#compared animal anatomy was super fun
myulk · 1 year
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The cerebellum ones didn't come out as pretty as the kidney's but it's okay! Pinky pinky <3
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I don't know if you've ever been asked this question, but I was wondering:
Did you learn to draw somewhere, or were you self-taught? Maybe you have some tips or hints for beginners? What was your favourite thing about drawing?
Sorry if this ask is too personal, but I really like your drawing style and wanted to ask some advice :D Have a good day! 🌸
it's a mix of both, really! i grew up loving art from the very beginning, like. im talking about making teletubbies fanarts and asking my dad to make me learn to draw characters from w.i.t.c.h. and tomb raider fandsndfs, according to my parents i had a pencil in my hands before i even started talking -- and that's what led me to actually learn to draw "properly", first in a art-centered high school (that. did less than good to me tbf but it was a matter of 90% of the art-related teachers being garbage) and the comics academy in torino where i think i started to truly "understand" what i wanted from my art style
if i may give some advices other than the good ol' "keep practicing and try to at least doodle something once a day", i could go with:
don't compare yourself to other artists negatively, especially those younger than you. it's probably the hardest part, but you need to "force yourself" to be positive. if you find yourself thinking "this 14 years old draws better eyes than me", go with "i love how they draw eyes, let's see if i can learn from it"
copy copy copy copyyyyy!!!!! copy from references, copy from photos, copy from comics, copy from movies. of course don't plagiarize people and then present that stuff as your own, but try to make a pose yours and learn to take pictures of your own hands, feet, face or ask people to pose if you can't find the right position
your art will look like shit to you, a LOT of times, but know that at one point you're going to quit. if you don't like what you're drawing, either quit there or restart, don't try to "fix" it because you'll just end up noticing more and more issues with it - issues that, most of the times, aren't even issues to begin with. letting go of perfectionism is very difficult, but at some point you'll have to do that--
and about perfectionism, a VERY good exercise we did in comics school was being forced to "draw fast". this isn't me telling you you NEED to draw as quick as possible, but it's an exercise that forces you to learn quickly where certain body parts go, to prioritize specific details rather than others. we had a model, and at first we had to sit there for an hour drawing her, then the hour became 30 minutes, then 10, then 5, and at the end 1. it took us a few lessons to do that, but at the end the super sketchy 1 minute copy went from ???? to a stylized human figure!!!
learn to draw realistic anatomy, and then make it your own style.
for the love of god learn prespective it's a bore it's a chore but as soon as you learn that everything becomes SO much easier
for shading, just. put a point in the canvas where the light source is and go from there!! if the light is on the right, the shades will be on the left
if you're coloring, play with the shades' colors. a good idea is to use the opposite color you use for the lights - if the light is yellow, the shades look great in purples, for example just don't use pure black unless you wanna go for a more dark/noir aesthetic oh my god
professional comic artists retrace a lot of their backgrounds. i'm js. use this as you wish :)
learn to draw different body shapes!!!! like getting out of the anime phase of "fat people are just like thin people but with a huge belly" can be difficult, but it's very satisfying
go out of your comfort zone. if you have problems drawing horses, spend a few days learning to draw horses. take some pics and try to understand them.
body proportions are so fun once you realize how so many things are the same. generally speaking, your spread hand is as long as your face, your feet and half the size of your arm; the outer corner of your eye is at the same level of your ear, and the inner corner is perpendicular to your nose and the corner of your mouth; if you leave your arm on your side, your elbow is at the same level of your bellybutton, and your fingers reach halfway your thighs. it's so fun
and yea, i can't stress it enough. it'll take time. art is painful, art is stressful, art can be discouraging. take a step at the time, accept some failures and celebrate any good thing - even the smaller ones. you learned to draw hands today, and you should be proud. i tried to draw a cat for the first time and it looks wonky, but the cat you will draw tomorrow will look better. i believe in you
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noodle-anime · 6 months
just! finished saiyuki og series!!! discovered the first resurrected edition volume recently and it has been. well. it's been a journey lol
oooooooooh boy there sure was some Anatomy and Proportions happening in the first volume but it was super fun to see the art style progress actually. it encouraged me to notice more complex poses and things in the later volumes, and when there was an occasional repeat panel like Sanzo and Goku's first look it was very cool to see the difference in quality.
i have a coupla favorite panels/spreads and generally tried to pay a little more attention to how things are precisely laid out and it was a fun aspect of reading. i want to do some actual breakdowns now, maybe compare early and later layouts.
also! i discovered and watched zeroin! my first intro to saiyuki was discovering reload blast forever ago. the art style in zeroin and the fact that there's a whole set of characters i'd never heard of before made it feel like an au or semi-canonical anime movie, sorta, but i enjoyed it So much and there are some specific notes on sanzo characterization that i want to dig into
sanzo is my fave and the kami-sama arc was So Very Good in that respect but it also grew my love for gojyo three sizes.
the way that they all react when gojyo leaves cracks me up so much. they're So Offended. something so funny and also so tasty that they will not under any circumstances admit out loud that they care about gojyo and miss him so instead they're like we are going to Hurt Him (because he hurt us) for Disrupting Our Daily Routine (he's a fundamental part of our lives) and FORCING us to turn this car around (he left with the full knowledge and expectation that they would follow through with actually continuing to pursue this Very Important job like they always said they would)
mmmmm gojyo's savior complex mmmm it's good.
got blasted by the idea of gojyo and hakkai starting an orphanage when they're done with the mission. hakkai was a teacher and still models himself as a "childcare professional"/co-parent to goku and gojyo wants to save somebody So Badly. also good luck resocializing goku to not be killing people/fighting for his life every other day for Two Entire Formative Teenage Years, helping kids and not having it backfire spectacularly in his face would be good for him
i just read the fourth volume so that's most of what i've got on my mind, i know i have More thoughts from the other volumes
besides the fact that sanzo's joints are gonna/have gotta be So Fucked Up. he really is a grandpa. poor guy.
feels good to nail some characterization aspects like genjyo "i'm a coldhearted bastard and you'd better stay out of my way" (developed coping mechanisms to deal with the traumatic loss of a parent and people repeatedly Attacking Him at an early age) sanzo, cho "yes i'm the wife/mother, please excuse these skeletons, the cleaver is only for special occasions" hakkai, sha "i'm the only one here who understands how to be a normal person" (he does not but he does have the highest emotional intelligence) gojyo, and son "i'm a teenager" (he's a teenager, also growing up with the aforementioned trio as parental/familial figures and starting to come into his own!!) goku
not a single one of these men has had a normal relationship or even prolonged interaction with a woman
i had no idea there was a whole brainwashing segment with kougaiji?? and i really want to see more of lirin, there are fun parallels there to explore that i really wanna dig into
i had no idea to what level sanzo was a bastard gremlin with a gun who just Happens to also be the highest of high priests before and now that i do it delights me. the very hypocrisy of his acceptance in his position disgusts him because He Is Not Priest Material but also it's what his dad wanted for him so fuck everybody who tries to take that from him. in any other situation he'd be the shady penniless vagabond gun for hire but koumyou happened. and now we all get to enjoy it.
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taduki · 1 year
Hey, Taduki, I recently started reading your Arcana headcanons. They’re great! I have a headcanon request if you’re interested. M6 with an MC who has a habit of turning into cats and other animals, eventually leading to heightened senses in their human form too.
Now I see why arcana asks pages are so stressed out 😭 I’m worried about disappointin’ y’all. It’s ok tho this looks fun. REALLY sorry it took so long… I’m writing this with specific powers in mind, comparing them to the powers Atreus has from the God of War series.
M6 w/ an MC Who Can Transform into Animals and Use Their Abilities
If you ask him about your relearning of abilities when you came back, he’ll have an entire book of the shenanigans you got up to: picking a fight with the stove salamander, “Which one’s the real Faust?”, “MC, don’t eat that !!”, the list just goes on, and for the sake of old memories, you like reliving some of those moments or maybe tying up loose ends you may have caused. (No wonder why the stove salamander was always so moody around you and your cold eggs).
It was honestly stressful, so you can imagine their relief and confidence in your abilities now. He had little to no worries about leaving you at the shop alone once you got used to them. This, of course, led to the events in the story.
This turns out to be a two sided coin though because they watched you learn and grow your instincts and it only made them want you more. You’re so gifted and special, they are so fascinated with you. Just imagine your adventures with them!
On your adventures, they ask for your help way-finding, gathering, and other useful activities, but sometimes they just like to humor you by asking of you the impossible. “MC, could you take a sniff at the stars? See where we are?”, and that smug grin plastered on his face makes you want to prove them wrong so badly, so you make it up based on the actual knowledge of your location to find your way ahead, and every. single. time. they just tease you, “That’s my lover, alright.”
