#do feel free to steal and edit in your own answers
diorcities · 1 year
you honestly admire jaemin's patience. it's nothing new, the boy must have enough tolerance to spend all the time with dream. so it's very hard to get on his nerves, you know. you have tried. from stealing his computer mouse when he was editing photos, pulling out his chair, and talking non-stop. that worked for you the first two times that night, when he fucked you and then licked his seed out of your pussy, and then when you rode him in the chair where he was right now. however, jaemin would always remain calm, he would fuck you calmly, and he would speed up when you told him to. eager to please you, always.
you looked at him on his computer, his desk full of tabs with photos of jeno. you knew it was a tempting opportunity.
jaemin was so used to your attitude that he didn't even flinch when you leaned into his chair, your lips going to his neck. you hear him murmur, but nothing else. a small smile escapes from your lips, when you go towards his ear. “why do you pay more attention to jeno than me? i wanna fuck.”
“i'm not,” he defends himself. “we already did it twice,” he comments afterward, embarrassed. you smile at him with tender “then let's do it a third time,” you whispered, sucking on his earlobe. “give me a minute,” was all he said. the answer you didn't want. you snorted slightly, despite the fact that the situation was going exactly where you wanted it to be. “i bet jeno would,” you whisper, “would what?” he asks, absent-minded. “fuck me.” physically, you could see that you hit the nail on the head. and you continued. “bet on it” your words trailed off as jaemin gets up from his chair and pinned you between him and the desk. the muscles in his arms tensing under his soft skin, turning you around, your back against his chest.
his hands remove your underwear, which falls to your ankles, tossing them away with your feet. you feel him drop his pajama pants, and without warning, he shoves his cock all the way into you, causing you to let out a small gasp. his hands push down your lower back, arching your body, his arm across your chest, pulling you closer. and without warning, he starts pounding into you.
his movements are relentless, the sound of the impact vibrating in your belly. free hand going to your clit, rubbing circles before it's replaced with his hand, fingers stimulating the sensitive area. “harder” you manage to say, between moans. “how hard?” he asks, a hint of anger in his voice. you can't help but laugh, half exhaling. “oh, fuck me dumb.”
his arm moves away from your chest to move towards your shoulder, leaning over the desk, beginning to thrust into you. ruthlessly. fiercely. your eyes squeeze shut, your pussy being abused by his cock, pounding your soft spot intensely. again. and again. your mouth spewing curses and incoherent sounds as he fucks you the way you wanted for so long. without being able to spin a single thought. who would know that mentioning his friend was gonna be the catharsis of his behavior? squeezing your waist, twisting your arms for more support, letting him ruin you. “faster,” you exhale, “faster.” your requests are jaemin's commands, being the obliging boyfriend that he is.
his movements increase in speed and strength. you hear him moan and growl behind you, near his own climax. emotions on the surface make your hands travel to your mouth, drowning out silly sounds that come out like a prayer from your lips. feeling the knot in your stomach tighten, your limbs numb, trying to hold on, to his desk, to him.
a wave of spasms runs through you as the destructive orgasm washes over you from head to toe. your half-open mouth lets out one last moan, before succumbing to the desk, your legs trembling, your body totally fucked up. jaemin's movements become faster and more desperate, until his body tenses and you feel his seed spill inside you, leaking from your pussy. he does a few more thrusts, before pulling it out, feeling his warm breath in your cunt, licking his seed, and inserting two fingers in your pussy, catching you by surprise.
yes, it's very difficult to get on his nerves, but not impossible.
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tblsomedoodles · 3 months
more Donnie VS The World content. It makes me vibrate and scream and wiggle like I'm off my meds. I would love anything, even a solid block of text, but your doodles/full artworks/comics are my favorite.
Please? All I've found so far is what we see in the donnieverse comic and the MVA/AMV (music video animatic/animatic music video). So many questions, like - is Casey (Sr) involved in any way, whethercas a fellow captive or rescue mission teammate? Is this the True Apocalypse or Averted Apocalypse timeline? If the latter, where is Casey (Jr)? How is Splinter handling it? (Is he even still alive to be Having Emotions About It?)
(Please feed me.
B L E A S E)
(If you don't mind, could you show/tell how Donnie escapes, one of his first Big Leads that gives him so much hope he cries, and/or the Big Reunion? One would be nice, two would be great, and all three would be amazing. If they aren't planned/are too spoilery, that's okay. Anything you can/are willing to give would be lovely.)
Thank you!! I'm glad you like it : ) I don't think I've answered many asked about this particular au, so i'm more than willing to talk about it! : )
I don't really have much up for it, mostly b/c it deals with a lot of angsty material that i can be a little uneasy about posting. I have a bit of old concept art, and an unposted fic i'm editing/rewriting (b/c it's the first fic i wrote for Rise and i did not have those character voices down lol.) I can probably post the first bits of it later this week. I did say at one point that i would once 'proud family tradition' was over, and it now is.
but yeah, here's the concept art, i'll put the explanation under the break b/c i'm going to be rambling lol.
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So Donnie vs. takes place after the thwarted apocalypse (not-apocalypse future). They get taken by Bishop a few months afterwards, and it isn't until about a year after that, that Donnie gets free.
He's the last one still with Bishop at that point, and had been told/convinced through various means that his brothers were dead.
Bishop did a lot of experiments on him, leaving a lot of scaring. One of which was injecting him with Krang DNA to see what would happen. (the eye and veins thing. I think he has some side effects from that but i'm not entirely certain what they are atm)
The fic itself starts after his rescue, b/c i'm focusing on Donnie's search for his brothers (and his own recovery) Rather than the traumatic event itself.
The rescue itself, was certainly a rescue. April, Casey, and CJ worked together to get him out of there as well as gain whatever information they could before they were found out. (Casey went undercover and was able to get some incomplete files and help get donnie out before she was discovered and had to leave.)
donnies in...pretty bad shape at that point, mentally and physically. Physically, he's malnurished, injured, scared, the works. Bishop did a number on him in the year he had him.
Mentally, he's pretty much shut down. He's completely non-verbal, unresponsive most of the time, when he does respond it's very slow and seemingly difficult for him to do so. He describes it that it feels like he's behind several plates of thick glass. He can see and hear what's happening, interacting (or even just feeling anything about it) is very hard to get past the glass.
How he goes from that state to hunting down his brothers is fairly simple. One of the broken, encripted files Casey acquired was Leo's file. None of the three could open it, but they managed to get Donnie to try to do so. He manages it, sees the file, and for the first time in about a year, has hope. He doesn't even wait to show the other three, he just takes off while no one was looking, with April's laptop and CJ's coat (he steals a backpack along the way.)
