#eats the cake luke worked so hard on
On Lesson 28 rn and you'd better believe that off-screen, my MC is giving Beel the ICIEST shoulder
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anikasheep · 6 months
The sheep we adore so much is change, but we still love them
I love imagine how the brothers pampered MC SO MUCH
i love imagine how the royals, the angels, and our fucking teacher ALL PAMPERED MC.
They said demon would corrupt human's soul.
Remember that Thirteen said that Solomon's soul is different but still shining?
MC is the similar case.
Their soul is the shining pink sheep shape, but their their ribbons which has a bell on it, is the wool white one with the black radiant.
I believe that the ribbon was the wool white color, so why the color changes?
They're corrupted by the demons.
They're pampered by the angels.
They're spoiled by Solomon and Thirteen.
The demons, well, they all encourage MC to express what they want, what they desire, what they wish for.
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Lucifer rewards MC for their hard work, he enjoys the petting when only he and MC alone. But what he did the most was let MC throw a small tantrum to them.
The eldest brother believes that if MC never throws a tantrum at him or the other brothers, it means they are treating them still wrong. He gives MC the PRIVILEGE to show anger with him. Still, he seldom sees MC angry and kind of disappointed with the failure.
The Avatar of Pride doesn't know that MC cares the trust of him the most in their relationship.
MC values themselves as the one who Lucifer trust enough to take care his brothers and share his burdens. They realize how busy Lucifer is so in the most situations, MC would forgive Lucifer if he lose his temper or being too harsh when he's too busy to take a break.
And that's the reason why MC gave NB!Lucifer silent treatment when they found that Luciferr use the apple to test them.
Sort of, what Lucifer want to see in original timeline, NB! Lucifer got and he finally could use Barbatos's cake to apologize to MC.
Apologize for those misunderstandings when they were the human exchange student. Apologize for failing to protect them. Apologize for that his pride couldn't allow him to open his heart to them fully. Apologize for that he would love them even though they're not related to Lilith, but the selfish part pushes him to decide that HE CAN'T LET YOU GO.
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Mammon showers his love on MC in three ways: gifts, fortune, and his time.
Earrings, necklace, watch, and bags, even his treat to have dinner in Hell's Kitchen or Ristorante Six, as long as MC wants, Mammon would try to fulfill their wish.
I believe that the more Mammon loves MC, the more fortunate MC is. OUR ADORABLE SHEEP would use their fortune to treat the brothers and their other friends. But if they only use the fortune to treat Mammon, they'd get more.
Mammon is a clingy demon, that's right MC. Mammon wouldn't admit that, but all his crow familiars would watch over you in three realms. The crows recognize you as Mammon's most precious. This means all crows have the obligation to protect you and chase the thieves away.
Remember those rumors you heard from the other students? Some demons were attacked by a flock of crows? If you ask who are the victims, you might feel strange. Cause the crows attacked those demons who made you upset before.
And do you still remember those demons' names who confessed to you? Have you noticed they would followed by a few crows after that even though you rejected them? If not, let me ask you a simple question, MC. Did you ever meet any of your suitors again?
Lucifer scolded Mammon for that event, but the Avatar of Greed just shrugged. The two oldest brothers kept this secret only between themselves, and Lucifer didn't punish Mammon for this event.
He loves teasing, especially to those newbies. He had spun you so many stories to cover the true intentions that he needs your money.
He knows you are rarely mad at him, but NB! Mammon doesn't know that you adopted Luke as your litter brother or son technically. As a result, you're furious when you know he spins a tale to Luke that you're a bad demon who loves eating children.
Let's say that NB! Mammon is frozen when he hears you gritted his name like when Lucifer is angry.
The brothers are terrified and admire your angry sheep form, they watch in awe and ekk when you use the "STAY! BAD DOG!" AT LEAST THREE TIMES on Mammon, Mammon has to lie on the ground for an hour.
Since that day, the whole Devildom knows that the sweet attendant of the 7 rulers of the Underworld is ONE OF THE MOST CAN'T BE BOTHERED.
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I always thought that MC would warm up to Solomon slowly, they love Solomon, but the feeling of the distance can't get rid of somehow.
Until MC was dragged to the NB timeline and Solomon is the one who came through the time for them. Solomon might not see that but I believe that MC is SOOOOO TOUCHED by this.
A man came to you even though he has to jump through the time? How romantic (*/ω\*)
Living together means a lot to humans, Solomon finally got his key to be closer to MC. They share the domestic chores, greeting at least twice and MC would nap on the sofa while Solomon reading.
Solomon knows that the brothers and the royals spoiled MC with high-quality gifts. Clothes, make-up products... you name it.
But Solomon also knows that MC has a sweet tooth that they can't refuse a dessert. That's why he loves to queue up for popular desserts. The time of getting in a long line is worth it if that means he would see MC's eyes light up and their adorable smile.
Solomon may be the mischievous and mysterious sorcerer he is, and he could be a strict teacher involved in magic. But he actually is soft and makes MC feel safe.
The unspoken feelings of being related as a human and the living proof that MC belongs to the original timeline build a bridge, which leads MC to show more emotions around Solomon. That's why MC would use cold words when they were teleported by the bubbles or angry with Solomon for being too late to start their movie night. And the ways the fantastic three roasted Solomon is funny hehe.
MC feels equal to Solomon, though they can't be sure whether it's because of how Solomon is or it's the result of Solomon always wanting to make humans equal to the other two realms.
But MC can tell him what's on their mind. They know that Solomon would hear it and find a way to get the best of both worlds.
MC cuddles with Solomon before they bid good night. And sometimes they'd just fall asleep.
Solomon never woke them up, he used his coat to cover them so that they wouldn't catch a cold.
After Solomon finished his papers or study, he would teleport himself and MC to his room and snuggle with them before leaving a forehead kiss.
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thegayestmferintown · 3 months
Hi! Sorry to bother you and I know you just posted but could we possibly get a side characters version of the forgetful mc? Like for Diavolo, Barbatos, Simeon, and maybe Solomon? Referring to this post https://www.tumblr.com/thegayestmferintown/746129008450748416/can-you-do-an-mc-that-cant-remember-anything-it?source=share
Yup! Sure can! I'm gonna add luke as well (platonic)!
This Takes Place In The Original Timeline
Warnings ;; None, just fluff!
Relationship ;; Romantic (Platonic for Luke)
Type ;; Headcanons
Diavolo is definitely at a loss. He's met many people as the future Devildom King, but he's never met someone as forgetful as you.
Even though he's at a loss, he'll definitely try to help you through your time in the Devildom.
He most definitely feels as though it's his fault. Not for your faulty memory, but for putting you through all of this.
After some time, you start to grow closer and he starts to help you even more, as much as he can.
He'll try to help you with schoolwork, if you can't remember something.
But if you forget an anniversary, he's alright with that, he'll definitely understand.
He won't do anything without your permission though, so don't expect a huge party right off the bat.
Congratulations! You've got Barbatos himself confused!
Now, on a serious note, it does throw him off.. a lot. He won't show that, of course. But your lack of remembrance is confusing and very odd to him.
Upon first meeting, that's all you'll get, confusion that you had no idea was there.
He'd introduce himself and that was that.
Later on, he'd be very sweet, helping you when necessary and telling you things you cannot remember.
If you forget an anniversary, he wouldn't be mad or upset (not that you could see it anyway) he would simply bake you a cake with the words "Happy Anniversary, My Dear" engraved on top.
Solomon is all over you. He's asking you all sorts of questions. What is up with you? Why do you forget so easily?
He's so old he barely remembers how humans work, okay?
He'll always do things to make your forgetfulness worse.
By putting things on higher shelves when you wrote on a note that what you were looking for was on the third shelf, etc.
Later on, he wouldn't ask many questions but he would still mess with you.
If you happened to forget your anniversary, he wouldn't mind. Although, he would be slightly upset. So, he'd make you a meal to eat. Though, through your forgetfulness, you ate it. Farewell, soldier.
Simeon is such a sweetheart he doesn't even do anything bad.
He'll talk to you and help you through your forgetfulness by telling you certain dates and whatnot.
He is confused at first, yes, but he'll immediately help you to the best of his ability.
Later on, he'll start to make you lunches or breakfasts if you forget, and he'll always leave a note with things you'll need to remember.
If you forget an anniversary, he won't be mad, but he will take you out to a Cafe. Possibly a quiet one where you can sit in the quiet corner and just talk.
Poor baby Luke is so confused. Why did you just forget who he was? He walked away for maybe five seconds?
He will help you to the best of his tiny ability though.
Though I wouldn't expect too much, he tries very hard and I think that would be enough.
If you forgot a birthday, for example, he would walk to your room with a cake, no matter who's birthday it was, yours or his. He'll bring a cake to eat with you.
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tagthescullion · 8 months
The Undead Diary of Luke Castellan
Fandom(s): Percy Jackson and the Olympians
Rating: T
Summary: It's not Luke's fault the Underworld is understaffed and some of its doors connecting with the living world are left unattended.
Words: 2929
AO3 link
I’d like to begin this story by saying this wasn’t my fault.
Not completely. Or well, not exactly.
The decision was mine, I guess. Except that it wasn’t a decision. More like an impulsive action that turned out to have big consequences.
But, in my defence —a line I’ve been using a lot these past few years, and, come to think of it, all of my life—, I was left unsupervised.
Let’s go back to the beginning.
I died.
Was it painful? Yes, very. Was it unfortunate? Many would disagree. Did I have it coming? I might have, yeah.
At any rate, my arrival in the Underworld had been most expected (by both the demigods alive and the ones whose deaths I’d had a hand in). All things considered, betrayal to the gods and my old camp-mates and whatnot, I hadn’t exactly hoped for a loving welcome committee. 
If I’m honest, my judgement and the execution of my sentence were far less harsh than I probably deserved.
Hades himself was in charge of my fate, and to my utmost surprise, he vetoed the judges’ decision to let me burn in acid in the Fields of Punishment. Instead, he suggested I made myself useful, to account for all the destruction I’d brought.
“My domain has expanded exponentially in the past century,” Hades had said. “Daedalus has proved a worthy addition to my efforts to keep it organised efficiently, and you will follow his example if you’re smart.”
And for the past year I had done my job well enough to keep the Lord of the Dead content.
Daedalus was grateful for another pair of hands, so to speak, for I’m not entirely sure I really had hands, or if my spirit’s consciousness believed it hard enough to make it feel that way.
The old man was an incredible and astute engineer, but he had trouble controlling his workers. I, on the other hand, had no idea how to even build a bridge with legos, but I had lots of experience in the field of leading reluctant people, monsters, and even minor deities into battle, which meant organising souls into efficient work groups was a piece of cake. And so I did —carefully watched by one of Hades’ Furies, of course—.
At the beginning, I didn’t see any fellow demigods. Not any I knew, anyway. I was sure some of the souls working under me had been demigods in the past century. 
