#cuz my brain needs the security
tmascfaggot · 1 month
yknow. sometimes it's hard to not feel like i'm too late to kink stuff in particular. namely when i see ppl like 5 years younger than me engaging in stuff i've fantasized about for years and years and years. i know it's not true and there r ppl who get into it way later it's just the nature of being in spaces like these sometimes
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stitchwraith-stingers · 7 months
thinking about pamela afton in my fnaf rewrite .. im so sorry girlie
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brucewaynehater101 · 13 days
Adding onto the ask I ended cuz my brain was melting and also classes
And taking inspiration from "Do Not, Under Any Circumstances, Wake Him Up" by Lulu_Rhythm
What if Jason learned all about Tim's disguise Jane Doe, what he did as Jane, the fact civilians knew and rogues knew Jane was Robin before the Bats, and the rumors flying asking where the Robin went, certain he died?
plus just why he was so precious to Gotham?
And fucking flipped?
Next thing Gotham knows, Red Hood is channelling his inner 'Batman post-Jason's death' by going ballistic on the new Batman (Dick) and cutting all ties with the Bats as a whole
His guilt definitely fuels it as well, he's reaching out to the younger Bats as much as possible to ask if they need help for anything like getting out of the Bat lifestyle of if they're unsafe
Something he wishes he could've done for Tim
He's channeling some of his guilt and rage into bettering his territory in other ways, sure, but there's still a lot of blood spilling going on
Unlike Batman though, Red Hood still (mostly) holds back against anybody who isn't complete and utter scum who has it coming
All of this goes on during BruceQuest alongside the other madness in Gotham
When Tim comes back and Gotham breathes a sigh of relief because their Robin is alive and well?
Jason's is going Full Overprotective Big Brother, much to Tim's annoyance
Doesn't help that the kid is down a spleen
If Gotham thought Red Hood's Wrath was bad before he had Red Robin safe and sound in his nest most secure safehouse in Crime Alley?
They've seen nothing compared to what's coming
What do Gotham's Rogues and civilians, people out of Gotham, The JL, YJ, Batfam individually and Tim most of all think of Jason's Rage-Guilt fueled redemption arc of sorts? Idk, my brains melting
Hell what does Tim think, going from, "I've lost everything but I got Batman back!" To being abducted by Red Hood and smothered with mother henning?
"This is Red Hood, who I'm pretty sure is a demon from actual hell trying to redeem himself, and this is his emotion support victim Red Robin, who gets mother hen'd and doted on to hell and back" —random Gothamite
Ooh? Jason becoming a full mother hen to Tim after this incident is hilarious and adorable. I also imagine, after everything that happened during the BruceQuest, Tim is a feral little bastard with extreme trust issues. He only trusts those that Jane trusts.
So, Red Hood is trying his hardest to domesticate Tim, feed him, and make sure he's protected/has support. While doing this, RH is also turning the streets bloody in an attempt to make them safer. Basically, pure chaos as their conflicting personalities mesh.
I'd also like a cute scene where Jason starts using all pronouns for Tim since they seem comfortable with that. Jason checks Tim's reactions to ensure that's okay while Tim is pleasantly surprised.
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yuyuonabeat · 23 days
Mothers Day Puppy Love
Happy Mothers Day to the Mothers reading this!
Here to deliver a bit of what goes inside my brain on a daily basis cuz Yunho has me going feral for him. Not only that but Husband Yunho is a must.
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So it’s Mother’s Day and y’all know what that means.
I have no idea why my brain functions so well when it has to do with sexy stuff.
But today I’ll keep it pg13. Or more like NOT SMUT.
Like imagine waking up on Mothers Day. You laying in your big bed that you share with your loving husband Yunho.
You wake up to the feeling of someone staring at you. You open your eyes slowly just to be greeted by a big smile and happy eyes.
Yunho sitting next to you with a tray of breakfast and it’s that Iced coffee?!? Oh he knows you so well. Nothing better than starting your morning next to a handsome man that has make you breakfast and coffee.
“Hello My Sweetheart.” He offers a smile. Grabbing your hand and bringing it up to his lips to kiss at it.
You giggle. It’s things like these that make you fall deeper in love with him every day. How welcoming and heartwarming he is. Always caring so much for you. After all, to him you are his will to live.
His sunshine even though you’re the grumpy one in the relationship. His loving partner whom he will love for the rest of his life.
The two of you have been married for a year now. But you’ve been dating for exactly 4 years. You always wanted a family. And he always wanted a partner he could care for, love and cherish for eternity.
He loves to spoil you with gifts and dates and lots and lots of love. Stealing kisses from you and kissing your cheeks in public, leaving you looking like a red Stop sign.
Pulling you in closer by your waist. Humming and whispering the most beautiful things into your ears.
Your fan favorite is when you sometimes try to cook for him, since he’s the one that always cooks for you. You just love it when he comes behind you and back hugs you. Kisses your cheeks and neck.
He sure loves it when you cook for him. Even if it’s not the best, he’ll never fail to make you feel secure and confident. Complimenting your cooking or giving you advice on how to improve it.
You love it when he teaches you how to cook.
Another one of your fan favorite things the two of you do is when he’s gaming in his room. Either playing LOL or Fortnite with his mates.
You always stand there so shyly. He always notices you as soon as you enter the room. Muting his mic and asking “need a hug, My Sweetheart?” Oh you can never get tired of that nickname. Makes you melt right then and there.
Lets you sit on his lap with your chest facing his. You love sitting on him, resting your head on his shoulder. Sometimes drifting into slumber.
He loves the way you always seem to need his touch near you. Caressing the back of your head while you drift to sleep on his shoulder.
🥹🥹🥹someone sedate me please
Going back to the current day.
“Thank you love.” You thank him for this amazing start to your morning. Kissing his lips.
Those plush soft lips that make you wanna risk it all.
He plays with your hand and fingers. Looking down at your lap.
You start eating your breakfast but can’t help to notice his sudden change in mood.
“What’s wrong darling? Want some?”
You offer some of your breakfast in hopes that maybe he’s just hungry. After all it is still early in the morning.
He looks at you and then at your hands.
You look at him trying to examine his expressions to try and decipher what’s wrong.
“I was just thinking…we’ve been married for a year now and I’m not sure if it’s still early to ask but…” he looks away, a bit flustered.
He gets flustered very easily quite often but it’s unlike him to be this… well shy. He usually says and does things as soon as they register in his brain. He’s never afraid to say anything and never second guesses his actions.
“Yuyu, you can tell me anything love. Whats wrong? Talk to me Pretty.”
Pretty. He loves it when you call him that.
“I was wondering if, you maybe were ready to um have a baby with me? I’ve been really thinking about it a lot. What it would be like to raise a baby with you.”
You sigh in relief. Having thought something was wrong or had happened to him.
He looks at you confused.
“Sorry I just pheww, could have sworn you were giving me bad news. Baby of course I’m ready. Had actually been waiting for you to ask me about it.”
You chuckle. Eating your pancakes.
He rushes to gently grab your face and kiss you.
“I love you so much, you know that right?”
You blush. Still having half of your face stuffed with pancakes.
“With how often you say it to me, yes darling I’m aware. So you’ve been really thinking about it , huh?”
You smile at him and grab his much larger hand in your small one. Playing with his fingers.
“Yes my love. It’s been eating me away. The thought of my beautiful wife carrying my child. Us growing older with them. Buying toys and cute clothes. Makes me so happy just picturing it.”
You’d give the world to this man. And you know that just like you, he would too.
“Aw baby~ you could have said something sooner. But I’m glad we’re both on the same page here. I can’t wait to raise a baby with you. Have a happy loving family with the most handsome wonderful man in the world.”
“Oh you~” he pinches your cheek lightly.
“I love you so much My Sweetheart. Do you want to um start now or?”
You give him a shock expression. Followed by a smirk.
“Well look at you, let me finish breakfast, lover boy, and then we can get started on that family we both so dearly want.”
You chuckle and continue eating your meal. He can’t help but to smile at you.
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Someone please kick me into reality 🤧. This man has me so weak.
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beenbaanbuun · 3 months
Not sure if this is a request or me just going insane after reading your dumbification yeo fic but oop-
Been thinking about jealous Yeosang nonstop since then because I always get a little disappointed when fics paint him as this super passive, open lover. I mean it's all well and good to be someone who's genuinely okay with their partner having multiple partners/being kinda flirty, but I honestly don't see him as the type to be that chill
I mean sure he wouldn't exactly be as loud or aggressive about it as sayyy.... Joong or Sannie, I am a switch!Yeosang enthusiast after all, but I still think he'd get upset if he saw you being too chummy with one of your guy friends or one of the other members.
