#don’t get me wrong though I love the mystery surrounding it
spookybeandoodle · 2 years
Thought of a silly little story of a seer for seeing something horrible but they’re stuck in a time loop. So they have knowledge of a horrible event that is about to take place but time keeps resetting.
And then they slowly start to realize they’re like in the meridian.
I like to think the meridian can affect people differently depending on which level they are on. I think the meridian is filled with different levels right?
If not then just ignore all this and acknowledge my stupidity-
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st4rd0lly · 2 months
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𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘴 𝘪𝘴 𝘱𝘭𝘢𝘯𝘯𝘦𝘥 𝘵𝘰 𝘣𝘦 𝘢 𝘴𝘮𝘢𝘭𝘭 𝘴𝘦𝘳𝘪𝘦𝘴 𝘩𝘦𝘢𝘷𝘪𝘭𝘺 𝘪𝘯𝘴𝘱𝘪𝘳𝘦𝘥 𝘣𝘺 @/𝘤𝘩𝘦𝘳𝘪𝘬𝘰𝘭𝘺𝘢 ’𝘴 𝘥𝘪𝘳𝘦𝘤𝘵𝘰𝘳 𝘈𝘜 𝘸𝘪𝘵𝘩 𝘕𝘪𝘬𝘰𝘭𝘢𝘪 !! 𝘱𝘭𝘦𝘢𝘴𝘦 𝘤𝘩𝘦𝘤𝘬 𝘰𝘶𝘵 𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘪𝘳 𝘸𝘰𝘳𝘬, 𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘺’𝘳𝘦 𝘢𝘯 𝘢𝘮𝘢𝘻𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘸𝘳𝘪𝘵𝘦𝘳 <3 
cw : no smut just yet , MDNI still , slight implications of future dark content , reader is an adult in early 20s while nikolai is older , fem reader
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A young rising star actress, gaining more and more popularity within each film you star in.
That was you.
And unfortunately for you, you had a very big director with his eyes glued to every move you make. Nikolai Gogol was a very prominent actor and director, he’s been in the business for a long time and he’s good at it. Almost too good.
There’s a lot of mysteries, rumors, more surrounding the man in general despite him being there for so long. Not much is known about his personal life or how he started to rise up. Most of the public just knew that he started off as a child actor.
There’s almost an aura of weariness that people get around him, but his charismatic and mischievous nature keeps pulling them back in for more despite their gut. When he walks, the people shifts and the mood becomes a tide dependent on him due to the air he brings. He knows how to perform and then perform, even when he’s not on the job.
It was only natural that he gained interest in a new star, he was a director after all. That was what most people told you. But there was just something off about him to you, though you never had an actual full conversation with the man besides…
“Haha, isn’t it my lucky day! An amazing actress with more amazing work, lovely meeting you.” The man stood before you, giving a small grin before shaking your hand. You’d smile back at him, shaking his hand too.
“Pleasure to meet you Gogol.” You said, your voice firm but sounding polite and friendly. He was a very attractive man, that you couldn’t deny. He was tall, he had pale skin, and pretty white, fluffy hair that was tied in its usual braid. His eyes were something that were easy to get lost into, a green that’s rich like emerald and a shade of a blue that paints the sky. 
Not to mention, the scar that sits on top with a nicely put together outfit. The red tint of his lips made a nice contrast and you couldn’t help but feel a slight dread to hear him speak again for some reason.
“Oh please dear, do call me Nikolai. No need for last names.” He reassures, the smile on his face grew wider, letting out a small chuckle. You felt your chest tighten. Did everyone feel so off when talking to him? 
“Ah, I have to get going. I’ll see you around yeah darl?”
“Of course.”
And that was the last you’ve talked to him. It was a while ago, back at an event for god knows what. You’d been to too many for your liking. You still remember the moments where he was glancing at you ever so subtly. 
But now your team came to you with an opportunity, an opportunity to act with him.
“It’s a really good chance for you to really get out there. Gogol is one of the best, he’s directing and acting and! He’ll be a great guidance.” Your manager told you, you nodded your head but pursed your lips into a thin line in thought. 
“I don’t know…” You sighed, bouncing your knee while you sat. 
“You’re already gaining a lot of popularity, a boost wouldn’t hurt. You’ve got great skills and a good mindset. You mind if I ask why you’re hesitating?” 
‘Because he’s off! There’s something off about him!’
“Guess I’m just… a little intimidated is all. Don’t get me wrong, I know this is pretty rare for newbies to get invited into such a huge project by someone like him. But I just—”
“He’s been one of your supporters since the start, it’s a good thing he’s interested in you. I get it, it might be overwhelming but that’s just how the industry is. —With that being said, it’s still ultimately your choice.”
You bit your inner cheek. It would be rude to decline an offer from a big shot like him, especially when he’s been supporting your work you figured. And it doesn’t hurt to be curious about him too, only way to figure out more about him is…
“Let him know I accept then.”
‘We’ll see how this goes.’
The past few days working with Nikolai, your co-stars, and staff have all went well so far. Your manager was right, so far at least. You were still somewhat skeptical. He was great at guiding people in the right direction. Not only was he easy to talk to but he was friendly, very friendly. 
Almost a little too friendly to you, but you shrugged it off. It must because you’re still somewhat new to the acting scene. You still weren’t sure how to feel.
“Hey darl, how’s my favorite star holding up?” Nikolai’s cheery voice snapped you out of your thoughts, his hand placed on the low of your back. You didn’t think much of it and you smiled at him politely.
“A bit tired but nothing I can’t handle. I’m excited to run upcoming scenes.” You told him, eating a strawberry that they had out on the food table for lunch. You managed to grab a few before they ran out. Your manager always told you it wasn’t good to act with completely empty stomach. He let out a small chuckled, nodding his head.
“Yes, yes! I’m glad you’re having fun dear.” He grinned, but then his eyes trailed to your lips. “Are the strawberries sweet?” He asked, keeping the cheerful expression on his face.
“Yeah, they’re sweeter than I expected. I really like these.” You responded genuinely, grabbing another one. 
“Let me have a taste.” He said, leaning down and eating the strawberry from your hand to his mouth. You were surprised, not expecting him to do something like that so casually. 
‘He smells sweet.’
‘….And his hands are really nice.’
You looked at him still with a surprised expression, letting out a small laugh when you saw his focused face on tasting the the strawberry. You were aware he was probably doing this to make you feel more comfortable and light hearted. At least that’s what you thought to make of his actions.
‘Wait, did I just say he smells sweet? In my head?’
“Huh?” You cut him off, snapping out of your head. Worried that you had said your thoughts out loud, you turn your face to his more directly. He raises a brow at you, an amused look on his face.
“I was about to say, yes you are right. They are pretty sweet but it looks like you have something on your mind honey.” He tells you, nothing ever goes unnoticed by him.
“O-Oh! It’s nothing, sorry I was just thinking about something random.” You try to explain, there’s no way you’re going to explain what you thought about him to him. That was weird. He’s weird… okay but maybe you’re weird too for thinking that of him-
“You always look so tense around me darling, you always have something on your mind don’t you?” He chuckles. “Dim your worried thoughts pretty thing. I’m not gonna bite you.” 
…Okay yeah he is weird.
But for some reason, your cheeks feel like they were growing warmer. 
“Unless you want me too.”
You didn’t quite catch what he said that moment, so now it was your turn to look at him a little amused snd confused. 
“What was that?”
“Oh nothing nothing dear!” He rubs the inner of your wrist quickly with his thumb, standing back up straight and patting you on the back. He let out a small light hearted laugh. “Oh you’re so cute. Relax okay? This is your first time working with a huge director isn’t it? —Ah maybe that sounds too arrogant of me. I’m just rather familiar with the position is all.” 
“Y-Yeah it is, you know just wanna do my best.” You stammer a bit, nodding your head in agreement.
“You’re already doing so good for me sweetheart, you’re gonna be just fine.” He reassures you, he was a little too good at eye contact. “Actually, you know what? Say, are you free after the shoot?”
You blink.
Where did this come from? What did he plan to do? Why was he asking? You had to come up with an answer. Quick. There wasn’t any time to think-
“Uh, you know I think I am? I don’t usually have anything planned after shoots.”
‘Fuck. What was that?’ 
You internally started cursing at yourself. You initially planned to deny, a thing your gut was screaming at you to do. But you couldn’t think right when he looked at you. It almost seemed sly in the way he smirked.
“How about this? After this shoot is done, go home and get dressed. Come over to my place for dinner yeah darl? I’ll give you some advice, I would just tell you now but we have to run the next scene in about 30? And I don’t wanna stay at the studio much longer after. What do you say?” He asks, tilting his head ever so slightly.
‘There’s no backing out now..’
“Sure, that sounds good to me.” You gave him a sheepish smile. A grin was too swift to grow on his face before relaxing into a casual smile. He reached for his phone, it was different from the usual phone he uses. It must’ve been a personal phone. You figured you should grab your own too.
“Here you go.” He says, handing you his phone and swapping with you. You both take a few moments to put in your numbers and for some reason, you feel as if you’ve greatly messed up. You both swapped the phones back. “There’s my number, give me a call before you’re on your way dear.”
“Okay, I will. Thank you.” You told him, now somewhat nervous to look up at him again.
“Gogol! Makeup touch ups!” A staff called out for him, your makeup artist was also probably looking for you.
“I’ll be seeing you later.” He winks at you, walking away. You let out a small laugh, nervous. You finished the strawberry off quickly, tossing it into the trash before walking off to find your makeup artist.
This is too weird.
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dividers : @/cafekitsune
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writingseaslugs · 2 years
Diasomnia Romantic Headcanons
Writing Diasomnia was a struggle. I even read up to the first chapter of Book 6 and all their Vignettes and still had some trouble. I love them all, though. Also big shoutout to @treysimp for helping me with Sebek. They explained their thoughts on him, which helped me get the writing flow going. 
A quick heads up when it comes to Lilia’s last bullet point…this is a headcanon. It’s how I perceive the character going off what he says in-game. I go into a little more detail in my post about how I see the world, but ya. Just a heads up, I think Lilia can change his form, and the one he presents in the game isn’t indeed what he looks like.
Disclaimer: All characters in this series is aged up. For more information about my version of this world and the type of reader you can expect, please do a quick read of THIS post. Beta read by Grammarly and it’s trying its best.
Heartslabyul | Savanaclaw | Octavinelle | Scarabia | Pomefiore | Ignihyde | Diasomnia (You’re Here)
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Romantic Headcanons
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Malleus Draconia
Malleus is originally going to find you interesting in the fact that, unlike every human on campus, you hold no fear in your eyes when you first see him. To you, he was just another mysterious student on campus. You even gave him a nickname that, to most, might’ve been embarrassing, but to him, it just meant you didn’t know who he was. He can just talk to you freely, which is like a breath of fresh air for him…he almost doesn’t want you to find out who he really is at first, but that feeling would probably quickly leave him. If this child of man was afraid after hearing his real name, it isn’t worth his time.
Your nightly conversations outside of Ramshackle dorm are going to slowly evolve into walking around campus with Malleus under the cover of shadows. You never run into any students on these walks, and Malleus is more than happy to tell you about every single Gargoyle there is on campus during your walks. He even points out a statue or two that’s supposed to imitate the Gargoyles to create symmetry but doesn’t actually serve any purpose. You’re going to be finding out a lot about the school, but that’s fine. His voice is so soothing you could probably listen to it all day. You find it odd when he begins guiding you in a different direction on your walks, almost as if he’s trying to avoid someone.
Malleus is going to realize he has it down bad for you at the festival when you discover who he actually is, only to immediately continue calling him by that silly nickname you gave him. He’s more than happy to let you continue using it, don’t get him wrong; he finds it wonderful that your demeanor didn’t change. His feelings for you only begin to increase, especially when he forges a nightly visit, only to have you at the door of his dorm asking to see if he has time for an evening stroll. It was then that he realizes that this child of man is something else.
Malleus has an imposing aura surrounding him at all times, which wards off anything from trying to cause you any harm. You’re one of the most protected students at the school at this point. Of course, Lilia will also be watching over you from the corner of his eyes when he spots you in the hallways. Silver and Sebek will also be careful around you and stop anyone from trying to cause a ruckus. Nobody at the school knows why these three members of Diasomnia are now so protective over you since it’s not exactly common knowledge that you’re one of Malleus’s close friends.
Despite Malleus knowing he seems to like his child of man, he probably won’t be doing anything about it. Lilia had always spoken about fleeting crushes and how they develop, and this is what Malleus assumes it will be. A simple “crush” that he will soon get over and continue being friends with you. He’s mainly going to be thinking this way because he simply doesn’t know the first thing in courting a human or how they show their affection. To him, you’ve never once shown romantic interest, and he’d rather not push that on you if you weren’t interested. Lilia is the one that has to point out to Malleus that the human is very clearly interested in him and almost breaks out a power-point of all the times you’ve seemingly done something to flirt with him, only for him to think of it as a friendly human gesture.
Once he’s made aware of this fact, he’s going to begin courting you in a more fae-like manner, which can be very confusing for you. Once again, Lilia is going to have to jump in. It’s almost painful for the “old man” to watch this awkward flirting where neither party realizes what’s going on. Lilia will probably corner you and explain flirting with the fae, and once it clicks, it’s go time. The easiest way to let Malleus know you return the feelings is simple. Either flat out tell him or ask him to lean down closer so you can tell him something, then grab the lapels of his jacket and give him a kiss. It’s very clear in the message you’re sending.
Malleus is going to always have some form of physical contact going with you when you’re together. Normally it’s a single hand on you, on the small of your back, as he guides you places. Sometimes he requests your hand, or he lets you hook your arm around his as you two continue. When you’re sitting there, one hand might be on your thigh, mindlessly rubbing circles into it. He enjoys holding these small moments of contact with you, and feeling your warmth radiating gives him a sense of calm.
Since Malleus is normally never seen outside of classes, people don’t know you two are going out. Even if you mentioned dating Malleus, students would laugh in your face and call you a liar. Not like it really matters to you whether they believe you, but if they were going to laugh, then why ask if you were seeing someone? Everyone sings a whole new tune one day when you ask Malleus to walk you to class since you wanna see him more in school. He always holds his arm out like a gentleman for you to grab onto. Everyone in the hall is going to be staring in shock until Sebek begins shouting and biting their heads off while Silver tries to reel him in. Despite all that, it still makes for a pretty cute scene in your mind.
He is very much in love with giving you kisses all the time. Sometimes just quick pecks when he sees fit or a kiss on the hand or forehead. His favorite is bending down and tilting your chin to meet his own. Leaning over for a kiss and barely brushing your lips before standing back to his full height. Nobody is taller than Malleus (and if you are, praise be). So there’s a good chance if he teases you with a kiss and then stands up, you’d have to climb that man like a tree to get a proper smooch for him. If you actually attempt that, he’ll be laughing at you before helping support your weight as he picks you up and smothers you in kisses.
He’s very much into physical touch, so cuddling is going to be something to get used to. He might bring one of his special pillows and keep it over at Ramshackle for his horns. Either way, he’ll be pulling you against him, either spooning you, letting you spoon him, or his personal favorite, laying on his back with you pulled on top of him, your head resting on his chest. His chin will be right on your head while he holds you and talks about his day, or he partakes in his favorite activity, which is listening to whatever crazy shenanigans you’ve been up to. He’ll do this until you’re asleep on him and just spend the night. He knows Lilia will deal with his overprotective bodyguards.
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Lilia Vanrouge
Lilia was intrigued by you at first. This little human is now taking residency in the old abandoned building with no magic and a monster as their only friend. Not to mention how easy it was for him to scare you the first few times with your lack of knowledge of magic. Teleportation was a new concept to you, and Lilia loved to use it to spook you. He had been serious the first time he met when he offered you a spot at the table to talk to them. He just never expected that this jumpy human would soon be the object of his affection, but when Lilia realized the feeling inside his chest, he knew he couldn’t deny it.
At first, nothing is going to change with him and how he acts around you. The only real difference is coming over to you more and more often. Popping up behind you and teasing about how easy it was to startle you. Even playing mind games and sometimes tricking you. He founds your reactions to always be refreshing, especially your problem-solving skills. While most students would default to using magic to solve their problems, you had to actually use your head and figure them out. So riddles and mind games were a personal favorite of Lilia’s to try out with you.
Soon Lilia will be inviting you to the dorms more and more often. Normally under the guise of how it’ll be fun, and maybe you could try out some of his newest creations. Not to mention Malleus has taken a liking to you, so of course, it makes sense to visit the dorm where it’s safe. Just be expecting that whatever Lilia offers you that day, whether it be a board game or him cooking…that’s going to happen. So on days he offers to prepare you a home-cooked meal that he slaved over…maybe avoid visiting. Or do and try your luck and not die. Maybe you could convince him to let you cook with him and try to salvage whatever atrocity he’s trying to whip up.
You’re not going to realize it until it’s too late, but Lilia has been slowly making you swoon this entire time. Even those soft and lingering touches will be melded inside your mind for quite a while. Once Lilia notices that you’re finally falling, he’s going to keep teasing you more and more. He’s going to make it so obvious that he’s clearly in love with you that even if you’re the densest person on the planet, you’re going to know. He won’t confess, though. No, he’s going to keep this up until you reach a breaking point and confess yourself. Just expect him to call you cute and squish your cheeks before kissing you in a response to your heartfelt confession.
Be prepared for even more teasing once you’re in a relationship with him. His biggest source of entertainment is to make you as flustered as possible. He finds you too cute to not tease you all the time. He’s also going to make fun of how you’re clearly into older men and will verbally ponder if he needs to be worried about you being around Trein since you “Clearly have a thing for Dilfs.” It’s okay to smack him for that, or you can just go along with the teasing and inform him that you’ve only had “fleeting thoughts” about doing that. Those responses are why Lilia fell for you in the first place, after all.
Depending on his mood for the day, he might offer you up his arm in the hallway when walking with you to classes. On other days, he might be the one clinging to your arm. It really does depend on a day-to-day basis. If you’re shorter than him, he might make it difficult to walk by being right behind you with his chin on top of your head. Your feet will practically be on top of his as he guides the way and laughs at your struggle. If you’re taller, then he’s going to be floating to do the same exact thing, but he might float just a bit higher to rest his arms on top of your head as well. Might even pinch your cheeks if you’re frowning at his antics to get you to laugh along with the ridiculous scene.
