#convos between me and my sister and her boyfriend
Jack: hey the monster is attacking the mushroom
Davey: I’m sorry what?
Jack: the monster in Racer’s room is attacking the mushroom?
Davey: oh okay
Race: you say that as if that clarifies anything
Davey: well it’s your room so…
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seancamerons · 8 months
i'm not letting anyone ever make me feel bad about me, my choices, things and people i love/care about, hobbies whatever, ever. respect me, or (kindly), kick bricks🧱 i'm just done with that "letting things happen" or niceties if you're not nice to me or others. you gonna disrespect me, i won't respect you and i just won't talk to you. life is too short to be a mean person. i don't wanna be a pushover. i'm not gonna let people make me feel bad anymore no matter who they are. i cried my last tear over that stuff. not gonna be hostile, or mean but assertive, because it's a new era and i want positivity. i want good things, i like my peace and anyone who threatens me with that i don't want around me. it's just bs. 💩 i don't want any negativity, so if you're gonna be mean or whatever do not interact w/ this.
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satorudoll · 11 months
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#part 2!
: ̗̀➛┊! please read pt.1 before starting this, or it will seem like a block of nonsense !┊
☆ nerd + secret boyfriend!gojo x popular!fem reader
content: MDNI! explicit content, vaginal penetration, unprotected sex, cunnilingus
word count : 7.5k
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You stare at your reflection in the dressing table mirror, messed mascara that had run down and dried on your once pink cheeks, your eyes blank and shoulders slumped as you sat still on your vanity table as deftones continued to beat through your speaker,
but your ears were too numb to comprehend any passing sound right now.
"Are you seriously planning to not move from there!" Your elder sister barges into your room with annoyance, finding you sitting in your lacy tank top and grey shorts, face a mess, and your hair looking like you needed a seriously long shower.
"oh god you haven't done shit from the past two days- And- What on earth have you done to your room?!" She look arounds the small room made of pastel pink walls that had light scent of peony lingering over them, random black and white posters of artists and bands glued on those walls and your mess of a bed in middle of it all that had all your plushies and comic books lying around, leaving barely any space for a human body to rest, the lace curtains pulled over to block any ray of sunlight that could ruin your mood any further.
Your sister yelps while trying to make her way towards you as she almost trips over an empty can of coke that your forgot to dispose.
She manages to make it to you and stands besides your sitting figure before resting her hands on her hips and staring at you through your reflection as well.
"are you taking drugs?" she murmured.
"No!" that causes you to immediately snap your head towards her with big eyes.
She cocks a brow at you,
"Geez chill, clean you damn room up and come down to eat!"
She turns away and starts making her way back, pausing and picking up the pile of your bras from the floor, shaking her head and throwing them up your already messy bed before leaving your room.
"fuck.." you whine as you scratch your head and finally standing up from there, but you just end up pulling your phone from the nightstand and jumping to lay on your bed not caring about the kuromi plushies that were being squished under your weight.
Your mind takes you back to the evening from two days ago.
You walked up to Gojo and Utahime, interrupting whatever convo they were having.
You quietly walk up to them and Gojo notices you first while Utahime was telling him something,
Utahime turns her head noticing your presence,
then she turns to look back up at Gojo,
She raises a brow looking between you both
"Y/n? something wrong?" She asks,
She didn't think you were here for Gojo, She knew who you were though, the whole school knew the party animal ofc. But she had no idea you would have anything to do with the class nerd.
You quietly stare back at her,
what are you supposed to say? Should you just say you were here for your boyfriend? But what if Gojo gets annoyed because he was meaning to end it with you?
As hundreds of answers ran through your head and your mind was trying to choose the best answer, Satoru spoke up instead.
"She needs to borrow some of my extra notes. Exams are coming so its going to be necessary." Satoru speaks up, Utahime makes a face and looks at you,
"Ask me next time instead, I make better notes than him," She assured you causing Satoru to knit his brows at her
"Leave already" He says making her shrug and walk away.
She walks past you, leaving the both of you alone in the silent halls as the sounds of her footsteps fades farther away and the palms of your hand grow clammy again.
"You alright?"
Your head snaps up when Satoru's calm voice reaches your eardrums. The voice that has grown so much on you.
You turn towards him and fold your arms, looking down at your pumps as you mutter,
"where were you? you missed the class.."
He notices you looking agitated and responds in an assuring tone,
"I was assigned some work so it too way longer than i thought. Its fine there wasnt any issue"
Something about that annoys you,
maybe because you spent the entire 45 minutes fighting your the anxiety in your head, thinking that he was gonna break it off with you.
"Well you need the notes, i-" You shove your hand in your bag to pull out the notes you wrote, but he speaks up,
"Oh, don't worry about that. Utahime showed me the ones she wrote, i took the pics."
That makes you come to a full stop, as your brows knit together,
Your face snaps up at him,
He was staring back at you looking confused after noting the annoyed expression you had on.
"Don't worry i'll send them to you too along with the previous-"
You cut him off with a loud,
"Oh fuck this! i don't need any notes, fuck this shit!" You turn on your heels and stormed off.
This time Satoru definitely got the hint that something was wrong.
"Y/n!" He calls out for you with a growing frown and an even deeper growing confused expression on his face as he starts walking fast to catch up with you,
He didn't have any problem catching up with you thanks to his long legs.
He grabs you by the arms from behind and forces you to stop.
You tried pushing him, so he ended up pushing you instead against the wall, caging you between his arms
"Ugh, let me go!" You yelp, you wanted to bite your tongue down, you were feeling like your emotions were all over the place and you wanted to run away as far as possible before you mutter something wrong in this state that you might regret later.
"Calm down." Satoru gently voices while you try to wiggle out of his arms looking like a restless mad child.
"Y/n, calm down." He says again but in a much harsher tone causing you to finally stop at this point.
But you still didn't wanna look up at him.
He doesn't forces you to look up either, instead,
"Tell me, what's wrong?" he softly asks making you wanna further beat yourself for being the dramatic person that you are.
"I wanna go home." was your answer.
He blinks a couple of times,
"are you not well?" He asks, earning a shake of your head.
He finally sighs,
"Do you not feel comfortable telling me? We can go to the pharmacy and get you something if you aren't well right now. You should get something before it gets worst."
Your eyes get glossy by every passing second of you staring at the floor,
maybe it was a small thing, maybe whatever Satoru does for you is no big deal to some, maybe it is the bare minimum.
But you were someone who have never been lucky enough to get even that. So maybe that's why whatever Satoru did for you felt like a big deal.
And once again your head was filled with the big question mark of,
'What am i gonna do if he leaves me?'
Before Satoru could pull you out of your thoughts you finally shove his chest,
"I'm annoyed!" You were finally staring right at him,
His puzzled look was trying so hard to study you,
"Then tell me what's annoying you Y/N!" He finally was growing annoyed but still trying to keep his composure for you.
"You barely look at me when we are at school! You don't even try to lift your head from those damn books of yours to turn around and look at me! I feel like a fucking wall! I can chatter like a parrot all day as we sit and I barely manage to get a word or two out from you! It doesn't feel good Satoru!" You rant, a tear finally slipping out of your eyes.
Satoru watches with wide eyes and knitted brow but tries to move his hand up to wipe your cheek when he sees your tear run down,
"Don't touch me right now!" You yell and push his hand away,
He sighs and looks down for a second before lifting his head back up,
"Why are you suddenly so mad.. I told you, we have plenty of time to talk outside school-"
"Why??" you cut him off, your brows knitting as you bring your face closer to him.
"Are you embarrassed of being seen with me here !?" You finally speak out.
"What?? Of cour-"
You cut him off yet again,
"Hell, we don't even talk that much outside school either.. We don't do shit aside from fuck every now and than and stroll somewhere nearby when you feel like it."
You felt like the stop button of your mouth broke for good because at this point you were letting out everything that's coming in your mind straight out of your mouth
"Am I here to blow your steam?? Couldn't you find a nicer cunt than mine therefore you agreed to my childish proposal of going out so you couldn't give a fuck more than that because I'm just a dog barking as usual and following you around !? Can you try to make some sacrifices! Just tell me you don't want me around if I'm that annoying stop walking and treating me like a dog! Stop being so high on your pedestal, you might think so but I really am not a slut throwing myself at every moving body!"
You are breathing heavily,
He is watching,
Your eyes burning and legs growing colder every passing second, head filled with screams of regrets and embarrassment. You surely didn't mean to deliver the message that way, Sure you had a lot of problems to discuss with him but conveying your message this was was not on the plan.
Your vision gets blurry as you notice how his crystal eyes were surprisingly turning a darker hue of blue. Almost as if he looked thrown away, and so..
oh god, you hurt him.
You both didn't move for a good minute or two.
Just staring at eachothers eyes,
one pair that was glossy while the other getting gloomier.
You still couldnt make up what was actually going in his genius brain but then he breaks the eye contact, pulling his backpack up on his shoulders he turns away from you and starts walking away without a word.
The way he walked away from anyone else.
You stand there frozen, not really thinking he would just blatantly walk away. He never walked away from you. Even when you first started sitting with him and being annoying.
Your stomach churned and heart throbbed in pain, you rather him cuss you out for being such a petty brat than not even bother saying a word to you.
Praying in your head he stop and turns back to take you with him,
Your eyes stayed glue at the hallway wall as you heard his footsteps eventually just fade away.
back to the present day,
you stared at your phone screen.
Staring at Satoru's name on the contact list, which was all the way down the bottom now being supported by no new notifications, your and his chatroom was shoved down by all the other random people who texted you.
He hasn't texted you anything for two days,
You were too afraid to even press his name on the contact list.
The silence he replied to you with from two days ago before the weekends started still booming and clawing at the walls of your head.
As you kept your eyes glued on Satoru and your messages a notification pops up.
"haven't seen you all weekend, just checking up on you"
You tiredly reply a "im good"
your message is instantly read and answered,
"its been so long y/n, the whole party misses you! I wont force you to go but there is a party at Geto's tonight"
You scrunch your nose remembering the pool party Choso was mentioning to you about in the hallways.
As soon as you were about to send a 'no',
you pause.
You'd be lying if you said that you didn't desperately needed to get your mind out off all the mess.
maybe you forgot the party animal you used to be when you got with Satoru. Maybe if you feel the thrill of it all over again you would realise how wrong you were, that Satoru really wasn't as addictive as you were thinking him to be.
and so,
you ended up agreeing to Shoko, making a mental note that you were heading there to prepare yourself for any sort of confrontation that Satoru and you might have in school tomorrow.
you were shaking your feet as you stared at the clock slowly striking 8:15,
sitting on your living room sofa ready in your lacy black mini dress and pink high platform heels. Hair done and spraying the most expensive perfume you could find in your closet. Just because you didn't attend a party in weeks doesn't mean you were gonna let go all your efforts of looking good.
But you were supposed to leave like fifteen minutes ago.
so why weren't you able to move?
Is it because its been so long?
"you haven't left yet?" your head turns to look at the raven haired woman in her pj shorts and random oversized shirt who was striding around the kitchen looking for something.
You shake your head noticing the notification from Shoko who was asking if you were going to be late.
"Is something going on?" You hear your sister's voice who stopped doing whatever she was doing and was standing next to you now.
"no.. im just.. second guessing"
you shrug
she furrows her brows, "you are really changing, that's a new. I haven't seen you be this way since ever."
you let her words sink in, and mutter,
"is that bad..?"
She nonchalantly shakes her head,
"i dont think so, you are about to go out and actually live a life in just few months anyways. you wont be in school anymore, me and mom wont be here 24/7 for you. i think its really good, like cmon, ive never seen you working on a fucking school assignment till 4am until a week ago. That's the time when you are out partying ignoring my calls of worries."
You remember the day she was talking about, your assignment was due that very day and Satoru didn't mind when you called him at 10 pm and he had to stay up all night that day to help you complete the assignment. You remember how tired his eyes looked the very next day, but he never complained. He said nothing even if it was your fault for keeping the work until last second.
You even got an A for that assignment, you've never gotten an A.
You were so excitedly tapping your foot on the floor that day when you received the grades, and it took everything in you to not hug Satoru in front of everyone right than and there. Satoru noticed that and let a small smile unconsciously slip past his lips as he continued taking his notes.
You remember screeching when the school got over and jumping on your boyfriend in the empty classroom,
and he held you without a word, he just smiled as he held you and you talked on and on about how happy you were.
and he just listened.
Your heart dully throbbing in pain when you recall the memories now,
You weren't mad at Satoru because he was a bad person,
but because being with him made you feel like a bad person.
You didn't want to accept that you might not deserve him and that somebody way better than you was out there for him.
You felt like it was better for you to just break up at this point than being together and hurting him from such a close distance.
"is it because of that boyfriend of yours?" your sister finally decides to bring it up
That causes your head to snap at her with big eyes
"what do you mean?"
"You didn't think nobody was going to notice that a random dude whose odd hair you can spot from miles away was dropping you everyday, did you?" she points,
"you are so stereotypical, cant normal friends walk eachother home??" you try to cover your secret anyway as you could,
"you both were literally making out for 10 minutes outside the entrance." She immidiately counter attacks on you.
That makes you shut up instantly.
"i never saw a guy drop you home, otherwise i wouldn't have even brought it up"
You sigh and bury your face in your hands. Your sister notices that and laughs,
"never thought you would be beating yourself over a nerdy guy like that out of all the guys I've seen you with."
you admit, "I didn't either."
"maybe that's good, you just have to try something different if the old ones don't work out. You have to step out from your comfort zone to find the things meant for you."
you wish it was that easy for you both who were in the opposite sides of the poles from each other to actually work out.
She walks away back to the kitchen but not before saying,
"and don't even think of staying back tonight, I'm kicking you out, my boyfriend will be here any minute and we agreed to let me have the house to myself."
and that's how you found yourself standing in front of another one of those big villas, you can hear the booming music and screams from where you stood.
Heaving a big sigh of frustration you twist and crack your hands and neck ready to not go back home anytime soon.
Trying to hold your big smile up you storm into the party, letting your hair flow through the cold winds of the night, not minding that you were wearing a sleeveless dress right now since you'd be covered in sweat from being in the middle of the roaring crowd in no time anyways.
You turn your head around every now and than to greet and wave back to the people who noticed and called for you,
some random people who you don't even remember running up to you and wrapping their arms around your shoulders.
The past you wouldn't have minded it and would've went along with the flow, but you wanted to shove the people aside right now.
However you refrain yourself from doing so, you didn't want to be a "bummer" like those people whom you used to refer to as 'party poppers' in the past.
You laugh along, acting fine and letting those people chattering around you guide you inside the house.
The surroundings around you slowly fades away to darkness, people's presence being illuminated by the several bright colors of spotlight that maniacally ran across the room. Your heartbeat growing louder from how hard the music was was beating through the air.
The huge villa was covered in tall white walls and windows, pine trees scattered around the big garden where you could see the big pool filled with floats of every shape glowing. You swore you saw a float shaped like a dick.
"Y/nnn, thank gawdd!" You see Shoko approach you in her bright red mini leather dress and high knee boots
"I thought you were gonna ditch me againnn" she whines, her eyes in the brink of shutting, You could smell the strong scent of alcohol everytime she tried muttering another word to you. You just arrived here and she was already out of it.
You decided that you were gonna let yourself loose and have so much fun tonight as well.
You weren't having an ounce of fun, the only thing you laughed at ever since you came here was when Shoko told you that she was so out of it that she thought Geto was her pet Doberman and tried kissing him as he started screaming and tried shaking her awake but she ended up throwing up all over him so he had left to change,
so now here she was, with you, trying to make you seem like a busy person in the party.
You were turning down anybody who came up to you and tried dragging you onto the dance floor, instead of loosing yourself tonight the music irritated your veins.
Shoko continued to slur some more of her 'fun' encounters that she had in the party during your absence while you nodded and your eyes continued lingering around the other moving bodies.
But your eyes suddenly halted its movements when you noticed the soothing color of night snow in midst of the crowd.
Your eyes got bigger,
the tall figure had his back faced, talking to some other people that you couldn't make out who due to how dark that side of the room was.
There was no way he was here.
How the fuck would he be here, he literally turned down all the parties you invited him to up until now and you always ended up ditching them along with him.
Why the hell would he suddenly be in one.
You were forcing yourself to look away when you noticed that the figure was about to turn around,
but its like someone had locked your gaze towards that direction, you weren't able to look away.
He turns around completely,
and your eyes caught his,
suddenly the loud booming of the music became dull in your ears and your vision became a bit more clearer, because you have no idea if you were biased, but he was standing out amongst the whole sea of people who filled this big space.
It was prolly the snowy white locks of his hair,
or his crystal blue eyes,
or the fact that he wasn't dressed anything like the Satoru you've been seeing this whole time.
Your boyfriend who was standing and staring back at you from the other end of the room wore a pair of loose black jeans, matched with a big leather jacket (you couldn't make out if the jacket was big or his frame was actually that buff, you would have no problem believing the later one), both the black fits contrasted by the oversized white jacket he wore underneath, and a small silver chain trailed around his neck.
He looked nothing like the nerd you saw everyday in school, or the guy in random sweats outside school, he looked more like the guy he showed you when you both were alone.
his white hair a bit parted and his glasses missing.
Any other day you would have stormed up to him to hide him because it felt illegal for him to be standing out in front of the whole world looking that fucking good.
But tonight your brows twitched, you grew annoyed at how you couldn't even walk up to him because what if he walked away from you like the other day, but this time in front of the whole crowd?? you were so fucking sure people will start chattering and you will be nothing but a an awkward figure of embarrassment.
You couldn't read his eyes, you never could.
That was just another reason that annoyed you,
what you did notice though was that he looked surprised to see you here, but definitely not as much as you were to see him.
You just forced your gaze to rip away from him and turn to face Shoko who was laughing at god knows what, she didn't even notice that you were focused on something other than her adventurous encounters. But you rather hear those than go near Satoru right now.
You grew way more awkward than when you came here since you knew now Satoru was here as well, you tried so hard to focus on Shoko's words but your heart wasn't letting you focus on any other presence in the room. It felt like you and Satoru were the only ones alone in this big room, no matter how loud it got.
