#dog fall allergies
puppyexpressions · 9 months
How To Help Your Dog With Fall Allergies
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Ah, fall is in the air, and along with that air comes watery eyes, sneezing, runny nose, and, most commonly of all, skin problems for your best friend! Dog fall allergies can be as big of a problem for your dog as they can be for you.
Dog allergies can manifest in the form of itchy skin, red eyes, hair loss, or even general itchiness. So what’s causing the problem, and what can you do as a loving pet parent to help?
What Allergens Cause Dog Allergies?
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Allergens are basically foreign substances that your pooch can inhale, ingest, or just come into contact with, and when he does, it’s possible for his immune system to overreact.
While the fall season is not associated as much as spring with allergic reactions, there are still several plants, like ragweed and sagebrush, that release pollen in the fall. Fall winds can then spread those substances far and wide.
Mold is also a culprit in fall allergies because increased rain and piles of decaying leaves are great environments for growing mold. Additionally, your good buddy may be more exposed to dust mites in the fall season when your heating system turns on and spreads them throughout the house.
Your pup may also show signs of a flea allergy in the fall since they thrive on the increased moisture in the air.
Your dog’s environmental allergies can then result in itchiness, redness, hives, or swelling. He usually responds by licking or chewing on the affected areas, and that can result in secondary skin infections, which then create even more itching. This allergic reaction on your dog’s skin is known as atopic dermatitis or atopy.
It’s a real catch-22, so what should you look for during allergy season?
Signs of Dog Fall Allergies
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Signs of allergies in your dog include:
watery eyes
runny nose
skin rashes
hair loss
waxy ear discharge
red paws
excessive scratching
Just like with humans, your dog may suffer from sneezing, watery eyes, and a runny nose. But you might also see him develop rashes and generally irritated skin.
He might also experience hair loss, a waxy discharge from his ears, and red, discolored, smelly feet. Flea allergies can also cause secondary ear infections and other problems like an aural hematoma.
Aural hematomas occur when your dog shakes his head because of an irritated ear. He can shake it so vigorously that the skin of the ear separates from the underlying cartilage. That creates a space where blood can pool. That’s an aural hematoma.
How Can You Be Sure It’s Seasonal Allergies?
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While environmental allergies are common in dogs, other problems can cause similar symptoms. It’s vital to determine the cause of your dog’s itchy skin, ear infections, or other symptoms in order to choose the best treatment.
While runny eyes might be due to seasonal allergies, it could also be an eye infection or injury that causes that. Other types of problems include things like dog food allergies and allergic skin lesions resulting from a bacterial infection, among others.
Respiratory symptoms could be seasonal allergies, but it could also be something like kennel cough.
Though environmental allergies are common, there are many other health conditions that cause similar symptoms. It’s important to know which one is causing your dog’s itchy skin or ear infections.
That’s why you’ll want to consult a veterinarian when you notice allergy symptoms in your pooch. They can perform diagnostic tests to determine the exact cause. Since those symptoms can be very uncomfortable and result in more problems, the sooner you visit your DVM, the better.
How Seasonal Allergies Are Diagnosed
There are a number of diagnostic tests your veterinarian might perform, but they usually start with a general physical exam. Your vet will ask about possible allergen exposure, and then they may follow up with some simple skin tests.
For example, they might do a skin scraping and look at the material microscopically to see if there are any skin mites or other identifiable causes. If your pup’s symptoms involve problems with his ears, they will look for evidence of an ear infection.
If your vet thinks that the symptoms are due to something else, they may recommend other types of diagnostic tests. If they suspect food allergies, they may also conduct a food trial, which often involves stopping all foods your dog is eating and instead feeding something hypoallergenic like lamb and rice. Then you reintroduce his old food slowly until the symptoms reappear. That will allow them to identify the specific allergen.
If allergies are determined to be the cause, and your dog has a particularly severe case, they might also recommend allergy testing to determine the specific sensitivity. Once they know the environmental allergens are causing your pup’s symptoms, they can recommend an appropriate treatment.
How are Seasonal Allergies Treated?
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You can’t cure allergies, but you can manage the symptoms so that your pooch stays comfortable. There are some over-the-counter medications, like antihistamines (think Benadryl, for example), that can manage those fall allergy symptoms.
Of course, you want to be careful about giving any over-the-counter drugs until you’ve spoken with your vet. Just because you can take a drug like that doesn’t mean it’s safe for your pet.
Your veterinarian might also recommend using a medicated shampoo to help relieve skin irritation or itchiness. For many dogs, those kinds of treatments will be enough to relieve the symptoms, and if fall allergies are to blame, you shouldn’t have to use them year-round.
Dogs with more severe symptoms, however, might need something stronger. In these cases, your dog might need something like a steroidal medication to lessen the strong reaction your dog’s body is having to the allergen.
There are also allergy shots available to help desensitize your pup to the allergen. For these, it will be important to conduct skin testing to determine the specific cause of the reaction.
Of course, it’s also important to treat your pup for any secondary skin or ear infections that develop as a result of the symptoms.
What You Can Do at Home
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There are a couple of things you can do at home to help prevent allergic reactions or at least lessen the severity of the reaction. You can wipe your dog’s paws and belly off with a clean, wet cloth after you’ve been on a walk, for example.
It’s also a good idea to bathe your dog once a week. Use a gentle dog shampoo, and pay special attention to areas that might come into contact with plants shedding pollen.
Wash your dog’s bed and any linens he comes into contact with regularly so you can limit his exposure to dust mites. Feeding high-quality dog food and getting him checked regularly for parasites are also important for reducing allergy symptoms.
Final Thoughts on Dog Fall Allergies
While it might be a lovely time of the year, fall can also bring different allergy symptoms that can make you and your pooch really uncomfortable. Take the steps you can to keep your home free of allergens, and see your vet if symptoms develop. You’ll feel as relieved as your pooch when the itching stops!