Early on in the relationship it would probably be all cute, he gets pouty and quiet, maybe clingy after and he needs lots of affirmation and assurance before he feels secure again.
But once he's comfortable with you? C'mon, you CANNOT tell me he's not the type to pin you against the door as soon as you get home, hands and lips desperately latching on to you as you clutch at his hair, deep voice muffled by your skin as he seethes over That Guy who kept hitting on you or how Wooyoung was a little too touchy for his peace of mind (woo totally did it on purpose btw).
And oh my god if those angry growls turn desperate? If you're not responding verbally cuz you're just so overwhelmed by everything that's Yeo?? And he suddenly whines into your neck and nuzzles your pulse point seeking verbal affirmation??? And you grip his hair and he whimpers when you tug so he has to look you in the eye?????
I need to calm tf down before I drop a whole 1.5k word smut fic in your ask box but you get the idea XDD
Jealous yeo lives rent free in my brain and you're writing has him running LAPS TwT we as a fandom have failed to have enough yeosang smut on the market and it Saddens Me
like i’m sorry but i can imagine him just pinning you to the door, fully clothed, and grinding up against you. his mouth is just on your neck, sucking, biting, kissing at your flesh until its mottled with purple bruises. like there’s literally no rhyme or reason, he’s just that desperate to his his mouth on you and mark you up that he barely gives you a minute to think straight.
like you’re still both fully dressed and your back is still presses uncomfortable against the door, but that doesn’t stop yeosang from bucking his hips up into yours, dry humping you because he doesn’t have the patience with you right now. he needs you to know that you’re his and his alone.
“can’t fucking believe you,” he growls before biting down on the soft flesh. you keen at the sensation, legs going weak. you’re glad he has you pinned to the door; if he didn’t, you might fall, “all over that guy as if you don’t have a perfectly good boyfriend who takes care of you. what? did you just want my attention? because now you have it.”
you whimper as he grinds down hard against your pelvis, his clothed hard-on rubbing so deliciously against your folds. you want him in you, but with everything that’s going on, you can barely think, let alone talk.
“s-sangie-” you choke out, trying to tell him how bad you need him, but you’re cut off by the whine that claws it’s way up your throat.
“what?” he grunts into your neck, “you want to tell me something?”
you nod, but no words come out. yeosang chuckles darkly into your neck.
“go on then, baby,” his teeth graze against you, threatening to add to the purple bruises that run up and down your skin, “if you’re going to tell me anything, tell me how bad you need me.”
you know it’s an ego thing. of course it is; yeosang was obviously hurt when he saw you flirting with the other man, and now it’s your job to repair that. and you would, if you could hold a thought for more than two seconds. you’d love nothing more than to stroke his ego, make him feel all big and powerful and like he’s the only man in the world.
but you just can’t. every time you open your mouth, you lose your train of thought and all that comes out is a few pants as yeosang tears your mind down to nothing. you cant even focus when he pulls back a little, studying your face with glassy eyes before diving right back into your neck. he doesn’t suck, or bite, or kiss this time. he just nuzzles the sticky skin with his nose, mumbling almost incoherent words against it.
“baby,” he says after a moment or two, voice a little breathier than before, “baby, please tell me me how much you need me. need to hear it.”
his tongue darts out and he begins to lap one of the bite marks, as if trying to soothe it. it only makes your mind race more.
as do the continuous whimpers that you can hear spilling into the air, only this time they’re not from you. they’re from yeosang.
yeosang who is still grinding into you, albeit with sloppier, softer motions than before. who is still pinning you to the wall, only with a more desperate grip, as if you’ll slip away if he lets go. who still has his face pressed against your neck, words slipping from his mouth, but now they beg rather than degrade.
“baby, please,” he whispers, and you feel something wet fall against your neck; a tear, “i need you tell tell me you need me.”
he sounds so pathetic, crying into your neck like that, and it soon sinks in that the tables have turned without you even really realising. the man that had pinned you to the door minutes prior, wanting nothing more than to teach you a lesson, had vanished. he’s been replaced by your baby boy, who was so desperate to hear how much you wanted him. so desperate to know that you loved him as much as he loved you.
you try your hardest to gather your thoughts, just enough for you to be able to scrape together a sentence or so. but with yeosang bucking against you like a dog in heat, its so incredibly hard. add that to the fact that he’s gone back to suckling at your neck like its going to bring him some sort of comfort and there’s no way you were getting a coherent sentence out.
so you lace you fingers into his hair, grateful of how long it had gotten, and tug. he lets out a long whimper, eyes rolling into the back of his head as you tug his far enough back to see his face. you tug again, wordlessly pleading for him to look at you. just once would be enough for him to see how thoroughly mindless he has you already. just once for him to understand that he is all you can think about right now.
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tokio-motel · 10 months
and i love you too baeeee and dw idc when you finish this😘
whole band headcannons seperate ofc with there bf(or gn reader if you cant include much but if you can include a little thats chill idc) who is so fucking stupid
like karen from mean girls stupid. for example if someone asked him if he was top or bottom he'd be like "oh bottom! top bunks make me nervous." like💀💀
and another example is if he cooked something and it's hot he'd only say careful its hot AFTER you choke on how hot it is😭
i feel like they'd love him so much but sometimes he's just real fucking dumb💀💀💀
also you don't have to use the first two those are just examples ofccc i love youuuuu
hi bb! ilym 😋🙏 i hope this is good enough cuz recently my work has been iffy...........
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・He finds this shit funny bro
・Can't help but smile whenever you say some dumb shit.
・He feels like he's dreaming if you tell him late at night
"... Why do we need farmers if we have grocery stores?"
・If you say that shit at 2AM he'd spend the rest of the night thinking about it.
・He gets headaches from how hard he thinks about it
"M/N..how do you even conjure up this type of stuff.."
・He can't tell if your genuinely confused or just fucking with him.
・He doesn't care though, he loves you and your stupidity.
・Actually finds himself asking you more and more questions just to see how far your imagination goes.
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・this cunt will laugh at you
・Let's out a few chuckles when you said something dumb for the first time
・He then realised you weren't joking and were actually serious 💀
"Why doesn't earth just..fall? Why are we floating?"
"M/N..- what the fuck is wrong with you."
・Sometimes he just agrees with whatever your saying and encourages you to go on, seeing how long he can go without chuckling
・He's not judging you- he actually really loves this about you.
・He will NEVER admit it but his heart melts whenever you say the dumbest shit.
・He tries not to correct you for the sake of your ego 🤷🏻🤷🏻
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・He's like a dad with a dumb kid in this situation 💀
"Georg- does carbonated water have carbs?"
"Not exactly, M/N. The reason for this is....."
・He'd explain everything to you bro 😪
・Very unlike Tom.
・I feel like he's fine with whatever you say but like physical things get to him
・Like for example if you just mopped the floor and he comes in, stepping into the room as he nearly slips and grabs onto whatever piece of furniture will secure him.
"Oh by the way, Georg, the floor is wet. So be careful going in the room!"
・He can't help but chuckle to himself
・He nearly sprained his ankle but he didn't really care- he finds it cute how oblivious you are.
・You make him happy and thats all that matters to him.
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・His brain stops processing for a minute.
・Stares at you for a minute as he thinks of something to say back.
"I'm so confused... Is an egg a fruit or vegetable?"
".. Good question. Why don't you look it up?"
・Like Tom he cant help but let out small guffaws and chuckles
・He has a few small burns on his fingertips from cooking with you.
"Oh Gustav can you check the pan?"
"Yeah sure, M/N...OH FUCK! -"
"Watch out, the stoves on!"
・At the end of the day he doesn't really care
・He love you way to much, like it's actually concerning how much he loves you.
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karlwriting · 2 years
Falling asleep beside Nanami Kento
Reblog is appreciated:)
I wrote a bit longer to add more fluff this time, aiming to give you all diabetes
There is a Gojo version in my tumblr as well.
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Nanami ‧─═♥═─‧
You are working on your desk in the bedroom, wondering when will Nanami be back from work. Working overtime on Friday sounds like a torture.
“It’s almost 11pm already, Kento must be having a busy day. Gosh i miss him so much…” Although you two are already living together, both of you still think of each other A LOT after a few hours of separation. Suddenly you heard the door unlocks and your heart beats with anticipation.
