#does any of this make sense? idk I'm tired and tired. and tired. <3
justficsiguess · 4 months
now that my long covid is back in full swing my thoughts keep coming back to yandere!John Wick speeding up the kidnapping process bc you get sick...
He tried to get to know you in a normal way, he promises! Or at least make it feel normal to you, he was stalking you, but you didn't need to know that. He was just a guy you "randomly" stumbled into at the cafe, the supermarket, the library... So you decide to exchange numbers because he's so pretty and charming!
You keep texting like normal while he's gone on what he says is a "business trip", but you neglect to tell him you're sick. Why would he need to know that, he's not even here, no need to worry him! But unfortunately when he gets back you're still not feeling better, maybe even worse, more fatigued/etc, so when he asks if you want to go on a date with him you have to decline. You'd love to go, but you can't, you can barely make it to the supermarket to buy groceries, and afterwards you need to lie down for a few hours....
So when you decline his offer of staying with him "until you feel better" (he has no intentions of ever letting you go) out of politeness, he breaks into your apartment and takes you anyways, you're clearly not in your right mind! You don't have to take care of yourself when he can do it for you!
After waking up in his house and getting through a long explanation of why you're here and how he's not letting you go, sorry, he wanted you to come here willingly (and he was so close to that happening), but he just couldn't wait any longer when you're suffering like this, he starts taking care of you. Carrying you around when you're too tired to move, making you walk around a bit so you're not just lying down motionless all the time (he might even go outside with you like this, it's not like you can run away... and his grip on you is so tight you couldn't get away anyways, I mean, he has to make sure you don't fall!), getting you expensive medicine that he heard might help, anything to get you to feel better! Isn't this better than being alone? You'll understand soon, you're just not used to being taken care of yet...
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tinystepsforward · 2 months
i've still been keeping tabs on what's happening at automattic. a couple of things i've observed:
toni schneider (who is a man btw), the interim ceo, has been quite open with staff in ways that mean they generally seem relieved to have him leading the company for now. i've heard people speak optimistically about him from all parts of the spectrum (by which i mean: staff who are trans tumblr users right through to staff who are "anti-woke" or whatever and were absolutely intolerable to work with as a trans person), which seems like... a good sign? maybe.
this relative transparency includes things like weekly updates from an executive level, as well as openly saying that he did have to directly speak to matt and encourage him to, you know, stop posting.
matt is back to his usual milquetoast blogging, and replied to someone on mastodon about the AI issue saying he'd comment on it when he's back in may, so whatever toni said to him seems to have worked for him keeping out of it for now.
people have no idea what it's gonna look like when matt's back.
the best case scenario is that schneider manages to create a significant enough boost in morale and productivity that "it'd be nice if we just kept him" becomes a sentiment that isn't held just by the rank and file. i don't know how likely that is, but there's a sense of cautious hope and of making the most of this reprieve from matt's increasingly erratic decisions no matter what.
the tumblr staff statement was approved by schneider and hr, so i am also hopeful they won't face repercussions. what they said might seem pretty mild from the outside, or carefully worded, but it's pretty clear to me and to most people who've worked at companies like this that it's a pretty bold one.
i'll quote a friend:
keep reminding the more histrionic elements out there that: 1. there really are trans people, INCLUDING TRANS WOMEN, in the fight here. 2. we don't have nearly the power they seem to think we do. 3. we're fighting anyway. was the statement we wrote enough? fuck no. does it fix everything? fuck no. but we literally called out the CEO, and got the greenlight for it from the interim CEO. i don't know where this will end, but that's not nothing.
i'm not sure automattic deserves the immense honor of having this many of its brave, dedicated trans staff put effort into trying to make it better. but it has them, and it would be wise to do its best to keep them. so many of us — even me, even now — believe in the ideals that drew us to the work automattic does, and hope that it can return to them. we will see!
other things i want to say:
the wellbeing of my friends on staff is my priority. i am interested primarily in their safety, and won't pressure them to give me goss. the ways i've spoken publicly are already pretty scary to people who might worry about retaliation against them just for being known to be my friend.
this is a regular personal blog. i'll keep updating if there's shit to update about, but i also don't work at automattic any more (thank fuck, again), have a life, and am not interested in declaring matt my specific nemesis or otherwise acting purely out of spite.
some of youse really deeply do not understand companies, the internet, generative ai, or pretty much anything else i've said. that's okay — big tech in particular is fucked up on purpose bc it benefits those in power to have it be incomprehensible! but maybe it's not a great position from which to get mad at me specifically or at staff for idk not personally assassinating matt.
got tired of blocking transphobes so i've turned anons off. i'll probably flick them back on eventually.
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ronniaugust · 10 months
How To Write Good Dialogue (Part 1)
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I'm gonna start this by saying I'm not trying to sound like a know-it-all. I am just tired of posts like these being absolutely fucking useless. I am aware this is basically me screaming into a void and I’m more than okay with that.
This guide is meant for intermediate screenwriters, but beginners are also absolutely welcome. :)
(about me)
I've noticed a rise in film students who want to make films that have no dialogue. Probably after your professor showed you Doodlebug, right? Fuck that.
I'll make another post about writing a short film, but all you need to know is: Don't waste the audience’s time. Most of these no-dialogue shorts have very little substance and take way too long to tell the shortest possible story. Not a good idea.
Useless Dialogue
Plain and simple, don't write useless dialogue. Useless dialogue is dialogue that just doesn't fucking matter. Dialogue matters by having ✨subtext.✨
What is subtext? Subtext is the meaning behind the action. That's it.
If I tell you that I love you and I got big doe eyes while I say it, it means I love you. If I tell you I love you through a clenched jaw without looking at you, I don't necessarily love you right now.
Simple, right? Great.
Now think about the subtext behind every line. Does your character mean what they're saying? Are they doing it to get what they want? What is going through their mind as they say it? As long as you know your character, you’ll have these answers ready to go. If you don’t, you’ll figure it out eventually. Just keep writing.
When you write your character walking into a Starbucks and saying, "One venti iced coffee," does that do something? Why do I need to see someone's boring Starbucks order? Do I need to know that your character's boring? Why are you writing a boring character? [Of course, in the rare situation where this is some revealing clue to the massive crime investigation, then it makes sense.]
Useless dialogue is any dialogue that has no meaning or purpose in your script. Delete and move on. You don't need to write entire conversations or scenes that bore us, just write what we care about.
I took a class once where my professor called a version of this "trimming the fat." Get us into your scene and out of your scene in as little time as it takes to have it achieve its full purpose in the script.
[P.S. You don’t “inject” subtext into your lines. Idk who started that vernacular in subtext teachings but I hate it.]
Show vs. Tell
I remember a glorious fight I got into with a Redditor last year about show vs. tell… TL;DR: Dialogue is “show” if you write it with intention and subtext. If someone says that dialogue is inherently “tell,” they’re wrong and can go fuck themselves.
Dialogue that is “tell” is expositional dialogue. But, hot take: Exposition isn't just in dialogue. It’s also those annoying clichés that make you roll your eyes in the theater (which we just call clichés and not exposition). I’m sure every professor I’ve had will disagree with this and then get me into a long conversation about it, but let’s ignore that for right now.
Have you ever seen a movie where a character rubs an old, worn-out photo of a young girl while looking depressed? That's exposition. That character has a dead daughter. No shit.
