#eas fanfic
chasespinkwings · 1 year
Therapy With Chase
Chapter 2: Best Friends
As I lay in bed the night after my session, I thought about Cal. He always encouraged me to talk about things, no matter how bad they were or how much trouble I would get in, he always helped me find the right words to tell him about it. He would be so proud of me if he saw me now.
In a way, I was glad that Rory told me to go to therapy. It made me feel closer to Cal. This was just one more way I was following in his footsteps.
I got to the waiting room and sat down. My first session, I had been too nervous to really look around. I decided to look around the room while I waited for my therapist to call me back.
There was a fish tank on a desk along one of the walls. There were several colorful fish swimming in the water. I always loved to watch fish swim. Swimming wasn't for me, but there was something about watching fish that made me feel so happy.
The chairs along the wall were black with blue fabric padding, they were pretty comfortable, but the couch in Shannon's office was a lot better. There was a table in the middle with some magazines.
"Chase?" Shannon asked. I jumped a little. She smiled and I followed her back into the room. I took a seat on the couch and she sat across from me in her chair.
"So Chase, it's nice to see you back!" She said. I gave her a half smile in return.
"It's been a week since I saw you last, so why don't you tell me a little bit about how your week has been?" I had to think about that for a moment.
"What exaclty do you wanna know?" I asked. She seemed slightly amused by my question.
"Just tell me a little but about your week. Maybe some things you've done this week or how your mood has been, some things you've been feeling, just tell me about your week" She explained.
"Well, I mostly hung out with Rory I guess" I said.
"Okay, why don't you tell me more about that?" She asked.
"What do you wanna know?" I asked. An amused smile was on her face once again.
"What did you two do together?" She asked.
"Well, we trained and talked" I said. She raised her eyebrows, urging me to go on. I thought for a moment.
"We talked about therapy and how it went. He was glad that I didn't hate it like I thought I would" She smiled.
"You can shut me down here if I'm stepping out of bounds, but I get the sense that Rory is a very important person in your life. You light up when you talk about him"
I could feel my face heat up, "Yeah, he really is" I said.
"Why don't you tell me more about that? Why is he so important to you? What do you like about him?"
I tried to think of a way to talk about him without giving away too much.
"He's important to me becuase he's my best friend. When I first moved in with my dad, I made friends with a girl named Adelaide. She was my only friend at the time, but she wasn't a good friend for me. She only cared about what she wanted and always tried to get me to be mean to people when I didn't want to. I had a few other friends who didn't know much about me or care about me very much, but I only knew real friendship when I met Rory" I felt silly saying all of that out loud.
"Can you explain what you mean by that?" She asked.
"Well, Rory had always been unapologetically himself no matter what anyone else thinks. I really admired that. He was always so nice to everyone, even when they weren't very nice to him. He was even nice to me most of the time, when we weren't fighting. Even when he was mad at me though, he never once made fun of me for being myself. For some reason, being myself is just easier around him...I guess" I said. Shannon had a look on her face that I couldn't quite read.
"And that makes Rory very important to you?" She asked.
"Yeah, I guess. I don't think I could handle losing him" I laughed off the last part, but it was true. He's the greatest thing that's happened to me since Cal and I don't think I could handle another loss like that. I think Shannon could tell becuase she changed the subject.
"Why don't you tell me about how training has been going?"
I got lost in explaining all of my training methods and before I knew it, the session was over. The things I said in this session about Rory were things I had never really said out loud. I hadn't even called him my best friend before. I felt sort of good, lighter almost. I was honestly sort of excited for the next session.
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chaoticevilspacewitch · 4 months
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From my awesome friend @dae-stuff, I'm so happy to present the cover piece for my latest RWBY fic fixation, We May Fall!
When Weiss's secret faunus heritage comes out in one wild night, Team RWBY is linked together like never before in a way that could change the fate of Remnant.
