#dude it was such important milestone for me <3
rondoel · 2 months
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Looked into my folder and there was so much of them! 😭
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avissapiens · 5 months
Jockbull Summer Week 1 (12/11/23-18/11/23) - Set A
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Model used is Tsonghan Wu
1 & 2.
I don’t typically train with push ups all that often, but I picked this as my personal goal because there’s such a potent jock energy about being able to show off and crank out effortless reps of push ups. Massive high school sports star energy. But we started small. Only managed 22 on my first day. Granted it was immediately after a Push session.
The second attempt however I integrated the competitive element. I went to one of my best friends from back home, K. Total stud who i’ve always envied and idolized. I expect he’ll come up a few more times before this is over so might as well give him some designation. I asked him to make it a contest to beat his score. He hit 30 in one go. I pushed myself so fucking hard because I would not lose to him. I was gonna kick his ass. And I did. I hit 31 and then spent a good minute on the floor unable to get up. It felt so fucking good tho. Increasing by so much. Pushing and winning against my bro. It made my night. 3rd attempt i hit 32. If i keep increasing. Keep pushing. Maybe i’ll get to 100 by the end.
The first step is an important milestone. Obviously as a Self-employed writer/full time student in a different country I don't have a MASSIVE collection of clothes to chuck out (you all can change that). But there are definitely a few that I already know are going to get the boot when the time comes. The reason this one was so important for me and Jockrs is because we both felt that as long as those old clothes were an option, I’d keep defaulting to them out of habit. Over-sized, drab, boring. Hiding the gainz and the new person i want to become. So the first piece I threw out was a fairly cheap ugly grey long sleeved shirt that I bought when I first moved to NZ. 6XL. Bought 3 sizes too big for me at a time when I was 3 sizes too big for me. And as I've leaned down and put on muscle, all this shirt does is wash me out and make me swim in fabric. It had to go. But I still feel indebted to it. It was a go-to piece of clothing on my worst Dysmorphia days when I felt like a fat, disgusting piece of shit. It helped me deal with the anxiety of being in a new place where I clearly didn’t look like I belonged. It helped me hide when I needed to hide. But i don’t need to hide anymore.
Unfortunately I couldn't really work on this as much as I wanted. Jokers was still in exam mode so some of the shared tasks that required him were a bust. That said, I did slip a few more "dudes", "mans" and "bros" into my chatter with gym bros. And I went as far as coaching some dudes through my leg day workout. This is one I'm eager to make progress on because it's so antithetical to what I've always been. My speech has always been a weird indistinguishable hybrid. I’ve been mistaken for American, British and Canadian. I’ve had my voice described as “trans-Atlantic”, Despite coming from the Caribbean. I was always discouraged from indulging too much in dialect and slang when I was young. “Speak properly”. Combined with being fairly bookish and advanced, maybe that led to some good things in the long run. My skill with words, language and voice are unique. They’re why you all love me. But it did mean that by the time I was in secondary school I was a little alienated from my peers. I didn’t talk like them. I didn’t want to either but it was rough always being mistaken for a foreigner on soil you have never left in your life. In a sense, me picking up an even more exaggerated americanized accent is taking that full circle. Developing a bit more control over my speech to inhabit an ideal I have always longed for. Sounds cool, rite brah?
Again, one restricted by Jockrs being in exam mode. I didn’t want to get too far. But we finally watched the first episode of the 2018 series. One of the rare occasions where the dub is notably better than the sub. But god. What a wild ride. 10/10. No notes. It's just pure gas. And that first episode really struck a chord with me. Something visceral about being palpably perceived as a threat. Emanating danger from you that lessers can sense in their bones. Actually being a weapon in human form. I get such a thrill from that concept. I understand why the toxic tik tok gym bro crowd latches on to this show so much. I think I will too.
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talenlee · 18 hours
Talen's Birthday, 2024
Somehow this one feels less of a big deal than last year. I dunno, maybe it’s because turning forty has been a big monument in my mind, turning forty-one feels just like turning forty again.
I had a fanciful idea that I could do something with the fact that 41 is a prime age; that I have turned 1, 3, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29, 31, 37 and now 41, and then I thought it’d be interesting to see if I ever turned a prime age in a prime year. Now, if you’re at all good at math you’d be able to point out that by being born in 1983, every year I turn an odd age, the year is even and vice versa, meaning that for roughly half the population at any time, they’re never a prime age on a prime year, since no even number is a prime.
It’s not a complicated math puzzle here.
Making a birthday post on my birthday doesn’t feel that special now. It’s not a milestone, it’s not important. Comically, because City of Heroes is burned into my brain, I do think of 41 as a level where you used to get access to your first Epic Power Pool choice (except now you get them at level 35, which is cool). It’s good though: This was a good way to fight the anxiety of the birthday. I remember when I turned 35 I had a real horrible moment thinking I was done, that I had wasted my entire life up to that point. I remember part of what made it okay was seeing Adam Savidan on Youtube, playing Magic: The Gathering and saying ‘I’m thirty five or thirty four years old and I don’t need this.’
A thing about Loading Ready Run that makes me feel a tiny bit bad is that it’s this big long project that a bunch of friends have been making and running for twenty years, as an ongoing hobby that became a job and then became an institution managing multiple people creating things. Sometimes I get sad thinking about how what got that big project to happen was, in part, two dudes with supportive parents and supportive school supplies in the late 90s were able to work on a project, together, for long enough to become very good at it.
How do you do something for twenty years?
Well, you start.
You start, and you keep working on it while you work on things.
The internet of today is poisoned. The internet of today demands you create for it, it wants you to produce Content. Your status updates, your pictures, your everyday drama, your existence, they are all things that are being fed into advertising machine to space out the ads in the name of being ‘content.’ It isn’t how it used to be. It used to be people had websites for their special interests, the interest being the primary thing. My first website I can remember was an Animorphs fanfiction space, and I remembered how when I stopped trying to host other people’s fanfiction, and instead just hosted my own, the one author I took down got sad at me. She was probably also like, fourteen like I was.
It used to be that people made things because they wanted to share them. It used to be that people were making websites and stories and web-novels and web-comics and diaries and blogs and vlogs and microgames and RPGs and they were making stuff. It was stuff. It was not for consuming in its own continual sense, it was not being part of a pipe of things that were fed to you, it was not content, it was a lot of different stuff and that difference gave everyone a reason to do things.
But now, it’s Content.
Now, your effort, your creative material, is being pushed into a single tube for four companies who suck and you know they suck and you don’t like them and yet you make things for them anyway. Because that’s where it is. That’s where the habit forms.
