#diving into an active volcano
lovesickhoneybee · 1 year
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“I admit to a strong prejudice against you,” she continued quickly, “but I have come to know you since my arrival at Aubrey Hall, and in all conscience, I could not allow you to go on thinking that I would stand in your way. It would—it would not be right of me.”
Anthony just stared at her, completely at a loss. There was, he realized dimly, something a bit deflating about her willingness to marry him off to her sister, since he’d spent the better part of the last two days fighting the urge to kiss her rather senseless. – The Viscount Who Lived Me by Julia Quinn
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steddie-as-they-come · 8 months
Steve Harrington sucks at kissing.
It’s something everyone in school knows. The King can’t kiss to save his life. He’s motionless, emotionless. It’s like kissing a brick wall.
And yes, he makes up for it in other ways, ways that let all the girls he’s with get past the weird kissing thing. Nancy’s not big on PDA anyway, so minimum kissing is fine with her.
The rumors spread, though. Girls talk to their friends about how they try to “teach” him to kiss, giving him gentle instructions murmured against his lips, to no avail. The movements are flat, jerky, like he’s being puppeted around on marionette strings.
He just can’t do it.
Robin teases him about it exactly once, early on in their Scoops Ahoy careers. But she sees how sad it makes him, sees how he twists the strand of hair by his ear around and around his finger (a nervous habit of his that she learns about much later), and resolves to never talk about it again. If only to get him to stop looking like she dropkicked his puppy into an active volcano.
When Steve starts dating Eddie, they don’t kiss much. Eddie’s not experienced, and he’s also not stupid. He heard the rumors in high school. The last thing he wants is for Steve to be forced into doing something he doesn’t want to do. And it’s really okay. Steve’s good with his hands (like, obscenely good), and he treats Eddie like a person, not a prize or a target. Bar’s low, but Steve’s still hurtling over it.
So it’s about half a month into their relationship when they kiss for the first time.
Eddie graduates, and Steve just gets so excited he yanks Eddie down an empty corridor in the school, picks him up by the waist and spins him around like a Disney princess.
And then he kisses him.
Eddie’s long hair is falling like a curtain around their faces, blocking out the whole world until it’s just them. Steve’s lips are warm, slotted perfectly against Eddie’s own, and his hands are braced around Eddie’s waist. Eddie feels his diploma fall from his hands, and he weaves his hand into Steve’s hair and tilts his head up, kissing him deeper.
Steve breaks away just then. Eddie chases Steve’s mouth with his own on instinct.
“Sorry,” Steve says breathlessly.
“What the hell are you sorry for?” Eddie demands in a harsh whisper. “I thought you were bad at kissing!”
“I am!” Steve says. “I got excited, sorry. I won’t do it again.”
“Why not?” Eddie says indignantly. “That was by far the best kiss I have ever had. Did you not like it?”
Steve looks like he’s running on autopilot. “No, it was amazing, I just… everyone says I’m bad at kissing. I didn’t want to make you kiss me.”
Eddie drags him close, slams him against the wall like he did in the boathouse, except this time with significantly more horny undertones. “You should keep that reputation.” Eddie says in a low tone. “I think no one else, but me, gets to know how good of a kisser you are.”
“Works for me,” Steve says, breath ghosting over Eddie’s lips, and that’s all the invitation Eddie needs to dive back in.
They end up scarring Robin when she comes looking for them, but that’s alright.
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sassy-stupid · 11 months
Al-haitham x reader x Kaveh
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18+ only please!
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Content warnings
Polyamory, shower sex, vaginal penetration, anal penetration, double penetration, degradation, Al-haitham, creampies, reader gets slapped once but relatively gently.
Your boyfriend lets something about his old relationship with his hot roommate slip during your shower together, you see the potential.
"Gods, why are you trying to wash yourself in an active volcano," Al-haitham hisses as he immediately steps back out from under the stream of admittedly extremely hot water.
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You'd been together with the scribe turned grand sage for a while now. Which means it was no surprise for him to find you in his shower and no surprise for you to find him stepping in to join you. What did come as a surprise to him though was the sheer temperature of your relaxing little shower.
You giggle. "Sorry baby but a nice shower isn't nice if it doesn't feel like you're burning your filth and sins off your body y'know?" He shakes his head, well aware that you'd keep this going if he denied, but too stubborn to just agree with you.
"Why does every other person in this house try to match the sun's temperature in their showers." He's complaining but it catches your attention anyway. He raises an eyebrow at the sly grin on your face, "what?"
"How come you know how hot Kaveh likes to shower?" You wiggle your eyebrows at him. You swear you can see him flush, although with the steam and sweltering heat in the room it is a bit hard to tell.
"We're roommates, of course I would know that," he says, deadpanning, although in a slight fit of nervousness he adds "it's not as if you need to shower together to know that."
"Ooooh but baby, I'M not the one who said you showered together." You enjoyed mentally poking and prodding at him like this on the best of days but today even more so. The revelation about your boyfriend and his heartthrob roommate making you giddy.
He reached out turning the heat of your shower down a bit before finally stepping in to actually join you. Immediately pushing you up against the tiled shower wall. "I know you enjoy riling me up like this but do you really want to talk about Kaveh right now?" he speaks, nice and low. The voice he always uses when trying to make you pliant before diving into a kiss.
You weren't quite done yet though. You hum as you pull away from him. "I don't know, judging by your body's reaction, you're enjoying talking about him even more than I am." You tease, rubbing your thigh against his arousal. You bring your mouth close to his ear and whisper, "tell me Al-haitham, did you and dear Kaveh use to fuck before I came around? Is that why the two of you can't go 5 minutes without bickering?"
You were mostly still teasing but you couldn't help but actually be curious. HAD they been intimate together? And if so was it just convenience, or were there feelings involved? Your mind started racing and to your surprise what it ended up on was not a fit of jealousy and insecurity at your boyfriend having been with one of the most attractive people you knew. It felt like a golden opportunity instead.
Al-haitham's face was undeniably red now, although if you'd mention it he'd blame the heat. "I- what." He took a second to recompose himself before looking you in the eye and asking earnestly. "Would that bother you?" You felt you heart skip a beat at his concern, here you had been almost bullying him and he's checking in on you so sweetly.
"It wouldn't as long as you're not doing anything with him behind my back, which I know you would never, I'm good." You let your hand softly stroke his face, reveling in him when he leans into you. "...Sooo did you?"
His eyes flit away from yours "...yes," he sighs. "We had a period where we were something, not quite in a relationship but not just friends with benefits either." The spicy shower he'd been planning to take with you had turned sweet, you were now washing his hair for him as the two of you spoke.
"Do you still have feelings for him?" You feel him stiffen up at your question and you gently rub his shoulders in response. "I'm not accusing you of anything, we're just talking, yeah?" He doesn't quite relax, but he leans back into you and answers.
"It wouldn't matter if I did, he's set his sights elsewhere." The last part of his sentence sounded exasperated, a tone he frequently used when the subject turns to Kaveh. "He's actually opened up about the crush he's been nursing on YOU recently."
This takes you by surprise, your body language shows it and Al-haitham is quick to comfort you. "He promised me he won't act on it, and I can promise to you that he's still a decent guy (y/n). He won't just try to steal you from me."
You blinked, your mind working overtime. "Wait a second." Your hand came to you chin in an exaggerated thinking pose.
"So you say Kaveh likes me?" He nods slowly, trying to follow your train of thought. "You like Kaveh," he hesitates but when you send him a pointed look he resigns and nods. "Kaveh DEFINITELY still likes you, don't bother trying to deny it, you might not see it but I'M not blind." Al-haitham doesn't even bother to fight it, yet he's barely nodding along anymore either.
"(Y/n), are you actually going to go there?" He seems to have caught on and you shrug.
"And I kinda like Kaveh too," you confirm.
"I see, then, how would we go about this? Do we just invite him in?" he asks, and you giggle, happy that your boyfriend seems on board. "How about we ask him into our next shower? He seems to enjoy it hot too right?" You wink at him.
The rest of the shower is nice, a bit cold for your liking but Al-haitham promised you 'the hottest shower of your life' tomorrow and you're not even entirely sure if he was talking about the temperature but you went along with it either way. The night brought along some heavy petting but no further action as both of you were far too excited about the day to come.
The next day goes by at a snail's pace, you were never good at waiting but it did give you the time to consider how you would handle this. Al-haitham was at work and so was Kaveh, you'd decided you'd make a little show of inviting Al-haitham into a shower and then have him invite Kaveh.
You though that considering the two of them have already had sex before it might seem more like a genuine offer coming from him.
And so the two came back from work, exchanging their regular harsh sounding words, over some nonsense no doubt. You made haste on your way over, excitement getting the better of you as you launched yourself into your boyfriend.
"You're back!" You announced, though they were already quite aware of the fact. Something Al-haitham was probably about to tell you when Kaveh interrupted him.
"You seem to be in a good mood, special occasion?" He smiled at you and combined with the knowledge of his little crush on you, the attention flustered you.
"A little bit, I was waiting for you guys to come home because I was going to take a nice long shower but the bathroom gets so lonely." You fake pout as your little show begins. You admit, you put it on a bit thick as you drape yourself across your boyfriend. Though the blush on Kaveh's face as he averts his eyes, mind wandering no doubt, makes it worth it.
"Needy as always I see," comes Al-haitham's reply "go get the water temperature right." The look on his face makes his intentions clear to you, he plans on being the one to ask Kaveh as well.
"Oh? Letting me decide the temperature?" You tease, before shooting Kaveh a wink "things are about to get steamy." You turn and leave before you can see their reaction, mostly to avoid seeing Al-haitham roll his eyes at you again.
You just barely got the shower running before you hear shouting. Their conversation had the cadence of their usual bickering just a lot louder. You quickly made your way to them, running into Al-haitham in the hallway.
"He doesn't believe me, thinks I'm playing a stupid prank on him," Al-haitham speaks casually, as if it doesn't bother him but luckily you know him better than that.
You pat his shoulder. "Don't worry, he's just being wary. I'm sure he doesn't really believe you'd do that but he was just caught off guard," you reassure the man who, in your eyes, was practically sulking in front of you.
"I got this!" You say, more to yourself than to Al-haitham, as you walk past him towards the blond who was still muttering to himself.
Before you could say anything his eyes shot to you and he started talking exasperatedly. "(y/n)! You would not BELIEVE the stupid joke your boyfriend just tried to pull on me." He was fuming and you couldn't even get a word in before he continued, "I think it's frankly disrespectful not only to me but to you as well, you should scold him for this! I already did but he needs to hear it at least twice!"
