dunkshotdreaming · 5 years
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Pairing: Jaemin x reader
Genre: tooth rotting fluff; the classic best friends to lovers trope
Word Count: 1,584
Warnings: rated c for cheesy. (also there is like one cuss word, that’s it)
✎ A/N: Was influenced by my first ever blurb over on @hourly-dreaming + Jaemin's self professed sugar eating habit. Probably lame and cliché as hell. Self indulgent, sorry not sorry. (Did try to keep it entirely gender neutral though👍🏻)
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You've just finished your nightly routine as you crawl into your sleeping bag, excited that your best friend Jaemin is staying over. As you both have some time off for the summer anyway, Jaemin pretends to be feeling "too lonely" to stay home alone while his parents are off on some business trip, the perfect setup that gave way to your week-long sleepover.
"Scoot over, I'm not going to bite," Jaemin states, impatiently dragging your sleeping bag closer to his. In all honesty, you both could have slept on the bed or couch just fine, but there was just something nostalgic about busting out your bags like this, something about making blanket forts and having pillow fights and staying up watching cartoons together, just like the good old days.
He laughs softly at the way you sleepily hug your teddy bear close to your chest, a sight he never grew tired of. As he leans over to speak to you, the gentle scent of brown sugar permeates his senses, and suddenly, Jaemin is reminded of the precious sugar cubes he's forgotten back at home.
"You smell sweet," he mentions offhandedly, distracted by how soft and beautiful you look in the dim glow of the night light you'd plugged in earlier.
After a beat, you nod to yourself before responding, "Must be my new sugar scrub."
"And here I thought it was just because you were a snack," Jaemin retorts, his eyes turning up into a nearly crescent shape at the way you cover your mouth, a poor attempt at stifling your laughter. He almost hated to admit it, but clichés were clichés for a reason; after all, it had to be something that happened often enough in the first place, right?
It had been earlier in the year when he'd noticed his feelings for you might not be exactly platonic, but he decided he'd rather stay quiet than risk losing you, the best friend he cherished more than anyone else in this world. But everyone slips up sometimes, and tonight, as he lays by your side, the part of his heart that wishes it could be like this every night decides it's high time it takes control.
The wave of feelings he's hit with successfully manage switch off his brain for long enough that he doesn't realize he's caressing your cheek until your eyes shoot open, eyeing him curiously. Jaemin had always been affectionate, and you were no exception to his ways, however... things felt different. There was tension in the room, a thick atmosphere created of unsaid words and pent-up emotion.
You'd swear Jaemin was staring at your lips, but there was no way that was possible, you're convinced it isn't. Your best friend you'd been hopelessly pining over actually returning the feelings? ...Yeah, right. This wasn't a Hallmark movie.
"Would you mind if I tasted your scrub?" The words are out of his mouth before he can reel them back in, hand freezing on your cheek, still not withdrawing from its position as his heart falters.
"Tasted? Uh, well... it's in the bathroom, if you wanna-" your words are cut short as he cautiously places his lips on yours, merely a brief touch before he pulls away. Stuck in a stupor, you have to blink yourself back to reality. A quick pinch to your cheek confirms that you're wide awake, hissing at the pain as you eye Jaemin with furrowed brows.
The boy in question rolls onto his back, covering his eyes with one arm as the other lays between your bodies on the floor. "Ah shit, it wasn't supposed to go like this... I messed up. To think after so long, I ruin our friendship because I couldn't keep my feelings for you in check." He scoffs, furious with himself... yet he can't find it in him to wish it had never happened, having been able to satisfy his curiosity for your lips at long last. "I totally understand if you're mad at me, or if you wanna kick me out, or-" This time, Jaemin is the one who gets cut off, the softest press of your finger to his lips as you then envelop his free hand in both of your own, your plush bear forgotten with the wind.
"Are you telling me that we're both so cliché... that we fell for our best friend and chose to suffer in silence because... we couldn't bear the thought of splitting apart?" Your breathless confession makes him go cross-eyed for a moment, his arm leaning against his forehead now, all the while processing your words carefully, until his eyes land back on your face.
"That we both?.." is all he can manage to mumble out. "Wait, you like me too?" his voice cracks towards the end, the lilt in his otherwise rumbling voice making the two of you giggle like school children.
"And here I was worried it was painfully obvious... you really are so oblivious, Jaemin."
"You didn't notice either though!" he shoots back, almost as defensive as it was reflexive.
"Touché," is all you can offer in return. He looks over at you, at the way you're nervously chewing your lip because the smile threatening to break out would simply burst your cheeks. Decidedly, he brings his arm away from your face before returning it to where it had previously rested, cupping your cheek to force himself into your line of sight once again.
The dull thrumming of blood in his ears is all he can hear, senses heightened due to the surge of adrenaline. "Can I try again, for real this time?" he seems more confident this time, but still wary of potentially scaring you off, the skittishness making it hard to read your true emotions. Much to his relief, you lean in, a quiet sign of approval as you fear your voice may betray your deceptively calm expression.
