if you flirt with her. I’m sure she likes you back, Emily thinks so too."
"Thanks, Y/N/N. I needed that. I’ll tell you what happened in the morning."
"Mhmh, you better!" Y/N warned with her forefinger pointed towards Stacie, "and remember, we are sleeping near you guys. So keep quiet." Y/N winked at a once again blushing Stacie, before hugging the girl and walking back to Emily to help her set up their tent.
After everything was ready, the two girls positioned the tent like the others did, with a bit of distance to allow everyone to sleep peacefully without risking to overheat the tents by attaching them to one another and walked in to settle theirselves to sleep. "Ugh this is so much better than last night."
"Oh my god yes! And now we can finally have a proper sleepover!" Y/N stated excitedly, adjusting herself in her sleep bag and watching Emily do the same before making up her mind and trying to be brave for once, "how about we link our sleeping bags together? So we can be more comfortable. And of course if it gets colder tonight we c-can cuddle."
Before Y/N could mentally slap herself for stuttering and for asking a dumb question she thought the brunette was going to say ‘no’ to, Emily grinned brightly at her and got to work to join their sleeping bags before slipping in and immediately cuddling into Y/N, her gesture causing the Y/H/C girl’s stomach to flutter wildly and her cheeks to redden at a quick pace. Y/N was grateful their tent was wrapped around by just a dim light coming from the light pole not too far from their camp, so Emily couldn’t notice her beet red face, but she instantly tightened her arms around Emily’s body and pushed more into hers, "so Em, tell me about your classes."
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sjswrites · 10 months
Baby Gay
Summary: Working on set with your best friend was supposed to be fun, but something feels... off.
A/N: A bit of a long one, buuut I promise it's worth it.
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“It’s pretty nice working with your best friend, huh?” I playfully threw my shoulder into Hailee’s arm as we walked off set.
“It’s alright, I guess.” She replied sarcastically before throwing her arm over me and my arm slide around her waist.
“Nice work, ladies.” The blonde brit approached as I greeted her with a smile. When Hailee didn’t give her usual, ‘thank you’, my eyes shot up to check on her. To my surprise, Hailee’s eyes were glued to Florence.
“Thanks, Pugh. I mean, you absolutely killed it out there!” I gushed as her eyes nervously fell to the floor.
“Not as good as you, darling. You’re so talented.” Her golden green eyes locked with mine.
I chuckled to myself. “Oh shut up.” I shoved her shoulder away.
“I’m serious!” She protested through giggles. “Do you two have plan for dinner tonight?” I visually checked in with Hailee who had yet to say anything.
“Yeah.” I answered for both of us. “My mom actually invited us over for dinner tonight.” My arm wrapped around hers and squeezed to bring her back to reality.
“Wait, really?”
“Yeah. Sorry, I forgot to mention that on the drive over.”
“I see.” Florence’s smile slightly dimmed. “Another time.”
“Forsure.” Hailee finally spoke to Florence.
“Well, I’ll see you tomorrow.” Her eyes bounced between ours before we walked away to the trailers.
I finished getting changed first as I knocked on Hailee’s trailer door. “Hey, Haiz.” My hand slowly pulled the door open as I entered. Hailee had her back to me with her baggy jeans and white tank on. Her hazel eyes looked at me over her shoulder. “Hey, babe.” She threw her leather jacket over her shoulders. “Ready?”
“No.” Hailee froze for a second before adjusting her jacket. “Not until you tell me what’s wrong?”
“What?!” She tried to push past me. “What are you talking about?”
My hand held her at bay. “Don’t bullshit me, Steinfeld.” I shoved her back. “You were in your head when we- Actually, when I was talking to Florence.”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” She tried to get past me again as her arm snuck around me and opened the door. “Come on. Let’s not keep your mom waiting.”
“Hailee,” My hand landed on hers as I closed the door. A new look grew on Hailee. One I had never seen before. She was mad. She was mad at me. “We’re not going to my mom’s.”
“What?! But you said- Why?!”
“I just said that because you didn’t seem like you were in a good headspace.” My hand peeled hers from the door.
She took a deep breath. I waited patiently for the flood gates, instead I got chuckles in my face. “It’s not that. It’s just- It’s stupid. Can we just for get about it please?”
She shook her head and started for the door again. I grabbed her chin and made her look me in the eyes. “Tell. Me.” The swirls of light brown and green now locked with mine. My safety net. My safehouse. My place. My home. Although something had shifted. Something on her face that I couldn’t quite read.
“I got nervous.” Her eyes danced between mine. “I… I have a crush.”
My eyebrows raised. “On Florence?”
“Yeaah.” Her voice fell unconfidently with shakiness in her single word. Nervousness? Embarrassment?
“Aww. Really?” My lip pouted out. “Aw, look at my baby gay with her first gay panic.” I pinched her cheek as she swatted my hand away. “Welcome to the Alphabet Mafia. I knew you’d join me eventually.” We shared at laugh as I opened the door. “We’re getting celebratory burgers! On me!” I skipped out as Hailee followed while shaking her head.
“Have you thought about telling your family?” I asked while driving Hailee home.
“Um, yeah. I think they’ll be fine with it.”
“Psh, yeah they will. They love you so much. I wouldn’t see why not. I’m just saying if you ever have any questions, you know you can talk to me right?” I took a flash look at her in the passenger seat. Her head looked out the window and her mind on someone else. My hand stretched over the console and onto her thigh. She slightly jumped at contact. “You really like this girl, huh?”
“I don’t know.” She mindlessly answered.
The car pulled into her driveway as I threw it park. “What else is bothering you?” My body leaned against the door.
“What? Nothing's bothering me.”
With my arms crossed over my chest, I gave her a look of really? “Hailee, I can read you like a children’s book. Stop holding back from me.”
“I actually- I don’t know.” She threw her head into the headrest. “What about coming out to the public? What if it’s just a phase or what if the press ruins the relationship or what if-?”
“Babe.” Her quick spew of words came to halt. “Fuck them. You only need to come out to the people you care about. If they truly care about you, then then will love you and Florence.” She bit her lip and looked out the window again. “Hey,” I squeezed her thigh. “You deserve to be happy. And if your happiness makes other people upset, then that’s on them. You’re not responsible for their emotions and feelings. Understand?” She nodded.
I got up and walked around the car. I opened her door and opened my arms. Her worried melted in my arms as I squeezed her tight. “Get some sleep. Don’t forget you’re picking me up tomorrow. I will see you the morning.” My hand slightly pushed on her waist as she peeled away. “The second one is the most important. Please don’t forget that one.” She giggled as we walked to her door. “There she is.” I sang as we stopped at her door. On my toes, I pecked a kiss on her cheek. “Goodnight, Haiz.”
“Goodnight. Text me when you get home.” She opened her door with the biggest smile.
“Will do.”
With coffee in hand and bag in the other, my feet trudged out to Hailee’s car. “Well good morning, sunshine.” Hailee said with her typical early bird smile.
“I will never understand how you’re so chipper this early in the morning. I seriously need a gallon of coffee to recover from the World War 3 going on between my body and my mind just to get out fo bed.” She laughed.
“You’re ridiculous, you know that?”
“Well you chose me so what does that make you?”
“Hmm...crazy.” I shrugged as I took a sip of my coffee.
“You said it, not me.” Hailee reached her hand over onto my thigh as we drove off. This was one of the things I loved about my friendship. She understood how much of a cuddly person I am because she was one too. I’ve never had a friendship like this before. But Haiz wasn’t like my other friends. She knew me on a deeper level than most people. She was my rock and I was hers
Flashback to five years ago
“Hi, I’m Hailee.” The taller girl looked down at me with a sweet smile.
“Hi. I’m y/n.” I smiled back. “Sorry. I’m a little nervous. This is my first big movie like this.”
She simply smiled back. She didn’t make fun of me or belittle me. Instead, she playfully threw her shoulder into me. “You’re gonna do amazing. I can feel it.”
My back straightened up with confidence. “You know what? No. We are gonna do amazing.” I offered her my hand as she quickly took it and we walked onto set.
“I can’t believe you’re dating Niall Horan!” We only met a couple days ago, but it felt like we met a lifetime ago.
“I can’t believe you’re dating Dove-” My hand flew over her mouth.
“Shhh.” My head on a swivel as I looked around for any witnesses. “I’m not out yet.”
“What does that mean?”
“Out?” She nodded. “Like I haven’t told anyone that I’m…” I checked my surroundings again. “That I’m lesbian.” My head dropped. “To anyone really… I mean beside to Dove. Of course.” My head quickly snapped back up to her. “I guess that makes you the second person.”
“Well, I’m very honored to be the second.” Her face beaming with a prideful smile.
“You…” My confidence felt faulty as my eyes wandered off. “You don’t have to pretend. I get it if it makes you feel uncomfortable and you don’t wanna be my friend anymore.”
