#either coming up with or writing or developping or keeping em
shevr · 1 year
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stuck lid hack
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webslingingslasher · 1 year
Hello helloooo!!! <3 could i request “your lips are so soft” and “i could spend the whole day doing just this.” prompt?? something a little bit long and maybe suggestiveness or spicy i’m kind of in the mood for romantic but smutty peter p.
eeeeeek, i don't write smut so this is.... new. but i mean, c'mon, this is perfect peter spicy.
just in case, nsfw content.
“Your lips are so soft,” you whisper the words against his mouth, the upper corner raises in a shy, yet confident grin. Peter doesn’t comment, he just brings his hand to the back of your head and pushes you back in. You’ve been dating for four months and you were rapidly approaching new territory tonight. 
Straddling his lap and almost laying down on his chest, you’re all over him and mouth glued to his, following his movements and breaths. You’d spent the night and when you woke up you immediately rolled over for a morning kiss, it turned into a make out. 
Peter’s fingers gently push up your shirt, it’s actually his but you stole it for the night. You can feel he’s hesitant to bring them higher, he’s had them under your shirt before, but you’ve never been without a bra either. You didn’t mind, in fact you’d gladly accept him touching you. 
Peter grips at your hips, he doesn’t want to break it but he needs to breathe, so do you. When he pulls back you kiss over his jawline and down his neck, you’ve never been this feral before. Kissing down the middle of his throat you pull his hand higher up your torso, when he feels the puffy skin of your side boob he stops, he’s not pushing your limits, he’s never touched you bare. 
Finally pulling away to look at him you rested your hand over his and cupped your right boob, Peter’s eyes nearly popped out of his head, “holy shit,” you sat up fully on his lap and nodded down to your chest, “wanna involve the other?” Goosebumps rose up when he dragged his hand up your body, now knowing he has permission he takes his time to tease, his thumb brushes your nipple, if he was braver he’d play with it. 
His hands jiggle them under your shirt, you can’t help but roll your eyes. “You have free rein and you wanna bounce ‘em?” 
If Peter stares hard enough he may be able to develop x-ray vision. “If I never touch them again I’d be so disappointed I didn’t.” 
You’re a little nervous for the next part, but he’s so nice to kiss and if he was that happy touching them, imagine seeing them, shirtless on his lap while he’s shirtless is brand new ground and you couldn’t wait to step foot on the land. 
Peter’s too busy squeezing and running his hands over your breasts, he’s finally gathered enough confidence to pinch and pull at your nipples, if you didn’t want him to then you wouldn’t have invited him. He has to imagine he’s doing something right because you have bated breaths and you're rocking against his pelvis at certain points. He’s shirtless and in thin sweatpants, you’re in a shirt and underwear, it was about to come to a new length, literally. 
You cross your arms at the bottom of your shirt and in one breath you tug it over your head, shaking your hair out from the collar. You look at Peter, he’s in shock. He’s staring at your chest, his cheeks are pink and he runs his tongue over his teeth. He’s stopping himself from taking a bite, you know it. 
“Are you cool with this, pete?” 
For the first time in minutes he looks you in the eyes, “cool, so, so cool.” You giggle then your cheeks turn warm, “if you wanna, like, kiss them you can.” Peter’s eyes shine, “really?” As you nod he leans in, a kitten lick then he encompasses your breast with his mouth, when he swirls his tongue around you can’t help but groan and tie a hand to the back of his head and keep him tethered there.
You grind down on his hips and he stops you when he holds your waist, things are getting harder, you can feel it. You’ve never felt him like this before, you should be more nervous but all you can feel is excitement. 
“You know what you’re doing.” Peter’s voice is gruff, he places a kiss to your sternum. 
“I do,” you hold his hands as you grind down, this time he groans, “so let me.” 
Peter has the perfect sight right now, you’re sitting on top of him, shirtless and grinding down on his dick. And you want to, you initiated. He has no idea what he did to be so lucky, especially this early in the morning. He hasn’t had enough time in the day to woo you, you woke up wanting him. 
New territory, but on the same page. Peter’s hands guide your hips, the tension builds. You can’t help but look down, you’ve never felt or seen it before. Peter pats your thighs, he thinks you’re freaking out, you watch as you grind down, he groans, his pants jump. 
“So that’s what it feels like.” 
Peter laughs loudly, “my dick?” 
You nod, “is it as big as it feels?” 
“I… I think so? I think it’s a what you see is what you get kinda thing.” Peter’s shy, he’s never had anyone comment on his size before. Granted, he’s never had someone see it before. 
Your fingers tickle at his waistband, “I think I should see it, so I know what I’m getting.” 
Peter breathes in deeply through his nose, “you’re dangerous.” 
You place a kiss on his mouth, “I could spend the whole day just doing this.” 
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lilliejareau · 8 months
Forbidden Love
A Jemily One-Shot
Written by: lilliejareau
Author's Note: this was originally going to be for my 1k celebration post but I unfortunately wasn't able to finish writing on time. But I have finished today and I hope you all enjoy this, though it is quite emotional.
Please be kind because I have not posted anything I have written publicly since 2021/2022 because I am very self-critical of my work. Thank you and enjoy! (ps, I don't have gifs and stuff, sorry!)
Word Count: 1,743
(I know it's pretty long, but I got so into it!)
Summary: When JJ marries the love of her life, Emily comes to accept the fact that she has to let hers go.
"Are you alright?"
Emily inhaled sharply, startled out of her thoughts. It was JJ who asked the question, standing there in her beautiful bridal dress, reminding Emily of what she lost. Emily's head tilted slightly, her lips pulled upward but not quite showing her teeth.
"Why wouldn't I be?"
JJ did a sort of smile. "You're out here all alone? I figured you'd gone inside like the rest of us."
The dancing had ended moments ago, everyone had gone inside to enjoy the rest of the party as it simmered down. Everyone except Emily who had lingered out on the dance floor with a glass of champagne thinking about the memories she had with the team over the years. She thought about JJ and the 'what-ifs'. She was so incredibly happy for and proud of JJ for finding her true love and having everything she deserved. Having hidden feelings for JJ didn't stop Emily from being delighted for her.
Emily had never loved, hadn't truly loved until she met JJ. By the time she understood and accepted that love, accepted who she was, and what that meant, it was much too late. Her heart ached terribly as the reality set in that she should no longer love JJ. It wasn't fair for either of them. JJ had Will and for years, Emily watched the couple fall in love and develop their relationship into more than what Emily had ever had with somebody before.
Yet, even after all that time, all those years, her forbidden love for JJ never really went away.
Emily shrugged in response to JJ's observation, trying to come off as nonchalant but when she looked up to meet those blue eyes she'd fallen for long ago, she knew that JJ could tell something was up with her. She cursed herself for not hiding it better.
"What's going on in that head of yours?" JJ inquired, eyes slightly narrowed but showed nothing but concern for her friend. Reaching out, she went to take Emily's hand in her own but the brunette pulled away, seemingly against her own will. A strange reaction to a familiar gesture. Something was wrong. "Emily?"
"JJ, I..." Emily tore her eyes away from those blue ones she'd fallen for all those years ago. She knew what she felt for JJ was wrong, that what she was about to say had a possibility of hurting more than keeping it bottled up. 
"Em, what is it? You can tell me anything, you know that."
"I love you." the words were regretful and rushed, and one quick breath released what she had bottled up for years. There truly was no going back now. Before JJ could respond, Emily held out a hand to stop her. "You don't have to say anything, I'm not asking you to, but I do love you. I think I always have."
A very long silence filled the air, not only tension but something else that neither could name. A moment and a breath of composure later, JJ's shockingly calm voice filled the silence.
"I know, Emily."
Emily's heart beat rapidly in her chest. "You know?"
JJ gave a slow nod. "Back then, God, I was so blind. I had feelings for you, Emily. I did. But by the time I realized what those feelings were... It took me years to finally understand what I felt for you was love." JJ's eyes shone with emotion and Emily's guilt only grew. 'But I love Will. God, I love Will. And Henry, too. They're my family, Emily, and what we had, what we felt back then...it's gone now. I do have love for you. I love you so, very much, just not in the way you want me to. Not anymore."
Emily knew this would be the rational outcome the moment she opened her mouth and said those words, but that didn't mean it wouldn't hurt. It hurt so terribly, even if she knew and expected JJ's response to be nothing short of rejection.
"I know," she tearfully admitted, voice quiet, barely a whisper. She couldn't look at JJ, her eyes focused on the previously forgotten glass of Dom Perignon she held. She felt like an idiot for admitting feelings she should have never spoken aloud, to begin with. And on JJ's wedding day nonetheless. What was she thinking? The relief of releasing bottled-up feelings wasn't enough to overshadow the guilt. 
"I love him, Em, he's my everything. That's my truth and I know this should be the part where I say that I wish I could change that, but I don't. I wouldn't have Henry, my life with Will, I wouldn't have any of what I have now. I know this hurts you, especially coming from me right now, but it's too late for anything more than what you and I already have. You're still my best friend, Emily, and you will always be. That's not going to change."
Emily nodded and finally met JJ's eyes again as a tear slid down her cheek. "I didn't tell you this in hopes of some sort of fairy tale ending. I love you, yes, but you're right, we're best friends. Nothing more. We had our chance and never saw it, it's over now. I just couldn't keep it in any longer. I've been wanting to tell you for a long time. I honestly didn't plan on telling you tonight, I guess it's just the perfect timing, huh?" Emily rolled her eyes at her poor attempt at lightening the mood and shook her head.
JJ didn't say anything, and it was probably better that way. Emily didn't expect an answer. The blonde simply gave her friend a sad smile, leaned in, and hugged her tightly. Emily embraced her back almost immediately. This would be their last hug before she left for London; their last moment alone together. It was very emotional for more reasons than the one.
The hug remained as Emily's mind drifted to the eye contact she and JJ held while the bride shared a dance with her new husband. For JJ, that shared eye contact was about Prentiss leaving for London soon, knowing her best friend was moving to an entirely different country shortly after that very night. But for Emily, it meant so much more. She'd lost her and for good this time. It was over and as painful as it was, it was for the best. JJ had a happy family, a husband, and a beautiful little boy.