You laugh, he gets worked up so easy whenever your boyfriend is involved. You really don't know how you'd never guessed their history before, looking back now. "Kaveh," you get his attention, squeezing his shoulder for good measure "please join us in the shower?"
"A-are you playing along with his sick joke?" He looks almost heartbroken and you can't stand it. You shake your head quickly before putting your hands on his cheeks and pulling him in, pressing a sweet kiss to his lips which seems to stun him into silence.
"Haitham and I got to talking when he mentioned you and I both liked our showers hot," you speak gently, not wanting to hurt the soft-hearted blonde any further. "We connected some dots and figured out we both liked you, and you liked both of us."
Kaveh was blinking rapidly, clearly trying to catch up to the situation, which to him was dizzying. He'd just gotten kissed by his crush, his ex and best friend's girlfriend.
"Look Kaveh, I promise Al-haitham wasn't joking and neither am I, we all have some kind of feelings for eachother and although we'd have to work it all out together. We're willing to try if you are." Your hand was now gently stroking his cheek as he processed your offer.
His hand caught yours and for a second you're anxiously expecting rejection, however he brings your hand to his mouth and presses a chaste kiss to it "I'll admit I've dreamed of this, so when Al-haitham asked it sounded too good to be true."
This time, his hand on the nape of your neck is what pulls you into a kiss, a far less gentle one than before that has you almost panting when you pull away. Kaveh grins at you as he pulls you along towards Al-haitham's huge bathroom. "Think he can handle our heat?"
You arrive at the bathroom giggling, Kaveh reverting to his natural charm now that his reason for anxiety was gone. Al-haitham doesn't try to hide the small smile on his face, a moment you will cherish, before he speaks, "Finally come to your senses Kaveh? I was beginning to think you'd actually be stupid enough to think we would both joke about this."
Not one to take Al-haitham's remarks Kaveh immediately strikes back, "There's a reason people expect things like that from you Al-haitham, maybe if you were more in touch with the people around you, you'd-" you interrupt him by throwing you shirt over his head. Their bickering was cute, but you'd been waiting for this long enough and you'd be lying through your teeth if you said you weren't dying to see Kaveh naked.
As he lifted your shirt off his head you could see he was practically glowing, his face a bright red that had Al-haitham suppressing a chuckle and you nearly cooing at how cute the blond was. His eyes met yours before they drifted down, starting to take in your body as Al-haitham's hands softly started rubbing up and down your waist.
Kaveh's pupils were fully blown and you were sure they only mirrored your own as Al-haitham started speaking in that low tone again, "see this Kaveh? This is what you've been missing out on." His hands push your bra below your chest, making your tits spill out before he starts to feel them up. One of his hands was now rolling a nipple between his fingers as the other slipped down, hooking on the hem of your panties. You decided not to suppress your whines, desperate to show Kaveh everything.
He practically whimpered before surging forward, his hands joining Al-haitham in undressing you in the most sensual way you'd ever been undressed. Meanwhile his lips pressed against Al-haitham's and your heart picked up the pace at seeing the two together.
As Kaveh's fingers made contact with your slit you both moaned simultaneously. Al-haitham pulled back to remove his shirt and you pulled on Kaveh's as he speaks, "such a good girl for us, so wet already." His fingers glide over your clit and you almost double over at how light and electrifying how touches are. Just like his words, a stark contrast to Al-haitham.
You're pulling at Kaveh's pants now as he pushes a finger in, Al-haitham turns on the shower behind you but even the sound of the water doesn't hide the needy moan you let out. "Almost baby, we got you, don't worry you'll have all of us," Kaveh responds to your sounds gently and for a second you think about how he's not just a contrast to Al-haitham's harsh words, they complement eachother perfectly.
Then the scribe is pulling you out of your thoughts and backwards into the shower by your hips. Kaveh quickly shrugs off his underwear before following.
Your eyes glide over his body and you don't try to hide the hunger beneath it, making the blonde shiver despite the scorching shower he just stepped into. He's big, bigger than Al-haitham and you wonder if that's why he'd being so gentle. There's no way you'd be able to take THAT rough from the get-go.
Al-haithams hands are on your heat, one playing with you throbbing clit as the other presses two fingers into you hole, beginning to stretch you out for them. "I didn't think it possible but your pussy might be hotter than this shower." He kisses down your neck and you can feel his smirk on your skin as he says, "you're about as wet though."
Kaveh finally reaches you and his mouth is on yours instantly, the kiss down right debauched as his hand pulls one of your legs over his hip making you balance on the other one before Al-haitham presses into you from behind. You were leaning on the two men completely now, and there was nowhere you'd rather be at the moment.
"Please baby, grind that sweet pussy on my cock. I know you can do it, please just let me feel you," Kaveh whispers in your ear and you do as he asks, not being able to refuse him when he begs you like that.
Al-haitham's hand slaps you ass firmly. "Don't forget about me," he mumbles from where his teeth are pinching at your neck, and how could you when his hand on your jaw makes you face him. His kisses are different from Kaveh's, less desperation and more calculated intent to turn you on further, their passion rivaled eachother despite the difference.
Kaveh's cock was nestled firmly between your folds now, his head nudging your clit every movement you made so when Al-haitham takes control over the movements your hips make, your eyes roll back.
"Oh my god, I need to feel her," Kaveh groans as Al-haitham pushes you into him again "need to feel you around me baby." His voice softened the second he addressed you and it made you melt, the softness of it all despite the meaning of his words.
Al-haitham chuckled. "How about it little slut? Should I lift you onto his cock? Why am I even asking, I know what you need." His degrading side was coming out, probably feeling like Kaveh was spoiling you too much and the difference between them was giving you whiplash.
He doesn't ask again before he tilts your hips towards Kaveh's tip, the blond licks his lips as he looks at the man beside you. "You just gonna serve her up to me like this? Gonna put our sweet girl onto my cock? Go on, make her take all of me."
Al-haitham is not usually one to take orders but maybe that's exclusive to you because the second the words leave Kaveh's lips you're being brought down on him. It stretches you beyond belief, if Al-haitham was big then Kaveh was massive and you were loving it.
"Taking me so well," Kaveh moans in your ear, in the other Al-haitham whispers, "like the born slut you are, look at how you're sucking him in." His hand slipping between your bodies, rubbing tight circles on your clit.
You have to stop yourself from cumming right then and there but when you see Al-haitham's other hand run down Kaveh's back towards his puckered hole,  you find it near impossible to hold back and when Kaveh jolts inside you as Al-haitham presses a finger into him, you finally let go.
You're almost crying as you cream Kaveh's cock, it seems way too soon for it to feel this intense but the heat is getting to you. Kaveh is looking at you with his mouth dropped open, reverently, as he keeps up his deep thrusts inside you. Al-haitham bites down on your shoulder possesively, practically promising to ruin you further tonight.
"Oh baby, getting so tight. Creaming my cock so well. Wanna fill you up baby, been so good, you deserve my cum," Kaveh praises you to heaven and back, his hands caressing your face and despite just cumming, it does things to you.
"Please Kaveh." You barely recognize your own voice as you beg for his cum, "I want it in me, need you". The effect is instant, his jaw going slack as he grinds in deep leaving behind a thick load of his seed.
He thrusts into you gently a few more times before Al-haitam speaks up, "you're just going to keep fucking your cum into her? Or can I finally get my dick wet?" He gets so crass like this but you can't deny you like it. Kaveh opens his mouth, no doubt to argue but Al-haitham is one step ahead. "Not THAT kind of wet".
Kaveh gives you another deep kiss as he slowly pulls his cock out, the cum he'd been fucking deeper seeping out along with it causing the man to groan at the sight. "Baby, you look so pretty all filled with me," he says as he pulls away from your lips. Reaching his fingers out to push some of it back into you but Al-haitham catches them and brings them to his mouth. Both you and Kaveh look on mesmerized as he begins sucking on them, drool spreading everywhere before he brings them down to your ass.
"It's my turn now so why don't you make yourself useful for once and get her ready to be properly shared." The words are meant for Kaveh but he's turned you around and is staring into your eyes while he says them. A shiver runs down your back as you get what he means.
The smirk on his face isn't wide by any means, always one for the more subtle facial expressions, but the sentiment behind it was clear. "You've been enjoying yourself haven't you?" he says as he leans down into your neck to leave his mark. The nip of his teeth makes a shiver run down your back. Just as you were about to answer him, knowing your boyfriend's dominant streak meant he didn't like being ignored, Kaveh's fingers made contact with your ass. Your answer changed into a strangled gasp as Kaveh works his index finger into you.
Luckily Al-haitham seems to be in a forgiving mood. "Awe, is my little slut already fucked too dumb to answer? You've only taken one of us so far, don't think we're even near done yet," He says while he nudges his cock towards your pussy, still wet with Kaveh's cum. "It's time you finally use that body of yours to satisfy me, been making me wait for it for too long." He shoves his cock all the way in on his first thrust, trusting the sheer amount of cum to provide plenty lubrication.
With Al-haitham's rough treatment melting your brain you almost didn't notice Kaveh's soothing actions. While one of his hands was busy prepping you, the other was practically petting you. His motions so gentle your body relaxed into every single one of his touches. The two men were in complete control over you now.
"Doing so well baby, you can take it," Kaveh speaks near your ear as he pushes a third finger in.
"Yeah, you heard him princess. You can take it." The same words sounded so different from Al-haitham's mouth but truth be told, you barely registered either of them.
Al-haitham might not have been as sweet to you as Kaveh but the passion was definitely there and he knows his way around your body. You felt yourself clench around him as his fingers started to circle your clit. "Gonna cum? Better keep it in slut, we're not stopping until WE'RE done, you know that." You knew you could tap out at any given moment despite what he was saying, but not a bone in your body considered it. Even as your body shook during your orgasm, not even as it shivered from overstimulation.
"Haitham, give her a second. I'm about to put it in." if you'd been any more present you'd have scolded Kaveh for speaking about you as if you weren't there but you honestly were barely even sure if you were anymore.
Luckily Al-haitham really did seem to take orders from Kaveh as he stopped his rough thrusts for a moment. You panted and whimpered in his neck, pussy still spasming from the climax he never fully allowed you to stop having. His hands on you turned gentle for a second, pulling you away from his neck a bit, eyes on your partially focused ones as he asked, "are you still okay? Need an actual break?"
"Nooo, I'm okay. Please keep going, everything feels so good." Despite the clear struggle to put your thoughts into words and the slight slur to your them, he took your answer to heart. Immediately diving into a passionate kiss.