It wasn’t that I didn’t have the time, Hades had given me Wednesdays off —I didn’t really know what day of the week it was, time is an elusive variant in the Underworld, but the Fury was kind enough to remind me—. I just didn’t have the courage to face my old acquaintances just yet.
I kept to the outskirts of Elysium. Souls don’t need to sleep, don't need to eat, don't need to do anything, truly. So I wandered around, looking remarkably like the souls who’d forgotten themselves after so many years. 
One day, I was spotted by Lee Fletcher. 
It felt like a dagger through my unbeating heart. Lee Fletcher had been my best friend and the second person I’d failed to convince to turn to Kronos’ side. I was glad Lee hadn’t joined in the end, but I’d been shattered when I learned of his demise in Zeus’ Fist at camp.
Lee didn’t look particularly surprised, though. 
“I was hoping you’d show your face around eventually,” he’d said. “You deserve a punch in the face and a friend to listen to an explanation.”
I had then offered my old friend a crooked smile. “That’s why I didn’t come round.”
Lee walked with me for a while in silence. I didn’t feel like explaining, and I suppose Lee didn’t feel like forgiving just yet.
After a couple of weeks, it became our Wednesday routine. Lee dared to speak before I did. He told me of what he knew of our respective siblings, and what he knew of everybody else, really. Demigods died and brought news even after the Battle of Manhattan. Obviously, a lot less frequently, but demigod life wasn’t easy in peace times either.
At some point, Lee managed to convince me to meet Silena. 
I assumed if anybody was also wary of our former friends it was her. She’d been a marvellous informant, but that had also made her an incredible traitor.
There was a fraction of a second of tense silence when we stood face to face. Then Silena bursted out into sobs and hugged me tight.
“We fucked up,” she cried. “We fucked up, we fucked up…”
I agreed, of course. Gods, we’d fucked up big time.
Slowly, Lee threw more people my way. 
Traitors at first, all of them filled with guilt and remorse. I imagine if they weren’t, they would’ve been burning in the Fields of Punishment with the acid the judges had wanted for me.
Then, there’d been a couple of kids who’d never joined my side. They were reluctant, I knew, but they clearly respected Lee enough to go along with him. 
Eventually, I got used to the nasty glares, but, more surprisingly, I started getting comments around the lines of, ‘Something had to be done, though’, ‘They really don’t care much about us, do they?’.
Through Lee’s diplomacy and my visible humility and apologetic behaviour —which wasn’t natural to me, but I wasn’t exactly in a position to start defending myself—, my old friends appeared on my Wednesday walks without being coerced. And I even stopped dreading those meetings so much.
That was until spirits started disappearing.
It was rather chaotic at first. There was fear around, which wasn’t common in Elysium. 
But then the fear turned into hope. They didn’t disappear. Rumours said they were going back to life.
My inner curiosity got the best of me, as it always did.
One Wednesday, I led Lee and Silena to Melinoe’s cave. She wasn’t home, which made me wonder whether she was in her father’s castle or just roaming around, scaring the shit out of innocent mortals. 
When Melinoe wasn’t in her cave, there was always Thanatos, I knew, making sure nobody snooped around like we were doing. Thanatos was a rather strict fellow, and a very good ally to Hades. 
In retrospect, it was easy to see he hadn’t been seen around in a long while. But then again, it’s easier to notice those things in hindsight. Time, as I said before, is hard to keep pace of in the Underworld.
“I don’t like this,” Lee said. “I don’t think we should be here.”
“Don’t worry,” I reassured him. “Worst case scenario, they’ll blame me.”
Lee smiled. That had been a thing even before I left camp. Whenever something fishy happened, Chiron was always quick to point at me rather than Apollo’s golden son.
“I’d rather they blamed nobody,” Silena said. “This place feels terrible, let’s go back.”
I stared at my friends. Didn’t they realise? Thanatos wasn’t here, neither was Melinoe, the Furies would need some time to catch us.
“It’s a way out, guys!”
“Out?” Lee’s expression turned uneasy. “Listen, Luke, we shouldn’t mess around with that idea.”
“It’s been done before,” I insisted. “Or almost.”
“I’m with Lee,” Silena said. “What’s happened, happened. We can’t leave. We can’t go back.”
“There’s nobody here!” I took another tentative step into the cave. I felt a pull, pushing me out into the open, but I went further in. “It feels… strange.”
I felt warm and cold at the same time. I hadn’t felt much since I’d died. My spirit had felt a trace of sensation, but it was muted. As if it was a memory rather than the real thing.
Could I possibly go out? Into the living world?
Over the past year I’d pushed down those feelings of incompleteness. There were still so many things I wanted to do. So many apologies. But two in particular. There were two people I’d have given anything to see.
And perhaps, if there was nobody to stop us, we might be able to leave!
“Luke, stop it!”
But Lee’s voice grew dimmer in my ears. 
I could meet them again, my two girls. Explain, tell them how sorry I was. 
The force pushing me back grew stronger with every step, but it was no match for my determination.
Step after step, the sensations enhanced in my chest. Cold and warmth, and even a hint of nausea. The ground sloped down, slowly at first, then steeper as I kept going.
Then I realised I could smell. It didn’t smell like a musty old cave, it was the smell of summer. Of hot wind and freshly cut grass.
It only made my resolve stronger.
It was pitch dark. The light from the entrance of the cave had been lost completely. 
I went another step further. Then another step. And another step.
I took a deep breath. I could breathe. I was breathing!
Another step. Another step. Another step.
The sound of my heartbeat filled my ears. Loud, strong, quick. Deafening.
Another step. Another step. Another step.
The force pushing me back was so strong now, that I almost tripped. But I regained balance and managed to keep going.
Another step… Another step… Another step…
Then the ground disappeared. 
And I fell.
My first sensation when I woke up was warmth in my face. 
A memory stirred in my mind. The smell of ripe strawberries, the laughter of children free for the summer holidays, the rhythmic sound of waves, a towel under my body, and the warmth of the sun hitting my exposed skin. 
It was the sun. The sun! I was feeling the sun on my skin!
Then the feeling disappeared, and the brightness I could see through my closed eyelids banished.
A soft hand patted my cheek carefully.
“Hello?” Said a woman’s voice. “Young man?”
I opened my eyes slowly. Outlined by a halo of sunlight the face of a pretty woman of about thirty hovered around a metre away from me.
I tried to speak but my throat felt like sandpaper. 
“It’s okay,” she said. Her voice held a trace of an accent. “It takes a while to get used to being back.”
In spite of the burning feeling in my throat, my face split into a grin.
“Back,” I rasped. “I’m back.”
The woman helped me sit up. 
I studied her properly now. Her skirt, blouse, and sweater looked old-fashioned. Her hair was loose, but it curled in that style I’d seen in a thousand WWII movies. She had a warm smile and a clever look.
“I’m Luke,” I said, offering her a hand. “My name’s Luke Castellan.”
“Maria,” she replied. 
She looked at my hand and shook it after a second of hesitation. 
“I keep forgetting Americans shake hands. So impersonal,” she stated with a raised eyebrow. Her tone was teasing though.
“Are you—” I caught myself. “Were you dead too?”
“Right to the point, yes?” She smiled. “Yes, I was dead. I have been for a while. But now I’m here, and I need to find my son.”
“Your son?” I was surprised. 
My perception of ‘mother’ isn’t the best, but this woman didn’t look like a mom to me. She looked like an old time movie star, those that always had perfect make-up, in the black-and-white photos I’d seen in the cinema close to my place in Connecticut. 
“Yes,” she said. “My little boy. He should be an old man by now, I would have expected.”
“But he isn’t?” I wondered.
She shook her head, anger and sorrow transformed her expression.
“My daughter passed away,” she told me. “Not too long ago. She should have been old, but she was still a girl.”
“I’m sorry,” I said. I looked down, and when I spoke it was full of bitterness. “Children’s lives should never be at risk.”
And despite what many may think, I do believe that kids shouldn’t be put in the line of fire.
Maria nodded, swallowed, and composed herself so fast I felt a little thread of envy. If only I could’ve put up a cheerful façade that quickly…
“You don’t look old enough to die either,” she decided, giving me a once over.
“I think I deserved it,” I admitted. ‘It was my choice’ sounded a bit too harsh. “Besides, I’m 23, that’s better than dying as a child.”
Maria huffed. “23 is still so young.”
“As opposed to…?” I asked. 
She seemed horrified by my audacity. 
“A lady doesn’t ask nor answer that question,” she said firmly. “And neither should a gentleman.”
I shrugged. She sounded fancy. I guessed in whichever time she came from, old-money people stuck to those ridiculous social rules.
“What do you know of your son?” I wondered. “Do you know where we can find him? Hell, do you know where we are?”
I scanned my surroundings. My eyes were unused to the sun, which made me squint a bit. 
It looked like a meadow. The land was flat, not a hill on sight. The grass was green and soft under me, and far to my right, there was a big house.
“Italy,” she said. “Veneto.”
Holy shit. 
“A bit far from where I expected to be,” I said.
“The Underworld has many exits,” Maria told me. 
My muscles tensed. I had assumed she was a lost mortal, who had followed the path out of the afterlife by accident, but mortals in Italy wouldn’t be likely to call the Underworld by that name. Nor, I guess, would they be likely to have children who were supposed to be old but looked young.
“Oh, I know about all of this,” she smiled. “My children are— were, like you. Demigods. I’m… what’s that term he used? Clear sighted?”
I nodded.
Italian demigods. Did I know Italian demigods? Probably a fair few, but I wasn’t sure if any of the ones I’d met were from Veneto.
And she said she had died ages ago. Whoever her children were they would have been taken out of time. 
It rang a bell in my memory, but my mind wasn’t clear enough yet for me to recall properly. Not to mention I’d known dozens of demigods who had bizarre stories. 
Thalia was a tree for a while, she’d looked younger than she should have been that time she pushed me off that cliff. 
Annabeth and her little gang had been in that Casino thing in Vegas, that had messed up time for them, too. 
And the Sea of Monsters, there were a lot of islands there where children could have been stuck in time for decades.
“Are your—,” I hesitated. “Did your children ever get to camp? Camp Half-Blood, in New York?”
Maria’s expression turned dubious. “I think so. Bianca didn’t explain much, she didn’t stay long. But I reckon wherever my boy is, it’s in America. That’s the last place I saw them.”
That’s where she had died then.
“Then camp’s our best bet,” I said. “He’s alive, he’s likely to have at least crossed paths with somebody from there.”
She nodded. 
She turned and pointed at the house in the distance. “That’s my family’s home. You can stay there for a bit. To rest.”
She stood and offered a hand for me to get up too.
“I— Yeah, thanks,” I said. I felt weak. I’d just come back to life. She was right to say it took some adjustment. I wondered how long she’d been back. “I could use a place to sit for a bit.”