I don't really want to say much past that. A lot of the rescues/reunions are pretty spoiler heavy, and i don't want to ruin some of the mystery of what's going on in the fic. But know this, he does get all his brothers (and family in general) back. Also, splinter is alive and is part of this, but again, that's spoilers for some things i don't want to ruin.
Again, i'll probably start posting this sometime this week. It's an interesting fic that i've put quite a bit of time into at this point, so i'll be excited to see what is thought of it.
Thank you!
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Reader’s Cooking is Worse Than Lilia’s?!  -Savanaclaw Edition
Somehow, your cooking is worse than Lilia’s. Was it always like this, or did travelling to TWST change it?
Characters: Leona Kingscholar, Ruggie Bucchi, Jack Howl
Content: platonic, crack, gender neutral reader, pretend that Jack takes Masterchef just for the plot (one day though, one day)
Find the rest of the series: Heartslabyul, Octavinelle, Scarabia, Pomefiore, Ignihyde, Diasomnia
Author’s Note; As a reminder, do not put my work — or others for that matter — into AI as it steals. Link to Masterlist
Leona Kingscholar
Don’t let the indifferent attitude fool you, he is terrified of your cooking and he hasn’t even seen it yet. He has smelled it though, and that alone made him want to run away.
How can a herbivore like you survive on that? If you even mention food, Leona will either a) find an excuse to leave or b) pretend to be asleep. You left a treat at his dorm? Sorry, he never received it, perhaps Ruggie snatched it.
Eventually, he has to face it. And he timidly took a tiny bite of it, willing himself not to immediately spit it back out. And he swallowed, hoping the tiny bite would save him from the taste and potential side effects. 
For the next two days he was stuck in bed and hopes that Ruggie got the memo for you to NEVER bring your cooking near him again.
Ruggie Bucchi
He knew that your cooking was bad, but after having to deal with a sick Leona he knows the full extent of it. And he for one, was going to pass on any treat you offered him. Even if it looked harmless! He’s not taking any chances!
He does silently laugh though when someone else is trapped by your offering of free food. Does he feel bad? Maybe. Is it his problem? Nope. And he wants it to stay that way.
He curses his own luck though when Jack gets stuck with you as a partner for Masterchef class and he has to deal with collateral damage. Now Jack is sick, and it’s even worse than Leona’s illness?!
Ruggie wants a raise for the amount of work he has to do just to keep his dorm mates from getting sick from their well-meaning friend.
Jack Howl
He was confused when he woke up. The last thing he remembers is being in Masterchef class and that you were his partner. Oh, he had fallen ill due to your cooking? Wait, this is the same illness Leona had?!
He questions Ace, Deuce and Grim about your cooking, and he joins them in trying to keep you out of the kitchen. He tries to convince them to not make a deal with Azul but his words were in vain as it was already too late.
He insists on buying everyone food when you go out, just to make sure no one meets a similar fate he did. But he also avoids answering your invitations about hanging out after school at Ramshackle.
Secretly he’s hoping that deal with Azul works out, because whatever Trey is doing isn’t working.
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sotwk · 11 months
SotWK's July Celebration: "Tolkien eGifts" for your Ask Boxes
July is my birthday month, and the first one I'm celebrating on Tumblr. In appreciation of my Followers, I would like to use this occasion to give something to the Tolkien fandom community and spread some cheer throughout the site.
I've been working with the wonderful artist @baek-art, who has created some gorgeous Tolkien character commissions. I used her art to then make what I decided to call "Tolkien eGifts".
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What is a Tolkien eGift?
It is an eCard sent from one person to another via Tumblr Ask Box as a gesture of care and love. Each card has its own LOTR character and "gift" that character brings, representing a wish for the recipient (e.g. health, joy, comfort).
How is a Tolkien eGift used?
I will kick things off by sending these eGifts to some of my Mutuals, and I hope everyone will help me get the ball rolling from there. It takes a community to spread love around!
If/When you receive an eGift in your Box, please feel free to save the image, stick it in a new Ask message, and SEND IT ALONG to someone else's Ask Box. You can even do it on Anon if you're shy!
Please don't forget to reply to your eGift and thank your sender for their thoughtfulness. (Answering an Ask does not count as "reposting", so don't worry!) This helps make the eGifts visible and accessible for others to use.
Send Tolkien eGifts to as many friends/mutuals/strangers as you like, Tolkien fan or not! Send it on its own or add a little personalized message from you. Add a fic rec, a recipe, a sonnet, song lyrics, get creative!
A few important notes regarding use:
Even if you don't receive an eGift directly in your Ask Box (though I hope you do!), you can still save the image from any answered Ask you see and send it to others. This is totally okay!
Please do not use the Tolkien eGifts to make new blog posts. These are meant to be exchanged via Tumblr Ask Boxes as personal notes, not as new posts for your own blog (aka reposting vs reblogging).
While I understand it's probably impossible to police this, please try to keep the eGifts on Tumblr only, to help prevent the misuse/stealing of the artist's work.
Credit to me or the artist baek-art is not necessary. We have already put our signatures/names on the eGift itself, and that suffices.
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Please do not alter/edit the eGift cards or the artwork for your own purposes.
Most importantly: have fun and enjoy the gifts!
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lilleputtu · 10 months
Lille's Kingdom Events Generator
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It is done-ish! And by that I mean the most basic form of this lil idea I had is ready to be unleashed on the world.
But Lille, what even is this?
Why thank you for asking, audience in my head. This is a random generator that reads in a list of events and a list of kingdoms and gives you random events that make sense to happen to said kingdoms based on requirements. Kinda like everyones beloved ROS, but instead of being for single households usually, it's on a more neighborhood scale and has a few more ways for you to influence which events roll.
I am bad at explaining it, but I promise it makes sense.
Is it necessarily a sims thing? Absolutely not! I am sure you could use this for writing prompts or random events in a TTRPG campaign or whathaveyou. But my main thought was "medieval simmers would love to have a random thing to throw natural disasters or war refugees from whatever fictional 'other' kingdoms are around in their minds at them" because I AM that medieval simmer.
So here's what you get:
An .exe which randomizes things, ala ROS, but while taking requirements into account.
An XML with sample events to generate. Are they good? Eh, they'll do. This is why it's an XML, so you can edit it and someone smarter than me can make a cooler version.
An XML with sample Kingdoms, upon which the requirements for the events are tested. They are named A,B,C,D and E and just had random-ish values thrown at them. Edit them. make them your own!
A Readme, which explains things in more detail.
Huge thanks to @clouseplayssims for throwing some inspiration in the form of every single ROS list in existence at me and being one of my initial guinea pigs, as well as enabling the silly little idea in the first place.
