#dusa x reader
slayerkid · 2 years
I'll be your Shade | Zagreus x Shade reader
I have posted a Hades fanfic ON AO3 of a reader who is written to be gender neutral so that anyone can read the fic can apply it to either themselves and/or an oc they have to ship with Zagreus! With a slight bit of the other love interests Zagreus has in the game being shipped with reader. Summary:
A shade with no recollection of their memories from when they were alive. With nothing better to do, and unable to pay the toll to take a boat ride across the Styx river, they wander around the underworld till they come across new friends. Especially a certain prince of the Underworld! Will they befriend him and possibly be a wholesome part of a polycule? Regardless, they shall be supportive of the prince! (Ongoing) A Zagreus x (any gender) reader centric fic!
Chapter 1 and 2 are up if you're interested! Click here to read it! Also Chapter 3 is like a bit over halfway finished so next time I'll be posting an update that chapter 3 is out!
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aether-bun · 4 months
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Happy Birthday!
To celebrate my birthday, here's a drabble of assorted Hades characters and how they'd be on your birthday! You are in a relationship with Zagreus in this one :)
Characters: Nyx, Orpheus, Eurydice, Zagreus, Thanatos, Hypnos, Dusa, Megaera, Achilles, Patroclus, Cerberus, Asterius, Sisyphus, Bouldy
Warnings: None! Good wholesome times all around ♡
You wake up to Zagreus kissing your face!!!!
I believe in Zagreus caring deeply for physical touch and quality time your honour. Once you warm him up to it, it's his heaven in Hell. He adores it.
He's very warm, but it's never really been a problem, given the consistently nice temperature of the House
"Good morning, [Y/N]. Happy birthday~" He cooes gently, his voice is smoother than the finest ambrosia and you revel in it, snuggling into his chest.
"What would you like to do today, my dear?"
"Mmh....Is sleep an option...?" Zagreus chuckles at your drowsy response, his chest rumbles pleasantly and you find a contagious smile growing on your face.
"Birthdays only happen once a year, darling...Come on. Eurydice made you some cake."
"She did?"
"Yes! When I told her it was your birthday this week, she jumped to the opportunity."
"Then I suppose I must get up?"
Zagreus kisses your head lightly, and you melt from the tender care
"I suppose you must, yes."
You wake up and get into some nicer robes, and walk out with Zagreus to see Nyx regard you.
"Happy birthday, child. As a token of this occasion, I managed to convince Hades to give everyone a moment off, to greet you." Nyx's voice almost sends you to sleep again, but you're much more awake now, and you feel too sheepishly happy to rest.
"Lady Nyx, you really didn't need to...!" Your voice is as incredulous as you feel. "But...Thank you."
"Of course. I believe Hypnos wanted a word, so perhaps you should see to him first."
You and Zagreus walk over to Hypnos, who is currently not sleeping, which shocks you both, though he looks about ready to knock out for the next week at the minimum.
"[Y/N]!! Happy birthday! Dusa and I made you a little something, here here!" He exclaims, all tiredness wiped from his aura entirely as he hands you a small box.
Gingerly, you take off the lid, and inside you are happy to find a new laurel, woven carefully with your favourite colours and plants. You find yourself beaming at the beautiful heartfelt gift, before giving Hypnos a tight squeeze.
"Thank you so much, Hypnos. The detail is incredible!" You say as you part, and Hypnos giggles with a mischevious grin. "It was mostly Dusa, to be perfectly honest, but I helped weave it, so getting the first hug of appreciation for it feels fair."
You laugh, before Sir Achilles approaches with a calm smile of his own, before placing a hand on your arm.
"Unfortunately, I don't have any gifts for you myself, but I do wish you a happy birthday nonetheless. Do spend today well, yes?"
"Thank you, sir. I'll do my best." You smile, remarking mentally that your cheeks are starting to hurt, but also that you don't find yourself minding.
Next stop is to Meg and Dusa, who are waiting in the lounge with Thanatos. When they see you approach, Dusa is the first to float to you. The snakes that make up her hair affectionately grasp onto your arm as you hold Dusa affectionately. "Happy birthday!" She skitters, almost purring in a strange, Dusa-like way.
Meg is next, though she holds her distance as per usual. She's smiling, and her whip is stowed. "I've gotta hand it to you, [Y/N], I don't usually tend to care for birthdays, never mind my own...but you got me a morning in the lounge. So...thanks for that."
It was a strange way to go about saying happy birthday, but for you, it was more than enough. You nodded. "I can't believe Nyx pulled it off. Surely there are some wretched shades out there being overworked now, no?"
Megaera simply shrugs, but the creeping grin on her face tells you she hopes it's the case.
Thanatos clears his throat, and you realise he's held something out to you. It was a bottle of nectar. You gasp, taking the weighted spherical bottle in awe.
Zagreus squints at it, still by your side, before suddenly looking at Thanatos. "I gave you this bottle of nectar yesterday!" He says, indignant. Thanatos smiles - a rarity on its' own - and simply dismisses the Prince.
"Regardless of where you got it from...Thank you, Than, this...this means a lot." You say, your voice still awestruck by the honey gold liquid you're holding.
Zagreus of course brings you plenty, but even so, its' beauty never ceased to amaze.
You visit Sisyphus, who gives you Pebble (one of Bouldy's brothers, who has a delicately punched smiley face on one side), then you visit Orpheus and Eurydice, who gives you a kiss on the cheek and some cake, then you meet with Patroclus, who takes your hand very hesitantly and prays for you, for your good luck this year. He says he'll see you at the house, and on your way back, you find Asterius.
Zagreus prepares for a fight, but Asterius is unarmed, and he quickly realises.
"Asterius? What are you doing here, without your axe?" He asks. Asterius chuffs.
"Your father gave us a small break this morning, small one. You said something about celebrating someone's birthday last we clashed blades, and so, naturally, I assumed it would be your lover's. Was I correct?"
Zagreus stows his blade and you nod a little. "That's right, Asterius sir." You clarify. "It's good to know he gave even you and Theseus a break, too."
Asterius snorts, though it's not one of amusement or malice, simply a noise. He rifles through a pouch he has, before handing you a weighty box. Inside is a handaxe, crafted by the minotaur.
"You have no weaponry when you wander out here, I've come to notice. This is for when we meet in the stadium. For if you need more than simply the blessings of the Olympians." The bass voice of the bull rumbles, and you hold the axe firmly with a grin. Zagreus chuckles next to you.
"I appreciate this, Asterius. Thank you. Send our regards to King Theseus?"
Asterius laughs.
"I don't think he'd take it well, but I wish you a good day despite."
Asterius leaves, and you and Zagreus are amusedly quick to do the same.
Eventually, after a day of exploration, you cuddle up to Cerberus and thank Nyx on your way through, before laying down with your Zagreus.
"Today was fantastic, dearest." You say. Zagreus holds you close, playing with your hair. "I'm glad. But there's still one present you've yet to receive, my dear~"
It's 1AM right now. Use your imagination.
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randoimago · 1 year
"Giving gifts" prompt + Dusa, Athena, Megaera and Alecto = ??? Could you please write it?
"Giving Gifts"
Fandom: Hades
Characters: Dusa, Athena, Megaera, Alecto
Type of Request: Headcanons
Notes: The face I made because this looks like a math problem and math makes me upset 😣
I did do a bit of research for this just because I wanted to see if there was any specific gifts that would be given depending on the deity. It was more so for my curiosity than for the request.
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Is very suspicious when you give her the “gift”. She’s not a god that you can tempt with things to get some kind of boon in return. Why are you wasting this on her?
You can explain that it’s a present and she’s still suspicious. She takes it but doesn’t really do anything with it until she deems that, yeah this was done to be sweet and not trick her.
Won’t really give you anything in return. She’ll see things and think that you might like them before making a face because you’re worth more than some junk that doesn’t have lasting value.
So Alecto will give you her thanks and that’s really it. The present will stay on her mind for a while as she’s probably overthinking things and then getting mad for thinking of this for so long.
She is a goddess so she’s used to receiving things from her followers. Statues, shields, tomes, just things like that.
You giving her a gift causes her to smile and give her thanks as she does with others. Athena isn’t one to show favoritism as she still offers you guidance or something in exchange for your present.
It’d have to be something very meaningful for Athena to break from the usual response she’d give when it came to presents.
Even then, she still tries not to show you favoritism with what she gives back in exchange, but you can tell that she has so much appreciation.
Oh you got her a present? You really shouldn’t have! She appreciates it so much, but feels bad because she didn’t get you anything in return.
You can tell her that she doesn’t owe you anything, but she’s going to offer to clean your room or do any chores that you have. Just something to make you happy too!!
If you ever go to where she stays then you’ll see your gift constantly clean as it was just given to her. She takes very good care of it as she sees the present as a treasure.
You can expect Dusa to be happy for the rest of the day after receiving the present. Absolutely gets flustered if someone points it out, but it’s not enough to ruin her good mood!
Thinks it’s some kind of trap or bribe. You get her a present so you must expect something in return?
She doesn’t think anything less about your character, but she just expects some kind of strings attached when it comes to this stuff.
Does make sure that she gets you something in return. It might not be as good as what you got, but she still tries her best (not that she’d admit it) to get you something you’d like.
Might just offer you to sit and have a drink with her. Enjoy each other’s presence as she asks you about the gift. What inspired it, how long it took you to acquire/make it. Things like that.
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xjulixred45x · 22 days
succumbing to the Brainrot of Hades (the more Gameplays I see, the more I love the game, both as a fan of Greek mythology and of video games in general) I am going to do a couple of jobs related to the game. Here it would be the first.
Zagreus(Hades) x Leuce! reader
quick context: Leuce was a nymph who was Hades' lover before Persephone, but since she was "mortal" (which doesn't make much sense? since she was the daughter of Oceanus and Thetis?) when Hades died, he immortalized her in the white poplar tree that there are in the Elysian fields.
Taking this as a reference, I imagine this Leuce! reader OBVIOUSLY she would not be a lover of Hades here, she would probably be a nymph native to the Eulisseum and who is especially related to healing (the poplar can be used to cure fever) and in general she tried to go unnoticed, due to the bad luck that usually have nymphs that are related to the celestial commotion.
She is like an Aurora in a way, she has a great connection with the Shades that live near her and follow her (similar to Melinoe) and together with her sisters and Cocito (one of the rivers of the Underworld) they dance and sing old stories .
It is around these times that Zagreus comes into his life. precisely because of his attempts to escape from the Underworld.
When one day Zag arrives at Eulyseo especially hurt and tired, he decides to "rest" (the poor guy gets tired) and when he regains consciousness he only knows that he is suddenly much better. without injuries, with energy, what the hell?
Leuce, although he knows that Zagreus is somewhat infamous in the Underworld, could not simply leave him dying. He swears he won't do it again, but as soon as it happens again (Zag probably had a bad time with Astherius) he does it again.
and after that Zagreus has no doubt, someone is helping him. and being him, he wants to know who he is.
Which wasn't that difficult, but it did take some patience. Zagreus arrived at the Elysium, not that hurt, but he pretended to be unconscious, after he felt he was better, he took a little look and saw Leuce from behind.
a nymph huh.
It's a shame that when Zagreus tried to get up to greet her, thanking her, he scared her and she ran away :,)
On another occasion he decided to take a look at where Leuce had gone and he could just find her singing, dancing or taking care of the poplar trees that were in Elysium.
In general, his interactions at first would be short due to Leuce's fear of the gods or retaliation for her actions, but with time and Zagrues assuring her that he rather wanted to thank her for the help, she relaxes and opens up little by little.
I imagine that Leuce is the only nymph of Elysium that is not scared the most when they see Zagreus 😅 her sisters run and scream when they see him but Leuce stays to greet him 🤣
Leuce's home is a safe place in Elysium, not only because she can heal Zag, but because in general he can forget a little about the outside problems there. hell, sometimes it even seems like he just lets himself get hurt so Leuce can take care of him.
When Leuce is not taking care of him/healing him like I said, she likes to dance and sing, maybe to inspire her a little (similar to what he does with Orpheus) he tells her some of his fights to date and myths about his relatives (Leuce would die laughing when hearing the myth that Dionysus and Zagreus are the same person).
Also even Leuce could offer to teach him how to play instruments! The nymphs were very good at all kinds of arts, so it wouldn't be very difficult. Besides, it would be nice to be the one teaching after all.
Zagreus and Leuce dancing gives me some sleeping beauty vibes. again.
If we talk about terms of relationship in which Leuce lives in the house of Hades, it gets even cuter.
Imagine Leuce and Dusa having a platonic relationship! o Dusa not only having a crush on Zag, but also on Leuce since she helps him clean and feed Cerberus
or Leuce dancing every time Orpheus starts playing and singing, also encouraging some of the nearby shades to do the same😭 it definitely livens up the house quite a bit before Persephone's arrival.
Leuce wearing House of Hades themed clothing!
I don't know which would be more difficult to win, Hades with Leuce or Zagreus with Leuce's sisters😅
At least Hades would accept Leuce because 1- now he has a better relationship with Zagreus and wants to see him happy and 2- he is not going to provoke Persephone's wrath. Who, by the way, is delighted with Leuce. It's like a small parallel of her and Hades if they could have met under other circumstances. so she is very supportive of her relationship with Zagreus and how happy they make each other.
Zagreus will have more problems related to Leuce's sisters because of the above, they are both scared of Zag and convinced that he is planning something horrible with their sister. It will take a lot, a LOT of time and help from Leuce for them to understand that this is not the case.
Even if Leuce tries to help and maintain a certain formal air in the house, Zagreus tries to make her feel as welcome as possible, probably with some help from Hypnos, Cerberus (best boi) even Thanatos. that she lose her shyness and feel that, after all, it is also HER home now.
Did you see that in the Underworld Persephone has a Garden? imagine if Zagreus gets Leuce one of her own🥺
Definitely Zagreus (and in general several other characters like Dusa for being a sweetheart) is not going to tolerate any type of discrimination towards Leuce due to her origin as a nymph (we know that there are gods who took mortals as spouses, but the only nymph who married a god that comes to mind now is Amphitrite) and he would gladly ask Cerberus to go "play" with whoever made any out of place comments :)
They might as well go to the surface together! Of course, neither of them really know how to interact with mortals or how certain things work up there, but I think Zagreus could use some help taking care of his mother's garden while he's there. Who better than a beautiful nymph?
Overall, a pretty endearing pair. and gives some visibility to a very forgotten nymph :,)
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Shares, reglogs and comments are very welcome!
Question related to my next work: Someone knows how ALBINISM was treated/seen in ancient greece?
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h0ney-gl0ws · 1 year
Hi! I was wondering if I could request Hades boys (Zag, Than, and Hypnos) x reader hcs where the reader loves to bake? ^^ Thank you!
Yes you can! Awww this is such a cute request! Thank you for the request, and your patience lol.
Word Count (Approx): 1,080
Hades Boys! With an s/o who loves to bake!
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Zagreus Zagreus first found out you loved to bake when you got hired to be an assistant to the head chef.
Your services to the lounge made it much more livelier than usual. Many of the shades who had no interest in food before, just had to see what the fuss was about with your baked goods. They were the talk of the house for quite some time after all.
And Zagreus doesnt let you forget that fact, reminding you constantly about how good your treats are, emphasizing how popular they are, as well as relaying the compliments he’s heard in whispers amongst the shades.
One day (or night) he asks that you teach him your ways. He knows how much baking means to you and wants to be able to share in that special little hobby of yours.
Of course Zagreus’ attempts end up with a fire, a horribly charred lump of something that was meant to be bread, and another hefty work load for Dusa in order to clean up the lounge…again. (You offer your best cupcakes as an apology to her afterwards haha)
The fire fiasco also got Zagreus banned from stepping foot into the kitchen again at the insistence of the head chef.
Zagreus would miss being able to steal tastes of your baked treats (and seeing you at work ofc) so much, that he commissioned the house contractor to start selling your treats in Charon’s shops. That way when he’s on his runs he can have a little reminder, and assist from you along the way.
He even took one of your recipes all the way to Eurydice, in return she gave him one of hers for you to try out. You were so impressed by her recipe, the goods made from it tasted like nothing you’ve ever had before! From then on Zagreus became a bit of a messenger between you two, he’d gift you one of Eurydice’s recipes when she gave them to him and you send her one back. You formed a cherished friendship over the shared love of creating food even without having met face to face.
You made sure to express your gratitude to Zagreus for taking interest in your hobby, connecting you to new friends in the afterlife, as well as being a great partner by giving him all the treats he could ever ask for, but the only treat he really needs in the end is you :)
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Thanatos Thanatos was never one for sweets. The taste was too intense and the pure sugary monstrosities reminded him way too much of the surface. Bright, euphoric in the moment, but also very bad for you. All in all he can’t stand the stuff.