You had little relations with Aisha and Salim at first, so they didn’t know of your abilities, like AT ALL. So, what does the mysterious and powerful Asra The Magician do? They propose you prank them, of course, and whatever you two did became an inside job for years to come. Aisha and Salim are interested in your powers. They’re powerful magicians too, yes, but you transform with such ease. So easily that you’ve retained the instincts of the animals you can turn into. It’s safe to say they’re reassured of you as a partner for dear Asra.
You have many opportunities to spook him while he’s working.
What’s that thing behind the ink pot? Oh, it’s you! You’re a mouse. Oh, now you’re a bird. Aww what cute little creature are you going to become now? — AHH A TIGER!!
Of course, he admires your capability to retain some of the animalistic abilities while you’re in human form. He may or may not be secretly super interested in your capabilities, but knows not to pry. He’s just proud of your independent magic.
You make the funny habit of being a part of his costumes/disguises. Now “Julio” has a pet squirrel !!
Secretly loves when you sneak your way to him unexpectedly. He loves surprises if they’re you. Follow him while he’s on an errand and when he comes home, mention something casually about it and he’ll turn around, so certain and wide-eyed like, “YOU were that cat!”, when you were actually the falcon flying overhead.
On the very rare occasion that he is called upon to aid an injured animal, he’ll mention it, but won’t expect you to help. Whether you’re actually knowledgeable about the anatomy of the animal or not, you find ways to help like cleaning or standing guard for their comfort. You might also find you can empathize with them. Tell Julian where not to touch, how he can better handle them, etc.
At the end of the day, he is forever grateful for you. He’ll give you all of his love as a reward…
Dealing with Pepi constantly interrupting her work was a real pain in her day, so if you’re willing to offer, she’ll be so relieved.
That’s not the bulk of it obviously, Portia loves new things and you’re all new things in one !!
At first, she treats it like a game. “A duck!! Ooh, what about one of those fancy birds in the garden?”, so if you decide to indulge her, she’ll be going about her business on palace grounds and suddenly get an MC wolf jumpscare from the bushes. Every day, she eyes the animals suspiciously, wondering if they’re you.
If you can interact with the animals, you could help her take care of them if you’d like. “Could you pollinate the flowers for me? Pleaseeeee?”
Oh, the delightful jokes of making her hair into a bird’s nest…
If you can get her away from her work, it’ll be easy to have fun. Go for a little shopping trip in town!! It’s a mission to find specific things for good prices, and you succeed every time. Her heart bursts with her love for you when you pick up little things that remind you of her.
Palace gossip is so funny now because she’ll hear one thing, and you’ll hear another thing somewhere else entirely, so you two just end up theorizing in the afternoons. Afternoon tea is now full of even more giggles and incredulous gasps. At this point, you’re pretty sure you’ve collected every backstory in Vesuvia.
She’s just happy she can find more ways to provide for you. There is plenty of space in the gardens if you want to roam free or sniff flowers or just take a nice nap in the sun. If you really so wish, she’ll be happy to personally set up a room for your needs.
You surprise her everyday it seems like. Every time she thinks she’s seen it all, you defy her expectations, and it delights her (and potentially startles Chandra).
Speaking of Chandra, depending on what form you’ve taken on, you might want to give her space. She’s fully aware that’s you who just looks like an animal, but she’s very headstrong and instinctual. Even if Nadia has talked to her, she’s still a bit stubborn about it and will only interact with you if you’re in human form.
Of course, there are some exceptions to Chandra’s rule. She’ll be a little more comfortable and friendly if you’re in owl form. She may preen you. Other times, she will step in to protect you if you’re in danger.
When Nadia is in Business Mode, she’ll ask for your input on issues about animals in Vesuvia if you’re comfortable about it. She wants to find ethical solutions for every party in Vesuvia, which includes animals. How can she help the Flooded District while taking care of the fish and other underwater creatures? She honestly might not have even considered this in her plans if she didn’t meet someone with your abilities.
She does not hesitate to ask for your help outside of the palace. She is very confident in your abilities and admires you for them. You have earned high respect from various visiting parties, including the animals.
Maybe Muriel doesn’t like humans that much, but he still loves you even if you’re another human he has to trust and talk to and — … Where did this cat come from?
Blinks a few times before letting the crazy catch up to him. “MC…?”
He doesn’t know how to feel about it at first, but then he remembers he literally lives in the forest with all the animals ever. This leads to both relief and worry. Relief because he finds it easier to get settled with you now that he can apply some of his knowledge to take care of you, but worries about letting you roam around in certain forms because how will he be able to protect you?
Inanna literally knows it’s you but still gets startled when you switch in front of her. Some forms make her worried about shoving or stepping on you, but the other ones she’s perfectly fine with. The best way to play with her is switching to a form around the same size as her that can run and/or jump fast. Some days, you just spent hanging out with her, exploring the forest together, and by the time you two come back to Muriel, he’s just happy to have you two back.
Sometimes he gets a little wistfully jealous of the animals that spend so much time with you. He didn’t imagine he could, but it’s more of like, “It’s too quiet. I miss them…”, and, “I want to spend time with them too…” He tries not to let it get to him, but if it’s really bothering at some point, he’ll tell you outright, “I want to be with you”, and proceed to become a bumbling mess of “I mean, AROUND you” and whatnots.
If you incline to spend more time with him, he’ll be so grateful, yet guilty that you’re having to hold back because of him. With enough time and patience, you two would work something out where some days you come home before dinner time and spent the rest of the day with him and leave after he feeds the chickens. Go ahead and pretend you’re one of the chickens!! Show him this can be fun too!
He so badly wants you to be happy. He loves you so.
You have GOT to tell or demonstrate this to Lucio as soon as possible or he will try to hunt you for game. If he does try to hunt you and you transform back, he’ll be all over you with the following statements:
“Oh GOD, I’m so sorry MC! Are you okay?!” “That was really cool by the way.”
Once he’s past the awkward part, he has so many questions. How far can you jump? How high can you climb? CAN YOU FLY??? Can you become imaginary creatures?
Whether you can or can’t accomplish these feats, he also has many ideas. You two are journeymen now, and you live day to day off the spoils of your hunts and adventures. He thinks, with your abilities, you two could become much more efficient, and you ask him what he plans to do with the rewards, and he gets all flustered like he doesn’t want to take you on a nice, luxurious date.
When you explain you can use some of your abilities in your present human form, he is silently relieved he won’t have to keep checking if the animals he’s hunting are you. He’s moreso impressed, though. Whenever you tell him something like “it smells like rain”, he asks what it smells like for no particular reason. He just finds it fun to ask about and likes imagining what you’re sensing.
New friend for Mercedes and Melchior !! They’re very perceptive, and have no problems differentiating you from other animals, so when Lucio loses you in a field of bunnies, he can count on them to help out, but occasionally he’ll insist on being able to find you just so he can impress you. It never works in his favor though, and he gets a nasty bunny bite… “I didn’t even know they could bite!!”
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mintaikcorpse · 1 year
My sister, parents, and friends all think I'm a furry. IM NOT A FURRY! There's just a bunch of coincidences!
Like, everyone had a crush on Mr Wolf and Diane from The Bad Guys! They're just hot! They're the exception!
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And Vivziepop just makes a lot of animal based characters! It's not my fault some of them are hot! Like yeah, Husk is a cat. But he looked good in a suit, okay?
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And that goes with Alastor, Angeldust, and Vaggie! You can barely tell Angel and Vaggie are supposed to be a moth and a spider! It's a coincidence! And yeah, Stolas is an owl, and Loona is a wolf, so??? Stolas is very likable, and Loona's design is just really pretty!
And Striker may be a snake/rat looking demon, but he's also the exception!
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And yeah, in Hunter's (Golden Guard's) first introduction, his mask was a barn owl. BIG DEAL. It doesn't mean anything that he became my favorite character!
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And yeah, I made multiple animal based characters! But that's because they're fantasy stories, and making animal characters are super common! And animals are really fun to make characters out of!
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And maybe younger me loved to play Animal Jam, collected LPS, loved Disney animals, and looked at furry art online, and then made a fursona when I was 8. Big deal! I was 8! It means nothing! And maybe sometimes I still draw myself with possum ears or a raccoon tail. That doesn't make me a furry!
And maybe I still love drawing animals, and I love making bug characters or a lot of drawings I make have animalistic aspects to them. And I only have one sexualizwd drawing of an anthropomorphic spider I did! It was for anatomy, and drawing basic human anatomy is boring! And yeah, my friends constantly compare me to a possum and raccoon, my discord pfp is a raccoon, and I constantly use possums as a reaction image. These prove nothing! Everyone does these things, right?
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friendlyfatbee · 1 year
6th Hottest Ghosts: DJ Phantasmagloria and Serpci
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Serpci is a one trick pony and DJ Phantasmagloria can kick your butt, I will explain why in the following essay- /hj
Looks: I tried to judge her specifically for beauty standards during the New Kingdom of ancient Egypt, at least thats what her attire suggests. Serpci scores perfectly in this catagory with her body type, hairstyle, longer dress, pectoral (type of necklace here, including the usage of gold and faience, which is a common blue-green material), and her makeup. (Source: Fashion and Beauty in Ancient Egypt by The Not So Innocents Abroad, warning: discussion of female anatomy and nude Egyptian statues.) Serpci also furfilled a lot of catagories in regards to wealthy women during this time period, such as fitted lightweight linen or bead dresses (Source: Ancient Egyptian Clothes by Archeology Now, warning: Nudity in Egyptian art used.) Long story short, this woman is rich and attractive.