Arbor Day - The Lads // Arbor Day
Watch this video on YouTube
I’m fond of this song, Arbor Day by a band that can be politely described as ‘pretty good, for a Church choir.’ The song, very simply, is that hey, do you need a reason to make a change in your life? Well, today is Arbor day, that’s a good enough reason.’ It’s been an idea bubbling around in my head that yeah, Arbor Day is a nearly arbitary reason to make a big change in your life, but that may be all you need. Sometimes you just need something, anything to mark the psychological change between ‘before I tried this’ to ‘after I tried this.’
Here’s my request for you, on my birthday.
There is something you want to make. There is something you care about. There is something you are interested in trying. Today is a day to do that. Today is a day to even just describe a plan, or a hope. Do you want to write a book? Write a description of what that book is about. A series of books? Describe all of them! Do you want to make games? Start, download one of the programs you need to use today.
Don’t waste money on things for this post’s sake, but you know there are steps you can take to make things, and I want you to make them. I believe in a world where people make things because we like making things, I believe in a world of creative people playing with creativity, and I believe that the important thing of online spaces ie being able to share them.
So please, make something, and show it to me.
No matter how small it is, no matter how little progress on it you get to make. Just spend a little time today starting something, continuing something or finishing something.
I’ll be proud of you, no matter what.
I promise.
Check it out on PRESS.exe to see it with images and links!
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cricketnationrise · 9 months
Congrats on the followers milestone!! Here's an idea:
Reading Room
for you, a little expansion of Shitty's Dibs. Thank you and enjoy!
catch up on the rest of Ficlet Fest 3 here
reading room, 4:30pm
Lardo flings open the door and makes a beeline for Shitty’s bed so she can crawl out onto the Reading Room. She doesn’t even make it all the way onto the roof before she’s continuing her rant from their text chain.
“And like, I’m sort of shocked they waited till now to ask me, like, it’s almost finals? Did they think I just didn’t have my shit figured out already?” she asks, dumping her bag to one side and settling into her customary spot.
“Leaving aside the fact that I don’t have a living situation figured out yet, it just feels like a desperate move. Doesn’t bode well, you feel me?”
“For sure. Bear?” he asks, holding out the biggest bag of gummy bears she’s seen in a while toward her.
She raises a single eyebrow. “Did you accidentally buy a bag with the pink ones again?”
“Bear me.” He passes over the bag and they take a moment to just watch the street, soaking up the breeze rustling through the leaves and the sounds of Beyoncé from the kitchen below them. The first taste of grapefruit makes her wrinkle her nose – she’s not the biggest fan of the flavor – but she’s not about to let Shitty absently snack on something that he’s mildly allergic to, so she keeps eating.
“So did you give them an answer already?” Shitty asks eventually, a weird expression on his face. Lardo squints at him, but lets it go in favor of answering.
“I told them I had to think about it,” she says, picking out the last few pink bears. “It’d be like, fine, but – ‘kay, I ate all the gross pink ones for you—”
“Brah,” he says, fake tearing up in gratitude. She punches him in the side of the arm and Shitty falls to the side with a dramatic groan. Lardo just rolls her eyes and continues her thought.
“—But, it's on the other side of campus. Plus, Claire's gonna sexile Lara weekly, and I don't wanna Judge Judy all senior year.” She leans back on her hands, more glad than ever she doesn’t have to use her brain any more today. “Man. Why the printmaking kids gotta be so damn horn a bajillion percent of the time?”
There’s a beat of silence where Shitty would normally make fun of her (admittedly strange) art friends, and then—
“So, Lards, ‘bout housing…I’m thinking you should have my dibs.” Lardo freezes at the words. Surely she didn’t hear correctly. He can’t have offered her his room in The Haus. He can’t have.
“I mean it makes a whole lotta sense, right? I mean, first, you practically fuckin’ love here anyway,” he says, ticking the items off on his fingers. “Second, it should be your right as manager. And third—” he meets her gaze squarely, more sincere and earnest about this than he ever was for hockey or any of his classes. This is important to him, maybe the most important. Suddenly, she’s fighting down a lump in her throat.
“You’re one of the best teammates I’ve ever had. So like. You know what to do to seal the deal…if you want ‘em, that is.” 
Apparently he can have been offering his room – offering her a chance to live with some of her favorite people in the whole damn world – as though it was a given, a right, a done deal. He holds out his hand for the customary Dibs Shake, but to her horror, Lardo sniffs, and there’s a tear dripping down her cheek that she has to hide in her elbow.
The wobble in her voice sets him off, and now they’re both halfway to ugly crying on the roof of the Haus like dumbasses. “Oh no-no-no, dude,” he says, furiously blinking to ward off tears. “If you waterworks, I’ll w-waterworks…”
She launches herself at him with a strangled AGGGHH!! – throwing her arms around him and squeezing as tightly as she can, hoping that her message gets across without actual words.
Shitty squeezes her back, and his words sound a little relieved (did he think she’d say no???) and a lot wet when he manages to speak. “Hugs count too.”
Fuck right they do.
When they finally break apart, Shitty’s beaming at her and she can feel her own smile widening in response.
“I guess I better tell Claire and Lara I’m already set for next year then,” she teases, striving for her normal dry tone.
“Brah, you’re gonna eat a million pies next year.”
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simplyender · 1 year
Tell me more..
(my votes on jack but I like letting people talk about their favorite characters)
if i do, will you share this with your friends and ask them nicely to vote for ingo? 3:
well, for starters, now that were talking halloween, id just like to say- shiny chandelure kind of reminds me of a pumpkin, lol.
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(if ingos chandelure were shiny, do you think that would arguably make him a pumpkin king too?)
anyway, something i really love about ingo is that....hes just a nice guy. seriously. this man is polite as hell and is very invested in supporting and encouraging the people around him, from his booming "BRAVO"s to his insistence that beating him in a fight was only one of the milestones in your life, and that you should continue to rack up more and more! i mean, i know hes from a pokemon game. so. most people that arent antagonists are kind and supportive but just bear with me here.
another thing i think is really cool about ingo is that he seems to have a tendency to train objectmon, he loves his good friends, aka, massive gears covered in spikes, a chandelier, rock in the shape of a face, magnet cyclops, and a literal pile of garbage! all of them are beloved and valued by him<3
ingos love for pokemon, or battling, or both, is so strong apparently that even when hes tossed a good several hundred years into the past without any of his memories, he still manages to not only become the warden of a revered pokemon, but also one of the strongest trainers in the region (not that there was much competition, which has probably contributed to his general sadguy vibe in PLA). dude just loves animals that kick ass THAT much.
also, in tumblr sexyman fashion, ingo understands the importance of a snazzy top hat and a suit:) here he is all dressed up!