You curse before turning your head to look at your side and quickly grabbing the cup of beer that was lying there since forever.
You chugged it down feeling the burning liquid prickle your throat but it was nothing compared to how much your chest was burning, tossing away the now empty cup you grab Shoko by the hand, and drag her away with you to leave the room because you doubt you will be able to otherwise focus on anything else other than the lingering gaze that was looming over you from across the room.
You took her all the way to the garden trying to not trip, you regretted wearing such high platform heels, they were way taller than what you would usually wear, but you just really didn't want them to be collecting dust. You gave up and wore them at the end with the mindset that if your ankles broke tonight then it was karma coming at you for being such an ass to your boyfriend, all the logical thinking had left your body in the last two days.
"What if i throw uph in the poolll" Shoko slurs as you shove her to lay down on the lawn chairs while you make your way to the pool,
"You aren't going to the pool, I am. And what you need, is sleep." You start unzipping your dress, stripping into your baby pink bikini.
You felt stares fall upon your figure but you didn't care since you weren't the only ones in so less clothing, literally half of the crowd here were in the verge of being fully naked.
Shoko whined but she shut up as soon as she started because her eyes gave out on her and now she had left to the wild dreamlands of her fever dreams.
you slowly stepped down the pool starring down at how it made your body glow.
You slowly swam around, at one point wondering if you should just drown here.
Shaking the thought away not wanting a whole case on Geto's hand you rose back up.
Taking a deep breathe as your pushed the wet locks of your hair back you didn't notice a figure approach you from the back.
You flinch and immediately turn to shove the person who suddenly wrapped their arms around your bare waist.
It was your last ex, of course.
The one who cheated on you, but you really didn't felt like crying that day because your short lived romance was anyways in the brink of fading into dust. But that didn't make him seem like a less of a jerk to you though.
You spent your good 10 minutes cussing him out and outing most of his dirty laundry in middle of the whole crowd of people watching your breakup unfold, just because you wanted to pull something funny and felt like he deserved it.
"I haven't seen you around in weeks" He speaks casually, leaning back against the half wall and slowly turning his gaze looking around for something interesting.
"you still stink, Naoya." You blatantly reply, shoving his hand away from your waist and folding your arms to leans your back on the half wall as well.
"glad to know your foul mouth is still healthy as ever" he laughs.
"shut up whore." you pass him a disgusted look, "what are you even doing here? no bitches willing to hold your dick?"
he sighs,
"saw none better than you here."
That makes you roll your eyes hard,
"I'm the dumbfck here trying to talk you here, bye" you try getting out of the pool but he immediately pulls you back by waist,
"you fuc-"
he cuts you off pulling you closer to him, your boobs pressed against his chest as his face is so fucking close to yours.
"you play so fucking hard doll, you've always been that way. why? is it fun to watch me yearn and long for you?" he whispers making your knit your brows farther wondering if he was drunk too.
"i bet you haven't found a dick big enough yet that can fit in every corner of your-"
you punch his nose,
nobody notices though since the party was that loud except two or three people who were closer to you, passing by the pool but they didn't seem to care, knowing that was just you being you,
"OW! the fuck!?" he immediately yelps shoving you away,
"you fucking bet i did whore, and if you want ill find some for you to ride as well!" You harshly splash the water at his face when he was just about to retract his palms back from his face earning another yelp from him.
You push yourself up from the pool, head feeling hotter than ever as you storm away to get your dress. you didn't even bother drying yourself, you just put your thin dress back on not giving a fuck about the way you just made the dry fabric completely drenched in a second as soon as it came in contact with the wet one.
You look down to take Shoko with you, but pause looking at her peacefully snoring state,
Shaking your head you walk back into the villa by yourself, unbothered about the trail of water you were leaving behind, but most of the people around you were doing the same. You feel horrible for whoever was cleaning this place up later.
As you mindlessly walked around pushing past people you felt your nose starting to burn, eyes becoming glossier.
You felt like a fucking mess.
So you pause, you don't take any steps further,
even if you were about to burst into tears right this instant here, nobody in this room would notice you.
Just as you were about to let a sob slip you feel someone trace your arm,
Your head snaps back to look at the tall brunette guy,
his doe eyes looks at you as he held a sweet smile on his face,
he didn't seem like a bad person, i mean you wouldn't know,
but he just gave off a good person vibe,
he looked drunk as well though.
But he didn't try groping you.
So you just stared at him, he was so out of it but he was waiting for you to join him and dance.
And you let every weight on your mind and shoulder fall down.
you were so tired.
You turn around fully to face him.
stepping closer to him he takes the hint and lets his hand fall down your hip, feeling the wet fabric under his palms he drunkenly blurts
"..is it raining here?" he questions innocently craning his head up to look at the ceiling.
That makes you laugh.
This one heartier than when you laughed at Shoko's story.
You keep your hands on his shoulders planning to start dancing,
but suddenly someone pulls one of your hand away from his shoulder.
Your nostrils filled with the familiar minty scent, you froze.
not wanting to look up, although the brunette guy was already staring at the person next to you both with a clueless expression.
"..am-am i interrupting something?" the brunette guy hiccups like a dumbhead when it was the other way around.
You couldn't even open your mouth, your lips suddenly felt so heavy and you still weren't turning your head to look at your side.
Your left hand still in his big warm ones.
"Y/n.." Satoru finally lets out in his low toned voice.
You didn't know if it was his presence or the insanely wet fabric on your skin that was making you slowly feel feverish
"Y/n.. please.. look at me.." He softly pleads,
something in his tone this time breaks your heart, crumbling ever so slowly you finally look up at him.
Satoru wasn't going to force you to go with him,
he wasn't going to force you to come with him if you didn't want to.
He instead kept all his faith on you, for you to choose him.
You stared at his face that looked a bit tired, his brows arched down as his eyes looked dull blue tonight, just like the other day.
Satoru looked sad,
You couldn't push him any further, it was painful,
you let go your other hand that was resting on the brunette's shoulder and he looked like he was conscious enough to let your hips go as well.
Satoru didn't seem to care how sweaty your hand was as he held them tight and turned around as soon as you let the brunette go like he was praying you chose him and didn't turn his time, taking long strides in his black converse he walks away, taking you with him,
he was holding tightly onto your hand, like you would leave as soon as he let it a bit loose, nobody noticed your small frame walking behind his big one that covered you up entirely.
You felt small once again.
You didn't notice that all the loud voices suddenly grew quite,
You hear the sound of door shut, and finally look around finding yourself in a big bedroom,
The room was spacious and interior clean, wood paneled walls decorated the four sides, only two long golden lights hanging from the ceiling leaving the room to look a bit dim, tall windows hidden behind the long beige curtains that were drawn over them, and a big canopy bed in middle of the bedroom.
Your head noted that it must be one of the spare rooms in here.
You felt a bit better as the light scent of vanilla and cashmere started to linger around you instead of all the sweat and mixed perfume of everyone in the crowd.
What you didn't like was however the silence that was eating you up now.
Satoru was still holding onto your hand.
You look up at him this time, and he turns his body towards you as well, not letting your hand go,
He notices you drenched from head to toe,
he didn't notice it before since it was way too dark in the room and he was too busy rushing to get you two out of there.
"Did someone push you in the pool??" He questions, worry laced in his tone,
you shake your head
"no, i was taking a swim.."
That makes his eyebrows knit further,
he sighs and pulls you to the bed,
making you sit down he finally lets go off your hand, walking away into the bathroom he comes back in seconds with a towel in his hand.
Satoru walks back up to you and gets on his knees in front of you, he wraps the towel over your head and starts rubbing the soft fabric against the locks of your wet hair.
you quietly look down at your lap, playing with your fingers.
He gently starts to dry you face and neck,
"Wait my makeup-"
"you can worry about that later" he heaves.
the more he dried your skin the more wet your eyes grew,
you felt your bottom lips quiver and you finally let out a weak,
"why are you going out with me?"
Satoru stops drying your skin and his gaze moves up to your face,
"you've grown on me y/n.." he says in a gentle tone as his hand moves up to caress your warm cheek.
"don't you wanna be with me anymore?" he questions,
patiently waiting for you to answer,
"i-" you start tearing up
"i wanna be with you so much, i wanna be by your side all time, I don't mind if I look like a dog running behind you, but you feel too good for me" you sob and he doesn't interrupt you, instead he continues to caress your cheek with his thumb, listening to your every word,
"I feel like if you actually decide to step out into the world you will notice people who are way better than me," you hiccup embarrassed at all the things you were confessing but he just quietly wipes your tears.
"you can do so much more than me- and a year ago I would have never guessed that ill be running my mouth like a parrot right now sobbing for you but who am I to know! I'm just an idiot who doesn't even have control over herself, I'm just insecure and scared that the world will realize how nice of guy you are, how kind your heart is and then they'll try to take you away, I even wrote down notes for you that day when you missed the class, and it is the most detailed notes I have ever made but its still no- "
"you made notes for me??" he finally cuts you off,
his curious eyes staring at you as you stop flinging your arms around from all the explanation and let out a small
He watches you finally go quite and he proceeds to cup your face, caressing your warm face as your nervous heart starts to slowly melt away when you see him softly smiling back at you.
"why would I have to go around caring to look for someone better if you are becoming better for me baby?"
that makes you slowly tear up again, you swore another thing Satoru has turned you into is a little crybaby.
This man just had that grip over you.
He engulfs you in his warm arms as you say
"sorry.. I really didn't mean any words that I said that day.. you looked so hurt.. I couldn't bring myself to face you.." you cry and his warm hug grows tighter as he rubs your head to calm you down,
"I'm sorry too.. shouldn't have left you there and walked away either" he says.
"i love you" you slip out,
that makes him pause,
he pulls his head back and looks at your eyes,
and questions,
Your cheeks grow warm as you mumble,
"ugh I'm not saying it again, you heard me !"
you burry your head in his neck embarrassed.
"I didn't even hear you because of all the snot in your nose!" he defends.
"shut up, liar!" you smack his chest.
he heartily laughs before slowly smashing his lips against yours,
you immediately welcome him in your warm arms,
the rough texture of his lips softly crushing against your delicate ones.
his wet tongue slowly grazing against your warm ones,
Satoru swiftly pushes you up the soft bed and breaks the kiss, trailing his tongue down your chin, licking all the way to the side of your neck, slowly sinking his teeth into your warm skin making your moan and wrap your legs around him, pulling him closer,
running one of his hand down to your thigh, he gropes it before running them back all way up,
going further and further up under the wet fabric that was clinging onto your warm skin,
he pulls his face away slamming his lips on yours again after leaving a soft imprint of blur and purple on your neck, giving you a hard long peck before pulling away and taking his leather jacket off, pulling his white shirt over his head that causes his white locks to tousle before falling back to cover parts of his hooded eyes,
he grins down at you and whispers
"Why don't you start marking me up? so that whoever tries to take me away from you will know they can never be better than you?"
Your cheeks grow warm at that as he takes your hands and makes them rest on his firm chest
"c'mon baby, I want you to mark every inch of my skin.. wont you?" He smiles as you nod your head and trail your fingers over his soft pale skin,
But growing impatient he take a lock of your hair in his hand and shoves your face against his skin,
and you obediently lap it, before widening your mouth and sinking your teeth into his skin starting to suck on it
"suck it harder baby, take a mouthful of that skin" how else will they know I'm yours otherwise?"
You eagerly do as he tells you to, sucking a mouthful of his skin, leaving bitten bruises of blue and purple splattered across his pale chest as he watches your with a proud expression,
finally getting enough of it he flips your body, pushing the front of your body against the soft sheets he looks down at your figure with his hooded eyes,
releasing soft breathy pants through his parted lips as he pulls your thighs up so your back arches and your big plump ass was in his clear view,
he looked drunk,
but he swore he didn't have even an ounce of liquid ever since he entered the villa.
well of course you had to make up for how thirsty he was though,
He knit his brows, he felt hornier than usual he had to admit,
was two days of not having his face buried between your boobs and having you whining against his lap when you both were alone making him this desperate?
He could feel his thick cock grow painfully angry every second inside his boxers. The tight waist of his jeans bringing not even a little comfort.
"toru.." you whine, pushing your ass further back, bringing it closer to his face,
he grunts,
"yes baby.." he starts to quickly unbutton and pull the zip of his pants down. Shoving his hand in his boxers as he stares at the thin wet fabric of your bikini cover your ass,
he pulls his dick out, sighing as soon as some feeling of relief washes through his veins.
And quickly he pushes your thighs together, pulling down the bottoms of your bikini revealing your wet ass cheeks that had slick run down from your gaping and pulsing cunt.
He pushes his face in your ass, kissing and making out with your drooling hole before he plunges his tongue in, caressing the gummy walls of your insides as your cry loud and feel literal tremors run down your hips from the way he was easing the bundle of your nerves, pushing his hand up to messily rub and pinch your clit, holding the hard shell of your core in his palm as he massages it. Eyes sealed from feeling pure bliss, his nose buried against your puffy cheeks intoxicated by the strong smell of your inside,
his burning cock so fucking hard as it pulsated and released precum every passing second, he wanted you to stop him and grab his cock, for you to tell him to shut the fuck up and take his cock in your hand and shove it in your tight cunt.
But at the same time he wanted you to stay patient and let his hungry self eat,
No alcohol induced body in the room could compare to how pussydrunk your boyfriend was right now.
"Toru- Fuck! need your cock! please.." you whine trying to pull your ass away which was so tightly in the hold of his big palms,
He sucks hard, feeling the warm liquid of your insides gush down his tongue everytime he tried moving it deeper in your depths.
You felt your walls painfully tighten as you tried pushing him away but he just slaps your hand and buries his face harder,
"you love me baby?" he grunts as he slowly lets go your thighs finally and takes his hot sticky length in his palm
"love you toru.. so much" you mewl,
you get pushed up as he plunges his heavy girthy length into your warmth, immediately burying his face in your neck and hugging you tight from behind as he lets out a soft cry,
You could tell he was extra sensitive than usual today, you loved it so much,
you would like to believe it was the extra effect of you finally showing to him that your love for him was so important to you and how much you appreciated the way he took care of you,
His lips brushes up against the shell of your ear, biting it as you feel him grow thicker inside you, he held you so close, feeling his face grow warmer feeling the sensation of the way you both were connected down there. The skin of your bare asscheeks feeling the prickly trail of his snowy white hair down there
"I love you y/n" he cries as you feel his girth throb hard, your walls instantly clenching around him earning another moan from his throat.
you feel your cheeks grow warmer and the corner of your eyes start getting wet,
he brings his lips even closer to your ears and licks the lobe of your ear, trailing his right hand up and pulling your hands which was gripping the sheets so that he can intertwine his fingers with yours,
you cry as his other free hand goes down between your legs and roughly runs his fingers over your clit and through your folds.
Tears escape your eyes and Satoru kisses them clean,
"I love you baby, love you so much.. i-i only want you with me baby.. lets just love eachother.. hm?" he whispers, cradling you in his arms as he presses another kiss on your cheek, moving his head down and sucking the skin of your neck which was layered in thin sheet of sweat as he thrusts his hips hard, you both cry into eachothers warmth as you feel him start to penetrate your throbbing cunt balls deep, giving you strong yet long slow thrusts.
"love you toruu.." you moan and he kisses your lips, holding you so close to him,
"love you my baby... love you so much"
"ok soo.. i know i said they are the most detailed notes that I've ever made but I'm pretty sure I missed a couple of lines because I was too worried and zoning out every now and than thinking where you were yk."
He stares at you, raising a brow the more you spoke,
"so like we might still need the ones Utahime gave you." You smile at him innocently, tucking your chin on your hands, which were resting over his bare broad chest.
before he could respond the door flies open making you yelp and Satoru quickly wraps his arms around your frame to cover you up although thankfully you had already pulled the duvets up to your chest.
You and Satoru stare at the doorframe mortified,
another pair of mortified expressions looking back at you both,
Geto and Choso stood there with his jaw slacked open.
"The hell, did you not lock the door!?" you suddenly questioned Satoru who looks at you equally shocked.
"i did! You know I'm not that careless!"
before you could reply Geto spoke up
"Uh- I used my spare keys."
You and Satoru rolled eyes at that.
Choso screams "You are sleeping with that nerd!? You don't even answer my texts!"
its been a few weeks since,
You found out you weren't the only popular kid close to Satoru, Geto and him were close too.
You had no idea how you managed to never know an info like that, when asked he said he didn't think of it as a necessary information.
and turns out Utahime and Gojo really weren't on that good terms,
Utahime was whispering string of unimaginable profanities at him that day while Satoru was mockingly laughing at her and pissing her off even further.
You really are bad at reading situations guess.
nothing much has really changed since,
except, after Choso and Geto promised you both to keep your secret safe somehow ever so mysteriously the rumors of you and Satoru dating started to spread.
And it got confirmed when you just decided to stand up from your seat during lunch one day and sit down on your boyfriend's thick thighs like it was your birthright, you couldn't help it. They looked so thick and seatable.
The entire class stopped doing whatever they were doing and the room erupted in buzzing murmurs,
Satoru paused chewing on his food, surprised at your sudden move,
but he didn't push you off or anything.
Instead he proceeded to wrap his arm around your waist to keep you steady and peck our cheek before calmly picking up his chopsticks back again and continuing to eat.
That made you dramatically squeal and kick your feet as you watched the shell of his ear turn a very light shade of pink.
