#coronavirus dogs
heavenhatesme · 2 years
For the times I was afraid to go out.
For the times I couldn't wear what I liked.
For the times I couldn't afford to buy a scarf I didn't even want.
For the times I had to take a detour to avoid morality police.
For Iranian women, for Iranian people!
Stand with us and be our voice!💚🤍❤️🕊
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havegaysex · 5 months
covid and canines
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My mom sent this to me as a text so I don't have a source I'm sorry.
The image above is a blue background infographic that reads:
Covid and canines
key takeaways from the November 2023 study neurologic effects of SARS-CoV-2 2 transmitted among dogs
Canines catch it
all dogs in the trial were infected six were infected by nasal spray
Canines spread it
six dogs were infected via contact ( horizontal spread)
Canines may not show it
all dogs in the study were asymptomatic
Covid causes damage
all dogs in the study had short and longer term brain and lung damage
You can prevent infection
Break the chain
Wear an n95 or a respirator indoors.
Avoid interaction with dogs that are not protected from exposure.
Stay informed, share what you learn.
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lonely-dog-song · 2 years
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can't wait for covid to be over in a few months
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2020.08.03 | corona walk
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super-sootica · 1 year
The best thing that came out of the pandemic was getting to see so many co-workers pets
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designdukans · 2 years
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suchananewsblog · 1 year
New COVID-19 origins data point to raccoon dogs in China market
Genetic material collected at a Chinese market near where the first human cases of COVID-19 were identified show raccoon dog DNA comingled with the virus, adding evidence to the theory that the virus originated from animals, not from a lab, international experts say. “These data do not provide a definitive answer to how the pandemic began, but every piece of data is important to moving us closer…
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petnews2day · 1 year
Study Links Covid Origins To Racoon Dogs Sold In China Seafood Market
New Post has been published on https://petn.ws/JGlRY
Study Links Covid Origins To Racoon Dogs Sold In China Seafood Market
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The analysis was led by three prominent researchers. Since the COVID-19 pandemic hit the world, its origin has kept researchers puzzled. Now, an international team of experts has found evidence suggesting that the virus might have spread from infected raccoon dogs being illegally sold at a seafood market in China’s Wuhan, reported The New York […]
See full article at https://petn.ws/JGlRY #DogNews #China, #Coronavirus, #RaccoonDogs
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gzaltan · 1 year
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Reign of the Corona #33 :
I’m as beautiful as a dog.
(instagram : gzaltan_gonera)
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The Sequel to 2022's Image was submitted 5 months ago.
After Neptune shoots the Earth Dog with Coronavirus Disease, The Earth Dog with Coronavirus Disease eradicates out of Earth Dog Dies and Now It's a Ghost.
Neptune and All Other Planets buried the Earth with Coronavirus Disease in Black Hole overlooking Milkyway.
Wait a Minute… Again? There is No Gore!
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yamameta-inc · 5 months
COVID-19's long-term effects on the body: an incomplete list
COVID’s effect on the immune system, specifically on lymphocytes:
NYT article from 2020 (Studies cited: https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/2020.05.18.101717v1, https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/2020.05.20.106401v1, https://www.unboundmedicine.com/medline/citation/32405080/Decreased_T_cell_populations_contribute_to_the_increased_severity_of_COVID_19_, https://www.medrxiv.org/content/10.1101/2020.06.08.20125112v1)
https://www.science.org/doi/10.1126/science.abc8511 (Published in Science)
SARS-CoV-2 infection weakens immune-cell response to vaccination: NIH-funded study suggests need to boost CD8+ T cell response after infection
Dendritic cell deficiencies persist seven months after SARS-CoV-2 infection
https://www.n-tv.de/politik/Lauterbach-warnt-vor-unheilbarer-Immunschwaeche-durch-Corona-article23860527.html (German Minister of Health)
Anecdotal evidence of COVID’s effects on white blood cells:
Much more if you speak to Long Covid patients directly!
Related information of interest:
China approves Genuine Biotech's HIV drug for COVID patients
COVID as a “mass disabling event” and impact on the economy:
COVID’s impact on the heart:
https://www.dailystar.co.uk/news/world-news/deadly-virus-could-lead-heart-31751263 (Research from: Japan's Riken research institute)
https://www.bhf.org.uk/informationsupport/heart-matters-magazine/news/coronavirus-and-your-health/is-coronavirus-a-disease-of-the-blood-vessels (British Heart Foundation)
COVID’s effect on the brain and cognitive function:
Cognitive post-acute sequelae of SARS-CoV-2 (PASC) can occur after mild COVID-19 
Neurologic Effects of SARS-CoV-2 Transmitted among Dogs
Covid as a vascular/blood vessel disease:
https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2021/10/211004104134.htm (microclots)
Long Covid:
Post-COVID-19 Condition in Canada: What we know, what we don’t know, and a framework for action
- Viruses and mutation: https://typingmonkeys.substack.com/p/monkeys-on-typewriters
Measures taken by the rich and world leaders
Heightened risk of diabetes
Liver damage:
tl;dr: covid is a vascular disease, not a respiratory illness. it can affect your blood and every organ in your body. every time you're reinfected, your chances of getting long covid increase.
avoid being infected. reduce the amount of viral load you're exposed to.
the gap between what the scientific community knows and ordinary people know is massive. collective action is needed.
