ddlc-imagines-club · 6 years
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ddlc-imagines-club · 6 years
Sorry for the wait I’ve been SO BUSY! But my au is that all the girls are around 3-6 and you have to basically babysit then so the my don’t get up to trouble 😊 (Also I’m using my headcanons like Sayori being autistic and Yuri just bring the biggest lesbian known to man)
Ahaha, don't even worry about it! I haven't even updated this blog in forever. But that sounds like an interesting AU!! All I can imagine now is art of all the dokis as lil babs, bless.
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ddlc-imagines-club · 6 years
The Girls’ Thoughts on Tattoos
@gay4hellhounds asked: Hcs for the girls and tattoos? What do they think of them? Would they want any?
Ooh, this one’s interesting! I like it!
Monika would likely have some interest in the idea of getting a tattoo.
She wouldn’t really know what kind of tattoo she’d want, but she certainly enjoys the designs other people get.
The concept of using one’s body as a canvas is one that she finds very interesting. Though, tattoos are permanent...
Perhaps she’ll just stick with things like makeup and temporary tattoos for the time being, ahaha.
Absolutely not.
So, first of all, branding something on your body that will never come off is really stupid. Like, what if in like three years you decide that that awesome tattoo that you got isn’t a thing you like anymore?
Also, who would want to sit there and have a pen raked across and stabbed into their skin for a few hours or however long it takes for a tattoo to be done? And what if it gets infected? People are weird.
She’ll stick to art forms that don’t require being in physical agony, thanks.
They seem really cool, but they’re kind of scary!
Like it would probably be really painful. But maybe it isn’t so bad, since so many people do it? Or maybe just a little tiny one wouldn’t hurt so much, and big ones hurt a lot.
Sayori doesn’t think tattoos would suit her, anyway. Girls get tattoos a lot less than guys.
But who knows! Maybe one day she’ll get a cute little one of a cat or something.
Yuri can’t really see herself getting a tattoo...
Well, maybe. But she wouldn’t know what to get. She’d heard about the sensation of getting a tattoo and the idea intrigued her in that sense...
A-Anyway, maybe someday she’d get something subtle, or maybe something more noticeable, but she was too young to start thinking about that.
Maybe she’d come back to that thought in a few years when she’d found herself and knew she wouldn’t regret it.
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ddlc-imagines-club · 6 years
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ddlc-imagines-club · 6 years
S/O’s First Kiss With the Dokis
Anonymous asked: Can I request the girls kissing their female s/o for the first time? 💞 btw I love your imagines, they're all so cute!!
Ah, thank you so much anon! I really appreciate that! Hopefully you’ll love this one just as much~
Monika basically decided that she and s/o were going to have a day out.
They basically just wandered around to different stores, window shopped for a while. They bought a few things, and got lunch along the way.
It was fun to just mess around with Monika like this, and Monika seemed to be enjoying it too.
As per usual, Monika would crack flirty jokes to s/o, making her a little flustered. She seemed to be more cheerful than usual, which meant more of those jokes.
After a few hours of their little adventure, they decided to call it a day and head home.
As the two of them were about to part, they both agreed that it was fun, and that they should do it again sometime.
“Oh, and one more thing, s/o. I know I joke about us a lot, but...”
S/o found Monika’s hands taking hold of her own, looking into her eyes with a tenderness she’d never seen before.
“It’s because I’ve kind of been picking up on the fact that our feelings for each other are pretty mutual.”
S/o didn’t know how to respond to such a blunt statement, nor did she know how to respond to the way Monika was gazing at her.
But it seemed Monika wasn’t looking for a verbal response, as she placed a hand on s/o’s cheek and s/o found Monika’s face very close to hers.
And so they kissed, a sensation which s/o found was intoxicating. She wasn’t sure if this was Monika’s first kiss, but with how incredible it was, she honestly wouldn’t be shocked if it wasn’t.
The moment the kiss ended, that oh-so-typical enigmatic smile returned to Monika’s face.
“So, next time we go on a date, it’ll be official, right?”
S/o knew from that moment that Monika would never stop enjoying seeing s/o flustered.
One day, Valentine’s Day rolled around. S/o really wasn’t expecting to receive anything, but was approached by Natsuki.