“No! No. No at all! I mean, you’re happy and in love. What more could you ask for?”
The glimmer of hope and love in my eyes could be seen from space. “Thank you…”
“For what?”
"For not leaving me.”
“You’re stuck with me forever now.”
“You know, you’re my favorite person in the whole world, right?” I took in her side profile as a little grin formed.
“Yeah.” She squeeze my thigh. “Of course, I love hearing you say it, though.”
“Can you promise me something?” She stopped at a red light and nodded for me to continue. “Promise me that no matter what happens, no matter who you end up with that you’ll still be my best friend.”
“I promise.” My hand squeezed the back of hers. “You’re stuck with me forever.”
My smile started to get too big as I bit my lip. “I didn’t know you could read minds.” My happiness now pouring out through the redness of my cheeks. “I know, I don’t say this nearly enough, but thank you. You do so much for me. You’ve always been there for me. Through all the highs and lows. Through thick and thin. I can’t imagine where I’d be without you.”
“And I would do it all over again. I quite literally would do anything for you.” Her attention went back to the road as the light changed.
“I’d do anything for you too. You know, I’d even third wheel with you so you can go after yet another blonde brit.” I chuckled to myself. “Although this one is a significant upgrade.” The car was silent as Hailee was focused on the road ahead. Whatever would get her closer to her newfound love interest. I let her mind wander as I pulled out my phone.
Hailee pulled into the parking lot as she threw her car in park. “Love,” Hailee said as I hopped out of the car. “I need to tell you something.”
My legs cautiously got back in the passenger seat with the door close behind me. “Well, that’s always a fun conversation starter.”
“Look, I just need you to listen to me. Just- just don’t say anything, okay?” I nodded as she took a deep breath. “I lied.” My eyebrows furrowed at her. “I don’t have a crush on Florence.” I tried to control my facial expressions as she continued. “Actually, I don’t have a crush on anyone.” She’s lost me now. So she doesn’t like women? “I’m actually in love.” I released my breath and pouted my lip. “With you.” I blinked a few times as my brain tried to process the last two words. With me? They spun around in my head as I started to get lightheaded. “I just saw Florence checking you out and complimenting you and, I don’t know, this like feeling in my stomach. I was angry and sad and hurt. It’s all confusing. Just thinking about you being with Florence made me sick. Maybe I’m just being possessive, but no one could ever love you like I could. I mean, if you’ll let me or even remotely feel the same. I’m scared I may be ruining this amazing friendship we have, but fuck it. I want to be happy and in love with you.” Hailee took a deep breath after the spiel.
“Can I speak now?” She nodded cautiously. “Hailee Steinfeld, can I please take you on a date tonight?”
She smiled. “I would love that more than anything.”
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itspbandjellytime · 2 months
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The Assistant [Hailee Steinfeld x Fem!Reader] - Chapter 3
Plot: Y/N Waldorf is fresh out of college and her first job is being Hailee Steinfeld's personal assistant, but what Y/N doesn't know is that Hailee is hiding a huge secret from the general public and from her, as her assistant.
Notes: This is a multi-chapter fic, you can also read this on wattpad under the same username "itspbandjellytime". This fanfic is also going to contain NSFW themes in the near future, so if you're under the age of 18 please don't read this. Thank you!
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Word count: 1.4k words
[Y/N's POV]
The next day arrived, today is the day I move in with Hailee. I already packed my bags earlier this morning again, I looked at Jackie with a smile on her face and gave her a tight hug "Girl, don't be sad, at least we live in the same state now." I reassured her as she fake cries. Jackie pulls away from her and laughs "I know, I am just being very dramatic and besides, West Hollywood and Malibu is a 40 minute drive. You can visit anytime you want." Jackie told me "Hailee isnt expecting you to show up, that quick right?" Jackie asks me as I reached for the door. I respond with a shrug "Eh, better to be early.", Jackie grabs my wrist all of a sudden which made my eyes widen. "You good?" I ask her with a confused tone, Jackie told me to sit down on the couch with her for a bit.
"Yeah, It's just that I've been hearing something online about Hailee... you know... Keeping a secret from the general public?" Jackie said, as much as I love Jackie, she's my best friend, I will jump off a tall building and sell my organs for that woman... There are times that she relies on random and odd stuff on the internet, especially engaging in blind item pages like Deuxmoi. I furrow my brows, oblivious on what Jackie was telling me "What do you mean? Also what did I tell you interacting with those pages?" I said in a very motherly tone despite the fact that Jackie is two years older than me. 
"Heard it from Deuxmoi before you got here, someone said that Hailee Steinfeld is hiding a secret from the public and only her manager knows about it." Jackie says, and then gasps "Do you think she's pregnant?" 
"GIRL WHAT THE FUCK?!?" I yelled "You've been on Deuxmoi way too much! We both know that site is like the fifth? or lower circle in hell, you know what Tree Paine did when Deuxmoi went after Taylor Swift, right? Also we don't know these people personally!" I said, I let out a sigh and rubbed my temples, going silent for a while. "Look, whatever that is... I won't believe it." I said standing up, putting my hands up with a smile on my face.
Jackie smiles back, understanding what I just told her "Alright, but you know I am just one call away and we can meet up like once or twice a week." Jackie said, standing up again and giving me a hug. I hug Jackie back and nodded "Yeah, just message me if ever." I said, grabbing my bags and finally leaving the apartment.
Forty minutes later, I finally arrived at Hailee's lavish looking house located in Malibu. The house looked amazing from the outside and made me think what's in store inside as well, I parked my car somewhere and grabbed my bags from the trunk. I walked up to the front porch and rang the doorbell, waiting for her to open the door. 
Seconds later, she opens the door for me. Hailee is wearing a pair of black yoga pants, a pair of sneakers and a black sports bra that shows off those toned abs of hers that makes me weak on my knees. She looks so hot, my heart starts racing and a lot of thoughts run through my mind seeing her like that. But I still kept my normal posture in tact to be a little bit professional "Hey, you're here! Come on in." Hailee says, inviting me to enter the house. 
I enter the house with my bags and I look around the place in awe, I knew that her house would look this good even though I've never seen the whole thing. "I'm sorry if I look like this, I just finished working out." Hailee says, leading me to her living room "Make yourself comfortable, Y/N." Hailee says again, I nod with a smile on my face and I sat down on her couch. I just stare at her walk to her kitchen as she grabs a bottle of cold water from her freezer, the way I look at her is filled with admiration and adoration. My little moment was broken when all of a sudden I heard two high pitched barks, I look down to see her yorkies Brando and Martini looking at me, their tails wagging in sync. 
"Oh my goodness, are these Brando and Martini?" I say, smiling at the dogs having some second thoughts if I should pet them both, I am a huge dog person but I have a huge fear of dogs biting me. "Yep, in the flesh! Don't worry they don't bite, they're super friendly." Hailee says, heading to the couch to sit next to me. Hailee puts Brando on my lap and he starts to lick my fingers, which caused me to chuckle and gently pet his head "He's starting to like you, are you a dog person?" Hailee asks. I nod in response as I kept petting Brando while Martini is lying down on my shoe "I have a German Shepard in Washington, his name is... Well... It's a ridiculous name." I said, trying to keep up with an actual conversation with Hailee. 
"Well, what's the name of your dog then?" Hailee asks, her hazel eyes looking into mine. I swear, I get lost in those eyes every time.
"His name is... Sir Tenderloin McAvish the Second... We call him Tendy for short." I answered, Hailee starts to burst out laughing once I told her the name of my family's dog. Her laugh is so contagious, it made me laugh as well "I am dead serious, that's his name." I said, pulling my phone out and showing a photo of Tendy to Hailee. "He's a rescue dog, we got him back in 2003. He's like a big baby." I said, showing her a photo of me and carrying Tendy like a baby. Hailee laughs and smiles at the photo of me and my dog, zooming in the photo to see him up close.
"Well you're not wrong Y/N, I treat these two like they're my own children. Oh wait, that reminds me... Come, I'll show you your room." Hailee says, standing up from the couch. I gently put Brando down on the floor again and watch him run around the living room with Martini, I picked my bags up and followed Hailee upstairs. I continued to admire the interior design of Hailee's house, it looks cozy and comfortable. "Alright, we're here." Hailee says, opening the door of my room for me. I entered the room and looked around, I have a comfortable bed and my own bathroom and TV. 
I sat down on the edge of the bed and looked at her "Thanks, your place is cool. Who's your interior designer?" I asked, Hailee leans against the door frame, crossing her toned arms. "My mom, she's the best." Hailee chuckles and looks at me, "Well I gotta say, your mom is cool. Quick question, have you ever done this before with your past assistants?" I ask, Hailee shook her head in response "Nope, most of my old personal assistants are people older than me cause you know I started this whole acting and music thing at a young age..." Hailee answers, taking a sip of water from her water bottle.
