#e’last x reader
blossominghunnie · 1 year
𝐘𝐨𝐮’𝐫𝐞 𝐰𝐡𝐚𝐭?!
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Pairing: Yejun x fem!reader
Genre: Fluff and a little bit of angst ig? 🤠 Established relationship
Summary: People were convinced you hated each other, until Yejun slipped and revealed a surprising piece of information.
Warning: Swearing, a die joke.
Note: Tbh, I was so excited to write this, love this type of trope (is it a trope? Lmao) and I just love E’last sm I had to write an imagine of my bias wrecker. 🥰
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Your relationship with Yejun has always been… chaotic. You’re always bickering or responding to the other sarcastically, teasing each other, etc.
It always has been this way, ever since Baekgyeul introduced you two. You were his younger sister, so you had been knowing each other for years.
You don’t how or when but you ended up falling for Yejun and he ended falling for you, too.
After you confessed and decided to start dating, you agreed to keep the relationship a secret. Not because you felt embarrassed or something like that, it’s just that you didn’t want your brother to find out. You felt it would complicate things, so you just kept acting the same.
“Who ate my last donut?!” You screamed from the kitchen after checking every single cabinet it existed.
“It wasn’t me! I swear!” Wonhyuk defended himself while putting his arms up in defense.
“If it wasn’t you, then who did it?” You asked while pouting.
“It was Yejun, I saw him take it a few minutes ago.” Wonjun stood at the entrance of the kitchen.
“Snitch!” You heard someone yell from the living room.
“Here we go again.” You heard your brother sight. You walked towards the place your stupid boyfriend was sitting.
“You have three seconds to run.”
“Or what, princess?” The nickname made your face turn red, it wasn’t uncommon for him to call you that. He used it when he teased you.
“I’m gonna ignore you for the rest of the week.”
“Uuuh, that would be sooo bad.” He mocked you.
“You wanna test me?”
“Sure.” He smirked. Deep down, Yejun regretted it because he knew that when you had a goal in mind, no one could stop you.
“Fine.” You smiled and sat on the coach, placing your AirPods in your ears and started to read your favorite book.
Your boyfriend gave you one last look before going to his room.
“That was… something.” Choi In commented.
“Yeah.” Rano nodded. “Wonder how long we will have peace and quiet.”
“I don’t think it’ll last long, you know they bicker over the smallest things.” Seungyeop spoke. They all agreed.
Three days passed and you still hadn’t talked to Yejun.
“How long will this go on?” Romin asked you when you were hanging out in your room.
“Until he apologizes or the week is up.” You shrugged. “To be honest, I’m not mad anymore. I was because I was really craving that donut but it went away after like 10 minutes.” You giggled.
“So you’re only doing this to prove a point?”
“Basically, yeah.”
He rolled his eyes. “No offense but that’s so stupid.”
“Believe me, I know. But I can’t back down now.”
Romin just shook his head.
“I’m gonna get a drink. You want anything?”
“Yeah, a Cola please.”
You existed the room and walked towards the kitchen. On the way there you saw Yejun, when he spotted you he approached.
“Are you still gonna ignore me?”
You kept walking.
You almost reached the kitchen.
“Babyyy.” He whined. That made you turn around.
“Shh, keep your voice down. Someone could hear you.”
“Now you’re talking to me.” He smiled triumphant.
You raised an eyebrow. “Only because you called me something you shouldn’t be calling me in public.”
“If I knew this was the way to get you to break I would have done it days ago.” He kept teasing.
“And I will keep ignoring you if you keep teasing me.” You smirked.
“Noooo, I miss you.” Yejun pouted. “And your hugs, and your kisses.” He came closer to you. “Don’t you do, too?”
“Hmm, maybe.”
You forgot for a moment that you weren’t alone because you were about to kiss him. Until a voice stopped you two.
“What is going on here?” You heard your brother’s voice. Shit, shit, shit.
“N-nothing.” You moved away from the boy, and turned around to face Baekgyeul.
“Oh, yeah? Because I just heard eeeverything that was going on out here.”
Oh my freaking god, you were in so much trouble.
At this point, everyone came out of their rooms and into the place of the discussion.
“What happened?” Rano asked.
“Oh, I just heard Yejun calling my little sister ‘baby’ and how much he missed her hugs and kisses. And that wasn’t all, I walked out and saw them almost kissing.”
“I’m gonna go die in a hole, bye.” You spoke and intended to walk away but you brother stopped you.
“No, young lady. Come here.” You saw him with his arms crossed.
“You sound like dad, ew.” You made a disgusted expression.
“I hate you.”
“Me too.”
“You two, stop bickering.” Rano rolled his eyes. “Yejun, what do you have to say in your defense?”
He looked at you, you just nodded.
“That… we’re dating.”
“You’re what?!” Baekgyeul exclaimed. “For how long?”
“Approximately a year.”
“Oh my god.”
Out of the corner of your eye you saw Wonjun handing money to Wonhyuk & Choi In.
“You guys bet on our relationship?”
“Duh, of course!” Wonhyuk smiled cheekily. “I just knew there was something going on, you weren’t as discreet as you thought you were.”
“And now, are you gonna accept that I’m with Yejun or do I have to tease you until you do?” You asked your brother with a raised eyebrow.
He sighted. “I guess I’ll do it. I know he’s a good kid. But if you do something to my little sister I will not hesitate to hit you.”
“I would never do anything to purposely hurt her. I love her.” He looked at you and smiled. You smiled too and hugged him tightly.
“Aw, you’re so disgustingly cute.” Romin commented.
“Now, if you excuse me, I’m gonna go spend time with my girlfriend.” Yejun grabbed your hand and took you to his room.
“Keep the door open!” Baekgyeul yelled.
“Yeah, yeah.”
You laid against his chest as he put his arms around your waist.
“I love you, too.” You smiled and kissed him.
Now that everyone knew, you couldn’t wait to show your love for him in public.
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E’last masterlist || Main masterlist
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moalovestxt · 9 months
Hey! Just wanted to thank u for writing for elast ㅠㅠ my boys deserve so much love and many many recognition 💜 your writing always makes me happy and gets a smile out of me, also thanks for that.
If possible (and no rushing please take your time!) can I request no. 25 from the prompt list with bby boy Wonhyuk?
Thanks, please take care and I hope your exams were alright! 🌸💖
Never without each other [Wonhyuk]
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This took forever but hey I’m back and I wanted to finish this one first!
Prompt: #25 ”I’ll carry you.” with wonhyuk!
”My legs are killing me.” You let out a sigh of frustration from the pain. You had been practicing for at least an hour without any breaks. You could feel how your legs were slowly giving up from not having a break. “I told you that we should have had a break.” Your friend Wonhyuk told you when you sat down looking like you were about to faint any second. Wonhyuk was your best friend and also happened to be in the same dance group as you. You roll your eyes to his comment, trying not to show that you knew he was right. He let out a laugh at you rolling your eyes at him. He knew he was right and that you knew that too. ”We should go to the nearby cafe’ and get something to drink.” He says with a smile. You look over at him with a small pout and nod your head. The thought of something yummy and sweet sounded perfect to you. You needed new energy from all the hours of dancing.
The only problem was that your feet was killing you and hurting real bad. You were too scared to even stand up. You didn’t want to bother Wonhyuk. He looked happy that the two of you were going to take a break. You didn’t want to break the news that you couldn’t stand up. You put your hand on the floor to push your body up but your legs gave up before you were even half way to a standing postion. You felt how Wonhyuks body supported yours before you fell on your bottom. ”hey..you weren’t kidding about your legs.” He said as worry took over him. He didn’t think you were serious about the pain. You tried to give him a smile not wanting to worry him. ”yeah..” you said. ”you shouldn’t push yourself this hard.” He said making her nod. He was known for giving you lessons when he was worried.
Wonhyuk moved to a postion so that he was able to support you while you stood up. ”I’m fine..thank you.” You said with a smile. ”Stop lying.” He said back to you making you look at him. He knew you. He was your best friend after all. On top of that, he loved everything about you. You on the other hand, had no idea about that part. ”I’ll carry you” he said making your eyes widen. You shaked your head at his words. You felt guilty. You were the one that pushed too hard, knowing that you were going to get hurt. ”I am.” He said standing infront of you. ”to the cafe?” You asked him and he gave you a nod. It wasn’t that far from where you were, but still it wasn’t short either. ”Wonhyuk..” you started but he didn’t move. ”I am..that’s it. Come on.” There was no point in arguing with him. You did as he said and you couldn’t help a chuckle leaving your lips. ”What did I do to deserve you?” You asked him while hugging him tighter, making him melt. ”You didn’t have to do anything. You are just my favorite person.” He said making you smile. He loved you. Maybe someday he will confess, but as of right now, he’s just so happy to have you with him all the time. He didn’t want to ruin your friendship. He loved hanging out with you. He wanted to do that while being more than friends.
Part 2??
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&Team Hyung line reacting to being called ‘bestfriend’
more &Team <3 I promise I’ll give content soon that isn’t just &Team. I have E’Last and Golcha stuff in the works just wait with me. Here’s a rewrite once again for &Team of some of my past works.