What a cute nerdy boyfriend you've got yourself who treats you like his literal princess <3
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(my hand hurts)
taglist: @ritsatoru @waka-babe
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loverboy-havocboy · 20 days
*slides in a home-made cookie* Any headcanons or info about the characters included in the aliit verse you're able to share? Whether it be the main gang or anyone else?
i spent hours telling @the-starry-seas about the boys (mostly sinker) last night, so here are some thoughts from that convo as well as some fresh ones. some of them are also from rolling the blorbos around with @executeness
sinker has pretty severe adhd and his favorite fidget toy (besides boost) is one of those 3D printed slugs. it probably has a normal person name like james or something so he can say he needs to "fiddle with james".
boost got into a lot of fights in high school. he had a lot of rage after his parents died and he used it on anyone who tried to bully sinker or comet (or really probably anyone - i see boost being the kind of guy to step in even if he doesn't know the kid getting bullied).
before meeting gregor, comet was a sleep-until-the-afternoon type of guy, then he adjusted his sleep schedule so it would be easier to get up closer to gregor's time whenever gregor was on leave. he's still not an early riser by any means, but those few extra hours with gregor when he's home mean the world to him.
wolffe and gregor's relationship is the definition of "you came." / "you called."
sinker doesn't try to set his dates up with boost, but if they're not at least a little bit interesting in him, i think sinker is less likely to pursue a relationship. related to this is that boost loves befriending sinker's boyfriends - i mean, they share an interest in boost's absolute favorite thing in the world, after all.
sinker is a he/they in my mind though it is not canon. i could also see boost using he/they, but in a lack-of-gender way unlike sinker's abundance-of-gender way.
people have a tendency to underestimate sinker because of his bleached blonde hair and neurodivergence (they assume he's "ditzy"), but he's incredibly intelligent and he uses their assumptions to his favor.
i headcanon thorn as having had metoidioplasty.
echo uses a wheelchair on days that his pain is too much or he just can't be bothered with his prosthetics.
this can't go in the story, but the dominos and the pack are all stoners on some level To Me. echo and thorn have chronic pain from their injuries and the pack just seem like they smoked a bunch of weed behind the mall in highschool.
gregor's favorite music is rock, especially from the 60's-70's.
comet's favorite band is placebo. brian molko was a big influence on his gender expression. he also loves david bowie - both his music and his role in labyrinth.
sinker is a model so he sometimes gets to take clothes he wears for shoots, but his favorite pieces are things he's bought from small businesses/artists. clothes that are hand painted or beaded or given zest in some other way. he likes supporting them and he also likes wearing their love around and looking hot as fuck while he does it.
the pack were not normal about my chemical romance in high school. sinker's favorite album of theirs is danger days, boost's favorite is bullets, and comet could never choose between them.
tupma are unwritten at this point but here are some for them:
background is they met in college. dogma is a he/they transmasc, he cracks tup's egg and helps her become comfortable in her identity as a she/they/he* transfem. *she does get comfortable reacquainting with he/him pronouns eventually, in a "he's my girlfriend" type of way. after college, they moved to keldabe (mandalorian nyc where the rest of the aliit gang lives) together.
tup has 3 sisters and 2 moms, so as the only "man" in the family, their coming out as transfem is the funniest thing they could've done.
dogma is autistic. his special interests are bugs (especially spiders), and idk i feel like he's a minecraft and animal crossing man.
dogma has a tarantula named daenerys. tup saved up the money for him to pick her out and all the stuff she would need as a gift. tup may or may not have a pet lizard of some kind.
dogma's parents are divorced, his mom remarried and he got a little brother who's in elementary school now who likes to hunt for bugs with him.
tup sews and paints as hobbies. she likes to alter clothes she thrifts, and also makes dogma patches for his shorts and jackets to add a little spice.
i'm really going now but i think i will leave it here. thank you so much for asking, my dear, this was really fun 💖💖💖
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astranva · 2 years
I know you said you hated friends but there was a scene where monica, her boyfriend and phoebe were sitting together and phoebe said : out all of the boyfriends monica had, and trust me she had a lot, you ate my fav” this made the boyfriend question and askes monica her magic number and it was a big one and the boyfriends number was only 2 bc he only fell in love with twice.
Now, we know who was more active in the past lmao, would pe!reader be shocked by his number since its so big? With pe!reader i think its like Monica’s boyfriend, small since she only slept with the people she loved.
It would be great if we saw like a little convo between them xxx
i can’t believe you remember me not liking friends :’).
i imagine that, too!
chris has always been so active 💀 but pe!reader takes that stuff so seriously. she’s no stranger to people trying to get with her to take advantage of her, so she always knew who and when she’d do as little as kiss.
i imagine her first being with a guy she was with when she was 19. it was a very private relationship that to this day, nobody knows a thing about it except her mom, step-dad, step-sister, her very close friends, and chris. then it was with miles, then it was chris.
so when they had the conversation, chris felt bad. he felt a little insecure because he wished he was like her, because her confession made him feel so special and he was afraid she wouldn’t feel like she’s the best he’s ever been with and there was no one else he’d rather be with.
“does it upset you?” he asked her.
“no, it’s your choice,” she said, “is me having, like, a significantly lower count pressuring to you?”
“no, no,” he shook his head, wrapping his arms around her, “i think it’s very sweet. i’m a little jealous though,” he said, “it’s-it’s basically always been making love for you, and it was just meaningless one night stands for me. i don’t know, it would’ve been nice if i had just waited for you.”
“that would’ve been too much waiting,” she laughed, “maybe not wait for me but, did you not do it with anyone you, like actually loved loved?”
“i actually-don’t laugh but i actually don’t think i’ve fallen in love with anyone before you.”
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teenmomcentral · 1 year
Catelynn Lowell is in the middle of a very public family feud with her mother April and her grandmother– and now her little brother Nick is jumping into the dogpile!
The Ashley is going to attempt to wade through all the social media posts and rants and recap this mess for you…
Just days after Catelynn posted photos of her heartwarming reunion with her firstborn child, Carly, the Teen Mom star blasted her mom, grandma and little brother for their “toxic” actions on the day of Cate’s visit with Carly and the ones following. It appears that April was present for the visit with Carly– which took place last weekend— and, according to Cate’s Instagram post on Thursday, April “celebrated” the reunion in a toxic way.
“This is how my ‘family’ treats me the morning after our visit [with Carly],” Cate wrote in the caption of screenshots of texts between her and her grandmother Judi, and her and Nick. “The morning after saying goodbye AGAIN to Carly… the morning after seeing my mother drink a beer at our visit…even tho I spoke about my boundaries and not wanting to be around her when she is drinking. A morning when I was going to have to call her out for that…and I’m the toxic one in this family?”
(As ‘Teen Mom’ fans know, April has struggled with alcohol issues for years.) 
In the screenshots posted of the text convo that Cate had with her Grandma Judi, Grandma Judi tells Catelynn that she “never [has] to worry about me crashing your FAKE reunion because if I wanted to be there I would’ve. You are disrespectful and TOXIC.”
(It appears that some of the family members were upset that they weren’t included in the visit with Carly.) 
Grandma Judi went on to scold Catelynn for treating April so poorly and messaging mean things to her.
Also defending April was Nick, who tells Cate that she shouldn’t have been “talking s**t” about April behind her back. 
In her caption, Catelynn wrote that she feels betrayed by her family.
“How can a ‘grandma’ and ‘brother’ speak to me like this?” she wrote. “I’m the one that’s working so damn hard to break these intergenerational traumas! When is enough enough?! When does a person just walk away from all the toxic s**t?! This is NOT how family is supposed to be…I’m so over it. I’m exhausted…” 
Nick— who is now 17— was not happy about his sister’s rant about their family. He decided to go on Instagram Live on Thursday and blast Catelynn, as well as her husband Tyler Baltierra.
Here’s what Nick had to say about the couple:
Nick Claims Cate & Ty Took Money From Their Kids to Pay Off Their Tax Debt
On Instagram Live, Nick discussed Cate and Ty’s recent tax troubles, claiming that they have had to “take” money from their three daughters’ bank accounts to pay their tax debt. (As The Ashley previously reported, Cate and Ty paid off their massive tax debt— which at one point amounted to $856,800— in January.) 
“They’re gonna be screwed,” Nick said. “They had to pay a million dollars in taxes last year. They had to pay 20 grand every month… they eventually got so broke that they had to start taking from Nova’s bank account, Vaeda’s bank account, Rya’s bank account.”
Nick Slams Catelynn & Tyler For Acting A Certain Way For The Cameras 
“[Catelynn] portrays this character; she’s the princess and [feels] we should all bow down to Catelynn and she is our queen,” Nick said. 
When asked about what Tyler’s really like, Nick stated that he’s not nice.
“Tyler is not [nice], nearly. He almost divorced my sister like 12 times,” he said. “No, he’s definitely not nice.”
Nick Also Claims That Tyler Has a Boyfriend in Arizona
“He’s got a boyfriend,” Nick said of Tyler. “This is a true story, too. I love John [whom The Ashley is assuming is the alleged boyfriend] to death, but you know it’s bad when [Tyler] goes to Arizona a lot. And Catelynn was worried about him going to Arizona, so she had to buy a trip to go there to make sure Tyler wouldn’t cheat on her with [the artist known as] Sik World. Just sayin’!” 
(Tyler has appeared in several of Sik World’s music videos over the past few years.)
Nick Claims April Got a Tattoo of the Word “Toxic” Because Cate Has Called Her That So Many Times
Nick went on to defend April, stating that Catelynn messaged April and called her a “piece of s**t”, etc. and, according to Nick, the attack was unwarranted. 
Nick added a chuckle-inducing anecdote, stating that Catelynn has been calling him and April “toxic” for years. In fact, Catelynn has described April as toxic so much, that April went out and got a tattoo of the word ‘toxic!’
“My mom’s got a ‘toxic’ tattoo, just for Catelynn!” he said. 
Catelynn Responds to Nick’s Claims
While she didn’t address each of Nick’s claims directly, she did make it clear that, in her opinion, he is a liar.
“If you believe anything my ‘brother’ said on his Live then you are just as crazy as him,” Catelynn wrote on Instagram Stories. “This poor kid is soooo brainwashed it’s insane and sad! Hopefully one day when he’s older he will realize. And how he pretends he’s so nice to me. He’s not!”
Catelynn went on to claim that Nick has stolen from her, and that she has paid for him to take a lie-detector test (as you do)….
“Like I’m sooo over it all…but again, I’m the toxic one?” she wrote. “Wanna talk receipts? I’ve got more! All he had is some made up s**t in his head. 
Nick posted a final comment to Instagram Stories.
“I’m not responding to anything else,” he wrote. “I said what I needed to but in all reality she shouldn’t have posted any of this to begin with. Very very immature.” 
This is not the first public feud Catelynn has had with a sibling. Back in January, Catelynn’s half-sister (by April), Sarah Haviland went on a rant against Catelynn and MTV over how April was portrayed on Teen Mom Family Reunion. (You can read about that online battle here.) 
April and Tyler have yet to speak publicly about Catelynn’s post and/or Nick’s claims.
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tundrainafrica · 3 years
some of the aot fans (probably just casual readers) don't see the parallels between EM and LH???? like the brunettes desire to live with their ackermans together in the woods? they call levihan shippers delusionals. their attacking levihans that they didn't read the manga well and we just want our ship to be canon??? WTH????
I keep wondering if it's just us, levihans, who see these parallels?
im sorry for this rant, it's just soooo frustrating. Basically the reason why i leave twt lol not yet, im still there bcoz of lh filo socmed aus
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I have so many things I wanna say about chapter 138 and I am so sorry I only got to it now. I think most Levihan fans already said what I wanted to say but either way, I’ll just give some thoughts I entertained when these came out. 
Coz first of all… 
As a Levihan shipper, I am obviously ecstatic about this but as most people know, I come from a household where everyone is not too enthusiastic about Levihan. They are so very enthusiastic about INVALIDATING LEVIHAN in particular that my sister and my parents who don’t even watch AOT just come up to me while I’m staring at Levihan art on tumblr and go… 
“What are you doing?” 
“Staring at art.”
“Oh, is that the one couple you like who don’t even love each other or smthg.” 
Cause apparently my sisters who watch AOT and my boyfriend have been SO vocal about invalidating Levihan that even my parents now are on ship that they aren’t even a thing and I’m just delusional but yes, since I live in a house where literally ‘shipping Levihan’ is on the same level as ‘the curtains are blue so the narrator is sad’ type of interpretation, I will start by mentioning a more pragmatic argument to this whole Levihan and Eremika parallel. 
While I am one of those who can definitely see that yes those were clear parallels, there are some louder people( mostly Eruri shippers) who think that LH fandom is just grasping on straws and trying to diminish their supposedly canon ship( because EL and EM ackerbonding thing) so I was wondering what is your view on this?
So, to break down the argument...
It’s a war story blah blah blah. And besides Mikasa loved Eren from the start blah blah blah. 
I think this is an argument I see a lot. Because Yams is writing a war story and I think a lot of people are suggesting that it’s a war story here is no way anyone can be canon or anyone can have romantic relationships. 
AND I HATE THIS TAKE. Relationships are human nature. Yes, being arromantic exists but I don’t believe that in a fictional space, romance can ever NOT exist. Because most---or scratch that--- I believe all humans will search for companionship and I do not believe it is ever reaching to jump from whatever companionship exists between people and contemplate the potential of romance, except incest but that’s another story. 
Yeah because if there’s no kiss or sex then it’s not a romance apparently. 
Well guess what, we’re all reaching then, cause only Eren and Mika got the kiss. But lemme drop some social experiment I did. 
I actually showed the Eremika and Levihan ‘Let’s live together scenes’ side by side to a colleague at work who doesn’t watch AOT and she told me, WITHOUT CONTEXT, that she prefers the scene between Levihan more than Eremika and the reason behind that is because there were undertones, specifically in the Korean translation’ that Hange was tired, and there’s this apparent romantic-ness to it when you dream of something when you’re tired and when you dream of a particular someone. 
Because here’s the thing, when you love someone, when you decide to be in a  relationship with someone, that person will be your HOME. And now that I think about it, it definitely hits for me more, because when Hange was tired, when Hange was completely exhausted and spent, she dreamt of a future with Levi. 
And don’t you think that it’s more romantic that ‘despite everything, she thinks of him’ compared to ‘she constantly thinks of him?’ Because I dunno, when someone is constantly thinking of someone, there’s actually no effort really needed for the feeling to grow, but when ‘they think of someone, despite everything.’ There’s this idea that the relationship can withstand more things and that means they thought long and hard about it. 
Their life is so interesting and eventful, yet at the end of the day, there exists someone who still shines brighter than life itself and that’s why ‘Despite everything, she thinks of him’ rings brighter than ‘she constantly thinks of him’ for me at least. 
Probably a personal preference thing but either way… Just my take. 
Western people don’t consider running away ‘romantic?’ 
This is something I’ve discussed with filo moots multiple times and this is something I’ve thought about reading the Japanese and English translations, reading the Filipino Soc Med AUs and having my friend read the Korean ones.  
The Japanese and Koreans are quick to see the romantic undertones, a lot of my Filipino moots are quick to see those romantic undertones too. But we have the western fandom on Reddit going ‘Yo Erehisu foh evah’ and people saying ‘Levihan not canon they didn’t kiss.’ 
But YO both of my parents are ‘tanan’ (runaway in tagalog) babies. My mom actually ran away with a man and wasn’t allowed to talk to her dad until she graduated. My dad disobeyed his parents to marry my mom. They were setting my dad up with another woman and they were going to have a big wedding and everything but my dad was like…
NOPE Imma run away and marry this woman. 
And can I just say, my parents are the MOST unromantic people but they literally disobeyed their parents, ran away together, literally risked their relationships with their parents to make it work. 
And my parents are one of the few people in their family who are still in a happy relationship even after 25 years of marriage. 
Okay, I admit, sometimes running away is a dumb decision and shouldn’t constantly be romanticized. 
But I don’t think a lot of people understand the gravity of what ‘tanan’ entails. Legit, it was emphasized in 138 already, if Eren ran away, Paradis could have been overrun by military soon. And if Hange and Levi ran away to the woods, ‘what would there have been left for them? 
And in real life, my mom literally gave up her relationship with her dad to try to make the relationship work. My dad gave up the comforts of marrying a rich woman in a lavish wedding to marry my mom. 
They literally had a civil wedding, went out to eat Chinese noodles and China town as a post wedding meal and 25 years later, they have one of the strongest relationships I’ve ever seen. 
AND NO ONE RUNS AWAY WITH SOMEONE FOR THE LELZ. So yes, running away with someone will always be romantic for me.
And the Ackerbond?
Something I always find myself asking. Why do people want the Ackerbond to actually be a thing? Because if the Ackerbond were real, then wouldn’t that invalidate all Eruri and Eremika even more since we know they’re just trapped in the relationship like Stockholm syndrome or something? 
And besides didn’t Yams debunk that chapters ago? 
Anyway, onto the next questions
hi sav! i have a question about the recent chapter. do you think the em and lh parellels were done on purpose by isayama? 
And to answer this question… I am not so sure actually. I talked to a Japanese friend who grew up in the same prefecture as Yams, apparently it was her acquaintance from high school who married Yams and they were childhood sweethearts. 
So maybe Yams got it from them?  My memory on that convo is hazy but it’s only possible that he built Eremika from there. And Levi and Hange’s development is just incredibly different that I don’t think Yams thought that far to do it. 
My theory here is that Yams is writing a war story and he only has one way he could have ever shown romance in a war story and that’s through ‘running away’ so I believe the parallels are unintentional but I genuinely believe that this was Yam’s way of showing romantic undertones. 
And I personally do not think that Levi and Hange would have ever kissed in that time in their life, at least intentionally and I hoenstly commend Yams for doing such a good job with the subtlety of the romance because I’ve literally seen so many great characters in other stories completely butchered by a poorly done romantic subplot so I aint complaining about these romantic undertones. 
But either way,
I hang in the Japanese fandom a lot and there have been lots of fandom discussion on Levihan becoming endgame if 132 didn’t happen. And there are actually articles on this putting Levihan as endgame along with Eremika so I’m kinda suspecting that invalidating Levihan is an anime-only fan and reddit fandom type of thing.
But anyway, thank you for reading, sorry for the long rant.