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tj-crochets · 2 months
So I've never really lived in a neighborhood that's like fully a community that supports each other before? I mean, there's been a neighbor or two that my family has been on like "exchange cookies at the holidays" status with, but not like my current neighbors, who made extra mini cheesecakes to share with us and made mine without the apple pie filling the others had so that I could eat it with my allergies (they are so nice and the mini cheesecake was so good!), who look out for each other and help each other move furniture and stuff? Anyway all that to say I really enjoy where I live now, and I have no photos to share for this afternoon's crafting update because my neighbor asked me to fix their dog's bed's cover and I removed and added a new zipper for them
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nocturnalxsaint · 7 months
Autumn allergies are such a scam
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smallboyonherbike · 2 years
i have shit to do today to prepare before i leave for my Month of Statewide Work Travels. so far i have eaten some jalepeno chips w hummus and guac and drank green tea and read substacks and watched videos. but like i'm totally gonna do the things
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lagomoz · 6 months
Proseka headcanons
-as rui’s childhood friend, nene has extensive fire safety knowledge
-shizuku is adopted, hence why she looks so different from shiho. she was adopted shortly before the moon rabbit event and it contributed to her clinginess
-shiho forgets this fact sometimes. she’ll casually mention something like shizuku got all mom’s good genes so unfair and ichika has to be. um. shiho
-kanade is mildly nearsighted/myopic but spends so much time at her computer she hasn’t noticed
-emu is buff. she climbs multiple stories without breaking a sweat and is canonically part of the swimming, handball and rhythmic gymnastic clubs, you can’t tell me she doesn’t have some muscle
-saki helps out as a human notepad for tsukasa, reminding of him things he would otherwise forget within 5 minutes
-the vocaloids also help. at first it was unnerving to have hatsune miku be an extension of his psyche that knows his darkest secret (stole saki’s candy when he was 6) but now his phone has a more reliable catgirl themed reminder system
-you know that classic nightmare of leaving the house without pants? tsukasa has legitimately done that as a kid. he forgor. (saki will never let him live it down)
-in the kamiyama student council/hall monitor room, an has put up at sign saying “_ days since last kamishiro incident”
-the shinonome siblings both figured out the other one was gay before they figured it out about themselves
-airi’s great at trivia from her time as a variety show star. she still can’t beat minori at idol trivia, though
-ena keeps a diary with fort knox level security. try to read it and you’ll lose a finger
-saki learned to crochet from the old ladies in the hospital
-shiho’s most treasured phenny is a somewhat lumpy crocheted phenny holding a very lumpy crocheted bass guitar
-tsukasa snores. he falls asleep in 10 seconds and sounds like a dying lawnmower
-mizuki has learned a small bit of french from their sister and uses it exclusively to teach rui and an how to swear in french
-emu still celebrates her grandfather’s birthday, even if he’s not there to celebrate with her
-ena is allergic to dogs, the middle point to airi’s cat allergy and akito’s dog phobia
-rui has various small scars from his experiments over the years, but nobody ever believes the real causes (rocket launcher, robot bite, exploding balloon animal, etc.) so he just makes up a new cause every time someone asks
-mmj! has had repeated incidents of minori and airi’s little siblings walking into frame when streaming at their houses. shiho understands the concept of a livestream but has still been caught failing at creeping past like that one new broadcast of the guy crawling along the floor
-kanade has pots & eds, this one I have a reason for look at her symptoms. chronic exhaustion, heat and cold intolerance, comorbid sleep issues and depression, dizziness when standing up, fainting after standing up, very pale skin, family history of medical issues, pain at normal physical activities, exercise intolerance, vertigo at mild exertion, she just fucking dies during the entire baseball event, I could go on. she canonically gets pain in her hands from opening a jar girl that is not just being out of shape that is physical disability. this one I will go conspiracy board on listen to me I’m right
-kohane ate bugs as a kid. an is horrified, toya is confused, akito is impressed
-ena and airi got in trouble in middle school because they’d keep starting fist fights in defense of the others honor. if they saw the other in a fight they’d jump in guns blazing no hesitation no questions ask ready to throw the fuck down
-vbs!rin and len were given a skateboard by an and then promptly had the skateboard confiscated by meiko for property destruction
-haruka is horrible with slang. she asks the stream chat what poggers means and immediately uses it completely wrong, killing all viewers on impact
-minori is torn between thinking it’s cute and wanting to die
-toya has been banned from arcades before because he made them lose too much money/they suspected he was cheating
-ena brought kanade over for girls night and nearly scared akito half to death because he went down to get a late night snack and there was some Ghastly Creature looming in his kitchen
-kohane's parents stick out like a sore thumb when going to her live shows. it mortifies her that everyone on vivid street can recognize them as the only milquetoast middle aged couple dressed in normal clothes loudly going YOU'RE DOING GREAT SWEETIE that don't know the first thing about music
-minori knows basic programming. she mostly uses it for forums, blogs, html, other web design things usually related to idols as a hobby, but she's become the groups designated anti-shizuku tech support
-mafuyu has always been able to see ghosts but after adults figured she was just playing pretend as a kid so she shrugged and figured it was normal and not worth bringing up again
-honami has one of those massive extended families and somehow keeps track of them all. at any given time cousin #57 can crawl out of the woodwork and she remembers their new job, favorite food, past three romantic relationships and list of allergic reactions
-mizuki does doll customizing as a hobby. they prefer making human sized clothes, but it's fun to make them miniature too. they've introduced shizuku to it and she loves it, but doesn't have the heart to do anything that would hurt the doll (sawing limbs off, dunking them in boiling water, shoving wires in them, etc.)
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luvyurself · 3 months
sick and tired
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my close call with bronchitis yesterday inspired me to write this LMAO
c/w: she/her pronouns, brief mention of getting eaten, sick fic, we’re thugging it out tho, dogday cuddling us AUGHHHH, pure fluff, he wants us to be healthy :D
(I mentioned Bobby bearhug in here because she’s a cutie pootie 🫶🏼)
from the time she had spent in this god forsaken factory, she’s endured scrapes, cuts, bruises, bloody noses, and possibly a broken rib or two.
she’d been grateful for the saving graces of the abandoned first aid stations, thankful that some of them still had bandages and disinfected to make sure she didn’t get an infection in any open wound areas.
but, unfortunately, she would forget about the immune system infections that were easy to catch in an abandoned facility such as this.
it started with a sneeze after she awoken from the few twenty minute naps she awarded herself with, which escalated into multiple sneezes throughout her journey.
she docked it to just allergies, this place was infested with dust over the years, it wasn’t that much to worry about.
the gas mask she found to protect herself from the red smoke catnap had made did little to stop her from sneezing. even with the amount of times she dusted it off.
when she decided to save the last remaining smiling critter from his ultimate death from getting eaten from the inside, she was basically running on the little breath she had and adrenaline.
her chest tightened with pain at every breath she took, consisted sneezing turned into dry coughing as she practically stumbled with every step.
after making it out of the elevator escaping the flesh eating toys, she began to walk off the elevator, clammy hands gripping the grabpack as she mumbled to herself about which direction the first aid was.
“angel?” she hummed and turned to the voice, headache starting to form as she shut her eyes to try and soothe it.
dogday wasn’t unaware in the signs of a rising sickness in humans, he would see them all the time when the kids in the playcare acted like nothing was wrong when they were obviously close to collapsing.
and she was no different. he could see her chest quickly rising and falling as she tried to collect her breath, how her legs and hands shook and how chapped her lips were.
she let out a gravely cough, body shaking as she groggily pushed out, “first aids somewhere here…..gotta get you fixed up.” she mumbled, pushing through as she grudgingly walked forward.
he stared at her for a moment, the permanent happy expression on his face seemed to change to a worry smile.
when she first grabbed him off the restraints that held him, he saw that tired and determined look in her eyes that made the empty feeling in his chest spark with something he had not felt for a long time.
the first stumble and second stumble she made almost wanted the dog to just release his grip and let the animals take him to eat, but the dry cough that escaped her lips made his grip tighten around her waist.
even though he thinks he wasted her precious time to save him, he was going to make sure she was going to be make it through this hellhole.
he wasn’t going to lose the person who made him have hope to see another day.
a moment of silence past by before the dirty orange dog let out a dry laugh, “well, angel, if you want to go to the first aid station,” he used his big hand to point to the opposite direction, “then you might want to go that way.”
she blinks owlishly, slowly looking where his hand was pointing and letting it process in her mind.
she slowly placed dogday on the first aid bed, breathing a sigh of relief and nearly collapsed too before she straightened herself up.
“okay….okay….” she swallowed thickly, running a shaky hand through her hair. “there should be a stitching kit here somewhere-“ she coughs in her arm, turning around to rummage through the cabinets hastily.
the orange dog looked down at his lower half, opening to the inside of his body was always something that scared him.
he was grateful she was planning to stitch him up, but with the way she could barely could walk made him worry about hurt herself.
looking back at her, dogday cleared his throat before calling out, “forgive me for staring, angel, but you look a little under the weather.” he spoke with concern lacing his voice.
she let out a ‘huh?’ while she rummages through the dusty cabinets, before sniffling and taking a short breath, “ah it’s probably just-“ she stopped to sneeze, muffling it in her arm.
“just-“ she sniffles, shortly laughing, “a day cold.” she celebrates internally when she saw the sewing kit, turning around to face the giant dog on the bed.
she grabbed a chair and sat down next to the bed, letting out a satisfied sigh as her legs finally rested and began opening up the kit.
she rummaged through the box, “now I don’t call myself a professional stitcher-“ a cough “-I assume it’s going to be easier then stitching up skin, but just let me know if it starts to hurt.”
dogday stares as she fumbles with the needle and thread, whispering a few curses as her fingers seemed to miss the needles hole.
he watches as she paused for a moment, closing her eyes as her breath became shaky and sharp, one of her hands going to her chest to press against it.
her sickness was getting worse, and she seemed to be getting stressed. so he decided to do what the old dogday would had done.
give someone a smile.
it takes a moment for her to compose herself, before clearing her throat and opening her eyes, “okay, okay, I’m alright, I’m going-“ she felt a large hand on her forehead, gently pressing it and a deep hum rumbling out.
she didn’t notice him moving to rest on his side, his face a few inches from hers. she couldn’t tell if it was the embarrassment or the sudden change of body temperature making her face heat up.
a few seconds of analyzing her, before he mumbled something to himself and nodding. he pulled his large hand away from her.
he stared at her when he spoke, “I can’t feel your body temperature, fur making it hard to tell.” he rose both of his hands up wiggling his fingers.
she squints her eyes in confusion, tilting her head as he taps the side of his head, “however, my sharp instincts tell me, and they are never wrong,“ he raises a finger and taps her nose gently, “that you have caught a small bug, angel.” his voice held a calm tone mixed with playfulness.
her nose twitches when he tapped it, making a small shaky smile form on her lips. it didn’t matter how small it was, he took that as a victory in his book. she sighs softly, tapping his hand that rests closed to her on the bed.