You don't know if he had meant to distract you from Kaveh but the next thing you registered was the thick head of his cock poking around your tight hole. You suppress the slight anxiety you're feeling, both men doing their all to keep you calm as the blond begins to push into you slowly.
"Baby, you gotta relax a bit." You're not entirely sure which one of the two was speaking but it was Al-haitham's thumb that gently moved over your bottom lip. You didn't even know when you started biting down on it but you're glad Al-haitham noticed before you bit too hard.
"Shhhh, almost there pretty thing. You're doing so well for us." This time you know it's Kaveh, he's practically speaking into your neck now, "sooooo good for us."
You feel him buck up into you further and another high-pitched whine leaves you. The pressure of both of them at once was unlike anything you'd ever felt before. Sure you'd taken Al-haitham before while wearing a buttplug but it couldn't even begin to compare to this.
"Oh my god, I think I'm gonna cum. It's just so warm." The end of Kaveh's sentence sounded more like a moan than anything else and you could feel him lean more of his body weight into you as he finally bottomed out.
Al-haitham's arm shot up at Kaveh's words, slender fingers tangling into the other's hair. "Not yet," the tone of his voice was deeper than you'd ever heard from him before "I know you're a needy bitch but you can hold out for a bit." He pulled on Kaveh's hair at the degrading words and you could feel both of their cocks twitch inside you.
You'd always known they'd have amazing chemistry based on all their bickering but being sandwiched between them as they started making out was really something else. Paired with Al-haitham's deep grinding and Kaveh's shallow thrusting, the sight of it pushed you over the edge once more.
Your eyes rolled back and you bite down on Al-haitham's shoulder to keep yourself together as your body convulses wildly. The amount of times they've made you cum is starting to make you feel a bit sore but you refuse to be the one to end this.
Kaveh is groaning in your ear again as he drives his cock in and out of you slowly "You're the best thing I've ever felt (y/n)," he takes a good look at your face before continuing "are you keeping up, angel? Need me to carry you?"
"Yes Kaveh, please," you say, voice sounding like a whimper. He hums in your ear appreciatively while his hands slide down your thighs to lift you up.
"I love it when you say my name like that baby, sound so pretty when you're begging," Kaveh whispers to you, though you're sure Al-haitham can hear judging by the pull at the corner of his lips.
Both of them keep going until the squelching sounds are louder than the water, at that point Kaveh seems to start struggling. He's making animalistic sounds now and it's giving Al-haitham a new reason to tease him.
"You sound like you're absolutely pussy-whipped." The intention behind his words were clear but Kaveh was too far gone to realize, he nodded into your neck in response.
"Fuuuuuck, yeah I am," he speaks as he pushes in hard, his strength shoving Al-haitham into the wall. The new position allowing the blond to fuck you into him.
You're starting to slip when Al-haitham pulls you back with a soft slap to the face. He's always gentle when he does but his words never sound like it. "Stay with us, I'm not done with you yet."
"Don't be mean to her Haitham, she's doing so damn well for us." Kaveh's reply sounds labored, his breath coming through hard as he's practically panting the words out.
"Don't get too cocky there Kaveh, I'll put you in your place next time. We'll see if you take me as well as she does," Al-haitham scolds, though the promise behind the words is not lost on Kaveh and you feel his cock twitch in response.
Your end is nearing fast and the sexy sounds coming from both of them are doing nothing to slow it down. "Please I'm gonna- I don't know if I can." You don't know who you're addressing but you feel both their hands caress your face the second the words leave you.
"You can." Al-haitham's reply is short and should not be as comforting to you as it is but with Kaveh's addition of "We got you." it's perfect and you let yourself fall over the edge again.
The next few seconds are blurry, but when the world gets sharp again you realize they both stopped. You're secretly grateful because as much as you were enjoying yourself, you really weren't sure how much longer you could take any of it.
You feel Al-haitham pull out and the water immediately washes away the cum that leaks out along with him. You realize Kaveh had pulled out sometime during your little moment and he was now turning you around in his arms, hugging you into his chest practically singing praise into your ears.
"Guys, we should leave the shower now." Al-haitham's voice comes from close behind you, and is met with disapproving whines from both you and Kaveh. "Be my guest, just know that I'm not babying either of you when you get sick from the cold water," He continues, combing his hand through your hair once before leaving the shower on his own.
"Cold?" You question, not noticing just how much warm water you guys had used up. The shower had gradually turned icy.
"Yeah, cold. Our body heat and the distraction must have kept us from noticing the gradual change," came Al-haitham's reply from somewhere outside of the shower.
"there's no way we didn't notice that, it's ice cold now! You must've just changed it!" Kaveh accuses Al-haitham, who in turn merely rolls his eyes before reaching back into the shower and turning the water off.
"Why would I? Some of us aren't desperate enough for attention to act out like that Kaveh," Al-haitham spoke pointedly as he handed Kaveh a towel.
Kaveh scoffed but didn't argue further as he turned to you again, beginning to dry you off. "Do you need anything? I could run you a bath? Or just get you something to clean up with? Do you want any snacks? You've earned them," he offered instead.
Al-haitham wasn't great at aftercare but he'd always been sufficient, knowing how to bring you down from your high gently. Which is why you didn't know how to react when the prince of aftercare himself, started pulling out snacks from places you hadn't even known had been in the house.
A giggle escaped you as Kaveh popped a candy he'd just unwrapped for you into your mouth. "How long have you been hiding all this in my bathroom?" Al-haitham sounded unimpressed but got shut up when the grinning blond booped him on the nose before giving him a sweet kiss.
"You'd be surprised at how many stashes I have around here, I can keep all of us supplied for weeks," he replies his grin now cheeky, knowing the scribe wouldn't give him any shit if he's sharing with you.
"You're lucky she likes her sweets as much as you," Al-haitham states, moving to get dressed.
"Andddd, you're lucky we both like our showers hot," you add.
"I know, I'm just the luckiest," Kaveh says, looking at the two of you fondly.
Later that night the three of you are crammed into Al-haitham's bed since it was the largest (technically his was the same size as Kaveh's but the latter had so many blankets and pillows it takes up at least a quarter of the space). The two men almost instantly fall asleep, Kaveh hugging your arm to his chest as Al-haitham spoons him.
You always knew there was more to their arguing but seeing them at peace together like this warmed your heart, looking back down at them you thanked whatever God was out there that you and Kaveh liked the same type of showers.
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I lost three rounds of editing on this fic because of tumblr shenanigans so if you spot any mistakes please cut me some slack I probably had them fixed at one point.
Trying to see if it'll let me post without any media, if it does I'll try to update it from my laptop tomorrow for ✨️aesthetic✨️ reasons.
(If this goes through the ✨️aesthetic✨️ edit is done)
All in all, I hope you guys enjoyed!
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butraura · 2 months
the way the guys put their careers on the lines (including Tommy) in order to have Hen's back and save Bobby and Athena makes me violently emotional.
that's their FAMILY. that's it. They'd have catapulted into an active volcano if they thought it was the only way to save them.
"Who cares!?" is such a great motto for the 118. The irony of it being that they care so much that they will risk everything at any given moment. The irony of it being that they care so much that they dive head first into anything. THEY care.
i just love them so much. the found family trope is genuinely one of my favourites and they've done it so well in 9-1-1
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africanamermaid · 10 days
Man, Link is so whipped.
He'd climb mountains for the girl, swan dive into active volcano calderas for the girl, face actual 28 Days Later infected in the dead of night butt-naked armed with a tree branch and pot lid for the girl, he would devour obsidian and diamonds for the girl, he would take on an army of rabid badgers for the girl, he would downright forsake his very dignity for the girl.
I wish I had a man like Link. ;_;
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betterthanburrow · 10 months
heyo!! this sounds like a weird request but can you can an insta au with a reader who’s a kpop idol ???
Celebrity Crush - Instagram AU
(Bengals QuarterBack! Joe Burrow x K-Pop Idol! OC)
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liked by 570,815 users
Bengals: If the internet breaks, this is why.
view all 30,405 comments
username2: the Bengals page is really trying to turn my gay at this point…
username3: 🤤🤤🤤🤤🤤🤤🤤🤤🤤
username4: he could tell me to jump into an active volcano and i’ll do a swan dive!
username5: hard to look ❌hard while looking at ✅
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liked by 1,009,513 users
yourinstagram: Night 1 in New York!
Thank you, I love you 🤍
keep dreaming, loving, and doing what you gotta do!
Thank you for a lot of love last night!
view all 420,075 comments
username1: the concert was so much fun!
thegarden: 🤍🤍🤍
username2: NEW YORK LOVES YOU!
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liked by 99,513 users
ALLKPOP: Cincinnati Bengals Quarterback Joe Burrow revealed in the Media Press Conference that he is a big fan of K-POP Soloist Y/FN Y/LN and he said that she is his celebrity crush and that everyone should go listen to her new album that was released in April.
Who Knew That The NFL QB is a K-POP Fan?!
view all 50,111 comments
username1: i never thought that my two worlds would collide 😵‍💫 i don’t know how to react to this information
username2: i’ve seen this guy all of my FYP… he’s hot!
↳ usermame3: he’s even hotter now that he’s admitted to being a fan of Y/N!
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liked by 690,205
view all 101,630 comments
username1: this is the first time Y/N has acknowledged a celebrity when they say they like her music 😳
username2: the kissy face and pink heart emojis 😶
username3: nice choice of emojis @.yourinstagram
username4: as a burrow girl and a Y/N fan… i think i might pass out seeing my two faves interacting 🫨
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liked by 20,513 users
view all 9,055 comments
username2: now i understand why Y/N decided to acknowledge that Joe Burrow listens to her music…
username3: Y/N IS A BURROW GIRL?!
↳ username4: i didn’t even know she liked american football… who introduced her to the world of sports?!
username5: i want to be a fly on the wall when Y/N found out that Joe Burrow listens to her music.
username6: this is the wildest thing to happen in the K-Pop World in a very very very very very long time 😳
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liked by joeyb_9 and 1,505,013 users
yourinstagram: Night Two in New York!
Thank You So Much… I Love You 🤍
being able to perform multiple tour shows at Madison Square Garden is an honor and i’m so thankful for the love and support you all have shown me on tour.
view all 222,009 comments
thegarden: you’re always welcome at MSG!
username1: I LOVE YOU SO MUCH
username2: i can’t believe tour will be over soon ☹️
username3: WE’RE SO PROUD OF YOU!!!!!
joeyb_9: you need to do a concert in Cincinnati.
