#come bac from the war
skipporeity · 2 months
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shinsou for your troubles?
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strawberiitea · 2 years
would you like a little detail abt revivebur that I like? I hope yes, bc you're getting one!
in pogtopia, wilbur often waited for his hunger to be completely gone (starved himself) before he ate, insert that clip of him eating an entire fucking cake at once to prove a point here. But since he's been revived, there hasn't been a single moment where he hasn't had food in his off-hand. I don't recall any times where he's had to eat to get his sprint back or to regen. Idk why that detail sticks out so much to me but at least he cares about his well-being :>
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perlelune · 2 months
Oblivion | Paul Atreides
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There used to be beginnings and ends, nights and days, dream and reality, before the haze took over, swallowing every thought, every memory, every whisper of free will.
Warnings: NON-CON, Fremen Reader, Kynes!Reader, Mind Control, Memory Manipulation, Padishah Emperor Paul, Loss of Identity, Brainwashing, Mentions of war and religious fanaticism
This is a dark story. Heed warnings before reading under the cut.
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Muad’Dib leads the way. 
It is what the prophecy dictates. That he is the voice from the Outer World. The one who will lead your people to paradise. The one who will turn Dune’s arid desert lands into bountiful, endless green fields. 
But as your eyes rest on him, you do not see the chosen one. You do not see the Lisan Al-Ghaib. You see your friend Paul, broken, lost, his heart shattered into a million pieces due to your cousin’s absence. 
He sits at the head of his bed, shadows fluttering across his delicate features from the glowglobes’ dull orange light. Wide black rings surround his sunken blue eyes, the result of his daily consumption of spice melange. Lank, greasy brown curls hang around his handsome face. A pang twists your chest. He hasn’t slept in days, has barely gotten a full night of replenishing sleep since she left on a maker’s back.
You cannot blame your cousin. Paul’s ascendency to the Golden Lion throne came at a cost. A hefty one. Promises were broken. Trust was destroyed. Only time will repair the damage that was done. Though you carry faith the two of them will find their way back to each other. 
You stir the spice-coffee in the pot, straining the shimmering dark powder before pouring some in a cup. A spicy cinnamon smell coats the cool night air. 
You rise and bring the cup to him.
“For you, Usul.”
A soft smile blooms on his lips as he takes a slow, weary sip.
“You make it so well,” he praises.
You glow at the compliment, returning his smile. Your grandmother used to show you and Chani how to blend coffee beans with spice and herbs. The knowledge never left you. Now, every time you feel troubled or upset, you make a fresh kettleful. A single sip of the familiar brew is enough to alleviate your frazzled nerves. Especially here, so far away from Sietch Tabr, between the strange stone walls of the Arrakeen Keep, you have craved little reminders of home more than ever before.
Fremen belong in the desert, not in peculiar tents made of marble and stone.
Paul’s brows crumple as he studies you. 
“You don’t have to take care of me,” he says.
“I can get another Fremen-”
His fingers latch around your wrist, desperation sizzling under his touch. 
“I prefer it to be you.” He sighs. A bone deep fatigue radiates from the sound. You halt in your tracks. You suppose you could stay a while longer. “Please, stay, your presence soothes me.”
You nod. “I’ll stay, Muad’Dib.”
Relief falls over his features. 
The doors suddenly open, the guards stepping aside to let Stilgar in. He bows to Paul.
“Lisan Al-Ghaib…”
Your friend’s mouth flattens into a thin line. 
“I told you to stop calling me that.”
Stilgar acquiesces. He will never stop addressing Paul with reverence and admiration. None of his followers believes in him more. At times, it scares you a little. While you share the same faith, the fervor with which every Fedaykin is willing to lay their swords in his name can be frightening. Sometimes you wonder if Chani was right. How much will it take to liberate your world? How much blood will require spilling? You’re not completely naive. No war was ever won without a few casualties. Still, part of you hopes the war will end soon and peaceful times will come.
“No sign of her?” Paul asks. 
A contrite expression tugs the older man’s face.
“Apologies, my liege. We scouted the Southern regions this time. We couldn’t find her. She knows the desert well. It is home to us Fremen. She will not be found…”
“...Unless she wants to be found,” you finish, grabbing the empty cup from Paul’s hands and placing it back on the table.
The faint embers of hope in Paul’s cobalt gaze flicker out. Your heart sinks, for both you and him. Though you do not wish to burden him, you miss your cousin too. Her practicality and common sense. Her strength. Without her, a piece of you is missing. A crucial one. Your mother died in childbirth and your father in battle, so both of you grew up together, close enough in age to share secrets and play together for most of your childhood. 
It was Chani who taught you how to summon a worm and ride upon its back for the first time. She is the sister tragic circumstances blessed you with.
Stilgar apologizes profusely once more before taking his leave.
As soon as he’s gone, Paul’s shoulders slump.
“She hates me.” 
You crouch beside him.
“She doesn’t hate you. She never could. She is your quiet in the storm, and you are hers. She will return when she is ready.”
A wry laugh escapes his lips. 
“I have Irulan, my beloved wife, who is likely plotting my demise as we speak. Qizarate missionaries pressing me to take action and purge the non-believers on Aldinor. I am surrounded by foes, everywhere I look.” That distant expression he gets whenever his visions haunt him touches his face. “Blades pointed at my neck at all times, waiting for a sign of weakness to strike.”
You grab his hand, reassuring him, “You also have friends, Usul, who believe in your cause.”
“Fanatics,” he corrects bitterly. 
Your chest swells with worry. You don’t like it when he questions himself as such. His cause is right. He freed Arrakis from the Harkonnen’s iron-fisted rule. He will bring peace to every world in the universe. It is written. It’s the only path forward.
“You are not alone.” His fingers squeeze around yours. Warmth rushes to your face, the realization that you’re awfully close to the Emperor striking you. You adjust the nezhoni scarf covering your hair and rise. “I shall let you rest, my Lord.”
“Stay, please.”
His tone is beseeching. Your gaze swings to the window. There, moon beams pierce through the colorful glass, scattering rainbow splashes of light across the floor. Vibrant stars pepper the dark sky, pearls lost in a sea of ink. It’s pitch black outside. You should be in your own room. Not his.
“Muad’Dib, it’s late…”
His grip on your hand tightens. When he speaks again, his tone is different. Disembodied. Powerful. Its tantalizing echo drips inside your head like honey. 
“Stay,” he mumbles. You plop down on the bed, your body moving on its own, driven by the strange, irresistible thrall of Paul’s voice.
He cups your cheeks. 
“Sleep beside me tonight.”
“I’m not her.”
“I don’t want you to be.”
“She should be with me and she isn’t. But you are.” His inflection becomes soft and inviting as he drinks you in. As if he were lumbering through the desert, parched and desperate, and you were a well overflowing with fresh water. “You are beautiful. I never noticed before.” He pauses, tracing your bottom lip. “Perhaps I should have.”
You blink, dazed. When did Paul’s face get so close to yours? You can outline each of his long lashes, the speckles of green lingering in his blue eyes. 
His mouth grazes yours, his thumb stroking your cheeks. It only lasts a few seconds. The warm plushness of his lips on yours yanks you back to reality. You gasp and flinch back. When you recoil, his silky tone fills your ears once more.
“Don’t fight it. You love me, remember?”
A confused whisper slips through your lips. Two parts of your mind wrestle with Paul’s words. 
“I do?”
His eyes dive into yours.
“Of course, you do.”
“Of course I do,” you repeat, his tone nudging aside the doubts lurking inside your mind. 
A bright smile unfurls on his lips, his lids sagging to half-mast.
“It’s like you said before. You are my quiet in the storm and I am yours.”
Right. You uttered those very same words. How could you forget?
You are Paul’s quiet in the storm. He is yours.
His mouth covers yours. It moves slowly against your own. He explores your mouth as he cradles your face. His long lashes fall over his cheekbones as he loses himself in your taste. He hums against your lips, gentle fingers touching your face. You don’t move, eyes half-open as you let it happen. It’s foreign, the sensation of Paul’s lips on yours. Foreign and strange yet you can’t help but numbly accept it. 
Once he frees your lips, he rests his forehead against yours. 
“Come into my arms, my love,” he says.
You don’t resist as he pulls you into his embrace, nudging you onto the bed. Soft strands of Paul’s brown mane brush against your cheek as he buries his head in the crook of your neck, inhaling your spice-coated scent. 
His arms circle your waist. Your back melds against his chest, the warmth of your bodies mingling through the thin layers of your clothes. 
“You smell so good,” he mutters. Your scarf shifts when he rubs his face against it. “Don’t ever leave me.”
When you don’t reply, his tone gets firmer. “Promise it.”
The words roll off your tongue easily.
“I won’t ever leave you, Paul.”
Tension leaks out of his tightly coiled muscles. 
“Good,” he says, drifting off to sleep quickly with you nestled in his snug embrace. 
You fall asleep too, no thoughts in your head, Paul’s soft snores lulling you into peaceful slumber. 
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You awake with a start, the stark unfamiliarity of the palatial chambers you find yourself in causing your pulse to soar. Your eyes dart about the room. Recognition hits you. These are the Emperor’s apartments.
Your eyes grow wide. You’re not supposed to be here. Panic sets in.
“W-What am I doing here?”
Paul’s quiet voice flows across your back.
“Calm down.”
“No. I shouldn’t be here…”
You start crawling off the bed but Paul’s fingers around your wrist impede your departure. 
He holds your face, vibrant blue eyes locking with yours. You find yourself incapable of looking away, ensnared by his unflinching focus.
“I said, Calm down.”
The alarms ringing inside your head fall quiet. You lean into Paul’s touch. What were you doing? What were you thinking? Every thought you attempt to grasp at evaporates in the heat of Muad’Dib’s stare. 
“There. Much better,” he coos, satisfaction hovering on his handsome face. His voice sinks into a sensual whisper. “Why don’t you kneel for me?”
You do as he instructs. Then all fades to black as quicksands of confusion engulf your thoughts. 
When you return to yourself, you aren’t on the bed anymore, but on your knees on the carpeted floor. 
Paul is looming over you, grunting, his throat bobbing. One of his hands is curled around your nape while the other is under your jaw. 
You note the saltiness coating your tongue, the drool on your chin, the soreness in the back of your throat. 
You choke on his length, air wavering inside your lungs. 
Paul’s cock is in your mouth. 
The sick, awful realization tumbles over you like a bag of stones. 
Muffled moans leave you as you lift pleading eyes towards him.
You place your hands on his thighs, shoving with all your strength. 
Paul doesn’t let you move. He cradles your face and thrusts inside your mouth until his balls are pressed into your chin. 
Clouds of lust obscure his gaze as it falls upon you. 
He caresses your face, dragging his cock out before pushing it inside your mouth again. Gurgled sounds leave your throat. Tears skip down your cheeks and you wonder when you’ve started crying. 
Fremen do not cry. Ever. Even for the dead. It is a rare, sacred act.
Paul wipes them off your face with his thumbs. 
“You love me. It is what lovers do,” he says matter-of-factly.
Your body relaxes. 
Right. Of course. You love him. It is what lovers do. 
You hollow your cheeks and suck him off. He unleashes a throaty sigh of delight as you pleasure him with your mouth. 
When his seed drips down your tongue, he coaxes you not to waste a single drop. You swallow all of it, showing no resistance when he nudges a stray drop between your wet lips. 
Several days in a row, you awake in the emperor’s chambers. At first, you experience great confusion. However, Paul’s soothing words always quell your rising panic. It becomes all you know. The Emperor’s mesmerizing voice. His large, soft bed. His ceaseless, ravenous touch. 
Sweaty, tangled limbs melting in lewd harmony.
You stop questioning it. Even the strange lapses of time when you are in one room and mysteriously wind up in another. It isn’t rare for you to wake up with the Emperor’s head bobbing between your thighs, greedily lapping at your folds, or with your hips grinding into his as he impales you on his cock. 
It is where you belong. And you believe him when he says that, mumbling loving promises into your ear in the dead of night.
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“If we do not strike fast and hard, they will not accept your rule,” Stilgar says. 
“They worship a false god. We are doing them a favor,” another man sitting at the table interjects. 
A shaky exhale flows from your tongue. You look around, dismay filling you when you realize you’re in Paul’s war room amidst a council meeting. Your head throbs. How did you get here?
You rise from your chair. Bemused gazes land on you. 
Princess Irulan snickers from her seat.
“Husband, your concubine is acting strange,” she sneers.
Concubine? You step away from the table.
You blink several times as you stumble outside. You grip your temples, your forehead scrunching. That cannot be right. Is it? 
You are no one’s concubine. 
You are…
You are…
Adrenaline pumps through your blood as your head buzzes. 
The answer will not come, your mind keeping it under firm lock and key.
Frustration mounts within you. You blindly waddle around.
You end up in a room that bears vague familiarity. You lean against a basin full of water. Water…just lying around. That seems strange.
Your eyes land on a mirror on the opposite wall. The reflection in the glass has your heart rate spiking. Who is this?
You bolt to your feet, the water in the basin splashing around your feet. 
Your tremulous fingers rise to your face, horror filling you when the woman in the mirror mimicks your exact motions. 
Your gaze travels across the wide, open space. Quick breaths rush from your throat. The Emperor’s room. Why did you think it was your room? 
You stagger backwards. You gasp as you bump into a solid form.
You whirl, eyes widening.
He gauges you, slight concern etched in his blue eyes. Relief fills you as you soak in his boyish, slender features, much more familiar than those of the stranger in the mirror. 
You know Paul. Muad’Dib. Paul is familiar, safe. You trust him. He will tell you who you are.
“Yes, my love?”
“Paul, who am I?”
A displeased frown settles on his brow. He approaches you and grabs your face. His expression hardens.
“You are mine. Nothing else matters.”
“But Paul-”
Your protests are stifled by the feverish press of his lips on yours. A fog surrounds your thoughts as his kiss grows more passionate, his hands sweeping over your curves. You place your hand on his chest, pushing feebly.  
“Forget it. Forget it all, beloved,” he mumbles against your lips. You sag against him. You drown in Paul’s blue eyes, time stretching beyond eternity. 
When you gain a semblance of awareness, your naked form is writhing above Paul’s. Your palms are spread over his lithe muscles, your hips moving as he slams his cock into your cunt repetitively. Paul bites his lip, his gaze glued to the sight of his length disappearing between your wet folds. 
When did you get on the bed? When did you shed your clothes?
Every inquiry melts in the heat swirling across your damp flesh. 
Your lashes flutter as you unleash a broken whimper, Paul’s hard length touching you in places that send electricity rippling through your spine.
You tighten around him and he purrs. 
“Remember nothing but my name,” he rasps, clutching your hips possessively. He impales you on his length, thrusting faster. You choke on your breath, his quickening pace driving you wild.
You brace yourself on his chest and lose yourself in the pleasure, your breath hitching each time he pounds into you.
The filthy sounds of your coupling fill the room, bouncing off the stone walls. Paul’s deep, animalistic moans. Your soft, desperate whimpers. The blunt, wet sounds your cunt makes as he buries himself inside you. The bed rattling and squeaking under your writhing forms.
“Paul, Paul…” you pant as you bounce on his cock. An intensity ignites his eyes as his name falls from your tongue like a prayer. You toss your head back, voice dying in your throat as another wave of pleasure crashes over you. Your toes flex. You tremble, your body jolting as your slick walls flutter around his length. A husky moan leaves him. He twitches inside you. His back lifts from the sheets, his body tensing as he hits his peak too. Slick warmth spills from his tip, glazing your walls. 
An errant sliver of panic lurks inside your brain. Your eyes bulge as you glance down at where your body and Paul’s are conjoined. Rapid breaths burst from your chest.
Seeming to sense your distress, he shoves your hips back down when you try to squirm away.
His authoritative voice booms across the room, unnatural, multiplied. Everywhere at once. 
“Do not move, beloved. Let me fill you up. Make you mine in every way.”
Your breaths settle down. Your worries disappear. You look into Paul’s loving gaze. A smile unfans on his lips as you ride him with abandon again.
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“What are you doing?”
You pivot at the abrupt sound of Paul’s voice. You pause above the bag you’re packing. You peer at him, mulling over an appropriate answer to his question. You do not find one. You only know that you stirred awake that morning, feeling strange, sore…Lost. The urge to collect your meager belongings and leave the Arrakeen Keep seared inside you since then. A hollow, distant voice rings inside your head.
Return to Sietch Tabr.
“I have to go. Something…Something isn’t feeling right.”
The muscles of Paul’s jaw flare, his tone as ice as he states, “You want to leave me.”
Discarding your bag, you rush to him. You take his hands in yours.
“No. I made you a promise. I just need time to think…I can’t think anymore, Paul.”
It’s true. Every day feels like trudging through a Coriolis storm, your thoughts scattering as dust in the wind the minute they form.
Everything that was solid before is now sand slipping through your fingers.
Paul’s gaze corrals yours.
“You don’t need to,” he says, gripping your face. His tone dips to a soft lilt that penetrates your senses. “Who are you?”
You search his eyes. A breeze blows away every single doubt you had.
The answer to every inquiry you had is right there. In Paul’s fond stare.
The persistent little voice in your head, that pesky plea begging to be heard suddenly falls quiet. The truth echoes in your head, Paul’s powerful voice filling your mind.
You are right where you belong. 
“I’m yours,” you utter with certainty.
His face softens. “That is correct, my love,” he says, stroking your cheek.
“Now, why don’t you settle down, beloved?” You let him escort you to the bed, coaxing you to take a seat on the sheets. “Agitating yourself as such isn’t good for you.”
He sinks to the floor and drops a gentle kiss over your round belly.
“And it’s not good for the baby either.”
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scawch · 2 years
wish I was screaming out at sea again
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Echo checks his comm after a long day of fighting the empire, part 27032024
(4)Message from: Hunter
"I think Crosshair is finally making friends."
"That's good, right?"
"I don't like his new friend. It's probably better if you don't know who that is."
"Also, do you think I am overprotective sometimes?"
(6)Message from: Wrecker
"lmao hunter is so overprotective, u gotta come bac cause he is losing it again"
"And Crosshair made a friend today! he is so grumpy about it tho"
"u know, the fisherwoman that took mega out on a trip 1 time"
"oh, btw, someone came bac with the intel we told u bout, but dont worry bout it"
"what would u do if u had a little jedi kid"
(3)Message from: Crosshair
"I did not make any friends."
"I hate having friends."
"And you just wait till you hear who these two idiots brought here"
(8)Message from: <3 my best girl <3
"Echooo! Do you know Ventress?"
"she came by and made me stand on slippery rocks and we went out on a boat to summon fish and stuff"
<3 my best girl <3 sent a photo: *Omega smiling into the camera, Assajj grumpily stares into the ocean in the background*
"Hunter told me she was a war criminal, but she was nice to me"
"she saved me from a huge sea monster that we accidentally summoned"
"oh, and she tried to kill Hunter and Wrecker, but she didn't and she left us alone in the end"
"I hope they told you she was here"
"And Crosshair made two friends today! You know, he helped Lyana's cousin and he was nice to Assajj one time, so I think it counts as friendship when it comes to him."
(4568) Missed calls from: Tech
(99+) Messages from: Tech
"Dear Echo,
If you finally get to check your spam folder, please tell them to stop touching my stuff. I saw someone logged into my data pad today. This is unacceptable.
Kind regards,
Tech, CT-9902"
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sgtgarricks · 3 months
˚ʚ♡ɞ˚ i want your hands on me for all my life
simon riley x afab!reader cw: nsfw, angst, happy ending, mentions of simon's abusive past, talks about death, mentions of soap's death, fingering, oral sex (f!receiving), unprotected piv sex, creampie!!, simon lets himself be happy yay
reblogs are immensely appreciated! <3
PREVIOUS PART: your gentle hands are enough
notes: this is the 2nd part for the people that want a happy ending :) this turned out sooo long LMFAO if you want to be sad just pretend this doesn't exist and read the other one! your feedback & comments help <3
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Simon had always excelled at compartmentalizing his emotions ever since he was a child.
Growing up with an abusive father and an older brother who has hell-bent on scaring him had forced him to develop self-preservation tactics in order to survive their torment. Dissociating was a daily occurrence in his childhood years — it helped Simon escape the pain and torment that was being inflicted on his body.
Being in the military has not been that different.
He was still dissociating, but he was no longer on the receiving end of thrown punches and insults. He was now the perpetrator inflicting agony on his enemies for the good of the world. To rid the world of filth.
Simon Riley had become the ultimate soldier — lethal, swift, quiet, and was immune to the horrors of war, which was no surprise considering he had spent most of his childhood learning to lock away all the negative emotions. The ability had become innate, bleeding into his daily life and in turn, his relationships.
When Simon walked out the door, he had left all the hurt and sadness in the apartment with you. He trusted you'd keep a part of him safe until he came back and even if he didn't.
Simon had whole-heartedly accepted the risk that comes with the job, fully prepared to lay his life down if it meant a better world than yesterday. In fact, Simon knew death more intimately more than anyone. He'd knocked on death's door multiple times but always seemed to come out alive.
It was easy for him to not think of you. The anxious voice inside his head becomes static as he engrossed himself in the mission. The hard part comes when the dust has settled — when all that remain are cold corpses and bullet casings.
Sitting in the helicopter all bloodied accompanied by the sound of whirring blades wasn't usually bad. It would give him time to sit down and process his emotions. It let him feel the slight guilt that never goes away when taking a life — no matter how rotten.
But with each mission he went on after his abrupt departure, he finds himself constantly ruminating his entire reason for not wanting to get into a relationship with you.
Simon had wanted you to move on from him when he died, eventually. Forget the bruised and battered soldier and find someone whole, someone who could be there for you and love you without causing you anxiety every time their phone rang.
He thought himself selfless for trying to spare you, but his entire reason collapses with every mission he comes back alive.
What was his excuse now? What was he protecting you from?
The voices slink back into his mind the moment he gains a moment of peace. Whispers planting seeds of doubt in his mind, feeding on his insecurity and his fears. They're ruthless and persistent.
You don't deserve them. They're too good for you. You're going to leave them one day anyway, why bother?
He feels a tightness in his chest, as if a phantom hand was squeezing his heart that sends pulses of pain through him. His hand shakes slightly, fingers moving absent-mindedly trying to remember the feel of your skin.
"You alright, Lieutenant?" His captain's voice breaks him out of his trance. Simon is slightly startled but doesn't let it show. He merely grunts.
"'M alright."
Silence engulfs them once more. It goes one for one, two, maybe three minutes. It's suffocating. Simon can read people well enough by now that he knows there are questions lingering in the back of John Price's mind.
A part of Simon wishes he'd just spit it out, but the thought of having to explain seemed worse. Instead, Simon settles with a silent huff as the helicopter continues on its designated course.
The second the helicopter landed, Price simply nods at him, trusting him to get his shit together and walks off to his office. Simon does his usual routine, though instead of rushing through the motions, he's intentionally prolonging each action.