“I’m home angel, where are you?” Nanami looks for you right after he hanged his briefcase on the hook. He can’t wait to be close to you after a long day of work. He missed everything about you - your scent, your giggles, and your touch.
“Guess where i am Kento~” you playfully say it out loud to give him a hint. You feel so happy to finally be able to see him.
‘Such a naughty girl, cute.’ He knew you are in the shared bedroom immediately. How would he not know?
“Nanami the wolf is coming to get the red riding hood, where will she be?” He loosens his tie and walks to the bedroom slowly. He gets a bit excited by simply imagining you as an adorable red riding hood. This wolf can’t wait for much longer to eat you up.
“Here you are, busy with work?” Nanami opens the bedroom door and finds you still using your Mac.
“Yeah, Gojo told me to make a list of the missing people in Tokyo”
‘Gonna add cyanide to Gojo’s dessert tomorrow.’ Nanami shows you the sweetest smile while his brain is creating a hundred ways to kill Gojo. (Gojo: sneezed)
“Such a hard working lady, feel free to ask me if you got doubts. Now this wolf is gonna take a bath first *kiss*, wait for me sweetheart.” he kisses your cheek then heads to the bathroom. You start to nod off on your desk during the wait.
10 minutes has passed. Nanami walks out from the bathroom with a bathrobe and saw you fell asleep on the desk.
‘You must be really tired from work.’ His heart breaks when he notices your dark circles. It makes him even more determined to torture Gojo.
“Angel, lets go to bed, don’t sleep on the desk.” He walks to you and gently massages your shoulders.
“Hm… sure. Oh you’ve finished bathing?” You wake up and give him a sleepy smile. The way you smile so lovely makes his desire burn more fiercely. But he knows you are tired, so he takes a deep breath instead. He is a patient man.
“Yeah, let’s get you to sleep shall we? Wrap your arms around my neck angel.” He leans his upper body to you, so you can hug his neck. Nanami easily holds you close in his arms with only one pull. Your legs wrapping around his waist as he slowly walks towards the king size bed. You can feel his defined muscles underneath the bathrobe.
“I am dating an adorable koala bear ain’t i?” he chuckles and fills your lips with kisses. His lips are warm and moist from the bath.
“Then you are the only tree that i’ll hug” you both laugh at the joke. He feels honoured to be the tree.
Nanami gently puts you down to bed and covers you with the fluffy comforter. Seeing you lying on bed so peacefully, Nanami joins you and carefully pulls you closer. You bury your head to his chest, feeling so secure and warm.
“This wolf is gonna behave tonight, cuz you need to be well-rested for tomorrow. We are gonna have an unforgettable day off. Sweet dreams.” He presses his lips to yours, then turns off the bed side lamps.
You are kinda looking forward to it.
⁄(⁄ ⁄ ⁄ω⁄ ⁄ ⁄)⁄
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moonspirit · 1 year
Armin is basically your guide to leaving the forest. He is what Humanity needs to retain its Humanity.
Armin is hated on so much after S4 for being "useless" and "not living up to Erwin" but people forget, Erwin was so good because he had YEARS of experience. When Erwin died, he was what, 40-ish? At 15-19, Erwin was much the same as any ordinary cadet, you can see in the flashbacks in S3 Part2, a very young Erwin crying with a wounded/dead soldier and trying to fend off a Titan.
Armin is the embodiment of what the survey corps stands for - "Understanding". He is a pacifist and optimist but not naive, he knows that he has to kill when push comes to shove. He doesn't like violence but agrees that it is necessary sometimes. There is nothing wrong with that. He's a very relatable character. Don't forget that Erwin recognised his potential. He literally looked shocked when Armin theorised Reiner to be hiding inside the walls in RTS arc. Armin is the first character in the whole show to internalize his enemies thoughts and actions and try to understand it from their pov. He always tries to talk first and when that doesn't work, he pulls the trigger. You can tell me "his talking doesn't work!" but that doesn't mean you don't try. He's convinced and manipulated people plenty of times. If your only option is always to kill first before anything else, then you're not in your right mind.
A character is not weak simply for wanting peace. Armin doesn't run from his conflicts, he always faces them head on whether he likes it or not. His yearning to choose the method with the least bloodshed is actually admirable - it's easier to just pull the trigger in a world like SnK where people hate you, no? Why go through all the effort of trying to make people understand? He's a very strong character because he stands by his convictions.
It's unfair to burden him with Erwin's legacy at this age. He's also selfless to a fault. While Erwin did care for his soldiers, he never hesitated to use them as bait. Armin lacks that trait - being ruthless. Instead he has shown time and time again that he'd rather sacrifice himself so others can go unharmed. Despite the lack of experience, he still came up with some of the best plans, strategies and deductions in the show, some of them conjured up within seconds, and all that when he was even younger than he is now. Reiner was sweating and shitting his pants when Armin figured out the Female Titan's intentions in under 30 sec. At 15, Armin secured the collosal Titan for the scouts with just 1 casualty - himself. Just a few examples. He lacks Erwin's experience and deals with a severe lack of confidence, but for his age, possesses a lethal brain and outstanding intellect.
One of his most forgotten contributions is during the Scouts vs Kenny's squad. It was his analysis of the anti-personnel ODM gear, and following strategy, that allowed the scouts to exploit the weaknesses of their opponents' weapons. They wouldn't have won those fights with such success otherwise. He's extremely perceptive. Notice that when he fucked with Bert's mind back in S2, it was bec apart from Reiner (who knew from long ago), only he had noticed Bertie boi had a thing for Annie. He pays attention to his surroundings. He picks up on every little detail. He knows where to hit where it hurts. His 'Annie' strategy with Bert in S3P2 fails because he didn't realize Bert was a different person, someone who had stopped Annie from being his weakness. That was a crucial lesson Armin had to learn, but he learned it. He's very good with his words. People don't want him to open his mouth and change their minds (eg, Connie with Falco, Daz & Samuel). He's a genius strategist and war tactician in the making, give him a few years and see what he becomes.
One of my most favourite moments is during the table scene with Eren before getting beaten up, the only psychological attack Eren fired at Armin ("You're only visiting Annie cuz of Bert"), did not sting Armin at all, it only shocked him that Eren would try to bullshit him into that false logic when clearly Armin knew better. So Eren chose to beat him up, but Armin still had the final word. "You're the slave Eren" absolutely got under Eren's skin.
He isn't dumbed down post S4, it's just that the stakes are infinitely higher.
There's a lot of blame on him for "not doing anything in those 4 years despite having a genius brain" etc etc. Armin wasn't commander. They were dealing with a hostile world which they were desperately trying to understand for the first time in a 100-year history of being isolated inside the walls. It is one thing to understand people inside the walls and fuck them up (like Erwin did multiple times) but another entirely to deal with several countries in a world you discovered overnight. Politics and diplomacy is hard af. I doubt Armin would have been able come up with some 20/20 vision plan at that point to end the whole conflict anyway. Pixis didnt. Hange also didn't. Nobody did! The island had other intelligent people too!
Regarding Erwin, the whole point of his death was to show that he was put to rest from his suffering. It is the end of Erwin's story.
I dare say that if Armin had become Erwin 2.0, the haters would have said "Oh, he's just a copy of Erwin, he's not his own person!" So, conclusion: he's not supposed to be Erwin. He's his own person with his own methods and he's 19, leave him alone and please compare people with comparable experience.
Dude also went through a ton of issues as a young kid and has a severe inferiority complex, guilt at being revived instead of Erwin and the constant pressure of living in Erwin's shadow. Add to that his best friend of 19 years disappears, forces him to nuke a port and kill people against his desires, then pushes him away, doesn't explain shit, snaps and goes on a mass murder spree - you have a guy under extreme duress and he's still thinking of the big picture on Paradis, that genocide is wrong even though it's his best friend doing it. He has already subconsciously realised that they cannot stop Eren without joining hands with the same enemies they tried to kill a while ago. So despite having a mental breakdown, he still goes to get Falco back, because as a person, he values humanity and understanding above everything and can't watch another one of his comrades lose his shit and feed a lil kid to a Titan.