(Plot with porn! Fluff and angst! Conspiracies! ACAB! Ancient Sumerian copper salesmen! Just crested 100k words!)
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Prompt 21
This past winter, Geralt grabbed a tower of books from the library and holed himself up in his room for practically the entire season. Eskel walks in one night, intent on just checking in on his brother, only to poke around and find that every book that Geralt is painstakingly studying is medical books, from how to deal with a sore throat to the most rarest of diseases. Eskel asks Geralt why he needs to know all of this, worried Geralt might be losing his mutagen-induced healing factor?! Is he getting sick!? Are his wounds not healing over time!? Oh GODS! Oh nvm- Geralt says he's fine :) He's reading all of this because... He met a human bard he wants to keep safe? Odd... Especially for Geralt... But whatever makes his brother happy! I just want a scene after some nice gay brotherly teasing that's like "Ow- Oh no.. Geralt, my arm was scratched by a branch. Hold on, I need to-" And geralt is like FROTHING and is like "WE NEED BANDAGES, THREAD, A NEEDLE, DISINFECTANT, NUMBING SOLUTION, AND I KNOW FOURTEEN DIFFERENT NATURALLY MADE POULTICES I CAN MAKE, AND I KNOW A HELPFUL SPELL A HEDGEWITCH CAN CAST AND-" "It's just a scratch, Gera-" "SHIT, SIT DOWN, I GOTTA FIX MY HUMAN BEFORE HE DIES AND I LOSE ONE OF THE ONLY GOOD THINGS IN MY LIFE"
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dustdeepsea · 5 months
happy new year!
We made it!!
I've been very good and drafted the next chapter of You Can't Go Home Again and also outlined the next few chapters of it together with the amazing @cheetour. 2024 is off to a great start already.
You know what this means - I get to write a self-indulgent, non-proofread (very smutty) ficlet/drabble in between :) In honour of the new year, please help me decide what to work on next. I'm here to supply all 5 of us with the fic we want, because it makes me happy.
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bitchesgate3 · 7 months
Playing BG3 is like being presented with a large, expansive toy room. Where some toys are partially set up, making you excited to explore and get lost in a tale. Some you've never seen before. And some old favorites in new coats of polish and paint.
And then you're ushered over to the main toy set that Larian has set up for you, and it's...
You ask, "What happened to this toy set over here? That seemed interesting!" or "What about this piece? It didn't seem to go anywhere?" or "I don't follow - There seems to be a piece missing in this set?"
The game is a good game because of all the many pieces you can tie together to weave a unique story! But juxtaposed with the ACTUAL story, whose endings sprinkle disappointment throughout, it leaves frustration alongside the love.
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mogwaei · 5 months
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Mfw when people assume I'm "coming from dragon age to baldur's gate/other fantasy" just because i did a bunch of DA art for years. DA is very far from my first experience in fantasy. I was into DnD before I even knew DA existed 🙃 and before that, there were other books and other games I was more obsessed with, i just didn't have access to drawing tablets or resources then/other reasons i did not do art.
Khajiit has shitty mog lore if u but ask 👁👄👁 nfhehsd anyway i will go outside and touch some moss bc that all looks a bit unhinged🧂🌿
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yrrtyrrtwhenihrrthrrt · 3 months
Hey y'all, for anyone following my Long-Form C!Goldenheart Fic I know the last chapter is scheduled to come out tonight, but I've been super busy with work and trying to tie out the loose ends and proofread may not be manageable 😭 embarrassing, I was proud of myself for (almost) staying on schedule until biffing it at the end
Please expect an update by the end of tomorrow night instead, sorry for the holdup, and thank you so so much for your support, knowing people liked my story makes me so happy 💛
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felicitywilds · 7 months
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Aziraphale/Crowley | Gen | 2k
Tags: Historical | The Arrangement | Canon-typical Banter
Crowley pretends to be Aziraphale's prisoner as part of their Arrangement. ~~~ Written for the @do-it-with-style-events Good Omens Reverse Minibang, based on art by Penemue.