Genre: Fluff, angst if you squint
Warnings: jealousy/a bit of anger mentioned, swearing
Pairing: &Team x reader
You knew it would be hard to prank him
You used to prank him a lot in the beginning at your relationship
so it has become very tricky
but you saw this on tiktok and wanted to try it
you knew he’d know what's up if you asked to film a video
You got your friend to call you and read out a little script with you basically
since your lovely boyfriend is nosey and sitting right across from you he tuned in even though he was messing with stuff on his phone
“Oh my god you got a new job? Well maybe you should treat me out to lunch then mr money man” you said with a laugh, your boyfriend immediately was all ears feeling a little bit of jealousy as well
“What have I been up to? just hanging out with my best friend, he's right here, do you want to say hi?”
okay this dude upset he aint fucking around I tell you that
“Bestfriend?” He said cold toned with anger laced in his voice
“Shouldn’t it be ‘boyfriend?’ oh wait no you called me bestfriend and basically asked that person on the phone to take you on a date. Who even were they?”
god you could tell he was so mad oh god oh no
“Before you get any more mad I’m going to let you know this was a prank, go to tiktok baby you’ll find the trend I promise you”
It would take a lot more for him to stop being a little angry
But maybe try taking a photo of him and captioning it on a post saying "I have the best boyfriend ❤️" and post selfies in his hoodies
He'll definitely find it hard to fight the smile off his face
Filming a video with Fuma you wanted to do the prank you saw on tiktok
You asked Fuma if he'd do a TikTok challenge of who's most likely too
He was just like "Anything you want my love <3"
He’s literally so unbelievably whipped for you
Excited to do something fun with you as he thought it’d be silly and cute
Ugh hurts to see where this heads </3
Starting the video looking at him from the camera on your phone you could see his face drop as your words fell from your lips
"Hey everyone here I'm doing a challenge with my bestfriend! Who's most likely to" you sounded so energetic and excited
He was quick on his feet to express how he didnt like the change of title
even if he felt bad since he didn't want to make you feel bad
"Baby can you stop filming for a second?"
You knew the prank worked but at what cost
"I don't know if you meant to but you called me your bestfriend instead of your boyfriend. I don't want to sound possessive or like you have to call me something but out of all titles bestfriend just seems like I'm not your boyfriend an-"
Quick to shut him up by planting a kiss to his lips
"I’m sorry, it was a prank I saw on tiktok baby, I wont actually post that we can refilm the intro I just wanted to see your reaction, I’ll always make sure to let the whole world know you're my boyfriend, now wanna film that video actually?"
Immediately filled with relief never do that to the poor boy again
Not having any of it
Laying on your shoulder
He looked at your phone while you where typing out of curiosity
Usually ur playing a game or scrolling through TikTok so found no harm but this time you were in your contacts talking to a friend he didn’t know that well
And saw you wrote "I'm with my bestfriend rn"
In response to a text that said "what are you up to pretty?"
He was hurt
And needed an answer now
Glaring at you he quickly said "not to be nosey but who are you talking too"
He said straightening up
"Oh my friend, why do you ask?"
"You called me your best friend? Why not the love of your life? Sugar plum? Sweetie pie? Honey bunny? Apple of your eye? Or even a simpler title: boyfriend maybe?"
Even though he was trying to come off as joking around you could see in his eyes he was hurt and a bit angry
Explaining the prank and how you convinced your friend to tag along in it he felt betrayed </3
Pls comfort him
Give him kisses, take dorky couple photos anything just give him forms of reassurance
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8myass · 4 months
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.. thrill .. pairing. won hyuk x female reader genre. angst pov. second person (you, yours, yourself, etc.)  synopsis. you run away from your loving best friend :( wc. 0.5k cw. yandere!wonhyuk tw. kidnapping, implied noncon touching, slight gaslighting, pet name (‘baby’) a/n. i freaking love wonhyuk so much (stan e’last!), happy birthday to the prettiest boy!
You could hear footsteps approaching you, getting louder the closer they got to your hiding spot. You were dreading every moment that was bound to follow if they got a little too close. You were meekly crying on the cold, hard ground as you propped your back up against a dumpster in the dark alleyway, trembling at the thought of being found.
The sobs wracking your body were uncontrollable, you were so afraid your sniffles would give away your hiding place, but you were unable to contain yourself, fear was the only thing you knew right now.
The footsteps seemed to stop right in front of the alleyway you were in, causing you to hold your breath, eyes wide as you pleaded with the higher powers to let him continue walking, not turn toward you. You were beyond relieved when you heard the footsteps actually continue on, making you let out a long, drawn-out sigh. 
But all at once, your anxiety appeared again when a beautiful voice sang, “Found you~” right into your ear from next to the dumpster. You flinched at the sound, spinning your head to see the owner of the voice, tears forming rivers down your cheeks. He swiftly picked you up, holding you in his arms with your legs around his waist for stability, wiping your tears away with his thumb, a frown spread across his gorgeous face, “Why are you crying, pretty? Don’t you wanna come back home?”
“That’s not my home,” you sobbed, jerking your face away from his undeserving fingers, more tears strolling down your cheeks. “It’s yours. You stole me away from my home.”
“Nonsense, my love. It’s always been your home. Since the moment you stepped foot through the front door, that place was our home,” he smiled, letting loose a sinister-sounding laugh. You were sure he was insane by now. You’ve never looked at him in this sense, you were his best friend for years, it’s so hard for you to genuinely see this side of him. Waking up one day, tied up in the bed you once were so fond of sleeping in, disgusting feelings washing through you as the man you could finally deem a monster let his fingertips roam along places you’ve never imagined to be touched by him. “Our bed, too.”
You had every idea what he was implying, what he was trying to remind you of, all telling you what he’d do to you again if you were to continue your fighting. You had convinced him to cut you loose at his house, making a run for it as soon as his back was turned. You were so good at pretending he didn’t repulse you to the core that it made it easy to make him think you genuinely cared for him still. As soon as you ran, you were chased. You couldn’t make it too far, which is why you were sitting next to a dumpster in an alleyway like you were, you couldn’t have run any farther because you were so out of breath and panicked that you felt you were on the verge of passing out at any moment.
“Baby, let’s go home, okay? How does that sound?” with his words, you fell into the crook of his neck, defeated, giving up entirely. This was your fate, as cruel as it was, and you really just had to accept that you weren’t gonna escape him anytime soon. This was your new reality.
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sopestvr · 1 year
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⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀† ABOUT THE WRITER !
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ♱
XANJYL⠀or⠀BTS RAPLINE’s #1 STAN (CANON)⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀✶ nineteen. he!xe. boricua. your stereotypical mean lesbian !
⠀⠀⠀“ my name? mf there’s too many, next question. ”
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⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ wattpad † tiktok † instagram
VENOM⠀⟡⠀benji. evren. venix. yociel. czar. certified milf pursuer. graphic designer. born n raised new yorker. aspiring sugar momma. miles morales’ cousin. hobie brown’s unprovoked sidekick. professional makima & himeno hater. irl gwenpool. venom realest best friend. ava ayala in the flesh. diagnosed bpd pill popper. keeho’s secret bsf. ricky’s boss baby. yunjin’s needy.
BLOG⠀⟡⠀is for hispanic/latines that never see themselves in either oc's or readers, mainly because they’re always white and don't have culture. it is also for my tall chica’s who never get representation in media, aside from the tall girl movie where they weaponized her height until the last 30 mins of that god forsaken film. so bienvenidos mis amores.
TWIZZY’S⠀⟡⠀hobie brown. nagi seishiro. katsuki bakugo. keiji akaashi. yuuji itadori. maki zenin. ava ayala. america chavez. aña corazón. miles morales. shoyo hinata. takemichi hanegaki. hinata tachibana. denji hayakawa. chigiri hyoma.
MIS QUERIDAS⠀⟡⠀adri. mia. mula. lin. via. aster. riah. zeph. amy. cori. zayi. lulu. anahi. bri. naomi. mars. raj. dawn. rissy. sol.
REPLAY⠀⟡⠀chief keef. yeat. kanii. lijay. koto. odetari. cade clair. ken carson. playboi carti. a boogie. d4vd. ice spice. kendrick lamar. lil uzi vert. 2pac. biggie. labrinth. joji. monaleo. flomilli. glorilla. megan thee stallion. kehlani. young ma. ski mask the slump god. kali uchis. melanie martinez. mitski. rae sremmurd. bad bunny. daddy yankee. pierce the veil. zion & lennox. hector & tito. selena. baby metal. bts. e’last. piwon. ateez. txt. le sserafim. new jeans. xdinary heroes. onlyoneof. wonho. jiae. zb1. insane clown posse.
ANIMANGAS⠀⟡⠀attack on titan. god of high school. jujutsu kaisen. classroom of the elite. soul eater. chainsaw man. blue lock. gangsta. tokyo revengers. haikyuu. demon slayer. death note. hunter x hunter. sailor moon. angels of death.