Alrighty, to the download, yes?
Note: Due to how I turned the base python code into an exe, some antiviruses flag it as a possible Trojan. I do not know how to fix that. I can only say that me and my 200 lines of code do not want to damage your computer or steal your monies, I promise.
Further note: I compiled and tested this on Windows 10. It might work on other operating systems, but i make no promises. If anyone is running into issues like that and or knows how to compile a python script, please let me know, i am more than happy to pass you the sourcecode so more people can have a functioning version of this.
I will happily answer any questions, take suggestions or try to do tech support, just let me know!
Also definitely feel free to share your edited events/kingdoms files. My examples are thrown together haphazardly and it SHOWS.
Also - you can totally use it for non medieval things. Just write modern events and ignore the fact that the program calls things in the kingdom file kingdoms. They could be cities, or planets, or whatever else you can come up with!
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estro-gem · 2 months
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This post is to clarify the rules and boundaries of this blog. Please take the time to read it, it's here to consider everyone's safety!
Ages and interactions (VERY IMPORTANT)
General content-related things
I may edit this with time.
Ages and interactions: No minors
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I don't want minors to interact with the content of THIS BLOG. Many stories and art have mature and suggestive themes that I am not comfortable to share with a young audience.
It is impossible for me know what age you are in reality, but I trust that you will respect my boundaries and refrain from interacting if this applies to you. I have some faith in humanity, please don't destroy it!
I'm not against minors using this platform! I see wonderful content shared from many talented individuals of all ages, but THIS blog isn't a safe place for children. I don't care "how mature you are for your age," or even if you think my content "isn't even that bad."
I am not comfortable with minors/children interacting on this blog. I won't be able to stop you from doing so anyway, but for what it's worth: Minors, DNI!
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You may ask me anything you want in the ask box, just please know that I, in turn, will respond however I think is appropriate.
Feel free to ask about my AU's and characters within them, like 'how would (character) react to (X)?' and 'what did you mean by (Y) in (title of story)?'
Go ahead and ask hypotheticals!
Asks about very personal info might not be taken seriously.
Asks about spoilers of ongoing works might be have fun hints or a joke instead of an actual answer.
Hate or rage-bait asks will most likely be ignored.
If you submitted an ask that you would like to take back or you would like to have ignored, send another ask to request for it!
By all means, though, have fun in the ask box, I'll answer as soon as I can!
General content-related things
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As mentioned before, I do not condone minors interacting with my content (especially the fanfiction I write). Tumblr is very vast and there's plenty of other safe spaces for kiddies to enjoy!
If you want to make fanart, ship various characters or even share headcanons and theories about my content, BE MY GUEST! I'M FLATTERED! Please tag me if you do~! Just be responsible when posting NSFW content, please, for your own sake!
Please don't steal my stories/art. It isn't even worth stealing, lol.
Let me know if I should tag something specific regard a post, like a "cw" or "flashing lights" or something; it just might slip my mind to add it.
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thefestivelbnuy · 6 months
I'm bored, but i also want to make a beenose design army. Anyway put send me your beenose design or commenting say (I had a design for her) or whatever (as long as it isn't innaproriate) or somebody design (with permission consent ask to them, or if they allowed it). To join the beenose army. Pls send here or post it on your tumblr or link it at comments section so I could see it and draw it. or on reblog comments.
Edited:Current status: it still open and available (feel free to submitted or post or send here or comment ^_^).
Question and answer.
~Can we used art bases if I can't draw but can colored art base to submitted this beenose army?
Yes you can as long as you credited the person on who originated drawing the art base while you colored them.But respect and pay attention if they want it used, also a p2u (Pay to use) base that you use for this is allowed as long as you pay the artist to use them not stealing it!, also f2u (free to u
Is allowed if the artist base want allowed it for design).
~can I submitted/joined about I still a new artist or beginner artist or unpopular artist?.
Yes you can, you don't need to be popular or professional to join this, spread your creativity, everyone is allowed to join, and go ahead, and feel free (except for problematic artist).
~can I join in as a popular or semi-popular or professional artist?.
Yes you can. Go ahead feel free.
~can I join this even if I don't know who the character or can't read book, not join fandom, not read AVOS (a vision of shadows), not a big fan of her?.
yes ofc.
~ can I join even if I draw and picture beenose design different than the canon or others?
Yes you can whoever, you can follow the canon or your ways or interpret it different.
~can I add my friends/bestie/family/someone else/idol beenose design here?
Yes you can but with their consent permission ask or if their allowed but with credits.
.~can i join if I had multiple design of beenose because I had no idea which one I like because I like design her much.
Yes ofc, the more beenose, the more beenose.
~could you put my new beenose design, if it outdate/old?
Yes of course, just ask me to do it, so I could update it and added the new design and also keep the old one.
Credit on who start the character army thing= (I has no idea but pls tell me. So I could credit them here).
Beenose = character isn't belong to me but erin hunters and warrior cat books.
But also inspired of this.
Edited: Also part 0.
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Beenose Design wasn't mine or created but by @disgruntleddemon or @antfur (the person design blog), check them out. While I'm only in charge drawing the art.
Thank you so much for participating.
Part 1.
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My beenose design (she look similar to frostpaw, the one that had mane fur back and tabby mackerel stripe and pale white eclipse back, spiky fur with ear 1 down flop) is on left while the is on right ⬅️ while the left ➡️ is by @/disgruntleddemon or @/antfur.
Word tags/hashtag [ignore]
#Warrior cat, #warrior cats, #beenose, #warriors, #erin hunters, #warrior cat book, #wc, #binos, #shadowclan, #she cat, #the kin, #the kin, #snowbird family, #beepaw, #beekit, #wc, #wc fandom, #warriorcat, #warriorcats, #beenose character, #beenose army, #warrior cat community, #warrior cat fandom, #warrior cats fandom, #fandom, #avos, #a vision of shadows, #warriors, #warrior cat character.
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kyra45 · 2 years
Pet Donation Scams v2
To put it simply, a pet donation scam is when someone has stolen the legitimate content from another post and uses it for their own post. Most often, they will remove a listed fundraiser option and add their own to it. The story is usually copied word from word otherwise, and pictures used are edited so you can’t reverse image source them. These scams usually get caught too late, but on occasion are found before they get too far. Underneath, I’ll explain these scams in more detail or at least more then the previous one. Please share this post or link to it when telling someone a post is a scam as I’ve included reference links this time to existing posts.
As always, feel free to tip/donate to my ko-fi if you appreciate my efforts. Long post is long so it’s all under readmore.