Clichés are incredibly annoying. We all know that. Assume that any cliché you see - in this context - is exposition and try your best not to write it. (Tropes are different and sometimes necessary, so I’m not talking about that.)
Point blank: When you have subtext in your lines, they are "show,” not “tell.”
Before moving on, I'll bring up that while technically the dead daughter photo is subtextual, it is as close to the character saying “My daughter is dead,” as you can get. Don't treat the audience like we're fucking stupid.
The First 15
If you don’t know what the Inciting Incident is, please look up “3 Act Structure” before reading this.
The first 15 pages of your script is the part that comes before the Inciting Incident. This is the part you want to get right because, although people probably won’t leave the theater, they will absolutely find something else on the streaming service they’re using. The people making said movie will also just toss your script in the trash before it’s even produced, so it's best to get it right.
Dialogue in the first 15 generally follows the same rules, but carries a heftier additional rule. All dialogue in the first 15 minutes must, must, must tell us something about your character.
Remember when I talked about that boring Starbucks order? Why is your character boring? Don’t write that. Don’t write nice characters. Or pleasant characters. Or friendly characters. No one cares.
You want empathy. This does not mean “relatable.” It means “empathetic.” There is a difference.
I personally relate to Vi in Arcane, but I empathize with Theo in Children of Men. Both are excellent, but one personally resonates a bit more with me. You cannot write a character that deeply resonates with every single person, it is impossible.
With each line of dialogue, you must be saying something about your character that generates the empathy. Instead of telling you how to do this, I’ll direct you to a movie that will do better than an explanation: Casablanca.
Watch how Rick interacts with the world. What kind of man is Rick? Watch what he does, what he says, and how he treats people and himself. Watch that empty glass on the table. Watch his contradictions. Everything. Those things matter and it’s what makes you want to watch Rick for the entire duration of Casablanca.
This is maybe more directorial, but make your characters human enough, not too human.
Too human is when you’ve tried your best to capture all those little life-like speech patterns. You know, the ones that no one fucking cares about.
If your character coughs, they’re sick. If they clear they’re throat, they’re uncomfortable. If a bruise isn’t going away, they’re going to die. Simple.
Every moment on screen matters. Everything the audience sees is meant to lead them to a conclusion. Not the conclusion, just a conclusion.
The realism you want is in the choices your character makes, not how many times they say “Uh,” in a sentence.
Dialogue matters and should not be treated lightly or without care. Once you have this all engrained in your mind, dialogue should become effortless.
If you want an excellent way to think about this, Robert McKee's Story has an excellent chapter that helped clarify this all for me. Here's an excerpt and the context.
Warning, spoilers for Chinatown.
"If I were Gittes at this moment, what would I do?"
Letting your imagination roam, the answer comes:
"Rehearse. I always rehearse in my head before taking on life's big confrontations."
Now work deeper into Gittes's emotions and psyche:
Hands white-knuckled on the steering wheel, thoughts racing: "She killed him, then used me. She lied to me, came on to me. Man, I fell for her. My guts are in a knot, but I'll be cool. I'll stroll to the door, step in and accuse her. She lies. I send for the cops. She plays innocent, a few tears. But I stay ice cold, show her Mulwray's glasses, then lay out how she did it, step by step, as if I was there. She con-fesses. I turn her over to Escobar; I'm off the hook."
Gittes' car speeds into the driveway.
You continue working from inside Gittes' pov, thinking:
"I'll be cool, I'll be cool ..." Suddenly, with the sight of her house, an image of Evelyn flashes in your imagination. A rush of anger. A gap cracks open between your cool resolve and your fury.
The Buick SCREECHES to a halt. Gittes jumps out.
"To hell with her!"
Gittes SLAMS the car door and bolts up the steps.
Story by Robert McKee, pg 156
The context of this page is McKee's way of explaining how to write characters. I found it very helpful.
Thanks for reading! I probably forgot something, so I made this a “part 1.”
I hope this helps someone since I’m really tired of finding short films on YouTube that are all fucking silent. The few who have done it well have been copied to death, so please write some dialogue. I promise you it’s so much better if you do.
Asks are open! :)
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mazeinthemiroh · 2 years
Hi!! Can I request an Ateez reaction to you being unusually cuddly and just latching onto them after a long day? Maybe because you're upset about something, or just tired, on your period etc. I've been feeling really tired lately and the thought of cuddling the fuck out of them is one of the few remaining things that keep me going lol. But if you don't want to write this, that's completely fine too of course!!! Thank you and have a nice day :) ❤️
ateez reaction to you being in need of comfort
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genre: fluff
word count: 1k
warnings: joong's and hwa's reactions are sort of like mini scenarios?? idk it still cute and fluffy all the same
author's notes: lowercase intentional. oh anon i totally feel you on this one :( i am super proud of you, please get some rest when you can. i hope these reactions make you feel a little better. sending lots of love <3
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it had been a long, stressful week, to say the least. so you decide to join hongjoong in the studio one afternoon. you'll be sitting with him quietly, watching him do his thing. but the need for physical contact took over you. you decide to get up, walking over to him, at first wrapping your arms around him from behind. he smiled fondly at your touch, turning around to look at you. what he didn't expect was to see tears glisten over your eyes. "jagi..." hongjoong's voice was soft, quiet, laced with sympathy and love. he turned his chair around to face you fully and pulled you onto his lap. "i'm sorry joongie" you whimpered as you hugged him tightly. "i'm just a bit tired and sensitive today that's all." hongjoong would shush your apologies and rub circles on your back to soothe you. "it's okay, i got you."
life just wasn't treating you right lately. you had become emotionally exhausted and it took a big toll on you. so when you slipped into seonghwa's room, you didn't want to make eye contact with him. he immediately notices your uncharacteristic demeanour. "y/n? you okay sweetie?" he inquired. finally giving in and looking at him, you burst into tears, not being able to control yourself anymore. seonghwa would rush up to you, extremely concerned. he would scoop you up in his arms and cradle you, letting you cry into his neck. he himself would probably be emotional and distressed from your crying in general. you cling onto him for the rest of the night and he clings onto you too. there's no way he's letting you go.
yunho is such an easy boyfriend. if you want space? he will give it to you. similarly, if you want to hang off of him like a koala bear the whole day, who is he to deny such a request? yunho just loves to know that he is your source of comfort. his way of soothing you is by distracting you from any negative thoughts by talking about other different random things. he likes to make jokes here and there because he wants to see you smile <///3 but all this time he is using the sweetest, softest voice for you. as much as he likes joking around he does take your emotions seriously, so if he senses that his jokes aren't landing the way he wants them to, he will stop and provide you with a big bear hug <//3
i know yeosang seems quite shy but he does like to feel needed/wanted. so on the days when you just need him to hold you and cuddle you softly, he would really like that. he is such a softie :(( he would just love cuddling in peaceful silence with you, both of you relaxing together and dwelling in each others company. you both are very comforted. if you are just tired, it is easier for him to comfort you, getting you relaxed and making you comfortable enough to drift off to sleep in his arms. however, if you are sad, he might be a little awkward at first, not knowing how to comfort you. he would likely stay silent and pull you in for a tight hug, letting you cry and vent to him about anything.