In exchange, I could help her find camp and her son. Assuming the kid was still alive, that was. I wouldn’t go to camp myself. I’d be stoned the moment I set a foot in there. But leading Maria there was the least I could do after she’d been so kind to me.
I just hoped her son wasn’t somebody I knew. That could make things awkward.
We walked for a bit in silence. As we got closer, the house grew bigger and bigger. ‘House’ was an understatement, I thought. The place was huge. 
Balconies, huge floor to ceiling windows, at least four storeys tall. It had a path that led to the main entrance lined with orchard trees, and off to the side there was a less pretentious dirt path that I assumed went to the servant’s entrance.
“I’m sorry,” I said, before I could stop myself, pointing at the immense building in front of us. “But did your family own Italy?”
Maria gave me a funny look. “It’s not such an ostentatious place.”
Perhaps if you are related to the Windsor family, then Maria’s family’s house isn’t ostentatious. If, like me, you come from the US suburbs, then it’s something taken right out of Downton fucking Abbey.
“My father was a marquess,” she explained, when she caught my cynical expression. “Sua grazia, il Signor di Angelo, and all the paraphernalia it came with. The house is all right, but we weren’t…”
But I had stopped listening.
Di Angelo. I did remember that name. Di Angelo was that little kid who’d popped out of nowhere with an army of undead soldiers and his godly father on toe.
But not even I couldn’t be that unlucky. 
“What’s your son’s name?” I asked, as casually as I could.
“Niccolò,” she said with a proud smile. “But everybody always called him Nico.”
Nico. Nico di Angelo.
Well, fuck. To nobody’s surprise, I could be that unlucky.
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loweya-blog · 9 months
Honeycake Part 2
(Just baking stuff, sfw)
It had only been three days after you first baked that honeycake for the brothers but word had already spread to everybody else. Simeon had been trying to “subtly” suggest having tea together while Luke was begging for the chance to bake with you. Solomon offered to join in on those baking sessions with Luke, but you quickly shut that idea down. Diavolo, of course, was saying something about wanting to try new human dishes. Even Barbatos, who was your supplier for human world ingredients, had gotten you just a little TOO much honey. Seeing how your little honey bees practically begged for it, you got to work on baking. 
When he heard about this new human recipe, he was excited. He wanted to bake with you but didn’t want to seem too needy or desperate. But when you agreed to his begging request, he was so happy! Baking the honeycake was a new experience since it was the first time he’d ever baked a cake without sugar. Then there was the whole baking using a cast iron skillet instead of a traditional sheet pan. He hadn’t been expecting to learn so many new ways to bake.
You two got to talk a lot as you worked, mostly fun facts about bees. Luke knew about these creatures but eagerly listened as you told him more. He didn’t realize bees were such important pollinators or that they all served a queen! The young angel made a joke about how you were pretty much their queen bee. It was so sweet that you decided not to tell him about drones or any of those smaller details. 
He felt it was a bit suspicious when you and Luke sent him and Solomon out to get some shopping done for you. The gentle angel didn’t mind it since it would give him a chance to buy you something nice. However, he did find it a bit odd that Solomon practically dragged them both out of the house. 
All was made clear when he returned to purgatory hall and smelled that sweet scent from the kitchen. The cake was already decorated with berries and powdered sugar, and set on the purgatory table. Before he sat down, he made sure that you and Luke got the gift he’d bought for you both. He handed you a sloth plushy and gave the dog plushy to Luke. Simeon’s heart soared when he saw that delighted expression on your face. He then joined the others around the table, eating the delicious honeycake. Yet to him, you would always be far more sweet than any dessert. 
He knew EXACTLY what you two were up to when you sent him and Simeon out on a shopping trip. Solomon wished he could have helped but he knew that you’d rather him not step foot in the kitchen. For some reason. You always were territorial about the kitchen. On the way out, Simeon came up with the idea of bringing a gift back for you. So Solomon stole borrowed that idea and secretly bought you a new magical amulet. His precious apprentice could always use more magical jewelry.
When they returned home, he went straight over to the dining room. You and Luke were there with an already decorated cake, shouting surprise. He smiled and let Simeon give you your plushies. He would give you his own gift later… privately. When he tasted the honeycake, he was surprised. It was sweet but not too sweet, a stark contrast to most of the cakes he had in the human world. Then again… when was the last time he had human world food? He quietly wondered when was the last time he actually sat down and ate desserts without doing some potion or project. Perhaps in these small ways, perhaps this was how you made him feel like he was a human being again. 
When you requested to come over for some tea, he immediately accepted. He even worked extra hard on all his work as Prince so nothing would get in his way for this. The prince even rescheduled some meetings to be earlier, just to leave his afternoon free. Lucifer had been subtly rubbing it in the whole time that he’d gotten such a special treat. More like he mentioned it once. The Prince couldn’t help but feel a little jealous. After all, the brothers got to spend all their time with you and he only got a few precious moments. 
When it was finally time, you were treated like the most important guest he ever had. As always. You were escorted to the tea room and as he had hoped, you had that delicious honeycake with berries and powdered sugar. The idea of you baking a whole cake just for him and Barbatos had him delighted. It went well with the tea too. He enjoyed finally having time to sit down and talk with you, even Barbatos relaxed a bit. He didn’t expect human world honey to be so gentle and sweet. Perhaps it was just how the human world was. Making things sweet and gentle. Like you. 
The demon didn’t even need to look into the future to already know that the others would be begging or dropping hints about wanting some honeycake too. So he decided to take preemptive measures and give you extra honey to work with from the human world. He even began searching for teas that would match the flavor and texture of the treat. As expected, you sent a request to tea right on time. 
What he hadn’t expected was the quality of your baking. He knew that Luke would be helping you but he was genuinely impressed. There weren’t even any bubbles or holes in the cake. What surprised him even more, was when you offered to feed him the cake. Of course, you gave the same offer to Diavolo but he was certainly not expecting it. Somehow you’d always made life that had become so predictable into something unpredictable. Even if it was in small ways. Perhaps he should add this recipe to his own collection of treats. Maybe you, him, and Luke could make mini cupcake versions later? So many choices…
Obviously, the honeycakes were the perfect choice as bait! She knew Solomon wouldn’t be able to resist a treat such as this! So when she invited you over, she clearly was just expecting to use it for her revenge on Solomon. And yet…. When she saw your smiling face and how happy you were making it, a tiny teensy part of her wanted to give it a small try. She didn’t want Solomon to get something too good as bait after all!
But when she tried it, her eyes grew wide with delight and she couldn’t help but devour the rest of the cake. You hadn’t even decorated it yet but it was already gone. She blushed and simply brushed it off.
“Can’t have that Solomon tasting this! It’s too good for him!” 
At least that was her excuse. But now she’s already contemplating buying a whole beehive just so she has more access to honey, and therefore you have more ability to make more for her! It was the perfect plan. Besides… maybe she can use the bees for one of her traps? 
It irritated him, all this buzz about a stupid cake. It was just a cake. He held little interest in trying some, even when you offered. He was nobility after all! His refined tastes would clearly be too much for such a common dessert. Mephi was fairly stubborn about this for a while. Then he heard that Diavolo had some with his tea and his tune suddenly changed. Now he was demanding for you to bake it. 
When you did, either because you wanted to or you just wanted him to shut up, he was actually surprised. The treat was perfect. The cake wasn’t too strong nor was it flavorless. Its texture and even the cooking time were exactly right. Were you secretly some high-class baker? Now he’s struggling with how to ask more without making it look like he actually wanted more. 
The angel accepted your gift of honeycake well and ate some. He was delighted with the taste and told you so directly. You thought nothing more of it since he was so upfront and abrupt about it. Then the next day, he asked if you would make another one. You didn’t have any leftover honey and you told him so. 
A few days later, Raphael directly handed you a jar of honey. He kind of just stared at you like some strange cat, clearly expecting you to drop everything and just make the honeycake now. You told him you’d make it some other time and he accepted this. Though you did catch him staring at you now and then. You swore you put normal honey in those cakes, so why was he acting like this? Little did you know, he just appreciated people making food for him and didn’t really consider you could make other recipes too.
(For the folks who requested it :D)
@zarakem @commander-slavik @ikevampharem @cosmic-caffelatte
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otomehoneyybearr · 5 months
Luke’s Holiday Event Story!
Pictures and story provided by @candied-boys
(This one is a bit spicy so minors please don’t interact.)
I spent Christmas night alone with Luke, as we gazed at the snow falling gently outside the window.
Luke pushed a cart carrying a cake cut into five slices, towards me.
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Luke: “Emma, I made a Christmas cake, so let’s eat.”
Emma: “Wow, it looks delicious! But why’s there so many slices?”
Luke: “Since its Christmas, just eating a regular cake would boring, don’t ya think?”
Luke: “So I thought we could play a little game.”
Emma: “A game?”
Luke: “I’ve hidden something inside one of the cake slices. If you find it, I’ll give you any present you want.”
Emma: “That sounds interesting!”
(It makes me happy to think that he prepared and planned various things to make Christmas enjoyable.)
Luke: “Anyway, just try eating one and see if you can manage to grab one.
Luke picks up a fork and offers it to me
Emma: “Thank you. I’ll choose… this one. Here goes nothing!
Choosing the leftmost piece of cake, I nervously stab the fork in, suddenly encountering a hard sensation
Emma: “Oh, there’s something in this one…!”
I gently move the cream aside, and a bear-shaped candy rolls out.
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Luke: “Hey, you found it.”
Emma: “Really?! Alright!”
Luke: “Well, go ahead, tell me what you want. Anything is fine.”
Emma: “I’m happy I got it right, but… hmm… what should I ask for?”
(There’s nothing I want more than this time spent enjoying Christmas with Luke…)
(I’ve received so much happiness… That’s it! I want to give something back to Luke.)
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I sneak a glance at Luke and notice his intense gaze directed straight at me.
(I think I understand what Luke wants…)
Emma: “Luke, I want you.”
Luke: “Are you sure? I’m always yours, no matter what.”
Emma: “It’s because Christmas is such a special day, that’s why I want my beloved Luke.”
Luke: “You say the cutest things, Emma. Well then, today, you can have it your way.”
Luke smiles and pulls me closer, and we both sit facing each other on the bed.
(Now that it’s come to this, I’m not sure where to start.)
Emma: “Is it really okay…?
Luke: “Yeah. I’ll grant any wish you have.”
Determined, I try to lift Luke’s shirt, reaching for the hem. Despite having embraced each other many times before, undressing him shouldn’t have been such a big deal.
Yet, I feel oddly self-conscious, my heart’s racing and my movements are awkward.
Luke: “Your face is really red. We can stop here if it’s too much for you.”
Luke’s eyes glint with amusement. Feeling frustrated, I shake my head.
(I started this to give something back to Luke, so stopping here is not an option.)
Emma: “…I won’t stop. I truly want you, Luke.”
Summoning all of my courage, I kissed him while trying to remove his shirt.