Whereas normally he couldn't get out of this place faster, now he almost dreaded the moment he would have to leave. Staying at the base meant monotonous, dull, predictable tasks. Leaving means he has to choose where to go — he has to actively force himself to not drive straight to your apartment despite the fact that every fiber in his being longs to be close to you.
He feels sick, a kind of illness spreading inside of him that only ever felt better when you were around him. A dull ache inside his body that only lights up when you touch him.
He runs a hand to his now damp hair, content with sitting on a sofa in the rec room. Normally, the place would be bustling with recruits goofing around with each other. But one glance at the broodier-than-normal look on the lieutenant's face had created a force field that pushed away everyone as to not get caught in its storm.
Simon doesn't know how long he sits there, half of him trying to convince himself to not come to you. That you don't deserve the broken man with a penchant for violence.
Chuckling lowly to himself, he shakes his head. What kind of demented higher power decided someone as kind as you be plucked and dropped into his sights?
Fifteen minutes went by as he pities himself in the rec room before a shadow in his peripheral vision causes him to look up.
"L.T.," Kyle nods towards him, leaning on the doorframe.
"Garrick." Simon grunts dismissively, not saying anything more. He hops the sergeant will take the hint on his own and leave the miserable bastard to his own devices.
Kyle worries for Simon. The brooding giant seems more miserable than usual — not more than after the incident, but still. Typically, he wouldn't even be able to catch a glimpse of his lieutenant after coming back from deployment. He'd usually opt to disappear from the base in record time.
The fact that he's here now, instead of wherever he usually hangs around, is slightly concerning.
"You alright, L.T.?"
Simon turns to him, slightly annoyed. "Why does everyone keep asking me that? Yes, I'm alright." He huffs. Kyle merely shrugs, unbothered by the icy gaze directed at him.
"Well, seeing as you haven't fucked off from the base yet and it's been," Kyle checks his phone for the time, "Around an hour? I'd wager something is wrong."
Sometimes Simon hated how observant Gaz was. Kyle's always been attentive, even more so now without Johnny's presence. It wasn't a secret that Johnny had been the lieutenant's shadow — always lingering near him, cracking jokes and pulling his leg.
His absence had naturally left a gaping void in Simon, oozing all the pain and hurt that comes with losing a comrade. Simon isn't naive, he knows death comes as a package with being in the battlefield. He's seen his fellow soldiers die, held them as they bled out. It was why he tended to keep to himself. After all, the less people you know, the less funerals you have to go to.
This worked most of the time, anyone who got close to Simon would get his arctic stare and cower off — most of the time anyway. Johnny was a different case. Johnny was a little bit of a nutcase to be honest. A talented, bright, pyromaniac, the youngest ever to pass SAS selection, with an arsenal of jokes in his pockets. The blue-eyed Scotsman got along quickly with Kyle, bantering with each other easily as if they had been long-lost friends.
While Johnny still had reservations about dicking around with the captain, he didn't seem to have the same problem with Simon. Seemingly happy to chatter off in his ear about anything, whether it was about shitty food, a lady he picked up from a bar, or jabs directed at Simon.
Johnny's bright disposition put Simon on edge. He wasn't used to seeing someone not be terrified of him. No matter how many glares he sent him, the bugger wouldn't leave him alone. Johnny would continue to go out of his way to talk to Simon, to sit next to him during lunch, and sometimes, Johnny would even manage to get Simon to open up just a little.
"What's on yer mind, L.T.?" Johnny nudged Simon with his elbow. The two men were both sat at the bar, the TV playing an old recording of a football match. It had taken Johnny ten minutes to convince Simon to go out for drinks and he planned on taking full advantage of it.
Johnny had been talking non-stop for around five minutes about his sister who had just gotten married, waiting for a reaction from Simon who seemed distracted. His eyes had strayed to the other side of the bar a few times, barely noticeable to the untrained eye, but Johnny was anything but.
"Nothin'." Simon had grunted, tearing his gaze away. A giant smirk plastered itself onto Johnny's face.
"Ah, been starin' at the sad one across the bar, aye?" Seeing Simon's eye widen a little had made Johnny even more gleeful. "Go on then. Ye have my full permission to ditch me tonight." He teased, winking at his lieutenant.
"Don't know what you're talking about, Johnny." Simon had denied instantly, taking a sip of his drink. A normal person would have left it at that, but Johnny wasn't your average person. He loved starting fires and Simon was a flame he wanted to see lit.
"Ach, come on L.T. what's the harm, eh? A little bit of flirting never hurt anyone." Simon didn't know this but Johnny wasn't going to let this go. It was the first time Johnny had ever seen Simon show interest in someone and he'd do anything to get Simon to at the very least, talk to them.
"They're a civvy, Johnny. Not gonna take any chances." Simon shook his head adamantly.
"That's bollocks! All we do is take risks anyway, at least on this one the worst that could happen is getting a drink thrown in yer face." Johnny chuckles, peering at the person across the bar who was clearly nursing a broken heart. Simon still made no move to get up from his chair.
Praying to whatever God was listening, Johnny hoped Simon wouldn't kill him after what he was going to do. Calling over the bartender, Johnny slid the man a fifty.
"Mate, give 'em a refill yeah? Tell 'em it's from the big bloke over here." Johnny signaled the bartender. Simon, who had finally processed what Johnny was doing, couldn't even get a word in. The bartender hastily took the money and went back to his station, ignoring Simon's call.
Simon could only watch in despair as the bartender presented the drink and pointed towards Simon. He received a shy smile, a mouthed 'thank you', and an expectant look.
"Now you've got to go there, mate. Otherwise you'll look like an arsehole!" Johnny threw his arms up, grinning triumphantly. The sergeant crossed his arms and wiggled his eyebrows.
Simon could've easily ignored Johnny and went back to his drink. But a part of him couldn't deny that he wanted to go over there and maybe talk to someone else that wasn't Scottish for a change. Against his usual logic, Simon decided to stand up from his chair.
"You're an arsehole." A glare was sent Johnny's way, although it had no weight behind them. As Simon began to walk away, he could hear Johnny laughing loudly.
"Yer welcome!"
Simon had never told Johnny you were the person who had been texting him during deployment, but he knew deep down that Johnny already knew. He'd asked multiple times, even tried sneaking a look.
He simply didn't want to admit that Johnny forcing him to talk to you that day had shifted Simon's world. He wished he told Johnny.
"We all miss him, L.T." Kyle's soft voice spoke again. He's closer now, dragging a chair from a table and sitting in front of Simon. Kyle knew he could never fill the giant void that Johnny left, but he felt a sense of responsibility to at least try. Price had become more closed off after his death whereas Simon had slowly been unraveling, little stitches coming loose a day at a time.
"All we can do is make sure it's not in vain." Simon sighs, hearing Kyle's words, knows he's right. That he can't go back to expecting the worst all the time, constantly on edge.
Johnny had breathed life into his ghostly presence, bringing Simon back into the realm of the living. The more Johnny got out of the lieutenant, the more people were able to see that Simon wasn't merely a visage, a ghost roaming the hallway. That he was a real person.
He was throwing away his chance at a second life. Perhaps it was also a twisted way of Simon punishing himself. If he couldn't save Johnny, couldn't save the man who managed to get him to talk to you, then he didn't deserve you. It was a round-about way of him trying to mend off the guilt eating away at him that had inadvertently claimed another victim.
"Thank you, sergeant." Simon stood up. Clapping his hand on Kyle's shoulder.
I see you.
"Don't mention it, sir."
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The drive to your house takes around twenty minutes, which means that's all the time Simon has to try and figure out a way to atone for his sins.
They're too gracious to even hold a grudge against you. A small part of Simon tells him. While he hopes that's true, he still wants to apologize and acknowledge how unfair he's been to you. If not to make you feel better, at the very least it will ease his conscience.
He drums his finger on the steering wheel, the radio turned on but on low volume. For once, Simon wishes he had Johnny's ability to get out of problems with his alluring words and his kicked-puppy look.
Lost in his own thoughts, he hadn't even realized he's been sitting in his parked car for a few minutes. He clasps his hands when he realizes they're shaking. God, he was so terrified. Not of you, no. He was scared of having to see what he's done to you. Is terrified of really seeing the carnage Simon Riley had tore in you.
He lets out a bated breath and opens the car door. He knows you're home by now, probably cooking away while listening to some indie band. Resting his head on your door, he braces himself once more, and knocks.
He waits, the seconds feeling like hours. The door swings open and he sees your surprised face.
"Simon." You compose yourself immediately, not wanting to show any sort of weakness in front of him. Something twitches on the corners of his mouth hidden by the balaclava. As if realizing he's still wearing it, he takes it off.
"Can I come in?" He asks timidly, as if approaching a wounded animal. He had no idea how you'd react after him being gone for so long. Even during his three month deployments, he'd sometimes text you once every fortnight. But after the way he left things, he couldn't bring himself to message you at all. Couldn't even stomach the thought of you still pining over him after what he had done. It was easier for him to simply block your number. Photos of sunsets and coffee cups gathering dust in his photo album, unsent.
You didn't even think about it, your body unconsciously moving sideways to let him in. A part of you screams at yourself.
Idiot, show some dignity.
It had been so easy for you to let the man who had left you for six months without a word back into your apartment, into your life.
You felt like an addict. Constantly begging for your next fix and taking whatever scraps are thrown your way. It's pitiful, but you're too far gone, anyway. His dirty boots make contact with your hardwood floor, leaving small specks of mud on them. Simon notices the frown marring your face and begins to unlace his boots.
"Sorry." He apologizes, neatly tucking away his muddy boots at the side of your door. You close the door behind him, making your way towards your kitchen. The plate clatters loudly in the sink as you haphazardly put them away, clearly rattled.
Simon coughs slightly, words stuck in his throat. He'd prepared a small speech earlier yet all the words seem to escape him. All the courage he had mustered for his little speech all had but disappeared into thin air. He feels out of his depths, not used to being vulnerable.
"What are you doing here, Simon?" Your voice sounds so tired. He supposes he was to blame for that.
"Can we talk?" He sends you a pleading look, hoping you still felt a sliver of the love you used to harbor for him — the only thing stopping you from kicking him out.
"Oh, so after blocking me and radio silence for six months you've decided you want to talk?" The bitterness seeps into your words like venom. He can't even make himself physically recoil from the sharp edge of your tone. Simon can feel the thin rope right beneath his feet, one wrong step and he'd be falling off the edge.
He takes a deep breath. "I deserve that."
"Oh, you deserve more than that Simon Riley. I should kick you out right now." You were huffing now, going slightly red in the face. Had he not been so anxious he might've thought you look cute. But right now? He was downright terrified.
"Just-" Simon pinches his nose bridge, calming himself down. "Let me speak for a moment, yeah? After that if you want me to leave, I'll leave." He holds both his hands up.
You were livid, rightfully so. The man you love had essentially decided he didn't want to communicate with you anymore, breaking your heart. The first week you thought maybe something had happened to his phone, broken it maybe?
As the weeks turned into months, the realization dawned on you that he had purposefully blocked you, cut off all contact. At first there was only sadness. You spent your days crying into your blanket, some days barely functioning. The hurt and betrayal had emotionally drained you. Did all those years mean nothing to him?
You knew he had a hard time expressing his emotions, but never in your wildest dreams did you think he would throw you away just like that. Like you were nothing more to him than a good fuck. Despite your head telling you otherwise, the emotional baggage he had left you with didn't leave much option.
It was easier to hate him than to accept maybe he didn't love you at all.
You spent the first few months cursing into the wind hoping it'd somehow hurt him a fraction of how much he hurt you. Afterwards, the pain became a lingering , dull ache, but not debilitating anymore. It became a constant that you carry everyday.
Kicking him out the door was tempting, but you knew it wouldn't do you any good. If anything, the words left unsaid would become a leech — slowly draining away your curiosity until you eventually leave another voicemail.
You give him a pointed stare before sitting down on the couch. Simon slowly approached you, wanting nothing more than to sit next to you but choosing to sink into the other side of the couch. He sees you cross your arms, feeling more uncomfortable by the second.
"I jus' wanna say that I'm sorry." He stares into your eyes, slouched with elbows on his thighs. Seeing your mouth thin into a line, Simon knows he's going to have to do a lot better.
"When Johnny died..." Your eyes widen, arms slacking slightly. He'd talk about Johnny sometimes but sometime ago had entirely stopped mentioning his name altogether. You had suspected something terrible had happened but you didn't want to believe it.
"I was so angry. It's not fair. He was so young, had his whole future ahead of him. Told me he was gonna see his sister's newborn on his next leave." He breathes out, clenching his fists.
"All of that, gone. We haven't even caught the bastard yet." Simon runs an exasperated hand through his face. Your arms were no longer crossed, choosing to fiddle with the edge of your shirt. You wanted to comfort him so badly, wanted to take him into your arms and tell him everything's going to be okay. But he was still pouring his heart out and you wanted to greedily snatch every piece he was willing to give.
"I had constant nightmares for months. Sometimes, I still do. You're just a heavy sleeper, I suppose." He chuckles and catches the way the edge of your mouth turn up.
"It's never easy, losing someone. It changes you. I used to hear his nonsense almost everyday and now it's just not there. I'm terrified one day it'll be like he was never there at all." Simon looks away, blinking tears away.
"But he was there. I know that. I felt him. He was like the fucking sun, but instead of being 150 million kilometers away, he's next to my ear with his Scottish nonsense." Simon chuckles bitterly, reminiscing the times when Johnny had to translate his gibberish.
You stay quiet, letting him speak freely. You had a feeling where this was going and how Johnny's death had indirectly impacted your relationship.
"If I died tomorrow, would you be okay?" His question catches you off guard. It was a question you've pondered a thousand times before, and every time you only ever came up with one answer.
"No." You answer honestly, because you'd break either way. Whether it was tomorrow or a year from now. You can feel a part of Simon in your bloodstream that if he died, some part of you would die with him.
"I only ever wanted you to be okay." He straightens, testing the waters by moving closer to you. You let him.
"Would you prefer if I never loved you at all?" Your heart was thumping loudly in your chest you worried he could hear it.
"No." His answer was immediate, as if he'd never been as sure before. "Not selfless enough for that."
"Then are you selfless enough to accept that I would want it to hurt?" You put your hand on top of his, gently grasping them within yours. Simon feels the broken pieces of him mending together.
He's quiet, not sure how to respond. He didn't use to understand why people would put themselves on the line, but he's starting to.
"If you died, I'd want it to hurt. I'd want it to take my breath away. I'd want it to keep me awake at night. I'd want every single bone in my body to ache when you're gone, because that would mean I have loved you with all of me."
You don't realize you'd started crying. There was no distance anymore between you and Simon. His thigh pressed against yours as you clutch his hand to your chest.
"I want it to hurt so badly, because I want to love you deeply." Tears were streaming freely down your face you couldn't even stop them even if you wanted to.
"Simon, will you let me hurt for you?"
And he lets you.
"Okay." His hand go to engulf your frame, but you had thrown yourself at him before he managed to. Simon can feel his shirt getting wet, he'd never thought he'd be slightly happy over the fact that you were crying.
Everything's going to be okay.
Your head was now on his collarbone, his palm gently holding you there. You feel a kiss on the top of your head as he strokes it.
Neither of you know how long you simply cried on him, much less when you ended up on his lap. When he heard you stop — tired from the energy you exerted, he slowly rearranges his body so that you are able to lie fully on top of him. His sore back is the last thing on his mind as he sees your peacefully sleeping away.
A pounding headache eventually woke you. You weren't sure if last night really happened or if your mind had conjured a scenario where Simon came back for you. However, the sweltering heat you feel on your midsection proves otherwise.
He really was here.
His eyes were closed, seeming to be asleep. You test the waters, placing your palm on the left side of his face. A hand immediately darts towards your hand and keeps it there.
"Put some pills on your nightstand for the headache." He murmurs, eyes still closed. His face turns slightly, placing a kiss on your palm. Even after half a year away, he still knows you like the back of his hand.
Leaning in, you give him a peck on the cheek. As much as you want to drink in the sight of him, there were more pressing matters at hand. You need the reassurance. You need him to tell you he wasn't going to abandon you again.
"Simon, did you mean it?" You can't get the entire words out, can only hope it was enough to convey your tumultuous emotions. His heart aches that you don't believe him, but he understands.
"I love you, sweetheart." Soft lips descend upon your own, barely brushing.
"'M here to stay as long as you want me here." He sneaks a hand under you, pulling you closer to him. There isn't any part of you that's not connected to him in some way.
He was so warm, scorching you inside out. You wanted his flame to burn every inch of your skin. When he left, everything felt cold to the bone, your life turning into muted blues and grays.
Simon brought warmth into your life, with his little acts of service. With the little trinkets he brings back after deployment because it reminded him of you. With his gentle hands, gentle kisses — his gentle self.
"I love you, Si." You whisper, grabbing him by the neck and lowering your lips onto his. Brushing softly, you were going to pull away when Simon lets out a moan. Heat builds inside of you as you slip your tongue inside his open mouth. He grunts in surprise, holding you still for a second. But you're impatient.
"Need you." You whine, "Want you so much, Si."
"Yeah?" He mumbles against your lips, running his hands through your hair gently.
"Thought I'd be in the dog house much longer than that, love." He teases you. Simon yelps slightly when you retaliate by biting on his lower lip. He grips both your cheeks with his fingers, pushing you away from him.
"That wasn't very nice of you, hmm?" He gently shakes your head, grinning handsomely. "Think you need a little lesson in being nice, sweetheart. Lucky for you, I'm an excellent teacher." He leans in and kisses your puckered lips, working his way downwards.
His hands wander everywhere, working themselves underneath your shirt. You feel goosebumps rise where his fingertips lay, shivering under his hold.
"Missed you so much, Si. Please." Your moans echo throughout the room. He's holding your thighs together as he trails down your body as you writhe.
"Missed you too, love. Fuck, missed you so fucking much." He manages to say. He cups your ass as he mouths at your panty-covered mound. Your juices seep through the fabric, making Simon groan.
"Mmm.. Someone missed me too." He runs his tongue up and down your slit as you cross both your legs behind his neck. He felt you clench your thighs and he feels blood rushing downwards. Turning his head slightly to the right, he nips lightly at your inner thigh.
He'd barely touched you but here you are already begging for it. Simon Riley has you wrapped around his finger and it scares you a little how much of a hold he has on you. You had bared your neck so openly for him and he had bit down the first chance he got.
"Will you let me take care of you, love? Make you feel good." He hums, fingers trailing along your inner thigh waiting for permission. You nod fervently before realizing he can't see you.
"Yes, yes, yes. Need you to take care of me, Si." Your heart was beating fast out of anticipation.
"Yeah? I'll make you feel good, baby." He coos at you as his fingers slowly pull down your panties. Strings of your juices were sticking to the insides. He threw them aimlessly, eyes zeroed in on your wet pussy.
His finger runs through your folds, making squelching noises. "All this for me, hmm?" He tilts his head up, pinching when you don't reply immediately. The sudden sensation makes you whimper.
"All for you, Si. Just for you." You were panting heavily as Simon sucks your clit into his mouth and licks in a circular motion. You thread your fingers in his hair, not tugging harshly.
Simon laps at your pussy like a starved man, burying his entire face in your warmth. He moans between every few licks, the taste of you dazing him. Your eyes glaze over as you see the man you love pleasuring you with earnest. He continues for a while, alternating his focus between your bud and your folds.
When you tug at his shirt impatiently, Simon grunts. He gets up and throws his shirt over his head. Not one second after it's off, you begin to paw at him, desperate to feel every inch of him.
Simon thinks he's never seen such a beautiful sight. Your hair was messy from your movements, eyes hazy as he can feel goosebumps on his body where you stare. He grabs your face and kisses you desperately, his tongue exploring every inch of your mouth. His clothed bulge was grinding messily against your wet pussy as his boxers begin to darken from the wetness.
Simon's whimper fill the room when he feels you grinding upwards to rub yourself on his cock. He pulls from your lips with a string of saliva. Not waiting for him, you scramble to take off your shirt, baring your tits to him.
His eyes drink in the state of you greedily, one hand groping your tits as the other travels down to your pussy. You were beyond wet enough for his cock, but he's determined to make you cum on his fingers first.
Two fingers slip into you gently. The stretch catches you off guard, it's been a while since you've had his thick fingers probing inside you. His fingers were thrusting shallowly as you grind on his palm.
"Fuck, Simon. Feels so good." You babble, barely able to keep your eyes open, the pleasure overwhelming your senses.
"Yeah? Gonna make you feel even better." With that, his fingers thrust deeper into you, massaging your spot. Your back arches as Simon plants his face on your chest, sucking on your nipples.
He crooks his fingers slightly as he continues thrusting, his palm touching your clit with each time. You couldn't stay still anymore, moving your hips back to meet his thrusts.
The room was filled with wet, squelching noises and your combined moans. Your hands were gripping his bicep, feeling the large muscle flex under your fingertips.
His thick fingers continue his ministration as you begin to climb higher and higher. Your walls begin to pulse and constrict his fingers. Sweat drips down his forehead as he continues to drive into your pussy with his deft fingers.
"You gonna cum on my fingers, love?" He teases, placing kisses all over your damp face.
"Yes, oh fuck. Please, please let me cum."
Simon grins against your neck, placing sloppy kisses all over. His fingers begin to speed up even faster, hitting your sweet spot with every effort. You feel the familiar tingling sensation begin to build in your core.
Your legs begin to tremble as you struggle to get air inside of your lungs. Panting harshly, you close your eyes as your orgasm starts to reach its peak.
His hand leaves your tits as they begin to rub circles on your clit. The combined assault on your clit and your pussy brings you over the edge.
"Look at me when you cum." Your eyes open immediately as you find him staring directly into yours. Your legs tremble deliciously, hands gripping Simon even tighter as you feel your orgasm wash over you. Mouth agape, your back continues to arch as Simon doesn't stop, overstimulating you with a few shallow thrusts.
Simon's hand was covered in your juices as he slowly withdraws them. Your pussy clenches, feeling empty. He brings his fingers to your mouth and taps your lips. Obediently, you open your lips and let him slide his fingers inside your mouth.
Circling your tongue all finger, your eyes begin to close again. When you blink them open, you see Simon's bare body hovering above yours. His cock was standing proudly, shiny with precum. You feel the urge to take his cock into your mouth. When your hand tries to reach for him, it's stopped by his firm grip.
"Next time, yeah? Need to fuck your pretty pussy, baby." He slowly pulls his fingers out of your mouth, wiping them on his hip. He repositions his cock at your pussy, sliding the head up and down your folds.
Tilting your head down, you see Simon's hand grip his cock firmly as it slowly rubs his precum all over your pussy. He groans seeing your juices mix together. Moving your hips upwards, you try to push his head in and he hisses.
He grabs your hips and gently lowers them on the bed. "You just lay there and take it, yeah? Let me do all the work." You preen, more than happy to lay there and see him move above you.
"Put it in, Si. Missed your cock so much." You whimper, pressing delicate kisses on his neck. He nudges your nose with his, capturing your lips into a kiss. Your moan gets interrupted by your own grunt of surprise as the head of his cock slips in.