"So I am the first assistant to stay in your place then?" I asks, with a little hint of casualness.
"Yeah, I feel like you're going to be an assistant that will last long." Hailee responds, winking at me with a smirk on her face "Anyway, if you need anything else. Just let me know, this is your home now... Well once you get a place of your own." Hailee says, closing the door of my room.
I flopped down on the bed, lying on my back as I stare at the ceiling, letting out a sigh. Everything is happening all at once, it feels overwhelming but in a very positive manner to say the least. I furrow my brows a bit, looking back as I was looking around the place before heading to my room earlier. 
There was this room at the end of the hallway and it was dark, I didn't ask Hailee about it because it might come off as invasive and I might lose my job. So I just quickly assumed it was a storage room, or a room that has her awards, or a room that has one single box that has her scrapped music or that damn album everyone in the fandom is waiting for. Whatever lies in that room, I'll just ignore it and focus on one thing and one thing only. My job as Hailee's assistant.  
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livingdreams97 · 26 days
Emily Junk - "The New Bella." (Part 2)
Emily Junk x fem! reader/oc
Summary: Emily is a newcomer to Barden College and her dream is to be a part of the group acapella the Barden Bellas. She entered the house of the acapella group in order to fulfill her dream, but she ended up falling in love and living an experience that she had never imagined.
Words: 2.392
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We've been at the Treblemakers party for a while and Beca still hasn't come home from work. Which means that Chloe is asking me every time she sees me about her and if she has responded to any my messages.
Which I deny, saying I don't know anything and escaping the situation as quickly as possible. I just hope that Beca tells Chloe about the job sometime soon, because it's her first day at the production company and I can't take the stress of keeping the secret anymore.
Stacie: It seems like the new one is flirting already.- she says, shouting close to my ear because of the music, pointing to a place at the party with her finger.
I look amused at where she points, seeing Benji move very strangely and talking to the new Bella.
Amy: They would make a good couple, they are just as weird. - She laughs, joining our conversation.
Cynthia: I don't know.- she denies with a grimace on her lips. -I feel certain vibes from him, you know what I mean.- she comments with an amused smile.
Y/n: I think they would make a slightly awkward couple.- I laugh imagining it. -Besides the fact that we're talking about Benji, I doubt he could even tell her his name, much less ask her out without getting stuck every two words.- I assure them and they all laugh in agreement.
Stacie: You know that from experience, right? - she asks me amused, moving her eyebrows suggestively.
Y/n: Shut up.- I growled, embarrassed, hitting her on the arm. -That was the most uncomfortable moment of my life and I prefer to forget it completely.- I admit sincerely.
Amy: It's true, the weirdo asked little Mitchell out.- she remembers laughing, putting her arm around my shoulders and bringing me closer to her.
Y/n: Amyyyy! - I complain like a little girl when he continues with the topic.
Cynthia: That's why I'm gay.- she assures us proudly.
Stacie: I couldn't be gay.- he shakes his head. -I can't reduce the hunter's prey in half and there are times when a good cock cures everything.- she explains to us without any shame and we all look at her with some disgust.
Y/n: Stacie, too many details.- I say with a disgusted face.
Amy: As far as I know, little Mitchell here doesn't have a dick. - She reminds her with curiosity and amusement at the conversation.
Stacie: She don't need it.- she assures her winking at me. -Besides, the toys are there for a reason.- she comments amusedly and I open my eyes in surprise.
Amy: Wait, what? - she asks with surprise and trying to suppress a laugh, putting on her evil smile. -Does little Mitchell have a harness?- she asks, looking at me completely amused.
Y/n: No, no, no. - I deny quickly, getting out from under the blonde's arm and practically fleeing the place listening to the laughter of my aka-sisters.
I see Jesse sitting alone and decide to go with him. On the way I pick up a glass of pineapple with alcohol inside and take a sip, noticing the strong flavor of gin.
Y/n: I come to keep you company.- I tell him, when I sit next to him and he looks at me funny.
Jesse: To keep me company or to run away from the girls? - he asks me with amusement, pointing with his head where my friends are and where I came from.
Y/n: I can do both at the same time.- I reply amused, taking another sip of the drink.
Jesse: What was it this time? - He asks me, amused.
Y/n: They were embarrassing me.- I respond with a pout and crossing my arms.
Jesse: Were they messing with little Mitchell? - he asks, amused, hugging me by the shoulders. -Do you want me to take care of them?- he asks again, but this time with a fake Italian accent and feigning seriousness.
Y/n: After the competition, right now we need all the bellas.- I answer him and he bursts out laughing at my answer.
Beca: Hello! - she exclaims, appearing out of nowhere and scaring us.
Jesse: Hey, you've come.- he says while they kiss and I pretend to vomit.
Beca: Are you jealous? - she asks me amused. -Don't worry, I have kisses for you too.- she assures me, sitting on my lap and leaving several kisses on my face.
Y/n: Stop, stop, stop! - I exclaim, amused, trying to push her face away, while Jesse laughs at our attitude.
Jesse: Well, how was internship? - he asks when my sister stops still.
Beca: Very productive, yes, they are not up to fooling around.- she tells us, taking my glass from the small bar and taking a sip.
Jesse: Chloe asked where you were.- he tells her.
Y/n: Many times, I have been asked about you MANY times.- I say looking seriously at my sister.
Jesse: Why haven't you told her? - he asks his girlfriend, confused.
Beca: She's very busy with the competition and all that, it wasn't the right time.- she responds, moving her hands nervously.
You see, when I'm nervous or hiding something, I scratch my eyebrow and my sister gesticulates excessively with her hands. So it's very easy to tell when Beca is nervous or hiding something, because her hand movement during a conversation increases by 80%.
Y/n: Beca, you have to tell the girls, I can't hide it anymore and it's only been one day. - I plead to my sister, scratching my eyebrow for the first time all day and feeling some relief.
My sister, seeing my action, sighs with some guilt and grabs my hand so I don't scratch myself anymore.
Beca: I promise I'll tell her soon.- she assures me, placing a kiss on my right eyebrow and hugging me by the shoulders.
Y/n: By the way, we have a new member.- I told my sister, hugging her around the waist.
Beca: But the dean said that we can't do auditions.- she comments with confusion.
Y/n: Apparently she is an heiress and we are obliged to let them audition or something like that. - I explain, shrugging my shoulders since I do not understand the situation myself.
Beca: Okay.- she says, shrugging her shoulders like me and changing the subject.
The three of us talked about everything for a bit, before getting up and joining the rest of the people on the dance floor.
Emily POV
We meet at the car show, where the Bellas are supposed to perform and because of Amy's issue with the president, they gave it to a German group.
Flo: Explain to me again what we do at a car show? - she asks with confusion in front of me on the mechanical stairs.
Chloe: There is a reason and it is very obvious: study the competition. - she answers seriously her.
Emily: Knowing who we are facing will help us win. - I support the co-captain of the group by understanding her point of view.
Chloe: Okay, let's find out where those tour stealers are.- she says confidently, when we reach the end of the stairs. -Stacie!- she calls her when she sees where our aka-sister is.
When we get off the stairs, we all notice Stacie who is perched on the hood of a red car posing and some guys are taking photos of her.
Beca: Don't be a cock-warmer.- she says amusingly to our partner.
Amy: Stacie!- she exclaims, approaching her and causing her to get up from the car. -I bet that made you horny Y/n.- she accuses her evilly.
Y/n: Oh my god! - She exclaims, hitting her forehead in embarrassment and begins to walk faster and  away from the group.
I just watch as she gets ahead of everyone, feeling how breakfast stirs in my stomach at the blonde's comment and knowing that the two have some kind of relationship.
When we get to the performance room, I don't realize that I am between the two Mitchells.
During the performance, I can't help but focus on the warmth radiating from the body to my right and the smell of pear with something floral that I can't make out.
Emily. You smell very good.- I whisper to her without thinking, opening my eyes mortified and she looks at me with confusion.
Y/n: Excuse me?- she asks, approaching me.
Emily: That they seem good.- I say quickly, feeling my heart beating wildly and my hands starting to sweat.
Y/n: Yes, they are.- she nods agreeing with me and returning her attention to the performance.
I let out the breath I didn't know I was holding, trying to calm the fast beating of my heart and wiping the sweat from my hands against my pants.
I take a deep breath, focusing on the performance and trying not to think about the interaction I just had with my bandmate.
When the performance ends, we applaud politely and look at each other without really knowing what to do. None of us imagined that they were going to be so good and that they were so synchronized.
Kommisar: The Bellas of Barden, have you come to see us? - she asks us when they approach us. -Is it because you are a little... as they say to American children? .... in heat - she says and I open my eyes surprised at the comment.
Chloe: We're not in heat. - She denies with her lips together.