It had once been a dream of Emily's that she would settle down and have a family of her own, a husband or a wife, a child or two. But as the years went on, she watched her dream fade away as it became a reality for the woman she loved, the hardest part being that it wasn't with her.
Now she just needed to come to terms with that.
"Thank you for telling me," JJ whispered, holding onto the embrace just a bit longer before pulling away. She could see the pain in those brown eyes and it broke her heart. She studied them longer, seeing the guilt. "I don't want you to feel guilty for admitting what you feel."
"You don't choose who you fall in love with," JJ interrupted, watching as Emily's eyes recognized those words as they welled up with tears. "Those were your words, Em. I'm glad you told me and maybe in some...parallel universe, we wouldn't be as blind as we were."
"Maybe," Emily softly repeated, bringing up a hand to wipe her cheek. "You're not...disgusted by me?"
"Emily, no," JJ was quick to assure, grasping her friend's hand tightly. "It took courage to tell me what you did, I don't know if I ever could've done it."
"But it's you're wedding day."
"Yeah," JJ nodded. "It is, but what's done is done and there's no changing that. We might not be on the same page when it comes to who we love, but I can assure you that I am proud of you, not disgusted. I don't think I could ever be revolted by you, Em."
"Yeah?" Emily tearfully whispered, looking into JJ's eyes for a sign of reassurance.
JJ smiled. "Yeah."
A touching silence fell upon them as a song played faintly in the background from inside, a familiar melody that both of them knew.
"Dance with me?"
The brunette was slightly caught off guard by the offer, her lips withholding a response. She had always been so certain that after she told JJ her secret, the blonde wouldn't have wanted to be anywhere near her. Instead, JJ was being as kind of a friend as always and asked Emily to dance. It seemed like such an innocent gesture but to Emily, it was more. It was closure instead of more heartache, and that was something she never expected to have.
JJ took the champagne glass and set it aside, taking Emily's hand in her own and leading them to the center of the dance floor, both women sharing a sad smile as their eyes met, hands interlocked.
This was the end, the end of an era, the end of what could have been, and the beginning of a new journey for both. A journey where Emily would move on, and JJ would remain happy in her family life, content with what she had. Both were certain at that moment that no matter what, their friendship would always be a strong foundation.
For the first time that night, Emily smiled softly, looking into those blue eyes that would be a memory from now on, not a constant reminder. She would no longer look into those eyes and feel her heart ache, her stomach tighten, or that dreadful sense of longing. 
JJ was not hers, and she never would be, but at least she could leave with no regrets, the weight off her chest, and a clear conscious. She still loved JJ, and that would never change, but now she knew things she never knew before.
As they held onto each other and slowly swayed to the music, JJ's soft, quiet voice uttered words Emily had longed to hear in a much different manner.
"I love you, Emily. Always."
Emily repeated, her voice just as soft and quiet, words she meant with all her heart. "I love you, JJ. Always."
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dayfalwastaken · 1 year
Henry Emily and the tale of the Fredbear's Show Tape.
Eventually, the side Matthew was hoping for won out, and Henry knelt down to answer him.
“Hehe, alright, sure, if you guys want to hear it.” It was funny how easily he’d been convinced... but he may have just been dying for someone to ask him about the Springlocks. They were his most prized creations, so of course he’d be eager to discuss them. “It’s complicated but I’ll try to keep it as simple as possible. So, the process me and Bill have developed for this is rather interesting. First thing’s first, we write how the show’s gonna be. Everything that’ll be said and how it will be said. Then, we put what we write into a program that reads it and makes Freddy and Springbonnie speak. Now comes the tricky part. Behind the stage is where we the magic happens. William gets into either Fred or Spring, we plug `em with a few cables that are hooked up to a computer, and then Will starts acting. While plugged in, the suits are in what we call a Recording Mode. When that mode’s active, however William moves will be remembered and stored in the computer. There are sensors in the mask that know when your eyes are closed, and by how much, so that’s how those two are able to express. The jaw’s movement is also recorded-…”
It hadn’t taken Henry long to start rambling. Get the man to talk and he’d never stop, but Matt wasn’t protesting. Most of what he was saying flew right over Liz’s head- she was staring through her uncle like he wasn’t there, while Cassidy wasn’t doing much better. Evan understood some of it, but he was still struggling to comprehend all the information. Admittedly, it was a lot for him to wrap his head around. Charlie was following along alright, but from how she was watching her father, she’d have loved to be doing anything else. To Matthew however, Henry’s ramblings sounded awfully similar to motion capture.
Walt Disney had done it first with animatronics more than ten years ago, but still, Henry… He was so casual about having recreated literal motion capture!! And to a level that surpassed any existing technology in that niche field!
He’s way too nonchalant about his achievements. Like, man, don’t downplay what you’ve built- you’re so awesome for doing something like this, is what the boy wished he could’ve said.
To think that this was the in-universe explanation for why the next gen animatronics were less mobile than the Springlocks despite being newer…
“-Now, the voice lines are played over a speaker as Bill performs so he can react accordingly. It’s all done live, and it has to be in one take or we start from scratch. That’s the hard thing about it. There’s no room for mistakes if we want it done in a timely manner. Thankfully William is great at acting, so we don’t run into too many issues. He does his thing and I press the buttons. But anyway, once he’s done, he takes the suit off and does the same for the other one. At the end, we combine the audio with the movements, put them on a special tape, upload it in the suits and we’re golden. That’s all there is to a Fredbear’s Show Tape. Pretty rad, huh?”
If he'd had a red beer cup Henry would've been the perfect stereotypical uncle. The kind spotted only at backyard barbeques and awkward family gatherings.
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sergeantsporks · 1 year
You are so good with writing angst and AUs, do you have any advice on how to balance the more angsty hurt plots, so they don't get too over the top ridiculous? I don't mean the level of violence (i keep it canon typical) or the ammount of hurt vs ammount comfort, but how to avoid making something so extra it becomes either darkly hilarious or a shallow soap opera, especially when the focal character isnt the point of view character for the first part of the story?
Oh, thanks!
So, here's the thing; a lot of the time when I'm writing angst, I go "Oh, god, you're just hitting the character, it's just gratuitous violence for violence's sake, and everyone's gonna know it. They're gonna go 'yep, this is just misery porn,' you're doing too much, and it's so extra." Key examples where I went "AHHHH" over this were: Your Loyal Dog, Trust is a Poison, Full Circle, Can't Break Someone With Nothing Left to Lose, Whatever It Takes, and Do You Want the Knife You Left in My Back or Can I Keep It. Which, you may note, is pretty much every angst/physical hurt fic I've ever written, barring requests and whumptober. And. Obviously you think I'm pretty good at balancing. So the first thing is; as with all other writing things, you are your own worst critic. There's more wiggle room than you think. I don't know EXACTLY what you're planning, but I will say that some of my FAVORITE fics were pretty gratuitously violent and went really far down the angst hole, and they just plugged in angst after angst after angst and just kept hitting that character, and I never went "this is extra. this is ridiculous. this is shallow soap opera." I ate that up. so. There's always an audience for it.
Now, out of reassurances and onto actual advice for writing:
Breaks. I don't mean recovery, or putting some comfort in with that hurt, I just mean taking a break from the actual violence. Let 'em stew in that injury, put some time on their emotional state and not their physical state. Take a second to step back from the hurting and let them just be hurt
If you're working with a POV that's not the focal character, like you are, breaks still work. Have the focal character be separated from the POV character (assuming the POV character isn't the person doing the hurting), and let the POV character wonder what's happening, worrying, etc. For emotional torment, this works best in a "we've been captured and one of us is getting tortured" scenario, but it goes for not that, too. Maybe one person's been captured, maybe they've been separated in a dangerous area, maybe the POV character went out to get supplies or help, or even if the danger is over, just separating your POV character from your focal character during care so that they can go "man" at the wall for a bit.
You don't HAVE to separate the POV character from the focal character for a break. But still, breaks from the violence. Taking time to focus on emotions or aftereffects. Take a break is the main takeaway here.
Your POV character isn't the focus. Cool! Smack that focal character, and focus not just on what's happening to the focal character, but how the POV character feels about it! What's the POV character doing? Gives a distance from what's happening This is what I did in "Trust is a Poison." Lilith was the POV character, but Hunter was the one getting tossed around. Obviously what happened to Hunter was important, but Lilith's emotions and development are what was used to drive that along.
Your focal character isn't the POV character. Spectacular! That means the audience understanding of what's happening is limited to not the person who it is happening to, but someone else. This opens a door for character. Is your focal character the type to play off what's happening so that their friends don't worry? Do they over-exaggerate what's happened? Your audience knows only what your POV character knows, which gives you the choice to play up or down the injury only for the truth to come out. It gives you the choice to mislead/misdirect your audience (be careful with that, though, keep it in character, make it feel natural). What does your focal character WANT to portray vs what's actually happening vs how we actually end up perceiving what's happening. Maybe your focal character wants to downplay the injury but they're a bad actor, or the injury is so bad that they can't hide it the way they want to. Or maybe your POV character sees the violence, assumes its bad, the focal character is good enough at playing it down that the POV character and the audience are assured, only for the truth to come out later. Point being, you have a different point of control over what your audience sees, and you can play with that, which may help balance how the audience perceives your amount of angst. If the focal character plays it off, it doesn't seem so much. If they play it up, then you can make it seem like there's more violence than there actually is. Then, when you swap POVs, you can reveal the true extent of the damage. It's about spacing.
Think about the effects this will have. A serious injury will hamper physical activity. Hitting your character on the head will give them a concussion. If you put in too much angst, your character won't be able to move, is that something you want to do? Obviously there's a level of suspending our disbelief that will happen, and you can get away with some of it, but just think through the consequences all the way before you put that angst in, and it'll help you balance. Again, it's about the effect this will have on the character physically and emotionally. This veers a little close to "how to balance hurt/comfort," but if you're going to do comfort in there, you can't completely isolate those aspects from each other. If you want to do comfort or recovery, how much angst is too much or enough corresponds to how much work you're going to put into the comfort and recovery. The more work you're willing to put into the comfort and recovery, the more angst you can put in there without it seeming like too much.