So when you first told him about your hobby he admits he had some concern. He’s seen what treats do to mortals first hand and does not understand the appeal.
Until, one day or night he returned to his usual spot in the house, and upon the polished round table that Zagreus got him was a basket of freshly baked bread rolls. In his hasty opposition to sweet foods he forgot that not all baked goods were of the sweet variety. Your baking opened a new door for him that day.
He praised your baking skills the next day. Expressing his gratitude of you accommodating his culinary preferences. You told him that’s what partners are for! That you want to be able to share this part of you with him and are overjoyed that he liked them. He laughs at your enthusiasm telling you he would happily accept any more treats you decided to make him.
And make him things you did, from breads to pastries to savory pies you made him all sorts of amazing goodies. Thanatos thanked you profusely after each gift, pressing tender kisses to your temple.
One evening, he admitted that he didn’t always hate sweets. When he was younger he actually liked a few of them, but after seeing greedy mortals, stuffing their faces and throwing away much excess while others starved and perished. Sweets never quite tasted the same, becoming a suffocating syrupy substance that he cant handle, but he was willing to try again if you made it.
You told him he doesn’t have to try your sweets and you wouldn’t be offended if he didn’t, but he assured you he wanted to, that anything important to you was important to him. And besides if he likes someone as sweet as you then he can handle any sweet treat you make.
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Hypnos Alright, Hypnos sleeps a lot so there not a lot of time for him to eat the goods you make. He claims that the sugar would have him awake for weeks and he’d hate to have that happen. So he appreciates your hobby in a different way.
For instance he loves just watching you bake. The way your hands move so gracefully as well as confidently is super soothing. Your so precise in everything you do its very impressive to watch. You often catch him leaning against the edge of the counter your working on, fast asleep after a few minutes of watching you bake. You find it really cute how much he admires you ^-^
Not even to mention the smell! When Hypnos cuddles with you after you’ve been working a long shift with sweets and freshly baked goods, he practically feels as if he was in Olympus! Nuzzling his nose into your hair he can just fall asleep relishing in your sweet scent as he holds you close.
Well, eventually you are able to catch him at a time where you can convince him to actually enjoy your baked goods. And he was right… He talked faster than usual that day, and was way more clingy than you were used too. Why he rivaled Hermes in how fast he completed his work. His sugar rush antics made quite the entertaining feat. I don’t think he nodded off once for quite a while after that.
But when he did crash, he crashed It caused quite the backup in his work, and he wasn’t allowed to have your treats over a certain sugar level after that. Ordered by Lord Hades himself XD.
But Hypnos doesn’t mind, you’re the only sugar he needs in his life :P
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eanul-rmbl · 10 days
Hypnos x reader modern au headcanon/imagine where he thinks she and zagreus are dating and it's this whole puppy princess/jessie's girl (mostly puppy princess tho; hot freaks forever, babyyyy) scenario.
what up fellow hypnos enthusiasts, i am coping ;)
wc: 500+
(Megaera ship has already long sailed and crashed.)
• When they first meet, he thinks she's cute.
• Her eyes squinted and crinkled with laughter
• She looked at so many things like they're worth the world, like they've enthralled her
• And she’s enthralled him
• After a while, he notices how she treats him
• She laughs with him, not at him
• She makes her own jokes to make him laugh, too; to cheer him up
• When he made a self-deprecating joke, she was worried for him.
• She takes him seriously
• Soon after, he grows anxious.
• He sees that she laughs with Zagreus,
• That the two of them aren't shy to touch (she punches him in laughter, friends do that kind of stuff (he doesn't realize that))
• You don't just ask two people if they're dating
• One day, he even sees them together at the place he works (they're shopping for a gift for Than (he doesn't know that))
• He feels terrible
• But then she smiles at him, jokes with him, and he finds himself soaking it all up
• By the time the two of them leave, he grinning to himself sighing
• It's tearing him apart when he feels her fingers brush against his
• He feels electrified.
• He turns to see her smiling with those squinted, crinkled eyes and that friendly (or perhaps mirthful?) expression of hers that hasn't changed
• His heart leaps, but then he sees Zagreus a little ways behind then, grinning with Thanatos, and he pulls away
• She's confused.
• She thought he liked her back,
• She felt how he'd lean ever so slightly in her direction
• She'd caught him staring at her, with a grin and a quip ready at hand
• She remembered how their fingers brushed the other day; remembered the sparks and fireworks ignited from a single touch
• Goodness, he was so precious
• His hair looked like sheep's wool
• His face was kissed in starry freckles
• His voice could lull her to sleep every night; soft as a whisper, gentle as a lullaby
• She covered her face in her hands and hair.
• She'll ask Zagreus about this later.
(She never ends up Zagreus)
• One day, Hypnos hears something about Zagreus and Thanatos dating, when he talks to Megaera about how terrible he's feeling for advice
• Megaera feels it's like it's weird to ask her, considering both her relationships (Zagreus and Hypnos) didn't work out (she's got a situationship with Dusa right now (“tf you talking about, girl? what about Dusa????” “h- what?” “what?”))
• But anyway she's all “isn't Zagreus dating Thanatos?”
• Huh.
• Huh?
• HUH???????
• When he asks Zagreus about it, it's that Hades game dialogue
• Woah. Really?
• Really.
• Woaaaah…..
• Zagreus asks about her and Hypnos
• Hypnos is all “whaaaaat? thats craaaaazy, hahaha…”
• They're talking as normal, her and him.
• Joking back and forth
• The only difference was the lack of touching; no pats on the back or shoulder, no fingers lightly brushing against each other, no coy gazes at each other
• But, this time, Hypnos lightly brushes their fingers
• She stops.
• (she’s inwardly like “hhhhhhhhhh keep it together, keepittogether!!!!!!!!!!! hhhhhĥhhhhh)
• Hes like “would you kiss the homies goonight”
• And she's like “hhhhhhhhhhwho's the homies”
• And he gives her this look
• And
• ....Yeah.. :)
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sunboki · 1 year
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Billionaire! Hwang Hyunjin x Detective! F. Reader
criteria | detective au, suggestive *not proofread
word count | 0.9k
authors note | another random piece in its testing phase created while i was in the passenger seat *sigh*
synopsis | Feigning your identity as the director of a successful company wasn’t all too difficult, but when it came down to actually busting billionaire, forbes magazine cover Hwang Hyunjin’s scheme, things can become a little .. messy. Especially when he invites you to a rooftop dinner.
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The urge to bury your head in your hands is blaring, and you’re certain a bald spot will appear any day now after all the tugging you’d done in the past few days.
No leads, nothing.
In fact, if you hadn’t put so much into this case, if you hadn’t previously learned of the Dusa Enterprise’s affiliations you would’ve shut down the investigation altogether. But you didn’t because you knew of the tactful expertise Hyunjin’s used to go about his ways. In a sense that the man would stop at absolutely nothing to get what he wanted regardless of the circumstances.
So what you hadn’t anticipated after this madness was to have your coworker Mei come running up to you in a flurry, whisper-screaming that someone wanted to talk to you from the office’s telephone.
Hello, this is Representative Hwang Hyunjin of Dusa Enterprises’ Advisor. Your presence has been requested at…
You’re jumping in your chair at this point, nearly swatting Mei in the face from your flailing arms as you listen to the details of the call before the Advisor abruptly hangs up.
Taking a few seconds to turn and look at each other, you both erupt into cackling laughter, beyond pleased that your shared effort was not in vain.
“You’ll never guess who just got a one-way ticket to exposing Dusa Enterprise.”
“I’m delighted to see you’re enjoying the ambience. It wasn’t easy booking a reservation for this place.”
You knew that was a lie. This wasn’t just your average person, it was Hwang Hyunjin. Who at a single beck or call could have a reservation, heck, reserve all the tables here.
“I’m afraid of heights.” You sound, making your hand appear shaky as you reach for your glass once more, hoping to eradicate the sight of him observing you. Initially you’d been too blinded by relief to realize who you were indeed going to be dining with, feeling a little bit more, horrified instead. Your last dance would be looking into his eyes, and despite the confidence you’d summed up till this moment, no liquid courage could help you meet that gaze.
“Then don’t look down, look at me.”
You clear your throat, blinking hurriedly to aid in maintaining whatever composure you had left.
“I would prefer not to.”
“Why is that?”
He’s walking a tightrope, using his front teeth to nip at the skin the moment you finish speaking. There is a never time to waste if you are Hwang Hyunjin. The man is a tiger in his ways of reverence.
How would you answer, how could you answer without spilling your guts? Too much analysis, too much.
The sound of glass clinking beckons you from his fingertips and for a split second you do— catch a glimpse of his predatory glower hidden behind an innocent smile that stretches plump cherry lips. You’re enchanted.
“Because,” You balance your chin on your fist, summoning a tilt of your head that draws him closer, or perhaps it’s a figment of your imagination.
“If I do, I might do something I’ll regret. And as you know, I don’t have relationships with my business partners.”
A bubbling laugh creeps from his throat, painting the air an intoxicating crimson when he tips his head back. It’s hard to tell if it’s a sarcastic outburst or not. Lots of things the serpent Hyunjin leaves you to speculate.
“What if I told you I wanted to see what you’d regret. Not as business partners, but normal people.”
Debating on either making a smart comment or maintaining your sophisticated disposition, you weigh the options whilst silently thanking the tinted glass for concealing the nervous slip of your foot in and out of your heel.
“Oh Mr. Hwang, you’re far from a normal person.”
His innocent smile bares its face once more.
“I’m charmed, but there’s no need to be so nervous. I guess you didn’t think I’d notice how frantic your leg has been bouncing since we’ve been talking. Surely you’re not uncomfortable?”
Your breath hitches and you practically fixate on the darkening of his chestnut orbs, manipulative. Reaching into the very crevice of your soul. He’s onto you. Almost like he knows.
It terrifies you.
“Not at all. I hope you understand though that this is a big opportunity for my company and I can’t help but stress these matters.”
Your cover up is flat but contains enough potential to keep you afloat, for now.
The blond hummed a response, shrugging his jet-black coat till the fabric bunched up enough to see what time was displayed on a Rolex that’s price you didn’t have the capacity to assume.
“Ah, it seems an appointment of mine will interrupt us. Dearest apologies.” You nod fervently, admiring the sweep of his suit when he stands. A click of his heel on the marble flooring echoes when he begins walking past you until he stalls, stooping down to where his expensive fragrance tickled your nose.
“We’ll have to meet again sweet thing, your acting is impressive. Keep it up and you might fool me one day.”
And he walks out, him, his Advisor and Bodyguards at his disposal.
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all rights reserved by @sunboki. repost and plagiarism will not be tolerated.
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hydrangeyes · 7 months
Hypnos (Hades) Imagine!
So if you don't know, Yes this already existed, my old account was deleted (accident but I can tell I won't be getting it back), and am reposting my old x male reader works!
I don't know if I saved all of them but here is one that was saved to my AO3 account.
I love him, I love this goofy idiot so fucking much it was embarrassing when this game first came out.
- little picnic turned nap dates
- when zag returns now, he can shit talk with hypnos before giving a kiss and asking how his day was
- family drama pt. 2??????👀👀 in more ways than just one *eyes nyx hella confused*
- the moment hypnos stands on his feet and zag having to finally admit he is probably the shortest in the realm (Dusa doesn’t count she can float!)
- god prank dates sends my heart a fluttering
- bro listen listen smug bastard hypnos at dinner time no regrets “your son calls me daddy too.”
- !!!! Modern Au of fucking giving him a handmade quilted blanket!! I- *tearing up*
- bruh I will sob if a fic was made where zag tries to fuckin learn quilting for his mans
- Zag learning sewing is such an appealing thought anyway-
- pls let me hold his hand and he cracks a joke on how tiny my hands are 🥺
- I like the headcanon that hypnos is way more powerful than he lets on (“do you know how stressful it would be if I flexed? No thanks, I’m exhausted just thinking about it.”)
- love the idea that if someone genuinely annoys him he just *waves* now they’re asleep, pls shut the fuck up
- okay okay but like naps with him and our pup cerberus????
- just ugh whenever zag goes to the surface he brings trinkets to hypnos and I- look. Hypnos treasures each of them
- it’s not like he can’t go to the surface himself, but the sun makes him all restless, and the night- oof *incoming mommy issues*
- okay idk why but I vibe with the thought that him and Charon secretly hang out just like, the thought that the reason a lot of spirits peacefully (for the most part) hang while traveling is because Hypnos gifted Charon something to keep them calm/sleepy/dazed
- okay but vacations with Sleepy boi? Come explore hell with me, alot has changed since mother came back
-where does he live!!??? Scratch that where does any of you live??? Like am I suppose to go off your stories or imagine hades deadass has you sleeping in hallways? This wouldn’t surprise me
- give this man a bean bag chair and I very much doubt he will ever want to leave it
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crybaby-bkg · 6 months
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sᴄᴏʀɴᴇᴅ | ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ ᴛᴡᴇʟᴠᴇ
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Bakugou x f!reader Warnings/Tags: bit of PDA, beginnings of a panic attack, unresolved sexual tension, brief violence in the end. Word Count: 6.8k Minors/blank/ageless blogs DNI!
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Main Masterlist AO3
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“So, let me get this straight,” Vanity says around the food in her mouth before swallowing loudly, making you chuckle. “Number four hero, Dynamight, not only moved you into his apartment, asked you out to become your boyfriend, but he’s also making it public by taking you to the annual hero gala?” 
The silence stretches on in the quietness of the warehouse, both of you looking at each other over the bowl of noodles you share. You pretend to be thinking, scratching your head a little before humming. 
“Yeah, that sounds about right.” You shrug faux nonchalantly, before a huge grin breaks your face. “This whole thing is…wild to me.” You whisper though, voice suddenly small as everything starts to sink in. Just about a year ago, you had made it your mission to take Dynamight down for some sexist comment he made. And now you’re comfy cozy with each other, sharing kisses and falling asleep together on the couch. 
“Yeah, I would’ve never imagined this for you, but, I’m happy. You look happy.” Vanity tells you with a small smile, her eye casted low before she looks up to take all of you in. There seems to be some kind of glow on your skin, the air around you lighter and softer, something she doesn’t think she’s ever seen before. 
“I’m jealous,” Vanity states plainly, before she swallows thickly again, looking around the room. You reach out to grab her hand, feel how it shakes in your grip before you squeeze her, a concerned look passing over your face. 
“Really? What for?” You ask her, head tilted to the side. She places her chopsticks down, gathers both of your hands, and it breaks your heart the way her chin wobbles ever so slightly. 
“Of the fact that you can trust men again.” She whispers, voice shaking with every syllable. 
“It’s not all men,” you interject but she shakes her head quickly at you, her hair falling in front of her eyepatch. 
“Yeah, I know, but its one. And its one that has so much status and power in the world, and yet he’s actually not a piece of shit.” You both laugh softly at that, you giving her an unsure face that says, ‘really?’  before you two laugh again. The room falls silent, sounds of distant bustling sliding up from the downstairs area of other vigilantes moving about. 
“I’m jealous that you can work through your issues, that you can progress in a relationship, and that I just can’t seem to get it right.” Vanity says after a while, squeezing your hand tight in hers as her eye starts to water. You want to hold her close, like how she’s always held you whenever you struggled, but she keeps you at arms length for the time being. 
“I want to build that trust again, but one of them took my fuckin’ eye, ‘Dusa.” Vanity snarls out, her mouth trembling, her teeth grit, her cheeks muddled with quick dropping tears. You feel your own jaw clench, get a flash of that scared and broken and bloody girl on your doorstep, crying for help, calling you her savior. It makes your chest tighten, as you shrug away a tear quickly when it falls.
“How can I work through my own shit when all of my resentment is built up, ready to explode straight from my fuckin’ empty socket?” She asks you, head bowing when a sob tremors through her body. You hang your head with her, tears steadily leaking into your lap, into the bowl shared between you. Ever since you met Vanity, she had never shown any interest in men, but that didn’t surprise you, given her past. But you would’ve never guessed that you finally finding a man that’s actually trustworthy and a better person than you believed them to be, would rake up these kind of feelings. 
“I’m sorry.” You mumble out, feeling her pain course throughout your own body. You understand her, her troubles, her past, her trauma. You were captured, yes, but she was maimed. Mutilated beyond repair. What could you do in a moment like this? How could you even have a moment like this, knowing what she’s been through? How selfish could you be to share the happiness you’re experiencing, the growth, knowing that she is still trapped in this warehouse to escape the demons that lurk outside, ready to pluck out the other eye? 
“Please don’t apologize.” She tells you through a hiccup, using your hand that she’s still holding to wipe away her tears. “You shouldn’t not share your joy with me because of my own issues. It just makes me wish I was as strong as you to work through them.” She finally looks up to give you a lopsided smile, squeezing your hand in hers. Your lip wobbles as you shake your head at her. 