There's no hesitation from there on out, and Jaemin kisses you the way you thought was only possible in fairytales. If it wasn't midnight, you'd swear the birds would be chirping at your windowsill, ready to help you get dressed for the day ahead. His pillowy lips press against your own heavily, but the he moves them against the skin of your lips is the complete opposite, gentle warmth spreading our from your chest. Not wanting to overdo it on the first kiss (of many more, he hopes), he draws away from you, chest heaving as he takes ragged breaths; moreso due to the overwhelming emotions blossoming in his bosom, truth be told.
A silent question lingers as he looks at you expectantly, wondering how you felt in the aftermath. "Much better the second time around," you say with a smile before it turns lopsided, "though you kinda hit my eye with your nose." Much to his chagrin, Jaemin's hopes of a picturesque first kiss with you shatter before his very eyes, only to realize that if it didn't bother you much, then why should he let it get to him?
"Would you do me the honor," he lifts both of your hands in his, lifting them towards his lips to place a peck on the back of each, "and go out with me? Anywhere you want to go tomorrow, it's on me."
"Kinda backwards, isn't this? First you stay over, then you kiss me, and then you ask me out?" you tease, taking pleasure in the sight of a pouty Jaemin scrunching his nose at you. "But yes, I will do you the honor and grace you with my presence. If and only if," you pause for dramatic effect.
"If?" the boy hangs on to your every word as his heart hammers in his chest, still in disbelief that you would actually be his to cherish and shower with love, even moreso now than ever.
"If you promise not to eat my sugar, scrub."
"Did you just-" he scoffs at your unbearably lame pun, groaning as he rolls his eyes. "Is it too late to un-ask you out now?" he raises a single brow in question, laughing at the mock hurt on your features.
"Guess someone isn't getting a good night kiss," you send a jab his way before facing away from him, collecting your bear in your arms as you try to quiet the rabbiting of your heartbeat enough to get a few hours of sleep.
A hand on your waist calls your attention as Jaemin comically scoots from within his sleeping bag, not unlike a caterpillar's movements, until he's hugging you from behind now, breath fanning over your hair as he sighs.
"I lost my teddy bear... can I sleep here with you instead?"
"Is it too late to un-agree to go out with you?" you parrot his earlier jest.
His next words aim for your heart and strike with dart-like precision, "You're stuck with me for good now, sorry sugar." Now, you could pretend your heart didn't just somersault from beneath your ribcage, but you'd be lying through your teeth if you did.
The rays of early morning sun cast stripes of golden light across your sleeping forms, bundled up in your own bags yet all curled up together. As your parents awake and go to check up on you two, they decide the peaceful sight before them is simply too precious to disturb. Turning to face the other, one of your parents quietly whispers, "I told you they were a thing! You owe me twenty."
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foreverxdaydreaming · 5 years
probably gonna start working on my supernatural/fantasy nct series over on @dunkshotdreaming~ so if you're interested in stuff like that, just a heads up on the upcoming series! (..okay, it's really more like oneshots that all cross over/interconnect, but if i get too attached to any certain story/ies... there may eventually be a sequel or two.😋)
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hourly-dreaming · 4 years
Welcome to hourly-dreaming!
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˗ˏˋ  Berry || 22 || she/her || INFP || Scorpio  ˎˊ˗
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✎ As an attempt to both thwart writer’s block and get back into writing once again, I decided to open this blurb side blog (my blogs are listed at the bottom of this post btw). I am still fairly unaccustomed to the timestamp style of writing, as I have typically only ever written long pieces before the inception of this blog. I hope you will bear with me as I work on my writing throughout this blog. (Is it weird to be worried about something as trivial as the timestamps?? Whoops,,) I am multifandom, and will write for whoever I feel inspired by at the moment…. though I have been heavily into NCT for awhile now.. so don’t be surprised if there’s a lot of those and then some haha,, probs 99% nct lol
✎ Anyway, welcome one and welcome all! My asks will always stay open, rest assured. Requests are not guaranteed but are welcome, and feel free to drop by as you please! (hourly-dreaming will mainly be comprised of fluff blurbs, with perhaps the occasional suggestive piece. a variety of au's and themes will be explored and these will highly likely be self-indulgent, honestly. fully smut pieces will be reserved for @longassr1de only as I preferred to separate my content depending on target audience/s.)
✎ I hope you will enjoy your time spent on hourly-dreaming, and I look forward to writing and sharing with you all! Thanks for stopping by and best wishes to each and every one of you~
With love, Berry.  💕🍓💕
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B O N U S :
➸ Writing blog: @dunkshotdreaming
➸ Fic recs: @berrysficrecs
➸ Smut blog: @longassr1de
❥ I follow back from @taeilmeyourw1sh!
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longassr1de · 5 years
˗ˏˋ   ABOUT PAGE   ˎˊ˗
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❥ About myself :
✧ Berry || '97 || Scorpio ✧
I've been in the kpop fandom hellhole for since roughly 2010.
Feedback is very much appreciated, and yes, the ask box is always open. 👍🏻
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❥ About the blog :
This blog is for my smut writings and content unsuitable for minor consumption. Let me reiterate that: no minors allowed, this blog contains mature content for mature audiences.
Will mainly be NCT at the moment because they're my current obsession, but I am very multifandom (and bi), so anything goes when it comes to this blog. There are certain topics or kinks I may be uncomfortable with and will not write for if it's something I'm not into. One thing I don't do, for example, is ships. Threesomes are ok and maybe poly drabbles, but.. I'm just not comfortable writing for the members as ships.