His cock was thicker than his two fingers, with veins running all over the shaft rubbing your walls deliciously. You link your legs behind his waist, helping him push deeper.
When he's inside you, it's like two pieces of puzzle fitting together. His cock fit so perfectly inside you, as if you were made for him and him for you. You knew Simon was it for you a long time ago, falling head over heels so easily for the grumpy soldier. You weren't happy at how long it took him to come to his senses, but you're glad either way.
He thrusts slowly, going deeper with each shift of his hips. His tongue tangles with yours as wet noises fill the room. You know when he's pushed in to the hilt when you feel him bump against your cervix slightly. Your pussy clenches at the tiny pain, causing Simon to moan out.
"Fuck, you're squeezing me so well, sweetheart." He stays there for a moment, grinding his cock inside. You only stop kissing when you pull away to beg him to start moving. Both his hands are placed firmly on your hips when he begins thrusting.
He moves back and forth slowly, the walls of your pussy feeling every drag of his big cock. You hiss against his mouth, the sensation lights up every nerve in your body. You beg him to go faster but he ignores you, continuing to sink slowly.
When you're about to wail at the pace again, he thrusts sharply — his cock sinking deep into your pussy. You gasp, clawing his back when he continues to move slowly but going deep with each thrust. You can hear the sound of his balls smacking against your ass.
Your combined juices were dripping out of your pussy, causing wet noises whenever he moves inside you. You don't know how long he continues his brutal motion, your eyes dazed and breath unsteady.
You've never felt this way before. It feels as if he's everywhere inside you, there isn't a part of you that doesn't feel touched by him. He thrusts as if he's trying to imprint himself in you, trying to permanently leave a mark.
"Such a pretty pussy. Doing so well f' me, sweetheart. You gonna let me cum in you? Gonna let me fill you up nicely?" He grunts, his composure starting to unravel. His cock begins to piston in you messily as he loses himself in your pussy.
"Yes, yes, yes. Fuck, love you so much, Si. Need your cum in me." You cry out desperately, tightening your legs and pulling him deeper inside you.
"So good to me, love. Letting me cum in your pretty pussy." His form begins to shake slightly from exertion. You know his hands were going to bruise your hips from how hard he was gripping them but you couldn't care less.
Your body moves up and down from the force of his thrust. His cock touching your cervix with each delicious thrust. Your pussy begins to pulse wildly on his cock as you feel another orgasm build inside you. When his cock begins to pulse, your eyes roll to the back of your head as it sends you over the edge. You moan out his name loudly, pulling him by the neck to your chest as his arms hug you to him.
You feel his desperation and love when he holds you. He hugs you so tight to him your ribs ache. You never want this feeling to go away.
"I love you so much, fuck." Your orgasm triggers his own, his cock pulsing as his creamy load fills up your pussy. He's so snug inside your pussy the excess cum begins to drip out. When he stops unloading inside you, he moves slowly, thrusting a few times shallowly. A part of him wants to look at the way his seed drips from your pussy but he didn't want to move away from you.
You both pant with eyes closed as your breathing begins to even out. Simon slowly pulls out and you hiss at the feel of his cock leaving you empty. You look down and see his cock covered in his cum and yours.
Your head falls back down to the pillow, eyes closing shut. Simon stares at the ceiling and huff, righting himself. You feel him plant a kiss to your forehead as the bed dips.
"'M gonna go clean us up, yeah? You stay there." You hear him step into the bathroom, going to wash himself and grab a clean towel to clean up your mess. By the time he came back, you had already passed out, judging by the sound of your low snores.
He begins to wipe your thighs and try to dry the surrounding areas as best he can. He'll change the sheets later when you're well-rested. Simon climbs into bed, hugging you to him. He runs his fingers through your hair, slowly unknotting them one by one.
He stares at your sleeping from and grins. Lowering his lips to yours, he keeps them there for a few seconds.
"I love you."
You can only mumble in response, too tired to properly articulate the words.
"I love you too, Simon."
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junkdrawerfics · 4 months
You're Scaring Me
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Jasper Hale X Reader
Summary: Request - Can you write one where the reader does something major told her not to do and he gets mad when he finds out and then jasper tries to console her and she’s jus really guilty and upset and then the major comes back out and they talk it thru.
Word Count: 3558
Warning: Angsty maybe. Obviously some unhealthy anger stuff, but it ends well, I promise.
Note: I liked the idea of doing something with the wolves, but felt Jasper/the Major wouldn't ask you to stay away from people, especially if they were your friends. So I took a route regarding reader's safety, since he'd totally go feral over that.
Saying Forks was in the middle of a blizzard would be an under exaggeration.
You’d never seen snow like this. You could barely see past your front porch, it was coming down so hard. School had been canceled, of course, and Emmett had convinced the family it would be fun to try hunting with the added challenge of not being able to see.
Jasper had hesitated to join at first, to leave you alone in this storm since your parents were away, but it only took a little soft convincing from you for him to relent.
On one term, at least
“Please stay here ‘til we get back,” the blond repeats worriedly as he puts on a coat - that he doesn’t need, you might add
“It’s not that bad out, Jasper,” you chuckle, eyes glued out the window.
His voice shifts subtly. You blink, glancing back at him over your shoulder. Jasper stares right back at you, eyes narrowed, a familiar intensity burning behind them. Your body figures it out before you do, fine hairs standing on end, pupils dilating. A sharp contradiction to the smile that lights up your face.
“Yes, Major?” You ask, barely missing a beat. 
The man takes a step towards you, hands clasped behind his back, shoulders straight. It’d be intimidating if you didn’t know better.
“You goin’ to listen for me?” He asks, voice low, accent thicker than before.
“Of course, Major.”
The barest flicker of a smile pulls at the vampire’s lips. Such a sweet thing. The way you look at him - all wide, puppy dog eyes, attentive and loving - it makes him feel raw with the need to protect you, even if it’s just from the blizzard.
Tender in a way he’s never been, the Major touches your chin, drawing close enough that he can feel your warm breath stutter against his lips as he murmurs, “Then be a good girl and stay put for me. I don’t want you out in this weather.”
You can’t help but soften, fondness curling in your chest. He really is just a soft teddy bear at his core. 
“You don’t have to worry about me,” you insist, curling your arms around his waist, “I won’t go out, I promise.”
“Good.” The Major closes the small gap between you, lips pressing against yours in an unrelenting kiss. It’s all you can do to keep yourself upright as his hand curls along your jaw, drawing you closer, closer, until your head is spinning from the feeling. You’d think he’s going off to war again by the way he kisses you.
You can barely catch your breath when he pulls away. Heat blooms across your cheeks, and you bury your face in his chest to hide it, which earns a low chuckle from the blond. He presses another kiss to your temple, this one softer, gentler.
“Love you, darlin,” he murmurs, all honey and sweet and Jasper again.
You melt against him, voice muffled by his sweater, “Love you too, Jazz. Stay safe, please.”
“I won’t be long,” he reassures you, “Emmett will give in when he realizes all the animals are hidin’ from the weather.”
You huff a laugh. Perhaps. Emmett is stubborn, reckless, and stubbornly reckless. Once he has an idea in his mind, it’s hard to get him off it, like today. But you’re sure Jasper’s right. He’ll give up once he gets bored.
“I’ll hold you to that mister. I’ll be lonely without you.”
“Well, we can’t have that, now can we?” He leans down, catching your lips one final time. You can feel his grin through the kiss. “Just a couple hours, darlin’. I’ll drag him back if I have to after that.”
He’s still reluctant to leave, but the nagging worries are quieter now, enough that he can drag himself from the comfort of your touch to join his brothers outside. You watch them disappear into the haze of snow, like ghosts, before shuffling back to your kitchen to work on some homework.
It shouldn’t be so hard to stay busy until they get back. Right?
That’s what you thought, at least. But one hour quickly turns to two, which quickly turns to three and still no Jasper. By the fifth hour, you’ve finished all your work and find yourself staring into an empty fridge with a growling stomach.
Of course your parents would forget to stock up before going on a business trip.
Chewing the inside of your cheek, you glance outside. It’s still snowing, but not…as bad. You could probably make it to the grocery store and back without any problems. And you’d probably get back before they do, so Jasper wouldn’t even know.
Everything would be fine.
You layer up, tucking a scarf tightly around your neck. It might be a little lighter outside, but it’s still well below freezing. It’ll be quick, though. The grocer is maybe a five minute walk, and you only need a couple things.
Popping your hood up, you grab your house keys and venture out, shuffling the whole way there.
“Brave of you to venture out in this,” the cashier chimes, scanning your microwave meal and milk - you figure you might as well get stuff for breakfast too.
“Didn’t have much of a choice,” you hum shakily, teeth still chattering as you hand him some cash, “I’d rather be cold for a bit instead of going hungry.”
“Fair ‘nough!” The cash register dings and he hands you some change. “Stay safe out there, miss.”
“Thanks.” You cast him a smile, “You too. Hope it clears up a bit before you have to leave.”
“God willing.”
You slip your gloves back on and heave the bag of supplies from the counter. 
On the walk back, you’re a little less careful, eyes wandering as you tread through the snow. The journey here hadn’t been so bad. Sure you’d almost slipped a few times, but it wasn’t nearly as bad as you thought it’d be. It was actually almost nice, once your face went numb at least.
Your thoughts wander to the food in your hands, pace picking up a bit as you think about how nice a warm meal will be after this. And well earned after a long day of work and a hazardous journey to get it. Maybe you could cuddle up on the couch and turn on a movie while you eat. That sounds ni-
-and you’re falling.
You screech, boots slipping against the ice as the world tilts wildly. Instinctually, your eyes squeeze shut and you wait for the impact, hoping your layers might be enough to cushion the fall.
They are, thankfully. But they aren’t enough to stop your ankle from twisting as you tumble a bit off the sidewalk.
The pain is instant. It pulses up your leg, sharp and fiery compared to the cold seeping into your bones. You suck in a sharp breath, teeth gritting as you bury your face in the snow. It’s all you can do to keep yourself from crying, that stinging sensation starting in your eyes, a lump forming in your throat.
God, you’re so screwed.
“Darlin, I’m back,” Jasper calls out softly, brushing the ice from his hair as he slips into your warm house.
Almost instantly, he can tell something’s wrong. Jasper stops, brow furrowing. Usually you’d be bounding up to tackle him by now, a beautiful smile on your lips, asking how things went. It’s something constant, a custom he enjoys more than he’ll admit.
There’s no greeting this time, though. Even as he stills, focusing on the sounds of the house, he can’t hear a thing. No footsteps, no heartbeat. It’s eerily silent, empty. 
You’re not here.
An uneasy feeling settles in his chest. Jasper speeds through the house, checking each room, hoping his ears are just tricking him. Maybe you’re just asleep or reading in some corner. With each empty room, though, the feeling worsens, gripping him by the throat, unrelenting and violent. He’s spiraling, he knows it, can tell he’s walking along an all too familiar edge, blurred between himself and-
The Major pauses at the door to your bedroom. Empty. Your coat isn’t where you usually leave it. Neither are your boots. It leaves little doubt in his mind where you’ve gone.
You didn’t listen to him. 
The blond takes a slow breath, holding back the anger that washes over him, white hot and smoldering. 
It’s rare for you to not listen to him. You know his none-too-gentle requests are for your safety, they always are. Because while Jasper would rather die a million times than see you hurt, the Major would bring the world to its knees if it meant keeping you safe. He’s never had something as good as you in his life and the need to protect that, to protect you, well - that drives him to his knees. And now you’re out in this storm. By yourself.
The door slams as he throws himself back out into the snow to find you.
The snow is picking up, you notice glumly as you carefully flip over in the snow. Even the slightest movement makes pain prickle up your leg, but you can’t lay face down in the snow much longer, not with how you’re quickly losing feeling in your nose.
You sniffle, swiping at your eyes to keep the tears away. What are you supposed to do now? It’s not like you can stay out here. Frostbite doesn’t exactly sound appealing, but neither does the idea of limping home with this pain. You could call…No, no, he’d be so mad. You can’t call Jasper.
Not that fate really cares about what you think.
You squeak when a pair of arms suddenly lifts you out of the snow. The only thing that keeps you from screaming is the familiar cold touch of your captor and the mess of blond hair flickering in the snowy breeze. The fear slowly disappears when you realize it’s just Jasper.
Quickly replaced by a tight, anxious feeling in your chest when you see the tense set of his jaw and how the lines in his neck stand out under his pale skin. He’s upset. He’s upset with you and your ankle is still throbbing and your eyes are stinging again and-
You inhale shakily, an apology ready to spill off your lips, but the look he gives you makes it all die on your tongue. His usually stoic expression turns dark, eyes narrowed with barely restrained anger.
“You open that mouth, sugar, and I promise I won’t be goin’ easy on you,” he drawls, low and heavy, accent dripping off each word.
Not Jasper. You bite your lip, eyes immediately dropping to your lap. Definitely not Jasper.
You can’t bring yourself to break the stifling silence after that. Not when you can practically feel the Major’s anger radiating from him, which does nothing to ease the turmoil swirling inside of you. The soldier is never this open with his emotions, usually so careful to maintain a mask of indifference. With each step, you can feel the tension rising, his grip tightening, and your chest almost hurts from how hard your heart is beating.
It all comes to a head when you make it to the house. The moment your feet hit the ground, and he knows you're safe, the reins of his control slip, an uncontainable rage burning through him.
“I told you not to go out,” he mutters, pacing back and forth in your small entryway. 
He can’t stay still, too scared of what he could do. Every cell in his body desires to pin you against the wall, handle you rough and selfish, make you realize how awful it felt to come back and find you gone. But he can’t. He won’t. That’s not what you deserve, he knows that. Jasper would be better at this, he would be gentle, but the Major has never been good at gentle.
You blink at him, wide-eyed from the door. It’s like watching a lion pace at the bars of a zoo, except there’s nothing between you and him. Nothing to keep you safe except him. He could do anything and you wouldn’t be able to stop him. You’re just a human, after all. And the Major has had his share of violence. Even though you know he would never hurt you, you can’t stop your hands from shaking.
“I wasn’t, I wasn’t going to be out long,” you try and explain, digging your fingers into the material of your coat, “I promise-”
“You promised you’d stay put,” he drawls roughly, hands clenching behind his back.
“I was just goi- going to get food!”
The blond grits his teeth, his usual impassive tone sharpening, “What on earth were you thinkin’?”
“I- I thought I’d be back before you,” you spit out, and immediately snap your mouth shut.
The Major stops pacing, every muscle in his body going rigid. You bite your cheek, pulse racing as he slowly turns to you, those gold eyes burning so dark you swear they almost look red. Like blood. Something tightens in your chest. That was the wrong thing to say.
“So you purposefully disobeyed my orders?”
“I didn’t-”
“You decided to be foolish and risk your life goin’ out in this storm,” he growls, slowly closing the space between you, “without anyone knowin’?”
You shrink back a little, panic clouding your head. The Major stops in front of you, frame towering over yours, making you feel impossibly small. Tears prick at your eyes as you shuffle back against the door, pain shooting up your leg as you put weight on it.
“Answer me, darlin.” He doesn’t relent, eyes burning into you. Waiting.
A lump forms in your throat. You bite your cheek, desperate to keep the tears at bay, eyes glued to his boots. You can’t. You can’t do this.
But the blood drains from your face when a fist slams into the door beside you, practically splintering the wood. You can feel it shake against you before settling into silence.
“I’m not goin’ to ask again, (Y/n),” he murmurs, deadly calm again.
You hold your breath, slowly bringing your eyes back up to the Major, and the look on his face makes your heart drop. It’s drawn into something unnervingly blank, cold. No more anger, just…
“Major-“ A tear breaks down your cheek, your voice unbearably quiet. “You’re scaring me.”
The change is instant.
Like light breaking through the clouds, the emptiness leaves his eyes, filling them back with warmth and concern and love.
And you crumble.
Jasper catches you with ease, arms wrapping around you tenderly as he lowers you both on the ground. You curl into him, face buried in his coat as the tears come freely now. You couldn’t stop them even if you wanted, and you’re just so tired, so hurt. There’s nothing left in you, all you can do is cry and cling to him for dear life.
“‘m sorry, I’m sorry,” you hiccup miserably, and Jasper feels his still heart break. “I’m so sorry, Jazz, I didn’t mean to. I just, I just needed food, and it wasn’t that far, and I thought- I thought-”
He hushes you softly, fingers brushing through your hair as he unwinds the swirling mess of your emotions. You can feel it, you’ve always been able to, the subtle shifts and gentle pulls. Never too much, because he knows you wouldn’t want that, but enough so you’re not drowning in them. 
Eventually you’re calm enough to take a full breath, the air stuttering past your lips as you go limp in Jasper’s hold. He draws you tight against him, brushing his hand down to rest at the nape of your neck, just a comforting, constant pressure. 
“You’ve nothin’ to apologize for, darlin,” he murmurs eventually, voice muffled in your hair. “I’m the one who should be. I had no right treatin’ you like that, no matter how worried I was.”
“No,” he cuts you off firmly. “It wasn’t right, darlin. It was my fault for bein’ late. He…He’s mighty overprotective of you, and he- I don’t know how to handle myself well when it comes to you. I hope you can forgive me.”
“I do…” You sniffle, the sound soft and sad, but your grip on him tightens. “But I should’ve listened, then I wouldn’t have slipped and gotten hurt.”
Jasper pulls you back suddenly, brows furrowed in surprise, “What? You’re hurt? Where? Do I need to get Carlisle?”
You laugh weakly, his overwhelming concern easing the tightness left in your chest. The tension drips from your muscles, adrenaline slowing. “No, no, I’m fine. I just, I fell…outside and I think I twisted my ankle, is all.”
“Let me see.”
You squeak as he sweeps you up for the second time today. You wrap your arms around his neck as he carries you to the couch. Every touch is slow, careful, as he sets you down and goes to work on getting your boots off. You wince a little when you have to bend your ankle, and he murmurs a quiet apology.
Relief washes over you though when his cool fingers smooth over your heated skin. It’s like the best ice pack ever. You can’t help but sink into the couch with a sigh, eyes fluttering shut.
Jasper purses his lips. It must have been a bad fall since your ankle is angry and swollen. He should have come back sooner, then this wouldn’t have happened. You wouldn’t have gone out in the storm, you wouldn’t be hurt, and the Major never would have scared you.
His thoughts flashes back to the look on your face. The fear glimmering in your eyes as he leaned over you. It’s burned into his mind, replaying over and over.
“Major, you’re scaring me.”
After a few seconds too long of silence, you peek an eye open. Jasper kneels, statue still in front of you, eyes set on something distant. A frown catches your lips, and you lean forward, touching his chin gingerly. Those gold eyes dart up to you, coming into focus, flicking between their usual warmth and a familiar steeliness. You shake your head fondly.
“Major,” you call, hand resting against his cheek, “come on, let’s talk.”
He straightens ever so slightly, but instead of drawing back like you’d expect, the stoic man covers your hand with his own, turning to skim his nose to the inside of your wrist. He takes a deep breath, eyes closed. You sit there, just like that for a while, watching him quietly.
When he talks, his voice is a low, calm rumble, his lips brushing against your skin, “I’m sorry for actin’ like such an animal, sugar.”
You purse your lips. A part of you wants to just forgive him. Move on from all of this and forget it. But then you remember the sound of his fist hitting the door, the way it resounded in your chest in place of your heartbeat. You’ve never felt like that, and you don’t want to feel like that again.
“I know you were worried,” you start nervously, wetting your lips. The Major doesn’t say a word, eyes set on you patiently, just waiting for you to continue. You take another deep breath, “I know you asked me to stay home and it upset you that I didn’t. I know you want to keep me safe. But…but it scared me, how angry you got, and that’s, that’s not okay.”
“It’s not,” he hums in agreement, thumb brushing soothingly over your pulse.
You nod and feel a little more confident as you go on, “I, I might do something you don’t like in the future, and if I do, you need to talk to me first. Nicely, please. I love you, like I love Jasper, but we’re equals, even if you’re a lot stronger and bigger than me. ” His lips twitch a little in amusement. You shoot him a scolding look, which makes him fall back into seriousness. “I don’t take orders. I listen because I know you care, but you need to listen to me, too. Understood?”
“Yes, ma’am.” He pulls your hand back, pressing a brief kiss to your knuckles. It softens you a bit. A small smile draws across your lips. “You have my solemn word, it won't happen again. And my deepest apologies.”
“You’re forgiven,” you chirp. The last of your worries melt away at the smile he gives you, all lopsided and charming. You shake your head with a laugh, “But you owe me, mister.”
“Well, of course,” he concedes easily, desiring nothing more than to cheer you up now, “What can I do for you, little lamb?”
Shifting awkwardly, careful of your ankle, you jab a finger at the plastic bag you dropped by the door, “Make me some dinner! Cause I’m starving and that’s what got us into this mess.”
The vampire laughs, fully laughs. It’s something you don’t get to hear often, so you absolutely love it. Love him and the way his eyes crinkle with mirth as he pushes himself to his feet, tipping a nonexistent hat to you. Jasper.
“It would be my pleasure, darlin.”
“Thanks, hun.”
This was SO hard to write! I suck at doing anger, because it's hard to represent the unhealthy relationship stuff. I tried to turn it around cause I believe ultimately he's a respectful man, and that's how I want to portray him.
So I hope you guys like this! Sorry if the pacing's weird or anything, I just wanted to get it done!
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jeonggukookies · 2 months
crown's kingdom || two
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summary: now engaged to prince jungkook, you both must figure a way to make this alliance work while your enemies try to tear it apart.
– genre: royalty!au, enemies to lovers!au, prince!jungkook, queen!reader, arranged marriage - fluff/angst
– word count 4637
– warnings: please read note if you haven't read changes
index || one
“Look what we have here.” Despite your eyes being completely shut, you knew who took a seat next to you on the bench by recognizing his voice. “I want to say what a beautiful dress you have on there, but I’m afraid I have to tell you the truth. Your morning dress looks like a tablecloth for afternoon lunch.” 
To start off your mornings, you woke up before the sun, craving to have at least an hour alone in the chapel, free from anyone to interrupt your morning meditation and prayers. It was one of the few times when you were alone, not surrounded by any servants or guards. You were able to find solace—until Jungkook came. 
“And to what do I owe the pleasure of having your presence near me at this time?” You asked politely, still with your eyes closed and your hands pressed together, fingers pointed upwards, deep in prayer.
For the last week, you and Jungkook had been doing an excellent job avoiding each other despite the public announcement of the engagement. You always tried to make your schedule as busy as it could be, not wanting to spend a second alone with him. You filled your time up with more violin lessons and analyzing war strategies and patterns from your father’s old journal. Eventually, you were going to have to interact with Jungkook and fool everyone that the two of you were in love, but you didn’t expect him to find out about your schedule, taking the time to wake up early to come find you in the prayer room. 
“Perhaps the dress would be better as a tablecloth,” he suggested, pulling at the puffy sleeves, attempting to get a rise out of you. “And perhaps, you on that particular table.” 