COMFORT LOSERS⠀⟡⠀venom. miles morales. takemichi hanegaki. michael afton. yuuji itadori. denji hayakawa. suzune horikita. mikasa ackerman. mori jin. black star. meguru bachira. nicolas brown. aran ojiro. suma uzui. misa amane. killua zoldyck. usagi tsukino. isaac foster. katsuki bakugo.
BASICS⠀⟡⠀i always write tall (6'2), indigenous taíno puerto rican oc's for my stories. only time i won't is when a request specifically asks for an unlabeled reader, or a specific type of reader that doesn't correlate with my typical one.
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oraclekleo · 1 year
Choi Youngmin (E'LAST) Ideal Partner Tarot Reading
All readings have purely entertainment nature
I don’t know any of the celebrities personally
Don’t base life decisions purely on tarot readings
I can never guarantee any of what’s said in the reading
Before requesting, read the pinned post and appropriate linked post
Tarot readings are my hobby - I’m not obligated to accept any of the requests nor to complete them, it’s my choice, not duty
Waiting time is long, even several months
If you can’t wait, please, seek other tarot reader
Reading Info:
Rating: 18+
Reading Type: Single - Couple
Requested: Yes - No
Deck: The Phantomwise Tarot
Spread: Ideal Partner
Celebrity Info:
Full Name: Choi Youngmin
Stage Name: Romin
Group: E’LAST
DOB: 24.04.2001
Blood Type: A
Sun Sign: Taurus
Chinese Sign: Metal Snake
Life Path Number: 4
Masterpost: E'LAST
Ko-fi - Voluntary Tip for Readings
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Choi Youngmin
Romin (E’LAST) - Ideal Partner
DOB: 24.04.2001 Blood Type: A MBTI: ISTP Sun Sign: Taurus Chinese Sign: Metal Snake Life Path Number: 4
Spread / Question: Ideal Partner
Deck(s): The Phantomwise Tarot
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Body - 6 of Swords
Romin’s ideal partner might have gone through a period of time when they were body shamed or they themselves didn’t love their appearance. That’s shifting to more positive self-acceptance now as they start to recognize their own beauty. It’s possible for them to start trying new fashion styles in order to find what suits them the best. They still prefer to keep this transition to themselves, though, not really sharing with others as they are still a little anxious about their looks.
Heart - 3 of Swords
The body image was clearly damaged by someone who also broke Romin’s perfect match’s heart in the past. Maybe they have been through toxic or abusive relationships in the past. No matter the details, their heart is still aching and bleeding but they are aware that the past is over and it’s time to start healing. Romin is probably a patient type of man who can take things slow and help them to reconcile and let go of the past and start trusting people again.
Spirit - XX Judgement
The whole reading speaks of transition and transformation and the spirit of Romin’s special person is no different from that. They are clearly ready to uplift themselves spiritually and let go of what used to weigh them down. They are ready to give their final verdict over the past and release it in order to be reborn anew. I can see a self-esteem boost coming to them, maybe in the form of someone (Romin) to love them unconditionally and the way they truly are.
Soul - XIV Temperance
Deep down in their soul, Romin’s perfect match has found their equilibrium. They have balanced themselves and set up happy mediums in their soul. They found the compromises in order to hold themselves whole and grounded even through the tough times. While treated not nicely, their soul remained intact and unharmed by the outside forces as they always felt the peace and calm deep down.
Time - X The Wheel of Fortune
Meeting his destined lover can be a rather hypnotising experience for Romin. They don’t have to be outstandingly beautiful or impressive in an obvious way, it’s more like a harmony of souls meeting up, the glance into each other’s eyes revealing the divine connection happening by lucky chance.
Place - IV The Emperor
Romin is likely to create a highly safe and secure home for his lover in order to give them a feeling of utter comfort. He might be the one running the home, asserting his dominance and being the master of the show but at the same time, he has the best intentions in mind and creates a true cradle and solid base for them to thrive and develop further. It’s likely Romin’s home is going to be structured and in perfect shape as he’s not really the type to tolerate clutter and mess.
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starryjeekies · 2 years
~ Creature ~
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Pairing: Rano x gn!reader
Genre: Mostly fluff, angst if you squint
Summary: you and rano had been seeing each other for a while. you had gone on cute coffee shop dates, to the movies, dinner, but he’s never stepped foot into your apartment. you decide to confront him and learn the real reason why you’ve been at arms length with him.
Warning(s): none that i know of! (feel free to message me if so!)
Words: 3k
A/N: well hello again! where are my fellow elrings at? i feel like there really isn’t a lot of us on this app so i’m hoping to change that. I need more e’last content on my page so i’ll be happy to provide it. i hope you enjoy! my requests are open!
Life was going okay for the most part. You had a stable job that paid you enough to get by. Your apartment was decently close to downtown so you can walk to your job and to any of the other smaller shops. There was a nice cafe you could sit at and there was a nice boy who could keep you company.
When you met Rano, it was entirely by chance. He wasn’t from around there, he had been drifting and just so happened to be where you are. His first attempt at flirting with you was buying you a piece of cheesecake from the cafe. When the cafe barista brought it over and said it was from a secret admirer, you could immediately feel his stare. It wasn’t long for your eyes to meet him. He was handsome with long white hair, warm eyes, and a boyish smile. When you allowed him to sit with you, the fire was almost instantaneous.
Rano listened to you intently, his eyes always trained on you and paid careful attention to your words and how you said them. He would ask follow up questions and would smile when you would elaborate further. It’s why your favorite spot was the cafe. He was enamored with you and you knew it.
Eventually, he lured you out of the cafe and onto real dates. They were escapades that would lead you to more places fit for sightseeing or new experiences. He would take you down to the river for picnics, drive you to the nearest shopping mall to pick out a new dress he would buy you, get you ice cream and steal a kiss to get a taste for the flavor you picked. The summer was Rano’s time for romance. Whatever you two called what was going on, it worked. Rano was a true gentleman in that way and more. He never asked for more, only what you were willing to give. By the time October came, you were willing to give it all. But by then you had noticed a change.
Rano’s few days where he had to travel elsewhere would last longer and longer. What started out as only a few days once a month ended up becoming as long as almost two weeks without anything from him. He warned you he would be unreachable, not to worry and that he’d be back soon. When he did come back, the first few days always seemed the hardest for him. He would be spacey, forgetful, but desperate to spend time with you like he was starving without you. And you desperately missed him back so you would always agree to meeting up with him.
It was always meeting up, however. In the months you two had been seeing each other, he had not once been to your home. You had invited him over for dinner or a movie, but he insisted on paying for the night out. It prevented whatever this was from getting more serious. And you were not going to let this true gentleman walk out of your life anytime soon.
Holding your hand gently across the table, he stares at you while you explain what had happened at work today. His cheeks perk up when you tell him about how you were able to get out early today since it was so slow.
“So, since I have an early start to the weekend, why don’t you come over? I can make us dinner, can make it really romantic with candles and a fancy table, and pour us some wine.” You suggest, rubbing your thumbs across his hand. “What do you say?”
“Or I could pay for us to go out so you don’t have to lift a finger?” He chimes, putting on his dazzling smile.
“But what if I want to put effort into making you feel special?” You ask, seeing his smile falter a little bit. “You make me feel like one in a million, let me reciprocate that.”
His brown eyes look between yours for a second before he bounces right back and says, “You giving me any kind of attention makes me feel like the luckiest guy in the world.”
You pause in your motions, watching him for a moment. You can feel the tension growing in the air at the lack of conversation. You lean back in your seat, looking at him seriously. “Will you walk with me?”
“Of course,” He stands up with you, following you out of the cafe and down the street. He holds your arm as you lead him further away from downtown. “Any particular reason for this walk?”
You collect your thoughts for a moment, trying to formulate what to say without it coming off harsh. “It’s been, what, four months since we started seeing each other, right?”
“Wow, has it been that long already?” He chuckles, holding onto you tighter against the bitter wind.
“It has.” You say, steering him towards your apartment complex without his knowledge. “What would you call us? Exclusive?”
“Well, I’m certainly not seeing anyone else, I adore you too much.”
“And I feel the same, so what are we?”
He’s quiet for a while, the only thing making a sound is your footsteps on the wet concrete perforating your ears. “What do you want to be?”
“I want to know if this is only a summer fling or if we’ll survive the winter, Rano.” You say truthfully, causing him to bristle slightly. You look at him and see his face is serious. “Because I really like you. I’m willing to do almost anything at this point to make it last. But before I can do that, I need some answers.”
“I try to be as truthful as I can to you, honestly.” His voice is quiet, almost pained. “But some things are just too much.”
“You don’t need to spill your life story to me this very instant, but there’s some things I need answers to before there’s anything more.” You tell him, serious in your ways.
He takes a moment before saying, “What do you need to know?”
“Mainly, why don’t you ever want to come over?” You wonder, seeing your apartment complex in the distance. “You don’t invite me to your place, which is fine, but every time I invite you over, you decline.”
“It’s not to be rude, I swear.” He promises, eyes averting to the sidewalk. “Letting me inside your home is very intimate to me, especially with this starting off romantically in the first place. It’s not easy for me to be vulnerable to anyone.” His voice becomes hushed as a few people pass by. “I wanted to make sure that…how do I say this…”
“That I was serious about us?”
