#comfort merthur
amariram · 10 days
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"Off you go then," Merlin said lightly as he took off his wet jacket and neckerchief and placed them carefully in front of the fire. He heard a movement behind him, a babbling noise and a satisfied moan, a sign that Arthur had entered the tub. He was taking off his raging boots when he heard the blond's voice calling him.
"What?" asked Merlin absently.
"I need a hand here," the other complained, using the spoiled princely tone that had always driven Merlin mad.
With a sigh the boy approached the tub, grabbing from the table the cloth and the lavender essence he always used on those occasions. He curled up a little and very calmly began to rub the wet cloth over Arthur's back, massaging him slowly. He felt Arthur's muscles quiver and then relax, a sign that he was appreciating the slow movement of his hands up and down on his body.
"You know, I would have thought that after you became King you would at least learn how to bathe yourself," Merlin murmured, not taking his eyes off his work.
"And deprive you of this pleasure? Never," Arthur teased him in a low but amused tone.
Merlin snorted a laugh but didn't answer, continuing to massage softly and lower down, below his shoulder blades. He decided it was a good thing not to come up with a comeback. Not when what Arthur said was simply the truth. To be able to touch him like that, when Arthur let down his defences and let himself go, blindly trusting him... it was a forbidden pleasure. A secret. One they shared only between them, in the intimacy of those rooms.
And Merlin was fine with that, and he continued to jealously guard those stolen moments.
Moments like that, in which he was taking his time to probe Arthur's body, muscle by muscle, feeling him tense and reactive to his touches. He tried to clear his brain of any thoughts as he slowly moved forward, passing under his arm to reach his chest. He heard Arthur sigh loudly and noticed his chest rise and fall quickly under his touch. He looked up and saw that Arthur was watching him, with the look that seemed to read inside him every damn time.
"Do you like what you see?" he asked him lightly, tilting his head slightly and raising the corner of his mouth in a smug smile.
Merlin smiled, strangely at ease at the provocation, and continued to wash his chest, deciding to play along.
"Hmm, I've seen better."
He almost burst out laughing at the sight of Arthur's outraged expression. He restrained himself only because Arthur almost immediately recovered from his disdain by locking Merlin's wrist in an iron grip so that he could not move his hand from his chest.
"Better, you say?" he asked, barely pressing his arm and forcing him to come closer. Merlin found his face inches away from Arthur's, close enough that he could see all the shades of blue in his eyes. He only realized he had stopped breathing when he saw Arthur's gaze lower on his lips, and he automatically did the same.
He didn't think about the fact that that was probably a mistake. A huge, gigantic, incredibly stupid mistake.
He didn't think about the fact that Arthur was the King of Camelot and he was his servant. He didn't think about the prophecies, about their fate, or about the fact that Arthur would have to marry at some point.
He wanted him. Gods, if he wanted him.
He wanted him for so long now that he couldn't remember what it meant to not have the thought of him in his brain all the time. He wanted him so badly that he became selfish, that he wanted him only for himself. That he wanted to erase that last, stupid obstacle that prevented them from really being two sides of the same coin.
They were so close now that their breaths were mixed. Arthur's hand still gripped his wrist forcing his hand to stay on his chest where he could feel the rapid beating of his heart under his skin.
Merlin felt his hand on fire, as well as his entire body. The slightest movement and their lips would touch. One movement and he would finally taste Arthur in his mouth.
- Read My Greatest Certainty on ao3.
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fireworksoffashion · 1 year
I read a lot things like “if only Merlin knew how much Arthur panicked and wanted him back every time he could not find Merlin. And the way Gaius never told Merlin how panicky Arthur gets without him”, yes, but also the way Arthur never knew how much Merlin cried for him, every time Arthur was on the verge of death, Merlin had a complete breakdown and Arthur never knew.
And the thing is, Arthur never wanted Merlin to mourn him. Arthur saw Merlin cry during the dragon lord episode, never knowing why Merlin was actually crying, but made sure Merlin didn't cry if Arthur died; "No man deserves your tears” - “Don’t cry for me, Merlin. Even I don’t deserve your tears”. Merlin's tears hurt Arthur, he imagined if Merlin cried so much because of the "unknown person", what would happen when he cried because of Arthur. Arthur was sure he would die if he faced the dragon, but he still makes sure that Merlin doesn't mourn him. And from that episode onwards, Merlin always tried to hide his tears from Arthur. And it is just 💔
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wistfulvulpine · 6 months
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an album titled "catching up 👑🧙‍♂️" // glimpses of a peaceful life
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Sometimes I think about Merlin giving Arthur the only weapon that could kill him.
