#cuddle krampus
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bwabbitv3s · 1 year
I caught Covid19 on the weekend. This is day four of being sick and it has sucked, but been not all that bad more like a bad cold or mild flu. Biggest pain is my sore throat which feels like I decided to gargle glass. I also have a muted sense of taste which is odd.
I have been mostly stuck at home but been able to take Benji out for his walks in the park. The park is mostly deserted and I have been wearing a mask.
Since I have been home aside from that I have taken the time to work on a Krampus hat while watching one of my favorite youtube channels Sorted Food. They have a playlist for their entire year which I have been listening to in order.
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headcannonsandchaos · 5 months
Y'know how if you're in America rn you're probably freezing your ass off? Well, here's some little slasher headcannons in the snow.
Fluff, nsfw, suggested cockwarming
Bubba Sawyer:
Yall are definitely making snow cream. Snow is a commodity in the south, and snow cream is too good to pass up. You grab the biggest bowls in the house and go collect whatever untouched top layer snow you can. After you get done making it, you cuddle up together on the couch, wrap up in blankets, and watch cartoons. Yall sit there together until both of you finish your frozen treats, and then yall make some hot coco to drink until it's time to go to bed. Bubba will gather all the extra blankets that no one else has claimed to make a little nest on the bed, and when he thinks it's sufficient, he'll gently pick you up and lay you in the middle. Then he piles the rest of the blankets on you. When he's sure the bed is as warm as it can be, he'll lift up the blankets and climb in with you. He'll pull you close and pepper you in kisses until you fall asleep.
Billy Lemz:
You and Billy would be cuddling on the couch wearing the matching the pajamas you convinced him to put on, watching the new Christmas movie you've been dying to see, and Billy, being Billy, would start to get needy. He would gently rut against you, trying to go unnoticed, but his whines were too loud to not hear. You turn towards him, give him a little kiss on his cheek, wipe his drool, and reassure him that it's ok. He would immediately pick up his pace and get louder. He would pull you closer and start spewing filth into your ear between his moans. God, his words always got you. He started sloppily kissing and sucking on your neck, needing his mouth to be busy while he chased his high. It didn't take long for him to finish. He squeezed you tightly as he slowed his movements, coming down from his high. You scatter gentle kisses across his face while whispering praises. This, however, seemed to be counterintuitive. You could feel him starting to come back alive. You weren't even halfway through the movie, and you really wanted to finish it. You decided to try something new. You told him that if he could sit in you without moving for the entire movie, then he could do whatever he wanted when it was over. So, that's what you did. He slowly slid down his pants, and you yours. You hovered over his lap. You slowly sunk down onto his leaky member. He whined and lightly bit the back of your neck when your thighs hit his lap. He wrapped his arm around your waist and forced himself not to move. Surprisingly, he was able to go the whole movie with only a little bit of moving. You decided he had been a good boy and told him he could have his reward. He immediately started thrusting into. That's how the rest of your night went. Different places, different positions, all around the house. When Billy was done, you were both exhausted and covered in sweat and eachothers fluids. Billy pulled you against his chest and sloppily kissed your forehead. He whispered sweet nothings in your ear until he fell asleep.
Billy and Stu:
-yall are watching Krampus obv
-all of the cuddles
-so many snacks. Junkfood central
-yall have a gingerbread house competition
-Stu's was a hot frosting mess
-Your's kept falling down
-Billy's was amazing
-he won, obv
-until you and stu sabotaged it
-Billy got mad and chased you and Stu around the house until yall couldn't stop laughing.
-yall fell to the ground in a heap together, trying to catch your breaths
-yall made hot coco and watched yalls favorite horror movies until you all fell asleep together on the couch
-he absolutely LOVES the snow. It remind him of Christmas time.
-yall WILL watch hallmark movies, but also Christmas cartoons
-Ice skating on the lake
-He's scared at first, but you take his hand, and look him in the eyes, and he feels so loved.