I timidly move my lips and try to use my tongue, but he doesn’t respond as I’d hope.
Emma: “…Meanie.”
Luke: “Sorry. You trying so hard is adorable.”
Luke: “But you won’t be satisfied with just this kind of kiss, right?”
As I struggle with both frustration and a maddeningly lustful sensation, Luke returned to his relaxed demeanor—
I surpassed my own threshold of embarrassment and clung to his neck, pressing my lips even deeper.
A kiss fueled by an instinct to convey all my passion, not allowing any ‘cute’ comments from Luke…
Then, Luke’s tongue moved with intensity, ravaging my mouth.
Emma: “…Ngh, Luke…”
As our lips parted, damp and ragged breaths echoed in the now silent, intimate space.
Emma: “…Haah… Couldn’t hold back anymore?”
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Luke: “Oh yeah, you got me all worked up.”
Luke: “Besides, I’ve been wanting you too… Don’t hesitate to ask for what you want.”
(Luke seems to realize that this was my way of ‘giving back’.)
Emma: “Of course. It’s something I desired.”
With desire-soaked eyes drawing nearer, I’m pushed down, exposing not only my body but also my heart’s longing for Luke…
Emma: “Ahh…”
Luke: “Before I knew it, I ended up receiving a gift from you.”
Luke: “Merry Christmas Emma.”
Emma: “Yeah… Merry Christmas.”
We deeply loved each other as if we were exchanging meaningful gifts.
After being fulfilled and fulfilling in return, it was time for Luke and I to eat the cake.
Emma: “Oh, there’s a bear-shaped candy in this one too?!”
In another plate of cake, separate from before…
And upon closer inspection, even the cake Luke was eating had the winning candy hidden inside.
Luke: “Didn’t say there was only one winning candy, did I?”
Luke: “It’s Christmas, after all. I wanted you to freely ask for whatever you desired.”
(I’m surprised, but Luke’s sentiment is incredibly heartwarming.)
Emma: “Thank you. I love you, Luke!”
Luke: “Yeah, I know, I know. I love you too.”
Even on the coldest nights, with the snow falling outside, Luke’s love and kindness make it warm.
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Filled with overwhelming joy, I kissed Luke on the cheek.
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invisibleraven · 22 days
It's that time again: Inny prompts a Ray Is The Best Dad prompt because: keeping a few of their favorite snacks in the house for when they visit. makes me soft.
Grocery day was not Ray’s favourite day of the week. For one it was less fun without Rose who liked to race the charts, do silly puppets shows with the fruit when testing their ripeness, and indulged his love of trashy food.
For two, he had a lot more mouths to feed now.
Not that he minded the extra mouths, but it got to be a lot remembering all their restrictions, dislikes, and still keep their nutritional health in mind.
He started with the staples; bread, eggs, and milk. Making sure to get oat milk for Alex whose lactose intolerance he learned about in the worst way. Plus it was always handy to have on hand if Carrie and Willie decided they were vegan this week.
He stocked up on veggies-he had become an expert on hiding them in food so the gaggle of teenagers who frequented his home would eat them. He had better luck with fruit, and Luke loved to help him make weird smoothie combinations but hey, at least he was enthusiastic about that part of healthy eating.
He couldn’t say the same for Flynn who would survive on soda and pizza if she could. Though given her mother liked to brew up meatloaf containing wheatgrass and alfalfa sprouts, he didn’t really blame her.
Julie was easy to please, as she had started cooking for the group and gave him a list. She had been working on recreating some of Rose’s recipes to introduce her friends to Latin food, as well as the desserts. Ray was more than happy to be her guinea pig for those experiments.
Plus it made Carlos (and Victoria) from complaining about his spaghetti for the third day in a row.
At first Ray had thought Reggie was the easiest as he would happily eat anything and everything placed in front of him. That is until he found out that he probably wasn’t getting much to eat at home, and rarely indulged in buying food since he was saving up to move out as soon as he could.
Ray had offered him the guest room more than once, but kept getting denied. “Well can you at least tell me what you actually like to eat? We can even make it together.”
Reggie lit up at that. “Can you teach me to make ribs?”
Now Ray had never really attempted ribs-they weren’t a staple in the Molina household. “How about we learn together?”
The end results were pretty damn good if he said so himself, even if Reggie was far better at the grill than Ray was. With that in mind, Ray grabbed another pack-plus some chicken and impossible burgers and wondered if he could convince Reggie they should have a cook out this weekend.
With all the healthy options done, Ray gathered snacks; savoury and salty snacks for the boys, chocolate and candy for the girls, sour stuff for Carlos and a pack of cookies for himself-one he would be hiding because he learned the hard way about not doing so with seven teenagers in and out of the house.
He also grabbed some of those nasty rice cakes for Tori-just because she spent enough time with them, he wanted to have options.
He approached the register, hunting for his wallet-he knew Julie handed it to him after he couldn’t find it with the mail. It was in his jacket pocket, and within it there was a pile of coupons, courtesy of Flynn the Coupon Queen. Plus a points card that he knew belonged to Willie that gave Ray some savings and would give Willie a discount on the movie he wanted to take Alex to the weekend.
Ray shook his head softly and smiled at the weird situation he found himself in. Widowed and the father to eight kids, only two of which were his.
He wouldn’t trade any of them for the world though. Even if the bill after it all was starting to get ridiculous. But the kids-his kids were worth every penny.
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oohh dreamy with simeon?? i love your writing sm
Simeon - Dreamy
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Simeon x GN! reader
Prompt: Seeing their soulmate’s dreams or being able to communicate with them in their dreams.
AN: Awwe, thank you sm! <3 I hope you enjoy this one, Anon!
Warnings: None
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“Won’t you please tell me your name?” Simeon’s voice calls out softly, almost as if he was afraid of frightening off whoever he was speaking to.
A disembodied laugh ghosts the vast, bright emptiness surrounding him. If this were real, goosebumps would’ve decorated his beautiful melanin skin. 
“I wish I could. But when I’m with you… I can’t seem to recall my own name.”
It’s strange, but somehow he knows exactly what you mean. There’s a feeling of oneness. When you both meet there is no separation that lies between your consciences. Where one starts, the other ends. Melding together as one with no regard to the physical limitations. 
It’s hard to remember things about himself too when he’s so immersed in your expansive presence.
“But one day, I’ll tell you. I promise on the day that we physically meet I’ll tell you everything you want to know and more.” 
The sunshine fills Simeon’s room with a warm glow as he blinks away the grogginess from his eyes, moving to sit up in his bed. The sound of his sheer white curtains flapping in the soft breeze catches the attention of his not quite functioning state of mind. 
He watches as the fabric flutters, casting two silhouettes to dance around his room in a perfect push and pull motion. He muses at how the shadows merge into one another- individual, but working together to create something so much greater. Like yin and yang, the sun and the moon. 
It’s not unlike what he experiences in his dreams every night. 
Though thinking back to the night before, his eyebrows knit in confusion. He didn’t leave the window open… 
“Good morning, Simeon!” 
Jumping a little, he turns to look at the smaller angel standing next to his bed.
“Ah, good morning, Luke. You startled me.”  
“Oh, sorry. I didn’t mean to scare you.” 
Simeon laughed, waving him off. “It’s alright. How long have you been here?”
“Not long. I came in earlier to see if you were awake yet. You weren’t, so I thought opening the curtains and window would help wake you up.” 
Ah, that explains it. 
“But I made breakfast in the meantime!” A sweet aroma fills the older angel's nose as Luke holds up a plate of thick pancakes topped with more syrup than is necessary, bananas, strawberries, and blueberries, and a little swirl of whipped cream in the center. 
“Wow, Luke. This looks quite delicious.” Trying not to spill any of the contents, Simeon gently takes the plate from Luke. 
“Thank you! I figured we should have a good breakfast before heading down to the Devildom. Who knows when we’ll have a decent meal next.” 
“Oh, come now.” Simeon started, stabbing his fork into the pillowy cakes and scooping up a blueberry. 
“I’m serious, Simeon! Demons eat weird things and I will not be taking part in it. Thank-you-very-much.” Luke punctuated. 
The older angel giggled, chewing a mouth full of food. 
“Give the Devildom a chance, you might just find something you like about it.” He took another bite savoring all the wonderful flavors that melded together on his tongue. Luke was getting better in the kitchen everyday. 
“My compliments to the chef. This is really good, Luke.” He commented, pointing his fork to the plate for emphasis. 
The smaller angel smiled, a blush dusting his cheeks. “Thanks… Well, I’ll let you eat. I have to finish packing and saying my farewells. I’ll see you later, Simeon!” 
With that, he promptly turned and left, leaving Simeon alone with his thoughts and the pancakes… 
It had been a week after arriving to the Devildom and night after night Simeon was plagued with dreamless sleeps. The strange aura he’d come to cherish and listen to every night without fail was no longer there to greet him. Where he used to be enveloped by comfort, he now only felt emptiness. 
But Simeon had a duty to uphold as one of the Celestial realm representatives. And since today was the start of the first semester, he needed to keep his head in the game. 
The morning had gone smoothly. Breakfast was simple, but good. He and Luke had a nice stroll to campus and they navigated the halls fairly well. Arriving to their first class, he noticed a few of the demon brothers congregating around the human exchange student they had yet to meet. 
“Come on, Luke. Let’s go introduce ourselves.” Simeon motioned. The younger angel nodded and they both made their way over to you. 
Stopping a couple steps behind the brothers so as to not interrupt the current conversation, he couldn’t help but overhear you speaking. And he couldn’t bring himself to stop from listening either. 
What you were saying wasn’t important- he just needed you to keep speaking. 
Your face may be unfamiliar and not one that Simeon recognizes, but your voice has spoken to him more times than he could count. It reminded him of a warm, fuzzy blanket from the dryer on a rainy day. It was the comfort he so wished to hear every night this past week. You were the infinity that he was destined too. His beginning and his end.
You noticed him staring at you between the shoulders of the brothers, so you gently pushed them aside to say hello, but Simeon beat you to it. 
“Won’t you please tell me your name?” He spoke softly.
Your eyes slowly widened as the pieces clicked and Simeon rejoiced internally. You recognized him too... And you laughed.  
“Of course. After all, I made you a promise.”
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strawberry-cowmilk · 2 years
Brothers and datables meet the new exhange student. He/she is the result of a one night stand between a halfdemon and halfangel. His/her parents were half human. After getting to know her/him for a few weeks when its just the two of them in a room he/she braks down. She rants that nobody was nice to her before and was seen as a monster.
