#does halloween count as cosplay??
elegantdisco · 8 months
Halloween 2023, fulfilling my long-held dream of a Rick and Evy costume! And this is the only place I can post all the pictures at once in their intended shape (looking at you, instagram). Yes the book is a box what do you want
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sheiyavlad · 2 years
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Halloween countdown pt.3
He kinda already is a zombie, right? Lazarus and all...
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abysslll · 9 months
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diamondsheep · 2 years
I consider you a Josuke expert 👀✨
Now I'm a Certified Josuke Expert >:D ✨ !!
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demisexual-enjolras · 2 years
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Having just a really great time as my Gideon costume comes together
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GAME OVER! i decided to go as everyone favorite gay corpse from Saw! Happy Halloween!!!
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i-was-mislead · 2 years
So excited to show up to a halloween party dressed as Simon Snow with a Backpack and then for the person who runs my book club someone to ask me if I want to take my backpack off and then I can just look her in the eye and say "It's a spoiler."
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angel-of-the-moons · 8 months
Mr and Mrs Knight
Steven Grant (Marc Spector + Jake Lockley) x Curvy!Fem!Reader
TW/CW: NSFW, body dysmorphia, smut, suit kink, glove kink, fingering, PiV sex, creampie, squirting, misuse of The Suit™ (and truncheons), cosplay, established relationship, fluff
A/N: I am unashamed to admit that suits are fucking hot and the shit they do to me is what I imagine straight men feel when they see a VS model in lingerie. And Steven is hot. So is Marc. And Jake and Oscar in general you get the rest. Imagine the Mrs Knight suit looks something like this. (Also featuring the headcanons by @my-secret-shame-but-fanfiction for Jake's craftiness!)
Taglist: @mundivagantsoul @belle-oftheball34 @steven-grants-world @denile-xo @whatevenisagrapefruit @hagridnmegamind @sapphire-and-ruby
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It had been a banger of a night. A fun Halloween bash at the museum, amazing costumes, great food. Donna even seemed to be in a decent mood. But of course that woman could have been faking it.
You and Steven decided to go with matching costumes. In a gross abuse of Steven, Marc, and Jake's status as Moon Knight, you'd convinced him to use his "Mr Knight" suit as his costume.
Jake helped you make yours to match. Finding the majority was easy enough at thrift stores (despite Marc's insistence that you should buy a new one), the mask was what was the pain.
That's where Jake's expertise came in. Sure his main skill was in knitting, but that didn't mean the man wasn't nuanced in other ways to make clothes. You couldn't count how many times Jake would stitch up the seams of your favorite jacket that you just refused to throw away, or how many times he'd hit you with that smug smile when you blubbered about how awesome he was for giving extra life into your jacket so you could wear it juuuust a bit longer.
Your mask turned out to be almost a perfect replica of his, complete with glowing lenses to match Steven.
You were nervous when you got dressed, looking in your floor-length mirror at your reflection.
Your hair was pinned back neatly to allow you to pull the mask on or off (because unlike Steven's, which was magically suited--pun intended--to be comfortable) without much problem, and you would still appear "flawless" as Steven put it.
But right now, you were having second thoughts. You weren't sure you liked how the skirt fit you. Or the blazer.
The waistband of the skirt squeezed your waist and the rolls of your tummy, the creases in the fabric seemingly emphasizing every imperfection you saw in yourself.
Your transparent white stockings were not helpful either, the bands squished the fat of your thighs in a way that made them look like muffins, even moreso than your tummy. They kept rolling down so much you had to buy garters to wear beneath your skirt just so they'd stay up...
You frowned at your reflection as the skirt rode up your legs, showing off the cute lace trim of the stockings and your squishy thighs; honestly if you weren't careful, or you bent over the skirt would bare your ass to the whole party.
You were tempted to go and grab that last minute shitty vampire costume you had stashed away, when Steven walked in, already dressed immaculately in that gorgeous white suit of his.
He adjusted the tie, not looking at you as he does so.
"Hey, luv, I'm fairly ready. I can help you with your makeup now, if..." His eyebrows shoot up and his mouth feels suddenly very dry at the sight of you all dressed up.
His tongue darts out to swipe at his bottom lip, moistening it as he clears his throat.
"You look good."
"Oh.... Thanks." You mumble shyly, trying to pull the edges of the blazer down to cover the rolls poking out of your skirt a bit more.
"Hey, hey, what's wrong, beautiful?" He said softly, moving up to you.
"I... I look like a marshmallow." You sigh hesitantly, your tone full of self-deprecation.
"Hey, now." Steven smiled sweetly, wrapping his arms around your waist as you tucked your face into his lapel.
"You're the most gorgeous marshmallow on the planet if that's the case." He told you, kissing the top of your head.
He felt something press down on him, and he looked up at the mirror, getting a full view of your back, but he saw Marc's face staring back at him with a cringed expression.
(Dude, that was the shittiest compliment ever. What woman wants to hear her being compared to a marshmallow??) He hissed.
Steven was about to retort, before you started bubbling out on laughter at how silly his compliment was.
"That was so corny." You snicker.
Steven gave a smug smirk at Marc before looking down at you with a soft, lovesick smile.
"Yeah, well, you love my sense of humor, eh?" He winked.
"Yeah... I guess I do." You smile back.
"Now, then! Your makeup. Let's sit you down so I can work on it for you!"
Whenever you had your doubts about your appearance, Steven, Marc, or Jake would pipe in and alleviate your worries. Sometimes all three at once, though rapid switching would often cause problems for them (like migraines).
You kept your eyes closed as Steven carefully applied your highlighter to your cheekbones, the brush tickling your skin, his shaky breaths ghosting over your face.
He would mumble some curses when he messed up, but would correct his mistake.
When you had asked him where on earth he learned to contour and highlight he shyly admitted he watched half a dozen tutorials on YouTube to get it perfect for you.
You felt the coldness of the liquid eyeliner as he painted on the wings with the white liner, the silver and gold glitter further adding to your look.
"'Kay luv, open your eyes so I can apply your mascara." He murmured, looking down in your makeup kit for the said cosmetic.
Once he did, he pulled out the black tube and made sure there was no excess before he carefully combed the white creamy substance on your eyelashes, lightening them up to enhance the face he'd helped apply for you.
Once he was finished with both eyes, he leaned back and allowed you to blink, smiling that puppy dog smile of his in satisfaction at his handiwork before placing the mascara tube back in the kit.