Personality: Serpci has a pretty good personality! She exudes power and grace with her movements and body language, a witty leader, and even accepts her defeat with dignity (when she is vacuumed up by Luigi and she lays herself to rest.) A detail I’ve noticed is when Luigi manages to survive all her attacks (giant sand head, small sand vipers that shoot projectiles) she’ll… scream in anger. She isn’t infinitely patient, and tbh I understand completely losing it if your almost flawless attack managed to fail. This girl likes to toy with Luigi, ex. Doing a bunch of showy movements and distracting Luigi before sealing him to the bottom of her pyramid, and choosing to give him chills instead of straight up capturing or killing him when she sneaks up on him. While I wish there was more of some sort of character dynamic like having more apparent flaws, perhaps being furious and immature when things don’t go her way? Because most of the time on screen she does things successfully except for defeating Luigi when he does escape the pyramid. I recommend rewatching her fight and seeing her animation for when Luigi dodges her sand serpents that shoot projectiles! Otherwise she doesn’t exhibit toxic traits and seems interesting enough, but thats about it.
Survival Rate: Surprisingly a medium score. So here’s the think about the whole ‘one trick pony’ thing: she can only control sand. All her strong attacks are sand related, but once that’s taken away from her with a vacuum she is vulnerable and lacks any form of threat. Her floor is full of sand, hence she’s super powerful there (unless, like established, it is taken away like vacuuming.) Throw her into another environment, and she’s a fish out of water.
Niceness Rate: Kind of lower, since she seems to enjoy teasing Luigi and then sending him to his demise.
DJ Phantasmagloria:
Looks: Her beauty standards were based within the 1970s (time of both disco and the origin term of Deejay.) She holds up with a wonderful score, such out having a warm bronze appearance, youthful look, thin eyebrows, cranberry lip stick, and of course the iconic Afro which became incredibly popular in black communities. (Source: Beauty Standards Throughout the Decades: The 1970s by Simone Sydel) (If you want to see more evidence of the Afro being popularized along with confident black women, take a look at the article Rare Photos of ‘70s Black Beauty Pageants Celebrate Women Defying Beauty Standards by Kristina Rodulfo. Warning, photos of women in bikinis.) However a point was deducted for the outfit itself just… not really being interesting? Its almost depressing in appearance compared to what outfits were present during the 1970s (ex. Tie-dye, maxi dresses, wide lapel blazer, and more.)
Personality: Fun fact, I ended up having to rewatch her fight because the first time I was too entranced with watching her and enjoying her that I completely forgot to write notes. She’s just there to have a good time! She’s having the time of her unlife!- she doesn’t even tease Luigi that much an enjoy it, she’s just in a good mood. She’s grooving, and she only looks a bit irritated and distressed once Luigi starts vacuuming one of the dancer goobs. She loses her patience however once Luigi messes up the entire dance routine (I enjoy the touch of the record stop sound effect) and immediately gets on the dance floor, acting like everything’s still good only to give Luigi a threatening look. She still has her spirits up throughout the fight, dancing all the while Luigi is dodging her attacks. She even dances in her defeat animation while Luigi vacuums her up, safe to say at this point she heavily values music and performances. Though, like Serpci there is a lack of flaws (though it can be argued that maybe Gloria tries to minimize problems and make them seem not serious for the sake of keeping the atmosphere lighthearted.)
Survival Rate: Somewhat low because her vinyls are on fire, she can summon these vinyls anytime, and uh… getting sliced/lit on fire at the same time does not sound pleasant.
Niceness Rate: Middle of the road, its hard to tell because of no negative or positive actions toward other goobs or toward Luigi.
Overall, I love these two and have no major complaints! And now I shall rewatch DJ Phantasmagloria’s boss fight because I love her. And again. And again and again and again—
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Thank you for answering my ramble, I would like to continue to borrow your ears, if that's alright
That was a good point re: school languages... Maybe a better analogy would be languages that aren't common in an area? Like my school had German and French as options, even though there wasn't any notable amount of population in either. An elective, of sorts.
As for the vocal cords, perhaps they're structured differently, or it could be a whole different organ, to produce sounds. I'm leaving a bit of wiggle room personally, since it's v fantasy anyways from what we know of their physiology. Organs likely have to change somewhat anyways, with the land potion - where digestion leads, how blood vessels work, etc. So mer language couldn't be spoken on land (or spoken with some difficulty), and human languages could only be mimicked in sea.
Something new to think about for you, though - what's your opinion on the double jaw hc for the eels? I personally like it - it gives them more similarity to their animal inspiration, and the thought of the jaws being used to freak people out is quite amusing~
[Referencing this post!]
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chisxvjsns They used to offer German and French as electives at my school but 😩 they got dropped because not enough people were taking it… so I see something similar going on with a (theoretical) course for merpeople to learn the common language of humans? Like, it’s an elective but some schools may not offer it at all due to lack of general interest in going to the world above long term.
Yes, I would imagine that the transformation (?) potions are would have to do a lot of complex procedures in terms of rearranging the organs and other body parts. When you think about it like that, it’s really amazing that magic can do things usually only surgeries can.
I think the vocal cords of a merperson would probably have to be at least a different shape to accommodate for the water rushing through them?? Though the shape would also have to be able to adapt to air, since I assume merpeople can surface and still speak just fine without the water.
I think the twins having a second jaw headcanon is fun, but putting aside suspension of disbelief, I don’t think it’s… practical?? If we think about the anatomy of a human versus a moray eel, they’re quite different. A human has a comparatively small mouth and respiratory opening compared to eels, so would a second jaw even be able to realistically fit in a human without inhibiting their other functions?? Or at least displacing some of the other organs??? Wouldn’t that at least result in misaligned teeth or an overbite??
I can see maybe their merforms being adapted to accommodate the second jaw (even then, it’s debatable how much their merforms relate to the A&P of their sea creature species; ie octopuses have large heads to hold their organs and beaks instead of teeth for chewing food, yet merform Azul has neither of these traits). However, I don’t see a reason why the transformation potion wouldn’t “correct” it for their human forms? The extra jaw wouldn’t have a purpose for a human (while a moral eel has the pharyngeal jaws to help them prevent prey from escaping). That’d be like saying their human forms still have gills when gills aren’t necessary for functioning on land.
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In the world of anatomy and physiology, we generally adhere to the rule of “form follows function”. So… if there isn’t a need for a certain function, it usually gets eliminated over the course of evolution. In this case (since magic makes change almost instantaneous), I feel like non-necessary functions (and thus the forms associated with them) are largely eliminated in the transition from merform to human.
… Okay, the boring buzzkill stuff is done 🤡 djsvjwbekeemvzksb My opinion of the headcanon?? Like I said before, I think it’s super fun!! I love seeing fan art of it and how uncanny and grotesque it often looks. The twins would absolutely abuse it to freak out their classmates (much to Azul’s chagrin).
“Whatever happened to maintaining a sense of decorum?!” he’d moan, holding his head in his hands.
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adobe-outdesign · 2 years
As a geologist, may I request my beloved roggenrola and its line? I also think gigalith has a lovely shiny
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The Roggenrola (great name) line is compared to the Geodude line a lot because they're supposed be generational parallels, and I gotta say: if we're comparing the two, I much prefer the Roggenrola line (nothing personal, Geodude).
The big difference between the two for me is that Geodude is a rock with a fairly normal face. Roggenrola, meanwhile, is a rock with a single "eye" taking up its entire face, which isn't an eye at all and is instead an ear it uses, because it has no use for eyesight underground.
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That is honestly amazing conceptually, and it gives it a more alien/Ultra Beast kind of look that just feels inherently more interesting for a rock monster.
Another point it has over the Geodude line is color. Instead of just being all grey, Roggenrola's body is a navy blue with yellow accents—this not only just looks nicer in general, but it also gives it more contrast. My only real nitpick here is that I wish the yellow rocks were orange like the rest of the line; it's not that they look bad as-is, it's just that it's a little jarring visually because of how the orange suddenly becomes prominent for the next two.
Also, the way it moves—Roggenrola's little waddle is adorable, and has a lot more personality to it than Geodude's standard levitation. Basically, what I'm getting at is that this is a good rock.
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Also unlike the Geodude line, the Roggenrola line manages to stay much more consistent visually as it evolves. While it unfortunately has a slightly more distinct face, those holes are still ears, it doesn't really have a visible mouth, and it's still a craggily rock creature.