Also getting a little close to balance, but determine your stopping point for the angst. Plan it. When do you stop hurting? At some point, you have to stop. If you're writing hurt no comfort, that stopping point is just the end of the fic. If you're doing hurt/comfort, there HAS to come a point where we segue out of hurt and into comfort. It doesn't have to be a CLEAN cut, recovery isn't a clean process, and you can still pepper in angst through the comfort process, but at some point, the physical angst has to peter out into physical comfort. Emotions are a whole other story, but physically, you have to plan for a point where the (serious) physical injury ends. And then hold yourself to it. No serious physical harm beyond this point.
This is going to sound super obvious and silly, but just stopping and asking yourself "is this too much?" Chances are, if you think it is, it is, and if you think it's not, it's probably not! Like I said, if you don't think it's too much, then others think that as well, and there WILL be an audience for it "Objectively good" writing is a myth.
Take a break yourself. Stop, let the writing simmer for a bit, go back and reread it with fresh eyes. Turn off the writer brain and turn on the reader brain. Does it make sense? Does it flow? Does it seem like it's too much, or does it go just right? If it looks like too much, edit something out
Hope this helps/edges more towards what you were looking for in terms of advice!
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shytastemakerthing · 1 year
can i have a romantic twst match up, im an esfj, pisces, i use any prns, im not smart nor am i physically well(as in athletic well) I’m more into arts such as literature, music, drawing, etc, im easy to get along with ambivert, has a lot of hobbies i can keep up with, i usually keep things to myself solely bc i dont wanna bother ppl that much, i rarely ask for help cause i want to feel independent, procrastinates a lot, average grades, i dont put effort on things that i deem as pointless only doing decently at it, im always seem to be on my imagination solely bc i have a lot of ideas in mind i just dont have any motivation to do any of em! and may or may develop some bad habits due to obsession! (i hope this is good enough!)
A/N: Thank you so much for your request, I hope that you like it! I'm sorry this took a little longer to get out, I've had recital practice for the last week and a half and tonight is opening night!😊😊
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I match you with.......
Ruggie Bucchi
• Now, there are a number of reasons as to why I chose this beloved hyena man and I will try to touch base on most of then here so bare with me here😊.
• For starters, he wouldn't want you to keep anything to yourself, no matter what it was. Bottling things in and never trying to seek for help can only make things worse in the long run. Ruggie is so used to helping others and doing work (looking at you Leona), that he WILL want to help you any way that he can.
• That being said, if you truly do not wish to talk about it, he will not force you nor will he use his unique magic against you to tell him what is wrong. What he WILL do, is take you back to his room in Savanaclaw, and he dies have a habit of letting you wear his clothes, and he (if there is no work to be done), will lay down with you. If he does have to work, then he will still take tou there, but makes sure you have food and water, and anything else that may help before he leaves. He will be sending you messages throughout the day, though, just so you know he's thinking about you.
• For him to leave you in such a place as his room, shows that he trusts you a great amount, something that doesn't come easily to him. You're very important to him.
• He gets the feeling on being independent. After all, he had to learn from a very young age to take care of himself and then to take care of others. While you are fiercely independent, he makes it very well known that you can ALWAYS go to him if you need anything. He is there. Perhaps he will even bring you a meal so you don't have to travel where you are to get something. Another way he shows how much he loves you, he shares his food with you. If you know his background, you know just how important that is for him.
• He admires you talent and ability for art, especially your drawings. Though, the first thing on his mind was that you can easily do commissions and make some money from them. A lot of things his mind goes to is circled around money, again, with his background, it makes sense. But if you draw anything for this hyena, it's become his most prized possession and no amount of money can be given to him for it to be given up.
• Ruggie is an active boy. Between all the running around on his numerous jobs, back home, P.E, running errands for Leona. The boy has great cardio. Knowing your own athletic state, he at least tries to help you out. Nothing to severe, maybe going on a walk with him to Sam's shop. Something simple, easy, but still exercise. He greatly cares about your health.
• He is a great motivator! Yes, you may not want to write that paper, do that assignment, or any other task, but he is there with you through the whole thing. He is not above bribery either. Kinda like, if you can finish this assignment then I'll find a way to get you that art kit you really like, or, say you're working on a task, as soon as we are done, I promise that we can cuddle in bed for the rest of the day. We won't have to do anything at all. He just wants to see you do your best. He comes from a place where no one js really given that opportunity. He was lucky enough to make it to NRC. He's going to make sure both of you pass cone hell or high water.
• Gifts are not the most common with him, the man is on a tight budget, especially especially he sends things back to his hometown as well. Though, if he wss out and about and happened to see a book or any form of literature on a discounted price, he will spare a few madols and get it for you. Seeing the smile on your face makes it all worth it in the end.
• Overall, he is one of your biggest supporters. He wants to see you thrive and do your best while also embracing the hobbies that you have. The hyena is smitten with you regardless. He just wants to see you happy, and to him, just seeing your smile is payment enough for him.
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bryhaven · 2 years
EDUCATIONAL POST: Signs that Mikasa Ackerman is in a TOXIC relationship
Now I'll be saying from the get-go that this post is NOT meant to undermine any Mikasa ship, especially with Eren. And NOT undermining the author and their writing. I didn't want to have to do this. But I'm forced to put this out here because some shippers and haters alike keep claiming and some even harassing other shippers (mostly the RM stans), and say that EM is not toxic. And even add that our ship RM is problematic.
I am the type of person that when given a nonsense argument, I will slap you with facts. Or give you a witty comeback (if I feel bitchy enough). This person below called me toxic and judgmental, claimed that those of low IQ cannot understand what Eren did blah blah blah. And then blocked me once I gave them a comeback.
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Hence, this post is here to define what a TOXIC relationship is. And please take note that I will only discuss the parts where the relationship became toxic. Because someone might come saying, "But before that..", "But after this.." and so on. It doesn't even matter what happened before or after. Or even all the reasoning behind the actions. Remember, the end doesn't justify the means. The fact remains that the relationship became toxic.
According to Dr. John Delony in ramseysolutions.com, there are signs to check and find out whether you're in a toxic relationship.
1. Not feeling safe. This pertains to both physical and emotional safety. I don't see Mikasa feeling emotionally and physically safe when she talked about her thoughts and feelings, especially in the table scene with Eren. Her voice didn't matter to him because he was only set in completing his goal. And whenever she tried to speak up further, he would just brush her off.
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2. Bad (or nonexistent) communication. This type of communication includes gaslighting, manipulating words, and being dishonest. Eren didn't tell them the entire truth and also used words to manipulate them, particularly Mikasa, into believing something else that he made up. Again, to further his own purposes.
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3. Feeling neglected and exploited. I don't see Eren honoring or even seeing the reason why Mikasa was being overly protective of him back in the day. He was always angered at her whenever she tried to just watch out for him, or whenever she was being clingy. This is a psychological need that she has which was developed from a trauma, and Eren couldn't tend to or even acknowledge that.
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4. Feeling like you’ve lost yourself. It is needless to say that Mikasa lost her sense of self here after hearing Eren's words. Eren clearly set off an anxiety alarm.
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5. Judgment—not curiosity—is the norm. The way this was phrased, even in the manga, seemed judging and imposing. It's like he's judging her ability to fight with that length of hair which ended up imposing on her to do something about it. To rephrase it into the lifeblood of a relationship which is curiosity, he could have said something within the lines of "Does it bother you in training if you wear your hair down like this/with this length of hair?". Or he could have exuded care like "Would you be alright fighting with your length of hair?" or "Maybe you should try tying your hair so it doesn't bother you?". But then, no. He did not.
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6. Feeling belittled and ashamed. Eren made her feel less than, and rubbed her nose in something from the past.
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7. Not receiving empathy. Eren would either dismiss her when she tries to share something important or speak her thoughts, and she is usually met with apathy. Because Eren would usually direct the conversation back to himself and even try to one-up her in conversations since he is mostly focused on his own goals; when Mikasa here is only wanting for him to be safe. He often saw her as a bother, and always reasoned that she had no reason to do that since she's not his mother.
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8. Playing a dysfunctional role. Service and sacrifice are parts of a good relationship. But then, it should be mutually giving and supportive. In this one, Mikasa more than often fulfills a mothering role. She made that promise to Carla to look after Eren. She always goes out of her way to care for him, even sacrificing her own safety. And because of that, she has grown to believe that it is her job to fix him, at the expense of her own feelings, needs, and joy. Sure, he has given her a reason to continue on living, inspired her to fight. But she has paid him more than enough for that service.
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9. Feeling controlled or manipulated. Aside from manipulating her with words in the table discussion scene, Eren tried to tip the balance in his favor. This is in the sense that he makes use of her strength in the attack on Liberio. Even though this is Mikasa Ackerman with superhuman strength we are talking about, he still put her in harm's way by making her fight in the frontline. Whether or not it is in her will to do what he asked her, you can still see the hesitation and uncertainty in Mikasa while knowing what she was about to commit. And she follows anyway because of Eren and his reasonings. And a recurring theme in her thoughts is something within the lines of "Is this what Eren wants?" or "What if Eren will..", and her mind always spirals back to Eren. Mind control right there.
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10. Living under a cloud of rage. Needless again to say (and for a picture since Tumblr doesn't allow more than 10 pics in a post. Urgh. Lol), Eren has been a chronically angry person. He is always frustrated by something, and often explodes in episodes of rage. A person like that cannot be fully supportive in a relationship. And though he has his own reasons for it (and some are understandable), it doesn't justify the things he made Mikasa undergo. And a crime is still a crime in the end.
And there you have it. EM has actually ticked all 10 boxes.
Again, I am just explaining the toxicity in the relationship. Not taking bias over something just to explain this, and not hating on any character. You can still understand or even like a character even though you don't align with their intentions, or even if you don't like their development.
If EM is your cup of tea, then by all means, go ahead and ship it. But DON'T go harassing others for it, or reblogging their posts with nonsense captions, or calling them out with rude descriptions, and then block them if they finally give you a comeback.