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rindouheart · 2 years
— 100 followers drabbles event! [closed]
hi people! recently I hit 100 followers and I want to thank you all for this small milestone, hoping that I’ll reach something bigger soon!
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event: this is a drabbles event, pick a prompt (max 2 of them) and a Tokyo Revengers character, I’ll write a short scenario for you (I’ll try to do at least 400-500 words!). mostly sfw, might be suggestive if I feel confident enough.
dialogue prompts:
“that was my favourite cup”
“am I going to die?”
“hang on, where’s the baby?”
“i gave my all to you. and unfortunately, it wasn’t enough”
“what have you done now?”
“ouch, that must have hurt”
“how did you find me?”
“i just need this one moment. this last one”
“there’s blood everywhere”
“how are you feeling today? a little better, hm?”
“was that a scream?”
“stop yelling!”
“you bring the best out of me but i’m the worst for you”
“are you sure? like sure sure?”
“that’s a very …bold… thing to say”
“shut up”
“i’m going to give you five seconds to take that back”
“don’t worry, i hated that wallpaper, anyway”
“you have to tell them”
“just tell me the truth”
“that’s none of your concern”
“if we both agree we're soulmates, why break up?”
“it all looks so tiny from up here”
“you ever wonder what best friends talk about at sleepovers?”
“if two people can choose a movie to watch in less than two minutes, anything is possible”
“you're funny, but I can tell you’re hiding something”
“how are you going to tell mom you're dating a blogger?”
“i've always believed that the most important quality a person can have is the ability to love”
“promise me you’ll never tell anyone what you just saw”
“apparently she gave up her medical practice for a romance writing career”
“i might have. just because you say I wouldn’t have doesn’t prove anything”
“i never, ever want to hear you say that again”
“i caught your cold”
“you’ve got thirty seconds to explain to me what you’re doing here”
“i know this may be hard to believe, but i’m on your side”
“you look a lot different from your profile picture”
“dude. it’s 3 in the morning”
“i should have told you this a long time ago”
“what makes you think it was an accident?”
“that’s the worst reason I’ve ever heard to have a baby”
“where did you learn how to do that?”
“why is that your password?”
“the next time you shoot a guy, don’t do it on national television”
“your voice. it’s different. you’re different”
“open your door and your heart. I’m coming home”
“keep your hands where i can feel them”
“i don’t want to be alone tonight”
“you broke my heart and all you can say is «i’m sorry»?”
“please don’t cry”
“that’s the first time you say «i love you»”
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rindouheart’s 100 followers drabbles event — please don’t copy or steal 052822
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rviden · 3 years
➝ birthday headcanons
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feat. ➝ xiao, childe, kazuha, zhongli, kaeya, diluc, albedo
note ➝ happy happy birthday to meeeeee — enjoy some headcanons of these wonderful boys on the readers birthday!
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➝ xiao
he... tries...?
while he understands what birthdays are, he doesn’t really understand the big celebrations for it
i mean to him it just means one year closer to death for mortals
but when he sees that not only do humans hold these traditions close to their hearts
and tend to look forward to these days every year
it’s a way to show your love and appreciation for the person
so... he will try to learn more about the customs
xiao would ask zhongli what to do — if he should simply say ‘happy birthday’ to you and walk away, or if he should get you something
cough the answer is both cough
much like zhongli — my dude is broke, so whatever he gets you will be handmade or found
a crystalfly to be exact
and the rest of the day with him by your side (with a little bit better of a mood then he’s usually in!)
➝ childe
mans going all out and you know it
first of all, he’s rich
second of all, he’s rich
childe would take time (or as much as he could) away from his work, just to spend the day spoiling you
every few minutes he slips a happy birthday in, or boasts to strangers that it’s your big day, just so they’ll wish you a happy birthday as you pass by
keep him on a leash or else he might scream it out from the top of a building
expect a nice (expensive) dinner with a beautiful view
and a few dozen presents
alongside this, childe is on his best behaviour because after all — this day is about celebrating you!
i want a childe in my life goddamn
➝ kazuha
a little bit like xiao (only human) he gets what and why birthdays are celebrated, but he’s never really cared about it per say
he’ll celebrate sure, but when it comes to the day, he’ll simply wish the person a happy birthday before walking away
but you on the other hand
no, you need to be shown how much you mean to him on your birthday
from morning to night, he’s gifting you anything he can get his hands on — a heart shaped leaf, a small lizard, and plenty of kisses in between
while the gifts aren’t huge and luxurious like some get on their birthday
his gifts are a way to show your travels together and his utmost appreciation for you and everything you do for him
also expect a large group of pirates to come wish you a happy birthday
andddd a hug from the ever so lovely beidou<3
➝ zhongli
elegant celebration minus the money
despite not having enough mora to afford even a teacup, zhongli does what he can with what he has — and maybe asks childe for money just so he can treat you
a homemade dinner under the stars with the most beautiful view you can imagine
i can’t get this out of my head so here —
zhongli seems like the type that would find one of the rarest gems he could, carve a piece off, and gift it to you as either a necklace or some sort of pendent
you’re carrying something that he says ‘matches your beauty/handsomeness’
he’s more gifting with his words and affection over physical things
he’s have stories that remind him of you, or stories about birthdays and how traditions came to be
and at the end of the day — zhongli would be giving you his undivided attention and affection
➝ kaeya
if mondstadt didn’t know it was your birthday before... they sure do now!
kaeya takes it upon himself to notify the entire city of the day and it’s meaning
so, expect a few (lot) of strangers to come up and wish you a happy birthday
while kaeya technically could buy you many gifts, he gives me ‘would only buy or give one meaningful gift’
some of the fur of his coat turned into a little charm — that would be adorable
and in this, he would probably purchase (bed diluc) to give him the finest wine or grape juice to celebrate with you
kaeya wouldn’t leave your side, with an arm constantly wrapped around your shoulders, and his head resting against your own whenever he could
^ kaeya basically becomes one with you during the day
➝ diluc
much like kaeya, diluc is most likely a gift giver with meaning behind things
a map of mondstadt with mark locations of milestones between the two of you
^ the only think i can come up with srry
diluc isnot the most well versed in his verbal and physical affection, so while he’ll wrap you in his arm tightly and wish you many happy birthdays
he’s probably gonna be overheating
but if it means a good day for you... then he’ll put up with it
another man with a fancy dinner in mind — has the staff of dawn winery prepare a nice table inside by the window with your favourites on the table
diluc is still new to the whole relationship and having someone close to you, so as the years go on
he will be more and more able to truly show your worth to him through his words and actions
➝ albedo
another one who can grasp the meaning of a birthday, but just doesn’t care
^ he’ll wish you approximately one happy birthday
that’s what you get
albedo — as much as i want to say is a sweetheart on you birthday, probably treats it like any other day
‘happy birthday... can you come help me in the lab for a moment?’
