#confused dabi
twice: hawks, my dude, tell me... how do you know how to tell the difference between dabi’s moods?
hawks: you know, it’s just...
dabi: *enters the room* ‘sup pigeon?
twice: i see.
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poppy5991 · 5 months
The fanart of Shoto and Dabi being loving siblings is cute, but I firmly believe that if Touya had been allowed to pursue heroism after all, they still would have had the dynamic of Oikawa and Kageyama from Haikyuu.
Shoto: I admire my big brother so much. I want to learn from him.
Touya: If he tries to copy my signature move one more time, I am going to kick him in the face.
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sinnamonpork · 1 year
shigadabihawks au i dreamed of where Dabi and Hawks after months of endless sexual tension and lots of goading, the two are finally about to do the horizontal tango. The only problem is that they both come to the awkward realization after a few minutes of making out. They are both, without a doubt, bottoms. Ofc ofc they still try to make it work and everything but none of them really enjoys it and they went to bed fuming with anger (and a very disappointed hard on).
Enter Shigaraki. The two idiots are sulking at breakfast when the villain leader comes in after probably another sleepless night, wearing nothing but a tank top. Post plf Shiggy that suddenly got all buff with a stare that could kill, an even sharper tongue that only needs to utter a word for all the plf members to get in line. Stark white hair artfully disheveled, with veiny hands reaching up to ruffle said mop of hair, leading to his top riding up. If anyone saw how Hawks eyes immediately pinned on the small sliver of skin while Dabi chokes on his sausage, no one would know. Dabihawks only needed a second of eye contact to cement their decision.
They'll get their pretty leader into bed if it's the last thing they do or either die of blue balls. There's no other way for the both of them.
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punkeropercyjackson · 6 months
How hard do y'all think superhero fans would slaughter me if i said Jason Todd,Dabi Todoroki and Miguel O'hara are not only not slutty or into dark kinks at all but would also be extremely angry and offended if someone implied they are just because they're traumatized hot guys?
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gradelstuff · 6 days
That post about the anime making Dabi "rougher" than he actually is in the manga reminds me of a Twitter discussion regarding the Highway scene.
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In the manga, Spinner gets mad after Dabi tells him to drive slower (bc Dabi called him a lizard). And Dabi just replies 'you don't need to flip out'
But in the anime, Dabi retorts back by telling Spinner to shut up and that he shouldn't even be getting mad.
Which is??? So much angrier than the original version asfgj. The english dub sounds harsher too lol. Ig it's those little things that add up and explains why some ppl think Dabi doesn't care about the League
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dabisqueen · 2 years
So, it just crossed my mind - how can he shoot flames through his boots?! 🤔
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mettywiththenotes · 1 year
The reason Izuku had that interaction with Dabi in war arc and the reason why Izuku appeared at Octo Island and tried to talk to Toga was to show that he can't be the only Hero to do everything alone
He can't juggle Tomura, Dabi and Toga at once
Watching him fail to make a connection with Dabi and Toga shows there is no One Saviour for the Villains. There are multiple Heroes who are willing to look past the surface, see the crying child inside and want to save them too
That's the only option because, as we've seen before, making Izuku try to take everything and push that weight onto his shoulders is not good for him or for anyone
So one of the best ways to show that Izuku is not the only one who can help is to show other Heroes having a connection with the other Villains, and to show Izuku trying and failing to make a connection himself
These scenes were shown, I believe, to prove people - those who believe Izuku is the MC and therefore is the only one who can handle it all - wrong in a way. Shouto and Ocha enter their scenes with their Villains, Izuku butts in and talks to the Villains, makes things worse and then leaves the scene for Shouto and Ocha to continue their confrontations
The point is that, yes, Izuku is the MC, but he is not the only Hero who can save people. He shouldn't be. And that's what those scenes are trying to tell you
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bratbutcute · 2 years
4 a.m.
Fandom: My Hero Academia
Pair: DabiHawks.
Disclaimer: mention of sex and sexual activity but it is still sfw dw. As always babes this is a tickle fic, if ya don’t like it, scroll away 💕
I just read a bunch of stuff about Hawks and I need to just go there and hug him so here some stupid silly fic about this man getting lovely tickled because he needs to laugh.
It was probably the fact that they hadn’t slept in almost two days, it was 4 am and they just had sex.
Their nervous systems were a mess, they were exhausted. That’s why Dabi showed some affection. That’s why Hawks let his guard down. And that’s why they ended up this way, with Hawks giggling on his chest and Dabi’s hands in his feathers.