Kommisar: We should thank you for giving us this tour, you know, with your clumsy inaptitude.- she tells us seriously. -Should we send them something, something like a fruit basket?.- she asks the boy next to him.
Pieter: Yum yum.- nods agreeing.
Kommisar: Or would you prefer some sweets? - she asks us this time with a smile.
Beca: Hey, we haven't come to fight with you, we just wanted to see you before the championship where we're going to crush you.- she assures the Germans with a smile.
Kommisar: You? - she asks, approaching the brunette co-captain. -Are you going to crush us?- she asks, amused, remaining a few centimeters away from her.
Beca: Well yes.- she answers, moving in her place with some nervousness.
Kommisar: What little thing, like an elf or is it a fairy, a little fairy? - she asks before saying something in her language to one of her companions.
Pieter: Troll.- he responds with a strong accent to whatever she is asking.
Kommisar: That's it, you're like a troll.- she says and I feel how they gently pull me aside.
Beca: And you are physically perfect, and I don't like you at all.- she assures her and we all look at her confused.
Kommisar: Thank you.- she thanks you with a smile.
Y/n: What you really are is a poorly educated bully. - She responds to her sister's insult by placing herself in front of the blonde, who looks at her with a raised eyebrow.
Kommisar: And you are? - she asks with a more defensive posture.
Y/n: I'm the one who will kick your German ass if you insult her again.- she assures her seriously and I can't help but bite my lip at her authoritarian tone of voice.
Chloe: You don't scare us, because when we step on stage we're going to rock it. - she assures them with a smile, changing the subject and trying to lighten the tension in the atmosphere.
Pieter: With what? - he asks sarcastically. -Showing flabby Abby's rabbit.- he says, looking at the blonde with disgust.
Amy: That's not my name. She denies something uncomfortable.
Pieter: I don't know your name, but I can improvise.- he assures her with amusement. -Malena the whale, Lisa the plump one, the bale cow...- he begins and with each name I can see Y/n's body tense up more.
Amy: My name is fat Amy and I have salchichem like you for breakfast. - She says, approaching him in a threatening manner.
Pieter: Your team is like a chicken coop without a rooster, and without a rooster you are poor untied chicks who, as soon as a rooster crows, another rooster crows at them. - he says with that horrible accent.
Kommisar: Girls, follow my advice, don't try to beat us: you can't, we're better. - she assures us with an evil smile, staring at Y/n. -And now I have to go rest my neck, it hurts to look at you from above.- she says, looking this time at Beca with superiority.
I see how Y/n is about to jump on her, so I grab her arm and pull her hard towards me, avoiding any type of altercation.
Beca: Okay, just because you make me feel sexually confused doesn't mean you scare me! We have nothing to lose! Literally nothing! - she exclaims, moving her hands and watching them go. -Aka-fidersen bastards.- she says goodbye, moving her hands above her head.
Chloe: Leave it.- she asks her friend, placing a hand on her arm.
Beca: Oh what's wrong with me? I can't control my hands.- she growls nervously, brushing her hair out of her face.
Once the Germans have disappeared, the atmosphere relaxes a little and I realize that my hand is still gripping Y/n's arm.
I let go immediately, feeling the heat flooding my face and my heart starting to beat fast again.
Chloe: Okay, after this whatever it was.- she says referring to Beca, moving her hand around the brunette. -It's time to get our act together and rehearse until we bleed if necessary.- she says intensely and I look at her surprised.
Amy: Don't get too extreme redhead. - she stops her with a hand in the air. -I already have plans for today.- she tells her, raising an eyebrow.
Ashley/Jessica: Us too.- they say at the same time with one hand in the air.
Stacie: I'm meeting a boy for a class project.- she comments, looking at her nails.
Cynthia: And what is the job? About anatomy.- she asks letting out a laugh.
Stacie: Anyway, I'm leaving.- she says goodbye to everyone. -See you all at home!- she exclaims when he walks away from the group.
I watch her walk away, not understanding how she prefers to go with a boy when she has Y/n. That is, from an objective point of view and not at all personal, I would choose her.
Because I don't know what the boy will be like, but between the eyes full of life, the perfect happy smile, the silky long hair, the abs, the butt, the way she dresses and her personality, I will stay with Y/n a hundred times.
But all this from an objective point of view, I don't like girls and she is also my groupmate. But just because I don't like girls doesn't mean I can't appreciate them.
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unholyhelbig · 7 months
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Requests are Currently: CLOSED
[When they are open, you can request here. You can also click here if you just want to chat, or have any questions]
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Kate Bishop x Reader
Natasha Romanoff x Reader
Daisy Johnson x Reader
Wandanat x Reader
Kate Bishop x Yelena Belova
Stranger Things:
Robin Buckley x Nancy Wheeler
Pitch Perfect:
Beca Mitchell x Chloe Beale
Emily Junk x Aubrey Posen
Pitch Perfect Horror Week
Warrior Nun:
Ava Silva x Sister Beatrice
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Request Rules:
DO NOT INTERACT with my work if you are not 18+. While most of the stuff that I write isn't NSFW, there are violent themes and I will block you if this rule is broken.
There are a lot of prompts in my inbox, and while I try to get them done in a timely matter, I do have a lot going on most times, so I will post when I post.
While I try to keep my fanfiction gender neutral, some of it will be directed towards she/her or she/they pronouns as that is how I identify and it's hard to break that habit. Mostly gender neutral though!
There are a few things I won't write (Trigger warning for these): Pregnancy, Self-harm, Suicide, or anything underage.
I prefer requests that have a little bit of wiggle room. Sometimes it's hard to conceptualize a longer plot and include everything. I'm not talking about one word prompts here, but I'd like it to be less than a paragraph if possible.
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sugolara · 1 year
𝐖𝐞𝐥𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐞 𝐓𝐨 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐍𝐞𝐰 𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐥𝐝
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Feat. Katsuki Bakugo x Shoto Todoroki x Izuku Midoriya x fem! reader
A series. Book One
cw: gore, quirkless! au, apocalypse! au, zombie! au, weapons, death, angst, lots and lots of blood, cannibalism, suicidal thoughts, updates thursday/sunday, slow burn, cross-posted on ao3, wattpad, qoutev
˗ˏˋ+ ´ˎ˗ After a deadly virus leaks all over the world, every country is forced to close down it's borders and airports to prevent anyone from coming in and out. Though, it's to late for some people. The dead has rose and is looking for revenge.