And DON'T go claiming that EM is not toxic, dysfunctional, or unhealthy in any way when you don't even have the FACTS to back it with.
Over and OUT!
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spricket-central · 1 year
[pinned post, updated 5/19/2024]
hey there! you can call me monster or Ray (ey/em or they/them)
this is a journal of sorts where i talk about my sprickets! theyre greenhouse camel crickets (Tachycines asynamorus), an invasive east asian species thats a very common household visitor where i live (new york, USA). i caught these dudes in my apartment, ahaha. i started keeping them on 12/6/2022
i mostly keep this blog for myself, but id love to bring other folks happiness with the antics of these lil guys. im very new to invert husbandry of any sort (my only real area of expertise is cats, ahaha), so if youve got any tips id be super grateful if youd share. theres so little info out there about T. asynamorus irt care.
I'll introduce my lil guys and chat about them below!
Poppyseed ♀️
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(hatched: 5/28/23
mother: Crouton; father: Biscuit)
this little darling is the first spricket ive ever hatched in captivity, and the daughter of the very first spricket i ever kept, so shes a very special little girl! she lives with her boyfriend, Bagel.
having started as a little speck, practically a literal poppyseed, this special seedling has blossomed into a beautiful flower :) one of the most striking aspects of her appearance, in my opinion, are the markings near her eyes, resembling black mascara running down her cheek like tears. dont cry little seedling, i love you!
while she was very shy as a nymph, shes seemed to have developed more confidence in her adulthood, being relatively quick to come out once the lights go off at night, and even remaining relatively calm (for a spricket, at least) when they surprise her upon coming back on in the morning. shes an absolute fiend for bloodworms, which seem to be her favorite food.
im so, so proud of her. i promised her mom, Crouton, that id take good care of her, and it brings me so much joy to have succeeded in raising her into a healthy, beautiful adult! :,)
Bagel ♂️
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(caught: 7/23/23)
caught as a very young nymph, i believe i may have actually met Bagel on my bedroom on two occasions: once as a tiny speck of a hatchling on my wall, where i failed to capture him, and some time after on my bed, where i finally managed to succeed. im so grateful i got a second chance with this special little boy!
hes seems like a pretty laid back little dude, as far as sprickets go. hes not as quick to startle as some (though he certainly can do some Mad Hops if my hand gets a little too close!), and doesnt seem to mind being out in the open for a few a bit at a time while the lights are still on. hes a delightful little guy!
he lives with Poppyseed in my 2nd largest tank. the two seem to have clicked from the very start, when poppyseed hopped up onto the ceiling to check him out when he made his somewhat clumsy entrance.
also ha ha. poppyseed bagel. get it? har har.
Pincushion ♀️
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(caught: 10/18/23)
on the phone with my mother only one night after having caught Donut, i was telling her how i was happy with having 4 sprickets and didnt feel id keep any more at the moment... not long after the call ended, i spotted Pincushion, only about a month old, and... well, who can say no to a baby?
despite having had her for a bit shy of 5 months now (at the time of writing), shes still not matured all the way to adulthood. it took Poppyseed and Bagel about 4 months to mature, but they were born in the late springtime, so im wondering if maybe growing up in the cold winter temperatures is the reason for Pincushion's comparatively slow growth.
either way, she seems to be growing up strong and healthy! shes still a bit shy, as all nymphs are, but ive noticed her becoming braver as time goes on. im excited to see her grow into a happy, healthy adult, and to see what kind of personality she develops! sprickets are such characters, ahaha.
Dirt ♂️
(caught: 2/3/24)
Bio In Progress
Loofah ♀️
(caught: 2/4/24)
Bio In Progress
Applesauce ♀️
(caught: 4/20/24)
Bio In Progress
(caught: 5/7/24)
Bio in Progress
(caught: 5/14/24)
Bio in Progress
This blog is dedicated to Crouton, forever loved, the special girl who started it all. 💚
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to learn about the dearly beloved friends who are no longer with us, you can look in the #memorial tag.
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dee-voss · 10 months
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And when you ask 'em, "How much should we give?" They only answer, "More, more, more, more!"
Song/Skeleton: Fortunate Son Name: Dieter (Dee) Voss FC: Sam Claflin Age: 33 Birthday: January 18, 1940 Gender & Pronouns: Cis male, he Sexual & Romantic Orientation: Heteromantic and heterosexual (let's put a ? on all that, though - while I'm sure he thinks of himself that way, and that he is very genuinely and thoroughly in love with El, I'd say there's some biromantic/bisexual stuff he's keeping very contained. Like most things. The emotional intensity of firefighting and then combat could've created opportunities for him to develop connections and question feelings he otherwise would have left very neatly shelved.)
Occupation: Presently unemployed, former firefighter and laborer Neighbourhood: Willowdale. Dee grew up there, in his parents' house, which he's about to inherit since his mother's passed; a few years before he was drafted he and Elly were living together in an apartment in this neck of the woods. Which she's still living in. And where his things still are. Awkward.
+ : hardworking, determined, devoted, loving, generous - : stubborn, prideful, insecure, disconnecting, bitter
Wanted Connections:
FAMILIAL - Dee has younger siblings (I’m thinking two, 27-30, any gender!) who he kinda mostly raised.
PLATONIC (?) - Old friends from around town, other draftees from Stillwater, musical types to split some healing and hurt with, possibly someone to share a bad habit (or a few).
tw: parental suicide, alcoholism, wildfires, military, war, injury, drug use
Before the silver nitrate shakes, before the jungle, before Elly and Dee, even, there was that Voss boy. Dee didn’t just have a chip on his shoulder; he had a corpse. His father’s. It was one thing to see all the fire and modern-day brimstone of a thing like Pearl Harbour and come home a little cracked. Maybe that could’ve been forgiven, with sideways looks and the odd whisper. But Dee’s dad didn’t just crack. One hairline fracture at a time, the man crumbled away - from his wife, his children, his friends. And then he shattered. It was Dee who found him, in pieces, and it was Dee, ever after, who went around sweeping up what was left of his mother - a white-knuckled shell of herself from that day on - and his little siblings, hardly old enough to understand the hole that’d just been torn in their lives or the cruel, quick judgements that seeped in to fill it, from their neighbours, their schoolmates, and all the nosy strangers of Stillwater. All the while, the mortgage needed paying. The fridge needed milk, the shelf needed bread. Somebody had to do the practical thing. 
So he dropped out, years early, and got down to work. Whatever work he could find, really; the too-short time he’d spent in school hadn’t served him well. Reading was a hunt for sense in words and letters that slithered around in the grass of every page, and writing was just as embarrassingly effortful. Looking at his folks, most quietly - or loudly - assumed the whole family had taken a wrong turn around some bend or other. Maybe the kid had sung along at the veterans’ bar well enough, strummed his way into a few hearts on that guitar his dad had taught him to play, when the old man’s hands weren’t shaking. That wasn’t any kind of practical, though. So Dee sold that damn guitar, and his grandma’s spoons, and his grandfather’s clock. Then… then he tore things down, and built them back up, and patched whatever came apart, learning how he did best: with his hands. And he paid the mortgage. He put milk in the fridge, and bread on the shelf. He did the practical thing. 
Until Elly. Eloise Meadows crossed those tracks she’d grown up on the right side of, with her sweet smile and her high hopes, and… Dee hadn’t been known for either of those, himself, but he found them with her. How the hell could he hope to string together the right words for a girl with all those books, though? Maybe he could say something beautiful enough with a little music to help. It wasn’t practical, to save up and buy a used, battered Gibson. Just like it wasn’t practical, at all, to shyly start believing that El might, someday, be bad enough - in the eyes of her ever-watching parents - to chase her own damn dreams… and that he might be good enough for her to take his hand and walk towards some kind of future together, happily.
Was that so crazy, when Eloise kept smiling like that? Kept telling him about all the more she could imagine for herself, medical school and making a difference? Kept reading to him after a too-long day of roofing, curled up in sandy blankets at the beach for a never-long-enough night of them? Kept letting him learn her, with his heart and those callused hands and all the wonder that’d sneak out of his soul, when he let it? Kept singing along to songs she knew and didn’t, frowning and puzzling and laughing as he had her guess which of her favorite poems had turned into that tune, or this one, transformed in the electric space between her pages and his fingers? No - for once, hoping, the most damn impractical thing of all, felt like the only thing to do. 
But some ratfink let Dr. Meadows know Dieter Voss had been seen taking a bright-eyed look around at rings. Finally, Dee had thought; finally, he had enough saved up to help Elly along to school, enough of a life to offer, enough of that hope she’d taught him. It wasn’t, though. Enough. Not for her parents, who made that very clear. What the hell would be? Somebody who wasn’t him, seemed like. Wasn’t some day-laborer with a dead coward for a father and a nervous wreck for a mother and no high school diploma. What else could he be, though?
Then the wildfires blew in. And for some goddamn reason - the slap-sharp sting of what Elly’s family had said, maybe, or those textbook photographs of what’d happened in Hawai’i, burning oil on bright water, the horrors that haunted his father to the end - Dee couldn’t look away. It wasn’t the practical thing, to join up with those crews. It was a crazy, stupid, reckless thing, and… sooty and scorched, he wasn’t the boy of some poor bastard who’d drunk to drown his fear of fires. He fought them. Survived them. He’d proven that much to himself, at least. But not, again, to the Meadowses. Before, he’d been settling, unambitious. Now, he was foolhardy, unpredictable. Fine. So fucking be it, as long as Elly and him had a chance at making a story of their own someday. When she was ready. When he had more to give. Enough.
But the Army wanted everything, first. He reread that damn draft letter on his own, painstakingly. Slinking over the Canadian border wasn't any kind of option. Stillwater was Elly’s home, and who could say what that might do to her chances to get into school someday, if she had to drag her transcripts to a whole other country? For what - for him? No. And anyhow… goddamn, but he couldn't stand to sink back into the long, dark shadow of his dad's so-called cowardice. There was nothing for it but, again, the fucking practical thing. Report. Serve it out. When he came home, though, that'd be it; they'd waited so long, already. On her parents. On their savings. On life, to line up just right. They'd be enough, for one another. When he got back from Vietnam.