Out of all of God's wondrous and magnificent creatures– for which Crowley has an unending fondness as a steadfast defender of the innocent– he hates horses the most. Thankfully, he's not riding a horse. He's not technically riding a camel either, but rather slung over the back of it on his stomach, so he still doesn't know if it's harder on the buttocks than a horse is, but he figures he's enough of a passenger for it to count. Towards his right to complain about it, that is.
Read more on AO3
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commander-goo · 7 months
woe polygun be upon ye
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antimonyandthyme · 2 years
One Second Less Than a Lifetime
2k, Sebastian Vettel/Mick Schumacher
Explicit, ABO, lactation kink, pregnancy mention. Please heed warnings before proceeding.
For @rosyjuly, this entire thing is your fault! Take responsibility!
Mick figures it out two minutes in. Sebastian sees it, the way his nostrils flare, his pupils dilate, the way his entire body tunes toward Sebastian. Half in expectation, half like he’s trying to shield Sebastian as if they were in a shootout or something. Sebastian’s never needed that protection, but with Mick, he’s—he’s wanted. And Mick can catch bullets.
It’s nice of Mick to hold from asking until a lull in conversation, like he’s giving Sebastian every opportunity to just tell him. Sebastian waits it out stubbornly until Mick sets his tea down. “Are you approaching your heat?”
Sebastian shifts gingerly. Even that minute movement chafes. His tits fucking ache. He curls his fingers into the sleeves of his sweater so he doesn’t do something ridiculous like paw at his own chest in desperation. “Yes.”
Mick’s gaze is severe. “Why didn’t you say something?”
Could be the heat talking, but disapproval is almost unbearable. “I wanted to talk first,” Sebastian says to the ground. It’s the truth, mostly.
“I ate mouldy banana bread once. Wasn’t fun.”
Sebastian blinks. “What?”
The corner of Mick’s mouth lifts up. “I left it out and it was race week and when I came back it’d gone bad, and I didn’t want to throw it out because you’d given it to me.”
“Mick,” Sebastian says, aghast. “You should have just—”
“So you understand.” Mick curls a firm hand around Sebastian’s wrist, pulls him closer. “What I’m trying to say.”
Mick’s hand is so warm around him. It’s telling, how the frothing bubble of need within him quiets instantly to a simmer. If Mick knew the effect he had on Sebastian, if Mick only knew— “Don’t be silly?” he tries.
“Don’t be silly,” Mick agrees. “If you need anything from me, you just need to ask. You know that.”
“I didn’t want you thinking that I called you just for my heat.” Sebastian shakes his head. “You’ve only been here five minutes.”
“That’s five minutes I could’ve spent touching you,” Mick says, like it’s a fact. Maybe it is. Time with each other is a luxury they don’t have. Sometimes in the paddock, Mick holds him so tightly like he’s afraid Sebastian will disappear, like if he looks away for a second Sebastian will have melted into thin air. Sebastian has three races left to convince Mick he won’t. Not for the people who matter.
When Mick kisses him, the simmer of want rockets back up to a boil. His skin goes molten hot, his insides go liquid soft. He sways toward Mick, who takes him by the hips in an almost bruising grip. Just that action has slick gathering between his legs, has his chest drawing so tight it feels like his tits will tear. He lets out a pained noise.
Mick notices. He pulls back, eyes dark and assessing. “Seb,” he says carefully, while taming his touch into something gentle. “Where does it hurt?” He squeezes Sebastian’s hip, then his forearm, then his waist with exceeding care, like he’s trying to locate the source of discomfort.
Sebastian closes his eyes when Mick gets to his chest. A brush of Mick’s fingers has his entire body jerking.
“Jesus,” Mick sounds worried now. “Come on, let’s get this off you. Come on, Seb.”