I also believe that Armin knew Falco was a decent kid, considering what he was taught in Marley, and choosing to save him was symbolic in that Armin wants to save the one kid who sees through the fucked up hate. In this moment he was the closest he'd ever been to Erwin (since Erwin's death) with that calculated risk, but also very true to being *himself* , very Armin, because he jumped to his death, aka, selfless. Rescuing Falco was a v good call, not only because the kid is a shifter and therefore necessary to form the alliance, but also cuz if you are a manga reader, well, you know why. He slapped sense into Connie, rescued Falco, showed a young Gabi what compassion meant and won her trust , and laid down the foundation for the Alliance before even knowing Hange and Levi were alive. He always sees the bigger picture.
And don't even start with the whole AruAni hate, they had a thing going on right from S1 during training years. If anything, Bert's memories of Marley only reinforced his already existing feelings for Annie and he "understood" her. He didn't forgive her. He "understood" her. See what I'm getting at? AruAni only further supports the fact that children of war are just children in the end, and love can permeate even that imaginary barrier of being on "opposite sides". It's a beautiful ship and I'm fucking glad it's canon. Something to smile about in this depressing show T_T
Kenny's ideology of "everyone being a slave to something" applies to nearly everyone on the show. But not Armin. From his birth, he has only been motivated by one thing - curiosity to see, curiosity to understand, curiosity to experience. There is nothing that ties him down so much that he can't die and give up. He is arguably the most "free" character in the whole of SnK.
Eren sets out to achieve freedom at the cost of freedom itself. But for Armin, freedom is simply the beauty of simple, little things. They are the two sides of the same coin.
I'm not being aggressive in any way, my comment is only to throw some light on Armin's character. I respect everybody's opinions at the end of the day and I'm not engaging in any wars.
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iwantjaketosullyme · 1 year
𝐚𝐩𝐡𝐫𝐨𝐝𝐢𝐭𝐞 ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ ᴘᴀʀᴛ Ⅲ: ɪꜰ ʏᴏᴜ ᴡᴀɴᴛ ᴍᴇ, ɪ'ʟʟ ᴀᴅᴏʀᴇ ʏᴏᴜ
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➺ pairing: aged up!lo'ak x f!metkayina!reader (fluff) ➺ series summary: lovesick!lo'ak does all he can to win the heart of oblivious!reader ➺ chapter summary: ❝ You dare to divulge your deepest concerns to him, and his heart swells the more with his love for you. ❞ (w/c: 2.6k) ➺ warnings: tattooing, sharp object (knife), mention of near death experience a/n: this chap is dedicated to my bestie @heirtothekingdom !! she always encourages me just when i need it <33 na'vi dictionary at the end :)
« 𝐩𝐫𝐞𝐯𝐢𝐨𝐮𝐬┃𝐬𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐬 𝐦𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭┃𝐧𝐞𝐱𝐭 »
─────── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───────
Nearly two days have passed since Lo’ak’s serendipitous encounter with you. The first day had begun optimistically – he had been excused from tsurak training in favour of him recovering (courtesy of Ao’nung and his big mouth, it was not long before Tonowari had heard of his underwater crisis).
With no obligations for the day and unable to banish you from the chambers of his mind, Lo’ak had been determined to find you, in spite of the very few clues he had to go by.
Alas, he had allowed his heart to take precedence over his brain, spending the whole day walking from one end of the village to the other with neither plan nor formula. This resulted, of course, in a fruitless search.
With the next day comes the return of tsurak training. With tsurak training comes Ao’nung, which Lo’ak is beginning to regret more and more as he walks towards the waterfront and sees what – who – is waiting for him.
“Oh nooo man,” Lo’ak shakes his head in equal parts disbelief and equal parts fear, braids swinging wildly as he expresses his discontent. “Nah, really cuz?” He directs an accusing glare at the smug Ao’nung. “You’re gonna make me deal with her again?”
A single one of his blue fingers rises to point aggressively at the threshing figure in the water, powerful wings threatening to spread out and clear the men holding her down – she’s been in this position before and she does not like it. Not. One. Bit.
“I nearly died!” Lo’ak has his arms held out in front of him, palms facing upwards as he shows his displeasure physically; not the first time he’s used his hands to get a point across to Ao’nung. Thrown into a state of alarm, his eyes dart between his friend, Ao’nung and his foe, Niie.
“Let me teach you something,” Ao’nung starts, deep baritone voice affected with a hint of arrogance as he declares, “persistence is the mark of a true Metkayina warrior”. He falls silent afterwards, as if waiting for a round of applause that never comes.
“Oh?” Lo’ak fakes a gasp, responding with a sarcastic “Is that why you’re trying to kill me again?! It didn’t work the first time, huh?”, referring to the shaky start to their friendship, “Or the second time either?”, referring to just two days ago.
As if coming to a realisation, Ao’nung tilts his head, shrugs and retorts, “My bad, I just thought you had it in you, forest boy.”
In that instant, Lo’ak feels the eyes of the other warriors settle on him, searing into his skin at every angle. With the heat of their gazes burning strong, he feels as if he has travelled back in time and he is the outcast, adolescent Lo’ak again with so much to prove, and everything to lose. The silent question is asked. Will the son of Toruk Makto rise to the challenge?
Throwing caution to the wind, Lo’ak decides to abandon all thought and reason, intent on proving his worth, securing his place amongst the once-foreign Metkayina people. That’s what iknimaya is all about, right? Sivako.
He inches into the water slowly, taking short, cautious steps, wary of angering Niie further. Blood running hot and anticipation buzzing beneath his skin, Lo’ak ignores the hoots and hollers of the men still pinning Niie down. He is not sure if they are meant to be encouraging or condescending. He does not care.
As he nears her still-writhing body, he thinks back to hazy memories of you brushing a hand over her skin before leaning into the side of her face and deeply inhaling, uniting your breath with hers. 
Emulating your actions, he runs a shaky hand along the length of Niie’s tense form, observing as it relaxes upon his touch. He wades further into the water, brings his face close to Niie’s and slows his breathing to match hers.
His eyelids flutter shut, and he feels all of his inner turmoil melt away into nothing, the previously troubled waters around them now still, a perfect reflection of his mental state. Face now directly in front of Niie’s, his eyes open again and he looks at her. She looks at him. 
Some form of understanding is materialised in the shared vulnerability of undeviating eye contact. Mutual respect is born, Lo’ak knowing that Niie was an integral part to his rescue and Niie knowing that he has let down his guard and made an effort to See her.
Refusing to question the surprisingly tender moment and let his awe (fear) of Niie catch up to him, Lo’ak latches his kuru to hers and seats himself on her back with haste.
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Atop his new companion, Lo’ak experiences the reef in a way he never has before, feels closer to being truly Metkayina than he ever has before. He scours the ocean for you, hoping against hope that the Hand of Eywa that had already shown itself strong would move again to bring the two of you together. In spite of how much he wills for it to happen, it does not. He ventures back to the place you first met, but it is absent of your magnetic presence.
By the time he returns to the shore, it is nearly eclipse. Once again, he has wasted an opportunity to find you. He shrugs off Ao’nung’s congratulatory back slaps, downturned ears deaf to the accompanying ululating.
Dispirited, he ambles back to the Sully marui, mind set on flopping his weary body onto his hammock, burying his head into his arms and burying his feelings of disappointment deep within himself.
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Winding down the woven pathway, Lo’ak’s ears quirk in curiosity as he hears a familiar peal of laughter travel through the stagnant night air. But it’s not Tuk’s, and it’s not Kiri’s.
His feet carry him faster than before as his whole body reacts to the one person it has been seeking for the past two days. Lo’ak’s hurried steps come to a halt when he reaches the marui, expectant eyes flitting from family member to family member, until finally, they rest on you.
Nobody has been alerted of his arrival yet, allowing him to take the scene in front of him in covertly. Gathered on a large woven mat is his whole family, plus you. You are sat in the middle, with everyone else seated around you, listening intently to what you are saying and hanging on to your every word.
To him, this is an accurate representation of how he sees you. You are a celestial body, pulling those around you inwards with the crippling gravity of your allure.
His eyes trail downwards. You seem to be teaching them how to…weave Metkayina bracelets? It is a type of braid that he has never seen in the five years he has been living in Awa’atlu. Of course, he muses, typical of you to surprise him.
Honing in on the ongoing conversation, he hears you mutter a quiet joke to Neytiri, giggling after each word you let out. Expecting an appreciative glance and half-smile at best, he is so shocked when he hears the crystal chiming of her laugh in response that his throat closes up and he splutters out a cough, bringing the attention of everyone in the marui to him.