Meanwhile, Elly would write him. And he'd just find a way to read it all and write her back as quick and well as he could. It'd have to, yeah - be enough. His squadmates helped, soft smiles shining through those hard, tired faces. There were some things, the sweetest, that just had to stay between him and El, close as the salt on their skin after one of those evenings back home by the water. It took days to scrawl those down, between bursts of gunfire, booby traps, and torrential storms. Then there'd be a new envelope, sealed with a kiss. Elly was still waiting. 
And her letters stayed beautiful. His, they quieted. The war, when he actually got there - it was every bit as unspeakable as his father’d made it seem, with his fragile, false smiles. Unwriteable, too. He'd never lied to Eloise, before. Never wanted to. But what good could the truth do? Seemed kinder to say less, when honesty would be so goddamn ugly. What else, then? It was easy, at first, to talk about anything else. Eventually, though… he knew all her answers to those questions that went into a wedding, the home they'd make together, the schools she'd been eyeing for ages. And they'd revisited and re-revisited so many memories. El, she'd always had the words for everything; day by nerveshot, shellshocked day, Dee was only more lost for language. He sent his love. Felt like all he had, now. 
And maybe it wasn't enough. They were counting his time in double digits when Eloise stopped writing back. Just stopped. Like he'd done something, or hadn't. Or - his siblings would've told him if El wasn't alright. He asked, anyway; they said she seemed well, same as ever. Puzzled, when they broached the subject. It hadn't been so long since she sent her last letter, had it? Maybe not. To her. A couple weeks passed different, in Vietnam. He'd be back to those beaches soon, playing for her. Not soon enough, but soon. Just a little longer. El had waited. So would he, with those kissed-closed envelopes held tight. 
Until they burned up, with the rainforest and so many of the friends he'd made and Dee. He was told, by some officer he'd thought was as dead as the rest, that he'd gone back into the napalm; that there were men who owed him their life, their limbs. There'd be a medal in it. Dee just wanted to know if there was any mail. Nothing? Could somebody write for him? No, not in any run-ragged combat hospital. Course not. As if he could've strung together much to say through the ebb and flow of drugs and doctors.
Time, strange as it'd been at war, unraveled entirely between that riverbank and the burn ward. Dee tried not to ask those sad-eyed nurses for much, once he’d lurched back to something like lucidity; if they could just scrawl down a couple lines, when they had the time. Those pitying looks always stung. Like the violent shivers that chased after every soak in silver nitrate, or every slow, demoralizing day of physical rehabilitation. And yet - it was the goddamn mail run that hurt most. Still, still Elly hadn’t answered; those weeks of nothing had turned into months. Into half a year, before he was handed that discharge. Now he’s headed back to what was home, with no idea what’s waiting for him. That house he helped pay down, a little emptier since his mother passed during that long, long hospital stay? His siblings, whose now-parentless pieces might be too goddamn heavy for him to carry? That guitar he used to play? For the girl who’d been the love of a life he used to have? Whole lot of nothing, seems like…
For scene-setting reference, Dee was burned by napalm in a pattern that reflects what he was doing at the time - fireman carrying another soldier. There are noticeable scars from near his left eye across his cheek, his left forearm and hand, and down his left side, front and back, and leg. His left hand - his writing, fretting, and leading hand - was injured badly enough to limit the mobility of his ring and little finger; the scarring along his cheek, side and leg has also affected his movement. There's some lingering airway and respiratory damage that has affected his voice (and pre-existing smoker's cough) in a way that anyone who knew him before would pick up on. He suffered some "blast eye" and is somewhat sensitive to light and less a little peripheral vision on the left. It's coming up on six months since he was first hurt; he's very much still recovering.
The other soldier? Far as Dee knows, he's dead... but call that another wanted connection!
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sansloii · 1 year
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@soulsxng | send me a number
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2. Drabbles
i love drabbles! i love them! i wish i still had the mental energy to shit those out whenever i wanted because it's always a nice little writing exercise to get a thought or a scene you can't get out of your head written down. even if you don't necessarily put it on tumblr, you can just... write it and save it somewhere to read again later ( if you don't absolutely hate your past writing, that is ).
similarly, i like reading drabbles from others too. i'm not going to say i read every single one that crosses my dash but like... i try to! sometimes i skim, read a second time to let it soak in, and then go "that was nice" before liking it and moving on. other times, i read it 6 times, like it, and appear in dms frothing at the mouth about it. it really depends on where my brain is at that day.
5. Dash commentary
again, this another "i wish i had the bandwidth for this" because i love dash commentary. it's always so silly and fun to participate in it and i can't say that i've ever had a bad experience with it. my dash doesn't move particularly fast either so now, i can usually keep up. however, being on the dash for too long is a bit draining so after maybe an hour or so, i kinda fizzle out and go off to do other things or watch youtube videos ehjfwsfs--
25. Your muse(s)
i feel like you sent this with the express purpose of getting me to gush about my muses and i will happily take the bait. they are my babies and i love them so very very much--mikah in particular, because i've had them the longest as far as the existence of this blog.
you cannot imagine the amount of times that i've thought that maybe mikah or the others are too edgy, maybe they're too rude, too mean, too unrealistic, or that i'm just... following some trend because i saw one morally questionable muse and fixated on that. maybe that's all correct. maybe it's not. i don't know.
however, i'm enjoying myself right now. i'm having fun and that is, by far, more important to me. mikah, penny, wynn, evan, dakota, and joseph are always in a constant state of development and i will add or take away things as i so choose. sometimes something i thought of 2017 for mikah isn't something i want to keep in 2023. sometimes an idea i had for dakota way back when doesn't really fit how i envision her now. both of those things are okay and it's okay for me to change those things if i feel like... it'll make me more comfortable and more secure in myself when it comes to writing my babies. i never want to be in a place where i don't feel like i can do my ocs justice, much less because i think i can't change anything about them. Better yet, because i've already said certain things about them that i look back on now and go "...no that's not right."
i guess what i'm trying to get at is... it's a process--a process i had to force myself to be okay with in some regard. mikah was not perfect when i made them and neither were the others...but that's fine. they're mine so i'm just gonna keep chucking them at the wall and seeing where they stick. if they just slide off and fall in some garbage fire, that's fine. i can just pick em back up and throw them again... with love
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ageless-aislynn · 1 year
WIP ask game for the following: the blue lady ships it, au the war crime part out, and …or possibly like this on the condition 'heat' is something like Pon Farr and not omegaverse
boops gently
*rubs hands together gleefully* Thank you so much!
1. The blue lady ships it (Halo) aka "Untitled Cortana (and the marines) totally ship John/Kai" 😁 Sadly, this one ended up having large parts of itself "donated" to other fics and so would have to be redone if I ever decide to finish it but here's the original opening, for your reading pleasure, lol!
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Cortana made sure to manifest her holographic self down at the bottom of the hill, well away from where John and Kai had just finished mopping up the last of the Covenant infantry. She'd learned the hard way that, if they felt like she was watching them, then they'd scurry away from each other.
And yet they're standing on a hill with a bunch of marines looking up at them and somehow that's not "being watched?" Maybe it's simply the distance, the false sense of privacy?
Or maybe it was because once, just once she’d appeared right next to them, practically with digital popcorn in hand, wanting a front row seat for The Big Moment?
Come on, Chief, take your helmet off. Show her those adoring eyes… she thought but was careful not to project herself into his auditory cortex. He hadn't responded well to that, either.
Kai took off her helmet.
Also acceptable. He can't resist when she's all battle-flushed. He removed his helmet as well, both of them going off comms. Not that it mattered because being literally housed in his head meant he couldn't actually shut her out; she had to choose to give him privacy. Which she was doing, thank you very much.
Watching from a distance didn't count. Ask anybody. Ask the group of marines next to her, none-too-covertly studying the Spartans and taking bets on who'd make the first move.
False sense of privacy was her favorite new thing.
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2. I wasn't sure if I should make a funny scene out of a war crime 👀 Guess I'll have to AU the war crime part out, yep *nodnod* (Halo series)
Aka the completely awkward John/Makee sexytiems scene we all REALLY deserved. 😇😂 I totally, completely AU'd the war crime out of it, though, so now we can chuckle at all of the awkward, 10,000% guilt free! *nodnods* 😁👍 Still in progress, may even be completed and posted one day, who knows? Would also be my first posted John/Makee fic. 😁
3. Yeah so if Spartans went into heat, I’d probably write it like this... (Halo gameverse)...or like this (Halo gameverse, different game)...or possibly like this (Halo series) 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️
Technically, they're all variations on the same idea, which is why I probably won't ever write them. But they each have at least one distinct scene that lives rent free in my head, what can I say? Okay, so, with a wave of my hand, I've just given the gameverse Spartans the hormone pellets of the TV series Spartans. And with another wave of my hand and a little flourish of my fingers, I've added a condition to the pellets where, at certain times, to keep the pellets and the Spartans operating at peak efficiency, they have to go off of them.
And y'all know what I think would go on at that time. *coughcoughs in "Side Effect" NSFW* But imagine it as being more controlled than that, something scheduled, maybe a nice, out of the way place for Spartans on similar cycles to go and ahem, take care of each other, just an accepted part of being a Spartan and all that.