I don't really take requests per se, but you're free to drop any ideas in my ask, and if I'm inspired I might write about it. If not, you can just use the box and go on anon (or not) and vent your thirst away. We all have our moments, it happens.
Bit of a no brainer but I will not write for anyone underage. (aka jisung at this point? though honestly, even if chenle is considered legal now, i personally so not feel comfortable writing for him in that way.)
On the other hand, I'm now more comfortable with reading/writing for '00 line, so if that makes you uncomfortable then please don't read + blacklist the tags! I'll still be writing for the other units/members as well, no worries. I'm also planning on possibly expanding to work on things like mtl's/headcanons, the sort, just to spur myself back into writing. (Can't guarantee any success rates here, but it's worth a shot!)
I wanted to keep my smut writings separate from my others just to make it more comfortable for my audience and for myself. I can be as dirty as I want here and not have to worry about freaking out my other readers (as well as keep stuff separate due to minors).
➸ Most of my writing will be fem!reader, maybe with some gender neutral where I can. But as this is basically where I can throw all my fantasies out like a bottle into the ocean... yes, mainly fem!reader.
Edit: I do use the Read More feature, but it doesn't always work (as do most things on this lovely site), so I do apologize if you have to experience some scrolling.
Not sure what else to write on here for now, but will update as necessary.
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❥ Other blogs :
@dunkshotdreaming (writings)
@hourly-dreaming (soft hours)
@berrysficrecs (fic recs)
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My work is protected by Creative Commons; information can be found here.
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berrysficrecs · 6 years
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Officially starting this blog on November 3rd, 2018.
Hi I'm Berry, I'm nearly in my 30s now, and by gods yes I'm old enough for things, please just let me read and consume your content. These fics are my destressors after work/grad school.
Essentially, this side blog exists solely for my own fanfic recommendations/enjoyment. Anything from oneshots to series, drabbles to bullet point scenarios, blurbs to mtl, anything far few and in between of the sort.
This used to be a kpop fics only blog but whelp. I hardly read those now so welcome to whatever the braincell is hyperfixating on atm.
Welcome to the our cozy little library aka berrysficrecs (name possibly subject to change, I apologize ahead of time, but I will make a post about it if I do so!) and thank you all for joining me.
I hope you will enjoy the recommendations I provide and the fics I have enjoyed myself. May you all have a great day! (Side note, I probably won't be making a masterlist for all the fics, because I share/read so many and sometimes authors change urls or delete so it is just such a hassle. Thank you for your patience and understanding!)
❥ Edit: I follow back from @foreverxdaydreaming!
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There will also from time to time be nsfw scenarios that get shared on this blog. Typically only smut scenarios, as I doubt I will reblog audios or gifs or such, in case of anyone looking through tumblr in public, you know? I myself do that very often. But if you are uncomfortable with smut, you can choose to ignore those and enjoy the others, as I do enjoy a fair amount of fluff/romance, comedy, aus, fantasy, and the likes. (Not as fond of angst, but will read on occasion.)
* Posts will be tagged as either sfw or nsfw, with the occasional exception of “partially nsfw” (meaning either that it is a masterlist of varied genres, or that it contains a minor scene of adult content that is not necessary to read for the plot if undesired.)
I don't read ship stuff much so if that is what you were hoping for, I am very sorry to disappoint. I enjoy reader insert or oc scenarios the most, as that is what you will find the most on this blog. I am very, VERY multifandom, and read for all walks of (legally adult) characters. So everyone is welcome here!
I will try to use tags for the media and for the character/person to make things easier for everyone to locate, as well as tag anything mature as nsfw or with tw etc so that you may choose to avoid whatever you may not want a potential run-in with. If I do forget something, please kindly advise me and I will fix it accordingly. If you are rude for whatever reason, I reserve the right to delete your messages or block you entirely should you persist.
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This is a side blog for @dunkshotdreaming, the blog where I post all my own fics/writing. Feel free to check it out if you would like, no pressure whatsoever. It is small yet growing, as I am often busy, but I do have many upcoming oneshots and such planned! (Also made available on the blog.) That is all for my promo, and thank you for putting up with this incredibly long introduction post. I will try for this to be the one and only main post so that all else may be just the fic recs, unless I have any sort of important updates/news to share.
❥ Edit: Now with the addition of @hourly-dreaming and @longassr1de, which are my blurbs and smut blogs, respectively. (Links to all of these can be found in my blog description! Kindly advise me of any broken links, should that problem arise, thank you!) ❤
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dunkshotdreaming · 6 years
Demon Hunter
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Genre: Fluff
Warnings: None
Word count: 5k (oneshot)
Synopsis: Maybe Ken’s been watching just a little too much anime.. maybe.
(A/N): Reposting this as a tester. I want to see if I can fix the gif issue I’ve been having with my drafts/posts lately💀 Side note, I’m not currently on my desktop tumblr so I’ll try to add the Read More option when I wake up and turn on my laptop, sorry for any inconveniences!
I was just at home, laying on my plush sofa when I noticed my phone light up. The notification was from none other than my boyfriend, Ken, and I couldn’t help the grin that came upon my face.
“Hello?” I answered the call.