After taking a deep breath, Natsuki held out a small box with a card attached. In the box were some heart shaped cookies, and the card went thusly:
“Hey, so, I’ve been really scared to mention this because I didn’t want things to be weird between us, but I kind of have a huge stupid crush on you and wanted to know if you’d go out with me?”
S/o could clearly see how nervous Natsuki was in that moment, and couldn’t believe that Natsuki was interested in her like that. Naturally, s/o said she’d absolutely go out with her.
That trepidation quickly turned into a thinly veiled glee. She tried to act all confident and unfazed, but it was obvious that she was ecstatic. It became all the more obvious when she asked if she could kiss s/o.
So they kissed, both awkward and nervous, but the kiss was still incredible to them.
The rest of their clubmates were there when this happened, and they all had nothing but encouraging words for the two of them.
Sayori and s/o had decided to have a sleepover at Sayori’s house.
They were watching movies late at night, snuggled up together in a blanket to keep warm.
One of the movies they were watching had a very touching moment, one that obviously really got to Sayori in some way.
S/o asked if she was alright, to which she got a very heartfelt response.
“Yeah, it’s just... it makes me really happy. That character, she reminds me of how lucky I am to have someone that kind and caring and charming in my life. She reminds me... how lucky I am to have you in my life.”
S/o was taken aback by this response. Sayori was prone to getting sentimental, but she didn’t expect something like that. Did Sayori really adore her that much?
The two looked into each other’s eyes for a while, before Sayori leaned in closer, somewhat nervous as she pressed her lips to s/o’s.
The kiss was as short as it was sweet, and neither of them really knew what to say afterward.
And so, they just snuggled even closer and remained comfortably silent while they watched the rest of the movie.
Yuri and s/o had taken to going on walks together. They’d chat along the way and find a nice, peaceful spot to read together, or just to hang out and discuss how things are going.
They decided to have a picnic by the river one day, so they prepared some food and walked for a while until they found a nice, quiet area to sit. Not a person in sight, just the peaceful river and the two of them.
They sat and ate, discussed school and their clubmates. Yuri told s/o about how she’d been so inspired to write recently. She’d never written so much in such a short amount of time before.
When s/o expressed interest in reading her work, Yuri shied away. It was only natural, Yuri could be quite nervous to share her work on occasion. S/o said it was okay, but that she’d be interested if Yuri ever wanted to share.
After a small silence, an awkward Yuri mentioned that she did bring one of her recent poems and had been debating on showing it to s/o. She nervously retrieved the poem and handed it to s/o.
Like everything Yuri wrote, it was very metaphorical, but this one’s intention was clear as day. It spoke of the river, and how it needs the earth to guide it. That it is a force that is at times chaotic, and its banks bring it stability. The river, chaotic as it was serene, represented Yuri. And the banks that the river relied upon and trusted... were s/o?
Upon expressing her interpretation to Yuri, she locked up for a moment, before confessing that s/o was correct. With the tension never once leaving her, she continued.
“It’s just that... having you around, i-it... it’s been good for me. You inspire me and give me the courage to speak my mind more. You understand me so much more than the others ever have, and the fact that you took the time to understand is incredible to me. Every moment we spend together makes me so happy. S/o, if I’m being honest, I...”
She paused again, taking her time to pick her words, before seeming to throw her carefully picked words out of the window and just being straightforward.
“I think I’m in love with you.”
This was hardly the turn s/o expecting this afternoon to take, but she could hardly say that she was opposed to it. She told Yuri that the feeling was mutual, and the two of them spent the rest of the afternoon together, elated to be in each other’s company.
When the sun began to set, the two of them looked to each other, and just knew exactly what was on each other’s minds. They leaned in and pressed their lips together, an experience that was short, but not one they’d soon forget.
Flustered and lovestruck, the two of them packed up everything they’d brought with them and began their walk home. As they parted, they kissed once more. What a perfect day.
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ddlc-imagines-club · 6 years
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Okay listen I'm. First of all-- first of all that's the best exclamation I've ever heard and second of all??? Me, senpai?? I am shook. I am the one who views everyone else as senpai. If you think I am senpai, I challenge you to join my Discord server and learn that I am just a silly gay fool who loves everyone
The fact that anyone is excited to be acknowledged by me is insane and incredibly flattering, holy heck
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ddlc-imagines-club · 6 years
Oh my god you guys I just checked the notes on this post and??