One of my favorite features about Boldore is that it has three legs, and it moves around without changing direction like some kind of bizzaro rock crab. (Do we even have any other tripedal Pokemon? Because I can't think of any off the top of my head.) This is not only, once again, a fun and kind of alien look for a rock creature, but it also makes it unique from both its evo and pre-evo.
Also, side note: the 'dex refers to the orange parts as crystals, but to me they always just looked like orange rocks. I'd love to see a model for this line where the crystals are semi-transparent and actually look crystalline; maybe SV will do it if it makes it in, seeing as they seem to be improving the model textures.
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Gigalith is a tiny bit of a downgrade from its pre-evos, but that's not to say it's bad. It's just more that it becomes a little more standard at this stage, having the ears look even more like eyes, having four normal legs, etc. Still, unlike say, Coalassal, it still retains a lot of the good elements of its pre-evos—same ears, same crystals, same rocky texture and overall non-organic look. It feels like a more powerful, logical continuation of the line, even if it's a little less strange.
My only nitpick with this stage is that there are maybe one too many orange crystals. The two super tiny ones on the face in particular don't do anything and could've been removed, and I also feel like the one in the chest could've been dropped as well without losing anything and still remaining distinct from Boldore. Also, I don't get why the leg joints and only the leg joints are grey instead of the blue of the rest of the body. (Also, it seems to have a muppet mouth in its animations?? why.) That's it though.
As a whole, I like this line quite a bit. It's a refreshing take on the rock monsters that have become standard in Pokemon, and the overall strange but weirdly logical rock anatomy works really well.
Also, I don't normally bring up shinies that often because they're not usually relevent, but agreed that Gigalith's looks great. Pokemon swaps out red/orange for blue and vice versa a lot, and I'm always a sucker for it.
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childofaura · 2 years
Sorry if you aren't taking these anymore, but what do you think of 'kanasebench'? The Nifl Julia art looks pretty, but it feels like a whiplash to see it compared to some of the other art?
(I don't actually have FEH pass, but I got Nifl Julia on the Binding World thing, and it startled me)
Oh trust me, I will ALWAYS take a FEH artist ask. It's so much fun to talk about these artists and what makes their art appealing (or not appealing depending on who the artist is and their work, lol).
And I'm actually really glad you brought up Kanasebench because it is SO not fair that they haven't been given a chance to draw another character, because just look at Julia:
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Oh gosh, she's just so darling, look at her little skirt grab, absolutely adding to the effect that this is a Resplendent outfit, this is the garb of a kingdom that she's never worn before but really seems to enjoy it.
I mentioned before with a few artists that it's really hard to judge just from looking at one character, but there's already so much pure skill we can see from this. Absolutely love the lightest shades of lilac/lavender/whatever purple shade used for the light part of the dress; it makes you think that part of the dress is white but the lilac tones are to complement Julia's natural color scheme with her hair. Kanasebench has also taken several vastly different colors (vivid shades of blue, muted shades of purple, white, and gold accents) and managed to beautifully blend it together; I complained earlier this year about Luthier's costume being an absolute mess of a color choice but Kanasebench has a fantastic grasp on color. Another thing I really want to point out is that I love how they structure the face and how they manage to blend this anime art style with keeping natural anatomy, that still manages to keep the character's youthfulness without straying too much into "bug-eyed pencil-neck anime child". No hate towards Sachie (although Hanusu is... okay), but Sachie's Julia artwork is too... I don't wanna say "too anime" because that's what this game is SUPPOSED to be, but it's just too standard anime style, kind of.
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LOOK AT THE SPECIAL EFFECTS. LOOK AT THE WAY THE DRESS SWIRLS. The action pose of Julia herself might not be super strong but the clothing gives it movement! And the simple art effects at the bottom with the ice are, like I said, simple, but effective! Kind of reminds me of Breath of the Wild's single character art pieces.
Now is there a bit of an issue with Kanasebench's artwork? I'd say... yes, but it's really just the one issue. And that's expressions:
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Now granted I can see that they're trying to push for differing expressions, but I think simply because of their style, it's really hard to get something drastic without sabotaging the character's face. Though I will say in the neutral portrait, Julia's little smile coupled with that semi-curtsy is just... so stinkin' cute. I'd still like to see if this is something they'd be able to improve in the future... IF FEH EVER HIRES THEM AGAIN!!! >:( SERIOUSLY FEH, STOP ONE AND DONE-ING SOME OF YOUR REALLY COOL ARTISTS. YOU DID IT TO LEGENDARY SELIPH'S ARTIST, YOU DIDN'T GIVE BTHX ANOTHER CHANCE TO IMPROVE, AND YOU DROPPED HOMARE AFTER THEIR GORGEOUS EREMIYA ARTWORK. STOP. DOING. THAT.
Anyways, I'd say that because of how pleasant it is to simply look at this artwork, Kanasebench is very much a 9/10. You're definitely right about the whiplash because the first time I saw the artwork in Arenas I was REALLY thrown off. It's an incredibly drastic difference in style compared to other artists that you can't really say looks similar to someone else, but it's got so much charm to it. I think Julia was a good character pick for this artist, and if they draw again I think a good pick of characters would be Duo F!Robin with little M!Morgan, Genny, Sophie, Lysithea, or maybe a Ross alt to see how they draw boys.
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artblock-tm · 11 months
(And mayyyybe 20 if you'd like to ;))
How would you describe your style?
Hm. That's always a hard question for me. Mine is a bit more cartoony and certainly takes liberties when it comes to how realistic it is, but at the same time I try to get things close to accurate (such with anatomy and detail and whatnot).
I can't find words that pinpoint what my style looks like, but I can certainly find the inspirations that got it to where it is now. (Anime and various animations!)
Since we're speaking of my style though, fun fact: I CAN'T for the life of me imitate other people's art styles. It'll always look really similar to my regular art style, just changed up a bit. I see challenges were people imitate different art styles and realize, "Wow! That's cool! How the HELL did they do that!!"
17. What do you love getting compliments about?
When it comes to art? Anything, to be honest. Hell, I'm happy if people reblog my art without any tags. (Although, once or twice, I've gotten an "inspo" or a keysmash or a slight ramble and that really made my day.)
What I like most though is feedback on my OCs. I'm honestly rather bad at character design, and I love knowing what people think about them. Alas, people hardly see my OC art...when I do post it. </3
22. What inspires you?
MANY THINGS, my friend. Some things have made lifelong shifts on my art style (ex: the shading under the chin technique I use is derived from the anime Black Clover!), but most often, I get inspired to draw a specific thing.
Music often inspires me- especially vocaloid, and especially if there's art featured in the video. One of my favorite vocaloid songs is Reckless Battery Burns and I'm obsessed with the MV in it.
TV and movies inspire me, too. I adore the Owl House and have noticed some completely unintentional similarities between Hunter and one of my own characters! Also, bringing back Black Clover, there's a lot of worldbuilding from Masked inspired from that anime.
Books inspire me too! A good example of that is my Shapeshifter/Badgeseller 1984 comic. Another series that gives me inspiration is the Giver series by Lois Lowry (not just the first book, the entire thing, all four books). Ooh, and also the Pandava series (or the Aru Shah series, I don't fully know what to call it). Writing is cool! :)
Secret question: 20. A piece from this year that you're really proud of!
Most of my art this year is Shadow Rift, haha...let me see what I can find.
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^ This one is a good starting point! This one was me playing around with lighting. I found a new technique to use with my art program, and was just messing around with it. So I paid less attention to the background and colors to do so. Here's a fraction of a screenshot I took when I realized just how good it was!
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I was going to compare it to another one of Shadow Rift's pieces, but I realized that discussion would be too long. And would ruin the magic of the piece I was comparing. Whatever.
Next one has bright colors!
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I was mostly playing around with colors and proportions on this one, and I really like the turnout. This is the rare piece of Doodle OC art. Her name is Krystll, and YES I will infodump about her if asked.
And, for the final thing I'm super proud of, that Shapeshifter/Badgeseller 1984 comic. Go look at it again, if you want to. :)
That's it for now! Thank you so much for asking! I'm willing to answer any follow up questions anywhere you like! (Tumblr, Discord, etc.)
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Super excited for all your wips! 👀👀
How do you render your drawings they look so cool!
*SWEATS* Mamser, I literally have no idea what I even do while I make art—
My rendering isn't that grand nor complex (and I don't think there is any rendering. They're mostly all just flats with barely any shading or lightning with this cartoony-anime mixed style), compared to other authors who also draw their character portraits for their IF's.
It's simple and workable, like my artstyle, and I don't think it'll get more complicated than that! If it works for me, then it works.
I don't have any big brain wisdom I can impart on you or for any other budding artists, because I'm no professional and is merely self taught, but I may have some personal ones:
Steal like an artist. Find something in someone else's artstyle that you really like and adapt that to your own! Artstyles are a personal mishmash of the artists you look up to, and not all are the same even if you and someone else may have the same artistic idols. This is different from tracing, however. I DO NOT encourage tracing over someone else's work and claiming it as your own. That is stealing, you utter criminal, and I will dropkick you if you do that.