Scam Asks
These kinds of scams usually start with the blog reblogging random posts to look legitimate though some will only have one post. They will generally try to fit into a fandom, and reblog any posts related to it. The blog is always a few days or even a few hours old before they start sending asks. (Example Example Example) are examples showing a few asks that are sent by these blogs. Notice how it’s always to reblog a pinned post about a pet and sometimes to answer privately. This is an attempt to prevent the ask from being answered publicly which would allow it to be found when searched.
Stolen Fundraiser
Lately, it has become all too common for these scam posts to steal content from a legitimate fundraising site. This is most commonly from Facebook (Example Example) although more often then not it is from gofundme (Example Example Example) if searched around well enough. Sadly, the scam fundraiser post will often get more shares then the original one. Some users may also doubt the legitimacy of alerts posted as contacting the real owners of the fundraiser are usually difficult though possible (Example Example). This is why research into these posts are necessary to find out the truth. All the links used for gofundme lead to a post that show a legitimate one whose content was stolen and any Facebook links are screenshots of a post whose content was stolen.
Common Scammer Names
Due to the constant posting of scam posts, it has become easier to track and list the names most commonly listed. It is strictly frowned upon to harass any blogs listed under these names and it is advised most are usually long gone a few days later. These names are archived for future references. Some examples of these names are (Tamie Wilcox) (Nalyn Grace) (Daniel Vanderwiel) though many more appear on the Named Scammers List.
How to deal with them
In a sense, the best way to deal with these scams is to alert anyone reblogging them. You can also post your own scam alerts or search to find ones posted by other users. As the scams always pop back up daily, it’s a hard task to keep track of them even for one person. You can also help by reporting these scammers and their posts by the ‘…’ option and selecting ( Report -> Something Else -> Illegal Uses or Content -> Phishing). While phishing is another scam type, this all that can be used to remove the scams as they will stay up otherwise. Keep in mind weekend reports don’t process until weekdays.
In closing, please always do your research when getting asks to reblog a pinned pet post. Do not let your followers lose money to the scam posts, and rather let them donate to the source of the stolen fundraiser if you are able to locate it. If your ever unsure about a blog that looks suspicious, ask around or tumblr search it. Thank you for reading this, and please continue keeping an eye out for these scams.
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barananduen-blog · 3 months
🎐"Bell Ringing" short drama now online! 🎐 - [Trailer #1 source]
Modern/ancient pastoral fantasy romance ⭐: Li Daikun (his voice, too, lol), Song Fangyuan 🔢: 12 eps (free, 20-29min each); + 3 extras (PPV, ~3min ea) 📺: MangoTV - website, app, and YouTube (good subtitles!) 📺: CCTV and Hunan Satellite TV 📅: MGTV: Feb 22-Mar 3 (end date for VIPs); 4x/week (Thurs-Sun) 📅: CCTV-6 & Hunan TV: Mar 5-Mar 10; 2eps/night, every night
Update Mar 5, 2024: The drama did so well online that it's now on CCTV and satellite TV!🎉🎊
Under the cut: Plot & drama info, more promo images, Trailer #2 with translation, teaser video, shirtless pics (CW: fake wound)
"Tulips mean... I like you!" 🌷🌷
Plot, filming, boot and wrap ceremonies, pics:
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In true c-drama fashion, the following trailer and teaser video and (especially) their translations are spoilerfic. Basically, you'd know the whole story after watching/reading. The promo images below this point also include spoilers. If you don't want spoilers, stop scrolling now!
🌼Trailer #2
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Trailer #2 via [LDK_Korea on Twitter]
Machine translation: I don't understand Mandarin. Used Google and Yandex image translators + my edits to try to make it make more sense.
Shen Qi: Is your name Chi Ye? Have we met before? [The bonds of past and present lives] SQ: My name is Shen Qi; Nice to meet you Chi Ye: I've been waiting for you [Waiting for 500 years just to meet again at this place] He who obtains immortality, If he comes in contact with a loved one, The more emotionally invested he becomes, The more his heart will be in pain. [We meet again but I can't fall in love] SQ: Why do I feel like he is avoiding me? (seeing someone in the distance) … It must be him! CY: Do you absolutely need an answer? SQ: Yes, because I like you SQ: You always say you don't like me, but, secretly, do all kinds of things that confuse me. What should I do about you? CY: Can you feel the pain here? SQ: I just feel … an excited heartbeat SQ: Chi Ye, what's wrong with you? Chi Ye! Every time the island guardian touches you, he will be in more and more pain. CY: Xiao Qi… Is there no way you can accept me without physical contact? SQ: I can't. I want to fully be with my other half… to hold hands without restraint, to kiss, to hug! CY: I can give you more. Your words hurt 10,000 times more than the pain in my heart. CY: Xiao Qi… I will never let those regrets from 500 years ago happen again
🌼Teaser Video:
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Teaser video via [LDK_Korea on Twitter]
Machine translation: I don't understand Mandarin. Used Google and Yandex image translators + my edits to try to make it make more sense. (Disclaimer bears repeating.)
There are 10,000 ways for the person who loves you to return to your world. A girl on an isolated island falls in love with a man who steals the island's secrets. Shen Qi: Please, don't hurt my people! A girl died under a man's sword to protect her tribe. Five hundred years later, the two meet again. SQ: Is your name Chi Ye? A man saves a girl and they develop a crush on each other. Man confesses to girl Chi Ye: I like you The two get along sweetly. Then, the girl discovers information about her past in a hidden room, and inquires about the man's name. SQ: Then what's your name? Thinking about dying by the man's sword. SQ: Did I die? Unless she makes him fall in love with her. [Note: unsure about this line] Girl remembers her mission from her last life. When his sword points at your people, you must die by his sword. Ridden with guilt, the man melts the island's magical bell and reforges it into a nail to drive it into his own chest. When the wind blows but the bells hanging from the island's bell tree stop ringing, his beloved will wake up again. He waits for her for 500 years... SQ: At what cost? The two of them will never be able to love each other again. Regardless of the spell's prophesy, the two fall in love again in this life. But they can no longer hold each other's hand… Can't help the other up if one falls… They kiss with a pane of glass between them… But that's not all of the punishment. If someone breaks the terms of the contract of fate, lives that were originally spared will be lost. Could people really be such fools? SQ: I have … experienced it myself.
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CW: Big a$$ fake wound
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mamafalin · 25 days
Introduction Post!
Hello!! This is an agere caregiver blog. I wanted to make a post for introductions!
• This will effectively be a roleplay blog, so asks will be answered in-character, but I am actually a Falin fictive from a system! Please treat myself and other fictives, kin, and irl’s with love and respect, fledglings!