↳ yourinstagram: new tour dates are coming soon 😊
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Author’s Note:
i used to be a fan of k-pop (i only listened to one boy group, a few girl groups, and a few soloists) so it was kinda interesting to combine one of my old interests with one of my new interests.
it’s been a while since i’ve published a requested Instagram AU, thank you all for the patience as i’m trying to catch up on all the IG AU requests that are in my Inbox at the time.
if you have a Instagram AU request, please send the IG AU request to my Inbox and i’ll try to get the requested Instagram AU published as fast as i can!
thank you all for the love and support! 🤍
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sasslett · 29 days
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Mayncient Day 10: Promise
The dusk of the eve was filled with joy and laughter as Helios and Eos clasped hands, spinning in a jaunty dance as the tribesmen around them sang and clapped in time with their music. And there was much reason to celebrate, for mere hours before, the people had thought they’d lose their homes, their livelihoods, everything they knew to the monstrous volcano that made up the center of their island. 
And they very well may have… had Azem not chosen to take matters into his own hands. Convocation be damned, he wasn’t about to sit by and watch as an entire ecosystem was obliterated, not when he had the power to help. 
It was Eos’ ingenious idea that had seen the land to safety, as the woman had transformed into her primal evocation alongside a creation of both of their making, diving straight into the bursting lava and quelling the overabundance of aether at the risk of her own life - much to Helios’ disdain. For he’d already lost her once; he wasn’t certain he’d be able to handle watching her life fade a second time. 
Yet she’d survived, and brought with her salvation for the island and its people… and its grapes, which truly did make the most delicious of wine.
Wine that the two of them had partaken plenty of that eve. 
And so, with wide smiles and flushed cheeks, they danced, twirling barefoot through the wild grasses in the last rays of the sun… and Helios couldn’t help but stop and stare at his lover, the pink of the sunset reflecting in her deep, brown eyes, her lips parted, softly panting for breath as the bards finished the last of their tune…
It was with love and joy in his heart that he reached forward to wrap his arms around her waist, pulling her flush and bringing his lips down to hers. 
She’d survived… They’d survived - and saved the entire island at that. 
Yet… Helios paused, his eyes flicking open as he realized the party had grown silent around them, and, indeed, as he pulled back, he found all the beastmens’ beady eyes glued to the two, their jaws hanging. 
“Did… Did we do something wrong?” he whispered quietly aside to the woman in his arms, his brows furrowing. 
“You… you mean to be wed, yes yes?” one of the beastmen - the chieftain, Helios recognized, judging by her ornate robe and jewelry - asked, stepping forward through the crowd and staring up at the two from behind her long, narrow snout. 
“Wed?” Helios tilted his head. “I admit, the thought has perhaps crossed my mind, but… it is not something we have planned, no.” 
“Your mouths have met beneath the goddess’ descent. And thus you have declared your intent to wed, yes?” 
“Oh.” With a sheepish grin, the man quickly stepped back from his lover, giving a soft chuckle. It wasn’t the first time the two of them had come across some strange cultural custom or another, though kissing under a sunset was a new one. “I…”
Before he could mutter out an apology or explanation of some sort… the chieftain had already retreated, barking out orders to those around her, and within moments, the settlement was a flurry of activity, the small, rodent-like tribesmen scurrying about with the utmost haste. 
“Oh, now look what you’ve done, Helios,” Eos chuckled, her eyes shining as she glanced out over the commotion before them. 
“You can’t claim I have all the blame,” the man protested.
“Oh really? Pray tell, what did I do?”
“If it wasn’t for your alluring beauty and grace, I wouldn’t have been compelled to propose, now would I?”
To that, Eos snorted - only to suddenly let out a yelp of surprise, and, glancing down, it was easy to ascertain why. Two tribesmen had reached up to grasp her hand, and were persistently tugging. 
“Come along, come along, yes, yes!” one chirped. “Much to do, much to prepare!” 
Eos flashed Helios one final grin, before she was ushered out of sight… and all the man could do was shake his head with a bemused smile. 
That was, until he felt a pair of small, clawed paws latching onto his own hands, and he, too, was swiftly tugged away.
In no time, Helios found himself paraded back through the village, the entirety of the settlement having gathered at a cliff’s edge, where the chieftain stood… beside Eos. 
By the star, he’d seen her countless times, in all manner of dress… yet the sight of her that evening, with pink flowers braided atop her hair, the sun’s last rays outlining her form beside the chieftain, and the smile that lit up her face when she caught sight of him… well, it was enough to take his breath away once more. 
It was only when he came to a stop before her that he considered exactly what they were doing. The thought of marriage had crossed his mind, once or twice, of course, yet it had never felt… necessary; they both knew they didn’t need to sign any papers before the Bureau to solidify the ethereal bond between them. 
Yet, staring at her then… he felt like the star’s biggest fool, to have not asked for her hand, to have not given himself to her in every conceivable way. And though what they were doing that eve before the tribe was nothing that would be considered official - not by Amaurotine standards, at least - he still found himself… speechless as he stood before her, a wide smile upon his face, his heart beating in his throat. 
“You look beautiful,” he murmured, gently taking her hands in his.
“As do you.” She grinned, her eyes landing upon the wreath of braided grape leaves sitting upon his head - as was customary to the tribe, he had been told. 
“Silence!” the chieftain called, the low buzz of the crowd hushing at her words. “We have gathered before the goddess to affirm the bond between two lovers. Come, drink upon her essence, drink deep of her gift.” 
She turned, hoisting a bowl in her paws and holding it aloft in Helios’ direction, her intent clear. He accepted with a polite nod, staring at the dark liquid inside - more wine, most likely - before hesitantly lifting it to his lips, his golden-eyed gaze watching the chieftain all the while, gauging his actions upon her response. And, seeing as she wasn’t staring at him aghast, he took it as a sign to proceed, bringing the bowl to his lips and letting the smooth, sweet wine wash over his tongue. Once the chieftain seemed satisfied with his gesture, he passed it to his lover, watching as she did the same. 
“With the goddess’ essence within you, place your paws upon the others, and raise them to the sky. Let her light brand you, bathe you.” 
Slowly nodding, Helios did as he was told, meeting Eos’ gaze as he placed his palm against hers. 
“Yes, yes, it is done. Feel her love coursing through you, her affirmation solidifying your bond. From this moment forward, you are bonded, now and forevermore.”
Though there was nothing official in their ceremony, though their goddess was naught more than another star in the sky… the chieftain’s words carried weight. 
In more ways than any others knew… Their bond was eternal. Ethereal. And, above all else… wholly and unequivocally theirs. 
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hvcmixtape · 10 months
love's all fair when you're checking the decisions between you and seungkwan on the basketball court on the island of jeju
pairing: seungkwan x reader themes: vacation!(Y/N), resort worker!seungkwan, jeju!seungkwan, there's no mention of caffeine but assume seungkwan still has his caffeine addiction 🤣 wc: ~2600 genre: fluff note: first fic released in a long while! hope you enjoy this AU :>
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“I know you say you’re trying, but are you really?” Seungkwan teases you with a fiery tongue. He looks down at you as if the whole world is in his hand, the corner of his lips digging deep into his smirk. With the basketball cradled in his palm, you shoot daggers into his eyes. Who does he think he is, Troy Bolton?
You're the only two on the court at this late hour, but it's only because of the consequences of your own actions, all of which started just earlier that day.
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It's your yearly vacation with your family and they decided, why not go to a resort where the destination is the journey itself?
As soon as you heard that come from your mom's mouth, you weren't sure what to make of the next week you'd be spending in Jeju, a place you'd been to a few times before. You've already visited the major attractions on the island, like hiking the Hallasan volcano, so what are a few more hikes? But realistically, who are you to deny your parents, the ones paying for the vacation in the first place?
Packing was difficult as you've thrown random clothing that you'll hope will make cute outfits when you're on the beachy island, and as soon as you know it, you're on the flight to Jeju, then in the shuttle to the resort, and then your ass is kissing the seat to a poolside view.
September is one of the best times to visit Jeju—the rainy season is starting to die down, but it's still bright and warm outside when there aren't any clouds. There aren't as many tourists at this time, but you've soon figured out that this is the time for locals to make the trip to Jeju so it's almost as crowded as you figured it would be. You suppose it's just another testament to how amazing Korea's geography can be.
As you sip on your drink, your mom beside you flips through one of the many brochures they handed her at check-in.
"Me and dad want to do a cooking class," she says after reading the description. "They'll teach us how to make paella; it's a Spanish rice dish."
"That sounds really yummy," you mindlessly reply, but as soon as you say that, she places one on your torso. "You want me to find things to do too?"
"Why not? Weren't you complaining and asking why we were coming back to Jeju? That's why I chose this place," your mom roughly says. "You don't have to do everything, but at least do something other than staying by the pool all day."
"I guess," you grumble, finally opening the pamphlet. There are a lot of things to try out: surfing and scuba diving caught your eye, but you weren't sure how you'd fare with those very physical activities. When you flip to the other side of the paper, your eyes are drawn to the left side. "Mom, they have an activity center for people my age—"
"Try it out! It'll be fun. Maybe you can go there after lunch and see what things they have planned for the day."
Lunch comes and goes and you have no choice but to venture off on your own, as your parents decided they want to do a wine tasting in the downtown area, taking the rental car with them.
Your first step is to approach the reception area, where you find a young man, probably around your age, manning the desk.
"Hi, good afternoon, how can I help you?" His full cheeks give him a boyish look, and his messy hair just adds to his appearance. He's wearing the same linen shirt the other staff you've seen wear, but on him, it looks just a little bit better.
"I was wondering if you have any information on the young adult activity center here. I saw it in one of the brochures."
A smile beams on his face. "You've come to the right place. I'm the worker in charge of the young adult activity center. I'm Seungkwan."
He puts out a hand for you to shake, and you accept it right away. "My name is (Y/N), it's nice to meet you," you reply back. "When are there usually activities during the day? I'm staying at the resort until the end of the week."
"Usually every few hours is a light activity and sometimes, we do excursions. Let me check to see what we have for today."
As Seungkwan pulls up the schedule on his computer, you say, "You seem a little young to be working at a resort full-time?"
He chuckles, pulling his focus toward you. "This is actually my aunt's resort. I'm working with her until I manage to figure out what I want to do. But I am 21, so I'm not totally young."
"Oh, I'm only a little bit older than you. I'm just turned 22," you reply. "But this seems like a fun job."
"Yeah, I like it most of the time. I'm sort of thinking of going into the entertainment industry, so I'd say this is good practice." Seungkwan shrugs. "So, for today's schedule, we're planning on hiking around the Cheonjeyeon waterfalls. We'll meet at 3:30 so we can make it for the sunset and head back right after that."