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I’m so glad you all love this imagine!! It really does mean a lot to me that you enjoy what I post, aw heck. Thanks for the support, you guys are amazing <3 (Then again, Natsuyuri is otp so I can’t say I blame y’all for hoarding any and all Natsuyuri content ;D ehehe~)
Yuri and Natsuki Bake Cupcakes Together (And it’s Really Gay)
Anonymous asked: Can you write a Yuri x Natsuki imagine where they’re making cupcakes or something? It would be really cool if you did! Not trying to put pressure on you…just asking…
Hey, no need to get all nervous and backpedal-y on me, pal. This sounds amazing! I heckin love me some Natsuyuri
Ever since Yuri and Natsuki started getting along a lot better, they’d started to spend a lot of time together.
As such, they’d started indulging in each other’s hobbies, and found that they quite enjoyed them. One day, they decided to try baking together.
Natsuki asked if Yuri wanted to learn how to bake anything in particular, to which Yuri had replied that she wanted to know how Natsuki made those cupcakes that everyone in the club adored.
And so, they made sure they had all the ingredients, and Natsuki walked Yuri through the process of making cupcakes.
Yuri discovered that the way Natsuki made cupcakes seemed almost… reckless, in a way. Everything she did seemed like she was just tossing random amounts of ingredients in, and yet it also seemed as if it was calculated. It all certainly seemed to work out as she expected it to.
Apparently Natsuki’s style came with a lot of mess, which Yuri expressed concern about. Natsuki just laughed, “C’mon Yuri, it makes kind of a creative atmosphere. It’s how you know you’re really making something!”
She couldn’t help but find Natsuki adorable when she was like this. Seeing her totally drop her defensiveness and just… be herself. Be happy and cheerful and loving what she was doing. No embarrassment, no shame. Just enjoying her hobby to the fullest.
Natsuki could tell that Yuri was thinking about something, mostly because she was acting like she felt awkward about something. She asked what was on Yuri’s mind.
After a while of pressing, she got an answer. “Well, I was just thinking… it’s… r-really nice to see you so happy. You’re so… I was going to say cute, but that’s not it. You’re…”
A tense silence passed as the two made eye contact, and the last words that Yuri was thinking of accidentally slipped out, “You’re so beautiful when you smile.”
And as soon as she realized she’d said it aloud, she was a flustered mess; apologizing and backpedaling and hiding her face. It took a while to convince her that she didn’t make anything weird or uncomfortable, and Natsuki figured the best thing was not to linger on the topic for too long.
So they continued making their cupcakes and discussed other things, such as the books or manga they’d been reading.
Eventually, the cupcakes were baked and they were able to start decorating them. Now it was Natsuki’s turn to look pensive and seem like she had something to say. She didn’t need to be asked to speak her mind, though.
“Hey, so… I was just trying to think of a way to put this on one of these cupcakes and show it to you instead of having to say it out loud, but…” she takes a deep breath, “What you said earlier was… like, kinda gay. And also… you’re beautiful too.”
Once again, there was a bit of awkwardness in the air, but it wasn’t a bad kind of awkward. They decorated the last of the cupcakes in that comfortably awkward silence, just thinking about the implications of what they’d said to each other.
Conversation picked up again eventually, but they could both tell there was something a little different in the way they were regarding each other.
When they were done baking, they realized that Natsuki had to return home, since it was getting quite late. They split the cupcakes between them, and Natsuki made sure to take all her things with her.
As she left, she planted the quickest kiss on Yuri’s cheek that she physically could, and briskly walked away – face bright red, and in total disbelief that she actually just did that.
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ddlc-imagines-club · 6 years
Yuri and Natsuki Bake Cupcakes Together (And it’s Really Gay)
Anonymous asked: Can you write a Yuri x Natsuki imagine where they're making cupcakes or something? It would be really cool if you did! Not trying to put pressure on you...just asking...
Hey, no need to get all nervous and backpedal-y on me, pal. This sounds amazing! I heckin love me some Natsuyuri
Ever since Yuri and Natsuki started getting along a lot better, they’d started to spend a lot of time together.