• There isn’t many reaction images of myself that I can use that aren’t a bit scary for babies. (Not that I don’t love my canon self or any of the beautiful fanart!) I apologize that I may not use reaction images often because of this!
• We love and respect everyone here. Please DNI if you are anti-agere, racist, homophobic, transphobic, terf, anti-endo, etc.
• This is a safe space for children & those who age regress to the mindset of children. Please DNI if you are a blog that posts 18+ content, including not safe for work, gore, pro-anorexia, etc.
• We reserve the right to block or ignore any user or message if we deem appropriate, and we encourage you to do the same to keep your internet experience safe for you!
• Feminine and masculine nicknames are fine for me, including mama/papa, big sister/big brother, etc. I expect mostly feminine titles will be used, but feel free to use masc ones as well as I don’t really mind!!
Other Blogs
• @galaxiikingdom is our main system blog
• @babyshrimpbun is our general littles’ blog
• @stolas-little-nest is another caregiver blog owned by another caretaker in our system
Anon Emojis
These are on a first-come first-serve basis! Your name can include up to three (3) emojis.
Falin’s Fridge
The Fridge
An idea I had where littles can submit art and other things to put up on my virtual fridge!! I edit the original post every time I get art, and reblog/answer submissions with the new one as well. Other caregivers are free to steal this idea, hehe~
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smallnico · 2 months
11, 12, and 13 for esper on the dark urge past life asks!
under the cut! (rubs hands together)
11. The other cultists. How did your Durge view them? Did they enjoy their following or did they dread being idolised?
esper was pretty numb to everything back in the day. as far as they were concerned, their feelings were ultimately irrelevant, since their divinity came less from who they were and more from What they were, as the scion, chosen, and demi-mortal avatar of bhaal. the way they feel about it is sort of how one could expect a cup to feel about its role -- firmly neutral and unthinking, only concerned with carrying the liquid inside, since that's the part fhat matters, not the vessel. it's not them being idolized -- it's the divinity inside of them. so they lead the congregation, offer up their blood to drink, do the best they can to lead a cult that is as good at honouring bhaal as it can be, and then spending any and all free time they have as far away from the unearned adullation as possible.
it never mattered to esper what they thought about being a living holy relic, and they were more than happy to repeat the dogma verbally to anyone who asked. but real talk they're functionally two different people when they're in charge of the cult; there's the Scion of Bhaal, and then there's esper/the dark urge, who is a deathstalker who did all the trials to become one fairly, who is more concerned with the temple's finances and security and sustainability of sacrifices than they are with being an object of worship. both parts are their job and they take both parts seriously. (they do find the latter a lot more enjoyable than the former, though, since it requires more skill and personality.)
as for the other cultists, esper went back and forth on regarding them as family and regarding them as a nuisance. they felt responsible for the bhaalists in the capacity of a leader and employed the bare minimum of care it took to keep them happy, but ultimately as long as the temple was orderly and the faithful did what they needed to with competence when called upon to do so, esper mostly let them do their own thing and didn't form personal attachments, seeing as family murder perpetrator trauma etc etc, bhaal taught them everyone is disposable etc etc. that said, the bhaalists generally knew esper's discipline was the discipline of bhaal, and testing esper's patience is a mistake nobody ever got away with making twice. they grew up in a menzoberranzan noble house and a lot of their formative baby memories are of people trying to kill them before giving up and sending them to the oubliette for existing, followed by a lifetime of sharing a body with the urge. esper didn't live in a world that allowed for forgiveness or unpunished fuckery, much less fondness or nurturing.
12. Durge gave a gold coin to a beggar once; why did they do it? Did this occur regularly?
i'll be completely real here, doing this would be pretty out of character for even post-tadpole esper. :,) they're a big fan of having money and stealing money and tricking people into giving them money (especially people who annoy or offend them) and they don't let go of it if they don't have something to gain. old habits die hard and the temple doesn't fund itself. esper was either paying the beggar for a service, giving away spare change, or attempting to appear normal in front of a crowd or the guard. they could also be impelled to do a kindness to someone just to spite sceleritas if he'd been particularly annoying lately.
i think this particular instance would have shocked sceleritas so much if esper was paying the beggar to look the other way after he noticed Suspicious Activity, as opposed to just killing him. but especially later in their tenure as durge, esper became numb and disillusioned with their lack of control, generally only bothering to kill for their tenday sacrifice.
13. Orin has her faithful group of changelings. Did your Durge have a similar 'personal guard' or task force at their beck and call?
not really. the bhaalists in general were theirs to command, but esper preferred to work alone except on big projects. they'd been known to lash out at people who got in their way instead of doing something more useful. they don't like having to direct people. the only bhaalists they kept as an inner circle were particularly competent or "trustworthy" ones like orin, sarevok, sceleritas, whoever did the temple treasury, a couple of deathstalkers they made go through the classical exams, plus a smattering of heads of other bhaalist temples along the sword coast. a lot of the time those people would do the people-managing for them. they're more comfortable with receiving orders than giving them.