“Baby! I miss you, can I come over? I’ll buy food~,” he chirped.
“Yes Ken, of course,” I chuckled, “you’re always welcome. I was just watching reruns anyway.”
After a bit of more mushy conversation, I left my spot on the couch to tidy up the house a little before his arrival. He’d driven over soon enough, greeting me with a bear hug the second I managed to open the door, kissing all over my face as I dragged him inside just enough to shut the door behind him. Something stood out to me however, it was his jacket.
“Babe, uh, not sure how to tell you this.. but I think you bought the wrong size,” I joked.
“What, the hoodie?” Ken asked as he pointed to the red, front zip hoodie he was indeed wearing.
“It looks almost twice your size, why didn’t you just get one that fits?” I tugged on the white strings of the hood playfully. “Or did you just want a baggy sweater?”
“Actually,” he drags out the word as he slowly unzips and removes the sweater, “it’s for you.” Eyeing him with a curiously raised brow, I silently urged him to continue. “You know how you’ve been obsessing over InuYasha recently, sweetheart?”
“Of course love, why?” I have a good idea why, but I’d love to hear his explanation for this. So I kept baiting him to speak up.
“When we were watching the show last time, InuYasha gave Kagome his robe to protect her,” Ken relayed.
“So is this supposed to be the Robe of the Fire Rat?” I had to contain a giggle that was dying to burst.
“Kinda,” Ken gave me a lopsided grin, paired with his adorable eye smile. “You seemed to find it cute, so I wanted to recreate it.. like our own little insider.” His voice trailed off as suddenly his face drops.
“Ken, what is it?” I worriedly tug at his shirt. He looks down at me solemnly, placing the soft jacket over my shoulders and hugging me close. “Honey, you’re scaring the life out of me.. what’s wrong?” I crane my neck to look up at him as he smooths a hand over my hair.
Leaning down by my ear he whispers, “I’ll protect you, don’t worry.” I proceeded to freak out, thinking of what to do if there was a killer, or a robber in my house, or if there was a rapist on the loose or… When I realized what Ken was doing, it dawned on me that I couldn’t have been farther from the truth. This dork goes up to the closet in the hallway, and with a deadpan expression, pulls out of my old toy swords won at some arcade, warning me to stay behind him for safety.
Before I can begin to question his logic however, it all comes to light fairly quickly. “Hah, puny demon, you’re no match for me! What is it you want, the jewel shards? Come at me, then! Tessaiga!” And with that he unsheathes the sword.. at my yipping little Pomeranian, barking along excitedly for playtime. This grown, nearly six foot man, was pretending a puppy was a demon, fighting it to protect me, sweater and all.
After the shock had worn off from thinking there was any real danger, I watched my goofball of a boyfriend and fluff of a pup chase each other around the living room, smiling at their antics. It wasn’t long before I’d joined in as well, with my arms finally through the huge jacket sleeves, so it wouldn’t fall off my now dwarfed form. It was velvety soft, though perhaps a bit thick, and smelled of what I can only describe as Ken. His favorite cologne and something sweet, leading me to think he was probably eating candy earlier, which could partially be the cause for his extra hyper-ness today.
Somewhere along our silly chase, I nearly trip over myself, and he manages to catch me, tossing me over his shoulder with a hearty laugh. My poor dog now exhausted and laying in his bed, Ken carries me back to the couch, positioning himself under me so we could cuddle.
“You’re too cute for words, Ken Lee,” I mumble contentedly into his chest.
“But you still give me a run for my money, cutie pie.” I blushed at his words of endearment.
“Quick question. If you wanted to give me the sweater, why’d you wear it on your way over?”
“Because I wanted it to smell like me when I handed it over,” Ken paused, “ok that and I wanted to do the whole dramatic demon fighting stunt I pulled,” he confessed sheepishly.
“Dork,” I muttered with a grin plastered to my face, knowing he could feel it rather than see it as I was still against his shirt, leaning up to place a kiss on his lips.
“No hard feelings?” I felt him mumble against my lips.
“None whatsoever, my love. In fact, I’m beyond grateful you went through all this trouble.”
“It’s no trouble if it’s for you, my darling.” He grabbed my hand and kissed it tenderly, making my heart melt knowing Ken truthfully meant his words.
I playfully shoved his shoulder once he’d let go, resting my face in the crook of his neck, feeling elated. “Whatta day, I got my own Robe and you managed to unsheathe Tessaiga,” I joked.
“Does that make me your half demon?” He pulled back just to wink cheesily.
“Sure thing, as long as I’m your Kagome,” I winked back.
“But what if I liked Kikyo,” Ken teased, earning a glare before he laughed maniacally and apologized, hugging me tighter.
“Don’t think I forgot, you promised you’d buy food,” I pouted cutely, “how about we order Japanese?”
Ken snorted at my lame choice and pinched my nose before muttering “weeb” and kissing the tip. I yawned loudly, catching us both off guard. “How about we order after we take a nap?” Ken chuckled, asking if I’d stayed up late last night, to which I nodded. Busted, I had lost track of time because I ended up on the weird side of YouTube. That and reading click-bait articles, which I really should stop falling for.