He lifted his hand and shook the bottle of setting spray so you wouldn't accidentally sweat it off or wipe it off with something during the night (or god forbid it rub off on the inside of your mask).
"Close em again for me."
You couldn't help but smile at his level of gentleness and politeness.
You restrained from physically recoiling as the cold setting spray hit your skin and quickly dried.
"Now, do you want to put on lipstick now or when we get to the party?" He asked as he watched your sickeningly gorgeous lashes flutter open. All the white, silver, and hints of gold on your face enhanced your eyes and their color, the very depths of them stealing his breath away.
"We can do it now. I have liquid matte and regular lipstick." You reply, smiling once again.
"Which would you prefer?" Steven asked you.
"Whichever you think would look best."
He sucked in a breath that his lungs were suddenly starving for, and grabbed the liquid tube.
His hand gently cupped your chin as he brushed the satiny lipstick onto your lips, carefully lining them so it wasn't too much. He'd even dipped his finger in your cosmetic glitter and applied a very gentle amount.
"Gorgeous." He breathed.
"Aww..." You giggle, thankful for the glitter and makeup that hid your blush at his praise.
"Now then... Let's go, shall we?" He said, taking your hand to help you stand and slip in your white heels.
As the two of you left, Steven could hear Jake in the back of their headspace.
(Que hermosa... Be careful, hermanito. If she bends over, I just might take over for the rest of the night and have that ass for myself.)
Mr and Mrs Knight. That's what you two went as for the party. You two even won the prize for best couples costume!
Sure it was just a gift card to some restaurant, but it was exhilarating to hear how people adored your matching outfits.
And you couldn't help but notice all night that Steven simply couldn't keep his hands off of you.
He would get like that sometimes; working himself up like that, but trying to be subtle. You knew it was only a matter of time before an awkward boner would be the cause for the two of you to leave early, so you excused yourself to the restroom under an excuse to check and see if your makeup needed retouching or if you could go the rest of the night without your mask.
But you got a little nervous when two women went into the lavatory after you, and you felt trapped within your stall. You simply couldn't stand the glances from other women you were getting all night. You were afraid these two women who were clucking at each other like hens were amongst the ones judging you.
And your fears were confirmed.
"I can't believe that such a handsome guy would pick a blimp to be his girlfriend." One of them scoffed as she applied a fresh layer of brick red lipstick. As if she didn't have enough on already.
You felt your heart sink further inside of you as the other joined in.
"I know, right? It's gotta be her tits, only thing I can imagine. Maybe her ass, too." The other laughed as she touched up the false blood on the corners of her mouth.
"Either that or she gives good enough head that he can overlook the fact that if she ever got on top she could crush him." The first one snickered.
Your hands knotted in the mask you held in your hands, threatening to tear the stitches Jake so lovingly sewed in for you to wear tonight. You bit the inside of your cheek harshly as the two gossiped further.
"Ugh, and the sad thing is, he's cute, for a bookworm who won't shut up." The second sighed.
"Ugh, I know... I can look past the blabbering if I can see what he's packing."
"Right? I wonder if he's as good with his mouth as he is with his stupid history facts." The first giggled.
You gritted your teeth. You couldn't take much more, you knew that. Insulting you, you could take and bottle up to deal with later, probably in the heat and privacy of your shower.
But talking about Steven like he's some kind of... sex toy? No. Hell no. If you were anything, you were insanely protective over your boys. Even bordering on possessive at times (of course the same was true for the boys about you).
You were done.
You slammed the stall door open and sort of enjoyed how startled they seemed when they saw you, their jaws dropping when it hit them that you heard everything.
You hurriedly wash your hands and slip your gloves back on, gripping your mask in your hand tight as you spare them a backwards glance before leaving the lavatory to find Steven.
You felt sick to your stomach and you wanted to go home...
When you found him, his brows knitted upwards in concern at how tight-lipped and tense you were when you gripped his sleeve tight.
"Ey luv, what's wrong?" He murmured to you, leading you away from the crowd.
"I... I just want to go home." You say, the words those women said about your body weighing down on you, and the things they said about Steven burning hot in your gut. You weren't sure what to feel with this cocktail of emotions.
"Hey hey, okay we can leave." He says, kissing you on the forehead.
"Let's go."
The walk back to your flat was... Difficult. You could barely hold yourself together, suddenly hyper-aware of every roll and stretch mark on your body, even the slight double chin you had when you moved your head a certain way.
It wasn't until you were in the lift of your building that you finally broke down, your reflection staring back at you in the walls of the tiny space, crushing down on you with every imperfection you saw.
You couldn't keep in the bubbling sobs, or the fat tears that rolled down your cheeks and ruined the makeup Steven worked so hard to put on you.
He cradled you against him and cooed to you, saying sweet nothings and whispering nothing but praise for your looks, rubbing your back and kissing your hair.
In the various angles of the reflections, and the oppressive feeling weighing down on Steven... He could see and feel Marc and Jake.
Both looked pissed. Marc almost looked violent.
(If anybody talks like that about our muñeca again...) Jake trailed off.
(Oh trust me, I'll do the honors.) Marc growled.
The walk back into your flat felt horrid. You didn't just cry, you ugly-cried. You ruined your makeup, your hair fell out of the pins, and your skirt rode up more with every rushed step you took to hurry up and get in to get into some baggy clothes that didn't showcase your body.
You didn't feel cute or sexy anymore, you felt... ugly.
And Steven didn't like that one bit. Marc and Jake retreated, knowing that their anger at your injured self-opinion wouldn't help. This kind of situation was a Steven situation. He knew best how to be the sweetest person on the planet with you.
But right now he wasn't feeling particularly sweet. Sure, you were upset. But he couldn't help but get a good look at you as you walked ahead of him, the skirt riding up so much that he could just barely see the black and blue panties you wore beneath, your cheeks peeking out from the edges of the fabric, the garter straps clinging desperately to your stockings in effort to keep them up your gloriously plush thighs to keep them up.
He felt hot beneath the collar, his trousers getting uncomfortably tight as blood flowed straight to his cock.
The moment the door closed behind you, your hands, trembling and rushed, went to unbutton the blazer to get it off of you quicker, sniffles and tiny sobs sneaking out of you in the process.
However, your actions were halted when Steven placed his hands gently on your shoulders from behind, his thumbs rubbing soothing circles through the fabric of your blazer, trying to soothe you.