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ofmermaidstories · 1 year
hey!! so i'm rereading something just like this right now to prepare for reading the new chapter and i was just wondering if you've ever thought about making a traditionally published book?? of course fan fiction is a legitimate form of artistry and i don't ask this to demean your work AT ALL but ur writing style is so elegant and descriptive while being easy to digest and i think that you would make and absolute killing in the industry if u ever did decide to write a traditionally published book
anyways feel free to disregard this ask if it's something you've already answered before or don't feel the urge to answer!! i love all of your work and am waiting patiently yet intensely for more!! thanks for everything that you do<3
Hello!!! You are very sweet to say so, Anon, lmao. I would love to make a killing in the industry. 😌 Some monies for fancy manicures and iced lattes and other lil treats. 😌
I actually have thought about trying my luck pursuing traditional publishing! I mean—I have a finished manuscript, LMFAO. It’s the first in a duology! It needs editing (rewriting, really), because I finished it in like, February 2020 and then proceeded to get distracted by the lockdown and the terrible decision to download tiktok (which opened my eyes to BNHA and self-insert fanfic), but it’s done. 📖
It’s Young Adult, because I am always writing for the teenager I was, and is multi-POV’d between our three leads (a grump of boy and the two girls that now have to protect him) and involves them causing wilful damage, in order, to some downtown traffic, the school grounds (multiple times), a grocery store and lastly each other’s (and their own) feelings. 🥹
For a long time I lived in this story, like I do now with my fics—talking to everyone about it, making it everyone else’s problem, fretting over plot choices, etc etc. Taking it from a tentative idea to a outline to finally finishing the first draft was the first time I’d ever completed one of my stories. 🥺 I’ve drawn the main characters over and over again, made them playlists, dedicated notebooks to the story and it’s world—I believe in it fully and absolutely, not because I think it’s anything groundbreaking, but because it’s exactly the kind of story 16-year-old me would’ve curled around and used to daydream with. 🥺
But idk. I’m not very ambitious by nature, lmfao, and you have to be in order to jump through the hoops you need to when it comes to traditional publishing. If there was a way to protect my lil story and still share it freely, without worrying about someone stealing it and sending it to a publisher with their own name slapped over the top, then I would. 🥹 I’ve always liked telling stories. Verbally, to the younger kids in the neighbourhood. In a school notebook that I made my friends read. On roleplaying forums. Uquiz! I’d love to be able to walk into a bookstore and find my book and be like “hehehe that’s mine >:)” but if it never panned out for whatever reason (not finding an agent, for example, or a interested publisher) then—oh well! I did my job; the story got told, even if it was only to me. 📝🌷
Either way, tbh we have more important things to worry about—a traditionally published book is a far-off, future maybe dependant on other people that might never happen. Finishing the Deku fic, on the other hand? It’s right here, right now, and is something I can do by myself. 😌 I will work hard on giving it the end it and u deserve, Anon. 😌 Thank-you for being here. 💖🌷🪻🌾
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vidavalor · 5 months
Hello! Bringing you your choice of non-sexual-metaphor baked goodies... might be difficult lol... to ask two more practical-tumblr-usage questions, if you don't mind! I noticed you don't use your own gifs, so: firstly, is there any way to find them/narrow your search if you're using tumblr's gif search function so you don't need to scroll for ages? And second, are gifs in said search function free-for-all? Do I still need to ask permission to use them, or is that covered, since clicking on one automatically includes the credit to whoever's made the gif beneath it (talking about regular gifs of moments in a show, obviously, not stealing anyone's fancy edits)? Thank you!
Hi! It is indeed difficult to find a non-sexual-metaphor baked good now. I appreciate your acknowledgement of that lol. I might have to start offering stickers or something instead of food. I can answer your gif questions to the best of my ability but if someone reading this feels I'm wrong in any of it, please jump in and say something as I do not consider myself the foremost expert on Tumblr usage things.
I don't use my own gifs because I am not savvy enough to make them and there are *lovely, lovely people* here who have basically made gifs of the whole show at this point so I don't really need to. The makers are notified when you use them, I believe, and credits on the gifs come up automatically when you add them to your post from Tumblr search. If you use gifs or screencaps that you find somewhere else on the web, you would want to make sure you're giving credit to those who did the work to put them online for us. In terms of locating gifs by searching the Tumblr database of them, there's not an exact science. It kind of depends on what you are looking for. If you're looking for something not terribly specific but just of the characters, searching their names or 'ineffable' or the like will pull up a bunch but if you're trying to find ones from a specific scene, you might have to get a little more creative than that. Try character + keywords 'crowley wine', 'aziraphale dance', or putting in the year of the flashback scene, etc..
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ali-annals · 1 year
Ao3: AbyssalAli     Wattpad: AbyssalAli     Non-Maribat masterlist
You can also find my Master Masterlist in my navigation bar.
~Rules & Regulations
~Submission Suggestions
~Housekeeping Hours
Rules & Regulations
please be polite
I'm here for fandom, not politics or drama. The only drama I want to consume is the Bats' clownery
I do not allow my stories to be reposted. Talk to me about translations, adaptations, etc.
feel free to write fanfic of my fanfic, or be inspired by something I wrote. I'd love it if you tagged me!
I do not allow my work to be stolen. Even if it may not be 'good' or professional, I came up with the writing elements and spent hours of my time writing, typing, editing, and polishing
I also do not steal other people's works. I have done my best to give credit where I have been directly inspired. If you think one of my works is plagiarizing someone else's (or vice versa), let me know and I'll do my best to resolve the issue
For this reason, among others, I have included dates in my Master Masterlist and have dates enabled on tumblr. Also, there are a lot of repeated tropes in this fandom, so it's hard to write completely new content without reusing some elements of others' stories. I’ve done my best to use my own ideas and put my own spin on the tropes without copying others’ works.
Submission Suggestions
I am open to writing maribat/DCxMLB fics upon request.
When submitting a prompt/ask, please keep in mind that I have an offline life, my personal fanfics, and other requests/collabs/etc to work on. Answering, writing, and posting your request may take some time
I reserve the right to reject your request
When your request has been acknowledged and accepted, it will appear under the {...pending…} banner in my Requests Masterlist
Send me asks about my fics, either posted or WIPS!
Submission example: Request: "Hi, I really liked your Cardigan AU and would like to see an extra scene inspired by the first verse of Cardigan. Would that be possible? Thank you." Response: "Of course, love! I actually have 2 extra scenes inspired by lines from verse 1: "vintage tee, brand-new phone/ high heels on cobblestones" and "sequin smile, black lipstick". One or both should be up within two weeks. I'll tag you* when I post!" *if you are not on anon
Ask if I have deleted scenes from a fic you liked! Ask if I have a HC for a character! Ask to see a scene from someone else's POV! The sky's the limit:)
Send a prompt of a Taylor Swift lyric or song (check out my IbTS Masterlist first to see if I've already written a fic based on that song. Feel free to request the same song with a different ship!) [Why TS? it's a sort of personal goal to write a fic or Drabble for every TS song in existence/hj]
Send a different song or lyric (which I am less likely to know but will do my best. I readily confess I have unoriginal music taste and I Do Not Care.)
Ask to join a taglist! I have 3 currently, all open: 1) General (you'll be tagged by both @/abyssal-ali and @/ali-annals for both DC/Batfam-only and DCxMLB content) 2) Maribat taglist (only tagged by @/ali-annals when I post a new work) 3) Series Taglists for open Series [current: Reputation 'Verse, Cardigan AU, Rival Mob Boss] (you'll be tagged by @/ali-annals when I post a new addition to one of the series). Alternatively, subscribe to my ao3, either my author or that series' page:)
Housekeeping Hours
Tags To Know:
> #fic : writing
⇢ #ali writes : my original DCxMLB writing
⇢  #fic rec : others' original DCxMLB writing
> #art : any type of art: digital, pen and ink, paint, etc
⇢ # ali draws : my original DCxMLB art
⇢  # DCxMLB art : others' original DCxMLB art
> #ali speaks : personal/blog updates
> #ali answers : asks are answered
>> series tags
> #bmmdi : boldly made me do it
> #MM : maribat meetcute
> #IbTS : Inspired by Taylor Swift
JULY 2023: I am going on hiatus from writing, posting, and most interactions with the DC and Maribat fandoms. My explanation is here, if you are interested. My taglists are still open, as I do plan on returning to writing one day (and may occasionally post the odd Maribat or DC fic), so feel free to still request to join!