Hi! Thanks for your request, I hope you like what I did with it!
mc breaks down because the obey me cast accepted them
-> brothers and side characters x mc (no luke)
mc's gender is not mentioned, not proof read
content warnings: mentions of one night stands (??), bullying/ others disliking mc for something out of their control, crying, mentions of violence
he comforts you to the best of his abilities
lucifer expected others to look down upon you, but he did not know it was to an extent this bad
next time he witnesses it, the person who dared to make you feel bad will have a huge problem
every time somebody breaks down in front of him, mammon lowkey doesn't know what to do
so, he just holds you and pats your back whike saying 'there there' (if you want)
he will be there to lift your spirits after somebody calls you something like that again
this dude is awkward even when there isn't somebody crying in front of him, now imagine him when there is
'ah! mc, don't cry! you aren't a monster' levi gets out between stammers
still,the fact he's trying his best for you makes you feel loved
he knows what it feels like to think you're very 'different' from others
satan helps you calm down, and takes you to the library for quiet reading time afterwards
you bet he will get violent if he sees somebody being mean to you again
honey, his heart breaks
if you want to be held, asmo will hug you very close to his chest until you fully calm down
from then on, asmo will not hestitate to remind you how amazing you are at least 5 times per day
another hugger, if you let him touch you, beel will squeeze you against himself
he tries to comfort you with food, beel always carries your favorite snack on him though it's hard to not eat it himself
for the next few days, he is your bodyguard so nobody can hurt you again
belphie is ready to fight anyone who hurt you on sight
he will sit down with you as you vent your frustrations, ready to grab anything you might need
after you've calmed down a bit, belphie will try to get you to take a nap
you were perfect for his exchange program, but he hates how others treat you
'it's okay, mc, you can't control the circumstances of your birth'
diavolo hosts a party honoring you later, to let you know you're loved
whatever you need, barbatos has got it, be it a napkin or a glass of water
he will discuss what you told him with diavolo, so they can track down those who hurt you and punish them accordingly
barbatos takes some time off from work to spend time with you the following days
if you want to be touched, simeon will gently hug you
he'll even hum a song for you while rubbing your back, hoping it will help you relax a little
later, simeon will bake you a nice cake with luke's help, hoping it cheers you up
also not the best at comforting people, the best he can do is show you cool tricks with magic
if you let him, he'll drape an arm over your shoulder while letting miniature magic fireworks erupt from the palm of his hand
it's actually a nice distraction
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voidvannie · 5 months
kaelyn burrow x jack hughes 💥🍓
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❛ ━━━━・❪𝘛𝘏𝘌 𝘉𝘈𝘚𝘐𝘊𝘚 ❫
FULL NAME. Kaelyn Jo-Anne Burrow
NICKNAMES. Kae, KJ, Jojo, Little Burrow, Baby B
BIRTHDAY. May 11, 2003
AGE. 20 years old
HOMETOWN. Ames, Iowa
FAMILY. Joe Burrow (#9 Cincinnati Bangles)
FACE CLAIM. Sabrina Carpenter
❛ ━━━━・❪𝘛𝘏𝘌 𝘉𝘈𝘚𝘐𝘊𝘚 ❫
Her favorite color is red.
She’s super close with Joe despite the seven year age difference.
Joe is super proud of all of her hard work and dedication in everything that she does.
The entire Bangles football team always buys her merch and listens to her music in the locker room.
Growing up, she wanted to be famous so bad that she begged her parents to let her audition for acting gigs, and later she started putting out music.
She lives on her own out in LA, but she had her own bedroom at Joe’s house in Cincinnati for when she visits or just wants to get away for a while.
Her and Olivia are absolutely best friends and it warms Joe’s heart to have two of the most important at people in his life being so close to one another.
Even though her brother player in the NFL, she’s a huge NHL fan, more specifically she’s a Jersey Devil’s fan.
Her best friend is Joey King.
She LOVES anything sweet, but she’s a sucker for donuts.
She’s not a real blonde, but keeps up with dying her hair because she doesn’t like her original hair color.
She calls Joe almost everyday especially when she’s missing her brother.
She dated her Girl Meets World co-star, Tanner Buchanan in 2016 before the two split up in 2019 on mutual terms.
In 2021, she was on James Corden where she played ‘Spill Your Guts’ and admitted she had a thing for Devil’s player Jack Hughes.
After the episode aired, everyone on the internet freaked out, making sure to tag the Devil’s Center player in everything.
Jack commented on her Instagram, sending everyone into a frenzy.
Joe, being the overprotective big brother he is, made sure he did his research on the hockey player before approving of them.
Their relationship was confirmed in June of 2021, when he posted pictures of her from a show that he went to while he was on tour with the caption, ‘my girl❤️’.
Jack’s family adores Kaelyn, her and Luke being the closest since they are the same age.
During the summers, when she’s not on tour, she’s spending time at the lake house with the boys, but she leaves early to make sure she sees her brother before their schedules get hectic.
She will NOT eat McDonalds, she’s told herself that she can’t have it and she’s sticking to that.
Her prefers waffles over pancakes and cupcakes over cake.
She’s allergic to nuts and make’s sure to keep her Epipen with her at all times.
Joe is her emergency contact so the one time in the Summer when she accidentally eats something with nuts (the boys at the lake house freaking out during) he jumps on the first flight to Michigan just to check on her.
She doesn’t keep in touch with any of her Girl Meets World but she has kept in contact with Corey (her closest male friend)
She hates her middle name, and knows she’s in trouble whenever someone call her only by Jo-Anne.
She has a small butterfly tattoo behind her ear that she got matching with Olivia.
She has a necklace that was given to her from Ja’Marr Chase for her birthday with a diamond encrusted plaque of her name, she never takes it off.
To add to the necklace from Ja’Marr, she has a shorted necklace that had Jack’s initials hanging from it that he gave to her that she also ever hardly takes off.
More will be added…
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bloodhoundluke · 8 months
luke hemmings headcanons —❦ halloween
description: this is just a small collection of halloween things you’d do as a couple 🎃🧡
warnings: a few curse words, an illegal amount of fluff, a sexual hint. loosely written so might contain typos.
a/n: so this is my first headcanons post ever! hope you like it, and happy halloween to everyone who celebrates ❥ also, the cute little ghost dividers are by @silkholland & can be found here :)
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decorating the house
i don't think you'd go overboard with the decorations, tbh. you'd decorate the house in some spider web and pumpkin decorations, some halloween lanterns on the patio. some orange and yellow candles across the house. you'd put up some pumpkin and ghost string lights in the entryway of your house, and a decorative skeleton leaning against the entryway wall. and you both would startle everytime you came home (losers ❥).
and you'd go to the florist to get some halloween-y colored flowers to put in your kitchen and the living room. you'd take forever choosing which bouquets are the best. "do you think this is better? what about this one? oh no, this is cute as well! luke??? are you listening?". his only concern would be that you'd be happy with the choice, even if he had a favorite of his own. but then you'd persist and you'd propose he'd pick one and you'd pick the other. you'd pick one for the kitchen with orange and red roses, orange asiatic lilies and dried leaves. luke'd go for different shade of orange with lilies, roses and carnations for the fireplace in your living room.
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baking halloween treats
you’d bake something relatively easy or medium hard, not anything too complicated. you’d go for halloween cake pops, pumpkin cupcakes, caramel apples or spider web brownies for example. i don’t think gordon ramsay would be too impressed of your skills in the kitchen tbh (at least not luke’s, lmao). "luke you are not supposed to put that in yet! the dry ingredients are supposed to go in first". "are you serious?? oh my god have i ruined the whole thing? i definitely have, have i?". "we can fix it, lu. or at least i hope so". "i should not be allowed in the kitchen, jeez", he'd sigh dramatically and you'd giggle at his adorable reaction. "not if you can't read the instructions, baby", you'd kiss his cheek and later you'd offer some dough to him from your fingertips. "mmh, damn this is good though".
& you’d go to the nearest grocery store or bakery if you craved something you didn’t know how to make or were too scared to even attempt.
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halloween movie night
yeah you've watched a few halloween movies on singular nights after work etc. together, but you both wanted to have a marathon night. you could go for harry potter, coraline, hocus pocus, nightmare before christmas, etc., the classics. and if you were feeling wild, you'd go for a scary movie first. "lu i'm scared", you'd hide behind a blanket. "c'mere", he'd offer you his embrace and kiss your forehead. he'd wrap his arms tightly around you, and your head would rest against his chest, your hand around his waist. "are you scared?", you'd ask him. "no". "then why's your leg shaking?". "...cause it's numb". "right...". you'd joke about possibly being plagued by nightmares the following night, and as an attempt to avoid that, you'd end the night with some sappy and cute halloween movie. you’d also eat the halloween treats you made earlier and drink apple cider etc., while watching the movies. your living room would be candle lit and the couch would be filled with blankets and pillows, so it’d be extra cozy and homey. and of course petunia would beg for food, and you'd give her the dog halloween treats you bought from the store. then the pupper would happily go to sleep and start snoring in her own bed 🥺
and at some point during the night you’d hear the doorbell ring. it’d be little kids trick or treating. you’d give them a lot of snacks and gush about how cute they were afterwards. you’d melt because you love seeing luke with children, he is so extra attentive and lovable. (maybe some day you’ll have a toddler of your own running around the house in the cutest costume ever 🥹💞).
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carving pumpkins
you’d go to a pumpin patch together. you’d look for the perfect pumpkins, but they’d all be a bit off so you settle for some decent ones. (this would take at least 30 mins and then you both would get frustrated at the selection). you carve the pumpkins at home while listening to some halloween playlist. then you’d look at the final results. “this looks like shit”. “...look at mine” and somehow luke’s even worse. this would lead to a stupid amount of giggles. luke takes a picture of the carved pumpkins together and sends it to the boys whatsapp group. (they’d all think yours is better and luke would frown, following with a jokingful ”well fuckin’ obviously they think yours is better”.)
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dressing up
there’s no way luke would not want to have matching costumes… yeah you’re that annoyingly cute couple at the party that arrives in painfully matching set of costumes. mike, cal and ash would totally make fun of you being clingy and predictable, but secretly think you two are adorable. you’d pick something you both like, ranging from cute to sexy to actually scary costumes. you could be dressed as each other too. you’d pick whatever you feel like that year. i feel like you could go for a barbie theme this year and you could help him with his makeup and apply glitter in his eyelids etc 🥹 "is this okay?", you'd confirm luke about the makeup and he'd take a look at himself in the mirror. "it's perfect, darling". "..do you know what else is perfect?". "huh?". "your incapability to know that you have a boner...". "well it's not my fault you are so sexy, is it?", he'd smirk and the comment would be followed by a hot make out session.
and of course petunia would be dressed up as something like a pokemon, pig or a ghost!! ”i don’t she likes it very much, luke”, you’d giggle. ”oh mama here thinks you don’t like your costume. don’t you like it tuney?”, luke babbles and petunia responds with a grunt and goes to her sleeping nook. you both giggle at her grumpy reaction and how cute she looks.
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attending a halloween party
so first of all, you’d be super late. you don’t have the concept of time whatsoever. but all of your friends are used to it so they don’t really expect you two to be on time. you’d arrive to the party in your painfully matching costumes and mingle with people. then one halloween you’d win the prize for the best costume together. ”i told you we would win!”. ”luke….you told me we’d lose because our eyeliners weren’t matching enough…”. ”oh… did i? silly me!”.
