starnightlover · 1 year
You are consciousness
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“Reality exists in human mind... and nowhere else.” - George Orwell
You are not your body, you are not your mind, you are not your thoughts, you are not anything but imagination. You are pure Imagination. You are consciousness/ God/ imagination/awareness.  None of those things are attached to any reality or circumstance. Nothing whatsoever is outside of you, so anything you truly can think of is within you.  All of the things you experience are within you. Everything you see is within you from your room to the experience you just had with a friend. Manifestation is not a process you go through. Your desires are done the moment that you imagine them, the moment you first conceived them. States, affirmations, the void, or anything can really think of work because you believe they work, you are aware that they work.  Your awareness is what keeps all of these things working for you in your favor. Your imagination is natural and enough just to have your desires come to you, all you need is your awareness because you are the I AM!  No matter what your awareness will cause your desires to show up because you are imagination, and Imagination is what creates all of reality. 3D and your 4D are both inside of you.  The 3D and the 4D  are one, there is no separation, no not one.  You are awareness experiencing itself. Take a look around you everything you see is you it is all pure Imagination. All things exist within you, all things exist because they are all imagination, and everything is imaginary. You can conceive of anything thus it exists within you which makes it real. Anything and everything is available to you because it is imagination and you are imagination, You are consciousness there is nothing you cannot have. 
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know-the-self · 6 months
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The thinker of thoughts is merely
Another thought.
The one who knows this is
No longer in his own way.
-Wu Hsin
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nailisaa · 4 months
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mrspotatoheads · 11 months
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This is something I’ve mentioned many times before but a lot of people seem to be struggling to understand, so I decided to make an in depth explanation!
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What is inner speech? Inner speech is well… your inner dialogue, your thoughts. You always have inner speech, most of the times we’re on autopilot and don’t pay attention to it, but it’s something that we should be paying attention to.
Through uncritical self-observation of your inner talking you find where you are in the inner world, and where you are in the inner world is what you are in the outer world. - Neville Goddard
Your inner speech defines who you are in the 4D (imagination), and as we know the 3D (outer reality) mirrors the 4D; this is why it is important that we are paying attention to the inner conversations we are having with ourselves. Your inner speech should match the inner speech of someone who has exactly what they desire.
Make your inner conversation match your fulfilled desire, for your inner speech is manifested all around you in happenings. - Neville Goddard
Inner speech and persistence go hand in hand when manifesting. For example: you cannot be visualising bigger lips and then tell yourself that you have small lips. No matter what methods you are using your inner speech still matters. States manifest and inner speech is a big part of what state you are in.
Inner speech → imagination → state → outer reality
What about negative thoughts and doubts? I'm sure we've all been there when we've been persisting then all of a sudden you get a negative thought or a doubt out of nowhere, this doesn't matter. You are rewiring your brain to think a completely different way, so when these thoughts randomly pop up it is your job to simply dismiss them and realise it's just your old thought patterns.
I don't count those random thoughts as inner speech, you weren't purposely telling yourself those things, it was something you didn't have control of. But when you let those random thoughts take a toll on you, and you freak out and purposely start to think negatively and spiral, that's when it becomes a problem. That's when you've went out of your way to think negatively instead of aligning your inner speech with the wish fulfilled and thinking in your favour.
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In conclusion, remember to keep your inner speech/thoughts in check because I promise you it will pay off. Also keeping your inner speech in check is what I mean when I refer to a “strict mental diet”. Anyway, I really don’t see enough people talking about how important inner speech is, but I hope you guys will understand and start applying <3
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castilestateofmind · 6 months
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"Whatever the inward darkness may have been to which the shamans of those caves descended in their trances, the same must lie within ourselves, nightly visited in sleep".
-Joseph Campbell.
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entheognosis · 8 months
Our greatest treasure is that which is hidden deep within our own subconscious, is that dark unused part of our self that is in fact light that is unconscious of itself.
Carl Jung
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Older Light by Dan Hillier
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kamala-laxman · 5 months
You are not limited to this body, to this mind, or to this reality—you are a limitless ocean of Consciousness, imbued with infinite potential. You are existence itself.’ - Joseph P. Kauffman
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elizabethanism · 2 years
Krzysztof Kieslowski
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"The unexamined life is not worth living".
Socrates as quoted by Plato
A quote seemingly simple but so suggestive of things. If more people led examined lives, took time to evaluate their choices, truly thought for themselves instead of following automated stances, tended to their wounds with sincerity, doubted extremities when found in their own psyches and behaviors as well as those seen in the world, then much would be different.