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ladylore97 · 2 years
The Steven Universe Movie 3rd Anniversary Contest!
Happy Anniversary to a very exciting and momentous time for the SU fandom and crewniverse: the first SU movie! To celebrate the third year since it’s release since September 2nd, 2019, I am happy to host an anniversary contest to further support our love for this show and all it has done to touch so many people!
The contest will be open all of September and will conclude the night of September 30th. The contest is open to all ages, skill level, and geographic regions, regardless of previous activity in the SU fandom or how long you have been a fan of the show.
1. ALL forms of media are allowed for submission. This includes but is not limited to: digital or traditional fanart, fanfiction, AMV’s, video editing, voice acting, role play, comics, storyboards, animation, animatics, etc.
2. All content submitted must be original work. Absolutely no copying/stealing another artist’s work, or you will be immediately disqualified. Using clips directly from the show for the purpose of video editing is okay
3. Entries that were already posted on your account more than 1 month ago will not be accepted. In other words, anything made and posted after August 1st is okay to submit.
4. Entries will be judged on originality, impact, and creativity, with a few bonus points given for technicality and relevance to the movie. This means if you have a creative idea for a character who wasn’t a major focus of the movie, but is in the main show, you are welcome to do it- you will only miss out on a few bonus points.
5. There are no other rules. Canon, non-canon, AU’s, shipping, sfw, nsfw - anything is on the table. If you want to know if something is okay to do, the answer is probably yes, but you’re welcome to ask me directly.
Prizes for winners will be awarded as follows:
1st place: $125, payable via PayPal, Venmo, Cash app or Zelle
2nd place: $75, see above
3rd place: $50, see above
Any potential honorable mentions would have a choice of receiving either the SU: Movie art book, or they can pick 1 item of their choosing from their favorite SU artist under $25 and I will reimburse them or ship it to you
When you are ready to submit your entry, please submit the file directly to my inbox with your username, age, media type, and a link to your profile so I can point others to your page if you win. I will not post these submissions, and they’ll be deleted after the contest is over, so please feel free to then post your work on your own preferred platform to get proper credit.
The contest ends at the end of the month on September 30th, at midnight PST. I will announce winners the night of October 1st.
Feel free to send me any questions or concerns. Reblogging this post or sharing it to other platforms outside of tumblr would be extremely helpful.
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feydfuckernation · 2 years
(courtesy of @aconflagrationofmyown​)
Technically I was tagged to do this almost a week ago and then I Forgor about it sooooooo. No time like the present tho! Especially considering it’s apparently Elvis Presley Day (everybody say thank you @loving-elvis​). I was tagged by @mymamalife and @lindszeppelin (ty lovies!) and I’m not sure who all has already done this so anyone who hasn’t done it yet and wants to do it just say I tagged you 
Let’s start off gently shall we? Because this most definitely devolves into thirsty madness later, you’ve been warned…and also, we are all at various stages in the Elvis fandom, some of us have been suckling the gospel of EP from birth, others just had their sexual awakening with the 2022 movie, and then there’s the ones among us with frickin’ doctorates on the man. All are welcome, it keeps us colorful. Feel free to pick and chose which of these you want to answer.
When and what was your first exposure to Elvis Presley?
This is probably a very common answer (especially for younger Elvis fans like myself) but in terms of what I can actually remember? Lilo and Stitch! I’m sure I probably heard my parents listening to Elvis growing up (we have a veritable fuck ton of Elvis CDs lying around the house, including every film, every special and all of his gospel albums AND the Viva Elvis soundtrack from the Cirque du Soleil show, which is very good if you’ve never heard it) but Lilo and Stitch is when I actually remembered hearing it.
And what was your first impression?  
Catchy stuff. I remember being very fond of Stuck On You for some incredibly specific reason. As an adult, however, Lilo laying on the floor listening to Heartbreak Hotel is probably my favourite (and very relatable). But I didn’t really think about him beyond that until much later in life.
Lace shirts or jumpsuits?
In terms of what I would wear? Lace shirts. In terms of what Elvis would wear? Both honestly. One fits the love I have for the pretty boy aesthetic and the other has an element of camp to it, which fits the love I have for camp and kitsch. He manages to look good in both (and just about everything inbetween) and that’s incredibly unfair because I don’t think I could ever pull off a jumpsuit.
You can steal one of Elvis/Austin’s outfits, what’s it going to be?
Again, in terms of what I would wear? The Trouble outfit. 100%. I’m a big fan of Green Day and from the minute I saw it I started calling it the American Idiot outfit, which has led to very interesting debate in my household as to whether or not Billie Joe Armstrong based THE American Idiot outfit off of Elvis, which I think would be VERY interesting if he did, considering the nature of who Elvis was, especially when he was starting out. The image- and subsequent outcry as a result of- a young rock n’ roll rebel rauser from the 1950s and what it means to be a punk musician (particularly an American punk musician, and definitely THOSE American punk musicians) are actually quite similar, at least to me. Putting my own comfort aside, however, I’d say the pink suit lace shirt combo from the hayride. I’ve been obsessed with it ever since. Unless there’s something Elvis actually wore that had lions on it. Comfort or no, I’d wear it because I have an image to maintain. (Honourable mention: the tiger jumpsuit. Rawr)
C’mon, we know you’ve been watching/reading old interviews and random footage of the man, so what’s your favorite random Elvis quote?
During the ‘68 comeback special where he curls his lip and says “I got news for you, baby: I did 29 pictures like that!” while making fun of how much he curled his lip.
Did you find Austin Butler’s lips distracting despite them being in a movie about the King of plush upper lips? (Be honest now)  
Well I do NOW. 
In all honesty I was actually probably more distracted by his eyes. Anytime I see a gif of Austin kissing someone, however, I am most definitely thinking about his lips.
What’s an aspect of Elvis’ character you wish more people appreciated?
I think there is a lot to be said about Elvis’ faith honestly. His gospel albums genuinely moved me to tears and, shockingly, are what won him the three Grammys he has. 14 nominations throughout his career and he won all three for his gospel albums. His version of Amazing Grace is one of the best versions I’ve ever heard. I think, although I didn’t know him personally, but I think there was something very genuine about Elvis’ faith, which isn’t always the case for someone as famous as he was. I hope it gave him some semblance of peace whenever he needed it most.
You meet Col. Tom Parker for the first time, forewarned with the knowledge of what a scumbag he is, what do you do?