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tangledinmdzs · 3 years
always yours - yi city mdzs characters hcs
the last of the best friend series head canons!
this is a modern version (stay tuned for a different version (v^ー°) )
Xiao Xingchen
stepping into high school, you’ve always felt out of your depth
both from the pressure of moving to a new town and entering another stage of education in your life
it was kind of intimidating
mildly stressful
and you know it shouldn’t be much of a bother to try and fit in and find your crowd
because good things take time (as your parents have reminded you)
and that you were such a lovable person, so
who wouldn’t want to be your friend?
but it still didn’t change the fact that it was hard, nonetheless
luckily, when you’re kind of floating about in between the crowds of people and laughter in the first lunch of your first year, see an empty seat for you to snag
considering how crowded the lunch room was, you feel quite proud of yourself
so you sit down at the spot without a second thought
not even realizing that the seat in front of your empty one was occupied
you’re digging heartily, halfway through your sandwich, when you realize that someone is looking at you
and that’s when you meet Xingchen, immediately humored by your enthusiasm with food 
definitely not one of your best first impressions
but it’s surely something that sticks
because aside from finding out that you both are in the same grade, you both have a plethora of classes together as well
and it becomes easy for you to find a familiar face to gravitate to in your classes
throughout the year
he’s the person that saves you a seat in the cafeteria whenever the teacher from the previous class lets you out late
you’re the person that shares your notes with him in class so that you both can be caught up
you’re each other’s first choice as partners
and it’s so so easy being friends with someone as lovely and wonderful as Xingchen
and he’s so great in everything
from his smarts
to his genuine kindness
and you know that he deserves the world
which is why
your world comes to a halting stop
when Xiao Xingchen is suddenly blinded after an accident
luckily he’s not fully blind
but his vision is heavily impaired 
and you know that your high school is not the right environment for him safety and social wise
you know it is for the best that his parents are making plans to find a better accommodating school for him
he’s your only, truest, friend, 
and it’s only been a short while since you both have met
but you can’t imagine going through the last remaining two years high school without 
and as you sit next to his hospital bed, feel his warm hand clutch yours
you think that 
he feels the same
you meet A-Qing as you’re helping Xiao Xingchen around the your high school, helping him to orient in an old place through a new perspective
you can’t lie and say that it’s not frustrating
but Xingchen’s always been more patient than you
even now, 
when you were supposed to be helping him
it saddens you sometimes
when you can’t be of more help to him than you currently are
“i think this would be pretty useful,” 
both you and Xingchen startle at the voice that talks to you both
your eyes find a young girl, probably a freshman, staring up at you
her hand holds out a small foldable stick
“it’s a white cane, it’ll help him feel out the floor better than you saying ‘watch out’ every other minute” the girl notes
“he can still see,” you try to correct, because everyone nowadays just assumes that Xingchen is fully blind... and he just accepts it like he accepts everything in his life-
“oh, i’ve never tried a cane before. i think that could be of help,” Xingchen says in his quiet voice, he turns to you though not fully enough to meet your eyes staring at him
you’ve gotten more used to his profile than his full face as of recently
“can you give it to me, y/n” Xingchen asks you, 
and he’s using that voice with you
the ‘be patient, let’s try it’ voice
you manage a stiff nod at the girl, and take the white cane from her and open it from Xingchen
we you place the handle that he’s supposed to hold in his palm, Xingchen as polite as ever says,
“thank you... um...”
“A-Qing,” the girl finally introduces and then turns to you, a half smile on her face
“and you’re y/n,” the young girl parrots from what she heard before
you nod at her, a small ‘thank you’ coming from you too
‘it’s no problem. my grandma is blind so i understand you too,” A-Qing says 
at that, you realize, that it would be good to befriend someone that has experience in helping visually impaired people
because you wanted to learn how to help Xingchen better
you friendship starts from Xingchen’s hardships
but as you three spend more time together,
the difficulties of his life lessen
especially with A-Qing’s support
you two become his two closest friends
and A-Qing morphs more into a little sister to you
because for all of her knowledge with Xingchen’s situation, she was still very very new to the high school situation
so she relied on your guidance (in that aspect) as much as you relied on her to help you help Xingchen
but you three come together like a sandwich
and all is well
until your third year of high school
when trouble comes in the form of a human person
Xue Yang 
trouble goes by the name of Xue Yang
your high school is relatively medium sized so you think that if you haven’t met everyone yet at least you know of most people
when you walk into the hallway at the sight of someone taunting Xingchen, you can’t help the way your blood boils
A-Qing is still young,
and the boy that’s flicking and pushing at Xingchen’s calm shoulder looks to be about your age, an junior
you’re about to intervene when you’re surprised at Xingchen’s quick handed grasp of the man’s hand when it lands on his chest for the third (and final time)
Xingchen holds the wrist tightly
and you remember that before, a short while ago, Xingchen used to do material arts after school
he probably never forgot his instincts, having practiced for so many years
“what do you think you’re doing?” 
at the sound of your voice, the boy spares you a glance, 
and then you give a short sigh under your breath
because it was Xue Yang
it was always Xue Yang
“just chatting with your boyfriend, y/n. no need to go all mama bird” Xue Yang teases and takes his hand roughly out of Xingchen’s grasp
“he’s not my boyfriend,” you correct Xue Yang, going up to Xingchen’s side to stare Xue Yang down
Xue Yang laughs, humorlessly 
“you sure about that? because i think you’re probably babying him even more than his real mother,” and you really want to land a good fist to Xue Yang’s face
but Xingchen’s true testament to your friendship is that he just knows you well enough to reach a hand out and hold your wrist, hold you back from doing anything rash
because your little convo with Xue Yang had already grabbed enough of a crowd
you let Xiao Xingchen and A-Qing lead you away, though you manage to spare a long glare at Xue Yang before he fully leaves your sight
from then on, you all try to avoid Xue Yang as best as you can
and you stay closer to A-Qing and Xiao Xingchen
because it seems like you’re Xue Yang repellent
he only bothers the other two when you’re not within the vicinity 
and you don’t dare think that Xue Yang is scared of you (Xue Yang isn’t scared of anything)
but it’s a little blessing that you’re grateful for
you don’t want anyone making Xingchen’s life harder than it already was
and you think that you can get through the last few months of junior year without trouble
well you hope
but one memorable time that trouble visits you
is in the turn spring
right before you you’re about to finish your junior year (practically already a senior in high school)
Xue Yang catches your arm when you’re on your way out of school after your free block
drags you to the bleachers despite your protests 
you glare at him, 
he stares at you, sighs
“what?” you ask
“you don’t care about anything that has to do with us do you?”
you sigh as you lean your back on the edges of the bleacher seats
“why do you put your friends before us all the time?”
“because he needs me-”
“more than i do?”
Xue Yang’s question surprises you, slightly
but you regain your composure quickly
“talk to me again when you learn that a relationship has friends and partners,
not everything in life is about you” 
and that’s the final time you talk to him
Song Lan
Song Lan comes back into your life as abruptly as he had left it
he had always been more of Xingchen’s friend than yours
you remember him being introduced to you as the quiet, barely smiling but loyal friend that Xingchen knew from way back
he and you never talked much
but he talked a lot with Xingchen
and you could tell that the both of them were close
they made each other happy
which was why his abrupt exit from high school
at the time where Xingchen needed him the most
was difficult for you to understand
though at the same time
his departure gave you a better chance to prove your friendship to Xingchen
to be the person that was there for him when it seemed like no one was
and you think that the chapter of old friendships had closed when you graduated high school
so you didn’t think you’d ever see Song Lan again
let alone, see him in your second year of college in the middle of your campus walk with Xingchen’s arm linked with yours 
“y/n? why’d you stop? we’re going to be late for class”
and now, with Xingchen fully blind
you were somewhat the eyes for him when it came to new places and people
A-Qing was still in her final year of high school, already planning on following your footsteps and applying to the same college as you guys
so it was all left to you
how do you explain to XIngchen that you just saw his best friend that had left him in high school all those years ago without so much as a goodbye?
should you even let him know?
luckily, you don’t have to make the choice
when Song Lan turns and walks away immediately, not looking back
“it’s nothing, i was just startled when a squirrel ran past,” you lie to Xingchen
and continue walking on the path that you both are on
but Xingchen knows you better than yourself
and he can tell that your grip around his arm is a bit tighter than before
but he doesn’t mention anything
fate would have it that that was not the last encounter that you have with Song Lan
and the next time you do see him, you don’t let him off the hook so easily
“where did you go? how are you here now?” you ask him, when you manage to latch onto his arm at the small campus cafe 
he takes his wrist out of your grasp easily
though his face looks slightly more expressive than you remember he used to be
“how’s Xingchen?” he counters with you and you huff out an exasperated laugh
“you wouldn’t need to ask me that if you had been there for us,” you find yourself saying
because you can still remember, vividly
the first few weeks of Xingchen’s blindness
his embarrassment towards you where you know he wouldn’t have been with Song Lan
and how much he missed him
“do you... do you think i can see him?” Song Lan asks, a beat after your heavy comment
you truly wonder what Xiao Xingchen would have to say to this
because you may be his best friend
but you can’t make his decisions for him
“i don’t know, why don’t you ask him,” you tell Song Lan, then tilt your head
when Song Lan turns around, he sees the person who he’s looking for right away
Xiao Xingchen is hard to miss
Song Lan stares
now it all comes down to, whether or not he would take the first step to him or not
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collecting-stories · 4 years
Sunny Boy - JJ Maybank
Request: i rly hope ur taking requests🥺 a pre-relationship jj imagine where the readers pretty innocent and has a cute style and jj does love it but let’s kie dress her for a kegger one night and jj is speechless and way more protective than usual
A/N: So I kind of got an idea and ran away with this, I apologize. Reader is genderfluid and has body dysmorphia. The reader in this goes by they/them and JJ calls them ‘boy’ twice. (gender fluidity is different for everyone and I based this off my own preferences though I do go by she/her almost exclusively.)
Outer Banks Masterlist
However it was classified, your ‘style’ consisted heavily of band tees, one-piece bathing suits, a worn in pair of knock-off vans from target, jean shorts, and baseball caps. And sure, the shorts were as short as Kiara’s but nothing else about your personal style necessarily lent to you being feminine in the traditional sense. You didn’t get a lot of attention from the guys, outside of being their friend or someone they saw like a sister. On one occasion JJ had even claimed you were like a brother to him. Which wasn’t exactly the image you wanted him having in his head.  
It wasn’t that you cared what anyone else thought of you, because you really didn’t, it was just that sometimes you wanted JJ to look at you the way he looked at Kiara or any of the girls who came to parties the pogues hosted. It was probably stupid, you told yourself on multiply occasions, but you wanted him to want you. You wanted to be more than ‘best friends’.  
“Wear something cute, that’ll get his attention.” Sarah suggested, holding up a bikini top that was pink gingham.  
“They shouldn’t have to put themself on display just so someone likes them. If he doesn’t want to be with them based on who they are then he’s not worth it.” Kiara remarked, pulling a crop top over her bikini.  
“Being the ‘they’ in this convo I would just like to point out that I wouldn’t mind the whole ‘she’s all that’ makeover...even if it’s just for a night.” You commented, picking up Kiara’s discarded maroon bikini and holding it against your chest.
“Did I hear the word ‘makeover’?” Sarah smiled, “Cause I have wanted to put you in a bikini for ages.”
“Thanks but I’m interested in JJ.” You teased and Sarah stuck her tongue out at you.  
“You can borrow the maroon one if you want, or I have a others in the drawer.” Kiara said, waving her hand over to the dresser in the corner.  
“It’s okay, I have a bikini at home. Besides, you have a smaller chest than me.” You had bought a bikini at the beginning of the season last year when you were feeling especially feminine. You’d never actually worn it because the feeling had passed as quickly as it came, but you kept the suit just in case you ever had that feeling again.  
“I do not.” Kiara replied, looking over at you.  
“Either way...are we taking this party to your house so I can work my ‘makeover skills’?” Sarah asked, looking between the two of you.  
The party of three did move to your house where you let Kiara and Sarah help with your outfit. Sarah lent you her high-waisted jean mini-skirt to wear over the powder blue underwire bikini that you owned. You didn’t look like yourself in the mirror but you did look exactly the way you said you wanted to, like all the girls at the beach that always caught JJ’s eye.  
John B was the first one to see you when you showed up with Kiara and Sarah at the party. He jokingly whistled at you and you rolled your eyes, giving him the finger in reply.  
“Wow,” John B laughed, “can’t even give a compliment.”  
“Is whistling a compliment?” You asked, letting him pull you into a hug.
“You don’t want him to answer that.” Sarah replied, smiling cheekily at her boyfriend.  
John B kept his arm around your shoulders as he walked the three of you down the beach toward the party. Someone had music going but you weren’t paying much attention to it, eyes scanning the crowd for JJ. You wanted to see him see you.  
You got your wish too, as you stepped down to where the keg was set up JJ looked over, eyes going wide at the sight of you dressed more like Sarah Cameron than yourself. He’d seen you in dresses occasionally and there was the year in ninth grade that you were really into makeup but you’d never been in an outfit like this.  
He almost choked on his beer as you stepped out from John B’s arm to greet him and Pope. JJ beelined it in front of Pope to give you a hug. “Hey, you look hot!”
“Seriously JJ,” Kiara rolled her eyes at his compliment, “that’s just as bad at whistling. Could you not objectify people?”
“I’m not objectifying them, am I objectifying you?” JJ asked, pulling away enough to look at you.
“Well, you directed that question at my boobs so...” you said, avoiding looking down to where JJ’s eyes were fixed. He glanced back up at you, biting his lip in an attempt to look innocent.  
“Okay, I would like a hug,” Pope announced, pulling JJ away from you, “and not in a creepy way.”  
“I wasn’t being creepy!” JJ objected, glaring at Pope as you hugged him.  
You were feeling comfortable enough as the night went on, surrounded by friends and kids you knew from the island who knew you. But then the beach started to get more crowded, people you didn’t recognize joining the kegger. You weren’t the only one who was growing increasingly annoyed with the newcomers, JJ was hovering closer and closer to you as the beach got more crowded. You didn’t mind, his presence took your mind off your growing feeling of discomfort over your outfit.  
You had been on board with the idea when Sarah had first suggested it and assured Kiara that you were totally comfortable, that you felt as much like yourself as you always did. But as the night wore on you were beginning to feel less and less like yourself and as people continued to talk to you all you wanted to do was leave.  
“Hey, sad boy, you okay?” JJ asked, coming up beside you. He offered you a drink and you shook your head.
You smiled at the term, JJ always called you boy and it always made you feel better. It was just an instant moment of calm and reassurance. “I’m alright, just feeling a little weird.” You replied. You glanced down at your chest before looking back up at him.  
JJ had been the first person you’d come out to in eighth grade. You had expected him to be the least understanding of you friend group but he was arguably the most. Last year he’d taken the ferry with you to Chapel Hill for your first pride celebration, happily sporting a rainbow painted on his cheek. He’d been surprisingly willing to read articles you offered about genderfluidity.  
“You want my sweatshirt?” JJ asked, he was definitely enjoying the top but he knew how you felt about your chest. You’d told him at homecoming in ninth grade when you burst into tears because of the way your dress fit your upper body.  
“Would you?” You had wanted to impress him. Sure, he was a great friend but you wanted more than that, you wanted him to see you as more than that. But you couldn’t take glancing down and seeing yourself in the bikini top you were wearing. The emphasis on your chest was making you feel sick.  
“I’ll be right back.” He kissed your cheek and then disappeared back into the crowd to find his sweatshirt, leaving you alone again.  
You looked around for someone to talk to and frowned when you made eye contact with a tourist who was making his way over to you. The last thing you wanted to do tonight was occupy some random guy’s time. He didn’t know you were feeling bad and he definitely wasn’t looking to act as therapist tonight. He was just some tourist, here for a week or two and then gone, looking for someone to party with and you definitely fit the bill tonight.  
“Hey, sorry about losing it on that guy,” JJ said, stepping over a piece of drift wood and sitting down next to you in the sand, “I know you’re capable of standing up for yourself or whatever.”
“It’s okay.”
“Just pissed me off, seeing him with you.” JJ admitted.  
“Well,” you shrugged, looking down at the sweatshirt you had borrowed from JJ, “back to normal so I don’t think that’ll be an issue.”  
Unsure what to say, JJ dug in the sand with a stick near his foot, “I liked the new look.”
“That was kind of the point.” You admitted, shifting so that you could look at him. “I was hoping if I dressed like Kiara and Sarah, you’d notice. That you’d think of me that way.”  
“I liked the look,” JJ repeated, “but you don’t have to dress like them. I do notice you. I think of you a hell of a lot more than I think about anyone else.”  
“What?” You sat up a little straighter, surprised at what he said.
“I notice you.” JJ confessed, shrugging as if it was the easiest thing in the world to admit. “When you get super competitive with John B about who’s better at surfing-”
“I am.”
“Yeah you are.” He laughed, “or the weird insistence you have to juggle anytime you see a fruit bowl even though you’re absolute shit at it. Or how you always have like an arsenal of stuff in your backpack-”
“You never bring sunscreen!”  
“What I’m trying to say is, yeah I liked the way you looked tonight but you don’t have to dress like that to get my attention...if that’s why you were doing it. You look equally as hot in what you usually wear.” JJ replied. Sure he’d said dumb stuff about you being like a sister to him before but you guys had been in eighth grade back than and he was a lot stupider when he was thirteen. He wasn’t that stupid anymore.  
You laughed, “thanks.”  
JJ put his arm around you, pulling you into his side and kissing your head, “my sunny boy is back.”  
“Shut up!”  
“I’ve liked you for a while now...I’m just not really good at this stuff.” He shrugged.  
“As opposed to what other stuff?”
“You know...I’m highly skilled in other areas.”
“Aw, gross JJ is back, just when we were having a moment.” You teased, smiling at him.  
He smiled at you before looking back at the party going on, “do you wanna go?” JJ asked, setting his cup on the ground and standing up.  
“I don’t want you to have to leave.” You replied, knowing that JJ always loved beach parties. More than anyone else.
“Honestly I’d rather have pizza and watch a shit movie with you.” JJ said, offering you his hand. You let him pull you up.  
“Extra cheese?”