Annnnnnd in each of those 3 ideas, we get a pellet malfunction where game!Chief, Noble Team and TV!Chief ends up Trapped Alone With The Reader™. Not at the same time, not at the same place and not with the same Reader, I should mention. I mean, that would be one very tired Reader and quite a swingin’ Spartan party, woah, lol! 😳😂
I have a surprisingly well-defined, really more of an OC character for game!Chief, with a whole developed backstory and everything. And it's not ALL of Noble Team, just 2 of 'em. (That one actually came from a dream where the Reader was giving a report to Carter who is getting more and more flummoxed at how calm she is considering what all she's telling him. "And you're saying that you... handled them both. One at a time, right?" "Well, there might've been a one at a time in there but, honestly, it was just more expedient to double up." 😂) Then TV!Chief has a Reader no one has met before, someone who gives off this shy, reserved demeanor but who is an absolute wildcat underneath, who can give a malfunctioning-hormone-pellet Spartan a run for his money. I don’t know why but I want to see a scene where the rest of Silver Team finds them and they’re kinda running in like, “Okay, we’ve got to see if the non-enhanced human is all right. She might need medical aid!” and she’s all composed and walking out of the room like, yeah, he’s in there. And there’s John just totally worn out, asleep and snoring, lol! 😂 However, since John and Kai went through "Side Effect" together, I doubt this one would ever be written just because it's a rather close idea. I dunno. We’ll see! 😉
And *drum roll* there we have it! Thanks so much for asking! 😎👍
WIP folder ask game
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riahxshi · 2 years
Ranking Beyblade Burst Seasons!
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Ive been wanting to do this after I saw someone do this. their user is @sappho-rose
I’ll be telling yall each of the seasons strong point. Also this is based off of enjoyment I don’t hate none of the seasons in Beyblade Burst.
1. Evolution
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Coming at number 1 we have Evolution! This is a very popular opinion, but I truly think the show was at its peak this season. I think it’s strong point was definitely the writing. Character wise and plot wise the writing was very good and I like that in turbo we can see Shu and Valts character development from the aftermath of Evolution. They gave us new characters that were great and it was fun to watch as a whole. The battles were fun to watch as well. This season also showed the importance of friends and that they’ll always have each others back. Blading should be fun and Valt spread that message all around! He deserved that world champion title and helped save his friend at the same time. Truly a W season and a W main character.
2. The First Season
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Number 2 is the first season. I think what really made me put this at number 2 was its originality. In the newer seasons the characters are usually just copy and paste from the originals, but nothing beats the original LOL. I liked that we got to see Valt grow as a blader. Even though he did lose the tournament at the end he still had fun and continued his journey in Spain. S1 was just fun and I had fun watching it!
3. Surge
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I was going to put rise for number 3, but I decided to put Sparking instead. Its strong point was its dynamics. I liked to see the old characters mesh with the newer characters. It definitely gave the humor from s1-2. Duos like lui/dante, hikaru/aiger, valt/hyuga, lui/free, it was just so entertaining. I also love Hyuga. I feel like he’s so overhated. But i feel like you guys missed the point of Hyuga. Hyuga is the complete opposite of Hikaru, so I dont know why you guys say he should be like Hikaru. Hikaru balances our Hyuga and vice versa. The show wouldn’t be good without one of the twins there. I ALSO liked that they gave other characters some screentime this season. I felt like we didn’t get to see enough character development for other characters like for example rantaro, ranjiro, silas, and free. So i was glad when they got some spotlight this season. The battles were good too. Im happy the newer seasons started doing Tag battles with multiple bladers and new stadiums. It makes it so much more interesting. Though I do have a pet peeve. I dont like Shu at all this season. I feel he was actin very odd. Once he picked his partner to be with Lane his whole personality changed. I dont know why he couldn’t have just simply explained that he teamed up with Lane to watch over him but he didn’t. He literally told the twins he was going to “crush them both”. Why would he say that? Just because Lane doesn’t like them doesn’t mean all of a sudden Shu has to not like em either. Im glad Hancho called him out on it even if it was a bit mean. Lane did break hyperion, helios, and roktavor. I would be angry too especially because Shu didn’t explain his reasoning and was just acting like a bad guy. I also find it strange for his huge concern for Lane as if Aiger wasn’t in that same situation in Turbo. Shu was constantly checking up on Lane, but in Turbo he really only checked up on Aiger once. Valt was the one that pointed out that Aiger looked like he was going down the same path as Red Eye. I feel like because Valt saved Shu from that, shu should’ve been the one saving Aiger from that path too. But it’s whatever I guess.
4. Rise
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Number 4 Is Rise! I love this season and wish it were longer. It had so much potential. If only this season had a longer runtime😭. The animation was so good this season like I thought I was trippin when I thought it had the best animation but others agreed too! I think its strongpoint was it not having any older characters besides from Aiger and Valt. You cant keep on depending on the older characters to make it a good season. I do say that Delta felt a bit forced this season. He felt like a downgraded Shu who was mean to Dante for no reason. Then he randomly started being nice and a team player like halfway through the season and Im like ???. He was definitely my least favorite part in this season. Also the character designs were so ugly to me im so sorry💀 I got used to Amane, but those other characters were soo ugly. And i wished that they gave the girl blader more of a role. Im tired of the female bladers in beyblade being put to the side lines. Other than that this season was pretty average, but Dante really made it entertaining I love him so much! He’s such a ray of sunshine.
5. Turbo
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If Im being honest I really did not enjoy watching this season. I really only stuck around to continue to see Aigers journey. I love aiger and his development, but this season just was bad imo. The newer characters don’t do anything to the plot besides from Ranjiro. Ranjiro and Aiger were the best thing in this season. I liked Xavier and Laban though! I wish Shu was more present this season because I think him and Shu parallel so much. I also LOVED the battle between him and Phi. literally top 5 beyblade battles. It showed Aigers development and that he enjoyed blading now. The high point of this season was definitely Aiger in general.
6. Quaddrive
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Honestly I was very disappointed with this season. It felt like a watered down version of Turbo. I like Bell, but he can be genuinely annoying sometimes. People say he’s overpowered, but he was a strong blader even before the show started. I wish they would stop brining the older characters just to nerf them too. I feel like i’ve genuinely never seen Lui and Free win for like 3 seasons straight. I like that we finally have a female blader though. One that’s important, but it took 6 seasons for that to happen. I LOVE Ranzo though and his friendship with Bell. I also appreciate giving side characters like Bashara more screen time and character development. I just wish they did that with Ranzo though? I feel like the Kiyamas are always done wrong in the anime and Surge finally gave the other Kiyamas development, but with Ranzo he’s still the supporting best friend type character, he doesn’t have his own character arc. I don’t think this season has a high point. I dropped it mid way and I dont know when i’ll watch it again.
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bythebonefire · 2 years
knowing your partner well can potentially make writing together a lot easier. repost, do not reblog!
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name: Spacy
pronouns: she/her
preference of communication: Discord once we get into a flow of plotting, but IMs are fine too
name of muse(s): lol a bunch of ‘em now. W. D. Gaster (both Undertale verse and Mafiafell verse), Grillby, Ferno (Underfell Grillby), Flambeau (Underswap Grillby), Luciano (Mobtale Grillby), Orion (Outertale Grillby), and Papyrus specifically from Mafiafell.
rp experience / how long (months / years?): I first started RPing Sailor Moon OCs based on my gal pals when I was in 5th grade so uhhh coming up on 25 years?
platforms you’ve used: AIM, Livejournal, Discord, and eventually Tumblr
best experience: Meeting two of my best friends, @abracaxfuckxyou​ and @puzzlebones​, after joining the UT fandom, and doing a two-week road trip with them along Route 66 last summer. We got lost on spooky backroads! And stayed at kitschy motels! We visited the World’s Largest Ketchup Bottle! It was a highlight of my life frankly lmao
rp pet peeves / dealbreakers:  People not having any indication of their age anywhere on their blog. I don’t need to know your exact age, but at least whether you’re 18+. Other than that, let’s see... this doesn’t happen too often, but does happen occasionally writing a character like Ferno--I’ve written with some folks in the past who even before we directly interact, seem to go into it with the expectation of a ship because he is very flirtatious. I do love ships! I love Ferno ships! But just because a character is very charismatic and charming doesn’t mean a ship between my muse and someone else’s is going to work out. 
fluff, angst or smut: I enjoy a healthy, balanced diet of all three. 😌
plots or memes: I enjoy both! I’d love to do more extended plotlines, but I think memes are a great way to build dynamics that can be fleshed out in plots. Sort of like how good filler episodes in a series develop the relationships between the characters that enriches the story around it. 
long or short replies: Both are good! I tend towards medium to longer. 
best time to write: It really varies lol, my day-to-day schedule is a joke for a lot of reasons. But I would say usually right after waking up in the morning--during my recording days I’ll usually try and bang out a post or two while I’m hydrating and warming my voice up--and late at night. 
are you like your muse(s): In some ways. I’m not as neat and tidy as Grillby for sure, though I relate a lot to the anxious tendencies he’s developed over my time writing him. I also tend to bottle things up until I am a powder keg of stress, and it is definitely not good for either of us, lol.  What’s kind of interesting to me is the feedback loop that’s come out of writing my muses? Grillby’s love of music that gradually became a part of his character wasn’t like necessarily autobiographical--music is still really important to me, but I play it up with Grillbz past the point I’d take it partly because sometimes it’s really funny to see someone so put together be just really weird and excited about something? But also because I think it emphasizes one thing I love about my version of Grillby, which is that he gives the impression of a stoic, silent gentleman, but deep down inside is an overly passionate nerd who can get so swept up in something he adores that he struggles to keep that composed image. It shows his hand as a bit of a closet romantic and a dreamer, and it’s something that endears him to me. But also (to get to the original point of this tangent), I think writing that out through Grillby has given me a greater appreciation for music, and enhanced my own love of it as a medium of art and communication.  So I guess I do see a lot of myself in my muses sometimes, but I feel like writing my muses in some ways has altered the way I see the world and appreciate things too, and that’s just kinda neat. 
tagged by: Stole from @megalobonia​ 
tagging: Take it, nerd
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daughter-of-dialga · 1 month
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💎 [ About the Mun ] 💎
• Hi and hello, I'm Rosaiel but you can call me Rosa for short! My main blog is Rosaiel; it's mostly for posting my art and reblogging stuff in general.
• I'm a 28-year-old digital artist who's technically a veteran roleplayer, as I have been making characters and roleplaying since my wee middle school years!
• I sort of took a couple years off from roleplaying due to some really bad experiences on a roleplaying website that with stay anonymous for now. However, I'm trying to get back into the swing of roleplaying as I genuinely miss it, so please bare with me!
• I'm non-selective for the most part; so long as you give me a little something to work with, then we're good to go!