A. Nothing. You’re a coward who doesn’t care about abused golden-hearted men B. You give the Colonel a stern telling off C. You encourage Elvis to leave him and break the contract  E. You slap a legal document against that fat suit and declare “Mrs. Claus is bringing you a lawsuit!” F. You waste no time with formalities, it’s a letter opener to the juggler for that piece of trash
I know how hard it is to try and accept that someone close to you is abusing you or taking advantage of you, and it’s especially hard to do on your own. I think it’s not unreasonable to think that, if Elvis had been able to get out from under the Colonel’s thumb, he might have lived longer, or at the very least had better quality of life before he died.
What was your favorite aspect/scene from the Elvis 2022 movie?
God it’s hard to pick just one thing. There’s so many things I love about this movie in particular. I think it might actually be my favourite Baz Lurhman film to date (which is impressive because I fucking love Moulin Rouge), and as much as I love Austin’s performance, it’s not the only thing that really stands out to me. Everything about this movie is magical. The cinematography. The sound design. The costumes. The sets. But if you’re really going to make me pick just one.......as much as I love Trouble (and believe me, I do. Especially after watching King Creole), I might have to go with the introduction to the Vegas Years with the way Baz builds up the orchestration to the Vegas rendition of That’s Alright Mama. I had chills the first time I saw it and I about had chills every subsequent time I saw it. The way it not only builds anticipation, but builds the very track itself? Genuinely inspired imo, even for Baz.
You can choose only one song or piece of media to convince someone to become an Elvis fan, what is it going to be?
If I Can Dream, and the context surrounding it. The 68′ Comeback Special is renowned for a reason, but If I Can Dream is something else altogether, because it’s not just a brilliant performance. It’s a brilliant performance that means something. It actually reminds me of U2′s Super Bowl halftime show in that way (and it’s my favourite halftime show as a result). If I Can Dream came at a time where the nation was particularly divisive, and it is genuinely one of the most moving- and heartfelt- performances I’ve ever seen. 
How many children would you give Elvis Presley from your own -or theoretical- womb? (listen to the beast in ya, your feminism won’t serve you here)
Due to a multitude of reasons I’ll say one or two. We’d adopt. 
Where are you hanging out with EP, his bedroom with the teddy bears, Club Handy, his private jet or Graceland?
Graceland. Especially the jungle room. I never knew what it looked like as a kid so whenever someone mentioned it I always pictured the tackiest looking room with fake vines and forest wallpaper and animal heads...only to then find out it’s actually very tasteful and warm and quite gorgeous actually. I think I would spend a lot of time in that room honestly.
What is the peak Elvis era? (Warning, this says an awful lot about you…)
Late ‘60s early ‘70s. Elvis had always been a sex symbol, but the raw, unrefined sex appeal of the ‘68 Comeback Special had me in a grip. He was no longer that young boyish rebel of the mid to late ‘50s, and after many years and failed attempts at the kind of film career I wish I- and Elvis himself- had gotten to see, Elvis had finally returned to his roots as a musician, and a rock n’ roll musician at that. There was a maturity to his sound that I really loved.
How long have you been an Austin Butler fan (be honest now, God is watching)
Radicalized June 24th 2022, but now I’m in it for the long haul. God help you all when that biker movie comes out. Also Dune. ESPECIALLY Dune.  As much as I actually liked the 1984 version, it is an absolute injustice to Feyd Rautha, and I know Austin has the range to play the nastiest little space twink I know and love. 
However if they make him bald I will quit my job and go full time in the walls of Denis Villeneuve’s house.
What kind of Elvis chick are you? A 1950’s prospective wife material that he’s already sampled, a 1960’s film set fling, or a Vegas torrid backstage affair?
Hmmmmmmm. I was a drama kid growing up so of the three I’m gonna say film set fling. 
Is Austin Butler an honorary southerner now? Answer options:
A. Hell no, California can keep his sweet cheeks B. Hell yes, he’s practically been possessed by the soul of the King of the South  
Pick your poison in the fan-fiction realm: angst, fluff, smut, fluffy smut, angsty fluff, angsty smut? Or is reading about Elvis Presley an acknowledged health hazard?
Angst. I fucking love to suffer (and I like to drag everyone else down with me. Just ask any of my friends). And it’s not just fanfiction, either. My favorite show right now is literally Succession.
Spit or swallow for this man? (And if you don’t understand this question move right along)
but also if you’re really going to make me choose.......spit.
Would Gladys approve of you? Take your above answer into consideration.
Honestly? I’m not sure. I think I’m the kind of person that would try to conform to her expectations to an unhealthy degree, but in terms of my feelings for Elvis? I want to hope that she would appreciate the sincerity. 
Which of Elvis’ cars is your favorite?
Not the pink Cadillac, but the purple one! 
What are your odds for besting this man at karate?
Well I DID watch The Karate Kid so less than none probably (Sorry Ralph). Unless I’m in Eagle Fang. Then maybe one or two. That being said, I would love to see a fight between Elvis and Terry Silver. I’m getting an ABSURD amount of satisfaction at the thought of Elvis beating the shit out of Terry Silver. I would point and laugh for hours on end. 
If you could meet Elvis and have enough composure to tell him something, what would it be?
A hug. Some words of encouragement. If Elvis truly felt like he never made a film he could be proud of I’d tell him that I loved him in King Creole. Maybe offer to say a prayer for him if it would bring him even some small semblance of peace.
What’s a hobby or pastime of yours you wish you could share with Elvis/Austin!Elvis?
I love making playlists because I listen to a shit ton of music. Getting to listen to new music with Elvis and be able to make playlists together just sounds so cozy to me honestly.
What’s the Elvis 2022 quote you’ve been mumbling to yourself ever since you heard it?
What are your top 3 go-to Elvis songs?
Where Could I Go But To The Lord, Heartbreak Hotel and Polk Salad Annie 🐊
If you could spare him one tragedy what would it be?
Is there a modern artist that sorta scratches for you the itch that Elvis’ absence leaves?
I can’t say there is one when it comes to Elvis. The absolute closest in terms of Elvis specifically is, for me, getting to listen to Austin Butler, but that’s about it. The more I’ve come to learn about who Elvis was and appreciate the magnitude of his loss, the less of an answer I have. 
How did you react at the end of the movie when In the Ghetto started to play?
A. I got up and fixed a snack because I have no soul B. I left feeling alarmingly horny C. I was impressed but didn’t realize how affected I was until days later when it was still with me D. I cried buckets they had to bring in a mop E. I may have appeared emotionless but in fact my soul was leaving my body and I don’t think it’s returned quite yet
If you’ve got a favorite gif or photo insert it here and bless us all
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