"Sounds good. Where's the meeting spot?"
"It'll be right here at the reception desk. We usually have 5 to 10 people come around, especially for the hikes. And since we're at the end of summer and the beginning of autumn, not as many young adults are here." There's something in that sentence that makes you raise an eyebrow but you don't think further of it.
"I'll see you at 3:30 then," you smile. "See you later, Seungkwan."
You find him later on with a pair of sunglasses perched at the top of his head, waving around a tiny green flag. You can't help but laugh at how cutely he spins the flag in circles as he raises his hand high above his head.
"Hi Seungkwan," you say as you approach the group of 7 people so far. Most seem around your age but some have younger faces.
"Hi, (Y/N). You look ready to hike," he smiles and leans in toward your ear, making you feel some type of way when his breath tickles your ear when he speaks. "Some people seem like they've been forced to come by their parents."
You chuckle at his hushed tone and take a good look around you, where everyone is wearing completely different styles that might not be the best for hiking to a waterfall. One guy is wearing an all-white outfit, and you know that can't be good news for a hike.
"I suppose you get this often then?" You ask, as you turn away from him and you rummage through your backpack to find the sunscreen that you'll definitely need with the sun's rays still beating down at this time.
Seungkwan's eyes are stuck on your hands as they glide the sunscreen along your arms and shoulders, not even able to answer your question. He bites his lip as he can see you try to reach the exposed parts of your back with your fingers that just can't find a way there, but he keeps his mouth shut.
"Can," you look back at him with a pleading smile. "Can you put sunscreen on the parts I can't get?"
He doesn't have much of a choice and he accepts the bottle with a flushed face. "Sure," he says, squeezing the product onto his hand and watching the cream soak into your skin. He's embarrassed to admit that he knows the spots on your back that didn't get covered.
"Thanks!" You beam with a bright smile as you turn toward him, not knowing that he'll be thinking about that moment for a long while.
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"Bye, Seoyeong, it was nice meeting you!" You wave to a girl who leaves almost as soon as the group returns to the lobby. She doesn't say much back, but you hope you'll get to see her again in the next few days that you're still here.
As people start to break ways, you're reluctant to leave. "Do people usually leave right away, or do they hang around?" You ask Seungkwan. He says he's still on the clock, whether he's with the young adults' group or he returns to manning the front desk, so it doesn't matter much to him how he spends the last part of his day.
"Most leave right away, but you're more than welcome to hang around if you want." Seungkwan smiles and it's the first time you've felt like you want to absolutely squish his cheeks.
You fold your fingers tight, not letting them leave your side. "You don't mind?"
"Of course not. We can get to know each other better, and," he glances down at his watch. "I get off of work in 45 minutes and that was a pretty hefty hike, so we can grab food if you want? I can take you somewhere outside of the resort."
...Is this a date?
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After letting your mother know that you're off to eat dinner with one of the people you've met at the hike, you click your seatbelt buckle and are ready to go wherever he leads you. Never mind the fact that you've known him for half the day—you are usually more aware than this—but you just feel good about Seungkwan. Something feels right about him.
"Do you like hamburgers?" Seungkwan asks as he adjusts the mirrors of his car. You can feel your heart pattering against your chest from such a domestic action.
"Yeah. I get them often with my friends after classes." You go deeper into conversation about your academic aspirations when he wonders what courses you're taking, and it's nice, to say the least. You enjoy getting to know someone better and it definitely doesn't hurt that you find him attractive. Maybe he's just being nice and maybe he's done this with other people who have been to the resort and met up with him, but you're only here for a few days anyway. If things don't work out, it's fine.
Seungkwan's a smooth driver as you glaze over his appearance: his brown hair floating up and down when the wind blows through it, the wire glasses that perch on his nose, and a smile that comes about often when he's speaking. He doesn't let the conversation drop, making sure he's nodding his head in acknowledgment while also keeping his eyes on the road.
As he approaches the parking lot of the restaurant, you mention that parking is so difficult.
"No, it's pretty easy," Seungkwan shakes his head. He removes his hand from the wheel and places it on the back of your seat as he reverses the car into the space.
"Easy for you to say," you mutter, trying to look in the side mirror if your face can get any redder.
After you head into the restaurant and order your food, you look out the window and even a simple hamburger place has the best views. "I wouldn't see the ocean while eating a burger like this in Seoul."
"Just another great thing about Jeju," Seungkwan says as he digs into his burger. "This is my favorite burger place, I go here pretty often whenever I finish a shift."
"I like your shirt, by the way. It looks good on you," you blurt out and you can't help but take a huge bite of your burger so you can shut up.
Seungkwan sets down his burger and covers his laugh with a napkin. "Thanks," he replies after he settles down. It's a simple outfit—just a blue button-up with a white inner shirt, but it's the rolled-up sleeves that do it for you.
You move on from that topic as soon as you can.
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"Thanks for taking me there, Seungkwan," You grin as you walk out potbellied after the meal. "And thank you for paying for me too, you didn't have to."
"Just wanted to show you around is all, so it's my pleasure."
You're not quite sure what he means of it, but he brings you to a walkway that leads down to the coast. "This is a nice place to walk along," you say as your shoes crush the sand below you.
"Yeah, I usually like to exercise after my meals, especially with burgers," he laughs at himself.
The two of you walk in silence for a little bit, taking in the sights and sounds of Jeju, a place Seungkwan has known forever and a place you're just here to touch on for a few days.
"Hey," Seungkwan pipes up. "Do you like basketball?"
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“You suck, Kwan,” you say, as you jump, jump, jump. Your arm stretches out as far as you can, fingertips grazing his forearm each time your feet leave the ground. “What happened to playing a fair game?”
You're surprised that you get the court all to yourselves. Seungkwan said that the courts close for guests around 9 at night, but since it's his aunt's resort, a key can solve all of his problems. The floodlights are still on, illuminating the green and white basketball court you stand on.
“This is fair!” He can’t help but to laugh. “You just can’t reach me because you’re short.” His eyes crinkle at the outer points, still keeping enough focus to maintain the ball in his possession. Damn you, Seungkwan.
Maybe it’s the heat, or maybe it’s all of the mixed signals he’s been giving you but ah, to hell with it. It’s time for you to get on the offense and make a move.
With a deep breath in and out, you wrap your arms around his waist, looking up at him with the softest eyes you could muster.
As soon as he feels contact on his body, only a layer of clothing between your fingers and his midriff, his face burns. And you have never seen Seungkwan flustered to a point that the ball falls from his hand immediately and bounces multiple times on the court.
His feet are frozen and his eyes land on you, even as you run after the ball and sink a shot that’s not the cleanest, but still swishes through the net. 
Grabbing the ball, you saunter up as cool as you can, and hold the ball on your hip as you stand face-to-face. “Maybe that wasn’t fair, but I was trying at least.”
Your smart comment goes right over his head, as he’s still trying to process what the hell just happened.
"(Y/N)," he can only manage to utter, looking around to see if anyone saw what he just experienced. His eyes are wider than the full moon in the sky and he blinks a few times to shake off his surprise. "Yeah, I guess that would be trying." He puffs his cheeks and purses his lips, not knowing what else to say.
"I think you're cool Seungkwan."
"You do?"
"But I mean, do you do this with all the girls you meet when they come here for vacation?"
You have time to run away if need be, but you find yourself taking one, two, three steps closer to him.
"No," he replies, his voice softer than ever before. "Only you."
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trans-girl-nausicaa · 2 months
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Meet me at the Bonneville Salt Flats.
It will be fine.
Meet me at K-2.
You will not be in danger.
I’m waiting for you at Sơn Đoòng cave.
We will not get lost.
Please, come dive with me at the Great Blue Hole in Belize.
We will have plenty of oxygen.
I am at Carhenge. Come to this area.
I will not tie you to one of the car-shaped pillars.
I am taking you on a helicopter tour of active volcanoes in Hawai’i.
The helicopter definitely won’t crash into a pool of lava.
I am transporting you to Kodiak Island
and you definitely will not get eaten by one of the largest species of bear in the world.
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evoilvx · 2 years
If the RE8 ladies were properly introduced to modern society I think they would have a field day.
(An extensive list of things they might enjoy)
I might even make something about the things they would hate
There might be some mild inaccuracies but it’s all just some fun little hcs of mine :>
Will be updated sometimes!
Alcina using the speech to text and voice message feature everyday to sent angry, irritated messages to Karl whenever she wants
Lazy rivers at water parks
Aquariums and fish tanks
TV shows like TVD and The Originals (ironic I know).
Miniature toys, like tiny french fries, tiny sodas, tiny furniture, she would have an entire box of them
But also those ridiculously large pencils
Massage chairs
Expensive cars
Amazon. Don't ask, just know she would LOVE it
Rolling chairs
Foster care systems, you can’t tell me she wouldn’t love taking care of children until they’ve found a suitable home, her maternal instincts will never grow cobwebs as long as I have a working brain and fingers to write
Those head scratchers/massager
Detachable shower heads (take that however you want to)
Standing desks
Hot tubs with jets
Credit/debit cards, for obvious reasons (sexy, rich lady)
Unhinged access to books and video games on the internet, she would never leave her room. She can now live in complete solitude with nothing but her little pixels and endless letters on a screen
Fostering animals
Self warming beds
Wattpad and Tumblr
Hot wheels, but only because she loves finding exact/close replicas to Alcina's car collection and putting them on display
Skateboards and rollerblades
Air conditioners and humidifiers
Invisible ink and diaries
The RGB cloud lights that you can put on your ceiling
Digital art
Faceless Twitch streaming
Mini fridges
Rubiks cubes. She's collected all the variants she could find, solving them, then unsolving them, then repeating the process. She has them all lined up on a shelf
Cassandra finding boxing classes and learning she can beat the shit out of people, call it a lesson AND get paid. (We’re going to obviously ignore the fact that if she seriously maimed someone she would get fired.)
Amazon, she would have a field day ordering all sorts of things
Haunted houses
She would LOOOVE the Jigsaw movies and just scary movies in general
She likes Twitter just to start discourse and argue with people (and win)
Call of Duty, she would be a beast at it
Activities that use 3D glasses
VR games
Paintball tournaments
Workout equipment
Florida (pls don't ask on this one, just take my word for it)
Word searches
Unofficial, definitely illegal, might get arrested boxing tournaments
Swing sets
Gogo squeez
Extremely-really should not be doing-dangerous outdoor activities. She drags Daniela along with her while Bela watches in concern before shrugging and going back to reading
Fidget cubes (I love these things) She would have a blast going through the different fidgets. The idle clicking noise will never stop when you're around Cassandra
Super glue. She breaks something? Super glue. Mother will never have to know (she'll know)
Daniela and gay bars. Nuff said.