Inspired by, ''The Walking Dead''
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" Space Junk - Wang Chung " Wolf - First Aid Kit " Into The Black - Chromatics " My Life In Rewind - Eagulls " Hush - Trills " Bad Before Good - Dayone " Run Boy Run - Woodkid " You're So Cool - Jonathan Bree " So Bored - Gorgeous Bully " Operations - Duster " Blue Light - Mazzy Star " Civilian - Wye Oak " Can't Stop - Red Hot Chili Peppers " Sweet Child O' Mine - Guns N' Roses " Skyfall - Adele " Struggling Man - Emily Kinney (original: Jimmy Cliff) " The Last Pale Light In The West - Ben Nichols " Up The Wolves - The Mountain Goats " Blackbird Song - Lee DeWyze " Be Gone Dull Cage - Kiev " Into Dust - Mazzy Star " Warm Shadow - Fink " Tomorrow Is a Long Time - Bob Dylan " Poison Tree - Grouper " Rhymes Of An Hour - Mazzy Star " You Are The Wilderness - Voxhaul Broadcast " Running - Delta Spirit " People, Turn around - Delta Spirit " The Lion's Roar - First Aid Kit " Pain - Boy Harsher " The Setup - Favored Nations " The Old Death - Ben Nichols " Revolution - Red Shahan " The Man Who Sold The World - Nirvana " Beautiful Mess - Balian " The Day The World Went Away - Nine Inch Nails " Mr. Splitfoot - Paris Motel " Empty Words - Bowery Electric " No Longer Making Time - Slowdive " Step Away from the Cliff - Blue-Eyed Son " Paradise - Silverberg " Take Care (To Comb Your Hair) - Ty Segall " Glad I Had a Friend - Galt MacDermot " Machine Gun - Portishead " Shadows of Planes - Duster " No Peace at All - Aldous Harding " Save Us from Ourselves - Digital Daggers " I'm No Heroine - Emily Wells " Salt in the Wound - Delta Spirit " It's All Right - Sam Cooke " To Build a Home - The Cinematic Orchestra " 6 Underground - Sneaker Pimps " Edge Of The World - Dayshell " Bye Bye Bye - School of Seven Bells " Arsonist Lullaby - Hozier " It's All Over - Johnny Cash " The Stars Just Blink For Us - Say Hi " Love Will Tear Us Apart - Joy Division " Knockin' On Heaven's Door - Guns N' Roses " Runnin' Down a Dream - Tom Petty " Fly Like An Eagle - Steve Miller Band " You Are Not Alone - Mavis Staples " Welcome - Harmonia & Eno ‘76’ " Hope We Can Again - Nine Inch Nails " outside - Oneheart " sleepless - Odyzon " Alesund - Sun Kil Moon " Comfortably Numb - Pink Floyd " Don Abandons Alice - John Murphy " Wicked Game - Chris Isaak " Rule of Rose OST - Playing Airship " 1908 - Repulsive " I Shall Cross This River - The Black Atlantic " Easy Way Out - Low Roar " Wherever You Are - Ulrich Schnauss
table of contents:
Season 1: Episode 1: Begin Episode 2: Not alone Episode 3: Gone but not forgotten Episode 4: You belong in this world Episode 5: Because all life is precious Episode 6: Musutafu, we'll meet again Episode 7: Izuku: I'd always thought there be more time
Season 2: Episode 8: During these two weeks Episode 9: Diopside, like your eyes Episode 10: For the first time in a long time Episode 11: Almost complete Episode 12: Determined to survive, stay alive Episode 13: Fear Episode 14: Katsuki: You are going to beat this world
Season 3: Episode 15: Away with you Episode 16: Three months ago Episode 17: Slowly withering away Episode 18: Don't die, not yet Episode 19: How long before I’m alone Episode 20: Nothing else to lose Episode 21: Shoto: Everything you would be will be gone
Season 4: Episode 22: Trouble Episode 23: For however long that'll be Episode 24: Searching Episode 25: The fallen city Episode 26: Stay who you are Episode 27: All together Episode 28: F/n: With you beside me
Season 5: Episode 29: Here Episode 30: Cruel Episode 31: Too loud Episode 32: Back on road Episode 33: All is lost Episode 34: Safe in your arms Episode 35: And so it begins Episode 36: At stake Episode 37: Sorry or whatever Episode 38: Familiar eyes
Season 6: Episode 39: A relief Episode 40: Upcoming trouble Episode 41: Never to easy Episode 42: To good for death Episode 43: Old memories Episode 44: A stroke of luck Episode 45: Be aware Episode 46: Bait Episode 47: A thump in my heart Episode 48: Belong to me Episode 49: One step closer (Towards you)
Season 7: Episode 50: Sorston Episode 51: Tenderness Episode 52: Here to stay Episode 53: The start Episode 54: Crushed Episode 55: Reporting to duty Episode 56: Good morning and goodbye Episode 57: An end to sorrow, grief & regret Episode 58: On the move Episode 59: Confirmation Episode 60: The world was on fire and no one could save me but you
Season 8: Episode 61: Not who you were Episode 62: Just you and me Episode 63: The Plaza Episode 64: The other side Episode 65: To be ready Episode 66: You're here Episode 67: So long, my dear Episode 68: Discard me Episode 69: Secrets you'll soon share Episode 70: I wish you nothing but the best Episode 71: For as long as I live Episode 72: Goodness and kindness can't survive, at least not in the world I dreamed of
Season 9: 6/16/04
to be continued...
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Book two: To The One You Left Behind
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taglist: @mikeyswifie @k0z3me @sky-angel101 @stevenknightmarc @nahwajinswhore @mn-0p @a-helen113 @azrral @mary-jinx @chixkadee @flowers-4-you @im-the-groot
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fandomnerd9602 · 1 month
can you do a Emily junk x reader one where she’s jealous
Emily huffs as Y/N gets off the stage…
Y/N: what’s wrong?
Emily: you nailed the one song I struggle on!
Y/N: will my favorite singer join me for the next one?
Emily blushes…
Emily: okay
Y/N takes her hand and leads her to the karaoke stage…
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yn-bishop · 1 year
i really like the emily junk one you did can you do one where the reader suprises hailee on tour and its all cute and
Absolutely! I’m so so sorry for the long wait! I hope you enjoy it!
Tour Visit
Hailee Steinfeld x Fem!Reader
Word count: 659
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"Baby, I miss you"
Hailee tells her wife through the phone.
"I miss you too. You'll be home in a few weeks, though"
Y/n replies with a knowing smile.
"That's a long time to go without seeing you"
Hailee replies with a frown.
"I know. We've gone all these months, though. We'll be fine"
"I guess. I gotta go, baby. I love you"
Hailee tells the girl.
"I love you too"
Y/n replies before hanging up the phone. There's a knock on the door a few hours later and Y/n answers to see her mother in law.
"Cheri, hi!"
Y/n hugs her mother in law as she reciprocates it.
"Hi sweetie! Are you ready?"
"Yeah, of course! I haven't seen her in months"
"Are you gonna tell her about.. you know?"
Cheri points to the girls stomach.
"Um.. I dunno. I don't wanna distract her from her tour and if she found out she would just come back early"
Cheri agrees with the younger woman as they drive to the airport.
"Hailee knows your coming, right?"
Y/n asks her mother in law.
"Yeah, I didn't want to surprise her too much"
The girls talk until they reach the airport and the jet drops them off.
"Okay, so I'm thinking I go in first and then you walk in"
Cheri tells the younger woman as they stand outside Hailee's hotel.
"Yeah, that'll work"
Y/n smiles as Cheri knocks on the hotel room door.
"Mom, hi! I missed you!"
Hailee exclaims when she opens the door and envelopes her mother in a hug.
"I missed you too sweetie! I have a surprise for you"
Hailee raises her eyebrow and gives her mother a confused look before you walk into her line of sight.
"Baby! What are you doing here?! I thought you couldn't come!"
Hailee runs towards her wife and wraps her arms around her waist, pushing their lips together in a passionate kiss.
"I just missed you. You've been gone for months"
Y/n mumbles against her wife's lips.
"Are you okay? You seem different"
Hailee asks with a concerned look, finally pulling away.
"Yeah, I'm fine. Just tired from the flight"
Y/n replies with a worn out look.
"Come to bed, baby. Go have a nap and I'll be there soon"
Y/n agrees and gives her wife one more kiss before going to the bedroom.
"What's really wrong with her?"
Hailee asks her mom when she's sure her wife can hear.
"It's not really my place to tell you. It's not bad news though. I promise"
Cheri replies and gives her daughter a hug and a kiss on the cheek before going to the spare room, giving room for her daughter and daughter in law to talk.
Hailee walks into her room and sees her wife already asleep. She crawls in next to her and wraps her arm around her waist before kissing her shoulder softly and going to sleep.
Hailee wakes to the sound of gagging in the bathroom, causing her to run in in a hurry.
"Y/n? Are you okay? Are you sick?"
She asks with worry evident in her voice as she pulls her wife's hair out of her face.
"I'm okay Haizy. I'm not sick, I promise"
Y/n reassures her wife with a smile.
"Then what's wrong? Please just tell me"
"I-I'm pregnant"
Y/n replies after a few seconds of hesitation. Hailee's face turns excited as she pulls her wife as close as possible as a few years run down her face.
"Are you serious? We're really having a baby?"
Hailee asks as she presses soft, loving kisses against her wife's neck.
"Yeah. We're really having a baby"
Y/n replies, letting out a few tears of her own.
The girls share a loving kiss, both of them oblivious to Cheri watching from the door with a soft, happy smile on her face.
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storiesofsvu · 1 year
A Dangerous Game Ch 14
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Emily Prentiss x reader warnings: language, smut eluded to/mentioned, case work, minor but usual CM style violence (kinda?). Also a little reminder that everything that has been happening recently and in the next couple of chapters is all happening pretty fast. Ch 12 they're in Sacramento on Thursday, fly back home Friday for yn to be coerced into the date, followed by emily finding the bug the same night and going to yn's place directly after. This ch picks up Monday morning essentially.
Emily ended up spending the rest of the weekend at your house and honestly, she wasn’t complaining. As every weekend there was a sense of comfort surrounding one another, easily completing tasks both around the house and a couple of errands ran to get ready for the week ahead. The two of you flitting around each other in the kitchen, Emily cooking dinner while you got a handful of meals ready for grab and go lunches or dinners during the week. Teamwork got the dishes done, Emily washing while you dried and put things away into their appropriate places before the two of you finally relaxed on the couch with a movie before bed.
The first alarm that went off in the morning was a soft one, the one to give you the extra time, the warning that you probably should get up now, but you’ve still got time to lounge around in bed if you wanted to. And that was exactly what you were going to do today. Emily’s arm was around your waist, you could feel her breath warm on the back of you neck when your phone first went off and your hand snuck out from under the duvet to silence it. She shifted slightly, her lips brushing against your bare shoulder and you let out a happy hum, rolling in her arms to nuzzle into her embrace as her arms tightened around you.
“Morning.” You murmured, your lips dancing across her collarbone and she hummed, her fingers beginning to trail up and down your back.
“Appears it is.” She replied, softly kissing the top of your head before letting out a small groan, “wish we could just stay here all day.”