Mick coaxes his arms up, peels off the thick sweater he’s wearing. The smell hits them both at once, something sweet with honeyed overtones, and beneath it, Sebastian’s own scent: rain, earth, mint. He’s a fool to think he could have ever hidden this. The thin cotton shirt he has on does nothing to mask the two trails of wet trickling down. Sebastian trembles as Mick stares, as Mick inhales like his lungs are starved for air.
“Seb,” Mick says, his tone verging on wonder. It’s not a difficult conclusion to arrive at. Omegas lactate at various stages of pregnancy in preparation for the child to come. “Seb, you’re—”
“It happens with me,” Sebastian blurts out. He can’t have that conversation now, not when want twists like a hurricane inside him, turning him wishful and prone to dreams. “It’s nothing. Just the heat hitting hard this time.”
“Ah,” Mick says, looking disappointed for a moment before he wipes that expression clean. “And it hurts?”
Sebastian nods, biting his tongue. He doesn’t say, It’ll hurt until there’s a mouth on it, it’ll hurt unless you do something about it, because you’re, you’re—
Mick’s fingers skim Sebastian’s hips as he takes the hem of his tee and manoeuvres it off Sebastian. Sebastian whimpers as the fabric grazes his nipples, like the scrape of a fingernail on the most anguished parts of him.
Mick’s voice is rough, incredulous. “Do you know how you look, Seb?” He cups the underside of Sebastian’s swollen pecs, touch almost reverent. “Do you know how you smell?”
“Mick,” Sebastian gasps, squirming in his grasp. He’s slicking up so heavily now, enough that it’s leaking down the inside of his thighs. Mick’s hands on his chest are so much and not enough all at once. He’s too desperate now to even consider what he’s asking for. “Do something, please.”
Mick dips his head down to Sebastian’s hip bone, where the wet trail ends at the start of his joggers. He sticks his tongue out, laves his way up Sebastian’s belly, across his diaphragm, until he reaches Sebastian’s nipple. Mick’s tongue is sandpaper against Sebastian’s nub. The cry he lets out is wounded.
“Shh,” Mick says. “I’ll make it better.”
“Please.” Need is making him delirious. “Please, Mick.”
Mick closes a mouth around his nipple and sucks. Sebastian keens. Sparks rip through him like lightning splitting the earth. Desire and pleasure spill out through the cracks. He arches his back and comes, shaking like a leaf in Mick’s arms.
“Sebastian,” Mick says. He looks ravenous, like the taste was only enough to whet his appetite. “Oh my god, look at you, Sebastian.”
He sags toward Mick, the strength sapped from his legs. The punishing ache in his right pec abates somewhat, but the rest of him only stretches tighter. Reaching, always reaching. Metal filings toward a magnet, toward Mick. He doesn’t understand how anyone can stand in Mick’s presence and not want him. He needs—he just needs.
Mick’s arms are around him in an instant, and he’s guiding Sebastian steadily toward the bedroom. All the while pressing kisses to Sebastian’s jaw, his neck, his shoulder. I’m here, I’m here. I’m here. Mick strips him of his joggers, his wet underwear, lays him down carefully on the sheets as if he were fine porcelain.
“Mick,” he says on an exhale. He’s too wrung out to formulate anything else.
“I got you,” Mick says. He curves his hand around Sebastian’s pec, kneading and massaging firmly. Funny how a few minutes ago Sebastian could barely stand the feel of fabric; he was so sensitive. Mick’s fingers dig into the sore muscle, and the pain explodes into pleasure. Sebastian’s body responds, blurts out more milk, warm and honey-sweet. Mick’s mouth closes around the nub again, like he wants to suck Sebastian dry, wring out every drop like juice from a rare fruit.
God, that’s Mick teeth, clamping sharply around his nipple. The sound that escapes his throat is high and helpless. He feels the insistent squirt of liquid from his nipple, directly into Mick’s mouth.