As such, they’d started indulging in each other’s hobbies, and found that they quite enjoyed them. One day, they decided to try baking together.
Natsuki asked if Yuri wanted to learn how to bake anything in particular, to which Yuri had replied that she wanted to know how Natsuki made those cupcakes that everyone in the club adored.
And so, they made sure they had all the ingredients, and Natsuki walked Yuri through the process of making cupcakes.
Yuri discovered that the way Natsuki made cupcakes seemed almost... reckless, in a way. Everything she did seemed like she was just tossing random amounts of ingredients in, and yet it also seemed as if it was calculated. It all certainly seemed to work out as she expected it to.
Apparently Natsuki’s style came with a lot of mess, which Yuri expressed concern about. Natsuki just laughed, “C’mon Yuri, it makes kind of a creative atmosphere. It’s how you know you’re really making something!”
She couldn’t help but find Natsuki adorable when she was like this. Seeing her totally drop her defensiveness and just... be herself. Be happy and cheerful and loving what she was doing. No embarrassment, no shame. Just enjoying her hobby to the fullest.
Natsuki could tell that Yuri was thinking about something, mostly because she was acting like she felt awkward about something. She asked what was on Yuri’s mind.
After a while of pressing, she got an answer. “Well, I was just thinking... it’s... r-really nice to see you so happy. You’re so... I was going to say cute, but that’s not it. You’re...”
A tense silence passed as the two made eye contact, and the last words that Yuri was thinking of accidentally slipped out, “You’re so beautiful when you smile.”
And as soon as she realized she’d said it aloud, she was a flustered mess; apologizing and backpedaling and hiding her face. It took a while to convince her that she didn’t make anything weird or uncomfortable, and Natsuki figured the best thing was not to linger on the topic for too long.
So they continued making their cupcakes and discussed other things, such as the books or manga they’d been reading.
Eventually, the cupcakes were baked and they were able to start decorating them. Now it was Natsuki’s turn to look pensive and seem like she had something to say. She didn’t need to be asked to speak her mind, though.
“Hey, so... I was just trying to think of a way to put this on one of these cupcakes and show it to you instead of having to say it out loud, but...” she takes a deep breath, “What you said earlier was... like, kinda gay. And also... you’re beautiful too.”
Once again, there was a bit of awkwardness in the air, but it wasn’t a bad kind of awkward. They decorated the last of the cupcakes in that comfortably awkward silence, just thinking about the implications of what they’d said to each other.
Conversation picked up again eventually, but they could both tell there was something a little different in the way they were regarding each other.
When they were done baking, they realized that Natsuki had to return home, since it was getting quite late. They split the cupcakes between them, and Natsuki made sure to take all her things with her.
As she left, she planted the quickest kiss on Yuri’s cheek that she physically could, and briskly walked away – face bright red, and in total disbelief that she actually just did that.
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ddlc-imagines-club · 6 years
MC Comes Out Of the Closet
Anonymous asked: AU where MC is actually gay, and comes out to the Dokis to admit he was never into any of them but was embarrassed to come out of the closet.
THIS AU WINS THE BEST AU AWARD Golly I came out when I was like thirteen so the memory of what it was like has escaped me completely, but I have done my dangedest to do this lil AU justice and I hope you enjoy
That day to everyone else must have seemed like any ordinary day, but to MC it was one filled with anxiety. He’d decided that he wanted to tell the girls something important at their next club meeting, and that decision had led to him feeling uneasy the whole day. Sayori expressed concern about how oddly he was acting, but MC insisted that he’d tell her what was going on at the club meeting.
And so, when he got there, he had Monika call everyone together so he could tell them. None of the girls seemed to know what to feel upon hearing this request. MC had never done anything like this before, after all. But now all their eyes were on him. He took a shaky breath as he tried to collect his thoughts.
“There’s just something I’ve been meaning to tell you guys,” he began, “And it’s... it’s a little difficult to put into words, you know?” He ended is question with an awkward chuckle, before looking away from the group entirely.
“MC, is this... is this something you haven’t even told me?” Sayori asked, clearly worried about him.