With his beautiful, melodic voice, Ken sang me a lullaby, rubbing my back gently meanwhile. A soft tune and loving touch, sleep called out to me irresistibly. Engulfed by his scent and rhythmic heartbeat, I gave into the pull, and our demon slaying journey to Feudal Japan was put on hold. After all, even half demons need their beauty sleep.
(A/N): I really hope you all liked it, and as I’ve probably mentioned before, InuYasha quite literally showed me a whole new world. Bc withhout it I wouldn’t be the kpop/anime nerd I am today lmao
Wishing you all an amazing day~ Oh, and if you noticed any typos, feel free to point them out and I’ll fix em asap!
♥ Best wishes, as always. xoxo, Berry 🍓
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dunkshotdreaming · 6 years
The Serpent and the Raven
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Genre: fantasy, HP au, fluff/romance, friends-to-lovers Warnings: heavy creative liberties taken on the HP world; nothing apart from that though, I think! well besides that the story moves on super quickly,, oops Characters: Leo x fem!reader, very brief mention of VIXX members.Word count: 2,977 Story type: oneshot
Waking up today, you thought it was going to a typical, boring Monday. However, life has its ways of popping up seemingly out of nowhere, like tripping on invisible string. Hm, ok maybe that’s not exactly what I was going for, but of no importance. You went about your morning ritual, noticing something was off. The house is painfully quiet, I’m up for school and there’s not a peep, it seems everyone in the house is asleep- WAIT WHAT IS THIS, YOU’VE ACTUALLY OVERSLEPT!
In your rush to get ready, you almost fail to notice a big, beautifully sealed, professional looking envelope atop your bed. A single feather lays across the letter. What could this be? When you reach out to grab it, it opens itself. What sorcery is this?!
“You’ve been accepted to Hogwarts University of divine studies” the letter has unfolded itself… and spoken to you. How could this be? You pass it off as another crazy dream, and play along with the oddities occurring. An owl flies nearly into your window, perching just barely on the edge outside. You open the window to get a better look at this majestic creature, and it invites itself into your room. It finds comfort atop a suitcase strewn about the room. Wasn’t that tucked away in your closet? Before you can retrace your steps, the owl’s grabbing your belongings, underwear and books alike, carrying them in its beak to your suitcase. 
Briefly, you stare in shock, jaw close enough to the floor to clean the floor. But then you snap out of your trance, something even weirder has happened. The owl has brought in friends, at first is just one, two, suddenly a dozen owls appear, carrying your suitcase out the large window. And it’s all you can do try and stop them, but you’re too late, the envelope somehow appearing behind you and pushing you outside the window. Snap, your room’s on the second floor though! One second you’re in your room, comfy in pajamas, the next you’re free falling outside your window on an adventure akin Alice’s Wonderland… … but then suddenly the feeling stops, and you’re no longer falling. Rather, you’re floating in mid-air, two large wings appearing where previously only skin laid upon your back. Clumsily and carefully, you manage to make them flap, a few feathers if your own lost in the heavy first attempts. Perhaps humans were never meant to fly, you think, a fleeting thought at most. Because then something wonderful happens, your wings start working and you’re soaring above every building in town, aimlessly following the flock of owls carrying your belongings into the night. It’s all you remember, hours later, when you wake up feeling exhausted, surrounded by an unfamiliar hustle and bustle.
“This sounds like too many people to be just my family, do we have company?” But no, you couldn’t be more wrong, for it is YOU who is the guest. Opening your eyes, you discover yourself in unfamiliar territory. What of the strange dream with the owls? Were you drugged and kidnapped? No such thing, sweetheart, relax. You’re at Hogwarts! What’s that, you ask? A school for the extraordinarily gifted children, for divine arts. Think of it… as a magical magnet school! What’s that, you don’t recall enrolling? Silly goose, you don’t enroll here, you’re SELECTED. It’s only the utmost prestige, really. Come now, to the dining hall, first years must get sorted. Up now, quickly! 
As you sit on a bench in the mess hall in confusion, following the masses of children your age who seem so excited, you furrow your brows, cursing yourself for leaving your glasses behind. You hadn’t noticed until a small chuckle accidentally escaped his lips, that a boy across from you at the table where you sat had been watching you. His narrow eyes widened embarrassment at being caught, cheeks lightly flushed, slim lips agape. He turned around to face the front of the assembly, as did you when you heard bells ringing. The assembly passed in a blur for you, muted interest and wonder. How could a hat speak? What was this “Sorting” everyone kept mumbling about? It wasn’t until then that you noticed where their eyes trailed off to, the four large banners hanging overhead, from the ceiling. A red, a green, a blue, and a yellow, each with its own mascot and a name you presumed, illegible despite squinting because of those darned glasses. It was your turn next, and so you sat, and the Hat was perched upon your head, grumbling until he came to a decision. “Ravenclaw!” he screeched. Some cheered, some groaned. You could swear you faintly heard one of the girls in green complain, “Not another one*”.
Making your way over to the sea of blue robes, you attempted conversation with your peers. No one seemed to know who you were or where you came from, just mentioned you arriving mysteriously last night with some owls and a bag. Okay, that’s strange, because that’s exactly like your dre- “Excuse me, miss.” You turned to face the raven-haired boy from earlier, across the table. “Pardon me for staring, but.. I’ve never seen a girl like you around these parts, I didn’t mean anything bad by it.” The way he was all flustered and trying to clear things up made your heart swell inexplicably. It seems he wanted to get on your good side, and now that you took a closer look around, he was right. Everyone around seemed to have much narrower eyes, slimmer faces, they all shared qualities that made you stand out.