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© 2023 bloodhoundluke.
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mcx7demonbros · 1 year
Fools’ Day
Pairing - Lucifer x GN!MC (major), other adult boys x MC (minor)
Warning - slight suggestive, pranking
I was supposed to post this on April 1, and I was late, as usual
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I can’t trust anyone today. You said within yourself the moment you saw the date on your phone. It was the first of April - April Fools’ Day.
Throughout the day, you had to avoid falling to the pranking words from your demon boys and Solomon, who are greatest deceivers ever known to the entire three realms. There were those who constantly trying to prank you or prank each other, like Mammon, Levi and Solomon, and there were those getting mad for falling to a prank related to their favorite thing, like Asmo and Beel, and there were those that belonged to both cases, like Satan. Belphie did try to prank you, but he was too lazy to do it constantly so he only pranked only once or twice that day. And then there was Diavolo with his terrible April Fools’ Day plan. Luckily, you and Lucifer managed to stop it from being carried out. All the while you also had to deal with hard schoolwork at RAD.
By the end of the day, the only one who hadn’t pranked you or caused trouble was Lucifer as Barbatos had managed to prank you, saying he accidentally put something gross in the cake you were eating, making you nearly spewed out the dessert but then he said he was just joking, while Simeon and Luke managed to make you fall for their trustful-and-mysterious-and-not-lying-at-all words, at least their prank’s goal was to make you happy. The only good thing about these prank was that the adult boys were also trying to flirt with you.
After an exhausted day, you decided to turn in early at 10PM. To avoid falling for any more prank, you decided to sleep in Lucifer’s room. Of course, the demon of Pride gladly shared the bed with you. Apparently, he was also too tired to work late so he had decided to turn in early. After all, the next day would be Sunday, he would have more time to stay at home and do some work, at least he hoped so.
Your decision was a mistake. The demon was just too handsome for you to get yourself to sleep. Your mind kept thinking about him and his beautiful face and things you two could do instead of sleeping.
“Why do you have to be so attractive? It’s so hard to sleep with you around.” You pouted as you closed your eyes, thinking about a boring lesson at RAD. Finally, you began to drift off.
In your dream, you saw a beautiful peacock-human getting on top of you in a beautiful garden and it placed a kiss on your lips. You were unsure why you had such a dream until you felt the kiss was too real.
“Hmm…hmm…” you opened your eyes as the pressure on your lips was too much to continue sleeping. You knew who the peacock humanoid creature was and immediately kissed back. Lucifer pulled you into an embrace as the kiss became more intense. The demon only let you go when you needed some air.
“What was that for?” You asked, panting.
“It’s just an expression to say that the feeling is mutual, love.” Lucifer answered as he lied down again. “Also, Happy April Fools’ Day. Now go to sleep, we both need it.”
The feeling is mutual…what feeling? You lied down while your brain was trying to processing things. Then you remembered your complaint before going to sleep about how distracting Lucifer was. Upon realizing, your face blushed. But your mind soon turned its attention to Pride’s next words.
Wait, then does that mean that he was faking sleeping the whole time. He even told me Happy April Fools. Upon realizing what might have happened, you grabbed you charging D.D.D on the nightstand, hoping it had turned to the next day.
April 1, 23:59 was the time appeared on your phone.
As you groaned in frustration for falling to another prank at the last minute on April Fools’ Day, the Avatar of Pride was smiling.
That day, your demon mate had taught you an important lesson. Do not trust anyone on April Fools Day, even if that person seems to be the least to prank you.
Author’s words
Again, this fic is late for April Fools this year.
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gainingfiction · 2 years
Lifetime Supply: Chapter 7
(read chapter 6 by gainerstories here)
Ryan awoke to find his gut smeared with frosting, cake crumbs littering his chest hair, and Antoine’s body wrapped around his. He reached for his phone and instinctively opened Instagram, frustrated to see that Luke still hadn’t replied to his DM. 
Are you someone I can talk to about getting my snack needs met? Ryan read over his message, wondering if he should have said something different. Two weeks had passed, and his message was just hanging there, crying out for attention. Sort of like Ryan’s big, fat belly.
Ryan slowly extricated himself from Antoine’s determined cuddling, careful not to wake his sleeping fuckbuddy. Once again, the sex wasn’t anything special, but Antoine was an enthusiastic lay, and very generous with the food. In fact, he had coaxed an entire supermarket sheet cake into Ryan’s hungry gut.
Of course, sex had become a pretty different experience from what Ryan was used to. Jason was an exclusive top, and as obnoxious as he could be, he knew what he was doing in bed. Antoine, on the other hand, was a strict bottom. An eager, sniff-poppers-and-cross-your-fingers kind of bottom. Ryan had topped guys before, but the extra pounds were more of a challenge—and a turn-on—than he had anticipated. For starters, he’d lost some length to his growing fat pad. And all the weight around his hips gave each thrust more power. But he couldn’t deny enjoying the feeling of his own buttocks jiggling as he railed slender Antoine.
It was hardly the sort of sex Ryan fantasized about, but it was still a good enough release. He was surprised by the sharp contrast between their bodies. Antoine had skinny hips but a nice ass, round and firm. As he went to work, Ryan couldn’t help but notice how much wider he was, and the way his gut bounced and slapped against Antoine’s toned back. By the time the two men came, Ryan was sweating bullets and practically winded from the exertion. After that, he leaned back and let Antoine hand-feed him the rest of the cake, a messy experience that was basically as enjoyable as the fucking itself.
Once he was on his feet, Ryan stepped over the bare plastic cake tray, picking up his clothes from Antoine’s messy bedroom floor. He pulled on his underwear, the meshy fabric stretched to near-transparency over his bulging rear-end. And then he started the process—and it really was a process—of getting into his pants. Heaving, tugging, pleading, swearing, panting, sucking, and finally, after what felt like an almost biblical struggle, closing the button just below his ballooning belly.
Ryan regretted wearing a button-down. He was still bloated from the night before, and even on an empty stomach, his patterned shirt was starting to collapse under the pressure of so much flesh. He shrugged it on, feeling it pull taut over his broad back. He sucked in as hard as he could, and it buttoned, but it was a desperate sight. It was a made-in-Cambodia fast fashion shirt, and the buttons looked to be at their absolute limit. One wrong move and that thing would pop open like a can of biscuit dough. I could go for some biscuits, Ryan thought, in spite of himself.
Once he was dressed—“decent” would be an overstatement—Ryan quietly eased open the bedroom door and slipped out. Antoine’s roommate looked at him with thinly-veiled disgust over his morning bowl of granola, but Ryan ignored him, slipping out the front door. He was in the mood for some breakfast of his own.
He loaded up on fast food to tide him over on his way home, before striding into his apartment with a spring in his step. He felt good—sexed up, well fed, and ready for the day. He was pleased to see Cory making what looked like a nice, big breakfast, and he made a point of asking him to make enough for three. Or four, really, since Ryan usually ate for two.
“Damn, Ry, you’re gonna eat all of that?” Ahmed asked, when he saw Ryan’s heaping portion of waffles, pancakes, sausages and bacon. “Maybe save some for the rest of us!”
“I’m a growing boy,” Ryan said, through a mouthful of waffle. That was becoming a bit of a catchphrase, at this point. “And I—urp—worked up quite an appetite last night.” He neglected to mention that that appetite had been more than satisfied by an entire sheet cake.
“Obviously,” Ahmed said, arching an eyebrow. “You’re gonna scare off this Antoine guy if you keep this up, though.”
Ryan shrugged, taking a large bite of sausage. He pawed at his belly, conscious of how far apart the buttons gaped, revealing thick slabs of hairy fat. “He’s got some pretty specific tastes. Good taste, clearly.”
Cory chuckled, “I guess Ryan’s big appetite has an admirer.”
Ryan got a kick out of that. Clearly Cory was catching on, even if Ahmed was still in the dark about Antoine’s “unique” preferences.
“Speaking of big appetites, another box arrived for you today,” Ahmed said. “This one’s even bigger than the last one. And it’s only been a week! I thought you told them to ease up?”
“Yeah, I told him to hit the brakes. And then I got hungry, so I told him to floor it. Bigger boxes, more often.”
Ahmed’s eyes widened. “Holy shit, are you serious? Damn, you’re gonna be a whale.”
Ryan felt a little stirring. He shifted in his seat, acutely aware of how much he was starting to like comments about his expanding size.
“Well, don’t expect any more help from me,” Ahmed added. “I really gotta cool it with this bulk.”
Ryan glanced at his roommate, noticing how tight his shirt looked—and not just around his now-prominent pecs and increasingly impressive biceps. He poked Ahmed’s little beer gut. “Yeah, I’ll believe that when I see it. Besides, I don’t think Cory minds, am I right?” He looked at the slender guy across the breakfast table.
Cory blushed a little, glancing down at his own plate, which sported a single piece of toast. “I don’t mind,” he agreed.
After breakfast, Ryan tore into his Adesco box while he started on a freelance programming project. Coding was so much more enjoyable with food.
And Luke was making sure he had plenty to eat. The new boxes were twice the size of the old ones, and they arrived twice as often. Ryan felt like he was drowning in delicious, mass-produced snacks.
It wasn’t like he was trying to gain weight. He just liked food. And he was hungry all the damn time! When he and Jason had completely cut out refined sugar, he remembered Jason explaining that sugar was addictive. The more you eat, the more you crave. “And besides,” Jason had said, “Carbs aren’t filling. They’re just empty calories.” And so their relationship had been an endless parade of baked chicken breast, stir-fried tofu and other lean proteins.
Not anymore, though. Now that Ryan had started down that sugary road, paved with countless Adesco boxes, all of those restrictions and limitations were a thing of the past. He liked sugar. He liked refined carbs. He wanted more of them, all the time, as much as he could eat. And he could eat a lot.
Packing on the pounds was an inevitable side-effect. He didn’t sit down and do the math properly, but he guessed that if he was gaining almost two pounds a week with the old boxes, that number was bound to go up. But he didn’t care—clearly dreamy Luke enjoyed what he was doing to Ryan’s body, and if a guy like Luke wanted him bigger and fatter, Ryan was happy to oblige. Especially if all he had to do was sit around and eat his favourite foods from dawn until dusk.
He adapted to the new boxes quickly. At first, finishing so much food before the next box arrived was impossible. Then, it was a challenge. And after a couple of weeks, it was just a part of Ryan’s lifestyle.
Ahmed and Cory seemed stunned at how much Ryan was eating. Every waking moment he had food in his hands, and yet he still went in on whatever takeout order Ahmed was craving. And now that he had his degree, he didn’t need to go to campus anymore, which meant that his lifestyle was more sedentary than ever. He just sat on his ass, on his computer, eating and eating, gaining and gaining, month after month.