“To the Divine Spirit, please forgive me for all I have sinned and will sin.” Opening your eyes, you smacked Jungkook’s arm, annoyed by his antics. With a smirk on his face, he’s chuckling, satisfied to get a reaction out of you. 
“It’s almost six in the morning, and you really want to start off the day by pissing me off?” You gritted through your teeth, trying not to raise your voice. “Can you be a pain in the ass somewhere else? And not in this sacred space? A place where I find peace?”
“I quite believe this is the perfect time and place to do it,” he remarked, trying to hide the mischievous smile on his face. “You have to get used to it if we are to be wed soon.” 
“Do not remind me of this terrible tragedy.” You groaned. “May we pray that the fates decree our union not come to pass."
He rolled his eyes, annoyed with your response. “Why do you act like a grandma? No one our age speaks like that or wakes up this early to pray! Just say, ‘God, I hope we don’t marry.’”
“Are the words too big for you to understand?” You pushed your lower lip out, pretending to feel bad for him. “Is that why you were engaged to Comet? The girl whose named after her own country but can’t spell her name without help from her tutors? You know stupid plus stupid doesn’t cancel each other out, right?”
“And you know praying every day isn’t going to erase any of the sins you’ve committed in the past, right?” He mocked. “I’ve been wondering where you’ve been the last couple of days, and now I realize that I shouldn’t have gone through so many people to find out that you wake up so early to pray. I should have remembered you were so boring.” 
You scoffed. “Wow, you must be really thinking about me all the time? To be asking others about my schedule? To be wondering where I am at? You must not have a life, huh?”
“Alright, it’s already been one week, and I’ve had enough. I don’t think I can handle you for the rest of my life.”
“Then do something about it,” you snapped. 
“You don’t think I haven’t?” He snapped back, looking at you with the same amount of anger in his eyes. “What do you think I was trying to do for the last week? While you were hiding away in your room, I was trying to secretly change this alliance. Maybe with your help, I can easily break off the engagement and toss you like a pebble in the lake.”  
For a moment, you were offended that you were disposable to him, making it seem like you desperately needed him and his country more than he needed you. 
You can play this game too, you thought to yourself. 
With your index finger, you gestured for him to come closer to you, leaning over to whisper in his ear. “And if you shall give up the position of ruling two countries, maybe even three one day, would the current King of Aurum be happy with that? Could he let you live in peace if you were to ruin the alliance without his permission?” 
Jungkook learned his lesson for the day and finally shut his mouth, letting the devotion area be peaceful for the rest of the morning. He put his hands together, silently mouthing along to some basic scriptures. 
“Amen,” you whispered, putting your hands together, ready to medicate and pray next to Jungkook. 
Dasher, the new Prince of Cometes, could have gone to command his new military forces, started imposing taxes, or simply have done absolutely nothing as his first task as a royal. Instead, he decided the first thing to do was to go to Aurum to renegotiate their alliance as their circumstances had now changed. 
After eating breakfast, you were asked to accompany Jungkook to greet the new prince. His parents thought it was a perfect opportunity to showcase the new alliance between the two countries. 
“I’m glad you changed out of that old curtain you had earlier,” Jungkook said when you arrived next to his side. The two of you were outside the palace, waiting for the Cometes’s carriage. “You would have made it seem like I downgraded.” 
“Well, I sure did.” You forced a smile, looking straight ahead where the horses were coming at a steady pace a few meters away from you. “Don’t understand why I have to be here like I’m you’re fucking babysitter.” 
“Here he comes.” You turned your head to look at Jungkook, and you find him already staring back at you. He was holding his breath, having a tense look on his face. It had been a while since you’ve seen Jungkook look this apprehensive. “Can you do this?”
When the two of you were learning all the types of ballroom dances, Jungkook’s face was always pale before he had to perform and get evaluated by our instructor. You knew it wasn’t because he was ten years old, dancing with a girl; he was a perfectionist, afraid to take the wrong step and embarrass himself in front of everyone. 
As he had gotten older, he had done a better job at hiding his anxiety, trying to look like the Golden Prince everyone saw him to be. He’s been doing such a great job, that even you forgot he had the capability to be nervous. He wasn’t just a snarky and egomaniacal prince; Jungkook, too, was a human with fears and imperfections. 
“Absolutely.” Without giving you any context, you knew what he was asking. He needed your reassurance—that the two of you could convince the future King of Cometes, that your shared hatred will be hidden by the love of your countries. “Don’t be afraid.” 
Before the horses came to a complete stop, Jungkook straightened his posture, taking a deep breath. No longer looking nervous, he looked like he was ready to stand his ground, determined to become one of the best kings. 
Stepping out of the carriage, a silver-haired man as tall as Jungkook appeared. The man was wearing a close-fitting gray velvet doublet, embellished with white pearls along the seams. With a black linen shirt underneath, the pearls were able to stand out more, showing everyone his new power. 
“Prince Jungkook,” the man greeted. “Well isn't it quite lovely to see you again?”
“And now as equals this time, Prince Dasher,” Jungkook slyly commented. “I hope the ride here wasn’t too terrible with all the rain and mud this season.” 
“Not at all.” The man turned his focus on you, looking up and down, trying to analyze who you were to stand so close to the Prince of Aurum. “You must be Queen of Caelestia.”
“Please address me as Y/N,” you said politely. “It’s an honor to meet you, Prince Dasher.” 
“As to you, Your Grace.” He took a bow, showing his respects. “The rumors must be true then,” he said. “The two of you are going to wed.”
“Unless you’re here to propose to me, then plans can always be altered and rearranged,” Jungkook joked lightly, trying to ease the mood. You bit your lower lip to hold yourself back from laughing at his attempt. The joke itself wasn’t that funny, but the fact that Jungkook thought it was appropriate to say.
“I can assure you that I will not bore you with a proposal of mine.” Dasher took another look at you and Jungkook. He was trying to read the two of you. “And is your bride joining us for our negotiation?”
“She will not,” Jungkook answered right away, not giving you a second to react. There was some hostility in his voice. “Do you request her presence at our meeting between our two countries?”
“Just interesting that the future queen of Aurum will not be there.” Dasher raised his eyebrows. “Unless…”
“Well, we haven’t even decided on invitations! But I promise you that you’ll be one of the first to receive them.” You paused to look at Jungkook, linking your arm to his. “Isn’t that right, Darling?” 
He stared back at your eyes, deeply as if he were trying to your deepest, darkest secrets. Letting a small scoff, he smiled and looked back at Dasher. “Well, now that we got introductions out of the way, why don’t we head towards the affairs room to discuss the future of our people?”
With the arrival of Prince Dasher, you were expected to attend the evening activities. Typically, the evening activities were full of entertainment like live music, dancing, theater, and more. They were loud and socially draining at times, but you loved going, seeing it as an opportunity to enrich life and cultivate an appreciation for arts and culture. 
When walking into the courtiers’ hall, you can tell the King and Queen of Aurum went the extra mile in making tonight’s activities more lavish than usual, catering to their guests. You noticed how there were more servants around, refilling drinks and replacing empty food trays as quickly as they could. They were even using the fancy china that the Queen rarely used, wanting to keep it in mint condition. There were more musicians hired as well. With more musicians, they were able to proudly and loudly play traditional Cometes music, hoping to make the Cometes people feel at home. 
There were more people today, all participating in the elegant court dances, and board games and many were socializing, especially the women, probably hoping to find a suitor among the new guests. 
“Queen Y/N.” You turned your head to see Kim Taehyung, a Luxuria ambassador who resided in Aurum Court. “It’s a blessing to see you entertained by tonight’s festivities.” 
“Well, that can’t be right.” You took a few steps to be face-to-face with him. “Aren’t you always praying for my downfall?”
For the last two years, Kim Taehyung has been a cunning diplomat. On paper, his presence at court might be to handle situations between his country and Aurum, but really, his true mission was to antagonize you at court. Despite his constant terrorizing, you’ve kept your eye on him, following the rule: Keep your friends close and keep your enemies closer. 
He chuckled, putting his hands in his pockets. “I haven’t seen you around court to give you my congratulations on your engagement to Jungkook.” 
“Thank you, Taehyung.” You forced a smile, and he smiled back. 
“And how has this engagement been so far?” 
“Quite amazing,” you lied. “Thank you for asking.”
“Is that why everyone is talking about Jungkook and your reluctance to marry each other?” He asked. “You know, Luxuria intelligence predicted this happening years ago. That somehow you would find a way to marry the next King of Aurum. That somehow the alliance between Aurum and Cometes would fall through.” 
“If you want to take your anger or frustration out on someone for the sudden change, Prince Dasher is present at court today as well.” You pointed in the direction where Dasher was. “Shall I introduce the two of you and be on my way?”
He took a step closer, trying to intimidate you. “How about instead you go on your way back to Caelestia and abandon this alliance with Aurum?”
“Is that a threat?” You asked, raising your eyebrows and letting out a humorless laugh. “Are you seriously threatening me?” 
“Not a threat,” he insisted. “Consider this as….a chance to save your country and people.” 
The smile disappeared from your face. You gritted through your teeth, “To save my country and my people, I need to take the chance and marry Jungkook for his armies against YOUR people!” 
“Then take the first step and go back home,” he suggested.
“And then how long would Luxuria come after my throne?” 
He refused to answer your question, changing the subject immediately. “Do not beg for mercy when I have given you the chance to correct yourself.” 
“And have you and your queen considered that mercy doesn’t need to be begged if Luxuria would stop sending its forces to my border?” 
He looked around, seeing if anyone was watching your interaction with him. He then smiled. “You may have been safe and across the sea all this time, but do not forget, Queen Y/N, even monarchs cannot escape death.” 
For a moment, you froze in place, feeling the anger grow inside your body. From a young age, you were taught that monarchs cannot show their emotions, and they shouldn’t especially show it to their enemies. 
Before you could react, Jungkook appeared by your side, putting his arm around you, hand on your shoulder. “Darling! Did you see that the servants made pavlova? We have to go get some before it all runs out, especially since these fruits aren’t even in season!”
“Excuse us,” you mumbled under your breath, directed to Taehyung.
Moving his arm, Jungkook then had his hand gently wrapped around your right wrist, pulling you into a private corner away from all the guests. As your back leaned against the wall, Jungkook let go of your wrist and stood directly in front of you, so you were face to face. 
“Don’t push me away,” he said in a low voice. “Are you okay?”
“He-he.” Out of nowhere, you started heavily breathing as if there was a limited amount of air in the room. You were unable to finish your thoughts, interrupted by every scenario going through your head. Tears were about to flood your eyes, ready to leave wet trails on your face. 
“Look at me,” Jungkook instructed, cupping your face with his hands, his eyes directly piercing into your soul once again. “Repeat after me. You are a queen.”
“Threat-threatened my-“ Jungkook cut you off. 
“I am a queen,” he emphasized, repeating himself slowly this time. “Say it with me. I am a queen.” 
“I am a queen,” you repeated, trying to believe the truth in those words. A couple more times, you repeated in a hushed tone, “I am a queen.” 
“Don’t let anyone see that you’re afraid,” he said after it seemed like you were finally calming down. “Let me be the only person to see you shaking like a small useless chihuahua.”
“Are you calling me—“ He cut you off again, not letting you finish his sentence.
“I know you’re not useless.” His hands held your face a little tighter, still refusing to break eye contact with you. “You’re a queen. You will be remembered as the benevolent queen of three countries one day. And while all of everyone’s great great great grandchildren are learning about you in history books, no one will remember his name. Don’t let him get to you now and let him become a footnote in the future.”
Nodding, a tear slipped, and you quickly felt Jungkook wiping the tear with his thumb, not letting anyone else see a Queen in a vulnerable state. Your breathing was almost back to normal, feeling some comfort from his words. 
“Can you do this?” He asked, repeating his question from earlier. 
Despite growing up together all these years, you and Jungkook had never been this up close and personal. Even when paired up for ballroom dancing, the two of you danced awkwardly together, barely touching his fingertips. It felt unreal that you and Jungkook were now alone, staring at each other, ignoring the rest of the world around you. “Yes.” 
Jungkook stared at you for another two seconds before he realized the position the two of you were in. His grip became stiff and rigid for a moment before he finally removed his hands from your face and cleared his throat, pretending as if he wasn’t trying to protect you in his arms. 
“Thanks.” You coughed awkwardly, still standing in front of him. The two of you never shared an intense moment like that before, a moment filled with insecurity, vulnerability, and comfort. 
Jungkook sighed and looked back at you. Without any verbal confirmation, you knew that he silently agreed that everything would go back to normal, that the two of you would go back to pushing each other’s buttons. “I should get going.”
Before you could say anything, Jungkook started to walk away. He was probably already erasing the moment out of his head. 
You had to remind yourself that the two of you will wed for your countries, that it won’t be for true love or happily ever after. It'll be a marriage full of moments like these that will mean nothing to him. And you hoped they would mean nothing to you. 
By the next morning, Luxuria went through with their warning and sent their troops to your border, threatening your people. 
“Once we received word this morning from your mother, we sent supplies to your troops.” You had barged into the room of affairs, surprising Jungkook and the Queen by your sudden appearance. “They will be there as soon as they can. We sent our fastest rider.” 
The King didn’t take his eyes off the document he was reading. It seemed like the King had expected you to come in urgently while the Queen, sitting next to him, was visibly annoyed with your sudden intrusion. Jungkook, standing to the side of the room, looked baffled, unsure if he should laugh at your courage or be displeased.  
“Thank you,” you said, bowing your head. “These supplies will go a long way, but supplies aren’t the only thing we need.” 
“Let me guess..You want soldiers?” The King asked, still not looking at you. “I am afraid that I cannot give you men, but you have my deepest sympathy.” 
“I am asking for more than sympathy. I need men, or else these supplies are useless.” 
“The men that you need are the same men that we cannot give you.” He finally looked up and shrugged his shoulders. 
“As Queen, I have the responsibility to find solutions, and that was through our alliance with your country, which you are not honoring.” 
“Keep in mind that you are not the only one with a country to think about,” the King replied. “I am putting my country and its people first.” 
“I will not forget this when I am both Queen of Caelestia and Aurum,” you challenged. “I will always put my country first. Do not hold me hostage and fulfill this alliance, or let me go.” 
“The two of you need to learn this.” The King paused to point at you and Jungkook. “You are royals. You DO NOT have the luxury of doing what you want. You do what is best for your country. Perhaps, the two of you should stop wasting time. Instead of trying to think of ways to get out of your marriage, start taking action.” 
“Father, I think we should help.” You took a quick look at Jungkook, surprised by his answer. “If Caelestia loses, that’ll only make Luxuria a bigger threat to our country.” 
“Get out. The two of you, out now,” the King firmly demanded. 
The sound of the doors slamming behind you echoed throughout the whole castle. You took a deep breath and started walking to your chambers until Jungkook caught up, walking next to you. 
“Hey, I think you’re right. I am on your side.”
“You are?” You were taken back from his statement, not expecting him to be on your side for politics. “Why?”
“Because after your country, mine will be next,” Jungkook explained. “By working together, we can slowly defeat the Luxurian military. I just need some time to convince my father.”
Caught up in a moment of joy, you wrapped your arms around Jungkook, pulling him into a tight hug. Your happiness must have overcome the supposed feelings of animosity you had towards him. “Thank you!” 
Jungkook hesitantly and slowly embraced you back.
“This must be the day pigs are going to grow wings and fly,” Lady Adoree exaggerated. 
Ladies-in-waiting were the Queen’s female companions, typically wealthy noblewomen. They accompanied you, staying by your side for most events. Not only were they your attendants, but they were also your closest friends. And you were the closest to Lady Adoree. 
“Trust me, you’re not the only one who’s surprised by all of this,” you mumbled under your breath.  
“I’ve been gone for seven days, and somehow, you and Jungkook are engaged to each other.” She had traveled to Aureus, the capital of Aurum, for the last week to meet with her a suitor, which did not end up well.  “Then, he’s willingly trying to help you as if he didn’t try to sabotage this alliance or even your whole life here.”
“Excuse me, Lady Adoree.” The two of you were still at the dining table after finishing lunch, catching up. You looked up and saw Prince Dasher waiting behind Lady Adoree’s chair. “Can I please have a moment with your queen?”
“Prince Dasher,” you greeted as Lady Adoree stood up from her chair, allowing Dasher to take her seat. “I thought you were on your way home.” 
“Well, it turns out we still have more negotiations with Aurum to discuss, which is delaying our departure,” he said. “It is not a total disaster as I am blessed to spend another second with a beautiful queen.” 
“Are these sweet words repeated to every other queen?” You quipped. 
“Just you,” he claimed. “No one else can hear those words from me.”
In the corner of your eye, you could see a vein popping out of Lady Adoree’s forehead. She was frowning, not happy that she had given up her seat just for him to be flirty. Lady Adoree hated talking to guys and drove them away just as much as you did. 
“I’m not new to this game,” you reminded him. “What is desired from me?” 
Prince Dasher leaned into your ear, whispering, “I heard Prince Jungkook cannot give you the help you need for the Luxuria Troops.” 
You pressed your lips together, trying to dull up any emotions on your face. “I’m still not hearing what you want from me.” 
Instead of verbally answering, Prince Dasher cleared his throat and pushed his chair back, almost hitting Lady Adoree. He then kneeled on his right knee, causing Lady Adoree to gasp loudly.
“What are you doing?!” You growled. “Get up.” 
“My desire is you,” he said. “Now I am no longer the King’s Bastard and am finally the legitimate Prince of Cometes. I am here to seek out the best deal and I believe Caelestia is that.” 
“To my knowledge, everyone including yourself knows that I am already betrothed!” You looked around, hoping no one else was in the room witnessing this act. 
“I can give you the men you need to fight Luxuria,” he promised. 
You sighed. “My attention is yours.”
He beamed at your defeat. “Perhaps the dissolution of your alliance with Aurum will help your country, Queen Y/N.”
Your jaw clenched. “And if we were to wed, do you really think Luxuria will just stop?” 
“I think you’ve forgotten,” he stressed. “Luxuria and Cometes have been allies for centuries. I hope you consider this offer.”
Jungkook stayed silent. 
It was after midnight, and the two of you met in a private room on the other side of the castle, away from everyone else. No one really came to this side of the castle. It was mainly used to have secret meetings, not wanting to be seen by anyone else.
You were pacing around the room, playing with your hands, anxious to hear his thoughts after telling him Prince Dasher’s offer as he sat down on the bench and had his chin resting on his cupped hands together. 
“Are you going to say something?” You stopped walking back and forth and came to a stop. “What are you thinking about?”
He sighed before standing back up to face you. “I-I think you should do it.” 
“What?” Your heart sank, pain settling in your chest. Despite being the Queen of Caelestia, you viewed Aurum as if it were your home to you. Even though you had no intention of ruling Aurum and this alliance came out of nowhere, you felt a sense of happiness that you could finally give back to the country that gave you everything. 
Aurum was a part of you whether you liked it or not, and with Jungkook’s answer, it seemed like Aurum didn’t want you. And that he didn’t want you. There were a bunch of conflicting emotions going through your mind, but you pushed them away, needing to think about your country. “Are you serious?”
He ran his fingers through his hair. “Think about it, Y/N. How could you pass this up?” 
“What happened to being on my side?!” You exclaimed. “And you’re just going to let it go? Just like that.”
“I don’t want to,” he admitted, quickly taking your hands and holding them. “But there’s nothing I can do to change my father’s mind…to help your country. I’ve tried and tried. We are just in this alliance, and you are getting nothing..”
“You don’t want to marry me,” you said bitterly, letting go of his hold. “That’s the real reason, isn’t it?”. 
“It’s not that,” Jungkook denied. There was a sense of desperation in his voice. “Believe me, I know I’ve been trying to get out of this alliance. But I’m not telling you to do it because of that. I’m telling you to do this, because this is what is best for your country.”
“Is that really it?” 
“You’ve been Queen your whole life. You should have known that alliances can easily shift,” Jungkook quickly snapped, changing his demeanor suddenly. “Your country gets the help it needs, and my country will not be ruled by an Ice Queen.” 
And Jungkook walked away like it was the easiest thing in the world to do. 
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yourlocaltreesimp · 9 months
How would the yandere chain react to a violinist reader? Who's REALLY amazing at playing, I'm talking lindsey stirling amazing ( if you don't know her, she is an phenomenal violinist, highly recommend listening to her music on YouTube) reader enchanting the chain as they gracefully dance as they beautifully play, maybe fairies, blubees, and wildlife come to watch, perhaps even satori themselves come to see.
Ohhhh! I love the way you think!
TW: Some obsessiveness on the behalf of the chain, as per usual with yandere requests. I am not a violinist, I used to be a cellist. I am unfamiliar with the most of it as that was a while ago.
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
You hadn’t fully guessed you’d have missed playing your violin so much. At first, you thought this would be a nice break from intense practicing and balancing life with your talents… but now you weren’t so sure. Nearly seven hyrules in and you’d yet to have found one. But hope was not lost. Falling into Wild pt. 2’s world -Sage for short- was jarring at first, but no changes couldn’t be adapted to. In fact, you’d almost forgotten the new world around you when your eyes caught the lacquered wood of a violin. It didn’t take much convincing, surprisingly. One plead was all it took before ten rupee wallets were out of pockets. After the war of who would pay for it, reminiscent on any family gathering, Sage footed the bill. Much begrudgingly of the others.
Outskirt Stable was quite lovely. Quiet and calm with a beautiful mountain in the near distance, it was a perfect rest stop. And also perfect for a chance to play. You were able to convince the chain into letting you practice alone first before playing for all of them, taking quick paces toward Mount Satori. You didn’t notice the sun dip below the horizon as you kept playing onward and onward until your memory of which string was plucked or where your fingers were supposed to press against the neck inevitably ran short. But it happened less than one would expect. The notes rose and dived like a swallow, nimble and fluid. You let the music carry you as your eye fluttered shut and the ballad embraced you. You were reminded of just how much you loved doing this. When the notes slowed and tapered off, hanging in the air and they drifted away, you opened your eyes. Only to be met with many more staring back. Tiny blue bunnies gathered at your feet. Little eyes baring into you as they chittered, almost if in applause or appreciation. They glowed softly, a calming blue which much reminded you of the music you’d just played. You lifted your violin back up and they all went quiet again, still gathered at your feet. The next turn you played was slow and steady, swelling softly before fading, only to be met with another rise. Like the soft pink sakura blossoms as they fell off the twisted old tree. You disregarded the strong blue glow behind you, presuming more money bunnies sorry i had to had gathered to see the show. But the nudge between your shoulders alerted you otherwise. You allowed yourself a gasp as you finished playing, turning to greet what stood behind you. Now, seeing the small glowing rabbits, while a little alarming, we’re rather cute and wholesome. But this… it was majestic. It held three of the faces from the rabbits, pale and with inquisitive yellow eyes that seemed wiser than any god. But it had the body of a horse, strong and capable. You almost saw it fitting to bow your head to the creature, as it held so much majesty it had to have been of importance. But it instead dipped its head to you, pressing forward so you could place your hand on its mane. It cooed, much like a happy bird, eyes flickering shut. The bunnies chittered among themselves happily. But as lovely as the sight was… you knew you’d be in deep shit. You were already late.