“That you were ready for whatever I could throw at you.”
You walk a few more steps before stopping and turning to him, wondering what he means. “Well, you’re not a serial killer, you would’ve killed me by now. So what exactly do I have to be ready for?”
He pushes his hair back, keeping his gaze away from you. “People usually want nothing to do with me after we start sharing secrets.”
You stand firm in front of him, reaching out to hold his hands tightly. “Then here’s my ultimatum for us. We’re standing in front of my apartment complex. You come in with me, I make us dinner, you can choose to share secrets or not. Or we go our separate ways here and now.” You see his eyes become sad and almost conflicted at your proposition. “If we’ve been seeing each other for four months, you should know by now if I would be accepting or if I would turn you away. So what’ll it be, Rano?”
His eyes finally meet yours, seeing your seriousness and determination to prove you’re worth the risk. With a sigh, he looks at the building and back to you. “Then let’s head inside, it’s only getting colder outside.”
You smile slightly, squeezing his hands gently. Letting out a slow breath, you say, “Okay, I promise to make something tasty.” You lead him inside the complex before walking up to your second story home, looking at him teasingly. “If I let go of your hand, you won’t run, will you?”
His chuckle is light, brown eyes focused onto the ground. “You’ve got me now, I’m not going anywhere.”
You nod and let go of his hand to grab your key out of your bag. Once unlocking your apartment, you lead him inside to the small but cozy space. It’s decorated in fall colors with throw blankets and pillows on the couch and candles that line your coffee table. “It’s small but it’s mine.”
“It’s cute, like you.” He chimes, taking off his jacket that he was wearing.
“Thank you. Feel free to take your shoes off by the door and put your jacket on the coat rack. You can pick out a candle to light if you’d like.” You take off your own shoes and start heading into the kitchen. Your mind quickly goes to chicken parmesan and you pull out the chicken breast from the fridge and the pasta from your cupboard.
Rano makes his way around the apartment, looking at your artwork, your other decorations, and the plants you have. He takes in every detail of your home, almost analyzing you to see if everything you’ve said to be true.
“I don’t think you’re allergic to anything but if you are, tell me now so I don’t accidentally kill you.” You look up at him, watching him mull over your pictures and knick knacks.
“Nope, unless you smother whatever it is in chocolate.” He snickers.
“You’re allergic to chocolate?” You’re shocked, remembering many times that he’s shared chocolate cake, mocha lattes, and picked the croissants with the chocolate icing on it. “So have you been slowly killing yourselves on our dates then?”
He laughs, his bright smile coming out making you feel warm. “No, no, just a sensitivity, so I’ll still have small chocolate things.”
“Well I will not be sauteing the chicken in chocolate so you should be okay.” You chuckle back, working on cleaning the chicken while the water boils for the pasta.
Rano continues to look through your things, feeling how genuine you were with him. He sees the photos with the friends you’ve shown him and can recognize, looks at how the flair of your hobbies litter the shelves, and takes in the whole atmosphere of the home you’ve made. He looks at the shelf of candles and looks through the scents. He lands on a snickerdoodle candle and finds the lighter sitting on the shelf. He takes the candle down and sets it on the coffee table, lighting it.
The sugary warmth starts to fill itself through the apartment as you put the chicken in the oven. You start stirring the pasta in as you listen to him gently walk around the apartment. “If you wanted to put some music on, you can,” Your thought gets interrupted with a playlist that’s unfamiliar to you, probably one of Rano’s. It’s an Indie playlist with some calming music. You smile, saying, “Make yourself comfortable.”
Rano quietly comes up behind you, slipping his hands to your waist and holding you securely. He hums lightly into your shoulder, pressing your body into his. “I’m sorry I haven’t been forthcoming for you.”
You melt back into his touch, thankful but guilty to be in this situation. “I’m sorry that I basically threatened you to get you here, it’s not what I wanted to do.”
“You had every right to,” He squeezes you lightly, resting his cheek onto your shoulder. “It’s not fair for me to put your life on hold.”
You turn around in his grasp, holding his cheek with your hand. His brown eyes are warm and comforting, yet still hold a tinge of fear. “I don’t want to lose you, but I wanted to know if we can go further than just coffee and movies.”
He nods, relishing the feeling of him being putty in your hands. He feels it's almost too good to be true. “I wanted to, I really did want to come here, but…”
You can see his eyes start to get glossy and now you’re worried. “Rano, baby,” You hold his face with both of your hands while he wipes his tears before they drop. “What’s wrong?”
“I-” He cuts himself off, trying to avoid your eyes. “I didn’t want to hurt you.”
“Hurt me?” You search his face for any hint as to what the hell this man means. Your stomach drops in thinking the worst. “You’re not dying on me, are you?”
“No!” He panics, pulling you closer and pressing your forehead against his. His breath is hot and trying to steady itself. “No, I’m not dying. To put it simply,” He takes his time to find his words to prevent any more panic in you. “I have impulses that I have a hard time controlling.”
“So I have to retract my serial killer statement now?” You’re wary of what he’s saying now that it seems he’s still avoiding telling you the truth.
The Korean man sighs, pulling away from you slightly. He can easily sense the hesitation in you from his words. He takes a steady deep breath and makes steady eye contact with you. “I can trust you.”
Watching him go from avoidant to vulnerable makes you feel like you can finally get somewhere, even though you’re worried about what exactly he might say or do. “You can trust me.”
He nods, a piece of his white silky hair falls in front of his face. You can see, even for a split second that may have been a trick of the eye, his warm brown eyes flash a bright red. He watches your eyes grow wide and takes a few steps back in case you do, reasonably, freak out. “Have you noticed that whenever I leave, it’s during the full moon?”
Holy shit he’s fucking right. He now seems more scared about your reaction than anything now. He looks like a puppy who's afraid you’re going to put him out on the street. Now that makes sense, but the idea of the supernatural is still hard to wrap your head around. Many questions swim around in your head. “So, is the proper term werewolf?” When you receive a small nod, you continue, “Were you born like this like in Twilight or were you bit like in lore?”
“I was bit.” He says, looking down and pulling up his pant leg. He shows you a bite scar on his ankle now white with time. “I lived in the middle of nowhere and came back from a late work shift. Wrong place, wrong time. And here I am.”
“I’m surprised you weren’t mauled.” You say, seeing him quirk a smile for a moment at your words.
“Apparently humans don’t taste great, so I’ve heard.” He mentions, seeing your shoulders ease and his own worry start to ebb away.
“So you go away for that time just so you don’t hurt anyone.” You piece together.
His eyes stay trained to the floor, scared of your judgment. “My friend has a place in the woods that me and some others can stay at when we turn. We can hunt the rabbit and deer there and no one will be suspicious. Just me and seven other wolves who want to keep each other safe.”
You don’t feel worried about him hurting you anymore, but you are worried for him. You take a few steps up towards him again, grabbing his hand. Your voice is soft when you ask, “Why did the time you stay away become longer?”
Rano gives you a sad smile, finally meeting your comforting eyes again. “Like I said, I didn’t want to hurt you. You became very important to me very quickly, and I was afraid I was going to hurt you emotionally by telling you or going further with our relationship. But I found myself craving you more and more intensely with every day that passed.” A tear does quickly drip down his face that he doesn’t attempt to wipe away. “I couldn’t keep this from you any longer.”
You rub the top of his hand with your thumb, giving him a genuine smile. “So you do have other friends? Seven of them?” He chuckles a little bit at your question. “Any other fun facts you’ve been hiding from me?”
He finally calms down enough to stand up straighter, wiping his cheeks from the stress. “Uh, my real name is Yongseop, I know how to dance, I have a shopping addiction.”
You pause him for a moment by placing your hand on his jaw and pulling him towards you, stealing a kiss from him. He melts right back into you, feeling secure with you accepting him and what he is. He would be okay answering any question you would have for him if it meant you wouldn’t disappear. He can feel a weight lifted from him as you hold onto him. No matter how crazy it sounds, anything is possible and you’re open to the crazy. When you pull away, he breaks out in a very cheesy grin. “We can catch up during dinner. I’m sure the pasta is mush by now but I hope the chicken isn’t too burnt.”
He laughs and gives you another kiss, not wanting to leave the moment anymore. “As long as I’m with you, I don’t care what I eat.”
“I at least want it to be edible.” You chuckle, pulling away to turn the burner off and straining the spaghetti. “If you want to help me make the sauce, I’ll even let you season it to your liking.”
Rano nods eagerly, quickly joining you by taking the small pot from your hand and looking through your spice rack. He’s glad you didn’t assume him to be a serial killer on top of a werewolf.