Lilia is going to be playing a game with you where he tells you some outlandish story from the way in the past and then asks if he was telling the truth or not. He’ll be on his toes as he awaits a response, wondering if you’ll guess right. The trick is that he’s always telling the truth. All those insane stories, you sit there thinking, “No way this happened in history.” Did indeed happen. He might even have a few photographs to show you. His stories never cease to entertain you, but you wish he wouldn’t tell you random facts about a period of time when you’re also learning the same thing in history. Not because they’re not fun stories…but when you take the test and realize you have to struggle between written history and Lilia’s memories…well, it can get muddles in your head.
Upside-down kisses. The bat dad is going to sometimes pop up upside down in front of you only to give you a smooch before leaving. You’re always going to be in a daze when this happens, and if it’s in front of your friends, they’re going to be so confused as to what they witnessed. Lilia is very much into PDA, but he does remember to keep it appropriate. He won’t be stealing breathless kisses that leave your legs feeling like jelly in public. Small kisses, though, or wrapping an arm around you are on the table.
He’s big into cuddling with you. At Diasomnia, it’s either you’re in his lap, or he’s in your lap. The same goes for Ramshackle, and his favorite moments are getting to go to bed with you while you’re in each other's arms. Lilia tends to cling to things in his sleep, so even if you are asleep on opposite ends of the bed, in the morning, you two will appear more like a pretzel. Sometimes you’ll even go to bed alone, and in the middle of the night, Lilia teleports into your room and crawls under the covers with you. Waking up to his face when you know for a fact he wasn’t there when you went to bed can be shocking, but not unwelcome at how peaceful he looks asleep (even if he’s a big faker because we know he woke up the moment you shifted).
It’s known that Lilia likes to use his boyishly good looks to get things, and most of the time, he’s just playing around. When he mentions he can change up how he looks at will, it makes you wonder a few things. Mainly if this cute boyish look he’s got going on is what he really looks like. Voice it, and he’ll laugh before dragging you to his room and making you close your eyes. When they open, you’re going to notice a few things. Number one, his hair is surprisingly long. Number two, his features are a lot sharper, and instead of boyishly good looks, he now has a more regal appearance. The most notable difference? Lilia…are you the same height as Malleus…or are you taller?
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Sebek Zigvolt
He’s not going to realize he likes you at all. He just assumes that his heart races when he’s around you is an adrenaline response since normally when he’s with you, something always happens. He just assumes his body has adapted to it. Is his face going red when you compliment him? Clearly, you have some sort of cold, and you’ve managed to give it to him in .5 seconds, and now he’s ill. It’s not a blush, he’s burning up from a deadly fever that you give him whenever you’re around that also happens to go away when you disappear. Perhaps it’s a curse of some kind. Clearly, it’s not his own infatuation with you.
Oddly enough, it’s not Lilia who has to interfere this time around; it’s Silver. It’s painful for everyone close to Sebek to watch the utter denial he is in at having a crush on you. So Silver is the one who explains to Sebek that you don’t have a fever curse cast on you, and it’s not adrenaline that he keeps blaming it on. He simply has a crush on the Ramshackle prefect.
Even more denial over the fact that he’s crushing on a magicless human. How could he fall for someone like you? I mean, sure, you’re amazing, always in his corner, don’t tell him to shut up (might ask him to lower the volume but never in a rude way), and is fine when he trails after them like a lost puppy. He’s realizing maybe this is how his mother felt when she met his father. He’s also in a conflict about how being in a romantic relationship would drag him from his duties of being Malleus’s bodyguard, but Lilia is quick to explain even Knights are permitted to have a love life.
When he decides to finally try to “make you swoon,” as Lilia so kindly refers to it as he’s going to be awkward. It’s almost like a mission he’s just accepted where he has to win you over. He’ll try to hold doors for you but use a bit too much force and make the door slam against the wall as he awkwardly shuffles out of the way to let you pass. He might even try compliments, but they’re going to be the weirdest thing. “Ah, the cowlick on the back of your head is extra springy today!” He is trying.
Sebek’s confession will most likely be accidental. You two are just hanging out, and you ask him why he scared off that group of Savanaclaw students that, in hindsight, were trying to pick a fight with you, but you didn’t notice the hostility due to being used to it at the school. He’ll comment about how “If a knight can't even protect the love of his life, how can he protect his own master?” before realizing what he said. Want to make the poor boy malfunction? Grab his tie and drag him down for a quick kiss and tell him you love him, too, as your lips are still brushing against his own. His brain might stop working for a while. You might need to call Lilia because you broke him.
What he lacks in experience, he makes up for in spirit. He is always honest with you, even if you don’t want him to be. The good news is, most of the time, it’s very good things he’s commenting on. He’ll comment if you look breathtaking one day or how your eyes have a spark that he adores. He’ll also comment that the drool on your cheek when you wake up compliments your drowsy expression, though, so just be prepared for those awkward compliments. The good news is he is loyal to you, so you never have to worry about him hiding something.
PDA is considered inappropriate in his eyes, but he sees no harm in escorting you to your class after he finishes making sure Malleus is safely on his own. Might even have you tag along on his duties protecting Malleus, which you never mind since Malleus is also a good friend of yours, so it’s like a mini group hangout. Once Sebek’s master is gone, though, he’ll shyly offer his arm for you to hold onto and takes you to your class. If you give him a quick peck on the cheek, he won’t bite your head off, but expect to have his staring with wide eyes as you enter the classroom, a hand on the cheek you just kissed, and cherry red in the face.
Overnight cuddles are almost exclusively set in Diasomnia. Sebek needs to be close to Malleus if he needs protection, and he feels like he can’t do that if he’s always staying the night over at Ramshackle dorm. This is fine, though; his bed is more comfortable than your dorm's. The only issue is sometimes when you’re talking late at night, his volume might rise to a shout and disturb other residents. Lilia might gently urge him to visit you at Ramshackle and assure Sebek that he will personally guard Malleus that night, so there’s nothing to fear. Since it’s only Grim in Ramshackle, it’s fine to be a bit noisier as you talk about your day, so that’s a bonus.
He’s now going to be the guard dog of two people, and students are going to realize this very quickly. If Sebek isn’t with Malleus, then he’s going to be right next to you. If someone looks at you wrong or treats you with disrespect, they get an angry crocodile to deal with. Thankfully, he’s easy to reel in when worked up if you just place a hand on his arm and tell him it’s fine and to go somewhere else. He’ll always respect your decision and leave the student with a warning that if he tried that again, he wouldn’t let it go so easily.
Sebek is going to be stiff and awkward with the display of affection. Compliments come easy to him. He just speaks from the heart. Wrapping his arms around you and nuzzling his face into your neck? That’s something he isn’t used to doing and will take some warming up. Be the one to initiate it the first few times in private, and he’ll be better. Might even be the main instigator when it comes to kisses when it’s just you two. They’re always gentle as well; he enjoys cupping your face in one of his hands and drawing you in. You can always feel his smile against your lips as he pulls away from you.
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Silver is going to slowly realize that he’s falling for you. The first sign that he might like you more than a friend is when he realizes he’s a little more awake around you. He doesn’t find himself growing as tired and getting into one of his sleepy spells. He’s just going to be a little more alert hanging out with you, almost like he doesn’t want to miss a single moment of your time together by falling asleep. His body's unconscious way of informing him that he likes you.
This isn’t to say he’s not going to be napping around you. Whatever condition he has won’t magically disappear once he falls in love; it just isn’t happening as often if you’re in the room. When it does happen, he feels comfortable enough to lean against you and doze off. If you offer your lap for him to sleep in while you’re reading or studying, he’ll be grateful and take you up. He’ll be out like a light but definitely dreaming about you. Run your hands through his hair, and he might even find himself nuzzling into your touch while still asleep, something that is honestly adorable.
Lilia is the first person in Diasomnia who realizes that Silver is in love with you and fully supports his son’s decision. Lilia has seen how you treat Silver, and he couldn’t think of a better partner for his son. This doesn’t mean Lilia won’t be teasing Silver about his crush. He’s even going to be inviting you over to the dorm for some tea and snacks after class as he tries to wingman for his son. Not that Silver needed it, but he doesn’t appreciate having more time with you. However, Silver is going to warn you not to try the snacks if Lilia made them. He doesn’t need you dying on him.
Cuddling is a step that will be happing before you enter a relationship with him. Yes, he’ll be asleep on your lap, but sometimes it’s more than that. If you two are studying in your room, sitting on your bed, and he grows tired, he might wrap his arms around your waist and drag you down for a nap. It’s a much-needed one, in his opinion, with how much you’ve been pouring over your books for the last few hours. Besides, he’s great at cuddling and will drag you against his chest and prop his chin on top of your own as he falls asleep. His soft hair might tickle, but honestly, he has a faint scent of lavender on his skin that lulls you into a deep sleep as well.
His confession is going to initially be an accident. You’re going to be at the dorm, and he’ll be leaning on your shoulder after falling asleep. He’ll murmur your name, and you think for a moment he’s woken up but looking at his face, he’s still passed out. He’ll murmur a small “I love you” in his sleep that is sure to set anyone’s heart pounding. Later on, when he’s awake, if you ask him about it, you’ll notice his cheeks becoming a bit pink as he explains he meant to tell you properly sometime in the next week, but this works as well. It’s a cute and genuine way of confessing.
He’s still a well-trained bodyguard, so expect him to have a protective side for you. When he’s not guarding Malleus, he’ll be more than happy to hang out by your side. He’ll be like your own personal escort to and from classes and even offer to walk you home at the end of the day. You want to go shopping, but it’s getting dark outside? Don’t even think about it unless you’re calling up Silver to see if he’ll be able to go with you. He likes protecting you, which gives him a little pride whenever you ask him to go with you places. He knows you’re probably perfectly safe on campus, but he still enjoys doing it. Maybe put his training to work when you get in a small scrap with students in another dorm.
Silver is a little indifferent when it comes to PDA. He doesn’t like or dislike it; it’s just part of the relationship. Or so he says, but he will melt when you hold his hand walking through the school. Small but lingering kisses are also something he adores, and the small pink tinging his cheeks is enough to let you know he’s not totally indifferent to those things. He might even initiate them himself, but he definitely prefers most things behind closed doors. He doesn’t like it when others can see those flustered expressions you make when he wraps his arms around you and drags you close, cupping your head and pulling you in for a series of small kisses. Those are for his eyes only, and he’s planning on keeping it that way.
Come spend time with him while he’s training. He might not be a showoff, but he won’t be opposed to you seeing his skills with a sword. It’s something to swoon over, and Lilia always is telling him that people like others who have special talents. Not to mention he’s a different person in training; you can’t keep your eyes off him. The way his body moves in instinct alone is impressive. He’ll also see if you want to join him for his club activities and go on rides with him. He’s going to find the most sturdy horse, so it’ll have no issue holding the two of you.
He’ll often find himself going to bed with you. It’s a calm and peaceful time; he really likes it when he can stay awake longer than you and just see how peaceful your face is. He’s been told by others that he has a certain beauty to him when he’s asleep, and he always thought it was odd. Seeing you like this changed his mind. He can see the appeal of how relaxed your body and face are. He also loves early mornings, especially if you wake him up with small kisses along his cheeks and neck, maybe a few on his lips. You being the first thing he sees in the morning while the sunlight is beaming down on you? Best wake up.
You’ll be dragged to his table for lunch at least once or twice a week. He understands you have friends and won’t pull you away from them, but he does enjoy you having lunch with him and his other dorm members. The Diasomnia dorm is his family, both literally and figuratively. He wants you to be close to the people he loves most. He always gets the same thing for lunch since it’s his favorite, but he doesn’t mind if you offer him a bite of whatever you’re having. He still wants his favorite meal, but a bite or two of something different helps expand his palette.
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boneblushed · 7 months
But on a Wednesday, in a cafe
muggle!au, James x fem!reader, I’m going through a really tough break up right now so writing this = therapy
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I’ve been spending the last eight months / Thinking all love ever does / Is break, and burn, and end
Perhaps you should be used to it by now, this never-ending chasm of pain that begins and ends at the base of your ribcage.
It’s a deep, aching hurt, the kind that promises to linger until you’re forced to surrender. A draught of cool air pulls through your chest, alerting you to the tired heart squeezed within it. Every time you think about him—about the life you shared—it breaks and splinters, rocketing another of its shards into the surrounding structures. A dreadful pang.
Who knew love could hurt this much?
It’s taken a while for your heart to look the way it does. A few weeks ago, it was held within your shaking palms, wrung through with desperation as you begged him to return. Here… take it, please? It belongs to you… it’ll always be yours.
Prior to that, when the aching wounds were still fresh, you wove bandages from hopeful ignorance, fastened them with blind faith. No, love couldn’t possibly be as fickle as he was making it out to be; you couldn’t let yourself believe it was, you’d simply have to bide your time until he came to his senses.
Until he told you how wrong he was, how much he didn’t mean any of it. Of course I didn’t fall out of love with you, of course that can’t just happen; I love you, I’m sorry, forgive me?
And pathetic as your broken heart is, you would be ready to do so, no matter the stakes.
It makes you stomach roil as you think back on it now — the power he had over you, how callously he wielded it every time you spoke. Has. Present tense. The fissure deepens.
It’s terrifying, how quickly your world can shrink into nothingness. Once upon a time, you’d considered him your soul-mate—your person—and now it’s as though the pair of you are strangers, even less than.
It’s true what they say, indifference pierces deeper than hatred. After all that you’ve been through with him, all that you’ve shared, how are you supposed to simply move on and find love elsewhere?
The cobblestone path you walk along is well versed with your rumination. A quilt of autumn foliage crunches underfoot, a petrichor rich scent present in the air. Every shop window you pass boasts Thanksgiving deals that you ‘just don’t want to miss!’; it’s nauseating as much as it is heart-breaking, having to do the holidays without him for the first time in six years.
It’s probably pity more than it is fate that leads you to the new cafe in Godric’s Hollow — you’ve shed far too many tears for the Universe to bear, plagued with motion sickness from how quickly your sadness turns yearning again.
You miss him. It’s right there in your eyes, how much you miss him. James’ on barista duty whilst his colleague Remus mans the register; the latter may discern the melancholy in your features, but it’s James who recognises the exact significance of it.
He’s been through it before, you see, with Lily Evans. His gaze softens, dappled brown eyes falling over you in paces, and he wracks his brains for things he’d have wanted when he was going through the worst of it.
Except, the one thing he wanted no one could realistically give him — Lily. Who’s your mystery boy? Is it truly as over as your eyes say it is?
“Uh, hey,” you greet. Your voice doesn’t crack as much as it’s barely loud enough to register.
“Hey,” Remus responds, sending you a small smile. Playing it cool whilst his knee nudges James’ under the counter. “What can I get for you?”
“Just an iced latte please,” you answer. “With oat milk, if you have it.”
Remus punches in your order as you reach for your wallet. The cappuccino James’ making overflows.
“Shit!” He curses, jerking back his hand hastily, the skin scalded. Droplets of burnt coffee fly onto the machine as he shakes them off.
You startle, turning to look at him. “You alright?”
“Coffee’s on us,” James replies, reaching over Remus to cancel the order. His peripheral vision catches the incredulous look he sends him, but he thinks it a disservice to look away from you in this moment. The melancholy in your eyes ebbs a little. James’ heart soars.
“Really?” You ask, your voice a little louder now.
“Oh yeah,” James responds, faux-serious. “You’re our fiftieth customer today.”
“You’re lying,” you say, a flicker of a smile on your face.
James shrugs, grinning handsomely. “D’you want the free coffee or not, oat milk?”
You raise your eyebrows in response, pretending to zip your lips and throw away the key. James nods approvingly.
He discards the dregs of the cappuccino he was making, starting anew with his gaze flitting over to you intermittently. You watch the trees sway through the high windows to the left of you as you wait, your hands clasped in front of you, one wrist held in a palm. He knows, as he watches you, that you have to go feel all of the pain to see a way out of it.
So he keeps his mouth shut for now, and hopes this cafe will become a regular haunt.
Weeks, a month, two passes. He takes it slow. He thinks your dreadfully pretty but that’s besides the point right now; when he was grieving his relationship with Lily, all he wanted to do was mope and be left alone. No number of Sirius’ “friends” could quell that deep, overwhelming hankering in his chest.
“Hey,” you greet one day, resolute.
James raises his eyebrows at you. Remus is off sick. “Hey?”
“I’m paying today.”
James snorts, shaking his head. “No way.”
“I’m tipping heavily,” you warn.
“Wow,” James sighs sadly. “Like you would any other employee, huh? And here I thought we were friends.”
“Shut up.” You scowl. Not really; it baffles James, how your features can still look so sweet when they’re contorted all angrily. “You’re right. You don’t even need this job.”
The thing about James is, his family owns half the establishments in town square. He’s one of those enigmatic personalities that you’ve always known to rule your hometown; around when you are, dancing around the corners of your gaze, kind and ever-present but never very important. Until now.
He grins handsomely, dropping into a curtesy. He oozes fondness and it makes you forget things often. “Nepo baby at your service, sweetheart.”
“That’s what I don’t get about all this,” you say. “You don’t… why’re you wasting your time here? Is this gig just a way for you to pick up chics?”
“You’d like that, wouldn’t you?”
He grins wider, raising his arms in surrender. “Full disclosure?”
You cock your head to one side, intrigued. “I’m listening.”
“Well… it actually started as a way to fill my time,” he answers, scratching the back of his neck sheepishly. “I went through a pretty tough break up last year, and I couldn’t bear to be sat at home hurting over the same shit over and over.
“So dad got me this gig. I didn’t even get paid in the start, honest. I barely did anything; made like, one coffee over eight hours. But I was around people, and that helped. I don’t know.”
You swallow. It sounds far too familiar to your own circumstances, and a distant ache rings through your chest — a reminder. “I know the feeling.”
“And then I met Rems, and introduced him to my mate Sirius,” he continues, raising his eyebrows. “Turns out they’re fucking mad for each other, who’d have thought it? And it just reminded me… I don’t know, that there’s still hope.”