“(y/n)?” You jumped, you’ll admit. Hyrule seemed nearly as alarmed, the rabbits scattering as he pronounced himself and the larger of them -their lord, as you bestowed him- took a few steps back.
“I’m so sorry I-“ You began your apologies, but were cut short.
“No need, c’mon, Let’s go.” He nodded in respect to the lord before gesturing for you to follow… an odd endearing glint in his eye that lacked to be there before. You turned and left, following Hyrule back to the stable.
What you weren’t aware of, however, was the group watching you play the whole time. Hidden one way or another was the whole chain, utterly spellbound by your performance. Sky itching to play with you and adapt the ballads of his time to your violin. Time reminiscing on his time with the kokiri and their love of music… how much they would adore your tunes. Wind wanted to know if you knew any sea shanties. Sage and Wild basked in the music and adored the sight of you and the Lord of Mt. Satori. Legend was jealous of the other rabbits which got to admire you so closely, which held the softness of your attention. It reminded Four of the festivals he used to visit with his grandfather, and Twilight of the ones they held in castle town the ones required he visit. But he’d go to all of them if you were there. But Hyrule? He was captivated. Afterall, faeries bless those good with much talents, revelling with only the best of musicians and artists of the mortal realm, for which you would surly qualify. They all had their reasons for loving you, but that was now tenfold. And you’d get no rest.
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littlepadika · 2 months
Padi 🙈 I’ve been so horny today and can’t stop thinking about papi javi I really just need him to use me and then snuggle me after while feeding me a special bottle. Need to be his little girl more than anything 😩
Oof me too… I’m writing this on my phone so pls excuse the formatting. But I’m very h word today sooo much and definitely would be getting hansy with daddy and sometimes forget to use my words and- ahhhh 😻 now I’m even more h word
Ddlg smut below…like super ddlg
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“What do you think you’re doing bebita?” He asks after you wiggle on his lap for the third time.
You don’t respond, just tuck your face into his neck further. You had just woken up from naptime with this pulling sensation between your legs. You knew it was daddy’s work time but you needed him badly!
“Hey…” he stops typing and gently pulls your head out so he can meet your eyes. You were so little after naptime. It made his heart melt. “Answer papi.”
“I need somfing papi… anything…” you pulls his two fingers into your mouth. You clench your thighs together.
“What are you feeling?” He asks even though he has a good idea.
“Need… need…” is all you could muster around his fingers.
“You need daddy’s special bottle huh?” He kisses you gently before gently setting you down on the ground. “Go on bebita. It’s okay.”
You undo his belt and pants with your small hands while he strokes your head.
“Sweet bebita- ah yeah…” he groaned as you started licking his tip. “Suck papi…” he helped lower your head down. “That’s- good girl good… Dios what’s gotten into you, bebita… ugh you got a naughty dream?” He shifts his thighs wider, work completely forgotten.
“Mmhmm” you murmur around him. You take him a bit deeper so you can nuzzle against his thigh, your hands gripping the rest of him.
“So little…” he marvels “all mine…” he lets you suckle him at your own pace. You seemed to be content if he didn’t notice your rocking hips under your tiny skirt. Trying to get some friction…
“Come here bebita…” he coaxes you back up to your feet. You pout a little but do as he says. “Let papi see…” he lifts the hem of your skirt to reveal just how wet you were. You didn’t wear panties during naptime because papi said it was good for your princess parts.
“I see… bebita you’re very h word right now. That means you need papi’s special hug.”
You nod shyly, reaching for his cock. Words weren’t coming to you right now but you knew what you needed.
“Baby you are so little right now…” Javi coos, giving your clit a light stroke. It almost made him hesitate because you weren’t verbalizing what you wanted. But he knew his princesa well enough at this point. He saw the trust and submission in your look and it only made him harder. “Papi is gonna take care of you. No te preocupes…”
He lets you stroke him before ushering you back to his room.
He fucks you missionary, helping you wrap your legs around him. He can’t help but thrust harder once you’ve cum and you start whimpering “papi… papi…” in his ear.
“My- little- girl- preciosa- yes” He biting back cuss words when he finally gushes inside you.
“Such a good girl…” Javi pants. “Mmm…” he slips out and turns you gently so you’re resting on his chest. “Hey bebita…” he is confused when you pull away but it’s only to crawl down his body to his softening cock.
“Mmm…” you suckle on the tip.
“Feel- feel better, bebita?” Javi sighed.
“Mhm papi.” You hum, finally sated and maybe a little smug. The cat who got the cream.
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@teddy2510 @phillygraves
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sotwk · 1 year
The Broken Shield (Thorin & Frerin brotherhood fic)
Written for the TSF 2023 Event by @thorinsspringforge
Event Partner Artist: @cycas
Story also features Thranduil Oropherion and the Elvenqueen Maereth (SotWK OC)
Summary: Thorin and Frerin, the young Princes of Erebor, rise above the grudges and prejudices of their forefathers to forge an alliance with the Elves of Mirkwood during the War of the Dwarves and Orcs. But the tenuous bonds of friendship are shattered when tragic losses suffered by both sides lead to grievances, misunderstandings, and an even greater divide between the two races.
Word count: 9.5 k
Content: Brotherly bonds, war, angst, family drama, Dwarf-Elf relations, Line of Durin history, Mirkwood and Thranduil history, Thranduil's family, pre-BotFA, pre-Oakenshield
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: Major character deaths
To Read on AOC: Link
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Artist credit: @cycas
The Broken Shield
Third Age 2791, Dunland
With a furious scrape of chair legs against the floor, he was out the tavern's door faster than Thorin could have anticipated. 
"Where are you going?!" Thorin scrambled after him, nearly colliding with a hapless barmaid and her fully laden tray in his haste. "Frerin, stop! Wait!!" 
But his brother did not listen; he did not even slow his angry pace. This had become a disturbing pattern with Frerin of late. The steady, reliable young dwarf who used to never question anything his elders told him, was mutating into a stubborn goat who seemed to challenge half the orders he was given. Whether the change was due to Frerin's recent achievement of reaching the age of maturity, or because of the lady that had inflamed his passions to reckless heights, Thorin could only guess. He only wished his little brother could have picked a better time to lose his heart and head to a dwarrowdam. 
But he probably should have kept this opinion behind sealed lips. 
"I said stop!" Thorin finally came close enough to seize the retreating dwarf's shoulder. "If you would only listen--!"
“And what would listening get me?!” Frerin flung out his arm to wrench Thorin’s grip off him. “More reasons why I shouldn’t pursue my own happiness? If I wanted those, I would have gone to Father or even Dis instead of confiding in you.”
His words reeked of a hurt that lashed at Thorin. In happier times he might have beamed with pride to hear himself being compared to King Thrain. Now he flinched at it, knowing it was intended as an insult, especially coming from Frerin. 
“My counsel on the matter is for your own good." Mahal! The words stumbled out of his lips before he could stop himself from proving his brother right. That was exactly the condescending line their father would say. 
"Why do you all insist on knowing what is best for me?!" Frerin exclaimed. “I love Ezri, and she has always loved me, and I am blessed to be chosen as her One. Do not dare imply that you can offer a greater life than the one I can share with her."
"Frerin, you are a Prince of Erebor," Thorin stated calmly, even though he actually wanted to grab him by the shoulders and shake sense into him. "When we reclaim our home from the Dragon, it shall rise back to its place as the greatest kingdom on Middle-earth. Your proper place is home, where it has always been, Under the Mountain. Not…here!" 
He threw his arms out at their village surroundings, unconsciously revealing his disdain with a sneer. "You have a higher purpose beyond staying in Dunland, eking out a living as a common blacksmith, peddling your craft to Men for a pittance."
"You know I care not about my crown or title," Frerin declared. "I have said it many times, emphatically, for years now. But you all turn a deaf ear because you refuse to accept my choice."
Thorin guffawed and clutched at his hair with both hands, as though it would help him hold on to his dwindling patience. "You are mad if you genuinely believe Father would ever accept you renouncing your birthright."
"Which is why I came to you!" Frerin shot back. "I thought if anyone still might understand and care about my wishes, it would be my brother. Or is it asking too much for you to take my side on the matter?"
“Frerin,” Thorin sighed. “You have not thought hard enough about this. This cannot truly be what you want in life.”
“Not all of us seek heroic glory in battle, or legendary fame from great deeds, or gold and jewels one could do nothing with but pile and hoard,” Frerin said. “Some of us desire nothing better than a cozy home to return to at the end of an honest day’s work, where a hearty dinner and a wife’s kisses await, and the songs and laughter of little ones.” 
Thorin finally softened as he regarded the earnest conviction on his brother’s face. “So is that it?”  He shook his head. “You would stay behind and leave us to deal with Azog and his armies, and all the challenges that still lie in the long road ahead?” 
“That is not what I said.” Frerin moved close to grip Thorin’s forearms. “It was my grandfather too whom they murdered, and make no mistake, the same fire burns in my belly to seek vengeance. I will go to war against Azog with you, and only after we have won shall I return to make a bride out of my betrothed.”
His grave face cracked into a smile. “I know you need me to watch your back, your Highness . I will not make you beg for my axe.” 
Thorin chuckled weakly and clapped a hand on his shoulder.  “Oh, however can I repay such magnanimity?” 
“By returning the favor. By helping me to return home safely so I can make good on my promise to Ezri.”
By my life, I shall. Thorin vowed silently.   But before he could open his mouth to tell his brother so, they were interrupted by a shout from further down the dimly lit street. 
“Thorin! Frerin!” When the figure in the shadows came up to meet them, Thorin recognized their kinsman, Balin, slightly out of breath. “Finally--I have been searching everywhere! You must come to your father’s house immediately. The King has called for a council and everyone awaits you.”
Thorin’s eyebrows rose. “A council at this hour? What could be so urgent?”
“An elf has turned up requesting an audience with Thrain.” Balin’s voice dropped to a tense whisper as he looked meaningfully at Thorin. 
“A rider from Mirkwood, bearing a message from the Elvenking Thranduil.”
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Third Age 2793, The Greylin River
Thorin could not recall ever seeing a full moon so large and bright, a great lantern high above the valley, illuminating the military encampment sprawled out by the riverbank. Dwarves preferred to fight their battles underground, in tunnels and caverns where their skills gave them certain advantages, so something about being out in the open, in clear view of their enemies, made Thorin uneasy. But King Thranduil had sent out keen-eyed scouts who reported no signs of hostile elements nearby, and the roving Elven patrols kept constant watch of the perimeters while the remainder of the army took their rest. 
At daybreak, a few short hours away, the entire combined force of nearly six thousand strong will commence their march towards Gundabad, and their people’s great war against the Orcs shall begin. 
Thorin massaged the bridge of his nose between his thumb and forefinger, his right arm resting heavily against the lyre propped upon his thigh. He had tossed and turned uncomfortably in his cot whilst Frerin snored away on the other side of their shared tent, before he finally gave up on sleep. He took his golden instrument and hiked a distance away from camp, seeking out a secluded spot at the eaves of the forest where he could play in peaceful solitude. Music, especially melodies played by his own hands, was usually effective at soothing his nerves, but even an hour later the anxiety that had taken root in his chest ever since they set out from Dunland still refused to be tamed. 
Thorin laid his fingers against the lyre strings to try once more, searching his memory for the tune of a childhood lullaby. However, the very faint rustle of shifting undergrowth caused him to leap up to his feet instead. The lyre fell to the ground with a thud, and his hand closed around the hilt of the knife sheathed at his belt. 
The tall, lithesome figure of a lady stood just a few feet away from him, close enough that he had to tilt his head back just to gaze fully upon her face. She appeared unperturbed by the dwarf's aggressive stance, although the four Mirkwood soldiers that stood just behind her noticeably tightened their grips on their spears. 
"Prince Thorin." The lady dipped into a graceful curtsy before him, sinking so low that the voluminous skirt of her dress pooled against the patchy grass. "Good evening."
"Queen Maereth," Thorin answered, bowing from the waist in return. 
The Queen of Mirkwood affixed her soft gaze and warm smile upon him, and the tight knot in Thorin's chest seemed to finally loosen. Although they were only recently acquainted, Thorin had been in the presence of the Elvenking Thranduil's wife multiple times already over the past few months, for she sat at her husband's side in every single meeting held between the Dwarven and Elven leaders. The Queen's beauty, a pure and natural radiance that surpassed the rarest and finest gemstones ever unearthed in Erebor's mines, did not escape the dwarven host's attention, and enchanted most of those who laid eyes upon her. 
At the same time, something about the ethereal presence of Queen Maereth unnerved Thorin's father. At the council gatherings, King Thrain avoided any direct communication with her, muttering to the side that military dealings should only be between one king and another, as was “proper”, although he never dared suggest dismissing Thranduil’s wife from the meetings. And true to his principles, he left all interactions with the Elven host, their supposed allies, to his lieutenants.
Frerin surprised them all with how instantly he developed a camaraderie with the Mirkwood elves. It was only a week ago that the Elven army had arrived to join the Dwarves and set up camp alongside theirs by the Greylin River. By nightfall of the first day, Thorin found his brother at the Elven camp, the lone dwarf sitting around the fire with a group of Mirkwood soldiers, deep in his cups and slurring in speech. As an aghast Thorin dragged him away, Frerin chortled about how he shared a name with his new elf-friend, Feren. Since then, the younger prince continued to  spend more time with the Elven soldiers than with his own people, and Thorin decided there was no point in preventing the phenomenon, if even the kings of their separate camps seemed unbothered by it. 
Unlike his father and brother and their quick judgements, Thorin remained unsure of his feelings towards their new allies. Cautionary tales passed down by Dwarven elders warned heavily against trusting Elves, and the Sack of Erebor, an event that he himself witnessed, gave damning evidence of Mirkwood’s questionable loyalty. And yet there they were, about to launch perhaps the greatest war effort in the history of their race, and they would be fighting shoulder-to-shoulder with a previously sworn enemy.
Alas, Thorin’s father had not allowed him to attend that first meeting with Thranduil, so the prince still did not know what had led to the sudden alliance, and Thrain stubbornly refused to enlighten even his own sons.  
 "May I join you?"
Queen Maereth’s words pulled Thorin’s mind back to the present, and as his attention shifted back to her, and he beheld her lovely and tender smile, the answer dawned on him, clear as the sun emerging from the cover of dark clouds. 
Her. It was because of her. Of course.  
Stunned by his own epiphany, Thorin could only utter a vague grunt, but he nodded in assent, which seemed good enough for the Lady. 
She addressed her guards with a few words and, much to Thorin’s surprise, all four promptly bowed, turned about-face, and disappeared into the shadows of the surrounding trees. 
He watched in helpless fascination as the Queen settled upon a low flat stone, mindless of the damp dirt on her fine green gown. Perhaps it was the absence of the silver crown she always wore to the councils, or the wildness of their forest surroundings, but there suddenly appeared a pleasant earthiness to the Queen that Thorin had never noticed before. Not an ounce of her Elven beauty was diminished, but it shifted somehow from being a piercing and untouchable flame, to a warm and inviting hearth.
Thorin stepped slowly towards her, their faces now at level with each other. "You did not have to send your guard away on my account."
"I prefer we have our privacy, and they are not needed here,” the Queen responded. “I told them I will be safe in the company of a great warrior."
A bold assumption to make , Thorin thought, although internally her words made him glow with pride. He was a near stranger to her and had done nothing to merit such confidence. But as he gazed upon the fair vision she made sitting there, like a delicate flower freshly bloomed from the earth, Thorin felt a swell of protective instincts from his gut. A fierce conviction that he would spill his own blood before letting any harm come upon someone so pure and trusting. 
A long, unbroken silence hung between them as the Elvenqueen stared at Thorin intently, unabashedly. Thorin did not meet her eyes, nor did he shrink away from the attention. He bent over to pick his lyre off the ground and rest it against the base of a tree, but he remained standing, now closer to the Queen than any of his kin had ever come before. 
“Forgive me,” Queen Maereth said at last. “I am sure you are wondering why I have sought you out alone like this.”
“Perhaps you have words for me that you wish not for my father to hear?”
“You are as wise as I thought, Prince Thorin.” She smiled and folded her hands across her lap. “But I also thought mayhaps you too have things to say to me away from the ears of others. King Thrain has made clear that he has no interest in anything I have to say, but I sensed it is not the same with you.”
Thorin laughed, but even to his own ears it sounded uneasy. “You presume a great deal about me, my lady.”
“I do not presume; I see .” The Queen’s kind eyes flashed with firm reproach. “And when I look at you Thorin, I see Durin alive once more. The very same fire that once burned in your ancestors shines bright from your whole being."
Her unexpected declaration made Thorin freeze. Part of him wanted to wallow in such profound praises of his character, but a voice in his head decried her honeyed words as suspicious. After all, elves were notorious for employing riddles and fancy speeches for their machinations. Still, curiosity rose above all, and when Thorin regained his voice, he said, "You speak as though you knew him.”
"I knew them ,” said the Queen. “I had the honor of calling several of the great Dwarf Kings my dear friends." A fond reverie swept across her face. "But it was Durin the Third whom I loved best, he who ruled Khazad-dûm at the height of its glory."
"You saw Khazad-dûm…" Thorin whispered, finding himself suddenly breathless. His mind spun at the thought of it, of standing in the presence of one who had walked the halls of his ancestors’ now lost and ruined kingdom. An elf . He had heard the tales of Elves from the ancient ages who had been proclaimed "dwarf-friends", who built bridges between the two races, although those alliances never endured past their lifetimes. Therefore Dwarf historians wrote them off as aberrations, and not accomplishments to seek out or aspire for.
"I lived in Khazad-dûm as Durin's guest for several years," said Queen Maereth. Her eyes closed as she paused for a moment, clasping her hands together over her breast, and she murmured something in her Elvish tongue that Thorin could not hope to guess. "I shall always be grateful for the kindness Durin showed me, and to this day, many centuries passed, I have yet to find a more loyal or generous friend."  
It could not be. It was too much. Thorin folded his arms across his chest and finally turned away, forgoing his princely manners. Everything she was telling him conflicted with everything he believed about the Elvenking and his family. Faithless, manipulative frauds who cared only for themselves. The Queen's accounts had to be lies…or else the stories told by Thorin's father and grandfather were. 
"The White Gems, Thorin."
Thorin whirled around suddenly. "What of them?" He spoke more sharply than intended, but she could not have broached a more sensitive topic. The cause of Thranduil's ire against Erebor, the reason why he allowed the Dragon to besiege the Mountain without lifting a finger to lend aid. Those accursed White Gems that now lay buried in Smaug's hoard along with the rest of Erebor's treasures. 
"What reason did your grandfather give for refusing to return them to us?"
Thorin's brow furrowed. He had been present at that fateful exchange, and had witnessed the cold, silent fury of the Elvenking when King Thror refused to relinquish the necklace he had commissioned for his wife. 
"He said the gems belonged to Durin's House by birthights," Thorin said slowly. "Because they came out of the mines of Khazad-dûm…" He stared at the Queen, eyes suddenly wide as though he had been struck. 
Queen Maereth smiled sadly. "I cannot blame your grandfather for coveting them. It must have pained him to see treasures from his ancestral home in the hands of Elves. But we did not steal the White Gems, or purchase them from raiders. They were a gift from Durin the Fourth himself, who wished to honor us on our wedding day on behalf of his late father."
"Did he know of this?" Thorin demanded, even as he dreaded the obvious answer. "Was my grandfather aware of this history all along?"
Now the Elvenqueen was the one to turn her face away, the voluminous waves of her dark hair momentarily blocking the sorrow that graced her features. "Truth inevitably grows distorted the longer stories are passed on, and prejudices creep into interpretations." She shook her head. "Thror made decisions on what to believe, and those are the versions he presented to your father and to you as truth."
"So this is why Thranduil despises us,” Thorin said bitterly. “Why he withheld his army and merely stood by to let Smaug drive us out of our home."
The Queen’s hand suddenly came to rest upon Thorin’s arm, her touch warm and gentle as a mother’s caress. "My husband does not hate you or your people, dear Prince,” she told him. “His inaction that day is a mistake he has come to regret, even though he would never admit it. He is a proud king, and your grandfather inflicted one too many wounds upon that pride. But my lord did not withdraw from the field that day out of revenge or spite."
“I suppose you have another grand tale to explain his motivations, then.” Thorin could not help the rush of hot anger that flared within him at the memory, and he stepped back, away from the Queen’s reach. “If you can offer a good explanation as to how your husband managed to do nothing but watch the Dragon raze not just Erebor, but the entire town of Dale…" He clenched his fists against the assault of the horrifying images the repressed memory roused in his mind. “...how he could turn a deaf ear and a blind eye to thousands being incinerated right in front of him… I would like to hear it.” 
“Had I been at Thranduil’s side that day instead of across the Mountains visiting my kin, things might have been different.” The grief that descended upon the Elvenqueen’s fair face almost made Thorin regret his harsh speech. “We could not take back what had already been done, but in the aftermath, we aided survivors in every way we could.”
“If aid had come sooner, there would have been more survivors instead of dead!” Thorin growled. “If aid had come sooner, we would have stood a chance at defending and keeping our home.” 
“Erebor would have been taken, even if our army had marched out to fight. That is for certain," the Queen countered. “And we would have lost so many more lives. Perhaps even the lives of the last two sons that remain to us.” 
Another silence dropped between them as Thorin fumbled with her words. It was the first he had ever heard of the Elvenking having a child or heir, and he had not considered that there might be several of them. What sons? No Elven princes had arrived with the army and no mention was ever made of them at the councils.
“He already lost one son to dragons, and he refused to risk another,” said the Queen, her voice now barely above a whisper. “That is the thought that ruled my King’s decision to turn his army back.”
“I do not understand.” Thorin muttered, pangs of shame now surfacing above his cooling rage. “You have lost a son to dragons? Has your family encountered Smaug before?”
The Queen raised her eyes from the ground, and in holding her gaze, Thorin saw for the first time the truth of her age, hidden beneath her unfaded youth. The wisdom in her eyes, borne from countless years of immortal existence, made him realize the indescribable burdens she must carry upon her shoulders. 
He never thought he would ever feel pity for an elf until that moment. 
“I have shared enough for one evening,” she said with a faint smile. “It was not my intention to shake your faith in the things you have been taught. I only wish for you to understand better my King’s mind, and to know that our family has always valued our friendship with Aulë’s Children. My people are marching into battle side-by-side with yours tomorrow. I would have you trust that the Elves of Greenwood will protect you as our own.”
“But would they, oh Queen?” Thorin raised his eyebrows. “It remains unclear to me why Mirkwood should now do such a thing for us, when the crime committed by Azog was against our house alone.” He wondered if she suspected his father’s private theory, that Thranduil’s sole motive was to force Durin’s House indebtedness, and the Elves' so-called friendship was merely an expensive service that would have to be paid for later. King Thrain had accepted the Elves into their ranks as mercenaries, not friends. 