sucrose or one of the other alchemists probably guide him to do more — treat you to a meal, talk more, or get a gift for you
so that’s what he does (with guidance ofc)
picture a tiny locket with a picture of you and albedo standing next to one another with the rest of the knights either behind or beside you
it’s small, minimalistic, but the photo itself holds some sort of importance to albedo
‘it’s the day we met, and the day you caught all of my attention’
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theroadtofairyland · 2 years
It's not like I don't know that I'm annoying and it seems never to end. I get it. I know. My mom's health and financial issues became a crisis in May 2018. Our dog Sadie nearly died. And from tumblr I received such support. I found support I didn't receive from my physical community. I admit I was scared and ashamed so maybe I would have received more support than I ultimately did.
In March 2019 I became homeless. I left my childhood hom with some clothes and art supplies and that's it. I couldn't grab my birth certificate or social security card or passport or a picture of my grandfather, I had to give up our dogs, which kills me and makes me feel like I deserve nothing good ever again because I couldn't protect them and take care of them.
I slept in airbnbs mostly until I found someone who couldn't afford their rent in the neighborhood I knew. I honestly can't tell if it's an Aspergers thing or a trauma thing or a doesn't drive and so proximity to the art supply stores and access to groceries is important. I honestly haven't found a therapist able to help me untangle much. I only lived in that house from June until September. A lot of awful things happened to me in that house. I thought I could manage this dude but I didn't know about violent drunks. My mom sheltered me from that kind of thing. I knew they existed but I didn't understand. It's a different thing when intimidation lives in the house. He threatened my life for drinking money and one of his sorta drinking buddies said I could stay with her. That was unpleasant. Then I was able to rent a place. Downstairs was the owner's father but he was only there on weekends. I moved in October of 2019. I had nothing. I slept on the floor. A follower paid most of my 2nd and 3rd month's rent, she also bought me a bed, the place I spend almost all of my time (I paint in bed.) I moved in knowing the house was going to be torn down, it was only a 3 month lease. Ultimately I lived there for 11.5 months when I was 100% illegally evicted but having another place was worth everything to me.
During that 11 months the world changed. A pandemic occured. My mom made strides in rehab. I let myself have another dog. I tried and gave up therapy for a 3 time. I lived with constant uncertainty about being homeless again from March until September.
I actually had a two week gap in housing I had paid for so slept on a horrible couch in a windowless room in the landlord's adult son's house. I couldn't sleep there and my dog wouldn't eat.
This isn't to gain sympathy or engender outrage or blame, it's to explain why I'm no longer like a normal person (if I ever was) and why I haven't been able to just be okay now.
I've had so milestones that I'm so proud of and wouldn't have occurred without my tumblr community's support. I sold the largest piece I've ever sold, I sold to a public collection, The Free Library of Philadelphia, I passed 25,000 followers and not one of them is a bot (I check.) I also had an 80 day period without a single sale then a big one and then another 47 day dry spell.
Further, I haven't received a stimulus check, not one, I didn't have a permanent address. I don't have a credit history and I don't have certain types of ID. I applied for PUA and as of November 15th my claim is still pending. Also post move an isolated care facility had stopped being safer than home. People were getting vaccinated but outbreaks were becoming a feature rather than a bug.
Her social security being changed in payee back to her had been made impossible but identity verification stuff. So I'm wholly supporting my mom which means meds and copays and of course food and clothing and stuff she needs because she lost her home since 1981 too, heavily due to her inability to participate in a legal process.
I know it seems like I should have recovered by now. I feel like I should have but my financial situation is the worst it's ever been. I would never have been able to have basic necessities without support from my followers. We had literally exhausted the neighborhood food pantry and wouldn't have had anything to eat a couple of times.
I've tried to get pandemic housing assistance but it has been dead ended at my landlord's desk. I'm months behind in rent and the stress is literally making me sick. And I wish I were better too.
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beeroses · 3 years
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(gif credit to the owner)
Heyyy @evanstanwrites​ here’s my take on prompt 17 !! :) Congrats again for your new milestone, it’s well deserved! <3 
I tried being the most neutral and least descriptive of the reader, please be aware of the slight language warning! No other warnings! 
I felt like I HAD to tag you @chibsytelford​ on this one <3
- At some point, you’re gonna have to tell Chibs how you feel, gorgeous, Tig told me, half drunk, half smirking and halfway leaning on me.
I’d say, without me, he’d probably fall on the floor, by now. But since he agreed to emotionally support me, I figured I owed him to physically support him, at least for a while. He’s been a annoying child, nagging me about my feelings for the Scot ever since he’s known about them. To be completely fair, I hadn’t intended for Tig, out of everyone, to know about this. But he manages to be very AWARE for someone… well.. like him.
- I don’t plan on it Big Boy, I’m fine on my own. Plus, look at that, he looks perfectly fine on his own too, I let out, bitterly, watching him with his arm over some obviously far more out-there person than me. 
- You seriously think you’re not far better looking and that he’s not just trying to provoke you right now? Tig asks, almost surprised. 
- You must be kidding me, seriously.. 
Tig looked annoyed by my answer, and by me, most definitely. For a second, I thought he sobered up, he looked completely clear-headed. But the next second, he leaned down and kissed me all mouth, tongue and teeth. I don’t think I have the time to realize what’s happening and push him off before he’s already off me. The Scotsman holding him by the back of his Kutte looks like he’s about to shoot his face off with only his eyes as guns. When I look at Tig, he smiles sheepishly at me, winking and walks off, pull his kutte out of Chibs’ hand. 
Nobody says anything for a solid minute. Chibs and I both share a solid minute of looking at the floor awkwardly next to each other before he mumbles something about needing to do something and almost runs off somewhere, never to be seen again that evening. 