I think she would like working at endangered species centers, where she can be around and care for extremely dangerous apex predators
I feel like she would be really good at those claw machine games
She would also love amusement parks and dangerous outdoor activities like sky diving, running of the bulls, volcano boarding, would probably give Alcina multiple heart attacks at once (she also thinks Cassandra is so cool for doing all these dangerous stunts and wants to join)
She would definitely become a tattoo artist
Touch screen fridges
She would go to paintball tournaments with Cassandra
Goldren Retrievers
Glitter sticky hands
Gogo squeez
Fire extinguishers
Whipped cream
Just Dance
Stress balls, preferably ones that are designed like an animal so she can watch the eyes comically pop out. She has approximately 23 stress balls, her favorite is an orange fish
Unlimited cartoons and animations on a flatscreen TV
Modern kitchen appliances
Jobs that teach wood work, design and of course: doll-making
AMAZON and online grocery shopping. Donna, especially, would love Amazon. She can buy everything she needs without any other interaction? Just a push of a button? She’d go wild with it
LED RGB lights
Sticker books
I’m feeling my neurodivergent nerves tingling and pointing towards Donna so I’m going to say she loves those smooth hardcover books with gloss papers, especially if they’re about gardening or cartoons (I say this because I love the same type of books, makes my brain tingle nicely)
Tea play sets
Youtube and Netflix
Slime, she would make her own slime all the time
Golden Retrievers, just loyal, working dog breeds in general
Zip ties
All natural body products
Mother Miranda:
Mother Miranda would go insane, simply put.
New science equipment? Donors? New scientific breakthroughs?
She can now pay people off to leave her alone and get her own modern lab? She can work in peace with lots of new opportunities?
A NEWS CHANNEL? Don’t even get me started, for some reason I have a feeling Miranda would absolutely love the news channel
Aquariums and fish tanks like Alcina, she would have them everywhere in her house
Goldfish (the snack that smiles back)
Grey’s Anatomy but only to criticize the methods (she won’t admit she likes it)
Automatic pet feeders, even if she doesn’t have a pet
An iPhone, I feel like she would make her widget theme something really unique, and she can bother the other Lords whenever she wants for whatever she thinks about
Rolling chairs
Mint chocolate chip ice cream
Face masks
Romantic, drama shows (she won't admit she's cried to a few of them or that some of them ruined her day)
Skin care products
Antibacterial wipes
The Dimitrescu daughters introduced a fidget spinner to her and since then she has not gone a single day without mindlessly spinning the toy as she works/relaxes
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bethanythebogwitch · 8 months
More Australia and Aotearoa/new Zealand based fakemon (sadly, not better art). Previous posts part 1, part 2, and part 3.
I really wanted to make a water/fire type, but was stuck on ideas. I debated on a naval mine bivalve and a hydrothermal vent Pokemon, but then it hit me: a sun sunfish. Meet Bilamola, the sunfish Pokemon, water/fire type.
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It's based on the Mola mola, also known as the ocean sunfish. Molas are strange fish that look like someone chopped off their back ends. The name comes from their tendency to bask in the sun at the surface of the water. Pokemon already has a mola Pokemon: Alomomola, and I think Bilamola would be a close relative of it. Bilamola's rear end looks like a cartoony sun mixed with the strange, lumpy back ends of molas. Bilamola basks in the sun at the surface of the water to charge up its internal flame sac. Once charged, it dives into the dark and frigid depths ocean where the flam sac keeps it warm and allows it to release blasts of superheated water at prey and predator alike. Its name comes from "mola" and Bila, the sun goddess of the Adnyamathanha culture people of Australia
Another Pokemon found around the shore is Merconey, the mercury Pokemon, poison/steel type.
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Merconey is a snail-like Pokemon with a body made of liquid metal and a shell made of metal and rock. The liquid metal that makes up its body is highly toxic. As a result, it has few predators. When it does face a threat, it shoots a harpoon from its shell at the target, which injects them with the same liquid metal that its body is composed of. It doesn't do this to hunt, as its diet consists of minerals and metals. Merconey evolves to Merxoon, the mercury Pokemon, poison/steel type.
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Merxoon's shell is covered with spikes. These spikes act like hypodermic needles that inject the neurotoxic liquid metal making up its body into anything they touch. Because of this, it has no natural predators as nothing can safely touch it. It retains the harpoon of its previous stage. Lifeguards at beaches keep an antidote to its toxin on hand because, while Merxoon are not hostile to humans, beachgoers may accidentally touch one hidden underwater and get poisoned.
Merconey and Merxoon are both based on cone snails, a group of snails found in Australian waters that are famous for being so venomous that some can kill humans. Cone snails are active predators that use a harpoon-like radula to spear their prey and inject venom into it. The liquid metal aspect is an exaggerated version of the volcano snail, a deep-sea species that incorporates metal into its shell. I picked mercury as a metal because it is soft like a snail and because it's toxic, which fit because I decided I wanted to make a steel-poison type (I came up with this idea before SV publicly introduced the Varoom line). Merxoon also draws from snails of the genus Murex, which are famous for their elaborate, spike-covered shells. The name Merconey comes from "mercury" and "cone snail" and Merxoon comes from "mercury", "murex", and "harpoon".
Here's one that I came up with solely based on a pun, but ties in with one regional legendary. It's Stalactmite, the speleothem Pokemon, rock type.
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Stalactmite grow over the course of centuries as running water creates stalactites and stalagmites that eventually break off and come to life. They feed exclusively on mineral-rich water and can live for centuries. Stalactmite are blind, but highly sensitive to vibrations in their cave habitats. Spelunkers should be careful, as a frightened Stalactmite may drop down on people passing beneath it. Legends say they are born from the life force of a legendary Pokemon that slumbers deep underground and may even be the rock itself.
Stalactmite is, of course, based on stalactites, stalagmites, and mites. Mites are tiny arachnids and there are some species that have adapted for a life spent entirely in caves. Stalactites and Stalagmites, as well as many other cave formations (also known as speleothems) form gradually over the course of centuries as water carries minerals into caves. I will note that while Stalactmite is not a bug type, it is still based on a bug and unlike almost every official bug type, it has the correct number of legs.
The final line I will showcase in this post it my first line of convergent Pokemon (or ecologically-similar Pokemon or whatever they're being called now). The first stage in this line is Baykacayka, the cupcake Pokemon, fairy type. Stories say the first one was a cupcake made by a master baker which was inhabited by a spirit. Its body is made of a delicious confectionary that will never go bad. They were once though to be a regional variant of Roggenrolla, but are now known to be unrelated.
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Baykacayka evolves to Poundore, the cake Pokemon, fairy type. They consume an incredible amount of sugar and stores it in the form of crystals that look like decorative sugar. If one of these crystals is damaged, it will explode, leaving the surrounding area coated in fine sugar.
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Poundore evolves to Gigalicious, the cake Pokemon, fairy type. Its body contains so many calories that a single bite can lead to long-term health problems. The sheer caloric energy stored in its body can be released in an explosion that can level buildings and leaves the rubble coated in icing. A Gigalicious visiting a bakery is said to be a sign of prosperity.
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The Baykacayka line are convergent to the Roggenrolla line, but they're cakes instead of rocks. Baykacayka is a cupcake, Poundore is a cake slice, and Gigalicious is a tiered wedding cake. They can serve as a reference to fairy bread, a dessert from Australia and Aotearoa/NZ that consists of butter bread with sprinkles on it. I thought of this connection after I came up with the line, but I'm still rolling with it. They also fit with the trend of pastry-based fairy types. They don't have a consistent name scheme like the existing convergent Pokemon, but neither did the original line so I'm going to say I'm in the clear. Baykacayka is a corruption of "bake a cake" just like Roggenrolla is a corruption of "rock and roll". Poundore is "Boldore" + "pound cake" and Gigalicious is "Gigalith" + "delicious"
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astraystayyh · 10 months
someone on twitter said that hyunjin’s and han’s songs were dating so i deep dived into them because i was bored,, turns out there are lots of lyrics parallels and i actually hurt myself with this soooo here is my little analysis and the (angsty) love story i made out of it,,, under the cut. (H is hyunjin and han because both their names begin with H anyways jdjd)
This is H’s first genuine relationship, the one where they feel true love for the first time, where their lover becomes their light, and the sole person they seek warmth from --You were so warm when you hugged me tight, I guess I teared up for a moment, because it was the first time; I need your heat, you are my volcano (volcano)-// -if love is everything then there is nothing left for me (ice.cream)--
so much that they wish to keep this relationship going, at all costs, they’d do everything for their s/o, even go as far as actively choosing to ignore the warning signs, so that the ideal vision they have of the relationship doesn’t shatter. –Harsh words mean nothing to me. With a few childish words, your expression as cold as ice disappears, and you become soft and pure (ice.cream)-//you can wound me next to you, if you like. you can hurt me, I don't care (volcano)-- 
the relationship starts to crumble, maybe because H places their s/o on such a pedestal, that the s/o feels suffocated by the weight of having to be H’s constant light and source of warmth –light it up for me more brightly. even the dark night doesn't scare me if I'm with you; Your attention changes the brightness of my empty heart, you're light (volcano)-// Maybe my universe was bright because of you, I never lost my smile in it (love untold)--
those unhealthy expectations also end up hurting H because they can never truly be met at their fullest by their s/o -i delude myself into thinking that someone who's cold to everyone is only warm to me (ice.cream)-
they end up parting ways, and H goes through the different stages of mourning the relationship that became their only source of happiness, starting off with the sadness: --I helplessly swallow the night, hoping no one sees me, I pull the covers over me, and struggle to hold myself down and stay strong (contradicting)-// –It's not easy to explain how I feel, I sit in a room all day long and turn off the light, Don't bother asking if I'm okay (wish you back)-- they’re both actively submerging themselves in the dark, as if punishing themselves for losing the light of their s/o, also highlighting how devoid of light their life became since the breakup.
they start to feel as if they’re forgetting the memories, so they helplessly try to make them live on, whichever way they know best --But now, in this dark world without stepping on a shadow, drawing you is my only day (love untold)-// Stupid me still draws you in the air, A star called you shines in the pitch dark room (happy)-- again with the contrast between the light with the s/o and the darkness without them. 
then comes the nostalgia, which is a dangerous emotion in the sense where, it gives you a slideshow of your best memories while omitting all the unhealthy parts of the relationship that ultimately pushed you apart. in this case, the unhealthy dependency that H developed for their s/o. so H naturally remembers the relationship and what was lost, and then ultimately wishes for it to come back, despite the ache and the pain, because your first love can never truly be forgotten
there are so many parallels in their songs that it can form a cohesive letter/poem to their s/o. something like this : 
The lights of our warm moments have grown dim, They float around and now sink in my head. I'll gather our memories one by one, and cherish them in my heart. 