Raven boy extended his arm your way, offering a sheepish grin. “I’m Leo, by the way. Leo Jung.” Whispers stirred the crowd that had previously been watching you two in silence. You hadn’t noticed that he was wearing a green robe, not blue, as you didn’t know the difference between houses or the rivalries. You’d earnestly just wanted a friend, all this craziness had you exhausted, and homesick. Whispers of “What does the Jung kid want with HER?” made your nerves prickle, you didn’t know if you should be nervous. You didn’t have any time to react though, because Leo grabbed your hand and tugged you after him as he fled the messy hall. Gossip flew faster than the owls who’d carried your bag, of the famed Jung son befriending the scholarship exchange student. There were even rumors about you two running away to elope, but you’d only just met?! It was like high school all over again, that’s all you could think. Your feet carried you thoughtlessly, following behind Leo like a small ragdoll behind his tall stature. Now that you’d had the time to take in his appearance, he was rather attractive. Towering over your smaller frame with his broad shoulders, walking gracefully on long legs seemingly at three times your own pace. You arrived at what appeared to be a garden or a forest before he’d finally stopped walking, you couldn’t be fully sure.
“Please don’t listen to what the people say. I may come from a prominent family, but that doesn’t mean I’ll let that keep us apart. I don’t even know your name, but judging by the way you’re so indifferent… you have no idea who I am, do you?” You shook your head, it was the truth after all. He took his lower lip between his teeth, licking it anxiously. “I’m not here groveling at your feet asking for a big favor or anything, I hope, but... what do you say to being friends? I-If you say yes we can start over, a-and I’ll explain everything, I’ll even give you a tour-!”
You squeezed his hand, forgetting for a moment that you’d been holding hands this entire time, focusing on how comfortable you felt with a complete stranger and why that didn’t feel odd at all. He did keep his word though, he taught you of the houses and their names, of their origins, and of his family’s snobbiness. He loved animals and children, not wanting anything to do with the family business; you even caught him secretly checking up on the garden’s plants mid conversation, whether he realized he was doing this or not was an entirely different question. You learned of the red Gryffindor’s bravery, and of yellow Hufflepuff’s loyalty, before he proceeded to tell you about the remaining two houses, each of your own.
You belonged to Ravenclaw, he explained slowly, carefully, the details of his face mesmerizing you all the while. His brows scrunched in thought, the way his hands would fidget like he wasn’t used to another’s presence, even his constant lower lip licking as he spoke eloquently yet shyly. Leo’s soft voice surely did not match his sharp gaze and rather gothic raven hair. Ironic, that the raven haired boy belonged to the house of serpents instead. The blue Ravenclaw, your house, was home to the folks who enjoyed studying, who constantly loved learning new things. You’d won many scholarships, and not for lack of trying, from your studies to your sports, it only seemed fair to be placed there.
Leo hesitated for a moment before continuing, before claiming his residence in the green Slytherin house. Slytherin were known for their cunning, but ran with a chip in their shoulder. Some held their chins high, the pride of being in a prestigious placement, while others (like Leo) didn’t seem to care much about… well, a damn thing. He was placed there simply because everyone in his family has been there for generations, and he seemed bored out of his mind even thinking about this. Slytherin was known for its tendency to produce dark wizards as well, Leo didn’t elaborate on this, the topic making him come off a bit edgy and antsy to change course, so you let him.
You asked him about his dreams if he didn’t care for the business, and he bowed his head between his knees, covering his face with those long, slender fingers of his. Leo mumbled out an answer, having to repeat himself for being so soft-spoken when flustered. “A teacher,” he whispered. “I love working with children, especially small ones. But there’s no way my family would ever approve… they’d put anywhere I try to run away to out of business, guaranteed.“ He opened his mouth to speak once more, as he finally looked up, his eyes meeting your face and making your cheeks heat up some. But just then, some rotten Gryffindor punks decided to run over and pelt you with… tomatoes, great. Kidnapped by owls, brought to a magic school, and now pelted with food, could life GET any better? 
Just in time, Leo pulled out a wand, stopping the tomatoes barely an inch from impact. With a sigh of relief and a flick of his wand, the fruits went flying back at three scoundrels who’d dared attempt hurting you in the first place. You thanked him for the help, with him mumbling softly that it was nothing. Boldly lacing your hand in his, a change to his earlier shyness, Leo croaks out a soft thanks as well. You can’t seem to understand why, when he’s the one who saved you, but just as if reading your mind, he whispers. “Thank you for saving me… from this hell of a school. I’ve never had a friend before.” His gaze is so strong yet his voice is so weak and you just can’t help but feel bad for the boy in front of you, knowing he’s had a life as difficult as it’s been regal. Dealing with family like his and being expected to live up to a famed title put immense pressure on such a young boy, he was barely now becoming a man. 