After that, the rest of the evening was uneventful : Tig kept apologizing, saying he was so sure that it would work, but also kept on drinking. I left he clubhouse towards the end of the bottle he was working on. It took me a couple of days to go back to Teller-Morrow. What am I saying, couple of days, it actually took me 2 weeks. I was usually here every other day, so after a couple of days, I started receiving messages from everyone, saying they missed me. But I felt embarrassed. For absolutely no reason, obviously, since I did nothing at all. But I felt embarrassed that even Tig’s plan didn’t work. Which meant, no matter how much I wanted to be wrong about Chibs not being into me, it meant I was right. 
When I went back, it felt like ages since I’ve seen them, which is ridiculous, but I found myself missing them a lot too. I had decided to move along and accept that Chibs and I were great friends and that it would be more than enough. Not only did I actually believe myself, but it was, as a matter of fact, true. Better have him some way than not at all was going to be my new motto. 
I sat on the picnic table with Juice for a while, talking about stuff : he’s been providing me with all kinds of things to listen to, new music and movies to give a try. I had my cellphone in my hand, taking notes as to what new things I needed to give a go when a hand took a hold of my phone and it disappeared. I looked up to see my favorite Scotsman, smirk digging his dimples plastered in his face, with my phone in his hand. I bolted up from the picnic table as there was some things, on there, I really didn’t want him to see or read. I ran up to him but the solid height difference between us made it really easy for him to just dig the distance between my phone and me. 
I tried pulling his arm down but to no avail, and by then, he was just, plain as day, laughing at my failed efforts. But the nightmare went on when he said :
- Let’s see what’s so important on there… 
My eyes grew three times their normal size. My thoughts were running wild. I HAD to think of something so, to my own dismay, I actually heard myself declare :
- I swear to God, dude, if you don’t stop, I’ll fucking hold your hand and tell you I love you. 
In which Universe was this logical, I have no idea, and it took my brain less than a nanosecond to regret my words. Now his eyes looked wild, like deer lost on he motorway, somehow. But I spotted a twinkle, it was there, I could see it, no doubt. 
- Alright, Darlin’, do it then, he said, his smirk taking back its place on his gorgeous face.
He looked daring. Like he was taunting me to do it. I didn’t move for a while, pondering what the hell was going on. So his eyes flickered back to my phone, where he started scrolling through my apps. He then opened the Photos app. He was about to start scrolling through them when I yanked his hand yelling : 
He paused for a solid second. And I figure he’s trying to find a way to defuse the very tense situation I put myself into. But he’s not, he softly laughed, intertwining his fingers to mine, pulling me closer to him. I suddenly feel my phone being put in my back pocket and he softly whispers :
- Took you long enough, Love. 
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icefire149 · 3 years
You are good at angst so 28 bestie <3
I hope this was angsty enough for you Rubi! I spent yesterday and today's warm up on this one. I swear all the prompts I've done, they've all gone in directions I wasn't expecting. This definitely wasn't the scene I meant to write, but I quite like it. Please enjoy <3
#28 – When I am dead – Dean/Castiel
“I know I’ve screwed up more than any of us could have predicted, which is….impressive in it’s own way, but….I’m glad that you have Jack.”
With the tips of his fingers, Dean lightly twisted and turned the beer bottle on the bunker’s kitchen table. As he spoke, he was still hunched over and watching the last third of his drink splash and move against the glass. The silence stretched longer than he’d hoped. He glanced up to find Cas staring at him confused.
“Oh, come on,” he breathed. “We all know I haven’t done a bang up job.”
Cas’ eyebrows pinched together. “Jack idolizes you. You know that, right?”
A painful laugh tore from his throat. “You really need to introduce him to….honestly anyone would be a better role model.”
“It’s not your call. Dean, he loves you.”
“He’s a toddler. He doesn’t…..” Dean pushed the bottle aside and ran his hands roughly through his hair. Exhaling, he leaned back in his chair. “Cas, he didn’t even get to be a baby because I shot him not even an hour after he was born.”
Cas sighed exasperatedly, “Maybe you’re right.” He held Dean’s gaze for several heartbeats before letting his head slowly tilt. “What’s important is that Jack has all of us. He’ll always need you.”
“Even without the Michael situation….” Dean rubbed the back of his neck. “It’s not the same. He’ll have you. You’ll have each other long after the rest of us are dust in the wind.”
“What! It’s true.” He picked up his beer again. His eyes locked on the lip of the bottle. “I’m glad you’ll have each other. I don’t want you to spend the rest of existence alone.”
Cas sighed, but this time his stare softened. “Dean, I….” His voice was laced with pain.
“I know,” Dean cut in. “It’s heavy and I’m not aiming for any kind of big emotional moments here, but...with Michael trapped-” He tapped the side of his head with his left index finger. “I figure I don’t have a lot of time.”
“You have decades,” Cas said firmly. “We’re going to solve this problem just as we’ve always done and you’re going to be here to see Jack’s 5thbirthday.” He stood up and laid both hands on the kitchen table. “And then his 10th, 16th, 21st, 25th, 30th, 40th, and 50th!”
Coughing, Dean put his beer down and raised his hands, hoping that Cas would calm down. “Do you realize how old I’d be?”
“Yes,” Cas said with a deadly serious aura. “I’ve done the math, several times.”
“You might wanna run it again,” Dean joked. He wasn’t able to stop his tongue. “If you ask Claire she’d tell you that I’m already geriatric for a hunter.”
The corner of Cas’ lip twitched. “I don’t doubt her assessment. If you remove hunting from the equation, then there’s no reason why you couldn’t see any of those milestone birthdays for Jack. Claire’s milestone birthdays as well.”
“You’re asking an awful lot,” Dean shook his head. He could still vividly remember the days where he honest to God thought that living past 30 was a pipedream, and now, Cas was expecting him to see his 90s….
“It’s the bare minimum.” Cas sat back down in his seat. He still had the palms of his hands resting on the cool table.
“As long as you’re in the wheel chair next to me,” Dean grinned. The thought of living to a ripe old age was terrifying, but he could do it if Cas was there with him. His nervous heartbeat started to settle the moment he imagined the angel there at his side. His hair would be more than peppered with gray patches. He’d probably be wearing reading glasses so much they’d be glued to his nose. And he’d have a closet of colorful, chunky knit sweaters to replace his long worn out trench coat.
Cas’ warm smile quickly wobbled and wavered before some other emotion won in his eyes. Dean almost chased it, but then it too was replaced with something else: a more teasing glint. A hint of Cas’ teeth caught his eye now. “I’ll try my best, but I’d imagined I would be kicking your wheel chair to every event.”