“okay, maybe I caught a bug,” she cleared her throat, running a hand through her hair. “but I can’t really afford being sick right now, I’m literally-“ she coughs, giving a short ‘excuse me’ before starting again, “being chased down every corner I turn.”
dogday rests his head on his hand, “you’re more at risk of getting caught now that your sick, you need rest,” he studied her body language carefully, watching as she shook her head.
“no, I need to patch you up,” she holds her chest as she coughs in her arm. “I can stitch up your top half so it won’t be expose, maybe we can find your leg’s somewhere around here.”
he watches as she talks to herself, picking at her lips. he sighs softly, raising to place a hand on her shoulder and seeing her flinch at the touch.
“angel, please, I can wait to be stitched up,” he spoke softly, rubbing her shoulder tentatively. he didn’t want to see her push through her sickness just to fix him up.
“what I don’t want is to see you collapse and hurt yourself,” he pointed at her body language, how her body was basically shaking like a leaf.
his ears twitch as he heard the deep intake of her breathing, before she released it in a soft exhale. she places the stitching kit on the floor, placing her hands on her lap.
“okay, you win.” she could practically see his imaginary tail wagging in satisfaction, making her smile. “I’ll go and lay down-“
she felt two hands wrapped around her waist, pulling her into the surprisingly soft embrace of the mascots chest. she breathed through her nose, and softly sighed at the faint smell of vanilla.
he never lost that scent.
dogday hummed a random song, gently rubbing her tense shoulders. “I’d like to say hugs are the best type of medicine, next to laughter of course.” he felt his chest warm up at the soft laugh from her lips.
“god that’s so corny.” she sniffles, coughing a bit into her fist.
he laughs, tapping his fingers against her, “well, a old friend taught me that, and it always helped me,” he gives his own cough, clearing his throat as he adds on, “I’ll look for some medication for you, but for now-“
he playfully squeezed her, making her laugh more. her laughs were congested, but he didn’t care, he just cared about getting her better, “let the hugs work it’s magic.”
she giggled, wrapping her arms around his plush body and sniffling a bit, mumbling softly, “thank you, dogday.” she blinks wearily, before closing her eyes and drifting off to sleep, her body losing its tension as she inhaled his vanilla scent.
dogday watched as she falls into slumber, his giant hand cradling her back as he nuzzled his face into her hair. “no, thank you, my angel.”
it felt good to give a smile, even in this hellhole, to his angel.
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cinellieroll · 2 months
☆ random aot headcanons!
eren, armin, mikasa, sasha, connie <3
cw: modern au, slight angst but nothing too graphic. there might be grammar errors too bc fuck proofreading honestly
small note: so the reason why i took so long to post is because i had to do a lot of things and my old draft got fucking DELETED and that affected my motiviation to write so...im so sorry 😭
- during armins childhood he used to be scared of dogs until he came over eren's house often. his fear of dogs eventually disappeared. (i hc that erens family had a dog that time and its a german shepherd)
- armin has had his own small shelf of books ever since he was a baby! he got his bookwork attitude from his father.
- meanwhile he got his manipulating skills from his mama (and no i don't mean this in a bad way. armins mom is a girlboss.)
- went to church every sunday when he was young till his early teens. eventually stopped because he became more and more devoted in school.
- every year he looks forward to vacations the most because thats where he gets to visit his other relatives in the province! they live nearby the ocean and armin always receives trinkets and seashells from them.
- if you ever get to live with armin expect a lot of magnets on the fridge. especially if they're beach related like seashells, squids and fish!
- always has chapstick everywhere he goes especially in school because he has a bad habit of biting on the skin on his lips.
- loaded with stationery bro like you name it, he has it
- he's kind of a picky eater and also has a few allergies like shrimp or a specific fish.
- had a lot of game merch as a kid. minecraft, fortnite, etc. you name it, he has it.
- very much a computer addict during his teenage years. his parents constantly scolded him for it and they eventually got tired of scolding him lmao
- has been sent to the guidance quite many times because of his recklessness. like every fucking school year you'll hear my boy in the guidance.
- the fact that jean has teased him way too many times because of it doesn't help
- one of those bitches who turns their pfp into a black screen and posts on his story "hiatus." then comes back the next day
- mikasa was mainly the one who taught him to drive, including levi
- road rage thats all im sayin
- during elementary and highschool there's never a day where he doesn't fall asleep in class. usually falls asleep in math or history
- always compares heights with mikasa to sew if he finally grew taller than her
- entered her goth phase once she reached highschool
- from other peoples perspective, they'd think miksasa would be a smoker but in truth she actually hates it. one of her main priorities are self care after all
- very strict with her work out routine. she can't miss a day of it unless it's her cheat day
- her cheat day is like once every 3 months bro
- but it's good for you because she lets you join her. if you're lucky she'll let you sit on your back while she does push ups ;)
- joined jujitsu and taekwando with eren when they were younger
- started walking to school by her own or with eren and armin when she turned 15
- always rolls her eyes or side eye people unintentionally
- very protective of her girl friends. if you're close enough with her she'll always accompany you everywhere like how she does with eren. she's constantly asking where you are on weekends and on school days she'll be waiting for you outside your classroom breaks.
- enjoys and i mean ENJOYS going to the mall and always look forward to cinemas. she'll invite all her friends for a good movie date!
- her favorite genre is horro and likes to watch conjuring with connie.
- her favorite color is purple and yellow!
- another one who falls asleep in class alongside connie
- after school convenience store hangoutd are very common when you're friends with her!
- if you're in a friend group with her and you feel left out, she'll most likely be the one to notice.
- no worries, she'll make you feel right at home!
- (istg this is the reason why ppl cry over her death i lub her sm..)
- very loud and obnoxious laughs but its okay because it's sasha
- is a basketball varsity student! to be honest he likes every sport where he gets to run and jump alot because it "fuels" something inside of him
- no school items whatsoever like he lost all of them after a month. he prays for the best and just picks up pens and pencils on the ground.
- always does bets with his friends. usually consists of who will treat everyone free food after school
- likes banana icecream / popsicles. like the ones where you peel it and stuff. also a slurpee lover. dude he just buys anything he finds delicious in the store
- sings out loud in the hallways when he's in an especially good mood. bro he got scoldes by the teachers once
- mainly teases jean out of all his friends but i feel like thats already canon
- also glides his hand on the ceilings when he gets the chance
- his bag smells like ass
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amoreva · 3 months
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pairing: luke castellan x fem!reader
summary: as a little childish act of rebellion, you try dating your friend, Luke Castellan, to really piss off your parents (for a actual real reason, not the small things they hate). what was supposed to be no strings attached turned into a little more than just childish revenge.
warnings: slow burn, college au, smau, fake dating to dating, cursing, clarisse x chris, aged up! pjo charcters, yn is older sister figure to percy, luke and thalia are older sibling figures to annabeth
a/n: i have re-written this one too many times and am still in the process of revising and proofreading to give you guys the best condition of the start of this fic series! So sorry for the delay!
series list | next
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“Are we still friends?”
“Can we be friends?”
“After all of this?”
“After all of this.”
It would be a disastrously great story to tell your grandkids (if you had grandkids). Quite embarrassing really, telling someone about how naive and oblivious you were (still are.)
It was spring. The flowers in full bloom. Allergies spreading like wildfire due to pollen. Thankfully, it was raining cats and dogs, so no stuffy noses tonight. You decided to come back from your hometown two days before spring break ended. As much as you were homesick after spending so long at college, your family made you feel homesick for college.