You were my story. We started out as a novel, but while writing the last chapter we ended up as poetry. Your words now come to my mind endlessly. 
The breeze we felt together has calmed down, our scent became the wind and flew far away.
Rewinding the film of our old memories is like dreaming again. After a long time passes, I wonder if you'll gradually fade away from my mind.
But even if I go back, I’ll repeat thе same mistake. Even if I'm reborn over and over again, it's only you. 
I don't have regrets, in front of you, in this broken heart. 
It makes me want to breathe again.
with the song titles :
The lights of our warm moments have grown dim, They float around and now sink in my head. (contradicting) I'll gather my memories one by one, and cherish them in my heart (wish you back)
The breeze we felt together has calmed down (contradicting), our scent became the wind and flew far away (wish you back). Rewinding the film of our old memories is like dreaming again (love untold). After a long time passes, I wonder if you'll gradually fade away from my mind (wish you back).
You were my story (wish you back). We started out as a novel, but while writing the last chapter we ended up as poetry (contradicting). Your words now come to my mind endlessly (wish you back). 
But even if I go back, I’ll repeat thе same mistake (contradicting). Even if I'm reborn over and over again, it's only you (volcano). 
I don't have regrets, in front of you, in this broken heart. It makes me want to breathe again. (love untold)
in conclusion, han and hyunjin are genius lyricists and I need them to write a love song together. 
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ninjago-x-lmk · 1 year
I’ve seen from people that Kai’s story in Quest for the Lost Powers doesn’t make sense, since Kai should’ve already known his morals by now, but I beg to differ.
Now I’ve only had Tannerfishes to do the summery, but the moral lesson for Kai still stands. And though I do not know all the details. Kai trying to do things on his own and not being seen as helpless is probably in character for him.
Though Kai is with the ninja and the ninja have this ‘We’re a team’ going on, people would assume Kai would learn how to ask for help every once in a while right?
Because he hasn’t done that in the instance of an actual threat.
When an actual threat comes in, yes, he does know teamwork but then again, Kai has always managed on his own, he’s basically the lone wolf in the group.
We’ve never actually seen Kai ask for help when it comes to problems he needs and he gets angry when he gets saved because that’s something that he’s not used to
We have to see ourselves in Kai’s perspective and why he’s the way he is.
We don’t know how old Kai and Nya were, Nya could have possibly been 3 years old. But from a young age, Kai had to raise Nya all on his own. Sure there could have been friends of their parents around to help them or some people to help support their children, but most of the time, it was probably Kai that had to play parent.
The fact that Nya has told Maya that she could do well without her, (basically they were already absent for most their lives that they can now independently live with their parents) it strictly implies that both of them had to depend on each other to live and grow.
Plus add the face that Kai is the most protective of his sister until he knows she can walk on her own two feet, gives the feeling of a parent instead of an older brother, because Kai had to take responsibility ALL ON HIS OWN.
EVEN WHEN HE STARTED TO BECOME A NINJA, his main priority was Nya, unlike the others, Cole became a ninja because he was mourning his mother, Zane became a ninja because Wu and him met twice and Zane felt lost in his place. Jay wanted to ‘invent’ something new. But Kai, Kai’s main motivation for becoming a ninja was ‘I wanted to save a person I love’ and even then in the PILOTS Kai was trying to do things his way.
‘But that’s just the pilots!’ This is only the first instance.
Kai is shown to be a lone wolf, even after the pilots.
Many point out that Kai’s lesson in Quest of the Lost Powers seem to mirror him saving Lloyd in Season 1, but even then in Season 1, Kai was the one saving Lloyd, doing it on his own, and his own way.
Even the way he does it is different from the Ninja. Sure, I’ve seen someone say that the True Potential is caused by Adrenaline, and I do believe that.
However, out of all the ninja, Kai’s the only one who actively makes a shield around him and Lloyd to protect them. Zane creates bursts of ice, Jay stops the rollercoaster with electricity and Cole uses raw strength to lift up the lights. Kai actually makes a ball of fire around them to try and get him away from the active volcano.
This isn’t the only time, when Kai takes responsibility, he tends to do it on his own terms, like, in Season 5.
When Kai promises he’d protect Lloyd and save him, he damn well did just that. He tries! Really does! And he does it by himself, the other ninja basically either can’t or get lost on the way, Kai does it on his own accord.
He jumps off the boat to save Lloyd
He chases after Morro to try and save Lloyd
Makes himself the leader because he has to take responsibility.
Tries to handle things with Morro and Ronin.
Dives into the water despite being scared of it when Lloyd is going to fall off a cliff
When his main motivation is protecting someone, he does it, NO MATTER WHAT HAPPENS TO HIM.
The other instance is Season 7
Kai suspects something’s up and it’s related to him and Nya’s parents, and Kai, takes it upon himself to try and solve the mystery. He does it by himself! He doesn’t tell Nya at all unless he’s totally sure. And when he’s deceived he makes it his responsibility to stop his parents for ‘betraying’ Master Wu.
Kai has always proved his worth by being selfish at times, by trying to place himself in the line of battle, sometimes even being a literal Shield for the ones he cares about.
And when he fails, he takes it HARD, which is why he’s scared of sacrifice, because every time someone sacrifices something (Zane and Nya are the only literal examples) THEY GET HURT OR DIE.
It’s also the same with death.
When Zane dies, Lloyd remarks ‘I get it Kai, you’ve run out of bad guys to beat up’
This could imply Kai’s been playing vigilante after rebooted.
Look, I know Lloyd still remains a ninja, but I highly doubt he can handle the city on his own. Plus this is early in the Season, crime rates should have gone high by that time. Including with Zane’s death, rumors would have spread that the ninja have ‘retired’ that there’s ‘no one to protect ninjago’ and with the less use of technology, police and government officials would have no access to high-tech weaponry that could possibly compete with growing crime rates. It could have opened the window for Kai to play vigilante, not only that but it also could have created a rumor that the ‘Flaming Shogun’ (actually shogun kinda fits him at this point) was protecting the streets thus succumbing him to arena fights to direct his anger.
With Nya’s ‘death’ Kai redirected his anger differently by saying ‘if I couldn’t even protect her, I can at least help protect others’ and in a way, yes, he does, but in a more violent manner than expected and that which he was taught.
Third, this also ties back to Kai’s view on his powers.
Why he places his worth on them despite losing it time and time again. Well it’s simple, he thinks he’s not strong enough.
If Kai is willing to sacrifice himself for others, you betcha he has problems dealing with strength and powers. Compared to the other ninja, Kai’s actually one of the weakest. Something I think he hides with his ego.
Lloyd uses his physical skills and powers at the same time, balancing the two and creating a fighting style fit for the Green Ninja, symbolizing balance, the very essence of Ninjago. With the added bonus of being half Oni, half dragon. Both sides of Light and Dark.
Nya’s shown to be just as strong as Lloyd, as I’ve said before, her power activates differently from the Ninjas. VERY differently, similar to Morro, Nya uses her surroundings to create water and with her added abilities, Nya can talk to Sea Animals, and when she was in her Neo form, she could turn herself and control the entire OCEAN to her will, plus that scrapped concept of her creating a WHIRLPOOL.
Zane is shown to be the most dangerous, Forbidden Spinjitsu showing us what could happen if Zane was too powerful. If Zane can turn a whole realm into a Winter Wonderland, then he should be just as strong as he is.
I know how ironic it sounds, but yes, Jay is stronger than Kai. Jay’s powers have more variety on what it could do. Time and time again, Jay uses actual Lightning to power himself up, CAN REDIRECT LIGHTNING, and USE HIMSELF AS A FREAKING BATTERY. That’s some crazy shit someone can do, especially for Jay.
Kai? His powers are not only limited but his strategy and strength. Though he is quick, he tends to be DIRECT, in combat, opting for offense instead of defense. Even with his powers, we only see the Fire knock someone back, compared to Aspheera who used them for actual destruction.
Kai is not physically strong, Cole is, nor is he strategic, Zane is, Kai is not balanced, Lloyd is, Kai’s powers don’t have variety, Jay’s does, Kai isn’t well adept in Physical combat, Nya is.
Making him the weakest Ninja of the bunch. Which is why he makes up something on his own. He’s the ninja with the powers, he identifies himself with his powers, because it’s literally the only thing he can cling onto. And that makes him an interesting character to me.
He’s not like his fellow ninja, be he tries to be, and he wants to be stronger, he wants to protect them, because it’s his only purpose, without that then what is he? Which is why Quest for the Lost Powers is exactly the best way to teach Kai.
Because Kai defines his worth on protecting others, being responsible for others, BEING THEIR SHIELD, BEING NEEDED BY OTHERS. And this chapter gives him the push that, no, that’s not going to be your entire purpose at all and that you need to rely on others, more than just yourself.
Thank you for coming to my Ted Talk.
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cosmica-galaxy · 2 years
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OKAY! SO! I am interested in worldbuilding onto Salty’s Self Aware AU and the God!Players universe that our little Madcom Community is currently brewing up!
So...I decided to make a new world map for Nevada when the God!Players begin their respective reigns! I want this to be interactive, so you all can mark your places where your own God!Players would have a shrine or where they can primarily be found! I won’t get pissy, I tried to keep the map simple so other people can draw on it! Land info under the cut cause this is probably gonna get lengthy!!
+Shivering Sands+
= Godshrines present here= - Purgatory God (Purgy)
~ Is very COLD and is surrounded by mountainous ranges, making travel perilous for unprepared travelers. ~ Despite the name, the land is actually snow. Nevadeans don’t know what snow is, so they just call it very cold ‘sand’. ~ Has a beautiful ‘oasis’ garden in the bowl between the two mountain ranges which is also a city called Purgy Valley! The garden even has hot springs and various vegetation and flora that assist in feeding the local populace. The best job for grunts up in the north is spice trading, mining, and lumber supplying. ~ Locals/Natives to the Shivering Sands are Fluffy Grunts! Fluffy Grunts come in a variety of types. Some fluffy grunts have waterproof coats which enable them to dive in water, others have double or triple coats that effectively let them climb mountains and stay warm in subzero temperatures, and there’s even sheep grunts that provide wool for coats so travelers from other lands can stay warm. +Smoldering Sands+
=Godshrines present here= - Soldier God
~ Is very HOT and has known active volcanoes and ash pits, making visibility hard and exhausting for unprepared travelers.