And tantalizing Luke with tales of his gluttony and growth. He was still bitter that Luke had never gotten back to his DM—so this guy would break up his relationship, but he was too high and mighty to stray from his own? But whenever Ryan’s phone lit up with that familiar 800 number, Ryan was happy to hop on and paint an increasingly lewd picture of just what Adesco was doing to him.
“Just checking in to confirm that you were satisfied with your most recent delivery,” Luke said, one day.
“Oh, man, was I ever, Luke,” Ryan said. He loved laying it on thick. He imagined Luke perched on his perfect ass in some drab little office, practically drooling into the handset of his office phone. “Those kettle chips? Mmh, better than sex.”
“Ah—um, that’s great. And you liked our new product, the hazelnut cream cakes?”
“Liked them? Luke, if you keep sending me those, I’m gonna need to reinforce my chair,” he said. “I swear, I’m like an eating machine when it comes to those boxes. You should see me going to town on those hazelnut things. Cream everywhere.”
A sharp intake of breath. “We’re so glad to hear that. And tell me about the fudge sandwich cookies, do you enjoy those?”
Ryan gave a little moan. He was glad these calls weren’t being recorded for training purposes. “Those are some of my favourites, man. Sometimes I’ll just crack open a package, and it’ll be empty in 20 minutes, flat. It’s not easy to fill this gut, you know?”
Another gasp. Ryan grinned. This kinky little fucker really did like mixing business and pleasure.
“I—that’s—sure. Right. And, uh, you’ve…” Ryan could sense Luke searching for words. “You’ve noticed your capacity has increased?”
Ryan’s grin widened, and he trailed a hand across his bountiful gut. It was firm from all the snacks he’d stuffed into it. “My capacity?”
Luke hesitated. “I mean, uh, you’re eating more? Of the snacks we send you?”
“Is that a question you normally ask?”
Luke cleared his throat. “Well, we haven’t done a prize giveaway like this since 1977. So this is uncharted territory for both of us.”
I bet it is, Ryan thought. “Yeah, my ‘capacity’ is crazy now. Before I used to have a bit of an appetite, but since I won this damn contest… I swear, Luke, I feel like I’ve eaten more this past year than I have in my whole life. And I don’t see that changing any time soon, not with the way my appetite is expanding.”
Ryan could hear Luke’s breathing through the phone. He imagined him ending the call and dashing off to the bathroom in a horny daze. “Well, we’re so glad you’re enjoying it. I’ll get a thank-you box sent to your address as soon as possible. Thank you. Good day.”
And then the call was disconnected. Ryan grinned, and reached for another bag of chips, acutely aware of the way his dick was throbbing against the underside of his belly.
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lustnluv · 2 months
obx boys relationship with reader parents
john b meeting puppy!reader stepmom was unknown to reader. her mom married her after divorcing her dad and she didn’t get to keep reader after she died. he’s begging her to have custody over hyper because she’s amazing and deserved to be treated as so. her stepmom and him become close and work together to get puppy in safety. puppy’s dad is verbally abusive and degrades her any chance he gets. when jb met him for the first time he kept cracking jokes about puppy’s accent, how her fingernails are always caked in paint, her grades in school, and the fact she talks too much. jb took a instant dislike to him and kept his distance away from him. always making sure his phone is not on dnd so he pick her up anytime once it gets too much.
jj met bat!reader parents when they were kids. he was instantly apart of the family and as a kid he would go there to get dinner and just stay there for days when his father was too drunk or high. her parents actually made it seem like a huge sleepover so the kids won’t think twice about it. he was there for a month one time. luke is scared of her family csuse she has brothers who are in high school when she’s like seven and they look at jj like their little brother. best believe they’re protective. even when bat and jj had their little break, he was still welcome to eat and stay the night. as he got into high school her dad taught him how to fix cars and he would work there until he got the job at the country club. he names their kids after her parents.
swan!reader lives with her grandmother and mother. rafe comes over and they’re feeding him piles and piles of food. they’re complimenting him and he leaves with a full head and a full stomach. her grandmother dotes on him and leaves protection charms in his pockets as a way to show that she cares. she doesn’t speak english but they still find a way to communicate. rafe respects swan’s mom and goes to her for advice. they’ll be in her office for two hours helping him make his business better. if he does something good without her advice she compliments him so much he gets hard. he’s weird like that. he figures out why reader is so stubborn because look who raised her. he brings wheezie over so she can be influenced by them too.
pope didn’t have an option to meet kitten’s parents. she was always compared to her mom as she got older which her mom hated. her father was always strict with her and kept her on lockdown. he’s friendly with them because they shop at his father’s shop. she introduces them a year into the relationship and they’re all polite like at first then got very judgmental. saying slick things in spanish which pope doesn’t understand but he can tell by kitten’s face it’s bad. she explains later it was mostly towards her being with him and him settling. he then stands up to them and they kick him out their house. he gets the best head in his life for that. pope doesn’t go over much and he tries his best to be the civil one. they’re only civil when his parents are around.
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multifandom1writer · 1 year
Obey me! Replaced mc au brainrot part 2?!
Tbh when I posted that I didn't think anyone would like it less request for a part two but I was pleasantly surprised! So here you go!
Warning once again tho.
Mc= Noah
Part 1 :
Reminders ?!: @gayboychase @entolomaeden @bk-4-trash-fire
God I have never felt so free.
Ever since I moved into Purgatory Hall my life has changed so much and all for the better.
I could wear whatever I pleased, I wasn't in charge of anyone, I had my own room and the cliff once again just became a safe place to relax.
Simeon and Luke helped through my suicidal tendencies
Solomon helping me how he could, since he's also receiving help from Simeon and Luke
My scars were on show once again and I have never felt more comfortable
Honestly if I knew that moving to purgatory hall would have so many advantages I would have done so ages ago!
I have been so busy with my new life the demon brothers have never even crossed my mind.
The only time it did was when I noticed their pact marks had started to glow more frequently and time to time they burned a little.
I honestly didn't give it much thought, hence I didn't really care anymore.
My magic level went up drastically, it was amazing how much I could learn in the span of a month.
Solomon was honestly a great teacher, at the moment I was practicing a teleportation spell, it was rather hard but I'm getting the hang of it slowly
The small spark of magic slowly spread and spread until it turned into a full portal.
I smiled at it and Solomon spoke
-"Bravo Noah, you never cease to amaze me."- He spoke as he went and stood beside me.
-"Now imagine any place you want to go, go ahead there's no limitations."- He spoke softly while smiling at me kindly
I thought of the room beside this one, Luke's room.
I thought of the formal bed with the fancy design in the walls and the smell of pastries and small materials used for his famous cakes splattered around his room in random places.
The portal turned a soft blue and Solomon gave me the go ahead to go through.
I slowly walked through and closed my eyes as I slowly felt a bit sick from the feeling of the portal.
However when I stopped walking the soft smell of sweet invaded my senses as I opened my eyes and looked around, the room I was just thinking of earlier now being around me in real life.
-"Did you just teleport here?!"- Spoke an excited voice behind me.
There stood Luke who was working at his desk with some complicated homework he was bound to ask Simeon to help him with later on.
A smile playing at his lips as he watched me with sparks in his eyes
I laughed and said yes as he ran to me and hugged me.
He congratulated me and dragged me back to Solomon telling him my achievement while he chuckled at the eagerness of the boy.
Luke exclaimed and said -"let's throw a party to celebrate Noah! This is a huge step in magic you should be very proud of yourself!"- he said with a big smile adorning his face, my heart melted at the sight and I crouched down to look at him better.
-"we can throw the biggest party if you want to luke, you and Simeon get to bake all the treats!"- I said at the boy, he laughed and wrapped his hands around my neck as he gave me a big hug, which I returned.
And so we all spent the day, having fun and learning even more magic, giggling and making cookies, even Solomon tried! (Even though Simeon and Luke protested a lot against it). I ended up having to eat them, I'm pretty sure I have food poisoning now.
But there's the little things, these little deatils they do for me, when I learn a new spell they cleberate and don't care if it's the simplest and easiest of spells.
Their simply proud of me for doing it!
Are you sure about that?
Ah...but alas not everything in life can be perfect.
Since I relapsed my mind has fallen into a very depressive state, hence the residents of Purgatory hall refuse to leave me alone to make sure I don't do anything stupid or harmful.
There's a voice, it's a mix of all the demon brothers voices mixed into one, it's disturbing and has kept me wide awake at night multiple times.
It feeds and feasts on my insecurities and thoughts, how I look on the mirror, what I'm wearing, how I speak, my actitude, my personality.
Slowly breaking me down until I'm nothing.
You flatter me.
The fact it itself has grown a personality in my head does not help.
Each day, my hatred only grows and grows, even with the demon brothers out of my life hearing this damn voice doesn't let me move on.
Talking about them....it's been exactly 5 months, 3 weeks, 6 days, and 8 minutes since I left...
I know because Beel has been texting me everytime it changes, not every minute but every day, every week, every month.
He doesn't say anything else and he doesn't have any malicious intent I'm sure of it.
He's simply waiting for me to come back home...
What is home? Is is the people or the place? The feelings or the memories?
Is the house of lamentation even my home now? Even after I left, especially when the people that hunt my nightmares reside in that house.
Purgatory hall sounds more like home now, but I can't be to sure, how do I know their not waiting to replace me just like them?
What would happen if-?
No! No Noah! Don't let yourself think like that!
For now, I may have a house, but I'm not so sure about a home.
I sigh and look at the sunset Infront of me.
My black and purple bike behind me reflecting on the light of the red moon.
The days in the Devildom altered between a red moon and a black moon
Black being night and red being day.
I sighed and look down, this time no cigarette in sight.
I simply stared at the bandages covering my arm and sighed, noticing they had come lose.
I slowly tightened them again, thinking of everything that has happen over the last few months.
The tension has been unbelievable.
Do you know how hard it is, to be expected to go to class and act normal, as if one of your teachers is not only THE Lucifer but also the demon who revealed to the whole house of lamentation your self harm tendencies?
To be buying something for yourself or others and seeing Mammon running around buying carelessly but immideatly freezes the moment he sets eyes on you? Simply sulking over to the register staying deadly quiet, not saying anything or even looking in my direction.
To be playing a video game and be met with the same username I used to stay up all night playing games with immideatly leave once he notices I'm in the game with him?
And that's only three of the brothers! It has been so weird, being out with thirteen for makeup and seeing Asmo, to be picking out a book in a libary and seeing Satan on the other side grabbing the same book, making akward eye contact, one ending in putting the book back and walking away.
To be eating at a restaurant and see Beel's broken face on the other side of the room, watching me enjoy the foods and laughs I used to share with him not that long ago, to see belphie just stare at me through class instead of sleeping, burning holes through my skull.
It's been so hard trying to forget them, and I haven't even been thinking about them until now so what am I doing?!