Practice. Old wisdom, but it works and it's true. You don't become Bob Ross or Leonardo Da Vinci in a day after all. It's a struggle and it'll be frustrating, but I promise once you learn to draw the thing you finally want to draw, the high from reaching that achievement is absolutely real and so, so worth it.
References. If you think you can draw a sitting position freestyle from your brain, you're wrong, because when you look at a reference of that then at your sketch, you're gonna see a lot of mistakes in the anatomy, poses, perspective etc,. So, please, stockpile your references for every possible thing that you'll be drawing, because you'll absolutely need them.
Have fun. As artists we tend to compare our work to those who we think are better in the craft, when in reality we all are just trying to get better in what we do. Look, it doesn't matter if a 3 year old can recreate Mona Lisa in perfect detail, if you enjoy doing your work then that's already enough. I prefer to see "better" artists as inspirations to try and achieve more, not as some unachievable pedestal. You can achieve that too! May not be as quick as the rest, but you will get there in your own pace. Art is a journey, not a race. Take your time, learn what you want to learn, and have fun!
Experiment. You gotta if you wanna find out what stuff sticks with you and what doesn't. It also helps you find out a technique you might like for sketching, lineart, coloring etc., or if you just wanna get the hang of something first! OR if you wanna try out a new artstyle! Art is a science, in a way. A wonderful alchemy of color, wrist pains, and shrimp posture!
Also thank you for showing excitement for my WIPs, anon! I'm trying me best to work on all of them. You get a mwah from me. 😭💙💙💙
Free art from L? How scandalous! This is also just an excuse for me to ramble about my other characters amongst my 200+ bucket of them.
Some of these are old, but I just wanna share 'em for the funsies.
And, yes, the light blue haired, dark blue eyed lady in black and glasses and guy in a green parka with a resting bitch face are Carmen and Everest, Ophelia's older siblings. I also have Weylyn's older siblings, Bleddyn and Riekka, but I plan on reworking their design first. Why do I have so many redesign plans for so many characters.
1. Random character I drew for Religions Class last semester. I loved her design, so I kept her. No name yet, sadly 😭
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2. Rival Agent Team in The Company. No names yet, though purple haired gal is named Agent Carrion. All of the designs and colors were from picrews, I just changed whatever was needed to suit my own preferences.
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3. Lucian and Louise Dagohoy doing a clothes swap (2020). They're siblings I love dearly. They'll show up in an IF soon. I have big plans for them.
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4. Carmen and Everest. Had this for months now, and I had no idea when to show it. Might refine their design a bit when I have the time.
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5. Mint. Yes, her name is Mint. Not a Familiar, but a different kind of Fae entirely. Did this on my phone in 2019(?). I was bored at the time, and wanted to do a simple doodle, so I drew Mint about to eat a carrot.
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6. - 7. MSPaint doodles from 2021, during a boring class if I remember. First one's Quentin the Monarch Fae king because it's been a while since I drew that man, then Louise. She's usually drawn happy all the time, but I wanted to make her sad, so I did. Not that hard to draw on MSPaint, really. Great for lineless practice because there are no layers.
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8. - 10. Raphael, Gabriel and Michael Zealon. A pair of twins and an older brother. They have the old designs of High Court Angels (this was 2021), and their conversation was based on a tweet I saw on Twitter. Don't ask why. I'm too sleep deprived to answer.
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And if you're wondering what art program I use, I either use MSPaint (when I'm bored) or FireAlpaca (for most of my works). The drawing tablet I use is a Huion H430p. It's smaller compared to the normal drawing tablet (H640p) of Huion, and it's as big as a standard notebook.
I would add 20 more art if I were on my laptop right now (and also because most of my art is stored there), but that'll be all for now.
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theopposite6 · 1 year
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This took like 7 more days than I thought it would but I'm so proud of this! This is a redraw of my first ever MLP drawing. The drawing that started this whole project up. I'm super proud of how far my anatomy, composition and shading skills compared to the other 2.
This is from September of 2021
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And this is from December of 2020
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I'm revamping all of the info documents I have. I'll post those as soon as I'm finished. This will include the General Informations document which will link to other documents like the Official Character Bios, World and Species info, Audition Lines and Team Applications.
Also, Animation on this project will start soon! I'm so excited. If anyone is interested in that, join the Discord server so we can have a chat about you working on our team! Or just join for fun if you want-
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For the artist asks, 2, 11 & 18 :3
2. 5 favourites of your own work?
in no particular order:
pokesona, the stars are falling (not posted, will be posted with this years redraw), jewel's house, sleeping jewel, jewel's bedroom (also an extra bcuz i really like it but couldn't find the compressed file to put here: be back soon screen)
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i have a lot of fun drawing my pokesona, it was drawn completely using vector lines which was unbelievably enlightening
the stars are falling was first drawn back in 2020 and has become a way for me to compare how my art has developed over the years. 2020 only featured Jason (he/him), 2021 only had Zero (ey/em), and 2022 includes the former two plus Cleo (she/her, but shes bigender and also goes by Liam he/him), 2023 will include Jason and Ambe (she/her). its a way for me to basically do a benchmark test on my composition and anatomy and colours and shading. i always have a lot of fun drawing it and sometimes making whole new brushes. important note: this one was actually submitted to an art contest, sadly i lost but it was actually my first time since elementary putting my art out with the intent to be judged.
jewel's house was my first time drawing and designing a house and finding different places to incorporate hearts was literally so much fun.
sleeping jewel is just super cute and jewel's bunny hoodie is my favourite thing ever. i have it on my phone and could stare at it for hours.
jewel's bedroom is ALSO a redraw. i enjoyed trying to fit so many things in it, i enjoyed sketching, i enjoyed lining, i enjoyed colouring. though this is actually my least fav of the 5 bcuz i fully believe the idea that your art is only as good as its weakest point. that's not to say its bad or that everyone will approach it as critically as possible. not even to say that everything needs to be perfect. but when i was rendering it, i didn't want to shade. so i took a funky brush and just rushed thru shading. in fact you can see that when watching the speedpaint, i just kinda scribbled the shading. HOWEVER that doesnt take away from the fact i think the rest of it is really well done. i think i did well on the bed in particular and the fact that i stylized a real bed that we own and my actual childhood bed that i would die to get back (we owned two, mine was lost when mum and dad had to abandon my childhood home bcuz of shitty roommates and a shitty landlord) i enjoyed drawing my actual stuffed animals and my actual lolita dress. it like actually has sentimental value bcuz of all of that i just wish i did it better.
11. favourite comment you've ever received on your work?
uhhhh so like i dont usually recieve comments on my work aside from my family's "wow i could never do that" soooo well go with the comment you left on my bunny hoodie design bcuz as far as i can remember iirc it was the first time id gotten a nice comment about my fashion designs and i was really happy someone liked it bcuz im like super nervous about my silly fashion doodles :)
18. do you have any larger projects you'd like to pursue? like comics, shortfilm, a series, etc?
yes! id like House Of Misfits to be a cartoon, tho the show would probably be lighter than the short stories bcuz i don't imagine i could explore Amber's backstory on screen. im making a proof-of-concept website which is technically online and more than 70% unfinished.
i also have a coming-of-age novel i need to do research for called Saftey Blanket about a hijabi girl named Aminah in her senior year of highschool (if i made it a series wed get to see her twin siblings realize they're trans which would be fun but rn they are but lil babbies), id like to make a children's cartoon and a visual novel but i don't currently have any ideas for either.
btw despite the fact that i am an animator, i don't want to animate a show. i want to run a show. i don't actually enjoy animations longer than maybe 10 seconds.
i have a side project based around the album A Constant State Of Ohio by Lincoln that would be a very personal project around self image while having multiple personality disorders (and other problems), but i cannot for the life of me make an animatic. there's lots of ideas like this jostling in my brain, like a stop-motion animation of Through The Roof n Underground by Gogol Bordello, where i just simply cannot which i am fine with.
then theres the fact i do actually want to sew my fashion designs, at least that bunny hoodie if nothing else, and i cannot get my hands on any fabric despite owning a sewing machine
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aquil-writes · 1 year
Get To Know Your Character Tag
I was tagged by @vsnotresponding, thanks!! This was a lot of fun!
I'll answer for Maple and Ryker, I like the way you compared Ira and Karma in your response a lot!
Relationship status: in canon rn they're budding friends
Favorite color: Maple likes green, any shade. Ryker likes dark blue
Favorite food: Maple loves stew of any kind, and Ryker loves fruit, especially apples.
Song stuck in their head: Maple always has a tune stuck in her head. In universe it's probably a ballad (like how folk music tells stories). Ryker might (?) in canon but out of canon I just imagine the Lorax soundtrack. Any song.
Last thing they googled: Google doesn't exist BUT: Maple's search history would probably be 'Best fence to keep sheep from getting stuck' or some other urgent farm problem. Ryker's search history would be all animal anatomy. 'wing muscles diagram crow' Both are googling in a panic.