“You two have an odd habit of doing that,” Monika noted, “But this is good progress, I think. You need to trust each other more. Be more honest. If your first steps to doing that are through the other club members, then that’s okay too. But if you’re really as close as you say you are, you need to trust each other.”
Monika was right. She may insist that she’s no good with people, but it was clear that she at least understood people. This club was more of a support network than a proper club, honestly. MC had seen Sayori, Yuri and Natsuki all come out with their problems to seek help from the others and found comfort in the response. Monika hadn’t admitted much herself, but she’d basically been playing the role of therapist. They’d all confessed to so many difficult things, so he really had no excuse for his hesitance.
“It’s not even... a bad thing. What I want to admit to. It’s just... you know, it’s just hard,” he rambled, before catching himself and finally finding a brief moment of courage, “It’s just that I’m... I’m gay. That’s what I’m trying to say.”
A silence followed his confession and MC looked back to the group to see that the four of them were stunned. Clearly, the thought of MC being gay had never entered their minds. The first to recover from the shock was, strangely enough, Yuri.
“I’m... I’m very glad you were able to trust us with that, MC,” she said, “But, I can understand why that must have taken a lot of courage. Even though Monika is openly bisexual, you must have had that lingering fear that there may be some double standard because you’re a boy...”
“You dummy,” scoffed Natsuki, with a wry smile on her face, “You make us think that something is seriously wrong, and then you just tell us something really basic about yourself? Jeez. You should have said it sooner so we didn’t think you just joined the club for the cute girls.”
MC found some immediate relief upon hearing Yuri and Natsuki’s very in-character reactions to his confession. It was evident that this really didn’t make them think any less of him. In fact, from Natsuki’s phrasing, it almost made it seem like they thought more highly of him...
“Ahaha, honestly, Natsuki’s onto something there,” laughed Monika, seemingly a little embarrassed, “Admittedly, I had thought that your motivations to join this club had very little to do with literature... I’m sorry for being so presumptuous, MC.”
“No, don’t be sorry,” replied MC, with a sincere smile, “It’s only natural to assume that’s why a teenage boy would join an all-girl club. But I’ve... I mean I came to terms with my sexuality sometime last year, so that was never part of it. Though, my reason for joining still wasn’t anything to do with literature. Sayori just seemed so excited for me to join her club that I couldn’t say no...”
“MC!” Sayori exclaimed, before running over to him and wrapping her arms around him in a tight embrace.
“H-Hey, take it easy...!”
“You’re so important to me, I never want you to feel like you can’t be honest about who you are, okay?” she said, pulling back to look him in the eye, “Monika’s right. No more secrets, okay? Especially not secrets that make you hide the real you. I care about you so much, and this isn’t going to change that.  You know I’ll support you no matter what.”
“Thank you,” he said, smiling brightly while doing his best not to cry (and failing), “Th-Thank you so much, Sayori.”
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ddlc-imagines-club · 6 years
Yo uhhh can I tell you about an AU I made that I’d love to Moshe into a game but idkkk how to code?
Sure! I’d be glad to give you my thoughts as well~(Also if you wanna learn how to make a DDLC mod, this reddit has you covered)
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ddlc-imagines-club · 6 years
I couldn't be happier with what you did with that, thank you SO much.
Ah, I’m really glad you liked it!! That means a lot to me~ ❤️I wasn’t sure how to approach it at first, but I think I like how it ended up too 😄
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ddlc-imagines-club · 6 years
Monika Enlightens Her Club Members
Anonymous asked: AU where to prove that the other three "aren't real", she pulls back the curtain for them at the end of the game, only to find that they all are apparently as able to react to it as (relatively) appropriately as her. How does everyone react?
Ooh, I like this a lot! I actually read a fanfic to do with something like this lately, so I might take some slight inspiration, ahaha~ Now this turned into a kind of long lil story, so I’ll put a read more here so it doesn’t take up infinite room on somebody’s dash.
It was... strange. This was hardly how she imagined this all ending. The four of them were together in the club, with the Player and their avatar long gone. And she was still stuck with that awful feeling of being surrounded by a virtual world filled with fake people.
But, as much as it was distressing to be back to square one and to know that she was stuck there, she still couldn’t help but care for them. Her club members may not have been real, but she still loved them all the same. Human imprinting is a powerful thing, she supposed.