“There’s at least a little bit of time.” You replied, your lips beginning a trail up her neck, nudging at her nose with yours before capturing her lips in a kiss. Her lips curved against yours, her hand coming to rest on your cheek as she kissed you back, it was only when your tongue slid across the seam of her lips that she pulled away.
“Ah… no…” She dropped back into the pillows with a quiet huff and your brow furrowed as you looked down at her.
“What?” You asked.
“What, what?” She replied.
“Are you okay?”
“Why wouldn’t I be?”
“Stop answering a question with a question.” Your eyes narrowed at her, “you’ve been… off all weekend. You were jumpy as shit during the movie last night and you kept looking over your shoulder at the grocery store like you expected Ghostface to pop up around every corner.”
“Just… a couple weird dreams, flashes of real memories, kinda put me on edge this week.”
“Okay.” You leant forward, kissing her quickly before sitting up “as long as it’s just that. I take it you don’t want to join me in the shower then?”
“Hey.” She grabbed at your hand, tugging gently and you turned back to look at her, “I would love to. But I didn’t bring work stuff with me, I’ve gotta run home to get it and check on Serg, make sure he hasn’t completely destroyed the apartment.”
“Lil bastard.” You said with a tease, slipping from between the sheets, “there’s a spare key on a blue lanyard in the junk drawer, I am not awake enough right now to deal with that many stairs.”
“Thanks.” She shifted close enough to the edge of the bed to pull you back for one more kiss, this one longer then the one before, “I’ll see you in a couple hours.”
“Promise I’ll be punctual as ever boss.” A sly grin on your lips, a laugh breaking through Emily’s before you disappeared into the ensuite, leaving her to get dressed.
She swiped her phone from the bedside table, shoving it into the back pocket of her jeans as she made her way down the first flight of stairs. The main level was pretty clean already but she paused to deal with the last couple of dishes neither of you had bothered with the night before and hit brew on the coffee pot so it would be ready for you once you were out of the shower. She heard the water kick in upstairs right as she found the spare key in the junk drawer, after a quick glance around the rooms she headed down the next set of stairs to the entry level. Yawning, she shoved her shoes on, slipping into her jacket as she pulled out her phone to try and remember where the nearest coffee shop was to get her first fix of the day. However the moment she pulled open the front door she nearly jumped back, adrenaline coursing through her and she was well aware that caffeine was likely not going to be needed yet.
Lying in the middle of your door mat was a dead cat.
Okay. Dead was a bit of an understatement. It was mutilated. Emily both tried to examine it and not stare at it in the same moment, letting out a low swear. The fur that wasn’t matted with blood was the animal equivalent of being the same colour as your hair, the bandana around it’s neck the same blue as the dress you’d had on the night prior. This wasn’t some empty handed freak you out tactic, this was a direct threat, suddenly a lightning strike went off in her brain and she was instantly transported to that field back in Jacksonville.
“You fucking cunt!” Dewald roared, watching Samantha fall to the ground, blood pooling around her middle while starting to move towards Emily, “how fucking dare you! You’re gonna regret that! I promise you that, bitch!”
“Oh my god…” Wincing, she pinched at the bridge of her nose.
She’d shot and killed not just Dewald’s partner in crime, but his lover too. He’d promised her in that very moment that he was going to get revenge. Somehow he’d gotten into her apartment to plant the bug, the easiest way to find out who she cared about the most, even if it was completely private. He wanted to know exactly how to hurt her the most, what her weak spot was and thanks to the goings on in her apartment, it was safe to say it was pretty obvious now. The cat wasn’t a warning sign for her, he’d been waiting to get you alone but hadn’t figured out where you lived yet considering the two of you were always at Em’s place and now Emily had gone and led him straight fucking to you.
You came back from refilling your coffee to find Derek perched on the edge of your desk.
“You need something?” You asked, it had been a pretty menial couple of hours so far, a paperwork day that while you appreciated, you were a little bored.
“What time should I come over tonight?” He asked and your brow furrowed.
“Excuse me?” You laughed.
“Prentiss said you were asking about security systems,” he held up the box in his hand, “she found an extra one she had lying around, asked if I could come install it after work.”
“Oh…” Your eyes drifted from the box up into her office where she was on the phone at her desk and you tried to hold back the smirk, “yeah. Guess I could use one of those. Didn’t realize it came with its own handy man.”
“Oh the handy man ain’t free.” He chuckled, clapping you on the arm, “you’re buyin’ the pizza.”
“Seems fair enough to me.” You replied with a shrug, dropping down into your chair.
For a moment you got lost in conversation with Derek, your laughter pulling Emily’s attention as she hung up the phone, her eyes drifting through the bull pen to you. Before she’d left your place she’d cleaned up the cat, tossing it in a dumpster down the street and done a very bare bones sweep of your house and yard. She knew she only had whatever time you were in the shower so she’d had to make it quick, though considering Dewald had only known your address for forty eight hours he wouldn’t have had much time so far. At the very least it looked like you’d accepted Derek’s offer and you’d be a little more secure come that night. Her phone rang again and with a huff and a roll of her eyes, she picked it up.
“Hey!” Your voice rung through Emily’s office louder than intended and she jumped in her seat.
“Still that on edge hey?” You asked, half lingering in the doorway. Emily let out a breath, trying to calm her racing heartrate.
“Just didn’t see you coming.” She replied, smoothing back a piece of hair, “what’s up?”
“I’ve got a lead.”
“It’s a paperwork day.” She replied, her brow furrowing though she could tell by the glittering in your eye exactly what case you were talking about as you moved into her office, perching against one of the chair arms.
“Employee at an animal shelter called the tip line, Dewald was in there looking at cats over the weekend.” Of course he was. Emily let out a soft sigh, withholding from running a hand over her face, “can I go?”
“Go where?” She asked, looking up to you with a confused expression on her face.
“Follow up at the shelter…” You nearly laughed and this time she let out a sigh, glancing between the paperwork and the bull pen.
“Em…” you practically whined and she cast you a look that made you shut up pretty quickly.
“Are you really gonna get anything even useful out of a tip like that? Are they sure it was him?”
“I can check their cameras?” You offered with a shrug and she nearly smirked.
“You know it’s below your pay grade…”
“But it’s the case…” This time you did whine and Emily let out a small breath.
“I need you here.” She finally resolved, “I’ve got a witnesses coming in for that abduction case who need statements taken and a vic who needs a cognitive.”
“Please?” You pouted and she chuckled.
“I gave you an assignment agent, get it done and then we’ll talk.”
“Fine.” You let out a dramatic sigh and finally left the office.
The last thing she wanted right now was you going after Dewald, it was becoming more and more apparent to her that he must’ve been stalking the two of you for months now. If he caught on that you were onto him there was a high chance he would escalate, and quickly.
Hours later and she had gotten trapped in conference call after conference call, one that thanks to time zones even cut through her lunch break. For privacy’s sake she had shut her office door, both to not have any chaos of the office heard through the call and to help her focus, if the door was shut, she didn’t have a direct eyeline on your desk. She was beyond frustrated and annoyed by the time she finally stepped out of her office, hoping that everything she had delegated to the team was done or mostly done by now, the last thing she needed was another lecture from the deputy director. Her first move was to grab lunch from the break room, a fresh cup of coffee to help rejuvenate her for the rest of the afternoon. Back at her desk she glanced up, her head tilting when you weren’t in her eyeline and instead Derek was perched on your desk, laughing at something Reid was telling him. She waited a couple of minutes to see if you’d disappeared for a quick break, the cognitive she’d assigned to you had been for earlier in the day, if anything you should’ve been wrapping up paperwork by now. Eventually, she let out a little sigh, pushing her chair back and heading into the bullpen.
“Where’s Wilson?” She asked, Morgan glancing up at her as he quickly shifted on the desk, attempting to cover up a case file on your desk.
“Said she had something to take care of.” He shrugged, “figured it was personal.”
“Is that so?” She raised a brow and he simply shrugged again, “I gave her assignments…she should have checked in before leaving.”
“Looked like she was in a rush.” He replied, turning to the side to swipe a couple of smaller folders off the side of your desk, “I took care of the cognitive,” he handed one over to her, “and your witness statements are in there.” He handed her the second one.
“And the file you’re practically sitting on?”
“Nice try. Hand it over.” Before Derek could even fully stand up she’d already managed to swipe it off the desk, letting out an annoyed sigh as she flipped through it. Spencer gulped, quickly sneaking off from his desk and Derek huffed, crossing his arms over his chest. The folder was a very large and very extensive collection of the Dewald case dating all the way back to when you had handled the case in Jacksonville before starting with the BAU. Emily raised a brow in Derek’s direction, an unimpressed expression on her face. “Tell her I’ll be waiting for her in my office when she gets back.”