Time: I've gone back and forth on this one a lot because the seasons are very important in-universe, but in canon rn it's mid-spring.
Dream trip: Maple would love to see the coast. She's heard stories but has never seen the ocean for herself. Ryker doesn't haven't anywhere he'd rather be than home.
Last thing they read: Maple would have read a menu in the castle. Ryker read (studied?) an anatomical diagram of a bobcat.
Last book they enjoyed reading: Maple has never read a book (not super great at reading but could read one if she tried) and Ryker reads for function. I don't think he knows books can be fun.
Favorite thing to cook/bake: Maple loves making bread, kneading especially. Ryker isn't good at either, but a salad is easy enough for him.
Favorite thing to do in their free time: Maple doesn't have much. Between castle busywork and farmstead busywork she's always occupied. Ryker likes to play with animals, usually the ones his family keeps.
Most niche dislike: Maple hates the rain. She knows it's necessary, but she loves being outside so when it rains she's bored quickly. Ryker is a picky eater on the best of days, but he has a vendetta against milk.
Opinion on circuses: They don't exist but if they did Maple would probably enjoy them when they came into town. Ryker would be the reason they don't exist. (very strongly opinionated on treatment of animals)
Do they have any sense of direction?: Maple's is just good enough to not get lost all the time. Ryker's is insanely accurate.
open tag for backlog reasons!!
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sondepoch · 4 years
HC: MC is more flexible than them!
Perfection is certain. Perfection is solid. Perfection is the body of a demon or an angel, where there is no room (or need) for bones to crack and muscles to stretch. You and Solomon, though? You’re human. Not so “perfect” when compared to the other inhabitants of at RAD—but that just makes it all the more interesting when they finally see the way the human body can crack and bend
Word Count: 5.5k
SFW + mild descriptions of cracking body parts
Characters: All brothers + All Undateables + Luke
Instant panic mode
Man just learned that it’s possible for humans to break bones, so when he hears you casually crack your knuckles, he instantly assumes that all your fingers are broken
Finds it even more terrifying when you lean your head back and crack your neck 
Honestly, the look of sheer horror on his face would be terrifying if you didn’t find it so funny
Is actually super confused when he realizes that you’re 100% fine but will not lower himself to actually asking you about it. That is not the Lucifer way, and so this man instead decides to secretly binge Satan’s collection of human anatomy instead
But uh, he gets scarily into it
Seriously, you’re starting to get concerned when it’s been nearly two full weeks of Lucifer ignoring you to bury his nose in a book, eyebrows furrowing every goddamn time he finishes one, and still has no clue what that cracking sound is 
It’s only when you casually do it at the dinner table and Asmo cringes, complaining about how weird it is that humans get pockets of gas inside certain joints and they actually have to crack it out, to which all his brothers nod their head and cringe when you do it again, that he understands what it is
Has never been more relieved
He isn’t as disturbed by the sound as he was before, so it’s not as fun to tease him with it - but you can count on the fact that if you ever crack anything in his presence, he will pause whatever he’s doing to study you for a moment and make sure your face isn’t contorted in pain or anything
After all, he needs to be completely certain that you haven’t broken a bone
But someone help this man when he realizes how much more flexible humans are compared to demons
The first time you do a backbend in front of him, he actually flinches
Man can’t help but imagine himself in those poses - and no matter how sexy you look when you’re winking at him and stretching your body like it’s glue, his bones would have to be shattered to bits for him to do the same
Quietly asks you not to stretch yourself into such positions in his presence
On the bright side, you can shut him up in the middle of any lecture by “casually” stretching your arms back until the demon is so disturbed that he stops in the middle of his sentence and asks you to leave as soon as possible
All in all, not a big fan - but he can tolerate your antics (if only to save face)
But if you ever show him videos (or even pictures) of a contortionist, he may actually be scarred for the rest of his almost-eternal life
Man really needs to learn how to knock
He barges into your room without warning, as usual, only to see you all but straddling the ground, legs spread wide apart as you lean to one side and touch your right toe
It’s the most basic human stretch there is - but it’s terrifying to Mammon
You don’t even get the chance to say hi to him before he’s lifted you onto your feet, pulling you up from under your arms, desperately asking why you weren’t screaming for help 
Cannot process the fact that you were actually in that position willingly, much less the notion that it felt remotely good
Of course, you respond to his obvious aversion by showing him all the other ways your body can bend, flopping onto your bed and bending your body into a perfect bridge position
Mammon’s screeches when he sees the arch your back makes
It lowkey gives him nightmares the next night
Also becomes very touchy after he sees you move your body around so comfortably
In his eyes, you’re now the equivalent of a giant teddy bear - and really, what are the differences, now? He uses you for cuddles and hugs, can seemingly bend your body in any way and you’ll bounce back, and your skin is so soft compared to the hardness of his own body
Man actually grows used to your body after a while, holding a strange fascination for the way you can move
Begins to think that it’s cool when you show him how you can crack your knuckles and such
Absolutely makes use of the fact that some of his other brothers hate the sound, casually walking up to them with you by his side and asking them (while you crack your knuckles) to forgive his debts
Works 90% of the time
The 10% when it doesn’t work, though, he gets into trouble
In his free time, though, he actually likes lying with you and trying to figure what other body parts you can crack
Courtesy of Mammon, you learn that you can crack your hip if you stretch at a certain angle
(Bonus:) He one day tries to stretch his body the way you stretch yours and does a basic hamstring stretch on the ground, trying to touch his toes, but the exertion is too much for his inflexible body and he sort of locks a joint, so he’s left on the floor for nearly half an hour until you find him in his room and help him out of it
(Bonus bonus:) After his trauma from the above incident, he immediately goes back to assuming that you’re in great pain every time he sees you do a particularly difficult stretch and instantly lifts your body out of the position, no matter how you protest and say that you’re fine
"What a normie”
That’s the only reaction you get when you crack your knuckles in front of him, eager to see what he’ll do after realizing how much it disturbs his other brothers
Needless to say, you’re disappointed by his utter nonchalance
But that’s only because you have no clue what happens to Levi when he runs to his room and closes his door, jumping into his bathtub with a shook expression on his face
“Oh my god!” He squeals. “iT wAs LiKE iN tHe aNImES”
Nah, fr tho
Man has seen more than enough human-world shows which feature characters cracking their knuckles before getting down to work, so he’s pretty familiar with the concept
Like many things in anime, he was only 60% sure that it was real
But you actually did it
And it was in real life
Man is practically fanboying over a perfectly normal phenomenon
While you’re sitting in the living room, thinking that he was utterly unfazed by it :(
But when the two of you have a whole year to spend together under the same roof, it’s honestly inevitable that the truth comes out
“You like it?” You ask, pure confusion settling over your faces. After all, he’s the first of the brothers to not be utterly horrified by your little habit
“N-no!” Levi shouts, hiding his face. “I mean, maybe...just a little...sort of...but not in the normie way!”
Boi is too cute for his own good
Of course, you humor him and proceed to crack every single joint you can think of, sending a wink Levi’s way 
It would be so easy to tease him, wouldn’t it? To mess with him and call him strange, to compare to his brothers and remind him that you’re not an anime character - and that anime is, in fact, based on humans, so it shouldn’t have come as a surprise that humans could crack their knuckles the way he’s seen online
But, he’s too precious. And too cute. And he’s too adorable, staring at you with that utterly captivated expression, so you can’t help but humor him again, asking if he wants to see some of the other differences between humans and demons
And when you show him how you can bend your body, man is shook all over again
He 100% thought that the absurd stretches (like a split? how preposterous) were merely fabrications of animation - flourishes added in by animators to make the visuals more interesting
But seeing you move like that? And when you show him the other stuff?
Congratulations. Boi is officially convinced that humans are more interesting that anime can ever be.
One of the few demons who was already familiar with the fact that humans are ridiculously flexible and can crack nearly everything in their body 
He was actually the one to approach you about it
“Stretch for me, human.”