“That is where you are wholly mistaken, Thorin.” This time the Queen frowned, and the soft lines of her face grew taut. “My family has endured unspeakable losses at the hands of the same Enemy that murdered Thror. This war belongs to us all, and so we shall take our stand together to put an end to these monsters that have taken far too much from us.” 
“And what of the sons you spoke of? Might not Thranduil abandon the cause again out of fear of losing them?”
If the Queen took offense at his brazen sarcasm, she did not show it, which only deepened Thorin’s guilt. “Our sons stayed behind in Mirkwood, charged with ruling in their father’s absence.” She tilted her head to the side, pinning the dwarf with a searching gaze. “You are still too young to have children of your own, so it may be difficult to understand the fierce instinct to protect the ones you brought into this world.”
“I have no wife or children,” Thorin responded. “But I still understand the willingness to give my life if necessary to protect someone I love. I have a younger brother, Frerin, whom you have already met, but you may not remember…”
“Oh, I remember Prince Frerin indeed.” Queen Maereth’s sudden laughter was the sweetest, most musical sound that dissolved whatever bitterness lingered in Thorin’s heart. “It has certainly not escaped our attention how much your brother has enjoyed visiting our camp. My King is convinced he is mad, but it amuses him nonetheless, and I for one have not been delighted by a dwarf's charming manners in far too long."
"Just this morning he approached me, very boldly but ever so courteously, and asked me for a favor to carry with him throughout this war." The Queen gestured at her waist, where the intricately embroidered bodice of her green dress joined with the flowing skirt. "I gave him the sash off my gown and told him I would be honored for him to bear it."
Thorin felt his jaw drop, utterly flabbergasted, but when no words could pass his lips, a bark of laughter rang out. "That is the sort of thing Frerin would do," he admitted. "Particularly if he had been goaded by your soldiers, which I suspect is what happened. It was kind of you to indulge him."
"By that favor shall my blessing accompany your dear brother into battle," Queen Maereth said softly. "I shall pray it always leads him to a safe return."
“He left behind the woman he loves to come here," Thorin said abruptly. "His betrothed. I would see to it that he returns to her in Dunland to make good on his promise to marry her and have the future he desires."
"Then may it happen as you say." The Queen nodded. “But what of you, Crown Prince? What awaits your return after this war?”
Thorin shook his head. “There is no future for me in Dunland," he said flatly. “Only in Erebor. As my father’s heir, our people look to me to secure their own futures. I can seek no happiness of my own until I help reclaim our home."
There was a pause as the Queen regarded him even more intently. "You will lead your people back to the Mountain.” She spoke as though stating a fact, as certain as one would be of the sun rising to usher in a new day. “It shall be achieved by you, in time. So long as you learn to heed the counsel of the wise, of those you might regard as outsiders. Resist the flaws of your fathers, and do not be so hasty to regard the world with suspicion. The greatest victories are won with help coming from the most unexpected of places, so you must keep yourself open to receive it."
"Is that not what we are doing now, my lady?" Thorin swept his arm in the direction of the camp in the far distance. “Who could have foreseen that Dwarves and Elves would ever come together under one banner this way?”
“It is an auspicious start,” the Queen agreed. “I feel hope is renewed strong with this alliance, and that we shall prevail so long as it remains unbroken.”
“It will not fail from our end,” Thorin declared stoutly. “As a dwarf-friend, you would know that we honor our word once it is given.”
"I do believe that, Thorin, Son of Durin." She reached out to offer him her hand. Thorin grasped it, lightly at first, but was surprised by the strength he felt from those slender fingers pressed into his palm. He moved his other hand in to completely encase hers, and they sealed the gesture with an exchange of smiles. 
“With all the power in me, I shall see to it that the Elves reciprocate your loyalty. Only hours from now, you shall see for yourself." Deep pride glowed on the Queen's face. "You will see the difference it makes to have the greatest warrior in Middle-earth fighting on your side."
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Artist credit: @cycas
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Third Age 2793, Mount Gundabad
Thorin pressed his clenched fists over his eyes and pulled in a slow, deep breath that shuddered through his lungs. After the emergency war council ended and all the Dwarven officers in assembly followed King Thrain back out of the tent, the prince sat alone in the dead silence, for a long time motionless as a carven statue upon his chair. His hollow stare bore straight into the canvas flap through which they had all exited, walking off to proceed with business as though absolutely nothing of significance had occurred. 
When he thought enough strength might have returned to his legs, Thorin staggered to his feet. But something in the act of just moving returned his mind to the realities of the present, to the memories of the last twenty-four hours, and the tenuous stranglehold he kept on his emotions shattered. 
And finally, Thorin wept. 
The Elvenqueen was dead. He might never have believed it possible, but he was one of the few witnesses to lay eyes on her broken body being carried out of the pits of Gundabad, a most wretched sight that would surely haunt him to his last day.  
Immediately upon returning to camp with his company, Thorin stood before the Dwarven council to deliver his account of the battle. His report was hopelessly garbled and raised many questions he could not answer, but those present managed to cobble it together with the fragments of news and hearsays picked up from the Elven ranks and form a coherent story. 
The news of Queen Maereth’s abduction had reached their camp in the cold darkness of a moonless winter night, and the chaos that had erupted from the Mirkwood host was unholy. The Dwarves were woken from their sleep by the noise of over a thousand Elves scrambling to form ranks as the word spread like literal fire setting their tents ablaze, and there arose a terrible cacophony of enraged shouts and anguished wails, spoken in a tongue they could not understand. 
It was not until much later that the Dwarves discovered Thranduil had ridden out all by himself, immediately, without delaying even a moment to rally his guard, or to strategize, or to brief his confused and panicked soldiers. Without warning he simply vanished, leaving his officers uncertain of what they were to do next in such an unprecedented crisis.
Yet somehow, orders came from the absent king. The Queen had been located. At morning's light the Elven army finally set off in great haste, and after many rejected attempts to communicate with the Mirkwood lieutenants Thorin managed to force an answer out of them as to where they were marching off to, so he could lead the Dwarves to join them in the rescue.
Back to the depths of Gundabad, the orc captors had taken her, barely more than a league away. The Dwarves and Elves had spent the last three months laying a relentless siege upon the ancient stronghold, waging battle after battle, and winning decisively each time. Their armies cut through Gundabad's defenses with overwhelming ease, slaughtering the orc legions until only dredges of their filth remained, withdrawing to the deepest caverns, clinging to their nests like stubborn roaches. The Mountain should have been one final purge away from being utterly won. 
Instead, their enemy had lashed out with their most devastating blow yet.
“There was nothing left for us to do,” Thorin told the commanders of the Seven Houses. "By the time our forces arrived, a thorough razing had already been accomplished. We chased down a few survivors attempting to escape, but the Elves had exterminated the rest." He paused and closed his eyes briefly, as a vivid memory flashed in his mind, and he corrected himself. "Or from what I could tell, Thranduil had carried out most of it."
"I heard he was half dead when they found him," one of the officers grunted. “And entirely mad.”
“That preening peacock has always been mad. Charging into Gundabad on his own without waiting for even a single soldier to cover him.”
"Foolish bastard." 
"He was injured," Thorin broke back into the exchange, grimacing as the nightmarish image of the blood-drenched Elvenking once again crossed his thoughts. "Far more seriously than he has ever been. But he walked out of Gundabad unaided, even carrying the Queen himself. I did not get a chance to speak with him, and have not seen him since."
"He has not shown himself at all since this whole disaster started," Thrain burst out, pounding a fist on the arm of his throne. "What kind of king sends a messenger to deliver notice of his retreat? Or perhaps I should just be thankful they didn’t simply fade into the night without a word of warning!”
"Their queen is dead , Father." Frerin's tone was sharp when at last he broke his silence. Only Thorin caught the slight tremor in his brother's voice and he gratefully realized he was not the only one with grief swelling in his chest. "It is only right that they go home and lay her to rest."
"Pulling out the entire army in the middle of a campaign?!" scoffed a Firebeard chieftain. "It stinks of typical Elf weakness."
Frerin stood abruptly from his chair. "There are rumblings from the Mirkwood camp about a betrayal," he said loudly. "Committed by our people. It is being said that it was one of our escorts sent with Queen Maereth that betrayed her to the enemy, and assisted in her abduction."
A chorus of indignant shouts immediately rose in the tent, but Thorin remained silent. Frerin's friendship with the Elves still gave him reliable sources of information, and this accusation did not surprise Thorin at all. The same suspicion had dawned on him when he pondered how the ambush on the Queen's convoy could have occurred. Meticulous plans had been made to take her by a safe route home over the Grey Mountains, through passes known only to Longbeards who had long dwelt in those lands.
The Longbeards King Thrain had offered up as guides were people Thorin had never met before. They were distant relatives who came forward to answer the call to arms, claiming descent from the Gloin who once ruled over the Grey Mountains. But Thorin knew little else of these so-called relations, and he doubted his father had the time to get any much better acquainted. 
“The orcs slew the entire escort to capture her! Dwarves and elves alike, indiscriminately!” bellowed another officer. “How dare they accuse us of treason, when lives of our kin were also sacrificed to shield their Queen!”
“I should have been the one to do it,” Frerin said bitterly. “I volunteered and you forbade it, but I should have insisted upon it. I should have gone to ensure Queen Maereth’s safe passage.”
Thrain stared at his son incredulously. “You are a Prince of Erebor, not some Queen's maid!” he exclaimed. “We were not remiss in our obligation. We gave her a strong and proper escort, but the mission was compromised. Our enemy outsmarted us. It was an unfortunate incident, but one we could not have predicted or prevented.” 
“Unfortunate?!” Anger blazed in Frerin’s bright blue eyes. “Is that what you would call it? Bad weather is unfortunate. A spilled barrel of ale is unfortunate! The Queen of Mirkwood was murdered, when she was supposed to be under our protection! How can you be so dismissive about such a failure, that is now a stain on our honor?!"
For once, silence dropped like a stone upon the assembly. Father and son glared at each other for a tense moment, until King Thrain growled, "Leave my sight, Frerin. Do not return until you have rid your head of nonsense and cleansed your mouth of insolence."
Thorin watched his brother storm out of the tent and almost wished he could join him, but he stayed behind to hear the continued grumblings of the Dwarven leaders. 
"We brought this upon ourselves, joining with elves, who have time and again proven fickle and faithless."
"We have gotten some use out of them, at least. Gundabad was quickly won, and at barely any cost to our ranks.”
“Hah! Let them be cowards and run back home! We shall advance without them and show them the true meaning of grit.”
“Aye! I never liked the thought of that woodland fairy sharing in our glory anyhow!”
"Thranduil has fought fiercely for our side from the onset of this campaign, and his valor has played no small role in our victories.” Thorin was barely aware that he was shouting, not to be heard above their jabbering, but to release the frustrations that would otherwise cause him to implode. “But this war, which was never truly his to fight, has cost him his wife, his companion for thousands of years, a bond none of us can possibly comprehend. Now you mock him in his grief, calling him a coward for his need to mourn?!”
Just as with Frerin, Thrain glowered at his elder son long and hard, and Thorin thought for certain he too would be ejected from the council. Instead, the King rose from his throne, gave the prince a tight, patronizing smile, and launched into a speech that robbed Thorin of the desire to say anything else.
"I understand you and your brother had been ensnared by the charms of the Elvenqueen. Lovely and fair she was indeed, and I will not deny that her presence gave strength to our hosts. But in the end she is still just a single soul lost, one casualty in this war. And I will not allow the blame for her killing to fall on our people!” The blue gemstone of his great ancestral ring flashed as Thrain waved his hand in stern proclamation. “Thranduil was the one who risked her life by bringing her here, keeping her so close to danger. Perhaps if these Elves treasured and safeguarded their women in the ways we do, this senseless tragedy would not have occurred."
As Thorin wept quietly in the tent at the conclusion of that sickening assembly, he knew that his tears were not merely of sorrow at the fate of the Elvenqueen. He did not think he had ever been angrier with this father in all his life, or more ashamed of his kinsmen, or more disappointed in himself for his inability to tell them all exactly this. 
Frerin found him slumped low in his chair when he returned to the tent. The younger prince raised his eyebrows at the pathetic sight but said nothing about Thorin’s watery eyes, flushed cheeks, and damp, disheveled beard. 
“Come Thorin,” he said urgently. “The elves have begun their march. They are leaving, right now. You must come!” 
“And do what?” Thorin asked dully. 
“Let us go speak to them, learn of their plans! Perhaps we can get some idea as to when they will be rejoining us.”
“They are not coming back, Frerin,” Thorin said tersely. "The alliance has been declared broken by both sides. Father and his generals have accepted the Elves' departure. I have certainly heard enough crowing of how we will now triumph in the rest of this war without having to share the glory.”
"Shall we heed the words of those puffed-up wind sacks?” Frerin scoffed. “We have taken very few casualties with the Elves fighting by our side! Is pride really worth more than all the lives we can save by asking Mirkwood to stay with us?!”
When Thorin still refused to budge from his chair, Frerin gave a frustrated growl and grabbed both his arms, yanking his brother to his feet. 
"We should speak directly with King Thranduil," he said, pulling Thorin towards the tent exit. "He has as much cause as we do now to want Azog’s head. Surely he craves revenge and will not find rest until the task is done."
“It is not that simple.” Thorin rubbed his temple, where a pounding headache seems to have formed. “Maereth is gone. Can you not see why our enemies targeted her? Much of the Elves’ goodwill towards us rested on her, on the love her husband and their people bore for her. We cannot replace her influence on them, the zeal she inspired in their hearts. Nothing can.”
“I think our relationship with the Elves has grown beyond that, now that we have spilled blood together. The least we can do is try,” Frerin insisted. “Or shall we stand quiet and let her death be for nothing? Because I think she would want us to bring our case to Thranduil, and make him see reason if need be--”
“Just stop, Frerin!” Thorin cried, finally snapping under the weight of grief and exhaustion. “Enough! There is nothing left to be done, and we have to accept that. It is over .” 
Frerin did stop talking, for a second, to give Thorin a scathing, disgusted scowl. “Never mind, then.” He released his grip on Thorin’s arm, giving him a hard push away. “Sulk in your corner. I will do it myself.” He disappeared behind the flap of the tent exit.
“Frerin, wait!” As tired as he was, Thorin rushed after him into the evening twilight. 
He did not have to venture far to find what Frerin had wanted him to come and see. The Mirkwood soldiers had departed from their now empty campsite and formed a long, wide column that snaked eastward, marching back towards the Greylin, and from there to their woodland home. Many dwarves had come out of their tents to watch the Elven army leaving in the distance, but none were curious enough to approach the giant procession. 
Thorin walked quickly to catch up, keeping an eye out for the vibrant blue color and fur collar of Frerin’s winter coat. 
The marching Elves paid no heed to the dwarf-prince that came up to walk alongside their lines. Thorin noticed that despite the bitterness of the winter chill, they had all removed their cloaks, leaving their fine golden armor looking oddly incomplete. Instead, long strips of jagged fabric ripped apart by bare hands were tied around the tips of their spears and bows. Thousands and thousands of crimson ribbons fluttered high in the wind, and made the slow-moving column of soldiers appear from afar like a river of running blood.
Looking ahead towards the front of the procession, Thorin finally spotted Frerin, easily noticed next to the line of towering Elves. As he surged forward to reach his brother, Thorin realized they had come alongside the most important section of the cavalcade.
On a large litter borne by the shoulders of a half-dozen Elves, the Queen’s body lay, covered almost entirely by a thick, richly embroidered coverlet, and draped over that was a shimmering silver cloak that Thorin recognized as the Elvenking’s own. Sheer white silk veiled her face, still beautiful and unscathed, but whose pale lifelessness was too saddening to look upon. 
Thorin came up to Frerin, who had finally stopped moving, and was just staring helplessly at the Elvenqueen’s body as it passed by. Thorin saw the fear and despair on his brother’s face and reached out to wrap an arm around his shoulders. 
The princes remained that way for a while, suddenly transported back to a time during their childhood in Erebor, when two little dwarves stood by the funeral bed of another deceased queen, scared and confused and unable to grasp what a motherless future held for them. 
“We should go,” Thorin finally said.
"No," Frerin said brusquely. Determination renewed, he continued walking up the line, his boots crunching against the packed snow. "He is right there ."
The Elvenking rode at the very front of the column, separated from his soldiers by a good distance. Astride his great bull elk, he towered above the marching elves, but even higher above the dwarf that boldly approached him.
Thranduil's war steed was a violent, ill-tempered creature. Thorin had watched it mow down orcs on the battlefield, and once saw it nearly bite the shoulder off a Ironfoot spearman just for coming too close. The beast had to be part monster, a lethal hazard that could only be controlled by its similarly dispositioned master.
Sure enough, when Frerin strode up within scope of the elk's sight, it immediately halted in its tracks. It did not buck or make any sudden movements out of respect for its rider, but its nostrils flared as it snorted angrily and dipped its head low to challenge the intruder with its massive antlers.
Behind Thranduil, the entire procession also came to an immediate halt, and a profound silence allowed the dwarf-prince’s voice to be heard loud and clear. 
"Lord Thranduil," Frerin called, stopping a safe distance before the elk beast, out of reach from being skewered or bitten.  Thorin watched, aghast, as his brother sank down on one knee in a manner of greeting. "Forgive my impertinence and allow me to deliver a message on behalf of my King and our people."
Thorin froze when he realized trying to interrupt his brother, or discredit him by denying the validity of his words, would only rouse the Elvenking's notorious temper. And so he held his breath and stood aside, watching as Frerin pulled out a golden silk sash from the folds of his coat, and raised it above his bowed head.
“We mourn your loss with you," Frerin declared. "Queen Maereth was the kindest and fairest soul many of us had ever seen in our lifetime. We beseech our Great Father, Mahal, to intercede for her during her sojourn in the Halls, and to honor her as the dwarf-friend she was." 
Then he rose and braved a few steps forward to offer the sash up to Thranduil, who still had not uttered a sound or moved in his saddle. 
"Peace be on your journey as you bring her home to rest," he said as he waited for the Elvenking to accept his offering. 
“We will await your return, when we shall rise together in arms once more to avenge her.”
At long last, Thranduil bent down to reach for the golden sash. He gripped it tightly in his fist, but still said nothing as the bitter silence droned on unbearably. 
Unwilling to continue letting his brother stand there alone, Thorin finally walked over to Frerin's side. His arrival seemed to jar the Elvenking from his trance and he turned his piercing gaze towards the elder prince.  
It was a sight both shocking and chilling to behold up close, the tears that streamed down the cut and bruised cheeks of Thranduil's cold, inflexible face. He inclined his head in a small, vague nod.
The elk lurched forward without warning, forcing the brothers to scramble hastily out of its path. As quickly as that, the Mirkwood army marched on, once again leaving the dwarves at the sidelines to witness their exodus. 
"They will be back," Frerin whispered, an unquenchable conviction burning in his eyes. "I saw it on his face."
Thorin did not know how much he shared in this optimism, but his heart swelled with admiration and pride in the bravery his little brother had demonstrated. He just never learned how to express it in words. 
"You should have kept the Queen's favor. It was her gift to you."
Frerin shrugged. "And I used it as I believe she would have wanted me to," he responded. "Whenever Thranduil looks at it, he will remember my words and the cause she gave up her life for. He will not let it be for nothing."
He touched his fist over his heart as the Elvenqueen's body was carried past them once more. "For now, we will hold the line until they return."
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Third Age 2799, The Valley of Azanulbizar
The uproar of bellowing dwarves and the piercing blare of war horns echoing throughout the sunless valley signaled victory. Had they really won? After six long years of underground battles that culminated in a final descent into hell, was the impossible war finally over?
Thorin reached up to swipe aside the hair plastered by sweat across his face, and only succeeded in smearing more black grime into his eyes. He gasped and clutched his left arm, feeling a shock of breathtaking pain run up from his wrist to shoulder. The bones had to be broken in multiple places, with the damage worsened by his fighting on after it had been injured. It would never regain the same strength it once had even after healing.
As close as he had come and as close as his bodily pain still felt to death, somehow he was alive and standing. The battlefield surrounding him revealed a much grimmer fate for most of the eight thousand dwarves that had marched into Dimrill Dale. 
The truth of the death toll had been impossible to notice while the bloodshed continued, but after the last axe-stroke had fallen, it became clear that victory for Durin’s Folk was a questionable claim. 
A deep, throbbing ache clawed up Thorin’s leg with each step he took, as he limped across the barren plain, struggling to get his bearings in the black darkness of the cloudy night. Several times, he stumbled over what at first appeared to be a boulder or felled tree, but the clink of chainmail or steel armor announced a corpse.
A handful of torches moved in the distance, as Dwarven soldiers began the task of combing through the field, seeking any wounded left lying among the dead that might still be saved. Only then did it finally sink in for Thorin that he needed to find his brother, and that immediately drove out all awareness of his own pain and exhaustion. 
He staggered towards the nearest torch-bearer as quickly as he could. “Frerin. Have you seen Prince Frerin anywhere?!” The blood-stained, swollen-faced soldier merely blinked at him with confused, unrecognizing eyes. Thorin moved on to ask the next dwarf, and then another one, and so on with the same results. Finally he ripped the torch off one of the roaming rescuers’ hands and started searching the field of corpses himself, screaming his brother’s name until his voice ran hoarse.
They had begun the battle literally side-by-side in King Thrain’s mounted vanguard, charging at the advancing hordes of orcs that flowed down the mountain slopes above the East-gate. Their cavalry rams were quickly shot down, forcing them to plunge into the chaos on foot. In the initial onslaught of the orcs, the company led by the princes succeeded in driving their opponents back, and the brothers managed to stay within reach of each other. But then innumerable creatures, including trolls and wargs, began to pour out of Moria’s gate, and the tide of battle turned swiftly ill. Thorin lost track of his men as they fell at a rapid pace, and he was swept away from the sight of his brother as night’s terrible shadows cloaked the accursed valley.
It felt like an eternity before someone finally responded to Thorin’s relentless cries. He was found on the field by his cousin Dwalin, a dwarf who should have been counted too young to join their ranks but was so robust and strong for his age that his own father volunteered him along with his brother Balin.
“Praise Mahal!” Thorin hugged tightly the cousin he had practically helped raise, glad to finally lay eyes on a surviving relation. But when he pulled back and took a closer look at Dwalin’s expression, he found no shared joy or relief, but a face crumpled with sorrowful anguish. The cold dread swept back into Thorin’s chest. 
“What is it?”
“Frerin,” Dwalin choked out, cementing Thorin’s fears. “Hurry--you must come.”
They had set him down underneath a tree by the banks of the Kheled-zâram, far enough from the main battlefield so that the stench of death and decay did not overcome the lakeside air. Frerin’s eyes were closed, and he lay so still tucked between two giant roots that Thorin collapsed to his knees with a wail, fearing he was too late. 
But his brother’s eyes fluttered open at his voice, and his lips parted in a blood-stained smile.  “What took so long, nadad ?” he croaked. “The Halls await.”
