#daily clark
daily-clark-kent · 9 months
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bbbbbbbbatman · 10 months
People are so surprised when Clark seems to actually...like Bruce Wayne? Like for his personality?
Like, when people date Bruce Wayne, it's usually for his money, his fame, or both. And everybody knows this, even Bruce, clueless as he is. It's not like he's dating them because he thinks they're his true love, he's clearly just having some fun, and if Bruce is okay with it, well, everybody else is too. No big deal. Bruce gets what he wants, his partners get what they want, and that's it.
So when Bruce Wayne announces he's dating Clark Kent, everyone assumes he'll be just like the rest. Except--he's not?
Outside of his job as a reporter and a few appearances as Bruce's date, he remains pretty private--so he's not after his five minutes of fame. So he must be after some money, right? No problem, Bruce loves spending money on his partners.
Except, it's been like two months but Clark keeps showing up to things in cheap, ill-fitting suits and sources report that he still lives in a small, mid-grade apartment in Metropolis, and he doesn't even have a car. A car is like a chump change gift to a guy like Bruce.
And then people start talking to him because they gotta figure out what this guy's deal is and...Clark seems to...like Bruce? Like obviously Bruce is a likeable guy, but not as a serious romantic partner. But Clark talks about how he likes spending time with Bruce, and spending time with Bruce's kids (which is absolutely unheard of), and he wishes they both had more free time to spend together.
Anyway, people are so confounded by smart, normal guy Clark Kent in an actual loving relationship with the guy who got in a public argument last week because he thought melancholy was a vegetable.
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mamawasatesttube · 1 month
i just think lois lane should put tim drake in her purse like a little dog. a scrunkly little companion who's even better at picking locks than she is, which is saying something. a nosy little freak after her own heart. the rubber duck she uses when talking her thoughts out loud to put clues together. her coffee gofer. her purse ferret.
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frownyalfred · 7 months
Perry from the Daily Planet and Jim Gordon from Gotham PD have a two-man support group where they just drink and strategize on how to continue the intricate and frustrating dance of plausible deniability with their respective vigilantes/superheroes
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jhonnyhotbody · 1 year
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they do infact act like that
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dailybartallen · 3 days
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The Adventures of Superman #522 "City of Hope"
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dcbinges · 3 days
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"METROPOLIS" by Damion Scott from Solo #10 (2006)
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finemealprompt · 1 month
DP x DC Prompt #37
Jazz knew she always wanted to help people. She just didn't know how to go about it. She had changed majors so frequently, her advisor had a set aside meeting time just for her.
But, eventually, she had found what she wanted to do. How she wanted to help. By being a reporter. She could bring awareness to a variety of issues, investigate things, and help people in a different way. It was perfect.
Now, here she was, her first day on the job at Daily Planet. Shouldn't be too bad, right?
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dailydccomics · 10 months
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editor-in-chief Lois Lane in Superman 2023 Annual
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You know it is true when the Daily Planet chimes in
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I forgot to verify dick and bruce but these take forever and I didn't want to go back and do it again
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bonebrokebuddy · 1 year
It’s time for a, “things I sent to my twin’s inbox but she said I should post myself because I never post my own work and she’d like if I stopped spamming her inbox with ideas but I forgot about it and just kept it in my drafts notes for months and now finally I’m posting the fucking things.”
Or for short:
Danny visits metropolis and people are deadset on believing that Danny is either Clark’s little brother or his nephew from Illinois… despite that Clark can literally not be related to him. Not that the people at the Daily Planet know that, but even the ones who do know are giving him a hard time.
“I’m adopted Jimmy!” Clark threw his hands in the air in frustration. “You are very aware of that.”
“But he looks just like you Clark, you even talk the same!” Jimmy peaked around the corner, catching a glimpse of Danny talking to Lois in the employees lounge.
“He has a upper midwestern accent. I’m from Kansas, Jim. Not all midwesterners know each other!”
“Jimmy. You know damn well why we can not be related.” Clark subtly gestured to his cheap “I believe in aliens” mug. Jimmy was Clark’s best friend and most of the time he really appreciated the kid’s keen eye but Jimmy also seemed to be constantly dead-set on figuring how to give Clark a headache.
“But he looks like a mini you! Have you asked him if he has a spare spaceship lying around anywhere?” Jimmy snarked as he glanced over to Danny and Louis who were finally heading back from their break.
“Jimmy, I will put you on the moon and leave you there.”
“Alright sheesh. I get it, I’ll drop it.”