Or well, the same thing but in less blunt words
Actually invites you to have tea with him where he first broaches the subject, confirming that you'll be fully comfortable with everything he wants to study
Lmao man really arranges to have a safe word in case he pushes you too far
Once you’ve agreed to letting him study how the human body can bend and crack, the two of you set a time and meet up in his room (and yes, he does clear his books out of the way to make room for you)
And so the stretching begins
It actually feels quite awkward at first with Satan showing you pictures from human world yoga books and asking you to mimic them, taking notes in a book on everything 
Gets really excited when he realizes that your flexibility is a function of how often you stretch, and once he realizes that you’re able to go a little farther each day, he becomes lowkey obsessed with finding out whether there's a limit or not
Boi may or may not secretly try to stretch in his own room in case demons are just naturally less flexible and need to stretch regularly to become like humans
Also almost breaks his arm attempting that, so he never tries it again
The whole ordeal fits itself into your routine after long enough: after school, you go to Satan’s room and do yoga while he jots down notes on how your body moves, and after everything is done the two of you have tea
Satan never touches you while you’re stretching for fear that he’ll physically push you into something uncomfortable, but when you explain that certain positions are easier to hold if someone helps, he’ll definitely try to be a helping hand
He starts out really tentatively, hesitant that he’ll be too strong and will push you to the floor or something, but he’s pleasantly surprised to find that humans are more resilient than he’d initially thought
After his notebook is filled with notes and he’s suitably convinced that all his questions are sated, he’ll express his gratitude and tell you that you don’t need to continue 
But if you tell him that you’ve been enjoying your time together, man will 100% clear that space in his room permanently, so that you can spend time there together while Satan asks you calming questions about your day and you stretch the tension of the day out of your muscles
Jelly boi
Nah but fr
Man couldn’t care less about your ability to crack your knuckles and neck - if anything, he finds the habit to be irritating
But boi is jealous when he sees how easily you can bend your body and stretch into positions that even he can’t
Obviously, his mind is in the gutter when he’s thinking about the way your body can bend - but he’s equally furious of the fact that human skin is so much softer than demon skin
Like, yes. Most demons have near-perfect skin because of its taut texture - and yes, that gives them the illusion of perfection
But human skin, blemished as it is, is like a teddy bear next to a rock when compared to demon skin
And obviously Asmo’s skin is softer than everyone else’s (this man is NOT skimping out when it comes to his skincare routine), but it infuriates him that his skin isn’t as soft as yours 
Of course, man bounces back quicker than anyone else (as expected)
He grows content with the texture of his own skin the moment he realizes how easily penetrable human skin is - namely when he’s doing homework with you and he sees your skin get sliced open by paper, of all things (man nearly chokes when he learns that this is a regular occurrence for humans)
But he never quite loses his fixation for the human body
It’s highkey the reason why he likes touching you so much - your skin is softer than some Devildom blankets! If he could fall asleep with your arms wrapped around him every night, he absolutely would
But he won’t genuinely request that of you unless you explicitly offer, so he’ll settle for simply hugging you at every opportunity
Ofc, the moment he grows content with the texture of his skin, he’s jealous of your flexibility all over again, so it’s kind of nuts
You eventually have to sit him down and tell him all the downfalls of being able to bend yourself into awkward positions (ex: getting stuck in said position or causing a cramp) for him to finally be content with his own body once more
The moment he’s back to normal, all the usual flirtatious jokes come back and he’s offering to let you show him the ways your body can bend
You deny instantly
But if he ever takes you to a club and has the opportunity to dance with you, do a body roll
Man will get on his knees if that’s what it takes to have you do it again
And then he’ll whisk you off to his room, stubbornly ignoring his brother’s protests, declaring that he needs to “reeducate” himself in the art of dance, and that you’re going to be his teacher
And hey - give him a private show while you’re at it ;)
The first time you crack your knuckles in front of him, he’s eating
Man doesn’t really register it, just assumes that he bit something crunchy 
The second time you do it, it’s in his and Belphie’s room - and Belphie is taking a nap
Man gets a little suspicious, because the sound definitely came from your end, but he dismisses it and decides that the sound must have been a hitch in Belphie’s breathing
But the third time, the two of you are alone
And Beel’s protective instincts come rushing to the surface when he realizes that you really are the one making that sound
“Are you dying?”
First question, no matter what. Man has heard of medical conditions that cause bones to become brittle and crumbly, so he needs to know
Then again, he won’t really believe you when you tell him the truth
“You can...crack stuff at will?”
You have to show him methodically, portion by portion, which of your body parts you can crack
He isn’t disturbed by the sound (he’s eaten things which sound much worse, he can assure you) but man is intrigued
(”But how?” He’ll inevitably ask, struggling to yank his own knuckles off in an attempt to crack them and get that feeling of satisfaction you kept talking about)
All in all,he has a decent reaction - probably one of the only people who won’t overreact about the information
But then the fateful day comes
And he cracks your back
It happens while he’s giving you a big bear hug, proud of you after you came running to tell him about a good grade you got in Devildom Literature - and he places his palm on your back in just the right area, pressing down as he hugs you
And pop
Man is so mortified, he almost drops you
You, on the other hand, cannot be more pleased with this development
“Again! Again!” You shout, trying to get him to repeat the action - but while Beel loves hugging you, cracking your back is something he’s not willing to risk
“It’s okay when you do it, because you know how much your back can take” is his biggest argument. "But I don't."
And unfortunately, calling him a chicken won’t work when you try to convince him otherwise :(
What will work, however, is convincing Beel that this can be a sort of strength training - because he needs to have full control of his body to do it right
He’ll agree to do it once (mainly because you’ve been begging for so long)
But, obviously, “once” means as many times as you want, from there on out ;)
It’s one of the few times where Belphie isn’t in tune with his brother
And he hates it
He doesn’t understand how Beel isn't disturbed by the sound - every time you crack your knuckles, it sends a shudder straight down Belphie’s spine
And it’s not the ick factor taking place. It’s just that Belphie can’t help that his mind wanders to darker places whenever you do something like that, the sound abruptly reminding him of his time in the Celestial War and all the awful things he heard there
Like others, the sound reminds him of how weak you really are
And so, if you ever crack your knuckles around him, expect him to leave instantly
He’s the one brother who will never learn to tolerate it - not when he can remove himself from the situation so easily
And honestly, it’s kind of amazing how sharp his ears are
Is he taking a nap on your lap? If you think you can subtly crack anything without his eyes shooting open, you’re wrong
Is he preparing dinner with you in the kitchen? Nope, the sound of boiling water will not cover the sound of your body stretching too far, and Belphie will shoot you a glare before swiftly exiting the room
Is he simply doing homework with you in the RAD library? You’d think that the sound of chatter from the table next to you would hide the noise you make when you subtly lean back to crack your back, but Belphie is gathering his things mere seconds later, huffing and muttering under his breath
So yeah
Not a fan
On the other hand, he loves how accommodating your body is in terms of how flexibly you are
It brings him great joy, honestly, to just watch you flop your arms around aimlessly because humans’ movements are so fluid, so smooth, so unhindered by the rigid joints of demons
And, obviously, your flexibility makes for better naps
He likes to sleep next to you with his arms wrapped around your waist while you latch onto him in whatever position you deem comfortable
Without a doubt, the position you find is something that would be wholly impossible for a demon (how are you bending your legs that much?!) and it sometimes scares him to realize the full extents of your flexibility (can all humans twist their arms like that, or is it just you?) but he loves that you use your body’s oddities to pull him closer
And he’ll never deny you a comfortable nap if you’re willing to cuddle so readily
Unless you crack your knuckles, that is
Life is war and cracking body parts is your only weapon
Aka nonstop competitions between you and our resident wizard boy, both of you cracking body parts back and forth until one of you either fails or runs out of things to crack
Knuckles? Come on, are you even trying? Give him something less basic
Back? Oh yeah. Both sides, too - and the loud ones
Hips? You didn’t think it was possible, but Solomon will look you in the eye and hit one side of his hip, the movement a prelude to an instant CRACK which rings out oh-so-gloriously from the other end
Ribs? You realized you could crack them once and never stopped - you’re actually the one to teach Solomon how to do this
Neck? Always the finisher. So loud, and so satisfying
Neither the House of Lamentation nor Purgatory Hall ever wants to have the two of you over at the same time, because the residents know that you and Solomon will have these competitions. And they absolutely hate it.
So what do you do?
Go to the library and disturb the demons there, of course
It actually becomes a pretty sick form of payback to all the annoying demons that look down on the two of you for being humans, because they always cringe so hard when you guys do this
The two of you have deduced that the sound of knuckles cracking is the demon equivalent to the sound of nails on a chalkboard
And you fucking run wild with it
No one wants to piss either of you off, because you’ll both glare at the demon in question and proceed to crack every body part known to mankind (like seriously - it’s reached the point where you guys can crack your TOES, and if that isn’t absolutely amazing, then you don’t know what is)
It actually highkey annoys the demons in your classes, because you guys always crack everything right before an exam and while it helps you focus better, it effectively ruins their concentration
Ofc you guys don’t really care so they can suck it
But uh
Okay so the demons at RAD may or may not get fed up of you both one day and petition for Diavolo to instate a “No cracking body parts” rule in school
So yeah your primary source of entertainment sort of disappears after that point
But no worries, you and Solomon head to the downtown shopping districts instead and become the BEST hagglers in town
“Hey, can we get these shirts on a discount? Huh? You don’t do discounts? 
*Aggressively cracks everything until the demon just wants them out of the store*
“How about now BICH?”
You’re actually not the one to introduce Simeon to the idea of humans being able to crack their body parts at will
No, it’s Solomon who steals that pleasure from you
But will Simeon ever let the sorcerer know just how much it unnerves him? Absolutely not. So what does our beloved angel do?
Why, there’s only one option
Come running straight to you.