Reaching your free arm upwards to wrap around Leo’s shoulder, you held him close in silence, knowing no words needed to be said at this moment. If he needed a friend, then a friend you would be. You pretended you were deaf to his sniffles, blind to him hunched over your body, and mute for the time being. He was your savior in more ways than one, and you’d decided as long as you were stuck at this school, you’d stay by his side. What seemed a childish promise on an emotional wreck of a first day of school resulted in a precious, blossoming friendship. No one messed with you for fear of Leo’s wrath, notorious for his temper. He’d become like your shadow, though the rumors never did die down. 
A few months later, in the middle of working on a project together, he asked you out. You brushed it off, thing it a mere joke. “Cut it out Leo, that’s not funny. Now come on, we need to study these for the quiz on poti-” His lips on yours cut you off before either of you  had time to process what had just happened. Desperate for an escape, he tried to turn and run, but you grabbed your wand and shut the door so he couldn’t. Trying to bite back your smile, you attempted an interrogation. Which only resulted in him backing you up into the long study desk, Leo looming over you, resting his forehead against yours delicately before shutting his eyes. 
His confession came as sweet as candy, as pure as clean rivers. Nothing but his love for you spilled through his words, but he couldn’t stop now, no he’d come too far for that, it was now or never. Leo was pleasantly surprised when you kissed his cheek, playing with your uniform shyly, accepting his confession. His arms shot out to wrap around your waist so fast you’d almost feared he’d break something. Your relationship had to remain a secret, for public’s sake. Rumors were just that, but if word or proof got out… Leo feared his father’s wrath. You were talented, a gifted young thing, but you were still born from muggles, from..humans. And that was unacceptable in the wizarding world. Like a purebred dog and a street mutt coinciding, star-crossed lovers. (lady and the tramp anyone?) 
Despite this, you two managed to make it near the end of the school year without getting caught, and it was the most wonderful experience of your mundane life. With his wand, Leo could make any dream a reality. Even sneaking around and hiding in a closet could be paradise, with the proper enchantment. Speaking of paradise, there’s some trouble there now. Mr. Jung, Leo’s dad, came to visit the school on formal affairs. (wizard pta?) But what he witnessed was his son “goofing off with the charity case”, and he was surely enraged. His father threatened to expel you if you did not remove yourself from his son, but Leo interjected before you could be turned into a toad or such, bless his heart. After some fancy footwork around the subject (and just the right spells), Leo managed to get his dad to back off you two. It was a long and rocky road, both of you eventually making a few other friends, your boyfriend also discovering his passion for singing along the way. 
You’d decided to study a more traditional route, a doctor perhaps, and you’d desperately wanted to return to your family. After your studies at Hogwarts were complete, you’d both graduated at the top of the class of your respective houses. Leo talked his father into letting him become an elementary school teacher, how he managed that you would never know. He continued with his passion for music, but his fondness for magic was never far behind, though kept a secret for only others like yourselves to see. With a lovely recommendation letter from your beloved Hogwarts, along with your accumulated accolades, you’d easily made it into an Ivy League school. Majoring in medicine and soon after becoming one of the top pediatricians of the country, perhaps even the world. 
You and Leo lived together, not truly comfortably settling down until you’d finished your hospital interning and him with his shadow teaching. After all was set and done, and jobs were acquired, Leo took you back to your school reunion and proposed to you in the very garden you two had snuck off to on day one. You’re not sure which one of you two cried more, but the ring was absolutely gorgeous, of that you’re sure. The ceremony was small but elegant, both your families and closet friends attending; his family insisting on paying, likely just to show off; but you’d agreed, to help satisfy their egos. Not three years later, you’d had your first child…ren. Surprise, twins! 
Ok maybe not a surprise, you’d adopted them after consulting a specialist who’d decided your body wouldn’t cope with the stress of pregnancy well. Years after the owls made off with your bag, and the raven befriended the serpent, you could say you got your happily ever after. Even if happily is subjective to the screaming infants in your arms, eyes bloodshot from the endless hospital shifts and long nights of parenting. Leo was the epitome of fatherhood, from food to diapers to lullabies. The fact that you two had some magical assistance didn’t hurt one bit. 
And so here ends the tale of the star-crossed lovers who found their way, an eventful tale from start to finish. The scaled boy who couldn’t move on from his past and the winged girl who refused to stay still, to let dreams just pass her by. Though in nature the serpent may eat the raven, this story is one of magic and friendship, one in which they need one another to survive. As the children grow and the magic remains, one thing was constant through time and space. And that was the love between the dear couple who overcame every obstacle thrown their way, because winners never quit and quitters never win.
A/N: I originally wrote this on kik to send to a friend, and only just recently edited this whole chunk into paragraphs, so my apologies for any mistakes. I also haven't really proofread it yet, just caught a handful of typos at best. If you guys have any questions though or wanna help by pointing out a typo, feel free! I’m also sorry if it doesn’t make a whole lot of sense bc I basically redid a lot of how Hogwarts actually works but I wrote this story at like 4am and don’t remember half of this anymore, oops
*This story was written for a friend of mine some time ago (2016 I wanna say?). Long story short, she’s a Ravenclaw and I’m a Slytherin, so “the girl in green” was just my cameo bc I know a lot of Ravenclaws and when she told me she was one I was like “WHY IS EVERYONE A RAVENCLAW NOWADAYS” lmfao.