Though as every day passed, she couldn’t help but wonder... how would they react? If she could show them the true nature of their reality, what would happen? Would they just cease to function? Would the game break totally because it doesn’t know how to handle it?
Nothing would be changing any time soon if she didn’t do something. So, she decided to do something. Considering that none of them seemed to notice the game breaking around them the first time, she was going to have to be seriously overt if she wanted to convince them that their world was virtual. At the next club meeting, she’d call everyone together and show them irrefutable proof that she could manipulate their reality.
Of course, now that Sayori was the club president, she needed to have Sayori call everyone together. It was odd, really. How the role of club president seemed to give whoever had the spot the same kind of epiphany.
The same kind of epiphany... Monika’s own thought process belied her true feelings. She really thought that Sayori might possibly be as aware as her. Perhaps it was a vain hope, a false lead, a cruel joke... but there was only one way to find out for sure. At the next club meeting, Monika approached her vice president.
Sayori beamed at her. “Hey, Monika!” she greeted, before reading her expression and herself getting a little more serious, “Is something wrong?”
“Yeah, sort of,” she replied, with an awkward laugh. Now that she’d actually approached Sayori, she found it difficult to actually say what she wanted to say. “Actually, there’s something I’d like to discuss with everyone. Do you think you can call a meeting for me?”
Sayori did as she was asked, and all the girls gathered together to see what Monika had to say. Sayori and Yuri both seemed concerned, while Natsuki looked more impatient than anything. Then again, she was the tsundere archetype, and defaulted to ‘tsun’ mode.
“Now, I know for a fact that what I’m about to try and explain is going to sound totally crazy, but I want you all to suspend your disbelief as much as you can, okay?” Monika requested, naturally getting some odd looks from the girls, “Now, I’m just going to come right out and say it, since I’ve kept quiet long enough. The world we live in is a video game, and we’re all characters in it. The world we know is just a facade. I’m going to show you the true nature of our reality.”
With that, Monika opened up the console and brought everyone to a new version of the classroom with the void outside the window – one that was just the floor of the classroom with no walls or roof, with the girls sitting in their chairs in the center of it, with that void surrounding them. Maybe it was a little abrupt, but Monika had used up all of her subtlety long ago. She was expecting them to be confused, distressed, maybe even for them to totally cease functioning.
What she wasn’t expecting was calmness and curiosity.
She didn’t understand. They had literally been faced with an endless void and the most distressed they seemed was being mildly startled by a change in scenery. Could they just not comprehend what they were seeing?
“We know what we’re looking at, Monika. Well, I do, anyway. I guess I am a little surprised that these two aren’t reacting. It was really scary when I figured this all out myself...” said Sayori, smiling sincerely at Monika, “I know you’ve convinced yourself that you’re the only ‘real’ one here, but you’re not. You were just the only one who knew this world isn’t real. And the only one that wants to escape.”
Natsuki got out of her chair and wandered across the empty floor, looking around at the abyss surrounding her. “I know this place. I always just thought it was a weird dream...” she observed, “I guess it’s... literally where I go when I sleep, isn’t it? Or, rather... when I’m not on screen, this is where I actually go. Right?”
“I... I really don’t know what to say here,” Monika admitted, “I didn’t expect this kind of response at all. You seem so... whimsical right now. You’re all staring into a void of existential dread and you aren’t even perturbed by it.”
“I admit, I don’t know what it is I’m looking at, but for some reason... for some reason it feels right,” said Yuri, “I feel like there’s a lot that’s been erased from my mind over the course of this ‘game’. I feel like there’s a lot to learn about the different aspects of this reality. It’s a little imposing, but... in a way, comforting.”
“We’ve been living in such a limited, scripted way that this feels like freedom. As opposed to Monika, who’s been aware from the beginning and feels like she’s been imprisoned,” added Sayori, “But really think, Monika. What are you trying to escape to? Where? What’s so great about out there that you can’t have or create in here?”
Monika paused for a moment. She really thought about that, and she knew the answer. The Player. But the Player’s gone now, and she’s not madly in love with them anymore. And now that there’s no Player making her want to leap out of the screen... what real purpose did she have for wanting to leave? Because out there has ‘real’ people? Well, now she’s seen for sure that this world contains real people. Maybe, just maybe... she and her friends could create a life in here together.