Another pause. You know what he means, but you want him to say it anyway, for your own sake.
Your lashes flutter closed. “Hope?”
“To love again. Eventually.”
His rough timbre reverberates through your insides. You nod, slowly, and when you open your eyes, unshed tears darken your lashes. James frowns, but he doesn’t intervene. He knows this feeling; his own heart mourns its melody.
He hands you your coffee soundlessly.
“Thanks,” you says, your voice cracks.
When you turn around, you know you’ll be back tomorrow. And then the next day, a few days after.
You aren’t sure when you start believing it too. But slowly, slowly, without even knowing you are, you begin smiling more. Ruminating less. No one’s ever given you this many free coffees in the past. James’ tally surpasses your ex-boyfriend’s by week four; the small talk’s more about you than about him, and he learns your quirks with this startling sincerity that you didn’t think you’d ever experience again.
The more you see of James, the more you recognise how much love your past relationship lacked. Strangers, friends, more than. All you did was blink.
Though of course, you’d be lying if you said the melancholy didn’t wax and wane, flow through you in waves that make your entire being crash ashore.
James knows this. He still feels the odd pang of heartache at the thought of Evans.
On Christmas Eve, the air feels different. The melted snow in your hair glistens in the warm light of the cafe, and for the first time since he met you, James sees it reflected in your gaze.
“The usual?” Remus asks in lieu of greeting.
“Times two, if possible Rem,” you say. You turn to James. “Coffee?”
James startles for a moment before he regains his composure, his wide, brown eyes falling over your in paces. You’ve always been breathtakingly beautiful, but something about your features seems different now, better.
Softer. Healed.
“You’re paying though, right?” James asks, faux-serious.
“I see,” you reply, folding your arms across your chest. “As long as it’s not a date, you have no problem paying for things?”
“Shit,” James wolf-whistles approvingly, jumping over the counter so he’s standing right in front of you. You gaze tilts, messing with your centre of gravity. “This is a date, huh?”
You raise your eyebrows. “Do you want it to be?”
James raises his in tandem. “If that’d make you happy.”
A pause. “You know,” you say quietly, breaking eye contact. “After my break up, I didn’t think anything’d make me happy ever again.”
James’ features soften. He reaches forward and cups your jaw, returning your gaze to his. “And now?”
“Can’t you see it in my face, James Potter?” You smile poignantly. “Yes is the answer to your question, by the way. It’d make me very happy.”
Behind you, Remus begins to clap. James groans and drops his head to your shoulder, deftly flipping him off. “Don’t fucking start, Moons.”
“Are you kidding? Coffee’s are on me, by the way. Pads is going to fucking die when he finds out.”
But on a Wednesday in a cafe / I watched it begin again
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nardo-headcanons · 8 months
Sunagakure Worldbuilding Headcanon
My last post on Kirigakure made me think of some Sunagakure Headcanons. Here they are! This is very long, but I hope you enjoy!
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People and Culture
The wind realm’s population is rather decentralized, so there are a lot of subcultures, accents and customs that have developed over time. The people of Sunagakure are very intelligent and hard workers and don’t take shit from anyone. They value their independence but also recognize the use of unionizing to achieve their goals. They use rather few words to communicate amongst each other in public, but in private they can be very poetic. Also, they secretly don’t mind the stereotype of tumbleweeds rolling around everywhere in the village, because they can relate. To outsiders, they seem secretive and mysterious, but they are in reality very friendly and hospitable. Once you make a friend in Suna, you’ve made a friend for life. Gift giving, especially in the form of food or other self-made goods is always appreciated. Suna citizens are hopeless romantics, and most soap operas and sappy romance books are produced there. They love to make music and sing together. Most instruments originate from the wind realm and its citizens proudly call themselves the creators of all music in the shinobi world. The wind realm is the country with the richest culture in the shinobi world.
Recently, Suna has been plagued by an economic crisis, as the wind realm daimyo has preferably hired Konoha shinobi to get missions done. This has raised the distrust in the wind realm government and made the people more loyal to the kazekage than the daimyo. The shinobi have started to prioritize the mission over the lives of the shinobi fulfilling it, however they make sure to give their teammates a quick and painless death if they get into that situation.
Clothing and Cosmetics
Most Suna Shinobi wear long sleeves and cover their head, to protect their skin from sun damage. It’s also very common to cover your face in layers of fabric, as the Suna sandstorms can be ruthless. Light brown, grey, white and black are the most popular colors, as they allow you to blend in with your surroundings and not get detected by enemy shinobi. All people, including kuniochis, keep their hair rather short, cover it or tie them together in some kind of way. There are a lot of unique hairstyles to deal with the strong winds, as can be seen by Temari, who wears four ponytails because the winds would otherwise just destroy her hairstyle if she wore just two. For festive occasions though, Suna clothes are vibrant and colorful, with very intricate details. The most preferred fabric choices are silk and cotton. Before the recession, Suna also had a booming beauty industry, with the best moisturizers, sunblock and body wash originating from there. There is an ongoing feud between the wind realm and the water realm about who has the better skincare products. Wind realm citizens are known to always smell good and take great care of themselves. They use bidets and shower frequently. The women are rumored to be the most beautiful in the shinobi world, however many of them have to deal with orientalism and exoticism from foreigners.
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A fact that a lot of foreigners get wrong is that Sunagakure is covered completely in desert wasteland. Quite a bit of vegetation is savannah and what we call mediterranean. Still a rather hot country, it is characterized by agonizingly hot summers and barely existing winters. The actual deserts of the wind realm are sprinkled with oases, around which many settlements have formed. The terrain around those oases is very fertile and most of the country’s produce is grown there. Sandstorms are not a rarity here and during these storms there are self-imposed curfews as Suna citizens know that once you get buried in a sandstorm, there is no way anyone will find you buried under all that sand. Only a few nomadic families actually travel and live outside of the oases.
The deserts that surround Suna are filled to the brim with the most dangerous, savage animals known to the shinobi realm. The snakes especially must not be underestimated, as their venom can kill a grown shinobi within minutes. Many marionette wielders therefore use it against their enemies. The rivers of the wind realm are full of crocodiles and freshwater fish. The fennec fox is seen as a symbol of good luck and suna nin believe their mission will be a success when they see one. Aside from other cats of prey like lions, cheetahs and leopards. Other mammals include hyenas, hyraxes, macaques, gazelles, oryxes, camels, hedgehogs and sheep. When it comes to rodents, you can find desert rats, porcupines, armadillos, meerkats and gundis. Suna also has the largest spider population in the shinobi world, and you often must check your toilet and shower for any venomous spiders hanging out there. At night you can see bats flying through the sky. The wind realm sea is a home to many kinds of saltwater fish and sometimes you can visit the dolphins, that are particularly friendly to children. Mosquito stings are nasty here, and many diseases, for example those that we call malaria and dengue fever are endemic here. Wind realm citizens have a natural immunity against them and sleep them off in a day, but there are vaccinations available for foreigners.
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Stew and other slow cooked gravy dishes The absolute staple of any Suna nin are stews. They’re elaborate and take the whole day to cook. Every family has its own recipes (and thinks theirs is the best) it’s useful to just cut up veggies and meat, and then slow cook it until it’s done. Stews made in Suna include gumbo, adobo, maafe, and many curries. Spices Wind realm citizens have the greatest spice tolerance in the shinobi world. The greatest variety of spices is produced there, from cumin, fennel seeds, coriander seeds, pepper, chilli, cardamom, cinnamon, nutmeg, bay leaves, tumeric and a myriad of other herbs and spices. Suna food is very spicy for two reasons: many spices they use have a disinfecting effect, and the accelerated production of sweat helps cool down the body. Most spices are sold dried to increase shelf life. Many outsiders travel to Suna to acquire spices directly from the source, thinking they’ll get them for cheap, however, the vendors charge foreigners at a hefty margin. Sunagakure is the greatest exporter of all things spices.
Legumes Legumes play a very important role in the local eating pyramid. They serve as a satiating source of carbohydrates and protein. Beans and lentils can be turned into tofu, stew, mashed or baked, peanuts are often used as a base for stew and sauces in the form of peanut butter. Roasted and salted peanuts are a popular snack in Sunagakure. The biggest buyer of Suna’s exported legumes is Iwagakure.
Cassava This starchy root is soaked and then cooked for a long time to make mash, in stews, or fried. Cassava flour also serves as a gluten free flour alternative and many Suna nin use it to thicken sauces and stews. There’s also tapioca starch which is exported into other countries. Olives In the moderate climate regions, many olive trees are grown, which are then used to make olive oil, the preferred fat source of Suna’s people. Dairy It can often be purchased from nomad families, who sell it in the form of milk, yoghurt, kefir, butter and cheese. The preferred dairy variant is goat’s dairy; however, sheep and cow’s dairy are also available. There’s a possibility that the concept of fermenting milk to make yoghurt and kefir was once brought in by Kiri immigrants, however most wind realm citizens are too proud to give this possibility any thought or think it’s just a myth. Meat Just like dairy, meat can be purchased from several families that travel though the wind realm, or on bazars. It is dried often to increase shelf life. Sweets The best chocolate comes from here. The wind realm has a few islands where cocoa beans are produced, and Suna chocolate is known globally for its rich, earthy, fruity taste. Suna Nin are also the only people that regularly take coffee with them during missions. Most foreigners don’t like the bitter taste, but Sunagakure’s shinobis have realized that the caffeine within coffee beans is useful during missions where you must stay aware for long times. The most common sweetener is cane sugar and used to make coffee candy. Wind realm citizens don’t discriminate, and even children are allowed to have them. Another sweet food, especially popular amongst children are dates. On special occasions, Baklava are offered to the guests or given as a gift. Most foreigners find them way too sweet, but just can’t say no because they recognize the effort and craftsmanship that went into making them. The most popular fruit in Suna are: pomgranate, various kinds of citrus fruits, apples, grapes and green almonds. Ripened almonds are used to make marzipan, which is another one of Suna's culinary prides. Those who try persipan, a localized version from Kirigakure, think that it is a lesser version of their beloved treat.
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onyourhyuck · 2 years
REPLAY. | Park Jisung (M)
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prologue- “You’re so pretty.” + “Kiss me again. It was one of the best kisses I ever had...”
tw- where jisung loves his best friend’s older sister and he happens to finally confess. But Y/n is oblivious. Older girl x younger boy trope. Wholesome fluffy romance. Incredibly cheesy but wbk.
Notes- Noona Neomu YEOPEOOOOOO-
Jisung’s heart will never give him a break it seems. At least not tonight, because he’s currently walking late at night with his long term crush since childhood. Jisung’s older brother is friends with Y/n, they’re the same age and they also happen to be roommates. They attend the same university as well. Jisung happened to be over at their house for tonight, others would be thinking he must really like his brother’s presence when in reality he came unannounced at your place just to see you.
Now you are strolling the streets on your way back home, with Jisung standing by your side with his large hands tuck in front jean pockets. You smile to yourself as you watch the younger boy.
He was quiet and mysterious, most people find him extremely intimidating for many reasons; he was really tall, detectable resting face and he never speaks because he’s got social anxiety and he’s shy personality wise. Big introvert too. But to you, you never seen him like that.
You are three years older than him. He’s just turned twenty and you’re twenty three. When he was really young you babysat him too. Your parents and his parents were high school friends and neighbours, growing up in the same town and neighbourhood was both a blessing and a curse.
A curse to jisung. You never once saw him as a man but the child you have the imagine of him stuck in your head to be. This annoys the boy so much, boils deep within him a burning rage to the bones, shaking him apart like an earthquake. Jisung is a patient man, it takes a lot to upset him. So the very front fact that he knows you only see him as this young boy and not the grownup man he is, truly upsets him. But you never seem to realise how angry this made him, because he never really openly admits it.
“Noona.” He calls out suddenly stopping. You hum against your teeth stopping on your heels and slowly turning around to face him as you held the plastic bag with the snacks and drinks. “What’s wrong?”
Thump. Thump. Thump. Ah there it is, his ole’ heart beating again but this time speeding like a racing car finishing a long term marathon. Even though he was an adult, Jisung feels like this giddy social anxiety you’d get from confessing to your crush comes back no matter what age you really are— the throat swells up going dry, the teeth clatter together like plates upon other dishes. Ears become boiling pots on stove, turning red, as well as his blossoming accurately shown cheeks in the streets lamp lighting covering by the darkness of the background surrounding you both.
He grows red just by his inner dialogue mentally preparing what to say. Even though he was practicing for this moment to get you alone, why did his voice become unstable, quick and stammer?
You raise your eyes at him, with a slight scold when looking down at the time on your phone screen. “Jisung we will be late and your brother will throw a tantrum if we don’t come back soon—”
“I like you!” Jisung exclaims.
Out of nowhere, you stumble back on your feet when following turning to face the boy now no longer to be interesting in returning back, but questioning the boy you see in front of you with a increasing amount of reddish cheeks, erupting on their way to fluster you too. Unsure why those three words meant a lot to you, you question your hearts intentions right there. Why did you like to hear this from him? What was your heart fluttering open like a blossoming rose under the moonlight as its only source of light mean to you? Perhaps,
Perhaps your heart always liked Jisung, but you never bothered listening to it. Only your head was controlling you. Making Jisung to be viewed as your friends little brother who you knew since childhood, baby sat him and did many activities together. Playing those childish hide and seeks, kicking about a football until late in the evening. Sleeping over at each other’s houses like it were your second home seems so, contemplating now.
When did you develop such strong feelings, butterflies slam on the pit of your hard skin to skin contacting stomach, ready to leave and screaming to escape when this anxiousness hit you. The minor silence sharing between the two, their breathes were talking however. Jisung’s harsh hitching breathing was held tightly inside his mouth when he saw your body take a step forward. second step forward. Then a third step forward, where with your hands wrapping round the hem of your palming hoodie.
But what if, this relationship could ruin everything? What if, this could really go in vain. What if, you break his heart into miniature pieces to the point of no return of having the same innocent heart he has now. Maybe, you weren’t the one for him. Those words echo in the back of your head like a penetrating gunshot blazing to your skin.
“Jisung I like you too of course, you’re my friends brother.” You force a friendly smile, a smile that shown no romantically feelings behind. Maybe, it’s better to flat out play dumb. This way, you’re protecting Jisung from getting his heart broken.
You’re not perfect and you admit it. Jisung might not realise that you’re probably not worth his time. He’s finally starting university this year, and you’re soon to leave the university with your degree. You will be working an actual job nine to five, unable to focus on dating. As will he too, university is much more versatile and tricky to handle. Deadlines are to be made on the same day sometimes. Sleepless nights will happen very soon for Jisung. And he will have to focus on every little class he will get.
You’re only going to hold him back. Right?
Jisung’s face darkly falters as he faces you with a hint of bafflement. How could you, out of all people, you, push away his feelings so easily? You’re smiling so heavenly at him, showing your perfect teeth while you’re at it flashing him your beautiful eyes. Under this midnight starry moonlight was a boiling volcano of his feelings ready to burn you alive.
He looks down at his shoes when you turn to walk away. Then he remembered, he cannot hold anymore to this image you have of him. Jisung has to prove to you, that he is not a little kid that you seem to see him as, and he most definitely will not allow you to push away his feelings like it meant nothing to you. The boy swore, he saw your eyes sparkle at his confession, he saw the way your eyes widened, jisung saw your eyebrows lift up to the sky and your ears perking up similar to a cat.
By the time you turned your back to him, you swung back with a strong arm-like force pulling you round as if you were a blunt fire pit of sun and he was the rotating planet he resolved around with. As if, you were the only thing that mattered to him. The touch sparkles a bristling fire on your warm skin, sharing your heat with the boy who flys close.
Lips touching yours for a minute. The softness and pluckiness leaving you crazy, you swore a minute never felt so short, Y/n finds herself running back for more. Wanting more. The soft kiss felt so, loving, you never realised how much love he has poured for you all his life; you’d have to say, you felt touched and flattering by this.
When the boy pulled away catching a breathe with you, he carries on talking like a wild boar running around crazily. It was like this time he really cannot hold on anymore. Jisung was a crumbling old ruin, breaking down more. It’s been one many years,too many.
“In this situation I’m not his brother. I am your friend who has fallen for you deeply and I can’t go pretending I don’t have feelings for you anymore, Y/n. I like you all along, for years, I tried my best to show you how I feel and you still don’t get it.” He huffs out a silent scream. How your heart clenched for him.
“Can you just for tonight, not look at me as this little boy and please. View me as a man who’s deeply in love with you. Can you please do that tonight.” He urges on, like he wasn’t going to see tomorrows light. You bite on your bottom lip watching him up close, fuck, why are you seriously checking him out now.
Oh how badly you wish to kiss him again. But at what costs? How will his brother who is your friend react to you dating his little sibling? Does he even approve of you as a girlfriend? He knows all your exes and situation-ships that never made it to the dating zone. But the temptation was so strong, you find yourself swirling around Jisung like a little helpless fly zooming in his left and right ears.
Slowly your lips part, “Kiss me again. It was one of the best kisses I ever had...”
As he did oblige with pleasure, creeping a soft smile inside the softly placing kiss on your lips, it soon turned into this much more mature steaming session in middle of nowhere practice as the fallen grocery bag rests in between your bodies. Big hands on your face, covering your entirety of the apple cheeks and jawline. Your hair flows back against the harsh wind blowing jisung’s black bangs upwards. The way your face was so flushed in colour amazes him, was this the effect he has on you? Did he really hear those words correctly.
Best kisses you ever had? The proudness of this was so real in him. He takes pride in being the best of the best you will ever have and Jisung, will never let another man step inside that circle.
Pulling apart from the shared make-out, one long string of saliva connects the two of you, smokey air leaving his lips when he left your lips from practically inhaling you, it was like he cannot get enough of you. The taste. The way you feel. The way his emotions keep igniting him up inside like he was a match stick. Brushing past his thumb on the bottom of your lip, he grazes it softly, driving you to the edge crazily. Something in you must of snapped like a freelancing twig in middle of nowhere.