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naturalrights-retard · 6 months
The days of World Economic Forum (WEF) co-founder Klaus Schwab may be numbered.
Pascal Najadi, the son of fellow WEF co-founder Hussain Najadi, is speaking out as a whistleblower against the current top dog at the globalist foundation, accusing him and other leaders of "crimes against humanity."
Najadi says the crimes of Schwab and his buddies are so great that there needs to be an immediate arrest of both Schwab and other WEF executives such as Bill Gates, as well as the leaders of the World Health Organization (WHO), Big Pharma, and Big Tech.
In partnership with Schwab, Najadi's father started the WEF back in 1971. He quit a decade later, citing disgust with Schwab's dystopian vision for the future of non-elite humanity.
Najadi is also upset that he and his mother were both tricked into getting "vaccinated" for the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19), a fake "pandemic" that was aggressively pushed by the WEF and others.
According to Najadi, he and his mother are now dying from the injections, which he says are "poison" that was pushed on the world by the likes of Schwab.
(Related: In many ways, Klaus Schwab, George Soros, and Bill Gates are an "unholy trinity" unleashing hell upon the planet.)
"The devil lives in Geneva," says Najadi
Together with prosecutors, Najadi is pushing towards eventually holding Schwab accountable for unleashing hell on the world. His case is also drawing attention to other globalist bodies like the United Nations (UN) that cooperated in the evil scheme.
Right now, leaders of the WEF, the UN, and WHO maintain diplomatic immunity, meaning they cannot be charged and tried – but Najadi wants that diplomatic immunity revoked, followed by the issuance of arrest warrants.
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dadr0ckmusic · 2 years
stranger things headcanons because i said so (fruity four + billy)
basically them in my dr
steve harrington
does restaurant challenges unironically. like he has to eat a big wet daddy burger in an hour just for a plaque on the wall and a pic with the owner smh
calls his car babygirl
modern au where he texts the girl he likes at 1:11, 2:22, etc just to get her hopes up
loves madonna. you can't tell me otherwise
he does yoga. and if you catch him he'll threaten your life
calls his house 'the love shack'
if you were just becoming friends with him he would listen to your music or do your hobbies with you just to make you happy
would totally rock out to stacy's mom
he gives off lactose intolerant vibes. i do not make the rules.
would definitely have playlists called "alt songs that make you drink monster" or "sad vibes" or "coronavirus got me like"
would've fucking KILLED on grindr
would love twilight. he's on team jacob
laughs at minion memes
robin buckley
the literal queen of your mom jokes
she would totally say "who up wonking they willy rn"
would work at spencer's
she had a ton of hamsters that died the most traumatic deaths when she was a kid and they're all buried in her backyard
loooves poop and fart jokes
she still sleeps with the same stuffed bear she had when she was little (and we are NOT judging)
says "oh my goodness gracious" at the funniest possible times
would literally FUCK at rainbow loom
her childhood room was purple and steve picks on her for it
cannot use chopsticks to save her life
one time steve made her mad so she literally WENT OFF THE GRID and he didn't see her for a whole week and he was freaking the fuck out
was a bug girl. worms? fuck yeah. roly polys? best buds. what the fuck is that thing? it has a terrarium now.
literally is the most caring person on the planet. she's always worrying about you and what you're feeling and what you're doing
only eats the marshmallows out of lucky charms
is scared of bees
billy hargrove
he bakes. he bakes cookies, cupcakes, you name it. if you ever catch him he's FORCING you to taste whatever he's making
an AVID reader. he's got books all over his room, stolen library books in the glove box of his car, and he's reading the hawkins post every morning no matter what
his mom taught him how to sew. lets say after a mishap with the whole 'different dimension' thing, you're bummed cause you got a hole in your favorite shirt. billy would be like "i can fix it for you" and you're like "what??" but he just gets mad and goes "just give me the fucking shirt" and then the next day he's bringing it to you good as new
hates cooked carrots
can fall asleep anywhere. couch, car, at a party, you name it. he will find a spot to fall asleep
he was actually very interested in supernatural stuff when he was younger. and then when max started telling him about everything billy was like "wait. i read this about... blah blah blah" and max is just so surprised
he can totally make a mean cocktail. you want a pina colada? whipped up in seconds. craving a margarita? he's got the salt ready. feeling like an old fashioned? liquor's already in front of him.
he never wears sunscreen. not a single spf anywhere on his body.