-so many snow angels and snowmen are made
-probably a snow fort to tbh
-hes a child at heart
-yall come in when the sun starts to set to warm up and take a shower
-when yall are clean, you go back outside for a bombfire
-yall skt beside eachother on a log
-yall make s'mores and hotdogs
-when the night is over you go back inside and cuddle in the bed, talking about everything and nothing, until you falk asleep in eachothers arms
I started getting tired after Billy lol. Might do more l8r
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monstersmashorpass · 6 months
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[art credit, left: Clockwork Creature / qarrezel on dA] [art credit, right: Craig J Spearing, craigspearing.com ]
A Christmas special, and who better than Krampus! This poll will end on Christmas eve!
Please reblog for greater sample size, as per usual!
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dragon-chica · 1 year
Wednesday Holiday Preference
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Fandom: Wednesday
To everyone who does or does not celebrate, may you have a gentle holiday. And happy Yule ;)
Wednesday Addams: She fondly regales childhood christmases of pouring water on relentless carolers and stoking the fireplace with Pugsley to surely burn 'Old Saint Nick.', Wednesday also enjoys Old World christmas tales, specifically Krampus but tells you about many of the 'lesser known' stories and beings. Her family keeps up with the Victorian tradition of ghost stories for the holiday too.
Enid Sinclair: Super excited! She loves how pretty everything looks and all the beautiful lights! The winter months and all the cute dates to go on, such aesthetic cozy hot chocolate cafe dates watching the snow fall, ice skating, walking by the frozen lake, decorating and festive candles! So many 'cute' "ugly sweaters". She loves all of it and her instagram shows. It's also the best weather for cuddling up with you to stay warm and watch the snow fall.
Ajax Petropolus: He got you a gift months in advance when he was out with you and found the perfect thing, brags to Xavier for weeks how good he is at gift giving. You're gonna love it. 3 days before it occurs to him that he had no gift for you. PANICS texting Xavier that he forgot and is fully bundled about to trek to Jericho on foot in the snow before Xav (a real bro) walks into his closet and brings out the gift,
Xavier Thorpe: Holiday break has always been extra depressing for Xavier, a big empty house and not even an apology in the text that his father wont make it. The thought of being able to spend a time that everyone says is so filled with warmth and joy with you, has him giddier than he knows what to do with.
He really likes going for walks and is captivating staring at you in light snow. Pull him into the snow and get him to make snow angels, he hasn't done that since he was small and is in a fit of joy. Stick a snowball down his jacket After you've both been chilled to the bone go inside to watch some christmas movies, any you want (like Krampus or Elf) and snuggle under a blanket with some hot chocolate. You like baking sugar cookies and having him The Artist decorate them all.
Kent the Siren: Snowball fights! As soon as the first snow starts to cover the ground, Kent has dug out his winter gear and shows up at your dorm with and extra scarf and hat ready to drag you outside. He will not hold back either, but if you act hurt or sad he will come to apologize for the snowball and you ambush him. Never sees it coming. Also snowmen!
Bianca Barclay: She is one of those people that goes berserk buying presents, will have a list of what to get everyone in advance, "You don't even really like Wednesday though?" Bianca, checking her list: "So?" She will weather the worst holiday shopping rush and come out on top (will Siren Song someone into dropping the item she wants or throw hands if needed), somehow she never loses you in the stores even when you're lost, and you go out to a warm cafe afterwards like she didn't have a military scale gift operation before.
Tyler Galpin: Between his job and his dad's tight leash, he doesn't have much free time for cute winter dates, but after work he likes to look at the decorations and shop displays while he walks you home. (If something catches your eye he comes back to buy it as soon as he can.) Weathervane doesn't have a lot of Holiday Specials but he gives you 'complimentary' ones to try and experiments trying to make you little festive drinks when it's slow.
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fandomlover1992 · 5 months
Finding Krampus
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Steve Harrington hates Christmas. He doesn't just hate it, he fucking hates it. Then again, maybe he doesn't hate Christmas. Maybe...just maybe he hates being alone all the time.