“No Frerin,” Thorin shook his head vigorously, clutching his brother’s limp hand in a grip that would have crushed stone. “You cannot go. Your place is still here with me.”
“I cannot obey, Highness.” His chest heaved visibly in dire gasps for continued breath. “I had nearly slipped away. But had to see with my…eyes that you live and will not follow… where you should not yet be.”
“Not yet , Thorin.” Strength seemed to return briefly to the dying dwarf’s hand, and he squeezed Thorin’s fingers. “Not for a very long time still.” 
“There has to be something I can do,” Thorin said desperately. 
“Take my braid…” His words fell to wheezing, as the final dregs of strength he had clung to swiftly faded. “Back to Ezri. I love her. As much as…love… you.”
Thorin did not leave his brother’s side for hours after Frerin breathed his last. He succumbed to a deathlike sleep with his head upon the younger prince’s chest, and wept once more when he eventually awoke to find that it had been no nightmare. 
By morning’s light, the dwarves commenced gathering the corpses and stripping all their soldiers of armor and weapons, reclaiming every single piece so that none would fall into orc possession. Balin and Dwalin helped Thorin carry Frerin a long distance to the Longbeard camp set up outside the valley, where the prince’s body could receive care befitting his station.
King Thrain’s angry curses and anguished sobs filled the tent when he finally arrived, hobbled by his own near-fatal injuries, to grieve his lost son. Only then did Thorin finally leave to give his father privacy, and to seek out his cousin so he could make one more request of him.
“It would be my honor,” Balin said gravely. They sat by a campfire together as they made plans, nursing bowls of hot barley stew. It was the only food Thorin had consumed in almost three days, but it tasted like ash in his mouth as he forced it down for sustenance. “I shall start gathering materials immediately. It seems the plan for most of the fallen is to build great pyres, so while the supply of lumber might run short, there will be enough stone to work with.”
“I will scout for a suitable location.” Thorin set aside his half-eaten stew and reached into a pocket in his tunic, drawing out the braid of Frerin’s copper-brown hair that bore a betrothal bead marked with runes. He turned the small silver bead over with his fingers thoughtfully. “Somewhere on a hill with lots of sunshine. He was an odd enough dwarf to enjoy something like that.”
“Then I will build him the finest hilltop tomb I can manage,” the master stonemason promised. “But are you certain you would not rather carry him back home to his sweetheart?”
“Dunland is not home ,” Thorin said darkly. “One may argue that this orc-infested mountain is more our proper home than that place.”
Balin’s eyebrows rose in surprise. “Then do you have plans to return elsewhere when we are done here?”
“I do not know,” Thorin muttered. “It does not even seem to matter at the moment. Right now, I just feel nothing will ever matter again.”
He staggered to his feet, cradling his bandaged arm across his chest, and excused himself before walking off. He cut straight through the Longbeard camp, willing himself to ignore the growing pile of corpses he passed on his way out. But just outside of the campsite boundaries, another great pile caught and held his gaze--the collection of salvaged Dwarven armor and weaponry. 
One item in particular ensnared his attention, for it seemed to have magically appeared in front of him at the right moment, when it might have been abandoned by the Great Gate with the orc carcasses.
He remembered the day Frerin presented the intricately wrought shield to him, the product of a whole month’s labor in the forge. There had been no special occasion; just a proud young smith wishing to prove once and for all to his older brother that he had surpassed him in at least one skill. And truly, Thorin had never borne a finer shield into battle, and he knew he never would again. 
He picked up the black-and-silver shield by its edges and stared at the burnished surface that barely yielded a scratch. Only the leather strap was actually damaged, ripped apart by the sheer force of many powerful blows that had broken Thorin’s arm before it even managed to break the mighty shield. It could easily be repaired if he wished. 
Instead Thorin laid his shield to rest with Frerin, and had it molded into the stone that covered the top of his tomb. Your death will not be in vain, brother, was Thorin’s last promise before he bid farewell to the hilltop grave. I will not forget the vengeance you are owed, and I will never forgive the betrayers of your trust.
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mslanna · 7 months
The Devil's Own
Chapter 10 of Be My Guest now up on AO3
Time stretches when you wait for you man to return from the war. It also stretches when he's finally back - or those thirty seconds better be just a taste.
Tav wakes refreshed and still flush against the incubus. If Haarlep got bored during their nap, they don't show.
"The House is all ours," they announce.
Rubbing sleep from their eyes, Tav yawns. "How long do such battles last? I don't want to get caught finally replacing the central pieces of the Feast Hall with dummies."
"Long enough. And if I were you," Haarlep pushes the human away a little, "I'd be much more concerned about what furniture surrounds you when Raphael returns than what he catches you doing."
Tav's ears burn, but not as hot as the unsatisfied memories of the devil's departure. "Better get the Feast Hall over with then."
"Oh, but it is a delightful notion." The incubus laughs as Tav pushes away and climbs of the bed to dress. "A location open to all sides and all the delectable dishes and drinks. Silverware clattering, the legs of table and chairs scraping over the tiles. Don't be shy about it."
Devils have no concept of privacy. Something Tav struggles with but they are willing to compromise. Not enough to get fucked on the table of the Feast Hall with all of House of Hope watching though. No. They beat the image down with a stick. Not gonna happen. Probably.
The House is eerily quiet. Eternal debtors make few noises and most hide somewhere, trying to enjoy the break. Most huddle though, crushed by the weight of guilt their actions cause them. Tav takes a deep, liberated breath though. All the fiends strutting around were encroaching, like hippos occupying your home.
After rearranging the centre piece in the Feast Hall, Tav races through the place, running their finger tips over the walls, columns and paintings.
"Lick them," Haarlep calls though they don't join the frenzy.
Tav doesn't lick anything. They turn wild circles with their arms thrown wide. For the first time in a long time they feel light and free, exhilarated by the prospect of their continued existence. After annoying the new archivist for a while Tav dances on. They dip into their own room to freshen up before they return to the boudoir.
"Water-battle?" they ask Haarlep. "If you bind a small towel up like this, makes a really soggy weapon." They wave the towel in question around.
"Finally ready to drop your panties?" Haarlep teases.
"In your wildest dreams!" Tav smacks the incubus on the ass with their towel and races for the pool. Their pained shout blubbers to the surface unheard when their ass connects painfully with the shallow floor of the pool. They sputter to the surface and wipe the water from their face.
The clear view last for a second before Haarlep joins them and Tav fights a loosing battle from the start. The incubus can use their wings like shovels to pour water over the human. Their tail gives them another unfair advance and they keep pulling Tav under the surface with it.
It's still the most fun Tav can remember having physically since they arrived. To break the cycle of violence, Tav belts out a shanty which leads to hilarious fake boating until their muscles are tired. Hooking their elbows over the edge of the pool, Tav lolls their head back and closes their eyes. They float, kicking their legs leisurely and catching their breath.
"How long do you plan to do this?" Haarlep asks.
Tav doesn't look. Unlike them, the incubus has forgone all clothing to frolic in the water. "Some time. And I consider having my scalp scraped off by the fountains afterwards."
"You do you." Splashing announces that Haarlep left the pool. "But don't dare coming to my bed wet. The only way panties are soaked there is with a personal touch."
"Still dreaming, I see." Tav lets out a content sigh. Without devils to crowd the place, the House of Hope is a great playground. They kick up warm water with their feet and watch the silver droplets splash back into the pool. Tav is killing time and they know it. But they are unwilling to admit why and how urgent it feels, that time pass.
"Getting dry and something to eat," Tav finally calls. Haarlep managed to occupy themself before their arrival they will be fine now.
After their return, Haarlep forces Tav to finish the game of lanceboard before they agree to anything else. Nervous energy builds up as the paladin sits through the ordeal and inevitable defeat.
"Rematch?" the incubus asks.
Tav sighs. "If I have to sit still another minute, I may throw the board over the balcony. And the table. And myself."
"Well, I can't let that happen." Haarlep stands and offers Tav a hand. "Let's see if we find something to get that fizzling zeal simmered down."
"What if he doesn't come back." Tav stands rooted to the floor. "What then?"
"Then my dear, we are truly fucked. And not in the fun way." Haarlep tugs them on. "I am pretty sure the one thing to garner a temporary alliance from the hells is a failed attempt to rule them all. There won't be pieces big enough to see with you eyes left of us. Plus, your soul goes straight to Mephistopheles."
Tav swallows hard. "I don't want it to."
"You're not alone in that, my sweet. Let me assure you that there are devils out there fighting to prevent exactly that. Well, one devil at least."
"What abut you? You're just doing your job, aren't you? You can go back to Mephistopheles."
"I wish devils were as simple as you." The incubus sighs. "With Raphael gone, I have limited value to the arch devil. And he certainly doesn't want a carbon copy of his son around. And if he does, not for reasons that I will find pleasant."
"Oh." Tav sits down cross-legged on the bed. "But if Raphael wins and kills his father, what then? You are not a spy any longer, but he can't draw Mephistopheles' ire any longer either. What will he do?"
"Now that," Haarlep reaches down and lifts Tav's chin so they look up at them, "that is where you come in, don't you think?"
Tav looks up into the black and cold eyes, similar to those of Raphael, off enough in their colouration to be distinct. It makes sense, suddenly. The kindness. The patience. The care. Because who in this house will speak up for Haarlep once Raphael decided he doesn't have to put up with the incubus any longer.
"What can I say, I like being alive." Haarlep lets go of their chin. "I'm not sure you will understand, looking at all the stunts you pulled."
"I – I like to be alive." I think. Tav doesn't add the last bit. "Sometimes being alive is just very exhausting. Everything is complicated and people shimmy around truth with half-lies and nobody ever says what they mean."
"And you saved all of them still."
"I live in their world, what alternative is there?"
"Make it your world of course, dumbass." The incubus shakes their head in resignation. "Lead, rule, make the laws. Have the others live in a world tailored to your needs. You didn't even think abut it, did you?"
Tav shakes their head.
"Short-sighted for even a human. Come on, let's forget about your utter folly for a while. I'm sure it's to come up soon enough. And don't look at me like that," the incubus adds. "I don't not like you. In my own way."
It is easier to just go back to merrymaking than thinking about this, so Tav does. In the curtained capsule of the boudoir, pain and problems are far away. The levity returns and they throw themself into it.
As they bellow the second chorus to 'Drums of Daggerford' jumping wildly on the huge bed, the curtain is thrown open and Raphael steps in. Tav forgets their next words and bounces clumsily onto the mattress, lims going different directions. The devil is fully armoured and dirty.
By the hells he is covered in dust and grime, gore and blood that dried to almost black sports on the armour. He sends Haarlep from the room with a nod of his head and the incubus leaves giggling with the biggest leer on their face.
Tav scrambles to get back to their feet as the devil approaches the bed dragging the smell of death and sulphur along. Though his shoulders curve in a gentle slump, the devil's black-hole eyes burn bright and he doesn't take them off Tav for a moment.
A wild grin breaks over Tav's face and as soon as Raphael is within reach, they jump at him, wrapping their arms around his shoulders, legs around his waist. "To the victor go the spoils of war," they breathe and lean back into the devil's arms wrapping around them in turn.
"Oh, I will spoil you." The words are rough, but more of a promise than a threat.
They lean into the kiss so eagerly, their mouths clash and Tav's teeth rattle. They ignore it, drunk on the taste of Raphael and the demanding presence of his tongue searching their mouth. Bits of armour bite into Tav's flesh but they press closer still. Raphael tastes of fire and dust and the high adrenaline of fighting.
A moan escapes from between their lips that leave no space for breathing. Pent up desire breaks open and deepens the desperation. Tav's hands reach of the back of the devil's head, his hair, horns – each a lever to pull him closer.
They grind against Raphael and when with a sudden the poking armour vanishes, they break the kiss. "Cheater," they breathe, without stopping to move. Raphael only grins in anticipation and runs a hand around their bare ass, fingers slipping between their legs from behind.
At the hint of contact Tav moans and buries their face in his neck. The skin is salty with a trace of dirt. Tav eats it up, digging their teeth into the red flesh when Raphael moves his hand even deeper.
It takes little to tilt their hips and align their entrance over the hard cock. Still the devil cups their ass and holds it too high for penetration, just the tip teases. Tav digs their teeth into the devil's ear. "Spoil me!" they hiss and press down demanding satisfaction.
Tav's own greed takes over easily as Raphael gave in to his. Foreplay and coy build-up are abandoned in pursuit of releasing the pent up want. The thought of feeling Raphael inside them makes their insides wet with anticipation.
Raphael complies with a hungry grunt, slipping in fast and deep. Drunk on desire, the cock doesn't have to hit the spot. Tav leans back and the devil drops them onto the bed, running hand up their chest as he moves.
Tav leans into the motion, skin sensitive with yearning for clawed fingers that rake cuts into their skin. They arch up against the devil selfishly and Raphael answers with equally selfish thrusts for release.
Delirious with finally having Raphael all for themself, undiluted and raw, the mere feeling of the hard ridges moving back and forth side them, Tav's desire rises like a tide. Their interlocked ankles keep the devil from moving out too far, keeping the friction ever raking over their sensitive spots.
Tav pulls Raphael into another hungry kiss, locking their lips over his and sucking at his tongue as if it would move his cock deeper. In a manner of speaking, it works. Raphael quickens the pace, driven by pent up lust and diverted desires. With the real Tav finally writhing under his body, the devil lets himself go into their insistent pull.
And Tav cradles real flesh instead of dreamlike memories, memories of second-hand arousal that now wash over them in full force. It is enough to push them over the edge and their eager clenching drags Raphael right along.
Overall it doesn't take long. The naked greed is sated in a short exchange of sheer hunger. The noise of ecstasy breaks apart between their lips that do not part. Tav relaxes backwards and takes Raphael with them.
For a moment they lie breathing hard with their bodies intricately entangled. Tav runs their fingers through the devil's hair that is still coated with dust.
Then Raphael pushes himself up. The fire in his eyes burns low, taking in the sweaty body below him with hunger and satisfaction. "I think we may have to repeat this with a little less – urgency."
Tav nods still dazed from their ecstasy. The devil didn't pull out and though his cock is slack, the thought of it rigid and moving again, makes them swallow hard. They take Raphael’s face between their hands and kiss him gently, because they can.
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wildbornsiren · 2 years
Idle Hands | Jake ‘Hangman’ Seresin/Bradley ‘Rooster’ Bradshaw
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Idle Hands.  Summary: The promise of not having to eat mess hall chow leads to consensual breaking and entering. Homemade pasta, white wine, and kisses. One shot 1,439 words. Slash Warnings: None.  Notes: For the TGM fic exchange. A humble attempt at Hangster. Likes are appreciated, comments and sharing are absolute gold. Thank you so much for reading. I appreciate it so much and it means the most. 
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“Hey Bradshaw,” Jake is sprawled out on the bunk opposite him. “You got anything planned today?” He’s quiet for a few minutes, before putting his book down on his chest. “What do you have in mind, Hangman?” He tips his head to regard the man who was focused on him. “Something other than laying around the barracks all day.” Jake sits up, a silver key ring dangling from his fingers. “I want to cook, I’m tired of mess hall chow.” “Who’s keys are those?” Bradley sits up, intrigued at the possibilities that Hangman’s offering. “Nat’s. Her and Bob are renting a place. She’s out with Halo, and Bob’s watching the Star Trek films with Fanboy.” “That’s somewhere I don’t want to be.” Bradley chuckled. Fanboy and Bob would often get into spirited ‘debates’ over which of the space operas were better, Star Wars or Star Trek. “Wait, you stole Nat’s keys?” “Technically, they’re Bob’s, they fell out of his pocket in the locker room.” The key jingles as Jake spins it around his finger. “Come on, I miss being in the kitchen, you like to eat, and we’ll leave leftovers as a peace offering.” “You’ve put a lot of thought into this plan, considering you’re assuming I’m in on it.” “Come on, you’re just as bored as I am Bradshaw. You’ve been reading the same page for half an hour.” Jake’s grin is genuine and real, dimples on display as the full force is turned on him. Bradley drops his gaze a little uncertain with the flutter in his stomach. Bradley knew it was just due to proximity, and seeing each other every hour of every day, but that grin made him weak—though he was loathe to admit it. “You’re not wrong.” He gets to his feet. “Come on then.” Jake nearly springs from the bed, grabbing his keys and wallet. “I have an Instacart order showing up at their place,” he looks at his phone. “It’ll be there when we get there.” The drive to Phoenix’s place is pretty enough and they’re pulling up to a gray rambler with a brilliant yellow door. The walkway is an explosion of flowers, the riotous color and sweet smell going to Bradley’s head. Jake turns when he’s halfway up the walk, sunlight illuminating him with a brilliant glow. That smile hits him again, and Bradley’s heart nearly stops in his chest. “Come on, Bradshaw, they’ll be back before we know it.” Bradley picks up the last grocery bag, following Jake inside. The house was clean and well lived in, and once again he was thinking about his choice of staying in the barracks rather than finding space of his own. Though, bunking with Jake wasn’t all that bad. He follows the other man into the kitchen, leaning against the counter as Jake makes himself at home. The blond had retrieved an apron from somewhere, tying it around his waist, rolling his sleeves up to his elbows, and beginning to unpack bags. “So, what are you making?” “Hand cut tagliatelle, with spicy Italian sausage, spinach with an alfredo sauce.” Jake is scrubbing his hands, before drying them on the apron. “Do me a favor and open that bottle of wine.” Bradley reaches for the bottle of white wine, opening it, pouring some into the glasses that Jake places in front of him. One is offered to him, and he takes it, a shock running through him when his fingers brush Jake’s. He’s acutely aware of the fact that he’s never truly been alone with Jake. Sure, they bunked together, but they intersected in the shared space only in the morning and evenings. Their days were spent with the rest of the group, or in the air. Jake moves around the kitchen the same way he does everything else, effortlessly, deliberate. “If you’re not going to talk to me,” that grin is back on his face, “then turn on some music.” “I don’t want to distract you.” Bradley says. Jake tips flour onto the countertop, making a well and cracking eggs into it, and another egg yolk. “If I wanted to avoid distraction, I wouldn’t have invited you.” He tosses a wink Bradley’s way, and he can’t help but mirror the way Jake smiles again. “You think I’m distracting?” Bradley leans against the counter, arms crossed over his chest. “You’re the second best looking in the group.” “I suppose you’re the first?” “You tell me.” Jake flicks flour Bradley’s way. He licks his lower lip, mouth dry, the wine doing nothing to sate the discomfort. “You know you are.” Bradley blinks noticing the stain of red that appears on sharp cheek bones. Jake’s attention very focused on the olive oil he’s adding to the blob of pasta dough. It’s almost cute, which is a word one wouldn’t use to describe one Jake Seresin, but in this situation, it worked. “This needs to rest.” Jake mutters more to himself, draping a kitchen towel over the ball of dough. He washes his hands again. “What are you looking at Bradshaw?” “You,” he says. “I don’t think I’ve seen you happy before.” It was the simplest way to describe the easy grin, the way Jake’s shoulders are relaxed, the ease he moves around the kitchen. He notices that Jake’s hand fumbles the wine glass when he sets it down. “Am I really a distraction?” Another slow spread of red, across Jake’s cheeks, down his neck. “Everything else is a distraction. It interrupts my thoughts about you.” Bradley sets his own glass down, walking around the island. Jake’s throat bobs as he swallows, looking down at the marble surface, brushing invisible flour from it. Bradley hesitates only for a moment, letting his hand rest on top of Jake’s. “What sort of thoughts?” There’s a moment where Bradley doesn’t know where he’s at, just that the edge of the counter is digging into the small of his back, Jake’s hands are in his hair, and his lips are parting under the slow drag of Jake’s tongue against his lower lip. His own hands find purchase on Jake’s hips, pulling the other man closer, flush against him. The sound Jake makes goes straight through him, the kiss deepening. Bradley groans against Jake’s mouth when those nimble fingers pull just right on his hair. Warm, open-mouthed kisses trail down his neck Jake’s tongue lingering on the scars he finds. “Better than I imagined.” There’s a softening of his words, the drawl more pronounced. Hands sneak under the hem of Bradley’s t-shirt, palms skimming up the flat of his stomach. Jake’s pulling away hurriedly, Bradly blinking a little fuzzy headed. The absence of Jake’s warmth against him makes him shiver. Green eyes flicker toward the door, and there’s the sound of conversation, getting closer. Natasha and Bob cross the threshold. “Told you that was Seresin’s truck.” Bob says. “Boys,” Natasha grins easily, dark eyes flickering between the two of them. “What’s going on?” “Jake-Jake’s cooking.” Bradley steps back to safety, the other side of the island, next to Bob. “What are you making Hangman?” “Pasta, and plenty of it.” Jake starts rolling out the dough into thin sheets. “Start a pot of water and toss some salt into it. “Bobby, grab a cutting board and start dice the sausage.” “Let the man loose in the kitchen…” Bradley mutters. “You want to finish that sentence Bradshaw?” Jake points at him. “Insult the cook and I’ll order you McDonald’s.” He turns away, and starts messing with a pan on the stove, the smell of onions and garlic beginning to cook filling the air. There’s an ease between the four of them, Bob’s cracking terrible jokes, Natasha’s laughing so hard there’s no sound coming out except for the occasional snort. Jake’s singing along with the old country song on the radio, terribly off key as he cooks. There’s the sound of footsteps, and Payback and Fanboy enter the kitchen to a riotous noise. Silverware clatters, Mickey setting the table, Reuben’s spinning Natasha around the kitchen. An ache settles in Bradley’s chest—a warm familiar ache that somehow, doesn’t hurt this time.  Bob’s trying to sneak a handful of parmesan cheese into his mouth, only to be chased away by Jake brandishing a wooden spoon chasing the lanky WSO away from the cheese. “You were right.” Jake startles slightly, “What do you mean?” “I was bored,” Bradley murmurs, one arm dropping around Jake’s waist. “And this smells better than mess hall chow.” “Damn straight it does.” Just for the briefest of moments, Jake leans against him once more. “Now go sit, lunch is ready.”
 ------- Tagging in: @ratcatcher2world @shadeds-library @lt-natrace @blue-aconite @writercole @hoe-on-the-range @hederasgarden @callsign-phoenix @therebeccaw @sailorscuttle @imjess-themess @jostystyles​ @iloveprettyboysblog​  @evansrogerskitten @marvelandotherfandomimagines @mayhem24-7forever​ @green-socks​ @mandylove1000​
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inafieldofdaisies · 9 months
18. bear hugs
For Mary May and Cal (with Zorro maybe?) <3
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Prompt from this post.