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kunicatzushi · 2 years
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kunicatzushi, tiger— she/her, 18, istp
fanfictions. reader insert, appearance neutral, afab she/her reader 98% of the time, tries to update regularly but usually fails
social. feel free to reach out to me through inbox, dm, twt (kunicatzushi) if ya enjoy my work, wanna become penpals/mutuals/friends, etc — i don’t bite and i’m always excited to meet new friends!
terms of use. all banners, edits, and fics in this blog are all made by me and belong to me. please ask if ya want to repost my work, translate it, use it for personal projects, etc!!
about me. i love animanga, kpop (txt, tempest, e’last, etc), haikyuu, boba, cats, atsumu miya, fantasy, keanu reeves, and video games (#1 resident evil fan). i’m a queer (bi + asexual) autistic, adhd having university freshman majoring in international relations and law and minoring in mandarin. i’m extremely introverted and usually spend my time on my laptop or skateboarding.
where to find me.
↺ twitter (kunicatzushi, hyunlvz) ↺ wattpad & a03 (kunicatzushi)
if ya wanna friend me on genshin, enstars, etc just dm me! i’m always lookin for gaming pals :D
taglist information.
master list.
commission information.
1+1: a comprehensive guide on love (and maybe basic addition)— s. shinazugawa, kimsetsu no yaiba
50 dates to figure it out— g. ichinose, owari no seraph
diatribes & deviants— a. hayakawa, chainsaw man
don’t pet the working dog— l. ackerman, shingeki no kyojin
happily ever haunted— k. tetsurou, haikyuu
L♡VE STRUCK— a. hayakawa, chainsaw man
ms secretary, the conman— s. kita, haikyuu
prayer in perfect pitch— a. hayakawa, chainsaw man
putting down the dog— l. ackerman, shingeki no kyojin
ten million reasons to never trust a thief— childe, genshin impact
the celestial, screaming, fuckery of the world— a. kamisato, genshin impact
the divine are nothing more than devils hiding behind iridescent halos— t. suehiro, bungou stray dogs
the flightless crow dies in winter— r. suna, haikyuu
what yields the result— s. aizawa, boku no hero academia
ladylike: a comprehensive guide on why you don’t give a fuck— f. stein, soul eater
please remember i am literally just a college student doing this for fun! i ask that ya respect my time, feelings, and work. please do not beg for updates or list negative opinions about my fics (constructive criticism is welcome!). with all that, ya have my gratitude and love!
#introduction#introducing myself#introductory post#fanfic#fanfiction#x reader#reader insert#female reader#anime / manga#anime fanfic#manga fanfic#i haven’t been on tumblr since i was 12#ya have to be nice to me it’s the law#college student avoiding responsibilities
@kunicatzushi, tiger.
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minjiwritesstuff · 8 months
hiiii can i make a request for E’LAST Yejun where reader is a member of a GG and both groups are on a variety show’s GG vs BG competition episode? (did i make that up? yes. yes i did.) maybe they have a lot of chemistry or something, i leave it to you bc your writing is amazing (this was phrased so poorly IM SORRY) - 🦎<3
hi!! first i gotta say sorry for taking so long, second, i really realy loved writing it so hopefully you'll like it as much as i do!!
tysm for saying my writing is amazing i appreciate it sm 😭😭
and ty for requesting!! here's the link!
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mylifeishamburger · 2 years
Hickey Hearts - E’Last
E’Last x Male!Reader (Separately)
Warnings: Mentions of hickeys, but nothing gets too nsfw
Summary: After a stressful day, your boyfriend seeks your comfort and you know just how to make them feel better.
Requested: Hm this is very random but may I request an e'last reaction (even though if you perhaps struggle with it I'm good with it being a tbz reaction) where their s/o leaves heart shaped hickeys on them as a way of trying to cheer them up after a stressful day? @hideol0ltakashima
A/N: First off, I apologize this got posted a bit after you requested. I’ve just been busy with school and such. Also, this idea is actually so adorable-
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Being the leader can be hard sometimes, no matter how much Rano loved his job. He pretty much always comes home with a smile on his face, but you can still tell when he’s stressed after a long day with the way he clings to you more than usual, seeking comfort in your arms. So, it didn’t surprise Rano when you began placing light kisses on his face and neck, leaving some bites in places easy to hide. It wasn’t until bedtime when he noticed what you did, looking in the bathroom mirror at the heart-shaped hickeys littering his body. His smile this time was more genuine and only grew as you showed up behind him, wrapping your arms around him. It almost felt like Rano fell in love all over again, he couldn’t ask for a better boyfriend.
Choi In
When In texted you to say he’d be getting home late, you waited to cook dinner for him, knowing In would appreciate a hot meal and quality time with you after a longer than usual day. In came home while you were still cooking and, after evading your protests to rest until the food is ready, helped you make the food. While he’s finishing up the food, you wrapped your arms around him from behind and smothered him in kisses, making sure to keep any hickeys away from easy visibility. Initially, In would try to wiggle away from you, saying he needed to focus. But when he realizes what you did, In can’t seem to stop smiling.
He’d try to hide his stress from you, putting on a smile and being his normal self. But, of course, you can tell when Seungyeop isn’t exactly his normal self. You don’t exactly tell him you know, but you do try to cheer him up and there’s one idea that sounded like a pretty good idea. When Seungyeop notices what you’re doing, his reaction is a bit more reserved than everyone else’s would be. He would still tell you he loves you and how much he appreciates you though.
When you find out that he’s had a bad day, you set up an impromptu date with his favorite snacks. It isn’t much, you and Baekgyeul cuddling on the bed watching the new Star Wars show he’s been meaning to catch up on and/or some movies. You smother him with so much love and he’s trying to pay attention to the television, but you’re just so distracting. And when you leave the heart shaped hickeys on him, Baekgyeul definitely gets shy and tries to hide his face in the pillows. He may not really show his appreciation as much as the others since he’s so shy and flustered, but you can still definitely tell by his smile.
He’d head straight for the bedroom where you were and dramatically flop onto the bed. When you ask him what’s wrong, his only response is a groan as he rolls over on the bed to practically lay right on top of you. Romin would end up talking to you about his day though and as you listened, you would litter kisses and heart shaped hickeys wherever you could reach. After ranting and noticing what you did, Romin would also smother you in kisses as well; it’s his way of thanking you for helping him feel better. You two end up joking around, smiling and laughing, and Romin feels all his stress disappear.
Won Hyuk
Wonhyuk loves kisses, both giving and receiving them. He’s usually affectionate, but when he’s tired or stressed, it only doubles. He clings to you when he gets home and just wants to be with you. It really doesn’t matter what you two do, as long as he’s with you, he’s already feeling better. So when you smother him with kisses and some hickeys, he is happy. Wonhyuk would even give you some as well when he realizes what you did, wanting to show you that he appreciates you and your love.
An absolute cuddle bug. Wonjun would just want to cuddle after he’s had a stressful day, he loves to be held by you and vice versa. Doesn’t matter what else you two do honestly as long as he’s able to cuddle you. It relaxes him, allows him to simply live in the moment with you. Kisses are an added bonus and especially heart shaped hickeys. He’d perk up pretty quickly, his happy personality returning. Wonjun would also probably try to sneakily remind you to do it again once in awhile, especially when he’s stressed again.
When you found out he had a stressful day, you took it upon yourself to get some of his favorite snacks and set up a little impromptu movie date for the both of you. Yejun would just want to relax and seek comfort from his boyfriend and some pretty good food. I feel like Yejun is ticklish, so when you pepper him with kisses and heart shaped hickeys, he can’t help but start laughing. Once he’s calmed down and realized what you did, he’d instantly feel much better and just wouldn’t stop smiling. Yejun would also get flustered and cuddle up to you more, happy to have such a good boyfriend.
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blossominghunnie · 1 year
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ミ★ 𝘚𝘵𝘢𝘳’𝘴 𝘧𝘳𝘪𝘦𝘯𝘥𝘴 ★彡
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Choi Taeyang “Theo”: Been friends for a few years now, Theo and Star met when she was a trainee at FNC. Have a Tom and Jerry type of relationship.
Katsuno Rise “Remi”: Theo introduced them, clicked immediately. Remi calls her ‘wifey’. She, Hana and Star are the Dynamic Trio.
Kwak Dawit “Wish”: He’s Star’s childhood best friend. Their families are friends and even went to the same school. Have a brother/sister relationship.
Hamada Asahi: Star has a soft spot for him and viceversa. She adores his sense of humor and is the best at keeping secrets, believe it or not. If she has a problem, he’s the first person she goes to.
ミ★ 𝘕𝘪𝘤𝘩𝘰𝘭𝘢𝘴’ 𝘧𝘳𝘪𝘦𝘯𝘥𝘴 ★彡
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Bae Jinyoung: They met when they were MCs together at The Show, alongside Taehyun. Baejin is like a big brother to him, always looking out for him. He’s literally like the dad of the group even if there isn’t that big of an age gap.
Wonhyuk: E’last and &Team where promoting at the same time, so during breaks they began talking and found out they had a lot in common.
Kang Taehyun: Met during Nicholas’ i-land days, when txt went to the finale. They talked for a while after it finished and exchanged numbers.
Lee Jooyeon: Nicholas was asked during a Weverse live who would he want to be friends with and he said Jooyeon. A few days later, Jooyeon saw the clip on Twitter and dmed him. They’re pretty close now.