Eddie Munson aka Krampus has been doing his song and dance for a long fucking time. Some misguided sap says he hates Christmas, Eddie comes in all fire and brimstone and makes them see error of their ways yada yada yada...
But when Steve Harrington's name pops up on his list for that year, Eddie realizes that maybe a softer, more merry approach will reignite the Christmas spirit in his new beautiful and sweet, but damaged charge.
AKA Sexy, Krampus Eddie takes Steve on an epic Christmas date and then to the north pole for cuddles, presents, and sexy times!
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thesmokingguns · 1 year
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Twelve Days of Christmas
Day One: Ugly Sweater
Izzy looked down at the sweater that was laid out on the bed. It had green and black stripes on the sleeves, a black background with a picture of Krampus on the front complete with the whipping branches and a stolen child in a basket. At 31 years old he saw no reason to wear this sweater in public and was more upset when his girlfriend came strolling into the room with a sweater featuring Jesus on the front with ‘Birthday Boy’ on the front. Instantly Izzy had to pinch his nose to stop the migraine that was forming there.
“I bought you a sweater.” Izzy, who was well aware of what she had bought him wanted to ask why but he knew by speaking it would indulge his girlfriend who already was glowing with excitement. He knew better than to encourage her when she was in moods like this. Over excited and ready to pounce on the festive spirit.
But she proved to have great will power as she waited beside him for a follow up question of what was going on. He could feel the excitement radiating off her and reminded himself this is the woman he fell in love with. The same girl who sat on his bicycle handlebars as they rushed through Amsterdam, who kissed him as they went under Niagara Falls, who had tea with him in India, and who rolled down hills with him in Ireland. This was the same woman he loved with all his heart even though she was a lunatic around christmas time.
“My darling, why do I need a sweater?” he played into her, regretting it as she pounced upon an explanation.
“We’re having an ugly sweater party!” Izzys gut reaction was to just say no. To strap her into the car and drive her around to look at Christmas lights. He would even splurge and buy her a hot chocolate despite her being banned from drinking things in the car because she always managed to spill things.
But he made a very, very big mistake and looked at her. The way her eyes gleamed with the manic excitement for the holidays. He thought about their first Christmas, they had just met and Izzy had asked her to come with him up to Northern California. He had gotten drunk, lost the rental car keys, and left them stranded for the holiday in a shitty hotel room as he detoxed. She had been so good about it even though he heard her crying on the phone with her mom and apologizing for not being able to make it home. The second year they had been together Izzy had gone home with her for Christmas. The Christmas that her mother had broken the news of her diagnosis with breast cancer. She had passed that summer so on their third Christmas when she didn’t feel like celebrating he had taken her away to Europe. A Christmas abroad where he wanted to see her come alive again. And now, on their fourth christmas they were settled in a new house in Izzy’s home town and he was thinking about how she had moved here with him because she loved him and he knew that anything she wanted for the holiday he would give to her.
“When?” he knew she was going to say something that was too close. Something that made him realize even if he didn’t want to do this there was absolutely no time to back out of it. The way she smirked, moving closer to him like snuggling up and cuddling him would make him forgive what was coming out of her mouth just put her more on alert. “When, Marie?” he said her name with a sigh as she kissed the corner of his lips.
“Your family will be here at six.” she was kissing down his throat as Izzy looked at the alarm clock on the side of the bed. It was already 4:48PM. Not exactly the notice he wanted for a party that he was hosting. She could
“Darling-” he groaned out but she wasn’t breaking down. Instead she wrapped her arms around him, making Izzy look at her. Their foreheads touching before he was swooping in to kiss her, feeling her smile against his lips. “Let me get this sweater on and then I will help you set up, okay?” He didn’t complain, there was no use in it. If Marie wanted an ugly sweater party they were having it.
Izzy looked up from his punch, looking at Marie in front of the Christmas tree. His nieces and nephews around her as they glued haphazardly ornaments she was helping them make. She looked so alive with all the kids climbing over her and he wondered if he should bring up the topic of kids again or if she would still say no. Izzy was neutral, either way he was happy but Marie was always so good with the little ones, the patience of a Saint and endless ideas to keep the tiny crumb snatchers entertained.