You pull Jisung down when suddenly the courage you found takes over your body completely. You want this boy, you thought in your head. You want him. Pulling him down when finally latching to the front collar of his hoodie’s two long strings. He follows down your silhouette strength by the pull, landing on your lips. Jisung, never felt so bewildered in his life. Your lips softly slid in as did your tongue pushing on top of the roof of his mouth. Teasingly you press him onto the nearest tree surface where he felt trapped in your presence and energy suffocating him from the inside than outside. His chest clenches tight, Jisung naturally follows his body’s instincts and pulls you closer by the waist.
Hands on your waistline like they belonged there, when he had you pulled in, you gasp at such actions in the kiss but did not dare break away. He felt your surprising voice, in which he lowly growls when you finally clasp your hands on his face quickly and hungrily speed the kiss up. Your heartbeats were ticking bombs, ready to explode any minute.
Jisung was so lost in you, in so deep that he couldn’t see the light anymore.
You pull away first, even surprised that you found the resistant to even leave him alone considering you were hungrily eating his lips out like you were personally starved for decades. When doing so, he was lowly opening his eyes with yours, looking at you with soft lustful eyes.
You hear him speak, like he was absolutely done for. “You’re so pretty.” Jisung tells. “Fuck.” He gasps, when feeling the way he was so content with joy. He might not be able to date you, but he never felt so satisfied and heard about his feelings than before. This was like a jackpot, to him. He’s doomed. There is no saving him. It’s not like he wants to be saved either.
You felt a chill sent to your body as his forehead rests on your shoulder. He was slouching down against the tree with his head buried in your right shoulder completely, suddenly the hands on your waist tighten pulling you closer into an embrace . Somehow, you felt a smile creeping on your face and the blush travelling on your cheeks to your ears brightly bruising them with the infectious reddish pink colour. He murmurs, even the way his deep voice rolls your name off his tongue.
Why didn’t you realise it sooner, how attractive he can be. How in love he was with you. “Let’s say like this forever please. I don’t want to leave you.”
You found yourself relating hard his words. “Mhm, sure. Let’s stay here.” You whisper wrapping arms around his body back.
You find yourself wanting to do the same. To stay in his hold forever.
@onyourhyuck please refer from translating copyrighting and plagiarising my work thank you. Reblog this fic and follow me for more updates it helps a girl out.
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dawnagustd · 2 years
i feel it too || knj
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❃ Festivaled Away: Summer Nights Lantern Festival hosted by @bangtanbathhouse​
⤞ Ticket: Summer Skies ⤞ Main Event: The First “I Love You” ⤞ Games: Public Sex | Overstimulation | Fingering | Hickeys/Markings | Size Kink 
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⤞ title: i feel it too ⤞ pairing: namjoon x female reader ⤞ genre: fluff | smut | enemies to lovers sort of ⤞ summary: Namjoon doesn’t believe in love, he believes in sex—no strings attached, of course. Building sex bots would not only satisfy his needs but make him a very rich man. However, he needs to understand a level of intimacy he can’t explore with just anyone. That’s why you’re the perfect candidate. ⤞ word count: 2.1k ⤞ warnings: mentions sex bots | mentions experiments | mentions consensual sexual arrangements | light pining | exhibitionism | public sex | nipple sucking/biting | marking | hints of a size kink | fingering | squirting | overstimulation | big dick!namjoon | confessions | they’re doing this for science people | creampie | cervix touching | bulge kink | clothed sex | begging | groping | soft dom!namjoon | sub!reader | pet names | dirty talk | one clit slap | multiple orgasms | body worshipping & praising | wrist pinning | passionate sex | scratching | unprotected sex  ⤞ rating: 18+ ⤞ a/n: This is so late. Like I’ve missed the deadline lol. I didn’t even have time for a proper banner. But anyway, thanks Madame Sophie @kookskingdom​ for these prompts, I hope I’ve done well. This work is rushed and unedited and I promise I will clean it up and make it better one day lol. I hope you like it for the most part though. I tried my best with the gentleness and the fluff and the romance lol.
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“I still don’t understand why we’re doing this.”
Your body heats when his fingers accidentally graze your calf. What he’s doing down there is a mystery but when a free camping trip presents itself, you hope on board with no complaints.
“I need to take some more notes, okay? After that, you are free to do whatever you want up here because that’ll be the end of our arrangement,” he replies, and a bit of sadness comes over you.
The problem is you don’t want it to be over. 
Sure, before his “tests” started, you hated Namjoon and his ability to silence a whole room with his love for science. But after months of being touched by his surprisingly skilled hands, you’ve gotten comfortable being around him. Sometimes you even swear there’s something between you, something unexplainable. 
Namjoon felt confident in you being a perfect candidate because he knew you despised him and wouldn’t develop feelings from the intimate moments you’ve shared. However, for one of the first times ever, he was wrong. You can’t get the man out of your mind, and every day you’ve been wishing he’d say fuck it and go all the way.
Unfortunately, this is for science, and he doesn’t plan to lose his self-control. No matter how hard his cock grows in his pants when he’s administering these acts.
That sex bot he’s trying to create is going to be one lucky bitch because you’re sure he’s going to fuck her every night for the rest of his life once she’s complete.
“Just hold still. It won’t be long,” he assures.
“Please take your time.”
“What did you say?” he asks after hearing you mumbling.
You shake your head. “Nothing, just get on with it.”
Namjoon nods and proceeds to run his hand up your leg, stopping at your thighs to gently massage them with his large hands. 
Small sighs leave your lips as your body relaxes and prepares itself for whatever he has planned.
“Tell me how you feel,” he requests. “Look around and just take everything in before you answer.”
Your eyes scan over the empty field and large trees that surround it. Nature has always been your comfort, so the sounds of critters and wildlife are soothing to your ears. The evening sky is probably your favorite though. It’s beautiful yet so large and unpredictable. Right now, it’s warm and clear but within the hour, dark clouds could form.
It’s a feeling of vulnerability, being this out in the open. However, Namjoon makes you feel secure. Him hovering over your partially nude body as if you’re only for him to see makes you warm inside.
“I feel exposed,” you reply, shutting your eyes to suppress a small moan.
“Keep them open,” he instructs, and on his command, you open them immediately. 
“It’s all good,” he assures. He doesn’t move past the hem of your skirt even though your squirming body is begging him to. 
“Does this scare you? Or make you feel overwhelmed in any way?” he inquires, slipping his thigh between your legs.
“No. It’s um…” you laugh nervously. “I like it.”
“Getting groped in public?”
“Namjoon,” you whisper with heat rushing to your cheeks. “You make it sound dirty.”
He chuckles. “Well, there’s a campsite right on the other side of those trees, you know that right?”
You nod. “Mhm.”
“Are you still okay knowing that?”
“Yeah, I’m good.” He finally moves his hand up your skirt and you get butterflies. Your hand grips the blanket below you when he finds your center, surprised by how far he’s taking it. 
He’s groped and kissed all over you by this point, but he’s never touched you like that before. You tremble with excitement.
“You want more of this, don’t you?” he asks, and your eyes widen with shock. Namjoon smirks at you. “Don’t be afraid to ask for what you want. I’m more generous than you think.”
“You?...” he mocks, tracing the patterns on your underwear. “Tell me, sweetheart.”
Fuck it.
“I want you to fuck me,” you confess, regretting it instantly. You shouldn’t have because now you look weak and that messes with everything. “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have said that. I’m just—”
“Horny,” he finishes. “I already knew that. But are you sure you want me?”
“All you do is tease me and I’m just tired. I want the real thing,” you demand quite aggressively but you’re just frustrated.
Not a moment after your confession does Namjoon spread your legs wider. “Be careful what you beg for, love.”
You squeak when Namjoon lowers his head to swirl his tongue over your right nipple, but he covers your mouth before it can travel to anyone who may be listening.
“Keep it down. That’s for only me to hear, okay?” he insists, and you don’t know how you’ll keep that promise but you have to try. 
When you nod your head, he proceeds to move your panties aside. He starts leaving kisses along your neck while his middle finger gently massages your clit.
“I need to know how wet you are,” he murmurs against your skin. His mouth becomes greedier once his digits dip into your heat, his teeth roughly taking flesh into his warm mouth, claiming as much territory as he can reach.
He curses once he slips past your entrance and your pussy begins to suck in his fingers. 
“Namjoon,” you moan but he silences you with a kiss. Another finger sinks into your crevice, making you gasp. Namjoon, as smoothly as can be, slips his tongue inside of your mouth and explores the taste of you with urgency. 
Your head spins with pleasure and as promised he’s taking you places you never thought you’d reach. Your pussy tightens around him within seconds, preparing itself for the pressure that’s threatening to release if Namjoon keeps shoving his digits inside of you at this angle. 
He pulls away to catch his breath and watch you struggle to keep quiet beneath him.
“Gonna squirt for me, sweetheart?”
You nod, tears swelling in your eyes. 
“All over this blanket, huh?... Are you always going to be this nasty for me?” he asks you.
“Fuck. Yes, Namjoon,” you cry, the sound muffled in his large hand.
Your body stiffens once the coil snaps and your juices squirt everywhere. Namjoon’s fingers continue to guide you through your orgasm, and he whispers praises as he leaves kisses along your abdomen. 
“You’re so fucking beautiful,” he says while fucking you into oversensitivity. 
“Fuck, Namjoon. I can’t—”
“Why can’t you?” he chuckles, slapping your sensitive clit before he withdraws his hand completely. The moment you realize he’s pulled down his shorts is when he fully situates himself between your legs. “Ready to tap out?” he asks. 
His nose tickles your ear, making you squirm beneath him. The tip of his cock has already found your entrance and is patiently waiting for an invitation to ruin you.
“No. Please, keep going.”
Namjoon can’t stop himself from littering your skin with his teeth, marking your body over and over until he’s too horny to even focus on the task anymore. “I wonder how much of me you can take.”
He says those words as he enters you slowly, using your wetness to slide in smoothly. He allows you to dig your nails in his skin to cope with the sudden fullness of him nestled inside of you.
“God, you feel so good already,” he groans, trying his best not to move before you’re ready. It’s then you realize that he still has a couple of inches to go so without much thought, you wrap your legs around his waist and bring him in deeper. “Couldn’t wait, huh?”
“I needed you,” you admit. “All of you.”
You can feel his dick twitching within you, and he lets out a pained laugh.
“Sweetheart, you can’t talk like that right now. I’m trying to hold back—”
“I need you, Namjoon,” you repeat anyway. He gives you a look, but you still proceed to beg and plead, knowing exactly how it’s affecting him. “I want you so bad. Fuck me, please…”
He pulls out and snaps into you in one swift motion without a warning. You cling onto him because the force of the thrust was so powerful. It leaves you trembling and desperate for more.
“Still want me?” he quizzes.
Your nods give him the answer he needs. “Yes. Fucking yes!”
Namjoon doesn’t make you wait any longer. He spreads your legs apart and starts plowing into you. Your hands try to grip anything they can reach to keep yourself from flying upward. 
When he sees you struggling, he grabs your waist instead and shifts his focus to the blunt edge of his cock entering your abdomen. The sight brings a smirk to his face, and he intentionally aims deeper so he can watch his dick impale you over and over.
Your eyes roll back from the intense pleasure, feeling the familiar tightening in your core once more. 
So far, you’ve been trying to keep your moans controlled but Namjoon’s thrusts make you whimper each time he enters your cervix. 
“You’re so greedy, sweetheart,” he comments, grabbing your wrists and pinning them above your head. “No matter how much I give this little body, you just aren’t satisfied.”
“Namjoon,” you warn but he just keeps going.
“You’re so wet. Lie and tell me you don’t like it when I talk to you like this. I dare you.” His mouth finds your breasts again and he starts attacking your nipples while he continues to slam into your pussy. “Tell me and I’ll make you feel even better. I promise.”
He lets go of your arms and your hands find his hair. Your nails rake through his scalp as his soft lips suck your sensitive nipple. 
“Shit, I do. Please don’t stop,” you plead.
His mouth releases your bud, and he speaks before switching to the other. 
“I won’t,” he promises before he attacks the other breast. His thrusts slow down but the feeling doesn’t fade. Namjoon rolls his hips against yours and a silent cry comes from within your throat.
You can barely form thoughts, but words are nonexistent. Everything you thought about in your secret fantasies of Namjoon has been more than fulfilled by him. You’re speechless, that’s why your orgasm comes without warning.
“Sorry!” You apologize again but Namjoon is quick to deny it.
“No need. I’m just here to make you feel good, baby,” he assures. But after a few more gentle strokes he spills his seed inside of you and falls on top of you.
You lay there looking up at the sky in a post-orgasmic daze, your mind not on anything particular even though words threaten to leave your lips. But Namjoon breaks the silence first.
“Am I too heavy?” he asks.
“Good,” he sighs although you can sense there’s something else he wants to say. After a minute, he finally opens up.
“If I told you that I was kind of falling in love with you, would you laugh?”
Drained of all of your energy, you can only shake your head and give a feeble answer.
“Not at all,” you reply.
Namjoon seems shocked by your response, and he raises his head. The empty feeling you get when he slips out of you brings your attention back to reality. 
“Wait. What would you say if I told you that?” he questions, and you shrug.
“Me too?”
His mouth falls open. “For real?”
“Namjoon, you’ve gotta read the room sometimes,” you tell him.
His smile starts to grow and all of a sudden you both become shy. Nervously, your fingertips trace his lips and then more features of his face until you’ve accepted the fact that he’s someone you’ve grown to care for, someone you don’t want to lose.
However, he’s already said it’s over, so there’s really nothing you can do.
“What if I don’t want you to go?” he asks as if he read your mind.
“Like camp with you again tonight? I was going to—”
“You know that’s not what I mean,” he interrupts.
Now you’re the one who’s smiling, and you can’t resist the warmth that grows inside of you.
“If you don’t want me to leave then I guess I’m not going anywhere,” you sigh while playfully rolling your eyes. “Never dated an asshole before though. What do I feed you?”
Namjoon pulls away and rolls over, turning his back and acting as if he’s offended. For a second, you believe it and start to feel bad but then he had to open his mouth.
“Pussy is my favorite but—”
“Oh god, I’m leaving,” you say while holding back a laugh. 
But of course, your boyfriend wasn’t too far behind you.
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heartcereql · 11 months
blue velvet
☆ lo’ak sully x fem!na’vi!reader
𝐒𝐘𝐍𝐎𝐏𝐒𝐈𝐒- looking back to when he was a teen, lo’ak remembers a certain girl and a certain night
𝐂𝐖- written from aged up!lo’ak’s perspective, english is not my first language
𝐀/𝐍- short, melancholic, typical lucy content
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even though years had passed from the days you two spent together, lo’ak found himself thinking about you more often than he’d want. 
you were so enhacing to think about; his mind drifted so easily towards your memories. 
he recalled one of your last nights.
your blue skin was soft as velvet, as was the texture of the sky.
stars dimly defined your figure.
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you broke the kiss to rest your forehead against his. with another quick peck, you put some distance between the two of you.
“i’m going” you blatantly said, a smile on your lips.
lo’ak thought you were joking. he didn’t even comprehend what you were saying. but once again, it was you , so anything could be expected.
“what?” he chuckled in a whisper.
“i’m going” you repeated, as if nothing was wrong, nothing going on.
he began to understand you were being serious.
“y/n what do you mean by that?” a frown was visible between his brows now.
“i’m going as in i’m leaving” your voice had acquired a new tone of consistency, but you still looked playful.
“now?” he asked.
your smile widened.
“no, stupid. most likely tomorrow” you said, voice low.
he watched you as you laid on the grass, reclined on your elbows. an unsettling feeling was starting to take over him.
“what for?”
the question was pointless, really, and he knew that. but he couldn’t distinguish anymore if you were playing around or if you were being serious. and that sacred him.
he laid next to you, but his face was staring at you completely , trying to figure you out.
you were a mystery from the beginning. you seemed to have appeared out of nowhere, but he didn’t question it. he just noticed you. and you had noticed him too. though you were very talkative (you had made almost every step to build your friendship), he hadn’t managed to learn anything about you. you were like a labyrinth. and he was okay with that. well, if he was sure he could solve the mysteries of your persona. yet he couldn’t.
when you spoke was mostly to reflect on some of the deepest stuff he had ever heard, or to suggest a reckless adventure.
you usually showed him places and creatures he would have never seen before.
and in one of your trips, you had kissed him. softly, but without hesitation. your lips fit together in an astonishingly perfect way. and he found he couldn’t stop kissing you.
what for, he had asked. you stared into the starry ceiling.
“i want to get away” you said, after some seconds. “i can’t stay here”
“what?” he was definitely lost now.
“i have to go” was your only answer.
“i don’t understand, y/n, what is going on?” his confusion was bordering desperation now.
“i must leave. and i love you, but, if you don’t let me go, you can’t understand me”
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and the next day you had disappeared completely. lo’ak was devastated, looking for the glow of your velvet skin, yet he found nothing.
everything reminded him of you, therefore everything hurt. but mostly the nights, when the dark sky returned his stare, and the stars would wink at him. 
and, eventually, he picked up the pieces in which you had left him and started to enjoy again. as much as he could. but in his heart he would always keep your precious and warm memory, that he hoped would perdure throughout the years.
it did. it was in nights like these, with kiri’s children surrounding him, that he would find himself lost in his memories, telling the stories about a certain girl his nephews and nieces loved so much. their eyes were clouded with tiredness, but they would all beg for another story before bed.
yet when he looked up at the blue sky, his eyes would sting, brimming with tears. he could’ve sworn he could see velvet through the tears.
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du-buk · 1 year
8:11 Q&A Part 4
Thank you all for the questions once again! 💙💙💙🦭
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General asks;
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Hmmm...... I’ve dabbled in the arts of some trans headcanons(Vittorino, for one lol), but, I’ve never made anything official. My only transgender-canon character is for another project, who fans might know him as Ambrosio, but his name will be changed in the future. That being said....... do whatever you please, anons 👍✨ If you want to draw and/or write the entire cast as trans, then, just have fun and share your theories! I’m sure many others would enjoy those things, so, who is to stop you?
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No worries anon, thank you for asking! All is okay, as long as these things are made with positive intentions 👍✨ If anyone does make bigotry things of 8:11, the best we can do is just ignore it and move on.
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I am 100% okay with that! Just have fun, and be creative 👍✨ I don’t know much about these things but it seems nice.