Imagine if he told Arthur about his magic and Arthur took it badly, running him through without really thinking about it.
Maybe they were in the middle of a battle and Arthur saw magic first, Merlin second.
Then he regrets it, desperately trying to save Merlin. Leon says take him to the Druids since they’ve brought people back from the brink of death before. So Arthur does but when the Druids see Merlin bleeding out, they aren’t worried.
Arthur can’t understand why they aren’t freaking out, so they tell Arthur about the prophecy. He learns about Emrys and how Merlin is immortal.
Arthur relaxes just slightly, glad that Merlin will definitely recover.
But one of the Druids says he can only be killed by a sword forged in a dragon’s breath. Arthur says he isn’t sure what his sword is, that it was the sword from the story that was left in the stone by Bruta. The Druids all look confused so Arthur recounts what Merlin told him the day he got Excalibur. They all look horrified to realise that Merlin has been stabbed by the only sword in existence capable of killing him.
The Druids tell him Excalibur was made by Emrys, forged in the breath of the great dragon, and that only the once and future king could pull it from the stone.
So Arthur has to come to terms with the fact, not only that he killed the most loyal man he knows and also his best friend, but also that his best friend wouldn’t be dead if he hadn’t trusted Arthur implicitly even without telling Arthur about the magic.
He doesn’t know what’s worse but Merlin dies with the assurance that magic will be legalised in his honour.
Just something I think about sometimes. I have fics of this but they’re staying in the fic graveyard because I don’t like how they turned out so if anyone wants to use this as a prompt, feel free just tag me and give credit for the idea please :)
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makkis-meanderings · 2 months
I grew up being gaslit and queerbaited by media, now you're trying to tell me that I shouldn't be filtering AO3 by >10,000 words, angst, hurt/comfort, canon divergence, pining??
what do you want from me fr??
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panevanbuckley · 1 year
shoutout to all the backup ships! y'know the ones, when your main ships just ain't hitting right so you go back to a ship that took over your life for like a week two years ago??
anyways, if nobody's got me i know my backup ships have got me
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I think I’ve read every Lamia fic in the world twice. I need more. I need it like I need water. Scratch that, I need it like I need coffee.
I need Merlin angst and protective Arthur. It’s what I live (and die) for.
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Me when there’s no more Lamia fics to read
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stevenslittleshop · 2 years
Listen, I love going “the people of Camelot must’ve been so oblivious” just as much as the next person
But think about it
You’re living in a time of constant crisis. People are getting accused of magic, most of those people barely even know what magic looks like. People are killed, every day, just because they were accused of something they couldn’t disprove.
And in comes this young lad. This awfully cheery little man who takes his punishments with a smile and is slowly turning the future king into an actual person instead of some little spoiled twat. And everyone loves him. It’s the most joyous Camelot has been since the queen died.
And yes, maybe his eyes glow a little sometimes, and maybe things move on their own when he’s around, but he’s a good person and hes not hurting anyone, quite the opposite in fact.
So at a time where Merlin could’ve been killed if you said the wrong thing to the wrong person, nobody was gonna say a damn word because they did not want to see this boy, practically the one who kept the place running, the light of Camelot, burned at the stake.
They weren’t oblivious. They knew. They just refused to believe it, because if they did, then the great purge would most likely restart and Camelot could fall.
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mysticsublimeperson · 3 months
Part 1 >>
Merlin was disappointed, but mostly at himself. He always knew that Arthur would never actually be in a relationship with him, he will humor Merlin sure, he would tell people as long as they didn’t know Uther, and there weren’t risks of his father finding out, he would say that he loved Merlin but then did shit like this all the time. He would cancel plans and dates, and once even a week long trip that they had planned in favor of his father, and his company. Sometimes he would even cancel Merlin to have a date with one of the girls that Uther threw his way.
Usually it didn’t bother him that much, of course it hurt but he had known Arthur for most of their lives, they had been friends before… whatever they were now, he had always been like this and Merlin had always permitted it. He guess he never thought about asking for a change before, so that’s also his fault.
But he had been trying, it was sad enough when Arthur missed his birthday dinner Merlin had cooked, because his father had booked a flight to France, but he could understand it, it was his birthday, it was normal to spend it with one’s family. He made a point to tell him, tell him he was sad about this stuff, tell him when a plan was important to him, tell him when his words were too harsh or hurtful. It usually didn’t stick, they were to used to say shit jokingly but a few things he did, and he’ll try his best to keep his promises unless Uther was in the picture.