“I’m not strong though,” you whisper, clenching your eyes shut tight before you force them back open. “I kept my gun on me the first two months of staying there. I had a panic attack every time I had to leave my room because I thought he would attack me. 
“I still fight with myself every time I want to further the relationship because I’m scared; I think I’m undeserving; because I think he might take advantage of me, even though my mind knows he won’t.” Your voice is shaky, tears escaping, as you hold onto Vanity so tight, afraid that if you let go, she might somehow float away. 
“But my body is weak.” You admit, and she nods in understanding at that. “It remembers the pain that I’ve gone through, even though I’ve tried time and time to forget it.” You whisper. You think back to recently when Katsuki hugged you from behind and kissed your neck, and how it made you panic and push him away, the confused and hurt look on his face. You hadn’t meant to respond back like that, but your body holds onto all of the times your captor had done you the same way before he would drain you of your quirk. 
“I’m not strong, but I am working through it day by day, and he helps me in any way that he can.” You murmur, head bowed as you bite at your lip until you taste copper. You think back on how Bakugou bounced back from the confusion, how he apologized, how he comforted you when you became frustrated with yourself, how he now makes a little noise before coming up behind you as to not startle you. You’ve started to accept back hugs a little easier, now. 
“You just have to work through it.” You promise Vanity, giving her a pointed look before you pull her into you. She falls into your embrace, squeezing you tight as she inhales deeply. Her exhale is shaky, but her words are firm. 
“I will.” She nods once, her hair tickling your chin. You two stay there for a while, ignoring the passersby in the hallway who duck away to give you two privacy. After a few moments, does an idea strike you, and you whisper into her hair, 
“When you think you’re starting to get a little better, I know a certain redhead hero I could introduce you to.” You singsong, laughing loudly when Vanity pulls away quickly, holding you by your shoulders as she gives you a serious look. 
“If it’s the hunky unbreakable one, I wouldn’t be entirely opposed.” She tells you with a nod, making you laugh even harder. She joins you, both of you holding onto each other before falling over onto the floor together, just barely avoiding the noodles. 
You two lay there for a while, giggling, making your little inside jokes none are privy to, and you like it that way. You love the new life you’re starting for yourself, but you miss this more than anything. You just want Vanity to be there with you, to become better, to heal. It’s the only thing you’ll ever wish for in life. 
The night of the gala comes up quicker than you had anticipated it. You had been working as a hero for about ten weeks now, still never giving the press your hero name since Katsuki and Deku had convinced you to wait to drop it at the gala. 
It would be a big sort of thing, that you’re not only coming out officially as a hero, but as Dynamight’s girlfriend. You weren’t too big of a fan of the girlfriend thing being such a big deal since you were your own person first, but you could understand why it would be big news. Dynamight hasn’t been seen publicly with a partner in six years, so everyone would expectedly make a big hoopla about it. 
So, with all this pressure falling onto your shoulders, nervous isn’t even the fucking word for how you’re feeling. You had taken the day off from hero training, driven by Katsuki to some hotel just a few blocks away from where the gala would be taking place. He had told you that you would be getting ready there, because they had an official hair and makeup artist to help you, specifically. 
What you would be wearing was previously designed by Eddie a few weeks ago. Bakugou had already picked out his outfit; a silk ash gray button up paired with black slacks. But you wanted something a little flashier than that, just barely. Something to push you a little out of your comfort zone (just barely!) because you wanted your official first outing to be memorable. But—
“My chest is out.” You whisper as you sit in the makeup chair, hair already dolled up, as they bring your dress out to showcase it on a rolling coat rack. Your stomach sinks and cramps, your hands suddenly getting clammy, and you fight the urge to wipe the quickly beading sweat from your upper lip. 
“Why is my chest out? This wasn’t the original design I agreed to. Where’s Eddie?” Your voice is going a mile a minute, shaking as you take in the dress that was almost—so close—to being perfect. You look over to Bakugou who’s buttoning up his shirt, eyebrows pinched in confusion. 
“He dropped the dress off and left right back out. This isn’t what you wanted?” He asks, head cocked in confusion as he rushes over to stand beside you. His eyebrows raise in surprise at the pretty sight but—but this isn’t what you wanted. 
“No,” you snap at him, quickly standing from the makeup artist’s chair, flittering around the room in search of your phone. “No, I wanted this design but higher up on the neck. My chest is supposed to be covered.” You whisper frantically, feeling your skin get hot at the thought of what could happen—the media sees your tattoo, puts the pieces together, condemns you before your hero career can even take off from the ground. You’d be exposed to everyone, and all of those who were connected to you would go down with you. 
How would the media react knowing that Dynamight is dating a former vigilante? One who so many people had deemed as a nuisance, as a villain, as someone who should slink back into the shadows of where they came from? You would ruin him and Yuu and Deku alike, knowing that they put their careers on the line for you, under the condition that you never reveal your past. 
What the fuck are you gonna do? Will Katsuki kick you out if you fuck up his career? Will you become homeless, loveless? What the fuck? 
“Don’t worry, I got you.” Katsuki says, suddenly standing in front of you. He holds your upper arms gently, his head ducked down so that you’ll finally look up at him. When you do, your eyes are frantic, full of tears, as the endless amount of possibilities of how you could screw up everyone around you comes crashing down onto you, the weight of your shoulders sagging. 
You don’t get to utter a word before Katsuki flitters off, pulling the makeup artist with him into a conjoined room. He’s already on the phone by the time he closes the door, voice hushed as you go back to stand in front of the almost perfect dress. 
Eddie, you think to yourself as you wrap your arms around your body tightly, what happened? What happened to the perfection you promised you would make me? How could you get so close and yet fall so far?
The dress is damn near everything you asked for. It’s a midnight black with blue tints when the lights hit it, covered from head to toe in sparking gems. There’s a slit up to your knee on either side, the back curving down just beneath your shoulder blades. The chest is supposed to be a halter top, similar to your hero outfit but instead, it dips down low so your cleavage can be exposed. How could something so close to perfection, wind up so short? 
Everything else is right—the earrings, the necklace, the rings, the shawl, the shoes. You were so confident about tonight, so sure that you would finally feel comfortable in wearing what you wanted to wear without gross men leering at you and trying to touch you in public. But now, you’re not even sure if you can still attend. Disappointment gnaws at your flesh, as you sink back into the makeup chair, letting a few tears fall freely. No need to worry about fucking up your makeup since you’ll probably have to return home earlier than expected. 
You’re about to stand to go to the bathroom, when the conjoining door suddenly opens. Bakugou emerges with the makeup artist, and you can see him tucking some papers into a nearby drawer before the makeup artist returns to her station. She starts picking around a few things, mumbling to herself all the while. You glance at her before looking back to Katsuki, hopping out of the chair as you walk over to him briskly. 
“What did you do?” You whisper-shout to him, afraid of what answer you may receive. But he only twists his mouth a few times, looking down his nose at you before folding his arms over his chest. 
“Made the makeup artist sign a NDA.” He answers after a few beats, gaze falling away from you before he looks up through his lashes. Your eyebrows downturn in confusion though, glancing back at the artist who now stands ready with a smile on her face. 
“For what?” You ask, turning back to him. Katsuki places a gentle hand on your shoulder, covered by the baby blue robe the hotel had gifted you when you arrived. He watches your face as he slowly starts to pull the robe down your shoulder, your eyes widening in confusion, face burning at the thought of what he might be trying to do in front of the few people still in the room. 
“So she can cover your chest and not spill what she saw to the media.” Katsuki whispers, eyes falling to your chest when the edge of crimson ink comes into sight. Your throat tightens at that, in surprise, mouth falling open although no words come tumbling out.  
“Your identity is safe, okay? We’ll talk to Eddie about his fuck up tomorrow.” Katsuki promises you, pulling the shoulder of your robe back up. You blink up at him, unsure of what to say about what he’s done for you. 
He…helped you, when he saw the panicked look on your face. Didn’t respond back in anger when you snapped at him, but instead found a solution that would calm your nerves. What could you say to him for something so small and yet so life changing?
“Thank you so much.” You whisper to him, pulling him down by the front of his shirt for a kiss, something soft and sweet and airy. You rest against his mouth, eyebrows scrunching up lightly, a confession dying to fall from your lips,
“I…” love you, you finish in your head, but your words die out when Bakugou’s assistant barges into the room. 
“Twenty-five more minutes until we have to leave, guys!” He calls out, smiling at the two of you when you both take a step away from each other, shy. When he ducks back out, you and Bakugou share a look, one that says a thousand words, even though he can’t seem to form his lips around the right thing. When he seems to have swallowed down everything wrong, he opens his mouth, but the makeup artist is beside you, whisking you away. 
“We’re gonna cover that tattoo, alright? It shouldn’t budge at all tonight.” She tells you with a grin, steering you back to the makeup chair to touch up what you messed up on your face first. She’s gentle in her ministrations, despite the many times she has to tell you to look up or down because you keep looking at Katsuki. He’s leaning against the wall, watching you get everything done since he finished getting dressed already himself. 
“Could you remove this for me?” The makeup artist asks, her voice quiet as she stands in front of you. You look back over to her, confused, before you realize what she’s referring to. 
“Uh, yeah,” you whisper, glancing back over to Katsuki, who’s suddenly so very interested in his phone, despite how his cheeks are a muddled red. It’s not like he hasn’t seen them before, you think to yourself. 
But you shrug off your robe until it fall in your lap, your strapless bra being pushed down a little so the artist can have full access to your chest. She works quietly as she blends the makeup into your skin, the products cold and the brushes soft. She powders you down after what feels like hours of repetitive movements, fine tuning everything until she steps back with a smile on her face. 
“Here,” she says as she hands you a mirror. The sight almost unnerves you, as you think back on—reminded so cruelly of—the person you used to be when your chest was still empty. On one hand; your identity is still hidden, you keep everyone around you safe, your chest a blank canvas, a sight you haven’t seen in so long. But, on the other hand; you feel naked, stripped of who you are, of what you became, of what made you you. You know its for the greater good, but at what cost? 
“It looks great. Thank you.” You say robotically, nodding your head to the artist. She smiles at you before bowing her head, going to pack up her stuff as Bakugou’s assistant peeks back in. 
“Ten more minutes!” He announces. That makes you spring into action though, waving goodbye to the artists’ that leave you to get changed, as you take your dress down from its hanger. It’s only you and Bakugou left in the hotel room, and the air becomes charged when the door closes for the final time. 
“Need a hand?” He asks you, already plucking the dress from your hands as you fully undo your robe. You stand in front of him in only your undergarments, suddenly feeling just a bit too vulnerable in front of the handsome hero. 
“Of course I do.” You tell him, gesturing for him to unzip the dress. He only smiles though, lending his bulky shoulders when you need some stability to step into the pretty dress, hiking it up your hips for you. When the thin spaghetti straps sit on your skin, does he stand back, but not too far, never. He’s chest to chest with you, and he smells better than you could have ever imagined; something soft like fresh sheets and folded laundry with a hint of icy mint. Your lids lower as you take him in, as he does the same to you. 
“You want me to zip you up?” Katsuki asks softly, hands finding your hips. You nod to him once, gasping when he turns your body for you, his hips slotted against your backside. You say nothing to the poking at your lower back, looking over your shoulder at him as he ever so slowly zips your dress up, hands palming your hip all the while, his fingers gentle where they creep up your spine. 
Without a word, Katsuki leans down to press the softest kiss to your neck, your jaw tilting to allow him more access. He presses you back against him, the feeling of his hardness making you gasp, knees suddenly getting weaker than you think they’ve ever been. 
He holds you close to him, your breathing getting heavy when his hands start to inch around to the front of the dress, sliding down to hook inside the slit. His palm glides over the inside of your thighs, the other reaching around to cup you gently through the fabric, petting you with thick fingertips. 
“When we get home.” You tell him in a sigh, taking everything in you to pull away from him. When you turn around, Katsuki is grinning, wiping a hand down his face as the other rests on his hip. You try to ignore the obvious bulge in his pants, face burning, as you turn to pick up your shoes. 
“Help me with these, and don’t make it horny.” You tell him, trying to hold as much authority in your voice that you can, but its shaky at best. Bakugou outright laughs at that, shameless, and kneels down in front of you to buckle up your low heels. He can’t help but press a feather soft kiss to the outside of your knee when he finishes. 
After that, everything goes smoothly. You’re rushed out to the car by his assistant, driven over to the museum where the gala is being hosted, and presented onto the red carpet. It’s all nerve wrecking, the way everyone turns to you all because of who you’re with. But you don’t let it deter you, holding your head as high as you can, smiling softly at the cameras and the people who call for your attention. 
Bakugou holds you close to him the whole time, ignoring those who try to wave you off to get a picture of him alone. When they start to pester too much, he only snarls at them before directing you a little further down to get away from those shit heads. His hand is planted firmly around your hip, and it becomes an anchor when the bright flashes of light start to become too much. 
When the pictures are over with, do you move into the pit of people doing interviews just off the red carpet. They keep trying to overlook you for Bakugou, but he has none of it, keeping you plastered to his side with a warm hand firmly holding onto your own. Finally, does an interviewer turn his attention to you, microphone shoved into your face as you duck back a little with a frown. 
“May I say what a beautiful dress you’re wearing tonight!” The interviewer says, grinning at you. You nod your head back, barely able to get your thanks out before he’s cutting you off with a question. 
“And who might you be, accompanying the awesome Dynamight tonight?” He asks before his eyes widen in recognition, his grin somehow getting even bigger. “Are you the unnamed hero that’s been on the field lately?” 
Bakugou squeezes your hand tight in his, and you glance up to him. He sends you a wink of recognition, making you think back on the conversation you had with him and Mrs. Kubo before, on how to do this media shit. It was a little daunting, knowing that if you said the wrong thing during your first official impression, that the rest of your career could go to shit before you’re even named. So you look back to the interviewer with a sure smile, nodding once more. 
“Yes, I am.” You say simply, not giving out any unasked for information. That garners the attention of other interviewers almost instantaneously, people suddenly flocking over in your direction with their mics pointed to your face. But you keep your eyes on the original interviewer with a calm gaze. 
“And what is your name? The media has been dying to know!” He exclaims. 
“I go by Firebird.” You state, smile brightening as more shouts for your attention start to trickle in. Bakugou shoulders some people away when they get too close, and you squeeze his hand in thanks. It’s overwhelming, a little, with so many people looking at you, trying to talk to you, get to know every single thing about you, all the while being so goddamn close. Bakugou must be able to sense it though, as he squeezes your hand once more before he starts pulling you away from everybody. 
“Oi, leave my girlfriend the fuck alone now. Answered enough of ya shitty questions.” He announces, and that only makes the crowd go crazier. Questions of what your quirk is starts trickling in, how long have you two been together, is marriage in the near future. You can’t help the deep breath that you suck in, reaching over to pinch at his flank when he carves a path for the both of you to get through the hoard of interviewers and paparazzi. 
You two keep walking until you finally enter where the actual gala is being held, the spacious room filled with paintings surprisingly a lot quieter than it was outside. You walk a few feet in, slowing down as you both look around for some familiar faces. 
“You just had to announce that I was taken, you shit head.” You mumble lowly, only for the two of you to hear. Katsuki grins at that, pulling you away into a secluded corner, as he wraps you in his arms tightly until your back arches under his hold. 
“Didn’t want those damn vultures or any other idiot to think that they ever had a chance with ya.” He mutters against your lips, kissing you and kissing you, your lipstick be damned. You wrap your arms around his neck, pulling away only when you hear voices getting closer. 
“Are you kidding me?!” Kirishima calls out, exasperated, garnering the looks from other heroes in the room. “I had to find out from the paps that you’re officially dating?” 
Bakugou fixes him with a confused look, standing tall as he keeps you pressed against him. You laugh at Kiri’s antics though, the way he pulls at his hair, Bakugou’s other friends coming up to join the confusion party. 
“Thought you knew we were together.” Bakugou grunts out with a roll of his eyes. 
“I had a feeling, but you never told me personally! Bro, I’m feeling really betrayed right now. By you too!” Kirishima points an accusatory finger at you next, and you faux gasp with a hand to your chest. 
“I figured he would tell you!” You say, nodding over to Bakugou who frowns at you both. When everyone looks to him for an explanation, his face burns, and he turns away from his friends with a huff. 
“Gonna go find our damn seats.” He mutters, shrugging off the congratulatory pats he receives from everybody he passes. You all find the table you’re supposed to sitting at, chatting and waiting until the gala’s main portion begins. 
As the night goes on, you find yourself more bored than you had anticipated. It felt like a mixture of a fashion show, a charity, and an award ceremony, a place for high status people to come together and mingle without the presence of fans needing their attention. You didn’t feel as though you belonged much, but you stayed near familiar faces, and found yourself enjoying their company. 