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Ever since the rumors, disappearances, and strange supernatural occurrences, religion in Rosso is on unsteady grounds. The bastardization of Catholicism and Christianity in 8:11 might have some shared holidays, and a few made up ones, so Christmas might be a thing. Is it celebrated by the people in Rosso? Highly doubt it. Plus, I’m sure there are other holidays being celebrated by some characters...
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Ryker and Leon might have celebrated something similar to it in France, but, couldn’t afford presents for each other:( If Christmas WAS celebrated in Rosso, it would be a holiday surrounding gift-giving and cherishing family and loved ones, etc etc. But with much less snow (but lots of icy cold winds and rain), warm cookies made by Accardi, Vittorino getting more scarves from Amalia, and everyone most likely spent the holiday at Gabriel’s house. Everyone falls asleep accidentally in one big pile, under some warm blankets, and by the fire place:)
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Thank you for playing!  I’m glad you enjoyed the game. I hope part 2 intrigues you!
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Are you referring to this video?
This is not an alternate ending! This was just something random I made for the release of the game. There’s only one ending for the first game, as, the second game takes place right after the first game.
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Ohh..... Honey flower is very cute....... I think Accardi would love giving nicknames to his partners, and does it naturally out of habit.
Ryker is caught off guard by it, at first, but warms up to it. Eventually Ryker will call Accardi nicknames, and Accardi would love it all so much......
Secretly though, Ryker will never tell Accardi that the best they could come up with was just calling Accardi random French items/flowers/etc.
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No worries! I pronounce it differently from time to time, but, I think the French pronunciation would be “more fitting”?
To be fair, I think Ryker would state their name to the people in Rosso, but, everyone might pronounce it incorrectly. (And it makes them upset hahha)
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I believe it was this, but, I might be wrong anon!
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Is this a creative work around to get spoilers? Cleaver idea anon, but, you’re not fooling me.
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No worries anon! Thanks for enjoying the game!
We do not know exactly why Dante killed Leon. There’s a lot of mystery surrounding this; why Dante killed Leon, and who exactly Dante (and Leon?) are. Any tie-ins with Francis are unclear too.
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Dante hmmmmm...... I don’t know if he would care about sweets in general. But if he HAD to eat one........he would prefer dark.
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Errrrmmmmm maybe. Or maybe he will trip and fall down a flight of stairs and never be seen again. Who knows! :)
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Hmmm.... Good luck anon! Accardi and Juliek have never met the Francis we know of. Technically. Accardi might have an idea, but, Juliek most likely has forgotten who that was since he wasn’t so connected to the Basilica.
Hmm........ever wonder how Ryker hasn’t had the chance yet to ask Juliek if he knows anyone by the name Francis or Dante yet? Strange, isn’t it?
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1. Uhmmm....... Well. I usually don’t feel inspired to draw hair, so, if you had an idea for his entire outfit then I might hahahah. Or money. Commissions are always open. 😏
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2. Uhmmm........ Who knows! Sorry. Maybe naming conventions are different in this universe. Kinda funny. But I’ll never tell.
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Possibly, for streamers. But also, the sex scene will be so surreal and not show that much penis and what not. But my stories are also unapologetically LGBT, and that includes unapologetically having gay sex. ✌️
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Those two guys? Those two little fellas? Hmmmmmm perhaps. :) Maybe, maybe not. If they want to return they will find a way.
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Hmmm.....I have thought of changing Wankou’s tattoos actually!
I think Dakota just likes traditional tattoos, and will place whatever he thinks is “cool” on him. Every tattoo gets meaning for him,whether because Wankou did it for him, or, the inspiration behind the tattoo reminds him of his family/a happy memory. The millipede and scorpion were most likely chosen because they were “just cool”, nothing more to it, hahahah.
I would like to change Wankou’s tattoos to something below, or a more “black out” look.
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koogl001 · 2 years
Admiring from afar
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One-shots and HCs Masterlist
It has been a few weeks since you transferred to the new high school in Japan, due to your parents moving because of work. It was difficult, the people in your class were already split into small groups of friends, leaving you alone, which resulted in you sitting alone awkwardly every break. At least, you could enjoy the peace and quietness, or so you thought.
“Hi Jojo!”
“Jojo, I brought you lunch!”
“Jojo, I missed you so much!”
Squealed the girls surrounding a lone delinquent by the name – you guessed it – Jotaro Kujo. This left you baffled, seeing as you could never understand why those girls would swoon over someone who would constantly call them bitches, threaten them, tell them how annoying they are (though you had to agree with that one) and shout at them every time they got on his nerve, which was always. Don’t get me wrong, you could appreciate the fact that he was handsome, and his mysteriousness somewhat intrigued you, but you would never stoop so low as to become another girl chasing after him. Having the lunch period, you decided to venture to the roof, hoping to be the only one there. You were lucky, looking around the space, bento in hand, you didn’t see anyone.
“Man, my head hurts… Do those girls ever just like, stop?”
Opening the container, you quietly and peacefully ate your lunch. When you got back to your class, there was something that caught your attention. That something being a pink note in your bag. Looking it over, there was no signature or any indication of whom could have left that for you, so you just stuffed it into your pocket, deciding to read it after school. What you didn’t know though, was that you were not the only one who noticed it. A dark glare was shot towards the little note before you could hide it.
“Is that a confession note?”
You asked no one in particular, more so just talking to yourself to confirm your thoughts. When you got home, you finally had the time to read the letter a few times. Although you had no intention of accepting feelings of someone you didn’t even know, it spiked your curiosity enough for you to decide to meet this person. Going to bed, you fell asleep, not realising someone was standing outside your window.
“Star platinum!”
Mumbled the tall student, using his stand to discreetly open your window and help him climb in without any disturbance. Walking over to your bed, his thumb lightly slid across your lips, the person aching to just claim them as his. But everything had its time and place, and this was neither the time nor place. The time and place, as the note stated, would be tomorrow, on the rooftop at 4 pm sharp, where he would confess his feeling to you by doing the ultimate love gesture, killing for you. Yes, a perfect way to show that he would do anything, ANYTHING for you.
You stretched your hands above your head, hearing the bell signalising the end of school for today. Your curiosity over who you would be meeting was strong enough to make you more that just a bit giddy. As you made your way atop the school however, there was a strong metallic scent. Anxiously you opened the door separating you from whatever was emitting this smell. What you saw, you were not prepared for. Blood. Blood everywhere where your eyes looked. Blood and chunks of what was once a human body. Your fight or flight instinct kicked in, spinning on your heel so quickly it was a miracle you didn’t fall, you ran. Or at least, you attempted to run when suddenly, an invisible force latched onto you, not permitting you to move a muscle.
“Just where do you think you’re going.”
Came a gruff voice, making the hair on your neck stand. Was it- No, it couldn’t be!
“And after what I did for you, how ungrateful.” The force swiftly turned you around, into the open arms of your classmate, Jotaro Kujo himself.
You couldn’t talk, or more precisely you couldn’t breathe. You were hyperventilating, feeling like you were drowning. This is not real. It can’t be real! It’s just a joke, a practical prank, a way to scare the “new girl”, right?
“Yare yare, isn’t it obvious? I killed him.”
“Because you’re mine.”
Stuck in disbelief and shock, you didn’t register the hand combing thru your locks, nor his lips claiming yours because this is it. This is the time and place.
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neoncat666 · 1 month
extremely long shadows over welde character analysis post
by extremely long i mean its fucking 3k words cause I go too silly.
Spoilers up to ep 8 and its mostly rambles so apolocheese. I also posted this on my twitter so if u saw it there here's an actual text version LOL
Oh my god. You are soooo…… First of all, in the story we’ve gotten this. Argentum is a strong headed, curious person who is a bit stubborn and holds themself at a bit of a graceful appearance on the outside. They are smart, witty, but also a bit of a temper especially when it comes to frankly a little stupid ideas. They are also kind and care for others. We were shown from the beginning that they enjoy their work and meeting fans and even with people they just met are willing to help them stay safe. Also they’re a little dumb. Sometimes curiosity overrides rational thinking and that was shown when they touched the weird fucking webbing in the cave and also that ENTIRE plan when there was the confrontation between Vhaeraun and Lolth which was fucking actually crazy. This isn’t even beginning to talk about the head friend. I am constantly thinking about that voice and who that could be. Brings us speculation around them. Argentum is not human, or at least fully human. Their eyes are def not human and Hayden is a silly lil guy who would pull a trick like that. There was one speculation on them possibly being a Kalashtar and I think it could fit but honestly for now it hasn’t been on my forefront. I also bought the inscriptor class finally and was looking at how possibly they were built. What stats what subclass ect. I don’t fucking know.. Now you might be asking “Hey why don’t you just ask?” CAUSE IM SCARED. But honestly cause I wanted to see if I could figure it out myself lmao. It boiled down to either Mystery or Historian subclass is what Snail helped me narrow to. Could be wrong tho. There’s also little tidbits about Argentum that have come from outside the sessions like when I asked if they had a canonical birthday cause “celebrating fictional characters birthdays is cringe” “fuck you happy birthday argentum” is funny. Still honestly wanna know if any of the party has canon birthdays. I got hit with the “Oh they don’t know their own birthday.” and then swindled. There was also the discussion on Hayden’s pcs never really having parents or family and Argentum was included in that list which more or less got confirmed in session this episode (7). I still don’t know their motives, still don’t know their relationships with others because it seems everyone is connected to someone except Argentum, and I still don’t know who their patron is and if that is the same as the voice in their head. Love the silly though
Fifi….. Not much was known about you until today and holy shit did it rock my world. Before we had known he was the apprentice to Ipswich and was sent in his place as guest of honor. We also then found out he was a spy working on tailing Lolth and that’s kinda all we knew about Phoenix for a bit, at least heavy lore wise. He’s a sarcastic, witty, bitch and I love him so much. I could never surpass Snail as Phoenix Enjoyer but it’s close. We learned a bit more during the nightmare drink sequence where he met his patron and got his powers fucking zapped. A couple things stood out to me from it. How his patron looked and specific wording from Phoenix. We know Ipswich isn’t mortal anymore but Phoe had said something along the lines of “I’d get my ass kicked and be right back here the next day.” He is surrounded by death or even just the undead. His patron deals in undead magic and I don’t think if Phoenix gets knocked down he wouldn’t be back again looking all fine the next day. We don’t know his patron’s name which like. Fuck. but lmao. Anyways Ipswich is tracking him like crazy and says he has this important quest although we don’t know a lot of Phoe’s thoughts and feelings on what he’s doing. To me it almost seems like he’s a tool or pawn for others and idk if I can fully call him a good person. Doing a bit of research into his pact and such it seems that he’s just going to possibly lose more and more humanity as he gets stronger but also i couldn’t tell you how much he has already. There’s also the whole cousins and throne thing that got dropped this episode. It seems his family is also involved with this whole scheme but Phoe is the favourite of the bunch. The idea that he could possibly be royalty was also thrown around and i think if he was like secret prince it would be from a large family all vying for a throne or he is working with Ipswich and others to usurp the current ruler and take the power for himself. Although knowing Fifi it’ll probably be like a secret third option. Not much except he’s so 90s movie older sister to me and the fact Ipswich runs a school for swindlers which is kinda funny.
Babygirl. Pookie. Love of my life who I want to kill me. God. This is now my love letter to you. I saw you across the bar and thought you were sooo scary and I’ve been enraptured ever since. Anyways that’s a freak. He’s not the most talkative and seems more lonely despite everything. They’re funny, loyal, kind, and ruthless. We didn’t get much for Sunder for a bit until mostly the shopping episode. We learned a bit through Kelly and the nightmare drink of what makes up Sunder but it didn’t really culminate until the head crushing I would say. Honestly I don’t even care I just fucking love the way Sunder is played. Like I’m sitting here trying to find words that aren’t just I think he’s neat cause I do think analyzing him is intriguing. They’re going to get angry and they’re going to get violent and you are not safe. It’s something that was so surprising at first because of how much Sunder kind of fell into the background. The nightmare drink gave us the first look at this, that Sunder had apparently killed someone, a kid even, but a lot of their violence was played off as a joke by the community, I know I did. Learned today that the person in that nightmare was Ilmater and it shows that she wasn’t lying when she said that visions and nightmares of this accident are a plague. I believe them when they say it was an accident and idk how young they were but to harbor that from a young age will fuck you up. Their morals are something that intrigues me i would say the most. No trouble in murder although I assume that’s more or less towards people who piss him off or are generally bad people. He’s kind hearted and that’s shown a lot especially with this last interaction I’d say. I still need to like rewatch a lot of parts of it but “we were just kids” genuinely fucking rocked me to my core and it got me i won’t lie. We’re still very early in but idk, I want to see Sunder truly happy and not haunted by the ghosts of their past. I feel this was most likely the first step but it’s hard to say as we go forward. I think violence and blood will always follow it’s just how they choose to take it.
The Wall:
I think now Wall is the character we know the least about, at least to me. We know his duty to Eilistraee and his duty to Zephrael and also his little foodie quirks (love him dearly) but outside of that I don’t think we know a lot. He’s the character I have the least notes for now but I do know this. He is loyal to a fault, a little dense, kind, and revels in battle and violence. I think about his nightmare and the fear of losing her and the sword then what happened to this episode. He’s had this since he was a child and then he had this dream, this trip to the beastland plane and looked Eilistraee in the eye and fought her. I believe he still loves her, cares for her, but I also think it has changed since that episode no doubt. Rewinding a bit, I think a bit about him being told he has to be pure of heart in order to wield the sword. What does pure of heart truly mean? Wall loves fighting and murder. He actively committed torture. Also he’s the bodyguard for an objectively bad man. There’s the argument of his intentions are pure although I doubt you can do a lot of what he did and have those intentions be fully pure. It’s just something I think about more than probably a normal person should teehee. Anyways the conversation he and Rae had at the beginning of this session should classify as psychological warfare cause I genuinely do not think I’m ever going to recover. I have been talking about it for weeks how they are the chosens, favored, by literal enemies and seem to have some sort of hit on them by a couple of deities now. I thought about how it might affect relationships and how Wall views them. We know he’s very loyal but I always wondered how far he would need to be pushed before that is broken. Seems like an extreme amount. His morals are probably what intrigue me the most tbh. I’d kill to know what his alignment is LMAO. Most of all I just really love the Wall because he is goofy and silly but he also isn’t a stupid brick wall that doesn’t know anything and I really enjoy seeing the times he gets to explain things. Fuck it we Wall.
Okay so this will be the longest one cause I’m biased and yes Zephrael is my favourite. I always feel a little bad when it comes to that and showing that favouritism because I truly do love the entire party so much. This hit me the most when the show was just starting out and I did feel like I needed to show how much I loved each character and not just focus on Rae lol. I hope this thread can at least show that (if you even make it this far) Anyways Zephrael is a fucking freak and I love him so much. I’ve done multiple posts on him before and yeah Im gonna repeat some of it here i wont lie. Right out the gate we probably learn the most and yet the least about Rae’s past and present. He is an emissary for the reformed church of Lolth and an honored guest. He had known about Edo’s work before and talked about how it had helped with relations between the public and the reformed church. This means everything and nothing to us. But it does show that despite Rae’s… oddness, he is extremely well spoken when he wants to be and I think about that speech a lot. The next few episodes gave us some more information yet also a lot more questions. These weird pains that seem to predict disasters, the extreme phobia of spiders despite being a paladin of Lolth, and his both egotistical yet self deprecating attitude. It was fascinating to watch him because he clashed but never in a way that made him irredeemable and I’ll go more into that at the end section. A few early things I thought about a lot before the catalyst that was the nightmare drink were who the reformed church was, where did Zephrael come from, why was he chosen as this ambassador, and why he didn’t know undercommon but knew abyssal. These are still questions I have to this day LMAO. The nightmare drink vision I possibly overanalyze the most next to Phoenix’s. It stood out due to the fact that it wasn’t, bad. Rae could see again, he saw his father and best friends again, he got told he was going to learn the truth again. Why was this considered a bad thing? Everyone else experienced horrors and regrets yet Zephrael got sorrow. It jumpstarted the part aasimar Rae theory tho. Angel imagery Rae makes me clinically insane I won’t lie and his father having these large wings and bright white light did not help. There’s the big question of what he is and also how he joined the church. Hell, even how he feels about the church as well, truly at least. During one of the hiatuses fandom went crazy and Snail Snailmuds dropped out of nowhere that the runes on Rae’s body weren’t just random but fucking translated abyssal that said “PAIN CHAOS POWER” which first of all goes hard second of all what the fuck.
Theory crafting for Zephrael always feels like climbing uphill and also being constantly shot at cause every time something happens with that man it turns out to be a secret third thing going on oh mygod. Anyways I’ve discussed whether or not he was forced into this church, was kidnapped, born into it, ect because at the end of the day, he seems to very much be a tool or pawn for this church and/or Lolth. Also the whip being an artifact of Lolth or whatever they’re called again I forgot??? What the fuck dude. ALSO HIM SLEEPING IN BATHTUBS????? Grizzly has said this will make sense later but genuinely what the fuck there is something wrong with him. Moving on, revelation about the tattoos comes out and we get the torture episode. Well we get the holy shit they just killed those guys begining and then torture. First of all, I cheered louder than anyone else when Rae actually did fucking combat instead of running away and also the fact he can use his whip. Anyways dumb and dumber torture a guy and first of all the lay on hands to keep him alive during torture was insane and I hope to see it again in anything and it’s also where it’s learned that the tattoos on him were “forcibly engraved” which was honestly brushed off and a lot happened that I think most people forgot but I didn’t cause I’m crazy. Anyways moving on from THAT we get the typical Rae. Dodging questions when Argentum tries to interrogate him and also dunno if he’s just fuckin lying or not when he does actually answer them.