“Oh right,” Dean mumbled, remembering the whole point of this conversation. “Angels are eternal.” He laughed. “People will eventually think you’re my grandson.”
“I was thinking…..more like nurse, or doctor.”
Dean swallowed sharply. He nodded, trying to ignore the way his ears burned.
The look dimmed in Cas’ eyes, and his shoulders slumped. “I’m sorry,” he muttered. “I don’t want you to give up. I can’t imagine this world without you in it.”
“I get it,” Dean said, losing himself to his memories. There was something about that kind of pain that made any complication seem solvable. Like it wasn’t until he’d been cleaved open by death’s scythe that his truth was free.
Dean still remembered his father pulling Sammy free from his arms as their house burned down, and how even still his mouth couldn’t stop whispering to empty air the same promises: I love you. Dad will fix this. We’re safe.
What felt like a life time later, he remembered whispering almost the same words into his brother’s hair as he bled out in his arms. I love you. I’ll fix this. I’ll bring you home.
The worst was when his hands shook uncontrollably in the dirt and ash outside of Kelly’s cabin in North Cove. Dean waited from the moment the light extinguished from Cas’ eyes all the way until the final coals cooled for a miracle. He waited for Cas to rise. He waited for his world to start spinning again.
It wasn’t until he was down on his knees with his wrist buried in the pyre’s remains that he was torn in half. The sun was never gonna shine again. And now there was no warmth to hold, hair to comb, and skin to touch. Dean cried until he was too exhausted to keep spilling out the same words over, and over again: I love you. Come back to me. I’m so sorry. Please, don’t leave me.
His throat hurt like he was suffocating on the pyre’s smoke. Dean’s gaze slid back to Cas, and he was able to breathe deep again. Cas’ studied him like he was desperately trying to uncover what horrors he was reliving again, so Dean downed the last of his drink, but he couldn’t bear to break the eye contact. Like a part of him was still afraid that Cas would turn to ash dusting the meadow’s flowers once again.
“What’s wrong?”
“Nothing,” Dean lied. How do you tell someone that you’re incapable of loving them until they’re dead? “I just….” Dean shook his head. “Can you promise me something?”
“Anything, of course.”
“When I die-”
“Dean.” Cas leaned back in his chair.
“Dude, just listen. When I die, I need you to promise me that you’ll come visit me. Break me out of whatever memory loop I’m in.”
Bewildered, Cas’ eyebrows furrowed. “Okay.”
“There’s something I’ll only be able to say then.”
Cas leaned forward in his chair. His stare pierced into Dean, unwavering, like he was certain that he could learn all he needed from his eyes alone. “Dean, you can tell me now. You can always tell me, anything at all.”
“I know, but just promise me this. It’ll be worth the wait.”
Ask me more writing prompts (I’m using these as warm ups so send a number and a ship)
Prompts I've done so far
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thecarrieonokay · 3 years
WTF: A Macgyver Tale
(AKA My Thoughts On The Macgyver Cancellation)
Guys. Like many of you, I am not ok. I was not prepared for this. 
Honestly, I feel like a proper idiot. I was absolutely, totally and utterly convinced that they couldn’t cancel it. Not wouldn’t. COULDN’T. 
Don’t get me wrong… I am fully aware of what US TV networks are capable of. Story structure, the fanbase, even the cast and crew mean very little to them unless it’s about optics or ratings. At the end of the day, it’s about money. But Macgyver would be reaching it’s 100th episode milestone on 6x06… which means that Macgyver is only SIX episodes away from syndication. So obviously my thinking was: WHY would they cancel it when it was about to make them a shitload of money?! 
Add to that the updated merch in the CBS store, the fact that ratings watchdogs had it pegged for guaranteed renewal (you guys know all this, of course), the promising progression of the casting and storylines… and I was CONVINCED it would all be fine. 
Well. That showed me.
But the thing that hurts the most is all the incredible people that are suddenly out of a job. Renewal is never guaranteed. That’s a harsh fact of the business. But the writers, the creatives, the cast, the crew… they deserved so much better than a last minute cancellation. Of course, we don’t know the full story yet (if ever) but it seems very much like absolutely everyone was blindsided. No matter how you spin it, that’s pretty fucking disgusting behaviour from CBS. It’s heartbreaking. Especially given the unique pressures and circumstances for this particular show.
And just look at what they managed to pull off. The sacking of an abusive showrunner, hiring a whole host of new writiers, squeezing and piecing together stories from half-finished seasons and episodes into something coherent DURING A FUCKING PANDEMIC. In the end, Monica Macer only got to head up 8 episodes. Eight. They deserve better. 
You only have to read my thoughts for the previous couple of episodes to know how I was gearing up to love the next era for Macgyver. I truly believe that under Monica Macer the show could have found some epic new ground. A female showrunner? Trans characters? A genuinely diverse cast? Women of colour taking charge? ALL the ingredients were there for something special. And following on from a cut-down season 4 and 5, this just feels like a kick in the teeth. Nevermind that it has consistently good ratings, that it’s no1 in it’s timeslot (again, you all know this. Sorry guys, I’m just ranting…). And who the hell needs yet another fucking CSI?! 
Then there’s the lawsuit. I had no idea. A friend told me about it and I had little look into it. It seems to me that this has been an ongoing legal battle since 2018. The fact that it’s been gaining traction in the media only recently is… interesting. From everything I’ve read, CBS seem to think that the plaintiffs have no case. But it also appears that fighting it has been costing them money for a while. 
I see the trending tweets and the petition (signed <3 of course!!) and the sad insta posts and the paperclips being sent to CBS… and it makes me happy to see so many people fighting TOGETHER to try and save this. And I fully support it.
I’m new here. I’ve been writing Macgyver fanfic for like, five minutes. And yet it has become very important to me. For whatever reason, these characters inspire me and it has emboldened me to know that they inspire so many of you too. I have these stories in me and I promise you that I will finish them. I think we can all agree that we need these stories, these creative outlets, now more than ever. So I promise to keep writing, creating and supporting others, as I’m sure you all will too. 
I’ve learned my lesson. I will be managing my expectations very carefully for the future. Complications between CBS, Paramount, Zolotoff and Arlita make this a very long, very twisted financial and legal road...