Mick leans up on shaky arms. “You taste so good,” he says hoarsely. His lips are milky wet. “Sebastian. You taste of rain.”
“Mick,” he moans. He clutches urgently at his own chest. Now that the pressure in his right tit has been relieved, he is only more acutely of the tension in his left. “Come on, please, please.”
Mick kisses the swell of his left tit, laving the nipple with attention, while Sebastian kicks his legs out in blind want. He is a cacophony of sensation, empty and loose where he’s slick, too full and stretched where he’s leaking. He tries to thrust up into Mick’s mouth, but Mick’s forearm on his collarbone traps him more effectively than an iron bar.
“Stay,” Mick admonishes gently. The wild hunger in him gives way to obedience, and Sebastian falls still. Just with one word from his alpha.
(The alpha, the one part of his brain still sober enough to discern corrects. Not yours. Not until you tell him—)
The thought he tramples down with his need. “Mick,” Sebastian pleads.
“I want to taste you,” Mick says. He pushes a thumb into Sebastian’s left nipple, hard enough that he forces more warm liquid out. Sebastian sobs, unaware of which edge of the knife he’s dancing on. He feels close to bursting from the pressure. “I want to savour you.”
Every muscle in Sebastian contracts with the strain of holding still. Mick brings his thumb up to his lips, darting his tongue out. For a feverish moment, Sebastian wonders if Mick can taste his own birthright in the milk. Slick pours out of him, blanketing the room in its thick, heavy scent. His body betraying every thought he’s ever tried to squash down about his own desires.
“Oh, Seb,” Mick says. He strokes his knuckles down the centre of Sebastian’s chest, right at the breastbone, right over Sebastian’s heart. It’s proprietary in the most gentle of ways. Mick doesn’t even have to bite. “You need me to suck, don’t you? You need me to take care of you.”
“Yes,” Sebastian says, an answer to a question that was never there. “Yes, please, Mick, please—”
Mick’s mouth closes around him again, wet and heated and perfect. Pleasure blooms from his tit to the entirety of his chest, down to his cock, growing hard all over again, down all the way to the curl of his toes. His arse clenches on nothing and he sobs. Mick doesn’t relent, framing Sebastian’s ribs with his sure hands to hold him in place, sucking until Sebastian’s dry and oversensitive, until his nipple hurts and he’s pulling weakly at Mick’s hair.
“Enough,” he gasps, even though his cock aches furiously now. “Too much.”
Mick pulls away reluctantly, resting his cheek in the dip between Sebastian’s tits, taking heaving breaths. No longer sensitive to the point of pain, it’s a nice place for Mick to be. Sebastian skims his fingers down the back of Mick’s head. Mick hums, pleased, pressing into his touch.
“Your taste,” he mumbles into Sebastian’s sweaty skin. “I want it on my tongue always.”
There are many ways an alpha can choose to lay their claim. Sebastian turns the words over in his head. “Mick?” he says unsteadily.
Mick’s pushing himself off now, something sheepish in his smile. “Never mind,” he says. “Let me take care of you first.”
Sebastian’s so wet Mick barely needs fingers. He stretches Sebastian quickly, and then he’s arranging Sebastian’s legs over his shoulders, and fucking into Sebastian with long, deep strokes.
Oh, there it is. Sebastian moans as the yawning maw of want in him finally settles on Mick’s swelling knot. His legs shake, his voice breaks as he cries out, Mick, ah, Mick. His hands he places on his own sore tits, squeezing and kneading as Mick splits him open on his cock. He thinks about the give of his belly in a few months. He thinks about growing larger, rounder. He thinks about the ache in his tits, and the glorious feel of Mick’s mouth around his nipples.
He comes as Mick grinds into him, locking them together in a tangle of limbs. He thinks of split earth, the smell and look of ground freshly rent in the wake of a tornado.