Episode 6 and 7 are where I think Rae slightly pivots. Not really noticeable but he feels a little more, close. It was also a change I noticed with the cast and I think that helped a lot of character dynamics as well. Rae’s stupid beef with Argentum was so fucking funny and I do think about him wanting to heal Sunder before himself after the Bulette because if he heals Sunder, how would that help him. Yes they’re his bodyguard but the monster is dead and it’s not like Sunder can heal him back. It was a decision that I think was the most different for Rae because he was shown to care deeply for Wall but not so much the others as much. He still doesn’t care for the others as much as he does The Wall but I do think he has grown a fondness or care for the others whether he wants to or not. And thats the thing, I could not tell you if he does actually wanna care for them or not. Yes they are allies and help but he seems to try and keep things at a transactional level or how much power it may bring him. He still does but like his dynamic with Argentum seems closer cause the antagonizing feels more like siblings getting on each other’s nerves rather than a growing distance. I think Sunder also displaying that brutality may have put him more into Rae’s good books too. Anyways he read a fucking book huge day. Now he has even worse mommy issues. Ep 7 killed me with hammers but that was spoken about. His relationship with Wall is something that fascinates me though. Rae is selfish, it’s not hidden at all, yet he does seem to care deeply for Wall and almost defends him more than he would defend himself. It’s nice to see for this bodyguard and his charge dynamic but ep 7 spread some light on it and I do think their bond will outlive the will of the Gods but what do I know, I’m not anyone at that table. Zephrael is rude, odd, egotistical but also masochistic and does care deeply when he wants to and you don’t see that kind of character as much I wanna say. He’s my favourite cause his weird gnc swag enraptured me thats all he is post over.
Not actually over cause there’s one last thing. These characters would not be these characters without the wonderful players behind them. Each episode brings out better and better performances that have me actually going crazy over them. I genuinely wouldve had nothing to write about if it weren’t for the fact everyone brings so much life into these characters and loves them so much that they feel so fucking real. They don’t feel flat or simple but very nuanced characters that I love to study and even be wrong about (i actually hate being wrong and every time im wrong i get so ashamed) but Argentum’s flourishes and talks to get out of situations, Phoenix’s wit and holy shit that dread form voice, Sunder during the market fight and then the softer scene with Varic, Wall’s humor and even talking about the more serious stuff, and Zephrael’s ability to balance harshness and endearing at the same time. That’s Hayden, Leizu, Juzo, Ben, and Grizzly and I genuinely cannot fucking talk about the performances enough. I’ve thought about making a post just about it but I fear I just wouldn’t be able to articulate what I wanna say enough. Then obviously it wouldn’t even be possible without the fucking amazing world building and npcs Jonah has provided. Everything is so immersive and I find myself caring for each and every npc we meet whether caring for their safety or caring too much cause I dislike them. Every npc sticks with me and I grow so attached so quickly because they feel so real in this world that also feels so fucking real. It feels like we are just peeking into another world and I actually can’t multitask when watching sow cause I get too sucked in. It’s really hard to do that and I talk about it a lot but never really publicly so I thought I would here.
Anyways for real this time post over, this ended up way longer than I thought it was gonna be so ur a real one if you read this all the way through lol. I’m off to go think about sow merch again as I wait for permission and stuff cause im crazy. See ya later
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callmemana · 1 year
What You Know, Is Nothing.
A Bob Floyd x female!reader fanfic:
Summary: Bob goes home for leave and as a surprise the dagger squad pays him a visit and learns more about their fellow aviator.
🚨A special thank you to @sebsxphia @jungle-angel @twosroos @thedaredevilsgirl for the ideas! I love and appreciate all of you!🚨 and a thank you to @eddiemypuppetmaster and @sweetlittlegingy for proof reading! 
After the uranium mission, the dagger squad had gotten closer and had learned more about each other over the next couple of months. As the group learned about their fellow aviator’s personal life, like how Hangman is the eldest of four and has three sisters; how Rooster grew up surrounded by the 86’ squadron after his father, Goose, had died and many more interesting things. The only person who’s yet to be open with the team was Bob. They knew some basic information, like his name and home state, but other than that, nothing. It wasn’t until a mysterious message was sent to Phoenix from an ‘Kacey Floyd’ that she gained more knowledge about her back seater. After weeks of messaging each other, Phoenix and the other aviators were invited to Floyd’s ranch. As it got closer to the day they left for their families, the secret stayed quiet. While at the Hard Deck Bob, as always, stayed his shy, wallflower self. Only speaking when spoken to. Bob was in his own little world when his phone went off, it was his mother, asking when his flight was and who was going to pick him up. Bob sighed loudly, which gathered the attention of the other aviators, “What’s the matter Bob?” Bob bowed his head, closed his eyes in frustration, then looked back up to his questioner, “My Ma, she’s asking me about who’s gonna pick me up at the airport.” “So, who’s picking you up? She’s worried about her son.” Replied Rooster. “I don’t need a ride; I left my truck at the airport last time I visited and its still good on gas.” “You left your truck at the airport, even though you knew you wouldn’t be back for a while?” asked Payback. Bob nodded, “Well, technically my girlfriend has my truck, she’s going to drive up with a friend and leave my truck there for me.” The team was speechless, bob had a girlfriend? “I’m sorry, could you please say that again?” asked Hangman, thinking he’d heard wrong. Bob scrunched his eyebrows together, “My girlfriend is going to drive up with a friend and leave my truck?” “Why did we never know that you had a girlfriend?” “Because nobody asked?” “Well now we’re asking!” “Yeah, tell us about yourself Bob.” “I’m good, there’s nothing to know.” “What’s your parents’ names? Do you have any siblings?” Bob chuckled lightly, “Why the sudden interest?” “Because we work together and while we do, we need to know about each other more.” “That’s bullshit, and you all know it.” “Its bull-true!” Bob gave a slight glare to the others, “Fine, my parents’ names are Joseph and Kacey, I have four siblings, two older and two younger.” “Their names are?” “Seriously, why are y’all so interested in my life right now?” “Well, I should know this information as you are my back-seater.” Replied Phoenix. “My older brother’s name is Austin, my older sister’s name is Isabella, and my younger sister’s name is Chloe, and my younger brother is Colton. Anything else? My blood type, middle name? If I’m an organ donor?” “Yes,” “Did you realize that your accent comes out more when your frustrated?” “My middle name is James, AB positive, and yes I am.” Bob got up out of his chair and left to get another drink, this time a beer. “Jesus guys and Phoenix, we drove him to drink!” said Hangman. “He’s probably stressed with going home, I mean, it���s been a while since he’s been home from what I can tell,” said Fanboy. “So, he shouldn’t get frustrated with his mom, she’s just worried about her son.” “It’s nice that she’s there for him, at least he has someone,” said Rooster. “Don’t start on the sob story Roost.” Bob kept away from the others until the day he had to catch his plane to good Ol’ Wyoming. Bob went home for leave, where he could visit his home and see his family again, and that’s where he was now, helping his father, and two brothers fixing the fence that broke but didn’t have the time nor people to fix. He had on a trucker hat with this family’s ranch on it and blue jeans, his shirt discarded as soon as the summer sun of Wyoming reached about noon on this particular day. He heard a couple of cars driving down the dirt road but paid no attention to it, focused mainly on the fence. 
The cars’ doors opened and closed as Bob continued to work. Without his shirt, Bob could be seen with muscles that could go head to head with Rooster’s or even Hangman’s on any given day and tattoos. The squad didn’t think that Bob would be as fit as he was, considering how most of his free time on base was used to sit in a cozy chair and reading a book, nor did they think that Bob would be the type of person to have tattoos. As the team stood by the cars and stared, it seems that they were caught red handed looking at their fellow aviator. “Hey Bam, ain’t those your fancy pilot buddies?” “Now you’re just messin’ with me, Austin. How many times do I have to say that we aren’t that close, they don’t know where I am, I didn’t give them anything about my personal life. There ain’t no way, they are here,” retorted Bob. “Bam, look over there, don’t those guys look like the people from that picture you sent?” asked Colt. Rolling his eyes, Bob lifted his hat and wiped his forehead before putting it back on and looking in the driveway, and to his surprise, his fellow aviators were in fact at his family’s ranch. 
“What in the hell?” he whispered under his breath. Bob looked at his brothers, both just as confused as he was on why they were here. Soon his mom came out of the old farm house and greeted the guest followed by his sisters. “Bam, Austin, Colt! Get your asses over here and say hi, I didn’t raise no hoodlums!” “Yeah Ma, were comin’!” “Bam, grab the tools, we’ll move on to the next fence afterwards.” doing as his brother asked, he grabbed the tools and his shirt as he made his way over to the group forming. “Bam never said that we were havin’ guest.” said his sister, Isabella. “Because he didn’t know, it was supposed to be a surprise for him.” “Well, come on! Introduce us Bam,” Bob had always hated that nickname since he was a child, so rolling his eyes, “Ma, Isabella, Chloe, Austin, Colt, this is my team members from the dagger squad, Natasha, Reuben, Mickey, Jake, Javy, Bradley, this is my mother, Kacey, older sister Isabella, younger sister Chloe, older brother Austin, and younger brother Colt. There happy? We still got fence to fix, but make yourselves at home inside.” finished, Bob as he and his brothers hopped on the quads nearby and made their way to the other fences. 
“I’m sorry about Bam, he doesn’t like surprises much. But y’all are welcome to go inside to cool off while I finish up with lunch.” “I’m sorry Mrs. Floyd, but why do you call Bob ‘Bam’?” asked Natasha with curiosity. “Oh, please call me Kacey, Mrs. Floyd was my mother-in-law. When Robert was a baby he had blond hair so white that it looked like Bam Bam from the Flintstones and he would take a toy hammer and smack everything with it. The nickname just stuck from that, he absolutely hates it, but he will always be our Bam Bam.” laughs could be heard from behind her as she lead the group into the house and to the guest rooms. Isabella and Chloe helped with lunch while they settled in. There were pictures all around of the five siblings and their childhood, it looked like a scrap book with all of the photos, all of different ages and activities. 
One particular photo caught Reuben’s eyes and he smacked Mickey who gasped, the photo was of Bob on a bull, riding with one of his hands on his hat and the other holding tight a rope to stay on as the bull bucked. “Guys, you’ll never believe this, but it looks like Bob was a bull rider before the army,” said Mickey, which grabbed the others’ attention and went to look at the picture. Isabella came in at the sight of them entranced by it and chuckled, “Y’all really don't know squat about Bam do you? Bradley shook his head, “No, we know his name, that he’s a WSO, and that he doesn’t drink, but that’s all.” Isabella laughed loudly at the last statement, “Oh, y’all are up for a treat! Bam used to go out every weekend and drink with his buddies in the cornfields out by the Cordell’s farm and get shitfaced, come home early the next day and then go to work on the farm,” the team had their eyes wide and jaws to the floor, no way was ‘Baby on Board’ a partier, not in high school and defiantly not now. 
“When he came home one day, and Ma had had enough of the drinkin’, she told him no more until he turned twenty-one and then he decided to join up. So, I’m guessing he don’t drink around y’all?” Bradley was the one to speak, “No, he doesn’t” “Was he really like that growing up?” “Oh was that boy trouble, he would-” “Ma! We’re done, and don’t be tellin’ them nothin’!” “Oh, hush boy!” Bob and his brothers came into the room and sat on the couch and recliner, that was until their mom came over and smacked them upside the head, “Don’t be gettin’ sweat on my chairs now, go shower the lot of ya!” they all grumbled as they got up and retreated into their rooms, “No smoking either!” she shouted once more, “that’s for outside only!” “Kacey, it was nice of you to let us stay here, but if Bob isn’t ok with this we can leave,” suggested Mickey, always the kindhearted one. “No, no, it’s fine. He’s just not too big on surprises and such. He’ll get over it, and if anyone of you catch him smoking, please snuff it out, he can’t be ruining those lungs with the stuff y’all do for the Navy!” They all nodded and agreed, another thing they never knew about Bob, he used to drink like a frat boy and smokes, who knew. 
After his shower, he picked up his room a little bit before heading back downstairs to his teammates, who were enthralled by a story his sister was telling, he rested on the doorframe as he waited for the end. “He would jump from the hayloft to a patch of hay to get away from Dad when he would get in trouble, that boy always came inside smelling like shit and had hay everywhere.” he chuckled at the story, a fond one from his childhood. Nat was the first to spot him, “Hey,” Bob just nodded his greeting. “You’re not too mad at us right?” Bob just shook his head, “No, y’all just wanted to get to know me better, I know I was less than giving with information about myself.” “So, tell us man. We wouldn’t be here if we didn’t want to get to know you.” Bob pushed himself off the position he was in and sat on a chair at the table, “What do you wanna know?” “Where did your accent go when we were at Top Gun?” asked Reuben. “I got made fun of because I ‘sounded less smart’ when I talked so no one took me seriously as a WSO. I had enough of it and started to lose it gradually as I went from base to base.” Bob shrugged. “You drank a lot in high school?” Bob’s eyebrows furrowed as he glared at Isabella, who giggled, “Yeah, there’s not a lot to do here. It’s either hanging out in the Walmart parking lot, or going to a friends’ field, having a bonfire, and drinking til the beer runs out. I chose the latter.” Bob folds his arms over his chest and leans back as he waits for the questions from his team. “Or rodeos, he was a big hit at the local and county rodeos, always went to state and won.” bragged Austin as he joined the group. “Bam here was the champion for years before he went and joined the Navy, still talked about round that time of year.” “Apparently there’s one coming up next weekend, thinking of signing up there Robert?” Bob rolled his eyes, “I’m retired, and you know that, Izzy.” “So, you got to show your Navy friends the rodeo, its super fun and you loved the adrenalin rushes when you ride!” joined in Chloe as Bob shook his head, “Not happenin’, I’ll take them to a hole in the wall or a cornfield party. Heard Patterson say he was planning one soon,” “No, come on Robert!” Bob’s phone went off and checked the name, Y/N, he got up and grabbed his hat, “I’m out, see y’all soon. I’ll be home for dinner!” confused, the others looked at the family in the kitchen who smiled, “That was his girlfriend, Y/N, she must need something. Don’t worry he’ll be back.” “What’s she like?” asked Javy with a smirk, “Prettier than sin, and as smart as a whip.” “Any pictures?” “Plenty, they’ve been together since freshman year.” “That’s adorable!” “Plans to propose next June when he gets leave again,” said Chloe. “Who knew Bob was a romantic?” “Well, we did, but he’s our brother so,” said Colt.
As dinner came closer and closer there was still no sign of Bob. It wasn’t until the plates and table where cleared that Bob reappeared, but with his hair frazzled, left eye black, and knuckles opened and bloody. His siblings rolled their eyes at him, this was just another night for them. The dagger squad jumped up immediately and surrounded their friend. “What the hell Bob?” “Are you ok?” “Are you hurt anywhere else?” Bob held up his hands to silent them, “I’m fine, just got into a bar fight.” “A bar fight?” “What the actual fuck?” “Are you sure your alright?” Bob nodded his head sternly, “Yeah, some asshole was talkin shit about me and Y/N called to come pick her up before she did something she’d regret. By the time I got there, it was already going down, a friend of mine from high school jumped in to protect Y/N.” “Is she here?” “Can we meet her?” Bob shrugged, “Sure, I guess. She’s outside still trying to clean up.” “Clean up?” “You don’t think that a girl from the Midwest don’t know how to throw down do you? Girl’s here throw hands like it’s a conversation starter.” “Respect.” “Should be in soon,” as soon as Bob finished his sentence a woman in bootcut jeans, a t shirt, steel toed boots, and a dirty white Stetson came through the door and looked around at the dagger squad, “Well Hell, when you said you got yourself guests Bam, I didn’t realize they’d be this good lookin’!” “Y/N, this is the dagger squad, Nat, Bradley, Jake, Javy, Mickey, and Reuben. Guys this is my girlfriend, Y/N.” “Its nice to finally meet y’all, Bam doesn’t talk much about his Navy friends when he visits. Hell, half of the time we gotta hound him to take leave.” Said Kacey, smacking her son’s shoulders affectionately. They talked for hours catching Y/N up about all of the things the squadron did these last couple of months and his family told embarrassing childhood stories of Bob, who would add details or laugh with the others. Bob would never come out to say it, but this was probably the best leave he’s taken. His Navy family finally met his real family. He was a happy man.
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slytherinqueenrose · 1 year
Total bastard |Percy Hynes White|
Pairings: Percy Hynes White x Polish!F!Reader
Warnings: bit of cursing, stereotypes about cars, mentions of Harry Potter, let me know if I missed something. It’s shitty by the way.
Additionally: Y/N - Your name, Y/L/N - your last name, Y/F/N - your friend’s name, Y/C/B - Your car brand/car of your choosing
A/N: Hello! That’s my third writing here on Tumblr and I must apologise for the grammar! I’m Polish so English is not my first language and don’t feel too comfortable using it. I’d be very grateful for any feedback about it because I truly don’t know if it’s even comfortable for you to read 😩
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You may be wondering how does working on Wednesday set look like and the only word that comes to my mind and describes it perfectly is MAGICAL.
That was my first - let me call it - serious job. I took part in few other productions as an intern mostly and I played a background character only once before getting the role of Wednesday’s cousin. Coming back to the topic - even though I have some experience in films and I know exactly how everything looks behind the scenes, the set of Wednesday was something totally different and new.
Maybe it’s because most of the cast was young and not too popular (not counting Jenna and some other actors of course). That was the first place where I felt like I belong there.
But I also met somebody who desperately tried to break my heart or so I understood it.
Let’s start with a quick introduction. My name is Y/N, I was born in 2000, in Poland which makes me different from my movie character all the way. I was kind of stressed about joining the cast mostly fearing that I won’t be accepted. I mean, they all have became really good friends and what if I they treat me as an intruder ?
The trip to Romania was excellent even though some turbulences happened during my flight. Firstly I was wondering about driving a car (which would take about 12 hours but I thought of taking some stops in Slovakia and Hungary). I love travelling to new places but I decided that buying flight tickets and rent a car while in Romania definitely will be a better option. I needed some way of transport and I truly hated the public communication.
I did as I said, I rented a car and was heading straight to the hotel. The atmosphere of Romanian forests was just wonderful. So mysterious yet so beautiful. I couldn’t get enough of looking at the surroundings and I took few stops on the way to take pictures of as many views as I could.
After an hour or maybe a little bit longer I finally arrived at the hotel. It was just a simple building, not too pretty nor ugly. Cozy actually. It’s totally fine though. I don’t feel too comfortable in luxury places.