But just know that whatever happens, these characters and the people who love them will remain. We ain’t going nowhere, dudes. <3
Thank you for letting me get all that off my chest! Phew!! x
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chrisbangs · 3 years
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Hi everyone! Here I am (late as always) but just in time to shower you all with a lil appreciation and love, because after this year, I think we all need it! (Apologies in advance for all the typos I will be making- no I will not proof read this <3)
I just wanted to start off by saying: thank you so much to everyone who has talked to me, become my friend, been kind to me, followed me, supported my content, throughout this year. To anyone who’s ever interacted / complimented / rb’d / liked my gifs and my gfxs, it means the world and I am so grateful and thankful to you. I honestly hit several milestones throughout this year and I just feel so in awe of how many people have supported me. I know 2020 wasn’t kind to many people, but I really did suffer a lot this year, and having people by my side who made me laugh and smile and feel special, made all the difference. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for everything.
Happy New Year to all my mutuals, followers, and people I follow! Thank you for making this terrible year, not so terrible. 
With all my love, Li / Moon! 🖤🌙🐺
@00hj 🌙 // @2miin // @3noracha 🌙 // @914m // @agibbng // @avocadomin // @bangchans // @banghans 🌙 // @bestiez 🌙 // @binnies 🌙 // @blueprintskz // @binminseok // @changbeanie // @felixies 🌙 // @go-saeng // @hanjin // @huiracha 🌙 // @hwjins // @hyunjins 🌙 // @hyunjinz // @hyunknow // @hyunnie 🌙 // @innielove // @inracha // @jeonginx // @ji-sungs // @jinlix // @jisquish 🌙 // @jypestraykids // @leeknown // @leeminho-s // @leemvnho // @luvknow // @minhos 🌙 // @mydays 🌙 // @ontracc 🌙 // @realstraykids 🌙 // @saintmilky 🌙 // @seoschangbin // @seungminhos 🌙 // @seungminsmile // @strayhags // @straylov 🌙 // @sunnykids // @tightenmydoubleknot // @tuanzie 🌙 // @uayv 🌙 // @wonstal // @yangjeongin // @yangjeonginz 🌙 // @youngke
(If there’s a lil 🌙 by your name, I left a little extra message for you under the cut! Sorry I couldn’t do this for everyone, but please know I love all of you so much and am grateful for the things you bring to my dash!)
@00hj: Karen! Hi angel!!! You’re probably one of my first stay friends which is crazy to me ; __ ; like I really can’t believe it’s already been so long that we’ve known each other... I really just wanted to say that I hope the coming year is warm and kind and good to you because you really deserve it. Thank you for working so hard on straykidsupdate... And you post the loveliest gifs and gfx and are just such a kind soul... You’re such a pillar in this community and I’m so lucky to know and be your friend. Let’s go get some pie some day soon okay? 
@3noracha: Falak! I know I suck at messaging and I’m so sorry for this. I missed your presence on here a lot and I miss all your amazing creations... Just today I saw some of your gfx in my gfx inspo tag and I was just amazed all over again. You’ve always been so kind to me and caring and just such a wonderful friend and I’m beyond grateful to you. I know you’re not as active these days but when you do post stuff it makes me so !!! Like I’m just so grateful to know you!! I hope the coming year will be kind to you!
@banghans: Ollieeeee!!! Hi sweetheart! I know we really only got to know each other this year through the createskz gc, but !! talking to you is so easy and comfortable, and you make me laugh so much. Thank you for always being such a warm person to be around. Everything you make is so lovely please don’t doubt that!! I hope that the coming year we get to talk more and that it treats you well angel! 
@bestiez: Nita ; __ ; Although we’re not really in the same fandoms anymore, you’re still my OG johfam partner in crime. I’m so grateful to have known you as long as I have. You are just one of the kindest, funniest, warmest people I know. Thank you for always coming by and messaging me time to time and making me feel so warm and happy. You’re just a bright ray of sunshine who’s been there for me since so long and I can’t begin to thank you. I hope the new year brings you nothing but happiness and health and good things. 
@binnies: Jem, where do I even begin? I refuse to make this too long or embarrassingly cheesy, because I already do that to you literally every day... But, I’m so so so grateful that we became friends. You made my 2020 so different from how it started. I feel so so so loved because of you. You offer nothing but the kindest of words (except when we’re sleep deprived because then you’re just The Funniest) and I am just so grateful to you. My Twin, My Bangerz Bro (help), My HoneyJem... How lucky I am to have you in my life... You truly helped me get to the other side of 2020 without a doubt in my mind... I feel so lucky that you were there with me... Thank you for everything. I hope the new year is full of love, happiness, and everything you so utterly deserve my babie! 
@felixies: Luna! Hi sweet angel! We’ve known each other a while now huh ; __ ; It feels like it’s already been so long since we became pals, and I just feel so lucky to know you. I know we’ve both been through hell because of stay tumblr (and just in general) but you’re genuinely one of the strongest people I know... You’re so kind and funny and warm and smart and I just feel so lucky to have you in my life as a friend. Thank you for always cheering me on and being so sweet to me. I hope you know how much I love you! I hope you have a wonderful new year angel... You only deserve the best! 
@huiracha: Marie! Hi my sweet angel!!! I know I’ve said it before but, thank you for being such an easy person to talk to and be around. You’re such a comfortable presence who makes me feel safe and comfy to talk to... I think you’re genuinely one of the most talented CCs on here and I’m so lucky to see your gifs and see your work. You’re just so amazing and leave me in awe ; ___ ; Thank you for being so kind to me and always talking with me about SKZ or PTG or Channie... I’m really so lucky to know you and love you! I hope you have a wonderful new year my angel! 
@hyunjins: Hales... The way I don’t even know what to say here except: I love you. I’m so lucky to have you as a friend... You’re truly one of the funniest, best people I’ve come to know in my life. I cannot even begin to explain how much you’ve inspired me and made me feel happy. You’re just such a wonderful person and I am beyond glad we’re pals. Even if our friendship started out as you calling me a furry -___- I wouldn’t have it any other way ; __ ; I am so grateful to you and thankful to you. I love you and hope you have a wonderful new year! I love you!!!
@hyunnie: Kat! My girl! My Dude! One of the most talented stays on this site for real... Everything you make is just loaded with creativity and uniqueness and brilliance- just like you. I can’t tell you how happy I am we became closer this year... Like I feel so happy and lucky to know you and be your friend. You’ve inspired me in so many ways and everything you make is insanely cool. I love you so much Kat!!! I hope you have a wonderful new year and I can’t wait to see what you make next! 