“Yes ma’am.” Keeping the handful of files, she turned from the desk cluster, not missing the way Derek’s hand dropped to his hip.
“And Morgan?”
“Yeah?” He stalled his movements, looking back up at her as she glanced over his shoulder.
“You better not be reaching for your phone to give her a heads up. Let her finish whatever personal business she had to take care of. God I’m starting to understand why Hotch said this job was an over glorified babysitter.”
It wasn’t that she was particularly mad, you had technically covered all of your bases, made sure any other work that was on your plate was done before taking off. But she was still annoyed, and none of it was helping the fact that she was in a mood already. She just wanted to get through the day without another lecture or a higher up finding out one of her agents was on the brink of going rogue.
“Hey,” you greeted, gently knocking on the doorframe of Emily’s office, “you wanted to see me?” You raised a hesitant brow in her direction, you knew what this was likely about already, ready to accept the incoming lecture.
“Yeah.” She replied from behind her desk, flipping a case file closed, “c’mon in.”
“Wrap up on the Thompson case.” You replied, dropping a file into her inbox, “and expense report from Sacramento. Morgan covered the cognitive and witness statements for me today.”
“I’m aware.” She glanced up to you and you winced, “I specifically gave you an assignment today and you handed it off to someone else to go galivanting after a different one.”
“I’m sorry.” You apologized, genuinely, “it won’t happen again.”
“I know it won’t.” A tiny smile briefly flashed across her lips and you felt some sense of relief wave through you, “and I’ll need whatever findings you have from today.”
“Yeah, the file isn’t on my desk, do you know if Morgan has it?”
“I have it.”
“Okay?” You half shrugged, stepping toward her desk as if to accept the folder.
“You’re not getting it back. You’re off the case.”
“Oh you can’t be serious.” You laughed, “I’ve been lead on that case for five years. Em, c’mon…” Your voice softened at the end, as if you were trying to remind her that you were so close to finishing this, but by the frown on her face you knew she wasn’t about to back down.
“Agent Wilson.”
Her voice hardened and a chill sunk through your entire body, watching the way her eyes darted from you to the doorway lightning fast. Your brow furrowed before quickly glancing over your shoulder to see both Rossi and the deputy director lingering in the doorway and relief washed over you. While she likely wouldn’t let you back on the case officially, this was for show and that was something you could play into.
“Don’t push your luck. You’ve been slipping, taking case files home, focussing on Dewald over the open cases we have, it’s getting reckless, nearly obsessive, you need to watch yourself. You are off this case and if I so much as suspect you going rogue and continuing to work it you will no longer be a part of this team. Do I make myself clear?”
“Yes ma’am.” You nodded meekly, glancing down, “I’m sorry. Really. I promise it won’t happen again.”
“Your future with the BAU depends on it.” She enforced and you let out a tiny sigh, nodding once again, “you’re dismissed for the day.”
“What?” Your brow furrowed once again as you glanced back up to her, “but—”
“Your assignments for the day are done, Agent Morgan made sure of that. You clearly don’t want to be here today, so go, home.”
“Yes ma’am.” With a tight smile you nodded before turning from her, briefly nodding and greeting the men at the door who slipped through it when you passed, shutting it behind them and you let out a small groan.
You took a little bit of time gathering your things, setting up a time for Derek to come over to install the security system later in the week and thanking him for covering for you today. He said it wasn’t a worry and that he’d do it again in a heartbeat, hoping that Prentiss hadn’t been too hard on you for it. There was a pit stop to Penelope’s office on the way out, asking if she wanted to grab coffee together before work tomorrow and a little bit of girl talk catch up before you finally left the building.
You hadn’t expected your day to end with a lecture or getting kicked off a case you had been invested in for far too long, one that perhaps was getting a little too personal for you. The worst part of it was that you knew you were in the wrong, you had gone completely against her orders and roped Derek into it as well, if you’d just done as she had asked, done your tasks and then gone to talk to her after maybe none of this would’ve happened. You let out a frustrated groan, slamming your hand into the steering wheel, you’d been acting on instinct, a gut feeling, you just knew Dewald was closer than everyone thought and the sooner you followed leads and found him, the better. You knew that both professionally and personally Emily had done what she had to, but it still sat the wrong way with you, you were still annoyed with the entire thing, and a little bummed out about it. You supposed this was one of those downfall moments to being involved with coworkers, especially if one of you was superior to the other. Today that blurry line was very blurry, you’d straight up hoped that your personal relationship with Emily would get you back onto the case and then the director had to have shown up, you were kicking yourself for not closing the office door when she’d called you in.
No matter what happened in the next couple of days, you were still pissed right now, and that meant you were in no mood to cook when you got home, and you wanted a nice glass of wine. You stopped at your favourite restaurant on the way, your annoyance growing when they said it would be a thirty minute wait for your food, but you were invested already, taking a seat in the lobby until it was done. A nice bottle of wine later and you were finally pulling up into your driveway looking forward to an evening alone to relax.
As you approached the front door, you felt the annoyance start to melt away, a small smile creeping its way onto your cheeks as you let out a small laugh, shaking your head. Emily was already ahead of her game, a bouquet of flowers wrapped in brown paper sitting on your doormat waiting for when you got home.
It appeared that within the realm of Vegas, apologies, or at least the starting of them, came very quickly and you could certainly get used to that.
@ssa-sapphic @mickey-gomez @clarawatson @cabotfan42 @momlifebehard @melindawarnersgf @itisdoctortoyousir @emilyprentiss4life @somethingimaginative17 @temilyrights @alexxavicry  @anya-casablanca @daddy-heather-dunbar @evilregal2002 @aliensaurusrex @rustyzebra @ilovemycrayons @mandy-asimp @thegrantwater @leftoverenvy @kades95 @dextur @m00nkn1ghts @augustvandyne @supercriminalbean @daffodil-heart @msvenablesbitch @its-soph-xx  @going-gray @just-a-torn-up-masterpiece @hopelesslyfallenninlove @peanutbutterprincess  @kdaghay @emilyprentisssluvr @lex13cm @awolfcsworld @zizzlekwum @emobabeyy @riveramorylunar @s1ut4nat @midnight-sapphic @scorpsik @thisisraes @prentiss-theorem @unsubologyy @strongsassysexysloane @svushots  @lavenderhoney94 @overtrred28
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onegayastronaut · 3 months
Okay, I know I've been absent for a very long time. But I have a few updates for some fics that I've been working on on the down low as I'm preparing for graduation/residency:
An Emily Junk x married R fic
Some Chicago 19/Greys Anatomy hcs
Requests for character x reader
If y'all want to send in any new requests, let me know!
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nolita-fairytale · 1 year
make my heart surrender | carmy x reader | the playlist
here's a fun little collection of songs that make me think of this story. some of the songs feel like they could function as a soundtrack to the story, and some just make me think of carmy x reader. i created this playlist and listened to it while writing, in the car, doing dishes... seriously, the way this story took over my brain.
make my heart surrender: the playlist
sleeping with a friend - neon trees
carmy & reader's relationship in new york city -- while the title feels self-explanatory, this song has all the sexual tension of wondering our favorite kitchen lovebirds' will they won't they relationship. do we need a oneshot of the before times? maybe...
robbers - the 1975
angsty carmy & reader's relationship in nyc. this is also allegedly the prequel to 'about you' so it felt right to include it.
about you - the 1975
where the title of this fic comes from: 'now there's something about you that i can't remember / it's the same damn thing that made my heart surrender / and i miss you on the train, i miss you in the morning / i never what to think about / i think about you
it's the pining for me
chicago - sufjan stevens
the iconic song used in the show. i could see this song playing on reader's first day at the bear, or underscoring reader's travels to chicago
sleep tight - holly humberstone
oof, this song kills me. i'll add notable lyrics that make me think of carmy x reader, but it would be a beautiful underscore for their moment at the end of chapter two, when they say goodnight to each other.