“Is that makeup on your chest, to cover…?” Deku asks during one of the dull moments, leaning over beside you in his chair to whisper to you. You stiffen in your seat before you remember just how much he’s helped you, how he’s looked out for you since you were introduced to the idea of becoming a hero. So you nod, once, glancing down to your chest accentuated by the sparkly material of the dress. 
“Yeah. The power of makeup is fuckin’ crazy.” You whisper back, to which Deku nods. He falls quiet before he leans in again. 
“Are you thinking about getting it removed, perhaps? Or covered?” The question makes your head feel stuffy suddenly, body quickly becoming warm as you think about the severity, the weight of what he implies. 
Do you want to always hide behind makeup? Or would you rather just erase a piece of yourself forever? Don’t you want to tear away your flesh from its bone, just so the space can be pure again? Don’t you want to be pure again? Don’t you want to kill the Red Medusa, leave her bloody and broken, just like those men had promised to do to you? Just like those men would have done to you if they were only a bit faster?
“Dynamight is our hero of the year with the most captures and saves this year!” The announcer says proudly on the mic, the bright light shining on them on the stage now moving over to Bakugou who sits beside you. The crowd cheers, the cameras flash, and you know you’re supposed to do something beside him but—but you feel numb. You’re thrown off by the question Deku dropped into your lap, the severity of your identity finally falling into place. 
You’d never truly fit in their world. You’d never truly be a hero if you always kept a piece of your former self on you at all times. You could either stay the survivor that protected everyone who needed saving, or you become the hero that left everything that ever made you and rise from the ashes as someone new. You’re not sure if that sounds as appealing anymore. 
The announcer gets on the mic once more to announce a brief intermission before they start serving some food and a few more annual statistics. Without a word, do you stand from your chair, squeezing Katsuki’s shoulder when he looks to you in confusion before heading off into the crowd. You can hear him angrily asking Deku a question, but you don’t stick around to hear it. 
You weave your way through the crowd until you find yourself in an almost empty room, filled with statues and artwork alike. You forgot that this was held at a gallery, and it almost feels mocking when the first statue that you see is of the most famous, never forgotten hero. 
“What am I to you?” You ask the statue quietly as you wrap your arms around yourself. The marble looks heavy, as does the world that All Might holds on his shoulders. He grins though, muscles and veins bulging, but the statue is sturdy, never buckles under any weight. 
How could you be a hero with a past like yours? With a past that you’re still willing to fall back to if everything somehow comes crashing down? With a past that you’re forever tied to, and yet forced to pretend you’re ashamed of, forced to forget it all? How could you ever be a hero—ever believe that you could be a hero, when your heart only knows of the people you should be helping, rules be damned? 
“You’re a traitor, for one.” A voice calls out from behind the statue. You wipe your eyes quickly, unaware of the tears that had gathered there, cursing when you realize that you messed up your makeup. You blink away your spotty vision, eyebrows screwing down when you’re faced with someone you haven’t seen in so long. 
“The hell are you doing here?” You whisper, hurrying over to the vigilante that would sometimes stay with you and Vanity when she needed help. There were only a couple that would regularly stay, about four or five, and she was one of them. The last time you had seen her was a simple glimpse in the hallway the day you told Vanity that you were considering becoming a hero. She hadn’t said anything to you that day, but she was always quiet. 
Her name was Mercy, and she never shared much about herself, besides the fact that she wanted to be apart of your cause and kick some misogynistic ass with you. You didn’t understand why she was here, especially if she knew you would be here under a new name. 
“Did you sneak in here, or something? You could get caught.” You whisper-shout to her, grabbing onto her wrist to pull her away from the prying eyes that glance over at the two of you. 
But she snatches away from you, makes you straighten your back in surprise, a sinking feeling settling deep into your gut. She doesn’t look happy to see you, and she always has a smile whenever you run into each other. Something’s not right—it wasn’t right that day she saw you in the warehouse, your appearances there getting slimmer and slimmer as the days go on, and its still not right now, either. 
“Really?” She asks loud and dramatically, grin suddenly flipping onto her face like a switch, startles you. “I thought all of us vigilantes were now accepted in the hero world.” She shouts, arms spreading out around her form, and that for sure gathers everyones attention in the room. You freeze, your body suddenly feeling icy cold like you’ve been dipped into a half frozen lake. Your hands lock into fists at your sides, your chest trembling with every heavy breath as you try not to watch the heroes and paparazzi alike start to filter in the room. 
“What are you doing, Mercy?” You whisper to her, eyes stuck on the almost manic look in her eye, but you can see something deeper, hiding in the depths that she never wanted to reveal to you all. She shrugs, walking around the statue, hands behind her back as she tilts her head to rest on her shoulders as the people watch on in confusion. 
“Oh, nothing.” She singsongs, resting against the statue when she circles around to you again, only closer this time until she stands a few feet in front of you. “Just letting everyone know that their favorite new hero isn’t a hero at all. That she’s a fucking traitor who left all of us for fucking dead so that she can sit at the big boys’ table.”
Her smile falls with every word, her lips peeling back in a snarl, her jaws snapping, spit flying from her mouth. But you don’t move, body frozen in shock as everything unfolds in front of all the people who were finally starting to respect you, the people who were finally starting to learn who you were. 
You can feel the tears pinpricking at your eyes in anger, in frustration, in hopelessness. If you physically stopped her, then that would only make everything worse, would make her words bring suspicion to the forefront. It would ruin Katsuki’s reputation and everyone around you who talked with you because they must’ve known, must’ve been hiding the secret that someone who doesn’t belong has been hiding amongst them all. But you can’t let her keep going—not only for your sake, but for the people you were starting to care about, too. 
“Mercy, shut the fuck up.” You snap at her, voice low, gaze captured by Bakugou and his friends who suddenly run into the room. But they all still, confused on what’s going down, unknowingly entering the best part of the show for the night. 
“Why shut up?” She asks, stepping closer to you until her shoes—dirty and torn and falling apart—touch yours—clean and new and sparkly, redeemed. “Don’t you want everyone to know who you are?” She smiles so wide that you can see the creases of her smile lines pinching, her eyes being swallowed by the apples of her cheeks. Her own tears start welling up as she pulls you into a hug, one that you don’t return, arms hanging limply at your sides. 
“Oh, what is it—Firebird?” She whispers only for you to hear before she pulls back, holding you by the upper arms, shouting for all to hear, “Last time I checked, you were running rampant in the streets as the Red Medusa.” 
The room instantly falls into murmurs, shocked gasps, and worried chatters. The camera lights are still flashing, people are starting to record, some heroes walk out in anger. You can see them turning to Bakugou with confused and hurt faces, questions being thrown at him and his friends alike for sitting and congregating with you. But you only have eyes for Mercy, whose tears now run steadily down her grinning cheeks, her arms thrown out as your fists ball up beside you. 
“What the fuck are you doing?” You ask her once more, bottom lip wobbling in anger, in hopelessness, in betrayal. “Who put you up to this?” 
“Nobody.” She shrugs. “But I thought the people should know what kind of past you keep trying to hide. That you’re a fucking fake, and that you never cared about anyone but yourself. You’re only chasing dick hoping it’ll make you a different person, but it won’t, sweetheart.” Mercy laughs humorlessly at that, and the words make you cringe, make you entire body tremor in anger. 
She knows how much you hate being called sweetheart due to past trauma, and yet here she is, poking the bear, picking and picking until you snap. But you don’t—stand there with your teeth clenched, heavy breaths making your entire body rattle, eyes pinpricking with tears. When she doesn’t get the response she wants, she steps to you closely, poking a finger in your chest. 
“I’m just doing what you’re too fucking stupid and weak to do yourself!” She screams at you, her voice hoarse, the veins in her neck throbbing. You hadn’t seen it before, but she reaches back to pick up a glass of water that she had sat on the statue beforehand, throws the contents of it at you. 
You gasp and shield you face, but most of it misses you and it instead lands below your neck. Before you can stop her, Mercy scratches you across the chest, digging up the makeup as she slides sharp nails across your skin. Not only to make you bleed, but enough to reveal the crimson hidden underneath. 
The room falls silent as you stand there, pretty dress soaked and your vulnerabilities open like a gaping wound. Your stomach heaves at the realization, bile creeping up your throat as you finally take a look around the room. It feels like everything is spinning, as you take in the faces who look to your chest with disgust, with anger, with fury covering their faces. At the paps who smile and take picture after picture. At the statues who stare down their noses in disdain at you. At Katsuki who stands frozen in shock, mouth slightly hung open. At Mercy who smiles wobbly at you as she holds her arms open for another hug, looking for it to be receptive this time. 
Without thinking, you reel your arm back and punch her square in the nose. She doesn’t expect it for some reason, and stumbles back into the statue, making it wobble in place. The room goes into an uproar at that, and when everyone dives in to save it from falling over, do you make your grand escape. 
“You can’t keep running from the truth, Medusa! Your past will never let you! I’ll never let you!” Mercy’s voice is the only one you can pick out from the chaos, and it echoes as you run through the corridors of the museum. 
You can hear Bakugou calling your name, but you ignore him, running and running until you finally meet the cold outside air. The interviewers and paparazzi are still out there, and they look to you in confusion before they focus on your chest. The frenzy starts again, everyone gasping when Bakugou comes busting out through the doors. 
But you take off again, the tears burning your eyes as everything sets in. Your legs carry you quicker and quicker as you lose Bakugou in the streets who keeps calling after you, twisting and turning, until you find the path to make it back to the warehouse—to home. 
This was never meant for you. You don’t know why you even tried to become something that you were never meant to be in the first place. You should’ve stayed hidden in the shadows, where you belong. Nobody like you should ever think that they’re more than their past, that they can change and control their own future. It’s all just bullshit. Always has been, and it always will be. 
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chapter thirteen
please do not repost or rec on tik tok!
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tag list: @endlessfreaky @iamaconfusedpan @blueshome
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asmolfolk · 2 years
Zagreus x Reader.
Sorry for the long “hiatus”, I got some troubles, somethings that really messed me up but now I’m back! ^^ Hope you’re all well!
There isn’t a lot of “Hades [Game] x Reader”, so, I decided to open requests for it and, what better way to do it then write some love headcanons for Zagreus…
 A little hint: 
 In this, I separated personalities in 6 definitions. You can see which one is the most fitting for you.
 Sun [Extroverted, funny and carefree people.]
 Moon [Introverts, gentle and creative people.]
 Eclipse [Ambiverts, can change their humors a lot.]
 Cloud [Quiet, smart and can be someone gentle]
 Rain [An confort zone, caring and gentle but just for the ones that they care about.]
 Rainbow [Flirty, charming and adventurous.]
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The creator of this banner it's: This lovely person!
 [You’re like the SUN - Bright, funny and such a cutie! You can light up the darkness in someone’s heart in like, two seconds. Because of your carefree and extrovert personality, some people may be a little bit ‘too tired’ after talking with you, saying that you talk too much and don’t listen at all.] (You are going to be a GOD, you appeared to Zagreus and gave him your boon.)
Zagreus was a little shocked to know you, you were such a… Sweetheart? You were just… Cute for him. What was kind of strange, he didn’t know that someone that wasn’t mentioned a lot could be so goofy.
He didn’t know what to do when he started developing feelings for you… He thought that maybe he could just say it directly to you or just start throwing hints…
But you just confessed like it was nothing, like “Oh, and I love you, Zagreus!” - When he asked you “Why did you choose this way to confess?” you said that you decided to do it this way so that - if he didn’t feel the same, you could just play it off as an “Friendly way to say goodbye.”
He swears to the other gods, he loves you deeply. He always gets that feeling that your boons appeared a lot more when you two started an “distanced romantic relationship”.
He - now - wanted to go in the Olympus just so he could finally hug and kiss you for the first time - while you wanted to go in the Underworld so that you could surprise him.
Let’s just say that Chaos felt like they were watching a romantic comedy.
Zagreus - even if he didn’t need it - always gifted you with a nectar or Ambrosia, sometimes, he wouldn’t pick one boon and would talk with you for a period of time.
[Imagine he after derroting Asterius and the boon is yours, he just picks it and starts to talk about a lot of things with you… While Asterius is behind the door and thinking “...Did he just start a distant relationship with a god?” (And they call me the cuckold)]
 “Sometimes, when the sky is too dark and I can’t seem to focus… The first thing that comes to my mind it’s you.” [Name] said with a short smile “I get too happy to think that, maybe, some day, I can visit the underworld just for you… And of course, get your mother permission!”
 “Well, sometimes, when I feel strange or even tired, I think about every ‘run’ that I make, every fight that I get myself into… Just makes me a little closer to you. Maybe you are one of the biggest reasons why I continue doing this… I can’t get enough of you and I hope I never will.”
∘ ───────────────────────── ♡ ༉───────────────────────── ∘  [You’re like the MOON - Shy/Timid, quiet and such a sweetheart inside! You normally don’t talk a lot, what kind of makes people go after you to talk about some stuff, just wanting someone to listen to them. You - sometimes - wish that you could win against your insecurities and pass your embarrassment and finally say what you are thinking.] (You would be a god that lives in the underworld by choice.)
When Zagreus met you, he thought that you and Dusa had so much in common that it was a little funny. You were another god that worked in the underworld and he actually thought that this was very interesting, because, different from the others, you were not someone with a relationship with Nyx - what made him think about what could happen to make you live there.
You were Persephone’s best friend almost, which made him seek your help - especially because you could know about where she is.
He was pretty much interested in your story and when he started to develop a relationship and feeling for you, his curiosity just began to eat him alive. He asked you and when you said that was because of Persephone, he got so… Happy? Knowing that his mother had such a cute and loyal friend made him think that maybe this place wasn’t THAT bad.
When he told Persephone about loving you - thinking that it was better to tell his mother about this before going ahead - she advised him about you being more shy and probably going to take a lot of time before confessing, so, it was better that he said something. Then, he confessed to you… It was… Cute, but you couldn’t control your laughter for the little jokes and comparisongs that he did… [They were as horrible as this pun.]
He was always going to your place in one of the runs, searching for you… He wanted to know how you were doing and most especially, he wanted you to fight side by side with him.
 “Hah… I still remember my confession, [name]. You were so cute trying to win against your embarrassment and finally say how you felt… I couldn’t control myself in the laughter.”
 “Your laughter just made me more and more anxious!”
 “Sorry, couldn’t help it… You were just too cute with your blushing face.”
 “Oh… Shush it!” ∘ ───────────────────────── ♡ ༉───────────────────────── ∘
 [You’re like the ECLIPSE - You are a little of everything, ambivert, sometimes you are talking with no worries or whatsoever, other times you are very quiet, just listening to others. Everything changes with your humor.]
 Okay, he kind of understands your vibe. You are like the weather, sometimes it rains, sometimes not… He just needs to understand how you can change your tone and words so fast? In a moment you want to kill him for choosing another god and then, you act like nothing happened.
 He tried to talk about it with other gods, but the answers were as vague as it could be. And then, asking Chaos, he had a small hit. They said that you were just like Hecáte, but with three different mindsets. {Now, you can understand it as bipolarity, DID or nothing! :D}
 Knowing this made his talks a lot easier, he understands how he just needs to try to follow the vibe you’re passing, to be a listener when you are angry or sad. He just… Vibe with you and happen to think about you a lot, what topic will you be angry, sad, happy or, even, all of them at the same time about?
 He just finished off the minotaur, winning this match against him. He smiled when he saw our boon, the thoughts about what were your emotions, what you want… He wanted to know it and to fulfill it for you.
He heard your voice and immediately got very happy about it… But it wasn’t the way that he thought.
“Hey” An monotone and low tone, like you were not wanting to talk. “Looks like you were in big trouble there, the minotaur can be quite challenging, I guess.”
“Not so sure about it, he is the worst when together with his sidekick.” He said in response and he noticed that you were waiting for him to continue, so he thinks you were not in the mood for talking a lot, uhm? “Well, at least it seems more difficult. Trying to defeat one of them while the other is trying to shoot you down, especially with the Extreme Measures on, they can be quite a challenge…”
 He notices that you were not feeling good when your answer was just a simple “hn”.
 “Sorry if it’s personal, but did something happen? You seem a little down… If you need someone to talk to, you know that I am your… God? Friend? Or perhaps we are that kind of buddies-” “My Zeus, it's quite a challenge to try to stay quiet with you. You can really push my buttons... In a good way. Perhaps I will resume what’s on my mind… But not now, I already stole your time enough. Be good out there, my ‘Buddy God Friend’.” “Looks like I’m Godly Friendly.”
 After another meeting, you could open up to him a bit, your talks were always small talks until he got the boon he wanted and could leave the place… It hurts sometimes, you wanted him to stay a little bit. But, that’s the point, right? 
 All the time, he wanted to live in Olympus… You just hope that what killed him a lot of times doesn't kill him right now.