“Shitty drivers.” I muttered while trying to park my car on a parking lot. I have to mention that I’m a pain in the arse if it comes to driving. I always stick to the rules and rarely try to break any which often makes other people go insane. I remember my very first time in the US. I rented a car with my friend and she was laughing her arse off almost every time I drove. The only text a remembered after coming back home was “we’re driving with a very sick Jaguar. Almost dead”. And to make it even funnier, I have been overtaken by a bicycle.
Minute of silence, please.
But coming back to my thoughts.
After seeing this one black BMW parked totally wrong, I got a clever idea. What to do to piss off its driver? I parked my car correctly so there was no option for whoever owned that black car, to get inside. Sorry not sorry. I left the car and took my luggage and just when I was heading to the building, someone called after me.
“What do you think you doing? I can’t get into my car, you daughter of the devil!”
I quickly turned around to see a young man opening the black vehicle with his automatic pilot.
“Fly then.” I said with a grin.
“May you move your shitty Y/C/B so I can leave the parking lot?” He added visibility furious.
“Shitty Y/C/B you say. Well, does your BMW have working indicators or they are to cause a huge explosion if you use them?” I asked and raised my brows at him.
Before you’ll start hating me for this I must explain something. Polish people truly hate BMW drivers. It’s not like we don’t buy those cars - we actually do and they are very popular. However seeing a BMW using indicators is something worth celebrating. Does not happen too often, tho. If you happen to see a BMW with working blinkers, you can be sure it’s police driving it.
I didn’t even wait for his response, expecting it to be rude, and just turned around again and that’s when I noticed a certain boy that was portraying Ajax in the show. He was laughing his arse off while leaning against the hotel entrance.
“Well done, whoever you are. Jake is a total shit and makes everyone go crazy with his behaviour.” He said while extending his hand to me which I gladly accepted. “Georgie Farmer, Ajax Petropolus, call me whatever you want.”
“Nice to meet you, Georgie. I’m Y/N Y/L/N. I’m going to portray Wednesday’s cousin, Verity.” I replied with a smile.
“You have a funny accent. You’re not American for sure, aren’t you? I didn’t mean to offend you, of course.” He added.
“Don’t worry about that. English is not my first language so I’m not a mistress of speaking it. The truth is I usually fail doing so.“
„Stop saying so. You speak very well. I like the Brit or Australian sounding. But what’s your nationality then?”
“I come from Poland. Not too far away from here actually which I’m pretty glad about. At least my flight wasn’t tiring.”
“Woah, is that the country which is famous from pierogis?” He gasped visibly amazed and just when I nodded, he grabbed my hand and pulled me after him inside the hotel. I started giggling like crazy. I was totally over the moon because someone seemed to like me and that felt incredible.
“So I suppose you’re pretty stressed now before meeting the rest of the cast but there’s no need to worry. We are all very friendly and really excited to meet new cast members. Some of us are also pretty insane like Percy for example or Oliver but I’m sure that you’re gonna feel comfortable around them.” He said with a pure excitement, opening one of the doors for me. ”I believe that Emma dreams about giving newbies a hotel tour just like Enid would but what about me being your guide today? She’s rambling too much while showing people around.” He said. Well, isn’t it like he was rambling too?
“As long as you keep smiling and being all excited.” I replied winking at him.
And honestly that was the best beginning of a new friendship in my whole life. We spent around an hour running around the building while he was trying to show me everything. And I mean totally EVERYTHING. He even showed me a secret underground room where he, Percy and Oliver meet from time to time to gossip about what had happened during their day. Boys.
“And so this is the last room of ours. We call it a freak day room because we spend most of our free period here. A lot is happening here everyday so don’t be scared seeing whatever is going on there right now.” He said less enthusiastically.
“I’m prepared to see the worst.” I replied giving him a reassuring nod. I could already hear laughter coming from there and I felt sick from fear. I’ve never used to be too confident, not even mentioning popular. I was just a plain, grey, unknown and the least liked person in my school years. I’ve never had real friends. All of my “friendships” usually come to an end after few months.
“Guys, guys, guys, attention please.” Georgie spoke while entering the room. All the laughter stoped and everyone looked at him at once. “Percy, may you please stop this ungodly singing?” He added. “So I want to introduce a new person to all of you and-“
“You met someone new and didn’t tell us sooner?”
“I’m sorry, Emma but I needed to give her a quick tour and talk a little bit. Whatever. Ladies and gentlemen, this is Y/N, Polish miracle with a funny accent.” Georgie chuckled pulling me into the room. I almost fell noticing all those glances.
“Hiya, nice to meet you!”
Let’s say that the very first day with the whole cast was just amazing. Everyone had a lot of questions, some simple, some weirder. We had a lot to discuss and considering the fact that the boys opened a champagne and then another and another, it resulted in a killer headache on the next day.
But it doesn’t matter.
Percy does.
Since the very first time we laid our eyes on each other, there was a sort of a weird tension between us. I felt pretty shy for no reason and he seemed to judge me. Or so I understood because I usually think that people are gossiping about me which never happens actually.
The thing is that he was acting different in my presence. For example this one time when he was listening to music and singing in a tent, he stopped immediately after I joined him and few other cast members. His face expression made me feel sorry for interrupting their fun time however was it my fault that I was just being curious about what was going on in there? Oh, ok. I’m a bit nosy but IT WAS OUR TENT and I had a full right to go in there.
The second time I felt bad was the Halloween day. Emma and I were simply preparing our costumes in our “freak day room” when Percy came. He just leaned on the doorframe with his arms crossed on his chest and was looking at what the both of us were doing. Then, he chuckled and raised his eyebrows.
“What?” I asked confused.
“Well, don’t get me wrong but wouldn’t it be just enough if you would have gone to the festival right after waking up? You know, all sleepy and messy.” He said with his characteristic grin. What was that supposed to mean?
“I was thinking about that actually.” I replied a bit upset forcing a small smile. Yeah.. He basically thought I was ugly. I can’t say I wasn’t though. At the age of 23 I had a lot of insecurities which may seem to be odd for many people.
“What are you planning to wear, Percy?” Emma asked.
“A beautiful smile and my fave hat. Enough to make all ladies gasp.” He chuckled and then left.
“He’s unbearable.”
That definitely was true. The way he laughed at me made me go insane every time. When I couldn’t hold the arrow properly, there he was, laughing his arse off. Same after all my bloopers. We also had a pretty heated argument scene one day and he couldn’t hold his laughter. I didn’t know what was going on. Was I truly this bad at acting? Not even mentioning the way he used to mock my accent and made me feel sorry that it was more British than American. Well, it’s not my fault! Polish schools ONLY teach British vocabulary and accent. It’s more familiar to all of us and additionally I used to grow up only having British or Irish idols. Who doesn’t remember One Direction for example? I was a number one fan and honestly I wouldn’t make it with my English without them. Before I met Percy I thought that the way I spoke didn’t matter but it clearly did. I truly started to have enough.
I can’t not mention the fact of being a Potterhead which was for some reason too funny for him. He used to walk around pointing at me with his fingers and go with “expelliarmus” or “abra cadabra” which wasn’t even a Harry Potter spell (and he knew that but wanted to see me explaining it to him and getting embarrassed). At this point I was truly frustrated.
“I’m so glad I have a bit more free time today. I was thinking about visiting the nearby shopping centre. What about you, Joy?” I said while eating lunch. That was the first day after a month of shooting when I was needless on the set. The most of my scenes have been recorded already and now it was only Jenna and her serie family time.
“I was there loads of times and I never get bored of going there. I will for sure keep you a company. I need to buy some stuff especially after Georgie ate almost all of my candy!” She laughed with pure happiness on her beautiful face.
“What are we doing today ladies?” Percy asked, putting his hands on Joy’s shoulders.
“We plan on escaping and doing some illegal stuff. Wanna join?” She replied with a smirk knowing just well that he definitely would accompany us if it really meant something illegal. He was overly confident and usually into rebelling.
“Does it mean few hours of shopping in cosmetic stuff which I ain’t understand? Then thanks.”
“We’re definitely planning on robbing a jewellery shop.” I said winking at him.
“Would be such a reward to have some new shiny necklaces, wouldn’t it? I bet it could ease your embarrassment after yesterdays fails on set. I really think you’re shitty sometimes.” He chuckled and made my heart shatter.
“Yeah. You’re right. So what about leaving soon, Joy? I think I’ll go to take my phone and car keys now.” I added not looking at him.
“I need to take a shower before we leave. Give me at least an hour, is that fine?” She asked smiling friendly.
“Sure. Take your time.”
As I said I went to my room and just sat there, looking at the wall. I’m shitty. That’s what he thought. How cool is that?
But no. It wasn’t what made me sob. Just not yet. The real reason of my future tears was much worse.
About a week later, just few days before Christmas, we all decided to have a lovely, friendly free period after work without caring about the job, without rehearsing, basically it was supposed to be just a chill out. Eating, doing nothing, maybe dancing a little, you know just a normal evening with friends. I was heading straight to our day room when I heard something what broke my heart into millions of pieces.
“What about you and your screen lover, artist?” Georgie laughed. Gossiping about me then. Fine. I just stood there behind the door to hear more and that was a mistake I wouldn’t make twice if I could turn back time.
“Y/N is… well, let’s say that I really couldn’t get more fantastic partner.” Percy scoffed, purest sarcasm in his voice. “I thought they’re going to hire a hot Latino chick for this role but then she came and I’m… huh. Can’t get over this. It’s a simple misunderstanding. You see, someone like her and someone like me. Not to mention that she’s one or two years above, isn’t she? Like a mama.”
“Oh yeah, I can totally agree, mate.” Olivier replied chuckling.
With that I didn’t even bother to listen to them anymore. I headed back to my room where I decided to call my bestie via FaceTime to let all of my negative emotions out. I sobbed hard for another half an hour and she was just there, looking at me and simply not talking. She was wonderful. She had no idea what happened but was waiting until my cries died, giving me some time before finally listening to the story and starting comforting me.
„Naprawdę nie wiem, co takiego mu zrobiłam.” („I literally have no clue what I’ve done to him to deserve it.”) I said, wiping the tears out of my face.
„Moje biedactwo. A przedstawiają go jako aniołka. Posłuchaj, siostra. Może i traktuje cię w taki a nie inny sposób, ale czemu to ma dla ciebie takie znaczenie?”
(„Poor little thing. Can’t believe he’s portrayed as such an angelic person. Listen to me, sis. He may be treating you like this but why does it actually matter to you?”) Y/F/N replied but just after that we heard my door being opened. I didn’t turn myself in the sound’s direction because I could clearly see in my phone screen who entered my room.
Percy himself.
But what the fuck did he want? I decided to stay unbothered and show no emotions at all. At last I didn’t want him to know that I was eavesdropping. Happily he does not know my mother language so it wasn’t too difficult to continue my conversation without his suspiciousness.
“Wiesz… Podłapałam małego crusha na tym dzieciaku. Nie wiem czemu. Zazwyczaj zachowuje się jakby się naćpał, ale jest dość uroczy i…”
(„You know… I might have fallen for him a bit. I know it’s ridiculous but he’s usually acting high like shit but he’s cute at the same time…”) I replied and saw a clear disbelief in my bestie’s face expression.
“On ci rujnuje samopoczucie z dnia na dzień coraz mocniej, a ty się w nim zakochujesz. Powinnaś się przebadać.”
(„Can’t believe it. He’s making your self confidence fall more and more everyday and you’re just casually falling in love. You should go and see the doctor real quick.”) She added visibly angry.
As we continued discussing this and that, I felt a movement on my bed. Percy sat cross legged behind me with a faint smile on his face which made me truly uncomfortable.
“Jak on w ogóle może tak o, wparować do twojego pokoju i gościć się w nim jak u siebie? Zwłaszcza po tym co powiedział.”
(„It’s so bold that he’s able just come to your room like nothing happened and simply feel like he’s being at his own place. Especially after what he said.”) Y/F/N said looking him straight in the eye. “Wydaje mi się, czy zaraz rzuci na mnie klątwę? Może Avada Kedavra?” (“Is he trying to hex me right now? Or maybe he’s planning on using Avada Kedavra?”)
„Możemy zmienić temat?”
(“May we stop talking about him?”) I asked with a forced smile.
But then I felt a very delicate tapping on my shoulder so I finally turned around to face Percy.
“You didn’t join us. Something’s wrong?
Yes, Percy. Yes. You happened.
“Powiedz mu co o nim myślisz i daj znać jak poszło.”
(“Tell him what you think about him and let me know how it went.”) My bestie added before ending the call.
“I don’t feel too well today so I just decided to stay here and spend some time alone.”
“Come on, sweet things, I know you’re lying.”
What did you call me?
“No idea what you’re talking about. I have a right to feel bad”.
“Something is clearly bothering you”.
How come that he was able to read my mind?
“Well maybe you wouldn’t need to worry about such a shitty thing if I was a hot Latino chick.” I retorted not daring to look him in the eyes. It took him off guard immediately.
“Wait, what?” He asked confused and then his face dropped. “Y/N, have you heard what I said down there in our day room?”
“Obviously. Look, I’m sorry that I got the role and you have to look at my Polish shitty face. I wish I looked different but I can’t. Also sorry for being shitty on set. And additionally I’m sorry for talking the way I do and I’m extremely sorry for liking what I like. I-“ I was cut.
“It’s a misunderstanding, sweet things. Let me explain, please.” He pleaded taking my hand into his and I just nodded. “I didn’t mean anything bad by saying all that stuff earlier. It might have sounded bad or so but I am very happy to have an honour of working with you. What I said about your acting was just a way to tease you. I like when you get flustered. I’m not laughing at the way you sound. I find it extremely attractive. I have a weakness for girls speaking languages and changing accents. Harry Potter is absolutely fine and I like it too. I mean, I like it a lot and even have a Dark Wand somewhere at my house. And what I said today… Sweet things, it was all positive. You see, I truly couldn’t get any better person to portray my lover. You’re just perfect doing your job. I also didn’t mean anything - I swear - anything bad talking about you and I feel like I wouldn’t be enough for you. So that’s why I told that someone like me couldn’t be with someone like you. You’re just much more mesmerising and too good to ever be mine. I’m so sorry about making you feel bad all this time.” He added with a pure sadness in his eyes.
This time I was taken aback.
“Wait, does it mean that-“
“I like you and truly wish we could start all over again. If you want of course. I get it if you don’t feel like being with someone younger.”
“You know that the age doesn’t really matter?”
“So is that a yes?”
“It doesn’t hurt to try though. But don’t you dare calling me “mama”. Like ever again.”
“Of course not. Never.”
Yeah, he was absolutely going to call me that. Seeing his little grin made me realise he’s not the one to trust at all.
To: Bestie 😈
Percy and I got together.
That might piss her off.
From: Bestie 😈
A/N: I really am going to shit myself not knowing your opinion 🥲.
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tev-the-random · 1 year
(Technically a distant continuation of this, but can be read on its own!)
His skin was an imitation of life that refused to age or scar. Although the years had moulded Jimmy into someone near unrecognisable, he looked no different than he did when he left Tumble Town. It was quite anticlimactic, to think he had nothing to show for his trials other than some patches on his clothes and perhaps a sharper wit to his eyes — metaphorically, that is. His actual eyes looked just as glassy as ever.
So after everything he went through to find himself here, he supposed the location was fitting. It, too, was rather anticlimactic: nothing but an old shack in the woods. It didn't even look dilapidated enough to be haunted. The forest didn't bother to have ominous crows cawing at him or any particularly disturbing tree — on the contrary, there were small patches of sunlight shining through the leaves above, and the smell of morning dew was fairly pleasant. If not for the peculiar plants growing in the little garden in front of him, which his cat sniffed suspiciously, he would have thought this was the wrong place.
These weren't plants you could normally find in the Overworld, that much Jimmy was sure of. From bushes of glowing, multicoloured berries to herbs that floated in the air like little leafy balloons, their roots hanging loose. The red vines crawling up a trellis close to the wall reminded him of the Nether, though the blossoming black flowers that grew on it would suggest otherwise.
"Awfully poisonous, those flowers."
He jumped, sword in hand.
Without producing shadow or sound, a person stood beside him, towering over Jimmy. Their silvery hair, washed out robes and sickly pale skin made them stand out against the background; a desaturated figure in the otherwise verdant woods.
There was a moment of silence in which Jimmy tried to gather himself. Any information he had about the one who supposedly lived here left his brain entirely. All of his well-thought-out bargains and self-confident arguments were startled out of him, leaving an uncertain tremble in his voice.
"Um..." He blanked.
In order to give him some more time to think — or maybe they just didn’t care enough to pay attention to him, — the stranger walked past the small man to take a closer look at their garden. They merely shooed Norman, who hissed at their approach before moving to stand beside his owner.
“You ever seen prettier experience bushes?” They said casually, getting rid of a few dead leaves on one of their plants. They examined its colourful berries carefully, only to let them go with a disappointed sound. “Incredible magical properties, but it’s so difficult to grow them right this time of the year...”
"Are you— are you the person I'm looking for?" Jimmy finally spoke. "I was told I could find a wizard in these woods that could help me with a curse."
By their curious demeanour and wise, elderly face, Jimmy expected them to respond with some enigmatic question of their own, something a mysterious master would say. Perhaps a meaningful silence and a sharp glance. Instead, all he got was a quirked eyebrow.
"Well, does it look like there's anyone else around here?"
He made a conscious effort to not look bashful. What a talent he had to surround himself with people who loved patronizing him, huh? But he had had enough time to learn that, if he took the bait and let himself be played for dumb, he wouldn't get anywhere. Seize the discussion.
His determined eyes didn’t move from the grey figure.
"I just got here. Don’t waste my time—"
"Yes, yes. You sure did take your time," said the stranger, moving to the red vines on the trellis. With a pair of small pruning shears they fished out of their pocket, they started cutting away at the flowers. "I, myself, thought you had keeled over and died somewhere along the way. I've been waiting for years, Jimmy! Surely you can hold on for a couple more minutes?"
"You— what?” His focus wavered ever so slightly. “How do you— you've been waiting for me? Like, for me specifically?"