“Is there any other kind?”  
taglist: @maplelattes22 @poguesrforlife  @freckled-and-daydreaming  @chasefreakinstokes @millie-753 @fangirlwithme @alex12948 @howdyherron @katherine097 @tangledinsparkles @tragicmisfits @carbonated-beverage @mariofgreengables @damonsalvawhore27 @ssprayberrythings @dopedoodes @dolanfivsosxox @belledutchess @poguelifeeee @jjsthumbring @faded-blue @parkerpetertingle @thebookwormlife @jolomez @timotaychalabae 
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My Sister - #95
A text convo between my sister and her boyfriend:
Boyfriend: "OH my GOD"
Sister: "What???!!!"
S: "Merrrrrr?! Tell me!!!!"
BF: "This is the crispiest peach I've ever had!!
S: 😐........
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solbabies · 4 years
Hey, could you write a fanfic about the missing scenes after yesterday's clip? A still out of it and not completely well Eliott realizing Lola is 'fine'? I think they both need a convo and honestly, after yesterday's clip I'm worried more about Eliott now that we know that Lola is safe. Don't get me wrong, I'm still worried about her
Ah, yes the missing scenes! I hope I can provide a small sense of closure for you and I hope that this is what you were looking for! Thank you for the request! 
AO3- Book_Lover2001
Eliott could feel Lucas’ hand on his back; he could feel his presence next to him like a comforting, soothing force. He could see him, worry and fear creased in the lines of his face all for a girl who he barely knew, all for a situation they couldn’t control. Eliott felt him, saw him, and yet it was as if he wasn’t there. It was as if Eliott was underwater and everything was out of reach, floating away from Lucas the further he sunk.
He was better than he was last weekend, but not entirely. He still felt like he was trapped under a sheet of ice, or like he was living out of his body, or like he just woke up from a long nap-- pick whichever analogy you want to use, but none could truly describe how off he felt.
Daphné had gone up the tower thirty minutes ago and for each minute that passed, Eliott slipped an inch further. Lucas didn’t speak, afraid that he might say the wrong thing and unsure if the moment required arbitrary small talk or the mutterings of hopeful optimism.
“Was this how you felt when I ran off?” Eliott asked, his voice far off in a daze as his eyes never broke from the doorway. He could sense his boyfriend watching him, as the question hung in the air.
“Yes and no,” Lucas finally replied with a soft tone. “I felt, unsure, afraid, worried, a bit lost, but the difference is I knew where you were.”
“I don’t like feeling like this.” Lucas reached up and placed a gentle hand on his cheek, in a loving manor.
“She’ll be okay. She’s strong, like you.” As if Lucas' words triggered the mercy of the universe, the door of the building swung open and Daphné walked out with Lola tucked under her arm. Eliott felt all the air leave his lungs at the sight of his friend safe, but suddenly he didn’t know what to do. Should he hug her? Should he say something? Lucas’ touch ran down Eliott’s arm before dropping entirely, as if giving him permission to leave his side, but Eliott stayed frozen.
Daphné and Lola came up to them, and the latter looked up at Eliott, her eyes full of… everything; apology, embarrassment, pain, fear, confusion, relief and all of it made Eliott’s mouth dry.
“I’m sorry,” she cried quietly, tears falling down her face and immediately Eliott pulled her into a hug. “I’m sorry.”
Lucas held Daphné as all the energy seemed to be drained from her, her face slack and pale from a night none of them would forget anytime soon. He muttered something into her ear, to which she nodded. Lola looked up and over at the two, before lowering her gaze. Lucas reached out and ran his hand over her hair, a gesture that meant more to her than Eliott believed his boyfriend knew.
The cab ride was rigidly silent as they drove back to the Lecomte house, with Lola between Daphné and Eliott as if she might vanish into thin air if they let her go. When they stepped out onto the street in front of the apartment complex, Lola dropped Daphné's hand.
“Do I have to go up right away?” Daphné looked between her sister and Eliott, then a flicker over to Lucas before taking a shaky breath.
“Come on, Daphy,” Lucas spoke calmly, wrapping his arm around her. “Let’s make you some tea.” Lucas locked eyes with Eliott for a moment, a silent agreement between the two; an acknowledgement of trust.
As the two retreated inside, Eliott and Lola took up a spot on the stoop, as Parisians walked the streets unaware of what they had been going through all night.
“Please, Lola,” Eliott cut her off with a quiet voice. “Don’t apologize.”
“I’ve messed everything up,” she muttered, her fingers laced together in her lap.
“You haven’t,” he disagreed, shaking his head. She looked to him, her lips set in a line, her jaw tight.
“I hurt you and Lucas.” The confession made his stomach sink, an awful churning sensation that made him want to cry. He didn’t know what to say.
“You can’t be blaming yourself for things that I did. I should have known better.”
“But I knew you couldn’t drink and I still made you do it.”
“You didn’t pour beer and vodka down my throat, Lola,” he argued, with restraint. She turned her eyes away, looking out onto the road in front of them.
“I still said things… stupid things that hurt you.”
“Yes, but I believed them when I shouldn’t have,” Eliott sighed, running a hand over his face. “We both made mistakes Lola, but that doesn’t make you a horrible person.”
“Lucas hates me.”
“Lucas doesn’t hate you,” he replied with a huff. “He’s been worried all night, just as much as I have. He’s kept the level head to make sure we didn’t all freak out, and he’s the one who talked to Daphné, helping her think about where you could have been. You care too much about what people think of you.”
“I keep hearing that,” she said drily but not without a small shadow of distant appreciation behind her expression.
“I tried too hard to fix you,” Eliott began slowly. “And it pushed you further.” She didn’t reply. “And if anyone should’ve known that you couldn’t be healed so easily, it should’ve been me.”
“I put too much pressure on you-- you’re not a therapist or my phycologist,” she admitted. “I… I need to be more of a friend.”
“I think we both do,” Eliott nodded. “Less doctor and patient and more ‘friend who needs help sometimes’ and ‘other friend who needs help sometimes’.” She snorted at this, the first moment of levity of the night--well, early morning. In the moment of silence that followed, he stood up in a stretch offering a hand to her. She took it, rising to her feet, and then reached for the door.
“I didn’t mean to drag you down with me,” she promised, opening it.
“And I didn’t mean to go down so willingly.”
“You were strong tonight,” Lucas mumbled proudly, running his fingers through Eliott’s hair as the older boy pressed himself to his boyfriend under the blanket.
“I feel sick,” Eliott told him. He could hear Lucas steady heartbeat, the sound calming his own racing thoughts.
“It was a lot to go through,” he agreed, holding him tightly. “I didn’t expect you to walk away unphased.”
“I think I’m slipping.”
“Minute by minute, my love,” Lucas whispered into his hair.
“I was getting better.”
“You can’t think about it like moving backwards,” he explained softly. “You just have to move forwards.”
“This has been an awful year,” Eliott said. Lucas placed a kiss on the top of his head, before resuming to play with strands of his hair.
“Not entirely. For this minute let's just think about all the good things.”
“You start.”
“Okay, Lola’s safe, you’re safe, and I’m safe. There, that’s three things. Your turn.”
“We moved in together.”
“You haven’t burned our kitchen down and we’ve had a surprisingly low number of food poisoning cases.” Eliott laughed at the comment, far from feeling better but now slightly lighter.
“I’m tired,” he spoke with a yawn.
“Go to sleep,” Lucas hummed. “I’ll still be here when you wake up.”
“I love you.”
“Me too,” Lucas replied with a breath. “Just remember that and we'll be perfectly fine.”
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Things i loved about season 4
- The Nun scene. Honestly the sheer level of galaxy brain Ludo Besse has when writting these seasons lol. It was a very clever pararell to have the nun mistake Sana for another Sister, in a country as catholic as Italy, its al simple way of putting the hijab into perspective, no one sees a nun and thinks the same things they do when they see a muslim girl wearing a veil, even when they are essentially pretty similar: an expression of their religion. I really liked it (and the conversation under the candlelight just felt a whole other level of intimate so thats a plus)
- The Luai storyline. Man i loved this bit of the season, can we talk about the scene where Nico and Luai see each other at the club? The song choice? The shots? GOLDEN. I like that there are no real villains in this story (except for Luai's parents) what happened between them wasnt the result of someone in the baloon squad being homophobic, they were both victims of the circumstances and i love that Luai currently has a boyfriend, i've never been happier for a side character in my life.
- Sana. I enjoyed Sana a lot, she is sweet, she is akward, is a different take on her character and i liked it very much. What i loved the most was that the side plots from the og are still mostly there but this time they are constructed so they still revolve around Sana and her struggles. After the fight with Marti and the Rose Squad when she stays there alone with blood on her hand and both of her worlds (the contrabandieri and the Rose Squad) just walk away from her and she is just crying...that hit me hard (kudos to Bea, her acting was also very good), it made the scene more about her and what it meant for her than about the external drama, and then she justs keeps getting hit when she hears the UFB talking about her and finally Eva and Malik kissing... i could feel the weight of everything that had happened that night just falling on her shoulders and my heart shrank...her character was so well constructed im glad she got such a great season.
- The Rose Squad. I loved them, three out of four of them have clear characterization and it just placed them really high on my list...Ludo managed to make me care about Luai who has a total of like, 5 lines so i think its safe to say they are very well written and very well used.
-Filippo. At this point Filo is the father of half of that school i swear, it laughed so much with his scenes, from drunk Rami to Martino being a mess and just giving up on life in Filo's bedroom, also the fan service with Elia, i would've enjoyed it more had they not implaid that Elia was going to date Emma there at the end. (We stan safe sex kids)
- Episode 8. Was such a beautiful episode to watch, Martino and Sana are one of my favorite Isak-Sana dynamics after Amira and Cris, i loved their conversation cause it was more about understanding each other, Sana was right about some things and Martino was right about others, it was nice to see her finally open up to someone after just botteling up her emotions for the entire season, it was really sweet. Her message to the girls was heartbreaking, i legit cried and had to rewind the video cause my vision kept getting blurry and i kept missing parts of her speech, again Bea's acting really helped here, episode 8 was Sana not only opening up to her friends, but to us as the audience, that even after 7 episodes on her POV, still didnt understand her actions very well, it was a nice way of complementing the new perspectice her convo with Marti had given us, i loved it. (Also hide and seek to reunite Niccotino? I love Ludo Besse)
- The girl squad. I always thought Eva was very underapreciated (which is why i adore Skam España for giving her more to do after her season), i dont know why, but since the first time i saw norweiang Eva's season she stayed in my heart, and this version of Eva is one i love as well, i enjoyed her character and honestly her last scene with Gio? GOLD, her letter? One of the best things to come out of the Skam universe, i want to thank Ludo for handling her with such love. Silvia i really liked, her clip really puts things into perspective and i love that they kept her cat as an actual consistent plot device, she's had a nice character development, from wanting desperately to be noticed by the school coolest boy, to simply not caring about boys to finally opening up to someone, truly letting them in and accept herself, no only her body, but who she was. Finally Fede... the backstory of why she spoke to Sana was something i really appreciated, as well as the fact of her being so ashamed of what she he had done, i like that story because it shows how people can change once their prejudice is deconstructed, specially at that age we are the product of the education we were given, things like homophobia, sexism or xenophobia althought still not acceptable for a teenager, dont mean that they can't be redeemed, that their world view can't change in the future and that they can't grow. It was nice, you may have been an asshole in the past but as long as you understand what you did wrong and geniunly apologize, there is no reason for us to think someone cannot be redeemed.
- Every. Malik. And. Sana. Scene. Was so amazingly shot and constructed that even when i understood 30% of the dialogue the first time i watched it without subtitles i was smiling like an idiot, the date scene, those last few seconds? Them just staring into each others eyes? No kiss scene would've made us feel what that made us feel and that is a testament not only to good acting, but to the amazing direction of Ludo Besse.
- Ludovico Bessegato. This man has so much love for this project it shows on the end result, Skam Italia is pretry similar to the og in terms of plot, but Ludo made it stand out with his characters, his cinematography and some minor changes. The result is a story most of us already knew and loved with characters that some of us might love more than the originals in a setting that for me personally is more relatable than the norweiang one and has earned a place in my heart. I still can't believe he alone had to manage social media for the first seasons and had to fight with Timvision to get the show done, im so happy his work, and the work of all the other people who poured their hearts into this project (including the actors) got rewarded in such a way.
- The final speech. I understood very little of it while watching the first time, but that didnt stop me from crying like a baby while Gio read the letter, i found i cared for every person on that screen, from all of them i had good memories on the show and i couldn't believe that a fictional story could make such an impact in me, specially since this is the second time i see it, i'm probably way to biased with this show and the truth is idk why,i couldn't pin point the things that make me love it the way i do, i just do, and i am very satisfied with this ending, if this is the end.
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Rio & Liam
Rio: Erm, hi, what the actual fuck
Liam: how can I help you
Rio: Okay no, do not try to be cute with me right now
Rio: How do you even know my sister
Rio: do you
Liam: we’re both taken, ain’t we, and your sister wouldn’t like me being cute with anyone else rn
Liam: it’s a long story, I dunno why you’d wanna hear it from me instead of her
Rio: Believe me, I am trying to contact her
Rio: Do you really think this is appropriate?
Liam: you’re gonna tell me why you don’t think it is, that’s why you’re here
Liam: not my pov, yeah though
Rio: I’m here to ask you what you’re doing and why, both of which you’ve avoided answering so yeah, that’s not worrying AT ALL
Liam: you can see what’s happening and as she’s your sister I assumed you’d see why anyone would think it’s worth doing
Rio: You realise how that makes you sound, yeah
Rio: So you’ve just hit up a random girl who’s two years younger than you because you think she’s fit
Liam: you’re twisting it to make me sound like that bc you’ve already decided how this convo is gonna go, like I said
Liam: I didn’t know anything about her when we first started talking but am I mad she ended up being fit, no
Rio: If you had anything to say for yourself then I wouldn’t have to fill in the blanks
Rio: You aren’t exactly making it sound like you’re anything but guilty
Rio: Did you start talking to her or her to you?
Liam: [a screenshot of her post on the ARG thread and your reply because of course you have that]
Liam: guilty of what, having a common interest
Rio: Aren’t those places anonymous
Rio: So, what, she’s just giving out her info to anyone on the internet?
Rio: Great
Liam: she’s smarter than that
Rio: She’s my sister, I know what she’s like
Rio: Just say what you mean and what happened, it shouldn’t be difficult if you have nothing to hide
Liam: then you know she made we work for knowing more about her and I did
Rio: And you like her, do you
Liam: why are you phrasing it like I shouldn’t, she’s incredible
Rio: I’m not
Rio: that’s twisting it
Rio: but you’re an older lad, she’s never had a boyfriend
Rio: I just don’t think this is ideal for her first experience
Liam: what’s better about a lad from her year, I’ll look after her
Rio: It isn’t really about the age, it’s about experience
Liam: I dunno what Lex has told you but it sounds like she’s lying
Rio: I know Lex too
Liam: it didn’t work with her, maybe she’s still annoyed about it
Rio: She hasn’t said anything against you, FYI
Liam: she’s your mate, you wouldn’t really say if she had
Rio: It’s not about Lexie anyway
Rio: I still don’t understand how you and Edie started talking, outside of the forum thing
Liam: how we are, we found out who each other was and moved it here
Rio: Right…
Rio: And you have things in common, that’s more than how it seems
Rio: Can you like, not break her heart
Rio: Because then we will have a problem
Liam: we won’t ever have a problem
Rio: I know she looks and acts mature, but she’s not
Rio: well, she’s still just a kid, you know what I mean
Liam: she’s not a kid, but she 👀 at the world how they do, sometimes, not having that in common is why I wouldn’t hurt her
Rio: Does that not put you off?
Liam: it’s not a - it’s a +
Rio: She doesn’t need a protector, that isn’t your job
Liam: it’s not your job to tell me what she needs, I know it’s not me
Rio: What do you think she needs?
Liam: I’m not gonna out her like that
Rio: What does that even mean
Liam: my thoughts are coming from what she’s said to me, maybe it’s private or maybe you already know, but if you don’t, I’m not betraying her trust
Rio: If there’s something wrong or she’s in trouble you need to tell me
Liam: she’s not, and there’s nothing wrong, she could just be happier
Rio: Well couldn’t everyone
Liam: everyone don’t get the chance
Rio: I’m not going to rail on you if you think you can make her happy
Rio: that’s sweet and I’m not a massive bitch
Rio: I’m just a little shocked
Liam: me too when it ended up being her, it’s a massive thread
Rio: I’m not trying to out her, or anything like that and if you say anything about her it’s over for you
Rio: but have you considered she searched you out specifically?
Rio: She’s really smart
Liam: why me
Rio: Come on, Liam
Rio: She clearly thinks you’re amazing, and she’s not the only one interested
Liam: she was as surprised
Rio: Okay, if you’re sure
Rio: You don’t know anything about what’s been happening to Lexie, do you?
Liam: I’m camping with my dad, what’s happening with Lexie
Rio: Edie hasn’t mentioned anything?
Liam: what’s it gotta do with Edie
Rio: Hopefully nothing, don’t worry
Liam: you’re seriously not gonna fill in the blanks
Rio: Ha, the level we are not at there yet
Rio: I believe you, so the Lexie stuff is clearly unrelated to this, you don’t need to know
Liam: she did message me asking questions that made no sense, so if she thinks I did something I wanna know
Rio: Someone did do something, she’ll work it out
Rio: it isn’t my information to spread around, that doesn’t seem sensible
Liam: if she’s spreading round it’s me, it’s uncool of you to not give me any info at all
Rio: She isn’t
Rio: she’s looking at all eventualities and you are her ex, that’s how your name came up, she hasn’t told people it was you, by any means
Liam: the timing is funny, I get a new girlfriend and she’s trying to make me look bad
Rio: I can see that
Rio: but there’s been videos, things left at her house
Rio: I don’t think it was you, I’m not saying that, but she’s shown me
Rio: What would that mean, she’d done it herself? idk, also sounds funny
Rio: it’s clearly just an unrelated weirdo and the timing is a coincidence
Liam: she should be more careful what she posts, if some random has found her house
Rio: It must be someone else from her real life
Rio: even peripherally
Rio: I don’t know, but you’re fine, she’s not talking shit about you
Rio: even if she’s a little salty, she’s not going to stoop that low, truly
Liam: I don’t think she’s still hung up on me or something, my ego’s not crazy big
Rio: She liked you, but it was a while ago now
Rio: and she isn’t going to say or do anything to hurt my sister in front of me, or behind my back if she knows what’s good so
Liam: she came across happy for us in my comments, but I never could read her
Rio: No?