he is like an expert in comforting you because he knows exactly what to say and do to make you feel better. san is would be just as clingy as you tbh. he just lives and thrives off of cuddles so when you tell him you are sad and weak and just want to be close to him the boy literally melts. 'ahh my baby you have nothing to worry about, i'm here" he would say in his cute pouty voice that he does, all to make you feel better. he will sit you on his lap and cuddle you so close, cooing and kissing all your worries and negative thoughts away. looking at you with so much affection in his eyes, he will not stop saying how much he loves you.
this guy wants cuddles all the time like it's not a joke. he might stiffen up a bit when he sees you upset because he is anxious he might say or do the wrong thing and possibly hurt your feelings or make things worse. but he tries his very best. you will both get into your pyjamas and he will pull you onto his chest so you guys are all snuggly together. he will probably put on a comfort movie and play with your hair, whispering different compliments here and there: "you look so beautiful today" and "i can't believe you're mine." would feel proud if you fell asleep on him, because he knows he's made you feel relaxed <3333
"why are you latching onto me huh? did you miss me that much today?" wooyoung's tone would be playful as he teased you, feeling your arms wrapped around his form in a back hug. when he doesn't hear you respond he turns around to face you, and after seeing your tearful and exhausted face, he softens and pulls you in for a deeper hug. "well i still don't think you missed me as much as i missed you baby" he says in a gentler tone, giving you a reassuring squeeze before plopping on the couch with you, cuddling the night away.
jongho isn't used to you being extra cuddly. he doesn't really know what to do at first, sort of quirking up an eyebrow when you continue to hang onto him and embrace him. but he will accept your affection with a light-hearted chuckle. still, he can sense something isn't quite right. "you okay, jagi?" he would ask in a soft but firm voice. when you lower your gaze, he would reach out to grab your hand and pull your body closer to his. "tell me what's wrong then. i'm here. i'm listening."
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happilychaengs · 11 months
Killing Me Good
a/n: after like 3 weeks, i have found the inspiration to write. wow fun. this is more experimental writing and i don't know if this is honestly any good but if it is, it'd be cool to know
word count: 1,417 
park jihyo x gender neutral reader
if you can: like, reblog, send asks, all that stuff idk
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Nervousness bubbled inside you.
When your girlfriend - her hair drenched in the rain - brushed past you without a single word, not even a noise, and headed straight into her room, you couldn't help but feel a sense of dread wash over you as you hesitantly knocked on the door.
"Jihyo? Are you okay?"
You knock again. "Jihyo?"
You hear rustling behind the door.
You go to knock again, "Ji-"
"What do you want?" Her voice is laced with venom, her eyes glaring at you.
"What's wrong?"
Jihyo grips the side of the wall, her knuckles turning a pale shade. Water begins to drip down her wet hair, her biting her lips tight as she brushed past you again, quickly walking to the front door.
You hear the door slam from beside you as your heart drops. She's doing it again. Pushing you away. And even though you were no stranger to it, it hurts even more each time.
"Where have you been, Jihyo?"
Her tone is dry as she sighs, dropping her shoulders, "Out."
"Out where?"
"I don't know? Some bar." She sits beside you on the couch, leaning into it as she rubbed her temples with her hands, "Does it matter?"
"Yes, Jihyo! It does because I'm worried about you!" You glance towards the clock on the wall, "It's 4 in the morning!"
Your eyes meet hers, them being filled with a deep ocean of shame and guilt, "And I... I don't need you to worry about me, I'm fine!" And the more you hear her voice, the more you can hear her drunken stupor. "I don't need you bothering me every time I come home!"
"Is... is that how you really see me?" You let out a wry, pain-filled chuckle, "A bother?"
As you began to stand up, you feel her grip on your hand, "Wait... I didn't mean that... You know that."
You shook her hand off easily, "Drunk words are sober thoughts, Jihyo."
You step out of your front door, feeling the rain pour against you, your shirt beginning to stick against your body. You see Jihyo and her slicked back hair walking down the street, her fists clenched.
Your dishevelled hair became glossy as your face felt the cold and wet rain pour against it; your eyes glazed in a layer of tears. "I don't deserve this, Jihyo! I don't deserve the shit you put me through and still I'm here! So can you just tell me what's wrong for once instead of shattering my heart?" Your voice died down into a hushed whisper against the feverent rain hitting the pavement. "Please?"
Jihyo bites her lips and turns around, the rainfall masking her bittersweet tears. Her smile is melancholic, her fists clenched tightly much like her teeth. She can see the feelings swimming around in those beautiful eyes of yours. It's the look of regret, that she knows all too well, and just a smidge of hopefulness that she doesn't understand why. Why of all people do you choose her?
She was the person who had the most chances to hurt you and she has taken every. Single. One. "Why...? Why... are you still here, Y/N? Why do you put up with me? Why do you stick around knowing I'll hurt you again over and over?"
"Jihyo... what the fuck is this?" Your voice is weak and tired. It's the way you sigh as you show her your phone capturing the night before. She's kissing someone.
And that someone isn't you.
"Y/N... I can explai-"
"I'm sure you can but will any of it make me feel better about this? This is the second time, Jihyo. And I'm... I'm not sure if I can do this anymore. I don't know if I'm stupid for staying and... I don't even know if you love me anymore"
"You don't mean that..."
"Then... please change my mind..."
"Is it not obvious? I love you! That's why I put up with it all!" Your throat begins to choke on your own emotions, the tears running freely down your cheeks.
And she knows.
Because she loves you too.
But this is the only love she knows. The love that hurts. The love that rips out your heart and leaves you alone. The love that hurts you regardless of what you might feel. The love that pushes people away.
The love that kills you.
"Fuck off, Jihyo! Why do you keep doing this to me? You say you'll do better! You say you'll change! But you can't even make it to... to our fucking anniversary?" Your voice is strained from all the tears you've shed as you breathe heavily over the phone.
"We had a schedule today, I swear I'll make it up to you! I'm so sor-"
"How do you make up for this? You promised me over and over that today was the most special day to you and... yet you can't even find the time? Fuck you."
The call ends.
"Let's..." her heart feels heavy, her throat beginning to feel dry. Her fists clenched together as she avoided your gaze, "Let's break up, Y/N."
"What? Ji-" she couldn't bear to hear this.
And so she doesn't let you speak.
"I don't... love you." Lie 1.
"You can look now!" You take off your blindfold as your ears gets blasted by airhorns and poppers, a big banner held up by your girlfriend's band members.
"Ji, what is this?"
"It's your birthday today, right?" She beams as she pulls out a bouquet of your favorite flowers from behind her, "You never told me but... I have my ways."
"What? You shouldn't have... It's really not that impor-"
"And to not celebrate my one and only's special day? I'm never doing that."
"I never have." Lie 2.
"Look at us here!" You laugh loudly as your head rests atop Jihyo's shoulders, you pointing to the page inside of the photobook. "Wasn't this your first rollercoaster?" She jests.
"Well, yeah... but look at your face! You look more terrified than me!"
"Okay... to be fair, the drop was like two hundred feet!"
You nudge her shoulder as you laugh even louder, her rolling her eyes playfully at you, "No? It was like fifty feet!"
Jihyo flips the next page of your photobook as you smile, her whispering as she rests her head on yours, "We can agree to disagree on that."
"You know I'm right though."
"And deep inside, even if you don't believe it now... I know you don't love me either." Lie 3.
"So... let's not do this anymore." But what she really wants to say is, You don't have to put up with me anymore.