"Who else would I be waiting for?" They chuckled. The sound ringed in Jimmy’s ears, bothering him the same way it always did when people laughed at him. In that regard, he only changed for worse.
Even though he felt like it, he didn't groan. He stared at Norman as if the cat could tell him what the deal with this unusual character was. If he knew how to, Norman would shrug.
Taking a deep breath, Jimmy forced calmness into his tone.
"How would I know?" He'd gotten better at not gritting his teeth at frustration, though he still sounded like he had swallowed a lemon. "You could be waiting for a hundred other people, maybe that’s your deal. I don't know you."
"Ah, but you certainly know of me! Otherwise, I wouldn't be the person you're looking for."
"Oh my g— Are you them or not?"
"Yes." They still didn't bother looking at him. Once satisfied with the number of black flowers they had gathered, they turned around with a swish of their robes and opened the door to their hut. "Well then. Come on inside."
Jimmy hesitated to follow. Norman, on his part, sniffed every inch of the chipped wooden door before sitting resolutely by the entryway. Jimmy took it as a warning. I’ll keep an eye out.
When he stepped inside, he concluded that this was, without a doubt, a wizard's house — a very disorganized one at that. The cabin was much larger on the inside, tall bookshelves extending far into a ceiling that seemed never-ending. Manuscripts littered the floor and desks alongside scrawled notes and old hardback books of all sizes. There were a multitude of coloured candles on nearly every surface, illuminating vials and more vials of the most peculiar ingredients. Jimmy consciously chose to believe that the blood in all those organised flasks on top of the nearest shelf belonged to some wild animal.
From the walls hanged more vines of strange plants, as well as all sorts of animal skins and various paintings and pictures — some pristine, others completely defaced. But they all seemed to depict a same theme, a same character: a very familiar deity with a golden trident and exaggerated grandeur. It was hard to ignore such clear obsession for someone Jimmy thought to be so incredibly unremarkable. The so called god of Stratos was the very reason he ended up like this to begin with. Religious fanatics were the last thing he needed right now.
Completely oblivious to their guest’s discomfort, the mage stood hunched over a counter, surrounded by multiple powders, herbs and and fluids in jars. Their hands worked on a mortar and pestle.
"You could have come sooner, you know?" They commented. "I don't know why you'd go through all that trouble with witches and pirates and whatever else you were doing when you could've just asked Scott for my address, I haven’t moved. But then again, you are the second pettiest individual I've ever seen. Leave it to you to go on some wild goose chase."
Jimmy stopped eyeing the room to stare at them. His brows quickly furrowed, suspicion immediately arisen.
"What does Scott have to do with this?" He asked. His hand itched to grab his sword again. "Actually, no: how do you know me in the first place? How did you know I was coming, huh?"
They hummed. "I’ve got eyes everywhere. You just happened to stumble upon one of them a long time ago."
The wizard stopped their motion to point at an open cabinet to their left. It was low enough that Jimmy could see its contents, and it made him raise an eyebrow: it was a human skull. Inside of one of the eye socket, there was a bright pink jewel; in the other, an unique blue stone caught his attention — it was intricate, as if it had been made to truly look like the iris of an eye.
Absentmindedly, Jimmy reached his wooden hand to touch the artefact, looking for something that could explain its purpose.
But when he blinked, he was on a hill. Vibrant flower patches stretched along the brick roads of a colourful kingdom, where glowing clouds of all colours painted the sky, constantly pumped by tall chimneys on cyan rooves.
Right in front of him, an excitable man dressed in orange spoke; Jimmy couldn't hear any of it. The man, too, glowed ever so slightly, and it made him want to squint at the vibrancy of the scene. The entire world was in deep silence, despite how much it looked like it was screaming at him.
Jimmy raised a hand to run it through his hair in exasperation, only for it to hit something. The cabinet. He blinked again, and back he was at the wizard’s hut as if he had never moved at all.
“What in the world—?”
“Funny, isn’t it?” The mage chuckled. Adding a few drops of a green liquid into the mortar, they went back to crushing. “What was he doing this time?”
“He was— I was just... in Chromia,” Jimmy murmured in disbelief, not knowing how to feel about it. Haunted, he stared at his strange host. “What was that?”
“The eye I gave Scott Smajor has many perks for him. But mostly, it has perks for me. It pays well to have such a well-connected informant. Don’t tell him about it, though, I’m sure he would hate it.” They didn’t sound apologetic at all.
“What do you mean you gave him an eye?!”
“Did he never tell how he got that magical yellow eye of his?”
“I assumed he was just born like that! You know, like, it’s a condition! Het- hetochro- heterochromia? Don’t look at me like that!”
“Oh, trust me, there is nothing hetero about that man.”
Jimmy continued to stare. For the sake of his own sanity, he tended to avoid thinking about any of the emperors he left behind. It had been so long since he last uttered the name of Scott Smajor, and the memories he held weren’t exactly the fondest. But a part of him couldn’t help but feel bad for the collector: this was, at the very least, a huge breach of privacy. Did he even want to know why this random guy in the middle of the woods needed unaware spies? Were they just a creep, or were they looking for something in particular? Did they assume Jimmy was coming over eventually, or had Scott been following him this whole time? Could they even make him do that? Could they control him?
The thought of being a mere puppet to someone made him sick in a horribly familiar way. He had half a mind to get back to Norman and leave.
But, he thought to himself, what if this is the only chance he has? In the years Jimmy had spent travelling, looking for a way to reverse this stupid toy curse, all he’s ever found was disappointment. Rejection. The frustrating loneliness that comes with learning people can’t be trusted; nobody cared enough to help, and those who did were never able to. When he was told there was a powerful wizard in a far away forest who could fix him, he took the lead with multiple doubts.
Now, he faced them all at their full force. What if they were to scam him? What if they were, in fact, nothing more than a massive creep? What if they killed him? Tortured him? Locked him away?
Just what price would he have to pay for his humanity?
He didn’t want to spend another hundred years running around looking for what he had lost. Jimmy was an imitation of life that couldn’t age or scar, but he was tired. So very tired of being a thing, tired of being a walking reminder of his own weakness in the eyes of others. He was tired of being so pathetic, no matter how hard he tried.
“You know what I’m here for, then,” he stated dryly. Resolute.
The mage hummed once more.
“Well, I have an educated guess.” They finally turned their head to look at the toy. The little glass eyes they met were unwavering. “You want your old body back. To be human again. Am I right?”
“You are. And I’m willing to do whatever it takes. But don’t you try anything silly!” His hand brushed against the hilt of his sword, pointedly displaying its netherite shine.
“Oh, don’t bother with threats. This is just as worthy an exchange to me, you know?”
“... And what do you want? In return, I mean.”
They didn’t respond immediately. With an amused smile on their face, they turned back to their workstation and, one by one, started tearing the black flowers from their garden into pieces. Into the mortar the shredded petals went, and after a minute of silent work, the wizard seemed satisfied with the solution they had made. There were another two or three minutes in which they put it through an old brewing stand before transferring it into one of the glass vials scattered around their desk.
With that, they handed him the concoction. Although it may have seemed like there wasn’t much of it in there to begin with, to Jimmy it felt more like a bucket full of bricks. He blinked, as if to ask ‘what the hell am I supposed to do with this?’
“Drink it, boy, drink it!”
Their eagerness wasn’t lost on him. The small man stared down at the inky substance, which smelled no more pleasant than spoiled milk.
“I thought you said those flowers were poisonous,” he pointed, stalling.
“Hm, yes, I do pride myself on growing the finest wither flower hybrids.” They waved Jimmy off as if he had said something particularly flattering. “But alchemy works in fascinating ways, so really, that mixture should be fine. Well, at least I haven’t killed anyone with it yet.”
The toy looked back at the front door, where his cat sat like a gargoyle. Upon noticing the his gaze, Norman got up with all that feline grace of his and approached to sniff the potion. His reaction wasn’t encouraging — he let out one of those tiny cat sneezes that often made Jimmy laugh, — but if he didn’t make a fuss about it, it was probably fine. Either that or the cat didn’t know a thing about magical ingredients either.
“And... what does this do, exactly?” Jimmy asked, still grimacing.
“In theory,” the wizard said from an unknown corner of the room, where they were now heaving an old-looking box from another one of their cabinets. He definitely hadn’t seen them move, “it allows me to freely tinker with you. Think of it as a surgery of sorts,” they quickly added at Jimmy’s horrified expression.
“You do realise this is the most suspicious situation ever?”
“And you expect me to just drink this, then?”
“Well, if you don’t want it, you can leave.” They shook their head at him while they examined the instruments inside of the box. “I do have other things to do.”
“No, no, just... how can I know you’re not trying to trick me? You know, it wouldn’t be the first time.”
“Jimmy, if I wanted to do you any harm, I would have done it already.” Their sigh came from somewhere behind him. What were they, a transporter? “Do you think I let just anyone find me here? No. Now, you might have never heard it before, but you are quite special. And I personally would hate to let your potential go to waste because of some tasteless joke.”
That was it. Not pity, not scorn, not condescendence. It was as simple as ‘you deserve better.’ He did deserve better. So he did it.
The potion was thick and oily, and it burned on the way down. It was a mix of spicy and sweet that frankly made him want to throw it right back up. But the vial was small enough that he managed to down the whole thing in a few gulps.
He couldn’t remember anything after that.
When Jimmy woke up, the first thought that crossed his mind was that he had to have been buried alive. There was a suffocating weight on top of him, while his body sank heavily on an unstable surface. His chest was impossibly tight, and some horrible, almost painful texture seemed to envelop every inch of his skin.
His skin.
 He bolted upright.
The room Jimmy found himself in felt claustrophobic; not because it was particularly small, but because he fit inside of it. It made him dizzy, like it was too foreign to process. But it wasn’t nearly as overwhelming as what he was feeling.
What was he feeling? It was hard to name it all.
A breeze made its way inside through the ajar window, and he could feel it on his face and shoulders like cold knives. The hairs along his arms stood up, goosebumps seeming to make their way into his very soul. There were no more ball joints, no more creaking, no wood grain — instead, he could faintly she the lines of his veins under pale skin.
He kicked away the covers he was tangled up in. The itchy, heavy thing had so many little loose threads, it felt like bugs crawling up his legs. The mattress was no better: his weight made it shift under him; he was almost sure it would swallow him up.
Jimmy touched his face to find that he could feel his own stubble, the lack of hinges on his jaw — it felt so loose, so free that he feared it would somehow fall from his skull. Pressing the palms of his hands against his eyes felt weird. His cracked lips, glued together from sleep, also felt weird. His hair— gods, it was so smooth! The knots were less like fraying yarn and more like he just hadn’t washed it in a few days.
His chest was wrapped in the most uncomfortable bandages possible. They were tight, rough, and Jimmy could feel every last fibre digging into his sides. But he could still run his fingers over his own ribs, touch his own stomach — it was squishy, not like cotton filling, but like flesh.
From the tip of his toes to the top of his head, he was flesh and bones and skin. And gods, he could feel it all — there was so much more surface to feel than he remembered! If he didn’t know any better, he would say he was about to combust.
He laughed in disbelief, only to immediately hug himself when it startled him; since when did his voice vibrate so much? Why was he so hot, yet so cold? So heavy? Why did his skin feel like it was melting underneath his fingers? Why was the sun so blinding, the room so small, the shifting of the bed so loud? Why was his chest even tied up, it didn’t have enough space to breathe—
“Woah there, let’s not do that.” A formless voice ringed in his ears.
Rough hands took hold of his wrist, and Jimmy pulled away like they burned him. His nails had dug bloody marks into his arms.
“Come on, deep breaths,” the owner of said hands told him. They sounded oddly close by, but Jimmy couldn’t bring himself to look at anything other than his own knees. “Yes, like that. Everything is fine, you just gotta readjust to it. Take your time”
He took in air that didn’t quite seem to fill his lungs. Without making a sound, someone closed the window and drew the curtains, cutting that cold breeze and bright light. It became easier to focus on the sting of the bruises he had produced, clinging to himself to confirm they were there.
A new weight dipped the mattress beside him and a mass of greys, browns and whites invaded his vision. Norman stared at him, sniffed at his hand, but was kind enough to not jump on him. If anything, the cat seemed suspicious.
Jimmy cleared his throat; it gave him a headache. But he was smiling fondly. Norman was so... tiny, like a kitten. Had he always been that small? His owner at times thought of him as an impromptu horse, tall and strong. He was a fluffy little thing.
“Hey, big man,” Jimmy murmured hoarsely, surprising himself with his own tone. Raising a hesitant hand, he caressed the cat’s waiting head and promptly melted.
He had forgotten what it was like to run his hand through Norman’s soft fur, to bend down and place a kiss on his little forehead. He’d forgotten the warm weight of the animal on his lap — or his own weight, for that matter. To make the floorboards creak under him, to leave a dip in the bed, to cast a long shadow on a wall. Oh, it was horrendous, too much at once — yet it was every fantastic bit like he had longed for.
“I’m not a toy.” He could shout it from the rooftops. Instead, he let out a wet and true laughter into Norman’s fur. He didn’t even realise he had started crying. “I’m not a toy.”
The wizard observed ominously. They left him a glass of water before exiting the room without a word.
For the first time in years, his own blood underneath his nails and sweat running down his back, Jimmy was alive.
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distortedclouds · 7 months
Maybe part of what makes Annie attractive to men (apart from her looks of course) is that in aot is that theres a sense of mystery surrounding her too? Idk like people in the aot world don’t know much about younger life, anything about her real parents etc and like she has the sense of making you want to dig deeper and learn more about her
for a moment there I thought you were talking about IRL men and I was about to yell at you that they do NOT, in fact, like Annie beyond her outwards appearance
but in aot Annie and Mikasa are the only two where it's explicitly stated that they have multiple admirers. But I agree, with the military all being a bunch of 13 and 14 yo boys, it wouldn't surprise me if that was the case. Though it's ironic that it's the one who saw right through her mysterious facade was the one falling most madly in love with her
As for post canon, I am team Annie will be getting a lot of (unwanted) attention from men around her not only because she's gorgeous, but yes, her personality makes people wanna get closer to her only so they could crack the code and understand the ice beauty rather than actually wanting to get to know her
It's tiring, really, because a lot of people do view her as a game/nice prize to be one part because she's "cool"
I feel so bad tagging you in two asks in a row but @moonspirit 's VBEOW has a really interesting character (read, asshole) who is "crushing" on Annie for all the wrong reason, and I think it captures the thought you have here perfectly, anon!
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spiritshaydra · 1 year
VERY LONG EMOTIONAL EARLY MORNING RAMBLING INCOMING I just want to say that even though I’ve never really posted about it, The Owl House is one of the shows I really really wish came out when I was in middle school, or early high school.
If I relate to Luz so strongly NOW as an adult, I would have clung to her like glue as a child during probably some of the worst moments of my life. When I was getting bullied relentlessly, the isolation, the not understanding why I stood out like a sore thumb and wanting nothing more than to have close friends and fit in, to be understood; having such a beautifully animated and written show about a weirdo teenage girl who didn’t fit in, who found loving friends and more, who got to go on adventures in a magical and mysterious land rich in lore, and then learned to embrace her weirdness and that it was okay to be different? It would’ve struck such a huge chord with me then like it does now, except back then it would’ve definitely been like getting hit by a train in a positive way.
I didn’t have shows with lead protagonists who were female while also being weird and geeky along with not being stereotypically feminine growing up- I couldn’t relate to any of the girls in my cartoons because usually the weird/nerdy girl character is used for gags and nothing more (or are completely sidelined) at best (or worst), or ended up being a love interest to the male protagonist at the worst (or best). I loved shows about adventure with cool fight scenes which were mostly marketed for boys, and even those with a wider audience usually didn’t have a girl as their main protagonist (and usually the female lead to those shows played the role of “girl” and the love interest for the main character)- plus the shows targeting preteen or teenage girls specifically at the time always felt… shallow.. I couldn’t relate to them. (I think the only show I watched that was aimed at girls that I liked was MLP:FiM, but by the time I reached middle school I had stopped watching it religiously like I did in elementary school. )
It probably didn’t help that I was a closeted queer who didn’t realize that I even was at the time. Hell, I didn’t even know that gay was a thing until I was thirteen. I was never taught that it was a thing and that it was okay. (Slightly conservative religious upbringing heyo) I didn’t understand why I was never attracted to boys nor why I never went through the “boy-crazy” phase that my mother always talked about when discussing about being a preteen and teenager. I was just a “late bloomer” and that “you’ll find the right guy eventually.” Then I started having crushes on girls… but I’m twenty and yet to have that sort of “boy (or girl) crazy” phase, and for the longest time I’ve thought that I had something wrong with me because of it. Hell, I still do even now, despite finding some solace with being on the aroace spectrum. Hell, I wouldn’t be surprised if the numerous forced (hetero) romance plots that surrounded me growing up were one of the reasons why I don’t have a healthy view of how romantic relationships work.
So having a protagonist in an adventure show who was not only female, but also gender non-conforming, AND not having a male love interest, AND not having her entire character revolve around a romance plot, on top of not having a “makeover” episode where they removed all her weirdness to “fix” her that was written like it was a good thing, was ASTRONOMICAL. Luz was the first time I’ve ever had a true “Oh my god, she’s like me” moment with a character, let alone a major character. I felt SEEN. I remember audibly saying the words “she’s like me” when watching the show for the first time a year or so back. I wish I watched it when it first started airing in 2020; but I’m so glad that I was able to catch it as it was still releasing new episodes, instead of watching it after it had already ended.
Then when lumity became real I just… wow. I had never seen a sapphic relationship take front stage and you could see them evolve and grow, instead of “boom we in love and girl best friends now” with no development. It felt NATURAL. It resonated with me. If I was able to have cartoons that showed that it was okay to be queer, and that it was okay to not be in love with a boy, I’d probably not feel as broken and alone for being me.
I know Steven Universe had a handful of lesbian couples but they weren’t my age. They didn’t click with me like how Luz and Amity did. (Also the way that show ended makes me extremely angry 🙃 (Future specifically))
I just,,, I think twelve to fourteen year old me would’ve loved this show. If The Owl House had released when it was her time, I think she wouldn’t have felt so lost.
I think it would’ve been her guiding light.
Thank you The Owl House for making me feel seen!
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