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dunkshotdreaming · 6 years
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❥  Welcome one, welcome all!
Hello and welcome to dunkshotdreaming, a multifandom kpop scenarios blog! I will be working on my fics (primarily oneshots) as well as the occasional scenario/drabble request.
★  { This is a sideblog of my main blog: taeilmeyourw1sh. }
↳ fic recs blog: berrysficrecs​
smut fics blog: longassr1de
✿ About myself ✿
I am a female, so she/her is fine! ^^
As I have mentioned before, I am going by the admin name of Berry on this account.  🍓
I am in uni at the moment.
’97 liner & Scorpio squad~
Have been a kpop fan since 2010, thanks to BoA/InuYasha introducing me and to ultimately Girls’ Generation for winning my heart. ♥
I am so multifandom, I once tried making a bias list and my notepad ran out of space.. so I kind of just gave up lmao 🤣
I have a lot of stories up on my AFF account (taeilmeyourw1sh). So should anyone think I am plagiarizing, nope! I am merely reuploading my old scenarios onto this account.
I am usually on mobile, as I got used to that because I did not have a computer for a few years, so please pardon my confusion with how to work the tumblr desktop site at times! 🙇‍♀️
I suck at introductions, I apologize,,, But I hope this was alright!!
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❥  Request Guidelines:
I do not write for ships, I mainly do reader insert (or oc’s).
If you have a specific plot or specific request, please try to be detailed. I do not know what you want unless you state it! (I cannot read minds, although sometimes I wish I could, haha)
Fluff as well as au’s/fantasy themes and such are all fine. Angst on occasion. I do not, however write horror/gore. (I wrote a thriller like once and that was it tbh lol.)
I take drabble/scenario requests for most groups, including girl groups! However, if I do not follow a particular group, I may not know as much about your preferred idol. So forgive me for any inaccuracies in your request in advance!
I will try to keep things gender neutral whenever possible, but please forgive me if it slips or if not every scenario is neutral, as I am not used to writing in such format yet/it might not always fit the plot. It may take some more time/adjustments on my part, especially if editing any of my older stuff (when applicable). But I do promise I’m trying!! ♥
As for smut though! That can be found over at longassrd1de. That blog was made specifically to separate mature content from the rest.
Up til pg-13 is fine for this blog (so no further than like a makeout or implied but not written smut). Don’t really feel comfortable with writing anything like that with idols younger than 00 line, but may not be outright rejected either (we’ll see).
I stan a billion and one groups but the ones I (currently) stan the most are: Girl’s Generation (my ults♥), VIXX, NCT, Monsta X, etc.
Potentially triggering asks (to myself or others if I deem it as such) may be rejected, depending on the nature of the request.
Please check blog description to see if requests are open before sending one in, as my ask box will always remain open for any messages. (If nothing about requests being open is in the description or at the top of this about page, safely and correctly assume requests are currently closed.)
Last but not least, even if it’s not a request, feel free to shoot me an ask sometime! I love responding to messages & interacting with other fans ♥
I’ll add anything I can think of as I go along, but for right now, thank you all for stopping by! Hope you all have an amazing day/night~
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foreverxdaydreaming · 5 years
Heads up guys, I did recently start writing again!! ༄
I have 3 separate writing blogs atm, bc I'm crazy- jk bc I like the organization of it. Helps keep soft & hard hours apart too
I am very very multi but recently I've been mainly into NCT so my writing is heavily for them lately. Don't really take requests per se, but suggestions or ideas might work. I have hella wip's already tho
And for those of you who don't know, the sideblogs link in my desc has all of those blogs (and then some) linked as well!
↳ @dunkshotdreaming for longer fics/fluff/etc
↳ @hourly-dreaming for blurbs/drabbles/soft hours
↳ @longassr1de for smut/mature content/hard hours
↳ @berrysficrecs for well.. fic recs. (masterlist recs too btw)
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dunkshotdreaming · 6 years
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Fluff/Romance: ✿ Angst: ☂ Fantasy: ♞
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➸  coming soon!
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dunkshotdreaming · 6 years
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Fluff/Romance: ✿ Angst: ☂ Fantasy: ♞
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➸  coming soon!
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dunkshotdreaming · 6 years
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Fluff/Romance: ✿ Smut: 🔞 Angst: ☂ AU: ✪ Fantasy: ♞
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coming soon!
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coming soon!
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dunkshotdreaming · 6 years
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Fluff/Romance: ✿ Angst: ☂ Fantasy: ♞
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➸ coming soon!
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3 notes · View notes
dunkshotdreaming · 6 years
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Fluff/Romance: ✿
Smut: 🔞
Angst: ☂
AU: ✪
Fantasy: ♞
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coming soon!
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coming soon!
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coming soon!
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coming soon!
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dunkshotdreaming · 6 years
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Fluff/Romance: ✿ Smut: 🔞 Angst: ☂ Fantasy: ♞
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➸  coming soon!
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➸  coming soon!
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➸  coming soon!
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➸  coming soon!
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dunkshotdreaming · 6 years
hamjjisbabygirl -> dunkshotdreaming
*October 10th, 2018.
Masterlist edits in progress! (Will edit this when masterlist editing is complete!)
☆Layout/theme changes coming soon as well!
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