"Love. You're gorgeous. Beautiful." He breathed, resting his forehead against the back of your head, inhaling the lingering scent of your shampoo.
"Steven, I'm... I'm not." You sniffle. "I'm fat, I can barely squeeze into a pair of jeans, I can't even shop at normal clothing stores for women. I get looks when I wear anything tight, and--and the things I hear people say about me--"
Your voice is broken off when you hiccup, feeling another sobbing fit try to get out of you.
"You don't understand what I'm sayin', luv." Steven smiled into your hair, ever patient.
"You're the prettiest girl in the world to us. You don't need a flat belly, or toned thighs to be pretty. You're funny, you're warm, and you're soft."
You made a shocked squeak when his hands snake around you, his gloved hands gripping at your belly and squeezing the plushness there through your clothes.
Your denial died in your throat when Steven rolled his hips into you, his hard cock throbbing as he rutted into the curve of your ass.
"You wouldn't be able to get to me like this if I didn't find you the most gorgeous woman on the planet. You wouldn't get Jake to say the filthy things he tells you in bed. You wouldn't have Marc snuggling you and resting his head in your lap or on your belly..."
His breathing got heavier as he rocked his hips into you further, a bitten-back whimper dying as he swallowed hard.
"You've been driving me insane all night. This skirt looks so good on you." He says hotly in your ear, his fingers rolling up the hem of your skirt to reveal your panties and garters, making you gasp again.
"Those stockings huggin' you so tight. Been thinking about how badly I want to have my head between your legs, tonight." He growled.
Before you could say anything else, his gloved hand went up to your mouth and he tapped your lips, begging for entrance. Powerless to resist him, you let him press his fingers into your mouth, your tongue wetting them effectively before he pulled them away, and slipped down into your panties
He dragged one of his fingers up your puffy lips, parting your folds before he turned his attention onto your clit.
"S-S-Steven--" You whimper when he starts to circle the little nub.
"Hush, now. Let me show you, eh?" Steven said, biting at your earlobe softly.
You couldn't fight it, you couldn't fight the warm nectar that gushed out from you at his words and affirmations. All your mind could focus on was how wonderfully his fingers toyed with your cunt, deftly rolling, pushing, and pinching your clit in every way he knew that brought you the best pleasure, the fastest.
Your mind practically went blank when he curled two fingers into your weeping hole, the leather around his digits making them thicker than they normally would be, and providing a luxurious texture to your clit as he massaged you with his palm. His mouth trailed down your neck, breath hot on your skin as he bit down and sucked.
It wasn't like when Jake did this to you, no. Every one of them had different methods, different touches...
And Steven was particularly good at balancing out the sweet and the hard, paying more attention to your own pleasure than his. Sometimes, he would get so lost in pleasuring you he'd cum in his pants without even being touched.
This time was no different... in no time at all, he had you cumming so hard you almost fell to the floor, your slick gushing out and soaking the glove.
He smiled sweetly into the skin of your neck as he eased you forward, so you could press your palms on one of his desks, thighs quivering as you recollected yourself.
You barely saw through your haze clearly enough to catch Steven licking his glove clean through the reflection in the mirror on the desktop, his eyes closing in satisfaction at your savory taste.
You half expected him to drop to his knees and eat you out, next, but he doesn't. He just stands there for a moment, staring at you with a lidded and loving gaze, curls falling forward over his forehead as they always do.
That's when your self-consciousness rears its ugly head, and you pinch your legs together, and try to wiggle away from his gaze, to retreat to the safety of the bathroom and escape from his heated staring.
But in a flash, Steven is on you again, his hands gripping at your hips and that's when you feel the hot, heavy weight of his leaking cock slap against the barely clothed flesh of your ass as he rolls your skirt up completely over your hips.
"Steven!" You squeak.
"Hey, now... 'M not done showing you yet." His voice croaks out, heavy and barely coherent as the silk fabric of your panties brushes the head of his dick.
He groans, giving one more roll of his hips against your ass, smearing more precum on the fabric and skin, there; before he gripped the base, lining his cock up to your weeping hole.
"Fuck, luv. So soft. So wet f'me." He said, voice strained from barely contained arousal.
You squirmed, still feeling inadequate despite Steven's words and assurances.
God, you wanted him. You wanted him so badly. But right now you just felt so... so...
Your thoughts cut themselves off when he reached behind him, and from beneath his coat pulled out one of his engraved truncheons.
Placing it in front of you and gripping it with his other hand, pulling you tight against him as he thrust sharply into you, sheathing himself in one whole go, the tip of his cock slamming upwards so suddenly you felt his tip smush your cervix before he eased back.
"B-baby--" You whine, despite yourself.
"Not runnin' away, luv." Steven grunted into your hair as he thrust into you, his hands gripping tightly on the truncheon, using the bar to squeeze against your belly and hold you against him while he fucked you raw.
You couldn't fight the snapping of his hips or his raw need for you, right now. You couldn't hold back the moans and whimpers he wrenched out of you with each punctuation of his hips.
"Fuck, fuck, fuck--" You hear him wheeze as his thrusts get more and more desperate.
There is a metallic clang as he tosses the truncheon to the floor in favor of gripping your thigh and lifting your leg so your knee was on the desktop.
You let Steven guide you so you're practically laying face down on the desk, his cock still spearing you open, pussy fluttering around him at the change in position.
You were taken by surprise when he grips your wrists next, ripping off his tie before slipping it over your hands, before tying them together at the curve of your back. Not tight enough to cut off circulation, but tight enough you couldn't squirm free.
He hesitated a moment. As nice as it would be to watch the soft flesh of your ass bounce and ripple while he fucked you... He didn't want to do it like this.
So, without further hesitation on his part, he gripped you, lifting you off your feet and rolling you so you were laying with your upper half on the desktop, pulling your legs up so your calves rested on his shoulders, all without dislodging from the warm tightness of your cunt.
You whimpered as he does this, and try to wriggle from his tie so you could cover your face, your running makeup and smeared lipstick.
Your pitiful, chubby face--
"Hey, hey..." His voice is soft and shaky as he leans in, cupping your cheek with one hand as your thighs squish against the both of you.
He caresses your soft cheek with a thumb and he smiles.
"Don't hide from me, sweetheart. You're gorgeous and I want to see you."
"Steven, I..." You whimper as your pussy clenches around his shaft, making it twitch inside of your tight, gummy walls.