Man is disturbed. Honestly, disturbed is phrasing it lightly. If he were in his angel form, you’d be able to see how his feathers ruffle and flutter at the very thought of that sound
Needless to say, he hates it
(You 100% consider cracking your knuckles in front of him, just to tease him, but you decide against it)
See, Simeon is an angel. And that means 99% of the time, he’s surrounded by other holy spirits, all of which have bodies molded to perfection that simply cannot crack the way yours can. Whereas demons are forced into human interaction a little more (oft when they're summoned), Simeon really isn’t used your fragility, no matter how much he tries to remind himself of it
So yeah
He hates it
On the other hand - man loves how flexible humans are
The first time you flop down onto your bed, assuming a position that would be impossible for any demon or angel to take but is deemed “comfortable” by you, Simeon is enraptured
It’s not sexual, he just thinks it’s really amazing that you have so much control over your body when he can hardly do a standing glute stretch without breaking a limb
It’s almost funny, his fixation
Actually no - it’s not almost funny. It is wholly and completely hilarious, and you will not stop leading him further down this rabbit hole
When you send this man picture of an contortionist, he’s utterly mesmerized
Show him human ballet, and he will not stop watching it
So yeah
He appreciates parts of the human body, hates others - but as long as you never crack your muscles in front of him, he’s down
Also - after you’ve thoroughly interested him in the art of being a human, he may just write about it in his next book. If you read the next set of chronicles detailed by Christopher Peugeot, you already know who the “feisty but good-hearted human who can bend themselves into a pretzel” is based on
(Bonus: Do a body roll in front of him and he might faint - man knew the human body could but like that? You might just have corrupted an angel)
Boi loves it
He cheers you on like a champ, laughing merrily as you crack your knuckles into oblivion, scaring away the other residents in Purgatory Hall
And no matter how many times Simeon warns him not to urge you on (”The human already has no sense of self-preservation, and you don’t need to help that along,” he said), Luke can’t help but watch with excited eyes as you show him how different the human body is
He’s almost like Levi with his ardent admiration, and he honestly finds nothing disturbing about the sound of you cracking knuckles
Just finds it cool
It actually serves as a catalyst for his relationship with Solomon, because Luke will 100% go up to him and ask him whether he can crack his body like you, and obviously, the man will laugh and prove that centuries of knowledge have made him better than the average human - even in this area
But yeah
You can really see his inner child come out
(Though don’t say that last part out loud - he’ll ignore you for three days in an attempt to be “mature” before you convince him to accept your apology)
But really - he may be the only person who can not only tolerate the quirks of your body, but openly endorses all of them
On the downside, though, he’ll also try to crack his knuckles...which won’t bode too well, given that his body was built to perfection by God
Boi almost rips his finger off
Simeon proceeds to instate a no-cracking-knuckles rule within Purgatory Hall to discourage any further attempts from Luke
But you know what he didn’t ban?
It doesn’t matter if you can or you can’t do them - Luke will happen to see a video of a human doing one (ahem, Solomon showed him it in an attempt to stir up trouble), and now he’s begging you to do the same thing in real life
Which doesn’t work out too well, given that backflips are hard
And you may not be successful 100% of the time
And obviously, Simeon eventually finds out that the two of you have moved onto a new fixation, and so he instate the no-backflips-in-Purgatory-Hall rule
But you know what he didn’t ban? 
And so it continues on and on, indefinitely because the only way to cease your and Luke’s shenanigans would be to ban humans in Purgatory Hall, and Solomon is thankfully preventing him from doing that
Hates it, hates it, hates it
More than any of the brothers, more than any of the angels - this man loathes every oddity of the human body that makes it different from a demon’s
But not for the reasons you’d expect
See, it’s not the sound that bothers Barbatos
No, he’s heard the screams of the damned before. You cracking a few measly knuckles hardly makes him flinch as he pours your tea
But what Barbatos does hate is the fact that he doesn’t know what it means
Every single time you crack a knuckle in his presence, it doesn’t matter if the prince himself is speaking, because Barbatos’s eyes will fly straight to you
And yes - you guessed it:
Barbatos can’t tell the difference between the sound of you cracking your knuckles and the sound of you breaking a bone.
And for that reason, he hates it
It’s hardly his fault - he doesn’t even know if there is a difference between the two sounds. But this butler has no faith in you and no faith in humanity as a whole, so every time you crack your knuckles, it sends a rush of worry straight to his stomach, and the demon has to watch you for a solid ten seconds to make sure that you haven’t actually hurt yourself
Poor man
He’s the kind of guy to take everything in stride, so he'll probably never tell you how much he hates it when you crack your knuckles (and honestly, what would he say? “Hi, can you please stop cracking your knuckles because I care about you and it makes me concerned for your health???” No, that’s not going to work. And he doesn't know what will work, so he suffers in silence)
Seeing you stretch is even worse
It can be a casual stretch, simply pulling your arms above your head just slightly beyond what would be physically possible for a normal demon, but it sends a chill to Barbatos’s heart, and he’s worried all over again
See, when you crack your knuckles, at least it’s over. But when you stretch? Sometimes you hold your position for a minute, if not more - and Barbatos simply can’t turn away because he’s terrified that he will, and you’ll somehow hurt yourself
So yeah
No rest for this butler, not as long as you’re going around with that weak body of yours and are cracking and stretching your way into oblivion
On the bright side, it means that he’s almost always watching over you when you visit, an added layer of protection 
The only difference is that while the others are focused on protecting you from other demons, Barbatos is preoccupied with making sure you don’t hurt yourself
Timing is everything
And indeed, you just happen to be in the midst of cracking your knuckles and neck the moment you’re transported to the Devildom, every single one of the most powerful demons in the land staring at you in horror as your body pops some more
"Oh no,” Diavolo whispers, frowning as he looks at Barbatos. “We got a defective human :(”
Nevermind the insult you feel at his words (who does this strange, unfairly-attractive redhead think he is, calling you “defective???” He might be correct in his judgement, but he had no right to voice his thoughts!), you are shook
Definitely not the best first impression for either of you to make
Of course, Lucifer is quick to pick things up with his explanation of what this place is and who he is, and the whole situation is mostly forgotten as you come to realize that you’re standing in front of a literal prince
But the past has a way of resurfacing
And obviously, several months later, you crack your knuckles once more in the presence of the demon lord
The immediate wince on his face is more than enough for you to read his mind
“You’re thinking I’m defective again, aren’t you?”
Poor bby
He’s honestly such a brilliant ruler, but when it comes to maneuvering the minds of humans, it’s just not his strong suit
Anyway, the two of you have a long talk (aka you rant and Diavolo listens) where you explain to him that cracking knuckles is a normal phenomenon, and that - look, you can even crack other parts of your body
And the prince is fascinated
He knew humans were built differently than demons, but he’d simply assumed that your body was just as perfect as his, and that yours could simply handle less extreme conditions
Clearly, though, that wasn’t the case
Man decides that, as the ruler of hell and the man spearheading efforts to unite the three realms, it is his moral obligation to learn about the other ways humans differ from demons
And so the shenanigans begin
It’s honestly time-consuming, but Lucifer doesn’t mind because if you’re with Diavolo, you’re out of trouble, and Barbatos doesn’t mind because if Diavolo’s with you, then he’s out of trouble
All in all, it becomes the prelude to a LOT of time spent together, and a LOT of differences between demons and humans come to light. 
Aka various iterations of “What do you mean, humans can’t bite through steel?”
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saltydkdan · 3 years
How do you keep an art style? I’ve been drawing for years and can’t keep one for even a week
Okay so I'm by all means no "Master Artist", but I have picked up a few things over the years in relation to this "issue".
In short: You shouldn't focus on "keeping an art style", that is kind of adverse to becoming a better artist. Most great artists are actually great because they can do various different art styles and adapt.
The more you practice, the longer you create, an art style will naturally develop (even if it takes super long). But if your art is that unique each time, I wouldn't complain! Use it to your advantage!
I mean like, one of my favorite artists, Hirohiko Araki (the guy who made Jojo's Bizarre Adventure), has NEVER had a consistent art style! And that has been one of my favorite things about his work! Each story looks completely unique compared to the last. Legit, compare his art from Jojolion (his most recent work) to Phantom Blood (the first arc of Jojo). It is UNRECOGNIZABLE and it's so cool.
Okay now that's out of the way, if you're looking to develop a specific art style for a project you may want to work on (not just to become a "better artist"):
Don't underestimate mood boards. Take a bunch of artstyles, themes, or colors you like and slap em together into a single Google Doc that you can use for inspiration.
Something I've found to be fun, is to take a series you like (whether that be a comic, animated TV Show/Movie, manga, etc...) and study it for a few weeks! Study the linework, colors, character design, redraw shots, study poses, the whole shtick. Studying your favorite stuff gives you a lot of perspective on what you want for your work, and will allow you to possibly emulate aspects of it.
Anyway, I hope this helps! Again, I'm not crazy talented myself. Just passing on some info I've heard over the years.
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