Rio: well, reading her isn’t your priority now, right
Liam: it’ll make me sound like a dick if I admit it wasn’t ever enough of a priority for me, but you clearly respect honesty
Rio: It’s okay, you weren’t well-suited, it’s not a crime
Rio: it would be more problematic if you were still trying to make things work now
Rio: sorry, I should say I never thought you were a match, and I’ve told her so I’m not being two-faced by dropping that here
Liam: I shouldn’t have done it
Rio: I don’t blame you
Rio: neither does Lex, I’m sure
Liam: would she forgive me if I can find out who’s doing this to her, it’s not the same, but I helped Edie with some lads in her dms, I might be able to
Rio: You did?
Rio: I didn’t even know
Rio: but then, she hadn’t mentioned you until today’s announcement so, I guess that’s an us thing
Rio: I mean, yeah, I’m sure she’d be really grateful for that; you really think you can?
Liam: I can try, Edie’s busy getting ready for a show and it’s fucking boring here
Rio: Is it just you and your dad?
Liam: yeah
Rio: I feel for you
Liam: we got off on the wrong foot at the start and I’m not trying to go back to there, I wanna be clear that, like, this has been quick and I know how it looks
Rio: I appreciate that
Rio: I’m also not trying to start anything here, it isn’t personal with regards to you, it only was because she’s my little sister
Rio: But if you like her and she likes you, then this is fine
Liam: she’s unlike anyone I’ve ever met and I know loads of people
Rio: She is
Rio: She’s special, even if I’m biased
Liam: I’ve told her she can do better but she don’t believe me
Rio: If she wants you, then I support her
Rio: It’s not about ideals, or some other in-theory notion like that
Liam: it was about the view you had of me that you got from somewhere, apparently not Lexie
Rio: You said yourself, it looks suspect
Rio: she hadn’t mentioned you until this and I had no idea you knew each other
Liam: but if it was only that you wouldn’t be throwing out lines about experience like there’s something you wanna say about me specifically
Rio: Do I need to spell that out?
Rio: I just meant she’s 14 and hasn’t had a boyfriend before, you’re 16 and have had girlfriends… that’s all I was saying
Rio: if that was your intention, I wouldn’t want that for her
Rio: but you’ve made it clear it’s more than that
Liam: no I’ve not, if there were any girls between her and your sister the Lexie thing wouldn’t be as weird as it is
Rio: Oh, sorry, I just assumed
Liam: I still don’t think she’s doing it herself it’s just the timing that’s making me ??!
Rio: You don’t think it’s Edie, do you?
Rio: I didn’t want to say before because I’m sure she’d be furious at me for even suggesting that but
Liam: even if I could think of a why, she wouldn’t have had time, with setting the show up and this ARG we’re making, that’s the shit I know about, there’s gonna be loads of surprises she’s sorted for when I get back too
Rio: I am not going to pretend I remember what ARG stands for but that’s a relief
Rio: I really do not want to come at her with that energy
Rio: You guys are sweet, it’s nice to see
Liam: you should come to see her perform, Lex too if she wants
Rio: When is it? She never tells me anything
Liam: [the date and the place]
Liam: she wasn’t gonna go but I’ve never seen her on stage
Rio: Typical, I was meant to be in London then
Rio: I’ll see if we can swap and be here instead
Liam: there’ll be others if not
Rio: She’s not going to invite me herself, at least this time I can say you did
Liam: cool, throw me under the bus, that’s fine 😏
Rio: it’s the honeymoon phase, she isn’t going to get mad at you 😉
Liam: 🥺 will work
Rio: I don’t want to hear about your tactics, thank you
Liam: don’t worry, it ain’t what I’m gonna really do
Rio: I should hope not!
Rio: would not be the move to tell me about it
Liam: I probably shouldn’t have talked to you this long, if she don’t tell you things
Rio: She doesn’t NOT tell me things
Liam: no massive secrets implied by me for a second time
Rio: It’s a part of growing up, right
Rio: you don’t tell your parents everything either
Liam: how I grew up isn’t the standard, I dunno
Rio: It must’ve made you all close
Liam: we still didn’t tell our parents anything, must be universal
Rio: I think so
Rio: what they don’t know, eh
Liam: yeah
Rio: Well, I’ll let you get back to not loving camping then
Liam: and I’ll let you get back to trying to contact Edie
Rio: I’ll see her at home
Rio: Can’t avoid me forever
Liam: I couldn’t bring her, next time 📴👋
Rio: It’s a bit soon for sleepovers, honey
Rio: Nice try though
Rio: Thanks for talking to me, eventually 😏
Rio: See you around 😊
Liam: it's a yearly tradition, no need to go back to that way of thinking about me
Rio: I’m just joking, your dads there too, I know
Rio: it’s your birthday, right?
Rio: Happy Birthday for the actual day
Liam: I didn't realise you knew when my birthday was
Rio: I remember it being sometime in the summer, we have been in the same classes forever, that’s not weird, right
Liam: you remember my name on the list of all the kids getting that shared happy birthday cheer in final assembly before school ended, you mean
Rio: Hey, my birthday is in December so you’ll get no sympathy from me, all anyone cares about is their own presents 🎅
Liam: 💔 sorry
Rio: No need, I still find a way to get spoilt
Rio: Are you doing anything when you get back?
Liam: my ma'd be 💔 if I don't
Rio: Duh, I meant with Edie or your friends though
Liam: can't let my parents have all the fun
Rio: Definitely not
Liam: you know Edie, I won’t be bored even when summer’s been and gone
Rio: That’s true
Rio: for 😁 and 😬
Liam: you added the 😬 not me
Rio: that is exclusive to my big sister role, for sure
Rio: it’d be rude if you were
Liam: I used to get loads of 😬 off my own big sister, she’d have called it a + too
Rio: that’s our job
Rio: guinea pig and middle man
Rio: You must miss her even more, on special occasions
Liam: it’s easier to find ways not to on special occasions, mates buy you rounds, think nothing of keeping the party going for a couple of days, I miss her more after, when shit’s meant to go back to normal
Rio: No, that makes sense actually, when you say it like that
Rio: it’s the everyday, little things, they affect you more
Liam: she’d be 18 and too cool to 🥳 with me, but yeah, later on, that’s when she should be around, to tell me what she did on her 16th was better
Rio: It’s fucked she didn’t get to her 18th, it really is
Rio: I’m sure it would have been epic and you’d happily take that 🥈
Rio: Still, make sure you have a good day, yeah?
Rio: 16 is a biggie too
Liam: I will, I’ll be with Edie
Rio: 😊🧡
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stray-tori · 3 years
An Innocent Sin & the good gay flashback ft. my descent into madness
I wasn’t sure if I should post this but I mostly want it archived so here we go. This is from like,, September?
So. “An Innocent Sin” is a dumpster fire unlike anything I’ve ever seen. I don’t remember why I decided to read it. maybe I was crazy. Either way... I read it. It soon started to touch upon (very very outlandish) sexual abuse which I thought was interesting. (the angst, not so much some of the wack circumstances surrounding it)
ANYWAY. at some point... we have a flashback. And not just that. It has a gay character.
And it turns rly gay. which mind you, is still in a het smut manwha (that has a “gay” side couple, but still!)
And it destroyed me.
For those who want to read it because I genuinely think the flashback is a decent bit, it’s all the bonus chapters between chapter 77 and 78 I think. There’s a part before that too, but idk where exactly anymore. (It’s on lezhin! or your platform of choosing)
I don’t THINK you’ll need any other knowledge to get the flashback bit? but it’s been a while.
Below the cut (rip mobile users), you can read all of my amazing reactions (all of these were text messages, for context - but I took most of the replies and convos about other things out). Post is also tagged as long post. :))
(i’m serious, this is fucking long)
Here I am. Liking the gay flashback character. Feck. Main dude is still straight but idk it's cute pff
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This is a mess. The girl white hair likes, likes black hair, maybe, but thinks white hair is attractive
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What just happened is sth I'd like to know too pff He's so cute tho omg. Watch me melt Can we stay in this flashback before everything got perverted af and before white hair gets assaulted all the time I would send an eyebrow emote if I could Context: he's asking he says it again
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Ik it's not mutual but loookkk he's so sweet. He's kinda rude in present time, can't we stay in this flashback forever
I never asked for gay, never expected gay but I got gay
This story is trash why am I still reading it shdhhd
He caught his mom cheating. And now she's forcing him to watch??? What is thissss Well adoptive mom But still sudhdidu what Bitch how dare YOU exist
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Save my babyyyy
Yay sister that's not yet a rapist to the rescueee
This flashback is actually just nicer in every way let's just stay here This is a super long flashback btw Idek anymore what triggered it
Okay I think I'm gonna make the sensible decision and let this dumpster fire rest and just go sleep
It was very wild. I kinda wanna see white hair get therapy but it has 90 chapters and I'm at like 30... So I'm very concerned this is gonna be very dragged out. Idek if it's even finished ahahsududi - but I do kinda wanna see where it goes and see more cute Noah (white hair) so. Here we are.
yeahhh like i was down for the sexual abuse angst but then the mother killed the adoptive son's mother bc the dad had a thing for her?? and it was someone a person studying with white hair knew and so he's investigating and I'm like how did this turn into a crime organisation kind of plot
hhhhhhh i... i appreciate these horny things also tackling abuse but it always kind of gives me weird vibes to have both, especially when its very horny. And when people are horny to people who've been abused. Idk but I'd assume... you might try NOT to tie them up if they're frequently bondaged during their assaults. I'm just.... disjdksdj hello?? am i weird?? why are they fine with it???
also this manwha is so wild, theres this murder mystery investigation thing and then theres just a couple doing honry stuff sprinkled in between and i'm like OKAY
they rescued a guy in their basement and he's understandably very traumatized and they're trying to question him cut to our main couple trying bondage which i still dont understand bECAUSE HE'S A RAPE VICITM WHY ARE YOU OKAY WITH THIS the ones questioning arent the main couple of course but idshkjds
like im glad he's somehow okay with all this horny stuff despite his trauma and im glad he can be happy and have a nice relationship but DO WE NEED THIS MUCH OF IT he's very cute tho
i like that even when i try other stuff lezhin recommends me it still has large amount of gay in it
[mei: i mean... that's pretty great, if you ask me]
I mean I agree, I'm enjoying the gay eheheh these tonal whiplashes there's not even that much white space between the panels fhjd nvm it just turned horny goddamn it can there be 1 chapter without fucking? okay, there were the flashbacks
WE ARE BACK IN FLASHBACKS but im not getting the gay relationship, sad
OH WAIT AM I GETTING GAY COMFORT bc thats very good too
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OH NNOOO this turned sad very quickly
I'M :((((
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different species confirmed
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I rly like them :((( I like the current girl too but it's just..... very horny with her. the flashbacks are nice [current tori edit: she’s very unloyal idk why i said I liked her] im weird HHHHH RIPPP 
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someone help him he looks so saddddd
not sure if thats the most healthy relationship but I'LL TAKE IT
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AWWW black hair's mom cooks mild food for them bc Noah can't eat spicy food :((( im soft
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i feel like theyve done much more bonding than noah's current relationship. I mean yes I think its cute when she comforts him, too, but they rarely do anything besides be horny together
best buildup, honestly
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the position is hornier than I'd like later here goes hope it stays cute
D-did someone just respect the word "stop"??? I am amazed
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i think you might uh. have some trauma stuff too so yknow
Dohye is a little dramatic in his reassurance but it's all rly cute so I'm :(( I like them a lot pls stay like this getting invested in flashbacks is always like: ik it wont stay but pls stay like this
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chapters ending in "i wanna touch him" is never good. I'm scared. Oh okay he didnt do anything. PHEW. He's already better than the girl, can't they just end up together lmao
[Noah was jealous]
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w-why do you look so evil dohye haukdhjs
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oh. oh no. the horny is starting. pls dont... just be cute forever
DOHYE NO YOU WERE SO DECENT WHY ARE YOU LYING ABOUT KOREAN TRADITIONS TO GET HIM TO DO STUFF HORNY STUFF TOO NO PLS STOP I JUST- WHEEE TvT the manwha is actually less visually horny in the flashbacks but im not sure if its bc its BL which isnt rly the genre of the manwha or if its bc they're still kids basically, which... I'd respect the latter, tho I'd prefer it to be like this constantly haha
okay. he's not respecting stop anymore, but it's also more of embarrassed nature more than "no i dont want this stop" so maybe i can forgive it. Still losing points, but he hugged him and it was sweet so HHHHHHHHHHH NOT SURE HOW I SHOULD JUDGE THIS SITUATION
They [Noah’s family] forbid him to visit his friends house I AM DEVASTATED
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understandable they're a rapist, a fucked up murderer mother and a father with a thing for younger women so
tho he dont know any of that but yknow he's so pretty just fucking end me on the spot
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they are boyfriends and ik from the future that his sister is gonna ruin it allll she has those drugs that make visual imaginations feel like they rly happened to the person (dont know if thats real but holy fuck its terrifying) and she's used it before to say that Noah assualted her. and im pretty sure shes gonna use it again bc there was a panel of Noah remembering Dohye being uhhhh intimate with her and thats why Noah began to hate him and im so sad im not ready for it. bc he's denied it in the future and i honestly couldnt see it happening even before that or she drugged Dohye, i guess thats a possibility too
[current tori: oh girl, it’s neither and it’s wack]
which if, btich you gonna die even more enough rambling, more reading. this makes me so sad but also spicy
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on the manwha note, he thinks Noah doesnt like his family bc he's adopted and doesnt feel comfy which....... fair enough i suppose. and he's so cute im gonna melt just looK AT THIS 
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OH MY GODDDD he ate like ice and gum and all that, and Dohye assumed it was bc of the more spicy food and got rl worried, but he was just trying to get the smell out of his breath bc he wanted to kiss him ukhsdjs HOW CAN YOU BE SO CUTE HELLLOOOOOOOOO
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look at them. LOOK AT mY BABIESSSS
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how am i ever gonna care about the main couple again aww he-he wanted to go to the same highschool as him :((( im sad bc i know its not gonna happennnnnn
[mei: also at this point, you're literally never gonna care about them. i don't even know the main couple that well and i honestly don't care about them whatsoever.]
WAIT NO they're actually going to the same school awww ik it wont take long until sister fucks it up for them but for now theyre so sweet ohmygodddd
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cant he move in with them, fuck his family honestly
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dohye he's not a fucking pokemon iukhsdjs
oh. its. turning horny i am displeased with this development but i guess its natural for their relationship however COULD YOU DO IT AT HOME AND NOT IN SOME DUSTY SMALL ROOM how do ppl do this i like that the comments too are just "... is anyone still carng about the other girl?" sakjds
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this is the best 3 panels in existence.
h-he just took your hand dohye idk what to tell you
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[mei: "you blush at everything i do" god if that isn't me, idk what is]
awww its cute dohye is getting bonus points bc he invited Noah over while his mom wasnt home, they watched some sexual stuff and he DIDNT try to do anything what is this where can i get more of this
"well im not okay"
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they still didnt do much btw they're just kinda exploring and its honestly nice TvT I dont want this to ever endddd
[Dohye sees Noah’s sister and approaches her] N O
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this is the starttttt of something.......... TERRIBLEEEE 
:((( babyyyy
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Noah was drugged im sure. hes having dreams and waking up in pain and the sister is asking doyhe over I DONT LIKE THISSSSSSS OH HE DECLINED
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OKAY OKAY he saw him with her again but it was from behind and im not sure if it rly happened??? oh no this is terrible. Noah :((( poor child
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i am so emo about this
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[reminder he’s been abused TvT]
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[the sister: “Don’t you want to know why?”]
i will. murder someone he called to ask her to delete his number btw what is this manwha but this is just gonna make it that more tragic when whatever happens that breaks them apart :(((
he's such a good bf but Noah just wont TELL him his side I'M SO SAD
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It cant end im actually tearing up nooo you were so cuteeee and happpyyy
[*sister is telling dohye to come to the gym hall*]
what else is she gonna do she already teared [current tori: ahem... T O R E] them apart THAT'S NOT DOYhE. THATS NEVER HIM. OH MY GOD. is it a look alike??? damn, she's dedicated to just. ruining it, huh
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now he's switching SCHOOLS NO NOOOOO how will i ever find happiness againnnn NO they're misunderstanding further they're not talking properly i mean i get it but oh my god
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I'M :((( 
NO NOOOO pls make up in the future at least omg he tried to clear it up tooo ahhh i dont even have hopes for them getting back together but i just i want them to clear it up im crying first manwha to make me cry and it's this dumpster fire ahaha maybe a little too bc it kinda hit a little close to home i guess but goddamnn ittttt they were so cuteee and so happy and AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
OH NO. Noahs getting drugged and assaulted. And he's realizing it happened before, he just forgot. I am. so sad it's not horny drawn either which i appreciate but MY HEART NO
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Im. gonna cry more 
Doyhe kept an eye on him im so emo :(( but he thought he was doing well enough and gave up.... Im im so sad no i want you to make up and get back together its all just a stupid........... MEHHHH will i ever find sth like this flashback again
[mei: p-probably not, no]
i am so devasted i dont even wanna go back to the main couple just fucking. i want this relationship back :(((( but i guess the investigation might end up somewhere so hhh hhhhhhhhhhhhhh the baker manwha had a similar flashback feeling so. i just gotta find more of that haha
BUT THIS WAS SO SAD??? im so emo
[Dohye got kidnapped // the flashback commentary stops here but I think my descend into madness is pretty funny too]
its. actually rly smart to have another, more focused on them flashback, before the arc where he gets kidnapped by the rapist murder household so. good job. from a meta perspective but also NO but also. maybe theres hope for them making up at least after all :(((
[main couple kissing] this is. very weird now. but im glad he has someone, he deserves it but dohyeeeee
and switching to sex, YET AGAIN now i wanna see this EVEN LESS THAN I DID BEFOREEEE it's even.... a threesome now with one of the other characters why are you like this why can't you be. like in the flashback i am so upset HAHHHHH WHEEEZEEEE
I am just stop fucking jesus christ PLEASE I DONT WANNA SEE IT ANYMOREEEEE
im just stop the horny pls just tell me who that new guy is and why doyhe likes him so much
[mei: this manwha is a fucking mess but at least we got your lovely commentary out of it]
dhsuksj thanks i feel honored at least i got cute BL out of it before everything went [back] to shit
[mei: THAT TOO]
tbh im getting kinda mad about doyhe... i dont... feel like he'd just fall instantly for a guy who looks like Noah... but eh not my character
i just want closure for dohye at this point, fuck everything else ... not literally pls theres already too much of that
pls get it together for like 1 chapter is the investigation even still happening i am so confused save dohye plEASE wait what i have less than 10 episodes left Dont tell me this shit isnt even wrapped up yet
[Dohye is having a breakdown over the Noah double not coming to see him anymore]
yeah i this... doesnt feel like Dohye... at all... Even when Noah was rejecting him he was just kind of... taking it with some humor and maybe he was a little desperate and risky sometimes but... oh well... i do want him to get better but... im having a hard time believeing this development??? he never seemed overly anxious or anything. but who knows what else they did to him. Sister can still go fuck off tho
i mean. i liked the flashbacks a lot honestly??? it stayed simple and focused on the dynamics and less trying to balance smut with murder plots
okay i dont care bc dohye is currently getting assaulted nobody asked for this why i just. this is terrible. he was... so sweet. he doesnt deserve this. nobody does of course but jesus christ pls someone save him at least its not horny visually, one saving grace
ah... the assult is back to being depicted horny-ly thank you for nothing
[... removed some general confusion about the plot]
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i am. suffering i mean i cant stop but GOD
okay so apparantly. the sister. has just an arsenal of people who look like other people Dohye, then Noah... and even Noah's GF??? this is ridiculous??
one good message 
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did you feel the need to add that [actual tired rage]
im gonna die this manwha is gonna kill me im laughing but im suffering oh hes arrested great and thats the end and the last update was in january of this year
why AS IN NOAH IS ARRESTED nobody who actually did anything is arrested What is this why is this AHHH I at least wanted the complete-ness of finishing this but now I'M JUST SUFFERING
its an experience allright WELL
yup that’s it.
in my head, in a twist of events Dohye and Noah make up and are actual endgame. Something like that must exist out there but I won’t ask because it’d destroy the surprise and ruin the point.