She was rising, moving over to him and wrapping her arms around his stomach, letting Izzy kiss her like he had been dying to do and smiling at him. The smile made the headache of hosting worth it.
“Thank you.” she was soft eyed, serious as Izzy rubbed her hip wanting to kick everyone out of their home and just lay her down on the rub that was probably sticky with sugared hand prints and elmer glue, “I love your family so much and being around them makes the holiday easier to get through.” his heart ached as she confessed this. Izzy was well aware she would always miss her mother but there was relief that she felt like his family was hers.
“I’m sure my siblings all are thankful for you watching their kids as they get drunk.” he joked as she laughed, holding Izzy tighter as she laid her head against his heart and looked at the kids who were using glitter in irresponsible ways.
“I like being around the kids. It makes me realize how nice it is to enjoy them when they’re little and how to take my time because everything changes.” Marie looked up at Izzy, his eyes turning to her, “But I like when they go and we can have all the house to ourselves too.” And she kissed him then, taking her time as her tongue slid into his mouth, tasting the sweet punch and the cigarettes he had been sneaking outside to smoke despite the foot of snow he hadn’t gotten around to shoveling yet.
Izzy held his wife close, warming all over. Maybe it was the sweater that she had him in or maybe it was the peace of being home for Christmas surrounded by all the people he loved. Either way, Izzy was thankful.
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D.A.N.M Polycule Holiday Headcanons
Huxley bakes cookies every year cause it reminds him of Christmas with his moms
Damian goes to see the lights every year when his mom has the time (she makes sure to take at least one night off to do it with him every year)
Gavin has no idea what the holidays are really about or what the traditions are but he loves doing and learning about the activities with everyone
Lasko was raised Jewish but hasn't really celebrated since he left home, and honestly low key resents the holiday at first because of what happened with his family. The rest of the group bought him a Menorah when they learned about this
The first time Hux invites everyone over to bake with him Lasko ends up crying cause he realizes what he's been missing out on all these years
The others hug and cuddle him until he feels better, somebody brings him a large cup of hot cocoa with lots of whipped cream and a dusting of cinnamon it was Damian, to help make him feel better. The poor boy only cries harder.
Lasko stops crying because Damian said something meaning to be comforting and Gavin makes some innuendo about it and Damian loses his mind.
Freelancer teams up with Damian to make a wonderful Holiday dinner for everyone
Damian loves the Christmas horror movies, he watched Krampus multiple times the year it came out.
Huxley, Gavin, and Lasko set up a "blanket fort" which really ends up being a large pallet of blankets cause they couldn't find enough blankets to make a roof, and the whole group makes a cuddle puddle while watching Christmas movies and eating the fresh baked cookies
They watch Damian's pick first, the horror, and Lasko is hiding in Huxley's side the whole time
Then they watch a Halmark Romcom, Hux and Lasko's pick, Gavin has a field day with this cheesyness
And they finish the night with Jim Cary's The Grinch, Freelancer's pick
Gavin is really confused about the religious aspects of the holiday but damn does this boy have the Christmas spirit. After watching the shitty romcom he immediately suggests they all go caroling
He also insists they leave out milk and cookies for Santa , the others aren't sure if he thinks Santa is real or not but none of them wanna ruin it if he does so they don't say anything and make sure everybody gets a present from Santa under the tree just in case
Speaking of, their tree is fresh, insisted upon by Huxley, and they all went to the store and picked out some ornaments separately so the tree is a beautiful mishmash of all of their tastes
They all fall asleep cuddled up on the floor, with half finished hot cocoas and a huge plate of cookies obviously decorated by the 5 of them
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jadeylovesmarvelxo · 2 years
hi :) would it be okay to request a fic where its eddie and readers first christmas together? and reader loves spending it with eddie and wayne because they have their own traditions and make the holidays special whereas readers family isnt big into the holidays and dont make it a big deal (you can make it angsty or not doesnt matter) love your eddies fics sm!
Request by anon.