He knew the situation with his father was tense at best, Arthur had always fought for his approval, and, aware or not, that was still his primary concern. He knew he had no right to get between their relationship, and knew he would be losing that battle before it began. He didn’t doubt Arthur’s feelings for him, but he could not help but doubt whether they were worth fighting for in his mind. In the end Merlin had always been there, he had always been prone to forgiveness, because he cared for Arthur above all, in the moment he didn’t really notice but in retrospect he really didn’t put much of a fight.
But he had done it this time. He had made sure his voice was heard. He had said that this night was important to him, he had made sure to tell him to save the date in advance and to explain several times what this night was about and what was important to him. He made sure Arthur knew the date, the time, the place, the dress code and the reason.
Merlin was excited.
His organization and research were going to be awarded, and if it all went well he may end the night with the funding necessary to keep the NGO going and even maybe expand some projects.
But then Arthur had wrote, “my father is in town” and then a couple of minutes later “sorry”
When Uther was in town, that meant that night he had to have a dinner with his children, a boring and stuffy dinner in a top restaurant to expensive for Merlin to even look at, and sometime he invited the daughters of some friend of his just for them to get to know each other.
He breathed slowly, looking at the message, here in front of the theater where the Gala was going to take place, dressed up all fancy. Trying to decide how to convey in a text message all the things that he was feeling.
He was going to be awarded, celebrated god damn it. It was unfair, it was terribly unfair for Arthur to do this just before the Gala, he was supposed to be happy and now he only wanted to go home.
He had wanted to share this moment with him and maybe He had also hoped to show off a little, Arthur was a very important person by definition. Maybe he had wanted to show Arthur that Merlin also had value.
But none of that mattered now.
He had gone to the Gala, alone. Regretting the moment he decided to invite Arthur instead of Gwen, he had put a smile on his face and turned off his phone, he had drunk Champagne and eating those mini tart of savory food with strange textures and tried to enjoy the evening with his colleagues. He had gone up the stage a grand total of three times, one to present, the other two to receive the great honor that were those awards. He had smiled, and changed the speech on the go to not mention “one special more than a friend” he had answered the questions of the reporters and declined the offer of his colleagues to extend the evening.
And now he was there. In a bench in a park eating a Kebap in a too-fancy-for-this place suit, next to a fancy bag, which contained two fancy boxes of two really important awards, while questioning his relationship.
He had seen cases like this all the time, he dedicated his life to help people in this kinds of situations, more or less, his relationship wasn’t dangerous of violent, and he was very much independent but the root of the problem was the same. The relationship was destined for failure.
They clearly wanted different things.
They had different ideologies, and priorities.
It was a disaster waiting to happen.
But it hurts so much.
He was freezing, but he still ordered another Kebap, he hadn’t been able to eat because of the nerves all day and it was catching with him.
He needed to make a decision.
He couldn’t keep going like this.
This was supposed to be a happy night.
He walked up to his flat, quietly thinking to find Arthur sitting in front of his door.
“Where were you?” Arthur accused upon seen him.
Merlin let his eyebrows go up. Trying to remember that it was early in the morning, and his neighbors were sleeping.
“Shit, sorry… it’s just… I been calling you and…”
“Get away from the door Arthur” he let the voice come out angry but he didn’t really want to talk right now.
“Of course, yeah, sorry” If this were any other situation, Merlin would had joked about the fact that Arthur never tended to say sorry, but right now that made him rather sad.
He opened the door and walked inside, and blocked the way when Arthur tried to do the same, just letting his tired expression do the job, he was way too tired and he had eaten two Kebap in a shop open at 2 am, and was starting to regret it.
“Merlin, I… Look I know today… I am sorry Merlin, it was a shit show at work, and my father came at the worst possible moment and…” he said trying to coax his way into the flat, but Merlin didn’t move “Can I enter? I think we need to talk… I need to apologize properly and explain my self and…”
“No” he stoped the Arthur’s babbling “It’s been a rather long day, and I want to rest” his voice was maybe a bit too loud and hard “and I don’t wanna talk right now” he added honestly.
“Ok.. yeah, I understand” he clearly didn’t, but at least was trying to or having a stroke, either way not Merlin problem right now. “Can I..?”
“Go home Arthur” Merlin stopped Arthur again.
“I hoped this was it” Arthur said sharp. And Merlin didn’t have the fight to shout all the shit he wanted to say.
“Not while your father is in town”
Merlin closed the door. He stunned Arthur enough to do it without a fight. And he could only hope that he had the common decency to not bring his door down at four in the morning. He had wanted to do a lot, but he was way to tired, physically and emotionally so he just laid off the bed and slept.