"Ji... what is this?" Your lips turned into a tight smile as you glanced all around your shared home. Lights dangled across the roof, the fragrance of roses throughout the rooms.
"I said I'd make it up to you. This is for everything. All the important days I missed with you. All the stupid things I did." She stretches out her hand for you to take, which you do gladly, as she brings you along to the living room. The walls are lined with photos, memorabilia, and anything and everything the two of you shared in your time together.
Her eyes pool with tears as she stares at you, awestruck at the love and memories surrounding you, "I love you so much, Y/N."
And the dread on your face, the humility, the sorrow. It's insurmountable.
Your mouth is agape but nothing comes to life. Your words are lost in the rain as you stared at her with your bloodshot eyes. Your eyes are glassy as your lips purse tightly together, naturally to stop a cry from coming out as she stares at you.
And the moment she meets your gaze is the moment it all hits her.
She's lost you.
Truly lost you. And this wasn't like any stupid mistake she made before. This was the end.
There was no more hope in your eyes. There was no more love. There's nothing but the dark and looming shade of regret.
It's the regret of choosing her- loving her. It's the regret of putting up with all the stupid shit she did. It's the regret that you didn't leave sooner. It's the regret of ever giving her more chances.
And her regret was to not love you how she should've because now this love was killing her instead.
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hotpinkboots · 1 year
Will you pls writ Din x reader who fixes up the razor crest in the middle of the night so he doesn't have to in morning? english isnt my first languge so I apologize if this doesnt make sense 😶‍🌫️thank you!
~𝕯𝖎𝖓 𝕯𝖏𝖆𝖗𝖎𝖓 w/a Darling Who Fixes The Ship For Him~
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This is so CUUUTE THANK YOU FOR THIS REQUEST :D ALSO DARLINGS I think I should mention that I think I hit some sort of link or character limit on the Masterlist? Idk if that's how it works but it will NOT let me add anything else, so I'm gonna make a bunch of Masterlists instead like Undertale/Deltarune Masterlist, Star Wars Masterlist, DHMIS Masterlist, ect. So when I've finished them all, this'll be added to the Star Wars Masterlist rather than the current Masterlist. I said Masterlist so many times it sounds weird now woah... ⭐REMEMBERRR THIS IS ALL PART OF THE MANDALORIAN SEASON 3 EVENT THINGY! Any requests I get with Mando will be done BEFORE any other requests in my inbox! This goes all week long!⭐
𝕯𝖎𝖓 𝕯𝖏𝖆𝖗𝖎𝖓
~Din wakes up early already (not only does he have to, but he's already a light sleeper because he's always on high alert), but some days he wakes up even earlier to fix the ship.
~And he immediately is like "oh" when he sees there's nothing to fix.
~If you're the type of person where you can sleep in, he'll notice it and think it's nice that you woke up just to fix the ship for him. Will probably want to do a little something for you in return <<3
~Or if you're the type of person where you wake up early no matter how late you stayed up, he'll definitely notice you're more sluggish.
~You ruined your sleep schedule for him omg 🥺
~Mando will definitely make sure you know that he noticed you fixed it for him.
~But if you continue to stay up late to fix things so he doesn't have to, he'll ask you to stop. He thinks it's really sweet of you, but he doesn't want you being tired everyday. Not only can it make you slower to react in a dangerous situation, but he really hates seeing you exhausted because you were doing all the work.
~So now it becomes a thing you two bond over, and you end up fixing things together while you talk.
~He loves having a partner that cares about him so much to where they would literally ruin their sleep just to do something for him LOL
~But he won't let you do that anymore.
~Din didn't really realize you care that much until you did that for him.
~Makes him really happy and amused that you were so determined to help out that you woke up in the dead of night to do it.
Request Rules!
Discord Server! Here you can roleplay with and as your favorite characters, get updates on my fanfiction, and get sneak peaks for my upcoming videogames!:
~Love, PinkBoots
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crescentfool · 18 days
i've been doing a bunch of tartarus runs in reload lately, and it got me thinking about how i miss certain ways FES's clunky gameplay can characterize minato… (ramble about the great clock mechanic + leveling up party members in reload vs fes under the cut)
when i got to yabbashah block in tartarus (block 3), i remember commending the developers for adding the great clock mechanic. it's a much more convenient way to keep party members at the protagonist's level- so when you think about p3 from the perspective of trying to make it easier for people to play, the mechanic succeeds in this respect.
but now that i'm in adamah block, and that i've done lots of my once-a-month tartarus runs… i think that i got a little too dependent on it, and the way that i played through reload feels like a vastly different experience from how i played FES.
in reload, my party's levels are very lopsided. minato, yukari, akihiko, mitsuru, and fuuka are all level 90+, meanwhile junpei and aigis are at level 79, and then… poor ken and koromaru are at 71 and 64 respectively. (i never got to have a great clock for them…)
meanwhile, in FES, my party's levels were much more evenly distributed and were at least level 90. i did all of this manually for every monthly tartarus run because i enjoyed having options available for the taratarus guardians and monthly operations.
with how i perceive minato, i feel that the way i played FES feels more in-line with his character than me dawdling around waiting for the great clocks in reload.
FES's gameplay loop left me with the very strong impression that minato has to work twice as hard as everyone else in SEES does. it makes sense because, yeah, he's the leader, but something about having minato run through tartarus multiple times with different groups of people just to make sure that they are adequately prepared speaks volumes about his character, to me.
and while the tired mechanic is present in reload to some degree, most notably with allowing you to freely raise your courage stat when you visit edogawa after school… the tiredness system doesn't hit the same way that FES does, i think.
the way your party members in FES will call it quits when they return to the entrance floor at tartarus when they're tired, versus minato, in spite of all his tiredness and sickness, still pushes through tartarus because it's his responsibility…. idk!!! i miss that! i feel like this really hammers home the difference between minato and the rest of SEES, how minato doesn't really see himself as a human with needs worth respecting as long as he's useful to someone.
i don't think that tartarus being tedious (in FES especially) is not what most people would describe as fun, and i can respect people thinking it's a slog. but, regardless of how it feels to play, it doesn't change that FES's gameplay loop is a fundamental building block in how i perceive minato…
of course, i do recognize that you can just opt to NOT use the great clock in reload (and it's great when players are offered the choice to not partake in mechanics)! i definitely think that if someone really wanted to, they could manually level up party members, but i do feel that kind of playstyle isn't necessarily "incentivized" to the type of people who are into playing games for Having a Good Time. it's kind of like… "why would you do that when there's a much more convenient option available to you."
in any case! despite my woes, i do want to emphasize that i'm glad that reload has a much more smoother gameplay loop than the original P3 did, because it does make the game more accessible to people. having played both FES and reload, it feels very strongly apparent to me how the core gameplay formula of persona has really been refined in the past 18 years (to think og p3 was 2006 and reload is 2024.. time flies!). and reload has made revisiting a story that i love so dearly much, much easier because the gameplay just bops!