Warnings? None
Likes or reblogs are always appreciated 💞 I don't give anyone permission to copy my work.
Christmas was well on its way and she was spending Christmas with Eddie, their first Christmas together.
While she loved the holidays her family wasn't into it at all while Eddie and his uncle Wayne had their own special traditions that she thought was so lovely.
For the first time, they were letting someone else (her) into those traditions and she was so excited and very grateful to them.
Literally, the minute Eddie saw her sad face while she told him and Wayne her family didn't celebrate Christmas that much, they both looked stunned and immediately invited her to join them.
Truly she hadn't expected it and had already set about making sugar cookies, gingerbread men, and Christmas cupcakes which were met very enthusiastically by both the Munson men.
Now that it was Christmas eve night and Wayne had made her and Eddie the most delicious hot chocolate.
Whipped cream, cinnamon sugar, and marshmallows on top of the most decadent chocolate. She was even gifted her own mug a Garfield one to match Eddie's.
Stockings were hung, candles were lit and fairy lights twinkled all aglow. Everything was so perfect and to make it even better Miracle on 34th Street was on tv.
"Son, you wanna turn the tv off and join your uncle while you play something on your guitar, we do this every year honey, ever since Eddie could play"
Delighted she cuddles up on the couch and listens as Eddie begins to play rocking around the Christmas tree.
The sight of him in his element playing while his uncle brings out some more hot chocolate is wonderful, it fills her with such a warm feeling.
Eddie keeps catching her eye, his brown eyes fill with love as she listens to him enthralled.
When he's finished she gives him the biggest kiss and he pulls her onto his knee kissing her until they are both laughing with unbridled joy.
For supper, the treats she brought over are consumed along with the special mulled wine that Wayne explains Eddie helps him make and they have been doing it for the last few years.
Wayne regales her with tales from when Eddie was growing up.
"Eddie used to wait up every year on Christmas eve, thought it was darn cute of the boy that he was waiting to see Santa... Well that's what I thought" Wayne chuckles and she looks to Eddie for an explanation.
"I waited up for Krampus. The douchebag never showed up sweetheart" this makes her grin because of course Eddie would do that.
As night begins to fall flurries of snow outside distract Eddie who grows excited.
"Eddie we will have snow for Christmas day" she beams as they watch it fall and sip on the mulled wine.
Around eleven they head to bed and once they know Wayne is fast asleep Eddie kisses her and they begin to make love long into the night.
Before they go to sleep and as she curls up into Eddie, he turns to her and asks if she wants to make a tradition of their own.
She's so sleepy but nods eagerly.
"Like what?" he grins and begins to stroke her hair softly.
"How about I tell you a Christmas story sweetheart?" she peers up at him.
"D&D?" his gaze fills with nostalgia.
"You know my mom, what I can remember of her any way she told me stories all the time. Think that's where I get my love of storytelling from."
She kisses his cheek.
"You're the best storyteller I know Eddie" a proud grin caresses his features and he begins to weave a tale of magic, wonder, a noble knight, and a beautiful princess who come together to rescue Santa Claus from corrupt elves and trolls.
It's incredible and she listens as Eddie does all the voices perfectly and the tale is captivating.
Eventually, Eddie begins to tire and he finishes the story with a happy ending he pulls her into his arms and cuddles her close.
Little did they know that little tradition would be the first of many for them 💞
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shyficwriter · 6 months
Christmas Writing Prompt List
You guys voted and said you wanted a prompt list, so here we go! I wanted to make it more interesting, so I made a numbered list of activities, and a lettered list of actions.