∘ ───────────────────────── ♡ ༉───────────────────────── ∘
 [You’re like a CLOUD - You are someone that is normally quiet, an introvert, but you're not shy. You just… Don’t like people being around you like worms. Of course, you have some people that can listen and see how smart and caring you’re, but it's a small group.] (You’re a human, a soul that was punished.)
You’re basically an MITH! - Well, he always thought about you this way. Like… You were a true normal human? You seemed to be targeted by a lot of gods, Hera and Aphrodite more precisely. Zagreus was impressed that your punishment was something not so “hard”, what meant that Hades had justice… At least.
He started to talk with you out of curiosity and didn’t get a long wait until he started to talk with you every run. He listened to how those gods really were and the bad things they did with you, how manipulative some of them were.
…He was pretty much shocked… But that was expected at least.
When he discovered his own feelings towards you, he was a little bit concerned about your answer… Thinking that maybe you would reject him for being parents with them. But, he was pretty surprised to know that you felt the same, he was… Truly happy!
You started to wait for him, to be more and more caring. Every time he got in your place hurt, you started to treat him and - in the end - Zagreus had someone that would buff or heal him.
 “Y’know, sometimes, I think about how things would be if I didn’t get targeted by them… But I think about you and, ya know… I prefer this way.”
 “Oh… Seriously? You don’t miss anything from when you were… You know, alive? Maybe you could have a great life and… Meet me after everything.”
“I wouldn’t be the same and, maybe I would be very very tired for the whole life… And even, maybe I wouldn’t get to know you or even be close to your family somehow. I like to think that Moiras knew that our relationship would blow.”
“...Did I ever say that you are just too cute?” “Did I ever say that you ARE the CUTE of this relationship? I’m the pretty one, get it right!”
∘ ───────────────────────── ♡ ༉───────────────────────── ∘
 [You’re like the RAIN - You have a big and sentimental heart, you get sad, happy or even angry because of little things - because of that, people tend to ‘dislike’ that characteristic of you and just stick with you when you are in a good mood and you can ‘have fun with them’. You hate those kinds of people, but, sometimes, they are close friends, family and you don’t want to be alone at all.] (You were a god that was forced to live in the underworld.)
When he got to know you, you reminded him about Orpheus… And after knowing that you were forced to live in the underworld - just made him burn with rage, why? Why would they aprisiony someone in there?
He didn’t understand why the gods treated you like that, but he was pretty fond of you from the beginning. He was always there to listen to your sad or happy thoughts, to listen to your rambles or to even just talk about his day.
He wanted to see you smile, so he started giving you some stuff that he found - aside from ambrosia and nectar. He saw you get happy so… Cutely! He wanted more of your cute reactions, your smile, the sparkles on your eyes.
You declared yourself first… On accident! He gave you a lot of gifts at once and when you asked him about “Why does he keep giving gifts?”, he was sincere, saying that he just wants to see you happy… You said the three words so certain that he answered it back with no thoughts ahead.
From now on, he formalized his relationship with you for everyone, every god knew it… Well, Orpheus was more than just happy to know about you! And even Hades was smiling to see the three of you so… Carefree for once.
 “The day was pretty long… I Hope I didn’t ruin your plans.”
“My plan to keep ‘dying’ until I complete everything that the Moiras listed? You can be sure that you didn’t ruin anything - If even, you just made me more excited to do it.”
“And… Why is that?”
“You even ask? Of course it’s to bring more gifts to you, [Name].”
∘ ───────────────────────── ♡ ༉───────────────────────── ∘
 [You’re like the RAINBOW! - You are probably someone that loves to flirt and to be a little too much for some people, sometimes, you think about what you’re doing but… You don’t care after some minutes. You don’t like the idea of ‘hiding’ who you are and like to be like that, so, as long as you’re happy and don't hurt anyone, who cares?] (You are a God that was mentioned by the others;)
Oh, my dear- He knew you by: “Aphrodite twin sister”, he actually thought that you were her sister - until Aphrodite said that it was just a joke. He got very interested in you, the fact that Aphrodite told him about your weapon that could be somewhere in there… He did everything until he found it. 
With your old weapon in hands, he could communicate with you, you basically substituted the Daedalus Hammer and actually helped him to win a lot of fights! He were very impressed by the skills of your weapon and also about how you manage to make everything sound sexual.
He actually found it funny, how you carefree flirted or even praised him a lot, he found it very thoughtful of you when you started talking with the bosses or even flirted with them.
He actually got a little jealous when you flirted more with them than with him… He asked Nyx about this feeling and she declared that maybe he loved you… Oh dear, he was so shocked and afraid. You were always carefree and never showed real interest in him… But, Nyx told him to try.
He got the courage to say that he loved you, that felt something else about you… But, he lost connection, you didn’t say a thing in that run, even the bosses could see how sad he was - thinking that you rejected him.
Imagine how surprised he was when you were standing in front of Hades, asking permission to be your lover… [Hades never thought that you would appear JUST FOR THAT STUPID REQUEST-] Hades literally had to stop others from laughing and to stop you from trying to ask Zagreus in marriage.
…But in the end, you two ended together… So, he just made the relationship go slower… As Hypnos jokily said.
“You’re such a sweetie, Zagreus~ I could eat you up like a desert.”
“[Name], my mother is with us-”
“She doesn't mind, right?”
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ao3feed-hadesgame · 2 years
I'll be your Shade! | Zagreus x Shade Reader
by Slayer_Kid
A shade with no recollection of their memories from when they were alive. With nothing better to do, and unable to pay the toll to take a boat ride across the Styx river, they wander around the underworld till they come across new friends. Especially a certain prince of the Underworld! Will they befriend him and possibly be a wholesome part of a polycule? Regardless, they shall be supportive of the prince! (Ongoing)
A Zagreus x (any gender) reader centric fic!
I'll most likely update tags over time.
Words: 2817, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Hades (Video Game 2018)
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/F, F/M, Gen, M/M, Multi, Other
Characters: Zagreus (Hades Video Game), Red Shade | Zagreus's Fan (Hades Video Game), Hypnos (Hades Video Game), Charon (Hades Video Game), Thanatos (Hades Video Game), Megaera (Hades Video Game), Dusa (Hades Video Game), Nyx (Hades Video Game), Hades (Hades Video Game)
Relationships: Zagreus (Hades Video Game)/Reader, Zagreus (hades video game)/male reader, zagreus (Hades Video Game)/female reader, Zagreus (Hades Video Game)/Gender Neutral Reader, Zagreus (Hades Video Game)/You, Thanatos/Zagreus (Hades Video Game), Dusa & Zagreus (Hades Video Game), Megaera/Zagreus (Hades Video Game), Thanatos (Hades Video Game)/Reader, Dusa (Hades Video Game)/Reader, Megaera (Hades Video Game)/Reader
Additional Tags: Gender-Neutral Pronouns, Slow Burn, Hades (Video Game 2018) Spoilers, reader is a shade, readers gender is kept vague, tags will update as I go, reader - Freeform, Fluff, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Fluff and Angst, Zagreus is a Sweetheart (Hades Video Game), Canon Bisexual Character, Polyamory, Strangers to Lovers, Attempt at Humor, Alternate Universe, Fluff and Humor, Not Really Character Death, Past Character Death, My First Work in This Fandom, Mutual Pining, Not Beta Read, no beta we die like men, no beta we die like zagreus, Zagreus Needs a Hug (Hades Video Game), POV Third Person, POV Third Person Limited, Zagreus is babygirl, Everyone Is Gay, we stand a cute polycule, Canon Gay Character, supportive shade, Memory Loss, Wholesome Reader, Dead reader, Slow Build, References to Ancient Greek Religion & Lore, Eventual Happy Ending, Platonic Cuddling, Nonbinary Character, Gender Identity
source https://archiveofourown.org/works/41780451
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randoimago · 3 years
Hades Masterlist
Check the fandom list to see who I’m writing for
Also for some reason links don’t work on the Tumblr app so use your phone’s web browser instead because that seems to work (at least for me it does)
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The Gods
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The House of Hades
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breadoffoxy · 3 years
Blood and Darkness
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Summary: You were Death and Jungkook was Life. Two sides of the same coin bonded through blood and darkness.
Written for the BTS Ghosite Marathon. Prompt: Theme: X-Inspired, x = Hades
Drabble: 7/30
Pairing: Thanatos!Reader x Zagreus!Jungkook
Genre: fluff, humor, minor angst
Warnings: small Hades spoiler, mentions of blood and violence but not depicted in detail, tiny amount of angst in the form of feeling betrayed and abandoned
Word Count: 1,067
A/N: I love Hades and want to do more of this with other groups since there are so many amazing characters. I’d love to hear your thoughts on which character you would make each member if you know the game. Also, knowledge of the game isn’t required to understand this. Think of it as a Greek mythology au.
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You would go to the ends of the world for Jungkook. Which is saying a lot considering you were Death. Nearly everything was in your reach except the far realms of the underworld belonging to Chaos. Yet despite being the literal incarnation of death, you couldn’t stop him from dying over and over again.
Namjoon once told you to think of it as a cycle of rebirth. He believed Jungkook to be the god of blood and life. Fitting, you thought, with the family motto being blood and darkness. The warrior also continued on saying the two of you were two sides on the same coin. With a chuckle, he explained that’s probably why the two of you got along so well despite your opposite demeanor. You never seen him laugh so much when you said with a straight face, “A coin with common sense on one side and stupidity on the other.”
Jungkook’s return is, as always, loudly announced by your brother, which you hear now. Jin always has the most wonderful advice such as did you try not stepping into that trap and wow Jimin’s whip hurts, don’t get hit by it. Obviously.
Despite Jungkook’s best efforts you still are distant from your brothers, but you are trying. You swear he’s closer to them than you’ll ever be though. Yoongi will most likely remain a mystery to you as your interactions, at best, are more of a business transaction than anything. You bring him dead souls, and he grumbles and ferries them across the River Styx. The two of you appreciate the simplicity of it all.
“Ah, here you are brooding in your corner again I see.”
“I’m not brooding.” Turning, you see Jungkook striding towards you with a grin in his red and black robes. His feet glow like burning embers, lively and bright just like his essence. “Why are you so happy to be back?”
Jungkook doesn’t speak until he’s right next to you. You can feel yourself tense at his closeness, but he doesn’t seem to notice. “I saw her again, my mother.”
No longer does the sting of betrayal hit you when he talks about his mother. You first believed him going on a suicide run out of the underworld to find the woman who left him after his birth to be him spitting on you and everything you’ve gone through. You yelled at him, bitter and resentful, yet you helped him anyways. As pathetic as it sounded, he was your whole world. With each escape attempt he went on you saw him grow and become all the happier with his newfound purpose. Every time he saw you, he’d grin that stupid smile he was wearing now. You learned he wasn’t replacing you, but expanding his world, and you’d do anything to help him because you-
“What are you thinking about?”
You do not startle, you are Death, but Jungkook’s smirk swears you did. Blatantly turning your head to the side, you grumble, “Nothing.” Jungkook’s smirk grows at your answer and before he can go on about it further you whisper, “I’m glad your efforts are proving fruitful. How is she fairing?”
“Well.” Jungkook looks wistful before his face clouds over. “I still feel as if I never have enough time with her.” The look is gone and he is smiling again. “I helped her with her garden and had some strawberries. Have you had them before?”
Tilting your head to the side, you think hard on it. Jungkook’s eyes soften at the sight and continues on when you shrug. “Well, no matter. I must tell Taehyung about the taste. Maybe that will be enough to give him inspiration again.”
“If your fantastical feats you boast haven’t risen him from his mood, then I’m not sure if strawberries are the key.”
“Never know until I try. Come.”
“I rather not.”
Jungkook pulls aside his tunic to show off the large vial of ambrosia.
The two of you walk through the hall side by side, and you are happy that the master of the house is out. Jungkook stops to give Cerberus a big pat on the head and then he excitedly talks the depressed looking musician. The man actually perks up and strums at his harp. Taehyung asks a question, Jungkook shakes his head, and then the musician’s expression sours. An awful twang sounds out and Jungkook backs away slowly before catching up with you.
“Next time, remind me that I need to bring down some strawberries for him.”
You snort at his remark and nod at Hoseok as you approach the dining area. He waves excitedly at you before screeching at the sight of Jungkook and disappearing at the blink of an eye.
“What did you do this time?”
“Nothing.” Jungkook doesn’t look convinced though. “I think?”
“If by nothing you mean the bloody mess the champion of Elysium dragged in and went on in great detail about your heinous deeds as Hoseok cleaned up after him?” A suave voice asks behind you. Jimin nods at you in greeting as he steps around the table he was at, but just raises an eyebrow at Jungkook.
“Is he really the champion if I keep beating him?” Jungkook doesn’t look ashamed in the least. “Plus, what if I said he deserved it?”
Jimin shrugs, “I could care less about him but what your exploits do to burden the house is something that falls on me. I may be able to put in a good word with you with Hoseok though.” Jimin reaches his arm out, waiting expectantly.
Jungkook, already anticipating this moment, pulls out a bottle of ambrosia. “How about this to sweeten the deal?”
“There is no deal, this is me taking contraband.” Despite his words, Jimin is smiling as he pockets the valuable drink. “Now do try not to get into too much trouble.”
Jungkook watches Jimin leave and once the fury rounds the corner, he pulls out another bottle of the splendid drink. Discreetly, he pours a cup for him and you. Being gods, you didn’t have to eat or drink, but everyone in the underworld never misses their chance to get a taste of the rare delicacy, even you.
“You are unbelievable.”
Jungkook grins over his glass, watching you enjoy the drink. “Oh, come on, you love me.”
“Please,” you scoff, but his words never rang truer.
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smallraindrops-blog · 2 years
Wake me from this dreaming
(Part Nine)
Hypnos x male!reader
Word count: 6.4
Warnings: Violence, temporary reader death, Angst, fighting, arguments, war, child abuse, trauma, Pyrrhus being himself and creeping on Hypnos, no beta.
Hi. I had two hours of sleep because this fic wouldn’t leave me alone.  I am already working on the next part, I just thought this part was already pretty long so yeah. I am legit nervous posting this part.
Please heed the warnings.
Don’t worry, it will work out in the end.
*gently pet the readers*
The Masterlist
Chiron had seemed so much bigger when you were a child.
You stood at the bottom of the mountain under the night sky, even Pyrrhus wouldn’t be able to find where Chiron and his family lived if you didn't lead them up the mountain.
You and Chiron stared at each other, it was another thing you liked about him, there was no need for small talk.  But right now, he was looking at you like you were almost a stranger. The last time you saw him, you were a young man, barely fitthteen and not this… mockery of a human in front of him.
“My parents’ ashes are in here.” You said, hoarse. It's been weeks since you last spoke.
You nodded toward the urn in your hands. Chiron’s shoulders slumped and he blinked quickly, “I-i see.”
“I’m sorry.” You said numbly, almost mindless. It was an odd thing to be aware of other people’s emotions when you couldn’t feel anything. There was no anger, no grief, no hate.
You felt like a body with one single purpose, to hide your parents’ ashes from the whole damn world so they will never be apart again.
And Chiron, their and your teacher, was the only one you could count on.
“Achilles’ son doesn’t know I’m here, I made sure of that.” You told him. “I need to hide them, where no one will know.  Thetis had made sure they were together in the afterlife, in the end. But Pyrrhus found out.”
Chiron nodded and without you even asking, held his hands out. You hesitated, a small part of you you didn’t want to. You felt almost like a child, not wanting to let go of his parents’ hand. For a moment, you thought you could feel Patroclus’ hand on yours, warm and steady and Achilles’ hand on your shoulder, proud and loving.
But that was a lie. They were dead and gone and you were here.
You handed your parents’ ashes over.
“Come with me, we will be more than happy to give you a meal and a place to rest. My wife still talks about you and that rabbit.” Chiron said with a weak smile.
You should chuckle or smile over that happy, silly memory but you only shook your head.
“No, if Pyrrhus found out where you were, he would spare no one. Not even the children.” You said, stepping away.
Chiron looked down at the urn, his dark eyes unreadable. Then he looked up at you, “I will take care of them.”
“Thank you.” You said softly.
“You are always welcome to come back, do you understand?” Chiron said but from the way he stared at you, he knew it would be the last time he ever saw you.
You gave your first real smile in months, it was small and weak but it felt real. “Yes.”
And with that you turned around and walked away.
You never saw Chiron again.
You don’t remember exactly when you learned the type of quill Hypnos favored. It had been another monotonous day in a house you were learning more about.
You learned you could count on a daily yelling match between Zagreus and his father. That Dusa was everywhere, her feather duster always in hand.
And Hypnos would always lose his quill.
You heard a faint curse from Hypnos and looked away from Zagreus and Skully toward the little god.
