#coughs in allergies
pumpkinsareamazing · 5 months
Me: *excited to write more OM content*
my life: *throws rehearsals, a trip, allergies, school work, and drama at me* Me: “Thanks.”
my life: “(=´∀`) Don’t forget your birthday!” Me: “WHYYYY I JUST WANNA WRITE(´༎ຶོρ༎ຶོ`)”
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indulgnc · 3 months
someone at a house party/gathering, off to the side, resting on a couch, obviously sick and feverish:
“you look terrible, you should go home!”, someone says.
“its my house.” they cough out gently. (they really were fine earlier— at some point during the night that little bit of sniffling turned into a full blown cold.)
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cerealmonster15 · 3 months
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sketching practice with pinterest image suggestions + um. those two guys again. i dont know how to draw anyone else. 🐙🐍
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not-a-matopoeia · 3 months
I know it’s a slight departure from my normal posts but I have to say something. In s6 ep.11 at the very beginning Bobby says that Buck has an allergy to naproxen.
Naproxen is an anti-inflammatory non-steroidal (not a steroid) drug used to treat fevers and pain, it’s similar to other medications such as Ibuprofen.
Meaning canonically Buck cannot have the following: Aleve, Anaprox DS, Mediproxen or anything else that has naproxen in it.
So if you’re writing a fic or something similar and you’re like hmm this character needs to take some sort of pain medication you should probably stick to acetaminophen’s such as Tylenol.
I would stay away from other NSAIDs (nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) as they can have crossovers (like you’re allergic to some protein or something else in one that might be in the other)- but that’s doesn’t necessarily mean you will be allergic to both. Some people are just allergic to ibuprofen and not naproxen and visa versa.
Ibuprofen (Motrin, Advil)
Naproxen sodium(Aleve)
All in all do what you want, I just find this interesting- especially as a person who has a penicillin allergy with crossovers (meaning I cannot take anything that has similar properties to penicillin whereas other people might be able to)
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which-qsmp-egg-would · 3 months
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wisteria-whump · 4 months
whumpee catching an illness right after recovering from a different one 🫶
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skoulsons · 1 year
“You’re up early.”
She was, and the only reason for that was because Joel was way too loud making his coffee and getting out the pans to cook breakfast for her before he left for patrol.
Joel was never loud, especially never loud enough to wake her.
“I heard you,” she mumbled, trudging over to the kitchen still wrapped in a blanket. She pulled a chair from their table out, facing him at the stove. “Everything okay?”
He nodded.
Everything wasn’t. He dreamed she died. It was a montage of every time it’s ever crossed his mind. Her in that bloody grass. Her skin ravished by an infected child in an abandoned van. Her face ripped apart while trapped underneath Sam. Her body, cold and pale on an operating table. Her, her, her.
Every single one played clear as day in his dreams, tormenting him with every possibility his my mind could conjure.
“Nightmares. ‘S’all it was.”
“Okay…” she started, rising from the chair. “You always have me talk about mine, so…” Ellie approached the countertop opposite of him, jumping up and sitting atop it, her dangling feet hitting the lower cupboards
He hesitated before turning to her, eyes locking with hers as he sighed.
She was right. She didn’t always go into detail, he didn’t need her to, but he wanted her to release them somehow; and at night when she clings to him immediately afterward, that’s when it’s the easiest. And when she can’t talk to him, she writes or sketches them down when words can’t- don’t suffice. Anything that keeps her from compartmentalizing how they make her feel or what they make her think.
But Joel. He’s always the one to take care of her that he’s never had an out or a way to talk or feel them in a healthy manner, not like he tries to give her. Ellie tries to get him to verbalize something, but Joel is a damn brick wall when it comes to directly talking about his feelings, so it never goes anywhere.
But when it’s 5am and there’s the tiniest glint of sunlight that starts to rise and offers a faint, glowing light to their kitchen as they’re full of sleep and still in the midst of navigating these feelings, it’s easier to talk. They’re more malleable.
“It was you…” he started, doing some lazy hand motions to try and convey the word he desperately did not want to say alongside her name. “Repeatedly. Different scenarios just…over and over again.”
Her eyes went soft, understanding in a way that only they could understand.
She had the same ones. He knew.
“Figured I’d make you breakfast now and leave it in the fridge for you to heat up later so I could get a head start on patrol and… try to forget about it all.”
Joel cleared his throat, kicking up imaginary dust off the tile floor as she watched him.
Ellie reached her hand out and made grabby motions with her fingers. Joel noticed, a light, sleepy chuckle escaping his lips as he stepped towards her, both her hands holding onto his one. He stood beside her, their hands falling against her knees.
She rubbed her thumb over his hand. “Are you okay?”
He smiled. He knew that meant a plethora of other questions that they didn’t have time to cover. “I’ll be alright, Ellie.”
She nodded her head, still rubbing her thumbs across his hand. “I know. Just… wanted to check up on you.”
“And I…” he started, leaning over to kiss the hair above her ear, “am happy you do.”
She leaned her head on his shoulder as he brought his other hand in, covering all three of theirs and squeezing tightly.
“Since you’re up, how about helping me with breakfast? Wouldn’t turn down your old man, would you?”
She smiled, tapping her feet against the cupboards. She squeezed his hands and kissed his cheek briefly before jumping off the counter. “Can’t say I didn’t think about it… but,” she said, opening the fridge door. “Not for the world.”
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snzai · 7 days
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A woman is riding a train and she has a severe headache and constantly running snot. She blows her nose into a polka-dot handkerchief. Coughs and sneezes into a handkerchief
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hetchiew · 17 days
Contains: harsh coughing, 1 sniffle
My lungs are royally pissed off
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snowe-zolynn-rogers · 6 months
Murder me, please.
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one-winged-dreams · 2 months
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questionablemuses · 1 month
Side note that just because Mammon has a strong dislike of Angels for what happened & exorcists included, he still intends to keep one. Granted he'd be a fallen!angel, but still.
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redemptioninchaos · 3 months
Sergio is now curled up in his bed, sniffling and coughing a bunch. He doesn't even feel like driving; that's how bad he feels.
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snzluv3r · 10 months
i have fucking pneumonia so no wavs until i am better but would anyone be interested in a compilation of sorts? i have so many short clips of my sneezing fits that are just sitting in my voice memos
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adelaidedrubman · 8 months
also i think i am having a bad allergic reaction to the mold in my office. there’s mold in my office btw
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pixelatedraindrops · 8 months
Yuma looks so cute with a cold ;w; 💕
(under read for minor snz content kinda)
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don't stand in the rain too long silly 🤧💦
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