Just send me an ask with a number, a letter, and what fandom/characters you want and I'll write a little drabble! (Yes, you can send multiple letters or numbers per prompt if you want, just keep it reasonable lol)
Snowball fight
Snowed in
Building a snowman
Snow angels
First snow fall
Snow shoveling
Snow down back of neck
Icicle fight
Searching for where they hid the presents
Watching Christmas movies
Christmas Carols
Building gingerbread houses
Hanging Christmas lights
Decorating the tree
Making paper snowflakes
Candy canes
Hot cocoa
Fruit cake
First Christmas
Cold hands
Wrapping presents
Gift exchange
A. Hugging B. Laughing C. Fighting D. Crying E. Smiling F. Blushing G. Running H. Climbing I. Eating J. Drinking K. Cuddling L. Jumping M. Moping N. Annoying O. Gagging P. Pestering Q. Pranking R. Sleeping S. Dancing T. Tickling U. Forgiving V. Regretting W. Longing X. Waiting Y. Kissing Z. Snoring
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The cool kid zone, no room for us peasant humans and aussies
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syringesyrup · 8 months
swissdew being romantic and feeding eachother chocolate covered strawberries and cuddling infront of a fireplace :(
idk if this was an art request or a fic prompt but nahhh this is sooo HOLD ONNN LETS TALKABOJT IT
Okay so like christmas time right BECAUSE RIGHT it’s perfect. dew wearing one of swiss’ hoodies Guh. Dews hands are cold so they’re on swiss’ tummy GUHHH. SWISS IN A TURTLENECK WERE BACK IN THEBTRENCHES GETDOWN (AIRSTRIKE ALARM) (WWEEEOOWWW) (EXPLOSION) (DEAFENING RINGING)
fuck offf the strawberries u know swiss’ bitchass used his paycheck for a chocolate fountain just because fuck it. blowing men may as well blow his money too.
dew licking the chocolate off of the strawberries and swiss is like ur missing the fucking point and dew is like it’s my own little game (autism)
grips a table. their faces are all red from the heat of the fire but swiss’ is mostly blush because he has a fucking crush on dew. His husband. he’s so excited u don’t understand he loves their little dates.
dew going off on a rant about some dumb human christmas movies and how they’re all the same and that Krampus was comical. Swiss just like right uh huh no for sure baby yeah noo right yeah (he loves the way dew’s voice gets higher when hes angry)
swiss in those plaid pajama pants iiiii just almost turned into a werewolf. they have matching fuzzy socks and slippers hand made by cumulus THAT GIRL IS KNITTING SO MUCH DURING THE HOLIDAYS. matching sweaters trust. SWISSIN A BEANIE PLEASE DIE. dew would rock one too i’m getting sidetracked thinking about winter ghouls but anyways. swiss starts calling dew strawberry after this because his red face n lil freckles OUH good one syringe…write that one down….
that’s all i got for now. one of u (side eye at miasma) work your magic
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loser4loserswhok1ll · 11 months
Hi, could I get a matchup please?
I am a 5'4 woman, midsized, with brown hair and blue/green eyes (and glasses). I am quite shy around people I don't know, but when I get to know them I'm a bit louder- my friends have described as very polite, quiet, but funny. I have a passion for older music, such as Elvis, Queen, Wham, ABBA, etc. In my spare time, I listen to music, crochet, read, watch horror movies, and do other art and craft. I would prefer to be matched with a male.
Thank you so much, have a great day :)
You worded all of this really kind X]
I match you with...
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Billy Lenz!
Now, Billy is the complete opposite of you. Hes loud all the time, chaotic, sporadic, and just generally a freak. Thats why i feel like you and Billy would work! Opposites attract is the law of your relationship. He loves how he looms over you, loves to tangle his fingers in your hair and steal your glasses. He has a strange obsession with your glasses also. He'll steal them and chew on the ends of them, and he loves how they compliment your face. You introduce him to so much new music (things beyond christmas music) and he loves that you are so interesting and new to him. Youre finally a positive change in his life and regardless of how little he says it, he loves you for it. You would definitely have to teach him manners and how to be more human rather than gremlin, but surprisingly he listens to you. Yes, he'll be all pissy and call you names, but he'll follow your orders and behave when told (though at times it might take you making a deal with him. He deserves a reward for being so good, yes?) When hes not in a hiding spot, he's watching you craft. If you're crocheting he's right next to you holding the yarn, though you'll probably have to untangle him or tell him to let go often so you can get the right tension for your stitches. He'll like it if you read out loud to him though he wont shut up and stop asking stupid questions. If you invite him to movie night, he'll gladly accept but only if theres snacks and if he gets to choose at least one of the movies. His favorite movies are obviously the horror holiday ones. So lets hope you like Krampus because its his favorite! He'll let you put on whatever you want though, as long as he gets cuddles and snacks then he is fine.