at the same time, due to my "i miss characterization informed by weird and dated FES gameplay quirks" woes, i still think that playing FES is worthwhile. (really, i feel this way about all iterations of p3! i think it's worthwhile to see what each version and side media has to say even if it doesn't Land™ for you.) but i also understand why people wouldn't want to play it, so i will keep writing posts about things i liked from FES's gameplay because i'm still very fond of FES (especially in respects to minato. these mechanics are so telling about him!!!) 💪
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saotoru · 6 months
the most recent ask from 🐯 anon got me thinking thoughts... what about all of those at the same time? :P
leon coming home from work while you're sitting lazily on the couch, so he comes and sits between your thighs. at first hes watching your show with you, however when you rest your head on his shoulder you realize that hes so squirmy ..? in the end he tells you that was just soo pent up all day at work today but was too embarrassed to tell you!! how cute!!
so, like any good partner would do, of course you tease him saying how hes so naughty thinking of you all day while trying to do his job? wooow what a whore <3. but of course he's your whore, so he ends up with his pants + boxers off shirt unbuttoned hands ALL over his chest. soon enough you're jerking him off without even moving from your original seat (bc leon :( i'm just so tired from waiting for you all night D: OHHHH LAWWWDDD SEDATE ME)
does this even make sense? idk its my late night ramblings again... - 🐞
(loved the brittany broski reference from the last ask btw LOL she's literally the spokeswoman of being insane over fictional men)
wahhh sitting on the couch w him resting against your chest after a long day :( hes so needy but doesn’t know how to say it. fidgets in your arms, nuzzles his cheek against yours until you finally ask why he’s moving so much. he’s still shy to admit it but then he feels your hands slide beneath his shirt and up his waist and soon you’re playing with his nipples :( you definitely won’t get a straight answer out of him now, the only noise he can make is a sharp inhale through gritted teeth while you pinch and thumb them. he’s nearly forgotten all about his day or what even happened before being in your lap like this—that is, until your hands fall away from his chest. suddenly he can talk again, but only to beg; i couldn’t—i couldn’t stop thinking about you today. please, just wanna feel good. want you to make me feel good, please please please.
soon you’re lifting his shirt overhead and slipping off his pants and now he’s fucking naked. the feeling of your clothes on his back only serves as a reminder of just how embarrassing this is and leon’s secretly grateful he’s not facing you otherwise you’d see just how hot his face feels. it only grows worse when you’re whispering in his ear, asking him to show you what he was fantasizing about all day. that’s when he’ll guide your hand down to his cock, lets you feel how it’s leaking and throbbing and aches so damn much. ‘s been like this all day he whines. thought about you sitting on my face and it wouldn’t go away. he’s so impatient too, humping himself in your palm, hand holding yours as he guides you to jerk him off :( and who would you be to not start pumping him slowly, licking his neck, and telling him what a pretty slut he is for being horny all day :( he can’t help but whimper at that but he can’t even complain because this exactly what he wanted! all he can do is clutch your wrist sooo tight as you jerk him off. he won’t stop squirming and cums so fucking much when you wrap an hand around his neck and squeeze <33 he just wants to be your boytoy </3
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batsandgore · 21 days
Hello !
Glad to see a new DL blog ! Would you be willing to write platonic headcanons ? I'm such a sucker for the Sakamaki with a little sister.
Hope you'll get plenty of fun requests ! Take care !
Hi!! Of course I can! There's not enough plationic DiaLovers content out there, to be honest. This one is for all you platonic enjoyers! You take care also <3
The Sakamakis with a little sister...
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Shu Sakamaki:
He's the eldest, but let's be honest, he doesn't act like it in the slightest. He won't take responsibility for his little sister or pay attention to her anymore than he would to the rest of his younger siblings.
If she's quiet or similar to Subaru, he'd like her more than the rest (we all know Subaru is his favourite).
If his sister has any plushies or soft decorations in her room, she may find some missing. They're now acting as his pillow which isn't a bad fate at all tbh-.
If she's ever interested in learning a new language, she comes to him. Shu canonically knows Latin. If his sister catches him in a good enough mood, he'd be willing to teach her a few basics.
Consider him the watchful older sibling. He keeps an eye on all the goings on in the house, but unless it's extremely serious, he's very unlikely to intervein.
Reiji Sakamaki:
Whether you're his sister or otherwise, Reiji expects order and compliance.
Expect Reiji to be drilling in womanly values and etiquette into his little sister. As the older brother here, he feels as though it's his responsibility to have her raised properly (considering Shu is too lazy and Karlheinz is just... off the face of the earth idk where bro is).
Another Sakamaki who canonically knows another language - German. He's much more likely to teach his little sister than Shu would be. He'd be happy about how inquisitive she would be.
Would definitely brew potions specifically tailored to her if she ever falls ill or something happens that requires medical intervention. He's the unofficial nurse of the Sakamaki household at this point.
If she's lucky enough, he'd invite her into his lab room to have tea with him if he requires downtime.
Ayato Sakamaki:
He enjoys having siblings probably the most out of all the Sakamakis, except for Reiji.
He'd try and persuade his sister to get into one of the school sports teams. But what if she's not a sports person? When there's a will, there's a way. Ayato is very persistent.
Constant sibling bickering. And I mean constant. Especially at the monthly dinner parties. Reiji is like a tired mother of six, having to manage these two at the dinner table.
Has her make takoyaki for him constantly. It's his favourite food, after all. Low-key treats her like his personal chef at times.
Usually, he uses his sister as a meat shield if he's the brunt of one of Kanatos tantrums.
Kanato Sakamaki:
Kanato would love a little sister. He constantly has someone around him that he can treat as a doll, unlike the sacrificial brides which come and go quicker than day and night.
He'd love her if she wore lolita outfits. Big dresses that fall down to the ankles with a puffed out waistline that encompassed her legs on the way down.
This would probably be thanks to Reiji reinforcing those womanly values and dresscodes, but Kanato wouldn't complain or bat an eye at this. It benefits him greatly.
Would invite her to the room where he keeps all the dead brides on display. He'd maintain them with her and even ask for clothing advice for them. Sibling bonding!
If his sister bakes, he'd certainly taste test them for her. For her sake, though, let's hope she does a good job.
Laito Sakamaki:
A sister would be nice entertainment for him... in the sadistic sense. Laito loves psychologically messing with people, even his own family. And especially women.
He'd fuck with her in little ways though, not to the extremes he usually goes to with his brides or victims.
Oh? Is your journal missing? No, Laito didn't touch it! Somehow, he knows all the secrets you had in there now and teases you with them weeks later. Strange...
He'd play pool and darts with her. Card games, too! He loves those types of games. They give him a chance to relax, and they need at least two players after all!
Would ask her to help lure unsuspecting victims in to drink their blood, sharing their blood with her as a reward for helping out. She's typically more trusted as a woman, and he happily uses this to his advantage.
Subaru Sakamaki:
A fairly distant brother, honestly. Although, given she's the youngest after him, he has a closer bond with her compared to the rest of the brothers.
He takes care of her from the sidelines. He always watches out for trouble on her behalf, even if he doesn't admit that he does this for her.
Secretly, he revels in the fact he has someone younger in the family. It means he can look out for and protect them, something he couldn't do for his mother.
If she has an interest in flowers, Subaru will walk through the gardens of the Manor with her from time to time, explaining the flowers and their meanings.
Gifts her a knife, similarly to how he did with Yui. He wants her to be protected, even when he's not there.
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blackstarchanx3new · 10 months
Four Swords Returns 118-120
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Mini FSR rambles incoming I'm sorry I cannot condense my thoughts about the gay ass forest scene.
Shadow Link related to Vio in his own evil way.