That’s it.
Have a nice day.
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jensengirl83 · 3 years
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My Top Posts in 2021
Greatest Hunt Of All Time
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Dean x fem!reader
Word Count-1681
Warnings- FLUFF
Summary- Reader finds out that the boys haven’t ever had an Easter. She decides that has to change. So, she puts a plan into action to surprise her boys.
A/N- I had this idea come to me after a convo with my hubby about hunting Easter eggs. I hope you like it. 
Unbeta’d, so all mistakes are my own. 
“If we don’t find a hunt soon, I’m going to lose my mind! I’m climbing the walls here, man,” Dean huffed, boredom overtaking him as they hadn’t found a hunt in almost two weeks. 
“I get it, but I can’t make a hunt appear out of thin air,” Sam sighed, “I don’t understand what’s going on. It’s like the monsters have taken a break,” 
Y/n couldn’t contain her smile as she listened to the boys complaining. She understood that they were getting bored and needed to get out of the bunker, but the constant groaning and bickering between the two was comical, to say the least. 
Y/n had been with the boys since a ghoul hunt had gone wrong four years ago, and she was almost killed. Luckily, the boys had shown up and saved her. She began hunting with them after that and moved into the bunker about a year after. She and Sam had hit off instantly, but as a brother/sister type relationship. She only had eyes for the green-eyed hunter that seemed to always try and keep her at arm’s length. 
That had ended a little over seven months ago when Dean had finally had all he could stand, a drunken night leading to a night in his room, and feelings confessed the following morning. Y/n and Dean had been together ever since, their relationship growing stronger over the months. Now, they were almost inseparable, other than the random few hunts that she would stay behind to research or man the phones. 
“Maybe the monsters have taken a break for the Easter weekend,” she laughed as she walked into the library, sitting down next to Dean. 
“What? What are you talking about?” her boyfriend questioned her, a look of confusion on his Adonis-like face. 
“This Sunday is Easter, babe. Maybe they’ve taken a break to hunt eggs with each other,” she chuckled, Dean looking at her as if she was crazy. 
“Well, then maybe we can find them and wipe them all out while they’re together,” Sam laughed, joining in on Y/n’s joke. 
“Very funny, guys. Seriously, I may lose my mind if I don’t get to hunt something soon!” Dean exclaimed, throwing his hands in the air dramatically, earning an eye roll from his girlfriend. 
“Am I that bad to be around? Why are you in such a hurry to get away from me?” she asked, feigning hurt. 
“No, sweetheart! It’s not that! You know I love being here with you. I just…” 
“I’m kidding. It was a joke, Dean. You can breathe,” she giggled, interrupting him before he freaked out. 
“Not funny, sweetheart,” he pouted, reaching over to grab her hand, interlocking their fingers, “You know how I get when I don’t stay busy. It drives me crazy,” 
“I know, but maybe we can find all these egg hunting monsters, and you can go kill them,” she smiled, kissing him on the cheek. 
“Egg hunting...That’s a hunt I’ve never done,” 
“What?! You mean to tell me that John never let you boys hunt eggs on Easter?! Not even once?” she exclaimed, unable to believe that they had never had an Easter. 
“Nope, never,” Sam said, shrugging his shoulders like it was no big deal. 
“That’s sad. Every kid should get to hunt eggs at least once,” she whispered, heartbroken at the realization that neither of the boys had ever gotten to have any of the joys of being a kid. 
“Yeah, well, it is what it is, I guess,” Dean said, standing to his feet, “I’m going to take a shower. Keep looking and see if you can find something, Sammy,” 
Y/n watched as he disappeared down the hallway. Her heart was heavy with sadness that her boys had never gotten to be kids, ever. At that moment, she knew what she had to do. Getting them out of the bunker would be the most challenging part of her plan, but she was determined to make it happen. 
See the full post
100 notes • Posted 2021-04-03 20:03:35 GMT
Have Mercy
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Dean x fem!reader
Word Count-1644
Warnings- Angst, heartbreak, self-depreciating Dean, a tiny bit of fluff 
Summary- Dean and the reader’s relationship strained as he keeps pulling away from her. At her wit’s end, she gives him an ultimatum. What will he decide and how will it affect their relationship? 
A/N- I hope everyone enjoys this one. I joined @tvdspngirl314 @allywritesblog​ writing challenge and had the prompt, “Anyone who is capable of love is capable of being saved”
Prompt will be in bold
Unbeta’d. So, all mistakes are my own
Watching Dean drink whiskey is one of the most sensual things Y/N has ever seen. The way his lips part just slightly as the amber liquid leaves the glass, adam’s apple bobbing as he swallows, and the slight pout as the burn kicks in. Usually, it would make her think of how his mouth felt against her skin, driving her to the edge of bliss numerous times. But, as of late, all she can think about is how much she misses those times. He has been pulling away from her, and she’s not sure how much longer she can take it. Their long intimate nights have now turned into nights of awkward silence, his back to her instead of her in his arms, and Y/N has never felt so lonely in the presence of another person as she does now. 
As they sit in the library going through lore, she can’t keep her eyes on the book opened up in front of her. Her eyes keep drifting to the hunter across from her, the man she thought would be her forever, now sitting feet away from her. No longer by her side as he used to be. The sting of the tears that are threatening to fall builds as she watches him, not even giving her a second glance. What had happened to the man that couldn’t stop staring, couldn’t keep his hands off her? What had she done wrong? 
“Y/N, are you okay?” Sam’s voice breaks the deafening and painful silence, a look of worry on his face. 
“Uhh, yeah. I’m just tired. I’m going to go to bed,” 
“Are you sure, sweetheart?” Dean asks, eyebrow raised. 
How is it possible for one word to hurt so damn much? 
She can’t take anymore, as a tear escapes and slides down her cheek. The weeks of him being loving, wanting to cuddle, to barely acknowledging she’s in the room, hardly speaking a word is too much. She turns and runs for her old room, needing to be away from him, no longer able to hide the heartbreak she’s been feeling. 
Once behind the safety of the door, the dam breaks. All the emotions she has been bottling up has now risen to the surface, escaping in sobs as she mourns for the loss of what they had. She couldn’t come to terms that this was most likely the end of their relationship, wanting nothing more than to be in his arms. Not lying on the bed in her old room, arms wrapped around herself as she sheds tears for the man she thought she had gotten through to, finally made him believe he could have happiness and have it with her. 
She hadn’t wanted to think that Dean didn’t want her anymore, but that was now her reality. He was her world, but now he had stopped it from turning. He had promised to protect her, and now he was the one hurting her. He was her everything, and now she was left with nothing. She knew that she should’ve talked to him about it when she first noticed him pulling away, but she was afraid of the rejection, the possibility of it all ending, and now, that is precisely what had happened anyway. 
“Y/N, open the door,” Dean’s voice made the tears fall harder. She wasn’t ready for this conversation, but it had to happen. 
“It’s not locked,”
“What’s wrong? Talk to me, Y/N,” he whispered, sitting on the edge of the bed, gently placing his hand on her back. 
She couldn’t see the pain that crossed his face when she flinched at his touch, knowing that he had been distant but not realizing that it had affected her so much. His chest felt tight, and he felt as if he couldn’t breathe. Hearing her cry because of how he had been acting was one of the worst feelings he had ever known. He thought to himself, ‘How can you feel like your drowning on dry land?’ because that is how he felt at that very moment. He was drowning in the guilt and heartache of knowing it was his fault she was laying there, crying and heartbroken. 
He had never wanted to cause her pain, but he knew that he wasn’t good enough to have her. A man like him didn’t deserve someone like her, and he wanted her to have someone who could give her what he couldn’t, a life out of hunting, out of the bunker, and everything else she could ever want. But as much as he wanted to be that man, he wasn’t and never would be. He was destined to be alone, the terminable bachelor who breaks everything he touches, who puts anyone he loves in danger. 
“Dean, I can’t do this anymore,” she cried, making his heart stop. 
“Can’t do what anymore?” he asked, holding his breath. He knew he didn’t deserve her, but he selfishly didn’t want to let her go either. 
“This, what’s going on between us. It hurts too much, and I can’t keep doing it. You keep pulling me in just to push me away and back in again. Either you want us, or you don’t, but you have to make a decision,” she told him between choked sobs, knowing that she didn’t want to lose him but refused to keep letting him toy with her emotions. 
“No, Dean. I can’t keep hurting like this. I want you, I want us, but I refuse to keep this up,” she sighed, “I know you have deep feelings for me. I can see it in your eyes when you look at me, but I can’t understand why you can’t just let yourself be happy. You deserve to love, Dean. You deserve to be loved, but you have to choose it,” 
“Y/N, I’m no good for you! You deserve the world, sweetheart, and I’ll never be able to give that to you! All I’ll ever be able to give you is danger, uncertainty, and a shitty life with too much time on the road! That’s all I’ll ever have, but you could have so much more with someone else, Y/N. The white picket fence, two and a half kids, the life I want to give you but can’t. Please, Y/N. There’s no hope for me, but there’s still a chance for you. Get out while you can,” he pleaded, eyes brimmed red at the thought of losing her but knowing it’s what’s right. 
“Have you ever stopped to think about what I want? I know how your mind works, Dean. You believe there is no hope for you, and you’re destined to be alone so you don’t put a target on someone’s back, but what if what you keep saying you don’t want for me is all I could ever want?  Anyone who is capable of love is capable of being saved, and no one I know loves harder than you, Dean,” she whispered, cupping his cheek in her hand, “Look at Sam, he wouldn’t be the man he is without you and how much you love him. Cas, Donna, Jody, Charlie, Kevin, Bobby, and everyone else we know are all better off by knowing and being loved by you. So, please, let yourself be loved as much and as hard as you love,” 
See the full post
103 notes • Posted 2021-01-13 08:36:21 GMT
All or Nothing
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Dean x fem!reader
Word Count- 4074
Warnings- Mutual Pining, SMUT, a tiny bit of angst
Summary- Stuck in one of Bobby’s old hunting cabins during a snow storm, will Dean and Y/N finally admit how they feel, or will they continue to be scared of their feelings. (I suck at summaries. I’m sorry lol) 
A/N- This is the first thing I have written in months, so be gentle lol. Seriously, I hope everyone enjoys it, and I would love to hear your feedback!
Lyrics are from the song “Swaying To The Music (Slow Dancin’)-by Johnny Rivers. Lyrics will be in italics.
There she goes again, smiling at him like he hangs the moon. In her eyes, he does. He’s everything she wants and more, but she’ll never tell him that. And he’ll never admit that he’s been hers for a long time now. She doesn’t want to take the chance to let her hidden feelings scare away her best friend, and he can’t handle the thought that him loving her could be her demise. So, they keep their love buried deeper than the corpses they exhume, neither willing to risk losing the other. 
Dean can’t keep his eyes off of her as she keeps talking, her hands waving in the air, the way they do every time she’s talking about something she’s passionate about. He’s mesmerized by the sparkle in her eye as she laughs, music to his ears. Her voice forever bringing him a peace he’s never felt before, igniting emotions in him that were foreign until she came into his life. Yet, he’ll go to sleep tonight with her on his mind and in his dreams, knowing that’s the only place she will ever be his. 
“Earth to Dean,” she giggles, snapping her fingers to pull him back to reality from his daydream. 
“Sorry, what were you saying?” 
“Are you okay? You seem like you’re trapped in your head about something,” she questions, reaching over to squeeze his hand gently, her touch igniting a fire in him. 
“Yeah...Yeah, just wondering when this damn storm will subside. We need to get back to the bunker. I’m sure Sammy needs us back,” he sighs, trying to hide what’s really bothering him, the fact that he’s stuck in a cabin, snow getting deeper by the minute with the woman he wants but knows he’ll never have. 
“I’m sure Sam is fine. He’s a big boy,” she chuckles, “We’ll get home when we get home, Dean. I know it sucks to be stuck here, but at least we were close to one of Bobby’s cabins. We could’ve been stuck in the car, freezing our asses off,” 
“I know, I know, I’d just rather be in my own bed. That couch doesn’t look very comfortable,” he whines, knowing that his back was going to feel like it was broken when he wakes up the following day.
“I’ll take the couch, De. I’m not as tall. It’ll be okay for me,” she smiles, that million-watt smile that makes his heart flutter in his chest. 
“No, sweetheart, I’m not making you sleep on that thing. You take the bed,” 
Sweetheart. How her heart pangs with that nickname. She knows that’s what he calls just about everyone, but she wished it had a different meaning when he said it to her. She could imagine his hands on her, lips moving with hers, their bodies intertwined with each other. A thought that always made her smile but broke her heart simultaneously. How she wanted to just tell him, pour out her heart and let him know just how she felt about him, but she wouldn’t. She couldn’t. She knew that she would rather have him as her friend than nothing at all. The thought of a life without him in it was too much to bear. So, she would bury her feelings, drown them in the whiskey they shared, and resign to having him in her dreams. 
“I need a drink. I know Bobby has some booze hidden here somewhere. You want one?” Dean’s deep voice broke her thoughts, pulling her out of her reverie. And, thank Chuck, she knew no good would come out of those kinds of ideas. 
“Sure,” she sighed, catching a look in his eyes, one she hadn’t seen before. 
Y/N watched as he walked to the small cabin kitchen, every step making his jeans cling to that perfect ass. His broad shoulders stretched his flannel to its limits as he reached up in the cabinets to grab the Brandy on the top shelf, his other hand holding two glasses. He turned to face her, a bright smile on his face as if he had just found a hidden treasure. 
“Told you!” he exclaimed, shaking the bottle back and forth. 
“How could I have ever doubted the great Dean Winchester?!” she gasped sarcastically, her breath catching when he gave her that sinful smirk.
“Well, sweetheart, you’ll learn one day that I’m always right,” he winked at her with a chuckle, not missing how she crossed her legs. Could he really be affecting her the way she does him? 
He shook off the thought, walking back to sit beside her, the fireplace still crackling, filling the room with warmth. He couldn’t help but smile as he looked at her, sitting in front of the fire, the light dancing across her beautiful face. When had she put on his jacket? He felt his heart race thinking about her wearing his clothes. Seeing her in the mornings in one of his t-shirts and nothing else, her hair a mess on her head from his fingers in it the night before...No, he couldn’t keep thinking like that. Before he made it back to her, she stood from the rocking chair that she had been occupying, walking over to the mantle. 
“How about we see if this old radio still works? I’m not sure what kind of station we can pick up out here, but any music is better than none, right?” she asked him, turning her back to him to fumble with the knobs on the ancient and dusty device. His smile got even wider. His girl knew him well. His girl…
The music cut through the silence as she turned to face him, a triumphant smile on her gorgeous face. She had managed to find a station that wasn’t playing classic rock, but it wasn’t playing that “new shit they try to call music” as he would say. Once she was seated again, she reached out, silently asking for her glass, and how could he deny her that? To be honest, he could never deny her anything. 
“Not bad for something that has been here for who knows how long,” she quipped after taking the first sip. 
“I’d drink anything at this point,” Dean huffed, down his glass in one long drink, pouring himself another. 
“Is it that bad to be here with me?” she questioned, trying to sound light-hearted but genuinely wondering if he was that miserable being stuck here with her. 
See the full post
130 notes • Posted 2021-06-05 04:07:22 GMT
Under Wraps
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Dean X female!reader
Word Count-1943
Warnings- Angst, SMUT, a tiny bit of fluff
Summary- Dean and Y/n have been secretly dating for months. Dean doesn’t want to let anyone know because Sam likes the reader and doesn’t want to hurt his brother. Y/n is fed up with being his secret, but what will happen if they get found out? 