“Sebastian,” Mick pants into his neck, hot breath puffing right where his mating gland is. Sebastian shivers, and clamps his lips tightly close. He doesn’t dare ask. “Sebastian.”
(Mick waits, for permission that never comes.)
It’s Sebastian who winds his arms around Mick now, holding the alpha close now that he’s knotted and sated. He senses a rawness, a vulnerability in Mick that wasn’t there before.
“Thank you,” he whispers, hoping to god and anyone listening it is enough.
“Any time,” Mick says like it’s a promise. Maybe it is.
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chasespinkwings · 2 years
Make Me Up
"You want me to do your makeup?" She asked, clearly excited by the idea. I smiled.
"Yes, I wanna look my absolute best for tonight" This was me and Rory's 1 year anniversary dinner, I wanted to look good. Adelaide beamed at me. She loved to do other people's makeup.
"Chase, I'm gonna make you the prettiest girl Rory's ever seen. She won't know what hit her!" She kicked her feet in excitement.
"Dude, I asked you to do my makeup not stab me in the fucking eye!" I groaned. She frowned at me disapprovingly.
"It's an eyelash curler Chase, I promise you'll be fine" She rolled her eyes. I groaned again.
"Suck it up buttercup" She said before pressing a kiss to my cheek. As annoying as she was, I was lucky to have Adelaide. She's been here since we were kids and has supported me through my transition almost as much as Rory has. I hated to admit it, but she was one of my best friends. I stuck my tounge out at her.
"Are you ready to see yourself?" She was clearly more excited than I was.
"Let's see it!" She spun my chair around so I was facing the mirror. My jaw dropped open. My eyes were surrounded by beautiful red glitter and sharp eyeliner. She had put highlight on my nose and cheek bones. My eyelashes were even longer and prettier than usual. They curled up in a very light way that made them gently brush my cheek when I blinked. My lips were slightly pink and had a subtle softness that wasn't usually there.
"What do you think?" She asked, her face practically glowing. I took a breath in and tried to control the shaking of my voice.
"It looks fine I guess" She laughed at me.
"Fine? Chase Turnleaf, I can see right through you. You're about to cry" I grumbled at her.
"Rory's gonna love it Chase, you look very pretty!" She kissed my cheek again.
"I hope so" I whispered.
"Oh I'm just waiting for..." her voice trailed off as she spotted me.
"Chase?" She whispered. I took a few nervous steps toward her.
"What do you think? Adelaide did it for me" I said bashfully.
"Chase, you're the most beautiful girl in the entire world!" She stood on her tiptoes to kiss me deeply. I blushed.
"Thank you" I mumbled. She took my hand and led me to our table.
"I can't believe that the prettiest girl in the world is all mine" she smiled. I returned her smile and settled into my seat. I knew it was gonna be a good night.
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meatydog · 6 months
Finally drew the new cover for the EA Wattpad fanfic
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lusitanian-luser · 9 days
has anyone made Ea-Nasir×Gilgamesh fan-art/fanfics? Asking for a friend. A friend who looks, and sounds, exactly like me.
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nekoisopods · 6 months
Here's a Spore fanfic I am working on
Just released my first actual chapter for the story. Stay tuned for more!
Also merry Christmas and a happy new year to you all!
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victorluvsalice · 4 months
AU Thursday: Valicer In The Dark -- Duskwall Slang
Since we did a VITD lookbook yesterday, I figured we might as well keep the train going today and talk a little bit about some of the worldbuilding I've done for the Valicer In The Dark version of Duskwall (the main setting of Blades In The Dark). Specifically, I've decided to share the short list of slang that I've come up with for people to use! Because that's always fun, right? :) The first entry on this list is taken from the book itself (page 42, specifically) and adapted a little bit, but all the rest are purely my own invention:
-->“Flashing a/their/your Coin” and variants – making an ostentatious display of wealth, to the disgust of everyone around them (the term "Coin" itself is in fact slang for a large sum of money, taken from the days when the Imperial treasury would actually mint large solid gold coins intended to cover major transactions; most people these days rely on small silver pieces called "slugs"). Example: “You spent all that money on THAT outfit? Really flashing your Coin, huh?”