~ The name is fitting, but there is more soot and ash then there is sand. The ash falls from the sky like snow and raining firestorms are common, making the weather a dangerous factor to consider.
~ The largest volcano in the land’s eye houses the soldier’s shrine and South Nevada is a hardy town that lives a few miles away from the active lethal mountain. It’s not really a permanent settlement, but more of a stopping point for those that wish to go up to the shrine to worship and train to become stronger grunts.
~ Locals/Natives to the Smoldering Sands are a mix of the hardiest grunts that come to worship and seek the favor of the Soldier god to become stronger warriors. The land is not kind to those who are weaker than the toughest in all of Nevada, so cautionary travel is always recommended. +Shimmering Sands+
=Godshrines present here= - Player God (Seraphim)
~ The weather in the shimmering sands is always temperate and rather pleasant for all travelers, with the exception of fluffy grunts since they tend to suffer anywhere if they leave the northern parts of Nevada.
~ The shimmering sands gets it’s name for it’s very fine-like sand that has an almost rainbow-like quality to it. Some grunts even call it ‘the rainbow sands’ since it’s one of the very few places in Nevada that has color. The sand is coveted by wealthy grunts to make into beautiful stained glass and various shimmering jewelry.
~ This area of land is also the most populated with having 4 cities among it’s territory and it even has a shrine that sits on a separate island that floats in the sky. Mod city is also the central hub for phenomenon that is somehow connected to the God!Players abilities, with the locals being secretive about it. ~ The Local/Natives of the shimmering sands are surprisingly normal grunts, but some that are much more closer to the island that houses the floating shrine sometimes emerge as winged grunts. Winged grunts are able to travel anywhere and with the ability to fly, they can soar up to the secluded island that houses the shrine to worship the statue within. The normal grunts usually have to take jet packs or various vehicles to get to the shrine. +Forsaken North Nevada+
~ A tundra that is much more unforgiving than the shivering sands. However, it’s know to house ruin-like structures that can be connected to the God!Players and the roles that they provide for the world of Nevada. ~ Only has one city in North Nevada, which is a settlement that is primarily run by scientist and researchers that are interested in the ruins that are scattered about the wastes. +Glacier Wastes+
~ An unforgiving land that will cause any grunts to freeze to death. Only the strongest and most round of Fluffy Grunts can last out here in these deadly hunting grounds. But even they need to depart at times, lest they stick around and meet their fate. +Nevada Shores+ ~ The ideal vacation spot for many grunts. Surf, Sand, and tropical vegetation that grow tasty fruits are prominent here and many grunts that are able to afford to go for vacation to this island do so in glee.
+Crossover Peak+
~ Considered the holiest ground in Nevada. It’s incredibly hard to get to, as there’s constant horrible storms and massive deadly whirlpools that surround the island indefinitely.
~ On top of Crossover Peak is a large temple that is rumored to allow a grunt to go into the vast beyond, out of the realm of Nevada entirely and into other dimensions, just as the God!Players do.
~ They say that only those that the gods fit worthy enough to spirit away to this island will ever reach true godhood...above even the employers.
~ No grunt has ever set foot on the island, but visual evidence shows that the God!Players have been observed going and leaving from the primary direction of the mountain. They are never seen carrying any grunts to or from the island. --
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witchofthesouls · 2 years
Here me out: Feral!Cyberformed!June and Jack Darby along with Semi-domesticated!Optimus. Definitely a universe with the supernatural involved. The thought of these two exhausted fuckers going unintentional feral because they don’t understand the Golden Age societal norms since one was a former organic from a water-laden planet and the other was born in Cybertron's Wasteland boonies warms my deadened soul.
Is that a lost Autobot? A Neutral? A Decepticon?! Oh no, she’s not. She’s a raccoon or a seagull. No self-respecting Cybertronian would straight up eat raw Energon embalmed with clay like a space pig-in-a-blanket. Sometimes June powders it up and mixes it up with hot springs water and igneous rock to make a glowing sludge of an eldritch smoothie. 
The Autobots have no idea how the hell she travels all over and so quickly. None could pin her alt-mode.
She has a sparkling. She has a sparkling!? They’re losing their skidplates on how the everliving Primus did a lone femme reared a newspark on Earth of all places.
Ratchet is screaming at the complete mindfuck it is. There's no fraggen way she had managed to whelp a newspark on her own!
Miko would be beyond the moon: Baby robooooooot!
The humans would be pestering their guardians how the hell that happens and Optimus, bless his spark, takes it upon himself to explain the Well of All Sparks and its cultural/religious significance. The ‘bots relaxed far too early because he was about to explain the sexual methods as well. (Nooooooo~!)
The only reason the Autobots figured out there’s another Cybertronian around is due to June’s presence on hunting down artifacts from the Iacon database as well as finding random Energon mines.
June, due to an accident on an ancient site of a lost, mixed civilization, was one of the few survivors when someone activated the dormant scripts.
The human-to-Other conversions hadn’t fazed the survivors too much. Occupational hazard. At least they have a physical form and it’s familiar enough. One unlucky bastard was sucked into the device itself and has no corporal body.
One of the fossils, the only complete one, was brought back to life. It attached itself to June and now she has a little, metal dragon following her footsteps.
They’ve been reclassified as Clockwork; a mechanical species that has ties to the Fair Folk.
It screws with the Cybertronians from Cybertron that these folks enjoy swimming in volcanoes, diving to the unfathomable depths of the oceans, and/or wandering the Arctic tundra as if they’re taking a little winter stroll.
Bullet the little Predacon is femme, so unlike the mech-counterpart, she’s able to sniff out Energon veins to a high-degree of accuracy. Unfortunately, she’s too young to properly dig them out, so she tries to find openings or shafts for easier access near the surface.
There are a few parties interested in such an ability. Including the fae because they love how Energon sounds and how it can be tuned by careful cultivation. The presence and/or addition of such crystals yields interesting effects to their crops. It could be the reason why Their food is highly addictive to mortals.
Of course, June meets the Decepticons first and gets quite a bit of curiosity from them.
She manages to escape the Nemesis by jumping off the flying ship after retrieving the artifact once she figured out the vault and how to circumvent its security measures, especially with a walking, non-talking camera overseer. But she done so, speed-run jail-break style.
The Decepticons are still trying to search for her, but a majority of the ranks consider her dead since she crashed into the ocean.
June has a heavy EM field, it sprawls out and encases the entire room. She uses it to scout ahead and to keep track of the environmental layout, especially with a fussing Jack when she needs to put him down.
Makes it easier to pick apart foreign and subtle energies as well as blanket an area to ward away certain Beings, but she doesn't know it's rude and/or uneasy to Cybertronians. 
Dense fields have the implication of raw power output, especially with those that are able to completely overwhelm others with little effort.
So for someone to appear and disappear with little-to-no sign and take control of a wide spread area…
June is a helmeted with long cords that flare out that mimics her old hair style. She ties in a braid or a low-pony tail to keep it out of the way. Despite her tallness, her pale robe of armature seems out of place for a femme that could take on far more heavy structures.
Jack is a dark-counterpart to his mother; he has her pale face and is still blind with newspark optics. Seems to be a flyer with the little nubs on his back. Ratchet is highly surprised that he’s in good health, especially since he was born on Earth.
Due to a difficulty with upkeeping a human form, June mainly lives Elsewhere. She has dedicated rooms within the widespread locations of the Foundation as well as a cottage at a hidden university since she does as extra staff for a variety of things.
The cottage has been built for immense shapeshifters, so June fits the criteria quite well and can be at her newfound 35 feet inside very comfortably.
Should she ever crash at the Autobot base for whatever reason, she can't stand sleeping on just the flat surface of a metal berth and needs padding. June had scavenged for pillows and thick blankets to layer upon it. Jack gets to enjoy a cradle-nest of lovesac pillows, beanbags, and tarps.
Has no health complications with eating raw crystals much to everyone's horror. Quite a few are queasy watching her eat dry clay cakes.
Optimus doesn't flinch from it. In fact, he gets a nostalgia kick at the sight and taste. Much to everyone’s horror.
Funnily enough, June is in contact with the older Esquivels. Dr. Julian Esquivel works as a researcher in the Department of Unspeakables, Marianna (his wife) decided to go through as a consultant to have more family time, and Pilar (the eldest daughter) is a third-party associate since she independently hunts and tracks for private individuals and takes missions from the Guilds.
Due to the nature of experimental research, Julian is seen with his far more inhuman/Other attributes: brightly, thick scales, protective stubs of would-be horns, slitted pupils upon liquid gold, and exudes heat that wouldn’t be far off with the temperatures of a desert noon or the heart of a volcano should it be necessary.
Marianna was quite the Adventurer but it has taken it’s toll over the years and is considered semi-retired since she isn’t active on the field. She does get called in for consulting on the trickier and/or messier sites and containment measures.
June has contacts within the Fair Folk, so she had ventured off with Pilar for diplomatic stunts and to ensure no one else is unwilling betrothed or becomes tasty morsel.
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mxmollusca · 2 months
For the author ask meme:
4, 11, 54!
You’re brilliant and I love your work.
Thank you 🙏
4. Where do you find inspiration for new ideas?
(I answered this one earlier)
11. Link your three favorite fics right now?
One of my toxic traits is that I'm woefully behind on my reading. My recs are not anything close to up to date. Lemme dive into my bookmarks and pull out a variety that represent my interests:
Different Names for the Same Thing by @oatmilktruther Summary: Their first anniversary is just around the corner and Ed has never been happier in a relationship. Stede, on the other hand, could be happier, if he knew he was in the relationship in the first place. (Absolutely gorgeous ace!stede rep, I reread this when I need to feel better about the world.)
whakapapa, or The Salamander Prince by brackenwife Summary: The Dread Pyrate King Blackbeard stands at the lip of an active volcano, considering all of his options. His new little buddy is interested in offering some input. Fairy tale-type shenanigans ensue. (A fairytale retelling that absolutely nails their voices. Adorable and heartwarming.)
Tasseomancy by @zacharybosch Summary: A modern AU where Ed saves Stede from embarrassment in a café, and then suddenly accidental sugar daddy happens. (It's perfect in every way. I am a connoisseur of pining, and this is SUCH GOOD PINING.)
54. What's your favorite part about the fanfiction writing process?
(answered this one before as well)
get to know your fic writer challenge
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