His eyes rolled back with a groan.
"I'm not gonna stop until you see what I see." He grunts, dragging his cock out slowly until only the tip remains inside of you, the rest of your cunt squeezing desperately around nothing.
You're barely given a moment of respite before he snaps his hips into yours again, fucking you relentlessly and hitting your sweet spot over and over withe every arch of his hips.
Some of Marc's precision was bleeding into him as he aimed the tip of his cock like a weapon against your g-spot, pounding into you hard and fast, stoking the fire in your belly so hotly that you felt the embers scatter throughout your veins, every nerve in your body aflame in pleasure.
His left hand kneads the soft skin of your thigh, squishing and rolling the plush flesh beneath his gloved fingers before he slips his other hand between you, circling your clit mercilessly, making you shriek with every sharp thrust of his hips.
He loved how your body jiggled and bounced with every thrust; how your tits were bouncing so hard that they were spilling out of the top of your bra cups, your blazer falling completely open around you, now.
Despite still being fully clothed, you felt utterly naked beneath his gaze. Fresh tears burned in your eyes as he crammed his cock into you over and over again, his fingers working your second orgasm out of you faster and faster with every swipe of his fingers.
"It's okay, luv." Steven moaned, turning his head to plant a kiss on the inside of your knee, the leg he was squishing in his fingers.
"Cum for me, yeah? Show me how pretty you are." He pants, his thumb pressing hard into your clit.
That was all it took, the friction of his fingers, the thrusts of his hips, and each jab of his cock, plus his words? You were on cloud nine, brain fried and all sense gone as drool dribbled down your chin and you cum with a choked cry, babbling out his name over and over as your body clamps down, gushing around his cock, spraying out and soaking his hand and the front of his suit.
Steven, poor, loveable, goofy Steven could never hold out too long after you came, the squeezing and milking of your pussy was simply too much for him to bear.
Your eyes rolled back and you felt yourself spasm in an aftershock as you felt the hot ropes of his cum painting your walls a milky white, flooding your hungry cunt with everything he had to give you.
He drops your leg, wrapping them around his waist as he leans in and kisses you roughly, his tongue pushing past your lips to twine with yours and steal your recovered breaths.
"See... You're fucking beautiful. Wouldn't do this to us otherwise." He mumbles against your lips.
"Oh... God." You whimper.
Your mind ticks back into sanity and you realize the two of you are still clothed. Your outfit was of course mussed, but Steven was almost completely immaculate. The only thing he was missing of his suit was his tie, and the only sign of mess was the wet stain on his front, and his cock still sheathed inside of you.
"Hmm." He hummed softly, looking down at you with the softest gaze he could fix on you.
Steven gave you a sweet kiss to your forehead before he moved his mouth to the shell of your ear.
"And if you still don't believe me... Jake and Marc want to have a word with you."
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toournextadventure · 7 months
the city can wait
Summary: You had promised your girlfriend one night of not disappearing. Of course, it just had to be on the craziest night of the year.
Word Count: 2,6k Warnings: swearing, drug and alcohol mention Pairing: Vada Cavell x Reader
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Halloween. The one time of year where you didn’t really have to hide anything, you could roam around the city, only making excuses to leave instead of why you were dressed… a certain way. Not that your girlfriend ever really seemed to notice. It was probably the single greatest thing about her proclivity for weed; she never noticed.
“How does it look?” The woman herself asked as she finally stepped out of the bathroom and into the small apartment living room.
“How-” you covered your mouth with your hand “-how did you sneak that into the apartment?”
“How did you not notice it?”
Your mouth closed with a snap, and you nodded slowly. That was a very good point. How you had managed to miss a bright pink bunny costume was beyond you. Maybe it was because, much like you, Vada was a random variable. There was never any way that you could prepare for something she did, so you had quit noticing the “weird” things.
“At least you’re cute,” you said with a shrug and a smile. There was no point in arguing when she was right.
“I know I am,” she said with her own smile that took over her whole face.
God, she was adorable. Yes, she was grown, and yes, she was wearing what would technically be classified as a children’s costume. But did you care? Hell no, she was precious. If anything, it made you love her even more. Her childish side kept your head above water when things were getting tough, and you wouldn’t trade it for the world.
“Are you going to keep staring?” She asked. “Or are we going to that party?”
“Let me grab my mask and we can go,” you said.
You practically hopped up from the couch, stopping just long enough to kiss Vada on the cheek before running to your shared room. It was stupid to hide your mask in the closet of your room, you knew that, but it was easy enough to play off. It’s a cosplay, you had explained the first time Vada had found it. It worked. She claimed you were just weird enough for it to be believable.
Which was a little rude, but beggars couldn’t be choosers.
The mask still smelled of smoke from the week before. A smell that you were starting to become numb to. Hell, if Vada hadn’t brought it up the next day, you wouldn’t have even noticed. What did you smoke last night? She had asked. Because it wasn’t weed. You couldn’t remember which bullshit answer you had given her, all you remembered was that it was enough to get her to drop it.
How often, you wondered as you worked your way back to the living room, had she noticed something was off? It wasn’t like you were the sneakiest person around. If she behaved the way you did, you hoped you would notice. There was no way to not notice the bumps and bruises and unusual “work” hours. Well, you really did work, but that wasn’t the point!
“You’re so slow,” Vada called from the living room. “You’re the worst Spider-man ever.”
“I’m sure you could find worse,” you called back as you finally saw her again. Her smile never failed to get your heart racing. “Nick wouldn’t even get up to help anyone.”
“That’s why you’re the one I keep around,” she said. She reached over and grabbed your hand, pulling you out of the apartment that you hoped was locked. If it wasn’t?
Well, at least you knew a good superhero.
“You don’t keep me around for anything else?” You asked once you were both downstairs and walking down the crazy streets of New York City.
Everyone was dressed up for Halloween. There were kids running around, adults seeming tired even though it was barely 7:30, and teenagers and college kids acting like they owned the place. Which they kind of did, but it was fine. You and Vada were one of those college kids, so you couldn’t really complain. At least everyone seemed to be having a nice night already.
And hopefully not causing any trouble.
“I mean,” Vada started, “I guess you’re a good kisser too.”
“I am?” You asked. The smile on your face was… rather humiliating.
“But only when you’re not running off to go who-knows-where,” she continued.
Oh. Well that wasn’t as exciting.
“Speaking of running off,” she said when you both pulled up to the apartment building. She pulled you off to the side and stood in front of you.