My other choices were: Jason Voorhees, Vincent Sinclair
I hope you like your pairing enough, and apologies if its not accurate to what you personally would pick, this is all just for fun!
Have a delighful day/night !
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r0nni3 · 1 year
Streber x Gn!reader CHRISTMAS HCs!
I might make Chanukkah stuff too if I feel like I've done enough research. also you don't have to be Christian to read with I won't bring anything up about it bc I'm an atheist and I still celebrate Christmas (mainly bc my family does but anyways-)
•He definitely goes all out with decorations and HAS to have a real tree
•Always wins any ugly Christmas sweater contest he enters
•puts mistletoe all over and always kisses you under it no matter what
•starting December 1st he will blast Christmas music every.single.day.
•gets you lots of small gifts and 1 or 2 really big things (and ofc it's all stuff you love bc he listens to what you like)
•he loves cuddling up with you drinking hot cocoa and watching Christmas movies (he loves Christmas horror movies too his favorite is Krampus 2015)
•does an Elf on a Shelf just because
•if you have any pets he gets them gifts
168 words
I hope this is ok I actually kinda like it :p
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a-fools-circus · 6 months
seeing as the Ministry is Satanic, i don't imagine they'd celebrate Christmas per se, but i think they'd have some sort of Yule/secular holiday celebration for this time of year
aka i'm suffering from major writer's block and work is draining every ounce of energy i have, so i have no juicy content as of right now but i thought of these headcannons and wanted to share :•)
Tags/Warnings: none !
SFW & gn!reader
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The one to pay the most attention to the greenery. He dictates where all of the holly is hung, where the ivy lay, and where the tree would look best. He’s often keen on decorating with birch as a sort of nod to Krampus
By extension, any burning of seasonal plants (including incense) is often overseen by him. Depending on the day, or even his mood, he’ll request a different burn
Also very particular about the creation of the Yule Altar every year. He’s picky on which plants/decorations are to be used, though he delegates most of the aesthetics and organization to Terzo
Always the overseer of the rituals, ensuring his brothers are adhering to tradition and honoring how they should
Enjoys smelling candles with you; he’s used to the traditional ones used in service but when you introduce him to the world of scented candles, he could smell them with you for hours
Perfectly content to just sit and watch the snow fall with you by his side. He’s been known to doze off on a few occasions
The type of person to get you a gift/gifts you didn’t know you wanted. Things you never mentioned wanting or didn’t know you needed. He somehow always knows exactly what to get you
This does not extend to the packaging. He’s never been the greatest at it, so he usually suffices with a simple bag or some ribbon
Pretends to be annoyed by the mistletoe, but ends up purposefully walking under it. Often
Pesters Terzo to put emphasis on the inclusion of wassail. And then proceeds to drink more than he knows he should during celebrations
Surprisingly super good at creating wreaths. Primo always comes to him with the plants, Terzo with the fabrics, and he always delivers some of the finest wreaths in the Ministry
Runs hot like a furnace, so he’s more than eager to be the one to warm you up when you’re cold
No matter how many times you offer to teach him how to properly wrap gifts, he refuses to learn. Every year he claims “it’s not that hard.” His gifts often don’t come wrapped, though he claims it’s “intentional” to “save paper for everyone else”
Ever the decorator. Pulls out all of the stops to ensure every corner of the Ministry is festive—and you best believe it’s done so with taste. And opulence
Also a very big proponent of the feast. He practically curates the menu every year, taking tradition and yet creatively implementing unique tastes and experiences
Loves the caroling aspect. He’s constantly singing. Like, more than he does on a typical day; he knows he can get away with it during the holidays because it’s “part of tradition”