You notice him and he swears to Eywa, the smile on your pretty face widens even further. He’s still getting over the shock of Neytiri, his stone-cold aerial killer mother, being so easily charmed by you when you rise from where you are sitting to stand in front of him. 
“Lo’ak!” You exclaim, grabbing his arm that hangs limply by his side and pulling him to where the others are sat. His brain begins to short-circuit when you tug on his arm, seating him so close to you that his eyes can trace the shape outlined by the glowing tanhi on your face. “I’ve been waiting for you!”
You’ve been waiting for him? Lo’ak’s mind races as he tries to keep up with everything that has happened in the past five minutes. Five minutes ago, he was preparing himself for the cruel possibility of never seeing you again. Now, however, he is overcome with joy and anticipation for what it is you have come to say.
Your volume lowers and a bashful grin spreads across your face as you reveal, “I wished to invite you to my tattoo marking ceremony tomorrow. It is to celebrate and document my first rescue.” Lo’ak’s lingering silence makes you backtrack slightly. “O-only if you want to! I know you are probably busy training for-”
“Yes!” Lo’ak interjects quickly, finally having found agency over his own tongue again and processed your unexpected invitation. “Of course, I-I’d be honoured!” He flounders, thrilled at the prospect of spending more time with you by your request.
You both alternate between looking up into each other’s eyes and averting your gazes immediately after, the nerves and excitement of a new romance inhibiting your ability to carry a full conversation. Behind your backs, Jake and Neytiri share a knowing look, recognising the humble beginnings of young love.
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The following day comes too slowly for Lo’ak’s liking. When the rays of light from the Alpha Centauri star meet the rippling water of the Eastern Sea, morning comes and so do the jitters. As he walks towards the Tsahik’s tent, where you had said the marking would take place, he cracks his neck to the right, then to the left and shakes out his wrists.
Reaching the tent, his knuckles rap on the flap of the entrance. Waiting pensively, Lo’ak wonders how he should greet you. Try not to embarrass yourself this time, skxawng. “Hey!” No, too eager. “Good day.” Too formal. Keep it suave, man. He lets out a shaky chuckle and raises an arm to lean against the side of the entrance. “What’s up, pretty girl-”
The flap is flipped to the side, revealing the imposing figure of a Metkayina woman. But not just any woman, Tsahik Ronal. 
“O-oel ngati kameie, Tsahik,” Lo’ak spits out, rapidly bringing his raised arm back down and standing up straight. He wills himself not to squirm under her scrutinous squint, feeling the tension leave his shoulders when she relents, simply inclining her head to behind her, gesturing for him to follow after her. Phew.
Off to the side, Ronal readies the instruments that will be used to undertake the procedure. Walking further into the tent, he spots you sitting on the floor with your eyes closed and head rolled back, doing the customary meditation that is done by clan members before receiving a Metkayina tattoo.
One must commune with Eywa first to receive the vision of what the Great Mother intends to be permanently painted onto the canvas of your skin, and how you will be etched into the communal memory of your clan.
Your preoccupation permits Lo’ak to look around the tent, and as he does so he realises that he will be the only witness to this ceremonious act. Typically, a few of those closest to the recipient of the tattoo are invited to bear witness, like how himself and the rest of his family were when Neteyam received his first, but you have decided against that. How odd. Unless…
His mind goes back to previous conversations with Tsireya in the days of his assimilation lessons – she had mentioned that inviting a single person to your tattoo marking ceremony was one of the highest honours that one clan member could bestow upon another. On most occasions, this is only done to make a private declaration to the person you invite that you intend to court them.
Lo’ak does not have enough time to fully digest this, as before he knows it, Ronal is announcing the commencement of the ceremony. You return from your state of meditation, positioning yourself in front of the Tsahik and allowing her to take control of the ordeal.
With an air of grace that can only be achieved by someone who has done an action time and time again, Ronal unsheathes her knife made of sharpened payoang bone from its shell casing. The same instrument that has been used by those that came before her to conduct this exact ceremony in the centuries gone by.
She then uses it to sharply pierce the skin on your chest, drawing a droplet of blood onto the needle-like knife. She brings it to her tongue, closing her eyes as she allows the Great Mother to tell her of the distinct shapes and curves of your tattoo, where it should start and where it should end.
Content with the picture formed in her mind, Lo’ak watches closely as Ronal picks up another sharpened piece of bone laid out on the table beside her, dipping it into a well of ink collected from an animal before beginning to paint on your skin.
Lo’ak feels as if he has been put into a trance, ink undulating in hypnotic curves that draw him in. He nearly misses the pinched expression on your face, or how you extend your hand in his direction, a silent request for him to hold it – the first time you have acknowledged him since he walked in. 
Ronal’s silence indicates to him that he can proceed without fear of disrupting the ritual. Wasting no time and keen to relieve you of your pain in any way he can, he launches himself forward and grasps your hand. His soul nearly ascends to Eywa when he feels you squeeze his hand in appreciation.
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It’s early afternoon when the ritual ends and your tattoo is complete. The two of you exit the Tsahik’s tent together, hands still connected, neither of you ready to let go just yet. Lo’ak allows his eyes to rake over the new addition to your anatomy.
The tattoo spans from under your breasts to the middle of your belly, an elaborate and intricate pattern. On one end, the curves are close-knitted, reminding him of the inviting safety of your embrace, while the looser curves on the other end resemble the waves and the freedom they possess.
You sit with him on the pathway and talk for hours, telling him the story of your iknimaya, your first tattoo and the struggles of being a tsakarem, preparing to assist Tsireya when she takes on the role of Tsahik after her mother.
“The pressure is just too much sometimes, you know?” You dare to divulge your deepest concerns to him, and his heart swells the more with his love for you. “It’s why I dance. To escape. That’s why I was there that day.”
Everything begins to make sense now. Why he swears he had never seen you before, why it had been impossible to find you over the past two days. Day in, day out, you are cooped up in the Tsahik’s tent, earning your place in the clan.
“My life changed that day. That’s why it was so important to me for you to be here with me today.” Lo’ak can feel himself going cross-eyed as he maintains unwavering eye contact with you, waiting for you to say what he thinks you will. What he prays you will.
“If not for you, Eywa knows how long I would have had to wait to get my first rescue outside of the tent. And I must thank the Great Mother, for blessing me with a friend like you, Lo’ak.”
His heart clenches, and just like that, the world of whimsical romance Lo’ak had built in his head comes tumbling down.
─────── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───────
na’vi dictionary
tsurak - skimwing // nantang - viperwolf // toruk makto - rider of last shadow // iknimaya - rite of passage to become an adult in a na'vi clan // sivako - rise to the challenge (said before hunts like a war cry) // kuru - na’vi neural whip, queue // marui - tent // tanhi - na’vi bioluminescent freckles // skxawng - idiot // oel ngati kameie - I see you // payoang - fish // tsakarem - tsahik-in-training
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© iwantjaketosullyme tumblr 2023
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Okay I have two AUs flicking about in my brain and it both deals with the same situation happening:
“What if Norm was left behind by Hank when he went to go get his kids from Shady Sands? Leaving him with Rose and Moldaver because Hank saw no reason to keep him around.”
Norm as part of the NCR:
NCR!Norm has been raised by Moldaver and the rest of those who survived Shady Sands, growing up knowing his mother’s fate and growing to hate his father and Lucy in some extent. He gets to go to Vault 33 with the raiders and Moldaver, getting to see what woman his older sister has grown into, and finally gets to meets his father again. And he’s disgusted, he’s horrified, and most of all, he’s PISSED because Hank made Lucy believe that Norm never even existed.
So he joins in on the raid, but unlike most of the other raiders, he’s not fighting because though he’s been hardened by the life he’s lived under Moldaver; he’s not going to kill innocent people. He hacks doors, takes down security, helps make the bomb, and finally gets to tell his dad off for abandoning him as a baby.
He works with computers, helps Moldaver with her projects and research, beats everyone in the NCR headquarters at arcade and video games, and is still quiet, but now he’s a bit brasher, a bit more of a fighter, and definitely much more depressive. He also wears Rose’s necklace
Moldaver tells him to calm himself, to rather prepare himself to go pick up Wilzig and CX404 from Ma June’s, and he reluctantly agrees. Leads him to go get Wilzig, realizing he’s already left, and then getting tangled up in some BoS bullshit. He’s forced to tag along, seeing how they’re the only people who can help him track them down, and soon learns to let himself get away from all the anger and bitterness that has plagued him for his whole life.