Head cannon that he split them up just to talk to Vio goes brrr-
Seriously that timing is just- So sus. What are the odds 3 of em get transported to generally brightly lit places
But Vio is shoved into a dark as hell forest at night?
Sus too that the other's scenes are blatantly during the day but Vio's is at night? The FSA manga likes to play around and be vague with time but Vio must have been wandering around the forest for AWHILE for it to turn to night...tactically that'd make sense to strike up a convo when he'd be tired out. But if that's the case: Lmfao Shadow how long were you just watching Vio fight monsters only interrupting when Gannon was mentioned??? X'D
Also, I just LOVE the trope of "Come to our side" particularly in this manga because. Holy Shit it's SO AFFECTIVE as a strategy in theory. If he could get one of them on their side it's affectively an instant win condition, because no matter how much the other three struggle to power up the sword that doesn't quite matter when one of the wielders is uncooperative for whatever reason. The sword is virtually a sharp stick without all four parts lmfao.
Because here's smth to consider: Shadow Link is no stranger to kidnapping and that'd be just as affective in the short term but this dude tries to make friends instead which I find insanely interesting from a character angle. Because being genuine friends with one: MEANS SPARING ONE OF THEM.
When free to get rid of the heroes/incapacitate the four sword in ANY WAY HE WANTS what does he do? He tries to make friends with one of them lmfao.
Like, idk if I can fully convey how like interesting I find that as a concept.
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an incredibly personal rating of bmc ship names (ship names only, regardless of my feelings toward the ship itself)
boyf riends - 6/10. cute but so hard to tag. i think i saw backpack boyfriends being used back in the day that's a cute alternative
stagedorks - 9/10. a little basic but a classic it's cute
spicy bis - -5/10. this one is awful. makes zero sense, sounds atrocious, jeremy isn't even canonically bi. the other alternatives were even worse (i don't even wanna say it) but why use any of them when richjer exists
deere - 9/10. i fucking love it it's just their last names smashed together but it's fucking deere (dillinjer is a 4/10 because pronunciation-wise it's too similar to dillinger)
puppy love - 5/10. cute but straying a little into the tired 'jeremy is a furry' joke imo
expensive headphones - 3/10. idk it's just lazy and it's a common enough phrase for me to get violent whiplash when i encounter it in the wild
pins and patches - 5/10. super super cute but soooo niche like how is one supposed to figure this out???
upstage - 10/10. makes complete sense, simple and cute. love it.
playride - 10/10. basically same as above
dramatical theatre - 3/10. it took me so long to get this especially since none of chloe's other ship names involve the word 'drama' (to my knowledge at least??)
cinnabun - 0/10. none of y'all really gave a shit about jenna or christine and it shows
richjake - 10/10. look idc if it's 'boring' it's hilarious that these two out of all the characters got the most basic-ass shipname so ic of them (choosing to ignore arson bros which is a solid 0/10!)
arsonberry - -10/10. including all its other variants like fucking. hot dog. the only acceptable one is richbrooke. what's wrong with richbrooke anyway why are we not using that??
pupgrade - 2/10. just my personal opinion. like c'mon where's the effort
royal pains - 10/10. absolutely immaculate, captures their vibes perfectly. yes they are royal pains indeed.
pinkberry - 6/10. really cute and simple, fits the vibes but it's also the name of an already existing brand it's so hard to search for
iced tea - 7/10. there is a slight problem with searching but it's so clever and cute it makes up for it
gossip gals - 2/10. i always thought this would be more fitting for the smartphone hour girls' polyship??
boardwalk boys - 4/10. makes no sense but eh sounds cool lol
lesbihonest - -10/10. where do i even begin what does lesbihonest even have to do with the bmc girls. none of them are canonically lesbian. god i hate it so much this fandom really didn't care about the girls did they. if you named the boys' polyship boardwalk boys bc new jersey is famous for boardwalks or whatever then obviously the girls' polyship should be garden girls. bc y'know. nj the garden state?? it's literally right there oh my god i'm so salty about this one and i don't even ship it
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scoonsalicious · 15 days
the first thing i really want to say, i hate being right. i really hate it this time. WE WERE ROOTING FOR YOU BUCKY. I !!! WAS !!! FUCKING !!! ROOTING !!! FOR !!! YOU !!! I'll be calling you other names now until further notice. honestly, what more can I say? I basically said all the thoughts I had on my previous ask, and while at first they were based on theories, well, now they're not 😭 I'm not even mad at him anymore, I'm just so drained and tired of it all. Disappointed really. Just disappointed. I do know he didn't do the "<3" tho. Since Jethro went through his phone so she probably changed it herself. But that's the least of everyone's problem right now.
Like I said, if he had just confessed right off the bat, it wouldn't have been as bad, in my opinion at least. I mean, it's still a shitty thing to do no matter the semantics or technically, but it's the LYING. It's truly what fucks a person up. And yes with what you said!!! Brendon took so many choices away from Pocket!!! She was blindsided and manipulated to some degree and it's just. sigh. so disappointed.
Now, let me put my theory cap on because lol surprise, I have some. You said the first time didn't count. So something must've happened and I know you said it wasn't SA but sex pollen? could be? Or omg, something Hydra put because you know how they would probably want super soldiers to procreate even if it's against their will? What if Jacinta knows that code? and ..... shit, omg. wait. I just realized something. I really had to stare at my screen because this could be mind blowing but I also could be so wrong because this probably won't make any sense. BUT, (i know this will seem like i'm defending him but hear me out) if the first time wasn't his choice (not fully anyway), he probably still felt disgusted by himself that it happened. So, the second time, do you think Bob did it to punish himself? Like doing the act didn't give him any pleasure at all, just disgust and guilt and regret and actual physical pain? !!! TW !!! but kinda self-harm but in a different way? Because maybe in the back of his mind, he knew this would destroy Pocket, and the thought of that itself is so painful to him that, he did it as a way to punish himself? To hurt himself by hurting pocket? Which is a really fucked up mental gymnastic but idk okay, i have no idea how my brain works LMAO. He needs a new therapist my god. Or maybe he needs two. Or maybe I'm just way over my head and the reason the second time happened was because that was the time he saw the articles. OR could be both a mixture of both. And again, he had an actually devil in his shoulder. But still, to given in that easily. Weakass supersoldier if you ask me. Like I said, the whole "I did it for revenge" cuts differently too. Honestly just basically what i said on my previous ask hahaha
Sigh, I know there's something else going on. I know something was cooking underneath all that. I'm sure Jenny had more at play to this than Baker. I don't think she's that lucky that the universe just decided for everything to fall into place like that. I'm sure she had all the string. Like yes, I won't deny Bryan is an asshole, and he still did what he did. But still, no matter if there was something that happened that led up to the act (apart from the articles which is shitty on its own as a reason but he's a fragile weakass man so) It still won't change how he lied about it after. I do think the heaviest part of it, especially to Pocket, wasn't exactly the fact that he slept with Junia but the fact that he lied about it and covered it up.
I will add tho, as much as I am looking forward for Pocket to have her villain origin story, because she absolutely does deserve it, I'm just hoping she won't do something that she's regret later on. Though right now, I also have no idea how she's ever going to forgive him. We'll just have to wait and see as everything unfolds.