It was torturous. Questions and questions about your college life were thrown at you left and right. From potentially having a significant other to your major that you were taking to who you were friends with to being disappointed in your college major to asking about your grades to being disappointed you party to just being disappointed.
All in all, truly you loved your family. Really, you do. Your aunt made great pastries. Your dad a great cook. Your uncle made really funny (bad.) jokes. Yet, they found some way to critic your every decision and move you make. You hated it.
Your shoes squeaked on tiled stairs. Lugging up your suitcase, you just prayed you didn’t fall. The tiles were wet because people’s shoes were wet. You did not want to pay a hospital bill after barely paying for college.
By the time you got to your dorm, you were already half asleep, running on an overpriced yogurt parfait from the airport. The soft comforter of your bed calling out to you like a siren’s song.
You were lulling off to dreamscape when a loud ominous creak filled the silence. “C’mon. You gotta be better than that. Lock your doors.” Luke’s “charming” voice replaced your peace. “Some creep could waltz in and kidnap you in your sleep.”
“Supposed you’re that creep?”
Luke has been attached to your hip since highschool, freshman year. Both of you have suffered through each other’s numerous cringy phases (only to bring them up for the annual birthday post on instagram).
He was one of the friends your parents despise. They always ranted about how they’ve been a bad influence to you since highschool.
“Depends.” The bed dipped under his weight. “Do you think you look okay enough to go out?”
“I guess, but I feel disgusting.” You answered. Confusion swimming through your mind. Where was Luke going with this?
“Are you upset because of a recent event?”
“Upset enough to stay holed up the whole evening?” Luke rephrased.
“Okay.” Decision.
You heard his windbreaker swish as his arms wrapped around your waist. “Luke!” Like a bag of potatoes you were tossed over his shoulder. “You fucking—!”
He grabbed what he was originally came in your dorm for and exited. Silena, Chris and Clarisse were waiting for Luke and now, you. “Welcome back!” Silena said, masking her shock.
No one knew you were coming back home early and Luke wasn’t surprised. As much as you wanted to stay in your dorm and sleep, you were glad to be with your friends.
The restaurant was loud and lively. The rain ceasing. College students were celebrating their final few days before classes started up again. The occasional drunks here to watch the multiple football games going on. Your friend group chose to celebrate.
The dim lighting was a stark contrast to the bright TVs that played various football and soccer games. Drinks slid down the bar into the awaiting consumer’s hand. Alcohol got everyone in a better mood during the night (though the same cannot be said the morning after).
A waiter placed down the five shots Luke had ordered, in toast of your unexpected return and the final days of spring break. The shot glasses made a tiny clink before the liquid burned your throat. It left a warm feeling in your chest.
Silena and Clarisse went to take photos via Chris the cameraman. The three went out to the porch of the restaurant bar. You opted out and Luke stayed with you. You weren’t exactly in the nicest clothes.
Another round of shots were placed on the table. Luke ran his fingers through his curls and checked his phone. “What’s bothering you?” He asked.
“What?” You tore your gaze from the two girls and looked at Luke.
“You said you were upset about something, but not too upset to not go out.” Luke explained. “Better to get it off your shoulders than to bottle it up.”
You roll your eyes at his last sentence and sat up in the cushioned restaurant chair. “Family.” Luke laughed a little at that. He’s known how perfect your family wants you to be.
You shove your face into your hands as if you were reliving the reunion all over again. “I didn’t even do anything bad or get in serious trouble this time!”
Luke nodded along slowly, taking in your every word. You can’t tell what he’s thinking as you continue on your little rant. Yet his face shifts as you rant.
“Why are your grades like that?”
“I saw your Instagram post. Drinking? Really?”
You parrot some of the questions your family said to you, with their fake smiles and judgmental eyes. You were old enough to drink! “And then they started talking my ear off about you all. Clarisse! Thalia, you—Silena and Chris” The list goes on. Luke knows it. You know it.
“Why are you friends with that temperamental girl? Lord knows the trouble you’ll be roped into with her.” You mocked your parents, aunts and uncles’ words. “I don’t like how that Thalia girl. Too rebellious, disrespectful too!”
“That one girl is an airhead. Head in the clouds.”
“Don’t get me started on that Luke boy again.”
“Get better friends.”
“Maybe you hang out with a different group.”
“They piss me off! And well maybe they’re concerned about my wellbeing, but—they keep harping me about everything little thing I do.” You groaned and rubbed your eyes exhausted. “Which is why I came back early.”
“So piss them off.” Like that was the hardest thing you do. You unintentionally trigger their judgmental side without even trying.
“It’s what I do to my dad. I piss him off most of the time when he tries to come back.” Luke shrugged. “If they hate all of us so much. Date one of us, shit—date me, you’ve known me the longest. I think they’d be pretty pissed about you dating a bad influence.”
“That’s so childish.” You commented, but it was good, but it could work. Rebellion never hurt anyone that bad. Well, maybe your aunt will have a “heart attack”, but it should be fine.
And you were out of options to try and get your family off your back.
So the next afternoon, when Clarisse was out, Luke and you sat on your bed and conjured up a contract for this temporary relationship; a day before break was over.
“I don’t see why we need a contract.” Luke sipped on a juicebox. The sunlight providing a nice atmosphere in your dorm room.
“I saw it work on a show I watched kinda.” You whispered the word “kinda” under your breath. It was a long time since you’ve seen the show.
Luke raised an eyebrow and set the empty juice box on your desk. “So…uh—terms and conditions.” You typed out on a Google doc in big bolded letters. How do you start this?
“We could “date” from now until the start of summer? I think that is a long enough rebellion.” You suggested and looked at Luke. “I have to go back home for Easter and my little sister’s birthday, but then I have that family trip in summer…”
“Sure.” Luke agreed.
You looked at him silently asking him to elaborate. “From now until that family trip is over. I’ll go to Easter, the birthday and the trip.”
“You aren’t trying to mooch off me for the trip are you?”
Luke slid the computer to him and typed out the first terms and conditions. He ignored your question with a smile and a shake of his head. “You have to come with me when it’s Mother’s Day though.”
You agreed to that relatively quickly. Your mom and dad were always out of town that day. “I’m fine with kissing on the cheek and forehead and holding hands, if you are?”
“What? No lips?” Luke teased with a grin.
“I haven’t had my first kiss yet.” You muttered in embarrassment.
“Fine, no lips.” You were slightly surprised Luke didn’t tease you for not having your first kiss yet. He typed it on the computer. “And no sex.”
“No sex.” You agreed. “And we cannot let the others know. They’ll start talking and then it’ll get to my family somehow—”
“Okay…no sex and no talking about the fake relationship.” Luke chucked and typed it on the computer. “This seems good enough for a contract right?” He still thinks the contract is stupid.
You smack his shoulder. “This is serious, Luke! If I wanna piss of my parents I have to do it right.”
“Okay, sweetie.” He spoke sarcastically and typed his name at the end of the document. You did the same. “But there is no right way to piss off someone. You just do.”
After signing the temporary dating contract, Luke and you talked about the story of how you got together.
Luke and you supposedly have had some unrequited feelings during highschool. Both of you began talking over spring break after a drunk conversation and decided to give dating a shot.
Then, there was the fact that Luke and you had to announce the relationship. So, social media it was. Which prompted you to grab his hand. “Where are we going?” Luke asked as he was dragged off your bed.
“A cafe.” You held his hand, fingers lacing together. “I’m hungry after all that and it would be great publicity if we went out holding hands.”
“Whatever you say.” Luke rolled his eyes, though he didn’t mean it. “Then I guess I’ll be the good boyfriend and pay.”
“Really?” You asked and looked back at him.
He shrugged. “Why not.”
Luke and you held hands and talked about whatever came to mind. Like you usually did as bestfriends. He opened the cafe door for you and paid for your food and drink.
Maybe “dating” Luke won’t be the worst thing ever. Rebelling doesn’t seem to be all that bad now. Maybe everything will turn out fine. You rebel against your perfect family and Luke will get a free trip as a reward. Yeah, you’re sure things will turn out okay. Maybe.