A/N- This is my first oneshot in WEEKS! I really hope everyone enjoys it! Written for @spnmixedbingo. Squared filled is Caught Red Handed.
Also written for @supernatural-jackles Tell Me A Story Bingo. Squares filled are Secretly Dating, Caught Red Handed, and Dean Winchester. 
Text dividers courtesy of @talesmaniac89​
“Y/n, we have to hurry. Sam will be back soon,” Dean whined, his breath catching in his throat as she nibbled on his ear. 
“If you would just tell him, we wouldn’t have to hurry,” she whispered, kissing her way down his neck. 
“I can’t, sweetheart. I told you, I can’t hurt his feelings like that,” 
“How are you so sure Sam even likes me?” she asked, pulling back to look in his eyes. 
“I just know. We’ll tell him eventually. Just not now,” 
“Dean, I can’t keep hiding this. He’s going to find out, and wouldn’t it be better if he heard it from us instead of someone else? Or catching us one day?” 
“What do you mean someone else? Who have you told about us?!” he asked in a panic, not wanting his brother to find out that way. 
“I haven’t told anyone, but it’s not like we aren’t obvious when we look at each other. I mean, come on, you can see it all over our faces. At least I can see it when you look at me,” she sighed. Y/n was tired of keeping their relationship a secret. 
“Just...give me a little more time, babe. I have to figure out how to break it to Sam with the least amount of damage,” he begged, hoping she would understand. 
“It’s been six months, Dean. Six months of hiding, sneaking around, and quickies when we get thirty minutes to ourselves. It��s getting exhausting, and I’d like to be able to kiss my boyfriend whenever I want, not when his little brother isn’t around,” she groaned. 
“I’m sorry, sweetheart, but you know what Sammy means to me. I’m just trying to keep you happy and not break my brother’s heart too,” 
“What do I mean to you then? Am I not worth it to you to tell your brother the truth? Or is this just another fling to you?” she asked, her voice starting to quiver with the emotions she was trying to fight back. 
“What?! Are you serious? You know this isn’t some fling! I’m crazy about you! I’ve told you that,” 
“Just not enough to want me in public, apparently,” she huffed, stepping out of his arms and turning to walk away. 
“Stop!” he yelled, grabbing her arm, spinning her back to face him, “That’s bullshit, and you know it! 
“Is it, though?” she quipped, “Because it looks that way on my end,” 
“Y/n, please, I’m going to tell him, just, I can’t right now, okay? I’m begging you, give me a little more time,” he pleaded, his green eyes boring into hers, wanting her to see that he meant every word. 
“Fine, but you better start figuring out how to tell him. I can’t keep hiding this,” she whispered, feeling defeated, just wanting to be able to love him without all the secrets. 
“I promise,” he said, capturing her lips with his. 
The kiss was slow and sweet, his soft pillowy lips moving with hers as if they were meant for the other. The previous rush no longer felt. Their bodies melded together like they were two matching pieces of a puzzle. Y/n honestly thought that she and Dean were made for each other. If only these precious moments weren’t behind closed doors, in a hush, like it was taboo to be together. 
She understood that he didn’t want to tell his brother without figuring out how to do it with the least amount of pain as possible. But, she didn’t think that Sam had a thing for her, but Dean was adamant that he did, so their relationship was secret. A secret that she was on the verge of ending, even if it meant the end of their love and Sam’s friendship. 
“Dean, Y/n, where are you guys?!” Sam’s voice yelling for them effectively ending their makeout session. 
See the full post
155 notes • Posted 2021-03-20 21:04:18 GMT
All Out Of Love
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Dean x reader
Word Count-2228
Warnings-Angst, language, a little fluff, confession of feelings
Summary- Y/N and Dean have a heated argument about a hunt. Dean decides to leave the bunker, but what will he come back to? 
A/N- This idea came to me while listening to “All Out Of Love” by Air Supply. I hope you enjoy it!
Lyrics will be in italics. 
Unbeta’d. So, all my mistakes are my own. 
Text dividers courtesy of @talesmaniac89​
“What were you thinking?! You could’ve gotten yourself killed!” Dean shouted as he threw his duffle down on the table in the library. 
“Well, I’m sorry! I thought you would appreciate that I stepped in and saved your ass from being werewolf chow! My bad!” Y/N yelled back, furious that he was doing this again. 
“I had it handled!” 
“You did?! It looked like he was getting ready to rip your throat out when I walked in. That didn’t look like you had it handled to me,” 
“Y/N…” he growled, anger that she could’ve gotten hurt overtaking his rational thought. 
“Don’t, Dean! I’m not doing this again! I’m getting really tired of this same argument every time we have a rough hunt. I was a hunter before I met you, and I was a hunter before I became your girlfriend, and I’ll be a hunter for the rest of my life. So, this argument is pointless. I’m not going to stop…” 
“What if you would’ve gotten hurt, huh? You expect me to stand there and watch?!” 
“Yes, Dean! Just like you expect Sam and I to do! We’re all hunters. Injury comes with our job!” 
They were standing toe to toe now, both yelling and throwing their hands in the air as the argument kept raging. Sam sat at the table in the library, waiting to step in if need be, just like the other times this same fight had been had. Dean would always freak out if there were even a small chance that Y/N could’ve been hurt. It always ended the same way, in an argument, but this time would end very differently than all the others. 
“I refuse to stand there and watch you die, Y/N! Don’t you get it? It’s not going to happen!” he yelled, grabbing his keys and walking past her. 
“What are you doing?” she asked, spinning on her heels to follow him. 
“I’m going out!”
“Of course you are! The big bad Dean Winchester is running away as usual when things get too hard!” she said, grabbing the back of his jacket, trying to stop him. She wasn’t letting him leave this time. 
“What the hell is that supposed to mean?” he questioned her, his anger at a dangerous breaking point now. 
“It means that this is what you do every single time! You’re not doing it this time. We’re going to talk this out like adults!” she demanded. 
“You know what, sweetheart,” he growled, leaning down close to her, “Screw you…If you don’t like that, the doors over there,” 
With that, he turned around and walked up the steps and out the door. She stood frozen in shock as she watched him walk away. He had never spoken to her like that. They have had their fights, and harsh words have been said, but this was different. He had never told her to leave, never had the look of what she could almost believe was hatred towards her he had tonight. 
“Y/N…” Sam whispered, in as much shock as she was at his brother’s behavior. 
“It’s fine, Sam. I’m going to bed. Good night,” she faked a smile, kissing him on the cheek as she made her way to the room that before tonight, she shared with Dean. 
See the full post
166 notes • Posted 2021-01-08 02:26:19 GMT
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Hi! I love your youtube channel & I think you're super cool! I'm a newer follower and was wondering if you could give a summary of the concept of Fostered---it sounds like a really interesting series!
Aww thank you!
Yes I can!! Fostered is too thicc for me to give extensive summaries (unless y’all want this) and there is very little you need to know from the earlier books to understand the current ones! That’s because as myself and the series have aged, its genre, age category, and plot points have changed!
Here’s a small outline of the main characters:
Protagonist + narrator for all “main” Fostered books
Sister of Lonan
Will write salty breakup songs about people she was never in a relationship with
Bi as fuck!
Was once Reeve’s boyfriend?? no??
Best friend of Harrison
Will write love songs about tofu
Ace as fuck!!!
Best friend of Foster
Also Reeve’s best friend!
Sort of love-interest of Lonan (we’re getting there lol)
Will write love songs about waffles
Gay! as! fuck!
Protagonist of Moth Work
Reeve’s brother!
An antagonist for a good chunk of this series
Will not write love songs he has no heart (he does I am just mean)
Also bi as fuck!! Everyone is bi in that family lol we love it
Here’s a breakdown (CW: there’s a lot of violence/convo about mental illness/potentially triggering content in these summaries, so tread with caution):
Fostered (book 1) to Resisted (book 3):
These books (Fostered, Hunted, Resisted) are probably the most harmonious out of the 6 (7 including Moth Work) so far! That’s because for a long time, I believed Fostered would end at three books (initially a standalone, then duology). They’re all closely linked through the “foster homes” plot (hence the name of the series) and are obviously the most dystopian of the books (all three are also YA). You can feel the 2014 dystopian vibes in this book lol. I wrote this summary 5 years ago for my first ask ever and it sums up that idea:
The book takes place in the not-too-distant future where children who’ve committed crimes, are neglected, or have chosen to, are sent to behavioural detention centres – what everyone else that’s not the government like to call ‘foster homes’. The story revolves around a fifteen-year-old girl named Reeve who’s lived two years in a ‘foster home’ after being accused of her sister’s murder. Following an accident that she caused which subsequently led to her escape of her foster home, she stumbles across a group of kids, who like her, have gone through the lifestyle and also have escaped. She makes an alliance with them and everything seems in its place until she finds out that a team of hunters are searching for her because of the same accident. Unable to remember anything that happened from the event, she then learns that maybe all things don’t point to her – what really happened on the day she escaped? 
(props to 14-year-old me for writing this)
I wrote these three books so quickly (though at the time, as a thirteen-year-old, it felt like drafting took forever). I started Fostered in October of 2014, and by May of 2015, I was halfway through Resisted :))))). How?? These books are all above 85k??? I could never!!!
FOSTERED (book 1 - YA dystopian):
Follows the above plot. What isn’t mentioned above is how this book starts. We start with Reeve (15 at the time–a baby!!!) chillin in an abandoned storage unit she was hoping to use as shelter. HOWEVER, plot twist of the season–there are already people there!
She’s semi-ambushed by these people who she later learns are our good ol’ pals Foster and Harrison. The boys are also taking care of a 6-year-old girl named Essie who they love fiercely!! They’re sketched out by Reeve, which we later find out is because–they! know! her! 
Foster, Harrison, and Reeve were actually all the closest pals in a ‘foster home’ they called WAFFLE. Reeve forgets that during the disastrous accident she causes that separates them (she blows up the foster home lmaooo) but lookie here–the squad is reunited! Eventually everyone comes to love each other (though it ain’t like that in the beginning) + Foster and Reeve have a romance which I find so bizarre now?? They would never.
The squad is being “hunted” by a group of “chasers” (I LOVE dystopian lool) headed by a woman named Red who is actually?? a badass? She tries to kill them a bunch of times, Reeve kills Lonan’s sister by using her as a human shield, Essie dies, I’m awful!
HUNTED (book 2 - YA dystopian):
After Essie’s death, the group is shook! Harrison especially as he is *soft* and the “leader” of the group. To protect his other ducklings who are now the most sought after people in America lmao (Foster and Reeve), he does something SCANDALOUS and joins the *government* AKA all the evil people putting innocent children in these awful detention centres. What a 180! Essentially, he does this to purposefully manipulate investigations into Foster and Reeve away from them, but Reeve doesn’t know this so she’s cheesed when she finds out (she feels #betrayed)!
Harrison’s departure of the group triggers the group’s breakup. Harrison joins an *elite* section of the government that *I believe* tries to wrangle runaway foster kids?? This group is lead by our other good pal Lonan and this is the first book he appears in! He takes Red’s place as antagonist in this book.
The group also includes Holly, a badass who is also Foster’s older sister (and also Lonan’s first serious girlfriend)! She’s scary! She also dies by hanging in a blood-drinking cult mid-way through this book! don’t! ask! Margo is this group’s tech analyst, and she’s a mentally distant hippie (and Harrison’s first and last serious girlfriend which obvi didn’t work out lol he’s gay!) Idk what Harrison’s job was here, but he learns techy stuff from Margo!
This book is important because it establishes Lonan, who continues to be a pivotal character as the series progresses. It also establishes Lonan and Harrison’s relationship. Obvi Lonan is the antagonist in this book and won’t make his redemption arc for another 1book lol, but him and Harrison have a bit of a bizarre relationship. Though they’re almost rivals, they almost adore being each other’s rivals (but don’t tell them that)? After Harrison leaves Lonan’s team, the squad essentially is *hunted* by them, hence the book title lol. 
By the end of this book, a few important things happen! Lonan kills Margo (remember, Harrison’s first and last girlfriend lol, we could say Lonan was killing his competition lol is that too much), this obviously reinforces his role as bad guy! After the book’s events, Lonan eventually overtakes the group and they’re all imprisoned! Love it!
RESISTED (book 3 - YA dystopian):
This is my favourite Fostered book because there’s just so much tea! We start in “headquarters” AKA Lonan’s pride and joy! After he kills off his old boss so he can be Ultimate Antagonist (actually because she essentially killed his girlfriend ahaha), he’s the Man in Charge and power trippin like crazy. 
Reeve is separated from Foster and Harrison who are also in HQ because she’s mentally unwell. Lonan has given her the job of executing people (because he is evil) which she ain’t diggin! so Lonan takes it upon himself to address her mental health concerns (which obviously isn’t helping because they mutually hate each other). 
Eventually, Reeve barters with Lonan for what she wants by using Holly’s death (which only she and Foster witnessed) as leverage. As I mentioned above, Lonan essentially kills/drives away his entire *elite government squad* which means! He needs another one! Reeve uses this as an opportunity and says WELL you COULD hire Foster and Harrison. Lonan does and VOILA we suddenly have a new squad!
This is really where we build a relationship between Lonan and Reeve who have previously done nothing but try to kill each other! They actually bond in this bizarre kind of way. While they still don’t like each other, they mutually understand each other more than Foster and Harrison do as in many ways, Lonan and Reeve have both done the same awful things (lots of killing people :))). 
This all builds up to the epic reveal that they are actually half siblings (they share a mother) and oh DOES THE TEA START BOILING. This news causes major tension in the OG squad (Reeve, Foster, Harrison) as Foster and Harrison think Lonan has done too many irredeemable things to be forgiven, despite the fact that he and Reeve are related. They are right! However, Reeve isn’t so quick to decide. 
She and Lonan go through a lot together (including kidnapping! attempted murder! An explosion! Reeve pretending to be a corpse!) which are still some of my favourite things to re-read and the reason I love this book the most out of all the books I’ve written. This is where #redemption arc occurs!
This book is too long for me to cover everything, but essentially their relationship is the most important! The book ends when the squad (now joined by Lonan) is forced out of hiding because Reeve is injured and actually needs real medical attention! This leads to ANOTHER separation, with Reeve heading back to a foster home for the first time in a few years!
Hollowed (book 4) to Rewired (book 6)
HOLLOWED (book 4 - YA (?) dystopian (?))
Book four is my least favourite book of the 6 and that’s because it’s melodramatic and I was finding my writing style! It’s not quite appropriate for YA because of its violent subject matter, but wouldn’t appeal to adults, so it’s a bit category-less. Dystopian elements still exist, but are less relevant, so it’s also a bit muddled in term of genre.
All you need to know in terms of events are that Reeve meets someone named Lincoln in the foster home she’s put in (see previous) who ends up being a horrifically abusive person. He sort of shifts into the role as antagonist, though from this book on, the lines between good guys and bad guys blur. Hollowed also introduces a new character–Glenne! Glenne is Lonan’s second serious girlfriend and remnants of this relationship still show up in current Fostered spinoffs (tho she will be irrelevant in Houses With Teeth most likely). 
SPLINTERED (book 5 - YA?????)
The genre and category of this book are impossible to define. We continue almost where we left off in book four, and this book is pretty unremarkable in terms of events lol. The squad remains the same, except toward the end, we’re introduced to Darren, a dude from California who hears about Lonan’s *elite government squad* (before the government disowned him) and hopes they can help him locate his missing brother (tho he don’t reveal this until book six). 
This book is mostly about Lonan’s declining mental health that still has not gotten better. Some hints of Lonan and Harrison’s relationship getting closer are also dropped in this book.
REWIRED (book 6 - Adult (???) literary fiction sometimes???)
The category of this book is bizarre. It begins as weirdly maybe almost YA, but dips into adult literary fiction at some points. This book is where I really grasped my style and so the genre and category reflect that transition. 
What you need to know about Rewired is the progression of Darren and Reeve’s relationship as it goes from acquaintances to PALS to MORE THAN PALS to I don’t! want to be! your! pal! This book is so weird and disjointed because of this transition away from YA dystopian and into adult literary fiction. We also get even more Lonan and Harrison relationship development as Reeve meddles her way into business that is not hers!
MOTH WORK (spinoff - no categories anymore I have no idea)
The most recent Fostered book! We finally get to see Lonan and Harrison’s relationship on the page and oh boy! Is there tea! As Lonan struggles to grasp trauma from childhood, and Harrison struggles to help him, their relationship goes to places it ain’t never been before! This eventually leads to a much needed separation where Lonan explores a new relationship with Eliza (his father’s ex oooooof) and Harrison figures out what he needs in order to live a healthier, happier life. MW is a bridge between book six and seven.
HOUSES WITH TEETH (book 7 - adult literary fiction *I’m hoping*)
I have yet to write this book, but we’re back in Reeve’s head! Here’s a synopsis I’ve shared before:
After escaping a toxic relationship, twenty-year-old Reeve disappears for the second time in one year. She’s drawn to Wicker, a mealy town outside New York City, whose disappearances of affluent girls has caught her attention. The day she arrives, a sinkhole buries one of them in the front yard of her new home, a fixer-upper she shares with estranged friend, Foster. Quickly she falls prey to speculation by herself and others, who try to connect her to the tragedy. And even stranger, false recognitions as the girl in the ground, and the many other missing Wicker girls make her feel more and more like one of them–these alluring, unknown women. 
This book is very much my vibe now as a writer, however, it’s been difficult to re-integrate back into Reeve’s head with all Fostered’s dystopian elements removed! I don’t have much else to share about this book since I know so little about it, but it is essentially my current project.
So I hope that was helpful! There’s a lot of unexplored territory that I worry might be impossible to get into because I legitimately do not remember a lot @sarahkelsiwrites calls me a fake fan lol (I genuinely am), but if y’all ever want to know more, I am 100% down to share whatever! This was also a lot of info so if y’all have questions, send ‘em in!
Enjoy this abridged version of Fostered!
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