Honestly, I don't think I've got anything more to add. I'm just sitting here sighing and shaking my head as I'm typing this. Though I can't wait for the truth to unravel, because I really do have a feeling there's more than meets the eye. I'll probably pop back in if I have a new theory, but either way. You're amazing as always!
— Jnon 🤍
I think getting your posts are the favorite part of my day!
Let's address! I'm sorry you were right. I hate that you were right, but right you were. Pocket is also definitely drained and tired from it, too. Exhausted. Brutus definitely did not do the <3; he didn't even know how to unblock her. Venus Flytrap (going with a V-name this time, lol) did it all herself.
Part of what hurts Pocket so much is that Buckwheat knows her history, knows how much trouble she has with trusting people, and yet, he keeps lying. It's one of those "I lied because I knew the truth would hurt you," but he doesn't realize that the truth is so much more easy for her to digest than having to constantly wonder if he's being honest with her, just to find out he's not. One of the things they bonded over, early on in their friendship, was that they had had their bodies used by others, without their consent, so she thought he understood how important that was for her, and to have him make the same decisions her abusers did, by taking away her ability for informed consent, that's what's killing her. She thought he knew her better than that. Your theories! The "first time" doesn't have anything to do with sex pollen or Hydra. You are definitely close in that he felt disgusted with himself, which has a lot to do why the first time doesn't count. You'll have to wait until Chapter 27 to find out! It really was a happy accident for Jaeger Bomb that the articles happened. She didn't pull any strings, but she absolutely used them to her advantage. If they hadn't come out, she would have most likely come up with some other diabolical plan to get what she wanted. Pocket's going to face some dark times coming up, definitely. There will be a lot of self-destructive behavior and spiraling, but she's not gonna go full-on Thanos or anything (who could blame her if she did, let's be honest). The only person she's really going to hurt, going forward, is herself :( As always, Jnon, it is a pleasure. Thank you so much for bringing such happiness to my days <3 I love you!
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ponyguru · 4 months
hello! I saw your post about the G5 Hitch toy and as someone whose interest in G5 is only surface deep ATM but wants to know more bc My Little Pony is my special interest I was curious about the different lines of toys that have been released for G5. I have that exact Hitch toy as pictured, minus accessories, that I picked up in a thrift shop as a set with the rest of the ponies from the first movie and while I assumed that that was the standard size pony now I'm curious if there are different lines with different sizes. Apologies if this doesn't make sense as I'm very tired and thank you very much for your time! ฅ⁠^⁠•⁠ﻌ⁠•⁠^⁠ฅ
Hi there! MLP is my special interest too, LOL! You found the right person!! But you're in for a long answer, which you are probably prepared for, come to think of it!
tl;dr: There's multiple sizes, and the most common release seems to be the "brushable"/3" size, with the next biggest being the "styling size"/6".
It's tricky to 'officially' categorize the G5 line in general, I think, because it seems like every release is - IDK, maybe I'm just not in tune with the fandom stuff, but it's kinda random!? For starters though, Strawberry Reef is often a very good resource, although I know during the G4 line she fell behind a bit!
It does look like she has (almost) everyone covered so far, to my understanding!
In my mind, I kind of split them up into the "standard" line (the little guys with the jointed legs, the first line was released as the Crystal Adventure line I believe!), which would have been called the 'brushables' in the G4 line, but ... these all have sculpted hair! T_T And then there's some variations, like the Dollar General singles which do have brushable hair (yay!) except for Hitch, but they have no jointed legs. Strawberry Reef calls these "Regular Size 3"" which does imply that they're the 'standard' release.
And then I call the bigger ones (Strawberry Reef's "Large Size 6"") the styling size, because back in G4 days they were called that due to typically coming with a lot of styling/accessorizing type accessories. The little brushables might come with a comb or pet, but the big ones would get comb, clips, elastics, etc. (Not to be confused with the styling heads, of course, which you can see down at the bottom of SR's page!)
I believe (correct me if I'm wrong!) that the "movie set" of the 6" guys came in a big multipack with all of the characters, Mane Five and Sprout, and the way to tell Hitch apart is whether his hair is flocked or not. SR doesn't have him listed yet (so she is a little behind!), but the one I just got at the 99 Cent Store has flocked hair (and more accessories), and Hitch (and Sprout) from the group set from 2021 (as listed on SR's site) do not have flocked hair.
And that's not even getting into the Ponyville/Blind Bag/mini sized ones!! lmao!
ANYWAY, that was a big info-dump, but I hope it helped you and maybe anyone else who is confused! When I say styling size, that's mostly just me using a holdover from the G4 collector terms, since I don't think they call them that now. I think it's just like ... 'Sparkle Adventures'? But then they call the big multipack 'Shining Adventures', so I don't think there's any consistency there yet for collectors to latch onto. But there's several different sizes to find, and there's even GIANT ones, if you scroll down on SR's page! She has lots of fun info! Happy hunting!
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enniewritesathing · 4 days
so, I'm just gonna answer some of these questions because they're p interesting and I need a distraction from working on memory management (or at least I need to warm up.)
Do either of them get physical?
There was something a while back, years ago (but it's deep in the archive), that John and Brian got into an argument. The argument was that John was pushing himself way too hard getting ready at one point he passed out (Brian found him); Brian wanted him to give it a rest, John was combative. Words were said.
Brian slapped John. The suddeness of it, the shock of it, made them both stop immediately.
That was it. Brian was horrified at what he'd done and immediately left the room. It was about two days that they spoke again (John slept on the couch without a word and they barely talked to each other.). Brian apologized first for slapping; John apologized for being stubborn and putting his health in danger and his general behavior.
Who is the busiest?
Brian, hands down. He is a ER nurse (his specialty is Trauma) so schedules can get really bonkers for him. He has expressed getting certified in other areas too, so this also means going back to school at some point. He won't repeat the mistake of going for Honors again and burn himself out.
Who rakes in the highest income?
John -- he's also a pro Muay Thai boxer; depending on how much the purses are. They're modest amounts; then there's International and World Championships (those run between 500k-700k depending on who's sponsoring it.)
Who stresses the most?
Brian. It got to a point where John was making sure he'd take his days off to rest (and I do mean rest) and take care of himself.
Who snores?
Brian. It's a normal volume even if he's super tired.
If they sleep together, do they cozy up together or lay far apart?
Not that far apart but they end with cozing up. In the winter time, it's cozying time.
Who wakes up with bed hair?
Both. John's more prone to it if he doesn't tie up his hair (not that that really helps because the cat will mess with it.)
Do your muses plan on having children/or have children? If so, how many children do your muses want/have?
Well! They do (eventually) have kids. 3 in all. Alicia you may have seen her a while back. The other two are twins (boys, I think.) that happen down the line -- even though they were expecting just one. (Idk their names yet! it's so far down the line.)
Who goes to parent teacher interviews?
They both do but Brian's the more personable one; he does the talking.
Who changes the diapers?
They both do, though it kills John a little bit being a werewolf and all and y'know, heightened sense of smell. He's a champ tho.
Who gets up in the middle of the night to feed the baby?
They took turns for Alicia, and with the twins they did together.
Who worries the most?
John. It's mostly from them being potentially werewolves (spoiler: they are) and trying to navigate that whole field (another spoiler: he does great), but he worries. He takes after his dad on that.
Who likes to cuddle?
Brian's a big cuddler. Don't let it be Winter; he's a heat vampire then, lol. John doesn't mind at all.