—– ٠ ✤ ٠ —–· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • · —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —–
@happy-mushrooms @m00ng4z3r
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in1-nutshell · 3 months
Hello! I hope you’re doing well! So, in G1, there is an episode where four Autobots ended up briefly turning into humans, called Only Humans. That episode was fun, but sadly, there were too much actions and not enough bots experiencing common phenomenons of a human body, which would have been SO fun! So may I request a similar scenario with TFP Ratchet, Optimus Prime, Arcee, Bee, and Bulkhead? But this time the times where they stayed humans were longer than that G1 episode, and during the time these guys got to experience all kinds of human body experiences like hiccups, goosebumps, throwing up, falling inside of their sleep, strung by mosquitoes, and maybe even a cold, so on and so on. And tbh I just want to know who do you think would be the ones to freak out ant goosebumps (think that bugs are crawling under them) and who would be the one to think that a 39 Celsius fever + a nasty throw up is probably normal for human body and no cause for concern? And to make this funnier I ask for a random unlucky Autobot to actually got to suffer from motion sickness (ironic, since they used to be cars themselves, and now they can’t even ride anymore without feeling like dying), and another to be truck by a tough cold/flu and had to suffer through unfamiliar symptoms like coughing, sneezing, chills, and stomach aches, and another to find out they have nasty allergies of a random kind and effect (these can all be more than one if you are feeling evil)
but of course the three kids are there to help them through this tough time— not without occasionally making fun of them a bit tho.
you can do this either in a story telling form, where you write out a whole entire story chapter, or the bullet point list regarding how different the reactions of everyone would be.
YEEEE! This request was fun to do! The bots are going to get the 'whole' human experience.
Hope you enjoy!
Human Buddy and the Kids helping turned humans Ratchet, Optimus Prime, Arcee, Bumblebee, and Bulkhead
SFW, Platonic, mentions of puke, Human reader
Relic accident. Enough said.
The relic, as it turned out, had the capability to turn anything of Cybertronain origin into the organic version of it depending on the planet it was on.
That was how the charges found their guardians on the floor looking dazed and confused.
Thank goodness they had clothes on.
After further inspection from Wheeljack, they all got the news.
The good news this was all temporary, they would turn back when the effects wore off.
The bad news was that this was going to last for entire week.
Which shouldn’t have been a problem… if some of them didn’t get sick.
Oh joy…
The Cold.
Ratchet was fine for the first day, though he was constantly complaining about the work that still needed to be done.
It was the next day that the symptoms came up.
Buddy and Raf are the only ones who manage to convince him to lay down and rest.
“Please Ratchet, your sick and need rest.”--Buddy
Ratchet trying to pass Buddy but Raf steps in front of him.
“Do it Raf!”--Buddy
Puppy Dog Eyes activated.
“… fine.”--Ratchet
Buddy high-hives Raf before helping him back to his bed.
His immune system was new to its surroundings, easier for illness to sit in.
Worse that he was older than the other as well.
He was much more vulnerable to catch simple things.
Most of the bots and recently turned humans are worried about Ratchet’s health when he started sleeping more. But June and the others reassure them that Ratchet’s going to be fine.
Ratchet wants to work, but the kids and Buddy don’t let him.
Jack and Buddy oversee Ratchet’s temperature and basic medical supplies.
Buddy does their best to explain to him what is happening to his body, for reassurance.
Miko plays him classical music for once.
Blame it on the pitiful sick look on his face.
He expected some loud rock music but found it surprising when Miko began playing the keyboard softly.
Its an almost foolproof way to get him to sleep fast.
Raf sat by him telling him stories and helping him eat his food.
This wasn’t his best experience, but he certainly has much more respect on human biology and for the kids now.
Ratchet now has a mini human well-care kit in his habsuite.
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Optimus Prime
The Hiccups.
Optimus was just trying some of the different waters the kids had been recommending.
“And what is this one?”--Optimus
Optimus already starting to drink.
“Sparkling water.”--Buddy
Optimus stops and looks at the water horrified.
“Why are you looking at it—OH! Wait Optimus its not ‘sparkling’s’ water is a type of water with minerals!”--Buddy
Optimus puts the water down but swallows the water in his mouth.
“Human’s drink minerals? As in the deposits?”--Optimus
“… I’m not explaining this one. Raf! Your turn!”--Buddy
Then they heard the sound.
Optimus was surprised to hear it.
Then he made it again.
He looks a bit disturbed.
He wasn’t voluntarily making the noise it was just coming out of him just like that.
Jack and Miko try to explain what hiccups are.
He gets a bit more disturbed yet intrigued.
This wouldn’t be so bad… if that noise would stop trying to interrupt him from talking and making his chest go bump!
Raf suggests ways to get rid of them.
They all go through the list until they reach the last one.
Scaring him.
They knew it was going to be a tough one, Prime wasn’t scared easily.
But Buddy had an idea.
A very dumb idea.
Optimus was talking to Jack when he noticed Buddy leaning on the railing.
He was a bit on edge seeing them so casual near the ledge.
They sat on top of it.
Then began tittering backwards until half of their body went to the other side.
Optimus is running to Buddy’s side trying to stop them from falling backwards.
Buddy just hung from their ankles looking up at him with a smug smile.
No more hiccups.
Problem solved.
He does try and scold Buddy for the recklessness… but he is also glad the hiccups are gone.
When Optimus turns back to normal, he insists to Agent Fowler to have better rails in the base.
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The Mosquito bites.
Oh, Jack had warned her about these little guys.
And now she knew why the kids were complaining about.
She wanted to eradicate every single one.
Arcee trying to squash some of the mosquitos with her hands.
Buddy and Jack already dosed with repellent.
“Felt that.”--Buddy
The two humans fist bump while watching Arcee fail to smack another mosquito.
With some heavy rain, some had managed to get into the base. There weren’t many, maybe four, but they were enough to leave Arcee’s arms and legs littered with little bites.
The kids did get bitten too, but not as much as she did.
Arcee did try to use the repellent, it didn’t do anything for her.
Buddy and Miko help put anti itching cream on her, but she wants to scratch them all so bad.
When she thought they weren’t looking she would begin to scratch furiously.
Arcee didn’t know that her skin would show that she had scratched. She freaked out a bit when she scratched a bit too hard on one and it started bleeding.
Raf and Jack clean and disinfect the scratch which welcomes her to the pain of antibacterial spray.
She swears that it was the most painful thing she had to endure yet.
Raf decided to decorate the little scratches with band aids so she would scratch them.
When Arcee turns back to her normal self, she is relieved.
She has much more respect for the things humans have to do daily.
Will never tell Jack to suck it up when he has a mosquito bite again.
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The Motion sickness.
Oh, the Irony.
Bumblebee was a fast muscle car before!
He shouldn’t get sick when going over 15 miles per hour!
Now he was getting queasy in riding with Smokescreen and Buddy.
He feels awful.
Clammy hands
And something feels like something is trying to crawl out of his throat.
Bumblebee looking a bit pale as Smokescreen makes another sharp turn.
Buddy looks at Bee.
“Hey Smokes, you mind rolling the windows down a bit?”--Buddy
Bumblebee groaning.
“Unless you want to see what the inside of a humans stomach holds, I suggest you open up the windows.”--Buddy
Windows immediately roll down.
Bee sighs with a bit of relief as the wind rolls past his face calming his stomach.
At first the two thought it was Smokescreen crazy driving that was making him sick.
But that wasn’t the case.
Buddy Bee and Raf were inside Ultra Magnus and he got queasy there too.
Magnus was one of the safest and slowest drivers on the team.
It was just him.
Bumblebee refused to leave the base after they came back.
He’d rather hang out with the kids on the couch and play games with them than go outside in another vehicle.
When Bumblebee returns to normal, he is so thankful the queasiness didn’t follow him.
He is now much more attentive to the kids when he is driving now.
His subspaces now have barf bags, just in case.
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Throwing Up.
All Bulkhead wanted to do was have the full human experience with Miko.
He went with her to a monster truck rally that Buddy had managed to get tickets to.
“Wow! I can’t believe you got us ticket to the rally!”--Miko
“Me neither!”--Bulkhead
“No problem, guys, just enjoy yourselves.”
“I mean I tried booking these babies in advance, but everything was booked or too expensive. How did you get the tickets?”--Miko
Buddy simply starts drinking their soda.