God, just looking into her eyes? You loved her. Everything about her. From the sparkle in her eyes to the goofy half smile that she would get when she did something a little silly. It was in the soft yet needy way she held onto your hand, almost as if you would run away if she let go.
“No running off tonight,” Vada said, pulling you out of your admiration.
“I wouldn’t dream of it-”
“-I mean it,”  she continued, gently jabbing her finger into your chest. “We haven’t had a full night together in months.”
You sighed. Maybe she was right. Each time you had attempted to set up a night with Vada, something serious had gone on around the city. Hell, there had been serious riots just the other week! But you wouldn’t argue that you were getting into the nasty habit of running without any hesitation.
Perhaps you weren’t quite so good at balancing hero life and personal life. At least not like you thought you were.
“You may be Spider-Man tonight,” she said, her tone already turning softer, “but the city can wait.”
Oh, if only she knew.
“Yes ma’am,” you said anyway.
“Pinky promise,” she said.
If she wasn’t trying to act so serious, you would’ve laughed at the insistence when she held her small fist in front of her, pinky finger attempting to stick straight up. She was hindered by the rabbit gloves, but it was the thought that counted. See? That was another thing you loved about her. You may have lost most of your innocence, but she had enough for the both of you.
“Pinky promise,” you repeated, reaching out with your own hand and locking fingers with her as best you could.
“Seal the deal,” she said.
You rolled your eyes, but couldn’t help the smile on your face. It wasn’t going to stop you, though, as you leaned down and placed a light kiss on Vada’s lips. Her hands attempted to grab the front of your suit, but she was thwarted by the giant gloves. You nearly choked on a laugh but managed to keep your cool. Mostly. A little. Okay, you laughed, but it was fine!
“Come on, Spider-dude,” Vada huffed, “let’s have some fun.”
Surprisingly? You did. Not surprising in that you didn’t enjoy parties, or being with Vada. Hell, being with Vada was the best part of your life. Any time with her was a good time, and you would do anything to stay with her. But it was surprising in that, for the first time since discovering your, uh, condition, you could relax.
For the first time, you weren’t spending every second wondering if someone was being hurt, or if there was something you could do to help. You didn’t have that desire to swing between buildings, looking for even the slightest indication that something was wrong. No, none of it was on your mind, and you could finally act your age. You could be a normal kid.
Until you couldn’t.
“Did you two see this?” Mia asked as she came up to where you were sitting with Vada on your lap.
“See what?” You asked.
“Put it away,” Vada said instantly before Mia could hand her phone over. “You pinky promised.”
“I just wanna know,” you tried to argue.
“You’re not actually a hero, you know,” she said.
Oh, if only she knew.
“But I am nosy,” you tried to defend. Tried being the key word. “Let me see.”
Vada groaned loudly, but didn’t bother stopping you from taking Mia’s phone from her outstretched hand. The news app was opened to display a fire raging in what appeared to be a residential building. At the top of the screen, the banner read “Queens apartment fire still ongoing.”
Your stomach dropped. Were there people trapped in the building? If the fire was still raging on, did the fire department need any help? Surely they couldn’t handle it all on their own, they probably needed a hand. After all, who better to find trapped civilians than you? It would only take about 20 minutes, then you could get back and spend the rest of the night at the party like you were supposed to.
Vada shifted on your lap. Oh. Right. You couldn’t just leave. You had made a promise that you wouldn’t leave all night. And as silly as it might seem, you didn’t take that promise lightly. Even though she turned it into a joke and something that wasn’t really a big deal, you knew otherwise. Thanks to the shooting, Vada hid most of her “serious” feelings, but that didn’t mean you couldn’t see the subtle ways she showed them.
“That’s a shame,” you finally managed to say, handing the phone back to Mia. “I hope no one gets hurt.”
You felt Vada’s arms tighten slightly around your shoulders.
“Wow,” Mia said with a slow nod. “I thought Spider-Man would rush off to help.”
“Yeah,” you said, chuckling humourlessly, “but I can’t help anyone if my girlfriend kills me.”
“Good answer,” Vada said before placing a sloppy kiss on your cheek. She was far more into PDA when she was drinking.
You loved it.
What you didn’t love, however, was all the crime and chaos that apparently decided to wait until you couldn’t leave. Fires, robberies, shootings, everything that could happen? Happened. Each time Mia walked up to you and Vada, your heart jumped into your throat before you even saw what was on her phone. And each time, you had to fight every instinct in your body to rush out and help.
And Vada always gave you a kiss immediately after.
The kisses made you feel a little better about internally saying no to leaving. Vada would get the biggest smile on her face and pull you down for the kiss. She tasted of cheap alcohol and questionable chasers and the tiniest hint of weed. But she was warm, and her lips were soft, and each kiss had you more and more convinced that you just needed to take her back home and remind her how much you loved her.
By the time you were both attempting to leave the party, you didn’t even feel so bad about taking the night for yourself. You weren’t even paying attention when Mia came back up to you and Vada for the last time of the night, phone in hand and news app open.
“One more for the New York Chaos?” Vada asked.
“Ending Halloween with a bang,” Mia said with a shrug.
Something at the back of your mind told you to look at the phone. To see how bad it was. The night was practically over, you had kept your promise and had stayed throughout the entire party. Would it count as breaking the promise once you were out of the apartment?
But you felt Vada’s hand squeeze yours, and you looked at her. She had pulled the hood off her bunny suit about an hour ago, claiming it was too hot. Her hair was slicked back with a few strands sticking to her forehead, but she still looked absolutely stunning. She was your Vada.
“Leave it to New York to let the crazies out tonight,” you said without even taking the phone.
Mia smiled. “Stay safe going home.”
You both bid Mia a goodnight, promising to stay safe, before Vada led you out of the apartment and back to the streets. It was a quick walk home, a little quieter than normal thanks to the alcohol coursing through both of your bodies. But it was comfortable, and you were happy. Truly happy. It was a nice feeling.
“Tonight was fun,” you said when you closed the apartment door behind you while Vada started pulling her costume off.
“See what happens when you stay?” She teased.
“I know, I know,” you huffed, letting out a sigh when you tried to move. The suit was chafing.
“I have to admit something,” Vada said. There was a tone to her voice that you didn’t hear very often. A tone that meant trouble.
“What?” You asked.