Dabi rolled his eyes in fake annoyance but kept his fingers buried in the man’s wings and increased the speed of his circular movements.
Hawks shook his head and kicked his feet on the mattress, trying to distract himself from the feeling.
His giggles were now louder. His hands, that were originally holding Dabi’s torso in a comfortable hug, were now stimming on his chest, clenching and unclenching, trying to choose wether he should stop his lover’s fingers or not.
«Dahah- no nohoh.» Dabi turned on his side, facing the other and grinning. Hawks hid his eyes behind his hands, giggling some more when Dabi readjusted himself, sitting on Hawks’ lap.
«No? Really? It doesn’t look like you want me to stop baby.» he said in the most flirty and menacing way, making Hawks feel things he didn’t want to admit.
«Dahahabihihihi I-» he was actually speechless.
The tickling had started for no specific reason, just because Dabi was next to him and with his hands he found a ticklish spot. Simple as that. But Hawks didn’t know why he was still doing it. Was it a way to drag information out of him? Was it just sadism? Why wasn’t he stopping?
His train if thoughts was interrupted by a new strong ticklish feeling on his stomach. He snorted and laughed louder, hiding his face with one hand and holding one of Dabi’s forearms but not pushing him away, just as stability.
«Whhihihihi-» his laughter became high pitched when Dabi tickled his neck, the sound so melodious that even the villain blushed a bit upon hearing it. Hawks gulped a bit of oxygen before shouting «Whywhywhy» and dissolving in some more laugh.
Dabi’s hands stilled, allowing the younger to finally breath.
For the first time his malicious grin left his face, substituted by an innocent expression, something neither of them had ever seen. Dabi couldn’t remember the last time anyone had ever seen him that way - or if that ever happened.
He wanted to make fun of the former hero, pointing out that he never asked him to stop, that he never pushed him away. He wanted to ridicule him and embarrass him and…
Hawks was laying on the bed, the back of his hand on his lips, hiding his smile. His other hand was still holding him, nails slightly scratching his scarred skin. He had tears at the corner of his eyes but they were so shiny, so happy.
So Dabi gave him the best explanation he had.
«I like you.»
Hawks batted his eyes in disbelief.
What they had could be described as a physical relationship. Sex and nothing more. Sometimes they would cuddle a bit, but it was usually just him caressing the other’s skin while he was asleep. He always assumed Dabi’s only interest was his body, not even because it was his, but simply because it was the only option he had to fuck someone. He never even considered he actually found him attractive.
But for the first time in that weird relationship they had, Hawks saw Dabi’s eyes looking at him, not seeking his body, or anything else. He was looking at his face, admiring his shiny eyes, his pink cheeks, the way his lips were pursed, that incredibly vulnerable expression that the always-so-confident man was now wearing.
And Hawks did feel vulnerable. For the first time in his life he felt liked.
Before he could dwell in those thoughts Dabi pinched his sides again, making him squeal.
«Don’t give me that face Hot Wings or I swear I’ll burn every single one of your feathers.» and he let his hands disappear behind Hawks’s back, scratching the base of the wings.
Hawks screamed so loud even Dabi had to stop, snickering on the man’s abdomen and causing another stream of cute giggles to erupt.
«Dahahahabihihi stohohop thahahat tihicklehes tohohoho.» and he gently pushed his head away.
But Dabi didn’t move, his breath calming down; he hugged Hawks, sliding slightly upwards.
So Hawks smiled, closed his eyes, let himself relax and blamed it on the fact that they hadn’t slept in almost two days, it was 4 am and they just had sex.
But that was enough.
So this fic is my way to move from my writer’s block. It’s not well written. I have not spoken or written in English these months. I’m not very proud of how I’ve written it.
But I’m hyperfixating again on My Hero Academia sooooooooo
There you go 💕
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lyraofthecross · 1 year
Shigaraki, slapping Dabi on the back: How’s the resident furry?
Hawks, who is, in fact, dating Dabi, a little startled because he didn’t know: Babe, you didn’t tell me?
Dabi, swatting at Shigaraki: I’m not a furry, they just say that because certain mutation quirk folks, who have all been way out of my league, have hit on me… kinda like you, I suppose.
Hawks, suddenly super amused: OMG darling, did you not realize that your patterned skin and shiny staples are the equivalent of, like, colourful plumage or scales? That’s hella attractive for us mutation quirk folks!