Norm in this AU is a bitter, young man who has gained the confidence and courage he desperately wanted in the show, but at the loss of those around him and the community he desperately craves.
Norm as part of the BoS:
BoS!Norm ended up in the Brotherhood’s care around the same time as Maximus, Rose giving him up for his own safety and leaving him just with her necklace
Norm is a scribe, he never wanted to be a scribe but they put him as one either way, and he’s one of the youngest scribes on the base. He mainly gets coffee and cleaning duties, but sometimes he just likes watching the Aspirants dueling and doing their jobs. He finds it a nice escape away from how boring being a scribe is.
He watches them from afar, wanting to be like them so badly, but this is the job he was assigned and he’s not gonna fuss. Norm likes the safety that just working with numbers and computers bring him.
His name isn’t Norm in this AU, the Brotherhood gave him a new name, Philo (Greek name derived from the Greek word Philos which means “Lover” & “Friend”), and he takes his job very seriously. He’s also got the biggest, fattest crush on Thaddeus, even after seeing him being a bully, and personally requested to join him on his journey with the other man.
He’s idealistic and truly believes in the BoS’s mission and goals but finds himself miserable and disillusioned with the poor leadership and twisting words of its mission for committing  atrocities.
He meets Lucy near the end, and he’s completely taken aback that she recognizes the necklace, and that’s when he learns that she’s his older sister, that he does have family, and then realizes he was left behind and given up. Lil man goes through an entire identity crisis over this realization as Lucy is so awkward cuz she was told Norm died with their mother during the famine. Also I have some art of Norm in his BoS scribe outfit!
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In both, Norm is still lonely, the black sheep, the person who constantly questions, but at least he feels wanted and needed within his communities. In the NCR AU, he’s Moldaver’s son and second-in-command despite his age, and in the BoS AU, he’s a scribe who does his part for the Brotherhood and finds peace with it.
He’s just so fascinating to play around with lol
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inarebelliousstage · 1 year
so, im gonna be honest w/ u guys. im not having the best time of my life with happiness, so.. i write to make myself feel better. this one has mammon and it's about sleep cuz I've been havin trouble sleeping.
You exhaled heavily, eyes locked on the ceiling. Not being able to sleep surely had sucked these past few days. Your eyes glided over to where Mammon had been asleep next to you, his face calmed as his mouth was opened, letting out soft snores.
You wished that had been you. Slowly, you sat up, hands resting in your lap. You began to scroll your brain through all the ideas of why you haven't been able to sleep.
Just then.
"Ehh?... Whaddya doin' awake?" You heard Mammon finishing with a yawn.
"Just couldn't sleep. Didn't mean to wake you." You sighed, gently. Mammon sat up next to you, rubbing the sleep from his eyes.
You sat in silence for a bit, until Mammon broke it.
"Well, if ya need somethin' I'm your demon— so don't be callin' someone else." Mammon huffed a bit, arms crossed.
It was adorable how jealous he had gotten, and you haven't done anything.
Slowly, you leaned over, pressing a chaste kiss to his cheek, watching in the dark. Mammon turned red, and even though you could barely see, you knew it.
"Come, lay down." You muttered quickly, laying down. Mammon soon followed—after he calmed himself down from his heart attack. You grabbed his arm, placing it around your waist as you snuggled up securely, to his chest.
You could hear his heartbeat pound harder and harder the more you stayed in that position. Yet, it was sending you to sleep.
"O–Oi— Human— Y-You're.. really warm.." You heard Mammon muster. You nodded gently, slowly dozing off as you placed soft kisses on his chest.
"I love you, human. I-I— really do.."
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1343-40 · 2 months
ok i'm insane in the brain thinking about rosie's place in the mota hockey au cuz. yk.
actually talked about this w @swifty-fox earlier tonight but i need this on my fuckass tumblr
i'm imagining that his career started pretty roughly--getting skipped over in the draft because he didn't hit his growth spurt at that point and his stats weren't good enough for teams to risk picking up a guy as small as him. he's doesn't have something as crazy as a 50 goal season with his USHL team or anything but he's a solid forward, yet all the teams see is him being 5'9" and way too light
he does get picked up in the third round, but it's by a team that already has a pretty good lineup, so he plays one or two games in the pre-season and gets sent down to the ahl affiliate for that entire first year. he's a pretty optimistic guy, so he's not particularly broken up about it--he makes friends with his teammates, he works on his game, he finally hits that growth spurt and puts on weight he was lacking to really afford to play in the NHL
eventually he does get called up in his second year, a couple times at that, but it's not nearly enough for him to get properly developed to play in the show. UNTIL the team gets so many injuries the management have no choice but to call him and a few other guys up to salvage the rest of that season. he kind of gets going on the third line, puts up a couple goals, puts up more than a couple assists, gains confidence, but it's clear there's no place in the lineup for him once the guys he's replacing go off LTIR--maybe he doesn't click with his lineys as smoothly as the front office hoped, maybe it's just harder for him to get used to the big boy league, especially thrown into the fray like that, but either way the management finds him lacking. at that point all the goodwill he's had is quickly running out and he is frustrated that they just won't let him play, won't even throw him a bone and put him on the fourth line
he gets placed on waivers and the expansion team (WHATEVER THE FUCK WE'RE CALLING THEM IN THIS AU. winnipeg fuckin jets) scoops him up bc their gm is smart like that and they see the potential in him, plus they need all the help they can get to fluff up the roster with solid guys. and he plays the second and third line at first, but then their coach (btw is it harding or?.. lol) mixes up the lines and rosie gets placed with buck and curt and boom it just fuckin clicks baby. it just fuckin works. he secures his place on first line that season
he's definitely putting up more assists than goals--he settles into his role of the playmaker and gets going, plus he seems like a total giver to me. like, his biggest issue is probably not shooting the damn puck enough. but he is where he needs to be for buck or curt or whoever it is that's wearing the right jersey to slam it home, and it's just good fuckin hockey
Also probably not a good chirper. he tries though. he tries. got into One fight in his entire career that he lost but boy he sure went down swinging. makes sure to keep contact with all his previous teammates he's befriended and goes out with them whenever the team comes to their city. nobody in the locker room lets him put on his music because he puts on shit like wes montgomery and herbie hancock
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wizardbracket · 1 year
Final Four: Match 2 of 2
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Propaganda under the break
Why they deserve to be the ultimate wizard according to YOU:
Vanquished (so far): The Hobgoblin, J'zargo, Big Hat Logan, The Discworld Librarian, M. Rasmodius
"Merlin could and would trans your gender for you"
“He is the kookiest old bat. He's a time-travelling meddler. He's all those posts that say 'I'm going to give a medieval child doritos and see what happens.'"
"merlin cuz what a vibe"
"merlinsweep for a) merlin b) nostalgia. i have strong memories of watching this film as a kid. Also he does look like a stoner."
"This Merlin is me in 50 years"
"voted merlin for his tboy swag"
"I'm going to have to give it to Merlin based on old man energy"
"Sword in the stone merlin does not give a single shit. He should win"
"sword in stone merlin is an absolute riot and i need him to win this"
"MER-LIN! MER-LIN! Cheering for him like it's an arena"
"sword in the stone merlin is SUCH an icon"
"Merlin is like, THE shitty wizard"
"this is my merlin and I luff him"
Ms. Frizzle:
Vanquished (so far): Fujimoto, Peter Grant, Magneto, Gonzo the Great, Miracle Max
"She's got the brains she's got the iconic outfits she's got the little cute familiar she's got the eccentric personality shes got the love"
"I must choose the woman who wholeheartedly embodies a wizard in every aspect of her life"
"The bus isn't even metal. It's some kind of organic life force. Which she created and maintains"
"I’m gonna go for the lady who owns a lizard and drives a living and rapidly transforming flesh bus thing."
"only a fool votes against Ms Frizzle"
"The frizz has the vibes and also i love her"
"i WILL die for her"
"She's magic. That's all I have to say."
"let my wonderful eccentric teacher wizard be the queen of these polls. so mote it be"
"She's the most wizardly woman with modern style that ive seen as of yet ... Miss. Frizzle is very obviously all about that sweet sweet pursuit of knowledge .. the very backbone of her use of magic is academia so she's very securely a wizard"
"ms frizzle my beloved my childhood crush the dream teacher"
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mrvlbimbo · 2 years
hey babes!
so I have this request n basically I was think about an eddie munson x bimbo!reader ( cuz their my favs ) but like make the bimbo!reader kind of like the mom friend of the group. Like whenever Eddie brings her to his friends she always has everything they need and is very mother like. I just think that’s so cute <3
Anyway bye I hope you have a great day! Ily 🫶🏾
this ones long so i'm gonna one of those squiggly line things here
also like a good bit of talk abt pregnancy and having kids so if thats not ur thing im just warning u now
I’ve mentioned before her being a sports mom but like can u imagine.