@jisquish: Dia my sweet angel... Happy new year! I hope you know that even if you’re not on much anymore, everytime I see you on my dash my heart lights up a little. I am so glad you were one of my first friends here- even if I didn’t know it at the time. I feel so, so lucky that we’ve stayed friends and that I can talk to you comfortably and easily. You’ve been such a wonderful part of my stayblr experience and I feel like you brighten my life up so much. Thank you so much!! I love you so much!! I hope the coming year is filled with only happiness and good things for you! 
@minhos: Haru!!! Thank you for working so hard for this community. I am so lucky to know you and be your friend, seriously. You’ve made me smile and laugh countless times. Thank you for always just dropping in and checking on me... It truly means a lot to me and makes me feel important and cared for. I love you so much pal! I hope the new year brings you nothing but happiness and love and good things angel. 
@mydays: Moon! Hi sweetheart! I just wanted to say a quick thank you for always being around to talk about Day6 with me and for making me laugh and smile and just for bringing warmth and good things to my dash. Everytime we talk I feel so comfy and happy and lucky to know you. I hope you have a wonderful new year filled with all the good things the universe could bring. Hehe, thank you for always posting moon related content!!! 
@ontracc: Autumn!!! I hope you know how much I appreciate all the lil messages you send me every now and then, just to ask me how I’m doing. It means a lot and I hope you know, I’m grateful! I really hope you know how much I appreciate you and your content and just general presence on the dash and in the dms and in the gc! I’m so lucky to be your pal and I hope the new year brings you happiness and love and all the good things you deserve! 
@realstraykids: Em! ; __ ; First of all, thank you so much for running foryjn with me... I know I have been kinda -___- with updating lately but I’ll be better about it fajiwoefowan... Anyway, you know how much I adore everything you make and I hope you know how much of a giant inspiration you are to me. You’re so creative and talented and friendly and bright and you are just one of the best people I’ve met on here. I just feel so lucky to be your friend and know you and just !!! chat with you! Everytime we talk I’m smiling and feeling happy... I’m so happy we bonded over loving Jeongin... Fr like... Best times!!! Anyway, I hope you know how much I love and appreciate you! Happy new year babie! Thank you for everything you do for stayblr and for me! I love you!!!
@saintmilky: Paige ; __ ; my angel... Thank you for being so sweet to me always. You are just one of those people who makes me smile and laugh so easily... You love frogs and bears and spn and I just feel all these things so deeply in my soul. I keep wanting to message you about SPN and stuff but I get so embarrassed and shy faoweifno... Anyway, I hope you have a wonderful new year and that all the things you deserve come your way!!! Love you my pal!!!
@seungminhos: Bia... My babie... My baba... My soulmate... Where do I even begin... Another year has passed by and so much has happened, and I just don’t know where I’d be without you... There is no doubt in my mind that I am the luckiest person on this earth because I found you and got to be your friend. You’ve made my life a beautiful, bright, fun, endearing place, all through your kindness and love and support. I am so lucky to be your friend and to be able to love you and just to know you... Thank you so much for everything you’ve done for me and been with me for, through this year, through every year. Truly, I don’t think I would’ve made it out of 2020 without you running by my side. I don’t know where I’d be without you, but I’m just so glad that you’re here with me now. That you’ve made my life a very, very special place. Happy new year my sweet angel girl. I wish you nothing but the best, and that everything you’re wishing for comes true my love. Let’s keep on going together in 2021, okay? I love you!
@straylov: Nina! Thank you for being such a positive, warm angel. You bring so much happiness and brightness to stayblr, you’re truly irreplaceable. Your talent for gfx and gifs is just crazy. Everything you make is so beautiful and creative and so amazing; I’m just always in awe of everything you do. I hope you have a wonderful new year full of good things and good people! 
@tuanzie: Jo! Although we haven’t talked that often, I just wanted to say thank you for always being so kind to me and supporting the things I make. Not only that but, you make some of the most beautiful and creative things I’ve seen and I’m always excited to see what you make next! I hope you get to achieve all the things you want in the new year and that only good things come your way. You truly deserve the best angel! Happy new year! 
@uayv: Joyce! I miss you and your beautiful work so much. You truly are one of my biggest inspirations as a gfx maker. Everything you make is beautiful, thoughtful, creative, and just amazing. I feel so lucky to be able to see your work as well as be your friend. You’ll be the bread to my soup always ma’am! I love you so much and hope you know! Thank you for being my pal! Happy new year angel! 
@yangjeonginz: June! Bug Boy!!! My sweet lil angel! Happy new year! I know I already told you last night, but thank you for being by my side during this year. I’m so happy we got around to talking more and became so close! You are just such a bright light in my life and I am so lucky to know you and love you! Thank you for always, always, always making me laugh and for listening to me rant about random stuff... I feel so safe and comfortable because of you. You really were a big reason that I survived 2020 and made it to the other side. Without you, I don’t know where I’d be... Thank you so much angel... I hope you have a wonderful new year filled with love and good memories and everything you deserve. 
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hibicusmoss · 2 years
hey, friendly reminder that Christopher Hayden from Gilmore Girls sucks fucking ass.
not only was he just an all around dick, the way he can treat Lorelai sometimes is ass too. Luke isn’t too pretty in that aspect either, but Christopher is objectively worse. not only when Lorelai said she didn’t want to try for a child right in the moment did Christopher shut down and accuse her of thinking they wouldn’t work out, which she never even said, he also has a really bad streak of just being a shitty person. when Luke and Lorelai broke up in s6, instead of comforting a heartbroken woman, he immediately goes to sleep with her instead. Luke and Lorelai could’ve made up if dipshit hadn’t decided this was a good idea. also, why the fuck wasn’t he around at ALL for Rory? you can give me bullshit excuses of work and whatnot, Luke showed up for his kid. however, Luke fought to see his kid. where was Christopher in all that? gone. nowhere to be seen. off in la la land. missing important milestones in his daughter’s life. giving Lorelai that bullshit sobbing-woe-is-me comment, “just another thing i missed out on” WHO’S FAULT IS THAT??? not only all these reasons, but, from me to him,
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he was SO easily just going along with Emily’s shitty ass plan of, “you and Lorelai bElOnG tOgETHer” and DIDN’T EVEN QUESTION the logistical and rational side of WHY that might be a BAD FUCKING IDEA?
like? dude, you knew she was in a relationship. you knew she was in love, and was with someone. w h y, WHY, i ask you, you useless paperclip with a hinge broken from the beginning, WHY YOU DON’T THINK BEFORE YOU DO SOMETHING.
GODS. that’s it, that’s the rant. good-day and drink your fucking water. <3 /gen
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