Carries mistletoe around just so he can pull it out when he wants a kiss
Loves to cuddle with you by the fireplace. He thinks it’s romantic
Goes absolutely overboard with gift-giving for everyone. That extends to the amount of gifts, how they’re wrapped, and how dramatic he is when you finally open them (he likes watching your reaction)
Loves to do gingerbread houses/people. He is not good at it, and is fully aware of that fact, but that doesn’t take away from the joy he gets from it, especially when it's with you
Decorating the tree is one of his favorite parts as well. Although Terzo would hate him for it, Copia doesn’t care about making it look ‘nice’, he wants to make it look personal and unique with trinkets and accessories
Furthermore, he's the type of person to insist that everyone get their own unique bauble/ornament that they have to hang
Constantly afraid that you’re freezing to death, so he insists on bundling you up and offering his own jackets/gloves/whatever it is for you to wear
Loves loves loves matching with you. Whether it be ugly sweaters or pajamas, he adores matching clothes with you
Despite how sore he gets afterward, he’s like a child in the snow: snowball fights, catching snowflakes on his tongue, etc. He always asks excitedly if you’d want to build a snowman with him
The type of person to keep a list all year long of the things you’ve mentioned you like and/or want. He’s also the type of person to theme his gifts/wrapping paper/basically everything. He always insists you don’t have to give him anything in return, but he cares more about how excited you get when he opens your gifts
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dexo27 · 6 months
12 Days of Ingen - Day 12 Of 12 - 🎵Twelve Yuletide Utahs 🎵
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🎵On the Twelveth Day of Christmas, Ingen gave to we, Twelve Yuletide Utahs, Eleven Jolly Jehol's, Ten Sino's Skipping, Nine Pachyrhinos Sleighing, Eight Dunkles Dunking, Seven Yuty's Yodeling, Six Brachi's Cuddling, Five Gilded Wings! Four Singing Stegos, Three Gigant Hens, Two Turtle Twins and a Concavenator Sanctuary! 🎵
Final day, and with that quite possibly my new favourite dinosaur in the game, the mighty Utahraptor! These fierce raptors will surely be a worthy send off to the park, with a giant redwood forest to roam and call home. There are multiple viewing galleries to see these killer birds, but the tour truck that travels though here is truly a ride to remember. As long as you keep your hands and arms inside the vehicle at all times, unless you want to end up as giant turkey chow!
There's so many raptors today!
Ulyssa is the Alpha raptor, with her cyan snout and dark blue feathering (Yukon River-Pulchrana) Ray is our Green raptor with a grey snout and brown feathering (Salar Del Huasco-Rana) Krampus is black and white, with an orange snout and red feather tips (Svalbard-Papurana) Dragan is our very festive red raptor with black stripes and green feather tips (Champlain Valley-Lithobates) Réaltra, the Irish for Galaxy, is our puplre raptor with yellow stripes and feather tips (Gambia River Basin-Chalcorana) Ollbhéar, Irish for a large bear (Great Sandy Desert-Chalcorana) Tweety Bird, with bright yellow feathering and a grey snout (Mangrove Forest-Rana) Sneachta, the Irish for snow, with white and greyish blue feathering (Qilian Mountains-Pulchrana) Ollnóva, irish for supernova, purple feathering, blue snout with orange and blue feather tips (Amazon Rainforest-Pelophylax) Cleasach, Irish for cunning, with a tan body, blue and green feather tips and blueish snout (Sonoran Desert-Pelophylax) Quilliam, dark purple feathers with green and blue feather tips, and grey snout (Limpopo River-Lithobates) And last, but not least, Pilibín, the Irish for Lapwing, our national birdOnce again, thank yall for the support :)
Thank Yous
Seriously, thank all of you for your support of the series, it was alot trying to make sure I get it done everyday before midnight, trying to whittle down all my screenshots to just one thing, and coming up with all the rhymes and names and builds, but it was fun, maybe some time I'll make a video touring the park in full so you can see how it all came together!
But for now, Merry Christmas, and Happy Holidays!
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