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thegoldenuzi · 6 months
Some of you have told me that you love my post about “not knowing how, but knowing it will happen”. I just wanna remind you that that entire post is a summary of what faith consists of. Faith is the loyalty to things unseen. If you have a desire and you feel that you have to make it happen, or you’re stressing about it… That isn’t faith. It’s hope. You hope it happens. You feel that you have to earn it or make it happen. Instead of relaxing and allowing things to unfold naturally. Which they always will. I want to remind you that it will unfold in ways your mind can’t even comprehend. You are never separate from your goals. You just have to continue to know your power and know that your path will always lead to what you want as long as you don’t get distracted. Even if you encounter something you don’t like, consider it redirection instead of failure. Even if you have a bad day that doesn’t mean your manifestation stops. Ok I’m done with my rant. Love you all 💗
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rest-in-being · 23 days
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brightenight · 11 months
The existence that breaks the heart
I am a blue dragoness love heart
I don’t feel so good ,
Like any person... it's just that. .. I feel sad For some people
By for a particular event but I feel sad about people like you who are reading right now The sadness of a childish world that collapses as you grow up , The awareness of reality we have to accept what breaks our hearts
My name is brightenight heart a dragoness passionate about hearts.
Normal dragons are obviously mocked of my passion, my hidden talent, my appearance or saying I'm Weird just because I'm more sensitive... Or because I have hormones that I can't control towards the female body or male chest characters that the Normals the call of .. a perverse dragon.
Any creature can break your heart with scratches or words, Like my food chain of a hungry creature that devours the weakest to feel better.
Extremely sad
But well life in itself
And in relation to cardiophilia
If I hide it, it's because I'm proud to love the heart and talk with my heart Rather than with my tongue.
And that I don't want it to belittle me at what I am I'm tired of this 🏳️‍🌈LGBT trend
Which shows rainbow flags from everywhere like spam.....Yeah it’s the month I know but that spamming, But I know it's to support similar people like me who suffered from their differences
I'm not against LGBT people
And not mad against humanity and furry
I'm sad for everyone
Because I would like them to feel good as they are, Without making clans carrying any flags and creating conflicts. 🇷🇺🇺🇦🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️
I just needed someone to know all this My heart wants to talk
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know-the-self · 6 months
Swami Sarvapriyananda speaks on the Advaita Makaranda – The Nectar of Non-duality – of Sri Lakshmidhara Kavi.
The text points to our present experience – the experience of the ordinary soul – and shows how the highest truth is revealed even here, if only we look.
Precise and direct pointers.
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alivingstillness · 7 months
Prana, "that which moves," is simply Spanda dancing as a self-intelligent life force. United with consciousness, it weaves its essence through the tapestry of the universe.
When this celestial symphony unfolds within the body, it branches into five major winds, or pattern-unfolding forces residing within every single cell.
The primordial essence, born from the first throb, brings forth all the myriad forces of nature in which the universe finds its breath and vitality.
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mrspotatoheads · 1 year
A lot of people may be confused about this statement, how can imagination be the only reality when the 3D clearly exists? The 3D is obviously a very real reality, I can promise you that everything is real.
So what does it mean when people say that Imagination is the only reality? Your imagination (4D) creates your 3D, the 3D is only a mirror of your 4D. The 3D looks at you for permission and acceptance to circumstance.
Now, with all this being said, just because the 3D is a mirror of your 4D doesn’t mean you should ignore the 3D. The 3D is still important. I’ve already spoke about “ignoring the 3D” but I’ll say it again: The 3D isn’t something to ignore, it’s your job to realise that the 4D is what matters most and your 3D reflects your 4D. The 3D has no power over you.
For example: if you’re manifesting money, do not go out spending your last pennies on whatever you want. Go about your life how you normally would but fulfil yourself in imagination and remind yourself that the 4D is the truth.
Stop looking for outside confirmation, fulfil yourself in your imagination as vividly as possible until you are satisfied.
For people in hard circumstances I recommend reading @cinefairy post, it’s very helpful &lt;3
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suzilight · 11 months
“At the age of 83 Jung worked out the complete plan for this book, including the sections that he wished his four closest associates to write.  He devoted the closing months of his life to editing the work and completing his own key section, which he completed only ten days before his death.  
Throughout the book Jung emphasizes that man can achieve wholeness only through a knowledge and acceptance of the unconscious - a knowledge acquired through dreams and their symbols.”  
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