-->“Moving to Six Towers” – indicates that the person said to be moving was previously rich and important, but has fallen on extremely hard times and is on the verge of ruin (referencing the fact that Six Towers USED to be one of the richest neighborhoods in the city, but has turned into a bit of a slum with most of the nobility previously living there moving into Brightstone). Example: “The Everglots’ leviathan ship hasn’t had a good haul in six months. Think they’ll be moving to Six Towers soon.”
-->“Scavenging in the Lost District” – indicates that the person said to be scavenging is taking an INCREDIBLE risk in the hopes of getting a high reward (due to the Lost District being an abandoned neighborhood outside the lightning barrier keeping the city safe and guarded by the Spirit Wardens...but also having many lost riches within its bounds). Example: “You want to rob Lord Mayor Powerwallet? Talk about scavenging in the Lost District!”
-->“Living Coin to Coin” – living paycheck to paycheck, as the average weekly wage in Duskwall is equivalent to a Coin’s worth of money. Example: “Poor old Tom – what with his sick mother and five children needing feeding, he’s living Coin to Coin.”
-->“Only good for mushrooms” – indicates that the thing being talked about is absolute shit. Example: “Don’t order the ‘special ale’ at the Withered Talon, it’s only good for mushrooms.”
-->“You want to call the crows?” – equivalent of “You want to get us killed?” in response to a risky course of action (referencing the Deathseeker crows that find corpses for the Spirit Wardens). Example: “You want to FIGHT Lord Mayor Powerwallet’s bodyguards? You want to call the crows?!”
-->“Barrowcleft approved” – indicates the item in question is homemade but of very high quality (Barrowcleft being a poor, rural neighborhood with one of the best, and fairest, markets in the city). Example – “You carved this yourself? Why, this is Barrowcleft approved work and no mistake!”
-->“Dust Day fare” – an extremely meager meal made from poor-quality ingredients, referencing the popular nickname for the fifth day of the week from Charhollow, which itself references the fact that poor people’s food stores are the thinnest on this day. Example – “Canal water soup with potato peelings. This is Dust Day fare, all right.”
-->“Crit Six/rolled a crit six” – means that something is exceedingly good, or that something that you have done has succeeded beyond your wildest dreams; references the most popular dice game in Duskwall, where rolling double sixes is an automatic win. Example – “I went to open the safe, and I rolled a crit six – the door practically came off in my hands!”
-->“Welcher” – a term for someone who hires a criminal or crew for a job, and then not only refuses to pay them, but actively tries to murder them (directly or otherwise) to avoid doing so. Only one of the highest leaders of the most well-known crews may declare someone a Welcher, and then only after receiving sufficient proof, as the term is a death sentence – the scoundrels of Duskwall do not take kindly to their clients trying to stiff them, in both senses of the word. Example: “All right, I’ve seen enough – I’m ready to declare that Lord E.A. Bethesda is a Welcher. Hope he’s prepared for every scoundrel in the city coming for his ass...”
Further updates to come if and when I think of more stuff! Which I probably will, as this is fun. :)
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apocalyp-tech-a · 1 year
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Tech-ology: Vol. II, Chapter 4 - Cu Next Taungsday  Tech and Wrecker find themselves at the mercy of a shady copper part merchant.
I’m a little behind on Tech-ology entries, but I finally got inspired by the world's oldest customer complaint, a cuneiform tablet from Ancient Mesopotamia circa 1750 BCE over some low grade copper sold by one shady merchant, Ea-Nasir, to a very disgruntled Nanni.  Well, I think it’s hilarious and I love ancient history so thought it was a good story, but no one else did, lol.  *shrug* :D
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