She licked her lips before biting her bottom lip. You stepped forward, placing your hands on her hips. Whatever it was, you didn’t want her to think you were upset with her. Clearly something was bothering her, or at least making her think twice. You weren’t going to make it harder than it had to be.
“You know all those news reports tonight?” She asked slowly.
You nodded.
“None of them were… real.”
“What?” You blurted out before you could even stop yourself.
“They weren’t real,” she repeated with a nervous giggle. One that she only used when she knew she was in trouble.
“What do you mean they weren’t real?” You asked, doing your best to keep your voice level.
“We were testing you,” she continued.
“For what?” You asked again.
“I know this isn’t a cosplay,” she said, pulling lightly on the collar of your suit.
“You-” you exhaled harshly. What did she mean, she knows? There was no way. You weren’t the most sneaky, but you weren’t stupid. How could she possibly know? Maybe you were just a really committed cosplayer, did she ever think about that?
“No one coincidentally disappears before every disaster in the city,” Vada said. Her hands smoothed your suit down, resting on your shoulders. They were soft. You loved the feel of her hands.
She knew. She knew. Oh god, she knew. What were you going to do now? Was it going to put her in danger? She said “we,” did that mean Mia too? Oh god did that mean both of them were in danger? They were both trouble on their own, let alone when they were together. How were you going to keep both of them safe?
“When did you find out?” You asked, ignoring the fifty million other questions running through your mind.
“A few months ago,” Vada said with a sheepish smile. “Mia was over when you snuck in and passed out on the couch in the suit and mask.”
Oh, maybe you were stupid.
“I kinda think it’s hot,” Vada continued when you still couldn’t find anything else to say. “Have anything that would be fun in bed?”
You looked at her in shock for only a moment before lifting her up. Her legs wrapped around your waist before she rested her hands on your neck and leaned down to kiss you. You didn’t have to look to know where the bedroom was. If she wanted to learn a few things, then you would show her.
The city could wait for one night.
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here's this ask in a post bcs tumblr's dumbass couldnt process it in the ask
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i'll do you one better, I'll do one for all the blogs i can remember
@totally-bing 's kill count is higher than his body count
@the-real-google collects niche items(stamps, trading cards, etc)
@operagxreal is the most pretentious when it comes to taking care of their hair
@incognito-mode-official practices pickup lines in the mirror
@definitely-wikipedia has picnics with it's human friend
@duothelingo 's favorite drink is most likely anything that orange(okay maybe im projecting here)
@subway-offical is a beast when it comes to making s'mores
@firehouse-subs-fr likes beetles and such
@the-one-and-only-duckduckgo is actually a world-class chef
@yes-im-youtube-kids holds a lemonade stand every summer without fail
@mcgeese is a fencing master
@definitely-spirit-halloween celebrates halloween in the middle of may
@official-dairy-queen loves to write in his spare time
@officialtinder always smells like passionfruit
@the-real-honda likes to pull up to the local fast food place and flex on all the poor people
@im-pandora-i-promise dries and presses flowers
@im-the-real-roblox-i-swear has probably 2,000 hours on roblox
@hot-topic-unofficial and @claires-unofficial play wobbledogs together
@official-fedex and @totally-ikea make little robot inventions together. in fact, they made subway's little robot buddies!
@bingle-official is learning French
@big-mayo-official has a collection of mayo jars hidden in a closet
@the-true-internet-explorer and @microsoft-edge-official (i think thats the right one) are two old best friends who reminisce of their younger days
@yandex-search-fr travels back home to russia and brings back treats for the rest of the mansion monthly
@nasa-real and @barnes-and-noble-official map the stars together
@real-sephora has cooties
@realsafari cosplays in his free time
@pizza-hut-official and @pinterest-real exchange photos of their travels
@samsung-music-official and @spotify-official make their own music and send it to each other for feedback
@centers-for-disease-control does chores around the mansion every day to make sure no germs are there. duckduckgo and mcgeese help them out
@definitely-tor-browser-official likes raisin cookies over chocolate chip(based)
@undeniably-chevron and @speedway-official-unofficial are married and have a secret mafia wing in their family
@the-us-navy-offical tried to make sure everyone's sheets were done military style. needless to say it didn't last very long
@shakespeare-official-account and @definitely-canada are best friends
more in part 2 because tumblr cant save my long ass post
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hwasdvlly · 7 months
Spooky Fun | p.seonghwa
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☆ summary: it's halloween and the family decides to do something extraordinary.
☆ pairing: seonghwa x fem!reader
☆ genres: romance, fluff, and family
☆ word count: 1k words
☆ warnings/tags: none. established relationship, idol!seonghwa, non-idol!reader, married couple, star wars cosplay, very soft moments
☆ a/n: happy halloween my beautiful readers!
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October 31st is the last day of the month and the time for a spooky celebration. 
For this year’s costume theme, Seonghwa chose no other than his favorite movie franchise, Star Wars. He had always wanted to be Anakin Skywalker. Now, he wanted to try it out with his three beloveds: you and the little stars Seonghan and Hyeseong. 
The oldest child is Park Seonghan. Atinys nicknames him as ‘mini-Seonghwa’ because he looks so identical to his father that it’s uncanny. Seonghan even has a gentle and bright personality with a hint of wittiness, like Seonghwa. 
The youngest child, Park Hyeseong, is more of a shy little girl. But underneath her shyness is a lovely angel who is a passionate dancer and enjoys drawing cute animals and nature. Like her mother, she inherited an elegant beauty. Hyeseong is more of a mommy’s girl, but she does consider her appa as her best friend and the hero of her life. 
“This is where the fun begins.” Seonghwa checks himself out through a full-length mirror and tries to act all mysterious and lethal. He has on his costume, which is handmade, and his toy lightsaber. Seonghwa will forever be a kid at heart, and he is happy that his dream of Halloween came true. 
“I think you’re having too much fun as Anakin.” You walked out of the bathroom. You are Padme Amidala. It’s very appropriate for you and Seonghwa. 
He turns and sees you in a pretty olive green dress with a hoodie over your soft curls. Seonghwa grins, “I can’t help it. I wonder what our little stars will look like.” He goes up to you, wrapping an arm around your waist. Everything about you is beautiful. He is glad that you are down to do this idea of a celebration. You rest your hands on his chest. You lift your eyes to meet his gorgeous, deep brown orbs. “They’re going to look so cute! I think their uncles will die of cuteness.” You let out a giggle. 