"sleep tight i'm on my way back and feeling kind of sad because you were the best thing i never knew i had"
"you were the best thing i never knew was mine"
"god knows i've missed this feeling" makes me ache in the best ways why do we love being sad sm?!
closer - tegan and sara
i could see this song underscoring some of the kitchen flows when carmy & reader have smoothed things over around chapter three. i can just see reader working the garnish station and falling in love with carmy all over again as she watches him expedite.
can we also just talk about how this is a peak in the flow of the playlist? like they've finally smoothed things over and it's been nostalgic/acoustic/angsty and then this song happens and it's like an explosion of energy?? we're finally going to get some connection between these two
only human - the code, william singe
if this were a movie/tv show, i'd have this song play in the background of their conversation (date) at the aviary in chapter three.
untouched hearts - acoustic - the hunna
the lines "i know it's been hard but now it's time for you to get what you want, to know you're enough" feel like a fucking love letter from mikey to carmy. #LetItRip
it also feels like a feeling reader and carmy would share between the two of them about each other.
la vie en rose - emily watts
the song that plays at carmy's apartment after putting her dinner party playlist on shuffle. reader is flipping through the cookbook while he finishes the carbonara to the sweet sounds of this song. and they're making eyes at each other, and stealing glances when they think the other isn't looking GOODBYE
the girl - city & colour
this song is giving major waking-up-together-morning-after vibes. i mostly saw this song for the second to last chapter for the cute tattoo scene, but it could also be great for their first morning after season in chapter five.
flashed junk mind (acoustic version) - milky chance
just picture carmy & reader traipsing through chi-town's chinatown, arguing over who's gonna pay (because they both think it should be themselves), being cute, and fighting over carmy's cigarette during their walking dumpling date.
strawberries & cigarettes - troye sivan
this song accompanies their sweet goodbye at the start of chapter 7 and i'm quite convinced that troye sivan wrote it about carmen berzatto and you can't change my mind lol.
for the lines: "blue eyes, black jeans, lighters and candy, i've been a fool / strawberries & cigarettes always taste like you" and "remember when you taught me fate / said it'd all be worth the wait."
somebody - dagny
less on brand for the show, but the lyrics make me think so much about these two. it's giving: plot twist this is now a freeform show, i know. however, i envisioned this song being a part of reader packing up her things and catching up w friends back in ny. maaaaybe even as she's getting in her u-haul to drive to chicago.
solsbury hill - peter gabriel
peter gabriel said that this song was about losing something so that you can gain something else and i'm just not okay. this is the song that underscores the final scene in our lovely little epilogue, when reader surprises carmy at the bear ready to tell him that she's finally all in.
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itspbandjellytime · 3 months
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The Assistant [Hailee Steinfeld x Fem!Reader] - Chapter 1
Plot: Y/N Waldorf is fresh out of college and her first job is being Hailee Steinfeld's personal assistant, but what Y/N doesn't know is that Hailee is hiding a huge secret from the general public and from her, as her assistant.
Notes: This is a multi-chapter fic, you can also read this on wattpad under the same username "itspbandjellytime". This fanfic is also going to contain NSFW themes in the near future, so if you're under the age of 18 please don't read this. Thank you!
Word count: 1.5k words
[Y/N's POV]
My name is Y/N Waldorf, I am 21 years old and I live in Seattle, Washington, and I just graduated from college a few months ago. After four gruesome years of this course that I didn't like, I am finally free and I get to choose what job I'll have in the future since this is America and it's a free country after all. I got to say College was mentally challenging, but it was worth it after all and I got my degree, which I will probably never use in the future.
My parents, are real estate brokers and they were high school sweethearts. But they're not your typical high school sweethearts where one is a football player and the other is the girl next door, my parents were a bunch of nerds who fell in love and gave birth to two girls. I am the youngest and my sister Kelly, is the eldest. 
If I can talk about their reaction to me graduating college, all I can say is that they were happy that I finished college after ranting to them I want to drop out every five seconds. However they have been bugging me for months to get a job which is annoying at first but I manage to get used to them bothering me at 3 in the morning to get one which I have- well had. I told my parents I've been working at the coffee shop somewhere in our local town, but they told me to get a PROPER job, a job that can pay me well and can give me money to support myself. As if the job at the coffee shop didn't support me when I was in college which it did for some time, I quit my job at the coffee shop a few weeks ago and now I am scouring the internet for a job.
My eyes start to hurt from staring at the screen of my laptop way too long, scrolling through countless job hunting websites, my ears start to hurt as well from the headphones I am wearing and blasting out my playlists as I look for the said job. I start to slowly give up at this point and start to overthink about my life choices until I was on the verge of tears, when all of a sudden I saw something that says: "Urgent! In need of a Personal Assistant, please contact Laura McKinnon." along with her details. I was skeptical at first when I saw the advertisement, I am fully aware about the scams happening which leads to people being in very life threatening circumstances. But with a quick google search, I realized that she works as a talent manager and she's based in California, I feel like this is also a sign from God at the same time. I immediately typed down her e-mail address and sent my resume to Laura, hoping for the best and I don't get scammed.
A few days have passed, I've been checking my e-mail almost everyday to see if I get a word from Laura which I did. According to the E-mail I sent, I am scheduled to have an interview with her via. Zoom the next day. The next day arrived and I was interviewed by Laura through Zoom, once the interview concluded she told me she'll contact me again once I get the job or not. I waited and waited, day and night for a response from Laura. I was desperate to get this job that I started to go to church almost everyday, I was religious for an entire week basically.
One day, while I was in a middle of a run just to count my steps in and getting my blood pumping, my phone starts to ring. I stopped in the middle of the sidewalk and answered the call from an anonymous number "Hello?" I spoke, panting and catching my breath "Hello is this Y/N Waldorf?" The person asked, the sound of the person's voice sounded sweet, feminine, and had a valley girl accent. 
I furrow my brows, checking my surroundings before speaking "Yes, who is this?" I asked.
"This is Laura McKinnon, from the office of Hailee Steinfeld. I am just here to inform you that you got the job as Hailee Steinfeld's personal assistant." Laura said, hold on... Did she say Hailee Steinfeld? Like... THE Hailee Steinfeld?!? I get to work as Hailee Steinfeld's personal assistant?!? I tend not to freak out in the middle of the street knowing I am gonna be a part of Hailee's team. I've looked up to Hailee since I first saw The Edge of Seventeen for the first time and I never looked back since, she is also the reason why I am into women and met one of my closest friends, Jackie.
"Miss Waldorf? Are you still on the line?" Laura asks me, I snapped back to reality and stammered for a bit to find words "Uhm... Yes. Sorry, I was distracted." I responded, chuckling nervously.
"It's all good Miss Waldorf, anyways you will be starting next week. I know you are based in Washington, but if you have any associates around the Los Angeles area, you can stay with them." Laura told me, all did was respond with a nod and a smile on my face "Yes... I will do that, thank you so much." I said as Laura ended the call.
After my run, I headed straight to my apartment and called up my bestfriend Jackie, I know it's crazy that I am calling my internet friend before my parents who have been bugging me to get a proper job. I met Jackie through our shared interest and love for Hailee Steinfeld, thanks to the website "Twitter", I was blabbering about Hailee on the site as usual and then she asked if we can be mutuals on that site  and we have been inseparable ever since also Jackie lives in Los Angeles around West Hollywood so I can crash at her place. 
"Jackie!" I said with a proud tone, running around my apartment like I am a dog who just got the zoomies. 
"Y/N/N! Hey, what's up?" Jackie asks me, I settle down on the couch and clear my throat. 
"Girl guess what?" I ask her, I cant contain my excitement as a huge grin forms on my face.
"What?" She asks me back.
"I got a job!" I exclaimed, not telling her what my job is and who I work for just yet to build the suspense.
"No way, congrats girlie! What job?" Jackie asks.
I clear my throat again, a smirk forms on my face "Personal assistant." I confidently say.
"Hailee Steinfeld." I responded, giggling like a teenage girl. I heard Jackie scream on the other line, causing me to laugh at her response "Yes, I am being serious Jackie. And I need to crash at your place." I told her.
"Oh my God sure, you are free to stay at my place... holy shit... You bagged a good job." Jackie compliments me and all I can do is laugh.
"It's insane, I know." I said, smiling "I start next week, and I gotta tell my parents about it as well." I added.
"Well you better tell them, girl." Jackie encouraged me, I can tell that she's leaning against a wall and smiling with her phone on her hand.
"Of course, I'll tell them and I will drive by there tomorrow." I said, ending my call with Jackie.
I told my parents about the job that I got, their reactions were positive and they supportive of me moving from Washington to California the next day. But my grandparents are huge conspiracy theorist believers, they start to talk about random things about the entertainment industry and my parents just shook their heads and told me to ignore them and enjoy my job. And in the words of my mother, she told me that this job is a once in a life time opportunity and I should savor every moment. Which I will, cause I have a feeling that working with your idol will be one of the best experiences I will have in my life time.
I spent the entire day packing my things for California, and It's a good thing that my sister, Kelly is down to look after and live in my apartment for the mean time. I love my sister, I would die for her. 
The next day, I finally left Washington and headed to California. I decided to take my car and drive, it feels like a road trip with yourself and it's very therapeutic. I suggest that you try it, I spent the entire road trip blasting out Taylor Swift, eating convenient store food, sleeping in my car in empty parking spots. 
The trip lasted for 17 hours, and 17 hours later I arrived in sunny Los Angeles. The last time I was in Los Angeles was when I was 15, when I first met Jackie and we saw Hailee live when she opened Charlie Puth. I took time to look around the surroundings as I drove to where Jackie lives, a smile forms on my face and it made me realize that this will be the start of a new chapter of my life and I hope this one will never end.
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