“What you don’t know, don’t hurt.”--Buddy
The trio bought all sorts of junk food and sodas.
He found himself enjoying the time at the rally.
Everything was good.
Until he got back to base.
He suddenly became pale and sweaty.
The next thing Bulkhead knew, he was staring at a trash can with a bunch of mushy stuff with Buddy and Miko on either side of him.
Buddy had some of the mushy stuff on their arms, while Miko was rubbing his back gently.
The mushy stuff did stink a lot.
He felt something come out of his mouth and spew it into the bin, once again getting it on Buddy’s arms.
Bulkhead tried to apologize but it was hard to catch his breath.
Turns out a whole lot of junk food and soda was not good for you after all.
No matter how good it tasted before.
He doesn’t want to touch food while he is like this.
The kids try introducing him to lighter foods so he can at least eat something while his stomach recovers.
He likes the different kinds of broth they bring in.
When Bulkhead returns to normal, he asks Miko to stash barf bags in his interior.
He wants to have them just in case the kids need them.
Has so much more respect for them.
Will slap someone in the head if they mention to the kids to get it over with while their stomach is not feeling good.
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moonie-moon-o7 · 3 months
Red Haired Pirates Incorrect quotes
Just pure chaos
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Shanks: When do you go to sleep?
You: Whenever I collapse is entirely up to the gods
Shanks: Hey, Kid! Do you wanna go celebrate with me? You: Shanks, you know I can't be seen in public with you. Shanks: Okay, a simple "no" would be fine.
Benn: I have a bad feeling about this... Shanks: What do you mean? Benn: Don't you ever get that little voice in your head that tells you if you're going to get into trouble? Shanks: No? You: That actually explains so much.
You: This is a judgement free zone. *Pulls out a knife the size of their forearm* You: And I mean it.
You: Shanks, you look deep in thought. What’s wrong? Shanks: Did you know you can look at any object and know what it’s like to lick it? Even if you’ve never touched it before? You: I’m never asking you anything ever again.
You: How is spring not everyone’s favorite season? The trees are PINK, guys! Benn: Allergies are also a problem, y'know. You: But pink. Shanks: And it's hot. You: PINK!
Shanks: I like to think of myself as a semi responsible adult here. Benn: The kid is 70% of your impulse control and you know this Shanks. You: I feel like Shanks is the more responsible one of us two though. Shanks: We are both 70% of each others' impulse control. You: Just two lil beasts in pinwheel hats spinning on the merry-go-round at dangerous velocities, holding each other’s hands so the other doesn’t fall off.
Shanks: Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, that’s fucked up. Like c'mon, you know I’m dumb as hell!
*Shanks is reading a Clifford The Big Red Dog book* You, watching: How did he get to be so big? Do they ever explain that? Shanks: Well, Emily’s love for him grew, and so did he. You: Well, your dog is pretty small. Guess that says something about you, huh? Shanks, angrily shutting his book: YOU’RE SMALL! WHAT DOES THAT SAY ABOUT YOUR PARENTS?!?!
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ftvs-cm45 · 1 year
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Puss in Boots losing 8 out of 9 lives (in the real movie)
Playing poker with dogs
Falling from a tower
Cannon launch
Shellfish allergy
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frog4278 · 2 years
Even MORE useless Stranger Things headcanons with @dawg3i and some stolen from TikTok thank you
Steve and Robin cannot spell restaurant. They will spend hours trying to figure it out. Do NOT make them spell receipt
Mike is terrified by butterflies. HE HATES THEM!!!!
Steve puts his shoes on the wrong feet sometimes and he never notices
Modern Stranger Things AU where Holly likes to watch Miraculous Ladybug and Mike hates it because the main villain Hawkmoth literally is themed after a butterfly and uses butterflies to attack people
Nancy pulls up a picture of that one Spongebob episode with the butterfly (yk the image) and chases Mike around with it
He's screaming crying throwing up
All Lucas has is a pollen allergy and a girly sneeze against the world
Eddie is terrified of dogs. Even if it's tinniest dog in the world Eddie will still call it bloodthirsty and out to get him
Erica has chased Eddie with the intent to kill on multiple occasions
Robin has no idea how to swim and if she was left alone she would drown in three feet of water. Steve tries to teach her how to swim and it never works.
Steve Harrington caught teaching a graduated band kid how to swim in a crowded ass pool in the middle of July
Robin: Steve you gotta go. It’s too deep. I’m drowning. Save yourself
Steve: Rob it’s 3ft deep
At the end of the day Steve gives up and gets her those arm floaties
But imagine how scary that would be for Robin at Lover's Lake
The feeling of losing all the air in your lungs and your body slowly going into panic mode because oh God you can't breathe you can't breathe
and then she feels a hand grab her arm and pull her into the Upside Down and it’s Nancy
Anyways Robin and Steve pretending to be siblings when someone’s like “So… how long have y’all been together ;)" is fucking gold. They don’t hold back. They get offended. They ruin friendships.
"We just ended a relationship"
"points at a bickering couple theirs"
Steve can't play any instrument if he touches it it will fall apart
Eddie will NEVER live to the day he lets Steve touch his guitar
Steve touches it and it blows up like a pipebomb
Jonathan is a cryptid. Will goes into the kitchen at 3 AM for a glass of water and finds Jonathan hunched over a bag of shredded cheese with nothing but the open fridge light illuminating his face
Sometimes Will joins him
El is just concerned
Then she goes back to befriending the wolf spider in their house
Nancy plays tennis and is very competitive about it
Robin bites string cheese
Steve still counts on his fingers
Will has drank from his paint water cup on accident several times
Max chews her nails
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Skeleton's toddler runs excitedly to him with a flower to give him. By the time they get there, the flower lost all its petals. The child is shocked and looks at his dad in complete confusion. Main 10 reaction?
Undertale Sans - It's so hard to resist chuckling seeing their baffled expression. Sans still thanks the child and he will even dry the poor dandelion stem so it stays a memory. He can't stop chuckling every time he sees it.
Undertale Papyrus - Oh... He comforts his child saying it's fine, but the kid is determined. They throw the flower and run to pick out another... Which lost its petals as well on the way back. The kid throws it away. Papyrus just sits on the floor. It seems it's going to take a while...
Underswap Sans - He jokingly tells the child that it's a good illustration of how much he loves their father. Except the kid takes it the wrong way and starts to cry. Blue panickily tries to calm them down before his S/O notices lol.
Underswap Papyrus - Uh.... He thanks the kid for being so thoughtful about his allergy by only bringing the stem of the flower! Truly a hero. The kid is a bit skeptical at first, but Honey insists the child just saved his life and eventually the child believes it and starts to celebrate. Honey isn't sure what to do with the stem though. He's pretty sure his kid will ask to see it again lol, he can't just throw it away.
Underfell Sans - "the hell you want me to do with this?" The kids burst into tears. Red rolls his eyes. Listen bud, it's not his fault you can't even pick a flower correctly. What do you want him to say? You're a big loser just like him, it's hereditary apparently. Stop crying and accept it. The earlier the better.
Underfell Papyrus - ..... Uh... This is... Nice... He guesses.... ?????? He's in reality as confused as the child but not for the same reasons. He actually didn't see the kid pick up the flower. Just the moment they gave him some kind of ugly grass. He read in a book that you have to encourage children and accept any gift to not hurt their feelings, but still... What the hell is he supposed to do with this? Oh well, it's fine. He's going to let him at home on something Doomfanger can easily reach so the cat destroys it and so he can next blame the cat lol.
Horrortale Sans - Aw. He tells the kid it's ok and that the flower is still beautiful even though it stays not so much of it. Oak doesn't mind, only the gesture is counting. He's happy his child wanted to gift him a flower.
Horrortale Papyrus - He comforts the kid and says that's fine, before going with them to pick up nicer flowers in the nearest flower shop. Willow is happy he can share one of his interests with his child. He loves flowers.
Swapfell Sans - He rolls his eyes and encourages his child to go pick another one. It took 15 flowers before one managed to keep at least one petal, which Nox decided was good enough so that they could finally leave this place. At least the kid has his sense of perfection which is kinda of good?