#dpxdc#dcxdp#dc x dp#dp x dc#dp x dc crossover#dp x dc writing prompt#bones writes#clark kent#superman#jimmy olson#danny fenton#daily planet misunderstandings#a reminder that Clark Kent simultaneously has the biggest heart in the dcu but also is a snarky asshole who is able to keep up with Lois#the threat clark uses in the end is inspired by the adventures of Superman radio show#because Superman has used the threat ​‘tell the truth or we go to the moon’ More Than Once In The Radio Show to intimidate villains or goons#into telling him information#but the best part is TAOS Superman would 100% follow through on that promise bc that version of clark is 110% the sass I love to see#but also that snark is literally All of his personality in the typical bad writing version of ‘blank slate character is relateable#and a self insert so young men can fit themself into the main character’s shoes’#and TAOS Superman has Zero hesitance to maim or injure a criminal no matter the crime bc he’s a very black and white thinking bitch#but I think he’s a neat specimen from the past that I’d like to put in a jar and study#bones writes in the tags#anyways if you go into the show aware that it’s a piece of it’s time (1941-50) and occasionally is Very racist. go listen to TAOS#it’s very interesting as you see the difference in media as it shifts from pre-WWII to current WWII to post-WWII#it’s very neat. just listen to it through a ‘this is not canon’ mindset (bc it’s a radio show that’s officially non-canon)#and a historical view mindset#then you’ll have a fun time listening to the old timey radio show with the occasional ‘wait What the fuck did they just say?!’ moment#to keep you on your toes
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daily-clark-kent · 9 months
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emmakubert · 11 months
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The goodest boy and the greatest gal
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superbat-love · 11 months
After every mission, Clark would give Bruce a hug before flying home to retire for the night. Bruce would protest and grumble but ultimately relent and let Clark hug him because he knew that Clark was accustomed to it.
One night, Clark was in a rush to get home to finish some work for a last-minute deadline and forgot to give Bruce his hug.
Bruce felt extremely restless and uncharacteristically upset. He tossed and turned in bed that night but couldn’t sleep. He rationalized that it must be due to a disruption in his daily routine.
In the early hours before dawn, Clark was suddenly roused from his sleep by the presence of someone in the room with him. Bruce, looming over him, gravely told him that he should be sleeping in bed and not at the desk. Then, he announced that he was leaving and waited for Clark to give him his goodbye hug.
Bruce got himself a goodnight hug and an extra good morning hug. After that, Bruce promptly crashed onto Clark’s bed and slept through the entire morning and afternoon while Clark was at work. Clark never forgot his goodbye hugs again after that.
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nitewrighter · 11 months
Because all the drama with Lois, Clark ends up developing a much stricter but more flexible practice with concealing his secret identity from the rest of the Daily Planet. This mostly boils down to "Don't gaslight people" and "Just maintain that Superman doesn't have a secret identity and 99% of the time you can just gently nudge people to their own conclusions with regards to you." But he has like, one vice with regards to secret identity shenanigans and that's fucking with Steve Lombard whenever he gets asked what his workout routine is. Steve has been asking for years and Clark has never given him the same answer.
"Just the expert-recommended 150 minutes of mild aerobic activity and/or 70 minutes of intense aerobic activity a week!"
"You know that group of seniors who do Tai Chi in the park?"
"Tractor tires. Mine actually came off of our old tractor back in Smallville! I don't like the ones at the gym. Not enough.. um... dirt. How many squat reps? Uhhh.... 12?"
"BugFit? On the KordTech BugStation? You have these wands that you wave around but there's also this little platform that you step on and--? Oh I don't have the console, myself. I use Jimmy's."
"Pole dancing. Lois's idea."
And Steve is always that weird brand of macho-affable about it, like "Ahh you got me again, Kent! But I'll figure it out one of these days! I didn't spend 4 weeks painstakingly comparing the training regimens of the entire Metropolis Meteors team not to figure yours out!"
And in private this is fucking haunting Steve because he knows guys that wake up at 4 am 5 days a week to gun for the kind of lats Clark 'Ope' Kent has. He also knows it's not steroids because he's tracked down enough stories of that nature and knows Clark well enough to know that's really not in the realm of what's going on here. And here's Clark adjusting his stupid fucking glasses and saying with a perfectly straight face that he has that body from fucking pilates.
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azrette · 1 year
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Sometimes I miss their beginnings and rivalry…
So I’m sketching these two a bit too much those last days…
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