Seonghwa smirks, “Hell yeah, they will. Our kids are the best.” He is so prideful and supportive of his little ones that he does sound cocky at times. You snickered and shook your head. “I agree, but please, don’t embarrass them.” As much as you deeply love Seonghwa, he exaggerates almost everything.
“Since we are talking about our little stars, why not see them,” Seonghwa suggested. You beamed and nodded. 
The married couple intertwined their fingers to go to their children’s room. Seonghan and Hyeseong share a space because there aren’t a lot of rooms in the house, but they get along together. 
“Hannie, Hye. Are you guys ready for Halloween?” You asked the kids. 
“Yes, we are!” They answered in unison. 
Upon arriving in their room, you and Seonghwa gasped at the sight of Seonghan and Hyeseong. They look so cute!
Seonghan is The Mandalorian. He has artificial berserk armor and a helmet. Hyeseong is Grogu. She has those green protruding ears as a headband, the brown robe, and her hair in twin tails.
“You guys look awesome!” Seonghwa couldn’t help but squeeze the life out of his babies. He bends down and brings them into his comfy arms. You smiled by the door frame at the wholesome moment. Seeing Seonghwa happy with the kids makes you fall in love with him all over again. 
The father lets go and takes out his phone from his trousers. “Smile for grandpa, grandma, the uncles, and for us,” Seonghwa tells Seonghan and Hyeseong. The kids posed cutely for the camera, and their dad snapped hundreds of photos. 
“Okay, okay, Hwa, that’s enough. We don’t want to be late.” You stopped your husband because he was going overboard. Seonghwa looks through the gallery and squeals. “So cute!! Look, love.” He shows you the little stars. You smiled merrily at their cuteness. 
“This is the way.” Seonghan points to the exit of the front door. The Park Family are putting on their shoes and carrying their Halloween buckets. 
“Patu!” Hyeseong shouted. Her parents burst out laughing at her adorable imitation. 
“Yes, sir.” Seonghwa opened the door for his loved ones, and they began to march outside. 
Hyeseong holds your hand as she swings your arm back and forth. Their home isn’t far from the KQ Building, so it’s much easier for Seonghwa to go to work. As they walked on the streets, people noticed them in their Star Wars costumes. It caught everyone’s attention. 
Seonghwa also noticed a few Atinys saying ‘hi’ to them. Seonghan politely greeted them, and they happily squealed at the sweet boy. 
Once arriving at your husband’s workplace, the employees dress in costumes, and they kindly give the children candy. Hyeseong tries to ask for a sweet treat and not be shy. But for real, who can’t resist an angel? 
The party is on the rooftop of the KQ Building. It’s not something Seonghwa and the guys have done before, but since Seonghan and Hyeseong are joining, they want it to be special. 
As they reached the top of the level of the place, Seonghwa opened the door for his family. They were welcomed by fun and frightening decorations and the tasty aroma of food. Last but not least, ATEEZ in their costumes. 
“Hye, my love!”
The seven members approach the little stars for a big bear hug. They even gave them candy because they truly love them.
Hongjoong gathers Hyeseong into his arms and plants a kiss on her plush cheeks. He is her favorite uncle, and he does enjoy being one. Except he spoils the heck out of her. Seonghan doesn’t have a favorite uncle, but he does prefer to be with the 99 liners. Seonghwa doesn’t know if he should be concerned if his son will get influenced by their antics or end up being a little mischievous. 
“Nice Star Wars getup.” Jongho commented with a gleeful smile. He and the members are impressed by the family’s efforts to look like the characters. 
“Let me guess,” Yunho puts a finger on his lips. “It was Hyung’s idea.” He says without sounding clueless. 
You chuckled and nodded. “It was also Hwa’s turn to choose a theme. The kids liked the idea as well.” You look at your husband with love in your eyes. 
Seonghwa sees it and puts on a proud expression. His heart was filled with happiness.
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floralcyanidee · 9 months
ʜᴀᴠɪɴɢ ᴀɴ ᴀʟᴛ ᴘᴀʀᴛɴᴇʀ - ᴊᴏɴᴀᴛʜᴀɴ ᴄʀᴀɴᴇ
Jonathan Crane x GN/AFAB!Reader Headcanons
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Headcanons about Jonathan Crane and his life with an alt (emo/ goth) partner.
warnings: mentions of taxidermy, mentions of witchcraft, mentions of religion, mentions of animal remains, theft, innuendo, mature themes, mentions of body modifications
word count: 696
author's note: as ya'll know I'm a slut for Jonathan so I decided to do some headcanons about him with an alt partner (I'm alt soo it was warranted) I based these headcanons on universal and well known characteristics of alt peeps as well some based on me and my friends. i hope everyone enjoys! (:
main masterlist | cillian murphy masterlist | add yourself to the taglist here
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* Jonathan is obviously a criminal, so nothing is stopping him from stealing. this includes him stealing things from inbound patients at Arkham Asylum. He often finds things that remind him of you and will give them to you. You know where they come from, obviously, because you know who Jonathan is, but you find it endearing and romantic that he thinks of you.
* You and Jonathan live on the outskirts of the city, where there’s plenty of woodland to explore. Jonathan enjoys it because it gives him peace from work and being a villain, you enjoy it because there are oodles of animal bones and plants to scavenge. 
* Keeping that in mind, you often use the plants or bones or even still-fresh remains you find for your spells/ rituals/ altars/ taxidermy/ crafts. Sometimes, Jonathan will also find things when he’s out exploring or getting away from things. Every now and then, he’ll try different plants for new toxins, so he’s out scouring the woods. He’s always thinking of you, of course, so whenever Jonathan comes across a cool-looking plant or the skull of an animal, he snatches it up immediately.
* He admires your belief system. Whether it’s Witchcraft, Hellenism, etc., he appreciates the art and dedication you put into it. Jonathan sees it as equivalent to science in a way- creating spells and mixtures and getting something new from it. Sometimes, he asks for your help with his experiments simply because of your knowledge of apothecaries and spells.
*  Black is your color. Jonathan knows this and doesn’t mind that you’re clad in all black whenever he has to make an appearance in Gotham. You get plenty of stares, sure, but he doesn’t care about that. Jonathan doesn’t really care about anything except his experiments and you.
* Jonathan finds your body mods (tattoos, piercings, etc.) intriguing. When you first met, he had a ton of questions about them. Did they hurt? What do they mean? He loves the different jewelry you wear as well. 