“Oh shoot, not again!” Hypnos muttered, patting himself down and checking his pockets.
You bit your tongue before you could make an offer to help Hypnos by patting him down yourself.
“What is it?” You sighed, annoyed at yourself. Because honestly of the problems you thought you would have working at the house, Hypnos was the last thing you could imagine.
“I lost my quill. Again. They are supposed to be easy to keep.” Hypnos slumped, waving a hand toward his scroll. “I need to finish this paperwork before the end of today or tonight or whatever time it is.”
You drugged around your pouch and found a quill, it was one of the simple red ones.  You handed it over and Hypnos took it, “Thanks, better than nothing.”
“Can’t you just summon it?” You waved a hand around, like you saw Hypnos done before. He shook his head, making his messy curls fall in front of his eyes.
“No, for that spell to work, I have to know where it is. And I very much don’t.” He blew a breath upward, moving the curl out his face. When the curl fell again, you wanted to reach over and push it back for him.
“Why do you only use those kinds anyway?” You watched his slender fingers curl around the feather.
“One, they are bigger and easier to keep track of.” He saw the smirk on your face. “Oh shush.”
Hypnos read over the paperwork, made one last mark and with a nod, handed the quill back. His fingers brushing against yours, a brief moment of heat.
He sent the scroll off and gave a yawn, “And second, they were supposed to be lucky.”
You hummed, “Not for you, it seems.”
“Tell me something I don’t know.” Hypnos yawned again. His eyes were heavy-lidded and the smile he gave you was a slow, warm one. You swallowed, tearing your eyes away just in time to see Zagreus knocking Skully down.
Skully’s head rolled over to you, his skull tapped against your spear and you bent down to pick him up.
“Skully, mate. I take it you’re tapping out?” You said when you got him up to eye-level.
“Boy-o knocked me good. Go give him a smack for me.” Skully repiled. You nodded and tossed the head over to Hypnos. Hypnos almost didn’t move in time, making Skully’s head bounce a few times on his palms.
He caught the head with both hands with a loud ‘Ha!’. You bit back a grin as you joined Zagreus on the training ground.
Later after the training, when you were heading back to guard duty, you saw the Quill shade. It was a shade that traveled around the underworld and a talent for making birds like them. They also the sole Quill vendor for the house and you spied several familiar orange feathers poking out their bag.
You almost didn’t say anything, you should just resume your duties. You really should. Slender fingers and a warm, lazy smile flashed in your mind.
You turned on your heel and called out the shade.
You were just doing a favor for a friend.
You made your way over to your parents with a bag heavy with several codexes for Patroclus from Hypnos.
You weren’t how you felt about this new development, it felt odd to have two parts of your life merge together. It hasn't been on purpose, you just never thought about it before it happened.
You thought about how nervous but happy Hypnos was as he gave you the codexes, how even in the weekly letters your parents were requesting Hypnos over for dinner at some point. At least your family was more than happy to welcome Hypnos with open arms. Hypnos could use the joy, given how most of his family responded.
An arrow shot into the ground in front of your feet, and you snapped your head in the direction it came from.
On top of a small cliff, you saw a flash of red hair before ducking out of your sight. You tighten your hold on your bag with a sharp breath.
Of fucking course.
You stepped on the arrow, breaking it under your foot. You weren’t in the mood to play Pyrrhus’ sick little games.
"Coward! I know it's you Pyrrhus!" You called out.
You stood, waiting for him to reappear. You almost went up there yourself but something in your gut told you were alone again. For now.
You walked on, keeping an eye out for Pyrrhus. Nothing else happened on your way to your parents until you saw them both standing outside. Achilles looked furious and Patroclus was muttering something to him, a hand on Achilles’ chest.
“Father, Pa.” You greeted them carefully. When you got close enough, you saw the same arrow in the ground.
Achilles yanked the arrow out of the ground, studying it. He didn’t even bother to acknowledge your presence. You saw the tremble of rage in his hand. Achilles had become a calmer man since his death, unless something threatened Patroclus or you.
“Y/n.” Patroclus said, waving you over closer. “Achilles, our son is here.”
“I think I might know who did this.” You said. Achilles looked away from the arrow toward you, his blue eyes hard and cold.
“I had a minor run in with Pyrrhus, he shot an arrow at me but missed. On purpose I think.” You’ve seen his aim before and knew he wouldn’t miss that easily.
Patroclus sighed as Achilles snapped the arrow in half. “I told him not to go near any of us again unless he wanted his neck snapped.” Achilles snarled.
“I think it would be best for us to go inside and figure out how we want to deal with this.” You said as Achilles began to pace.
“I know how to deal with this, hunt him down and break his neck like I said I would.” Achilles said but one hard look from Patroclus seemed to quiet him down for now.
“Y/N is right. Let go inside, beloved.” Patroclus gave him and you a gentle push toward the house and Achilles went with a grumble. You gave one last scan of the area before stepping in.
You were sorely tempted to drop the bag off and go looking for Pyrrhus yourself. But normally, Pyrrhus was bold in his attacks, something was off about this and it set it your teeth on edge.
Judging from the looks on your parents' face, they felt the same.
Hypnos was busy, trying to smooth two arguing shades in line when you got back.
You were getting familiar enough with his face that you could see a headache forming. Even with the frustration on his face, he was still beautiful. He rolled his eyes and you wanted to kiss him for just existing.
“Hey, come on now. I-i, yes I understand why you both would be upset. Hmmm. But- yes.” Hypnos’ cheerful voice was starting to turn sour.
You walked over, and your mere presence was enough to quiet down the shades. You didn’t bother to look their way even as some pointed and muttered softly to themselves.
“Hypnos, your presence has been requested.” You said in a formal voice that you normally only used for Lord Hades. Hypnos blinked in surprise with a frown, not moving. You raised an eyebrow and he caught on.
“Oh dear, again?” He made a show of rolling his scroll and tucking away his quill. He gave the shades an apologetic smile. “It will be a little bit, so just sit tight.”
You turned and started walking toward the east wing, very carefully not looking at Hypnos. You turned into one of the many empty hallways and once you were sure alone, you turned around with a grin.
Hypnos cupped your face and pressed a kiss against your cheek with a loud smacking sound. “My hero.” He said with a laugh, pressing a softer, quieter kiss on your lips. A greeting and an affirmation of being home in a single kiss.
You really did enjoy returning home to him. You gave him another lingering kiss, the tension leaving your body for the first time all day.
“Pa enjoyed the gift.” You whispered, placing a hand on his lower back to keep him close. His hands dropped to your shoulders, his thumb brushing against your collarbone.
“Oh good.” Hypnos tilted his head, golden eyes watching you carefully. “Something wrong?”
You frowned, “What? No-“ you stopped at the frown Hypnos gave you. The worried one that always made your gut twist in guilt. You sighed, honestly it was probably better Hypnos knew. Even you rather not have him be worried.
“It’s Pyrrhus.” You whispered. “I don’t know exactly what he is trying to do but he is harassing us again.”
Hypnos bit his bottom lip, “Well, he is no match for you or for your parents I'm sure. But maybe we can have them stay here? We could make room for them in the house.”
You shook your head, “They won’t accept the offer, my father especially.” You brushed the curl out his face, “They are skilled warriors even if Pyrrhus is a nasty piece of work.”
“Alright, are you okay?” Hypnos whispered, cupping your cheek. You reached up and covered his hand with yours. You turned into his palm, pressing a kiss against it.
“Yes, love.” You whispered and gave him a grin, “I always am.”
A few weeks later you got two letters.
‘Dear Y/N,
The past week had been uneventful, even if uncomfortable. Your father had taken standing guard over me while running errands, and even when I am simply outside reading.  Ridiculous.’
You chuckled, you could hear the fondness in Patroclus’ writing. It was too easy to imagine his faint smile at Achilles, that quiet but resolute love he always had for your father.
You shook your head and continued reading.
‘I trust that you will let us know if anything has happened on your side. I know you are grown and gotten used to taking care of matters on your own, but please, come to us if Pyrrhus tries anything.
Be a good lad.
Your Pa and your Father.
PS. Tell Hypnos we said hello, and thank you again for the codex’s.’
You closed the letter slowly.
You weren’t going to cause your parents anymore stress, they had more than their fair share. You placed the letters with the rest in the desk drawer, next to the bottle of nectar Hypnos gifted you. You caressed the bow for a moment, and you really should bring that with you the next time you visit Hypnos.
You close the drawer and after a moment, you open the other letter you received.
‘Enough is enough.
You disgraced my father, my legacy and everything I stood for.
I will get mine. And you will be left with nothing.’
You held it over the candle, watching it burn.
You dealt with him when you were on your own, and you can do it again.
You managed to return mostly to your old self, memories no longer swallow you whole like they used to. You found someone better than you ever imagined. Your parents had finally found rest with each other.
You will be damned before you let him take it.
“Shouldn’t you be at home with your wife?” You stared down at Odysseus, much more grayer than the last time you saw him.
His mouth formed a tired smile, “Believe me, Y/N. I have been trying to get back to her.”
The bookkeeper finished counting your winnings and handed it over.  You tucked it away, “Well, I can promise you won’t find her here.” You waved a hand around to the dark, damp rundown building that had now become the newest illegal fighting arena.
You could hear the sound of the next fight starting, and the whooping and yelling of a blood thirsty crowd.
“I came here to find you. I heard of a talented fighter who was able to take his rivals out with a single blow.” Odysseus nodded toward you, “And thought to myself, that sounded a little familiar.”
You shook your head and stepped away, “Whatever scheme you’re planning, I want no part of it. I've seen what happens to your chess pieces.” You walked up the steps, away from the fighting ring. You didn’t plan to stick around, not when sleep was already calling your name.
Odysseus chuckled, but he didn’t sound that amused. “I know, you care not for glory, not after what happened to your parents. So I came with something else.” He followed you out to the damp alleyway, filled with trash.
"Didn't you hear me?" You sighed, "Not. Interested."
"Are you sure about that?" Something about his tone made you face him. You waited, cursing yourself for listening to this known puppet master.
“Pyrrhus has increased the amount on your head." Odysseus said.
"Oh?" You scoffed, “Are you here to claim my head for yourself?”
He wouldn't be the first to try nor the last. He was older and he never was a strong fighter, it would be an easy kill.
“No, lad. I want to do one last favor for your parents. And for you.” He said, sounded like the old man he was.
“Why?” You glared at him, trying to find the lie.
“It wasn’t right how he had taken your rightful inheritance. Under Greek law, you were just as much as Achilles’ son he was.” Odysseus paused, “In truth, I always thought you more of Patroclus’ child, and in some ways I was right. Yet I can see the best of Achilles in you.”
You said nothing, waiting for him to finish.
Odysseus pulled out a small bag, and tossed it at you. You caught it easily, the rattling of coins was familiar to your ears.
“I heard there is a boat leaving tomorrow morning for a small fishing town named Abalia, just past the coast of Daorsi. Well out of his reach. It would be easy even for a well- known man to disappear in a nowhere town like that.” Odysseus said, “Maybe even get some cheap land, find a wife or a companion, and get some rest.”
You stared at the bag, a part of you wanted to throw the bag back in his face yet another part of you wanted that little fantasy Odysseus was trying to sell. Not even the companion or land but the idea of just being able to live in peace after years being on the run and fighting sounded… good.
And you were just so tired.
“How do I know this isn’t a trap?” You looked back up at him. Odysseus shrugged, “I wish I had a surefire way to make you trust me but I don’t. I know you don’t think so, but I do like to think of myself as a fair man and this is a wrong I can help righten.”
You glanced down at the bag, at the promise of peace. You tucked it in your cloak and Odysseus let out a breath, looking a little lighter and a little less older.
“Thank you.” You told him, turning away.
Then you stopped, turned back to him. “I mean it, go home to your wife. There is nothing to gain with these fools.”
Odysseus nodded, his face worn out. “You might be right about that. Safe travels.”
“Likewise.” You replied.
The next morning, at the first ray of sunlight, you went to the docks.
You knew Pyrrhus was somewhere waiting for you. It have become a well known fact that you and Zagreus often meet in the colosseum.
You looked down at your arm, wishing you didn’t have to leave the keepsake by his bedside. But you couldn’t risk Pyrrhus knowing about Hypnos and the poppies symbol would be a dead giveaway.
You thought back to Hypnos, asleep and safe at the house. He had looked soft and warm in his bed, his limbs sprawled out and his curls sweetly mussed and you almost didn’t have the willpower to leave.
You hear Theseus laughed loudly at his own joke.  You rolled your eyes as you got closer. You didn’t miss the colosseum, or the roaring crowd but you especially didn’t miss having to deal with Theseus.
For some reason, someone let him have a chaise in the waiting room of the colosseum. He glanced over when he heard your footsteps, mouth full of grapes.
“Oh so the great son of Achilles and Patroclus has returned!” Theseus said muffed. He waved off the shade feeding him grapes, and with a dramatic flourish summoned another shade with his shined spear and shield.
You rolled your eyes and with the driest voice you could, you replied. “Hello Theseus.” You learned a long time ago that if you didn’t at least acknowledge him, he would just keep talking.
Theseus hummed as he grabbed his stuff. “Tell me Y/N. Are you actually planning on fighting the hell spawn like the so-called warrior you are or just let him walk on by?”
You scoffed, “Big words coming from someone who never best me in battle.”
Theseus glared at you, “Oh don’t think we haven’t heard, Y/N. We all know how your father got you that guarding job, you truly think you’re worthy of such a position?”
You approached Theseus, making him take a step back. When you smirked, he realized his mistake and his hand curled tighter on his spear. ‘Just try it, I dare you.’ You thought.
“Want to say that again?” You said quietly. You and Theseus glared at each other for a long moment, silently daring the other to make the first move.
Then a shade popped in, eyes on their scroll. "Theseus, you are up first. Asterius is already waiting for you, and Y/N will be the follow up."
Without waiting for a response, the shade left. You scoffed and walked out, “Have fun getting your ass kicked again.”
You heard Theseus start to respond but the crowd noise drowned him out. You walked up to one of the viewing windows, solely for the warriors.
Zagreus ran into the arena and from your spot, you can see the beaming grin on his face. He spotted you and waved at you. You returned the wave much more calmly.
You studied the crowd, trying to find any hint of Pyrrhus. When you didn’t find any, you wondered if maybe you were just being too paranoid. But no, Pyrrhus was a snake in the grass, even now.
The fight went in Zagreus’ favor even with some close calls from Asterius. You were about to step away from the window when you felt a sharp bust of heat in your shoulder.
You ducked with a curse, holding on to your shoulder. You saw the familiar fletching of the arrow, the same one that you stepped on, the same one that Achilles broke in his hand.
You snarled and yanked out it, the arrow thankfully whole. You checked the wound, it wasn’t too deep even if it did burn.
“Y/N!” Zagreus called out and you looked up, how did he get here so fast?
You stood up, staying well away from the window.  Only to crumble immediately back to the ground, you squeezed your eyes against the dizzying wave of nauseousness.
He poisoned you.
Zagreus placed his hands on your shoulders, you heard him call for help. You shook your head, there would be no one coming. The colosseum always had a rule, no help for the warriors. If they die, they die.
For a single moment, you allowed yourself to think of Hypnos, and silently apologized to him. You just hoped he wasn't working when your name appears on his list.
"Help me stand." You ordered, holding to your spear. Zagreus did, his arm around your waist.
"Did you see where it came from?" You braced yourself with Zagreus' help and your spear. You could stand even as your body tried to collapse.
"No, I didn't. Do you know-" an arrow flew past Zagreus' face, nearly missing him. He yelped and he grabbed his sword.
Pyrrhus stepped out of the shadows with a grin. And it really was like looking at a ghost of Achilles, only his flaming red hair differs him.
"Your highness, please forgive me." Pyrrhus said smoothly, tapping his spear on the ground. From behind him, two shades stepped both with their bow and arrows at ready.
"I didn't mean for the prince himself to get involved in the… family drama." Pyrrhus said with a chuckle. "If you don't mind, I would like a word with Y/N alone."
You stepped forward, your rage pushing you past the pain. Zagreus copied you, and scoffed, "You got another thing coming If you think I am leaving Y/N with you."
Pyrrhus' smile dropped and his true face revealed itself. An unnatural coldness took over his face, his eyes sharp like a predator. Zagreus shifted next to you, you could tell how unnerving it was to him.
You have gotten used to it.
"What is it now, Pyrrhus? There is nothing to be gained here." You said.
"Wrong. There is." Pyrrhus said.
Then he charged and you met him halfway, spears clashing and he pushed you back but you returned the shove.
You and him circled each other, eyes never leaving and even if you could feel the poison working its way through you, you were able to keep Pyrrhus on his toes.
Then you and him clashed again but you got several hits in before breaking off again.
Zagreus was making quick work of the two shades and it only took moments before  they shattered into light.