Swapfell Papyrus - He can't help but laugh at their misery. And dies of laughter after the kid's third attempt. The kid takes that personally, and suddenly kicks him in the pelvis as revenge before running to his S/O crying like HE hurt them. Rus can't believe it. He will remember that. Just wait.
Fellswap Gold Sans - "WELL NEXT TIME YOU'LL THINK TWICE BEFORE PICKING SOMETHING OFF THE FLOOR. A DOG PROBABLY PEED ON THAT." Yeah, he's totally neutral in this and not at all a cleaning freak. The kid is getting their hands washed three times when they get home.
Fellswap Gold Papyrus - Oh... That's fine! Look! He picks one dandelion and makes all the petals fall to make his child feel better. They're both clumsy, that's life. Tomorrow will be a better day! What about an ice cream now?
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chaoticbardlady99 · 5 months
Astarion x Tav, but get this… A Druid with a wyvern drake hybrid (think the dragons from GOT and HOTD). Saddle and EVERYTHING and it’s not small, no it’s like 80 feet long with a 98 foot wingspan, black scales, and very very jealous when Astarion and Tav have alone time
If You Give a Dragon a Steak- It Will Bully You Into Flying (Astarion x GN! Reader)
I AM SOOOO SORRY! I must have seen this and just forgot about actually posting it!
CW: Brief mentions of smut, brief mentions of trauma
Not my pic, but this is what I was thinking of, but all black. Her name is Cala- Cala means light in Elvish. Cala refers to Astarion as isk which is Star in draconic.
What’s actually really cool about this is that there is something called a Dragon Knight in DND and you can link your soul with an actual Dragon (so cool, right!?)
This is lightly edited 🫡💜 please leave a comment or a like if you enjoyed my story! I would love to hear what you all think!
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Astarion is used to sharing your affection with the likes of Scratch or that little Owlbear cub. Yes it was annoying from time to time and the two still live in your house, but the creature he wasn’t expecting? The giant fucking Dragon that would live in his backyard post Tadpole.
He was outside one night, just minding his own business, and a couple wing beats later- you were crying tears of joy while scratching a dragon like it was a dog.
Of all the people he had to fall in love with, it had to be a Druid Dragon Knight. Astarion knows there are worst things, but my Gods how many more animals do you need!?
Your dragon, Cala, is jet black, at least 80 feet tall with a wing span the size of Baldur’s Gate itself. She is a very friendly dragon, but also incredibly possessive. Astarion hasn’t been able to have a moment alone with you since the Netherbrain was defeated three months ago. However, he is grateful for the Dragon’s existence- she’s saved him and you multiple times when a search for a way to either cure his vampirism or his ‘allergy’ to the sun goes awry. Cala is also very nice to him and if you are gone- the dragon will shrink itself down to a comically cute lap size and sleep next to Astarion on the couch until you return.
Astarion is certain he can convince her to leave you alone at least for an afternoon.
So here he is- five or six incredibly expensive steaks in a box and walking towards a Dragon like it’s the most normal thing in all of Toril. Cala eyes him, not suspiciously, but curiously.
“Hello Night Child,” her melodious voice floats through his brain, “how can I help my person’s beloved this evening?”
Astarion grins at the last part before putting the box of Steaks on the ground.
“My beautiful scaly friend, I have brought you some steaks,” he kicks the box, “and you can have them, but they come with one condition.”
Cala’s eye becomes eye level to him and she looks amused.
“A condition? You do realize I could eat these steaks and you in one swift motion?”
“Yes,” Astarion says, “but I think we both know how upset Tav would be if you ate me.”
There is a huff of agreement and a soft look in her eye. Astarion knows he has nothing to worry about.
“What are your conditions, isk?”
“I am so very glad you asked,” Astarion says, trying to keep his nerve from dying out, “I want one evening alone with Tav.”
“No!?” He says incredulously, “what do you mean no!?”
“I mean that you spent time alone with Tav for the last six months while I had to be without my home- my person. You can wait at least another six months.”
Astarion just gapes at the giant beast. If he wasn’t sure she’d kill him in three seconds flat- he might just try to slay the damn thing.
“This is! Are you!? I was enslaved for 200 years!” Astarion says sputtering, “I’ve waited 200 years for Tav to come into my life! You’ve been with her since the moment you were born!”
Cala seems to consider this- her eyes thoughtful and her posture relaxed still.
“Tav wants to take you flying.”
Astarion feels like he’s going to be sick. Tav had brought it up to him when Cala first arrived. When he tried to say, “sure,” he began to dry heave. You haven’t asked him since.
It’s not that riding a dragon doesn’t appeal to him- he would love to be able to watch you in your element. Astarion just doesn’t love the idea of accidentally plummeting out of the air because you do one of your fancy tricks and he didn’t hold on tight enough.
Astarion squints at the dragon, “and?”
“Go on one flight with us and then I will leave you alone for multiple evenings as asked.”
That seems entirely too good to be true.
“Okay,” Astarion says slowly, “I agree to your terms.”
Cala’s eyes light up with Glee before looking at the box of steaks between her and Astarion.
“Do I get to keep the steaks?” Cala asks, her tail swooshing back in forth in the grass out of excitement.
Astarion scoffs, “what do you think?”
Her massive tail stills and there is a sad look on her contradictory (cute and scary) dragon face.
“Oh don’t give me that the sweet disappointed, ‘I’m not getting cuddly Astarion’ pout.”
And yet, Cala persists. Throwing his hands up in defeat- Astarion marches away and listens as Cala devours the box of steaks.
You are practically skipping as you hold Astarion’s hand. You had been over the moon when Astarion asked if he could go on a ride with you and Cala. You immediately dragged him away when you got home- something about wanting to do it before the moon gets too low. He didn’t consider having to be worried about the sun melting him to ash if you don’t get back in time.
“If you become comfortable, we could even fly over the Ice Spires and the Spine of the World!” You say.
He offers you a tight lipped smile and you squeeze his hand in reassurance. You asked him multiple times if he was sure and he told you he is nervous, but wants to see what all this “flying nonsense” is all about. Astarion won’t tell you that he has essentially been cornered into this by a massive fucking dragon- only because he doesn’t want to become a snack (again, now that he thinks about it. Cazador did drink all his blood once).
Astarion’s stomach is churning, but your excitement has loosened the knot of nerves that are threatening to suffocate his being. He hasn’t felt this kind of fear and anxiety since Cazador.
Tav and Cala won’t allow anything bad to happen.
That’s what he keeps telling himself when he gets on the saddle behind you and all of a sudden- Astarion is in the air on a fucking dragon.
Astarion wouldn’t know- his eyes are clenched shut and he has his face buried in the crook of your neck. The sound of your enthusiastic, beating heart helps him focus on calming down. Astarion thinks of laying with you in bed, reading a funny novel together, and any other shenanigans you get into together before he finally opens his eyes.
If Astarion needed air- he would have died immediately from losing all of it.
If someone had told him even 50 years ago that he would be riding a dragon, free of his master, and with the love of his entire life giggling with glee in his arms- he would have told them to piss off.
Astarion has never seen anything like it in his 239 years of life. He doesn’t think he ever wants to land. Why had he been so afraid before!? This is amazing!
“It is very small, Darling!” Astarion muses, “is that?”
“The Fields of the Dead?” You shout excitedly, “it sure is!”
Astarion initially thought it would be a quick five minute ordeal, but soon you were both flying over all of Elturgard. You soared over the Reaching Woods and the Sunset Mountains. Your last tourist attraction for him was the Lake of Dragons- Astarion swears he has never seen a more bluer blue- before heading back home. Much to Astarion’s disappointment.
You help him navigate his way off of Cala and the Dragon nudges him with her nose as a sign of trust. Astarion scratches her nose before following you back into your shared home.
“What did you think!?”
You whirl around and look at him with wide, nervous eyes. You are playing with your thumbs incessantly like you usually do when you worry you may have disappointed him. It’s such a silly notion- you could never disappoint him.
Astarion pauses your twiddling by taking your hands in his and placing a gentle kiss on your forehead.
“I would like to fly over the Northlander Isles at some point,” he says, “if you would be willing to have me join you on a flight again.”
You beam at him before getting up on your tiptoes to place a kiss on his lips.