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Taglist: @deafeningtyrantmilkshake, @renjunsfavaries, @avochele
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moalovestxt · 9 months
Heyy I love the Wonhyuk story that you started and it would we great if you could continue it! Pt.2?!! ♡︎
Confession [Wonhyuk]
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bestfriendstolovers (pt.2)
Wonhyuk had been going crazy lately. He had such a hard time keeping his feelings for you a secret. He didn’t know why and when it started. He had been so good at keeping his feelings for you lowkey for as long as he could remember. He had hid them from you and always pushed them to the side, especielly when hanging out. Now, just the look of you, would make him get a crazy amount of butterflies. Your smile would make him smile in less than a second. He really didn’t want to ruin your friendship but he doesn’t know for how long he can keep hiding his feelings from you. You on the other hand, had noticed how much more skinship Wonhyuk was giving you. Of course, he had given you hugs and stuff before but now it’s more often. You didn’t mind but it did make you blush and you were really hoping that he wouldn’t notice. You didn’t want to ruin your friendship with him. Stupid lovers.
The two of you were hanging out together. You were at his place watching a movie like the two of you usually would on a saturday night. Wonhyuk had decided today to not be too much and try to tone down his skinship with you. His friends had said that he should or else you might get uncomfortable. When his friend said that to him, he got worried. It was the something he absolutly didn’t want to happen. You had noticed his strange behaviour when he decided to sit on the oppsite side of the couch. Usually the two of you would sit closer, you having your legs on his lap or him resting on yours. You were starting to get a bit uncomfortable by the atmosphere in the room. He was barely talking and everyone who knows Wonhyuk, knows that him being quiet even when watching a movie is very strange. You decided to grab the remote to pause the movie. You had to ask him what was wrong instead of waiting for the movie to end. ”hey.. why-” Wonhyuk started to say when he saw you pause the movie. He stopped when he saw you looking at him. ”wonhyuk..” you started to say. ”is something wrong?” You asked him, making him look down. It wasn’t to figure out why you would think that because he knew. He was thinking of something to say to save himself. ”nothing is wrong. what do you mean?” He asked making you roll your eyes. He knew very well why you were asking him. ”well..you have been kind of ignoring me since I got here?” You said to him, moving closer to him. You wanted to know what’s wrong with him. He moved when you did making you look at him confused. ”okay fine..if you don’t want me here, then I’m going. Next time tell me okay? because it makes me feel like shit.” You say standing up. You wanted to leave quickly. Your safe place and the person that made you safe where making you uncomfortable. ”y/n..” he started but you ignored him. You felt him grab your hand to stop you. ”I’m sorry..” he started but you cut him off. ”I don’t care..call me when wonhyuk is back, thanks..” you said to him but he didn’t let you go. ”let me go..” you continued. Wonhyuk wrapped his arms around you. You tried to push him off once before you just let him hold you. ”don’t go please.” He said while hugging you. ”i want you here.” You went quiet by his words, tears started to roll down roll down your cheeks. You had been trying so hard to hold in your feelings for him to decide to ignore you. You were scared to loose him as a friend.
After awhile he parted from you to look at you with a sad smile. ”I’m sorry y/n..” he started as he caressed your cheeks with his fingers. You looked up at him, ignoring the fact that you had been crying. He had seen you cry too many times to count anyways. ”I didn’t mean to ignore you. I didn’t mean to hurt you. That i really didn’t mean to.” He said, now stroking your hair knowing exactly how to calm you down. ”it’s just that..my friends..they said that-” he cut himself off, trying to thinking of a way to word it without confessing. You look at him showing that you were waiting for an explaination. ”um- that we..that I might make you uncomfortable by my skinship.” He said to you. You looked at him with a confused look. You were wondering how him and his friends had ended in a conversation like that. You didn’t blame them for thinking that way but you were a bit confused to why he thought that too. ”That’s stupid. You should know that I don’t mind it..” you said to him. ”yeah well I don’t know..” he said. ” so you decide to just stop instead of talking to me about it?” You asked him. He looked at the ceiling deciding to just let some of his feelings out. ”I don’t want you to feel bad and you having to tell me, because I never ever want to make you uncomfortable and ruin our friendship.” He said to you. ”you don’t make me uncomfortable with your skinship..” you said. ”no but- you are not mine you know? someday you will be someones and then you’ll be uncomfortable with me doing that.” His own words hurt like hell. Not only did they hurt him, your heart broke at his words. He was speaking the truth. You had always hoped that it would be him though. ”I’m yours though..” you let out, not caring anymore. You didn’t want to end up with anyone else. You wanted him. He moved a strand of hair from your face and smiled at you. ”yeah…but not like that..i mean mine and only mine…” he said to you. Sad at how someday he would see you with someone else. ”I’m already yours. I’m really yours..only yours..” you let out with a breath. You were confessing. He looked at you, finally understanding what you were saying. You looked away, suddenly shy about the long silence from him. He smiled at the sight infront of him. You were his and only his. He moved your face by holding into your chin. He kissed your lips. ”yeah..you are mine..” he said which made you smile back to him, before kissing his lips.
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kyungjuner · 2 years
i think romin is so hot and i just can't help but to think he likes to use his partner to the point where they're in tears :( he thinks they're crying is so pretty :((
romin strikes me as someone who can and will be into absolutely anything. this man is gonna go at it like a rabbit if he needs to. romin would look at his s/o faking sympathy, holding your face softly and whispering “you cant take it anymore, darling? pathetic.”, his soft voice and touch a complete contrast to his hips and words. you think he’s done with you when you both reached your high? WRONG. he’ll push back into you slowly, a string of curses falling from both of your lips’. he can and will use you until you’re reduced to a crying, shaking mess and i will sign up for that (romin pls..)
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&Team as types of dancers at a ball
I did this for Enhypen and so I decided to do this for &team as well, honestly probably gonna do a ONEUS version as well maybe even E’Last this is probably one of the easiest things for me to write and one of my favorite concepts to write for others who don’t know I have gone to balls/masquerade themed parties you name it, special events, sadly I don’t have any clips of &team on how they bow like I did enha (I can guess someone’s style and approach by how they bow) so going by what I know of them only what energy I think they give
Pairing: &team x reader
Genre: first meeting, fluff, flirty to an extent take it now you will, most part can view as platonic but some can have romantic twists to them
Warnings: none
Not proof read
♡๑⌓✿ ◍✧* ♡๑⌓✿ ◍✧*♡๑⌓✿ ◍✧* ♡๑⌓✿ ◍♡๑
A gentlemen
Oh how I would love to dance with Kei
Stay in a bow position with his hand held out when he asks you to dance with his head down
Will be very sweet to you and treat you like glass
If it’s ur first time dancing with someone he’ll totally teach you the basics
and make sure to keep you comfortable
If again still ur first dance same type of guy to ask if you’d potentially want to continue to be his partner into the next dance
to make sure you’re ready and content
Will be one to compliment you on how well you’re doing and how stunning you look
When you must finally part *with consent* he’ll plant a kiss your hand thanking you for the dance
Gives the vibe of you only dance with him once throughout the night
But! He will go out of his way to ask you for another dance if he ever sees you again at other events
He’ll become like ur annual dance partner ur excited for every year to dance with even if you guys only get one dance together
You both will always make the most of it
this man has me kicking my feet
He is so charming
Also very gentleman like
Will come up to you and ask you to dance so confidently but still underline level of sweet
Immediately swooning for him
He’ll give you the most dashing grin when you accept
Will place his hand on ur back and ask about your evening and what brought you here, ect
If ur feeling the romantic vibe and not just wanted to be sweet platonic dance partners slip in a few underlining flirtatious compliments
“You know ur a bit intimidating right?”
Now he’s curious
“Oh? Why is that?” He’d be completely attentive to you scared he made you uncomfortable in any way
“Ur aura is very attractive I feel nervous under your gaze”
His heart has now done a backflip
Will melt if ur a bit bad at dancing
since teaching you the steps will feel very romantic to him and he’ll be so giddy (but will keep composure on the surface level)
he feels greatful that you let him teach you
When you have to bid farewell he will be sad but if you ask him for another dance he’ll happily oblige
Probs the most flirty out of any of them
If you accidentally make eye contact with him when searching for someone he’ll smile at you then make his way toward you
Will also be one to kiss your hand when he asks for you to dance
He tries to act cool and attractive but the boy is tense
He will act like he’s not tho but he’s being very cautious of his placement and form
Will compliment you and asked what brought you out here this fine evening
Will be one to charm you
As the song goes farther he gets more comfortable joking with you
Will be sad to leave you once the song is over
Will bow one last time and kiss your knuckles but tells you if you need a partner or a knight and shining armor ever the evening you can find him
When seeing you across the room will wink at you
Awkward boy
When he asks you to dance he is a bit nervous but tried hiding it with a smile
He’s very sweet
but more on the dance more, talk less side
Will do basic side step and just appreciate your presence
Will have small talk at best and very sweet at that!
If you’re more talkative he will be happy to talk to you though!