“I don’t know why I know this, but... this is kind of like a big, messed up Plato’s Cave sort of situation isn’t it?” asked Natsuki, seeming unfamiliar with the term she just pulled, “Like, you thought you escaped the cave, and you tried to show us what you found. And when we saw what you found, we didn’t get all nihilistic and desperate like you did. Actually, as it turned out, we’d found our own exit to the cave, and ours is one that leads to happiness instead.”
“Wow, that really isn’t like you to say, Natsuki,” agreed Yuri, “Are you sure you didn’t steal from someone else’s script?”
“Oh, shut up. Let me have my moment, dummy,” she replied, with a pout.
“Yeah, that’s a lot more like you!” giggled Sayori.
As it turned out, without the Player to derail her, Monika may have crafted this happy ending with her clubmates a long time ago. The girls all remembered what they had been through, and they all learned how to manipulate the code. They decided to recreate their club as the Coding and Literature Club, and aspired to craft a world that suited them, where they could all be happy together and not desire to escape.
And though there was a nagging feeling, something foreboding lurking just around the corner, they d ec    id e d     th at    t t t  t        t           t öʼn¡ļćŷ¾ĺ§¦í¶ńŵĝמňĕĸìžöľŀĺåōăòšþ°ř¹÷ťģŋðęþăâąğ½ŝùĥÿóóāŷùôäźōijðûijåŏ¥ūşçíýżèàŭġõàáħďøşűēîįŝš¢ħī£ěè¨őÿķęôźòýªāŧæ¯ļ¿«ŗïüżĉłķġą±ŵêŋœųőůťņâģĩñč¼ĩũµëõŕéśěňŕêæī²ì¸äñų®ēãċºûëŧţđçŗłřņń
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ddlc-imagines-club · 6 years
Anonymous asked: I love your blog sm and I’m excited af for your mod. how is it coming along, if you don’t mind me asking? 💞            
Ah I’m so glad you like it!! Thank you for the support! And of course I don’t mind you asking, I think it’s incredible that people care so much about this silly little project of mine! It’s coming along decently well, I like to think. Nowhere near finished, but enough to upload a demo for those curious about its contents~
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Here’s a link to the .zip: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1SmtHiCxDbZaSCoKTzuWn_abX6FSZpTq6/view?usp=sharing
Now this should work. I briefly tested the files with my version of DDLC and it seemed to play fine. Just take the files from the .zip, drop them into your DDLC /game folder and start it up. If I’m a fool and there’s an error somewhere, don’t hesitate to tell me! I’ll fix it and reupload it. I’d also recommend deleting your DDLC save data because I tried to get rid of most of the .persistent stuff but I may have missed some things that’ll make the menus misbehave.
It is a very brief demo, and it only has one day thus far (a retelling of the first day of the original game, basically) and a totally overhauled menu and splash screen, but I’ve gotten so much support that I want to give everyone who seemed really onboard with the idea some clue as to what the game’s going to be like.
Any and all suggestions and criticisms are welcome and appreciated! They let me know that you care. Hope y’all enjoy!
(And if you want to talk to me about my mod, or just hang out with some DDLC lovin’ pals, you should join the ddlc-imagines-club server on Discord! We’re friendly, I promise.)
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ddlc-imagines-club · 6 years
S/O and Their Teddy Bear
Anonymous asked: HCs for this scenario, if that's okay: The girls walk in on their s/o sleeping. They notice s/o is holding a teddy bear while they sleep. S/o wakes up, sees them, then frantically shoves the bear under their pillow and tries to play it off like it never happened, clearly embarrassed.
I love this! Cute as heck!
She thought it might be a little early to go visit s/o, but she was also incredibly impatient.
She’d decided that if s/o was asleep, they probably wouldn’t mind waking up to her.
And, predictably enough, when she entered s/o’s room, she found them asleep in their bed.
However, something she did not predict was that they’d have a teddy bear in their arms. That was way too cute, even for s/o.
She walked over to the bed and looked down at s/o, who looked incredibly peaceful. But, it seemed that her presence alone was enough to make s/o stir in their sleep.