She walks up to the lunch table and stands beside Eddie with a hand on his shoulder, clearly about to announce something.
“Lucas, I heard someone is on the starting lineup for tonight’s game.” She smiled brightly at him, clearly very proud of the boy.
She may or may not have had her parents bribe the coach to let him (a freshman) start for the championship game
“Oh yeah it’s not a big deal, you guys have hellfire right?” Lucas asks, trying to brush it off so Eddie doesn’t get mad about basketball being brought up at his lunch table.
“It’s a huge deal! We’re all so proud of you.” Her hand on Eddie’s shoulder creeps up to the back of his neck, her thumb brushing over his pulse in a way that she knows drives him crazy. “No hellfire tonight, we’re all going to be there to support you. Isn’t that right Eddie?”
She stills her motion for a second as she waits for his response. His brain is fuzzy with need and he would say just about anything for her to keep touching him so he mumbles out a weak “yep.”
And to his credit he does postpone hellfire and order the whole club to go see Lucas’ game instead. But that has nothing to do with the fact his girlfriend promised him a “special treat” for after.
Before he knows it their in her room getting ready to go pick all the kids up and bring them to the game when she comes out of the bathroom wearing a little robe that barely covers the top of her lace number peaking out.
“What’s this, sugar?“ Eddie mumbles, hands smoothing over her sides to bunch up the fanfic and see what’s underneath.
“That, is a surprise,” she giggled, pushing away from him and securing the robe back over her body. Not before he gets a peak of the lingerie set beneath.
Its his favorite shade of pink, and yes he has a favorite shade because he's decided it's the one that compliments her skin tone the best. "Boo, you're no fun," he grumbled, falling back on to the bed dramatically as she goes to change into her outfit for the night.
He of course can't seem to wait for later for his surprise, pulling her into his arms as soon as she comes back and sitting her in his lap on the bed for a messy makeout session.
"Baaaabe please can I see?" he whines, hands bunching up the fabric of her skirt.
"ok just a peak," she agrees. But before he can make good on his request, they hear loud knocking on their door.
"Who is it?" her cheery voice rings out, hopping off Eddie's lap (much to his dismay) to open the door.
When she opens the door mike is standing there looking furious "you were supposed to pick us up 30 minutes ago," he fumes, angry at the fact they definitely won't have time to stop for snacks.
"It's ok Mikey, I have snacks here. Plus Eddie drives fast, I promise we'll be there on time." She makes her voice even softer if thats possible, giving the boy a pat on the head that he would certainly rebuff if it was from anyone else.
"ok, so I can just like...get snacks from your kitchen."
"Of course sweetie, take whatever you want. Make yourself at home, we'll be down in a minute."
When she turns back around Eddie is gawking and giving her the cutest little heart-eyed expression. "mommy," he mumbles under his breath, getting up to give her a quick but heated kiss and then head downstairs to get the car started.
She stumbles down the stairs after him, wobbling in her high heels. She greeted by the sight of a bunch of freshmen ransacking her kitchen and the foyer.
She just smiles and sighs. Offering them a tote back from the pantry to house all their snacks. As the boys squabble over the last box of toaster strudels, she notices max sitting on the couch alone.
"Hey Maxie! I love the outfit, you look so cute." She of course referred to the beige and green sweater that Max was wearing, courtesy of her closet.
"Couldn't miss it," she grumbled, clearly less than enthusiastic about the game.
"Well, I'm glad you're here. Always nice to have another girl. Aaaand do you think maybe I could do your hair pretty please?" she begs, poking her lip out in a pout and giving the most adorable puppy dog eyes.
"Yeah ok fine." the corners of her lips turned up into a smile despite her best efforts to pull her face into a scowl.
She giggles and sits down on the couch next to her, hands playing in her hair and skillfully twisting it into an intricate formation.
When she's done, she notices Eddie staring at her with that same look from earlier. "What, you goof?" she smiles up at him, grabbing his chin and pulling him down for a quick kiss.
He pulls back to say what he was going to but he gets lost looking into her eyes.
"Oh my god, gross," Max groans, springing up from the couch and going to stand stoically over next to the boys.
Eddie shakes his head, chuckling at his awkwardness. "we gotta get going babe, the kids need a ride."
She couldn't help the way her heart leapt when he said that. Even though they obviously weren't old enough to have kids in Highschool there was something to be said about how much she liked playing house with Eddie.
"mhm, let me just grab my camera. I want to get a picture of my boys." She scurried off to find a camera while Eddie and the freshmen huddled together next to the door, awaiting her return and knowing she'd be grumpy if they weren't in formation when she returned.
She snaps the picture quickly and tucks the camera away in her purse for later.
"How do I look, babe?" Eddie chides, trying to snatch her bag and look at the picture.
"Very handsome, as always. But we're going to be late so hurry your handsome ass to the car please."
"Yes ma'am." Eddie gives her a mock salute and turns on his heels, practically running out to the car with the boys in tow.
"I call shotgun!" Dustin shouted, scrambling to the passenger door of the car.
"No dude. My girlfriend gets to sit shotgun." Eddie was stern, shaking his head and giving her a look like, can u believe this kid?
"Oh that's ok. Dustin you can sit shotgun if you want." Eddie pouts at that, not happy at the idea she won't be sitting next to him.
That is until she gets into the drivers seat after him and sits on his lap (with a little difficulty, but she manages)
"So...Lucas. How does basketball work?" she asked, a bright curiosity in her eyes.
His answers to her question just prompted more questions such as, "what's a point guard?" "There's a point guard and a shooting guard?" "what are they guarding?" "if they're guarding shouldn't they be on defense?" "what is the difference between defense and offense?"
She's just being her sweet self, indulging the boy's interest even though she has no clue what's going on. Eddie can't help but think how she'd be the perfect mother.
He had thoughts about it before obviously, they had sex enough that kids were something he had to think about. But never like this, he had never dreamed about having a family with her like this. It was driving him crazy.
The rest of the night went smoothly, Eddie satiated with his daydreams enough that he wasn't an absolute pain about how bored watching basketball.
He cheered when she cheered and stuttered out a one-liner every once in a while to keep up appearances, but really he was in his own little world.
And his own little world was a bit dirty, imagining fucking her over and over again and filling her with his cum until it stuck. Until she was round with his children. Claiming her as his in a way pretty much nothing else could do.
He never thought he'd want to be a father. But he would give it a try if it meant he would get to have her as the mother to his kids, because motherly was a really good look on her.
He was surprised he had never seen it before. The way she always took care of him was just so sweet, even more so when she was taking care of the freshman he had tasked himself to look after.
He wanted to get her home as soon as the game was over, not even caring that Hawkins high had miraculously won the championship. But he couldn't bring himself to say no to her when she asked if they could go get ice cream to celebrate.
Although in his defense he did put up a little fight "but baaaabe, you don't even like ice cream," he had whined, hugging her close to his chest as they waited outside for the kids who were still in the gym celebrating.
it isn't until after ice cream and all the kids are dropped off that she decides to mention that something is up with him. "Eds, baby what's wrong? you've been weird all night."
"nothings wrong babe, I had a really good time. I'm just thinking about something. Gimme a minute, ok? I'll tell you about it when we get home." he smooths his hand over her leg, thumb rubbing the soft skin of her thigh and making her squirm.
"are you mad at me?" she whispered. She lied splayed out on her bed in a fancy purple lingerie set. He seemingly ignored her, pacing the room in deep thought.
"Ok this is going to sound crazy," he starts.
Prompted by his voice, she climbs out of bed and steps close to him. She takes his face in her hands and looks him right in the eye, their lips brushing softly. "It's ok really. Just please talk to me."
"Ok ok. Would you- have you ever thought of having kids?" He asked.
"y-yeah. Yeah absolutely. Do you want that?" her heart fluttered at his words. Sure she had thought about kids with him, many times before. She had always assumed it was a one sided fantasy.