“Astarion- you are always welcome where I am. I couldn’t think of a better person to see the world and this life with even if I tried.”
He couldn’t help but cry at your statement. Astarion is so grateful to be able to call you his home.
At least Astarion was finally able to worship you properly since Cala kept her promise.
You are riding him as Astarion pushes his hips up to meet your downward thrusts with eager enthusiasm. When both of your climaxes hit- you put your face in the crook of his neck and giggle.
“What’s so funny, Darling?”
You look up at him- hair beautifully messy and eyes looking blissful. Another giggle escapes your lips as you begin to say what you are thinking.
“Save a dragon, ride a Vampire.”
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rorywritesjunk · 6 months
And all of my wildest dreams They just end up with you and me
Richie is a pretty boy, yes he is, but so is Buggy.
Rating: PG! It's a soft and silly fic.
Warning: Animal fur. Allergies. Sneezing. Buggy doesn't catch a break.
A/N: Suggested by a lovely Anon! I wrote and rewrote this a few times and then after brushing my dog I was inspired. Have you ever had an allergy attack where you sneeze and can't breathe, and then suddenly you're choking because you inhaled one little something and you think you're dying? Imagine that while reading this. Also I still love Richie so much.
Title comes from "So Good Right Now" by Fall Out Boy.
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“Ohh, who’s a pretty boy!” You cooed over Richie, Mohji’s large and (not) so ferocious lion. The beast tamer was feeling a little under the weather and you offered to look after the animal. To some, the lion was scary, murderous, and fierce, but to you he was a soft little kitten who liked it when you ran a brush through his mane and fed him treats. “You are!” 
He rolled onto his back for you, purring happily as you ran the brush through his fur, being mindful of any knots or matting. Any time you came upon one, you carefully picked it apart, not wanting to pull on it or hurt the lion. While he was docile towards you at the best of times, you have seen how wide his mouth can open and it wouldn’t take much for him to swallow you whole if he so desired.
“What the hell are you doing?” 
You looked up when the captain entered, looking none too thrilled that you were with the large cat. Richie’s bedding had been changed, his food and water dishes cleaned, and now you were brushing out the excess fur. A pile of fur had grown and it almost looked like you had a mini-Richie starting to form.
“Mohji wasn't feeling good so I offered to care for Richie today.” You grinned as you brushed some fur off your clothes. Buggy made a face as the cat hair flew about. And then he sneezed.
“Do you have to brush him?!” He snapped. “That damn fur is getting everywhere!”
“Well, yea.” You chuckled as you looked back at the lion. He was looking up at you with huge doe eyes, demanding more attention. It was a cute sight and reminded you of a certain boyfriend of yours, who was currently glaring at you while sneezing as the fur floated around. “He’s a pretty, pretty boy and he needs to look his best!”
Buggy rubbed his nose and glared at you. He wasn’t pleased you were spending this much time with Richie when you could have been spending it with him. The lion didn’t need you to groom him like this, and he was not a pretty boy, he was a murderous member of the crew. 
You looked back at Buggy and grinned. He managed to keep glaring at you while sneezing repeatedly, obviously irritated by all the fur flying about in the air. His eyes and nose were both running, and then he was suddenly coughing from inhaling some of the fur. You probably should take pity on him but you weren’t done with Richie yet.
“Gimme a few more minutes and I’ll be done.” You said, but you weren’t sure he heard you over the coughing and sneezing fit. Oof, maybe you should stop. He didn’t look too good. Sighing, you gave Richie a few ear scritches. “I’ll finish with you later, Richie.” 
Carefully, you approached Buggy and grabbed his arm. He tried to pull away from you but now he was gasping a bit as he coughed so much. Maybe he was allergic? Who knew, but you held his arm firm as you started to lead him away from Richie and the cloud of fur.
“Let’s go, pretty boy.” You chuckled. “Let’s get you fresh air.”
Buggy didn’t budge at first, squinting at you as tears streamed down his face from the sneezing and coughing fits. You felt a little bad because he looked like shit now. 
“I said let’s go, pretty boy.” You urged as you pulled him along. “Get your silly ass out of here!”
He finally followed after you, feeling his throat clear up just a bit as he got further away from the lion. He took a few deep breaths, trying to inhale fresh, clean air, before he looked at you. “I-I’m a pretty boy?”
To someone else at that moment, probably not. Not only were his eyes red and streaming, but his nose was dripping like a faucet. He was no longer gasping for air, and he wasn’t sneezing as much as before. He looked absolutely miserable. 
“Oh!” You didn’t realize what you had said at first. You were so used to calling Richie that affectionate name that it must have slipped out with Buggy, but he was now looking at you, red-eyed and flushed, and well, you didn’t want to upset him. “Yea! Of course.” 
Oof, you may have said that little too quickly, but he was clearly brain fogged from the lack of oxygen due to sneezing, and he gave you some goofy smile, and if his face wasn’t covered in a layer of snot, tears, and lion fur, you may have kissed his cheek to help convince him of it. 
And admittedly, you did find him pretty, even looking absolutely miserable right in that moment. 
“R-Really?” He stammered out, stopping you just before you could get him on deck and out into the fresh, fur-free air. “Pretty?”
Oh, the way his voice asked was so sweet, and you smiled at him and squeezed his gloved hand before bringing it up to your lips, kissing the top of it gently. You pretended not to notice how his eyes watered just a bit but for a different reason now. Tender moments like this were something he still wasn’t used to with a relationship, so you smiled at him and lowered his hand.
“The prettiest boy I know, Buggy.” You assured him. “Now, go wash that pretty face of yours so I can give you a kiss.”
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southparkfanlol123 · 8 months
sleep hcs with skz ❤
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• like in one of his VLives...
• he snores.. 😭
• i dont know what it would sound like.. but he snores mk? 💀😭
• sometimes he will wake up in the middle of the nights and finish recording his songs <3
• fr he is hard to go to sleep with..
• probs have to give him a little nudge~
• sleep positions are either tangle/cradle/spooning its so adorable
• sometimes when your sleeping and hes awake he will whisper soft little things in your ear
"goodnight my love~" "i love you" "sweetdreams~"
• sometimes he cant sleep so you sing him a song or read a book to him or.... he will fall asleep to your voice <3
• he sleeps naked... im sorryh 😥
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• sleeps with his cats 😍
• idc what you say....
• he sleeps with his cats 😩❤
• its sometimes annoying because of allergies
• he sleeps with his hand on your ass... (sorry not sorry)
• sometimes if hes up he will smack it roughly or softly
• doesnt snore
• he will sometimes turn and move in his sleep
• you get annoyed by it alot so you wake him up and he gets pissed off
"noo i wanna sleep i was having a good dream!!" "let me sleep"
"what were you dreaming about hun?"
" slapping your ass nonstop"
• im sorry just had to LMAO
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• before you guys go to sleep... he always says
"im sar hungrayy 😩"
• will sometimes pillowfight at night?
• but oh no...
• when you guys are sleeping...
• you will be on the floor fr LOL!
• has his arms and legs spread open snoring softly but loudly
• cuddle bug omg <3
• spooning you name it
• sometimes will whine if you wake him up
• will have his muscles used as pillows if needed ITS SO FUNNY 😂
" really why dont you just throw that pillow away and use these! " *flexes muscles*
• boyfriend material fr
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• i feel like....
• he would snore sometimes?...
• idk our dramatic baby may snore i dont know but its quietly and softly you know?
• maybe some soft grunts and a lil snoring but not that much :>
• but his grunts are 😍
• like sir pls....
• anyways...
• he will read his poems and say them to you when you cant sleep
• sleep position is either face to face touching or shingle position its romantic omg~
• ofc dont forget kkami <3
• when hyunjin wants to cuddle with kkami, kkami goes to you, to cuddle
"cmon kkami come here!~" " grr! " "kkami how could you! im heart broken :("
• bro is being dramatic because the poor dog loves his mother
• talks in his sleep <3
• its so funny because you say he talks in his sleep and he says "NOOO I DONT 😥"
" zz- somebody stole my son zZ" "we will find him soon dont worry!~"
*wakes up* "huh? 😥"
maknae line next!
pls i finished this at 7:20 💀😭
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