Mary May followed what could barely be called a path snaking through the woods, her eyes periodically darting down to the crudely drawn map Calahan had left for her. "I will be waiting, Angel." was scribbled next to an X marking what he deemed his favorite fishing spot that as far she could tell wasn't any of the ones the locals frequented. Multiple times she questioned her decision to come at all, trying to convince herself to turn around and trek back to her truck before she would inevitably lose daylight and end up completely lost. "This is dumb. Foolish as hell.", she mumbled out loud, her frown deepening as she navigated the rough terrain, "And Casey from all people is manning the bar. It would be a miracle if it's still standing when I return." Yet no matter how many times she reminded herself John's men could choose that exact moment to make another move, a part of her that always took over against her better judgment anytime Hartley was around, pulled her forward like a niddle of a compass, like she could feel him near and was drawn to find him at any cost. Compass- another thing she wished she had taken with her along with a goddamned flashlight. For a second she contemplated calling out for Calahan, sensing she must be getting closer to the place he was supposed to be waiting for her at, then she decided against the idea, worrying about drawing the attention of any Peggies that knowing her luck, could be lurking in the woods. "Should have brought my shotgun. Fucking stupid… leaving it in my truck, because 'who the fuck brings a shotgun to a date'?", her hands clutched the map tighter when she heard twings snapping somewhere to her left that made her pick up her pace.
Just when she was about to spin on her heel and completely give up on Calahan's reckless plan, the path finally opened up to quite the breathtaking view, especially with the sun beginning to set: a shoreline of a small lake that John by some miracle still hadn't stained with a Baptism spot. "Rookie?", she hollered as she shoved the map into her back pocket and scanned the area for any signs of life, "Cal? You better not have sent me on a wild goose chase, I swear I won't let you leave it down." Then a sight made her release the breath she was holding as she got confirmation she was where she was supposed to be: a raccoon emerged from one of the overgrown shrubs ahead of her, its small head twisting to look her way. "Zorro, bud.", Mary May rushed to cover the distance that separated them in case Zorro decided to play hide and seek like his human father, "Where did your daddy go? Don't tell me he got into trouble…" The second the words left her mouth, arms wrapped around her from behind and enveloped her in a bear hug, a chuckle breezing over her skin before Calahan smushed his cheek to hers, "I'm right here, Angel. Was starting to think you won't show and it would be just me and Zorro again." There was a note of vulnerability to his playful tone, causing her heart to skip a breath as she covered his hands with her own, and their fingers intertwined. Zorro followed suit, paws encircling her leg, "Your little map and note certainly piqued my interest." Calahan swayed lightly, and she tried to stop herself from melting into his body when his lips brushed over her cheek, "I knew mystery would do the trick. How do you like my favorite place in the Valley?" "It's… peaceful. Almost like there's no war going.", Mary May muttered slowly, wishing she hadn't asked the next question the moment it escaped her, "You bring other girls here?" He let out a deep laugh, making the ugly feeling inside her fester further. Jealousy. "Never mind, Rookie.", her attempt to shrug off his hug was unsuccessful as he held on then as swiftly as he had embraced he twirled her around to face him, hands coming to rest on the small of her back.
"Calahan." "What?" He smirked, "That's my name, Mary May. You back to actin' all disinterested? Calling me Rookie?" Mary May shifted her eyes to a spot on his shoulder, annoyance swooping in at how easy he was able to read her and how satisfied he seemed with that ability. "Jealousy, Angel, not something I ever imagined from you. But damn, if it's not addicting… You know why? It means you care for me." His hand cupped her face and forced her to raise her gaze back to his before he continued, "Just my favorite people, Mary May. You, my son, my boys, Sabrina. Made the mistake to drag Pratt here once, kept complaining he couldn't catch any fish, the fucker." A couple of beats passed where she found herself unable to stop herself from returning his smile, "Damn it, Cal." "What?", Calahan asked in amusement. "I wish I hadn't… waited so long." His thumb storked her cheek as he nodded knowingly, "Me too. Come now, the view's about to get even better when the sun dips completely." He grasped her hand, leading her down the shore until they stopped at a blanket, one he had no doubt taken from her closet, on top of it was an old picnic basket, another thing of hers. She lowered herself to sit next to him as he started to pull out food and laying it down on the free space, "Let me guess, you rummaged through my fridge, too?" "Nope. Well, kind of... Drinks are on you, yes... but", he offered her a cheeky grin, "Dinner's on John tonight." Mary May raised an eyebrow, making him add, "I looted one of his trucks on the way. Don't worry, I left him a little thank you note." "Of course you did." She leaned her head on his shoulder as they watched the sunset with Zorro nestling comfortably at her feet. For the first time in a long while, she realized she felt… happy and as much as she hated to admit it - it scared her, because in her experience the rare feeling never lasted. John Seed always managed to slip in at those moments and destroy any source of happiness. Her calm life before the Project. Her family. Her father's business. The fragile peace that held on for surprisingly too long in his region. Yes, she was afraid. Afraid he'd take Calahan away from her, too.
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thequeenofthewinter · 10 months
I come bearing corvid questions of the what if variety. A sociological question for you. What do you think the Nord concept of "honor" might be, and what are its cultural implications? If you were to elaborate on what TES gives us (or extrapolate athwart to it), what might you come away with? Take it as an invitation for wild meta XD
Very sorry it took me so long to get to this, Para, but it has been rattling around in my brain for the last week. I hope that any of this also makes sense at all because I think I started rambling at the end.
I think there are a myriad of ways that one could think about honor and its role in Nord society at different levels or rather, how we can see how this concept affects everyday society/culture from the top down.
Take for instance one of our favorite Nordic insults: “milk-drinker.” Why is it there and how is it used in order to classify who or what is seen as honorable—or conversely in this case DIShonorable: drinking milk. Why? There has to be some concept there which is related to the simple act of an apparent beverage choice. Seems very innocuous, doesn’t it? There has to be something behind it because why else would random bandit chief #76 insult is in this way. What can this language choice tell us? This could go many ways and I don’t pretend to have the answer to this, but my best guess is that milkdrinking is seen as an activity for infants. (Obviously cheese is for real honorable macho adults.) So…what is there with the implication? You are a baby. You are incapable of taking care of yourself or swinging around your big burly battleaxe or maybe that you’re even taking the easy road out by accepting some of the most readily-available food source available in Skyrim. Honor is seen in strong action and proving oneself as being capable.
I’ll let you stew on that for a second as we look at something else.
On a similar note, finding a partner in Skyrim is much the same thing. How does one go about doing it? While we might find the whole system of, “Go fetch me X thing in Y creepy frostbite spider infested cave” to be laughable, there is also a lot to be said about Nordic culture and their beliefs about honor as well. I mean, who wouldn’t want a good and honorable husband or wife? It would appear that they place a higher priority on actions than romantics. (Although, we can find romantics there! Think of Jon and Olfina.) It’s stated by Maramal himself that life is ”hard and short” for the “earnest” people of Skyrim, so by wearing an amulet of Mara and then having potential marriage candidates respond to it only after certain actions…well, I think that speaks a lot about what is honorable. 
…Or perhaps what we really should talk about is my pet “blorbo,” Ulfric. What is honor and how do the people respond to him and his actions? We know that there is a huge dichotomy of Empire vs Stormcloak and implications, opinions, and the dreaded discourse depending on whose side you are on. What’s the main problem with the man? Why is or isn’t he honorable? I’m not going to touch the whole thing here because I don’t have any wish to stir the bees. I only want to look at two particular:
The Challenging of High King Torygg
Skyrim’s Civil War
A lot of how you’re going to view Ulfric’s actions as honorable or dishonorable is going to heavily lean on what your personal belief system is in relation to morality (even if most of it is really very grey in Skyrim) and the concept of what is right and wrong. (And it’s not about who you think is going to actually win the war at all.) Is it moral that Ulfric used his ability to Shout to challenge High King Torygg? Depends on who you ask. I don’t want to go too far down this rabbit hole right now because I would write a whole 5 paragraph essay (actually probably more) about it and I’m not prepared to do that at the moment. But let’s just suffice it to say it all boils down to actions. Is it honorable that Ulfric stands up to defend the people of Skyrim and take it back from a clearly crumbing Empire to save their province? Or is dishonorable that he slaughters a young and naïve ruler to pave the way for his own coronation? Is he a hero or is he an egotistical megalomaniac? Is he perhaps both? I can’t tell you. Only YOU can tell yourself that and it’s the beauty to the TES universe. We can pick, decide, and choose what is and isn’t honorable just as much as the people who are in Skyrim. We can imagine what they think or feel and make deductions based on what we do or do not see in the context.
Anyway, I think all of this at its essence comes back to the same thing: Respect. Do you respect the other person you are in combat with? Do you respect the person proposing marriage to you? Do you respect Ulfric’s decisions and actions?
Being able to prove oneself as strong and capable and having traits which demonstrate to that you are reliable, I believe, is part of this. At the end of the day, people respond to actions and people respect or honor you based on that.
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middleearthpixie · 10 months
Promise Me ~ Chapter Fourteen
Summary: Friends since childhood, Gabriella has long held back her feelings where Boromir is concerned, as she did not want to risk losing his friendship if he didn't feel the same. But, then he is summoned to Rivendell, and the night before he is to leave, he stuns Gabriella by confessing his feelings for her as well. 
But, war is coming and he cannot put off what he knows must be done. All Gabriella can do is wait for him and pray for his safe return. 
Fandom: The Lord of the Rings (AU, Boromir lives)
Pairing: Boromir x ofc Gabriella
Warnings: none 
Rating: T
Word Count: 3k
Tag List: @sotwk @fizzyxcustard @evenstaredits @way-too-addicted-to-fandoms @emmyspov @finnofamerica @lathalea @ass-deep-in-demons @quiall321 @mistofstars @justfollowtheroad @guardianofrivendell @glassgulls @doctorwhump
If you’d like to be added (or removed) to the tag list, please just let me know!
Previous chapters can be found here.
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The best thing about Boromir’s bed, aside from Boromir’s being in it, was how soft and comfortable it was. Everything was just perfect. 
Well, almost, anyway. 
The bed was soft. The linens were smooth and cool. The room was dark and no one would bother them. 
If it wasn't for the fact Boromir snored, it would be utterly perfect. But the truth was, he snored.
Especially when he slept on his back, as he did then. His lips went softly slack and with every inhale, he sounded like she imagined his cave troll had sounded, although in all honesty, she had no idea if cave trolls made any sounds. However, it seemed to her that they should and so, that was what they would sound like.
Which meant she was nowhere near close to sleep. The candles had long since burned out. She and Boromir had done their best to exhaust one another as they rolled about in his big bed. She’d been utterly spent and absolutely sated by the time he sank against her. In fact, her eyes refused to remain open when he did just that, the drowsiness sweet and irresistible as he brushed a light kiss along her neck and murmured, “My love,” into her ear.
He’d shifted off her, stretched out beside her, and slipped an arm about her, tightening it as she snuggled against his large, solid body. 
A few minutes later?
The windowpanes rattled from the force of his snores. 
She tried anything she could think of to blot out the growling, snarling, raspy sounds, but nothing—short of smothering him with her pillow—worked. 
Somewhere in the flat, a clock struck two. She gave up the idea of getting any sleep, and so carefully inched out from beneath his arm, and slid to the edge of the mattress. The white marble floor was cold beneath the soles of her feet, had her biting back a yelp when they came flat against it. 
He let out a particularly harsh snort and irritation flared hot enough through her that she didn't feel the cold as she stood and swept his tunic from the floor alongside the bed, where she’d let it fall when she’d swept it from his back earlier. 
The fire on the hearth was only barely crackling now, the room as cold as it was beyond the stone walls, and as she tugged the tunic over her head, it chased away some of the chill. The heavy fabric wafted down about her, Boromir’s scent of leather and hints of horse and cloves teased her nose and had her inhaling deeply despite her annoyance. 
The shirt was far too big for her, falling halfway down her thighs, the sleeves well past her fingertips. And when she shoved the cuffs up, it was only to find that they were stretched out from being pushed over hisforearms. 
She cast a glance over at him, still snoring on, blissfully unaware that he kept her awake for one of the worst reasons ever. But as she watched him sleep, her gaze traveled over him, halting when she reached the bandage wound about his chest. Although she knew he was safe, and Ioreth was, according to him, fairly positive she’d gotten the wound completely clean, her stomach still lurched at the sight. He was in many ways back to himself, but at the same time, he would never be the same man he’d been the morning he’d ridden away from the stable to make his way toward Rivendell.
A soft sigh rose to her lips. She’d loved him for so long, and wanted to kick herself for not having the courage to speak up. Of course, it didn't matter much now, except for the fact that they’d wasted so many years. 
The snoring stopped as he stretched in his sleep and rolled onto his side. The silence thickened and she sighed again as she curled into the chair in the corner of his bedchamber. But it was short-lived as he let out a low moan, and threw himself onto his back. 
“No…” he breathed, shaking his head vehemently. “The little ones… I must find them!”
“Boromir?” She sat up and leaned forward. Should she wake him? Did she run the risk of his coming up swinging if she were to grab him by the shoulder to shake him awake? 
“Frodo! Oh, I’m sorry, Frodo! I’m sorry!”
“Boromir, wake up, love,” she shot from the chair to land on the edge of the bed, “it’s but a dream. Only a dream.”
“No, I’m sorry… I am so sorry…” 
“Boromir, please,” she caught him by the arm and gave him a shake, gentle at first, but then with more force, “wake up, my love. It’s only a dream.”
He lurched awake then, panting, sweating, eyes darting about wildly. Then, he tried to throw her away from him, calling, “I must find them!”
“They are here,” she told him softly, clinging to his arm as he tried again to shove her away. “They are both here, remember?”
“What?” He went still, sinking back into his pillows. “What did you say?”
She reached down to brush the damp tendrils of golden brown hair away from his temple. “It’s all right, Boromir,” she murmured. “Merry and Pippin are both here, in Minas Tirith.”
“And Frodo? What of him?”
“I don’t know.” She shook her head. “We don't know yet.”
“I have to find him,” he told her, sitting up and grabbing a handful of the quilts to throw them off him. “I must go and find him now.”
“No,” she tried to hold him back as he attempted to rise from the bed, “you are in no condition to journey toward Mordor. Not yet, anyway. Gandalf is on his way there and probably Aragorn, too. You said a dwarf and an elf were also with you and they went on ahead as well. Your Frodo is in good hands, love. He is.”
Boromir calmed somewhat, shaking his head as he brought a hand up to his forehead. “Wait… where am I?”
“You’re home,” she told him softly, curving her hand against his cheek, her thumb arcing softly along his cheekbone. “It was only a nightmare.”
“It was so real,” he told her, slowly pulling out of her grasp. “I was back at the clearing at Amon Hen again. And it had all just happened… my attacking Frodo, his putting on the Ring and vanishing… the orcs…”
He rubbed his forehead slowly. “It was all so real. So very real.”
“I know. But it wasn’t. It’s only your imagination wreaking havoc on you once more.”
She pressed her lips together as he sank back against the headboard, looking more than a little dazed still. He scratched absently at the bandage on his chest. “What time is it?”
“I don't know. It’s the middle of the night is all I can tell you.”
He sighed softly, then met her gaze. “I’m sorry I woke you.”
“You didn’t.” She hesitated. “At least, you didn't with your nightmare. Your snoring, however.”
“I—” he shook his head—“I don't snore.”
“Oh, but you do, indeed.”
“No, I don’t.”
“Yes, you do.”
He offered up a sleepy, somewhat boyish smile then. “Do I?”
She nodded. “Loudly, I might add.”
He rubbed one eye. “I’m sorry?”
“You should be.” 
“I am, truly.”
She slid across the bed to curve up against him. “You’re forgiven.”
“Was it truly so loud?”
“Boromir, loud does not even begin to describe it.”
“Ah… well… mind you, I normally sleep alone, so…”
“I can always go home.”
“Oh, now, let’s not be hasty.” He offered up a mischievous grin as he shifted and came up over her. “Since we’re both awake now…”
“It’s the middle of the night.”
“And your point is?” He dipped toward her, sweeping a light, teasing kiss along the slope of her neck.
A delicious tingle swept through her, another hot on its heels when he moved back down into the curve of her shoulder. His soft hair brushed her cheek and of their own accord, her eyes closed and her head lolled to the side. “Oh, that is nice.”
“Still angry with me?” came his whispered response.
“I was never… angry…” Her words came slower as those tingles made her head do a slow spin and her heart pick up its pace. The spinning worsened when he playfully nipped her, then soothed it with a gentle sweep of his tongue. “Oh… my…”
She slipped her arms about his waist, her fingernails grazing along his skin, and a smile played at her lips when he shivered against her with a soft, “Oooh…” 
He lifted his head then, regarding her with tender, smoked emerald eyes. “I love you.”
That same lock of hair that always slipped over his left eye did so now, so she brushed it back as she murmured, “I love you, too.”
“We should just marry, Gabby,” he whispered. “Marry and start a family and not worry about anything else.”
“Not worry about anything else? Boromir, you have an entire city that needs rebuilding.”
“And that will be done, of course, but if peace is to come to us at last, I think the best way to welcome it is with a child, don't you? A new future. A new sense of hope.”
The delicious feelings drained as she stared up at him. “Where is this coming from?”
“Well, you and I haven’t exactly been careful about taking any precautions to prevent you from becoming pregnant, so I thought we should maybe set out to do just that.”
“I haven’t been worrying about it,” she told him, “because I haven’t had to worry about it. Not just yet, anyway. But, we’re coming up to the days when it would be best for us to avoid doing… this…”
His brow furrowed. “I don't understand. What?”
“I mean that I keep track of such things, when it’s safe and when it isn’t. And we’re almost in the not safe area.” 
He eased off her. “So, you do worry about it, then.”
“Well, of course I do.” A hint of foreboding swept through her. “You weren’t?”
“No.” He shook his head. “I wasn’t. I rather like the idea of us having a child, Gabby. I told you, that was what I wanted.”
“But I never told you that was what I wanted.”
A hint of darkness flashed through his eyes. “So, you don't want children?”
“I—I don't know if I do or not. I’ve not given it much thought, to be honest.”
“Gabby, we’ve done nothing to prevent it. Shouldn’t you have?”
“I did. You were the one who didn't care, from the sounds of it.”
“Because I thought you didn’t.”
“Why would you think that?”
“Because you’ve done nothing to give any indication of it.” His voice rose with each word, growing hotter as he added, “And now you don't know if you even want children?”
She shrugged. “I don’t know if I do. As I said, we’ve never discussed it.”
“We did.”
“No,” she shook her head, “you told me you wanted to get married and start a family, but I never said that was what I wanted at all. You never asked me.”
“I assumed that—”
“Perhaps you shouldn’t have assumed something of that magnitude,” she interrupted softly. “I don't know that having a baby now would be a good thing. My parents have yet to return and I have their tavern to keep running. I cannot afford to hire anyone to do it in my stead and—”
“I can do that.”
A hint of irritation flared deep within her belly. “I’m not asking you to, though.”
“Gabby,” he sat up once more, leaning back against the headboard, “are you telling me you don’t want children at all, or just at the moment?”
“I’m telling you I don't know if I do or not.” She met his stare and shook her head. “And why would it have been on me to prevent it anyway? You’re the one who would cause it, remember.”
“I certainly wouldn’t be doing it alone.”
“And I would?”
He just stared at her and she rolled her eyes as she threw back the quilt and slid to the edge of the mattress. “Isn’t that just typical? Of course it would be on my shoulders. I’m just the lowly woman, aren’t I?”
“I never said that.” 
“No, but you’re thinking it.”
“Gabby, be reasonable won’t you?”
“Reasonable? I’m being perfectly reasonable,” she told him, reaching for her trousers, which had been flung over the footboard. “You are the one who isn’t, Boromir. You never once gave any thought to where you finished or how you did, as long as you did.”
“You didn’t, either.”
“I told you, I was! I track it and—”
“And if you’re wrong?” he broke in sharply. “Then what?”
“Well, I haven’t gotten to that point yet, so I think I know what I’m doing!”
He just stared, his expression somewhere between annoyed and disbelief. “Do you wish to have children or not?”
“Now? No! I don’t.” She tugged on her trousers, then reached for her tunic, caught beneath his trousers on the floor at the bed’s foot. “And I don't know if I will ever want them.”
“Why didn't you say anything about it before now?”
“Because it never came up.”
“We discussed it!”
“You keep saying that, but we did not discuss it. Not beyond you telling me what you wanted. But, you did not ask me what I wanted! You just assumed I would be thrilled to have your children.”
“Well, yes,” he snapped. “You’re a woman and that is your job!”
“My… my job?” she growled, the tunic forgotten as she just glared at him, her belly roiling with irritation bubbling into fury. “Did you truly just say that? And think very carefully before you answer me.”
“What woman does not want children? You all ooh and ahhh over any infant or child you ever see, so is it so wrong of me to think you want that as well?”
“No, it’s not wrong. At least, not until you tell me that it is my job. Because it is not my job, Boromir. My job is running my tavern, not having your babies! You presume quite a bit, you know, and I’m rather glad this has come out now.”
“As am I. Imagine my being so stupid as to think my wife wanted to be mother to my children? I’d say we’ve avoided a fairly huge mistake, wouldn’t you?”
She just stared at him for a moment. “A mistake? The only mistake was you thinking I walk this earth as a vessel for you.”
He rose from the bed, holding out a hand. “I never once said that, Gabriella, so do not put words in my mouth.”
“You said it was my job, you oaf,” she snapped. “What else could you have possibly meant by that?”
“You’re being ridiculous, you know.” He snatched his small clothes from the rug on the floor beside the bed and stepped into them. 
“I’m being ridiculous? I’m fairly certain it’s you who’s the problem and not me.”
“Think so, do you?” He gestured vaguely toward the window. “I’m the problem because I look at you and see the mother of my sons, of my daughters? How does that make me a terrible man?”
“Because you assumed and did not ask, and when I tell you my reasons, you dismiss them as if they are but silly notions, that’s how. You assume that because I am a woman, I am counting the minutes until I can have a baby and I’m not doing that. I may never do that. And to be honest, it’s good it’s come out now, because it would seem you and I want different things. I do not want you to see me as anything other than me.”
“I do see you that way!”
“No,” she shook her head, “you don’t. You see me as something you want me to be, something I may never want to be. And if I told you I didn't ever see myself having children, what would you say?”
He just stared at her for a long moment and a sour brackish taste flooded her mouth as he finally broke the silence with, “I suppose that leaves me with some thinking to do, Gabriella. Because I do want them.”
“Fine.” A huge lump rose in her throat, one she had to struggle to swallow as she went on, “Then I suppose this is a good thing, as I said, that it’s come up now.” She whisked his tunic off and hers on, and then added, “I’ll see myself out.”
For a moment, she thought he might stop her, that he might catch her by the hand, or around the waist and tell her that it truly did not matter to him if she chose to remain childless, that he would love her no matter what and they would be a family of two if that was how she felt.
But instead, he just stood there, arms folded, expression grim, and nodded. “It’s probably for the best. We’ve played with enough fire. I’d hate to see you get burned.”
“As would I,” she managed, moving to the doorway of his bedchamber. Her eyes stung and the sharp edges of her breaking heart sliced away at her insides as she met his eyes and saw no warmth in them. They were cold and flat, no longer smoked emeralds but were now slivers of emerald ice. He wasn’t going to stop her. 
So she left without looking back.
And managed to make it as far as the street before her eyes overflowed and her heart shattered into a thousand jagged shards. 
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