 What is their favourite non-sexual activity?
Something I'd call "skin time." It's a mostly naked thing but they just hang out with a fair bit of contact and doing something else.
Not always in combination but Brian would also brush John's hair and braid it.
Who is more likely to playfully grope the other? 
Brian. You know he has come up from behind John and squeeze his tiddies. John always complains his hands are cold. ("Duh. That's why I'm warming them up.")
honk honk
Who is on top? Who is on the bottom?
Y'know what, they're both switches but Brian's more situational when he does it. (John is like "oh word? this is a treat 👀")
Any kinks?
John's got like a grocery list and his is a lot more accidental (Brian accidentally pulled his hair once and it did Something) but Brian's pretty accommodating in exploring them and even he has some discoveries as well. A firm believer of try (most) things once and see where it goes.
Brian's kinks. Well. He's got a list too but he's liable to ask Were!John since he's more physical than John. (Pinning, hide-and-seek but when he is found, he's gonna get railed right there.)
Who’s dominant in bed?
Were!John, lol. However! Brian is way more commanding with him. 🤔
Is head ever in the equation? If so, who is better at performing it?
Oh, you know it. Brian's better. Not that John isn't but he just needs to practice -- Brian told him that he looks very pretty sucking him off but he needs to go deeper.
Who moans the most?
🤔. I'm not sure? Who's more likely to moan is John (but Were!John is obvs more prone to growl/grunt but he moans too. it's somehow funny when he does it.) Brian tells him it is an absolute delight hearing him moan.
Brian has to be made to moan a bit (usually John will dirty talk a smidge and be like "c'mon baby, let me hear you.")
Who leaves the most marks?
John. Brian's very prone to hickeys and love marks... but John's got some scratch marks on his back.
Do they ‘fuck’ or ‘make love’?
It depends. They're more liable to fuck if it's Were!John (god forbid if he's in heat) or if Brian's like 'i need you to fuck the stress out of me, just exorcise it!!'
Rough or soft?
Both. Soft is kind of the 'default', so when it's rough they listen to each other. It's a request. They have a scale on 1-10 and probably a chart. There's some negotiation, some safe words.
Either way, the aftercare game is on point.
Does it ever get boring?
Nope. :)
Where is the strangest place they’d have sex? 
The hospital. Brian was an on-call nurse and had to stay at the designated room. John brought him some food over and one thing led to another... it was a top 10.
Is money a problem?
It's been tight a few times (specifically during the college years and the 2 years after graduating), but never an issue.
Do they enjoy their surroundings?
Yes. (I moved them back to that one 40x30 lot in Willow Creek. The one that's in the upper right of the map.)
Who’s terrified of bugs?
John. Spiders really. They have too many legs for his liking. Wait until he finds out about millipedes and centipedes.
Who kills the spiders around the house?
In a plot twist, the cat does. Brian trained her to be the bug killer. If it's a fly or some flying insect, he assists her like this:
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Who’s more likely to surprise the other with a fancy dinner?
John. It's usually coupled with a shopping spree. (and there's always dessert in the form of a chocolate cake slice.)
Who wanders around in their underwear?
Brian, but he's starting to go naked a bit. John wanders around naked as a jaybird as default.
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p1nkcanoe · 11 months
I'm inviting myself into your inbox and building a nest like a really tall bird. Don't worry, I bring snacks. Anyway, your fic Love Like Ghosts is taking up so much of my brain, do you have any more thoughts on it? Do Mountain and Swiss ever find out what was happening? Does it become something he looks forward to? Does Aether ever reveal his mischief?
ooo yay!! I’ll be sure to drop by every hour just to drop by and share little snacks. and eventually i'll work up the confidence to sit and stay for a while <3
and speaking of love like ghosts, i'm glad you asked because i've had a few silly little thoughts. nsfw stuff under the cut, you know the drill... lets discuss.
first of all, aether definitely works open the lock of his door shortly after it all ends, closes it behind him before anyone can follow him in. i like to imagine him walking towards his bed slowly, a poisonous and amused smirk on his lips as he takes in the pathetic sight of the multi ghoul shaking and covered in his mess. swiss can barely life his head, his body is exhausted and his muscles feel like jelly. he hears aeth come in, listens to his footsteps as he comes closer, and his body flushes hot with embarrassment at the feeling of his eyes burning hot into his sweaty skin.
"what do we have here, huh?" aeth says once he reaches the edge of the bed. he places a hand against his spine and before he even makes contact that tingle of quintessence is there like a million tiny needles. swiss shivers, anticipating something but he doesn't exactly know what. the ghost cock? aeth's? something else? aeth chuckles as he peers at his backside, running his hand over the curve of his ass and down his thigh so that he can drag a finger back up through the leaking drip of mountain's cum. “guess mountain wasn’t tired after all.”
and suddenly everything clicks. well, kind of. swiss has a lot of questions, the first of many being “how???”
now, what if now that swiss knows the tricks of aether's little game that he gets very quickly intrigued with the possibilities and the vast potential? (did this sentence even make sense..? idk lmao)
lets just say he gets acclimated to the static of quintessence up his spine, has figured out the invisible timer that ticks down before he’s fucked within an inch of his life, and starts to look forward to it. there’s something so erotic about knowing your packmate is fucking himself the way he likes it, abusing a fleshlight that appeared out of nowhere, and apparently liking it a little more than he liked. and swiss has created a pornographic scene for himself, too. he's been fucked in the privacy of his own room, fucked in the shower, fucked in the common room with another ghoul feet away... there's a thrill in it and he can't get enough.
and maybe swiss gets curious and a little too horny for his own good and sneaks into both dew’s and rain’s rooms while they’re sleeping just to steal their favorite toys and return them later on, hexxed and tethered to his own body. and maybe he also manages to steal a strap or two from the ghoulettes just for a little fun. needless to say, aether gets really good at manipulating his magick and swiss has never cum more in his life. and right when he thinks that it couldn’t possibly get any better, a box shows up on his desk, the picture on the front: a pocketpussy in a clear shell speckled with glitter. premium, realistic silicone, it reads in bold, red font. stuck to the top is a sticky note:
“this one’s for you, choose wisely”
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seariii · 2 months
The stress of having to adult.... But the relief of learning you'll have to mask less time that you thought you would
Also... Last night I was talking with the bestie a bit about that
About eye contact and how, after learning a little more about neurodivergency, I've noticed I don't really look at people in the eye, and then talking with him, there's a high chance I never really did... Which would explain why when I have to adult it's so painful to look at people in the eyes... I can to some friends with ease (I think?) but most of the time I tend to avoid others...
How when I have to put on my adult shoes I look at people in the eye and hold the eye contact, but even so, sometimes I dissociate which makes everything easier and I just focus on my thoughts, while other times I don't dissociate and makes me want to die... Especially when I don't like the other person's vibes....
In any case... I was a little stressed about all of this, but it's good to know I might survive heh while still growing and developing new skills
Sigh..... *Lays down* I can look professional and capable, my suit sona<3 jsjsjsjsjjss but.... It's so tiring.... It does give me a sense of accomplishment tho... I guess because I actually feel like I try (since it makes me tired), unlike how I feel like I don't try with anything else...
In any case... Um.... I can't remember what was the purpose of this post... I guess it's just to vent? But there was something particular I wanted to express.... Um... Idk.... I'm tired....
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