You’ll just have to initiate it more
Both very heavy eye contact but also may look to the side
Very bashful
At the end of your dance will bow and give you a small smile
Thanks you for the dance
Wow I love him
He’s very sweet
A little awkward but tries to hide it with a co rodent aura
When asking you to dance he will be a bit tense
But he’s trying his best definitely and when he dances with you his hands may get a bit clamy out of nerves which he’ll apologize for
But he’s actual dancing is great you can tell he’s perfected his craft
he is very good at what he is doing you’d assume he was one of the ballroom dance teachers
But if you don’t mind the clammy hands and let convo flow and get lost in the moment he’ll relax and it won’t be an issue
The type that at the beginning of the dance strangers
at the end of the dance feel like you’ve known eachother all your life
Will part with a bow and say if you ever need a partner you can find him
When dancing with other people if you make eye contact through the crowd suspect sweet smiles and light chuckles
I’m sorry to break it to my Jo stan’s but Jo is mad awkward
Which no judging to that but I don’t take him at all as a guy who’d go out of his way to ask you to dance
So if you didn’t take that initiative urself ur never dancing with the boy
He’s very darling though
When you go up to him asking to share a dance he’ll feel very giddy
He’ll be quite shy but accept
Will be super tense
Makes sure to focus his hands to never leave ur back
Also one that if you don’t start the talking he’ll go about the dance in silence and just appreciate the aroma
But talking to him he’ll relax a bit
If ur a bit more experienced and you teach him around the ropes of it all he’ll be very grateful
After that he may cling to you like a lost puppy a bit if he can’t find other dance partners
Shy but very sweet
When asking you for a dance he’ll hold his hand out to you but refuse to make eye contact till you accept
Once you are dancing he’s very calm
He’ll smile at you with his nose scrunched :(((
I’m devastated good night
Will have small talk and be very invested in all you have to say!
Will try to give off a more cool and suave aura as the night continues
The bow when ending the dance will be very proper
So charming
He’s gonna win you over so quick
He’ll ask for a dance but feel awkward as well so he’ll give a dashing smile with a light chuckle after he finishes his sentence
How can you not accept his dance after that?
He’ll be very fun in making sure the mood is is upbeat and talking to him is a breeze
He wouldn’t be mad if you were bad at dancing and stepped on his feet
If you allow light teasing he’d tell you if you’re ever missing a dance partner later in the night you can find him as he’ll handle the light steps on his feet
Will want to make you laugh and have fun and he’ll be so happy if he accomplishes that
Will be too scared to kiss your hand when parting ways but will lightly squeeze it once send off
Oh my god this kid
He’d be the cutest dance partner
The most giddy 100%
When asking you to dance it’d def take him a second to prepare himself to ask
but if he sees you standing on the side lines for longer than two minutes he’ll be swooping in
Doesn’t want you to be bored ofc
When asking you to dance he may end it with a little giggle breaking my heart I love this boy
“Hello stranger you look dashing can I ask you to join me for this dance hehe”
One to not try to formally ball dance at all he’s doing like steps of just spinning you both and giggling
Will ask you about your evening as small talk but if you enjoy his company he may open up more into conversations and ask you to dance more than once throughout the night
Also totally believe he’d ask you to spin him
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coconutshvings · 3 years
Requests are open 🤎🎭
Imagines 🧡
Scenarios 💚
Blurbs 💜
Mtl’s ❤️
Ships 🤍
Time stamps 💛
You can see the groups I write for on my pinned post but I can always write for a group that’s not on the list as long as they’re new :)
Only thing I will not being doing on this blog, smut, I will never write it especially because most groups have so many minors now. We soft over here baby , might get a little tiny microscopic bit suggestive but y’all have plenty of blogs already for that let’s keep it cute and light✨
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t3kandson · 3 years
Master list 🔞🔞🔞🔞
💜Updated every time I publish a ff see my for my updates for a more updated planner. 💜 Links are being a pain and I’m working at updating them so please bear with me. None of my work have been removed.
💜 If you have any requests (as long as their older then 21 if it’s smut related) just let me know and I will attempt it there is not much i won’t attempt to write about! 💜
💜 If your under 18 or not in to smut please avoid my page my fan-fiction tends to be matured or even Explicit.💜
💜Below is ONESHOT/SERIES from these fandoms;
💜also on A03 under the same name 💜
💜 I’ve been writing for a year now so some of my work especially from then maybe a little underworked and slightly poorly written. I hope in the future to go back and re-edit them as I’m just self learning my writing skill 💜
💜 Disclaimer 💜
"My Story’s is purely fictional and none of the happening events are even remotely true for the real characters. This is purely a work of fiction."
⬇️ ⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️
(See Kpop crossover)
Jeon Woong
Details in the link
Park Woojin
Details in link
Oppa’s Hyung 2.4K words
Warning; Angst, flirting, nudity descriptions, Alcohol Consumption, Oral (69), fingering, Tit wank, full sex. Slight fight.
Jeon Woong & Park Woojin
Absolute Heartache 41k words in total
Warning, ⚠️as it’s a mafia it’s very gruesome ⚠️ Attempted Rape, Attempted Murder, Violence, Gunfire, kidnapping, Violence, Blood, Angst, Smut, Hair Pulling, Choking, Degrading, Pimping Out, Voyeurism, Death of Minor Characters & Major Character, (as it’s a mafia story) Oral sex, Thigh sex, Fingering, Full Sex, Hearing Sexual Acts, Breeding & Labour description.
(also see Kpop Crossovers )
A.C.E.'s Full List
Jung Wooyoung
Make me your bias 3.9k words
Warning; Angst, Alcohol Consumption, Smut, Oral (Giving) & Sex
Guessing Game 6.3k words
Warning; Dominance, Rope play, Massage, edging, Size Training, Orgy, spanking, Choking, degrading, blindfolds, creampie, fingering, oral & Penetrating Sex.
Burn Play 3.5k words
Warnings; Smut, Rope Play, Temperature play, Dominance (Peniel), & Body marking
Details in link
Movie fun 🏳️‍🌈 1.6k words
Warnings, angst & Smut
Youtube Boyfriend 🏳️‍🌈. 2k words
Warning; alcohol, Cheating, Smut, Faked Porn listening, Oral and Tribbing
Min Yoongi
Lion prey 2.4K words
Warning; Dominane. Angst, jealously, Choking, oral sex (giving), biting, body marking, Spanking and unprotected mirror (well reflection of the window) sex.
Kim Taehyung (V)
Making New Memories. 2.9k words
Warning; Smut, Drunken Sex, Oral Sex, and Alcohol abuse.
17 Valentines. Ft Seventeen 3.6k words
Warnings; Angst, friends with benefits, Alcohol, arguing, Smut, Mastabation, Oral & Sex.
Beach fun. 1.3k words
Warnings; Angst & Fluffy and a little Jihope
Alpha ’s Claim 1.1k words
Warning; Alpha Taehyung, Reader as Omega, Knitting, Breeding, oral (receiving) and body marking.
Kim Namjoon & Kim Taehyung
Details in link
(Also see Kpop Crossovers)
Kim Yonghee
Jealousy's fair game 2.6k words
Warnings, Kissing Games, Angst, Smut, Jealousy, Alcohol Consumption, Body Marking, Hair Pulling, Degrading, spanking, Rough and slight public sex and Orgasm denial.
(Also See Kpop Crossovers)
Yang Heechan
Hidden Identity 7k words
Warning; Angst, Catfishing, Mention of Vaping & Alcohol consumption, Body Marking, Oral (Giving), Slight Choking & Unprotected sex.
(Also see Kpop crossovers)
Blue Stranger. 2.1k words
Warnings; Angst, Smut, sex with strangers (remember to never actually go home with a stranger guys it’s not real!), and slight stalking behaviour (it’s ok Rano’s the knight in shining armour)
Kim Jongin (kai)
New Year’s Baby Daddy 2.1k words.
Warning; Smut, Masturbating & Pregnancy kinks.
Jealous Dance 3.4K words
angst, smut, oral sex, Jealousy, fighting
Distraction. 1.6k words
Warning; Angust, Smut, Cockwarming, Edging, Oral Sex, Fingering, Sex, Body Marking and Spanking.
Details in link
Love will always find a way 6k words
Warnings; Angst, Forbidden love, Controlling father and slight boyfriend, Cheating, body marking & rough sex.
(G) I-dle
Jeon Soyeon
Snapshot 2.4K words 🏳️‍🌈
Warnings; slight alcohol mention, Hot tub smut, Sex Toys, Tribbing, Oral and fingering.
Crazy Sasaeng 3.5k words
Warnings; angst, Friends with Benefit, Smut, Sex, Stalker behaviour, Sasaeng’s, fighting and arguing.
Park Seoham -
Tease in the wild 6k words
featuring A.C.E. Lee Donghun and Seven O’clock Kim Sangwon aka Login.
Warning; public and outside sexual acts, teasing, fingering and oral (both giving and receiving) full sex.
Monsta X
(See Kpop Cross overs)
Son Hyunwoo (Shownu)
Details in the link
Lee Hoseok
Daddy Daycare 7k Words
Warning; Alcohol Consumption, Alcohol Games, Fingering, Daddy Kink, Spanking & Rough sex.