Shigaraki: no stop that, it’s funnier to call him a furry
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catgrandpa · 8 months
I am a staunch supporter of Hawks x the Todoroki family. That sounds bad but I promise it’s not in a weird way.
Obviously it would be separately and also not illegal for Shouto.
Endeavor/Hawks is like hero worship and falling into bed together a few times after a rough fight. Enji insists it means nothing and it’s just a way to deal with the excess adrenaline and it’s not happening again. It happens again. It happens a lot of agains.
Now…. Rei/Hawks? Hell. Yeah. Not romantically, this is purely sexual. Hot Young Hero Gets Pegged By Sexy Milf Divorcee. I can see the hub logo already. Idk how they’d meet tbh maybe he saves her or she divorced Enji rather than… what happened:/ But they meet and sparks immediately fly, and he takes her back to his penthouse and they freak it.
Dabi/Hawks. Classic. My favorite. Sweet and spicy. The tension and the romance is unparalleled. I don’t even need to type any of this out because what happens in canon is already perfect enough. If all of these ships happen in the same universe, this is endgame. But also, if these all happen in the same universe, the first family dinner where Touya brings his bf home and the room is just full of people hawks has slept with… delightfully awful.
Fuyumi/Hawks is where we start to get some sweet innocent dating. Maybe they met while Hawks did a press assembly at her school. Maybe the kids staged a meet cute or smth, parent trap style. They date for a few months, and spend a handful of nights together, but ultimately decide that neither of them are in a spot in their lives where they can pursue a serious relationship. They part on good terms, and occasionally still talk as friends.
Natsuo/Hawks. Baby’s first one night stand 🥰 buuuttt it turns into booty call for sure. Natsu is freshly 18. He’s finally his own person. He’s in university, he has his own apartment. Things are good. So he goes clubbing and meets the youngest hero to reach top 10, and he just so happens to want to go home with him. They toe the line of booty call and friends with benefits, but they don’t really hang out much because hero work and university are Very time consuming.
Shouto/ Hawks. Stop side eyeing me, I said it wasn’t weird or illegal. I intentionally put a space after the slash, it’s unrequited. Hawks was simply Shouto’s sexual awakening, just as I’m sure he was many other kids that age. Shouto never had any sort of attraction to anyone until Hawks showed up in the hero scene. At first he saw his press debut and was just ‘oh wow that man is very attractive. Guess I’m mildly attracted to boys now.’ And then he saw Hawks on tv, covered in soot, walking out of a burning building while holding a baby in one arm and a kitten in the other and he decided then and there that he would never look at another man in his life because no one could ever compare.
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beybuniki · 15 days
Your Dabi icon on your shop is so cuutteee aaaa he’s so dreamy 😭
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poppy5991 · 9 months
Dabi: *reveals himself to be Toya*
Shoto: Toya is dead? It’s a bit rude to impersonate my dead brother.
Dabi: I’m back! It’s me, Toya.
Shoto: *gasps* A zombie?
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decaffeinatedcrack · 1 year
Lmao Dabi saying some shit like "you're mine" to Hawks trying to come off all sexy and hot and Hawks being sent into an existential crisis about how the commission owns him and now Dabi’s claiming to own him and how he'll never be able to exist as his own person with his own identity.
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speaking of 388
did y'all know I went briefly insane after that chapter where I plotted a possible au where touya stayed in his cooked brain phase post-war
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tiredhawks · 2 years
I like the drama of cheating but Dabihawks would never be the type so what about like, inexperienced and "mate" focused Hawks getting with Dabi and thinking the have some unspoken exclusive thing and Dabi just.... not being on the same page. Dabi is very used to one night stands or friends with benefits type things; and because of the image Hawks has with the media, he kind of assumes Hawks was the same type of way so never even thinks to have a conversation about it.
Hawks finds out the hard way that they did not have the same view of their relationship, but catches on pretty fast to the miscommunication that happened between them, and just feels too humiliated to admit it to Dabi so he just tries to act normal- but Dabi can tell he is very upset because he's barely talking to Dabi and runs off with other league members first chance he gets.
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gentrychild · 2 years
Shouta: I'm your spouse, you're supposed to agree with me!
Other Dad: I thought you didn't believe those kinds of obligations were logical.
Shouta: When the alternative is encouraging my younger brother, I do!
Izuku, eating cornflakes straight from the box while sitting on their kitchen counter: "Listen to your spouse, Shouta! Better watch out before he realizes he's too good for you!"
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