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wikitpowers · 4 months
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look! it's kit and ty! :')
gif: @theedorksinlove
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the--short--one · 2 years
The long awaited Part 4 ;)
Here’s Part 1, Part 2 and Part 3 (you don’t need to read them, but they provide some angsty context)
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There you go! I fixed the hurt, and gave you all the fluffiest of comfort.
Sorry it took a while, I was trying to figure out kissing.
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amariram · 2 months
"Why can't you be my destiny if I can be yours?"
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Fun fact: i ran into this fanart the other day and my head just snapped and i immediately imagined an entire plot for a hurt/comfort fanfic that ends with this kiss and i automatically wrote it in like 2 hours.
You can find it here.
Am i insane? Probably. But can you pls help me finding the author of this fanart? I wanna thank them for the inspiration and for the wonderful masterpiece they created!! Ty
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eirxair · 13 days
Merlin Thoughts
Okay so bear with me here for a moment.
So you know how King Arthur is said to have lived during the 5-6th century? Well during that time its most likely he would've spoken this language called Brytthonic (or however you spell it. its a dead language that im pretty sure Welsh comes from)
But anyway, this language is like completely dead now and like super different from modern English. Which brings me into my initial thought.
So, after Arthur's death Merlin obviously lives for centuries upon centuries afterwards. Which means that Merlin would not only have to live without Arthur, Merlin would not only have to outlive everyone he knows and loves, but Merlin will also have to outlive his own language.
Maybe its a subtle change at first, slang changes as it does every generation, slowly but surely sentence structures change, new invaders and travellers alike bring about exposure to other languages, which affects the vocabulary, the sentence structure, the spelling, the pronunciation.
Merlin has to live day by day watching helplessly as time gives his native language a slow and painful death.
And maybe Merlin forgets how to speak it, he has no one to speak it with, so eventually he grows used to not speaking it, only to realise one day maybe centuries later that the language he was fluent in, the language he grew up with is no longer on the tip of his tongue.
Maybe he can only remember certain words or phonetics, their meanings confused by the ticking passage of time. And perhaps Merlin breaks down sobbing in agony because his language, the last thing that connected him to Arthur and his past, feels foreign to him now.
But it gets worse; Merlin knows that Arthur will rise from the lake one day, and he has to live with that knowledge knowing that when he does, they won't be able to understand each other.
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eldritch-ambrosia · 2 months
you kiss me and it stops time
Merlin is frozen.
He’s stiff and warm and his hands are spread in the air and he thinks he’ll be stuck like this forever. Arthur’s lips are soft, though, and his hands are gentle against Merlin’s cheeks so there really were worse places to be stuck.
Arthur doesn’t seem to think so, leaning back before Merlin can gather his thoughts–and lips– to respond, still cradling his face. He goes to pull away but Merlin finds it in himself to reach out, grasping at Arthur’s wrists to keep him close.
The prince swallows, his lips parted and beautiful, searching Merlin’s face with his crystal clear eyes.
“Merlin… I’m…” He pauses, his brow crinkling. “Do you hear that?”
For a moment, he thinks Arthur can hear his heartbeat, echoing through his ears and through the stables. He can’t hear anything but the rapid beating in his chest and the heavy breaths that pass between them, the world silent around them.
Merlin blinks, Arthur stepping back toward the door to the stables, leaning his head out. The servant follows, still holding onto one of his wrists, and gazes out to the castle grounds.
The sun shines brightly overhead across all of Camelot and, at a glance, seems completely ordinary. However, the knights across the field are stopped completely in their long strides, one of the riding horses’ head is turned, its mane circling its muzzle suspended in the air, and one of the servants’ hands are outstretched, a pot of water spilling over but not flowing in the slightest.
Camelot is frozen, trapped in time.
His heart drops, nails digging into Arthur’s wrist, the aura of magic surrounding them familiar. An extension of his own magic, gripping his chest, and a sickly feeling settles in his stomach.
“What…?” Arthur mutters, reaching for his blade, placing a hand on the hilt. “Who could’ve done this?”
His tone is accusatory and asked to the air, not expecting a response and Merlin’s eyes burn from tears. Squeezing them shut tight as he reaches out with his magic, with his very being, he begs anything that could hear to make it all okay. To make time move again and take them both back to that moment Arthur approached him in the stables.
He’s not ready.
(psst you can read the rest of this on ao3 by clicking the link at the top!)
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I need a fic where Merlin doesn’t know he’s Emrys and doesn’t know about his destiny, he’s just a good person who sees someone constantly almost dying and saves him because he can’t just sit and do nothing.
Kilgharrah doesn’t exist. Plot holes aside, the bitchy basement gecko can go to hell.