Zagreus turned back to you and Pyrrhus, quickly coming over to give his aid. Before he could though, more shades appeared blocking his way.
For every hit Pyrrhus got in, you got two more. His anger was getting worse by the minute, his face quickly becoming redder.
it wouldn't be much longer now.
Pyrrhus snarled, "Worthless. You are worthless."
You didn't respond back.
You and him clashed again and you were to knock him down with a well placed kick to his gut. You pointed your spear to his throat before he could move back up. You were panting and even as you tried not to, your whole body shook. Poison felt like it had lit every nerve on fire.
Pyrrhus panted as well, his blue eyes glaring at you. Then a slow grin formed on his face.
"You know there is a little rumor going around about you." He said.
You pushed the tip of the spear into his flesh. "Oh?"
Pyrrhus laughed, manic. "You and a certain god of sleep.”
You froze, hands tight on your spear. How did he know?
Pyrrhus laughed, “You know, I have heard he is quite pretty actually. Maybe I should pay him a visit myself since it seems he will spread his legs for anyone."
Something in you snapped.
A burning anger you haven't felt in a long time. You had been taught to keep your head, not to let anger control you and you were good at it. It was the one thing you had over your father but at the thought of Pyrrhus even looking at Hypnos, let alone touching him, enraged you.
You slammed the spear, pushing past bone and flesh and tendons to the outside of the back of his neck and cutting off his laugh. You quickly yanked the spear out and tossed it before pinning Pyrrhus down and slammed your fists into his face. Light cracked into his flesh and you kept going.
You didn't hear the arrows shot from behind you, too deep in your rage. A couple wedged into your back and one into the back of your neck.
You saw the light crack and break your flesh and Pyrrhus grinned like a mad man.
You grabbed your backup weapon, a dragger, and pushed it under his jaw into his skull, causing his eyes to roll back.
Light broke past Pyrrhus' skin and it would be only moments before the light claimed him.
Unable to hold up your body anymore, you tipped and hit the ground. Light raced over your flesh, claiming you first.
You thought you heard Zagreus for a moment. Your name. He was saying your name.
You would have rather heard Hypnos' voice last, you thought.
And you were no more.
"Do you remember anything when you are in the river?" Hypnos asked Zagreus. The lounge had been empty except for you, Hypnos and Zagreus.
Zagreus shook his head then paused, "Well, kinda?"
Zagreus took a sip of his drink, "It's really weird. You don't know anything, it's like you exist but you don't have any of your senses but you can still think or remember stuff."
"Huh. So it's like dreaming but not." Hypnos said, his golden eyes darted to you before he looked back at Zagreus.
"Yeah, kinda like that." Zagreus repiled.
For a moment you were a child, covered in dirt and fleas and there were adults screaming and waving money. You were shoved toward another boy and the crowd roared.
Then you were clean and fed and loved.
Patroclus' voice was low and warm, as he helped you sound out unfamiliar words. Every vowel was like a new sensation.
Achilles was golden in the early morning sun as he guided the spear in your hands, his hands were big and rough but gentle in his movement.
Then You were older and covered in blood even with the armor, and you somehow walked away from the battle when so many others didn't.
You remembered everything.
You survived but your parents didn't.
And you were alone again.
Hypnos laid on his stomach in his bed, his back was bare and you wanted to reach out to trace his spine. One of his many blankets was pooled around his hips but he left one of his feet uncovered to kick back and forward in the air. His cheek rested on his palm, his golden eyes on his newest codex.
You wondered if he knew that there were sculptors who would give up their fist born for a chance to recreate his form.
As if hearing your thoughts, he looked over to you and he smiled. "You're staring at me."
You hummed in agreement, taking his speaking as permission to come closer. You placed an arm next to his side and kissed his lower back.
He laughed and squirmed as you pressed another kiss against his back, a little higher. Your other hand found his hip and gave a gentle squeeze.
He closed his codex, pushing it away "I was trying to educate myself you know?"
"I can educate you." You replied and Hypnos laughed at the bad line. You worked your way to his neck, pressing kisses against his smooth skin, quietly enjoying the soft sounds Hypnos made.
Hypnos turned on his back and pulled you down and caught you a kiss. A slow one, lips sliding against each other.
He broke the kiss, eyes heavy-lidded and his smile warm. "Hey."
"Hey." You whispered and you kissed him again and again and again.
And you wished you could stay in this moment forever.
A large hand caught your face, long nails digging into your skin. Then dragged you partially out, and you hissed at the sense of pain, the first real thing you felt. You tried to breathe; but as much as you tried, you couldn't.
A woman, looming and slender, tilted your face up to get a better look and she hummed.
She was overrun with blood, so much you couldn't tell what her skin looked like. Her long hair was damp and stringy but her eyes were almost as bright gold as Hypnos.
You stared, your heart breaking and you wanted to weep.
Styx, goodness of the river and oaths, matched your stare.
"Another shade, another mortal." She said, blood spilling her mouth. Then she saw something in your face and she gasped and jerked your face closer.
"Ooh. I see. I see." She smiled, her teeth gleamed white even with blood.
"Hypnos' philtatos. His dearest." The woman sighed, almost sadly.
"Looks like I won't be keeping you." And with that she shoved you back into the river and into darkness.
"Come home soon." Hypnos whispered as you got ready to leave.
You leaned down, pressing your forehead against his and you looked into those beautiful, golden eyes.
"I will." You promised.
You pushed through the blood and spat it out, taking your first real breath.
And fuck, how does Zagreus do this all the time?
You rubbed the blood off your face as you found your footing.  You heard a small noise and looked up.
Hypnos floated in the steps, his face pale and his eyes wide.
Guilt and relief twisted inside of you. You had to look away for a moment, not able to handle the emotions.
The river had numbed you to almost everything.
You made it onto the steps, still dipping blood and stood in front of Hypnos.
"What happened?" He whispered.
You swallowed, trying to think what to say.
"Hypnos…" you started when you heard another noise from behind you. You turned around and saw Pyrrhus pull himself out.
Without even thinking about it, you pulled Hypnos behind you, blocking him from Pyrrhus.
Pyrrhus shook the blood off and glared at you. Even he knew better than to try to fight you while in the house of Hades.
Hypnos moved around you, you tried to grab him to pull back but he ducked away in time. With a fake chipper voice that you only heard used on others before, Hypnos spoke. "Hello and welcome to the House of Hades."
He looked down at his list, "Alrighty I got both of you signed in. If there is anything you need, you are welcome to speak to Lord Hades. Otherwise you are free to leave." At the last word,Hypnos directed his eyes toward Pyrrhus and his smile dropped."Which I strongly advise doing so."
Pyrrhus said nothing, his eyes darted between you and Hypnos. His eyes lingered on Hypnos longer than you liked so you stepped in front of Hypnos, blocking him Pyrrhus.
Pyrrhus scoffed and got right up in your face. "I won that last match. You died first. Maybe I should tell Lord Hades that his guard got caught unaware. Doesn't look good for you or him."
"Yet I still took you out even with all those hand outs you've been given. I would take the suggestion given to you and leave." You said, wishing you could drag him back to the Styx and drown him.
Pyrrhus scowled and leaned over to look at Hypnos. He flashed a smile. "No wonder you caught his eye, you really are a pretty thing."
You moved in his direction, once again blocking Hypnos. "Out. Now." You said through gritted teeth.
Pyrrhus held up his hands and with one finally look back, he was gone from the house.
“Who talks to gods like that?” Hypnos gave a weak laugh.
You turned back to Hypnos and his face was unreadable to you. He glanced back at you and his shoulders slump. He looked back at his list.
“Go get clean up, I will find you later.” Hypnos said softly.
Before you could say anything, he vanished.
You wiped off the blood from your face and uniform and you swore you could still feel her nails in your face. You dropped the towel on your chair and glanced around the room.
Then you saw something on your bed, with a frown you walked over.
The armband.
The grooves of poppies were familiar and worn. You picked it up, It was heavy like always and the aura of magic around it hummed.
You had left it in Hypnos’ room, so how did it get here?
You sat on the bed, chin in your palm as you studied it.
He had been acting off but you weren’t exactly yourself either. Honestly you felt like a child or a fool but you had hoped that you could see Hypnos longer than a moment. Just even holding him for a moment would set you right.
A soft sound, the last fading hum of a lullaby and you looked up. Hypnos looked furious even with his eyes, shiny with unshed tears.
“Oh you found it.” Hypnos crossed his arms, his mouth twisted in that frown.
Without looking away, you snapped the armband back on. “Is this what you’re upset about?”
Hypnos shook his head “You left it! It could have helped you, I could have helped you. But noooo.”
He floated forward and back, if he was walking, he would be pacing. “No, you just went off and left it! Unbelievable.”
“I honestly just forgot it. It wouldn’t have helped, love. He used poison before the battle even started.” You said, standing up.
“No, you didn’t.” Hypnos said, his tone icy, “You wouldn’t forget something so useful.”
You looked away, cursing yourself for getting caught in a lie.
“Don’t tell me I can't help you. You could have still used it and went to get a cure or something. It would have brought you time. Zagreus told me he was there. You could have him help you but no, you just have to fight Pyrrhus.” Hypnos shook his head, waving a hand.
“It wouldn’t have helped.” You repeated sharply. “You weren’t there. Zagreus couldn’t help me. You couldn’t help me.”
Hypnos flinched and for a second, you wished you could take back your words.
“I had it handled.” You told him, trying to keep your voice gentle.
Hypnos stopped his moment, he was halfway across the room and out of your reach. “Oh yeah, dying is a real smart way of handling that.”
You chuckled, rubbing a hand on your face. “Are you even listening to yourself right now?”
Hypnos said nothing, his eyes watching you.
“I died. So what? Others do it all the time, hell you even have a list of their names and you greet them with a smile. I don’t understand why you don’t when it’s me.“ you said. There was something sharp and ugly growing in you, wanting to drive the point home.
“Because I care about you, you ass!” Hypnos snapped. “Because you are different, I can’t brush it off like I can with others.”
He vanished then reappeared in front of you at eye level. “I thought you finally accepted that you need help sometimes. That you count on me, on others. You told me that I helped you with other stuff, why not with this?”
You met his glare, “I’m fine, Hypnos. I didn’t need your help.” You grounded out.
“Fine, then you can go off and handle whatever you want without thinking how worried and scared you make me.” Hypnos said, sounding close to tears.
“Fine, I will!” You snapped.
“Fine!” And with that, Hypnos vanished and didn’t reappear.
You took a deep breath, the silence ringing in your ears.
“Fine.” You whispered in an empty room.
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smallrainclouds · 3 years
Part five of marriage AU. Sorry for being gone for so long, I'm moving rn and my dog had to go the vet so I been busy. Hope you enjoy. Part six should out later this week.. net part will have more hypnos x reader.
Time passed much quickly here. Almost too fast. Weeks had passed into a full month before You knew it.
Dusa came every other day to dust and You looked forward to your chats.
The library was coming together nicely. Even though You did have to read every scroll since no one, not even Nyx knew what they held.
Nyx had been surprised by how much there was. You thought you even saw the faintest of blush on her cheeks.
"I knew I had a big collection but I didn't realize how many I've picked over the years." Nyx murmured. "I was so busy raising several children along with Zagreus once he came later with Hypnos and his brother."
You also found out that Hypnos had way more siblings, way way more than you had sisters. But you haven't quite gotten the story about why he talked only about two of his brothers.
You peeked over the scroll you were reading in hopes that maybe somehow it had gotten smaller.
The pile still loomed threatenly the corner.
You tsk when you saw it was still the same as before.
Slowly, the gods and shades of the underworld were becoming friends of sorts.
Zagreus, much like Hypnos, had also become a regular to your library. Often with questions about your former home and any advice you may have.
You knew you weren't getting the full story of why he really wanted out but all in due time.
Charon, a god that Hermes often talked about, was nerve wracking to meet at first but he warmed up quickly to You when sharing stories of Hermes.
Nyx, even as your mother in law, had become someone who You looked forward to having the chats with. The both of you talked over the scrolls and you quite enjoyed the stories of her youth, the rare times she talked about it.
And there was Dusa, Achilles (even after that embarrassing day), even Cerberus would give you a small single wag in greeting.
And so many others. They felt more… honest. Your old home had rules and politics that you were never able to quite grasp.
You never felt right at home, with a different father than all of your sisters and a different power from all of them.
But they loved you and you loved them in return.
Homesick as you were, You were embarrassed to admit there was someone else on your mind.
You haven't seen Hypnos since that night he slept in your bed. Not really anyway.
He came once a day for a few minutes, made a quick comment on the library or at Zagreus if the prince was going through the scrolls when he came in. But that's it. You felt almost like a pet that Hypnos just made sure was still alive before taking off to wherever.
You blinked at the scroll as you realized that you didn't read a single word. Your mind had drifted away from the scrolls and back to Hypnos.
"Do you have anything on a thing called a Bone Hydra?" Zagreus had asked one day out of the blue, his desperation was clear in his voice.
You put down your tasks list to look at him. "I know what a hydra is but what do you mean by a bone hydra?"
Zagreus slumped, "It is this horrible thing that-"
"Didn't I already tell you what you needed to do?" Hypnos interrupted. "Just don't get hit or die!" He floated to the pile and plucked some scrolls from the top.
Zagreus sighed, "I know, I know. Don't die. It doesn't help as much as you think, Hypnos."
Hypnos dropped the scrolls on the table for you. Slowly but surely the piles had been going down. However, it was helpful to have someone who can easily get to the top.
"Maybe the issue is that you're not moving fast enough." Hypnos said.
"Yes, I am sure that is exactly why, Hypnos. Thank you, all my problems are now solved." Zagreus rolled his eyes.
"Fantastic! Glad to be of service!" Hypnos laughed.
You had to cover a smile before you looked back at Zagreus.
"Zagreus, if I find anything on this bone hydra you will be the first to know." You said.
"Y/N, you're being too kind to Zagreus. Like I said, just move faster."
You laughed at Zagreus' eye roll.
"So this is where you been hiding boy." Hades stepped in the room despite being almost too tall to do.
The energy in the room changed in a way you never felt before. The sheer anger that came from both father and son made the room feel so small.
All three of you stood but it was Hypnos who moved toward you. He blocked you from Hades' sight, his smile never leaving his face. But there was a tightness to his smile. You peeked around him, eyes focused on Zagreus and his father.
Zagreus scoffed, "Oh good Father you were able find the library, would you like some help reading or -"
"Watch your mouth, boy." Hades growled. Then he turned to look directly at you and Hypnos.
You tighten your hands, hoping your nervousness won't show.
"Y/N. Correct?" Hades asked but not in a way that was a question.
You pushed past Hypnos and You ignored his look, you did tell him you couldn't hide from Hades forever.
"Yes. It is a pleasure to meet you, Master Hades."
For a moment, no one said anything.
Then finally Hades spoke, "I heard from Nix about your work on the library."
"Yes, I have some experience with libraries and thank you for the opportunity." You replied, grateful that your voice stayed calm.
"Hmm." Hades looked around the library and You wanted to hide behind Hypnos but resisted the urge.
"Father, what is it that you want?" Zagreus sighed, "Can't you tell you are making everyone uncomfortable?"
Hades' eyes snapped back to Zagreus, "Silent! Your rudeness is what makes people uncomfortable."
Without taking his eyes off his son, Hades said to You. "Y/N, you may continue your work."
"Yes sir, t-thank you." You said, your heart racing, still not convinced father and son will start fighting in the library.
You felt Hypnos' hand on your back, warm and steady, and you let out a breath you didn't realize you were holding in.
"Well!" Hypnos said cheerfully, "Y/N needs to get back to work and I know I certainly do."
Hades sighed, "Yes You do. In fact, Hypnos. I need to have a word with you. Alone."
Without waiting for Hypnos' agreement, Hades turned and walked off.
"I'm sorry about my Father." Zagreus' hands in
"No. It's fine. Went as well as it could have." You said, glad the whole event was over.
Zagreus murmured his excuses and quickly left the library.
A moment passed and you turned your head to look up at Hypnos, his hand still on your back.
"Thank you." You whispered, a blush on your cheeks.
"Oh, sure. Hades takes some getting used to." Hypnos grinned. "I've to go see what Hades wants from me."
"Are you okay with being alone with...him?" You asked. You would happily never share a room with Hades ever again, let alone a one on one meeting.
His hand moved away and you found yourself already missing the warmth.
"Of course, he loves my charming wit." Hypnos waved a hand in farewell.
You laughed and watched Hypnos floated off.
With a sigh, you fell into your chair. Not even the underworld gods were spared of politics and drama.
"So- so could I ask you a question?" Dusa asked, her duster moved in quick, neat movements.