• I usually try to match what you write, but sometimes I go overboard! I just really like to write; if I end up writing ten paragraphs, you by NO MEANS have to match that! Go to your own pace; contrary to popular belief, I will NOT be upset if you don't write the same anount as I do! xD
• If you don't want to roleplay and would much prefer to send asks instead, go for it!!! I love asks that delve into character development to be honest. I love thinking about my characters and asks often help me develop my characters in ways I never would have thought of myself. 👀
• I love reading tags??? Seriously some of y'all put some really interesting and funny comments in the tags. Keep 'em coming my funky lil' dudes!
• I also love talking to folks OOC (Out of Character)! If you want to send me an ask that's OOC just to talk, go right ahead! Just make sure you clearly mark it as OOC so I don't mistake it for an in-character reaction.
• Most of the artwork you'll see on this blog is mine*; if it's not, it's either reblogged from another artist or it was a commission that I had permission to post here!
*Just because the artwork on this blog is mostly mine does not give you permission to use it what-so-ever, in any way, shape, or form!
• I'm very friendly but also very shy, so if you want to roleplay, it might be easier if you approach me first. Sorry about that.
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💎 [ Roleplaying Rules ] 💎
I know, I know. No one likes rules, but given the bad experiences I've had in the past, I need to lay down some rules.
• First of all, no hate. What-so-ever. I don't care if you don't like me, my character(s), someone I roleplay with, a character I interact with, or if there's oc x canon content on my blog; hate will NOT be tolerated. Also there's nothing wrong with oc x canon; y'all just want to normalize bullying through silly, trivial things. :)
• I have anonymous asks on currently. If people abuse this and harass me or make me feel uncomfortable through it, anon asks WILL be turned off permanently. No exceptions.
• If I follow your blog on my main account, that means I want to roleplay with you at some point! I'm just very shy. ;; I am open to roleplaying with both Pokemon OCs/Canons and Non-Fandom OCs! I love AUs and fully welcome them as well! I am Crossover friendly, and Multi-ship friendly as well! 💎
• Do not rush me to reply. I understand being excited about a roleplay and wanting it to continue asap, but please understand that I suffer from severe depression and some days, I just don't wanna reply. I will get to it when I get to it. I promise. 💙 If you have any concerns about if I got your reply, if I'm still interested in the roleplay, or just want to check in, that's a-okay! I understand that Tumblr can sometimes be fickle and doesn't always send notifications, so I'm okay with folks checking in! All I'm asking is for y'all to not be forceful, pushy, or demanding. I've dealt with this before in the past and it is not a nice feeling. :(
• I sometimes drop roleplays because I am a poophead and I'm either feeling the Big Sad, I genuinely forgot, or because I just sometimes lose interest/don't know how to continue the plot. If you want us to continue a roleplay I dropped, let me know! I'll try my hardest to pick it back up! ;v; If I can't, I'll tell you. 💙
• Upon our first roleplay, please assume that our characters have not met, even if you've seen me interact with another version of your character on someone else's blog; I treat each roleplaying blog as their own character, so if I have not interacted with your blog before, then it's to be assumed that our characters have not met! Unless we have previously discussed this matter, of course. xD
• You don't need to discuss a plot with me beforehand; if you want to send a starter out of nowhere, go ahead! Just please nothing that would make me uncomfortable. I also reblog a ton of sentence starters, which can be used at any time!!! 💙 Doesn't matter how long ago I reblogged it; if it's on my page, it's good to go!
• Nothing extremely NSFW please. I'll answer some more 'risky' questions, but if you're specifically looking for ERPs and straight up porn, I'm not your girl. That kind of stuff makes me very uncomfortable due to trauma. I'll imply it happened if plot comes to it, but I'm not gonna sit there and write it out and upset myself. Sorry, but no. ESPECIALLY IF YOU'RE UNDERAGE. I will not hesitate to block you if you're underage and are trying to get me to ERP with you; I'm not about to get myself in trouble just because you can't control yourself. Blood and gore is fine with me and so are fights, magic, ect. Just do not God-Mod (making your character overpowered and making the fight unfair by always landing hits and always dodging attacks), take control of my character, or Perma-Kill. Severely injuring or wounding my character is okay though!
• I will not ship with characters that are under 21. Rosa is a grown adult and will only date other grown adults. If you do not have your character’s canon legal age written in their character bio, I will not ship with you. Period.
• Rosa's backstory is heavy and contains heavy topics. For this reason, I am considering this blog 18+. Do not follow if you can not handle 18+ topics. You can see a list of trigger warnings for topics this blog may contain [here].
• I will give out my Discord to folks that I am comfortable with and have interacted with quite a few times with! I'll let you know if I'm comfortable with you yet or not. C:
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💎 [ About the Character ] 💎
Please Note; Rosaiel is my persona. She represents many, MANY aspects of myself. Please beware of this and respectful of this as you interact with her.
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"Life is pleasant, death is peaceful; It's the transition that's troublesome."
💎 Playlist || Reference Sheet || ToyHou.se
• Full Name: Rosaiel Aimsir-Scotia Ó Ceallacháin
• Species: Human
• Age: 28 (Human Years)*
• Gender: Female (♀) - She | Her Pronouns
• Universe: Altered-Mainline Pokémon Video Game Universe**
• Voice Headcanon: 'Alex Chen' from the video game Life is Strange: True Colors
• Occupation: Fulltime Freelance & Independent Artist / Part-time Pokemon Rehabilitator / Retired Pokemon Trainer
• Current Residence: Alola - Malie City
• Personality: [A strong energy prevents you from reading this.]
• Backstory: [A strong energy prevents you from reading this.]
• Pokemon Roster: [Here]
* At the time of writing this post!
** To see what has been altered about the mainline series, you can look [here].
That's all for now, hope to hear from you all soon!
And remember;
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linuxgamenews · 8 months
Abalon's New Horde Survival Mode: The Definitive Guide for Linux & Steam Deck
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Abalon gets a new game update with Horde Survival mode for Linux, Steam Deck, Mac, and Windows PC. Thanks to the hard work of D20Studios, amazing things happened. Available now on Steam, along with 90% Very Positive reviews. If you've been diving deep into the world of Abalon, you've probably heard whispers of a much anticipated update. Here are all the details for Linux and Steam Deck players.
Survival Challenge
Many of you have been curious about a non-stop challenge, and it's finally here. Just a heads up: it's not a walk in the park. This challenge is like that insanely difficult level in your favorite platformer, only ten times harder. But as with all tough levels, the fun is in mastering it. And with a few tries, you're due to find the best strategies and defenses. The trick is to keep experimenting until you find what works. The world of Abalon is about to get scarier. Think of classic Halloween tales: dark, withered creatures, and scary vampires. Your mission? Defend against them. Similar to putting together a dream team for that perfect football match, only with heroes and magic spells. Each round of this challenge, named "Horde Survival", takes around 45 minutes. However, before you dive into Abalon, you can either select a pre-made team or, if you're feeling adventurous, craft your own. During the challenge, you won't find shops or camps. Instead, you'll get a small starter pack with health boosters and some traps. While you fight, you might find extra cards dropped by the creatures of Abalon, but they're limited. Think of them like your special power-ups in a platformer. You'll notice enemies always appear from the opposite side of your Summoner, and while they come in waves, any boosts or reductions in strength won't carry on from one wave to another. So for those who are extra brave, once you finish the initial eight waves, there's an "Endless" mode with even scarier opponents. Each level is hand-designed to ensure fairness and a consistent challenge.
Abalon Game Trailer
Some of the key additions to look out for:
New defense items like walls and explosives. It's a bit like setting up barriers in a tower defense setting. Every piece in Horde Survival has been carefully designed. Due to being like a handcrafted board in a tabletop session.
Special Stream Event
Oh, Kormakrtv, a popular online streamer, is going to showcase this Abalon challenge on October 18th from 10am CEST to 4pm CEST. If you're curious to see it in action before you try it, check it out on Twitch.
Other Key Updates
In other news, there have been some tweaks:
The notoriously tough boss, Nithsrot Gerr, will now only show up in chapter 3. Think of it as a big boss at the end of a specific dungeon level.
A few technical glitches have been fixed, so Abalon should run smoother.
Enemies now have better AI, making them smarter opponents.
Some exciting new cards have been introduced which can help you during battles. Picture them as special power moves or tricks you can pull off.
Join the em>Abalon Community
Lastly, remember: sharing is caring. If you've tried this challenge and have thoughts, feel free to share them. Whether it's by writing a review, dropping a message on the discussion board, or joining Discord, your opinions matter. Plus you can also DM the developer on Discord (Username: RossD20Studios). So there you have it, the lowdown on the newest Abalon update. Ready to jump in and take on the horde? It's available on Steam priced at $29.99 USD / £24.99 / 28,99€. Along with support for Linux, Steam Deck, Mac, and Windows PC.
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eireal · 2 years
A Tera Retrospective
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Before I go ahead with basically writing obituaries for all of my characters, I figured it'd be a good time to talk about my experiences and overall thoughts on the game.
I'd more or less abandoned this game somewhere between Brawler and Ninja patches. I came back to level Ninja and Valkyrie when those classes came out just to try them, but I didn't run any endgame dungeons or explore any of the other content that was around at the time. Basically, I leveled my Valkyrie to 65, logged out, then didn't touch the game for years. I'd check the EME site from time to time to see if anything new and enticing had come out since I last played. Nothing did and eventually I stopped checking. It's some kind of miracle that I found out about the EME shutdown and GF migration at all, let alone in time to save all of my accounts.
I figured I'd give Tera another shot. I leveled my brawler to 70, an experience that gave me an unfavorable impression of what was to come. Long ass quest line, damage sponge mobs. Basically, the 60-65 experience of 2015 on steroids. Only way to supplement that was by running Macellarius Catacombs over and over and over and over again. And apparently it was much worse before I arrived, though it was made better in subsequent patches and with leveling events.
Before I talk about the state of endgame in 2020 and later, I have to talk about what it was like in 2013, a.k.a. the game's golden age.