Yoo Kihyun
Details in the link
Chae Hyungwon
Details in the link
Kiss or Death. 5.5k words
Warnings; Angst, Time Warps, Time Travel, Guns, Gun Shootings, Hostages, Fighting, Choke holds, Temporary Death of a Major Character, Threatening Death Sentence, Oral, (Receiving), Fingering & Sex.
Lee Jooheon
Incubus Prey 3.2k words
Warnings; Smut, Angst, thigh and oral sex and Breeding
Details in link
IM Changkyun
Birthday Show. 2k words
Warnings; Smut, Fingering, oral sex, Sex, voyeurism & alcohol abuse.
Details in link
Son Hyunwoo & Lee Minhyuk
Forgetful Memories 7.4 words
Warning; Angst, Jealousy, Slight Domestic Violence, Slight Cheating, Slight Suicidal thoughts, Manipulation, Supernatural powers & Sex.
Lee Minhyuk & Lee Hoseok
Details in link
Lee Hoseok & Yoo Kihyun
Youth Of No Regrets Ongoing
Lush. 5.2k words
Warning, Orgy, Sex Games, Restraint, Oral, Anal, Cum Play, Anal Fingering, Rimming, Voyeurism, Mastabation, BDSM, Choking and slight degrading.
Lee Jeno
Details in link
Stranger. 2.9k
Warning; Alcohol consumption, Arrange Marriage, loss of virginity, size training, Oral (Receiving) Fingering & Slight Parental Abuse
Lee Jeno & Lee Donghyuk
Saviour 6.2k words
Warning; Angst, Degrading, Emotional Abusive Relationship, Arranged Marriage, Child abuse (Adult Child), House Arrest, Open Relationships, Fingering, Oral (Giving) & Protected Sex.
(See Kpop Crossovers)
Kim Youngjo
Details in link
(See Kpop crossovers)
Wen Junhui, Kim Mingyu, Xu Minghao, Hansol Vernon Chwe & Lee Chan
Details in the link
Stray Kids
(Also check Kpop Crossovers)
The Boyz
(also check Kpop Crossovers)
Lee Sangyeon
Details in link
Bae Jacob
Stormy Past 3k words
Warning; near miss car accident, protected Car Sex, Angst & fluffy.
Details in Link
Kim Younghoon
Details in Link
Family’s at Friction 9k words
Warning; Angst, Guns, Robbery, Hostage, Violence (not by any TBZ characters), Oral (receiving), body marking & Unprotected sex
Lee Hyunjae
Details in link
Lee Juyeon
Player 8.7k words 🏳️‍🌈
Warnings; Angst, Arguing, Slight violence (slaps/punches etc), Cheating, Manipulation, Recording Sex, Voyeurism, Threesome, Alcohol abuse, Fingering, Anal, Oral, and full sex.
Player at the wedding 8.3k words
feat Stray Kids & Itzy
Warning; Angst, Degrading, Fuck boy behaviour, slight violence (slapping), arguing, jealousy, alcohol consumption, slight death threats, cheating, Oral sex (Juyeon receiving), Full Sex, Anal Sex and Breeding.
Details in Link
Moon Kevin
The Secret Protector 10.1 words
Warning; Angst, Anxiety, Panic attacks, Porn, Jealousy, Stalking behaviour, Mild Violence during M/M fighting scene, slight Injury, Degrading comments, Oral sex (Giving & Receiving), fingering & slight public sex.
Choi Chanhee
Details in link
Ju Haknyeon
Details in link
Hur Hyunjun
Details in link
Kim Sunwoo
Love bet 17k words
Warnings; angst, alcohol consumption, alcohol abuse, small fights, gambling, Edging, Fingering, Oral and thigh sex, Unprotected sex and Cream pie.
Seed of Life 4.2k words
Warnings; Body worshipping, Hand job, Fingering, Oral sex (Giving and receiving), Full sex including bath sex, creampie, breeding and pregnancy kinks
Details in Link
Blossoms Blow In Jeju 9.3k
Warning; Angst, Jealousy, Insecurity, paranoia, Secrets, Alcohol Consumption, Teasing, Oral (Receiving), Fingering and Unprotected Rough sex,
Sohn Youngjae (Eric)
Mirrors. 3.5k words
Warnings; Angst, Smut, Oral, fingering, Edging and Mirror sex
Details in link
Fuck you Sohn 4.2k words
Warning; Dominant & Arrogant Youngjae, Bratty Reader, step siblings incest, Enemy to lovers, slight fluff, loads of Angst and Smut, Marking, Oral (Giving and receiving) and unprotected over stimulating sex.
Bae Jacob, Choi Chanhee & Sohn Eric
Friends in Despair 5.3k words
Warning; Angst, Cheating, Depression & Drowning.
Friends Thrown in Love 5.7 words
Warning; Angst, Jealousy, References of cheating, Manipulation, Fake Relationships, Alcohol Consumption, Oral (Receiving), Fingering, Hand job, Accidental unprotected Sex, Choking & Squirting.
Kim Younghoon & Sohn Eric
Immortal Betrayal 49k words
Warnings; fluff, angst, vampires, deaths (including main characters thats not permanent) because it’s a vampire story remember , alcohol abuse, travel Sickness, puking, Blood Sucking, Smut, sexual thoughts, slight Juric shipping, self harming, fire, stabbing & Fighting again remember it’s a vampire story,
Moon Kevin & Ji Changmin
Details in Link
Ju Haknyeon & Hur Hyunjun
Dare to go Wrong 9.9k words
Warning; Manipulation, Dares, Angst, Using, fingering, Oral (Receiving), Spanking, Shibari, Degrading, Humiliation, Nudes, Filming of sexual acts, Threesomes, Anal play, Cum play, Double Penetration Inc Anal.
Beware 3.2k words
Warnings, Angst, Betrayal, Slight Love Triangle, Kidnap, Demons, Swords, Animal/Demon Attacks, slight blood, implied death of Major Characters, mention of the Devil, Death and sacrifice.
Learning Love 52k words 🏳️‍🌈
Warnings; Multible Partners, Angst, Fingering, Oral, heavily drinking, drugs, mentions of the word Rape (there isn’t any scenes of rape in this series just the mention of the word), virginity taking, Anal, Anal toys, Threesome, Double Penetration, Wanking, Outside Sex, Heavy BDSM, Flogging, Nipple clamp use, sex toys, handcuffed, Rope tied, Breeding, Creampie, Jealousy, Threesome, Voyeurism, mentions of BDSM injury’s. Foursome, Tribbing, Creampie, wanking, voyeurism, chocking & biting, Filming Porn, over stimulation, Edging, false Accusations, Blindfold, Restraints, Orgasm Denial, Mild violence, Slight Depression and mentions of Joy riding & Police.
(See Kpop Crossovers)
Lee Dongheon
Rainy Strawberry Delight 2.9k words
Warnings; BDSM, Hard Dom, Blindfolded, Hands tied, Biting, Body marking, flogging, Food play, Oral (Receiving) Voyeurism, Choking & outside sex.
Hong Minchan, Jo Gyehyeon & Ju Yeonho
Details in Link
(see Kpop Crossovers)
Kpop crossover’s
The Boyz Hyunjae & Seventeen The 8 -
Possession. 4.2k words
Warnings; alcohol, threesome, chocking, degrading, Dom Hyunjae, Dom Minghao, arguing, double penetration (non anal), fingering, oral and unprotected sex (Y/N on Pill but still wrap up guys)
Solo Ho Hyunjoo aka Jessi & 2NE1 Lee Chaerin Aka CL
Mine 🏳️‍🌈 1.2k words
Warnings; fluffy, smut, Rope play, Blindfold, oral sex and fingering
E’last Rano & A.C.E Donghun
Elring’s Choice 🏳️‍🌈 1k words
Warnings; Threesome, Oral Sex, Fingering & Voyeurism
ACE Kim Sehyoon & ONEUS Kim Youngjo (Ravn)
Conflicted Love series Continues 5/3
Warnings; Angst & Sexual Conversations. (Will add as go along)
The Boyz Lee Juyeon & Stray Kids Bang Chan & Seo Changbin
Player Might be me - 14.3 words
Warning; Angst, Cover story relationship, Talk of arranged marriages Polyamory, Jealousy, Degrading, Pregnancy & Labour, Talk of abortions, Children hospitalisation, fights, fingering, Maiesiophilia & Threesomes.
Monsta X Im Changkyun & Verivery Ju Yeonho
You Can’t Beat Me 2.8k Words
Warning; Teasing, heavy flirting, Minuplulation, Game playing, Using, Oral (Giving), Cum mixing, public sex, Sex partner swapping, hair pulling, degrading, edging & orgasm denial
CIX Kim Seunghun & DKB Jang Dongil aka D1
Throuple Beer Pong 3.6k words
Warning; Alcohol consumption, Drinking Games, Threesome, Fingering, Oral (Giving & Receiving), Cum drinking, Body Marking, Choking, Spanking & Rough sex.
A.C.E. Lee Donghun, The Boyz Kim Dunwoo & DKB Yang Heechan
Sweet Savage Rollercoaster Love ongoing
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