cosmicvisitor · 2 days
just because you can't see them doesn't mean they're not there. go for a walk in the sunlight and spread your wings.
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squiretilde · 1 month
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Elf HRT Month 0: December!
The waiting's always the worst part, right?
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🏳️‍⚧️Happy Trans Day of Visibility!! 🏳️‍⚧️
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ofpine · 1 year
good morning to fairies elves gnomes sprites and other mischievous beings
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siimplyapril · 6 days
ELF HRT (ft. @onkarlos5)
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Inspired by @ayviedoesthings (dragon hrt, and they started the thing iirc), @kaylasartwork (bat hrt) @nyxisart (puppy hrt), @welldrawnfish (fish hrt I think), and many more!
I also originally got the idea of elf hrt from @squiretilde and it reminded me of my old elf oc from a rp sooooo :3
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your-rutherfurr · 2 months
I told my therapist abt therians and otherkin today and she was so open about it! I told her about how I'm angelkin and unnaturalkin and she said she gets it! Another alterhuman win
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onlyhalfdemon · 2 years
guidelines for minors in the therian/otherkin community:
predators are everywhere, including within this subculture. block. report. tell an adult you trust if you feel unsafe.
p-shifters are individuals who claim they can physically transform into their kintype. they're lying. they want attention. power. control. block them and spread the word.
it's okay to change your kintype. we're just glad you're figuring yourself out. we don't think you're faking.
"kin" is a noun, not a verb. you are kin. you are not "kinning."
it's okay to have fun in this community. it's okay to take yourself seriously, too. if someone doesn't like your self-expression? block them.
don't feed the trolls. they want to suck you in. laugh at you. hurt you. don't take the bait and remember: the block button is your friend.
some people believe their identity to be spiritual. sometimes it's psychological. respect both.
if your identity is causing serious distress, to the point that it's affecting your daily life, seek professional help. and if you ever feel like hurting yourself, help is just a phone call away.
Feel free to add more ⚡⚡⚡
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needs-more-xenos · 11 months
Shoutout to all of the voids/shadows/entitys that love flowers and pretty bright things. Shoutout to all the fae/elves/deer etc that love dark tones and pretty goth things. Shoutout to all the canines/felines/carnivores that are vegan or love veggies. Shoutout to all the dragons/goblins/lizards that love the darkness.
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canine-brained · 1 month
Okay I'm really curious about this...
Alterhumans with magical kintypes!!
What supernatural powers do you possess? 💫🌟🪐🪄
My soul kintype can use telekinesis, has regeneration powers and is basically a seer :3
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fae-scientist · 7 months
I'm incredibly skeptical of people/things that tell you that they/you can tell if you're a fairy or changeling by appearance, usually citing things like fair skin and light eyes.
A lot of fairies in media are depicted as overwhelmingly white, overwhelmingly thin, overwhelmingly female/fem, and that absolutely plays a role in how we as a society, and we as a community, view what being fae "looks" like.
Don't let anyone tell you you have to be white/blond-haired/blue-eyed/thin/female/feminine to be a fairy. Fairies of color exist. Fairies of different body types exist. Fairies who aren't women or feminine exist. There is no one way to look fae.
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squiretilde · 1 month
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Elf HRT! Month -2: October
I decided to do my own little spin on @ayviedoesthings' Dragon HRT. This oughta be fun.
First (You're here!)/Next
Also, check out other people's takes too!
@kaylasartwork's Bat HRT
@nyxisart's Puppy HRT
@welldrawnfish's Fish HRT
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gateway-2000 · 1 year
Are you otherkin, therian, fictionkin, alterhuman, or otherwise nonhuman and interested in finding an online community?
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Otherkin Phenomena is a forum-based nonhuman community that welcomes all nonhumans and encourages people of all experiences to speak up. I personally admin for the site and can vouch that it is a safe environment. The site has been around for a very long time, but received a refresh in 2021. If you have any questions, feel free to ask!
There are many subforums to explore, a chat box, informational pages, and more! You can fully customize your profile as well.
We look forward to seeing you soon!
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hiraeth-daydreams · 5 months
Mama nature made me a city boy because she knew i'd be off the census in less than a week around her
I see a small field or a single patch of grass and be sticking my head inside every hollow trunk I can find to search for mushrooms or cool bugs if I had access to a forest you'd never see my living ass again
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tropical-starlight · 10 months
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(image id: a blue septagram with a light blue to purple background. end id) shout out to: -mammal otherkin -reptile otherkin -aquatic otherkin -avian otherkin -insect otherkin -arachnid otherkin -invertebrate otherkin -paleotherians -dragonkin -elfkin -faekin -angelkin -demonkin -cryptidkin -monsterkin -mermaidkin -selkiekin -vampirekin -werebeastkin of all different kinds -spacekin/alienkin -shapeshifters -conceptkin -suntherians -therians -fictionkin -constelic folks -otherhearted folks -polykin -cladotherians -all the alterhumans i didnt include! this is a reminder to always be yourself and to love yourself and your identity, you are amazing! <3
-tropical sea monster + myotis vivesi hybrid who's shark, nudibranch, wolf, and sea angel hearted
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your-rutherfurr · 9 months
Don't let self doubt consume you, I know it's hard trying to find yourself when you just found out your not exactly human. I know at first you were so sure and then it turns sour because of self doubt, falling down the spiralling hole of questions like:
"Am I faking?"
"Maybe I'm just insecure or insane..."
"Is it just all a phase?"
It's okay, all these questions may not be answered all at once or ever, but you got to have faith in yourself. Soon it'll all be over and your head will finally be quiet and clear, your not alone♡
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angelkin-food-cake · 1 year
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Rose Petal Jam
100g rose petals
300g (1½ cups) sugar
juice of ½ a lemon
5-6g of agar-agar
Immerse the roses in a basin of cold water and gently detach the petals, taking care to remove any aphids or other small creatures.
Cook the rose petals with the sugar, lemon and 3¼ cup of water. Bring the mixture to a boil and simmer for about 10 minutes, without boiling. The water will turn pink and the petals will turn grey.
Strain to keep only the pink juice. Let cool.
Measure the juice obtained and add the equivalent of 6g of agar-agar per liter (4¼  cups) obtained.
Bring the mixture to the boil and simmer for 30 seconds.
Pour into jars and let cool.
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equinoxiansystem · 5 days
tip for disabled nonhumans or nonhumans who do not live near accessible natural areas: i highly recommend gardening if you are able to! even something incredibly small like a succulent, or just one potted plant, or maybe several pots, or planters, it's up to you and your level of ability. sometimes we need to be around nature and we can't physically leave to reach it. it really genuinely does help to bring it to yourself
it helps to nurture and care for natural life and to spend time with it. spending time among trees, flowers, plants and dirt is good for the soul and good for mental health, it's a nice way to give yourself some of that 'being one with nature' feeling you're looking for. plus, if you are able to keep a garden outside, you will experience all kinds of cool critters coming to check out your plants. you will be able to exercise your nonhuman curiosity by taking a peek at some of the bugs that have come by
i know this won't work for everyone, but it has helped me a lot, it makes me feel like i have somewhat of a connection with the woods again, so it brings me some peace. hope this can help someone else, too
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