calls girls broads and you can NOT tell me otherwise
totally thinks metallica was at its best in their thrash era. sorry bud i'd hate to break it to you
hates the fourth of july cause of y'know.
i feel like he would totally get into dog rescue after he leaves hawkins.
would totally kick ass at mario kart. like he's THE BEST and he always chooses bowser
would totally bash you for your music taste if it was different than his. "what the hell is a beatle?" "mick jagger is not hot." "queen? aren't they gay?" "zeppelin? who taught you that?"
a literal GOD at making mac n' cheese
nancy wheeler
so so so stubborn it's actually annoying.
call her 'einstein' and you're six feet under the floorboards
the tom cruise poster in her room has stared her in the face ever since robin commented on it
nancy's actually amazing at rollerskating. like even mike was surprised because when did she get good at that?
she has nightmares about what happened to barb multiple times a week :(
please know that if you're really close to her she would kill someone for you. no hesitation.
she's super literal? like when someone asks a hypothetical question she's like "when would this happen? why w-" and then immediately get cut off
has a tonnn of notebooks/journals just filled with random stuff like doodles, school notes, reminders, and little ramblings
has plants named after each of her friends and when something's wrong with one of the plants, there's always something wrong with the friend.
is a feminist (slay)
she saves every birthday card given to her and keeps them in a box in her closet
she's a morning person. up and at 'em before 9 every morning and it pisses the gang off when they all sleep in the wheeler's basement. "nancyyyyy..... close the curtains i beg of you..." "it's such a beautiful day, don't you think?"
she's actually amazing at shoplifting.
eddie munson
is allergic to peanuts
when i tell you this man is spontaneous... think 100x more. he'll pull up to your house at 11pm and declare that he planned a road trip while sitting in detention earlier that day and that you're going with him. "eddie what are you doing here? it's so late." "we're going to ohio. we're gonna stop in columbus for like five minutes and drive back." "what the hell."
has cried to sweet child o' mine and will keep that fact to his grave
owns multiple pairs of boxers with superhero logos on them.
definitely has 10 in 1 shampoo that he uses for everything.
ate dirt as a child
if you ever smoke pot with him, just expect him to say the weirdest shit while he's doing whatever. "do you think steve is thinking about me right now?" "yoooooo...... uh.... yo..... um...... i forgot....." "i want to get a cat." "shut up eddie."
he's just,,,, so oblivious,,,,, to sarcasm, flirting, jokes, etc
has ADHD, no doubt about it.
just like billy, he'll bash you on your music taste no matter what. even if you like the same music as him. "that's your favorite tool song? god, you could do way better than that." "c'mon, you know that dio sang better than ozzy." "munson, you're lying straight through your teeth and you know it."
will make you friendship bracelets and you KNOW you're wearing them till you die.
modern au where you're facetiming him and he takes SO MANY facetime pics of you and sometimes makes them his lockscreen. he thinks he's THE SHIT for that.
he giggles. a total giggler.
he flicks dustin in the head all the time.
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2020.06.04 | corona walk
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crimeronan · 9 months
i AM very excited to get my COVID shot with a system that's now pumped up with hydroxychloroquine. i've barely reacted to any of my prior shots (save a very sore arm) and when i got the actual coronavirus i was so horrifically ill and contagious that i almost 100% wouldve ended up in the hospital without paxlovid. even WITH paxlovid i was Fucking Miserable. if this shot makes me sick as a dog the way that people promise it will THEN THAT MEANS MY BODY IS FINALLY BECOMING HEALTHY AS FUCK....
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littlecondo · 8 months
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I waited until I got this badge to post about how my mission to increase my steps has been going! I'm pretty proud of it as I generally haven't hit that number of steps since I stopped running (the last time I ran was December 2021!). (Also, spot the wonky months on GC on the year view.)
I flipped back through my daily log notebook and it was mid-July when I started going for intentional walks. I started with coffee walks on different trails around my house but eventually stopped taking the coffee because a) spills
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and b) I usually landed up carrying an empty mug around for most of the walk.
I think I've become a "regular" on my route now. I exchange greetings with most people, recognise a lot of the dogs, and get annoyed when the school kids walk four abreast and block the path.
I don't worry about pace. Now that I've settled on a route, I find it takes me anywhere from 38-46 minutes and if I stop to look for herons or chat with a neighbour along the way so be it.
I take my phone with me but I try really hard not to use it for anything. The other day I landed up messaging people while walking and I definitely didn't feel the usual level of good vibes.
I prefer nice consistent daily walks over a day of lots of steps and then a lull in action. Initially I tried to hit my step goal everyday. After several weeks I've realised there's a natural ebb and flow and that's okay.
Finally, I read this article during the pandemic, and I think referred to it during my recovery from covid when I also went on walks, but it's worth a read https://www.outsideonline.com/health/wellness/walking-popularity-comeback-coronavirus/
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