You just hit level 60 on your first character. How do you progress? First you got faction gear, which was good enough to run Nexus, which gave you Agintor credits that you'd use to get your first set of endgame gear. It was also good enough to run Ebon Tower, Labyrinth of Terror, and Kelsaik's Nest for Master Enigmatic Scrolls and Masterwork Alkahest. You could save those for your own gear or sell them on the broker. You'd also do daily quests, and which factions you'd do depended on what kind of rewards you wanted. If you wanted fodder for enchanting gear, you'd do the ones in Cutthroat Harbor. If you wanted the best healer jewelry in the game, you'd do the ones in Bastion, etc.
Once you were able to get a full set of Agnitor gear and slowly started enchanting it, more and more dungeons would open up to you and you'd look at refining your character further. You'd run Temple of Temerity for advanced glyphs. You'd run Sirjuka Gallery for even more advanced glyphs. You could run Crucible of Flame and Argon Corpus to hone your skills. Once your gear was +9, it was good enough to start training runs of Manaya's Core, something I'll talk about in more detail later. You could also ditch your Agnitor gear and get Abyss gear, which is slightly better, or save up for Regent's gear, which was the best money could buy.
It seems, on the surface, that a lot of the level 70 era endgame followed similar logic. I'm going to use the Annihilation/Dark Light/Kaia gear era in my examples because it's when I was most active in post-70 Tera. Instead of grinding for better glyphs, you'd grind for those scrolls that allowed you to advance your skills in whichever dungeon the current patch had designated for that purpose. You'd get a free set of basic starter gear to run basic starter dungeons that would allow you to save up and buy Annihilation/Dark Light gear. Then you'd work on enchanting that, so you could run better, more lucrative dungeons that would get you money to either upgrade your A/DL gear to Kaia and keep your enchantment level, or buy Kaia and start from scratch. Sounds similar enough so far.
Except, enchanting became crazy expensive at some point in Tera's development. It always had been, but in classic Tera, it was from procuring materials. Now, the enchanting itself became a gold sink, and they even made if so your gear can break and you had to pay more gold and use a different set of materials to fix it so you could keep enchanting again! Enchanting could even go down! Oh, and the materials couldn't be purchased, they had to be farmed by hand, which slowed down progression significantly! And yes, I know that some materials could be purchased and that later patches did away with some of these annoyances (and replaced them with new ones) but still. Oh, and did I mention that each gear tier had its own individual enchanting materials? Super convenient!
Then I have to talk about the dungeons. I think the dungeon design philosophy changed for the worse. In classic Tera, it was possible to run all Normal Mode dungeons without any prior experience, with the exception of Manaya's Core. And Manaya's Core was a momentous event. You wanted to run it, you had to be ready, i.e. competent at your class and comfortable with the game's mechanics, and then you'd have to find someone who was willing to coach you. My first run was with my guild and we'd put out an ad for a trainer. (We couldn't clear it that time & I still had shitty faction gear so DPS was subpar) Tried again on a different server with a different character, during the Wonderholme era. Same result. Finally, I joined a Serious™ PVE guild finally managed to clear it multiple times on multiple classes. I even offered my services for another hapless guild doing a training run. (Couldn't clear. I guess the lesson is one trainer isn't enough) Later I even managed to solo heal Hard Mode on my mystic.
Basically, what I'm trying to get at is that clearing MC required focus, teamwork, coordination, and skill. This was a great dungeon and a great test of your skills. Basically, you had to "git gud" so you could successfully run MCNM, then be able to run it in your sleep, then git gud-er so you could run HM, craft Visionmaker gear (a long, laborious process) at which point you became a god. You'd make money selling Regent gear. If you were really good and could 4 man the dungeon, you could sell the 5th party slot to some rich scrub who wanted Shandra's Quill without having to put in the work.
What I'm trying to get at is that while there was challenging content in the game, you could go on your merry way never having touched it and still have plenty to do. The challenging content is just like a dangling carrot for all new players, there to encourage you to get better but by no means necessary to run.
When I got back to Tera in 2020, things were different. Obviously, it had been close to 5 years since I even attempted to play seriously. The thing is, trying to see this from the perspective of a brand new player, it really was utter nonsense. The devs wanted to rush people to endgame, so they made the 1-65 process as streamlined as possible. 5 hours if you were lucky, 7 if you weren't. You'd basically run each lowbie dungeon once, hit 3-5 levels while you're in there, and move on to the next. If by the end of that you had some idea of how to play your class, Tera then throws you for a loop with Apex! Now you have to forget about the way you played before and incorporate these new skills into your rotation. Oh, and all glyph upgrades are now free and automatically given to you. Now you have to work on your EP talents, except, oops, they're broken and many don't do what they're supposed to so you have to consult a guide for that. Speaking of guides, gone are the long detailed class guides on Essential Mana (which won't even load anymore) that go over the pros and cons of every skill and glyph. Now you have to find and join your class's discord where it's literally some guy screenshotting his EP and Glyph setup with a badly drawn graphic of his rotation.
And on the subject of dungeons (which I'd been trying to get to for several paragraphs now) it seemed like the design philosophy was to weed out all but the most determined of players. The impression I got was that each new dungeon that came out after a certain point was made to be Challenging™ but not teamwork and coordination type challenging, but "here's a bunch of one shot mechanics to memorize and avoid" type challenging. And then once the dungeon had run its course, they'd nerf it and bring it back in some future patch. The one shot mechanics would still be there, of course, but now you have a free insta-res button that prevents your party from wiping if too many people die. All of the "easy" dungeons had this convenient feature. So really, there was no real incentive to learn to avoid these mechanics and survive because you could just pay some gold and be back on your feet.
Basically, rather than developing a suite of dungeons and new gear to go with them, they'd release 1 new, shiny dungeon and gear, then bring back a bunch of recycled dungeons that they'd nerfed.
I still remember the Wonderholme patch well. It was, coincidentally the last time I seriously participated in endgame. All other times have been attempts. The devs released four new dungeons +1 hard mode, and three new sets of gear. Steadfast, which was enough to get by, but one you didn't want or need to keep because Wonderholme was easy to upgrade to, the aforementioned Wonderholme set that would get you through all of the content no problem, and the BiS craftable Nightforge set for those who wanted to show off. Steadfast gear dropped in WHNM and through tokens that dropped in the other dungeons. Wonderholme dropped in WHHM and came in BoP and BoE (if you were lucky) versions. All were enchanted with the same materials and system as previous gear. Alkahest and Enigmatic Scrolls didn't suddenly become worthless because the dev's decided to fix what wasn't broken. Frankly, it was incredibly easy to get geared during this patch because WHHM wasn't like MCHM. It's super easy to get carried in a 10 man raid, the challenge became the luck of the draw and competition between others of your class and/or armor type.
Speaking of MCHM, it was not made obsolete and removed. You still needed to run it to be able to craft Nightforge gear, though the higher stats on the new gear made it easier. The only old dungeons that got removed were irrelevant shit nobody ran anyway because it served no purpose, like Fane of Kaprima. You could say it's because Tera was still new and didn't have a huge rolodex of dungeons it could endlessly cycle through yet. Still, IMO this patch was still the golden age of Tera and it was all downhill from there. The Reaper patch was the beginning of the end.
In 2020, there was a huge gap for mid level gear. It went from, "you can clear this with free, shit tear gear the game gives you automatically as long as you enchant it a bit" to "everyone who runs this already has current BiS +15 so good luck keeping up." Not to mention the handful of dungeons that were utterly closed to you because your item level wouldn't be sufficient. FFS, you could run most things with +9 Agnitor and everything with +12 in Classic.
And don't get me started on the inflation. In 2013, you could buy EMP at 1:10. Character slots were 5k on the broker. Race changes 25-30k. IIRC, when the tradable Elite voucher was first introduced post Gunner patch, it was only 60k. I know the prices for a lot of those things skyrocketed after GF took over because their shit was just more expensive for some reason, but still.
Speaking of money, after unsuccessfully trying my hand at Tera's endgame, I settled on that as the goal. Just my luck, Tera had a very easy way to make money for someone like me, and that method had been around for quite a while. I'm talking, of course, of Commander's Residence. 10k per run, 13 characters, card boxes, and scrolls, once a week, every week for close to a year made me go from 3 million to 30-something by the time CR was patched out. Oh, and don't forget those silly little companion dudes who could complete virtual dungeon runs for you. Those halidoms sold for a pretty penny before they were nerfed. After CR was removed came the Enchantment Finesse, which could be reliably obtained from companion adventures and would sell for 7k a pop, on 3 characters, was 21k a day. Twice that if you were determined. All that money gathered for a rainy day that never came. Because really, what was the point?
In Ye Olden Days, I always struggled with money because I needed gear, I needed enchanting materials to improve that gear. But at this point, I'd decided the current endgame content was pointless and there was no sense in gearing for it. And subsequent patches made many of the enchanting mats inaccessible without having to run the content, again. And it was impossible to catch up because the devs didn't want to equalize everyone or devalue the work those with BiS gear put in to obtaining it. So they made it easy to upgrade. Basically, if you had +15 Kaia, you could run the fancy new dungeon and work on upgrading it to Kaia's Soul, but if you were brand new, you had an uphill battle enchanting your gear because initially, that feedstock was not cheap. Basically, after CR was removed I had no desire or incentive to participate in any endgame content, so I watched two separate gear cycles come and go without even claiming the free new gear on some characters.
And that was my Tera experience. Like the game itself, it went out with a whimper instead of a bang.
So what now? Will I try any of the private servers? Well, for whatever reason, no one has attempted to recreate the Classic Tera experience, which was the last time I liked the game. The closest is Tera CZ, which is on the gunner patch a.k.a. post 65, which is when the game started really going downhill for me. It’s still better than the level 70 patches though.
No, it’s more likely the death of Official Tera means I’m saying goodbye for good. I’m not exactly an MMO person. Me playing this game was a complete anomaly. I only picked it up because a bunch of other Simblrs were trying it after it went FTP and the game looked pretty. Yes, that’s my Tera origin story. I’d go as far as to say that my life would’ve turned out better and more productive without this game in it.
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