This all takes place during The Beginning of The End episode.
Mordred doesn’t call Merlin Emrys, he just cries out for help (and for his dad). Merlin steps in, the rest of the episode is the same but Merlin is determined to help the druid boy he found. Without crusty dinosaur harping on, he gets to choose the right thing for his own morals and critical thinking. Gaius is unsurprisingly resistant, so Merlin is being extremely careful, then Arthur finds him in Morgana’s chambers while he’s healing Mordred.
Let’s go with Morgana already knows about Merlin’s magic and he’s been helping her too against Gaius’ advice.
Arthur feels betrayed and is upset because Merlin can’t seem to give him a straight answer about anything. It’s all still new to him, but he’s learning that Merlin is good even if he doesn’t answer any of Arthur’s questions about magic or why he doesn’t use spells or anything like that. He’s angry but he can’t punish Merlin and free Mordred without being hypocritical, so he mostly sulks.
In all the perceived lies, Arthur snaps and instead of punishing him, he doesn’t let Merlin leave his side until he tells the truth.
So when Arthur takes Mordred back to the Druids, Merlin goes with him. Iseldir greets them as “Emrys and The Once and Future King” They’re both confused, but obviously Arthur is the future king so Arthur asks who Iseldir thought Merlin was.
Iseldir reveals their destiny that Merlin is the god of magic. Merlin is silent and Arthur is so confused and hurt about why Merlin didn’t trust him.
Iseldir answers all of Arthur’s questions about destiny and the prophecy while Merlin doesn’t say a word. He takes it to mean Merlin is ashamed or something similar about the truth coming out, meanwhile Merlin is grappling with the fact that he supposedly isn’t human. After days of Arthur picking on him for “lying” and all the unintentionally cruel jibes, when Iseldir tries to say Merlin was blessed with his power and that it was something he should be grateful for.
Merlin breaks down in a Percy Jackson style “I’m not a god! There’s something wrong with me! I get that whatever I am isn’t supposed to happen, I know I’m a monster, believe me. I never even learned magic and every time I’ve tried to get rid of it, it’s almost killed me! So don’t tell me that this is a blessing, that this curse is something I should be happy about because it’s the reason I’ve spent every single day of my entire life terrified!” Then he stops for a second and the tears roll down his cheeks, “I’m sorry, but I’m not what you think I am. You need to find someone else to believe in.”
(Skip to the end for a happy ending, this is angsty. Warning for dark!Arthur and major character death)
Arthur thinks Merlin is lying and banishes him on the spot. Iseldir warns against it, but Merlin is just so tired so he doesn’t fight it. He’s left broken and believing he’s a monster, so be leaves to protect his friends.
Until a month or so later Arthur is on a hunt when he gets separated and lost, then injured by bandits. Merlin finds him, (he’s been sent off by the druids for failing this destiny he knew nothing about, in search of a solution but they’re not very forthcoming with information) and Merlin heals him. Then they get all the diamond of the day moments while Merlin is nursing Arthur back to health until he succumbs to infection.
Merlin gives his life for Arthur, knowing that he’ll be a good king. This leads Arthur to become really dark, he kills his father and takes over Camelot, welcoming magic but killing anyone with a different opinion. No one is safe, war breaks out and Camelot falls. When Arthur dies, young and during an uprising, he meets Merlin again in Avalon. Merlin doesn’t recognise Arthur with all he’s become, and Arthur is punished to watch all his people suffer with his old mind while watching Merlin continuously pushing him away because “he’s waiting for Arthur, he shouldn’t be alone when he gets here. He would’ve been a good king, he needs someone to take care of him now.” And it breaks Arthur’s heart to hear it every time.
That’s all I got so far, it could be that they’re both driven mad waiting, Arthur by watching his people and Merlin by waiting for a man he’s doomed to never recognise again. I’m not sure, I haven’t gotten that far.
Or for less angst, hurt/comfort where Arthur has to realise that Merlin is just as in the dark as he is, he really doesn’t know any of the questions Arthur had and he’s probably been looking for answers a lot longer. They work together to fix everything and while it’s difficult, Merlin still has issues with lying to protect his friends (intent/outcome issues) Arthur is too trusting still and they have to deal with Morgause and all the other threats but they overcome it together. Albion is united and they live happily ever after.
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lovable-bastard · 1 year
Imagine if Arthur took the soldier poet king quiz and got king
Arthur: Why do you want me to do this quiz?
Merlin: Why not?
Arthur: Alright.
*after taking the qiuz*
Arthur: wow. King. How surprising.
Arthur: *reads the description*
Arthur, tearing up:...oh.
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