I sigh and snuggle up to the warm sheets, checking my D.D.D and scrolling through Devilgram only to see new photos of the brothers with Angelica.
It hurt, even if I didn't want it to, knowing that one day not that long ago that was me.
That not long ago, I was the one reading with Satan and Lucifer.
That I was the one to help Mammon with his physics homework.
That I was the one that would help belphegor sleep.
That I was the one they cared about!
It hurts doesn't it?
To be replaced and thrown like nothing..
Maybe because you are.
Your just a human! Your nothing!
Angelica replaced you in a bat of an eye and they didn't even care.
Poor you, they only cared once the poor exchange student was crying and burning their arms to feel something!
How sad, you almost ruined their reputation so they had to get you under control thats all!
They don't care, they never cared, and they never will care.
Your worthless, just kill yourself already, nobody would care.
Their to busy with the shiny new girl to care.
I woke up the next morning, groaning and rubbing my eyes, I still felt tired and exhausted, and I could tell there were eyebags under my eyes.
But after what the voice said, I think it's finally time to do it.
I need to confront them about what happened.
Normally I'd be getting ready for school but thankfully it's Sunday and none of the demon brothers have plans on Sunday since it's their 'rest day'.
I slowly put on my leather jacket and turned on my motorcycle, the engine roaring to life, the purple stripes along it's metal body coming to life and shining a bright neon.
I took off into the street and looked around.
It wasn't a long drive so I didn't really need to take my bike but I didn't want to walk in the middle of the day on the side of the street, probably crying my eyes out.
So as I parked my bike infront of the house and put the lock on, making sure to hide it so no one would take it, I made my way infront of the house and knocked, holding my helmet between my hands and looking around whistling and looking anywhere but the front door, anxious about who would answer the door.
I looked around at its old structure and stopped whistling, my shoulders relaxing as I looked at the cracks and light emitting from it.
It's crazy to think I once felt like this place was my forever home.
I got to engrossed in my thoughts and didnt notice the front door opening.
I heard a creak sound and looked infront of me, then looked down a bit to meet the eyes of a surprised Satan.
We both just stared at eachother, me tensing up and getting nervous as I looked down at him, being tall had its moments, right now it was not one of them.
Why did I have to be taller than Lucifer?!
His bottom lip quivered and my brain immediately went to panic mode, I was about to ask what's wrong when I felt his arms around me and his soft murmurs.
-"you're back...oh my lord you are actually back..."- his voice came out as soft and quivering, something I would of never imagined of hearing from Satan.
I simply hugged him back as well as I could and waited for him to calm down before I asked if I could come in
He moved away and wiped his tears, letting me into the house of lamentation, admiring the halls that once seemed so familiar.
-"would you mind calling the rest of your family?..I think it's about time we all talked.."- I spoke softly and walked into the living room, afraid my normal actitude would piss him off or make him give me the cold shoulder.
He spoke rapidly and said yes, exiting the room as he left to look for his brothers
I looked around at the space and remembered all the memories I made in here with everyone.
I looked at the seemingly never ending fire and sighed as I remembered how safe I used to feel in this place.
I drifted off in my thoughts and before I knew it I heard Satan's voice on the other side of the door, not turning to face them as I continued staring at the ember fire.
The door creaked open and I finally turned around to look at their gaze.
I smiled and they all stared shocked at me, some with tears in their eyes.
-"Hi.."- I softly spoke and waved.
This was going to be long.
As I sat around with the brothers, I was drinking some tea Lucifer made for me, they were in akward silence while I was just happily drinking.
Lucifers tea was always a delicacy for anyone no matter the situation.
I took the last sip of my tea and sighed, some brothers tensed up as they saw I was finally gonna talk.
-"I think it's time we talked things through...about..what happened, I'm not really sure where to start so someone go ahead and ask anything, let's just really try to talk and get everything out of the way...okay?"- I softly murmured at them, smiling warmly.
Suddenly Lucifer came and kneeled beside me, reaching out his palm.
-"Can....Can I see?"- he spoke carefully as he didn't look up and meet my eyes, he talked carefully and warmly as if any louder would ruin the atmosphere in the room.
I gave him my arm and he slowly took off the bandages, relived to see how the burns were all healing well.
He looked up and smiled at me, I smiled back at him.
Maybe this won't be as bad as I thought.
It was worse than I thought.
It all started off really nice! They were all understanding and kind!
They were totally different! It was so nice for them to actually listen and apologize to what I've been through all this time!
But then they just had to do it!
They had to mention tHE FUCKING NEW GIRL.
'oh Angelica feels bad and guilty, you should apologize to eachother!' SHE CAN KISS MY BLOODY ASS AS AN APOLOGY THEN!
Why should I be apologizing?! Im the one hurting, not her!
Oh I'm fucking sorry I don't feel sorry for making a girl cry after I burned myself multiple times and relapsed terribly!
It's fucking ridiculous, just thinking about it gets me mad.
I thought they would be able to understand but they don't!
They still thinking she's the victim after all this time! I gave chance after chance after chance.
And this is what happens when I try to make things right! I get spit right in my face by them!
I become a laughing stock! This is all too much, the voice is growing and I'm not sure I can handle it.
I need a place where I can cool off for a while and forget about this conversation and situation I just had.
I went to the cliff and looked lostly at the view, and then..
I looked down.
It was very deep and long.
Definitely death.
One jump is all it would take. Spoke the voice.
I'm saying, one jump, and all this can be left in the past, doesn't that sound lovley?
Don't try to fool me with your words right now! It's not the time!
Any of my thoughts are your thoughts too, whatever I want, you want.
And that cliff right there, looks rather lovley wouldn't you say?
I slowly looked over at the edge and leaned closer, closer and closer.
Till I was one step away when-
-"Do you really want to die?"- Luke's soft voice cut through the silence, he said, walking closer to me, for a second it all sounded unreal because no one has ever asked me such a hurtful question in my whole life.
-"You can't do that, I can't let you do that!"-
-"You can't leave me here alone again!"- his voice shutters and breaks
-"you need to stay!"- he says, raising his hand to cover up his face.
-"I'm sorry.."- I spoke after a few seconds. His face all scrunched up and hurting is wounding me do deeply, against my will, I run back to the other side of the fence and away from the edge closer to him.
Hoping he understands my words.
-"I'm sorry..I'm sorry..I'm sorry..I'm sorry!"-
I cried out, yet I pause, and then, it all clicks in my head.
This boy, this angel of a person, I have finally understood that..
They needed me as much as I needed them! Even after hurting and thinking of myself as not worthy I have finally understood...
That these wonderful people I've met and bonded with, we all deeply care about about the other to lose eachother.
They wouldn't replace me or forget me, because I have truly made an impact, in their life's!
No matter who comes along, we'll always be by each others side, and that thought alone...brings me so much peace..I hug the boy tighter and pull away, wiping his tears away.
-"I think it's time to go home.."- he brings me back in for a hug and we just stay like that for awhile.
My conflicts with the demon brothers are far from over, and their sure to hear about this later, but for now, I'd like to live in the moment.
And ignore everything and everyone around me.
Maybe I don't have to matter in the brothers life's, just mattering in
Life's is all that matters, and I'm never letting that go, no matter what.
Sometimes you need to let go of the past, so you can start living in the present.
And I think it's time to let go.
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thekrows-nest · 1 year
Is there anything at all that could give Dove a fighting chance or be a weakness/pitfall for Krow? Could Gabby and her partner actually do much to help? (Yes/no)
Does Gabby’s partner know/know about Krow and what do they think of him?
For Gabby’s free time honing of analysis (and embitterment) maybe it’s true crime, volunteering for a crisis hotline or hacking. Those would help her recognize his brand of social engineering.
Also art came back but how hard does Krow still have it in day to day life? Does he have the rights of citizenship, eat enough at home and keep warm, does his art/music and workmates help him get by or is life outside Dove still just depressing and tough?
With all his working long shifts and emergency jobs how does he have the time to follow and watch Dove?
Was the first murder accidental, Dove related or through financial desperation?
Is his confidence and composure real or faked? How did he develop it against the odds?
((This was sent in a while ago, but eh, should still try to answer it.))
Without too much spoilers, really it would have to be time and patience in dealing with Krow, especially if Dove was kidnapped by him. A matter of watching and trying to learn his patterns and any flaws to try and escape him. Gabby and LT would do everything to help find them but... I'll just say they're have a more difficult time than they may anticipate. I will say that there's been many real life cases of people having hostages and kidnapped folks kept in their houses without their neighbors any the wiser, or even other FAMILY members knowing, for years even. It is VERY possible that Krow can keep you cooped up with him for a long time.
I would say LT has probably heard of Krow from Gabby's complaints about him, but is yet to meet him for himself. "As for my own thoughts on him... This is all based on what I have heard from Gabrielle, so my opinion is certainly skewed. But if I had to summarize my thoughts to one word it's this: troubling. I have... seen others in the past with behavior similar to Krow's, or even worse, and it is... never a good thing. ...If he should pose any kind of threat to Gabrielle's safety though," LT pauses, gives a small smile but it doesn't reach his eyes, "I will take the necessary steps to protect her."
And certainly. Gabby's various... skills would come in handy for recognizing the kind of person, and tactics, Krow employs. But is it enough? Hmmm.
For these other questions: life still isn't spectacular for Krow, but having his muse and motivation for doing art again has improved his mood and emotional and mental outset tremendously. There's still... varying things in life don't make it a cake walk, but Krow isn't unhappy with his life. Not just having Dove and art, but he is happy with his job, workmates and all. He isn't exactly CLOSE with most of them (and he prefers to keep it that way) but he gets along with them just fine, and they find him agreeable.
Through sheer determination. /lh But in all seriousness, Krow's work and personal life balance... is probably better than most. His boss, Luke (I'm pretty sure I dropped his name before nsdbsd) is very respectful of his workers and what they do, and does his best to not infringe on their personal time unless needed. Krow is able to say no if he really wants to (and he has before), but he also respects and likes Luke a lot.
For Krow's first murder? Slight spoilers, I suppose, but I don't mind sharing. Before Dove, Krow wasn't that much of a law breaker (beyond when he had been homeless and would steal food or loiter or whatever). His first murder, and all since, have been basically in relation to Dove somehow, not always entirely personal but... still ties back to Dove in some fashion. (What I mean by this is: some folks Krow has killed because they had been cruel to Dove, so that is personal. Others though he would kill and do black market dealings because he wanted to get some money quickly for something FOR Dove, such as getting them something nice. And if asked, Krow would say he had some funds saved away or the like. He is smart enough to know not to do this too frequently and have Dove asking more questions.)
As for his confidence and composure, it's real. Or at least, it's real most of the time. Krow isn't super human, he does get self conscious or lose his bearings like anyone else. Part of it is that it's just... his personality, it just comes naturally to him to be confident, self assured and all of that. However, it was also honed over the years due to various life circumstances. Hood luck getting him to talk about that though.
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