You pulled your eyes away from the new take list you made. Since the library was getting closer and closer to being done, you had thought about opening it up but there was still much to do. Also you weren't sure of the best to keep track of who borrowed what. And you still needed to ask Nix but you pushed the thoughts out.
"Of course, Dusa. Is there a scroll you're looking for?"
"Well, no. I wanted to ask… how did you and Hypnos meet? I wasn't aware he was seeing anyone let alone getting married." Dusa bit her lip, "But don't feel like you have to talk about it if you don't want to! I know it is not any of my business."
"No. No, it's fine. I didn't meet him until our wedding or at least I think so." You put down your quill. You couldn't help but feel like you met him before that but for the life of you, you couldn't remember. "It was an arranged marriage. I… I've been told he did a favor for my mother during a war, one she would have lost if not for him."
Dusa bobbed next to you, "I'm sorry. I don't know why people or gods act like their daughters are things to trade. It's like they don't even see their daughters as full people."
You blinked, surprised at Dusa's tone. But you smiled, liking the more fiery side of your friend.
"I don't know either. But at least he is kind to me. And he hasn't been pushy if you know what I mean or anything like that. It could have been worse."
"That's good!" Dusa sighed, "Hypnos and I don't exactly get along really but I'm glad to know he has been kind to you."
"You don't? Is there a reason?" You cupped your face in your hands, elbows eyes on Dusa.
Hypnos didn't talk about other people in the house, other than his mother and brother. You wanted to know more but couldn't get him to crack in the few minutes you saw him every day.
"Well I mean." Dusa paused as if trying to find the words. "He isn't mean but you can tell he doesn't care about his work. And he doesn't seem to understand why anyone else cares. He… I don't know. I'm making it sound worse than it is. I'm sorry, Y/N."
She bobbed again nervously. "He is a good guy! He and I just don't click at all."
You smiled even as a knot formed in your chest. Is that what Hades wanted with Hypnos a few weeks ago? Again you cursed yourself for not being able to get Hypnosis to talk to you.
"It's okay, Dusa. It is not a big deal."
After a few more minutes of chitchat, Dusa left, her duster still working madly.
You sat down and stared down at your list. The words might as well be scribbles for all of the sense it made to you.
With a sigh, you pushed away the papers. Why in the world do you care that Hypnos wouldn't talk to you? Or that you still didn't understand a bloody thing about the god.
Why do you care at all?
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breakoutime · 3 years
Megaera x Fem!Reader (Nsfw!)
Summary: Reader and the fury Megaera have a secret relationship, but they are both able to disappear, masking their interactions as work related, so that they both would be able to have some intimacy together.
Tags: Bondage, orgasm denial, cunnilingus, fingering, spanking, slight dom/sub play, overstimulation.
As a shade, life in the afterlife was... dull. You were another shade simply working with the rest of the others in the house of Hades, which, you had to admit, did help against the dullness of death. You had gained some benefits, thanks to your beautiful work, one, was to have your shade resemble your once living body, a commodity that was not reserved for the champion Achilles alone, but has been done for others, like Sisyfus, or, more appropriately dusa, the gorgon head. Dusa was someone you grew very attached to once you gained another commodity, access to the lounge. It was there where you could taste food again, drink and sate a thirst and hunger you didn't even know it existed. Perhaps the needs of a mortal body stays with their soul, making you need things like entertainment, food and sleep. It was thanks to Dusa that you met her. One of the terrifying furies that punished the damned, Megaera. At first you weren't even able to look at her in the eyes, her very presence striking fear in your non existent heart as any other divine being should. Dusa, the ever dutiful but loving gorgon was the one to insist on you two meeting each other- in a un-profesional setting, that is. She was so sure you two would become instant friends, no matter how scared you were of the fury, you couldn't deny Dusa her desire to have a group of friends, perhaps wanting to share the friendship she had with both of you with, well, both of you too. She must have spoken to her, just as she did with you, because Megaera was very friendly when you two finally met, one day -or night- at the lounge with Dusa. It went a lot better than expected, you two quickly found that the other company was more than welcome, even meeting alone when Dusa happened to be busy. Perhaps that's how it started, the feelings that grew in the pit of your stomach, well, the shade equivalent of it. You didn't even have to confess your feelings for her, she seemed to know, and with a smirk she returned them, saying that you must be the only mortal to ever fall in love with a fury… And have the fury, in turn, fall in love with them. But, you had to agree on keeping it secret. Megaera was worried, she was scared if Lady Nyx, her mother, or even Lord hades, her master, would do something if they found out. After all, perhaps they would see them as a distraction for both of you -and as much as it hurted Megaera to admit- she was also worried they might deem you unworthy of the affections of a divine being. To them, you were nothing more than another shade. So, in public, you both were nothing more than friends, cuatances, or even just colleagues, but in private, you were able to be in love and in peace together. 
Of course, Megaera being a fury, had certain… hunger when it comes to making love. It wasn't always like this, but she loved taking charge, tying you up and submitting you to pleasures you never tried while living. Honestly? You loved every moment of it, you never had to use the safeword you two agreed on, she was so good in pushing just enough- dangling you in your limits without you needing to stop her. You felt safe with her, she never hurted you in a way that wasn't unpleasurable, she adored you for it too, for being able to be so good for her, your willingness and enthusiasm. 
It was one day -or night- when you were at the lounge, enjoying your break, when she approached you. A moment before, Dusa had been with you, sharing a bottle of nectar the prince had gifter her, when she had to leave, leaving what was left of the divine beverage for you to enjoy. You were just finishing the last sip, when she appeared before you, her whip handle slapping in her hand, scowling at you. “What is this?” She suddenly asked, looking at the now empty nectar bottle you had in your hand. “Do you think just because we are friends I'd allow you to do this?” her hand took the bottle from you, looking at it in disdain. “This substance is prohibited, and you know that. I can't let you get away with this.” She said, and then, you could see the twinkle in her eyes, this was definitely all a ruse, or perhaps an excuse. “I’ll have to punish you.” She said with a smirk, her eyes half lidded as she tucked away the bottle and her whip, before taking hold of your arm. You knew what to do, you simply played along, hoping the blush in your face would be seen as embarrassment by the other shades and not arousal. The moment you two were safe from prying eyes, she picked you up, flying you to one of the chambers she used for punishments, one that had a medieval sock on the middle, designed to hold your head and hands, forcing you to bend over. You wondered if that was what she had in mind today. Before she could ever set you down, she shoved you against one of the walls, pinning you there, her tall stature making her cold you, her body flush against yours, high above the ground, her lips hungrily meeting with yours. You stayed like this for a couple of minutes, she suckign in your bottom lip before slinding her tongue inside your mouth, rubbing it lovingly against yours. She called you name a couple of times, enjoying the way your hands wandered through her body as she holded you. Soon she put you down, the flush and smile in her face telling you she was looking forward to this. 
“So, my dear lover… As you can see… I have plans for you...” She said, holding your chin as she looked down at you. You couldn't do much than to agree, showing her your enthusiasm for what was to come. She pulled you in for another kiss, this one a lot less fierce, shorter. Soft, even, as she started to undress you. She went deliberately slow, instructing you to stay still as she worked, first removing very gently the chiton you were wearing, allowing the fabric to caress your breasts as she removed it. Under it, you had a pair of leggings, the very same she wore, but she didn't take those off, simply going for your shoes and removing those too. Now, the only piece of clothing you wear is the thin pair of pants, which hug tight to your body, even more so as she guides you to the stocks, carefully wrapping your neck and wrists with some silk, as to avoid the wood holding you down to hurt you. The stocks kept you bent over, the height adjusted so that both your feet lay flat on the ground, allowing you limited mobility. she caressed your rear once, chuckling to herself, before coming back in front of you, again taking hold of your chin as she spoke. 
“Comfortable?” she asked, her voice smooth and laced with smugness, did she forget this was supposed to be a punishment? Well, you soon would see. She also asked you to repeat the safeword, just in case, making sure everything that would transpire would be nice and consensual. Once you told her, she went back behind you, the stocks denying you the knowledge of what she was going to do. There was a moment of tense silence between you two, she was building your tension as you waited, making you slightly jump when her hand made contact with your exposed back, two of her fingernails walking down your spine, almost tickling your back as she stopped on the very hem of your leggings. You got goosebumps, the act being nice in its simplicity, her fingers again waking all the way back between your shoulder blades, going up and up as she stopped where the stocks met with your neck. She repeated this a couple of times, before adding her other hand and spidering them along your back, then going to your sides, giving you a long scratch that made you jump, and then her hands found your breasts, gently kneading them. She had you already moaning, which made her laugh. “I can never get tired of you, you know?” She said, leaning to talk over your shoulder, letting you take a glimpse of her through the corner of your eye. “So sensitive… So noisy…” She punctuated her words by gently taking hold of your nipples, rolling them gently on each hand, making you shudder and whine. “I’ll make sure you don't hold anything back...” She promised, as she leaned back, her hands letting go of your breasts, and allowing another moment of silence, only your already ragged breathing echoing in the chamber. Again you felt her make contact with your back, this time laying a kiss between your shoulder blades, and slowly -ever so slowly- kissing her way down. You loved how she could build anticipation, your mind already wondering what would she do after- would she remove your pants and keep going? or would she go back, and kiss her way up again? You had your answer, when she stopped kissing once she arrived at your pants, pulling away completely. You waited to see what she would do next, but even when you tried to brace yourself for it, you jumped when you felt her. She must have kneeled down, her lips making contact with your pussy, kissing it through the fabric of your pants. You couldn't help but flinch away, standing on the tip of your toes for a moment, the touch being like lightning down there, making a rush of heat pool between your legs. She chuckled, waiting for you to relax and lower your lips again, before kissing you on the same spot, making you squirm. Her kisses quickly turned into licks, wetting your pants and making your sex quiver with the heat of her tongue, each stroke sending pleasure straight down your spine, making you wet. After a while your legs were shaking, the stimulation working you up considerably, before she stopped. Another whine of yours made her laugh, her fingers now hooking themselves under the band of your pants, “What? Did you think that was it? Did you forget this is a punishment?” You blushed, mirroing what you had just thopught of her, your sex clenching at the prospect. Without warming, she removed your last piece of clothing, lifting your legs to remove it completely and set it aside. Now she could see your moist cunt and winking anus, giving you another pause to simply admire you. And then, something came hard against your bare ass.
A loud smack echoed in the chambers, making you gasp, followed by her hand caressing the spot… and then another slap, on the other cheek, repeating the caress. She was putting enough force to make it sting, but she still minded her strength, each caress being a blessing after each slap, you cloud imagine the redness your bottocks where gaining by her ministrations, her smacks growing more frequent with each minute, untill she had you whimpering with each smack, tears forming in your eyes as you bit down your lip. At one point, there was no smack after the caress, her soothing touch chasing the sting away, her lips making contact with your cheek once, kissing that soft flesh. For a moment you wondered if she was marking you with her hot pink lipstick, leaving a secret branding in your skin, claiming you as hers, but your thoughts were interrupted by her next actions. You could feel a hot blow of air agains your bare sex, making it tremble, once you realiced she was allowing her hot breath to tease you. You gasped again when you felt her tongue barely touch your clitoris, before retreating and allowing her hot breath to do the rest. She chuckled why she did so, the teasing soon making you squirm in your place, fighting slightly against the stocks binding you. She gave you a couple of firm licks, before stopping, standing up straight again. You couldn't help but whine, your pussy glistening at this point, your clitoris starting to get erect from all the stimulation. She stood before you again, petting your hair. “Now now, don't be like that, you’ve been such a good girl so far...” Those words send a wave of heat through you, making you feel your heartbeat between your legs. “Now, close your eyes for a moment, ok? I need to change your position.” Of course you complied, and soon you realized something was being done to the stocks, you weren't being released but it sounded like the stocks had been released from their base, and before you knew it, she had flipped you around, the stocks still holding you but now your back was arched, facing you towards the ceiling. “Don't worry my shade, I will make it comfortable.” She purred, quickly flying over a place you couldn't see, the stocks still limiting your view, your whole body trembling not because of pleasure but because of the strain of the posture. It wasn't long before you heard her back, and felt her place something under your back, giving you the support you needed, but it was a bit higher than you expected, making your legs dangle, not being able to touch the floor or even the thing holding you up. Lastly, she placed something you could see, a simple support made out of a base, an adjustable pole, and a round support, one that now you could tell Meg had improved with a cushion. That one went behind your head, leaving you lying comfortably on your back, but the position and the stocks considerably limited your movement, now even squirming in place seemed like a hard feat. She leant over you once again, this time so that you two were face to face, and claimed your mouth in a rather aggressive kiss, one where she forced her tongue inside, making you taste yourself, as her teeth bit roughly your lip- leaving a red mark. As soon as it came, it was gone, she now lowering herself to kiss and bite what she could of your collarbone, falling quickly going for your breasts, leaving kisses and bites alike on the tender flesh, taking one of the nipples between her teeth and squeezing them, making you scream in response. Of course, she made sure to immediately soothe them, her tongue bathing the nipple with her warm saliva, the lips sucking on it gently. You tried to lift your head, but it was futile. The stocks didn't really let you do much, so you simply turned your head from side to side, needing a way to liberate the tension you felt. She kept biting you, until she finally made it into the place you wanted her to be the most. Back between your legs. 
Once there, she surprised you by immediately taking your clit to her mouth, sucking on it fiercely, making a loud “pop” sound when she let go of it, her finger being the one to gently poke it and twist it around, her sucking making it stand proud and needy. You could feel your wetness running down your leg, your body flushed and sweating -or at least the equivalent, considering you were a shade- as she continued her ministration, giving it a good suck before playing with it, rubbing you in a way that was making you see stars. You could feel the familiar tension, your muscles tensing as your orgams was coming- but she must have noticed, because she stopped her ministrations all together, leaving you on the brink, unsatisfied. She ran her hands over your thighs, chuckling as she waited for you to calm down and as you whined and moaned. When you weren't on the brink anymore, she changed tactics, now licking you, inserting her tongue inside your wet core, massaging your insides with it as you instinctively squeezed your thighs together, catching her head between them. That didn't stop her, stimulating you again until you were almost cuming, but stopping again, frustrating you immensely. She continued, alternating between playing with your blit and sucking your pussy, each time stopping, untill she had you begging for release. With a wicked smile, she positioned herself against you, her mouth perfectly aligned youth your folds and her nose pressing against your clitoris, she began to eat you out in earnest, moving her face slightly to make sure her nose her a good rub to your bud, while her toungue worked frantocaly against your sex, licking, sucking and trusting her tongue inside you. Of course, she was not done playing with you though, she wanted to make you cum, but not so soon, pulling away again when your where about to cum, making you sob, but not waiting much before attacking you again with her mouth, repeating the action over and over again, each time allowing you to get closer and closer, until you finally found your release, screaming as she didn't let up, continuing the stimulation through the orgasm, making you ride it out. She finnaly separated her face from your sex, your wetness and her saliva making a like connecting you two, both panting. You tried to catch your breath, but soon she placed her face against your sex again, nose and all ready for round too. At your startled sound, she stopped to explain. “What? I haven't cum yet… So I'll be eating you out until I reach my peak too, of course!” She said a bit sadistically, knowing full well that that would overstimulate you. Again she started to eat you out in earnest, your sensitive sex attempting to pull away from her face, making you squeal in a way that later would make you embarrased. You tried to beg, but she was relentless, making your sex’s nerves light up like a heathfire, the pleasure owerwelming you. Perhaps if you hadn't been so loud, you could have heard Megaera fingering herself as she ate you out, her being just as wet as you, even moaning against your sex, adding to your pleasure. You must have cum at least two more times before you felt her redouble her efforts, probably close herself, making you come one final time before she had to pull her mouth back, moaning as her own orgasm strongly shook her, her hot breath against your flesh as she panted while her orgasm was leaving her in waves. Soon, she had slumped, resting her head against your thighs as you painted and went limp against the supports holding you in place. 
You stayed like that, breathing in unison, both exhausted from the ordeal. Son, she was standing again, giving your body one final caress as she opened the stocks, helping you stand up. You could barely say anything, your lungs busy catching air, as she dressed you up again, using a rag to clean you before taking you to her quarters. There you simply cuddled, megaera holding you tightly against her body as he gave you praise for how well you behaved, running her fingers through your translucent hair and kissing your neck, making you fall into Hypnos’ arms for a well deserved rest. 
The next time you saw Dusa, she asked if you were feeling cold that day or night, since your clothing was covering your skin much more, a big silk scarf covering your shoulders, neck and the lower half of your face. Of course, you had to cover the marks megaera had left on you after your time of passion, but you didn't have the heart to tell sweet innocent Dusa about that. Changing the subject, you told her how much you had enjoyed the nectar, and asking her if you could treat her to anything in the lounge, to repay her kindness. And like that, the day or night went on, nobody ever mentioned the incident to anyone. 
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