His hands settled on her hips, pulling her close to his chest and pressing his forehead against hers. "I mean like having kids with me. I know I wouldn't be the perfect father. But you, you would make such a good mother. Seeing you with the kids today, it just all made so much sense. I want this, with you-"
His heart was beating under her hands as she cut him off with a bruising kiss, grabbing the neck of his shirt and tilting his face down to her. "Aw Eds, you wanna put a baby in me?" she teased when she pulled back, hot breath brushing his lips as she blinked up at him innocently.
"Fuuuuuck don't say it like that."
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inverted-flowers · 7 months
So... Those Secret Life tarot predictions I've been doing huh? Well it's Grian's turn! Reminder that you don't really need to know anything about Tarot Cards. If you're curious though it's just a simple 5 card spread I made specifically for this. Also I did this on November 2nd of 2023 (it's a Thursday) cuz I'll probably decide to schedule this as to not spam the tags lol.
First Card - Start
So this card was rough because while I was placing it I turned it without thinking about it (which I like never do). I had to debate whether to interpret it upright (how it would've been had I not turned it) or reversed (how it was when flipped it over). As I said in the very first post, I'm doing these as practice so this is also just a 'well wtf do I do in this situation' sort of milestone. In the end I've decided to interpret it as upright with a kind of side note of reversal... if that makes sense... I'm gonna combine the meanings a little bit!
I drew the Ace of Wands... uh... funky style. (Sure that makes sense right? /silly) This card is describing Grian's start of Secret Life as involving a lot of hard work. There could be some minor setbacks but he'll likely work through them fine enough. He'll probably have a great time, honestly, if this card has any truth to it.
Second Card - Individual
This card is describing how Grian does in the game basically. For it I drew the reversed 8 of Swords. He survives through the more difficult first part of starting in a new life series world. So far he's doing very well too so this is supported! If you've seen his episodes you'll know he's not exactly down a whole lot of hearts yet. This card also talks about being open to change and new opportunities. What new opportunities? I'm so glad you asked. To the next card!
Third Card - Social
This card is meant to describe how Secret Life goes for Grian on the social end of this series. I drew the Death card which made me laugh. The death card is about change, rebirth, and transitioning from one phase to another. My brain immediately went to how everyone and their grandma were drawing comparisons between his first ep with Scar on the camel and third life. This makes me think he's either not going to team up with anyone or if he does it'll be someone he hasn't yet and well... So far it's looking like the former! It makes that lil' comparison extra fun cuz this is saying he'll be putting the past expirences behind for something new.
Fourth Card - Big Impact
I drew the reversed Page of Pentacles which is wild cuz I drew that for Joel too but as his season end. Here I drew it for Grian's 4th card which is describing what makes the greatest impact for him this season. This card talks about a lack of progress and getting lost in the details. He might get too caught up in something and forget about his task.
Fifth Card - End
I drew the 3 of Pentacles for how Grian'll end Secret Life. This card talks about collaboration and learning. He's probably very secure in his beliefs... except that those beliefs might be a strict adherence to the rules which could ultimately cause him more problems than necessary. It also means he could take the advice and criticisms of his fellow players pretty well.
So do I think this reading is predicting Grian to win? Not in the slightest. 3 of pentacles really feeling like a participation trophy here lol. Like 'yay you learned things and got to make content with all these lovely people!' Not exactly something screaming he's gonna win. If I had to take a gander as to how it goes down, I'd reckon he gets distracted and fails a hard task or fails his normal tasks multiple times (based on the 4th card). That would then somehow push him to be more strict with rule following (based on the 5th card). If that is what happens, the fail would probably happen either soon and then affect the majority of his season or later when he's low. Maybe it's what turns him red.
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genshin-impact-fics · 9 months
Can I ask for a continuation of Eula's part from Fatui reader pt2?
I absolutely can! Sorry it took forever to get this out but when originally started it I had my idea for it, but then my brain cells completely forgot it, but thankfully I got it back ^^'. I hope you enjoy the continuation
Talking with Amber in the privacy of her office at the knights of favonius she was trying really hard to keep herself from falling apart over the current events. Eula is literally pacing the space taking down anything you had gifted or made for her, though if there’s a picture on her desk of the two of you she’s gonna struggle throwing it in the trash or putting it face down.
Morally she did the right thing in leaving you as how could she trust you as you were on enemy sides… But why did it feel so horrible and hurt so badly that she could shoved you away and ended things. She heard the name Fatui and instantly couldn’t jeopardize the security of the knights of favonius and the people of Mondstadt.
But being sat down and listening to Amber and now actually taking in the words her lover was trying to say during the fight earlier as needless to say she’s hurting.
Cuz Amber would tots agree that Elua did the right thing breaking things off if you were willingly with the Fatui, but that wasn’t the case at all; you were another case of someone being forced to work when you didn’t want to keep seeing others getting hurt or killed. 
Which of course led to several days of trips to Angel’s Share so Eula could drink her sorrows and regrets away. She could only reflect on things as she cried while a bit tipsy; all the horrible things she called or thought about the Fatui to you when she was unaware of your affiliation to them as you listened and never even flinched or reacted to hearing her words… She was calling you those things and you let her do so
Honestly now Eula had forgotten how much time had passed since she had last seen you having spent many days drinking the rest of the days away which often led to Amber bringing drunk Eula back home leading the noblewoman to cry herself to sleep. On patrols she had kept her eyes out for you, as she’s been hoping and praying that she’d spot you or find you somewhere to apologize… But that day never came as she was even desperate enough to question a Fatui member (after beating the crap out of him) about if they’ve seen you or knew of your current whereabouts. Only to get “I don’t know, I haven’t seen them,” and a “I only heard that there was an incident during one mission and no one saw them since”. 
So pretty much with that information she was once again up on the second floor downing a beer barrel after the next crying as the music below was loud enough to hide any whimpers or sobs that had come from her. Mourning your possible death and how horrible she felt for pushing you away when you needed her the most; her constant internal conflict with herself caused her to lose you entirely, if she had helped you maybe you wouldn’t be possibly dead. Her head resting down on the table crying while clenching one of the gifts you gave her in one of her hands as there was no way she had the heart to get rid of any of it. 
One of the rare times Eula’s guard was down and wasn’t alert to anything going on in her surroundings, the sound of any footsteps coming up the wooden stairs till someone reached the floor and saw the condition Eula was in. “Oh my dear Eula, you really have gotten bad,” your voice concerned and frowned seeing your ex-lover as such approaching slowly before kneeling beside Eula. “Please go away, I’d rather not be haunted by your- ghost,” she said hiccuping as she spoke, not lifting her head. “I don’t need to be reminded I made a grave mistake not listening to what you had to say. I was a bad girlfriend for not being more supportive when you were trying to tell me you needed it. I’m sorry,” She continued babbling as she was out of it from the alcohol. “Eula I’m not dead,” you said taking her name gently rubbing your thumb over her knuckles to comfort her. “I may have tricked the Fatui into thinking I died, but I’m really alive. I’m really here,” you tried to continue to show you were in fact not haunting her.
She had started to pick up her head as maybe it was the alcohol making her hear your voice. She enjoyed listening to so much thinking the moment she went to look to see for herself you wouldn’t actually be next to her… But you were when her vision wasn’t double vision of everything. Literally launches out of her chair and tackled you to the floor hugging you tightly and crying as she proceeded to profusely apologize over and over to you. Of course returning the hug and comforting her and reassuring her that things were okay, that though it did hurt being apart you didn’t take it personally for how she reacted and such. It took quite a bit of time before Eula could settle as the two of you shared a kiss and she wasn’t too much of a hot mess. “Eula dear why don’t we get you home, I’ll cook us some food and you could get some sleep,” you said as it felt good to be back with her and that she still had feelings for you that didn’t disappear. Getting up and assisting Eula up providing her support the two of you would be leaving out the backdoor. “H-hey how did you know where I was,” Eula asked as she leaned and kind of clung to you. “Like I wouldn’t be able to find you at your favorite place to go to haha. But really while laying low I managed to get a letter to Amber allowing her to find me. To which when getting to talk things out and making sure I could be trusted, she told me that you got pretty depressed after a while and pretty much were spending any free time drinking your life away… I couldn’t let you do that to yourself,” you said, helping her safely down the steps.
“I love you, I promise to be a better girlfriend,” Eula said sniffling, nuzzling her face into yours.
“I love you too. I think you’re already a great girlfriend… Maybe tomorrow if you’re feeling up to it we can go on a swim date in Dragonspine?”
“Heh- hehe I’d like that a lot.”
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