* Your obsession with horror is one of Jonathan’s favorite things about you. He finds it adorable that you can quote numerous horror movies and even recite lines as they’re being said. When Halloween comes around, it’s always a treat (non pun intended.) You love cosplaying various horror characters from movies, shows, and video games. Jonathan adores it and sometimes plays along.
* Speaking of Halloween, one year, he dressed as a priest, and you dressed as an undead nun. This year, you’re becoming a crow, and he’s dressing as you guessed it- a scarecrow. You’re already planning next year’s costumes.
* You’ll drag Jonathan to concerts and cons all the time. At first, he was hesitant to go to them, but the more you’ve taken him, the more he’s grown interested. Your favorite bands are now his favorite bands. He’s found himself humming the heaviest of songs you introduced him to. You used to beg him to dress for the cons, but now you don’t have to. Jonathan already has ideas for the next con, even.
* You and Jonathan surprisingly have a lot in common. You had rough childhoods, you have a genuine disdain for other people most of the time, cats are interesting to both of you, and you have some mental illness as well, and so does he, obviously. You also have a mutual hatred for Batman. You think he’s overrated, and Jonathan, well, why he hates him is obvious, too.
* Did someone say fishnets? Jonathan has bought you so many pairs of those and knee socks because he’ll literally rip them off you. He gets you a bunch of fishnets in different colors to match the lingerie sets he buys you. Jonathan thinks you look the hottest in red.
* Jonathan’s favorite intimate thing to do is dye your roots or paint your nails. At first, he hated doing your hair, but now he does it without a problem, plus he’ll even touch up your layers. He’s delicate when painting your nails, holding your hands softly but firmly. Jonathan is very intricate in nature, so he does them flawlessly every time.
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@sstar-ggirl @cillsmurphs @ldklollord @thecherrycocktail @dunklerkeks1611 @hllywdwhre @ecstaticforus @faelvz @ceruleanrainblues @yongi-lee @baizzhu @aporiasposts @queenshelby @amanda08319 @orijanko @naty-1001 @raineeace @nela-cutie @cutexlr @flwrs4aust @langdons-slut @shynovelist @trixie23 @cillianbabe @slut4thebroken @mypoisonedvine @burnyouwithacigarettelighter @cranesbathtowel @arieslost @nefhertari @forgottenpeakywriter @llucky-llove @october-atoner @madlittlecriminal @ynisthatyou @starbxnny @darkmoviesquotespizza @newtsniffles
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mrsometimes11 · 8 months
As I scroll Tumblr during this spooky season, I notice a lot of very good fanart depicting Ducktales (2017) characters in Halloween costumes, and it gets me to thinking how big of a crime it is that we only got one Halloween episode.
Seriously, we got two Christmas episodes, three if you count 'The Impossible Summit of Mt. Neverrest!', which does take place in the Christmas season, but doesn't have much in the way of holiday themes and doesn't use a different title-sequence, but only one Halloween one, we were robbed on that front.
Anyway, all this is to say, if we got a second Halloween special, what costumes do you reckon the characters would wear, I'll go first.
Scrooge - the same glowing skeleton costume, that guy is not gonna be buying a new costume every year.
Huey - the burning JWG he once hallucinated, gotta spread that nightmare fuel.
Dewey - Darkwing Duck, he's doing a costume with LP
Louie - Webby, she's family now, so free reign to dress as. Yes he is just wearing a bow in his hair, but damn if it isn't convincing.
Webby - Scrooge, we all know she's secretly been cosplaying as him for years, but, now she's passed the 'it has to be scary' thing you know she's going to be dressing as him at every possible opportunity.
Lena - in contrast to her usual look, something a lot brighter. She isn't wearing any costume, per se, and she definitely isn't copying several elements from Webby's normal clothes, and is not competing with Louie.
Violet - normal clothes, she doesn't realise it's Halloween.
LaunchPad - Gosalyn, he's doing a costume with Dewey, and as this is his first proper Halloween he's gone all out, and it's the quite possibly the most horrifying thing ever.
Donald - Storcules, he won't mind, they're best friends (acquaintances!)
Della - Selene, good combo with Donald.
Penumbra - Della has dragged her along, no she isn't in any special costume, because she's scary enough as is.
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sparkbeast20 · 6 months
After seeing that Andrealphus and Raphael meme it looks like Raphael doesn’t even remembers him 💀
Imagien if some demon cosplaying as your kind came up to you and wants revenge from you and starts naming everything you took from them and you are just standing like:
Okay, here's the thing. We don't actually know that Raphael would forget Andrealphus.
I made those memes purely base on what I assume his attitude in the Halloween even.
Like, Raphael does not give a crap to his own kind, so what more to a devil.
I do prefer that Raphael don't know or acknowledge Andrealphus as a threat, cause he killed so many devils that he lost count.
It would be such a blow to Andrealphus cause that was his life goal to kill angels and Raphael specifically.
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shellsbellslove · 1 year
If more than one applies to you, just pick whatever defines you the most!
Tell me if I forgot one!
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kittiwrites · 2 years
Obey Me Demon brother's favorite human holidays
summary: headcanons on what i think the demon bros favorite holidays from the human world would be. Written by a white american atheist with christian/catholic family so sadly there will be no holidays from other regions/religions because i just dont know much about them.
honestly i don't know how much he'd like holidays, considering how serious he can be and how he'd have to watch over his brothers to make sure they dont cause chaos during it....I think any holiday where people typically get a day off work without it being a big celebration would be a good one...like labor day??? does that even count?
hmmm...Saint Patrick's day? He hears about leprechauns and their pot of gold and he wants some. When he can't find it, he'll end up drinking a little bit...idk if human alcohol has any effect on demons
Other than that i think he likes christmas but only when he's getting presents lol
I think he's like Halloween so he can cosplay as his fav characters as his costume. I think he gets really into it as well. I think he'd also be the type to criticize other people's costumes if they don't hold up to his standards
Similarly to Lucifer, i don't know if he'd like any holidays in particular...Maybe Halloween? I think he might be interested in the history behind it.
Valentines day, y'all know why ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Thanksgiving, he likes any holiday that involves food but especially thanksgiving since it's the main focus. You have to be careful so that he doesn't eat the entire feast...at least you will have no problems with dealing with leftovers.
hmm...Halloween? I think he'd like the vibes. I think he'd also appreciate any holiday that gives the day off so he can have an excuse to sleep in lol (same)
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