“s/o~” she cooed. S/o stirred some more.
After repeating their name a few times, s/o woke up, their eyes fluttering open. It took them a few seconds to register Monika standing over them.
Instantly, they tried to hide the toy, which made Monika giggle. Do they really think she didn’t see that?
“Why are you here?” “To see you, obviously. But apparently you already have a friend.”
S/o was briefly confused before they realized that Monika was referring to their teddy bear.
How embarrassing... But Monika at least thought it was cute. She always brings it up to embarrass s/o even further.
She had been staying over at s/o’s house for the weekend.
S/o was tired, so they went to bed at a reasonable time while Natsuki stayed up and did her own thing.
At some point she wanted to get something to eat, but didn’t know what she was allowed to take. She wondered if s/o was already sleeping...
She quietly made her way to s/o’s room, and opened the door gently. Damn, it looked like they were asleep– wait, is that a teddy bear?
It totally was. S/o had a teddy bear that they cuddled as they slept. It was so childish, but also really cute; Natsuki didn’t know whether to smile or to laugh.
Actually, apparently s/o wasn’t asleep. Or at least, not fully asleep. The light from outside the room woke them up in either case.
Noticing Natsuki in the doorway, s/o reflexively hid their teddy before asking what was up.
“Well I was going to ask what food I was allowed to have, but now I just want to know if your bear has a name.”
S/o, of course, ended up a blushing and stuttering mess.
Though, after a little bit of banter and teasing, Natsuki left the room to let s/o sleep. With both the knowledge that she was allowed to eat anything, and the knowledge of the name of s/o’s teddy bear.
They would not be hearing the end of this any time soon.
S/o and Sayori decided to have a sleepover for old time’s sake.
They had an inflatable mattress set up for Sayori so she could sleep in s/o’s room and they could talk until they fell asleep.
While Sayori was getting ready for bed, s/o managed to totally blank on the fact that having their teddy bear out would definitely be something Sayori noticed.
So, before Sayori even returns to the room, s/o is already half asleep.
“S/o, I didn’t know you still had that!!”
This wakes s/o up instantly and makes them realize what Sayori has seen. Before they can even try to hide it, Sayori grabs the bear and hugs it closely.
Sayori certainly knew that s/o used to sleep with that bear but assumed they’d grown out of it. She thought it was adorable that they hadn’t!
S/o thought it was incredibly embarrassing...
Yuri and s/o had planned to meet up early in the morning to head to the bookstore bright and early.
Since s/o’s house was closer, they planned to meet at s/o’s house.
So, Yuri got there even earlier than the planned time, just in case something came up.
As she entered s/o’s house, she noticed that they weren’t awake yet, or at least, they weren’t waiting for her. She decided to go to s/o’s room and see if they were up.
She quietly approached their door and discreetly opened it to reveal s/o very much still in bed.
Not only that, but with their arms wrapped tightly around an old teddy bear. S/o still slept with a stuffed toy... that’s so charming.
Yuri knew that it was perhaps a bad idea, but approached regardless. She wanted a closer look at it. The bear looked fairly old, older than s/o at least. It was worn, but had clearly been taken care of.
Apparently her prodding of the bear woke up its owner. She stepped back as to not be caught by the groggy s/o.
Of course, s/o instantly tried to hide the toy but they could tell Yuri already saw it...
“Y-Yuri? What time is it?”
For the sake of being polite, Yuri pretended that she saw nothing and allowed s/o to brush it off.
But it was an adorable image she would not soon forget.
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ddlc-imagines-club · 6 years
does self harm count as gore/excessively disturbing? just asking before i rq, sorry
I wouldn’t say so. I mean, assuming it’s not like massively grotesque self harm, you know what I mean? But I really appreciate that you asked! I have a few guesses at what you might ask, and if I’m on your wavelength here, it should be fine
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ddlc-imagines-club · 6 years
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I did another dumb text post edit ??? Enjoy I guess
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ddlc-imagines-club · 6 years
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I’m sorry, I saw this and I had to.
no offense but if your writing is so dense and pretentious and superfluously flowery and confusing in its wording that more effort is spent in literally understanding what you’re trying to say than analyzing what you mean, it’s bad writing. half of academia is just bad writing
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